#don lothatio
sixamese-simblr · 1 year
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Sixam Colony SimEarth Year 7 of the Pollination Stage
Not much has changed for Don, as he's still got these Caliente women crawling all over him. He figures it must be his irresistible charms. What do you mean he's not supposed to be getting pregnant from Nina pegging him? Sure it doesn't seem quite correct to him, but he's a nurse, not a doctor.
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ecofinisher · 2 years
Criminal Love (Rewritten) - Chap 7
Chapter 7
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The next week, Xander was sent along with Ayesha again to Riverview to meet their contact person to retrieve a few tools to help the team out with their plan. They had already left the place and drove through Riverview to head to their next stop. Xander being the one driving focused his eyes on the road to seek a certain place name, while Ayesha on the list saw, what exactly they had still to do as ordered by Nick.
"We have the tools, we obtained the reused clothing bags and the two canisters of fuel for the van. The next stop is the llama clothing store of the Wans. Marcela had found on the internet fitting clothing for us and sent me the pictures, which I showed Nick as well. We don't need to try it out here. We just take it with us and use it later on the prom. Your size must be okay, cause it's an M and mines an S, so there's no chance to a low chance it doesn't fit you,"
"M is right. She did well," Commented Xander making Ayesha nod, which looked at the road and spotted the store Xander wanted to look for.
"We're almost there," Commented Ayesha making Xander nod, which pointed at a house number.
"Theres is 35, 39 is certainly one of the houses there……oh look found it!" Announced Xander then turned the blinker on to switch into the parking area, then drove aside into a free parking spot and pressed the brake, followed by touching with its bumper at the sign with the store's name. "Are you kidding me?!?" Complained Xander making Ayesha cover her mouth to avoid laughing.
"Forget about the bump. It's just the company's van. Any little bump doesn't mean the end of the world," Ayesha mentioned making Xander nod, which felt still irritated about, what happened.
"I sometimes get easily irritated by little quirks. Weirdly, this one part comes from my dad's side of the family,"
"Maybe sometime you could use to do some yoga or other relaxing exercises. If this often happens to you. I can show it to you. It's pretty easy,"
"I might take it in claim someday. I heard it's good but never got to try it. My friend Tamara has the same issue as me and could use it as well," Said Xander making Ayesha nod and remove her seatbelt.
"Come, let's take our clothes," Suggested Ayesha watching Xander copy her behavior and leave the vehicle as well to enter the store.
Several minutes later the duo left with two bags with clothing and Xander was glimpsing into the bag of his, while Ayesha glimpsed at the man.
"Not a type of clothing you like, right?" Questioned the Arabic descendant woman.
"Never been fond of a tux. Although brown isn't such a bad color or well…..I had to see it on myself," Confessed Xander. "What did you got if I may ask?"
"A red or orange dress I think. I haven't taken a closer look at it, but Marecla knows, what she's doing. So far, what matters is, that we pass through with the disguises. Perhaps our hair will get changed for security reasons and if I were you I would keep in mind, that your beard will have to be shaved as well. Don went through this last year to attend a museum sightseeing,"
"Ok, as long as no one will recognize me like this, I won't mind doing it," Commented Xander and entered the car along with Ayesha, then she took her cellphone to make a call.
"I will just inform Nick about the clothes," Stated Ayesha watching Xander put the engine on and reverse back slowly. "Nick, we have the clothes now. We're leaving Riverview now. Is it clear, if we pass by the doo peas towers now?"
"It's clear for now. Until you're here the rest of the staff is stuck in a meeting with Nancy. Inform me, when you're around,"
"I will. See you later," Ayesha ended the call, then looked back on the road to see the car was already heading towards the national road, which would lead to Sunset Valley.
"Will we help dig in the tunnel or stay back at the warehouse and do something else?" Questioned the man watching Ayesha put her cell phone away.
"We'll see it then. The most important things just needed to be done today and it's done as we see,"
"Okay, that's cool," Commented Xander continuing to steer the vehicle. "When will I get to see you driving?" Questioned Xander curious making Ayesha shrug her shoulders.
"Someday. The first few weeks I give you the wheel," Mentioned Ayesha making Xander nod.
"Do you consider yourself a good driver?"
"For what I need it, yes,"
"Have you ever broken any rules?" Questioned the man slowing down to turn on a crossroad to the left side to move on beside a hill, which separated the road from the sea.
"Is this a serious question?"
"Why not? I mean, aren't we all breaking the rules together?"
"There's your answer," Commented Ayesha making Xander frown.
"Ok, perhaps I didn't make myself clear. What sort of rules have you broken? Recently or a year ago or two?"
"I drove several times on the wrong side of the road, went faster than allowed,.... Used a fake ID to get access to places and caused trouble to the original owner of the ID. This one was a funny story. When I found out the real owner was looking along with the police for it, I got rid of it,"
"Wow, your story is actually quite interesting," Confessed Xander making Ayesha smile. "Do you know an illegal way I began to make money?"
"Car driving, right?"
"Exactly! I stole my dad's car a few times and one night I screwed up, ruining my dad's car. Was also the only time he figured out I was doing illegal street racing," Stated Xander. "I'm certain, if things would have continued well, I would have gotten my own car at some point and eventually join the other crews,"
'"I see you're more of a driver rather than a parker," Admitted Ayesha making Xander nod.
"I'm not that bad at parking. I'm just used to the last car I drove having a larger hood, than this one here," Complained Xander watching Ayesha hold her hand up to stop him.
"I wasn't going that way, don't worry. I just questioned it out of curiosity," Noticed Ayesha making Xander nod.
"Good…..uh look I'm sorry if I went a little tempted. I sometimes get easily offended and don't notice at first, when it's a joke or not,"
"It's fine. I see, that I avoid making jokes or tell you, when it's one," Spoke the medium dark-skinned woman. Both looked at the houses, then Xander slowed down to point at a white, modern building for Ayesha to see.
"You know, who lives here?" Questioned Xander making Ayesha shake her head, then Xander nodded. "I heard her husband passed away during the honeymoon and the woman here now lives all on her own here,"
"Oh, I think I heard this story from Claire," Mentioned Ayesha. "That one girl, Claire says is like her daughter told her about it,"
"Apparently they're neighbors," Spoke Ayesha looking at another house beside it and watched a brunette teenager on the other side walking along the path. "Talking about the devil, there she is,"
Where?.....oh……" Xander commented stopping the car and seeing her cross the road towards the other direction where the garage of the other house was.
"Wonder what Claire and the girl there have in common to be in good terms. She's usually more of a person that takes time to get to know someone and most of the people she talks to are people from the same age,"
"I don't know, she looks like a nice chick," Commented Xander moving the car forward making Ayesha nod.
"I'm more worried, that if all our disguises fall down into the hole and she finds it out, we will be doomed with journalists. Her mother is the town's most notable one. If she smells anything fishy, she will fight to get to it, and... be careful with her!"
"I get it, don't need to yell!," Xander hissed, then shrieked as Ayesha grabbed the wheel to push the wheel aside and move the vehicle away from the road to avoid hitting River, which was almost in the middle of the crossing line. Xander pushed the brake to stop the car realizing, Ayesha had just warned him. "Shit! Did we hit her?" Questioned Xander looking at Ayesha, which looked along with the man in the side mirror to see the teen move her arms up confused at the incident.
"She's fine. Luckily for us," Spoke Ayesha watching Xander sigh in relief, then began to move the van slowly back, while looking along with Ayesha out of the window and Xander widened his eyes to see the girl approach the vehicle. "But she's coming towards us,"
"What shall I say? I got distracted? Cause I kinda did," Commented Xander, then saw River stand there by the door and Ayesha sank down the window to be able to speak to the girl.
"Are you two okay?" River started off before Ayesha could have said something. Ayesha closed her mouth and gave the girl a sweet smile.
"We're great, honey. I was telling our apprentice a story and somehow he didn't notice you on the road," Commented Ayesha while Xander glimpsed from behind at the two women.
"Eh…..I beg for forgiveness," Said Xander, then observed River glimpse at the vehicle making Xander feel a little nervous about the girl, afterward, she looked back at the inmates.
"Does a certain Claire Ursine work with you?" Questioned the brunette watching Xander shrug his shoulders.
"Yes, we have someone with that name. Shall we tell her something?" Questioned Ayesha. "I hope it's short, cause we got a busy schedule,"
"Right I'm sorry. Tell her, River said hi," River said making Ayesha nod, then River stepped back to let the duo depart and Xander looked at the mirror to see the girl wave at them.
"Something tells me if I didn't know her name I would have delivered the message wrong,"
"That's kinda rude. River is a decent name, Commented Ayesha, then noticed at the next crossroad a policeman stay, making Ayesha gasp at seeing the man standing in front of the road, where two cars were stuck one behind the other and two other policemen stood near the supermarket talking with two men. Ayesha removed her seatbelt, then bowed down to hide from the world.
"Wait…..does the police know, you're wanted?" Questioned Xander slowing down, then Ayesha shook her head.
"Nope, but this could go out bad for me,"
"Don't worry, we pass there without any trouble," Promised Xander faking a smile at the policeman, which waved at the other side of the road and Xander turned on the blink to see by the library another policeman standing there holding up a sign to order Xander to stop. "Bruh for real?" Questioned Xander observing the police go to the other side of the road to demonstrate Xander how to get off the road. Ayesha looked at the side mirror to see, Xander was distracted and threw her cell phone at Xander shrieking at him, then he watched Ayesha get out.
"I sent Nick a message, you can ask the cops about calling your boss because of the papers or anything because of the car. They will comprehend that you're new, don't worry," Said Ayesha making her way towards the library making Xander groan annoyed, then drive the vehicle up carefully up the sidewalk watching the redheaded man lead the man further to the side of the road and ordered Xander to stop.
He turned off the engine, then opened the window to wait for the policeman to walk by. Ayesha's phone rang, then Xander attended it as he saw it was from Nick.
"Xander leave the phone near you. I want to listen to the police talking. One of the guys has Ayesha on his radar and we have to hide it away from them. Just act casually,"
"Yes! Yes! Ayesha also told me to call you because of the papers,"
"Yes, pretend to call me, when you need help," Said Nick.
Xander saw the redhead close to his door, then Xander placed the cellphone down and watched the redhead stop by his vehicle.
"Good afternoon," Greeted the man.
"Good afternoon Officer Uh Furtado. How can I help?" Questioned Xander hoping to have luck with the agent.
"I'd like to see your license and the vehicle papers," Asked Mr. Furtado making Xander nod.
"Is it okay, if I call my boss to ask about the papers? I just started to work here in business last week,"
"Usually, they're in the glove compartment. If that's not the case, I don't mind the call,"
"I will check the compartment first," Stated Xander opening the door of the glove compartment to find a small file with papers related to the vehicle and Xander opened it to find the papers. Xander handed it out to the policeman, afterward he took out his wallet to take out his driving license while the agent analyzed the file. "Your dialect kind of sounds different. Are you from another country?" Questioned Xander trying to make conversation with the policeman.
"Quebec, Canada," Responded the policeman, then took a look at the license of the man and nodded. Xander was surprised at how fast it went, then awaited for the agent to finish controlling the sheets. Xander looked at the library to see, if he could see Ayesha anywhere then returned to look at the policeman, afterward noticed a second police join to look at the file as well, making Xander begin to feel worried.
"Everything is good so far," Said Mr. Furtado showing the tan-skinned policeman the dossier, which the man took to analyze it as well. Xander squinted his eyes to read the policeman's name to see an A. Arami, while the redhead had J. Furtado on his name card.
"Out of curiosity, I asked to pull you out. From afar I had seen the back of the car drift aside after a brake. Did you hit something?" Questioned the policeman making Xander shake his head.
"Oh, it was a silly overreaction. You know, you're guiding a bigger vehicle than you're used to and you have to be always focused on the road. I thought one girl was going to cross the road and I dodged the road but turned out that she didn't straight on go on the road. I'm now making sure to keep it down the next time,"
"Okay, that's good, that youre being careful as possible with a larger vehicle. In some vehicles the visibility isn't quite good and not all pedestrians are aware of it. Thanks for cooperating with us," Said Officer Arami making Xander smile and take the file to put it back. "Have a nice day," Wished the two policemen.
"Same to you two," Wished Xander closing the window, then drove further and turned aside to pass by the city hall. "Uh Nick, I'm out but without Ayesha," Mentioned Xander.
"Don't worry about her. She will get here just wait up. I don't know if anyone has told you about the one police guy, that she dated once years ago,"
"Oh there was this one guy, which had on his name sign A. Arami,"
"That was Aman Arami, Ayesha's ex-boyfriend," Mentioned Nick. "Tall, black hair, grey eyes, and a lampshade sort of mustache,"
"Yep, that's what he looked like. Well, I didn't pay attention to the eyes. Look, sir, I will stop behind the tower and reverse back into the entrance, is that okay?"
"Take the front please, it's closer to the stairs. Robbie is up there and will help you,"
"Great," Responded Xander, then put on the blinker and looked into the side mirror, and began to reverse back slowly onto the plot and taxed back slowly as from the entrance Robbie Bland walked out dressed as an engineer waiting for the vehicle to dock. Xander jumped out of the car to encounter Robbie, which unlocked the door from the side and saw Xander approach him.
"Hey Robbie. Have you heard anything of Ayesha?" Questioned Xander making Robbie shrug his shoulders.
"How can you lose her? She's the most responsible person in our team," Stated Robbie, then someone whistled and the two men looked back at the backside of the gym to spot Ayesha Ansari come along with Don Lothario, who was dressed as an engineer.
"Great," Mentioned Xander in relief, afterward the duo arrived watching Robbie roll aside the van's door. "I nearly had a heart attack alone there," Mentioned Xander worried, then Don pointed at the vehicle.
"She spared both of you out of trouble. It was just a coincidence that it went this way. But one good thing we have learned from today. Ayesha's past is coming after us and it might set us a little more difficulty into the game," Don stated making Robbie nod.
"He doesn't really have any proof against me. I could if the luck was on our side lie as much as possible to get out of there, but no one of us can see, what else can happen. It might be worse than we expect," Told Ayesha. "Guys, I'm grateful for your commitment. I legit wasn't expecting to meet him around so soon,"
"Neither was I. I had just started digging along with Claire and then I received from Nick the codeword to help Ayesha out," Don commented, observing Xander lean Robbie a hand to carry out a driller.
"Oh, we found that girl named River Landgraab or something. She recognized the vehicle and asked us to greet Claire from her," Mentioned Xander making Ayesha chuckle.
"That's not the right name," Mentioned Ayesha while Don nodded.
"There wasn't even a Landgraab on the list," Added Don watching Xander chuckle.
"Sorry, I had forgotten the last name and added the first one I remembered," Mentioned Xander. "Hey, like she didn't tell me, what River greeted her. It could be anyone. A Landgraab, an Langerak, a Bunch, a Clavell. The list is long….." Joked the newbie walking along with Robbie with the device into the building, followed by Don getting into the van to take along with Ayesha the next device. 
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vixsims · 9 months
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Pleasantview…With A Twist | Caliente-Lothario 🌷
The kids are all off to school which means....time for Romance Sim Shenanigans.
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beikonsims · 1 year
Kindly asking EA to stop trying to "fix" premades they already butchered once.
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You face is funny
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meetmetotheriver · 6 years
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holleyberry · 9 years
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“Are you and Doctor Gilscarbo having a lover’s spat, Doctor Lothario?
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vixsims · 1 year
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Pleasantview…With A Twist | Pleasant 🌷
Grace Pleasant: I think I want potion-making to be my One True Hobby.
Seb Goth: Potion-making isn't a hobby, Grace.
Grace: It could totally be a hobby. Under cuisine. It's still cooking, kinda. You gotta follow a recipe.
Seb: ...I guess. But you still have to be a witch.
Adrian Lothatio: What're you all talking about.
Seb: One True Hobbies.
Tulip Oldie: Mine's art but I think my secondary hobby might be music. Wouldn't it be so cool to be able to play the guitar?
David Pleasant: No idea what mine is yet, but I'm thinking sports.
Brodi Broke: Okay but what about film? You get to just sit around and watch TV all day. That's my kind of hobby!
Watcher aside: the family trees in PVWT are already so wild, it's very funny to me that the only person here who isn't related to anyone else in the room in some way is Brodi Broke. Seb Goth's dad is Don, so he's related to Adrian (and Adrian's twin not present here, Gemma). Adrian, Grace, and David all share Kaylynn as a bio mom, but Grace and David Pleasant have no idea. Tulip is "related" to Grace and David in the sense that they consider each other family because she is Mary-Sue's half sister and Mary-Sue is the only mother the twins have ever known. And then there's just Brodi lol. One day I'll make and post some family trees for this hood. It is such a tangled web!
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beikonsims · 4 months
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Brandi still didn't really like Don and didn't trust him even with Nina around.
Don: I don't believe we ever had the chance to talk-
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Don: ... I was just going to offer more affordable health care for you and your family. Kinda like a friend discount.
Brandi: You have my absolute attention, tell me more.
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Since Brandi was over, she joined the Lotharios to celebrate Miguel's birthday. Nina felt bad about not throwing anything for her son, so she was happy to at least have her friend around.
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Little Miguel grew to be an interesting mix of his parents. He seemed like a nice young man, though he definitely could've inherit more of his mother's neatness.
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Don and Goopy in the Bed.
Author: Isolerad
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The Sims 2 Pleasantview Scene
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Don Lothario with alcohol danger
Author: Remix
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