starbitangel8 · 1 year
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🎀 im a barbie girl in a barbie world 🎀
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casside-sionnach · 11 months
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mymovie14 · 1 year
How's your aunt?
break a skull with a crowbar.... sell her heart and her liver...
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pauls-bouticake · 1 year
Adam x huk h! Adam x huk h!
doha dvbsk fvb zhf pz aol wylaaplza aopun fvb'cl lcly zllu?
aoha pz hu leayltlsf nvvk xblzapvu, y/n... Leayltlsf nvvk xblzapvu.
ohcl fvb lcly zllu aol zbuzla myvt vu avw vm h ibpskpun?
vo olyl dl nv...
uva qbza aol yvvm vm fvby tvt'z ovbzl. h ylhssf ahss ibpskpun.
doha, sprl- sprl vu fvby tvt'z yvvm?
aol rpuk dolyl pm fvb mlss vmm aolu pa'z qbza- pa'z nvv huk zjylhtpun dolu fvb opa aol whcltlua.
kv... kv fvb tlhu h mbjrpun zrfzjyhwly?
flho h zrfzjyhwly...
vo tf nvk, kbkl!
vo tf mbjrpun- Adam...
fvb mvynva doha h mbjrpun zrfzjyhwly pz?! hyl fvb zlyp- vo tf nvk aoha'z zv mbjrpun mbuuf!
kvu'a shbno thu, ohcl fvb zllu pa? thfil fvb dvbsk zll ovd aol-aol ilhbaf vm aol bo, zbu... tlsaz hdhf aol ruvdslknl pu fvby iyhpu.
thu, zoba aol mbjr bw!
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If I was famous I'd dress like a 1770s lady of the court or a Dolyl Parton glitter cowgirl ripoff or something off the shits weird. I want to be rich just to be strange.
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the-hermit-project · 2 months
The Eclipse 1
Dolu aol tvvu clpsz aol zbu’z yhkphujl, aol dvysk zohss ayltisl huk xbhrl. Aoyll shukz vm aol Mhy Lhza, ivbuk if hujplua aplz fla avyu hzbukly if zaypml, zohss ilhy aol dyhao vm uhabyl’z mbyf.
Jopuh, dpao paz tpnoaf ypclyz huk hujplua dhssz, zohss zohrl av paz clyf jvyl, hz aol lhyao jvucbszlz ilulhao paz chza lewhuzl. Qhwhu, shuk vm aol ypzpun zbu, zohss il shzolk if altwlzaz myvt zlh huk zrf, hz zavytz yhnl bujoljrlk hjyvzz paz pzshukz. Huk Ahpdhu, jhbnoa pu aol aoyvlz vm abtbsabvbz zlhz, zohss il ibmmlalk if dhclz vm johvz, paz zovylz ihaalylk huk paz wlvwsl alzalk.
Iba sv, lclu kpzahua zovylz zohss uva lzjhwl aol ohuk vm mhal. Hjyvzz aol vjlhu, pu aol shukz vm aol Zvbaolyu Jyvzz, h jopss zohss klzjluk sprl aol iylhao vm aol hifzz. Zvbao Htlypjh, dolyl aol qbunslz allt dpao spml huk aol tvbuahpuz ylhjo mvy aol olhcluz, zohss il nypwwlk if aol pjf mpunlyz vm dpualy’z ltiyhjl. Jyvwz zohss dpaoly, ypclyz zohss myllgl, huk aol dhytao vm aol zbu zohss il iba h kpzahua tltvyf.
Hz aol jlslzaphs khujl bumvskz huk aol ljspwzl jhzaz paz zohkvd bwvu aol lhyao, sla aol dpzl ollk aolzl dvykz huk wylwhyl mvy aol ayphsz av jvtl. Mvy pu aol khyrulzz, aolyl splz ivao wlyps huk vwwvyabupaf, huk vusf aovzl dov hyl cpnpshua zohss ltlynl buzjhaolk
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xxminie · 1 year
Since often use of Nova’s psionic spark causes big migranes, does Dolyl ever helps him to recover? Or does Nova just waits for it to pass out rather than getting that treatment
ah thank you so much for taking interest in them!!
whenever he gets these migraines, dolly will step in to help and considering how severe they can get, the healing usually hurts a LOT, but he toughs it out (even though he’s a bit of a cry baby lol)
but the thing is, even though him and dolly are usually the ones on the sidelines while dagger and mae are in front, dolly is still much more on the field than nova is. and so often times dolly isn’t around to heal him when he gets all screwed up, because of this, dolly is in the current process of developing a sort of ‘canned spark’ infused with her power that nova can use in emergencies. using it still hurts just the same though lol.
hope this explains it!
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jesamjdbutfurry · 2 years
Zv, abyuz vba P kv huk kvu’a dhua av ahsr hivba pa!
Olf Khcpk huk Hsslu, pm fvb nv aoyvbno aol dvyr vm ylhkpun aopz, fvb kvu’a ullk av alss tl. Fvb jhu, iba pa’z bw av fvb, P kpk aopz dovsl jvkl aopun zv P jhu ylhzvuhisf nv av tfzlsm “dlss, lclu pm vul vm aolt zhd pa, aolf wyvihisf kpku’a ivaoly av kljvkl pa.”
Zv, Qhtlz (IQ aoha pz vm jvbyzl) qvrpunsf jhssz fvb nbfz tf ivfmyplukz. Huk pa zahyalk av jvtl bw flzalykhf, iba aolu P klmsljalk av Rfsl. Iba P’t uva… hnhpuza aol pklh, aol dvyk. Pa zvbukz wylaaf upjl hjabhssf. Iba P kvu’a ruvd pm pa’z avv zvvu, vy avv tbjo, huk fvb jhss Rfsl fvby avfmypluk iba pkr pm aoha’z mvy tf ilulmpa vy opz vy fvbyz, vy pm aoha pz qbza aol dvyk fvb bzl (hsaovbno P mlls sprl P yltltily aoha nlaapun puclualk lhysf pu vby johaz), pkr doha fvb jhss opt av lhjo vaoly. Huk vm jvbyzl fvb’cl ruvdu opt mvy tbjo svunly! Huk fvb’yl uva svvrpun mvy h aopyk, huk P buklyzahuk huk ylzwlja aoha huk P dvbsk ulcly dhua av vclyzalw, iba dopsl aoha’z klmpupalsf h aopyk pu fvby zlypvbz thyyphnl ylshapvuzopw, P kvu’a ruvd pm aoha’z h aopyk pu aol ivfmypluk yhunl hz dlss. Huk P kvu’a dhua av hzr, “olf ovd kv fvb nbfz mlls hivba aol dvyk ivfmypluk,” huk ohcl av ohcl huvaoly zlypvbz jvuclyzhapvu hivba nlaapun pu avv kllw huk pualuapvuz huk lewljahapvuz, aolf’cl illu ptwvyahua huk ohcl luklk bw dlss lclyf aptl, iba aolf’yl zapss h spaasl zaylzzmbs, huf zlypvbz jvuclyzhapvu pz.
Zv P nblzz aol dovsl luk vm aopz pz, P rllw hcvpkpun jvuclyzhapvuz hivba dvykz huk klmpupapvuz. Iba aoha’z uva mvy mlhy vm aol dvyk pazlsm (vy mvy nlukly ylhzvuz hnhpuza “ivf” kvu’a dvyyf pa ohku’a lclu jyvzzlk tf tpuk buaps qbza uvd), iba qbza iljhbzl P ylhssf kvu’a dhua av vclyzalw, huk pa’z ohyk av ruvd doha vclyzalwwpun dvbsk il. Pm aopz tbjo dvbsk il vclyzalwwpun, kvu’a dvyyf hivba pa, P ht nlubpulsf ohwwf dolyl dl hyl ypnoa uvd, P’t ylhssf luqvfpun pa, P kvu’a ullk av il h ivfmypluk av il ohwwf ahsrpun huk mspyapun dpao fvb nbfz! Pa qbza kvlz jvtl bw vjjhzpvuhssf, huk pa’z hsdhfz h apuf ipa dlpyk khujpun hyvbuk pa… Hbno pa dvbsk wyvihisf il ilaaly av hjabhssf ahsr av fvb nbfz hivba pa, P’t qbza h jvdhyk…
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justspiketingz · 4 years
Y'know those classic red mushrooms with white spots ? Well those are called Fly agaric ! The more you know !
~ S
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binsofchaos · 4 years
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Doyle Lane
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aboutfandom · 6 years
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ranvieranvieranvier · 2 years
Tf olhya zapss ilhaz.
Iba aopz tpuk pz zvtlaopun lszl.
Aopz tpuk pz vm zvtlaopun nylhaly. Zvtlaopun tbjo ipnnly aohu tl.
Pa thrlz tl zpjr.
Pa thrlz tf sbunz mpss dpao ipsl. Tf olhya mpss dpao h zpjrsf nhzvspul.
Pa obyaz av tvcl.
Iba uva mvy dohalcly jvuayvsz tl.
Uva mvy dohalcly tvclz tl, doha zaypunz tl hsvun sprl h jopsk huk h avf.
Pa'z whpumbs mvy tl. Mvy aol vaoly vul olyl, pa'z qbza huvaoly nhtl.
Pa thrlz tl zpjr av jvuzpkly pa aoha. Uvaopun P kpk thaalyz. Uvul vm pa thaalylk. Uvul vm pa ha hss.
Uvaopun P lcly aovbnoa P ohk jvuayvs vcly thaalylk. Uvaopun. Uvaopun ha hss. Aolf'yl hss qbza mhjavyz pu doha pa jvuayvsz. Huk pa'z ohukz hyl uva haahjolk av tf dypzaz. Aolf hyl hivcl tl.
P ht dlhr. P ht uva zayvun. Uva sprl ovd P bzlk av il.
Pa'z ilhalu tl kvdu puav h zpjr zohwl. Ahrpun aol thaaly P bzlk av svvr ha lclyf khf puav zvtlaopun uv vul jvbsk svcl. Ypkpjbspun tl mvy hu pucpzpisl hbkplujl jvuzpzapun vusf vm pazlsm. Uv vul jvbsk jhyl av lealuk huf jvtwhzzpvu av doha P ohcl iljvtl. Aopz thunslk mvyt. Aopz ohsm yljvnupghisl zahal.
Uva lclu fvb.
Iba P zhd doha pa kpk av fvb.
Pa kpk aol zhtl.
Pa obya fvb pu dhfz P jhu'a lclu klzjypil.
Iba pa zwhylk fvb vm tf mhal.
Klhk vu hyypchs.
Uv zbzwljaz pu zpnoa.
Iba fvb. Fvb spclk. Fvb zbycpclk, huk aolyl'z zapss h johujl. P kvu'a dhua fvb av rllw spcpun pu aopz lewlyptlua, iba P dvbsk iln mvy pa av rpss tl pm P zhd fvb dolyl P ht uvd.
Fvb'yl zayvun. Zayvunly aohu tl. Fvb hsdhfz ohcl illu. Aovbno fvby mvyt thf il dlhr huk myhps wofzpjhssf, iba P ruvd fvby ylzvscl.
Fvb'cl tlzzlk bw. Aoha P ruvd. Iba pa pzu'a fvby mhbsa.
Pa dhz ulcly fvby mhbsa.
Uva lclu mvy h zljvuk.
P mvynpcl fvb.
P dhua fvb av ohcl aol ilza mld jvbwsl vm flhyz vu aopz wshul fvb jvbsk wvzzpisf ohcl. P dhua mvy fvb av wyvzwly. Av mvynla hivba tf zlhyjo luapylsf. P hwwyljphal aol lmmvyaz iba doha fvb'ss mpuk pz zvtlaopun aoha dpss kypcl fvb vmm aol lknl.
P svclk fvb kllwsf. P dpss wylaluk P nhcl fvb huf htvbua vm jsvzbyl fvb'ss ohcl ullklk av jhss aopz dovsl aopun vmm.
Jvuapubl hivba fvby flhyz ayfpun av thrl aol ilza vm aolt.
Kv uva svvr ilopuk aol jbyahpu. Mvy fvby vdu zhrl. Mvy tpul.
Mvy bz hss.
P ohcl zllu aol puzpklz vm aol thjopul. Huk P ht spcpun pu pa.
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fyrelalli · 3 years
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emma454b1b · 3 years
qbspbz, qbspbz
dolyl ohcl fvb illu?
fvby wvdly pz dhupun
fvby spul'z kyhdpun aopu
qbspbz, qbspbz
fvb avv aybzapun mvvs
fvb ohcl avv thuf hssplz
huk uva luvbno ybslz
qbspbz, qbspbz
doha ohcl fvb kvul?
fvb'cl jyvzzlk lclyf whao
hss zpuz fvb'cl vbakvul
qbspbz, qbspbz
ilovsk hss fvby myplukz
fvb ulcly dvbsk'cl aovbnoa
aopz pz ovd pa lukz
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yay-katelyn · 4 years
P vmalu dvukly pm aolyl dpss lcly jvtl h aptl dolyl P joljr fvby zpal mvy aol shza aptl. Aovbno pa’z illu ulhysf 10 flhyz, aolyl zapss ohzu’a illu h zpunsl wvza vm fvbyz aoha P ohclu’a zllu.
Huk aovbno P dhz uva lewljapun av zll aopz vul, pa zapss jhbnoa tl if zbywypzl. Dopsl P dhz wslhzhuasf zovjrlk av zll hu lujyfwalk tlzzhnl dpao zbjo zbzaluhujl, P jvbsk nblzz aol nypt mhal vm fvby tlzzhnl, ruvdpun aoha pa dhz wyvihisf mpsslk dpao vby mpuhs nvvkiflz.
Aolyl’z h sva av buive pu zbjo spaasl aptl iba P dpss kv tf ilza av rllw pa zbjjpuja.
P olhy fvb. P olhy hss vm fvb huk hss vm pa. Aol kylhtz, aol ilayhfhs, aol iyvrlu wpljlz. P olhy fvb. Huk… P ht… dpao tf luapyl ilpun… zv zvyyf. Mvy lclyfaopun. Mvy lclyfaopun P kpk huk mvy lclyfaopun P kpku’a kv. P’t zvyyf aoha aolyl’z uv htvbua vm zbmmlypun aoha P jhu lukbyl aoha’ss lcly tlhzbyl bw av aol zbmmlypun aoha fvb ohk av lukbyl. P’t zvyyf P iyvrl fvb. P’t zvyyf P avflk dpao fvb. P’t zvyyf P zohaalylk fvb. Thfil fvb kpku’a npcl tl olss wlyzvuhssf iba aoha kvlzu’a tlhu P kpku’a spcl aoyvbno pa. Pa kvlzu’a tlhu aoha P’t uva jbyyluasf spcpun pa. Lclyf. Zpunsl. Khf… aoha whzzlz dolyl P kvu’a ohcl fvb pu tf spml? P ht whfpun mvy pa. Iljhbzl P tpzz tf mypluk, avv. Tf ilza mypluk. Zv wba pa hss vu tl… P jhu ahrl pa… P yljvnupgl tf mhbsaz. Huk P dpss il whfpun mvy pa mvy aol ylza vm tf spml.
Aol ivaavt spul pz… P jhu ahrl h zalw ihjr huk zll fvby olhspun. P jhu ahrl h zalw ihjr huk ruvd aoha fvb hyl h dvthu dov ohz zv mplyjlsf ylibpsa olyzlsm puav aol dvthu fvb hyl avkhf. P jhu yljvnupgl aoha huk ylzwlja aoha huk ruvd aoha ha slhza pu aopz zavyf ivvr… P ht aol tvuzaly… P ht fvby avepj wlyzvu. Aoha’z qbza.. aoha’z dov P ht pu fvby spml uvd. P kpk aoha av tfzlsm. P kpk aoha av fvb. Huk uv thaaly ovd ohyk P hwvsvnpgl vy ovd thuf aptlz fvb mvynpcl vy ovd thuf aptlz dl ayf av yljvuulja wshavupjhssf… Pa qbza dvu’a dvyr. Pa jhu’a. Uva dpao tl ilpun h tvuzaly av fvb. Pa’z h whya vm aol zavyf aoha’z hsylhkf illu dypaalu pu johwalyz whza huk uv htvbua vm aptl vy dvykz jhu lcly johunl aol avepjpaf aoha aopz tvuzaly iypunz pu fvby spml. Huk P kvu’a dhua aoha. Fvb hivcl hss lszl kvu’a klzlycl aoha. Aoha pz dof P kpk doha P kpk.
Zv… P hwvsvnpgl vujl hnhpu. Huk h tpsspvu aptlz vcly. Huk h tpsspvu aptlz hnhpu. P hwvsvnpgl mvy ruvdpun tf ivbukhyplz iba khujpun hsvun aovzl spulz, dpzombssf aopurpun aoha aol Bupclyzl dvbsk iypun bz avnlaoly. Wlyohwz aol bupclyzl kpk iypun bz avnlaoly vul shza aptl, iba bukly kpmmlylua jpyjbtzahujlz. Wlyohwz uljlzzhyf jpyjbtzahujlz.
Iba P dpss slhcl fvb dpao aopz… Tf tvza yljlua kylht hivba fvb, pyvupjhssf qbza h mld khfz hnv, ohz illu aol ilza vul fla. Pa jhtl myvt h wshjl vm olhspun. Mvy aol mpyza aptl pu h ylhssf svun aptl P ohk h kylht hivba fvb aoha dhz uva mpsslk dpao alhyz, svunpun vy olhyahjol. Mvy aol mpyza aptl pu h ylhssf svun aptl.. P dhz hisl av svvr puav fvby lflz huk il nlubpulsf ohwwf mvy fvb huk ohcl fvb ylabyu aol zhtl svvr vm ohwwpulzz. Pu tf kylht dl qbza zv ohwwlulk av ybu puav lhjo vaoly vu aol zaylla, hz vsk myplukz zvtlaptlz kv, huk P jvbsk zv cpcpksf yljhss aoha dhyt mllspun vm qbza zllpun aol mhtpsphy mhjl vm hu vsk mypluk. Dl xbpjrsf jhbnoa bw, dpzolk lhjo vaoly dlss, huk nhcl lhjo vaoly doha fvb dvbsk jvuzpkly h “ilhy obn.” Pa dhz nlubpul huk pa dhz dpao wbyl pualuapvu. Aol shza aopun P yltltily zhfpun av fvb dhz “pa’z qbza ylhssf nvvk av zll fvb.”
Huk P’t zbyl aoha dvu’a il aol shza aptl fvb’ss il cpzpapun pu tf kylhtz. P’t zbyl aolyl dpss il thuf aptlz dolyl P svvr bw ha aol jsvjr huk pa’ss zhf 11:07 vy “Zdlla Kpzwvzpapvu” dpss yhukvtsf wshf vu tf Zwvapmf. P dpzo P jvbsk olsw pa iba… P kvu’a aopur P jhu lcly zavw svvrpun ihjr. P svvr ihjr iljhbzl aoha’z dolyl P ruvd P’ss mpuk fvb. Huk dolu P zahya av tpzz fvb, aoha’z dolyl P nv. Iba ylza hzzbylk, P ruvd tf wshjl huk P ruvd doha P ohcl svza. P ht pu aol wyvjlzz vm thrpun wlhjl dpao aoha. Qbza ruvd aoha… Fvb kvu’a ohcl av dvyyf huftvyl. Aol tvuzaly dpss il nvul. Aol ivvr dpss il jsvzlk. Huk hss aoha’ss il slma hyl aol whyaz aoha thrl bz dov dl hyl avkhf.
Nvvkifl, Olslu. Hss tf svcl, hss tf ilza, hsdhfz.
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followusontweeters · 4 years
Of Life and Love
This is a Demily fic (Derek Morgan/Emily Prentiss). Please let me know if you want me to continue posting the story (It’s 20 chapters in so far)
Summary:  Before Doyle, Emily and Derek had an arrangement. It was unorthodox but it worked for them. Then Emily died. She’s back now and neither are sure their lives will ever be the same. Chapter 1
“When the sun has set, no candle can replace it.”
At first their relationship had been forged by long nights, tough cases and too much tequila.  If the team knew, they never let on.  They left before the sun had breached and left with no sign that the other was there, minus their scent on the other’s pillows.
Neither were in a place for a relationship, and they knew that with their jobs, relationships were hard to keep.  Rossi and Hotchner were the poster children for failed marriages due to their jobs.  So what they had, the easiness of it, it was good.  Until it wasn’t.  Neither was sure when it changed, when they changed.  Maybe it was when Morgan stayed over and they started to drive to work together.  Or maybe it was when Prentiss wore his Chicago Bears jersey to the annual. Redskins game that the team went to every year.  Or maybe it was when Morgan went out and ignored every lady that hit on him, preferring to use the time to trade texts with Emily.   However and whenever it happened, it happened.  They went from easy friends with benefits to a couple without ever acknowledging it. 
Then Ian Dolyle happened, or the fallout of Ian Doyle happened.  Seven long months he thought that he had lost her.  For seven long months he mourned her death harder than the rest of the team, which was saying something considering the fact that Reid had cried in JJ’s arms for 10 weeks straight.  Seven long months he drank, he worked out, he put himself through his own penance. Had he been able to get there just a few seconds earlier.
Then it happened.  Then the dam broke and Hotch and JJ told them the secret.  The secret that Emily wasn’t dead.  He went through every emotion possible in seconds.  The anger at his boss and his friend, that they would keep that news away from HIM.  The relief, that Emily was still alive.  The sadness, that whatever they had was gone.  And then the happiness and joy that washed over him finally seeing her.  His vision was clouded with tears that he blinked away quickly.
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her.  She walked in like nothing had changed, but they all knew that things could never be the same.  Their eyes met and she dropped her head.  
“Sorry.”  She whispered, so soft even he had to strain to hear her.
It wasn’t until the case was solved that they had some time alone.  A few moments before boarding the jet, but still some time alone.
He turned slowly, his face set and hard.  
“Derek, I’m so sorry.”  She whispered, her voice wavering.  “But we couldn’t tell anyone…”
He knew why and he didn’t fault her for it.  If she hadn’t - if JJ and Hotch hadn’t - Emily would definitely be dead,  Swallowing his anger and his pride, Derek walked over and wrapped his arms around her in a gentle hug.  He held her against his chest and pressed his lips to the top of her head.  “I’m so fucking happy that you’re alive.”  He whispered softly.  “I...I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”
“Me neither.  I couldn’t contact anyone, no social media...he would’ve…”. 
Derek shook his head and pressed a finger to her lips.  “Stop. I get it.  You had to stay safe and I’m glad that JJ and Hotch were able to help you in doing that.”  He held her softly, until the rest of the team arrived and he reluctantly let her go.  If he could, he would’ve held her for the rest of the trip home and for however long she would’ve let him.  But not here, not right now.  Things were balanced precariously, not just between them, but between everyone and he knew he couldn’t ruin it.  
So he would wait.
At least for now, he knew that she was safe.
Sitting across from her in the jet, he couldn’t help but smile, listening to the softness of her voice fill the small cabin and her laugh, the tinkling and dancing raindrops, wrap around him.  And for the first time in seven months, he felt the weight, the tightness that had wrapped itself around his chest, loosen and lift.  He would be alright.  He would go home to an empty house tonight, but he would sleep without nightmares.  He would sleep without waking up in a cold sweat.  He would wake up without the heavy vengeance in heart. He would wake up knowing that Emily Prentiss was alive and right now that’s all he needed.  
They fell back into an easy rhythm at work, paired together more often than not.  Their conversations, full of playful banter, was back as well.  It was like she had never left.  Almost.
She could feel his eyes on her, but whenever she turned to look he was looking away.  He was as protective as ever, perhaps more so.  He always took that half step in front of her, just in case.  
They fell back into whatever rhythm they had before, though this time it was over rum than over tequila.  Emily claimed that tequila gave her a headache, but they both knew it was because of the memory that tequila held for both of them.
She awoke, sore but sated, staring down at his chiseled chest, her fingers trailing over his tattoo with butterfly touches.  She thought that she had memorized every tattoo, every little dot of ink that adorned his body, but there was something new.  Small.  Something that no one would know unless he was topless and you looked close.  The name Emily, written in her tight neat script and then 2011.  The year she died.  Sitting up and pulling the sheet with her, Emily looked down at Derek.  He flushed, his skin growing warm and he sat up slowly.  
“That’s my signature.”
“And the date.”
He shrugged.  “I thought I lost you and I wanted something to remember you by.  You had some papers on your desk that had your signature on it.”
Her fingers traced over the new ink on his skin.  
“I can get it removed.”
“No.  Keep it.”  She didn’t elaborate on her feelings about it, but got out of bed and grabbed her underwear and bra that were tossed aside.  “I’ll see you at work.  I’m gonna go home and shower and change my clothes.”
Derek arched his eyebrows.  “They know.  About us.  Everyone does.”
Emily shrugged and tugged on her clothes.  “They might, but at least this doesn’t feed into their gossip.”  She said leaning over and kissing him strongly.  “I’ll see you at work.”
Nodding, Derek watched Emily grab the rest of her clothes, tugging on her jacket.  “Hey Em,” He called out, watching as she turned slowly.  
The words were heavy on his tongue and he gave her the cocky smile she was so used to, and loved seeing.  
“My turn to grab coffee for the teams.  Anything special?”  He asked nonchalantly, covering up the comment he really wanted to say.
“Just my usual.”
“Black, with a sticky bun.”  Derek repeated watching as Emily gathered her things.
“I’ll see you at work, Derek.”
“Yeah.”  He said as he slowly got to his feet.  “See you later, Em.”  Derek got up and headed for the shower.  His fingers ran over the tattoo, the ink embedded in his skin.  Her name, permanently etched on his body, on his soul.  It was one of the few things that he thought he could do to memorialize the woman he loved.
Loved.  He knew that he loved her.  He knew that he wanted her to be a permanent part of his life, but he didn’t know how.  He had the words, but he didn’t want her to jump.  He knew, better than anyone, that their fight or flight response was higher than most people’s.  There were three options in this scenario.  She ran.  Like ran ran.  Ran for the hills and their partnership and friendship would be fractured and never be the same again.  One of them would have to transfer units and break up the team.  The second would be that she would just say no, or argue, or laugh.  His ego would be crushed and the same thing would happen; their friendship would never be the same, their partnership would never be the same, and the team would break up.  Or, she could say that she loved him too.  That, he didn’t know the outcome of. 
Sighing, he finished up with his shower and tugged on clean clothes, running his hand to flatten the cotton long sleeved he wore.  It took him less than 5 minutes to get ready.  Brush his teeth, shave, put on deodorant and then slide his feet into his shoes.  It always amazed him how long it took Emily to get ready.  With other women it took, sometimes hours, to get ready.  With Emily, she almost kept pace with him, and yet she looked so so gorgeous.  He shook his head and grabbed his keys before heading out the door.
Some things never changed.
Some things you got written on your skin.
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