#dominick sonny carisi drabble
ceethewriter · 1 year
Warm-up Drabble while I start the rewrite of my slightly longer fic.
prompt: A mask
Sonny’s gaze tracks Barba as he leaves the elevator and navigates confidently along the busy corridor, briefcase swinging, towards the courtroom where Sonny waits. When Sonny catches his eye, Barba smiles. It’s only a small upward twitch at the corners of his soft lips, but it somehow manages to reach his eyes.
Sonny likes to imagine it as fond.
He offers his own smile in response, cautious as always not to let it say too much.
One day soon Sonny will take off the mask that veils the real smile he’s hiding and Barba will be overwhelmed by its brilliance.
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chenfordsrollisi · 2 years
Following My Heart
Fandom: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Title: Following My Heart Characters: Dominick “Sonny” Carisi Jr., Amanda Rollins Pairing: Rollisi Rating/Warnings: PG. Het. Love. Summary: Sonny can’t keep his feelings to himself any longer. A/N: From now on, my fics will no longer be beta’d by other people. I’m going to use a spell checker, grammar checker, and a punctuation checker to check my works. Any errors that remain are my own. Thanks to anyone who reads, reviews, likes, bookmarks, or follows. Disclaimer: I don’t own Law & Order: SVU or anything you recognize and I don’t claim to. I make no money writing this story. Words: 197 without title and ending.
Word to use: WC #4: Blanket
LUaD # 99: *Following My Heart* Rollisi Drabble
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australiancarisi · 7 months
Olivia Benson x Sonny Carisi ~ Halfway House
A little benisi drabble. All fluff. Based on 17x19. @homerjacksons enjoy Warnings: I haven't written anything for like a year. I also just wrote this, haven't checked it lol Words: 687
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Liv was going through the mountain of paperwork on her desk when Amanda came storming into her office.
“I told you we should of pulled him out” Amanda said as Sonny followed her in. Sonny was currently working undercover at a halfway house for sex offenders after there had been a strong of rapes in the area.
“What happened?” Liv asked standing up
“Nothin’” Sonny waved her off
“It’s not nothing Carisi! Nomaks attacked him!” Amanda exclaimed. Liv’s eyes widen and looked to Sonny. When he didn’t say anything, Amanda continued “Him and some of his friends recognised Sonny and attacked him with baseball bats as he was walking back to the halfway house”
“Carisi you are holding your back are you sure you don’t need to go to the ER?” Liv asked concern written all over her face.
“No, I’m fine okay? It’s just a bruise it’s not broken” Sonny said sitting down at the chairs in front of Liv’s desk while Amanda sat on the couch in the corner. “Think they were just trying to scare me”
The three continued to talk about Sonny’s undercover work but Liv was only half listening, her mind going back to Sonny being attacked. The pair had been dating in secret for the past 6 months, no one knew besides Barba, Tucker at IAB and McCoy – it was a need-to-know basis. When Sonny had offered up to go under cover Liv was not a fan. Sure, it wasn’t an overly dangerous assignment but seeing the man she loves slumming it in a halfway house with known sex offenders was not her idea of a good time. Liv’s attention was brought back when Fin came in and updated them on an eyewitness.
“He told me he was with his wife when Sofie got raped” Sonny said
“He told me the same thing; we’ve left her messages” Amanda added
“Okay so go see her” Liv directed to Amanda and Fin who quickly left her office, shutting the door on their way out “And Carisi you’re ‘friends” with Caskey now? Get friendlier”
Sonny nodded and headed towards the door. Just as Liv thought he was about to open the door to leave, he closed the blinds on the windows, giving them more privacy. Liv sighed.
“Stop worrying, I’m fine” Sonny smiled at her.
“Do not tell me not to worry. You’ve just been beaten up by a victims family because they think you are a sex offender. You shouldn’t even be in that house” Liv moved around the desk to stand with Sonny. “How bad is it actually?”
“It’s tender okay” Sonny rolled his eyes as Liv lifted the back of his hoodie up to get a look. She pressed her hand to his lower back, making him hiss quietly.
“I don’t like this Dominick” She whispered
“I know but who else was gonna do it?” Sonny moved Liv’s hand out from under his hoodie and spun around to face her. He won’t deny that he loves how concerned Liv is about him. Every time he’s come into the precinct the last couple of weeks he cane tell she worrying more and more. “If it gets too much for me, I’ll let you know okay?”
“What if it’s too much for me?” Liv whispered, looking down at their hands which had now become intertwined.
“Hey now” Sonny lifted Liv’s chin to look up at him “it was a couple of baseball bats, I’m completely fine. Trust me”
“You know I do, I’m just worried”
“I know” Sonny lent down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead “I can’t wait to be back in a comfy bed”
“Noah misses you”
“Just Noah?” Sonny smirked
“Of course not… as soon as I can get you out of there I will” Liv leaned up and found Sonny’s lips for a quick kiss. Even though the blinds were closed she was worried, anyone could walk through the door. “Be safe Dominick”
“Always am” Sonny kissed Liv again. “I love you”
“I love you too” she said as Sonny headed back out to the halfway house.
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let me know your thoughts!
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svuwritings · 3 years
57 with sonny???
ngl to y’all; i requested this one myself hehehe
57. “I thought you were dead.” | Sonny Carisi
Warnings: shooting, hostage, crying, swearing, assault
A/N: this is a shortened version of a longer draft I had sitting in my drafts forever, and I figured I might as well use the prompts to get the idea out without having to face the (four year long) writer block that’s been affecting it lol
Before that day, Sonny had heard of the cliche of “stopping and staring” but he hadn’t truly understood it until he walked into the scene. The entire team, along with various uniforms and people that Sonny couldn’t really name even though he should have been able to, was milling in the street, some eyes trained on the house, others trained on the Lieutenant and Captain Tucker. But the second they heard Carisi’s feverish entrance, their eyes darted to him.
“Carisi,” Liv sighed, taking in his frenzied state, “we’ve got Dodds on the line.”
But he didn’t care about Dodds. Well, of course he did, but not when the love of his life was in that fucking house with a lunatic with a gun. So, unable to be polite and let his Lieutenant speak, he demanded to know about you, where were you?
“He’s... He’s got his gun trained on her,” Liv conceded, and Carisi fucking broke. “But you know that we’re doing everything we can to—”
“Lieutenant,” Tucker called, cutting her off prematurely. “Daniel wants to video chat.”
Liv’s eyes widened, and Carisi’s would’ve but he was too damn tired and confused to react. Before Liv could speak, though, Ed continued.
“It doesn’t sound good.”
Sonny’s heart shattered, but he wasn’t sure why. Of course it didn’t sound good. Nothing about this situation was good. He wasn’t sure if anything could be good if you weren’t with him, weren’t by his side.
“Carisi,” Olivia started, placing her hand on his bicep. “Go back to the precinct. You know that it won’t do us any good if you worry yourself to death.”
“You know I can’t relax, Lieutenant. I need to be here, and not just for me. I want her to be able to see me. Please.”
Liv chewed on her lip, eyes moving to the ground as she considered Sonny’s plea. “Okay, yeah. But you can’t say a word, Carisi. And if anything happens....”
Carisi only nodded, not trusting his voice.
“Get him a vest,” Olivia motioned to one of the unis. Carisi didn’t thank them; he just shouldered on the vest with contempt for the fact that you didn’t have one.
He and Olivia crowded around the negotiator as he held out the phone. Others had gathered around them, and Amanda and Fin lingered somewhere in the back, but Sonny hadn’t noticed them. Only Ed and Sonny stood in frame, scared to overwhelm the perp, but Sonny didn’t notice any of that. All he could focus on were those three gray dots on the screen and the ringing sound as the connection was being established.
He held his breath, and then he didn’t need to anymore. Relief and anxiety both flooded his system as you finally materialized. He sighed out your name as he took you in.
You had a gun to your head, a fucking gun. Your face was glistening with sweat and your beautiful eyes, the eyes Sonny adored, were filled with fear. You were trying to hide it, biting on the inside of your cheeks, not wanting to show any signs of weakness. Your holster was abandoned somewhere on the floor, surely removed by the predator.
Then Sonny saw the man, if he could even be called that. He was wide, burly, his hairy arm wrapped around your throat as you both knelt on the ground. His chin was pressed into your shoulder, the spot where only Sonny’s face should be. Sonny kept thinking about the perp’s beard was scratching against your skin; he knew how much you hated itchy facial hair.
Carisi almost didn’t notice Dodds in the background. His gun was strewn on the floor next to him, so close yet still out of reach. He had his arm wrapped around a sobbing woman, and Carisi assumed it was the battered wife who had been heard crying for help. His jaw was tense to keep from showing emotion. Sonny knew he was furious and confused and scared, but Carisi was more so.
"You’re probably wondering why I’ve gathered you all here,” he chuckled to himself, dark and disgusting. “Well, since my wife was a cheating slut who posted her sex tapes online, I figured I might as well have some fun of my own. With an audience, of course.”
“Dan, you don’t have to--” Ed started, but the perp cut him off immediately.
“Shut up! Don’t give me that crap. You and I both know I’m not getting out of here alive. Now, if you want this pretty little cop to live, you’ll let her take off her fucking pants like I asked.” 
You didn’t wait for their response. The gun pressing into your temple was enough to persuade you. Your hands were shaking violently as you lifted them to undo your slacks. Your eyes were set on Sonny, trying to show him how apologetic you were, that he should go and that you didn’t want him to see you like this. 
That was it. Sonny let out a sob, his tears spilling over. He was a blubbering mess in seconds, and Rollins was ushering him out of the canopy, pushing him towards the back of an ambulance. He was resisting, though; you needed him more than ever. 
“Carisi,” Rollins warned, her hands on his biceps. 
“I have to go,” he cried, trying to push his way out her grasp.
“Carisi,” she repeated, louder this time. Her hands moved to wrap around his wrists as he writhed under her grip. 
Fin noticed the commotion. He left the wretched scene in front of him in exchange for another one. He grabbed Carisi, holding him back. “Carisi. Come on, man, don’t do this.”
He was caught up in the struggle when it happened. The unmistakable crack of the gun stopped Sonny’s heart. Fin’s grip eased out of shock, his eyes wide as he undoubtedly worried the same thing that Sonny did.
That moment was enough. Sonny broke free, his long legs sending him running into the house as other officers stormed in. Amanda chased after him, only stopping when Sonny stopped dead in his tracks.
The sobbing widow was being ushered out of the house, and Mike was being wrapped in a shock blanket, but Sonny didn’t notice them. All he could look at was you.
You collapsed under the weight of the perp’s body, shaking violently as his blood soaked into your shirt. Unis pulled him off of you, and Sonny didn’t wait a moment longer. 
He rushed to you, trying to hold your entire body all at once. Sobs escaped him as you shook in his arms, unable to hold him back but wanting nothing more than to be in his embrace.
“I thought you were dead,” Sonny sobbed, stroking your hair as he rocked in his grasp. “I thought Dan--”
Liv cut him off, placing a hand on his shoulder. She saw you stiffen at the name, saw the shock and terror still on your face. Sonny released you, allowing Olivia to wrap a shock blanket around you. “Dodds got him,” she explained. “He lunged for his gun when the perp closed his eyes during... during the assault.”
You couldn’t hear anything she was saying, though, barely processing it. 
And then, it all came to the surface. Tears began to escape and your breathing became labored, hands suddenly, desperately reaching towards the only comfort you had.
Sonny responded immediately, wrapping you in his arms, hushing you. Liv gave you space as he held you, knowing that the stretcher was on its way. 
“I got you, doll,” he whispered, tears of his own falling. “You’re safe now. No one’s ever gonna hurt you again, okay? I’ve got you, forever. You’re safe.”
He was saying it for his own sake, too. 
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uncpanda · 3 years
42 with sonny. the man has many sisters and definitely knows how to do a nice braid
This is now a cannon fact. Make it so. Declare it for all the world to hear! 
Sonny x GN!Reader 
Prompt: braiding the other’s hair
“Hey Sonshine.” 
Your boyfriend’s head peaks into the room, where you’re standing with hair ties and a brush. He grins, “You need some help doll?” 
You sag and relief, “Yes, please.” 
He pulls you onto the bed, in-between his legs.  You’d never been all that great at doing your hair. You had never really been able to manipulate your hands the right way or twist the strands into anything other than a tangle. 
You’re been dating two months the first time Sonny had done your hair. You’d been on the couch, held in his arms, while watching a rather cheesy movie when you had felt his fingers move through your hair. 
He had done it repeatedly, easing out the small little tangles that had happened during the day. Your interest had been piqued when you felt soft tugs, and then a few sharper ones. You felt his fingers move down your hair until he got to the ends, at which point he whispered, “Babe, you got a hair tie?” 
He was quick to hop the back of the couch, and come back a minute later, with several hair-ties, and your brush. You had heard him take a quick picture with his phone and then he had started undoing the style. He’d gone through three more throughout the rest of the movie. 
And he was happy to show you the pictures afterwards, all while recounting his favorite parts of the movie. Apparently, he had to keep his hands busy in order to concentrate on a movie. 
Now Sonny did your hair all the time. He said he love the feeling of it, and thanks to three sisters, he was really good at it. 
Of course, doing hair for work was much different than doing hair while a movie was playing. Hair for work included pulling you as close as he can, his legs on either side of you while he pulled and twisted hair and dropped the occasional kiss to your throat, or shoulder, or the back of your neck. To be completely honest, you lived for these mornings. And the jealous looks you got from your co workers for your hair, and the love bites weren’t too bad either. 
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altsvu · 4 years
🧠 I pulled this from a random prompt list I found...but it’s cute! "My family thinks we're dating" with Sonny please 😊 Congrats on 100 followers!!!
we’re not dating!
pairing: sonny carisi x female reader
wc: 291
tw: none
a/n: i definitely found this prompt super cute! i hope you enjoy!! 💗
Everyone in the squad thought that the relationship you and Sonny had suggested that you were dating. When you first started out at SVU, Sonny connected with you the most out of everyone else. You thought nothing of it, you enjoy how happy Sonny made you feel.
One day he invited you over to dinner, and even though you insisted against it, he had ultimately convinced you to meet his family. You dressed nicely, wearing a dress that you bought a while ago thinking you would wear it soon and a pair of heels. You even put on a piece of your more precious jewelry and some makeup, which was more than just mascara.
Sonny thought you looked amazing when he saw you. He’d never really see you in anything other than your work attire and it was mind blowing. Him introducing you to his family was a breeze. His mother and sisters adored you already, and right off the bat, they asked you a bunch of questions about you and Sonny.
“There is no me and Sonny. We’re just very close friends and work partners.” you smiled. Sonny closely agreed, not wanting his family to think anything besides that.
A few nights after the dinner, Sonny needed to talk to you. He brought you to the locker area so it would be more private.
“Sonny, what’s wrong?” You asked.
“My family thinks we’re dating!” Sonny exclaimed. He then proceeded to talk about how his family kept talking about you and how good you were to him.
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m sure it’ll all blow over soon.” You assured him.
But deep inside you, you thought that it was possible that you could, well, actually be dating a one Sonny Carisi.
taglist: @detective-giggles @lapaquerette @itsjustmyfantasyroom @storiesofsvu @averyhotchner @redlipstickandplaid @ssaic-jareau @blackbeautifulqueen
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detective-giggles · 3 years
Barisi double drabble
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Word count: 200
Just a little Barisi fluff to start your week:
Rafael moseyed aimlessly around his empty apartment, before collapsing onto the couch and sighing. Sonny had been away to training for the past week and the apartment was quiet- too quiet, if you asked Rafael.
They weren’t even living together yet, and Rafael hadn’t realized how much of a fixture Sonny was in his life. And his apartment. At first glance, the detective was loud, obnoxious, and had a constant need for validation.
Then, Rafael got to know him. He was funny, and sweet, with a heart of gold. He made Rafael feel safe and cared for in a way nobody had before. And, let’s face it, he was the best sex Rafael had ever had.
He hadn’t expected for the detective to charm him so completely. To slip into Rafael’s life so seamlessly, it was like he’s always been there. And, as cliche as it sounded, Rafael missed the way his smile could light up a room. Sonny Carisi was a fucking literal ray of sunshine. And Rafael was miserable without him.
He pouted a while longer before hearing the key in the lock.
“Rafi? I’m here!”
Rafael grinned, Sonny was back, in his home, right where he belonged.
taglist: @itsjustmyfantasyroom @moderateshouting
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luna-jaden-shadow · 4 years
Buried in Work
Request - Hello ! I hope you're having a wonderful day ✨ If you are comfortable, may I request something ? Carisi (SVU) x reader ? Maybe um... Idk.. The reader being so busy that they didn't even have time to sleep and Carisi is worried when they fall asleep suddenly on him? Idk I'm tired 🤣
Warning - Sleep Deprivation, 
Pairing - Dominick “Sonny” Carisi X Reader
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“Have you been sleeping lately?” It was a simple question to anyone lately. The obvious answer to that should be yes, to you it as a wave of confusion. When was the last time you actually slept in your bed? Had you even slept that night that passed? Had the night passed yet? What day is it even? It was a mystery to you as you sit at your desk, buried in paperwork from cases that had been put off for a week or so, they had to be done. 
Your entire past week has been nothing but reading and writing and drinking coffee. The only free time you actually had was when a case came in and you were needed on the field. Your partner in crime, Carisi, was so kind as to bring you lunch when you didn’t bother to get up on lunch break. You had told him that the work needed to get done and since then he’d just opted to bring you lunch. 
A hand gently falls to your shoulder, making you jump from the paper you were reading. A chuckle comes from Carisi as he takes the seat next to you, moving the paper from in front of you. “Eat.” He places a bag on the table where the paper was, giving you a pointed look before you could even argue with him. The growl that pulls from your stomach is enough to prove his point, you need to eat. 
With a huff of defeat, you take out the food that Carisi had gotten you. “Thanks.” You mumble, glancing at him as you eat. This cocky smile takes over his face as he looks at you then back down to the paper. “I was almost done reading that one.” You say though he could barely make it out through all the food in your mouth. 
Carisi looks up from the paper again, this time catching the two empty coffee cups on the table no doubt from today alone. “Pulling an all-nighter?” He tries to joke like he hadn’t noticed that you’d been in the same position every day. He’d noticed every time that you’d dose off even for a moment before jerking back awake and either getting coffee or going back to work. When you don’t reply he raises an eyebrow, finally setting the paper down on the desk. “All weeker?” He offers, noticing the way that you tense up, instantly pushing your food away at your sudden loss of apatite. 
You shrug after a moment, rubbing the back of your neck. “The work has to get done.” Is all you offer to him but that’s not enough for him. 
“You need to sleep Y/n.” He goes on, getting you to look at him. “Look, I’ll do some of this if you’ll sleep, even just a little bit.” There he goes, pulling the puppy dog eyes that always get you. You huff out a breath again before giving in and nodding. “Good, you know where the-”
Carisi freezes when you lean your head to the side, resting on his shoulder. The second that your eyes shut you were out like a light like your body was begging to sleep. A smile pulls on Carisi’s lips as he looks down at you then to the papers.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Law & Order: SVU Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dominick "Sonny" Carisi Jr./Amanda Rollins Characters: Dominick "Sonny" Carisi Jr., Amanda Rollins Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Morning Cuddles, Lazy Mornings, Morning Kisses, Early Mornings, Domestic Fluff, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Short & Sweet, Drabble Summary:
Season 23 Premiere + Who fell in love with who first?
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userarchive · 4 years
Unexpected Circumstances, Ch 1
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Rating: 18+. Warnings: Language, talk of the job, sex trafficking, smut in future chapters. Summary: Sonny Carisi x Reader. Sonny thought you were dead for the past 7 years, the truth starts to come out as you turn up in an SVU interrogation room. A/N: I did give the reader a name in this one, just to further accent moments of nicknames vs first vs last names used, but the rest of it is all written as a reader insert. 
It was a hot night in June and the SVU had busted a sex trafficking ring, there were barely any underage girls, but it seemed to be a good bust so far, they’d arrested a number of pimps, John’s, Martha’s and who knew what else. You, however, were stuck in an interrogation room, pacing back and fourth waiting for a detective to actually show up. You were annoyed to say the least, having already ruined your night, someone really should have at least come in to start questioning you, some common decency, you thought.
Carisi had not only been frustratingly called in in the middle of the night, much to his dismay, but he walked into the precinct hoping for somewhat of an easy case, which it clearly wasn’t going to be. It was late, SVU at least thought they knew what they were doing, Olivia briefed him on the case, pointing out the specifics of who they figured they had in the rooms already, mainly John’s, people who had something to make a deal with as soon as someone started to question them. He only heard about half of what she was telling him, his mind clouded with the fog of sleep, trying to focus on thinking clearly. When they got to interrogation 3, his heart nearly stopped. Sonny took a moment to view the scene behind the glass, his eyes absorbing as much as he could, his chest felt tight, shocked tears nearly sprung into his eyes, though anger boiled in his stomach, he didn’t know how to feel, every emotion coursing through his veins. There was no way it could be her, right? Liv barely noticed the change in him as she rattled on about the sex ring, his ears pounded, not hearing a word the captain said, his palms felt sweaty, his gut felt sick, and his heart ached like he never knew it could. The woman on the other side of the glass was pacing slowly across the room, clad in a skin tight hot pink dress,  a deep neck line, and the highest of leg lines, her feet in a pair of matching stilettos, she looked frustrated to be there, and a moment later, there was nothing stopping him from bursting into that interrogation room, not even Olivia’s surprise, emotion had taken over, he had no control anymore.
Your head shot up when the door finally opened,  “Fuck.” You thought your stomach dropping when you saw the man in front of you, you felt like you might puke, might cry, you might scream, you’d known this had potentially been a possibility, but you had hadn’t prepared yourself for this. You were supposed to stay in different jurisdictions, but the moment Manhattan came into play things changed slightly, once he became an A.D.A. things were supposed to run as normal. You held back a sob, not prepared for the million emotions running through your brain, shame, love, sadness, anger, you nearly felt tears in your eyes as the man approached into the room. 10 years of handling rather stressful intense situations, and you had absolutely no clue how to deal with this, how to cope.
Sonny was silent, slowly taking you in, as if you were some kind of mirage, which, considering the circumstances, made complete sense, his heart hammered in his chest, there was no way this was real. He felt tears spring into his eyes as he tried to deal with the thousand emotions coursing through his body. He stuttered slowly, trying to form a sentence as you tried to coerce some kind of truth out of your head.
“It’s really you?” Sonny finally spoke, the words barely a whisper thinking that something too loud would scare you away.
“Dominick…” You trailed off, not even knowing quite what to say to keep him from going off the rails.
“Yeah…” You replied, looking down at your heels, guilt reeling through your veins. His face was a mixture of anger and sorrow, and a little bit of delight, but you couldn’t quite pinpoint the main emotion.
“You’re alive.” It was a monotone statement, you  gave no response. You knew he was the A.D.A. working Manhattan Sex Crimes but you didn’t think they were gonna call him in at this late hour, you’d hoped to have a little time to reappear literally anywhere but an interrogation room. “It’s been YEARS,” Sonny stopped abruptly maybe giving you a chance to defend yourself, maybe trying to figure out what angle he was going to work and when your heart clenched, and you barely choked out a vowel, he started his assault. “How dare you!! Ya’ wanna explain what the fuck you were doin’ in the middle of a sex trafficking ring? They said YOU’RE in charge?! You been workin’ with them for years, you’ve sold and bought girls, you’re a fuckin’ criminal!” Anger seemed to be the primary emotion that he decided to go with, clearly he’d heard at least part of what Benson had said.
“What do think I was doing Dominick?!” Your anger started to show, blood boiling in your veins, your brain clouded with the thought that Sonny could actually believe the hate he was spewing. Fighting like this, when emotions were as tense and high as they were was never a good idea, anger met with anger never ended well. “Seriously, you’re going that route, you think I’m fucking criminal?! REALLY?!”
“So? WHAT?” Carisi was right up in your face, which egged you on even further, it was only a matter of minutes before you were both yelling in Italian, “Ya’ decide ta walk out on everything and go….go, live the hard life, ruin your entire career just to be some drug addicted whore, fuckin’ your pimp every night?! THAT’S the life you wanted? You’re a disgrace Soph, no better than your low life of a father!” Carisi was beyond angry, and you were past the point of thinking straight, the comment about your family was too far, too close to home, Sonny knew exactly how hard you’d worked to differ yourself from their life, how you’d left before they could suck you into all of their demons, escaping out to Staten Island to finish off school. You didn’t even realize your hand was moving until it hit Sonny square across the face, he tried to wrangle your hands behind your back, but you were faster, wrenching his arm behind his back, pushing his torso in the interrogation table. Within seconds, Benson and Fin were in the room, you raised your hands in defeat, backing up from Carisi.
“Chartreuse.” You stated clearly, partially annoyed at the interruption, partially relieved you could finally clear things up.
“What?” Fin cocked an eyebrow in confusion.
“It’s the colour of the day.” Liv replied, you nodded towards her, dropping your hands to your sides.
“Detective Sophie Montgomery, badge number 37852.” 
“What unit?” Benson wasn’t going to let you go that easily, 
“Staten Island Vice as of 7 years ago, got transferred to Manhattan SVU about a year ago,” You gestured down to your outfit, “For obvious reasons, I couldn’t exactly show up at the precinct. Talk to Captain Campbell, he was my check in despite the transfer.”
Carisi stared back at you with a complete look of disbelief on his face, his stomach in knots, his brain not even knowing what to truly think. He wanted you to answer a million questions, but not here, not with everyone at SVU around. He knew you’d been gone, but some part of him always believed that you weren’t actually dead a sliver of hope for him to hold on to. 7 years was so long, but he’d clung on, praying that, somehow, you’d been alive the entire time, even though he knew how unrealistic it was, but as it turned out, his hoping and praying was right. He also felt like a complete idiot for getting so enraged at you, of course you were working a UC op! The first time he’d met you was at a party, arresting you while you were barely out of the academy. Though that didn’t mean that he wasn’t conflicted, he was confused, and the anger still sat in his chest, trying to truly figure everything out. Benson sighed heavily, breaking his concentration before you spoke again.
“I need to keep my cover, please.” Your voice was much softer this time, sighing gently you gave Dominick a subdued glance the apologies glittering in your eyes, before your detective voice came out again, “We had a bust that was going to happen next month, we had everything planned and now you’re going to have to wait six months until the ring leaders come out of hiding.” You nearly scowled at the detectives, “Put me back in holding. I’ll spend the night there, Alejandro can think I’m arrested and I’ll report for duty as soon as I can in the morning Captain.”
Olivia glanced between all the detectives in the room quickly, before nodding to Fin, “Alright, bring as much information as you can, we’re gonna need everything you can give us to charge these guys.”
“Thank you.” A satisfied smile swiftly graced your face as you turned around to be put back in cuffs before Fin led you out of the room.
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baseballbitch116 · 6 years
Pairing: Sonny Carisi x reader
Prompt: Sonny thinks that you are cheating on him
Word Count: 2008
Warnings: None
Prompt List | Submit A Request
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For the last week, you have been distant from your boyfriend Dominick. He hadn’t noticed right away, thinking that maybe you were just in a bad mood or stressed about work. But when you began turning him down a lot, he grew suspicious.
It started when he came into your shared room after getting home from a long day. You were on your laptop, and didn’t even notice when he entered the room. He stood in the doorway for a moment, looking at you, waiting for you to acknowledge him, but you didn’t. He clears his throat and comes in, heading over to his side to put away his tie and change into night clothes. “Oh, hi.” You mumble, only glancing up for a moment before returning to your laptop. He feels a little hurt, as he missed you all day and you don’t seem to care that he is finally home. “Yeah, hey.” He responds dryly, and you don’t question his tone.
When he gets in bed beside you, you close your laptop, hastily, catching his attention. “What’re ya workin on?” He asks, growing suspicious.
“Nothing important. You going to sleep?” You ask, grabbing your cell-phone and unlocking it with your fingerprint rather than password.
“Thought we could lay here for a while, maybe watch a movie?” He asks, stretching his right arm out to rub your back and invite you into his arms, but you ignore him, too wrapped up in whoever you are texting. “Doll?” He speaks, growing irritated, wanting your company.
Your phone begins buzzing and you toss the blanket off of yourself, standing up to answer, not responding to Sonny.
“Hello? Hey. Yeah? I-.” You speak to the person on the other line, then remember that Sonny is in the room. You glance to him, who has a displeased look on his face as he brings his arm back to his side, and decide to take your call in the kitchen, exiting the room without another word.
The next night when Sonny gets home, you are asleep on the sofa, your laptop beside you. He bends down beside you, whispering that he’s going to take you to the room, but you only groan and tell him no, that you’re comfy. He stands back up, feeling mad and a little insecure, wanting nothing more than to hold his girlfriend, but instead trudges into their shared room to sleep alone.
This continues for a few nights in a row, of you falling asleep on the couch or staying up late on your laptop. Whenever Sonny would come near you when you are on your laptop, you would close it or switch the tab, and you would get these calls late at night that you would take out of the room.
The final straw was when Sonny finally had a day off and asked if you wanted to go out to lunch together, but you told him you already made plans. You did apologize to him, and give him a quick meaningless kiss on his cheek, the most affection that he has had from you all week. Sonny felt angry and hurt. He finally gets a day off and you would rather spend it with someone other than him. He knows he might be being a little childish, but is it a crime to miss your girlfriend?
He ended up calling Nick, asking for his advice, fearing that you could be cheating on him. Nick explained how Maria was acting when he thought she was cheating on him, and tried to assure him that he could be wrong just like Nick was, but it only worried Sonny even more. You are acting just like Maria was.
He decided to to press you a little as you got dressed to go out. You put on a nice pair of jeans and a new shirt that he hadn’t seen before. “Who are you going out with?” He asks as he lays in bed, not paying attention to the show he put on.
“Just a friend.” You respond nonchalauntly. Sonny feels his chest tighten. In the past, you would always tell him who, where you’re going, when to expect you back. Now, “just a friend”.
“You gotta dress up for this ‘friend’?” He asks, scoffing. You turn from the mirror where you were doing your makeup and give him a look.
“I’m not dressing up. Excuse me for wanting to look presentable.” You respond, turning back away from him, pissed off.
“Haven’t worn anythin but sweats round the house all week. You wanna look presentable for this ‘friend’ but not for me?” He complains, raising his voice, and stands up, stomping out of the room and slamming the door behind himself.
You do feel bad, you know that you have been distant this week. You just can’t be around Sonny, he knows you too well. He can tell when something is up, as seen just now, and you aren’t ready to tell him yet. So you finish your makeup then grab your bag and head out to the living room to get your shoes. You chose your black booted heels, and look over at Sonny for a moment, debating what to say or do. He is sitting at the counter, a beer in hand, clearly pissed off.
You walk over and give him a kiss on his cheek, moving a loose piece of hair out of his face. “I’ll be back in a few hours.” You mutter, then walk out the door without another word. He turns back to face the door, staring at it for a moment, feeling the pain in his chest. He wants to trust you, but you have never acted like this before. He takes another big swig of his beer then slams it down, pulling on his shoes and grabbing his keys, heading out to his unmarked police car to follow you.
He successfully trails you to the strip mall, parking across the street as he watches you wait outside of a store for someone. He prays that he is wrong, that it will just be one of your girl friends and he is overthinking. But then he sees a man with dark black hair approach you and you smile at him, giving him a big hug. He feels the rage building up in his body as he stares at you talking and laughing with this man he has never seen before. It takes everything in him to not go over and beat the guy up, but he tries to wait and see what you two do.
He follows you guys to a little outdoor cafe, where you sit side by side and talk. It certainly looks like you are on a date. From how far away Sonny is, he can’t quite see your facial expressions, but to him it looks like you are having a good time. Then he sees you rest your head on this man’s shoulder, and he draws the line. Clearly you are on a date, and he is furious. He gets out of his car, slamming the door shut hard, and stalks across the street to where the two of you sit. “Are ya serious?!” He hollers, startling you, who quickly take your head off of the man and sit up straight. Sonny walks right up to the guy and lifts him off his seat by his collar, preparing to hit him until you jump up and get in the way. “Sonny stop!” You scream, shoving him. He stares at you, enraged that you are taking this guy’s side over his.
He releases the guy, turning his attention to you. “I can’t believe you followed me!” You exclaim, not caring that you are causing a scene.
“What was I supposed to do?! You have been weird all week, I knew you were cheating on me! How could you?!” He hollers, his eyes unintentionally tearing up at he stares at you. He had taken notice of your smeared makeup and red eyes, but said nothing, not putting two and two together.
“Cheating?! Zack is my cousin! My gay cousin! That I have told you all about!” You exclaim, shoving Sonny again angrily. He turns to look at the guy, who stands there, arms crossed, and gives him a sassy look. Sonny looks back to you, suddenly feeling crazy.
“You could have told me you were going out with him then! Not just ‘a friend’! The hell was I supposed to think, seeing you laying all over some guy here?!” He yells, his tone a little lower than before. He is so frustrated, he doesn’t wait for you to reply, just stalking back across the street to his car. You follow after him, not finished with him yet. “I cannot believe you followed me!” You exclaim, causing him to spin right back around.
“You have been avoiding me all week! Changed the password on your phone, closing your laptop when I’m around! Never being on the phone around me, you haven’t even acknowledged me all week!” He replies, and you feel your heart sting as you see his heartbroken face. You hadn’t realized you were being that distant, that it affected him so much.
“I…” You start, not sure what to say.
“Forget it.” Sonny huffs, getting into his car, slamming the door again, and drives off, leaving you standing there feeling guilty.
Later that night, you come home, closing the door behind you quietly. You have to tell him the truth, you just don’t want to. You head to your bedroom and spot him laying there, television on, looking miserable. He is happy when he sees you, though he doesn’t let that be shown. He was worried that you wouldn’t come home.
“I’m pregnant.” You announce from the doorway, getting it over with. His head shoots to look at you and he sits up straight. “I’ve been doing research all week on my laptop and I have been on the phone with Amanda and Zack, trying to figure out what to do. I’ve been avoiding you cuz I didn’t know how to tell you.” You explain, arms crossed as you lean against the doorframe, your face emotionless. You are mad that Sonny followed you and caused a scene, but you do understand why he did.
He only stares at you, his eyes wide, clearly stunned. Everything makes sense to him now. You feel like he doesn’t believe you so you walk over to your side of the bed and put your password into your laptop, handing it to him. You have four different tabs up about pregnancy and doctors in the area. He stares at the page for a while, trying to process this, then places the laptop aside and stands up.
“I’m so sorry doll.” He mutters, his eyes tearing up again. You huff and open your arms to him, letting him envelope you in a big hug. “I should have just talked to you. I’m so sorry.” He mutters, running his hands through your hair and down your back. He is afraid to let you go, and it feels so good to have you back in his arms.
“Yes, you should have.” You start, talking against his hard chest. “But I understand how you must have felt. I’m sorry too.” You say, pulling back with your arms still around his torso, leaning up as a sign for him to kiss you. He cups your face leans down, kissing you passionately, melting into your presence.
When you pull away, he grins at you happily. “What?” You ask, confused by his sudden change of emotion.
“I’m gonna be a dad?” He asks, and you smile at him, nodding. He picks you up, spinning you around the room and kisses you again before setting you down. “This is great!” He begins rambling about all of the stuff he has to do and how to prepare, pacing around the room and you just sit down and watch him, shaking your head adoringly.
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ceethewriter · 1 year
fandom: law & order SVU
relationship: barisi
Rafael shut his eyes against the brightness of the moon through the slatted blinds. He’d close them if his head didn’t pound and his stomach churn with every movement.
Sonny would have closed them for him, but Sonny had left after the row. Perhaps this time it would be for good, and perhaps that was for the best; Sonny deserved better.
Rafael still murmured his name, for all the good it did.
Then Sonny’s soft voice on the other side of the bedroom door cut through the pain in his head, and the ache in his heart. “You in there?”
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bullet-prooflove · 6 years
Lucky - Sonny Carisi x Reader
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    You realise how lucky you are to have Sonny in your life.
Your phone was ringing, that loud shrill ring tone was echoing through your bedroom as your hand fumbled for it on the nightstand, patting the coarse wood.
    “It’s in the back pocket of your jeans.” Sonny’s sleepy voice informed you. “On the floor.”
    Your brain took a minute to process that information before you scrambled out of the bed, your hands seeking out the dull illumination somewhere in the trail of clothes leading from the living room and into the bedroom. Memories assaulted your senses as you located your denim skinny jeans, digging into each of the pockets before locating the device.
    Sonny’s hands were on your hips, his thumbs lightly ghosting over the expanse of skin on display between your jeans and bra. You didn’t know when your shirt had come off and you didn’t care, all that mattered was the feel of his hot breath on your needy flesh as he guided the jeans down along your slender legs, leaving you clad in just a pair of pink lace panties and a bra. His fingertips trailed up along the backs of your thighs, weaving lazy hot circles that made you gasp and arch towards his waiting mouth. You were wet, hell you had been from the very moment he kissed had you at the apartment door.
    “I want to taste you.” he had whispered as his hands had grasped your firm ass, drawing you even closer to his demanding form.
    The words sent a deviant thrill through you, you had never been with a lover as vocal as Sonny. That rampant need was filling you up deep inside, your breathing hitching as he pressed his mouth to that clothed bundle of nerves, his tongue teasing along the hem of your underwear.
    Your head had tipped back, your silky hair falling over your shoulders as you cried out his name, your fingers threading in his hair.
    He had loved you with his mouth for what felt like hours, rising you up and taking you to highs that you had never imagined possible before him. He was the only man who had ever made you feel that sensation of completeness. When you made love, the world outside disappeared leaving only the two of you in its wake.
    You shook those thoughts from your head before your thumb slid across the touch screen answering the call.
    “Hi Toni.” You greeted, your voice still thick with sleep as you knelt on the floor amongst the abandoned garments. It was still early, you could tell that much from the grey light that was beginning to filter through the slight openings between the slats of your wooden blinds.
    It was the sound of Toni’s voice you found yourself listening to, his words penetrating your brain slowly as he spoke. You could feel herself waking up, that steely logic beginning to surface as you asked a series of questions you didn’t remember thinking. Already you were on your feet, snatching up clothes from the drawers of your dresser as you listened to Tony’s responses. Your partner Charlie was alright, Toni was on the scene, your captain would be there soon, but they needed all hands on deck.
    You set your phone down on the surface of the polished wood before drawing in a deep breath.
    “Baby?” Sonny questioned from his position in your bed. The lower half of his lean body was twisted in the sheets from your love making as he propped his head up on his hand. His cobalt blue eyes studying you.
    “Charlie’s been in a shootout.” you informed your lover before grasping your jeans and sitting on the edge of the bed. Sonny watched in silence as you pulled on a pair of black cotton panties, followed by your jeans. “He’s ok but the situation... it’s complicated.”
    Sonny gave you a knowing look as he passed you the bra that had ended up at the bottom of the bed. He knew there was more to the story than you could tell him. Instead he leaned forward, pressing a kiss to your bare shoulder causing you to shiver at his touch, you made a low noise in your throat as he left a fiery trail up along the curve of your throat until his chin came to rest upon your shoulder.
   “Let me know if you need anything.” Sonny said, withdrawing from you before pulling back the sheets and clambering from the bed entirely naked. You threaded your arms through the bra straps, watching as he picked up his black fitted boxers from the floor before carefully stepping into them.
    “Where are you off to?” you questioned as you fastened the bra before using your fingertips to adjust it slightly.
    “I’m going to find your travel mug.” he informed you simply with a nonchalant shrug. “At least that way you’ll be able to get some caffeine in your system before you make it to the scene.”
    You watched as his sexy form slipped out of the bedroom, your ears pricking up as you heard the kettle clicking on and Sonny clattering around the kitchen in search of your travel mug.
    Sometimes you wondered how on earth you had gotten this lucky.
   Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee   
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musicalmedic · 6 years
“Next Chapter” Drabble, Sonny Carisi x Reader
My hands won’t stop shaking. I can hear my own ragged breathing, but can’t seem to hear anything else – it’s all muffled. Hot blood is running down my face, I can feel it masking my vision and can taste it in my mouth. The pungent smell of iron is nauseating. I can’t tell if its mine – I don’t think it is. Or maybe I’m dead. I can’t say for sure. There’s someone crying in the background…the victim. We were here to rescue someone. Everything is blurred and fuzzy, but suddenly things start to focus and I see the Lieutenant ascending the stairs, holstering her weapon. She has that naturally reassuring look on her face and says something like “you’re alright” as she walks passed me. I don’t think I am, but this isn’t about me…
I sink to the ground, my legs failing to hold me up any longer. I’m struggling to take in air; it feels like there is a tight band around my chest keeping me from taking a deep breath. I manage to shove Cole’s gun away, the sight of the weapon making me queasy as I recount that it was just being held to my head. My privilege of living being weighed by a desperate man. I give Lieu a thankful nod, the world finally coming back in to focus. My mind starts to race at everything that happens next – a load of paperwork, that’s for sure. Lieu and I will both need to write extensive reports. I’ll need to go to the hospital for blood work and write the “on the job blood exposure” report. I need to get downstairs and clean up. I just want to change clothes. I just need to go home.
You glance wearily at the clock and try to swallow the ache that arises at how much you miss Sonny when he runs late like this. Its part of the job, you understand, but it doesn’t make it any easier. You stare blankly at the dishes in the sink, swirling your hands around in the warm, sudsy water. The house is quiet and the last rays of sunset have disappeared, leaving only the street lights reflecting in the windows. At long last you hear the sound of the garage door running, followed by Sonny’s car pulling in. You smile to yourself, filled with longing to have his arms around you. You quickly finish washing the dish in your hand and begin to dry it. You hear the house door open and the familiar rattle of Sonny tossing his keys on the entryway table. You untie your apron and toss it on the counter, turning around just as Sonny appears in the doorway.
“Hi, baby,” you say happily. You smile dies on your lips as you take in Sonny’s disheveled appearance and the look of exhausted anguish on his face. He forces a small half-smile for you.
“Hey, Doll, how are you?” He asks, tossing his blazer on the kitchen chair.
“Fine…” you reply worriedly.
Sonny shakes his head and waves a hand, dismissing the concern he hears in your voice. He doesn’t want to talk about it. He’s afraid to start talking about it. He comes to you instead and wraps his arms around you tightly. You bring your arms around his waist and hold him close, resting your head against his chest and inhaling deeply, comforted by the feeling of him near you. He smells like he bathed in hospital antiseptic.
“Are you okay?” You mutter into his shirt. You feel him place a kiss on top of your head.
“I’m fine, sweetheart. Just got a little blood on me at work,” He struggles to block out the memory, which is much more vivid than he’d like it to be.
You know there must be more to the story, but you also know better than to push Sonny to talk if he isn’t ready. Instead you let him hold you, bringing comfort to you both. You run your hands soothingly up and down his back, keeping your head against his chest and feeling the steady rise and fall of him breathing. You can hear his heart pounding and feel tremors working their way through him as he holds you, and you know this was more than just a “tough case”.
You begin to wonder if Sonny is ever going to let go of you, but you can feel him swaying on his feet with exhaustion. You pull away a little to look up at him, bringing your hands up to gently cup his face. His blue eyes are clouded with unshed tears and emotions that you can’t quite place. Your heart squeezes painfully in your chest as you gently stroke your thumbs across his cheeks, his days’ worth of stubble rough against your skin.
“Let’s go to bed, okay?” You whisper at him. All you want is to get him upstairs and hold him for hours and hours. You were already committed to calling in sick for your morning shift. When Sonny needed you, everything else came second.
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uncpanda · 3 years
43 from the touching prompt list with sonny!!
Of course lovely!!! And hopefully you find this idea as cute as I do. 
Sonny Carisis x GN!Reader 
Prompt 43: sitting close and knees touching
Officially done with the touch series drabbles! There were over 25 and I’m grateful to everyone who sent one in! 
Sonny is an affectionate boyfriend. He likes to be touching you at all times: an arm around your waist or shoulders, hugs, cuddles, holding your hand as you walk down the street, and lots of kisses. But when he’s around his family, he turns into a choir boy. You’re lucky if you get a side hug. 
The only exception is at dinner. When it comes time to eat, he makes sure to sit right next to you, and press his leg against yours. He gets this dopey little grin on his face that makes you chuckle. And his sisters all exchange looks because they KNOW what’s going on. Something tells you his mother knows too, by the way she’s constantly bringing up grandbabies.
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altsvu · 4 years
🧠 : Carisi in a game of truth or dare. Congrats on 100!!!
truth or dare
pairing: sonny carisi x gender neutral reader
wc: 245
tw: mentions of drinking
a/n: thank you so much love! ❤️🥰 i hope you enjoy this!
You knew you wanted to get to know Sonny better. But you didn’t think it would be through a game of truth or dare. It was a long night at the precinct and you and him were the only people there.
“Hey let’s play a game.” You suggested.
“Sure what do you wanna play?”
You smirked, pulling out a bottle of wine from your purse. Sonny laughed. “Why do you conveniently have a bottle of wine?”
“Because, we’re playing truth or dare.”
Sonny groaned, his head in his hands.
“What? It’ll be fun. Plus it wouldn’t matter if we got a little drunk, we’re off tomorrow.”
You and Carisi played a few rounds, and things were going super well. It ranged from simple dares, to sharing heartfelt truths about your lives. Yeah, the two of you were a bit tipsy from taking sips of wine after turning down dares that you refused to do, but that’s what made the game even more fun.
“Okay, okay, your turn,” you said. “Truth or dare?”
You bit your lip. You wanted it to be a little risqué, something that you didn’t think Sonny would do.
“I dare you... to kiss me on the lips.” You said in a hushed voice.
Sonny lifted an eyebrow. “I’ll do it.”
And so he did. Even when a bit drunk, Sonny was a good kisser.
“God, I’m gonna have to play truth or dare with you more often.” You confirmed.
taglist: @storiesofsvu @blackbeautifulqueen @detective-giggles @lapaquerette @itsjustmyfantasyroom @averyhotchner @redlipstickandplaid @ssaic-jareau
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