#lunch break drabbles when I really should be doing homework
musicalmedic · 6 years
“Next Chapter” Drabble, Sonny Carisi x Reader
My hands won’t stop shaking. I can hear my own ragged breathing, but can’t seem to hear anything else – it’s all muffled. Hot blood is running down my face, I can feel it masking my vision and can taste it in my mouth. The pungent smell of iron is nauseating. I can’t tell if its mine – I don’t think it is. Or maybe I’m dead. I can’t say for sure. There’s someone crying in the background…the victim. We were here to rescue someone. Everything is blurred and fuzzy, but suddenly things start to focus and I see the Lieutenant ascending the stairs, holstering her weapon. She has that naturally reassuring look on her face and says something like “you’re alright” as she walks passed me. I don’t think I am, but this isn’t about me…
I sink to the ground, my legs failing to hold me up any longer. I’m struggling to take in air; it feels like there is a tight band around my chest keeping me from taking a deep breath. I manage to shove Cole’s gun away, the sight of the weapon making me queasy as I recount that it was just being held to my head. My privilege of living being weighed by a desperate man. I give Lieu a thankful nod, the world finally coming back in to focus. My mind starts to race at everything that happens next – a load of paperwork, that’s for sure. Lieu and I will both need to write extensive reports. I’ll need to go to the hospital for blood work and write the “on the job blood exposure” report. I need to get downstairs and clean up. I just want to change clothes. I just need to go home.
You glance wearily at the clock and try to swallow the ache that arises at how much you miss Sonny when he runs late like this. Its part of the job, you understand, but it doesn’t make it any easier. You stare blankly at the dishes in the sink, swirling your hands around in the warm, sudsy water. The house is quiet and the last rays of sunset have disappeared, leaving only the street lights reflecting in the windows. At long last you hear the sound of the garage door running, followed by Sonny’s car pulling in. You smile to yourself, filled with longing to have his arms around you. You quickly finish washing the dish in your hand and begin to dry it. You hear the house door open and the familiar rattle of Sonny tossing his keys on the entryway table. You untie your apron and toss it on the counter, turning around just as Sonny appears in the doorway.
“Hi, baby,” you say happily. You smile dies on your lips as you take in Sonny’s disheveled appearance and the look of exhausted anguish on his face. He forces a small half-smile for you.
“Hey, Doll, how are you?” He asks, tossing his blazer on the kitchen chair.
“Fine…” you reply worriedly.
Sonny shakes his head and waves a hand, dismissing the concern he hears in your voice. He doesn’t want to talk about it. He’s afraid to start talking about it. He comes to you instead and wraps his arms around you tightly. You bring your arms around his waist and hold him close, resting your head against his chest and inhaling deeply, comforted by the feeling of him near you. He smells like he bathed in hospital antiseptic.
“Are you okay?” You mutter into his shirt. You feel him place a kiss on top of your head.
“I’m fine, sweetheart. Just got a little blood on me at work,” He struggles to block out the memory, which is much more vivid than he’d like it to be.
You know there must be more to the story, but you also know better than to push Sonny to talk if he isn’t ready. Instead you let him hold you, bringing comfort to you both. You run your hands soothingly up and down his back, keeping your head against his chest and feeling the steady rise and fall of him breathing. You can hear his heart pounding and feel tremors working their way through him as he holds you, and you know this was more than just a “tough case”.
You begin to wonder if Sonny is ever going to let go of you, but you can feel him swaying on his feet with exhaustion. You pull away a little to look up at him, bringing your hands up to gently cup his face. His blue eyes are clouded with unshed tears and emotions that you can’t quite place. Your heart squeezes painfully in your chest as you gently stroke your thumbs across his cheeks, his days’ worth of stubble rough against your skin.
“Let’s go to bed, okay?” You whisper at him. All you want is to get him upstairs and hold him for hours and hours. You were already committed to calling in sick for your morning shift. When Sonny needed you, everything else came second.
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primofate · 3 years
Haikyuu! Drabble: When you get hurt (minor injuries)
Note: Ugggghhhhhhh I love these men. Honestly. wtf. How can you have so many good guys in one anime. Also please don’t take this as a sign that I’ll stop posting for Genshin, but you know, give me some space to hype over my other fandoms please XD
Warnings: it’s seriously just plain fluff
Characters: Kageyama, Tsukishima, Oikawa, Bokuto, Ushijima
“What happened to your knee?”
Is the first thing he says, his face as serious as ever, eyes looking at your bandaged knee as he approaches you in class. You laugh nervously as you unwound the school bag away from your shoulder, placing it on your desk.
“Ah, I was walking Momo-chan last night...But you know, he’s gotten so big and I guess I was a little distracted...He saw a squirrel and just went running for it and...” you trail off, feeling Kageyama’s aura change. You knew he was about to call you reprimand you, and sure enough, he says “Idiot,” just as he would to Hinata.
On closer inspection you also had a bandage around your wrist. He guessed that you tried to hold on to the leash and it dragged your hand across the pavement. 
After berating you with that one word, he wouldn’t say anything else about it. But he would, whenever he could, show some concern that you wouldn’t usually see. “I’ll take that,” he grabs your lunch box from you and you look up at him all confused as to why he’s carrying it for you today. 
But, he stops at the door of the classroom and then turns around. “Actually, let’s just eat here,” as opposed to the school rooftop where the two of you usually ate. 
And then, at the end of the school day, before you could even lift your bag over your shoulder, he’s already there and lifting it on HIS shoulder. You’re dumbfounded. “Are you going to your club? I’ll walk you first then go to mine,” 
Then it hits you. It’s because you’re hurt, and he didn’t want you to strain your knee or wrist anymore. You secretly smile but let him do what he wants. There was no stopping him when he set his mind to it after all. “Tobio-kun, you know, it’s just a scrape, I can still do things by myself,” 
“Shut up and just let me do it...” he mutters under his breath, until he drops you off to your club and goes his own way. 
And then, as your nightly routine to walk Momo-chan, you’re stunned when you see your boyfriend standing there, outside your house gates. Hands in his pockets. “T-Tobio?” 
He lived close by, but still, you didn’t expect him to be there. He snatches the leash away from you, your dog is just happily gazing at the two of you, tail swishing wildly at the fact that TWO of his favourite people are walking him today. And again, Kageyama says,
“...I need to go for a run anyway,”
“Excuse me, I’m looking for a Tsukishima-san,”
A girl in the basketball team uniform appears at the doorway of the gym, all members turn to her as she bows and straightens up. Tsukishima sighs in relief. Finally an actual excuse to rest from training. 
“That’s me,” he towers over the girl, who only blinks up at him, slightly intimidated. “Ah, uh, yeah...Y/N said that you have her spare glasses?” His eyebrows perk up. Right. You were in the basketball team, for some reason he always forgot that detail. 
He turns away without a word and goes to his bag. He did, indeed, have your spare glasses. You left it at his house last time during a study session, being the airhead that you are. He retrieves it but before handing the black box to the girl, he asks. “What happened to the ones she has?” 
He wasn’t thinking much of it. Perhaps someone accidentally stepped on it, or maybe you even accidentally broke it.
"The ball hit her face,” 
“Is she--”
The words of worry practically dies on his lips. He could feel and sense Yamaguchi and Sugawara listening in to the conversation and he’d drop dead before getting caught being worried for someone. But still, this is why he always told you that you needed sports glasses. A scratch to the eye could be dangerous.
He sighs pretty loudly, and turns to face Sugawara who was off court, standing next to Yamaguchi who was also taking a small break. “Sugawara-san, I’ll be back,” There’s a big smile on his vice captain’s face, same as Yamaguchi who knew that his friend was actually worried. 
Tsukishima ignored their stupid smiles.
“Oh! Kei,” You look up as the door to the school clinic opened, you were just sitting on one of the beds, legs moving back and forth and waiting for your teammate to retrieve the spare glasses for you. Tsukishima said that he’d handle it and as he passed the black box to you he grabs your chin and turns it in his hands, looking at your eyes. 
There was a cut under your left eye that was already patched up. He releases your face when he was sure it was actually nothing serious, only to cross his arms and smirk at you. “See, I told you that hard head of yours would come in handy. Also receive the ball with your hands, not your face,”
You puff your cheeks out in annoyance and put your spare glasses on, feeling brand new. “Sure did, but my glasses aren’t as strong as my skull,” you sulked and he only blinked. “and I was taking a break! Then suddenly I see the ball coming at me, I don’t think that’s my fault!”
“I believe you. Your team has horrid ball passing skills after all,” he’s relentless with his insults but you knew that’s just the way he was. The fact that he came all the way to the school clinic told you enough about his worry. So, you ignore his last remark and smile up at him, “Thanks for checking on me, Kei,” 
He clicks his tongue but places his hand on your head, “Let’s get you new ones tomorrow, and maybe now you’ll listen to me about those sports glasses,” 
“She’s absent today,”
Oikawa’s face fell. You hadn’t told him anything about being sick or being unwell today. He wondered what happened. However, despite his looks and carefree personality, the Aoba Johsai captain was someone who was actually quite detailed. “In that case, can someone pass me her homework? I’ll go and deliver it to her!”
Safe to say your classmates were always surprised at how much the captain doted on you. He wasn’t always doing it openly, but at least he was thoughtful and thorough.
“Y/N-chan~ How could you leave me all alone in school today?” You could practically hear the pout from the other side of the line. He’d gone to the school grounds to get some private time to call you. 
“Sorry Toru, I can’t really walk properly. It should be fine in a few days though,”
His heart did a little leap, worry etching itself on his features. “What do you mean? What happened?”
The pout in his voice was gone, replaced by what you always called “the captain voice”. 
“I sprained my ankle...It’s a long and stupid story...” you laughed but you heard him sigh. “Well, I have no choice then. Your prince will visit you after-school today!”
You didn’t think he really would. He had volleyball practice and he took those seriously. But at 8 pm, just as you finished dinner, your doorbell rang and next thing you knew he was in your room. 
Your mother just LOVED him. Sometimes you thought even more than you. She was unaware of how hyper Oikawa actually was. He certainly knew how to play his cards right. 
“Alright princess, let me see that foot,” While you were sitting on your chair he practically bent down on on one knee and inspected it. He did kind of look like a prince like that, with his volleyball jacket. Then he suddenly plopped on the floor with his legs crossed. “AAhhhh! That sucks you won’t come to school for a few days!” He was whining again and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
Without fail, every day that you were absent, he showed up at your house after practice.
It’s not that you were particularly clumsy. You were actually a pretty careful person, and that’s why Bokuto always trusted your cooking skills over his. Baking a cake shouldn’t be too hard, but you were rather unfamiliar with the oven at his place.
“Mm, so, it says here to just leave it in the oven for 45 minutes!” he has this big smile on his face and you shake the batter in the round container again. The oven had already been pre-heated and when you open the door to it, hot air greets you. 
You took the round container in your hand, and push it in. It sits just at the front of the oven and you really hate it when that happens, so, with your boyfriend still focused on the recipe (and without mittens cause you think it’ll just be quick push) you try to inch the round cake pan further in with your hand. At one point, you accidentally touch the inside of the hot oven and you recoil your hand with a loud gasp. 
“WHAT?! What what what?!” Bokuto flings the recipe book away and clutches at your hand. In all honesty it didn’t hurt that much, but you had made contact on the hot surface just enough for it to sting and startle you. “Nothing Kou, I just accidentally touched the oven,” you laugh sheepishly but he’s pulling you over to the sink.
The boy is panicking.
“Water!” You’re amazed at how he even knows what to do, running water now splashing on your hand. It wasn’t even enough to burn you, it was just a little red, that’s all. “K-Kou, it’s totally fine,” 
But he turns to you with a waterfall of tears running down his eyes and his hair has deflated from it’s usual spiky style. “I-I’m so useless!” 
‘Ah there he goes,’ you think. But you’ve been trained by Akaashi how to handle these kinds of outbursts from him. “Not at all Kou-kun, you mixed the batter so perfectly. I usually get tired when I do that, but you have really strong arms! Next time I’ll let you handle the oven too, is that okay?”
He stares at you blankly for a moment. The tears have disappeared and his lips oh-so slowly curve into a smile. He gives you a thumbs up, back to his usual flair and confidence. “Of course! Leave it to me!” and he laughs triumphantly while you thank Akaashi in your mind.
Cooking for him and Tendo at the dorms was like a weekly routine. It was mostly for Ushijima, but Tendo liked crashing the cooking party too.
“Be careful.” Ushijima says as he passes the vegetables for you to chop. You did so without any incident. The cooking itself passes by without any incident, until your hand slip off the plate you’re holding and it comes crashing down the floor, shattering into pieces, some of the pieces flying off in different directions.
Ushijima and Tendo perks up in alarm at the sudden sound, with Ushijima being the first to rise on his feet and assess the situation. You’re about to carefully just move away from the mess you made, shards littering around your feet. “Don’t move,” Ushijima tells you, noting that you were only wearing his over-sized slippers. He sees that one of the shards has cut your foot. It was small, but since it was fresh, it was still bleeding. 
“If you move you’ll hurt yourself, wait for me,” you do as told as Ushijima first sweeps off the rest of the shattered glass with a broom, disposes of it. Next he comes to you with a new set of slippers, puts it down on the now clean floor, and tells you to carefully slip out of the ones you have on, he was cautious about the small pieces. Only when you were neatly into the new set of slippers did he clean off the rest of the glass.
Tendo only sat and watched in amusement. His captain was very thorough, even with things like that. “I’ll go and get a first aid kit~” he offered as he stood and sauntered off. “Y/N, sit over there,” he pointed at a nearby chair and you merely follow. There was no use saying no to him, you knew he just wanted to check if everything was in order.
Sure enough just as Tendo comes back with the kit, Ushijima inspects your foot, eyes scanning all around it. It seems that there was only that one cut and it’d be easy to treat. You weren’t surprised that Ushijima knew what to do, watching him take some cotton and pour some alcohol on it, muttering under his breath that it would sting a bit. 
By the end of it, the cut on your foot was disinfected and bandaged properly. “Oohhhh! Good job Wakatoshi-kun!” Tendo praised his friend for the clean job and Ushijima nodded his head with a small “Mm,”
“Thank you,” you smile up at him, “and sorry for the plate, I wasn’t paying attention,” 
Ushijima makes a thoughtful sound, perhaps a little confused by your apology “...The plate is of no great value,” he simply says “it can be replaced.”
"I can’t say the same for you Y/N, so it’s good that you weren’t gravely hurt,” The blush on your cheeks is obvious and Ushijima doesn’t understand what has you so flustered, he’s just being his honest and straightforward self. 
Tendo only laughs at the display.
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Taglist:  @coldstonecrematorium @gultonluvv @fiona782 @amigenshin @foxxtrot-116
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thedeathdeelers · 3 years
a little drabble that came to mind while chatting to and exchanging juke ideas with @phantomsandsunsets (and by chatting i probably mean shouting in all caps)
please enjoy!
beating hearts baby
it had been weeks since the orpheum, weeks since he’d finally been able to touch her, hold her, and cradle her face in the palm of his hands. and although it was awkward and a little hesitant at first, they had finally managed to cross that line of will they won’t they the moment luke had accidentally slipped up and whispered that he loved her in her ear one night after a big gig.
she froze in his embrace, his body following suit, but it only took her a split second before she was tightening her arms around him and declaring her love for him, the words spilling out of her like a waterfall.
ever since then, they had become inseparable (well, more so than usual). julie would wake up in the mornings, get ready for school and make her way to the studio. she would wave goodbye to the boys, get a tight hug and a lingering kiss from luke before she made her way to where flynn was waiting for her. her best friend always looked at her with an amused but exasperated expression on her face, probably due to julie’s slightly dazed one. luke always some pride in that.
as soon as she walked down her street after school headed towards the studio, luke would beat her to it, eagerly waiting for her at the edge of the Molina green jungle. he would scoop her up the moment she was within arm’s reach, crushing her into a hug and pulling her further into the garden, away from any prying eyes - they didn’t want to have to explain to julie’s neighbours how she had suddenly mastered the art of floating.
they would walk hand in hand to the studio, julie filling him in on her day, and luke eagerly listening to every word coming out of her mouth, as if scared he might miss out on a crucial detail that made up the very essence of julie.
the day would go on with the two of them nearly attached to the hip; julie eating her lunch and luke sitting on the kitchen island chattering away about all of the new ideas he came up with while she was at school. julie sitting at her desk doing her homework, while luke scribbled away on his journal on her bed. the two of them at practice, rehearsing new songs with the boys while still making eyes at each other.
and then came their favourite part of the day: cuddling in bed and talking about the past, the present and the future, before julie drifted off into blissful slumber.
luke would spend the night eyes closed, arms wrapped tightly around the light of his life, as he tried to burn the feeling of her against him in his mind.
and although luke would never say this out loud, never dare let julie know in fear of upsetting her, he knew that as long as he was a ghost, there wasn’t much of future for them. he couldn’t envision a future where he got to keep her forever. the thought hurt him more than he could ever put into words, but he loved her enough to know that he was going to have to let her go eventually. he was a ghost, ever unchanging, no heart, no heartbeat; no blood pumping through his veins. julie deserved better - julie deserved someone who was alive.
but for now he would cherish these moments for as long as he could - and at the end of the day, he would always be there for her, no matter what.
if only he knew that he had her heart just as much as she had his non-beating one.
and so the days bled into weeks and months and years, and still the boys remained frozen in time, still as 17 as on the day they had died.
julie had just turned 17, and luke was trying very hard not to stress about the fact that she was getting closer and closer to outgrowing him, both physically and emotionally. he tried to keep it together, really, he did, but once they had settled into her bed that night, his agitation was starting to seep through his thinly veiled façade.
“luke? are you okay?” came her quiet question, staring up at him through her lashes with wide brown eyes.
her head was nestled on his chest, his arm firmly wrapped around her waist, while hers was loosely thrown over his stomach. they were like two pieces of the same puzzle: always meant to find each other and slot perfectly into place.
he knew he should lie, knew that he had never planned on letting her in on his inner turmoil, but he was never good at keeping secrets from her - especially when she looked at him that with all the trust in the world.
with a deep sigh and averted eyes, he finally shared the thoughts he’d been keeping to himself for years.
“ya, i’m fine. i just- you could do so much better, jules. you deserve so much better.”
“what do you mean?” he could see the genuine confusion on her face, could tell that this was not a conversation she was expecting. his eyes kept twitching back to hers, the growing worry on her face only making it more difficult for him to continue.
he tried to reply, tried to form the words to make this right, but his mouth wasn’t cooperating. she was looking at him, her eyes scanning his face, most likely taking in the pained expression that was slowly taking over his features.
“luke? what’s wrong?” she lifted her head off his chest, her hand moving from its place on his waist to stroke his face, trying to ease away the lines of anguish.
wordlessly, he pulled the hand that was tucked under his head, and pressed it against hers. he closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath letting the the fragrance that was purely julie overwhelm him. he wanted to drown in her, treasure the feel of her soft warm skin on his, and not think of the consequences.
but he couldn’t do that to her.
gathering her hand in his, he slowly dragged it down his face, down his neck and further down his chest, until he reached the spot where a steady beat should’ve been felt.
he held her hand there, and waited. waited for a sign of understanding, an “Oh,” anything. but when a few seconds had passed and he still hadn’t gotten a reaction from her, he forced his eyes open, dreading the look of pity he assumed would be clear on her face. instead, he only found confusion still evident in her eyes.
“jules you..you just turned 17 today, and i’m still 17. next year you’ll be 18, and the year after that, 19...and even then i’ll still be 17. i- i won’t be able to keep up with you and i- i..i don’t want to hold you back, keep you from living your...” luke averted his gaze again, trailing off as the corner of his lip pulled down, twisting in his attempt to hold himself from fully breaking down.
he tried to focus on her ceiling, then her desk - her window, the pile of clothes laying on the chair - anything so as to reel in his emotions. but as the quiet stretched out in the dark room, luke started to get more and more worried. he tried to focus on his breathing, his mind spiralling as he started to truly believe that julie was about to pull away. surely she agreed? surely she realised that he was only holding her back from fully living the life she deserved?
the silence was killing him.
barely a few seconds had passed before luke was opening his mouth again, willing to fill the silence that was suffocating him. but before he could make a noise, a small hand made its way up over his mouth, effectively silencing him.
he turned his head to look at her, only to be taken aback by the fierce determination that blazed in her eyes. she’d never looked more beautiful.
“you are what i deserve. what we have is what i deserve. it’s what i want in life and i can’t do better because this is already the best.”
“but-” he tried to speak through her fingers but she cut him off before he could get past one syllable.
“no. this isn’t up for discussion, luke. i made my decision that day, years ago, and i’m not changing it now. i have faith that we’ll find a way. fate brought you to me, and there’s a reason for that.” she nodded to herself, her eyes piercing his.
“and what’s the reason?” he mumbled, her fingers still pressed against his lips.
“that we’re meant to be together.” she said it so simply, so confidently, that he couldn’t find it in himself to question it, to argue.
but he still needed to make his point across - needed to make sure she understood.
“jules, i- i’m not saying that we’re not. i just...” he pulled her hand away from his lips, and dragged it back down to where a dormant heart lay.
“i don’t even have a heartbeat. you know it’s yours for the taking, julie. but...it’s not even a functioning heart.” the momentary surge of hope that was brought forward with julie’s words was starting to fade.
he was still dead.
“we’ll figure it out.” he just stared at her, her answer so straight forward, so uncomplicated.
“i-” her hand found its way back to his mouth.
“no, luke. we will find a way.” she cocked her head slightly to the side, a small smile making its way onto her lips. “trust me.”
he gazed at this girl, this angel - his wicked beauty - who seemed to have such unshakable faith in the universe, in him, in them, that he couldn’t find it in himself to fight it anymore. at least not tonight.
he quirked his lips up, before pressing them into a kiss against the palm of her hand.
“yeah. you’re the boss, right?”
her eyes crinkled as her smile grew, spreading warmth in his chest and momentarily chasing away his fears.
“yes, i am.”
and just as she was leaning in, closing the distance between his lips and hers, she stopped. luke raised his eyebrow at her, about to lift his head to reach her, but she suddenly moved, ducking her head and changing direction.
he watched, confused, as her head traveled down his neck, dropping kisses as she made her way further down towards his chest. and there, right above the spot where his dormant heart lay, julie lowered her lips and pressed a soft kiss against his thin t-shirt, lingering there for a few seconds before lifting her head back up.
it was fleeting, but luke swore he could have felt a soft thud against his ribs. he knew it was impossible, probably just wishful thinking, but he had felt it.
“i love you.” the words escape him easily, his chest bursting with the love he felt for this girl.
“i know,” her eyes twinkled mischievously, as she made her way back up his chest to rest her head against the crook of his neck.
where she belonged.
in the next few weeks, the strange thud in his chest kept coming back, sometimes once, sometimes multiple times in the span of a few seconds. never continuous.
it kept happening until one day, the thudding picked up and never stopped.
he had her heart, and now she had brought his back to her.
taglist: @moreflowersthanweeds , @thesunsetcurvephantom , @fanfics-she-wrote , @pink-flame , @molinashimbos , @ourstarscollided , @ace-bookworm, @williexmercer , @star-astro , @heademptynothoughts , @i-thought-i-knew-what-love-was , @candycornmgg , @blush-and-books , @radioactive-rosh , @tmp-jatp, @tonightthestarsalign
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jenomark · 3 years
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➔Pairing: Haechan x Reader (Female)  ➔Other Members/ Characters: -.- ➔Genre: Fluff ➔Warnings: Angst | Mentions of death | Cursing ➔Word count: 6,865
➔Summary: He was always yours, even before you wrote a book about him, even before he disappeared from your life after high school, and even before he broke his promise. 
➔Request: can I request a drabble of haechan friends to lovers? 🥺
➔ I hope you don’t mind that I turned this into a longer story that is more on the fluff side. I felt really inspired to do so. Thanks for sending in the request! 💚
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  You hated school. Not because you weren’t serious about your studies. You liked the subjects well enough. You liked eating lunch at a table, a little package of apple slices, and a chocolate milk that always tasted like the carton it was in. You liked hanging up your coat in the coat closet, little rain droplets dripping on the wooden floor when the weather was bad. You liked your teachers and how they would encourage your love of reading. You liked all the things to like except one: school hours meant time away from him.
  Him. He pulled your hair sometimes when he was bored. You cried once, your mother saying something sexist about how he must like you. Your father never paid attention, just kept watching the television. You wondered if all boys were that stupid. He also made fun of the way your nose would wiggle when you talked. He had a smart comment for everything. He thought he was smarter than you, even. There weren't many nice things to say right off the top of your head, but you loved him anyway.
 During the school year, the school hours especially, you never talked to him. He was off parading around with his squad of friends, each one more pigheaded than the last. They’d act like they didn’t care about school in the schoolyard, but all of them got decent grades. Sometimes they would pick on others boys, the principal telling others that that’s just what boys did. Sometimes he would raise his hand in class and answer the right question, and even though you sat next to each other in class, he’d never look at you. 
  Your school life was a little different. You were off spending time hovering by doorways, wishing the days would end until you could see him again. You looked at him from the corner of your eye, a question of whether you truly knew him or not always on your tongue. You didn’t spend time pretending other people were your friends, because your best friend had always been him.
  After school felt like a different time zone. Neither of you took your time with homework. You would rush, a telltale sign being poorly erased letters and crumpled papers shoved into bookbags. Usually, he would walk to your house and meet you in the tent in the backyard, talking long before he reached the entrance. He always talked about his day as if you weren’t in it. He liked to talk a lot.
“I don’t want to hear it.” you would say. “I don’t know why you’re friends with those people.”
 You were both at an age where you were figuring stuff out. You fought a lot, with him storming out of your backyard tent and walking home, and you resisting the urge to follow him. There was always a phone call from his concerned mother, eased by your own mother reassuring her that you’d both work out your differences soon. You’d been best friends since you were even younger, clinging to each other only when other people weren’t looking. It was too late to make a clean break.
 Summers were your favorite because you had him all to yourself. At that age, you weren’t aware that keeping him was holding him back from other things. You were all too happy to lounge on a beach with him, watching him get stuck in the sand and laughing at him until your stomach hurt. To you, it was the purest form of love. 
 Time made things weird, as it does. The summers you used to love started fading out. He no longer came on family trips. Instead, he went to summer camps with other thirteen-year-old boys. He would come back boasting about being taught to shave his face by the older kids, and then he would show you his new skills. Even though you were disinterested, you always watched him intensely, thinking that if he let you in to this one valuable piece of information, he would open the door to the rest. He never did.
  Gradually, after-school hangouts were taken away from you, too. Your father’s only contribution to any conversation was to say that your best friend would be more interested in girls now. Even as your parents left you alone, the words of  “But I’m a girl!” leaving your lips until the last light was shut off, you never really understood what it meant. In fact, it wasn’t until he flirted with someone else in front of your face that you got the hint. You were a girl, but he never thought of you that way. And he would rather spend his time after school walking to someone else’s house.
 None of that was as bad as high school was. Up until then, you’d been clutching at straws to make the friendship what it once was. You made the tent bigger to accommodate his growing frame. You offered to pay for movies if he’d come alone, and you would even sit through the boring ones just for him. On the rare chance that you’d guilt trip him into staying a little longer with you, it was enough to keep you enduring. When high school truly hit, the studying took up most of your time. The scraps that were left were spent having family time, or visiting schools your mother wanted you to attend after high school.
 Though he no longer ignored you in school, things had gotten harder. He was dating often, sweeping girls off their feet with his wild, charming sense of humor. It was hard for them not to get jealous of you. Though you weren’t around much, the bond you both shared was obvious to everyone who watched the pair of you together. He never really wanted to choose between his childhood best friend and someone he was seeing, but the choice was always very apparent to you. 
“Maybe you should date, too,” he had said.
  You shut it down quickly, appalled that he would even suggest a thing. When you realized your dismissal must have hurt his feelings, you backtracked.
“Do you have anyone in mind?” you asked.
 His smile made you feel like you were on top of the world. Of course he had someone to introduce to you. Thus, the double date was born. You could tag along with him and his girlfriend, with a friend of his you eventually started dating. It wasn’t the most ideal situation, but it had rekindled something in your friendship you didn’t know you’d been missing.
 He had even come around to your house more. You came home from a study group one time to see him in your childhood tent, his long legs sticking out of it. He bent his body forward, holding up a bag of snacks you recognized.
“You still sit in here?” he asked.
You sat down next to him, the plastic of the tent hitting you in the forehead. “When I need to think.”
“You have a brain?”
“Funny.” you said. “Why are you here?”
  He got a far away look in his eyes, like he did whenever he was truly going to say something stupid. There were times he spoke philosophically, because deep down, he was never the stupid little boy you said he was.
“Life is moving too fast,” he said. “Remember when we were kids and it moved so slow? I would suffer waiting for summer.”
“I remember it vividly.” you said. “Are you feeling nostalgic?”
  He ate some of the snacks, offering you some. When you didn’t take it, he pulled on your hair a little bit. It pulled you to wherever he was at, back in time to when things felt much easier than they were. High school was ending, and you were all walking down different paths, none of them leading back to this tent.
“I want you to promise me something.” he said. “After high school, I want us to always be best friends. This last year has made me realize how much I missed you.”
 You wanted to tell him how much you missed him, to take his hand and hold it in yours. There was something in you that couldn’t do it. You just kept chewing, waiting for him to keep talking. 
“Let’s promise to call each other at least once a day when we’re adults.” he said, getting this excited look in his eyes. He felt more like the real Haechan right then than he ever had in the past five years.
“Promise.” you said, holding out your pinky and getting ready to kiss your thumb.
  Haechan linked his pinky with yours, his thumb connecting to your thumb. You leaned down to kiss it at the same time, your faces coming closer to each other than they had in a long time.
  Sadly, after high school, the promise was never kept. The image of him walking away from your backyard was the last time you saw him in any place you called home.
  You held the phone away from your ear because it was too hot. In your other hand, you held a cold, strawberry smoothie, the condensation dripping down your fingers. The sidewalks were busy, so it was tricky trying to weave in and out of the people, all while holding an unfinished manuscript for the next book you were writing. Years of dodging kids in school hallways made you a pro. As you were about to collide with a delivery man, you spun around gracefully and avoided disaster. After taking a sip of smoothie, you brought the phone closer to your ear.
“Do people still do book signings for physical copies?” you asked. “I thought everything was about selfies now. I definitely don’t look good with the flash on.”
“Of course.” your agent told you over the phone. “I don’t think anyone over the age of existence does. How old are you?”
“Twenty-four.” you said.
 Your agent on the other end sighed. “You’re too young to be worried about any of this. I’ll book you for the signing and people will come, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
 You wanted to rattle off all the reasons you were freaking out over it, but you were in public. You took another sip of smoothie and looked at the manuscript tucked against your body. Twenty-four and published, with your book rising in the charts, and a second book underway. You shouldn’t be so scared to have human interactions with strangers who enjoy your work, and yet...
“Okay.” you said, closing your eyes for a moment.” Okay, you can do it. I don’t know why I get like this. Seriously, you’re the best.”
“I know. I know.” your agent said. “Take a bath and relax. Call me later.”
  You hung up and threw your phone in the deep recesses of your bag. Your one hand was wet, and you didn’t want it touching the papers, so you tucked them deeper against your body and kept on walking.
“A book signing. Can you believe it?” you said into the phone. There was no answer on the other end, not even a little static. You walked a little slower on the sidewalk, letting the outside world disappear from your vision. You took a deep breath. “I sold so many copies, mom. I know you would be proud of me.”
  The message ended with a beep. You left the phone on your ear and stopped walking. You stood still, wondering if one day calling your mother and leaving messages on her old cell phone would eventually make you feel better. She died shortly after you graduated from high school, and the phone number was the only part of her still kept alive. You called it whenever you felt a little lost, or on days when you had exciting news to share.
  Feeling a tightness in your chest, you turned off your phone and dropped it into your bag. You were almost home, but you felt like you weren’t ready to face your apartment again. You found it so funny that your professional life was so full and booked, but your personal life was so hollow and empty.
  You turned away, thinking that you could retrace your steps and find yourself on a street with a cafe still open. You would gladly sit at that table and write, watching strangers living their lives, each one stuffed to the brim of character. Men that tried hitting on women who were disinterested, the click-clacking of their heels walking away from potential danger. Mothers with their children, each child holding a mushy, spit-covered ice cream cone. There was always someone who didn’t belong in the crowd, someone your eyes glossed over, and someone who brought up memories of someone you used to know. It was your favorite pastime: watching people who weren’t watching you. You smiled at the thought of getting to live those many lives, when you remembered that there was always a writing deadline to attend to.
  Another time, you thought, before taking the remaining steps to your apartment and looking through the darkened glass front door. Maybe you would take up your agent's suggestion of taking a bath.
 Feeling a little more jolly, you walked up the steps and let yourself in. You stopped to check your mailbox (empty), stopped to check your phone messages one last time (also empty), and lastly, checked your surroundings. When you were sure no one was around, you walked up the steps, feeling tired both mentally and physically. When you reached the top of the hallway, you stopped.
“Haechan.” you said, his name too quiet for him to hear.
   Sitting outside your door, a hood over his head, sat the boy who used to pull on your ponytail. Only now, the figure in all-black clothes, a little 5 o’clock shadow on his face, the one that looked up at you like he didn’t recognize you, pulled at your heartstrings. 
  You liked to remember Haechan often, especially considering the main character of your book was written with him in mind. Well, you changed his name in the book and made him a lot cooler, but the core of him was the same. Both men were the epicenter of your whole world, even though one of them had left years ago. 
 Looking at him sitting on your floor transported you back in time. Briefly, your mind tried to convince yourself that you were seeing a ghost from the past. But, when he got up from the floor, approaching you cautiously, and he paused for a second before reaching out his arms to hug you, your fingertips knew what your brain didn’t: he was real.
  “Why are you here?” you blurted, pulling away from him, your body regretful that you had let him go.
“I don’t get a hello?” he asked.
  You raised your eyebrows, the surprise on your face real. You were struggling with words, which annoyed you as a writer. All you could do was look at his face and how much it had changed over the last few years. He was a man now. He was a little taller, and the baby fat on his cheeks was gone. He still couldn’t dress right, and the old confidence faded, but he was still as handsome as ever. When he smiled to show that he was joking, you couldn’t stop looking at his teeth.
“How did you find out where I live?” you asked.
“Your dad.” he said.
 Haechan didn’t so much as give his apologies for missing your mother’s funeral, and he had the good graces not to bring her up at all. You felt grateful, saving the pain of both things for another time. 
“I don’t talk to him much anymore.” you said. “He only comes by to give me old things he thinks I want.”
  Not knowing what to do with the piece of information, Haechan shoved his hands into his pockets. You hated how awkward it felt being in front of him. The silence outside of your apartment was magnified by your deep breathing. 
“Are you here because of my book?” you asked.
Puzzled, Haechan blinked. “Book? I didn’t read your book.”
  You adjusted your bag in your hands and thought of something to say. Before you could speak, Haechan motioned to the bag he brought sitting in front of your apartment door. You looked at it, the big black boulder holding no significance to you.
“I was actually just passing through town. I was wondering if you could let me stay a night.” he said.
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  He said he hated the apples, even though they were his favorite fruit. He put them on your lunch tray when you weren’t looking, because if you’d seen him do it, you would have made a fuss. Then, he’d get up from your table and go back to wherever his other friends were, because that was what was expected of him. But his eyes always went back to your table to make sure you were eating well, and he would try his best to remember the way you’d smile when you looked down and saw what he had left behind.
 He hated school. It was full of adults who tried to change him. Laugh a little less, they said. Don’t be a clown. Don’t make too much trouble. There was never any room for dreamers or troublemakers, never any kind of future for those who didn’t have plans by the time they were pulled from the womb. Behave and listen. Listen and learn, or we’ll call your parents. He had heard it all by the time he was thirteen, and he hated every bit of it.
 Not you, though. You never tried to change him. You let him go on his way, even though he knew you felt like he was abandoning you. You were the only person he trusted most days, and in the tent in your backyard, he had felt most like himself. 
“I don’t want to hear it.” you had said once. You were angry, he could see it in the way you tried not to say what you wanted to say. “I don’t know why you’re friends with those people.”
 He hadn’t known, either. They liked the way he made them laugh, and he liked the attention they gave him. They were different, in the way that they didn’t remind him that friendships were temporary, that everyone you know might someday disappear. He was terrified of that, of the idea that good things didn’t last.
“Are you jealous?” he asked.
 He wanted the words to sting. He knew you were jealous, and he knew you would never admit to it. He would have been jealous, too, if the roles were reversed. He wanted nothing more than for you to admit that you cared about him, that you loved him, or to rouse any kind of feeling in you at all. Those words spawned a fight that made it hard for either of you to bounce back from. He pulled and picked at you until you were deteriorating in front of his eyes. Choice words were said, and though the wounds healed as you both grew older, neither of you really forgot the beginning of the end.
 Summer came and went, time never slowing down for anybody. The hatred  burning in his heart subsided as he grew into himself more, though he never really learned how to savor the moments as they happened. He was always reaching for more, stuffing his greedy face full of anything that could keep him content.
   His phone calls to you melted down to just one call per week. He didn’t stop by the tent as much, didn’t ask to catch up on homework. He was drifting through school, using the passage of time to measure the length of girls legs, and how they’d move in his direction any time he smiled.
“Maybe you should date, too,” he had said.
 His bright idea didn’t rub off on you. You didn’t smile, didn’t look at him the excited way he looked at you. When you shut it down so quickly, he wondered if your rejection had something to do with him. He was trying really hard to keep your friendship alive, even catching up in the hallways before class to make sure you were taking care of yourself.
“Do you have anyone in mind?” you asked, a simple smile appearing and disappearing before he could blink.
 Introducing you to one of his friends, in hindsight, wasn’t the best idea. He’d had better, but he could hardly take it back. You looked happy when his friend's attention was on you. You were radiant. And it was the perfect set-up. You both could double date and spend time together, just like the old days, even making both of your dates uncomfortable by how close of a bond you had together.
  When the jealousy arrived in a perfect little handbasket, he was sure it was payback for treating you differently, as he was getting to know himself more. He burned whenever he saw you with the other boy, whenever you reached out for his hand, your lips quivering for a kiss. He would stay up late at night in a restless fit, his mind taking turns convincing himself that you were losing your virginity every waking moment. 
 “You’re spending a lot of time at my house.” you had said to him on more than one occasion. 
“Do you mind?” he asked. “I can go home, if you want.”
“No.” you said quickly, your eyes sparkling.
 He wanted to kiss you then. It was a fleeting , special moment, and it hovered in the air between you both from that moment forward. He thought maybe he was imagining it, but he had been close to many girls, and no one looked at him the way you did.
 Sitting in your tent, his legs stretched out of it because he was too big, he thought back to every time you made his heart do backflips in his chest. Ever since you were small, he had feelings for you. In fact, his parents used to joke that the two of you would end up together one day, maybe have a wedding in the backyard,  your inside jokes written into your vows.
 Hearing leaves crunching underfoot, he sat up.  “You still sit in this thing?” he asked.
You sat down next to him, the plastic of the tent hitting you in the forehead. “When I need to think.”
“You have a brain?”
“Funny.” you said. “Why are you here?”
 He wasn’t sure why. He had been taking a walk and found himself there, his feet knowing exactly where to go. He had been thinking too hard about life after high school, and about what kind of man he wanted to be.
“Life is moving too fast,” he said. “Remember when we were kids and it moved so slow? I would suffer waiting for summer.”
“I remember it vividly.” you said. “Are you feeling nostalgic?”
  He ate some of the snacks, offering you some. When you didn’t take it, he pulled on your hair a little bit. Getting you to eat properly was important to him. If he wasn’t around to remind you to take care of yourself, how would you survive the rest of life without him?
“I want you to promise me something.” he said. “After high school, I want us to always be best friends. This last year has made me realize how much I missed you.”
 When he felt like he was going to cry, he shoved more food into his face. He was watching you out of the corner of his eye, wondering if he should continue. When you remained quiet, he began again.
“Let’s promise to call each other at least once a day when we’re adults.” he said, getting this excited look in his eyes. He felt more like the real Haechan right then than he ever had in the past five years.
“Promise.” you said, holding out your pinky and getting ready to kiss your thumb.
  Haechan linked his pinky with yours, his thumb connecting to your thumb. You leaned down to kiss it at the same time, your faces coming closer to each other than they had in a long time. It would be so easy to seal the deal with a real kiss, one that had been years in the making. But he didn’t, and neither did you.
“I have to go.” he said, getting to his feet. “You’re going to keep your promise, right?”
“Have I ever broken a promise to you?” you asked.
  He was raised not to comment on the state of other people’s homes, good or not. Looking around yours, he wanted so badly to tell you how well you were doing for yourself, and how proud of you he was. He looked around, his fingers itching to touch the pretty ceramic birds on an end table, to run a fingertip on a dustless counter and hold it up to the light. 
“You can put your bag down over here.” you said, motioning to a spot beside the couch. “My couch isn’t much, but it is comfortable.”
 You were a little awkward, your eyes unable to connect with his. He could see your mind waiting to defend yourself against the little jabs old Haechan would have made about your space. When he didn’t, you didn’t let your shoulders relax. He moved further inside your apartment, and to your confusion, he said it was a nice place, and that he would be happy to sleep wherever. 
 Compared to your nerves, he was quite calm. He felt like he had walked into a time machine and transported himself into the backyard again. It was like nothing had changed at all. You still looked the same, with nicer clothes that looked more expensive than the average persons. It looked like you went to the hair salon to ask for an “adult” haircut, but your baby face made it hard to take you seriously. 
“Are you hungry?” he asked.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” 
Haechan shrugged. “Sure.”
  When you didn’t ask if he was hungry, Haechan made himself comfortable on the couch. You sat on an opposite chair, folding your hands in your lap. You kept looking around the room nervously, as if you were scared to be alone with a stranger. It hurt him a little bit, but he was mature enough to let it slide.
“Thank you for letting me stay.” he said.
“It’s fine.”
Haechan sighed. “This is much harder than I thought it would be.”
“What is?” you asked, touching your fingers to your neck.
He shook his head. “Nothing.”
  You got up from your chair as if you’d been electrocuted. “I forgot I need to make a phone call. I will be right back. Don’t touch anything.” 
  Haechan watched you as you grabbed your bag and left the room. Never one to keep still, an old habit that never died, he got up and looked around. He came across the room you entered and saw that the door was ajar. He didn’t listen to the conversation, just grabbed little pieces of it regarding a book signing to take place the next day.
“So soon?” he heard you ask the person on the other end of the phone.
 Haechan walked away, his attention set on the fireplace. On top of it sat a bunch of picture frames, one of which he was in. Haechan stared at it for a long time, his eyes tracing the outline of the little boy he used to be. In the picture, the two of you were hanging onto each other. You were maybe eight years old, ice cream running down your chin, and a blissful ignorance only a child can carry on your sweet face.
 He didn’t know where things had gone wrong. The two of you should have been friends forever. It just made sense. He reached out to touch his fingers to the photo but reeled back when he saw your face in the reflection.
“My mother took that photo.” you said, appearing behind him.
He nodded. “I remember.” 
 The air was heavy. He wanted to apologize for not going to her funeral. He had been out of the country during that time, but he should have called you. He could have written a letter, he could have done anything else but ignore it. 
“I was scared.” Haechan said, the words surprising himself.
You held up a hand, as if you didn’t want to talk about it, but Haechan continued, “I loved her, too.”
 You turned your back and went into the kitchen. Quietly, Haechan followed. He wasn’t going to bring it up anymore. He sensed your sadness because it brewed in his chest, too. He sat on a stool as you got yourself a cup and poured cold water from a pitcher into it. 
“How was your trip?” you asked, your voice shaky.” Are you still traveling?”
 Since he left high school, Haechan felt aimless. He needed to explore the world in an attempt to further his education surrounding himself. He had traveled to many countries and met many people that changed him. Disappearing was never the plan, but it was addicting to not have phone calls, or to adhere to schedules. 
“I’m seeing where it goes.” he said. 
  You took a sip of water and never stopped looking at him. When you were done, you placed it on the counter. “I guess I should ask the million dollar question.”
Haechan leaned back in his stool, “Hit me with what you got.”
“Why are you here?” you asked.
“I didn’t want to pay for a hotel.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“I’m not a liar.”
“Haechan, I’ve known you all my life.” you said. “Lying is your calling.”
“I wanted to see you.”
You inhaled and exhaled slowly. “Stop lying to me.”
“I’m not lying.” he said. “I’ve never lied to you.”
  The bitterness was morphing your face. He could tell you were thinking back to the promise, about how broken it had made you. After he left, he heard from his parents that you called his house often to ask where he had gone. You wrote him letters that were undelivered. You nearly followed him halfway across the world until your mother got sick. 
“Okay.” he said. “It wasn’t a lie when I made that promise. I had every intention of being with you until we were old and wrinkly.”
“Please.” you said. “You knew what you were going to do before you did it. You booked the plane ticket two weeks in advance. You were with me at graduation. You kissed me.”
  He remembered the kiss well. He had thought about it often on his travels, remembering the way your velvety lips felt, and how he never wanted to stop kissing you. The kiss made sense. It was the one thing time had every permission to slow down. 
“I know.” he said.
  He kissed you. You didn’t kiss him. He was happy about graduating. He was riding the high of the plane ticket, of the unknown waiting for him. He was scared it was the last chance he had to show you his feelings. When you kissed him back and it felt so good, he was then scared that he would never have the guts to leave. 
  You continued speaking, each word obliterating his thoughts, “ You want to think going away was just some spontaneous thrill, Haechan, but it fucking wasn’t. You could have told me it was what you wanted. I would have understood. You didn’t have to leave without saying goodbye. You didn’t have to-”
 You couldn’t say the words, so he finished them for you. “-leave. I know. I’m sorry. This isn’t an excuse, but I...didn’t want to lose you.”
  The words felt stupid as soon as he said them. You held your hand up to your head and said you had a headache. Haechan took the time to excuse himself and use the bathroom, locking himself away to figure out what he really thought was going to happen when he showed up at your door to get you back.
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  You collapsed onto your couch. The last hour felt like a whirlwind of thoughts and feelings. You were older and more equipped to handle confrontation, but there was something about seeing Haechan that made you want to curl in your mother’s lap like a child. You bit down on your thumb and thought of the ways you could ask him to leave your private space. There was a hotel down the street that was relatively cheap. 
  You looked at the photo on the fireplace. The little boy staring back at you had no idea one day he would break your heart into a million pieces. He was still a little unsure of himself, his smile unknowingly gearing up to be mischievous in a few years time. You thought of the grown man in the bathroom, and how the years had passed, but he still felt the same. A part of you wanted to pinch his cheek and wrap your arms around him like you would when you were young. An even bigger part of you wanted to kiss him to see if the feelings still lingered, even though you already knew the answer to that.
  Moving your foot, you accidentally nudged his backpack. You looked down at it. It was worn in places, with band buttons adorning the front. One of the zippers was open and the edge of something was sticking out. You looked at your closed bathroom door and back to the backpack before gathering up your courage and unzipping it slowly. 
  Digging your hand inside, you pulled out a corner of his underwear. With a quick “Ew”, you shoved it back inside. Your knuckle touched against something hard. You wrapped your hand around it and unearthed it to see that it was your book. You pulled it out even more and audibly gasped. 
“You liar.” you whispered.
 Hearing the toilet flush, you panicked and pulled the book all the way out and shoved it underneath your couch pillow. Quickly, you zipped his backpack and sat back, crossing one leg over the other. When Haechan came out, he hardly looked at you.
“Coming here was a bad idea,” he said. “I don’t know what I expected.”
You stood up. “Wait.”
  Haechan didn’t hear you. He grabbed his bag and threw it over his shoulder. You could see that his face was wet where he had thrown water on it. He didn’t make eye contact with you, just waved his hand and apologized for being an inconvenience. 
“Leaving again?” you said.
  Haechan stopped moving. He turned back. “I thought about you every day I was gone. Every day. And every day, my next thought was that I didn’t deserve you.”
 You didn’t know what to say, so you said nothing at all. For a beat or two, you both stared, your eyes searching each other's. You could see every age of Haechan since you’d known him on his face, from the adorable child to the handsome adult. 
  You let Haechan leave this time. He closed the door with a soft click, his presence feeling like a fever dream. Mindlessly, you sat back down on your couch, and only remembered the book still laying there after some time.
 You took your book and placed it on your lap. It was so worn that some of the pages were slipping out of the binding. You opened it carefully and flipped through the pages, the margins filled up with black pen ink. Haechan had written down his input on most pages with things like:
Am I really like this? There is no way this guy is cooler than me.
You know? You’re actually kind of funny. 
Your mother was better than us all.
  You closed the book with a snap and felt the tears falling. You put your head down and tried to feel everything all at once.
  Your agent walked next to you, her stride slowing to match yours. She didn’t outright say you looked like shit, though it was the truth. Your eyes were a little red, your cheeks were puffy, and you kept itching your neck all throughout the night until there were red scratch marks all on your skin.
 She held open the door to the bookstore “Are you nervous?”
“Am I nervous?” you asked. “I’m shitting myself. I don’t think anyone is going to show up, but with my life, I’m pretty sure I can deal with the embarrassment.”
 Your agent rattled on and on about how special you were to people. She dragged you throughout the two story bookstore, pulling you harder when you tried stalling. You mostly blocked out her words to save your sanity. You didn’t love when people tried buttering you up.
“Just over in this section.” she said. “It starts in twenty minutes, so don’t expect many people right away.”
  When you both turned the corner, there was a sizable line leading up to a table stacked with new books. When the people saw you, they gawked. Some clapped, which made your face turn as hot as your neck. 
“I can’t do this.” you whispered.
  Your agent directed you to a chair, holding you down by your shoulders, so you wouldn’t run away. You took a sip of cold water sitting by your side.
“They’re all here for you.” she said. “Smile and try to be happy.”
“I’ll try.” you said, but when someone smiled at you in front of the line, you felt yourself returning a genuine smile.
 Twenty minutes passed by faster than you wished. When the first person approached the table, you tried to remember your school teachers who believed in you. You recalled all the people who inspired your stories, making a mental bid to thank them for making the first signing so sweet. 
“I really love how you write.” someone had said. Hearing those words made you feel touched. You tried your hardest not to tear up, signing your sloppy signature as best you could.
“Thank you.” you said, the gratitude you felt hopefully being translated well.
  You signed for a long time, the line growing and growing as time passed. Some people came with their own dog-eared books, others with fresh copies. They asked what your upcoming book was about, which made you excited to finish writing it. 
“There isn’t a set ending quite yet, but I’m writing like crazy!” you said.
  You looked down at a book before you and smiled, your fingers touching the pages softly. You signed it and handed it back, giving the fan a smile that reached your eyes. When your eyes locked with his, you felt the world move. Staring back at you was Haechan.
“I would have given you my own copy to sign.” he said. “But I seem to have misplaced it.”
 There was a knowing smile on his face that made you feel flushed all over. He took the signed book back and tucked it underneath his arm. Since yesterday, he looked freshly showered in a similar black t-shirt and jeans. His hair was carefully laid flat on his head like he cared what he looked like in public. He looked handsome, and his cheeks were definitely not puffy.
“Why didn’t you just tell me you read the book?” you asked. 
“You and I both know I don’t make the best choices.” he said. 
  You smiled faintly. There was pain in the smile he returned. You wanted so badly to reach across the table and smooth away the lines on his forehead.
“I know this isn’t the best place.” he said, turning around to look at the line behind him. “But I came here to tell you the truth of why I was outside of your door yesterday.”
“Okay.” you said, your attention no longer on those people.
Haechan continued. “You see, I’m not traveling anymore. “
“You’re not?” you asked. “Then, what are you doing?”
“I’m coming home.”  
 You didn’t know what he expected of you, but he looked a little deflated when you held out your hand. He looked at the book under his arm and back at your hand, his smile unsure. He took the book out and placed it gently into the palm of your hand. You placed the book back onto the table and opened to the space where you had signed your name.
“I’m not going to ask for promises anymore.” you said. “I’ve always asked you for too much. For now, I would just like to tell you something.”
In the book, just below your name, you signed “I love you, Haechan.”
  Before you could even close the book, Haechan came around the table and brought you into a big hug that certainly felt like home. 
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mlpdestinyverse · 3 years
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“The Bigger One”
Heather Tart is used to many things, be it receiving praise, using her charm to sway a situation to her favor, or asserting her dominance as a respected student at Twilight's School of Friendship.
A punch to the face...is not one of those things.
Feat. Star Chime, Heather (Tart) Reed
Related Chapters: Tongue Twister, Honesty, Confrontation ~Destinyverse Archive~
Story and Description Under The Cut
Heather Tart had a plan. Of course she did. Her meticulous mind could think its brilliant way through anything. Especially when she had a goal so close to her she might just be able to touch it. As such, she used her natural charisma to discreetly excuse herself out of her afterschool clubroom that day. It was a little earlier than the typical time her Science Club ended. Not that it mattered. Not only did their activities finish early, but in their final moments of leisure time, only one topic buzzed relentlessly around the classroom. Princess Luna was here, visiting the School of Friendship. Under what pretense - and for how long - no one knew. Near the end of the day, the regal Alicorn had been spotted by a stray hall monitor. Striding beside Princess Twilight Sparkle, Luna had been touring the school grounds between class periods, quietly observing the students through door windows while they busied themselves with classwork. Yet she was nowhere to be seen once said periods had ended and the hallways bustled with hooves and claws alike. Elusive as ever, their mysterious Moon Princess. One could assume the Princess of the Night had discreetly taken her leave long ago; glorious gossip, however, said otherwise.
Heather's heart had nearly burst when she'd heard the news. Years of dreaming and the heavenly Alicorns were finally rewarding her. The teenaged Earth Pony resisted prancing through the empty halls in her excitement. Upon trotting out the front doors, Heather scanned the beautiful frontal schoolyard and its glistening pond that surrounded the entrance. The sky was still gray from its brief shower hours before, and with careful hooves, the filly made her way across the damp stones cutting through the pond and around the side of the school. With even more precaution, Heather made sure to avoid the mud in favor of patches of rain-touched grass. She hated nothing more than muddying her hooves. And if she was going to meet Princess Luna? She was going to do everything to ensure she'd look as elegant and pristine as ever. Step one: Make her way towards the back, where she knew the school's picnic tables were scattered about just for students during their lunch periods and downtime. Step two: Grab the nearest table towards the backdoors. Probability told her, almost without a shadow of a doubt, that this would be the very exit Princess Luna would use if her tendency to avoid crowds and not cause a fuss was anything to go by. It wasn't one hundred percent guaranteed, but the chances were high enough that Heather was willing to take it. It wouldn't be out of character for her, either. Heather loved sitting at a table on a sunny day to quietly work on homework. Sometimes, as president of her club, she'd even sit there to plan out new fun lab experiments for the Science Club's next meeting. Studious. Conscientious. Hard-working. She could never get enough of teachers and students alike noticing her and praising her efforts. As they should. The scenario in her mind played out the same way. She'll be sitting there, hunched over a notebook and mulling over new club activities, when Princess Luna and Twilight waltz their way out of those doors. They'll see her, Twilight will ask her what she's doing, and Heather would yet again demonstrate her leadership and intellect. Twilight will praise her, introduce her to Luna as one of her best students- And the youngest of the royal sisters will look upon her and remember her name. Heather could feel her heart racing and subconsciously her hooves picked up their pace. Meeting the other princesses, catching their attention, and standing out amongst the drabble...if she were to be honest, she didn't realize just how much she ached for it. Not until now. Not until it was so close- Heather turned the corner, honing in on the table she knew would be hers- Only to find another sitting there. And oh, at the sight of her, Heather felt her very blood boil. Of course she just had to be here. The dullest, most boring-looking Unicorn that had ever insulted Heather's eyes; dull white and cream coat, drab grayish-blue mane, pale and ugly blue irises as narrow as a snake's. And who could ever miss that long, rat-like tail with a tuff of mane at the end, just lying on the bench beside her. She wanted to laugh at this filly's attire too, trying to pass off as prim and proper with an outfit that only made her look like a senile office worker.  Heather knew very well who this was. And she despised her very existence. But as a filly of her own standing at this school, she had appearances to keep up. So with the most saccharine smile she could muster, Heather took long, deliberate steps towards the other filly. It didn't take long for the Unicorn to notice her, those snake eyes flicking up from what had to be the most ostentatious book Heather had ever seen; silver and grey with metallic decor on its cover, embedded with one large tacky-looking gem just as blue-gray and washed out as the filly it belonged to. Heather stopped beside the table, avoiding a muddy patch beneath it, and held the Unicorn's gaze as much as those eyes repulsed her up close. "Hi there! You must be new around here!" Heather chirped. She gave the filly a chance to at least muster a reply. She should have expected the Unicorn to
cautiously eye her like a socially inept buffoon. After an awkward few seconds, she nodded. "I am," the filly managed. Good for her. "Well isn't that nice!" Heather lies through her teeth and a beaming smile. "Then I can't blame you for not knowing! Where you're sitting right now is my usual seat. But hey, now you know, so I'm sure you won't mind moving for me, hm~?" The Unicorn stared at her. Two seconds. Five seconds. Heather watched impatiently as the other filly swept her gaze across the other empty tables around them, almost pointedly. 'Yeah. You heard what I said. I'm not being subtle. Get lost.' Victory was in her grasp, of course. She wasn't the only one here that had pretenses to maintain and denying her civility would only make this filly look like the asshole of the two. And that wouldn't make the Unicorn much of a role model, now would it? Heather's innocent smile stretched expectantly, taking in the Unicorn's deadpan expression boring into her. Another annoying second later and the other filly finally shut her book tight, sliding it to one side without breaking eye contact. "No. I don't think I will." Heather's smile twitched. How she didn't take into account a lack of even the most basic social courtesies from this filly, she'll never know. "Well that's a little harsh," Heather feigned hurt, disguising the simmering fury just beneath her skin. "I just wanted my favorite seat for my studying. Is that really too much to ask for?" An unwavering, distrustful narrow of those eyes was the Unicorn's only response. So. That's how it was going to be. ...yet face-to-face with such blatant defiance, Heather - for the first time - was at a dead end. There was no sweet talking that face. And with no one around, there was no leverage here for her to turn the tables. Behind pursed lips her jaw clenched and her teeth grated. Pathetic. Pathetic. It infuriated her how rapidly the power had shifted - power taken from her in the one place Heather had worked for it.  Power THIS outsider didn't deserve. It was then that Heather's eye honed in on a certain pretty little book, teetering near the edge of the table. Ah. Okay then. Heather could take a loss. She could take a small, minuscule hit to her pride. No one was there to see it. Her goal was still in reach, so long as she kept up pleasantries and proceeded with her plan at the next table over. Heather, however, wasn't above taking small, subtle, petty victories. Anything for the satisfaction of reminding others where she stood around here. "That's too bad...but I understand." Heather sighed and hung her head. "I won't bother you." She turned her body, then. Too quickly. Or just fast enough to make the harsh bump of her flank against the table's edge at least semi-believable. She listened for it... SQUISH A gross squelch cut the silence, a sound that was beautiful to her ears. As she had hoped, turning back around revealed the plummeted book, lying delightfully amongst the brown patch of muck below the table. Despite her gasp, Heather could barely stop herself from grinning at her success. "Oh no!" she exclaimed, and it was just as difficult to stifle a much-needed laugh, especially with how much this Unicorn's face had slackened at the sight beneath them; silvers and greys, now smeared with dark mud. The other filly took in the filthy book with dim eyes. Poor spoiled girl. "I'm so sorry! Let me-" Heather's hoof was inches away from picking up the book to present to the Unicorn - a grand power move in her head - when a sourceless light blinded her. The Earth Pony barely had time to react before something solid rammed straight into her face. All she could do was squeal and tumble back into the ground at the excruciating pain and the sheer force of the impact. There was a wet slippery slide of the earth below her, displaced by the collision of her body. She didn't even know she was holding her stinging face until she pulled back trembling hooves from it, furiously blinking her blurry vision back into focus. Her head throbbed, the blood rushing into it
pulsing loudly in her ears.  While her world was reassembling itself, Heather felt the fabric of her torso become seized and in moments her entire body was being pulled up by a shocking amount of strength. The open-air was suddenly freezing against her pelt, forcing her delayed senses to fully experience the scorching hot pain spreading through her muzzle and cheeks. Her left eye especially struggled to stay open, even as another face shoved itself into hers. The filly before her breathed shallowly against her nose, wild and unhinged eyes resembling a beast now more than ever. "That," the Unicorn heaved out in a heavy, shaking breath. She renewed her grip on Heather's dress, expression distorted into a monstrous snarl. "Was father's you heartless wench!" Heather felt like a ragdoll, swaying on weak, dirtied hindlegs, one hoof pathetically draped over the vice-grip holding her in place. Her brain felt shaken, thoughts racing. And her blood ran cold when the other filly let out a quiet, humorless laugh at her. "Oh, I know your type..." the Unicorn whispered breathlessly, those venomous irises burning holes into her. "Thinking you're the biggest fish in the pond. Like you can lord over everyone else without consequence. You think no one can stand up against you." Heather choked on a sound as her face was pulled in further, a breath ghosting her muzzle even hotter than before. Her panicked magenta eyes darted up to the Unicorn's horn; what was already glowing a haunting silvery-blue now crackled violently with energy, stray white sparks searing into her exposed skin. A primitive growl ripped out of the other filly, and in those ferocious eyes, Heather swore she saw bloodlust. "How's it feel to meet a bigger fucking fish?" Heather screamed. It was something raw and primitive of her own, and she thrashed in the other filly's hold to no avail. She didn't know how long that went on for, wasn't sure how much time was passing as she waited for another strike- "STAR CHIME!" A booming, commanding voice filled the space, powerful enough to tremor the ground beneath them. Her ears only then registered a number of other voices rising in volume and proximity. The rigid muscles in her neck ached when she finally turned her head just enough to see out of the corner of her eye.  So many heads were sticking out of classroom windows, no doubt stragglers from clubs that surely have ended by now. Amongst those faces, she could recognize a few teachers, and to the right... Princess Twilight and Princess Luna, with the backdoors thrown open around them. Her attacker jerked away, releasing Heather to let her fall onto her forelegs. As soon as she was released, a blur of movement rushed out from the creatures gathered behind the two Alicorns. "Heather!" The Earth Pony almost instinctively flinched away, but was immediately soothed by the familiar arms of her best friend, Amber Shine, cradling her form. It amazed her how the Pegasus filly was willingly angling her body to both support her weight and shield her if need be. Despite the protective walls surrounding her, Heather still had a clear view of the princesses. Twilight looked absolutely horrified. But clearly someone else here held the most oppressive presence and authority. Princess Luna looked upon the scene with a frigid death stare that would cut through anyone. And it was trained on one single filly. "What is this?!" Luna demanded, her deep voice rumbling the air like thunder. When she strode forward, not even Twilight dared to stay in step. She trailed behind the other princess with shock etched into her youthful features.  The Unicorn shuffled, and Heather watched Star Chime's newly distressed visage come to life. Her long tail lashed behind her like an agitated cat. "She knocked father's tome into the muck, mother!" Star shouted, eyes darting wildly from Heather to Princess Luna. The Alicorn's expression actually faltered for a second before her sharp blue eyes landed on Heather. And Heather's heart jolted in terror. 'No...no! Don't you dare ruin this for
me!' "It was an accident!" Heather wailed back, letting every ounce of emotion pour into her voice. Near-instantly, Star Chime whipped towards her with a scowl. "You LIAR!" "ENOUGH!" Star Chime's head snapped up to look at her mother, as Princess Luna now stood a mere tail length before them, dark blue wings flaring out behind her. "That does not constitute violence against a defenseless subject, Star Chime!" And as the lunar princess seared those harsh eyes into her daughter, it dawned on Heather the advantage she had. The position she was in, with her face undoubtedly swollen and appearance soiled by the assault of that horrid young princess. She was more grudgeful now than fearful, though she couldn't deny the tears of pain and prior-fear-for-her-life that had left streaks in their wake. However, there was room to play it up further. So focusing on the pain and just how overwhelmed she felt? A hiccuping, sniveling mess she became. "Y-you didn't even let me pick it up for you!" Heather sobbed out, pressing her wet cheek into her friend's warm chest. The sweet Pegasus comfortingly stroked her hair. She could just imagine the pity on Amber's brow. "You just attacked me out of nowhere! E-even after I apologized!" Murmurs. Sweet murmurs of concern and disbelief sounded from the far-off onlookers. They knew her; thoughtful, honest Heather, who got along with everyone and had a spotless record. In the face of unnecessary violence, they literally had no reason to doubt her. Besides, how was she supposed to know that garish book was from the late King? Not even the Alicorns above could claim she was lying here. "Oh Heather..." Twilight murmured compassionately, and that alone filled her to the brim with glee. Checkmate. "M-mother, please, I just..." Star Chime begged uselessly. Oh, begging suited her. Too bad she had nothing to excuse her brutishness. She lost this battle ages ago. Heather knew, because Princess Luna could only exhale deeply, her countenance a storm of emotions that the filly was honestly clueless to identify. What Heather hadn't seen coming was the sudden shift in the Moon Princess' expression from there; from rigid and grave to sheer exhaustion and sadness. "I thought we were past this..." Luna whispered, so quietly that Heather had nearly missed it. The true proof that those words were even spoken was the way Star Chime recoiled as if she had been slapped. Heather jumped as feathers slid over her back, only to realize Princess Twilight had moved forward to reassert authority. After shooting her a gentle glance, she returned her attention to the other princesses. She hesitated before opening her mouth to speak- Luna beat her to it. "I have changed my mind, Twilight." Luna began, collecting herself just as quickly as the shift had happened. "Star Chime will not be attending your school after all." Heather would have whistled were this not an inopportune time. She simply sat back and enjoyed the unfolding drama as Star Chime looked at her mother with wide, shell-shocked eyes, frantically searching Luna's face for an answer already before her.  "Mother," Star Chime's voice cracked, desperation seeping through. "No, please, let me prove myself-!" "There is nothing to prove." Luna quietly interjected. Her general demeanor was no longer of disappointment or even judgment, but somber patience of all things. "I realize now that you require more of my attention than what little I have given you...perhaps in the future you may return to Ponyville. But now is not your time." As if to make her point, Luna subtly swept her gaze across the onlookers, and Star Chime followed her line of sight. Heather had to agree, Princess Luna was practically showing her mercy. Imagine attending classes here after making a first impression like this. She'd be the talk of the halls. Every soul in Twilight's School would know of the violent princess who punched one of their top students square in the face (and Heather would absolutely make sure every ear knew of it). Little miss Star Chime was better off being pulled
out of this school before she even started. It'd give Heather less of a migraine and save her the humiliation.  Just like... "Allow me to extend my deepest apologies in place of my daughter," Luna said towards Heather, whisking away every other thought in her mind. While she began to buzz in delight, that buzz slowly died down at the unreadable expression the Moon Princess wore. She was as formal and distant as ever. Almost...scrutinizing her? Where was her sympathy? "I will be holding a very thorough discussion with her over these events, and I intend to offer reparation to you and your kin." "Heather's parents aren't here in Ponyville," Twilight finally found an opening to speak, taking on the tone of a responsible princess. "But Applejack is her guardian, so I'll be contacting her soon to pick Heather up." "Very well. I will return shortly to speak to her, then, and recompense will be sent to the family." Heather perked up when the royal addressed her once more. "I understand that you are distressed. I will be escorting Star Chime away from here, and you will have time to recover with your friends. I hope you do not mind." Heather sniffled and swiped a hoof over her face. "I don't mind...thank you, princess." Luna's attention left her too quickly for Heather's liking, focusing on the Unicorn princess instead. "Come, Star." Luna called in a hushed voice, taking her exit with grace and purpose. Heather's focus shifted to Star Chime just as the Unicorn's horn lit aglow with that very same eerie silvery blue, levitating the grimy book out of the sludge. As parts of the wet mud slipped off in thick glops, the Unicorn gave the book's cover a weak swipe of her hoof, only managing to smudge muck further into its intricate crevices. While Luna departed with the elegance and power of true royalty, Star all but dragged her hooves after her, gaze downcast and mouth pressed into a firm line. Unsurprisingly, she shot one final scorching side glance at Heather Tart through her draping bangs. It lingered until Heather left her periphery and the Unicorn could only trail after her mother like a helpless foal.
Pressing her head further into her friend's chest, Heather sneered at the filly's retreating back until she rounded the corner and out of sight. 'That's what you get, rat princess.' "Heather, are you okay? What did she even do?!" Now that the immediate threat was gone, her colt friend Arctic Bolt was charging in from the small crowd, nearly slipping a few times in his scramble over. Oh great. Heather wasn't sure if she was in the mood for the buckball star's overdone jests and witty quips at this moment. Yet she couldn't reject the amount of attention and concern she was receiving. "Gods, I think she gave you a black eye." Amber Shine fretted. The filly helped Heather sit up, but the moment she even tried to brush a hoof near the Earth Pony's left socket, Heather flinched away and grunted. "Punched me." Heather forced out through gritted teeth once Arctic had slowed to a stop before them. "Fell to the ground..." "Geez, it's like your dress took as much of a beating as you did..." Arctic muttered. And as much as she wanted to roll her eyes at his dumb remark, looking down proved that the joke was more accurate than she'd realized. Red fabric was now stained with mud and grass and stretched out past its limits by the iron grip of that wretched beast. Or maybe it didn't look so bad! MAYBE that was just her, peering at it with one eye while she held shut the one that was throbbing and bruising over. Yeah. That remuneration better come fast- "Heather, I am so sorry." Twilight's voice promptly grabbed her attention. The Alicorn mare bent her legs to meet her height, looking to her with so much guilt that one would think the perpetrator had been one of her own family. "This shouldn't have happened. Star Chime has been working hard through some of her...habits, and while she's made progress she's also very emotional at heart and then after losing her father-" This was very new and very disconcerting, watching Princess Twilight Sparkle actually fumble through her words and appear rather flustered over the situation. Heather felt her jaw clench. The two had to be pretty close for Twilight to feel this compelled to defend the girl. "That said, harm should have never come to you, especially on my premises. I just...I hope you won't hold this against her. If circumstances were different, I really think you two would have gotten along." Oh. Heather could not stop her face from screwing up at that. Twilight noticed (Heather for once hoped she did, God forbid the Friendship Princess actually tried to forcibly mend this atrocity) and her shoulders noticeably drooped. "But I completely understand if this has damaged those chances."
Twilight took in a healthy breath of air and straightened back up. While she once again spoke with calm and control, the way her ears remained pinned back was hard to miss. "Please head in and wait outside my office whenever you're ready, Heather. I'll let the nurse know to prepare an ice pack for you before I get in contact with Applejack. This'll definitely take some time, so please bear with me." Ugh. Applejack. As if her voice wasn't already annoying to listen to on a daily basis. Now the older mare was going to fuss knowing her overprotective nature and Heather wasn't looking forward to having her ear talked off on how slices of raw potato and toothpaste were the grand answer to healing her face or whatever ridiculous ideas those country bumpkins had in their screwy heads. Moving out and away from the farm life couldn't come sooner. But there were bigger things to focus on in the present. It wasn't until Twilight had walked off, exchanging words with the last few students who were being herded away by the remaining school staff, that Amber Shine voiced a question that had been on Heather's own mind. "What did she mean by...'working through habits'?" The orange Pegasus uttered slowly, eyeing the backdoors as the final student filed in after the princess. "That was way more unsettling than it had to be." "Oh...oh Gods it's all connecting..." Both Heather and Amber turned to Arctic, who was now holding his head between his hooves in what appeared to be either alarm or a headache. Ever the dramatic one. Heather would have been tempted to snap at him for obnoxiously drawing the suspense out, but thankfully Amber was faster and more patient. "Uh, mind sharing?" The Pegasus cautiously prodded, now giving her friend a hesitant glance-over. Arctic's wide blue eyes flashed back into focus and he began wildly gesturing with his hooves- "Okay listen- I have this friend in Canterlot whose cousin went to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns with this other guy, right-" "The friend of a friend's cousin." Amber repeated, and oh, Heather recognized that tone as the filly already being half-done with the conversation. Bless her. "Easy to follow. Carry on." "No, seriously listen!" Arctic hissed quietly, and for the first time since Heather had met the silver Earth Pony, he actually looked like he was being serious. "My friend told me this story about how apparently, Princess Star Chime got pulled out of school for completely thrashing that cousin's friend! Said there was blood and teeth everywhere and she beat the poor guy until he was begging on the floor!"  Heather could feel her visible eye nearly bug out of its socket. "And they tried to let someone like THAT come HERE?!" she near shrieked. Her friends were lucky that she had already spent her vocal cords not too long ago. "It IS the School of Friendship. Guess they were hoping to make her less punchy." He muttered out one of his wisecracks. Heather's head was whirling too much for her to admonish it. How close had she just come to being battered into a stain on the grass?  Wait...actually- "Okay, but why are we only just now hearing about this?" Amber, ever a kindred spirit, inquired the very same disbelief in her own mind. "The newspapers would have blown up over a royal scandal like that!" Heather agreed. And if she had possessed this knowledge just a little earlier, maybe she would have treaded just a bit more carefully. At the very least, she would have been able to figure out a way to use it to her advantage... "Well for one, it was like, two years ago... and apparently not a lot of ponies got to witness the attack. But-" Arctic leaned his head in, head whisking about in search of eavesdroppers before dropping his voice even lower. "It sounded like Celestia and Luna covered the whole thing up and made everyone involved agree to keep the information private. So most of the public has no idea what happened, but obviously whispers managed to slip through a few mouths in upper Canterlot..." "Wow..." Heather whispered. Yeah. That was probable. The princesses
had the power. And while Heather knew anyone else would have been a little frightened over the influence their rulers had, whether for the sake of a nation or for their own means...Heather herself was sort of amazed. As if she could actually blame them for going to such lengths to conceal the shame that girl would have brought to their exalted family otherwise. "But even before that!" Arctic swiftly continued. "Apparently the kids at the school were already dubbing her the 'Delinquent Princess' behind her back! My friend's cousin never knew why until...y'know." "Delinquent Princess." Amber repeated back. "What a...stupid name." 'And I think it's fitting...' Heather was tempted to add but miraculously toned her spite down. "...I mean Ithoughtitsoundedbadass- but only because I thought the whole story was just some elaborate rumor!!" Arctic threw up his hooves. "I didn't think someone from the royal family could be that crazy, yet here we are! So don't talk like it's nothing but made-up gossip after what just happened!"
"...you're not wrong." Amber muttered, and her wing pulled Heather closer into her side. The earth filly welcomed the warmth, though she didn't like the look of discomfort on her friend's face. "In other words, we're talking about violent habits. And from a princess of Equestria...that's awful." "Yep. She is. But let's stop talking about her for now" Heather muttered, feeling both sets of eyes fall on her. The more she heard, the more that resentment deep within her grew. And the more that grew, the more her temples ached beyond the limits of what she was willing to deal with. "I think I'd like that ice pack right about now." "Oh crap, right!" Arctic jumped, urgently motioning for the fillies to walk ahead while he kept the rear. "Got a little carried away. We'll stick around until Twilight gets back!" "Yeah. Twilight did say it'd take a while." With a comforting smile, Amber Shine squeezed Heather's shoulder with her wing feathers. "I say it a million times, but just as a reminder; we've got you, girl." And she appreciated the encouragement. She really did. But Heather found it incredibly hard to muster more than a ghost of a smile when she found her legs on autopilot while her mind was elsewhere. 'Stop talking about her" she'd said. Yet she couldn't even bring her own brain to shut up. When it came to the very thought of that Unicorn princess, ugly green thorns never stopped digging their way into her ribcage. But after today... Heather's inner snarl rang with unconcealed bitterness, louder than ever before. 'How? How does someone like her get to be a princess?'
Officially introducing Star Chime! Daughter of Luna, sister of Prince Amadeus, and youngest royal of the five royal Equestrian children (Princess Flurry Heart, Princess Lumina, Prince Amadeus, Prince Nova Spark, and Princess Star Chime, in that order)! Though by youngest, she's probably a year or two younger than Nova Spark.
I'm excited that she's ready to officially be a part of the cast!! I've considered her and Dream Flow the future main protagonists of present-day story. One day she'll meet her partner in crime. One day...
Also, very fun to write a chapter exploring Heather's psyche! In no way am I advocating for violence against misbehaving kids, by the way. I know people will see this as Heather "getting what she deserves" - and wanting to see karma get her is valid - but just know the purpose of this chapter wasn't me trying to take pleasure in physically "punishing" this kid, back when she was a youth with very misguided values. Just wanted that to be clear!
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illyaana · 3 years
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Squiggles - Oikawa Tooru
Thanks to @pocky-writes for this collab! It was so fun to do~ Check out all the other writers involved in the collab here ヾ(•ω•`)o
Tags: Oikawa's POV, Angst, Minor Fluff, Cursing, Kissing, SFW, Manga Spoiler (Oikawa and Iwaizumi's future jobs)
Synopsis: You entered Oikawa's life - and it hasn't been the same ever since. (If I give anymore, it'll be spoilers TwT) (I also named Oikawa's sis Miho-)
Word Count: 4334
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Liked my writing? Do you want a drabble specifically made for you about your love life with a character of your choosing? Check out my 50 followers event over here!
All stories are basically a squiggly line - it has ups and downs with multiple loops in random spots. Some parts might be thicker or shorter than others, but all points of the story make up a giant, huge squiggly line that either brings you joy or sadness. I wanted my story to be as thick and long as possible - to outshine all the other squiggles the world has to offer. It was going to be the best squiggle ever until you came along and made it loopier and uneven.
I remember the first day you came into our class so vividly.
I had rushed to the school to copy Iwa-chan’s homework. The Kitagawa Daiichi blazer I wore was soaked in sweat thanks to me running a few blocks in several minutes. Of course, Iwa was in the classroom, waiting for school to start. He had rolled up his sleeves and was reading the literature component assigned to us - the very book I never touched ever since volleyball practices began.
“You are of a different breed, Oikawa,” Iwa-chan mumbled as he passed his book to me, “This is the last time you’re doing this.”
No, it isn’t.
“Yes, sir.”
I pulled out my book and began to move at top speed, hoping I would finish before class began.
That’s when you opened the door, breaking my concentration.
You were glowing. The school blazer seemed so big on you - as if someone with a bigger physique gave it to you - but you look so precious in it. You had a jump in your step, a wide smile plastered on your face. Your hair looked so soft even from a mile away. You seemed so at peace with everything - even when you entered a new school.
You carried yourself with such confidence it scared me.
I loved being the confident one, the hot one, the cheerful one - yet you stole those roles from me the second you walked into the school campus.
I didn’t know what I felt; was it inferiority or was it just pure admiration? Maybe a combination of both?
All of this… It was so new to me.
I was always surrounded by those who were eager for my approval - to be part of my posse and be connected to me in some way, but I just wanted to be around you. It was the first time I ever took an interest in anyone excluding my volleyball team.
It’s weird, isn’t it? The feeling of warmth rushing through your skin, but your throat just feels tight - it doesn’t want you to say anything you would regret, so it tries to hold you back. Your palms sweat and become clammy, goosebumps rise on your skin - it is so freeing yet restricting.
I wanted to come and welcome you to the school - maybe take you around the school grounds, show off a bit at the gym, find out who you are as a person - if I got lucky, even get your phone number.
“ ‘kawa, are they new? I feel like I’ve never seen them before…” Iwaizumi asked, pulling on my rolled-up sleeve.
Of course, this had to happen, didn’t it?
Iwaizumi tried to cover his red face with his arms, but he was failing miserably. His forehead began to sweat, a trail of water dripping down his chin. His chocolate eyes glowed just like your skin - so much so you could see the hazel flecks within them. His whole arm was covered in raised goosebumps, just like mine.
He was attracted to you.
“I think they are,” I replied, hiding my feelings with a smile, “Why Iwa-chan? Oh my god Iwa, you’re blushing!”
Iwaizumi threw a book to my face, earning a groan from me.
“Shut up, Shittykawa,” he says, blushing in a deeper red, “...but yeah, I think I do.”
“Well, if you want them to swoon for you just like how almost all the girls of the school do for me, I can help you. Just with the daily fee of milk bread during recess, I can turn your single ass into a full-fledged bachelor!” I say, trying to lighten up the mood.
“I'll buy you milk bread for lunch, either way,” he mumbled.
“See? It’s basically free, isn’t it? The best part of it all; it comes with a free gift! A box of milk every day so that you can grow taller-” Book number two found its place on my forehead once again.
“You’re such an idiot,” he says midst chuckling, “Thanks for the offer, Tooru. I think I’ll do this by myself, though.”
“Ok, then! Just so you know, the offer is always on the table,” I smirk, teasing the shorter male even more, “Don’t forget the milk.”
“I am never buying you anything ever again.”
Classes went on as usual, but I couldn’t focus at all.
I kept on staring at you from my seat - enjoying every single thing you did. I saw how you’d raise your shoulders in frustration when you couldn’t understand a question, how you’d bite the end of your pencil when you were focusing on the class, how you’d play with your fingers when you were stressed - I was taking mental notes without even realizing it. I loved all the small little huffs you’d make when you’re agitated. Judging by how you were speeding through most of the questions, you seemed to be a smart student.
I kept on playing small scenarios that I would do to get your attention.
Maybe I’d ask you a question and act like I couldn’t understand the whole topic so that you could tutor me, or I should just ask you about your opinions on the essay topic we discussed in class, or I could tease you about that small thing you did in front of the classroom when the teacher wasn’t looking.
But I would never do that to Iwaizumi.
My mind replayed that small scene of him blushing just at the mere glance of you. If he could, he would’ve already gushed about you to me - tell me all the things I already knew just by looking at you. He’d go on and on about how you squinched your nose when you drank that hot drink a bit too early and burnt your tongue.
His squiggle was already slowly moving around you, making a loop fitted for you and you alone - and I will happily watch from the sidelines when you two finally become a thing.
“Welcome back, Tooru!” My sister said from the kitchen, “Give me a minute, I’m helping mom prepare lunch.”
I placed my bag in front of my room and headed to the kitchen.
“Don’t make poison, please!” I tease her, enjoying the annoyed expression on her face.
“Tooru!” Mom sighed, “We’re inviting our new neighbors for dinner today. Go shower and get ready.”
I stuck my tongue out at my sister, earning an anger-filled hum from my mother. I ran to my room and soon headed to the shower to get ready.
Slinging the white towel on my shoulder, I head back to the kitchen area and set the table for the meal.
“Where are they from again?” Miho asked Mom.
“They’re apparently from Tokyo. The father passed away recently, so the mother had to bring the rest of the family to Miyagi to reduce the financial burden. Sad, isn’t it?” she replied.
“We should help them here and there,” Miho started, “We don’t need to give them money, but maybe help them get used to the city?”
I nodded, but I wasn’t present in the conversation ever since Mom mentioned Tokyo.
“Do they have a kid my age?” I ask, hoping that I’m wrong.
“I think there’s one that just transferred to your school?”
Please, don’t be who I think it is.
The doorbell rang, shaking me out of my thoughts.
I slowly headed to the door, gripping the doorknob tightly as I slowly opened the door.
I was right.
“Hello, Oikawa-san! It’s me, Y/N, from your class,” you said, a smile on your face.
“I just wanted to thank you and your family for your generous offer, but we can’t join you for dinner today,” you started, “Mom has to go get some things settled before she can come for dinner. Sorry, again…”
“What about you? Have you eaten anything yet?” My mom asked as she walked towards the door, “If you want, you can eat dinner here and bring some back for your mom.”
“Really?!” Your lips widened, “Thank you so much, aunty!”
You sat right beside me, just like Iwa-chan does when he comes over. I loved seeing you talk so comfortably with my family. I could see my mom’s adoration towards you when you talked about your life back in Tokyo. Your eyes lit up when you talked about your family - even if you were talking about your father.
You didn’t know it yet, but your presence makes my squiggle a little lighter.
“What school are you going to, Y/N?” Mom asked.
“I’m going to Kitagawa Daiichi like Oikawa-san. I am in his class, actually... “ you trail off.
“Do you want me to walk you to school? I don’t mind doing it, but Iwaizumi would be joining us too. Are you okay with that?” I ask, gripping the ends of my shirt.
For the first time in my life, I hated the fact I had to be beside Iwaizumi.
“Thanks, Oikawa-san. It means a lot,” you smiled.
I regret asking you that question.
I had to see Iwaizumi try to flirt with you.
I had to see how you’d occasionally lean your head on my shoulder when we walked to school until Iwaizumi met up with us in the middle of our walk to school.
I had to see Iwaizumi carry your bag - something I wanted to do.
I had to see Iwaizumi make small jokes to you - something I wanted to do.
I had to see you enjoy Iwaizumi’s presence - something I wanted you to only feel for me.
I had to let it happen in front of me, didn’t I?
Books and movies never compare to the real thing; to see the person you love gush over someone you love like a sibling.
But you were closest to me, not Iwa-chan.
You came to me when you had problems, not Iwa-chan.
You stayed over at my place to relax, not Iwa-chan’s.
You watched movies with me, played games with me, told secrets to me - not Iwa-chan.
Your squiggle intertwined with mine more than Iwa-chan’s.
“Tooru,” you said as you played with the rogue strands of my hair as your head laid on my lap, “Do you want to go out on a trip?”
“What? Why?”
“We’re graduating, but we never had a trip together. It’s weird, isn’t it?” You say, slowly getting up.
I pushed your head back on my lap, earning a muffled squeal from you.
“It isn’t, to be honest,” I say, “...but I do like the idea.”
“So, we’re doing it?” you say as you wiggle your feet in excitement.
“Yeap. I’ll ask Iwa-chan if he wants to join,” I say as I grab my phone.
“I was kind of hoping that it would be just the two of us? I haven’t been able to talk to you without anyone intervening for a long time, and there’s a lot I wanna talk about.”
You looked at me, hoping for some reaction, but I couldn’t say anything.
If I was not friends with Iwaizumi, I would’ve said yes almost immediately.
I know I love you - ever since I saw you, I have.
But Iwaizumi deserves someone amazing like you.
I don’t.
“Tell me, then! I don’t think Mom’s coming home anytime soon and Miho is working right now, so there isn’t anyone who’d disturb us now,” I say through gritted teeth.
I felt your disappointment when you sighed and moved to lie down on my bed.
“I guess I’ll tell you another day.”
I felt your squiggle moving away from me - moving on without mine.
Soon, our one-week trip to Tokyo began.
Thanks to months and months of pestering, our parents let us go by ourselves to the city you grew up in.
I could see everything in your eyes, thanks to your stories about this place. The small, quaint shops, the smell of freshly made Taiyaki at the side of the road, the small kids running on the pavement while being chased by angry parents - all of it.
“Oikawa!” you patted my shoulder, “That’s the bakery I talked about last time. You know, the one with amazing cheese tarts? Oh, that’s where my dad gave me my first cup of coffee!”
Iwaizumi chuckled as he focused on the road, admiring your love for the city.
“Why are you laughing, pine cone hair?” You tease Iwaizumi, trying to get more reactions from him.
“Nothing! You sound cute, that’s all,” he said as he focused on the road.
“Oh, really~?” You move closer to Iwaizumi and whisper something in his ear, making him blush instantly.
There it is.
That icky feeling I hate.
Why did it come now? I was with Y/N and Iwaizumi - the people I care about the most.
Go away.
Get out.
I don’t need you.
“Well, I’ll just chaperone Oikawa then, Hajime. Have fun all by yourself in a huge city you don’t know well,” you say, teasing him even more.
They said Hajime - not Iwaizumi.
“Geez, get a room, you two.”
“Sad I’m taking your husband away, Tooru?”
“The fuck, Y/N!” Both Iwa-chan and I scream.
You laugh as you lean back into the backseat.
“What? You both are an old couple,” you begin, “Oikawa is the flamboyant one and Iwaizumi is the man that’s only gay for Oikawa and actually thinks before doing something.”
“Did everyone think I’m gay for Oikawa?” Iwa says under his breath.
“Yeap,” you reply, “Many girls were sad, to be honest. I kept on telling them you’re straight, but they didn’t listen,” you shrug.
“And me?” I ask.
“You were labelled as the hot pansexual, lucky you,” you reply with an eye roll.
“Why did no one tell me…” Iwaizumi said to himself, worried.
“Honey~,” I began teasing the ‘pinecone’.
“Shut the fuck up, Shittykawa.”
“ ‘Shut the fuck up, Shittykawa’ - why don’t you give an actual nice nickname for the brunette over here,” you ask him, playing with the stressed driver.
“Do it or I’m calling you pinecone for the rest of your life.”
“Do it or I’ll tell them-” I say before getting cut off by Iwaizumi himself.
“Holy shit, Y/N,” I wiped my fake tears, “He called me pretty! Darling~”
“Oh my god, Oikawa,” you say, laughing as I hug Iwaizumi’s arm.
Our squiggles were intertwined and in a good way - that’s all that mattered.
“Oikawa,” Iwaizumi looked at me with a serious face, “I think I am going to confess to them tonight.”
Wait, you are?
Please don’t.
Don’t take them away from me.
I need them.
Iwaizumi, please don’t.
“Finally! It’s about time you made your move - I think they like you too, so you have a shot.”
It’s true - I see how they stare at you.
Their eyes are filled with admiration, lips fixed in a soft smile, their hands grazing your cheek - they love you as much as you love them, Iwaizumi.
“Thanks for supporting me, Tooru. It really means a lot to me,” he says as he hugged me, “Thanks for being my best friend.”
I haven’t been a good friend, Iwa.
I fell for the same person.
I want to steal them from you so badly, but I can’t bring myself to hate you.
I want to hate you so bad, but I can’t.
This feeling… I hate it.
“Thanks for being mine, too.” I smiled, but the smile never reached my eyes.
You’re taking them away from me, Iwaizumi.
You could’ve gotten anyone else, but you took them away from me.
I don’t want to feel this - this hatred growing within, yet here I am, cursing you in my head the minute I see you.
“Go! Why are you wasting time?” I say, pushing you towards the door.
I saw the smile you gave me as you ran to her room.
You are such an amazing person, Iwa-chan.
You can care for someone who deeply hates you.
I saw how they were basically draped around you for the next few days. They looked so happy just to be beside you.
Each day, their eyes spoke stories of love for you, Iwa. They used to come over to my place and gush about you every day, like a ritual.
You’re so fucking lucky, Iwaizumi. This isn’t fair.
They’d go on and on about your physique, your personality and the small things you’d do.
Congratulations, they finally paid attention to the things you did for them. I’m happy for you, Iwa.
I am happy for the two of you, truly.
They are truly happy.
I could’ve never done that - never.
I just wish I wasn’t walking towards the gym that day.
I saw your first kiss under that tree - the tree the three of us used to spend under while waiting for practice to start.
I saw how their hands gripped on the back of your head, pressing themselves on you. I saw how you gripped their hips oh so tightly as you showed them your passion towards them. I saw how breathless they looked the minute your lips left theirs. I saw how they grazed your chin whilst staring into your eyes in admiration.
I pictured how it would’ve been if I was in your position.
I would’ve held them tighter, pressed my forehead against theirs so that our noses would brush against each other. They’d play with the ends of my hair, going on and on about how soft each lock was like they usually do. They’d eye my lips as I stared at their soft and supple lips. I’d press the tip of my thumb on their bottom lip, enjoying the view of their parted lips made just for me and me alone. Slowly, I would kiss their cheeks, hoping for some cute reaction from them. From their cheeks, I would drag my lips to their chin, placing soft kisses here and there.
I would then press my lips against theirs, enjoying the soft noises escaping their lips.
But I never will - you’re theirs as they’re yours.
Of all places, why did you have to choose there?
I can’t come back here without thinking about that kiss now.
That icky feeling…
It’s back.
Go away.
Get out of me.
I am happy.
“Damn, Iwaizumi,” Matsun said as he approached the gym, “Y/N’s really in love with them, huh?”
“Shut it, Matsun,” Maki said, looking at me.
Of course, he’d notice.
I am in love with his friend's girlfriend, after all.
“What? He’s telling the truth; they’re so in love with each other they can’t even see that three people saw their first kiss!” I shouted, earning a growl from the black-haired male hugging Y/N.
“Out of all the times, Shittykawa…”
“You better run, he looks feral!” You shouted, laughing.
“You sure he wasn’t feral ever since he initiated that kiss? I saw that hand wandering, Iwaizumi~!” Matsukawa shouted as he ran to the gym.
“Iwaizumi isn’t innocent anymore. You aren’t part of the gang anymore man, stay back,” Hanamaki said, wiping a fake tear whilst gripping his sides, “You’ve grown up too quick, Iwa-senpai.”
“You okay, ‘kawa?” Maki said as he turned to me, rubbing my back.
“I am fine, Maki. Go ahead - go to the gym, I’ll come in a minute,” I gave him a nod as I walked to the toilet.
That day was the first day I cried over someone in school, and hopefully the last.
“Tooru… Tohru…” You mumbled.
“Yes, my name is similar to the main character’s. What about it?” I sigh.
“We should get you a cat. Who knows, you might kiss it and it’ll become a girl?” Iwa chirped.
“That’s a cat version of Princess and the Frog,” I say, annoyed.
“Stupid,” you hit Iwa’s thigh, “Get with the program.”
Iwa groaned as he rubbed his leg, “That was really painful, dumbass.”
“Tohru, he called me dumbass,” you whined.
“I am not Tohru - it’s Tooru.”
“Brown hair, all of the people around them falling in love with them, high pitched voice… that’s you,” Iwa joked.
“Major flaw in your theory - I am not a girl.”
“Alternate universe Tohru then,” you said, enjoying the banter.
“Tohru plays with animals, I play with a volleyball team.”
“How do you know she isn’t in a volleyball team? It was never specified she isn’t part of a volleyball team.”
“It’s never specified that she is part of a volleyball team,” I say, clearly annoyed by this conversation.
“I’m getting you a cat - a ginger one,” Iwa said, grabbing his phone from the side table.
“Don’t get me a cat!”
“Get him a cat, love. He doesn’t know it yet, but he’ll love it,” you said, leaning against Iwaizumi’s chest to see his phone screen.
“Holy shit,” you said, holding back a laugh, “He’s actually looking-”
“Iwaizumi Hajime!” I scream, making both Iwaizumi and you laugh loudly.
“I was looking at a cat meme, stupid.”
I sign out of frustration and look back at the TV screen, avoiding the mischievous couple.
I eyed the way they were sitting on the couch.
You were seated in between Iwaizumi’s legs, their back pressed against his front. Their hands played with Iwaizumi’s left hand, fiddling with his fingers as they stared at the screen in front of them. Iwaizumi wasn’t looking at the screen though - he was staring at his lover who was fully immersed in the scene unfolding in front of them. His right hand grazed their right hand, enjoying the feeling of them comfortable in his arms.
You looked happy, and that’s all that mattered.
The last episode soon finished and you looked to the ceiling, stretching your neck.
“So sad it’s over,” you said, smiling.
“At least it had a good ending. I don’t think I need to remind you how heartbroken you were when we watching Banana Fish’s-”
“Don’t remind me - I’ll cry here and now.”
You got off the couch and walked towards the kitchen to get a drink.
“So,” you plopped on the couch, leaning against Iwa, “What’s the final plan, Mr Tohru?”
“What do you mean?”
“Your life after high school, of course! What’s the plan? I know Hajime is planning to be a trainer, but you never told me what your plan is.”
Again with the Hajime.
Just use Iwaizumi, for fuck’s sake.
I snap out of my thoughts. “Oh.”
“You’ve been out of it recently. You’re okay, right?” You say as you walk to sit beside me.
I chuckle, looking at your concerned face.
“I’m good - just stressed about life, that’s all. I am not so sure as to what’s the next step, but it’s going pro.”
You hug me from the side, placing your head on my shoulder.
“Hey, what’s wrong with you, now? Aren’t you scared that you might make Hajime jealous?” I tease.
“I don’t know - I just feel I need to do this, like a feeling that you might do something rash.”
I felt tears wet the side of my shirt.
My eyes darted to the sight of you, sobbing, gripping on my shirt.
“Don’t you dare forget me, okay?” You say through sniffles, “I sure as hell won’t forget you.”
I cup your face in my hands, wiping off the trailing tears.
“I won’t.”
You made a huge loop on my squiggle, Y/N - I don’t I can ever forget you.
TO: Y/N (2:30 a.m.)
It’s been so many years, Y/N.
You’ve blossomed into the amazing person I knew you’d be.
I saw Iwa-chan recently - after all, he’s training the Japan team.
I actually made it into a team - the Argentinian Volleyball team.
I kept on doubting myself, but you kept on reminding me of how good of a setter I was back in high school.
I know you’re busy being the big person in your industry - congrats on all the awards again, I keep forgetting to contact you.
If you’re down, maybe we can call? I miss your voice.
I sent the message, hoping you’d reply as fast as you used to when we were in high school.
I looked from the hotel window, trying to imagine how the scenery is back home in Miyagi.
The roaring fields, the birds flying in the sky as we walked down that small pathway, that traffic light you’d draw on while waiting for the cars to pass - I remembered it all.
I remembered it all just because you were part of it.
Funny, isn’t it? After so many years, I still think of you.
Not as my friend’s lover, but mine.
I shouldn’t have invited Iwaizumi to that trip.
I should’ve just kept you all to myself - protect you from the world.
I should’ve just kept Iwaizumi out of your life - not let him in at any point.
I should’ve just told him how I feel about you.
I tried so hard to get over you, Y/N.
I met so many other people, hoping they could fill up the hole you left when you left me for him. I had so many sour relationships just because I was comparing them to the rhetorical you that I dated. If the world had given me a second chance, I would be standing beside you - I would work to provide for you the best the world had to offer.
But in the end, your squiggle was meant to grow without mine. I had to accept it and move on, as much as it hurts.
Covid 19: Angst train :)
All reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated!!!
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DDD #10
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Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Adopted Daughter!Reader
Summary: After a few rough months being in a new home, YN finally breaks down from all the stress, anxiety, and depression she's been going through. Luckily for her, Jensen is there to listen and be the shoulder to cry on.
Warnings: Anxiety/Depression, Fluff, Angst
A/N: Week #10 is here (better late than never)! Make sure to check out @mlovesstories​ drabble and her masterlist. Also, I am only 5 followers away from 200! Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!
Jensen: 42 YN: 12
***ASK OPEN***
Dynamic Duo Drabbles Masterlist
"Every time I heard the ice cream truck, it reminded me of home."
YN opened the front door of the Ackles home and walked inside with JJ right behind her. JJ immediately ran into the living room where Danneel was playing with the twins.
"Hi, JJ. How was school?" she asked the 7-year-old.
"It was great! We worked on adding and minusing things in math," JJ replied.
Danneel chuckled, "I think what you meant is addition and subtraction. Go on upstairs and get started on your homework. Daddy will be home from work soon and we're going out for dinner."
"Yay!" JJ yelled as she ran upstairs to her bedroom.
Danneel turned and saw YN standing by the door, "YN? Is everything okay?"
YN nodded in silence and walked down the hallway towards her room. Once she was in her room, she shut the door behind her and leaned against it, sliding down to the floor.
She sat there for a bit, contemplating everything that had happened at school that day: being pushed into her locker and on the ground, her lunch being thrown across the cafeteria, and not to mention her failed Algebra and Science exams.
Most of the bullying from school, of course, was because she was "the new Ackles kid". She got told day after day how she'd never live up to the standards of the Ackles family.
It surely didn't help the depression she had.
Her mother died roughly 5 years prior and she had been put into foster care. The Ackles family was the first she had known since being put in the system.
They were a nice family, very open and welcoming. But that didn't mean YN was going to be that way.
She kept to herself more than she should: hides the bullying and bad grades from Danneel and Jensen, doesn't have any friends at school, and really doesn't speak all that often.
YN really wished things could change, but all she wanted was her mother back and her old life back. Maybe she could...
A startled gasp escaped her lips when a sudden knock at the door snapped her from her thoughts. Her hand jumped to her chest as her breathing was rapid.
"Hey, YN? Are you in there?" Jensen yelled through the door.
YN didn't move or speak. She stayed perfectly still against the door.
"Well, we're thinking about going out to dinner. And if we did so, we thought you'd like to choose where we go," he explained.
YN took a deep breath as she stood on her feet. She turned and opened the door, but her eyes stayed on the ground.
"There you are, kiddo," Jensen smiled.
YN sighed, "You guys should go to dinner. I've got too much homework to do."
"Not an option, YN. You can do some of your homework now, come to dinner, and finish when we get back."
"Please, I just want to-"
"No, YN. You're not going to hide out in your room tonight."
"Jensen, I really need to get this done-"
"It wont' kill you to hang out with your family for one night."
"You are not my family!"
Jensen was taken aback from YN's outburst. She had never lashed out like that. In fact, she had never raised her voice period.
"YN...is everything...all right?" Jensen asked cautiously.
Suddenly realizing she had yelled at him, YN took a step back from the door as tears filled her eyes, "I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean...I j-just...I..."
Jensen walked into her room and knelt down on the ground, "YN, talk to me. What's going on?"
YN shrugged, "Nothing. Just an off day, that's all. It's nothing."
"You know you can tell me anything, YN. You can trust me."
He stared at her for a moment, trying to understand what had gotten her so upset. He reached up, wiped the tears from her eyes and squeezed her shoulder.
"Is there something happening at school? Is it us? Are we doing something wrong?" Jensen asked.
YN closed her eyes, "I just..." tears poured over her eyes and down her face, "I really miss my mom. And I miss my old house and my old life. I feel like everything I do here is wrong. I'm failing classes and I get pushed around at school. JJ and the twins don't want anything to do with me-"
"Now hold on a second. I know for a fact that JJ, Arrow, and Zeppelin love you. And as for the bullies at school, they're just jealous because you are so loved here by us. If you need help in your classes, I can help. I'm not the greatest tutor, but I can do my best."
"And...and my old life and home? My mom?"
Jensen smiled, "Why don't you and I hang out tonight? You can tell me all about her. I'd love to know what she was like. Maybe then I can try and do more things that she did? Or maybe I can talk to Danneel and she could try?"
YN didn't raise her head or make any sort of eye contact, but she did give him a small nod.
"Good. Let's go to the living room then, okay?" Jensen stood on his feet.
He held out his hand to YN, she took it, and they both walked out of her room. They walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.
For the next couple hours, YN told Jensen story after story about things with her mom, her old school and friends, and her old home.
"On hot days in the summer, my mom and I would heard the ice cream truck driving outside. She's always get a bomb pop and I'd get an ice cream sandwich," YN smiled about the memory.
Jensen chuckled, "So that's why I always see you look up when you hear the truck outside."
"Every time I heard the ice cream truck, it reminded me of home," YN replied.
"You and your mom were really close, huh?"
"Closer than close. She was my best friend."
Jensen hugged her, "I'm glad you have such great memories of her."
"I'm really happy you and Danneel brought me into your home. It's been really hard for me to cope and move on, but it's starting to get easier," YN beamed.
"I'm glad, kiddo. I'm happy you're apart of our family. It wasn't complete without you."
My Cherry Blossoms
@mlovesstories​​​ @adorable-minibot​​​ @chessurkait​​​​
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@obsessedwithfandomsx​​​ @mangueweaschester​​​ @starchildwild​​​ @deans-baby-momma​​​​
@spnbaby-67​​​ @unicornmadness2444​​​​
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koushisatori · 4 years
All you have to do is ask
It’s me again! This isn’t beta-read yet, but I’ll do so tomorrow after lunch!! But i need to get this out of my drafts asap and...well, here you go!!  Edit: 16.11.,13:10: I beta’ed it now and weeded out dumb mistakes (and made new ones, probably ) !  ♡ ~('▽^人)  
oikawa x f!reader
genre: small bit of angst, fluff
warnings: someone kinda trying to force themselves onto you??
word count: 3.4k
note: this was supposed to be a drabble, now look at what it turned out to be </3</blockquote>
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Tooru was sure that he had saved at least thousands of people in his last life to deserve you liking him back
you didn’t play ‘’unreachable’’ but he had to out in some work for you
especially with his fan club being all over him all the damn time, 
but you never gave him any reason to doubt your intentions with him which is why he took wooing you very seriously
both of you actually spend a lot of time by just talking and getting to know each other due to that
for example: he liked taking you on cute little and spontaneous dates on volleyball-free afternoons and would then walk you home after
or on lunch breaks that you (at first) spend with him alone 
(sometimes he waits at your classroom door to pick you up if it’s manageable for him - aka if he’s not swarmed by people with confession letters)
later you both are consequently joined by Iwa, Mattsun, and Makki 
the last two loved teasing him with their ‘fun facts for lunch’
’’(Y/N)?’’ you hear Makki sing even before you can see any of the other three. next to you, Tooru groans in advance 
’’Did you know that ‘Kawa can reach a g’’ as soon as he’s eye to eye with an insect larger than your pinky finger?’’ the strawberry haired boy says, mattsun next to him wagging his eyebrows 
the professional that you are easily suppresses a grin, you merely chuckle amused 
’’Who isn’t afraid of bugs larger than that? There are way smaller things that could kill you!’’ you exclaim with wide eyes ‘’...and I’ll gladly channel all my bravery and…’’ you look around before leaning forward, the two boys following your example, intrigued by the secretive expression on your face ‘’…annihilate everything and everyone that might scare Tooru or make fun of hi’’ – ‘’WOAH, (Y/N)-‘’
they had tried to flirt with you just to fuck with Oikawa (so with no real intention) but they had to realize rather quickly that this was a hopeless task – you couldn’t tell that people were flirting with you unless they spelled it out
(literally that one meme;   you: ’’were you flirting with me, Tooru?’’ Tooru: did for the past half-year, thanks for noticing tho <3’’)
Don’t worry you know the setter well enough by now to be able to tell when he does, and really - only Tooru’s flirting matters to you
it also makes you blush furiously, now that you truly get it, but we’re not talking about that
Iwaizumi took you to the side one day while you were waiting for Oikawa to finish his training
he asked you sternly if you were sure that you would be able to handle days, weekends, and sometimes weeks in which Tooru would unintentionally prioritize Volleyball over you
said, that you had to find a balance on the fine line that was leaving him be with his training and stopping him from overexertion (and really ruining his knee)
after assuring that yeah, you would because you genuinely liked him, volleyball obsession and all, and that wanted to be with him, Iwa let go of any rest reservations he had had against you and joined the general teasing
Okay, moving on
as soon as his and your interest in each other became clear, you kept a clear distance from other males (and females, ‘yer that desired, as you should btw)
if they pushed it, you unmistakable stated that you’re not interested in other advances because you liked someone
Like??? Oikawa really just had to say the magic words at this point, you'd say yes in an instant
for god's sake tf is he waiting for?!!
despite you being obvious with your interest in the setter and disinterest in everyone else regarding this you constantly get approached by admirers
some people need it spelled out that you mean what you say, honestly
A thing Tooru liked so much about you was your kindness, but it also was the reason that - as already said - some people still thought they might have a chance
it’s not your fault, your natural charm is like...the 8th wonder of the world!!
due to your impeccable behavior and perfect grades, you obviously were the teachers’ favorite student to pick to help out other students
cue to: oh, look!! you're chosen again *sigh*
up until now, the tutoring never bugged Tooru too much, it was more like an itch he couldn’t scratch
but usually, they weren’t after school (giving up your lunch break, you’re a hero) and never awoke any rumors
your latest ’student’ seemed to think that he was close to ’’winning you over’’, though, that you were secretly but undeniably head over heels for him by now
’’I’ve heard that he plans on asking (Y/N) out today!’’ - ‘’No way! Even with Oikawa-Senpai obviously being interested in her?’’ - ‘’Yes!’’ - ‘’Death wish~’’
Tooru had to hear it in between classes and while he trusted you (and the last comment made him chuckle a bit), this was not the case for that guy
You: go home after class, Tooru, I need to give another tutoring session :(
of course, he wanted to hear none of that, especially with the hushed words fresh in his mind
meanwhile, you vividly imagined his annoyed expression reading it and the cute little huffing sound; you couldn’t help but smile softly to yourself </3
Tooru Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→: I’ll wait for you, (Y/N)-chan, Iwa-chan and me wanted to try out something anyway (^.~)☆
Tooru Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→: also, I waited to try out the sweets at the patisserie for too long to not eat my weight in cake twice today, so you better hurry if you want me to share with you
His answer clearly stating: I will wait for you, don’t take too long
Okay, maybe he was a bit jealous 
that this guy gets a reward – another hour with you alone - for being stupid ?? it obviously fed into a crazy fantasy and it was unfair
Oikawa reminded himself that he had no reason to be jealous, especially since he had yet to ask you out and make it official
(it had to be perfect and cute just like you, okay? no rom-com was able to prepare him for the real thing!!)
training – for the first time in years – dragged on endlessly
his mind kept wandering, and after the first 5 volleyballs to the head, courtesy of a very annoyed Iwaizumi, said one took matters into his own hands dragging his sulking best friend out of the gym
‘’If you’re jealous, Shittykawa, then fucking confess already.’’ Iwaizumi says with his no-bullshit voice, letting go of Tooru's jacket. 
While it was obvious that Oikawa is, in fact, super fucking jealous, he chuckles and puts on an easy smile. ‘’Silly Iwa-chan! I’m not- OUCH!’’ The brunet yelps, holding the back of his head and looking at his childhood friend with a pout. 
‘’First of all, fuck you, Shittykawa, for thinking I’m falling for your dumb act.’’ The ace growls, narrowing his eyes. ’’(Y/N) is a beautiful girl. Of course, Extras try to get close to and confess to her, you morron.’’ The spiky-haired let’s out a tsk-sound, seeing Tooru’s wide eyes. ‘’I at least hope you are aware that she is waiting for you to ask her out officially, right? It’s literally on you to put your foot over the line between a girl friend and your girlfriend. But if you take too long, she’ll eventually be fed up with waiting…so why in hell are you stalling?’’ Iwaizumi huffs, crossing his buff arms over his chest.
With a shrug, Oikawa looks up to the sky before his gaze travels down to settle on his feet, shuffling from side to side. ‘’I’m scared that making it official will do more harm than good, Hajime. She never said something else but…is she really fine with me forgetting basic things over Volleyball? Or will she leave me after a while like my last girlfriend? Because she realized Damn, he’s really into volleyball. I also don’t want to hurt (Y/N) by asking her to be mine and then…being me and screw everything up again.’’ Tooru whispers quietly, trying to hide the vulnerability while intentionally avoiding his best friends eyes. 
‘’You’re dumb, Tooru.’’ 
Well…that’s not what he was expecting Iwaizumi to do or say. A punch against his upper arm or chest maybe, or a kick to the shin – always with love but still painful enough to get the message across. But not a soft-voiced statement paired with a sigh. 
‘’I hate...’’ Iwaizumi says, waving his hand up and down. ‘’...why do I have to do...the emotionally charged pep talk.’’ He grumbles, pulling his hand over his face before he looks up directly into Oikawa’s insecure but also curious eyes.
’’You might not be aware of it, but things already are different compared to last time. (Y/N) does not just accept your passion, but supports you fully. With the amount of time she spends on the bench doing her homework and cheering for everyone when we do training's matches, while remembering our schedules and matches, she’s practically an inofficial second manager. By any means, she’s a perfect match to your madness, it’s scary.’’ he jokes, thinking of all the small things you do for his best friend that - in the end - make him trust you even more.
‘’But…what might be more important to you right now is that you’re not behaving like last time as well. You still are so freaking stupid and overexert yourself…but you check up on her whenever you take a water break. If it's asking in person or sending her a message. You make sure to have at least two free afternoons where you spend time with each other, which is two days more than you did last time by the way. You have that stupidly dopey smile on your face when you see Y/N. I mean…nothing ever breaks your focus after you set foot on the field and yet here we are, standing outside because all you do is mope around instead of playing!’’ The spiky-haired player huffs.
After a moment of silence, Tooru cries out an ‘’Iwa-chan, you do love me!’’ while draping himself over his best friend. ‘’Oi, Trashykawa!’’ the other protests with a fake angry voice, yet hugging the other back for a second before he pushes him off nonetheless. 
‘’Okay, now move your ass, the pinning you two are doing is a pain to witness.’’ Iwa says accusatory before going back into the gym, leaving Oikawa to make a decision. 
Hurrying through the gym to the changing rooms, Tooru nearly makes it out unseen until Yahaba is half asking, half yelling from the other side of the hall. ‘’Oikawa-san, where are you going?’’ 
With a wide grin and his signature peace sign (it’s for his own emotional support here, okay, his nerves are killing him), the Captain turns around to announce ‘’I’m finally getting myself a girlfriend!’’ before he quickly leaves his hollering teammates. 
(Oikawa was quite sure to hear Mattsun yell something like ‘All of you! Pay up!’ and Kyoutani muttering an ‘I’m leaving.’ somewhere in his vicinity.)
5 Minutes later, the brunet looks through all the classrooms in the hallway you should be in, teaching a good for nothing that was adamant about trying to steal you away from him. Tsk. 
Right after turning around the corner, Tooru hears a dull thud, followed up by a soft gasp that made his insides churn uncomfortably. That it’s immediately followed by a low, deep voice doesn’t help at all with calming Oikawas heart beat. He slowly creeps closer to the slightly ajar door to the room with the treacherous sounds. The soft whimper following was unmistakably you, and his heart suddenly felt like it was on the verge of breaking for a second.
Should he turn around and leave? Perhaps Iwaizumi was right with you being tired of waiting for him. Maybe you were tired and accepted someone else? 
Luckily, a gruff inner voice growls – surprisingly sounding like his best friend – and mentally slaps him. You never gave him a reason to doubt your affection! And if he had to fight for your affection then so it be! Also, you wouldn’t engage in something inappropriate out in public. There was a 99,9% chance of him misinterpreting everything due to his own insecurities, and you being uncomfrotable right now. Unacceptable. 
With his resolve strengthened again, the setter finally takes the last steps over to the door. Standing there, he finally could understand the words being spoken. Oikawa suddenly had a presentiment of what was happening inside.
Meanwhile, you were struggling unceasingly. ’’It…it is flattering that you…that you like me, honestly!! And…there are surely many other girls that would feel honored to be confessed to by you, but I like someone else, I’m sorry. Please, accept my choice!’’ you say, damming your voice for shaking and underminding your own statement.
’’Ah, ah, pretty girl, it’s not nice to lie.’’ the guy in front of you chuckles. The usage of such a pet name makes you cringe in disgust. There’s only one person allowed to give you tese kind of names. ‘’I know you like me, too. You with your cute little blush when you talk to me and lingering soft touches-‘’ 
A scandalized sound of protest leaves your lips. You were just short of stomping your foot. ’’I did no such thing! I-’’ But as before, your words meet a seemingly deaf ear. 
’’I will be the best boyfriend a pretty girl like you could ever wish for.’’ Moving closer, the guy slowly backs you up until you meet the chalkboard behind you. ’’Come on, give in.’’ He murmurs, hitting his hand against the board next to your head, which forces a scared whimper out of you. ‘’I’m all you need.’’
Stepping into the room, Tooru couldn’t believe his eyes and ears,. The blood in his veins slowly but surely starts to boil. 
’’Please, let me leave! I told you, I am not interested. I am with-’’ You plea softly, one hand pressed against the guys’ chest to stop him from coming any closer, – did he really try to kabedon you against the chalkboard? - while your other was hidden from his view. Even though you were trying your best, the distance between the two of you was insultingly sparse, the guy making up for the lack bodily closeness in general by leaning forward enough for your faces to be separated by only a few inches. You could probably feel his breath on your face. Tooru really felt like punching the guy.
’’What’s so special about the pretty boy anyway? He has many girls running after him to choose from, let me have you. I’ll treat you better! I have so much free time and I would spend all of it on you. Let me take you out for a coffee, pretty girl, or dinner. Hm? I’ll prove my words directly. I mean…he hasn’t even asked you out! It’s unfair how he is keeping you on the back burner, stringing you along. To you…’’ suddenly the boy moves closer, lowering his voice to a sultry murmur ‘’…and to m-‘’ 
’’That’s enough.’’ Oikawa says, his tone icy, sending shivers down the other male's spine. You on the other hand… 
’’Tooru…’’ you whisper, relief evident, as you watch him move closer to you as fast as humanly possible. Yet you still aren’t able to reach out. ’’Please, Tooru…’’ 
Upon hearing your soft whimper, his brown eyes follow yours to your other hand, realizing that said one is still in the firm grip of the guys' right. At that a clearly dangerous growl leaves the usually sweet brunet. ‘’If you don’t let go of her in the next two seconds and leave her be for good in 5, I can and will break your arm.’’ Oikawa threatens with an overly sweet, yet terrifying smile, wrapping his own hands around the guy's wrist, blunt nails pressing painfully into the sensitive flesh on the inside.
With a hiss, the guy finally pulls back his hand. It allows you to seek shelter behind the tall setters back. Your fingers tightly hold onto his shirt while you peek at the other from behind him. ’’Aww, come on, pretty boy,…’’ he says, voice provoking, the words clearly meant to degrade Oikawa. ’’…let me have some fun with sweets over there, and when I’m done you can have her all to yourself.’’ To top of his words, he winks at you. 
With the way he had tensed up the first moment, you half expect Tooru to suit the action to the word, and really break his arm...instead, Oikawa looks the other dead in the eye, while saying ’’Hey, (Y/N)-chan,? There’s that really sickening wretched smell in here, it’s kind of painful. I’d like to take you somewhere nice, will you get your things?’’
You hastily nod and do as you are told while Tooru continues to stare the other down, keeping his attention away from you and using the slighty height difference to his advantage. The moment you reach him, Oikawa finally lets go of the others wrist, grabbing yours instead. You tug him to the door as quick as possible, when suddenly life found its way back into the other. 
‘’Hey, what did you mean?’’ he asks, half angry, half clueless. Unable to accept his loss. 
Oikawa turns back one last time, a smirk settling on his lips while his eyes twinkle with amusement. ‘’I said, that a mouth breather as pitiful as you are is a disgrace to be in the vicinity of someone as amazing as her.’’ And with that, you both finally leave.
(Y/N)-chan…are you alright?’’ Tooru asks once you left the school grounds. His thumb drawing little circles on the back of your hand. 
You nod before you eventually look up, worrying your lip. ’’Thank you. I…I was really scared. Even though I'm sure that he would have done something…something…’’ you swallow down the nasty words, shuddering slightly. ’’I’m glad you came to save me, Tooru.’’ You finally settle on, pink coloring your cheeks. Beckoning him to lean down a bit by waggling your finger, you softly craddle his face and press a kiss to his cheek. The blush becoming more intense now with every passing moment.
Before you can pull back your hands, though, his had already found purchase on yours, keeping them - and you - in place. Everything about this moment felt right to him. Maybe now was the right time. ’’Pretty girl...’’ he murmurs, assessing your reaction. (He notes, pleased, that your blush intensifies, and your smile turns all giddy. He needs you to forget about that douchebag calling you that. He would repeat it until all you remembered was his voice using it.) ‘’I kind of really, really, really want to kiss you right now…’’ He whispers, the warmth of his cheeks telling him that he was most likely sporting a blush similar to yours. ’’…Will you be mine? Will you allow me to hold your hand? To kiss you silly? To steal bites of your food and make up for it with compliments and as many cuddles as you wish? Will you allow me to brag about you being my girlfriend and force you to wear my jersey to all my matches now and in the future?’’ His eyes didn’t leave yours for a second. He enjoyed watching yours light up as if he had just hung the stars in the night sky, or as if he had made you the best present a girl could wish for. 
’’Tooru…I thought you’d never ask…’’ you say with a smile so affectionate that it makes him feel mushy and warm all over. And then he finally closes the gap. 
The moment your lips meet for their first kiss is better than anything he had ever imagined. It isn’t a firework exploding, nor an unbalanced fight of passion and dominance. Instead, it’s gentle. A loving flow and exchange, wrapping you both in a blanket of warmth. A bubble just for the two of you. He understood what Iwaizumi meant with different, because – even though this relationship just started – he knows, that with you he had found a completely new world of comfort and love. Being with you already felt like coming home.
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lumassen · 3 years
I was in the mood to write a drabble cause I haven't written one for so long. It's snowing outside as I sat and wrote this on my lunch break, and yes I know it's February but here's a Christmas themed drabble lmao
Family Feud
Finland, Sweden, Sealand, Ladonia (1k words)
Timo and Berwald get into a yearly competition over who has the best Christmas decorations. Peter and Axel are the real adults here, despite being children.
"If it's war he wants, then war he'll get."
Peter glanced up from his iPad as his Dad  muttered from where he was standing by the window.
"Is it just me, Peter, or do those new lights around the garage seem brighter than ours?"
Timo continued, raising his voice a little now to address his son, who with an exaggerated eye roll tossed his iPad to the side and slid off the couch. Once at the window beside his Dad, who was standing stiff as a soldier with his arms folded tightly across his chest as he glared at the house across the street, Peter shrugged and shook his head slightly,
"I guess they do, yeah." He admitted, not even flinching when Timo stamped his foot and his brow furrowed. 
Peter was more than used to this by now.
"Well we'll see about that. C'mon, get your shoes and coat on, we need to catch the store before it closes." Timo said as he waltzed out of the living room, and Peter let out a heavy sigh before trudging after him. 
Berwald watched from the upstairs window as his opposite neighbour furiously scraped the snow from his car with a triumphant gleam in his eye.
"Ha, that'll teach him." He laughed a little under his breath as he watched Timo yank the frozen door open and bundle his son into the back seat of his little red car before stalking around to the driver's side.
"He's only gonna out do you again, Dad. Just admit it, Timo's better at Christmas decorations than you." 
Berwald turned to stare at his son, Axel, incredulously as he appeared next to him at the window, his face drawing into a frown,
"Ya think? Well let's see how he can compete with three sets o' string lights, a house-front projector and a real pine needle wreath." 
Turning his back on the window and leaving the bedroom, Berwald left Axel watching Timo struggle to start the engine of the car. Part of him wished that it wouldn't start, and so by putting an end to his Dad's oh so tiring annual Christmas decoration war with his neighbour, but eventually the car started and Axel watched as Timo backed out of his driveway and took off down the street.
"Don't you think it's a bit much, Dad?" 
Peter said the next morning when he woke up to find that Timo had been up since the early hours of the morning assembling the latest addition to their front yard that they'd bought yesterday at the hardware store.
He stood in the open doorway in his pyjamas and watched as Timo put the finishing touches on the huge, illuminated Santa's Grotto style arch that now stood at the end of their garden path. 
Timo's laugh was breathless and borderline hysterical as he clambered down from the step ladder and proudly made his way toward the front door.
"Don't be silly Peter, of course it's not! It looks great, don't you think?" 
Looking between his son and the new Christmas arch, Timo grinned from ear to ear and ignored how his head was beginning to pound from lack of sleep and not enough caffeine.
"Anyway, it's not a big deal. I think it looks lovely. Let's get you some breakfast and ready for school." 
He kicked his boots against the doorstep to get the snow off them before hurrying inside into the warmth. 
"How about pancakes?" Timo offered once the door was closed and his coat was off. Peter took a moment to ponder the suggestion, tapping a little finger to his chin,
"Only if I can have chocolate spread." he bargained, casting his Dad a puppy eyed look that not even he could refuse.
"Okay, chocolate spread it is." 
The first thing that Berwald saw when he stepped out of the house to leave for work was the gaudy new Christmas decoration that his neighbour had assembled overnight.
It was bright, too bright, a twinkling mass of bright red and green lights and plastic candy canes that were at least three feet tall. It was tacky, tasteless and Berwald knew that he could do better.
"Woah, that's cool." Axel said as he joined his Dad at the door and shrugged himself into his coat.
"Really, ya think so? It looks like something you'd see at the mall in front of a cheap Santa's grotto." Berwald muttered as he stepped aside to let Axel out of the house and locked the door once he was out.
"So… you're gonna be late picking me up tonight then?" Axel teased as he cast his Dad a knowing glance while he made his way over to the car.
Berwald rolled his eyes, not a fan of how his teenage son seemed to be able to read him like an open book these days, 
"I won't be late, I just might need you to wait for a couple of minutes." He said as he unlocked the car and slid into the driver's seat. When he looked over at Axel as he fastened his seatbelt in the passenger side he saw a great big smirk on his lips.
"It's fine, I'll just get the bus home. And no, I'm not gonna help you assemble whatever silly new Christmas decoration you buy. I've got homework to do." 
To this, Berwald didn't have a response, and so he just started the car and pulled out of the driveway without so much as a word and cast daggers with his gaze at the stupid Christmas arch in Timo's yard as he passed.
By the time Christmas eve came around, Timo had had to switch energy providers to get a cheaper tarrif once his electricity bills had started to skyrocket, and Berwald had suffered three power outages after too many decorations plugged into his mains caused a shortage.
The outside of both of their houses were covered with hardly an inch to spare in decorations, flashing lights, inflatable snowmen, and in Timo's case, an animatronic penguin on a sledge that he'd managed to convince his friend who worked at the mall to let him borrow. 
Taste had long been forgotten, and eventually it had turned into a competition as to who had the most decorations.
"Seventy three, seventy four, seventy five. Only Seventy five! Ha, we won!"
Berwald bellowed once he'd finished meticulously counting the decorations on Timo's house. Axel took his eyes away from the TV for a moment to watch as his Dad stood at the window, then jumped as he gasped dramatically.
"No! No no no no!" He cried as he fled from the living room and flung the front door open. Axel leapt up and followed him outside, the snow quickly seeping through his slippers and soaking them through,
He watched with an open mouth as Berwald dashed across the road just as Timo was bringing a huge LED Santa sleigh complete with all 8 reindeer from his garage.
"That only counts as one decoration, ya know that right?" Berwald called over Timo's picket fence as he leant on it,
"No it doesn't, it counts as nine. 8 reindeer, one sleigh." Timo corrected him, matter of fact, as he continued to haul the heavy decoration out from his garage.
"But they're all attached to the same plug, that… means…" Berwald tried to argue, but his words died on his tongue as Timo held up the wiring of the decoration. In his fist was a bundle of wires, and 9 individual plugs, one for each part of the decoration.
"Sorry, what did you say? I couldn't hear you over the sound of me winning this year." Timo knealt down to flip open the cap on the outdoor electricity outlet that he'd had installed years ago when he first moved to Sweden with his son so that he could plug in his one little snowman lawn ornament. Had he known back then that it would soon turn into an annual competition with his neighbour then he would have had twenty more installed.
"That doesn't even make sense!" Berwald flapped, not willing to accept defeat although he knew he'd been beaten. 
His heart sank as he watched Timo's smug grin widen across his lips as he plugged in the first reindeer, but only for it to quickly disappear when a huge spark blew out from the outlet, knocking Timo onto his back and causing the lights down the whole street to suddenly go out.
All traces of rivalry temporarily forgotten, Berwald pushed open Timo's garden gate and ducked under the Christmas arch as he rushed to help him up, fumbling in the darkness.
"Timo, you okay? Where are ya?"
Timo groaned as he sat up, slightly winded from colliding with the cold ground but otherwise okay.
"Here, Ber. I'm fine." He said as he got up, then was momentarily blinded as a torch light shone onto his face. 
"Dad? Are you alive?" Came Peters timid voice, and when Timo looked past the torchlight he could see the outline of his son, and Axel by his side.
"Yes honey, I'm alive. The decorations aren't though." Timo said through a sigh, then took hold of Berwalds hand when it was extended out to him and hauled himself to his feet.
"How are we gonna have our Christmas dinner now? The oven will have gone out with the electricity." Axel deadpanned, causing both Timo and Berwald to realise the extremity of what a power outage on Christmas eve meant not only for them, but for the entire neighborhood.
"Shit…" Timo cursed, and Berwald cleared his throat,
"I've got a generator in my garage. Should be enough to power my house for a couple hours - minus the decorations. Do you two, uh, wanna spend Christmas dinner with us?" 
Berwald offered, barely able to see Timo's reddening face in the darkness.
He thought for a moment, looking between Peter and Axel, then to Berwald,
"As long as you still acknowledge that I won. I did have more decor-"
"Dad!" Peter interrupted, shooting his Dad a warning look that was even more threatening than any 12 year old should have been capable of from beneath the darkened shadows of the torchlight,
"Okay, okay. Fine. I'm happy to call it a draw this year. No winners, no losers. Deal?"
Extending a hand out once more toward Berwald, Timo looked him dead in the eye until he sighed and accepted the truce. 
"Deal. Now let's go inside before the rest of the neighbours come out."
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amajikilvr · 4 years
yay, a new blog! 😁 ok so idk if you’ve ever read headcanons/drabbles of sero being latino and speaking spanish, but me and my niece awhile ago were talking about how cool it’d be if he instead spoke filipino or cebuano. so can i request a drabble of sero having a fem! filipino s/o who takes him to meet her parents and once he starts talking filipino or cebuano , they’re lowkey shook but nonetheless impressed? if you don’t wanna do filipino, you can do another language ☺️ tysm!!
Sero Hanta x Fem! Filipino S/O
word count: 987
sorry this took a little longer! i had final exams this week and wanted to make sure i did the appropriate research for this one because i am not filipino. that being said, i hope i properly represented this beautiful culture and language in this little drabble and would love for anyone who is filipino to let me know their thoughts xxx
You adored your boyfriend. Sure, maybe he didn’t stand out as much as some of his more prominent classmates, but none of that mattered a single bit to you. Your eyes were always on him and his equally goofy and comforting smile.
It’d been about three months since Hanta had asked you out during lunch one day and you had nervously accepted his proposition. He’d actually seemed shocked at your agreement and didn’t believe your agreement until you repeated it twice. You could remember all of that surprising event to a tee.
His widened eyes, the same color as a raven’s slick feathers. How his easy-going grin grew into one of pure excitement. The hollering and good-natured pats on the back from his rowdy friends as you watched him attempt to smoothly walk away.
“Hey, lovely girl.” Hanta drapes a long arm over your shoulder, careful not to let his quirk-affected elbow wack you when he catches up to you after school. You two begin the trek out of the crowded campus as his touch and words warm your heart, chest, and face. “Is that smile for me?”
“Actually, yeah.” You sheepishly admit while snuggling in closer to him. “There’s a good chance I was just thinking about you, but don’t let it go to your head.”
“Too late!”
Hanta pauses to beam at you before planting three obnoxiously loud smooches right on your burning cheek. A slightly embarrassing squeak escapes you before you playfully shove him off. He pulls you back in with a laugh.
You giggle along, but can’t ignore the apprehension growing within you. Today was the day. After about two months of formally dating, you’d decided it was time for Hanta to finally meet your parents. You actually hadn’t told him yet out of fear that he would panic and overthink it beforehand.
“So, what do you think about checking out that new smoothie place?” Hanta obliviously suggests as he takes your full and heavy bookbag for you. For a simple general studies student, the teachers sure loved to pile on the homework.
“Heroics class was a lot today. I mean, nothing I can’t handle, but I kinda worked up an appetite. You know? Like, a banana-strawberry smoothie would be pretty bomb right about now.”
You bite your lower lip slightly, urging yourself to just get on with it. “Okay, you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I was wondering if you were cool with going over to my place… I really want you to meet my parents.”
Hanta’s dark eyes instantly light up and you scold yourself for even beginning to doubt his willingness. He was always asking about your family and culture. They’d moved to Japan from the Philippines when you were only a baby, but you did know Filipino as a result of your parents continuously speaking it at home.
You were always happy to speak a few words for Hanta when he requested it. He was so genuinely interested, it was both sweet and adorable.
“Seriously? Y/N, of course, I want to.” He reached for your hand and squeezed tight. “I’d love to, but can we still get food? I just remembered that chicken soup dish you talked about your mom making and now I’m seriously hungry.”
“The chicken tinola?” You chuckle and give his hand two equally tight squeezes in return. “I don’t know what she’s making tonight, but they’ll definitely want you to stay for dinner so don’t worry.”
Your nerves were partially tamed the moment your boyfriend practically dragged you along to the train station with the bubbly excitement of a young child.
“How do I look?” Hanta flashed you a sappy grin while dramatically flipping his shoulder-length black hair.
“Gorgeous.” You roll your eyes at him good-naturally as you both walk up to your front door. Tenser than you were a moment ago, your hand hovers over the doorknob way longer than it should.
Hanta tilts his head at you and clasps your forearm tenderly. You can feel his thumb through your uniform sleeve. “Hey, don’t be nervous. I’ll be on my best boyfriend behavior, everything will be fine. Just tell me what to do and I’m all ears.”
You shake your head and give him an apologetic smile. “Be yourself, Hanta. I’m just being dramatic.”
“Oh, and maybe… no kisses while we’re in there. They’re pretty traditional so,”
That last part, although completely serious, gets a loud throaty laugh out of Hanta. The kind of laugh that paints his cheeks rosy and somehow stretches out his grin even further. You can’t help but giggle along when he pulls you in by your waist. He kisses you full-force on the lips and after a few long seconds, you force yourself to break it apart.
“Fine, I think that will tide me over.” He smirks at you and laughs again when he receives a soft jab to the side. “Hey! Y/N! You know I’m ticklish right there!”
Your parents address you warmly in their native tongue before both giving Hanta an amiable, but hesitant, look. You watch as their eyes flick over him, from head to feet. His expression is boyish when he politely bows to them, but before they can speak to Hanta in Japanese-
“Magandang hapon.”
You raise your eyebrows, pleasantly surprised that Hanta’s remembered that simple greeting. A similar flabbergasted glance is exchanged between your mother and father. And he just keeps going. Now, this is stuff you did not offhandedly teach him. Between regular school and hero training, he’s somehow found the time to learn some on his own.
The short bit of Filipino he speaks is shockingly decent and comprehensible, give or take the understandable mispronounciation. It’s rendered your father wide-eyed as he goes to shake Hanta’s hand.
Practically kicking yourself in the foot, you wonder why you even bothered to let yourself worry about this.
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4haechie · 4 years
balls, bouquets & broken hearts
➵ request: For the drabble game, can i request Donghyuck with Au #6, trope #6 & Prompts #14 please with fluff and angst? Thank youu very much, have a nice day~ 😊
➵ lee donghyuck x reader | fluff, slight angst (i tried my best but i’m a sucker for happy endings), exes to lovers au, hogwarts au | 1,407 words | “you’re so not making this easy for me.”
➵ warnings: some curse words here and there, a failed attempt at angst
➵ a/n: tysm for the request! hope u have a nice day as well, and enjoy
want to request? check this post out!
“so,” your friend chirps during lunch, nudging you with her elbow, “who are you taking to the yule ball this weekend?”
you shift uncomfortably beside her. you haven’t even thought about it...not since you and donghyuck broke up a month ago. “i don’t know...what about you?”
she flushes shyly, “mark asked me a couple of days ago.” she lets out a fucking giggle. she never giggles. slytherins don’t giggle–and you yourself haven’t giggled since...
“that’s awesome, y/f/n! i’m really happy for you.” you let her know.
she mumbles “thanks” and twirls a strand of her hair between her fingers when she sees mark at the gryffindor table, who gives her a wink. you roll your eyes.
“you know...” she grabs a french fry from her plate and nibbles on it, “donghyuck hasn’t asked anyone yet, either. mark told me so.”
you clench your fist, causing the napkin you’re holding to crumble under your touch. “why should i care?”
“maybe because you’re in love with–”
“shut the fuck up! and keep your voice down, or i swear i’ll give you your own personal thunderstorm.” you threaten, but both of you know very well that you don’t mean it.
even though you’re not with donghyuck anymore, and he was the one who broke up with you, your friend never misses an opportunity to bring him up. it’s no use though; you’re over him.
of course, you are. why wouldn’t you be?
your friend drops the subject after seeing your clenched fist. she jokes around a lot, but she knows you better than anyone. she knows you’re hurt because of him. but she also remembers how happy he made you. she just wants you to be happy, again. she hasn’t seen you smile since...since, well, donghyuck dumped you. she wants to make him pay, yes, but she also wants him to realise how badly he fucked up by breaking up with you.
“how do i look?” y/f/n asks you, spinning around slowly. her dress is beautiful–a sleeveless, emerald-coloured ball gown. its frock is done in lace, layers and layers of it. her dress might be beautiful, but she looks even more ethereal, you think. mark is a lucky guy.
“stunning,” you reply. you hand her her purse containing emergency supplies–a piece of paper with the new password to the common room, her wand, lip gloss, a pack of gum, and a copy of the map of hogwarts.
she flashes you a grin, but it soon fades away. “you’re really gonna stay here all alone? can’t you at least come for the food or something? i promise i’ll keep you company the entire time.”
you shake your head, “y/f/n, you know i can’t. what if i see him?” you trail off, fidgeting with your wand. she looks like she’s about to argue, but you point your wand at the door of your and y/f/n’s dorm room, “alohomora.” it whips open, and you get up and shove her out of the door. “have fun– and tell mark i said hi!”
it hasn’t even been an hour since your friend left, but you hear a knock at the door. there’s no way she’d be back so soon. you grab your wand–just in case–and carefully head to the door. with your wand in your right hand, you twist the knob with your left hand, ready for some teacher to come breathing down your neck as to why you failed to show up at the ball.
“hey, y/n.”
it’s donghyuck.
what. the. fuck.
you must’ve said that out loud, since donghyuck looks beyond apologetic.
“sorry, i didn’t mean to show up like that, um...”
“what are you...what are you doing here?” you manage to say. he replies but you don’t hear anything. your eyes trail down from his eyes to his lips, then to his hands–he’s holding a bouquet of your favourite flowers from hogsmeade?
what in merlin’s beard?
“so, yeah. i’m sorry. i’m really fucking sorry.” he finishes his long rant–which you don’t hear–and holds out the bouquet.
you don’t have words. “uh...” you take the flowers, nonetheless, but you curse yourself silently for not paying attention to what he has to say.
he giggles.
slytherins...they don’t giggle. unless they’re in–
“i asked you why you didn’t go,” he says.
“oh. um, i didn’t really want to. i was planning on catching up on homework,” you gesture at the various books and stationery spread out on your bed.
he nods. “i hope you like the flowers,” he scratches the back of his neck. “i’ll leave you to it,” he says as he’s about to walk away. then it occurs to you–how did he get to your dorm without getting caught?
“wait!” you tug at the sleeve of his long-sleeved shirt, “how did you even get here? there are teachers and prefects patrolling, right?”
he looks down at your hand and looks back at you sheepishly. “i used an invisibility potion.”
he...he brewed an invisibility potion just to see you?
“wow. i, um, did not expect that. wait, why did you even give me the flowers?” you say.
the sheepish smile leaves his lips, and gets replaced by a smirk. “you really weren’t listening to a word i said, were you? who would’ve thought? you...getting distracted because of my handsome face...”
your snap out of the confused look you’re giving him to punch him square in the arm. “you know, what? fuck you, donghyuck. here, i thought you’re being nice to me–for once, acting like i exist, ever since you,” you jerk your index finger at his chest, “broke up with me.” tears almost threaten to spill from your eyes, but you’re stronger than that. you chide them internally, sighing, and blink them away.
he quickly regrets everything, as soon as he sees the glisten in your eyes. “y/n...”
“leave. just go, get out of here. don’t make me use magic.” you throw the flowers back at him. he catches them, barely, and watches sadly as a few petals drop to the floor.
he grips them in one hand and juts out another to stop you from slamming the door in his face. you’re about to protest, but he says: “do you wanna know what else i said? i said i was sorry. i said i never meant to break up with you. losing you, letting you go, was the worst mistake i’ve ever made. i regret everything, y/n. i broke up with you because i was scared. nobody made me feel the way you did. i was scared because i was in love with you, y/n. i am still...i still love you. i’m still in love with you,” he says almost in one whole breath. “i guess i never stopped.”
you’re left speechless again. you don’t know what to do. magic isn’t going to get you out of this one.
“i totally understand if you don’t feel the same way,” he continues. “actually, there’s no way you do. i’ll get out of your hair now. just wanted to come right out and say it, so that, you know, i don’t regret not telling you.” he gently removes your hand from yours, gives you one final look of pure love, and steps away from you.
jesus, this boy.
“god, you’re so not making this easy for me.” you grab his arm, turning him to face you. “i don’t. i don’t not feel the same way. when you broke up with me, most of me was really fucking angry–and hurt and confused. but i also realised how much you meant–” you shake your head, “mean to me.”
his smile gets bigger after hearing each word you utter.
“you hurt me, donghyuck. but...but i know your feelings are real and genuine. it’s gonna take some time for me to, like, forgive you completely, though.” you eye the flowers in his hand and take them back.
his grin is brighter than anything you’ve ever seen. he holds up his hands, “i totally understand. take as long as you need.”
you give him a small smile. “so...the ball isn’t over yet. what do you say we go together–as friends, of course.”
he smiles so hard you think he’s gonna burst, “i thought you’d never ask.”
maybe...maybe you’ll forgive him sooner than you thought.
( “i forgot to ask–who told you i’d be in my room? like, how did you know i wasn’t at the ball?”
“y/f/n told me.” )
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maggies-scribblings · 4 years
Marichat #4 for that drabble prompt list? :3
“Who gave you that black eye?”
Thanks for the ask, @lady-charinette! I got a little carried away, so I will finish it later… 😻
Adrien Agreste was a peculiar young man. When he was most stressed out and overworked, all he wanted to do was go out and run around. Naturally, having magical jewellery with the ability to turn into a cat hero came in handy on these occasions.
Today was one of those days…
School all day with an impromptu photoshoot during lunch — It’s just some pick-ups, Nathalie said. You’ll be done in thirty minutes, she said. He was definitely not done in thirty minutes. Instead, not only did he miss lunch but also got to the first class ten minutes late. He could hardly hear her Mme. Mendeleiev’s scolding over his stomach growling.
After school, he had fencing and Mandarin lessons, and a pesky akuma attack to round the day off. He could hardly keep his eyes open during dinner. Thank goodness Father isn’t here, he thought as he munched on his food, slumped over the dinner table, supporting his head on his left hand.
And yet, by the time he finished his homework and preparations for the next day, he felt revived. The physical exhaustion had worn off as he wound down, leaving him absolutely wired. He knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep until he let off some steam.
Moments later, a black-clad catboy was running, vaulting and whooping over the rooftops of Paris. All was peaceful — it always was after an akuma attack — so there wasn’t any real need to patrol.
He decided to stop by his collège on the way home, as there had been break-ins at other schools to steal computers… Nothing to report here either.
As he zoomed over the school’s rooftop to make his way back home, he caught sight of a familiar form on a balcony across the street, under some colourful fairy lights.
In the months that passed since that night, when Marinette pretended to like Chat Noir, he realised he liked her. Much more than he thought. It would be really nice to hang out with her more in his civilian form, and he sought her company often, but she was still awkward with him. When he visited her in the catsuit, though… it was almost as if she was a different person. He stopped by once in a while to check in on her. They confided in each other (without revealing details) about their respective unrequited loves and broken hearts.
As he jumped closer to the bakery, Chat Noir noticed Marinette was resting her head on her arms as she stood leaning on the railing. She seemed to be talking to herself. Was she crying? Concerned, he approached, landing on the bannister gently, so as not to startle her.
“Good evening,” he greeted, softly.
Marinette straightened and looked up, holding an ice pack to her right eye.
“Oh! Hello, Chat Noir. What are you doing here?”
She pulled away the ice pack to flip it to the colder side.
“Whoa!” Chat Noir couldn’t hold back his worries. “Who gave you that black eye?”
He leapt down onto the balcony and approached her to get a better look.
“Is it very bad? It was just pink earlier… I was hoping the ice would keep it from turning black.” Marinette fretted, picking up her phone to turn on the camera in selfie mode.
“Crap! I look horrible,” she said, mostly to herself.
“Let me see.”
Chat Noir delicately used a claw to lift up her chin and swiped her bangs out of the way with the other hand.
“It’s not too bad. I’ve had worse,” he quipped, and was rewarded with a small smile. He then straightened up and continued in a mock-serious tone, wagging a finger in the air. “My prescription is to keep icing your eye hourly, but never more than twenty minutes at a time. You can also steep some chamomile tea bags, let them cool down in the fridge and then apply.”
Marinette laughed at his schtick. It was exactly what he was aiming for. He liked to hear her laugh. Changing his act, he menacingly punched his own palm.
“Now, are you going to tell me who I’m going to beat up?”
Marinette hesitated for a fraction of a second.
“No one. Unless you want to beat me, haha! I just— punched myself… sewing!”
“How can anyone punch themselves sewing?” He tried not to laugh — and failed. “Sorry, I just can’t see it.”
“Well, it happens. I was… sewing leather! You see, leather’s tough, and you have to pull the needle real hard, then sometimes it just — whoosh — and —”
Marinette mimicked sewing movements as she described it (she’s too adorable!)
“I didn’t know you were into leather…” he purred, bending down to her eye level, and winked.
Marinette pushed him away by the nose, balancing herself on one foot.
“Don’t you start, you silly kitty!”
He froze. Something about her tone of voice, the way she pushed his nose playfully…
“Well, little lady, if you can’t handle a little flurrrting, just let me know!”
“You really are a tomcat, aren’t you? I bet you flirt with every girl in Paris.”
Chat Noir held his hand to his heart in mock offence.
“Why, I would never! I only have eyes for my lady and my little lady!”
“That’s still one lady too many for my taste!”
“Unfortunately, my Ladybug won’t give me the time of day.” His voice had lost all playfulness now. “I’m a hopeless, loveless kitty.”
He thought he saw her deflate somewhat.
“Poor kitty. I know exactly what that’s like.”
“The boy who broke your heart?”
“What— the guitar guy?” Chat Noir felt a rumble of anger bubbling in his chest. “The one with the weird eyelashes?”
“No!… And he has nice lashes, they’re just short.”
“Huh. I thought you were going out with him.”
“Definitely not. We hang out sometimes… but I just can’t open myself up to him as much as he needs me to.” She leaned against the railing again, looking towards the Seine. “He can read my emotions the way nobody else ever has, and sometimes I just can’t handle it.”
Adrien’s chest ached. Weirdly, some part of him was happy to find out Luka was out of the picture.
“So… there’s another boy?”
“Yes. It’s hopeless.” Marinette sighed, but did not cry. Instead, she shook her head and breathed a bitter laugh. “I can’t even speak properly when I’m around him. I even told him I don’t like him like that… twice! And then pushed him and another friend together… I think they’re dating now! So yeah, I cock-blocked myself!”
“Language!” Chat Noir didn’t know what else to say except joke or pun. Anything to keep her from crying. “You should say cat-blocked instead: it’s nicer and a brilliant pun!”
She chuckled again.
“So, I cat-blocked myself. I might as well have told them to elope to Japan. I just made a fool of myself in front of the ice-cream man… again. And ran away… again.”
“Japan, huh?” The truth was right before his eyes, but he refused to admit it. Not without more information. “That’s a long way away for two French kids to elope.”
“Oh, she’s Japanese. I can just picture them, living a perfect life, winning fencing competitions together… Posing on the cover of gossip and business magazines as the new power couple in the industry…”
“Wow, you’ve given this a lot of thought, haven’t you?” He turned to her. “Don’t tell me it’s that model boy all the girls swoon for!”
Chat Noir had to sit down. He slid down with his back against the railing. How did he never see it? Was that why she behaved so weirdly around him? That would explain the posters, and the valentine card, and… He hit his forehead in frustration so hard Marinette looked down at him, confused.
“What’s wrong, Chat Noir? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Marinette. Just wondering what’s with this Adrien guy. All the girls seem to be fighting over him.” He added, smirking, “ I’m prettier, funnier, and better dressed than him. Sure, he’s rich and handsome—”
“That’s not why I lo—like him!” she snapped. “It might be the reason for those other girls, but not for me.”
“Why do you lo-like him then?” He asked in a whisper.
Marinette sighed and sat on the floor beside him, fidgeting with the now warm ice pack.
“I kinda hated him at first. I thought he was another stuck-up, spoiled, rich brat, like Chloé.”
Chat Noir couldn’t speak, so he nodded for her to continue.
“There was a silly misunderstanding, and I gave him the cold treatment. And he still took the time and effort to apologise. He was so sad by the thought of a total stranger not liking him…” She sighed, a small smile returning to her lips. “Then he made a kind gesture, a small one, but so sincere… he gave me his umbrella though it was raining,” breathing a chuckle, she added, “then, of course, I had to get an attack of the clumsies and make him laugh.”
Adrien remembered that. He remembered how angry she was at first. How she heard him out even if he was friends with her bully. He remembered the tingle he felt when their fingers touched. How she laughed with him when the umbrella snapped close on her.
“When I heard him laugh, I was a goner. Yes, he’s a model, rich and famous… but it was his kindness that I fell in love with.”
“Fell— in love?”
He could hardly breathe. The last years flashed before his eyes. When they paired up for the tournament. When she helped him run away from his fans. When she danced with him at Chloé’s party. His head was spinning so much he couldn’t stand up.
Of course the coolest, prettiest, kindest girl he knew was heartbroken. She was right there, at the same time he chased after Ladybug in vain. She was his everyday Ladybug, and he was too blind or too stupid to see it!
Ladybug would never love him. He would always be the sidekick. He couldn’t even protect her properly. It was his only job. Even that same day, the soccer akuma hit her with a ball on the face. Hard. The Miraculous cure had healed most of it, but he could see her right eye swelling visibly even under the mask before they separated. He told her to ice it, too.
It was ironic that his everyday Ladybug hurt herself in the same eye. What a coincidence…
Chat Noir was hyperventilating now, as all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. His perfect vision went blurry all of a sudden. He heard Marinette calling his name. Marinette? Ladybug? 
Everything went black as he tried to call her name.
To be continued… 
Send me an ask with a number and a LoveSquare pairing (Including SnekMouse, etc.)
Prompt list here.
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sketchdrawsstuff · 4 years
Moments and Minecraft (ZaDr drabble)
“No you have to jump- oh my god jump, Zim! Not in the ravine- and now you’re dead, good fucking job.”
“Stupid, useless piece of earth dirt technology-”
“Aren’t you supposed to be advanced?”
“BE‌ SILENT Dib-pig! How DARE you insult ZIM with you- your blocky nonsense-craft game!”
If it weren’t for how hard the little alien was clutching Gaz’s controller in his hand, Dib would have found his little hissy fit amusing. Instead the teen stared and ultimately ignored the mixed curses in Irken that poured endlessly from Zim’s mouth. Slowly, he drew his gaze back to the TV where the words ‘YOU‌ DIED’ were printed, and underneath them sat ‘Zim fell from a high place’.
It had taken a whole hour just to teach Zim how to play, and even then by the time they switched the game to survival mode the invader had managed to die more times than Dib could keep count of. Of course, the teen taunted and mocked Zim endlessly for it.
Now, Zim was currently strangling one of the couch pillows in his frustration, claws starching at the cloth and, for a moment, Dib worried about the scolding he would get if the other actually tore it. Still, it was better to face a light reprimand from his father than deal with the inescapable doom that would await him if Zim ended up breaking, scratching, or so much as leaving a single mark on any of Gaz’s controllers. Dib had no doubt that his sister would drag both their asses into a grave if they were even lightly damaged.
“Don’t get upset when you were the one who decided to jump into the ravine.” Dib chided, irritable after having endured the Irken’s non-stop whining.
“Zim did not decide to do anything.” The invader hissed, stopping his pillow-beating just as quickly as he’d begun. “It was your stupid game!”
“Zim, it isn’t fucking sentient. Maybe if you listened to me for once you wouldn’t die over and over.” Dib rubbed his temples in exasperation.
For once, the human boy didn’t bother with a response. They had been doing this long enough for him to abandon all hope of trying to even imply that the ‘almighty Zim’ had done anything wrong. Sometimes, Dib wondered if this is what babysitting was like.
Still, he never denied Zim when the Irken followed him home after skool. He never protested as they walked together, chatting over their endeavors in class, at lunch, and over whatever stupid assignments they had been given that week. Dib didn’t protest when they approached his home and Zim just walked inside after him, bags discarded at the door and immediately snagging their spots on the couch to watch old Mysterious Mysteries reruns or play video games.
This time, they had gone for the latter. Now Dib was seriously regretting his ‘brilliant’ idea to try to teach him how to play Minecraft. The game was old, having been buried in the back of the TV shelf under numerous other games and simply collecting dust. He hadn’t played it in years, and the version was outdated, but Dib had figured that there was no harm in trying something new.
He should have known that it would come back to bite him in the ass.
They really should have just stuck to doing homework instead, but Dib had wanted to relax. He had wanted to enjoy the time they had to lounge on the couch and play games to their hearts content while Gaz was over at one of her friend’s house. Again, Dib should have known better.
At least they had been getting along, and by getting along he meant they hadn’t resorted to throwing punches quite yet.
All things considered, Dib was almost impressed with how calm things had been. Sure they had gotten on each other’s nerves enough to leave them both frustrated, but that wasn’t so out of the ordinary. What was out of the ordinary, however, was the way that Zim sat back and crossed his arms over his chest.
The teen blinked, surprised that the alien had stopped yelling so quickly. That was definitely a new record.
“Whatever,” The other hissed through clenched teeth, but otherwise remained civil. “Zim does not need your silly game of craft. It is barbaric, anyway.”
“Wha- how is Minecraft barbaric? And don’t you think that’s a bit hypocritical coming from the world conquering alien??”
Zim was up and standing on the couch cushions in an instant. He was glaring holes into Dib’s head, magenta eyes hidden behind fake lenses, though the teen could still feel their intensity. “Your craft game is stupid, just like everything on this miserable dirt planet!” He declared, like he hadn’t been so determined to play said game just ten minutes ago. The Irken had practically forced Dib to teach him to play once the human brought it up. Dib rolled his eyes, and Zim continued.
“Zim has no need for your games. I am just gathering information on your primitive earth technology-”
“You asked me to teach you to play-”
“-soon Zim will hand you to your BLOCKY ‌DOOM!”
Unimpressed, Dib grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at Zim’s face. The Irken let out a shriek and fell back onto the couch rather dramatically, screaming the entire time. “HOW‌ DARE‌ YOU‌ DAMAGE ZIM!”
A slow grin was already inching its way across Dib’s lips. He reached over and grabbed the pillow off the floor. “It was a fucking pillow, you baby.” He mocked, and the second that Zim sat up Dib smacked him in the face again.
Zim let out another scream, and Dib was laughing up until he was yanked down by small hands that had grabbed onto his shirt collar. He barely managed a squeak before he was thrown to the floor and a weight settled on his chest. Zim’s grip was tight, both hands fisting the collar of his shirt and yanking it close so that the teen was forced to crane his neck up uncomfortably, face level with the alien’s.
Zim’s wig was crooked on his head, face contorted in anger and his thin lips curled back into a snarl. “STUPID, stinking human pig! How DARE you!?” He slammed Dib’s head back, and suddenly the teen was glad that they were on the carpet. Still, it hurt, and his head pounded from the force of his skull hitting the floor.
“You wouldn’t shut up!” Dib countered, and his argument was weak, but he couldn’t have cared less. “You’re the one getting upset over a stupid game!”
“It is stupid.” Zim was still glaring, but at least he’d stopped man-handling Dib. “This is a waste of Zim’s valuable time.” He sniffed, and in an instant the weight that had sat on Dib’s chest was gone. Zim stood and took a moment to readjust his wig while the human peeled himself off the floor.
Dib frowned. “Oh come on. Just…..fuck, Zim, sit down.” He slowly stood and brushed some imaginary dirt off his jeans.
Zim didn’t sit, but he didn’t leave either.
The teen stared at the Irken, watched how Zim stood with his arms crossed, foot tapping against the carpet and a steely glare pinned to the far wall. Dib ground his teeth, and dammit if he didn’t feel like he was babysitting a fucking two year old.
Dib sighed.
“……Wanna watch something? I think I have some Mysterious Mysteries episodes still recorded.” Dib tried, and for a moment he worried that Zim might actually leave. Eventually, and after a few moments of tense silence, Zim moved from his spot. The Irken walked right back over to the couch and sat down in his previous spot, arms still crossed but a bit of the tension draining from his shoulders.
“….there had better be the Bigfeets episode.”
Dib let out a breath he hadn’t known he was holding and resumed his spot on the couch. He took the remote and smiled to himself as he shut off the game and switched to the main television. “There is the Bigfeets episode.” He repeated in confirmation.
Soon enough the promised episode was on, and Dib found himself sitting back. He was pleasantly surprised when Zim did the same, both their gazes pinned on the screen and an almost calm silence falling over them, save for the sound of the TV.
So maybe they had ended up sort of fighting, but Dib thought that it was better than the alternative. If ever asked both of them would deny that they were anything even close to friends, but even Dib had to admit that, other than Zim, he didn’t really have anyone else. No one else would walk home from skool with him and talk about homework and his theories, his paranormal studies, anything he actually cared about. Maybe that didn’t mean that Zim necessarily cared, but the Irken always listened to him.
To Dib, that was worth a bit of irritation and some extra bruises because, whether he would admit it or not, he wouldn’t give up moments like these for the world. The teen smiled, small, but there, and his eyes darted over to catch a glimpse of Zim’s expression. Dib was surprised to find that the alien was staring at him directly. He looked confused, a mixture of curious and….not quite understanding of why Dib would be smiling. It wasn’t like his usual smiles, the wide, idiotic grins the human sported whenever they watched his favorite show. This was much…..nicer. Zim had only a moment to scowl at his own thoughts, face heating up and immediately looking away.
Dib blinked, confused, but he said nothing.
“Your smile is ugly. It almost compliments your absolutely massive head.”
Dib stared for a moment, and then he frowned. Okay, so maybe Zim would always be an asshole. Somehow, the teen had grown used to it through the years they had spent bickering. Really, it was just Zim, and despite the fact that Dib thought the Irken was the most irritating being on the planet (and he wasn’t even human), he couldn’t imagine being without him.
“Shut the fuck up, Space-boy.”
Zim didn’t respond, and silence washed over them again. Dib didn’t bother to mention how their shoulders touched through the rest of the episode, or how he thought that Zim looked rather cute when he blushed.
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im-a-star-boy · 4 years
Harry Osborn, 13, 1, 16 for the drabble game, please and thank you~
Ah yes, it’s taken ridiculously long for me to make this, but IT’S FINALLY HERE!!! Just so you know, in this fic, being soulmates doesn’t exactly mean being in a relationship, so yeah. Here it is!
A loud blaring noise filled the dark, barren room, startling Harry awake. He coughed slightly, the red string tied around his finger wrapped around his throat and choking him slightly. He unwrapped himself and yawned, stretching his sore muscles out. He glanced at the clock. 5:00 flashed in bright red, blocky numbers, as the windows slowly opened to reveal the still-dark purple skyline of a New York City morning. He stood up and began making his way towards the closet, before tripping over the soft red string. He cursed loudly as he fell face-first onto the blue-grey plush rug. He rolled over and glared at the string. "You're just gonna cause all types of problems for me today, aren't you?" He muttered aloud, tugging it playfully.
He got up again and made his way to the closet, feeling drained as he opened the doors. Even when looking past tripping on the string, he could tell today was going to be a very, very long day. He pulled his pajama shirt off as he picked out a comfortable long-sleeved white shirt. He had repeats of several shirts, most of them were different fabrics, however, and he pulled it over his head. He pulled out a separate sweater, a dark blue one, and pulled on black jeans. He looked through his closet, debating on whether to wear casual tennis shoes or his dress shoes. He decided to wear the dress shoes, knowing that his father would have him switch the shoes even if he did decide to wear tennis shoes.
He pulled out his collar and strode towards the bathroom, styling his hair back as usual. He brushed his teeth and washed his face, preparing for the rest of the day. He spent a moment, admiring the red string on his finger, before turning and beginning to leave, tripping over the string again. He screeched, catching himself before he hit the ground, and struggled to his feet again. "Wow okay you're just really gonna be a bitch today, aren't you?"
He made his way out of the room, keeping the red string's trail in his gaze. He made his way to the kitchen and made himself a bowl of cereal. The penthouse was unsettlingly quiet as he ate while leaning against the counter, refusing to sit. After he finished, he rinsed out the bowl in the sink and washed it, placing it in the dishwasher, before washing his hands and gathering his-over-the-shoulder bag. He glanced at the clock and startled as he realized he only had a few minutes to get out.
He quickly grabbed a few items he needed, before making his way to the elevator and descending to the first floor to meet his driver, Bernie. He sat down, making himself comfortable as he looked through each of his folders, making sure he had everything. As he checked over his completed homework, he cringed at how difficult it was to hold the paper. He returned the paper to the folder and began searching his bag for his hand lotion. When he couldn't find it in the usual pocket, he began frantically searching through other pockets. When he couldn't it, he groaned loudly. Bernie glanced into the mirror. "Is something wrong?" He asked.
Harry shook his head. "I just forgot my hand lotion and my hands are really dry today."
"Do you want me to turn around?"
"No, it's not the end of the world." He replied, shaking his head.
After a moment, Bernie nodded. He continued the long, tedious drive to Midtown, and when he pulled up, Harry had to convince himself to leave the car and begin the day. After a few moments, he pulled himself out of the car, closing the door. He let out a long sigh as he approached the gates to hell. Oh, my bad, school. He could feel people's prolonged gazes on him as he stepped down the halls, mentally preparing himself for the day.
The first periods passed without a hitch, they were long though. Too long for Harry's enjoyment. As lunch rolled around, he was quick to make his way out of the school to Joe's.
As he strolled down the street, he heard a loud curse from somewhere behind him, before feeling his foot catch on the red string. He screamed as he fell face-first for the third time that day. He quickly rolled over, untying himself, before feeling it tug. He glanced up to see an unfamiliar boy doing something similar, sitting down on the ground and untying a red string from around his legs. He felt his breath hitch as he tugged it lightly. The boy stopped and looked up and the two met each others' eyes for a moment.
Harry felt his heart skip a beat as the boys' shining green eyes met his blue-grey ones. The boy seemed to have the same realization as him as he looked down at the string, then at him again, before gasping loudly. "SOULMATE?!" He shrieked.
Harry laughed ridiculously. "UM?! HI?" He choked out through his laughter.
The boy was quick to untangle himself before quickly standing up and assisting Harry to his feet. "I- uh, hello? My name... I'm Peter?" He managed to say.
Harry rubbed the back of his neck, feeling his face flush. "Uh- yes, hello, I-I'm, my name is Harry." He stuttered out.
The two stood there for a moment, not entirely sure what to do. Finally, Harry took a breath. "Uh, I'm on lunch break, wanna umm... wanna go with me? To Joe's?" He offered.
His soulmate, Peter, swallowed and nodded. "Yeah, uh yeah okay. L-lead the way."
Harry motioned him to follow and began towards Joe's, thankful that the small coffee shop was close by. After a long, silent walk, the two arrived at the lounge. He held the door for Peter, smiling awkwardly. Peter nodded and thanked him, before closing the door behind them. He watched Peter approach the barstools and slide onto the one nearest the door. Harry stopped beside him. "Wh-what drink do you want? And what do you want to eat?" He asked.
Peter smiled awkwardly. "What do they serve?"
Harry pointed to the menu above the cash register. Peter facepalmed lightly. "Of course they have a menu- I'm sorry, I'm not usually this stupid..." He trailed off.
Harry felt a pang in his chest. "Hey, no it's not stupidity, you've never been here before." He mumbled, still unsure how to respond to everything.
Another awkward silence overcame them as Peter glanced at the menu. "I-I'll umm... I'll just get a sandwich, chicken, and mayo I guess..."
Harry nodded. "What do you want to drink?"
Peter hummed. "Soda I guess."
In an effort to shake the awkward silence, Harry grinned. "Milkshake it is."
Peter turned to him, his eyes flashing with curiosity. "They have milkshakes?"
Before Harry could finish nodding, Peter continued. "What kind? Do they have strawberry?"
Harry laughed. "I'll go get you one, I'll be right back."
Peter nodded eagerly as Harry approached the counter. He waited for a moment before Joe appeared around the corner. "Hey, Osborn. What's up, you look flustered."
He rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously. "I found my soulmate and I brought him here, and things got really awkward, but I think I managed to break the ice." He replied.
Joe slapped his shoulder affectionately. "Congrats kid, God knows you've been lookin' for him."
Harry nodded. "Yeah, thanks. Okay, so I'm buying lunch for us. I'll get a strawberry and blueberry milkshake, a chicken and mayo sandwich, a burger, and a boat of fries please."
Joe nodded. "I'll have it out in five, cash or credit?"
"Cash," Harry replied, pulling out his wallet and handing over a 20.
Joe nodded, putting it in the register and pulling out $2.23 in change, handing it back over.
"Thanks, Joe."
"Go on, I got more customers." He snapped playfully.
Harry chuckled and quickly returned to Peter's side. "He'll bring out the food in a second." He said, sliding into a seat beside Peter.
The brunet jumped slightly, before looking up and nodding. "Alright, this is a nice place. How'd you find it?"
Harry shrugged. "School food sucked and I couldn't be bothered to pack a lunch, so I looked for a place nearby and voilà, here I am." He replied cheerfully, motioning to the building around. "It's a great place to calm down at, I come here to study a lot."
Peter nodded curiously. "Well, maybe I should join you. What're you studying?"
"A few different things mostly notes for class and finishing homework. What about you?"
Peter shrugged. "I'm ahead of most of my class so I've kinda just gone along with it until I get to something I don't understand. I mostly just have trouble with my other language classes."
Harry straightened. "Maybe I can help?" He offered.
Peter flushed for a moment, before nodding with a smile. "Sure, it gets boring sometimes."
Harry laughed, the last of his tension fading away. "You can say that again."
Peter smirked. "It gets boring sometimes."
Joe delivered their food before Harry could reply. Peter thanked him and sipped the milkshake excitedly. As he sipped, his face lit up and he pulled away, looking at the cup. "Oh my god, this is amazing." He moaned, before taking another long sip.
Harry laughed. "As I said, the milkshakes here are absolute heaven."
He took a moment to admire Peter's figure. He was slim, attractive, and somehow, he hadn't recognized him. He silently wondered how long he could keep up the facade of being a normal teenage boy, and not the son of the ever famous billionaire, Norman Osborn. He shook his head clear of the thought, before smiling and beginning to eat. He nudged the fries towards Peter, who had begun to dig into his sandwich eagerly. "You can have the fries." He said.
Peter looked up and took a fry, dropping it into his mouth. "You're getting some too, right?"
Harry hummed, swallowing a mouthful of cheeseburger. "Maybe, depends if I'm still hungry after I finish this."
Peter raised an eyebrow. "Well, I'm not gonna eat them if you aren't."
Harry stopped and stared at him, before taking a fry and eating it quietly. "There, I ate one, now you can have the rest."
Peter rolled his eyes. "Yeah, we'll see about that."
The two finished eating, occasionally trading playful banter and small talk. In the time he managed to learn that Peter's name was Peter Parker, his favorite color was red, he was 13, his age, and he was, almost alarmingly smart. His intellect definitely rivaled Harry's and he wasn't quite sure how to feel about it. He's so used to being the smartest one in the room, and now he wasn't, and it was almost thrilling. He felt vibrations go off in his back pocket and he pulled out his phone, cursing softly. "I gotta go, class is starting soon for me."
Peter looked up, looking at the clock on the wall, before nodding. "Same here, we came from the same direction, right? Let's walk together." He offered, throwing the trash into the trash bin.
Harry nodded mutely, doing the same, and following Peter out of the comfortable building. The two walked side by side towards where they had first met, tripping over their strings. Harry laughed softly when they continued going in the same direction. "Where do you go to school?"
"Midtown High,"
He nearly dropped his half-finished milkshake as he sputtered and coughed. Peter glanced up at him. "Are you okay?"
"Oh my God! I go to Midtown too!"
Peter came to a stop. "What?! We've been going to the same school and we've never met?!" He cried out in alarm. "How?!"
"Okay, wait wait wait, okay..." Harry trailed off for a moment, before bursting into laughter. "Well this changes things, we should hang out after school."
Peter hesitated, before nodding. "Y-yeah, that sounds great!"
Harry nodded. "Okay, where do you wanna go?"
Peter hummed for a moment. "I know this little skate park that's usually empty that we can go to, do you know how to skate?"
Harry shook his head. "No,"
Peter grinned. "Looks like I'll have to teach you then, come on, let's get to class. Don't wanna be late." Harry flushed and nodded, a small smile crossing
The walk was quiet and uneventful as they arrived at Midtown High. The two cast each other small glances as the passed through the busying hallways quietly, before reaching a turn. The two stopped and looked at each other, as Peter laughed softly. "I'll, uhh... I'll see you later, I guess, meet me by the statue out front?"
Harry nodded. "I'll see you then, Peter." Harry agreed, a smile crossing his face.
3 Years Later
Harry stared at the window quietly. The lotion he used to use constantly remained where it had been the day he had forgotten to bring it to school, the day he had met Peter.
It's been a long year, what with everything that's happened, and horrifying memories remain ever-present in his mind. Especially with learning that the red-and-blue clad vigilante that performed epic stunts and deadly heroism was his small soulmate. He still remembered it like it was yesterday, the Horizon High scholarship program, the one he desperately wanted Peter to take part in so they could continue schooling together, the one that was crashed by the Vulture. He can still remember his exact thought process when had Peter disappeared and when Spider-Man had taken the stage, the crimson string still wrapped around his hand, leading straight to Harry. Initially, Harry had thought that he had two soulmates. There was absolutely no way that this stunt-performing beetleboy was his glasses-wearing asthmatic soulmate.
But only one string remained on his hand, and it led to him.
The argument that had ensued had resulted in a less-than-pleasant separation of the two, one that they had long gotten over at this point, but tension still remained between them. Tension that was finally beginning to drift.
Harry sat on the barstool, sipping his blueberry milkshake quietly, the strawberry milkshake sitting beside him, still full. Peter had arrived and nearly sprinted into the bathroom before Harry could even greet him. He watched the bathroom door in amusement, and after a few moments, Peter emerged, looking thoroughly relieved. He scanned the room for a brief moment, before locking eyes with Harry, his face lighting up happily as he began a quick stride to the seat. He slid up beside Harry, a smile on his face. "Hey, Harry."
"Hey, Pete, you're late, again." He teased.
Peter rolled his eyes. "Blame the bus, they were late and made me miss my train so I had to jog to the next stop to catch the next one."
Harry snorted. "You ran a mile and beat the train to its next stop?" He questioned.
Peter nodded enthusiastically, causing Harry to chuckle lightly. "Okay then, well I got you your usual milkshake." He said, motioning to the glass.
He eagerly sipped the drink. "So, what's up? Usually, we wait until after school to hang out," Peter hummed curiously.
Harry felt his heart rate immediately spike. He had called Peter because he was planning on confessing his feelings to him. However, now he was having second thoughts. His face was bright red as he attempted to gather his thoughts. He swallowed thickly before taking a deep breath. "U-umm... I just wanted to..."
Peter seemed to notice his discomfort as he set down his milkshake. "Are you okay, Harry?" He asked worriedly.
Harry felt his face darken as he immediately looked away, his heart pounding heavily in his chest. "I-I- umm- I was wondering..." He trailed off as he tried to figure out how to ask Peter.
Finally, he set down his drink and grabbed Peter's hand, suddenly feeling self-conscious about how dry his hands were. "I- uh, I'm sorry, my hands are really dry..." He murmured, pulling his hands away quickly.
Peter reached out and grabbed them. "No, it's okay, what's wrong?" He asked softly, squeezing both of Harry's hands lightly.
Harry looked to his lap, suddenly feeling his chest swell. "I wanted to- I was hoping- do you...  want to- you know... maybe go on a date with me.?" He finally managed out, becoming very quiet at the end.
His silence didn't do much, as Peter's enhanced hearing picked up on it easily. His face turned bright red suddenly and his breath hitched as he released his hands. Harry squeezed his eyes shut. "I-I'm sorry- I shouldn't have-" He began.
Before he could finish, he felt two cold hands grab his cheeks, forcing his head up, then a pair of lips pressed against his. He felt his heart rate suddenly spike as he opened his eyes in alarm, seeing Peter's face close to his. After a few moments, he began kissing back, feeling his entire body practically melt as he rested his hands on Peter's sides. After a long minute, Peter pulled away, taking deep breaths, meeting Harry's flushed expression. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to ask that."
Harry felt a sense of relief overcome him. "You have no idea I've been waiting for me to ask that..." He chuckled lightly. "So, do you want to go on a date?"
Peter shook his head as he laughed. "Was I not clear? Of course, Harry."
Harry leaned forward and pressed a light kiss to Peter's lips again. He could get used to this.
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thelazyhermits · 4 years
Quacking Up
One of my biggest regrets was not including more scenes with a certain trio in TABF, so I decided to write a little drabble involving them. 
I hope y’all enjoy it! ^-^
About a month after you start living at the 1-A dorm, you decide to spend your Sunday cleaning the dorm. While the dorm is far from what you might call messy, you think it would be good to spruce up the place a little bit at least once every month. Plus, you can vaguely remember doing this kind of monthly cleaning in your old home, so you suppose it has just become a habit of yours.
So, after you have breakfast with Uraraka and Todoroki, you get to work on your cleaning. Starting off with the kitchen, you work on cleaning the counters before sweeping and mopping the floor. Thankfully, the dishes are already taken care of since the students helped you with them like they always do after breakfast.
While you’re in the kitchen, Uraraka sits at one of the dining tables working on an essay that’s due tomorrow. Todoroki went back to his room after receiving a call from his older sister who wanted to check in to see how he was doing, so that’s where he is now. 
Not wanting to disturb the two, you decide to stick with cleaning by yourself even though you know they would be quick to agree to help if you asked. Besides, what kid wants to do chores on their day off? You’d much rather them get the break they deserve rather than put up with your cleaning spree that truthfully isn’t even really necessary. No need to force the students to go along with your whims.
Unbeknownst to you, one particular student does not share that mindset. After finishing his phone call, Todoroki returns downstairs and notices you in the middle of your cleaning spree. 
For awhile, he remains off to the side, watching you while wearing a contemplative expression. Rather than remain observing from a distance, he soon begins to silently follow you around the house as you complete one chore after another. 
Uraraka happens to look up from her homework just in time to see Todoroki start following you around the dorm, with you none the wiser because you’re so focused on cleaning. She immediately slaps a hand over her mouth in an attempt to muffle her giggles.
Unfortunately for her, her efforts are in vain since the longer she watches her classmate trail after you, looking like a baby duck following after his mother, the more her urge to laugh increases. Because she’s so focused on trying to contain her laughter, the brown haired girl fails to realize how far she’s leaning over until it’s too late, resulting in her falling out of her chair.
Having heard the crash, you quickly turn in the direction of where the sound came from and promptly run into Todoroki, not having realized that he was right behind you. His arms immediately move to steady you and the basket of laundry you’re currently holding.
Surprised, you stare at the stoic boy with wide eyes. “Todoroki? Since when have you been there?”
He shrugs his shoulders. “I’ve been following you for awhile, but since you were so focused on your cleaning, you didn’t notice.”
Amused, you raise an eyebrow at him. “Why exactly were you following me? You know, if you needed something, all you had to do was ask.”
For a brief moment, Todoroki hesitates before finally asking, “Do you….need help cleaning?”
You do a slow blink. “You want to help me clean the dorm?”
When he nods his head, the corners of your lips curve upwards. “That’s really sweet of you, Todoroki. While I would be more than happy to accept your help, are you sure? I didn’t think you’d want to spend your day off doing something as boring as cleaning up the dorm.”
Todoroki gives you another nod. “Even though I have no experience when it comes to cleaning, I’d like to help you if I can. Besides, I can’t imagine that any activity involving you would be boring.”
Your heart melts at his response. “Awww, Todoroki! You’re so sweet! If my hands weren’t full, I’d hug you!”
It’s at that moment you remember the crashing sound you heard earlier. “I almost forgot! I thought I heard a crashing sound coming from where I last saw Uraraka. We should go check on her!”
And, that’s how the two of you later find Uraraka sprawled on the floor near where she was previously sitting, giggling up a storm. You raise an amused brow when you see her. “Well, at least, she doesn’t look hurt, but what in the world happened to cause her to end up like this?”
Todoroki just blinks, “It would seem Uraraka found something incredibly amusing. While I could be wrong, I’m going to assume it’s not related to the essay Midnight-sensei assigned us.”
His words make you snort. “Yeah, something tells me that’s not the reason for her current state.”
After saying that, you crouch down beside the still giggling girl, setting the laundry basket you’re holding to the side.“Uraraka, you doing alright there? Considering what I heard earlier, you must have fallen out of your chair after laughing too hard, right?”
She snickers into her hand as she nods her head. “Uh huh. I’m okay, though!”
Grinning, you reach over to poke one of her rosy cheeks. “And, what exactly is so funny that you’d fall out of your chair and still keep laughing?”
In between her giggles, Uraraka explains, “When Todoroki-kun was following you around, he looked just like a baby duck following his mom! Everywhere you went, he trailed after you! It was so funny!”
Talk about an adorable mental image. You can’t believe you were so focused on your cleaning that you missed out on such a cute sight. If only Uraraka could’ve gotten a picture before her laughter got the better of her.
When you turn to look at Todoroki, he just shrugs, “I’ve been trying to ask you if you needed help for a while, but I was unsure how to do it.”
While Uraraka finally moves to sit up, you rise out of your crouched position and move to ruffle the taller boy’s hair. “I know I’m partially to blame for not noticing you were following me. Still, next time just speak up, Todoroki. You can always talk to me--about anything and at any time no matter what I’m doing at the time.”
The corners of his lips curve slightly upwards as his gaze softens. “Okay, I will. Thank you.”
You give him another head pat before helping Uraraka to her feet. “Uraraka, I know you’re currently working on your essay that’s due, but I wanted to see if you’d be interested in helping me and Todoroki clean up the dorm. Your studies are the most important and should always be put first, but I thought I should ask you just in case since I didn’t want you to feel left out.”
Her expression brightens. “I’d love to help! I was actually thinking of taking a break before I saw what Todoroki-kun was doing since I’m at a part in my essay where I’m not sure what I should write next. Normally, when this happens, I do some kind of exercise since that helps me think, so your timing is perfect!”
A large smile forms on your lips. “Glad to hear it! With the three of us working together, the cleaning will be done in no time!”
Uraraka pumps her fist into the air. “Yeah!”
When you copy her actions, Todoroki looks in between the two of you for a few seconds before slowly raising his own fist. “Yeah.”
You and Uraraka share a look before promptly bursting into fits of laughter. While the brown haired girl clutches her stomach, you lean against the stoic boy to brace yourself. “I love you so much, Todoroki. You’re seriously the best.”
He tilts his head as he helps to steady you. “I’m not sure what I did to warrant such a reaction, but thanks.” 
With a snort, you pat his chest. “The fact that it’s unintentional makes it even better. I really love your deadpan delivery. It never fails to make me laugh.”
Another tiny smile forms on his lips. “I’m glad. I like your laugh.”
There he goes again, saying sweet things that make your heart melt. How dare he be so adorable?
Unable to help yourself, you give him a quick hug before reaching for the laundry basket you set down. “Alright, Cleaning Squad! Let’s get to work! If we finish before lunch, we can do some celebratory baking this afternoon!”
Uraraka cheers as she throws her hands into the air. “Yay! Let’s do our best, Todoroki-kun!”
Todoroki nods as his expression turns determined. “I’ll give it my all.”
You can’t help but laugh after seeing their reactions. They are really showing that Plus Ultra spirit that UA is so famous for.
Of course, you wouldn’t expect anything less from your amazing students. 
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hollandandi · 5 years
maybe the reader is kind of self-destructive and always hides her feelings and pretends to be happy for others but then peter finds out and encourages her to open up a little bit more? thank you!
“maybe the reader hides her feelings, but then peter encourages her to open up a little bit more?”
hello lovely! thanks for requesting a prompt - i really appreciate it and i hope you enjoy the result of it! I completely butchered this, but i hope it’s somewhat acceptable!
Peter had been a strong part in your life for several months - meeting during a Biology class, where you had seen him performing a task that was definitely not on the syllabus and questioned it instantly. Surprised to hear a voice that was not his close friend’s, Ned, his head snapped up and his hands scrambled to hide the potion-like experiment he was occupied with, before meeting your eyes. His face quickly softened, and a smile curled up slightly on the edges of his lips as you asked a question he was more than happy to answer.
As time went by, you only grew closer to the school-boy and his friends, who you knew now as Ned, Betty and Michelle - meeting for lunch on a daily basis, and regularly meeting up after the academic day and unwinding with LEGO creations and homework. It was different, having a solid small group of friends you could rely on, and although it had more perks than negative connotations, it was still a little overwhelming at times.
Something that always seemed to help your heart-rate resume to a steady pace, however, was the science-loving brunette who introduced you to the new second family you were apart of. Undeniably, he had a soft power over you - friendships were not the only thing that increased and strengthened over time, as your feelings you had for the boy only grew too. You hardly went a day without your heart doing jumps, your stomach doing flips and your eyes following his facial expressions, especially when he lifted his head back and did his all-too-familiar laugh that filled the cafeteria. And at this point, it was safe to say you had fallen for Peter - but that was something you would never be able to admit, especially now.
Several weeks ago, banners expressing the countdown to Homecoming had begun finding themselves around the school walls. Tickets were on sale, and outfits were being bought every weekend as excitement and whispers grew throughout the halls. Consequently, the number of couples littering the corridors began to grow too - people were being asked every school day that passed, some in more exciting ways than others, and unsurprisingly, the tradition had spread throughout the friends you had surrounded yourself with too.
A couple of days previous, Ned and Betty had decided to share their news with the lunch table, not able to hold in their excitement until the big day actually came. “I know we said we were going to go as the Dynamic Fivesome,” (Ned’s idea of the group name, not everybody else’s.)
“But, I felt like it would be wrong of me not to ask Betty, seeing as we’re girlfriend and boyfriend now,” The boy expressed with a large smile, before concluding his announcement. “I hope this is okay with everybody,”
You wanted to be completely happy for them, you really did - but something inside of you was utterly jealous of Ned’s bravery, and ultimately, their happiness. You wanted nothing more than you and Peter to be able to express an announcement similar, and although the only thing holding you back was your own fear of rejection, you still couldn’t find it inside yourself to be one-hundred-percent happy for your friends. Regardless of what was occurring inside of your heart, you spread a large, but soft smile across your features, and verbally expressed the opposite of what you truly felt. You hoped you were convincing to everybody sat across the table, and it succeeded for most, all except the boy you usually had your eyes on, who now had his watching your expression. He could tell something was off slightly, but not wanting to impose, or make Ned and Betty concerned, he planned to ask you about it later, if he remembered.
And now, not even a week later, everyone was once again sat around the familiar lunch table in the corner of the cafeteria - sifting their way through their chosen lunches and occasionally sipping their drinks throughout consistent conversations. Some you contributed towards, and some you took as an opportunity to enjoy your food, but one had made your ears perk up and your eyebrows fumble.
“Honestly, Peter, you should just ask Liz! The worst she can say is no,” Ned, his closest-friend expressed across the table, as the boy shook his head and laughed lightly, taking a large bite of his sandwich before replying to his friend. “I’m not even into her anymore, Ned,” Peter had replied, raising an eyebrow towards the boy who had his hand in his girlfriends, and only continued to attempt to persuade him. “Yes, but then at-least you may have a date! It doesn’t matter who it’s with,” He tried to reason, giving Betty’s hand a comforting squeeze, before expressing to her that she played a big part in his decision, unlike what he had recently suggested. However, that part of his argument, for a reason purely associated to the feelings you had for Peter, made you speak up and take part in the discussion. “I don’t think you should ask people for the sake of having a date - it should be someone you like in that way,” You argued back, taking a small sip of water before continuing your argument and expressing several more sentences surrounding your opinion on the subject.
Your comment perked the brunette’s ears entirely, a smile appearing across his features once he realised you had actually opened up with an opinion of your own during the usual lunch-time drabbles the group held. He liked it more than he expected to, hearing your voice with a little bit of passion and truth clinging to it - most of the time, you cracked jokes, or talked about what other people thought or what other people would say in response. He knew this well, which is what made your unexpected contribution lace his hearing a little more than most people’s. He wanted to hear things like this more often - wanted to know more about you than you knew about him; but it came at a slow pace. After knowing you for a little while, he had gotten quite good at realising when you were acting one way, but wanting to express the complete oppposite - especially realising his new talent when he had picked up on your slight disappointment after a recent announcement Ned had made relating to Homecoming.
“I agree with Y/N. By the way, it’s good to hear your thoughts. You should say them more often,” Peter smiled, taking a bite of his food and waiting for Ned’s retaliation to the subject. Peter’s comment was unexpected, but heavy on your heart. To this point, you were worried that saying what you really wanted to say would make people look at you funny - or ignore that you had said anything at all. New friends were exciting, but you sometimes felt like you were stepping on eggshells - not wanting to make anybody dislike you. Therefore, saying little was better than breaking your chances of long-term friendship - but now, such a small comment was having a big impact on your outlook on the subject.
Betty quickly looked up, expressing that she also agreed, and was glad someone stood up and argued with her boyfriend after his ‘silly’ comment, and at one-point, even Michelle nodded along with your verbal retaliation. Maybe, your points were valid - and actually, welcomed. Maybe you got this whole friend thing wrong, maybe they really did value you as much as you appreciated them.
Your contemplations were quickly snapped out of by Ned, finally retaliating after your sudden increase of confidence and comfort within your now, closest friends. “Who do you like in that way, then Y/N? Who would you ask?” He joked, wiggling his eyebrows up and down in a light-hearted fashion, making others at the table laugh a little.
Swallowing a bite of your lunch, your eyes met your favourite brunette’s lightly before falling back to Ned who sat opposite from your seat at the table. Without much consideration, or thinking at all for that matter; on a high of confidence and validity, your lips opened and expressed to the table, “I’d ask Peter.”
A verbal gasp emerged from your lips once you clicked with what just flew from your throat - maybe confidence wasn’t the best thing to learn a week before Homecoming.
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