#dolan twins snapchat
sweet-steddie · 5 years
All Wrong (g.d. & e.d.)
Requested: No ma’am!
Summary: Angst, believe it or not! Visiting the Dolans’ house after you get off early from work puts you all in an awkward situation.
A/N: I haven’t written angst for any fandom in a long ass time, so I’m definitely rusty! If you didn’t want angst from me, no worries. I have plenty of other fluffy requests just waiting to be filled and posted for you all to see! On another note, I’m still stunned every single day to see people reading and reblogging my work. I love you guys, wow!! Hope this one is just as fun as the other ones. Enjoy!
My tires come to a near screeching halt as I hastily pull into the lot in front of Ethan and Grayson’s house. I put the car in park and quickly do away with my seat belt, grabbing all of my essentials that are within reach and all but throwing myself from the car and shutting the driver’s side door with my hip. I can only hope that the boys are home as I approach their front door.
I had texted them about an hour ago, asking if they were down to hang out. Surprisingly, I hadn’t gotten a response from either of them. But, I chalked that up to them maybe filming for a video. Seeing their cars in the driveway now more or less confirms that theory. I had figured that if I showed up anyways and happened to arrive while they were shooting, I’d just chill out until they were done. Keeping this in mind, I knock lightly on the front door, careful to keep my noise to a minimum.
I wait for a few long seconds, tapping my foot somewhat impatiently. It occurs to me suddenly that there’s a spare key under the doormat and I don’t wait much longer before I’m bending over to retrieve it. I allow a few seconds more of a grace period before I jam the key into the lock, twisting it with practiced ease and shoving the door open. I tiptoe in and quietly withdraw the key from the door, pushing it to a gentle close behind me before walking a few strides to the living room and setting down all of the junk that I brought from the car on the nearest surface.
“Grayson?” I call out, shrugging off my jacket and letting it blanket my belongings on the couch. A few seconds pass with no response, save for the sound of music playing in the distance. It seems to be coming from the direction of the bedrooms. I roll my eyes, kicking off my shoes.
“E?” I try instead, once again, to no avail. I exhale through my nose, following the the music to its source, which appears to be Grayson’s room. I hum along to the music as I get closer to his door, tapping my fingers rhythmically onto my thigh before lightly twisting the doorknob and pushing the door open ahead of me.
“Hi - “ I begin, only to stop abruptly in my tracks, the air whooshing out of my lungs and my mouth hanging open around unspoken words. My greeting falls on deaf ears. Four pairs of deaf ears, to be exact. The scene unfolding before me includes a naked Grayson, nether regions obscured by the girl that’s fully sheathed on his length. Her features are impossible for me to decipher in my haze; all I can see is that she has long, honey blonde hair that’s messy from clearly strenuous activity. She’s laying on her back, taking every punishing stroke that Grayson delivers into her. He’s glistening with sweat, hard pecs prominent under the sticky sheen. His stomach visibly flexes with each roll of his hips.
Next to them is an equally naked Ethan, except he’s sitting with his back resting against the headboard, a brunette girl grinding sensually on his lap. Her palms are resting on the wall behind the bed and I vaguely register Ethan’s large hands cradling her, running up and down her back. Now that the door is open, I can clearly hear the sounds of grunting and groaning and moaning and creaking bed springs over the music that I heard from the living room.
“Oh!” I exclaim reflexively, still unable to look away. It’s like watching a train wreck. And speaking of train wrecks, I’m pretty sure that something equally destructive is happening in the depths of my stomach. It’s like two holes open up, one in my chest and one in my gut, as I watch my boys fuck into the nameless girls. At the sound of my exclamation, all movement comes to a halt. Grayson makes eye contact with me first. He looks like he’s seen a ghost.
“Shit! I didn’t know you were,” he trails off uselessly, gaping repeatedly like a fish out of water, “when did you get here?” he settles on instead. I find myself physically unable to answer and, as we continue our intense eye contact, it dawns on me that I should probably look away or something out of courtesy. I decide to slap a hand over my eyes. There’s silence for a considerable length of time, the previously drowned-out music now the only noise consuming the five of us.
“Fuck, I thought you had work until 8,” comes Ethan’s familiar voice after a moment, tinged with shock and maybe a little bit of panic. My throat feels too dry to even produce much sound at the moment, but I give it a shot nonetheless.
“I got off early,” I respond meekly, realizing much too late that my choice of words is more than ironic in the current situation.
“Who is she?” I hear a female voice chime in this time and I almost visibly startle, suddenly remembering that the boys and I aren’t the only people in the room.
“Is she gonna join us?” the other girl asks and, by this time, I’m absolutely numb. Before the questions can advance, I interject.
“I’ll see myself out, I just. Sorry. Shit, sorry. I’ll just be,” I gesture behind me, not even sure with my temporary lack of sight if I’m motioning in the correct direction, “I’ll go.” I finally splutter out before removing my hand from my eyes, but keeping them closed as I grab wildly for the doorknob and pull the door shut with a resounding click. Once I open my eyes back up, I hastily spin on my heel and move as fast as my bare feet can carry me back to the living room, gathering my things back up just as quickly as I’d set them down when I arrived.
The sound of Grayson’s bedroom door reopening gets drowned out in my near-frantic haste to slip my shoes back on and force my arms back into the jacket that I’d previously shrugged off. I scan the couch for anything I might have missed, eyes too glazed over at this point to truly register my surroundings. I’m so hyper focused on making my escape that I jump at feeling a hand on my shoulder. I plaster on what I hope to be a look of nonchalance before I turn to face two anxious looking twins, both donning nothing but boxers and guilty frowns. Before anything can be said, I watch the blonde and brunette girls sweep through the area, now redressed, looking disheveled and more than a little disgruntled.
They waltz past Ethan and Grayson without so much as a word, implying that they must have been asked to leave, mid-fuck. The front door slams behind them and then, silence. No more music, no more creaking bed springs, no more nothing. I allow my eyes to journey around the room that I’ve seen a million times, scanning over the details as if it’s my first time visiting. Try as I might, I just can’t seem to face the boys; not right now.
“Please say something,” comes Grayson’s voice lowly after several wordless seconds. And that’s when I feel the telltale pinch behind my eyes. The stinging that follows is accompanied by a flood of tears welling up above my lash line. I bite the inside of my top lip hard enough to leave a harsh indent and leave my eyes watering from physical pain, instead. I clear my throat to no avail, cheeks still warm as my first tear spills. I swipe it away without a second thought, focusing intently on my shoes.
“Babe,” Ethan starts, beginning to walk towards me, but I put a hand up and he stops in his tracks. I take a deep breath in and look up at the boys with already bloodshot eyes. Up close like this, I can see Ethan’s neck and collarbones marred with love bites. Grayson appears to have a particularly prominent mark on his chest. I laugh humorlessly; nothing about this situation is funny.
“Why am I crying?” I ask rhetorically and, as expected, neither boy answers. They seem to be having trouble maintaining eye contact with me now. “You guys can fuck whoever you want, date whoever you want. I’m jealous for no goddamn reason.” I feel myself slowly getting worked up again.
“It’s not fair for me to be acting like this,” I continue, talking to myself more than anyone else at this moment. No one seems to know what else to say, so we stand in tense silence for a moment. I clap my hands together, gaining the boys’ eye contact for the first time since I began my outer monologue. “Well if that’s all,” I begin, leaning down briefly to pick up my keys, “I’m gonna head out.”
“You aren’t staying?” Grayson asks in the smallest voice I’ve ever heard issued from his mouth. His disheveled hair is a nasty reminder of what I walked in on and my momentary inclination to give in is gone without a trace.
“No, I’m not staying,” I declare, feeling so many emotions that I barely feel anything at all. That’s the last thing that’s spoken before I shuffle toward the front door. “I’ll put your spare key back,” I say without turning around, pulling the door closed in my wake and flipping up the doormat with my foot, dropping the key lazily onto the ground before kicking the mat back into place.
I unlock my car and get back in. The turnaround time between me leaving the car and coming back is so short that the car hasn’t even begun to heat up in the sun yet. I jam my keys into the ignition and start the car up, taking one more deep breath before the tears begin to finally fall at their own will. The strong front that I’d almost totally maintained while inside the boys’ house is a mystery to me, considering that I felt like I was deteriorating from the inside out ever since I set foot into Grayson’s room.
A few shaky, uneven breaths escape me as I peel out of the lot, making a beeline for my own apartment several miles away from here. I don’t bother to wipe my tears as they cascade continuously down my cheeks, knowing that there’s no use. My chest feels tight, a contrast against the empty feeling that had swept through it minutes earlier. When I reach a stoplight, I’m able to glance at the way my hand is fisted so tightly around the steering wheel that it’s beginning to cramp.
I reflect on my misery, justifiable or not. Grayson and Ethan don’t belong to me. They’re their own people and I feel like an idiot, assuming that they would remain celibate until I finally decided to partake in sexual activity with them. I realize that, over the time that I grew as close to them as I am now, I had internally concluded that their only means of pleasure were self-inflicted. The silly little make out sessions that I’d indulged in with the both of them were meaningless.
A part of me had always convinced myself that their kisses and lingering touches and pet names meant something. I had found solace in being their plaything and the title had never felt more fitting than now. I’ve always considered myself to be special in their lives. And maybe I am, in a way. But it was made abundantly clear today that, romantically speaking, I didn’t have a horse in the race.
I subconsciously complete all the right turns and stops until I’m rolling into the parking garage designated for my apartment building. As I swing into a parking spot and stop the car, I come to another crushing realization: neither Grayson nor Ethan has reached out since I left. The silence that they had maintained when I walked out of their house had translated to their lack of text messages or missed calls. Before they have a chance to prove me wrong, I power my phone off and throw it onto my passenger seat as if it had singed my hand. One recurring theme clouds my mind as I stare out of my window:  I was wrong about them. I was wrong about us. I was wrong.
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majesticdolans · 6 years
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Holy fuck
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grayiscute · 5 years
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Bro wtf why is he so beautiful.
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sisterstruggling · 5 years
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grethanist · 6 years
Wtf Ethan
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heeydolan · 6 years
i love this video more than life itself
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dolanchill · 6 years
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what a beautiful boy wow we stan
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riebellion · 6 years
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dolanspacemendes · 6 years
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Grayson’s sass gives me life.
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dolans-do-it-better · 7 years
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sweet-steddie · 5 years
Good Luck (e.d. & g.d.)
Summary: @slovakdolan requested that I write about the main character getting ready for the first day of school and the twins helping her get ready and dropping her off and maybe each giving her a kiss goodbye in front of everyone before they leave. Thank you so much for this prompt, I had a blast writing it! I hope you enjoy it!
A/N: The feedback that I’ve been getting on my other works has been incredible. So, again, I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to read my stuff and actually enjoy it! I hope this one is just as fun for all of you to read!
I’m brushing my teeth and staring at the mirror above the sink just as Grayson comes sidling into the bathroom behind me. His eyes are a little puffy and his hair is tousled from sleep as he offers me a lopsided grin.
“Morning,” he greets in a deep voice, scratchy from a night’s worth of misuse. He rests his chin on my shoulder, resting his palms on the sink on either side of me, caging me in from behind as he closes his eyes.
“Good morning,” I garble through foamy toothpaste as he breathes out heavily through his nose. I carefully spit into the sink and rinse my mouth out a few times before heaving out a large breath of my own. It’s just simply too early to be awake and doing things at this hour. “I don’t wanna go to class, Grayson,” I whine, eyebrows furrowed as I close my eyes against the blinding fluorescent lights. Grayson begins rubbing my shoulders lightly, only deepening my sleepy state.
“I know. I don’t want you to go to class, honestly,” he agrees, “but it’s your first day back. You know you have to,” he explains gently and I groan because he’s right. I had already broken my own rule of isolation leading up to school, hoping to buckle down into school mode as the first day of the semester drew nearer. However, that plan quickly went to shit when I’d made the decision to leave my own, on-campus apartment in favor of driving the 30-plus minutes away from my place to Ethan and Grayson’s house several days ago. I only have one class scheduled this morning, at least, but that doesn’t override the fact that I’d much rather fall back into bed at this early hour. I give a petulant huff, even stomping my foot for good measure and I hear Grayson laugh sympathetically at my disgruntled state.
And the thing is, I know I shouldn’t have stayed up as late as I did last night. But stupid Ethan and stupid Grayson and their stupid, handsome faces and unbearable ability to convince me to do anything is how I ended up in a dog pile with the two boys at well past midnight, Netflix watching us as we ended up crashing on the couch. Grayson is cuddling me close to his warm, bare chest and it feels pleasantly similar to snuggling up near a furnace on this chilly morning. I have half a mind to shove him away in retaliation for keeping me awake for so long last night, but then I take into account that he voluntarily woke up early with me this morning even though he, himself, didn’t have to go to class and that makes me huddle in closer, instead.
We stay like this for a handful of minutes, just embracing each other in the quiet of the bathroom and struggling to keep from falling asleep on the spot. “You should probably start getting dressed,” Grayson murmurs eventually and I groan softly into his naked skin. “It’s just one class, baby. One class and I’ll bring you back here and I promise you we won’t leave the bed all day,” he bargains and my god, does that sound good. The ‘staying in bed all day’ part, not the ‘going to class’ part.
“Fine,” I huff quietly and he goes to disentangle our bodies so that I can begin getting dressed, but I whine softly and pull him back in tight. He smooths my hair back with one hand and cups my cheek with the other, kissing me firmly on my forehead.
“C’mon, sweetheart. I’ll sit with you while you get ready. Would that make you feel a little better?” he asks and I nod wordlessly, allowing him to pull me in the direction of his bedroom, where I’ve been storing my overstuffed overnight bag. True to his word, Grayson perches himself on the edge of his bed as I begin to rifle through the contents of my bag. As I peel through layers and layers of clothing, I quickly realize that my mind is anywhere but on the task at hand and I tell Grayson as much.
“I can’t even process what I’m looking at,” I croak out tiredly. “Help me pick something to wear,” I demand more than ask, but that doesn’t seem to bother Grayson too much, as he promptly rises from where he’s seated on the bed and joins me in front of my duffle bag.
“You sit and gather yourself for a minute. I’ll find something,” he promises, playfully hip checking me in the direction of the bed and I don’t put up an argument. I shuffle over to the mattress, careful to sit at the very edge so that I don’t accidentally retire back into my previous slumber. The room is peacefully quiet as Grayson sorts carefully through the clothes that I’ve packed. As expected, my eyelids begin to droop as I wait and, before I know it, I’m being gently nudged awake.
“Ethan?” I question as the boy, himself, stands before me, hand resting softly on my shoulder that he had gently shaken moments ago. His sleepy eyes crinkle at the corners a bit as he chuckles at my confusion.
“I know; I can’t believe I’m awake, either,” he answers the unspoken question groggily as he makes himself comfortable next to me on the bed. He slings an arm around me, situating me comfortably into his side as I rest my head on his shoulder. Not unlike Grayson, he radiates a pleasant heat that has my head lolling. “I wanted to make sure I saw you and wished you good luck on your first day before you left,” he explains, thumb running soothing circles over the skin of my arm as he and I watch Grayson continue to dig through my clothes.
“Thanks, E,” I hum, lazily pecking a kiss onto his shoulder in gratitude.
“Of course, babe,” he returns easily before asking, “are we picking out your outfit?” in reference to Grayson’s sifting.
“Yeah, dude. So far, I’ve got this top but I don’t know what bottoms to choose with it,” Grayson answers for me, holding up one of my shirts to show Ethan his dilemma. Ethan’s quiet for a moment, deep in thought.
“What about those black ones? The leggings,” Ethan points to a pair of discarded leggings on the floor near Grayson’s feet. Grayson pauses for a moment, seeming to give this suggestion some thought before he leans down to pick up the leggings, holding them near the shirt and nodding.
“Yeah. That’s a good idea,” he agrees, putting the whole outfit off to the side. “And what shoes?” he asks. Given the fact that the outfit is pretty simple - some leggings and an oversized T-shirt - I have a pretty good idea of the type of shoe that would match. Before I can give my input, however, Ethan interjects.
“The sneakers with the blue and gray. Easy,” he contributes and all I can do is shake my head at the ridiculously adorable situation at hand. Having these two pick out my outfit has to be near the top of the list of the cutest things they’ve ever done. I’m more than capable of picking out my own attire and doing a damn good job at it, but I simply lack the energy this morning and the boys can tell.
“Should we help you get the clothes on, too?” Ethan asks suggestively and I swat at his chest, giggling nonetheless at his advances.
“He has a good point,” Grayson chimes in, eyebrows raised as he shrugs his shoulders at me. “If you’re too tired to even pick out an outfit, who knows what else you might need help with,” he reasons and I feel Ethan’s shoulders shaking with quiet, smug laughter. I shimmy out from under his arm, feeling considerably more awake in my state of feeling so utterly flattered.
“Or,” I start enticingly, padding over to where Grayson’s set down the outfit and picking up the clothes, “I could do it myself.” I throw a playful smirk over my shoulder as I waltz back into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.
No less than 45 minutes later and the boys and I are piled into Ethan’s Jeep, maneuvering side streets and back streets in order to get to my university in a timely manner. Ethan had surprised us all when he not only volunteered to accompany me to school this morning, but to drive as well. It’s the least I can do for making you stay up late last night. And I wouldn’t want you driving while you’re this tired was all he provided as an explanation and that was that.
Going to a university in L.A. meant that Ethan and Grayson rarely made campus visits, simply due to their notoriety around town. As I’ve insisted on the many occasions that we’ve hung out, I have no problem coming to them, instead, and that’s why the locale of most of our hangouts is at the boys’ house as opposed to my apartment. I remind them of this fact as we draw nearer to my campus.
“I really don’t want you guys to have to meet a million people just because you’re dropping me off. You can honestly drop me off a few blocks away and I’ll walk. Seriously, I don’t mind at all,” I stress, but am quickly shot down.
“No way. We’re not gonna dump you on the sidewalk and leave,” Ethan protests and Grayson is quick to back him up as he swivels around in the passenger seat to furrow his eyebrows at me where I sit in the backseat.
“Why would we do that? No, we’re dropping you off on your campus and whoever sees us, sees us. We’re here for you. If that means taking some pictures, then that’s ok,” Grayson reassures me and I can’t help but to smile at the sentiment he and Ethan are expressing. I simply nod my understanding, feeling an immense amount of guilty pressure lifting from my shoulders in the wake of Grayson’s and Ethan’s attitudes toward the impending situation.
There are about 15 more minutes of driving and chattering to pass the time before we arrive at our destination. In the haze of the first-day-back rush, there are plenty of people dashing too and fro in front of the campus buildings and cars and buses parking to drop students off. Ethan luckily finds parking along a curb and brings the car to a halt before he and Grayson turn to face me in the backseat almost simultaneously. My shoulders sag in defeat as I register that I’m here now and I actually have to go to class. After what felt like an endless summer break, returning for school is on par with pulling teeth right about now.
“One class, remember?” Grayson reminds me, giving me a soft smile that Ethan mirrors in my direction.
“One class,” I repeat back to motivate myself. I keep nodding as if to cement the mantra in my mind as I stare at the twins and they stare back for a few moments. “I can catch a ride back with a friend or something,” I tell them, remembering suddenly that my car is still parked at their house and that they would have to stay nearby while I sat in class if they wanted to pick me up afterward, too. Just like my last suggestion to increase convenience for them, this one is shot down.
“Nope. We’ll head to a coffee shop or somewhere else near here so we can be ready to pick you up when you’re finished. Just text us,” Grayson pipes up and I playfully roll my eyes at them both, but I end up smiling.
“Hey really though, thank you guys so much for waking up at the ass crack of dawn to take me to school. You really didn’t have to do that,” I let them know, using my hands to fondly stroke at their stubbled cheeks. They each nuzzle into the touch unconsciously.
“How about some extra good luck for your first day?” Grayson asks after a moment and I tilt my head slightly in confusion as I slowly drop my hands, waiting for him to explain. His lips helplessly twitch into a smirk as he side-eyes his brother. Their annoying twin telepathy allows them to reach a silent understanding, evidently, because Ethan is similarly smirking not a moment later before he and Grayson both fix their eyes back on me. Grayson grasps my hand and gently pulls me until I’m leaning over the center console and I suddenly understand the bigger picture just as he brings our lips together in a soft, sweet kiss.
I sigh into it as my eyes quickly fall closed and I rake my fingers through his soft hair. The kiss naturally deepens and, for quite a while, the only sounds heard in the car are the music seeping lowly through the speakers and the soft smacking of Grayson and I’s lips. He lands one more searing kiss to my lips before pulling away. I take my sweet time allowing my eyelids to flutter back open and, when they do, Grayson’s giving me that droopy-eyed stare that’s making it even harder for me to want to leave this car. Just as I’m thinking this, he swoops back in to give me one more quick kiss  before pulling back for good.
I feel Ethan’s fingers tracing lightly up and down my arm, a gentle reminder that hey, he wants some love too and I’m more than happy to oblige. I turn to face him and he’s giving me that smile that I know and love so much. The one that’s so absolutely, unquestionably Ethan that it melts my insides. He cradles my jaw with one hand, using his thumb to trace over my lips for only a moment before he’s leaning in and sealing our mouths together. I fall into it just as quickly as I had with Grayson, fingers finding a home tangled in the unruly hair at the nape of his neck. Our tongues dance around together and I hear him moan quietly, causing me to unintentionally mimic the noise. I don’t even have the wherewithal to feel embarrassed as his hands burn blazing hot trails where he caresses down the sides of my neck and my shoulders.
This continues for several minutes until we pull away, slightly breathless with our eyes sparkling a bit and skin flushed beyond belief. “Good luck,” Ethan breathes, looking more than a little dazed and I hear Grayson laugh, startling me out of my reverie for a moment.
“Dude, you look so fucked right now,” Grayson teases and I watch as Ethan rolls his eyes, but it lacks conviction in his blissed out state.
“Whatever. You’re just,” he searches for a word and quickly gives up, settling once again on, “whatever,” and that causes Grayson and I to laugh in unison this time at the lame comeback. I eventually retreat to the backseat to gather up my backpack and I heave a big sigh, suddenly feeling more energized than I have all morning.
“I’m gonna get going,” I declare out loud and the twins nod their understanding. “I’ll see you guys soon,” I bid as a goodbye, deciding that it’s best to stick to a verbal farewell in fear of getting caught up again between the two boys and possibly missing my class.
“Bye, baby.”
“We’ll be right here when you get back.”
Both boys call after me as I open the back door and land on my feet on the pavement. I shut the door and take a moment to put my earbuds in and queue up a song before embarking on my walk to class. When I stare ahead of me, I notice that there are plenty of eyes already looking in my direction. Most people look downright shocked, to say the least. Others look mildly impressed. Others look blatantly jealous. I bite the inside of my lip to suppress a laugh as I quickly knock on the passenger window of Ethan’s Jeep. Grayson’s face appears as he rolls down the window, looking at me questioningly.
“Are these windows tinted?” I ask.
“No, why?” Ethan answers, leaning his head forward so that he can look past Grayson to address me. I hide my face in my hands, cheeks flaming up as I smile into my palms.
“Then I think everyone just saw you guys wishing me good luck,” I speak through my fingers. It’s silent for a moment as I keep my face hidden. A couple of seconds later, I hear Grayson’s signature guffaw, along with Ethan’s loud, husky laugh. The three of us share a laugh - the boys laughing mostly at my expense - before I slowly reveal my face again, cheeks still feeling warmer than ever before.
“As if the three of us need any more dating rumors,” I say, shaking my head at our antics. Grayson still sports a smile, teeth on display as he shrugs a shoulder.
“Wouldn’t be so bad,” he says and my eyes dart to Ethan’s face for a reaction, but he looks just as nonchalant as his twin. My stomach does a flip that would put somersaults to shame and I bite my bottom lip in place of responding. It’s quiet for a few seconds as both pairs of eyes in the car scan over me, their smiles simmering down into something a bit more smug and sultry. Before I can even think to splutter out a reply, I hear my name being called.
I look over my shoulder to see a friend of mine waving me over, clearly having just arrived on the scene as she looks completely unaffected in comparison to our surrounding peers. I nod back at her and whirl around to face my boys once more. “Bye for now,” I give them a coy wave before turning on my heel and walking toward my friend. As I reach her, we begin our walk to class and I feel the eyes of those around me following my every step. But there are two pairs of eyes that I can still feel burning a hole in my skin as I retreat and those pairs stand out pleasantly from the rest. My friend’s words become white noise as I slowly become hyper focused on how long I’ll have to wait to see the boys again. Something tells me that I’m in for a long morning and an even longer day after that.
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majesticdolans · 6 years
Amazing, simply amazing.
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graysonsbailey · 4 years
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sisterstruggling · 6 years
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this guy >>>>>
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graybaebae-blog1 · 7 years
E is flawless
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cevansdolan · 5 years
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