#don’t ask what I’m thinking about none of it is tumblr safe
russilton · 10 months
George would make a fantastic milf but some of y’all aren’t ready for that discussion
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Hey #GreekMythology tumblr, I want ya’lls help on something :).
So, I’ve been thinking about starting this massive project. Like, would take years and years work of writing and research and sheerly finding the time and motivation for. And as I was thinking about the specifics, I thought: why not bring others into it as well? Because as much as I am interested in a lot of Greek Mythology, there are things that are simply not my interests and might cause writers block and my goal for the project would to be as fun as possible. So, here we are.
What is the project exactly? Well, hopefully, it’ll be a long Ao3 series/fic focusing on the individual perspectives of various figures/events in Greek Mythology arranged in (semi/good enough) chronological order. I personally intend to write for Poseidon in his/my version of the Titanomachy and (maybe) some events that follow, if you want a little bit of an idea on what I’m talking about.
The limits on this are almost completely free, all that I ask are that each of your submissions are one POV only (and by that I mean your main subject’s POV). Why do I say this? I say this because that is what I want this project to look like. It doesn’t matter if it’s First, Second, or Third POV along with all the other variants of those three, my main focus is on the individual experiences of these individuals. Kind of like character studies, if you know what I mean. I’m intending for it to be mostly formal but I will absolutely accept crack admissions that I will probably put into its own series to Separate the Vibes for whoever comes by :).
Ultimately, this is a completely open-ended project that has absolutely no deadline. I’m about to go to bed so I can’t go into too much detail, but if you want to DM me or send any asks, I am completely okay with that and we’ll all flesh out the specifics we go :).
What is my overall purpose? Not only is this project made for my own individual purposes of learning more about the gods and other Greek Mythology writers, but it’s also the chance to spread the word of other writers. I know how hard it is to get specific audiences, especially when you’re shy, so this is a chance for your work to be stumbled upon. Each post on the eventual Ao3 fic will include your socials, how to find you, and your other general works on either ao3, tumblr, wattpad, or other :)
Can you participate even without socials or a tumblr page? Yes you absolutely can :). My asks will always be open to anons and I will do my best to give credit when I eventually post everything :). If you want to post multiple submissions or simply just want a trackable (between works) name to your writing, just sign something at the end. It could be a name, it could be a potential username, I don’t mind at all :)).
How do I submit things? Well, the best way would be to DM me :). I have a personal writing email separate from most things that would be perfect to either share a google docs with or to just send a copy-and-pasted copy of it. Otherwise, I take asks. None of them will be posted unless asked or we’re ready to so it’ll be safe to just drop them off in! It’s also where I take questions :).
Any other things to note? I’d really appreciate some other moderators and editors :). There’d only be like two or three of each and we’d have to know each other decently well before officially starting, but some help would be appreciated! Also, I’d like to keep a working ‘spreadsheet’ of who’s working on what just for people to see what’s going on :). Maybe some people can collaborate or it’ll encourage those niche writers to write :). A third thing is that most questionable stuff is accepted. I’d personally rather not handle all those things other than posting it so it might be a while until I can officially accept (consensual and/or graphic) ✨spicy stuff✨ but, other than that, I’ll take any of it (also, it’s Greek Mythology, almost all of it already happened). If someone’s willing to take over the ✨spicy stuff✨ then please DM me so we can work out the details and see if it’s a nice fit :)
Honestly, that all should be it. The main point is that I’m trying to start up a long-term project on Tumblr and Ao3 about what is essentially Greek Mythology character studies that not only allows for mass communication across a wide audience, but also (hopefully) gets some recognition for the smaller writers :). Feel free to DM me or send me asks with questions but for now, I shall sleep
Tagging: @bluebellstudio @thirteen-deaths-later @0lympian-c0uncil @happyk44 @h0bg0blin-meat @sworeontheriverstyx @deathlessathanasia @gotstabbedbyapen. Sorry if I tagged you and you want nothing to do with it, I just wanted to get it out there /pos /gen
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lookismaddict · 6 months
Happy 1-Year Anniversary to Rendezvous 🎊
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Hey guys, it’s been a while. 😀 (I can now see the flaming torches and pitch forks heading my way… 🔥) I decided to come back because today marks the actual 1-year anniversary of when I joined the Lookism community and posted for the very first time on Tumblr, which is none other than Rendezvous’s Introduction. The story that started all of the chaos. 🖤 And yes, I posted it on Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate! 🦃💨
I’m so sorry for leaving all of you for almost half a year, and I missed you all dearly. There has been many ups and downs in my life these past few months, and I could safely say that I’m okay, and that I have healed from the loss of that one person in my life. I’m also happy that I have grown as a person. Not just my age (I’m 21 now, and I’m officially an adult. Woo!) but also, this sense of maturity that I have acquired from opening myself to new surroundings. I got the opportunity to reconnect with many people in my life socially, while I have developed many new relationships with others over the span of four months.
To be frank, the reason why I had to take a huge break from Tumblr wasn’t just because of my mourning period of a past loved one. It was so that I can mend myself mentally, physically, and socially. Tumblr was my escapism, and it’ll always be there whenever I feel like coming back. But being away from Tumblr made me realize that I should cherish the people that I have in my life more, than just pushing them off to the side and remain anti-social for my own personal enjoyment. And it also gave me some time to think and heal. It refreshed my mind greatly, and I might be coming back more frequently (if school wasn’t being such a pain).
However, I will try and be active again. It’ll take time for me to get rid of this uncomfortable awkwardness from me, and I will eventually go back to my usual unhinged self. 👍🏽 (Plus, I have no idea what’s been going on in Lookism and I’m not updated, but I have seen some spoilers on other social media outlets.) So, I will dive back into the Lookism rabbit hole sometime soon.
As for my writing, I plan on continuing them again and I need to take care of those drafts. (Yes, I will be continuing Rendezvous and my other works. Don’t worry about it.) Again, happy anniversary to my baby, Rendezvous. I’m proud of myself for pressing that “Post” button a year ago, on this very day. (With my finger hovering shakily over the button and all. 😭) You will surely see more of Gun and (Y/N) sometime in the future, including other characters too. Until then, Cat is off and ascending to reply to everyone’s messages, comments, and asks! 😼👐🏽 (Descending. Most likely in he-)
Just beat me up already.
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cheesesoda · 1 year
leons-little-slut requested
“Can I request a Luis Serra x reader? We need more of him with how amazing his character is in the remake, maybe just some fluff if that’s okay to ask for 😭💖💖(Idon’t really use Tumblr too much and don’t know if I’m requesting right, so sorry if I am 🥲)”
a/n: ofc bbg i gotchu 😽😽 spanish is in italics (“lo siento” means “im sorry”)
luis sera x reader
genre: fluff
cw: none
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you were discovered in a sleeping bag by leon kennedy, a government agent looking for the president’s daughter. he let you out along with another man. “wow, at least i get to see a pretty señorita after being stuffed in that sleeping bag for so long,” the man grins and kisses the back of your hand. “name’s luis sera.” you smirk back at him. “y/n l/n.” you had to admit, he was pretty attractive.
the two of you became fast friends, always making jokes and laughing even in the most dire situations (much to leon’s annoyance). you and luis accompanied leon on his mission to find “baby eagle” and when you found her in the church, you bonded with her as well.
“nice shot, señorita!” luis smirks at you when you hit multiple bullseyes at the shooting range. you jokingly pretend to blow smoke off the tip of your gun and wink at him. ashley observes the sight.
“i swear, luis, be more careful! geez, it’s almost like you want to get hurt!” you scold the man. “maybe i do, i mean, when else do i get the privilege to be taken care of by such a pretty señorita?” he winks. “if that’s your motivation, then you’re tending to your own wounds from now on.” you groan. “lo siento, señorita!” he pleads, grabbing both your hands as you laugh at him. ashley smiles at the sight.
as ashley and leon walk behind you and luis, ashley observes the two of you. you’re laughing with luis about some inside joke that makes no sense whatsoever to leon or ashley. you put your hand on his shoulder to stabilize yourself from falling over and end up resting your forehead on that same shoulder. ashley giggles at your laughter.
while leon and luis are out trying to find an exit to the village, you stay behind in the safe room with ashley. as you clean your gun, you feel her gaze upon you. “yes?” you look at her in anticipation. “soooooooo,” she grins. “you and luis, huh?” you give her your full attention now. “what? nooo! we’re just friends.” you scoffs unconvincingly. “yeah and i’m the president of the united states.” she rolls her eyes. “you’re his daughter.” you deadpan. “shut up,” she giggles. “anyway, it’s so obvious!” you stay silent for a minute before responding. “sure, let’s say i do like him, hypothetically. it doesn’t matter cuz he doesn’t like me.” you groan. “uh, are you blind?” ashley asks. “not to my knowledge. i just know that he flirts with every girl. it’s not like i’m special.” you reply. “the inside jokes! the compliments! the looks! the little touches! he SO likes you!” ashley exclaims. “ya think so?” you whisper. “oh, i know so. just tell him!” she encourages you.
once the two get back, ashley makes some excuse to get her and leon away from you and luis. “luis,” you inhale. “i wanna tell you something.” he looks at you with concern. “what’s wrong?” he asks. “nothing, i just…” “you can tell me.” he reassures you, grabbing your hands. you take a deep breath. “i really like being around you. i like laughing with you and talking with you and just all of it.” you tiptoe around the words “i love you”. “if i didn’t know any better, señorita, i’d think you’re confessing your love to me.” he chuckles. “i am.” you blurt. he looks at you in shock for a moment before smilingly softly at you. he takes your cheeks in his hands and presses a soft kiss to your lips. “i love you too, señorita.”
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got impatient. woe, fic be upon ye
the format is fucked up (read; not indented) because tumblr was pissing me off. and i cannot fight with it at 2am. we might fix it later
ao3 ; x
Legend is a man of many talents. He has a lot of hobbies and skills, all picked up over his many years of adventuring. ..but sometimes, he surprises himself with what he can do. It’s a little intimidating, to think you know what you’re capable of just to be informed you can do something you’d never even considered, but…it is what it is. It’s best to just accept it when it happens.
That being said, Legend isn’t used to the fact these strange, rabbit-like creatures in Wild’s era seem to like him. A lot.
Rupee stuck around, following close behind Legend whenever they walked anywhere—as if he was afraid Legend would disappear if left alone for one minute. For a little while, this was cute—Rupee would even trail after Four, sometimes—but eventually ‘cute’ became ‘annoying’, and Legend kind of wishes the rabbit-creature would stop toddling after him all the time.
“Ledge, your lil friend is trying to get your attention,”Four spoke up quietly, not looking up from whatever book they’re reading. Wild had given it to them as a birthday gift, when he’d learned Four’s birthday had passed without the smithy saying anything. He also made Four a cupcake, despite the smithy’s protests.
Four shared it with Legend and Rupee later on. Rupee seemed confused at the idea, but had eaten his third of it after Legend had. Legend noted that it was carrot cake, and that he absolutely needs to get that recipe from Wild before this adventure is over.
Sometimes, Rupee will run off and find things to bring Legend, and other times he all-but-drags Legend with him to show the veteran something. It’s a little endearing, and sometimes Rupee finds some interesting stuff. That’s only sometimes, though.
In the span of a few weeks—he thinks, anyway. It’s a little hard to tell—he’d gained the attention of three more bluepees, none of which stayed too long but were present enough to have been named Koholint, Puddles and Blueberry (that last one came from Four. He’d let the smithy name her when they were upset one night) respectively.
Much like Rupee, however, they fussed over Legend too much. He’ll say he doesn’t know why they do it, but he does, and he hates it.
Just because his bunny form is a little…smaller than the average bunny, doesn’t mean he’s a baby.
Legend sighed. “What’s up, Rupee?”He tilted his head at the creature, groaning in annoyance when Rupee pawed at his leg before turning and hopping a small distance away, before stopping and turning to see if Legend was following.
Looks like he wants Legend to follow. Reluctantly, Legend stood up. “If the others ask, I’m just taking a walk. Rupee wants to show me something.”
“Okay. Be careful, vet.”
“Will do.”He hums, turning and following Rupee as he began to lead the veteran somewhere.
Belatedly, Legend realises that his sword is still with Four, but he doesn’t think he’ll need it. Not really. Rupee doesn’t drag Legend anywhere dangerous—hell, half of the time they don’t even go too far from wherever the chain had set up camp anyways.
Rupee kept going, occasionally slowing down to see if Legend was still following and allowing him to catch up before hopping off in front again. How considerate.
Honestly, Legend doesn’t know why he bothers entertaining it when Rupee leads him away; but no matter how much he questions himself, he still chooses to follow. If asked, he’ll deny the fact he questions himself on it. Nobody needs to be inside his head, except the ones already there. “...you’re not serious here,”Legend sighed out, watching as Rupee disappeared, appearing in a puff of blue smoke at the top of a nearby cliff. “You want me to climb up there? With these bones? No way in hell.” …he climbs up the cliff anyways. He’s admittedly curious about why Rupee wants him up there in the first place. Once he’s safely made it up, Rupee begins to lead him along again, stopping every so often so Legend can catch up. They don’t travel much further, as Rupee leads Legend into a clearing with a pretty tree and a pond in the centre. Vaguely, Legend recognises that this place reeks of magic. It doesn’t feel hostile, though, just…curious. “Okay, Rupe. What’re we here for?”He kneels down to the bluepee cautiously. In return, Rupee nudges his hand, and Legend belatedly realises that Rupee was trying to comfort him. He’s not leading Legend anywhere else, now, just sitting with him and nuzzling up to him. He still seems to think Legend needs to be comforted. Legend would be mad if it wasn’t Rupee. But it is, so he doesn’t, and instead settles onto the grass with him. He has to admit, this place is calming. It’s quiet, and absolutely soaked in protective magic. It’s safe. Even if the magic here feels curious, like it’s trying to figure out who and what Legend is, it doesn’t seem like whatever it’s coming from seems to be hostile. The veteran relaxes, running his fingers through the glowing blue fur of his little companion. Rupee seems to appreciate it. Legend doesn’t relax like this often. At home, he does. He has plenty of animals back home that he can do this with, he just…doesn’t do it while adventuring. His ears twitch. Something blue moves near the pond, but it’s too small to be a bluepee. It’s…a horse, he thinks. But it’s…not a horse. He knows what a horse looks like. He has one of his own at home. Twilight’s got his horse, Epona, with them. This is a horse, but it’s…not.
It has a similar glow to the bluepees, and Legend registers that the magic he felt earlier is coming from this being. How weird. The horse-thing seems to stare at Legend, and all he can do is stare back. He swears this thing has more eyes than it should. It has antlers, too, sort of like the ones that the bluepees have. After a solid, uncomfortable minute, it takes a step closer. And closer, up until it’s right in front of the veteran. Legend stares at it, before slowly standing up. He never takes his eyes off of the creature, and doesn’t even think about moving too quickly. Once he’s standing, he offers a hand out to the creature. He can feel the aura from the thing. It’s curious. Protective. “I’m gonna call you Pond,”Legend decides, once the…horse (he’ll keep calling it a horse, for now) nudges into his hand. “I don’t have any food with me.”He mumbles. “I’m sorry.”He does feel a little bad about it, but how could he have known?
Pond seemingly doesn’t mind. He spends a while just,,,sitting there, in the presence of a fluffle of bluepees and Pond. It’s…nice. Their presence almost feels healing, as he doesn’t seem to have a single complaint about how his body feels. Eventually, though, he realises that he did sort of leave without telling anyone except Four, and they might be getting worried now. “Rupe, we have to go,”Legend sighs. He doesn’t want to. He sort of just wants to stay here. Rupee hops up, though, and Legend pulls himself off of the ground. He turns to Pond, and runs his fingers through their mane. “I have to go now, Pond. It was nice to meet you.” Pond doesn’t seem happy. Makes a sound of protest that Legend’s only ever heard from Pepper, when he does something that she doesn’t like. “I know,”He frowns. “I’m sorry. I would stay if I could.”And he would. He would spend so much longer here if he was able. Pond seems to make a decision. Starts trotting away from the body of water, towards where Rupee is sitting. Legend, confused but needing to go that way anyways, follows. This is how he finds himself walking down a beaten path with a bluepee and a strange, horse-like creature who feels like a deity. This is how he finds himself back at camp, still with the two in tow. “Hey Ledge, enjoy your—”Wild cuts off, staring behind him. “This is Pond,”Legend informs. Then, “Do you know what it is…? I think it’s a horse? But it’s not.” “That’s—Legend, that’s the lord of the mountain.”Wild blinks rapidly. “That’s basically a minor god. How did you..” “Oh. Pond just kinda followed us back.” “Pond.”He wheezes, and Legend thinks he might be dying for a second. “You somehow befriended a minor god, and you named it Pond?” Legend pouts. “I think it’s a good name.” “For a pet, maybe.” Legend frowns and turns to Pond. “Do you like the name I gave you, or do you want something else? Nudge once for you like it, twice for you want a new one.” Pond nudges him once. “See? Pond likes it!” “Vet. You’re back.”Four hums, wandering over to scoop Rupee up into their arms, tilting their head at Pond. “Made a new friend?” “Yeah. Named ‘em Pond. Wild says they’re a minor god. Cool, right?” “So cool.”Four nods, petting Rupee. “Is that what Rupee wanted to show you?” “Yeah.”Legend fetches an apple from his bag, feeding it to Pond as he speaks. “There’s a little pond up on that hill. Pretty tree. There’s a lot more bluepees there, and that’s where Pond was.” Four hums, still holding Rupee as they step a little closer to Pond, tilting their head curiously. Legend notes that Four stays behind him, as if Pond might get spooked by Four’s very existence. “So creepy…Pond is so cool. Can we keep them?” “If they’re a god like Wild says…we shouldn’t, no. Pond really didn’t like the idea of me leaving their side, though. Like. Got so upset when me and Rupee went to leave that they followed us all the way back.” Four whistles. “Damn. Hey, can we swap Epona out for Pond? Pond looks cooler.” “Four!”Sky scolds with a frown. “I’m joking~ Relax. We can have both.” “You can’t keep the lord of the mountain!”Wild whines. Despite Wild protesting it, though; Pond hangs around the group for the rest of their time in this era, hovering over Legend and Rupee. Wild accepts this.
Later, he tells Legend that he’s lucky to be able to befriend Pond—who, Wild reveals, is actually called Satori—so easily. Legend doesn’t get it, though. Never does. He’s not really that lucky. Animals just like him. Wild throws something at him when he says that. Genuinely throws his soup ladle at the veteran, while the others laugh about it. Distantly, Legend wonders why animals trust him so easily. It can’t just be because he’s sometimes a bunny. It’s weird, but welcome. He does need to look into it, though. Preferably before he accidentally befriends another deity.
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formerlyz · 1 year
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Tumblr kept crashing when I tried to reblog this for some reason but I thought this was so sweet so here’s a little fic based on this idea that’s 1 million percent fluff and sappy as hell lol enjoy.
“You’re Beautiful”
Word count: 1147
Warnings: None
“You’re quiet today” Rei observed. Usually when they dropped Miri off in the morning and ate breakfast, Kazuki was much more chatty. It wasn’t uncommon for Kazuki to talk Rei’s ear off about a new recipe he was excited to try for dinner, or about a weird dream he had. Rei didn’t mind, he liked the sound of Kazuki’s voice. But today he was only speaking when directly spoken too, and responding in one or two word sentences wherever possible.
“What’s wrong?” He pressed.
Kazuki sighed and set his fork down. “It’s stupid.” He shifted around in his seat for a moment:
“It’s just…when I was brushing my teeth this morning. I noticed this.” He said, pointing to his eye. Rei leaned forward to try and see what he was talking about.
“Is there something wrong with your eye?” Rei squinted in confusion to try and see what Kazuki was pointing out.
“What? No! I have wrinkles, Rei!!” He said sadly. “I’m starting to look old and I hate it”
“Why is looking old bad?” Rei asked, taking another bite of his cereal.
“Because I don’t want people to think I’m ugly. Okay?” Kazuki exclaimed before hiding his face in his hands. Rei tried to think of something to say. He really didn’t see what the big deal was, but this was obviously bothering Kazuki and he wanted to help.
“Rei?” Kazuki asked in a small voice before Rei could come up with something. He looked up, eyes full of fear. “Do you think I’m ugly?”
Once Rei had processed Kazuki’s question, he couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous it was.
“What the hell?! You don’t have to laugh at me.” Kazuki said angrily, tears welling in his eyes. He got up and began to storm away when Rei grabbed his wrist.
“I’m laughing because that was one of the stupidest things you’ve ever asked me.” Rei said, standing up and wrapping his arms around Kazuki’s waist from behind. “Why in the world would I think you’re ugly Kazuki? You’re beautiful”. Kazuki froze.
“Beautiful?” He whispered.
“I mean. I think so”. Rei said. Giving compliments wasn’t one of Rei’s strong points, but he knew Kazuki needed him to try. “Your hair is the color of a piece of French toast that’s perfectly cooked, and it always looks so fluffy and soft and nice to play with.” He said, burying his face in Kazuki’s hair and breathing in the scent of his shampoo, which smelled like some kind of citrus. Rei felt Kazuki relax slightly in his arms, which he took as a good sign.
“I’ve never seen someone with eyes like yours. They’re like…” Rei paused and guided Kazuki to turn around and face him so he could get a better look. “They’re like a fire that you sit by to get warm when it’s really cold outside” He said, placing a gentle kiss on Kazuki’s cheekbone.
“And your smile is literally contagious. I never smiled until I met you, you know?” Rei pressed another soft kiss to the edge of Kazuki’s lips. “And when I’m having a bad day where I’m in pain or anxious or whatever I just look at you and it makes me feel better.” At this point, Kazuki wrapped his arms around Rei’s shoulders.
“Really?” He breathed as he gazed at Rei. Rei nodded, feeling heat rise to his cheeks. He felt a bit awkward about saying all this stuff out loud, but it seemed like it was helping Kazuki, so he continued.
“And when it’s summer you get these freckles that are really cute, just like Miri does.” Rei continued, kissing Kazuki on the bridge of his nose where he would usually get them. “And when you’re trying really hard at Morio Kart your face does this thing where it gets all scrunched up in concentration, which always makes me laugh.” Rei kissed Kazuki’s forehead. “And when we’re going to sleep seeing you right there makes me feel safe” Rei said as he moved to kiss Kazuki’s jaw and neck where he would normally bury his face to sleep. The feeling of Rei’s breath on Kazuki’s neck caused him to shiver involuntarily.
“So yes, I think you’re beautiful, inside and out.” Rei said after a moment, holding Kazuki’s face in both of his hands and planting a firm but gentle kiss on Kazuki’s lips.
“But…what if I get old and you don’t think that anymore?” Kazuki asked once they pulled back.
“Kazuki.” Rei said in a serious voice. “I never thought I would get old. You gave me the chance not only to get old but to get old with a family I love” now that he was close, he could see the tiny wrinkles in the corners of Kazuki’s eyes that had started all this. He gently ran his thumb over them. “Every wrinkle, every gray hair, is just a reminder that I get to grow old with you, which makes me really happy” At this point, Kazuki completely lost it, breaking down sobbing on Rei’s shoulder.
Rei hugged him tightly, feeling a twinge of guilt. “Sorry! Did I say something wrong?!” he asked. Kazuki shook his head and continued to cling to Rei, his tears wetting the front of Rei’s shirt.
“You didn’t say anything wrong. It’s just…that was beautiful, Rei” Kazuki said once he had calmed down a bit, still resting his chin on Rei’s shoulder.
“I’m just stating the obvious,” Rei said, fully meaning it. Kazuki pulled back and laughed as he wiped his tears away with the back of his hands.
“I love you” Kazuki said, resting his forehead on Rei’s. Tears were still falling but he was smiling. Rei breathed a sigh of relief.
“I love you too.” Rei said, leaning forward and pulling Kazuki in for a long, tender kiss.
“So, whatcha want to do today?” Rei asked once Kazuki had stopped crying. He continued to place small kisses all over Kazuki’s face and neck.
“I don’t know.” Kazuki had been so wrapped up in his quarter life crisis he honestly hadn’t thought about it, and it was hard to think now with Rei kissing him all over. “I kinda want to just do this all day to be honest” he said with a breathy chuckle. Rei smiled against his neck. As much as Rei also wanted to do this all day, he knew Kazuki would get antsy if they didn’t actually do something.
“Tell you what?” Rei said, moving to look into Kazuki’s ruby red eyes, which were practically shining. “Let’s finish breakfast and marathon one of your favorite cooking shows, then maybe after we pick Miri up from school we can all go do something fun as a family?”
“That sounds perfect,” Kazuki smiled. Rei kissed him again, thinking how lucky he was that he and Kazuki had found each other.
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veeketchum · 4 months
I’m rewatching Voltron rn (since I was thinking back and all I could remember apart from the names of all the characters was that one monsters and mana episode) and I’m only like three episodes in but I LOVE it
one thing though-
why has no one written a isekai fic for Voltron?? I would eat that shit UP
(this is all based off the vague memories I have of the show when I first watched it, so apologies if something’s are wrong)
imagine just waking up as a newborn but you fully remeber your old life, including watching Voltron. You can practically FEEL that something is off about this world compared to the memories of your previous life, but you don’t know what until you see a sign for Garrison recruitment.
Holy shit you’re in Voltron.
You have absolutely no clue what to do, because if any isekai trope is to go by, you’re going to get dragged into the events of the show, even if you haven’t seen anyone you recognize yet.
so you prepare. Better to be safe than sorry. You research outer space, you study how to pilot, you get your hands on whatever books you can about tech and try to get familiar with how to use it, and most importantly, you learn medical procedures and how to deal with situations quickly.
the healing pods aren’t always available in the show, the castle loses power or the paladins are just too far away to get to them.
mind you, you start this all at like age 4, so your parents are probably a little concerned. But you seem content with it, and what parent would stop their child from reading?
then your parents enroll you in Garrison, without your knowledge. Not that you were mad exactly, but you were unsure if you were going to try and stay under the radar or not. Now you have no choice.
you keep your head down most of the time, praying none of the paladins show up. They don’t, at least not your first few years. It’s your third year that you spot Keith, in the freshman class.
surprise surprise, somehow your class is shifted to help train the younger class (even though you’re barely more experienced then them? You’re seriously questioning these teachers). You, against all odds, are paired with Keith. Y’all don’t talk much outside of what’s required- Keith is Keith, and you’re still trying to figure out the best way to go about this. You ask him for a few flying tips once, since you know how good he is, but he stared at you for a while before saying “aren’t you the more experienced one?” You just shrug, and neither of you speak about it again.
It rolls around to when they get that new piloting simulator, and both classes are to use it on different days. Shiro, of course, is there, just like in show. You, by memory at this point (you can’t even count how many nights you’ve sneaked into the normal simulator to practice, or the deck to spar), ace it, soaring over everyone else’s score- and by doing that, catch Shiro’s attention.
there goes staying under the radar.
(I’m totally going to add to this, especially as I get further into my rewatch, but this is all I can think of at the moment.)
Idk, I just feel like this idea would totally be fun and new to the Voltron corner of tumblr. Again, only in the first few episodes and most of this is relying on my really old memories of the series, so sorry if it’s wrong in places.
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phenomenal1500 · 1 year
~Princess Of England~
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A/N: This was requested by an anon on tumblr. Don't be too tough on me since I'm still experimenting with writing for Harald and I hope you loved it! ♥️
Summary: Harald meets the hidden princess of England as he visits Wessex, the woman clearly exceeding his expectations in more ways than one~
Timeline: Unimportant.
Pairing: Harald Sigurdsson x Princess!Reader Warning: Mentions of smut, none detailed smut.
For days Harald did not rest, nor did he take even a small break from rowing at sea with his men.
The waves were as big and dangerous as Jormungandr sharp teeth, the sky was as black as the dark and gloomy Helheim, but thankfully Thor's lighting crashed into the deep waters right in time to fight of Jormungandr and to make sure the Vikings could safely seek their way to England.
Not that any of it would matter to Harald, none of it could ever bring the man to a halt. The viking was far too enthusiastic to finally continue his search for a beautiful wife who he could have a son with to even think about stopping his journey.
Harald could still remember the sudden heartwarming feeling he felt in his heart when he arrived in Northern England after just 10 rough days at sea.
The feeling of hope.
Hope he could find himself another wife who he could share a son with.
It was always his dream to find a woman who was sweet, caring, but also bad ass, not to be messed with. Though it became harder and harder to do so. Most of the women in Norway who Harald had grown a liking towards had already been taken or preferred to be by themselves and so Harald's search continued. He wasn't a man to ever force a woman into marriage without her consent and so he decided to look further in other places such as England.
He and his men traveled around England and its beautiful kingdoms for two weeks in a row before finally coming to a stop in Winchester where Harald was offered a place to stay by a nobleman and his only daughter.
He had accepted it not knowing about the woman yet until he saw her come home that one night....
She was wearing a beautiful white gown that hugged her curves beautifully, her long glowing hair was pulled up into a braided bun with a few wavy strings framing her friendly face and her neck was wearing a necklace made out of pearls and silver.
She looked like royalty for sure.
"What is your name, Ketta?" [Female cat, kitten.] He had asked with a pretty thick accent, his body automatically standing up to approach and greet the gorgeous woman.
"Y/N Y/L/N." She looked him up and down for a second and looked at her father with secret admiration. "We're giving shelter to a Viking?"
"A Christian Norseman." He sternly replied to correct her and her lovely gaze returned to Harald who was smiling at her.  He couldn't help it. She looked too cute.
"A Viking." He whispered back as he bowed his head, winking at her secretly so her father wouldn't notice it and it made her respond by giving him the sweetest smile he had ever seen anyone give him.
"What is your name?" She returned the question, but he was already too lost in his wandering thoughts.
Thoughts he would never say out loud.
Thoughts that were too sinful for a Christian to even hear about, but he wished they would come true nonetheless.
"Harald~." Y/N moaned the man's name softly into his ear, her face nuzzling his neck while riding his cock at the speed she desired.
He could only imagine himself meeting her slow pace with delicious and perfect rolls of his hips deep inside of her. Give her everything she wanted and needed. Her hips already widened and her belly showing a small bump where their son was growing in, caressing it as they made love.
It would be a sight he so badly wished to see.
"Sir?" She tried to get his attention.
"Harald Sigurdsson~." He answered as he tried to push the thoughts aside not to let it affect him too much and get him hard in front of her. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable and scare her away. "King Harald Sigurdsson." He corrected himself. "But keep that a secret for me, yes?"
"It's a pretty name, am I allowed to call you just Harald?" She played along, acting like she hadn't heard anything about the king part.
"Of course, Ketta." He smirked a bit, his mind thinking back to what his name would sound like if she moaned it to him.
"Let me show you around Winchester before dinner, Harald." She offered and held out her hand, feeling a warm comforting feeling in her body as he took and caressed it.
It was as if she already knew him and it made her feel safe.
"King Harald, are you still listening?" She pulled him out of his thoughts from the past few weeks as she gently tugged at his shirt.
"I am, Sæta." [Sweetie, cutie] Harald gave her a friendly bow, still holding onto her hand even after hours of the woman leading him around the quiet and pretty parts of Winchester.
"It gives me a warm feeling when you call me that." She blushed a little and watched her feet as they walked.
"You understand what I'm saying to you?" He gave her hand a soft squeeze and she looked up at him, nodding while staring into those handsome eyes. "How?"
"I'm not fully English." She explained, bringing the viking back to her home so they could sit in the fantasy-like garden her father owned and have some alone time together. The garden was a private place where no one was allowed to come but the owners so she felt like it was a perfect place to continue their conversation.
"You're a Viking?" He watched her closely and it suddenly clicked in his mind.
Her interest in him and his people.... her rare beauty.... the way she spoke and even understood certain Norse words....
She clearly wasn't a Christian free willingly.
"Partly, yes." She smiled proudly before it changed into a sad glare, staring into the horizon that was turning darker as the time passed. "But I was raised here because my mother, the queen, didn't allow me to go home with my father."
"You're a princess? Then why are you living with a nobleman in Wessex?"
"She was ashamed she was with child by an affair with a Viking at the time, so she hid me away and gave me to one of her personal guards to raise. Together he and I moved to Wessex to start a new life away from the throne."
"I'm sorry, princess." He rubbed the palm of her hand with his thumb, sighing.
He really felt strong feelings for her already, and he'd love to show her his life someday, but it was truly all up to her.
"It's okay, it's not as bad as it sounds. My 'father' doesn't forbid me from learning your language or about your gods, he prefers me to stay quiet about it however.... so no one suspects anything and will take me away from treason."
"You'd like to come with me back to Norway?" He closed the distance between them and stroked a piece of her hair out of her face, deciding to go for it and show her how he felt before it was too late.
"You.... You would take me with you?" She blushed and leaned into him, her arms wrapping around his neck slowly.
"If that's what you wish for, Ketta~." He licked his lips and she stared at him with sudden lust until she suddenly heard children laughing and running through the garden which made her back off.
"Children, what did I say about running through the garden like this?" She chuckled as they ran up to her with huge smiles and pouts.
"No running or we'll accidentally hurt ourselves." They replied in unison and she smiled, getting on her knees to be at their height.
"Good, so don't do it again, okay?" She ruffled a young boy's hair and handed them all an apple one by one. She knew it wasn't 'allowed' to take care of the orphans of the city when you had a high title, but she couldn't care less. They were children. They were hungry and they needed help. If she had her own home she would've probably taken them all in, but she sadly couldn't so this was the least thing she could do for them. Besides, there were enough apples growing on their trees anyway. A few missing wouldn't hurt. "Now go before the city guards see you children here. I don't want them hurting you."
"Yes, Y/N. Thank you!" The oldest girl hugged Y/N and brought the children safely back to the streets.
"You'd prefer to come with me as queen of Norway instead~?" He smiled, trying to keep his needs from taking over as he held her body close to his.
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mottlemoth · 2 years
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So I’ve been hiding a lot. I’m really sorry. Being back on Tumblr makes me feel like it’s fine to share some of this - I’m sorry if it’s weird to hear - I’m just having a tough time and I need to be honest.
Various things are happening to me in real life at the moment. It’s been one thing after another, and there’s more to come. Usually I turn to fandom for a support structure and an escape from stress, but I’m realising that sense of comfort has been missing from my life for a few weeks now.
I came to OFMD from a small rarepair with a very close and very supportive community. I absolutely wasn’t prepared for the kind of things I’ve experienced in the last few months on Twitter. The OFMD community there has a lot of problems right now, one of the most worrying being a lethal lack of awareness that fan writers are fans. We’re writing for fun, sharing our work for free. But we’re being ripped apart by people who’ve had years of practice at criticising showrunners for creative decisions they don’t approve of. The abuse is largely motivated by jealousy - any author who picks up too much kudos or appears on too many rec lists becomes the next target, and it’s usually cloaked under a false banner of social justice. It’s happening over and over again. It’s transparent and it’s exhausting, and the things being used to justify the abuse are so tenuous that I often can’t believe what my actual eyes are reading. I’ve been accused of misogyny for writing Edward ‘Shoot-The-People-Who-Teased-Me’ Teach as reacting emotionally, therefore “female-coding” him, therefore sexism. I don’t know how to cope in this kind of environment.
I’ve been through endless rounds of coaxing myself to try to relax - to forget about the paranoia and the toxicity, and shut up and get on with writing because I have a duty to finish this fic and everyone’s waiting for the next chapter and if I don’t hurry up and post it then I’ll get Tumblr messages saying “when can we expect the next chapter” and - suddenly I realise, wait. I’m not actually obliged to do any of this.
This is my hobby.
I am 100% allowed to stop doing this at any point I want to.
“But you have a duty to the people who’ve--”
Look, I get that this isn’t something anyone wants to hear, but... no. I don’t. I’m an exhausted thirty-something sitting in her pyjamas after work, having a cry because my hobby somehow turned into a full-time job on top of my already miserable full-time job. AO3 writers don’t have a duty to do what they’re doing. Fanworks are literally a gift of time and energy from a complete stranger. I’d love to be able to ignore the people being abusive towards writers, but I can’t. And, again - this is my hobby. I’m not obliged to ignore the abuse and just get on with the task. If I’m upset, I’m allowed to stop. (Let’s say I joined a knitting club. Let’s say some of the members were routinely vicious and awful to anyone who got “too good” at knitting, and none of the other members ever hit them with any consequences for their behaviour. I don’t have a duty to stick around at Toxic Knitting Club, even if I never finished that pair of socks I started. If the club cares about its own survival, then it needs to make the environment feel safe and welcoming. It can’t just expect people to ignore the nastiness.)
OP, I blanked your name and pfp from this message because I don’t want you to get grief. But I’ve searched for your username in my email inbox, and found that this is the first time you’ve ever spoken to me. You’ve never reached out to chat or be kind or make friends, but you’ve reached out to prod me when you think that I’m being tardy with delivery of your content. Chapters 1 to 43 appeared at least once a week, sometimes twice or even three times a week. Did it cross your mind that maybe there’s a reason why chapter 44 hasn’t dropped yet? Did you think, something must be wrong, maybe I should ask if they’re okay? No, you just came to bang on the vending machine. I’m sorry if this is an uncomfortable lesson to learn, but the writers in your fandom aren’t staff. We’re guests. Tonight, when I get home from work, I have the option to run a long bath, have a cry and play The Sims until I fall asleep, or the option to sit down at my desk and write something for you, even though I might get harassed and bullied for it. You haven’t tipped the scales in the direction you meant to.
I don’t know how to even begin concluding this post.
I’ve been struggling ever since I was dogpiled back in September. I feel very lonely and very tired. Twitter is an awful bloody website and it’s structured around division and argument. I’ve been feeling better since I came back to Tumblr. My breaks at work are now spent scrolling through pretty GIFs or cool meta or funny things about Izzy, rather than drama, and it’s helping. So... I don’t know, OP. Don’t start being like this here. I’m fighting so hard to find reasons to stay in OFMD. Life is rough at the minute, and I want to spend my free time feeling happy and safe with people who see me as a friend, not a vending machine. I’m doing everything a professional writer does, but for no pay, with no protection or support from a publisher, and I’m fitting it around a full-time job. That’s... well, that’s the situation. That’s the situation all your fan writers are in, however well they seem to be handling it. It’d be great if you could reflect on that.
TLDR; this is my hobby, and I work on my hobby when it feels fun.
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quinns-shadowy-arts · 4 months
Let Me Take Care of You
Day 1 of @steddielovemonth's February prompts aka Steddie Love Month!   Rating: Mature  CW: None  Tags: Getting Together, Caring Steve Harrington, Post Season 4, AU- Everybody Lives/Nobody Dies, Fluff, Making-out.  WC: 1,039 Prompt: “Love is letting someone take care of you” submitted by: @starryeyedjanai 
Note: This is my first time uploading my writing! This is also my first ever post to Tumblr, so sorry if there's any mistakes or weird formatting! This definitely isn’t the best thing I’ve written, but it has been a really long time since I’ve written something. So I’m still proud of it! 
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Steve and Eddie have been seeing each other a lot since March. After Vecna was killed, molotov cocktails blazing, and guns ringing out in triumph; Steve had pulled Eddie out of the Upside Down with his own two hands. He carried Eddie on his back to the Harrington house, where he nourished Eddie back to health. Steve spent everyday with Eddie, taking care of him. Restitching his wounds when Eddie ripped them back open, washing his hair with expensive shampoos and hair masks, and catering to Eddie’s every need while he slowly restored his body back to something more functional. Point is, Steve and Eddie spend a lot of time together. 
It didn’t stop once Eddie was out of recovery. Steve still kept him in his home. Even after the government scrambled to repent for their negligence by giving the Munson’s a brand new trailer, Steve still dropped by to see Eddie.
 That’s where they are now, in the new trailer watching a movie. Eddie picked out the movie, but he isn’t really paying attention. He is fiddling with the loose threads of his pants and tossing the occasional glance to Steve. Steve is paying attention to the movie, as far as Eddie can tell. Steve’s eyes are reflecting the light of the TV, the smile lines around his eyes deepen whenever he laughs at a dumb joke, his chest is rising with every breath; Steve looks good. He looks better than good, he looks dazzling. Eddie wants to jump him. He wants to crawl down the couch and onto Steve’s lap; to look into his eyes and make him smile for different reasons. 
“Hey, you good man?” Steve asks, and maybe Eddie’s glances weren’t that occasional. 
“Yeah sorry, just sorta- zoned out” Eddie smiles back. 
“Are you sure? You haven’t been watching the movie that much. Have you been getting sleep?” Steve persists and Jesus Christ- he is so caring. He cares for everyone around him, the kids, Robin, Eddie; anyone in Steve's life is sure to never feel disregarded. 
“Yeah, better than usual I think.” Eddie says. But then Steve slides over and wipes a tear off of Eddie’s face. He hadn’t even realized he was tearing up. 
“Eds, you’re crying. What’s wrong?” Steve’s eyebrows furrow in concern. Eddie wants to kiss it away, to ease Steve the way Steve eases him back to comfort. 
“It’s nothing man, don’t worry about it” Eddie mumbles. He would never be able to tell him. Steve has already seen him at his worst; bloody and oozy from still healing wounds, crying after a bad nightmare, naked and wet from the shower; but he couldn’t know that his best friend was crying from how lovey dovey he felt. Eddie couldn’t let Steve know about his mushy gushy feelings. 
“Eddie, please tell me what’s wrong. Is anything hurting?” Steve looks at Eddie with big eyes and his brows furrow impossibly further. Eddie doesn’t want S to be so concerned over nothing. Maybe he can tell him why he’s all teary eyed. 
“You just care so much, man. You give so much without anything in return. You always ask to make sure I’m ok, and you always haul the gremlins everywhere even though you know they won’t be paying you back for anything. I just want-” Eddie hesitates,
“I want to give you something in return. You make me feel so safe and cared for, I want to give that back to you.” Eddie finishes. Steve’s eyebrows raise in slight shock and blush begins to form on his cheeks. 
“You don’t have to do anything for me, Eds. I take care of you because I want to, not because I want something in return.” Steve whispers. . 
“But I want to give you something too, Stevie” Eddie looks into Steve’s eyes. They sit in silence, looking into each other's eyes. Eddie looks down first, he doesn’t mean to. He looks at Steve’s lips, they’re full and a beautiful apricot color. 
S looks down once he notices where Eddie’s eyes have gone. He licks his lips without thinking about it. He sways forward slightly, maintaining eye contact with Eddie’s lips. Eddie wobbles forward in response, now they’re only a few inches apart. Eddie can feel Steve’s breath on his face. He so desperately wants to move forward, to connect their lips and let Steve know how he feels. But he’s scared. His heart is quickening its pace.His breath shortens in anticipation. 
Steve moves in and their lips slot together. Eddie’s breath hitches; 
‘Holy shit this is happening, Steve likes me? He’s kissing me holy shit holy shit holyshit-” And then he wasn’t.
“Sorry, you were looking at me and I thought that maybe you like me and you probably didn’t want that and I-” Steve rushes out, Eddie cuts him off by kissing him. He was too anxious and caught up in the moment to move before, but he wasn’t messing this up again. 
Eddie moves his lips against Steve’s. He moves his hands up and onto Steve’s knee. He really wants Steve to know how much he likes him. Steve moves his hands up Eddie’s arms and onto his jaw. He kisses back with fervor. 
Emboldened by Steve’s response, Eddie runs his hands up from Steve’s knee and into his hair. His rings catch onto some of Steve’s locks. Steve gasps at the tug of the metal,
“Eddie-” Steve moans
“Fuck, Stevie, I know” Eddie groans back. Eddie moves his hands back down to Steve’s shoulders. He pushes Steve backwards and into the back of the couch. Steve goes willingly, shifting his hips back to give Eddie space. Eddie throws his leg over Steve’s lap. He feels Steve’s dick rub against his ass as he fully sits his weight down. Steve exhales, a whine slipping past his lips.
Eddie pulls back and looks into Steve’s eyes. They’re lidded and looking back at Eddie. The apricot of Steve’s lips have bloomed into a rosy color. They’re slick with spit and slightly parted. Steve’s chest heaves and his lips slide into a small smile. Looks like Eddie accomplished one of his goals, now for the more pressing one; 
“Let me take care of you, Stevie.” 
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ofmermaidstories · 4 days
hi merms, i hope you’re doing great. i’m sorry if this is different from your usual asks but i wanted to ask you, since you are literally blog goals, but how can i be more like you and enjoy my own blog? i love how you’re so free in your own space and express yourself, and you’re just full of happiness and all the bright, good things. going to your blog always makes me smile. its like you spread joy and warmth so easily. is it weird i feel more at home with your blog 😭 i wish i could enjoy my blog too, but sometimes drama makes the experience un-fun, like mean anons, or worse, your own readers constantly putting you in weird competition with your own writer friends over things you and your friends never even noticed before. i know the easy answer is to just ignore the haters and enjoy writing, and i really love writing, but its hard sometimes. i wish i could make my blog feel as homey as yours. visiting your page is like comin home to fresh hot chocolate after a long day of work 💐 thats all luv, sending you lots of love always 🌸
oh anon. i’m sorry. 🥺 i am sitting with you and we will piece this out together though, okay? 🧩 it’s hard! i’ve actually been feeling kind of dejected, lately, like with tumblr in general and my usage of it—because i haven’t been using it like i used to! so i guess that’s the first thing: to figure out what you want out of it, and then figure out what it takes to make it happen. for me i enjoy this place most when i’m treating it like a scrapbook: quotes or pictures that inspire me, asks, things i doodle. the pros of that: you fill your space with stuff you love, or that means something to you! the cons: it can be a little isolating if the stuff you love, or the things that mean something to you, aren’t like… current writing or posting trends, lmao. but it all just depends on what you value! 🥺 i’m not a fast writer, and tend to favour long-term projects, so while it sometimes makes me sad when i fall out of the loop of things, ultimately i just accept (or try to) that that’s how i work in this space. 🥹 as mama cass said, sometimes you just gotta make your own kinda music.
drama makes everything boring! and tbh i think my biggest cheat with that is that i only follow a relatively small amount of x reader blogs. 🥹 that’s not intentional; i curate a pretty strict feed based on my other interests, though, so there ends up being a lot of competition for my attention. 🥺 the pros of this is that i tend to miss most discourse that happens (lmao). the con is that i tend to miss everything else, too, though. 🥹 you basically have to choose whichever bothers you less lmfaooo. and even then—drama or meanness or plain old weirdness will still find it’s way to you. 🥺 i think that’s just the unforch reality of being on social media. especially in a niche that’s so… driven by something as personal as literally self-inserting, and dependant on the validation of others. 🥺 i’m sorry people have made you feel like you’re in competition with your friends! it sucks, because i think we as writers like… live in our own heads, lmao. we know so much about the worlds and characters we’re trying to write. but people outside of our heads don’t—think the same way! 🥺 they will draw comparisons where maybe we don’t want them to. 🥺 i think that’s a natural response, tbh; especially if they love something, and see work with like, a similar theme or tropes, but despite it being a compliment it doesn’t always feel great. 🥹 i guess the only advice (and reminder, for myself) i can offer is that you and your friends aren’t in competition—but rather thrown into the same maze together. 🥺 the only way out is to hold hands to make sure none of you get lost, and walk through. 🥹
anon!!! 🥺 i hope you find a way to make your blog feel more homely. you’re always welcome here—the door’s always open for the sunlight and the bees—but i want you to feel like the important part of the neighbourhood you are! 🥺 and safe enough that you can leave your door open, too. 🪟🎐🌾
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toxictranny · 7 days
soapbox moment LOL this is so long because i just noticed the overlap between terfs and um. idk if there’s a better word but i call them the ‘anti-porn ppl’ anyway it is fucking wild …
truly i had no idea. i just scrolled through the tag for a good while and tried to keep an open mind but i dunno. the main reason they cite to be ‘against’ porn is because it’s used to dehumanized women and encourages men to abuse them. like sure yeah kinda maybe but it’s SUCH a reach because nowhere near all porn is cishet and it’s absolutely not just men buying/watching porn. they’ll throw in quips about how bottoms in gay porn can be harmed but almost never talk about trans people— arguably the most vulnerable group we can talk about when it comes to the sex industry. (besides children but i’m not talking about that rn) obviously cis women are the most common ‘victim’ (not my word, they don’t say ‘actor’ they say ‘victim’) but imo that’s purely because of demand.
i know this is tumblr so this might be a shock but most people are cishet. another shocker, most people, cishet or not, are less likely to admit that they wanna see tranny porn first of all but again there’s simply less trans people than there are cis women on this planet. part of why trans bodies are highly commodified and so susceptible to abuse is because we are hard to find, and aren’t protected anywhere near as much as other groups. i.e trans people are less likely to have things like friends/family/a support system, have reduced access to safe medical care, more likely to be abused on set etc etc. i think u get my point.
so anyway the antiporn people/terfs in disguise talk about it like there’s no room for nuance, that it’s just men consuming porn and all scenes are violent or taboo or whatever. that’s why i particularly dislike that none of them ever touch on solo-porn because the argument is that women deserve equal pleasure in sex scenes. that’s true but if watching a woman get fucked for money is promoting misogyny then idk is watching a woman jerk off also promoting misogyny?? what if they’re not a woman.. or what if the consumer isn’t a man.. do u see my point? it all comes back to ‘male gaze’ bs that’s not-so-thinly veiled transmisogyny.
btw i’m talking like non-consensual porn doesn’t exist and human trafficking doesn’t happen because they act like 100% of actors are ‘victims’ being trafficked and/or abused, even people who use OF and find their own partners to make content with on their terms— all without touching on the people who make solo content. i’m also talking about this like intersex people don’t exist, because while i saw a handful of comments about trans people (that lead literally nowhere and got tacked on to the end of very long posts as an afterthought), i saw zero references to intersex bodies in porn.
personally the only reason i think i (a visibly intersex person) ever made any money from SW is because i have unique genitals and people wanted to see. i just think it’s weird to say you’re against something because it harms women, and then turn right around to dismiss any woman who says she likes working in porn ‘oh she’s blinded by her abusers’ or ‘the industry got to her’ or ‘she’s just scared of losing her job’ like huh??? omg one more fucking thing survival SWers (by that i mean people who are in SW because they have to—not necessarily because of abuse but maybe they might not have chosen that path if they had more financial security) don’t talk shit about porn like this hmm i wonder why they never ask those women for an opinion.
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tutuandscoot · 9 days
Hi! I'm new to Tumblr and to Virtue/Moir content (I have never shipped anyone before but ever since I clicked on that 2018 Olympic free dance while scrolling down my YouTube recs, I'm in love with their relationship. It's very different from relationships that we usually witness in pop culture. There's so much love and such a strong mutual understanding between them which I haven't seen in many people. I 'm not going to call it platonic because it's much deeper than that. I'm Sri Lankan so Winter sports (let alone ice dance) were never discussed growing up. Honestly, I didn't even know that pair skating is different from ice dance until a few weeks ago, lol. I was so confused.
I'm not really interested in watching ice dance because they're not competing anymore😭 although I watched a few of Papadakis/Cizeron, Donhoe/Hubbel, Poje/Weaver routines. P/C are great (Love their flowy style but I'm not an expert to judge) but nobody can replace V/M. They were something else. When I watched Tessa and Scott Skate for the first time, I honestly thought they were married. That's how good they were at it. There's this inexplicable soulmate energy between which I haven't seen in many people. It's so rare!
So, all I want to ask is if there's anything I should know about them? Maybe little endearing details about them which you adore and want new fans to know ❤️
Hi lovely..
Sorry this has taken a bit to get back to.
I’m obsessed with your takes on VM, and you bring things up that I’ve always felt about them but couldn’t put into words.
I’m the same as you, I really don’t care about the sport removed from vm, when I do watch skating it is mostly older competitions/competitors from VM’s era and earlier. I still keep mildly up to date but mostly just to complain about how no one is as good as vm and the sport has gone to mostly shit since they retired 😅.
I was a little stumped when I first read this and thinking about which of VM’s universe amount if endearing qualities to specifically point out..
The thing I love most I think this is how kind they are to each other.. OBVIOUSLY they have had hard times throughout their 27+year relationship, some of which is well documented/they spoken about and other small disagreements that literally every person in any relationship experiences.. but throughout their career and relationship post- skating is just how enormously clear the deeper then deep level of care they have for each other is and will always have and the beautiful ways they express it. Some examples: The Hug.. beyond the ritualistic need for them to do it pre-skate it is just the most heart melting thing to witness and think about. Wanting to be an extension of and synchronised with each other in every way. The way they hold hands.. there’s so much car ens security in not using station al dance hold as is custom on ice, it’s an expression of just wanting to be as close as possible al the time. They way they look into each others eyes so intently and with such empathy and understanding.
There is soooooo much more but this would be to long
Some of my fave stories:
Scott leaving a bucket full to the brim of rice at T’s door step before a world championships to ensure her of all the work they had put in to becoming the best in the world- T says this is the best present she’s ever been given
How T was there for Scott during their first few comeback comps where one of his closest friends suddenly passed away, Scott recalling how T was the only safe space and literally holding her hand and looking in her eyes was the only thing that kept him from completely falling apart.
How they support each other after failures (there’s heaps of evidence of this) and praise each other in triumphs.
Most of all I think how they would none of what they have if not for each other and how eternally grateful they are for having met and they life they have shared they wouldn’t give up for anything!
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cafesweetvn · 16 days
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Café Sweet contains sensitive topics such as, stalking, kidnapping, murdering, heavy manipulation, scary imagery(Blood, eyes, body horror), cannibalism and swearing. DO NOT continue if these topics may trigger you.
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Café Sweet is a visual novel where you work at a lovely café with your two coworkers that you've gotten extremely close to over these past few months. However, it seems you're cozy town has lost it's safety as there have been multiple disappearances, with only a few bodies being discovered dead.
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If I make "Café Sweet" content, can I tag you in it?- Yup! I would LOVE to be tagged in any fan content! It makes me so happy and overjoyed to see people making stuff for Café Sweet. I'm happy that others are interested in my stories and characters.
Are we allowed to send asks interacting with the Li's? - Yeah! I think it would also help me write the characters better for when I write their routes.
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Artemis: Your extremely strict manager. Despite how he comes across he does care about you(as well as Sanka and Hyun-ae), truth be told he wants to protect you, from what, who knows(I do)? Will you take the time to get to know him?
Sanka: Your coworker! He's extremely extraverted and friendly to you and Hyun-ae, you three forming your own little trio. Sanka likes to look out for you and Hyun-ae, wanting to make sure you two get home safe, putting up a strong front. He loves being reliable <3
Hyun-ae: Your coworker! She's a lot more chill then Sanka. She would rather just follow whatever kind of mischief you and Sanka come up with and decide to do then decide to make any plans herself. She ADORES gossip and knowing everything ever. Despite her grunge appearance, she's a bit of a nerd!
Davi: A customer turned into a regular. Hyun-ae is convinced that Davi might have something to do with the disappearances, and even more so that he's been stalking you. Is he really creepy like Hyun-ae thinks he is?
Valeria: One of your childhood friends who moved away years ago. Thankfully, you two have always kept in touch with each other. It seems she's grown up to be an influencer. You wish to see her again in person, who knows, maybe she'll visit you soon~
Imani: Another one of your childhood friends! Thankfully, Imani never moved away and you two are still in contact. She's very shy and you're one of her only friends. She wishes to tell you how grateful she is to have you in her life still.
Fritz: Your final childhood friend! Works at a vet and adores animals, He's always so gentle and sweet towards animals and humans alike. They're so happy that you've stuck by their side after all these years and with the recent murders, they've been so worried about you and your mutual friends.
Archie: Your boss! You've never met him before, and it seems that neither Sanka nor Hyun-ae have either. Archie mainly leaves everything to Artemis while he goes out and does his own business. However, do NOT ask Artemis ANY question about Archie.
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#☕️-Cafe Sweet
#💌-fan content
#🔞-minors dni
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Proshippers, bigots, generally creepy and shitty people don't interact with me or any of my games
Ageless in bio(either put your age/birthday in your bio, or you can send me a message telling me your age, if none of those I’ll block you)
That said I'll also be blocking blank tumblrs
I won’t be writing any gross out kink or anything like that.
If you’re a minor please don’t interact with my content that is 18+, especially since the base content won’t be 18+ so you can still get content.
Due to certain topics in this game, 16+ only
Please be patient with me, thank you!
I’m happy to take criticism on anything and will take it into consideration. What I won’t listen to is any hate comments without criticism, I’ll just block you.
If you're going to send in an NSFW ask, please turn off anon, otherwise I'm not gonna respond to it or I'll make it SFW, thank you!
More might be added/changed to most sections as I develop this blog
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This is a side account so any other interaction will come from @starswirlfoxgames
I have a Twitter that will be STRICTLY 18+: https://twitter.com/Starsw1rlF0x
Ask box is always gonna be open unless I say otherwise so feel free to spam me with asks!
I'm probably not going to continue posting asks in order, just gonna post em when I finish them. Sorry if you asked me something and it's taking a while, I may be struggling with ideas or motivation.
I won't be having a schedule anymore to avoid burnout and stress. I also won't be using the queue feature anymore since I heard that it can delete posts.
I will try to post Dev logs weekly or every other week!
Masterlist 1
Asks: 0
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nsk96 · 4 months
Hey y’all,
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I’m gonna go on hiatus again for a month, avoiding all social media. Making a proclamation like this seems to be the only thing that is effective “enough” (meaning that at some point, I’ll probably break the vow of staying away, but a few days away is better than none).
I’ve been struggling with my mental health due to everything in my life being too overwhelming for me to handle, which you can probably tell by how many times I vented for January. As a result, I’ve resorted to doom-scrolling across 3 different apps (Tumblr included) to help me feel better temporarily.
Overall though, it makes me feel much worse because I feel guilty about wasting time and procrastinating, and I’ve lost quite a few hours that I could have used for studying. (As if I wasn’t procrastinating enough without social media. Without social media, my procrastination has always been 4 walls and my thoughts, and whatever activity I could do at whatever ungodly hour of the night).
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Then I’m also saddened by the fact that writing my fan fictions or novels, or even reading, would have been healthier coping mechanisms. And I’m always frustrated about not having time for these things (though the writing is understandable because I can’t write when I’m mentally burnt out…and I’m past burnt out since 2022).
I’ll probably still stop by to vent since this site is my safest mode of diary-keeping. I will miss you all, my mutuals and followers and seeing your posts and your tags under your reblogs��
It will also sting to be cut off from my only sources of news for such a long period, but maybe it will allow me to focus more on the crisis here at home until I finish prepare my first-aid/medical kit, go-bag, and escape plan. I still have classes to get through and then I start rotations near the end of March.
I don’t know how long things at home will be “stable” enough. I found out from my mom a couple days ago that my dad found the handgun that was hidden (the one mentioned on a previous diary entry). Neither of us has asked him about it. We just know that it’s no longer where it was and neither of us have moved it.
Whatever happens, just know that I’m determined to come back and determined to live as long as the universe wills it. Toodles for now, stay safe, stay hydrated, stay awesome ❤️
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(My dad has been discreetly digging through their room searching for the handgun for so long that it was only a matter of time until he found it. Another instance of my mom not listening to me. I told her the day that she and I previously found it, to let me store it in my room but she refused. Now he has it. I don’t know what she was thinking making it easy for him like that)
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fierceawakening · 11 months
Making a new post cos long
Keep thinking about the kid on my block whose persistent violent behavior was described by the adults as “poor impulse control.” Usually “forgive him and go play with him, he just has poor impulse control. He’s sick, not bad.”
There’s a post that goes around here periodically talking about Oppositional Defiant Disorder, basically saying that it’s invented to pathologize hyperactive kids of color, so they can’t challenge authority.
Thing is?
If the adults don’t call it ODD… they call it ADHD.
I spent my childhood terrified of people with ADHD, because the person I knew who had impulse control issues was struggling to control *violent* impulses, specifically.
I still struggle with untangling the gut reaction “does this mean explosive anger? Is it going to mean calling me gendered slurs? Will a hammer be involved?” Because that’s what ADHD meant on my block. “He’s violent. We hope the meds help. When asked point blank we admit we’re not sure they do though.”
Be nice.
He can’t help it.
Which is why I think I’m not sympathetic the way most of tumblr is to “people with the scary illnesses can’t help it.”
Sometimes they can’t.
You’ve still gotta keep yourself safe. Being nice is good, but it’s not a force field. They can still hurt you. They still very well might, if they struggle to control it. (Or don’t want to.)
None of which means that stigma isn’t real or racism isn’t! But when you call the white kid who’s consistently terrifying by a nonstigmatized name, all you teach other kids who don’t know what to do is that any mental illness is terrifying.
(One of the adults had schizophrenia. This was called “depression,” again to be nice. When I realized as a kid that I had bad moods I couldn’t will away, I feared I’d start going catatonic and end up in a home and forget to brush my teeth too, because “depression” did that apparently.)
Fighting stigma is good and important, but minimizing scary things and giving them cute names doesn’t do that. It only makes people terrified of ever needing help.
Even if those kids turn out to have ODD or schizophrenia too… accuracy is better than minimizing. Don’t shun or reject them for things you fear they might do but aren’t actually doing, no, but at the same time, be honest about what they’ll face and how much help you can give as they do.
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