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shig-a-shig-ah · 2 years
Hey Ghuleh! I love your writing so much ♥️ I was wondering if you ever feel like you're writing at a snail's pace; spending hours writing but only ending up with smth like 600 words? And if you do experience that, how do you overcome it? Thank youu 🙌 xx
Oh man, I might be the worst person to ask about this because I’m a slow fucking writer, but I can try and help.
First step is to figure what’s making it slow-going. Are you editing as you write, and thus taking a long time to perfect every sentence/paragraph/whatever as you go? Are you just spending a long time staring at a blank page trying to figure out what’s going to happen next? Are you just easily distracted?
I struggle with a combination of all of those things to be honest, and while I know the advice is generally to not edit as you write, I’ve found that writing a shitty rough draft and then editing a ton isn’t actually faster for me than just editing as I go. (Though the caveat here is that I do edit a fuckton in general. I read through and edit every one-shot or chapter I post probably ten times minimum, and if it’s a chapter of Bad Ideas or a more substantive fic with some emotional component or whatever—i.e. not just pure smut—that’ll usually include at least a little reorganizing or rewriting.) So, personally I have just expected that I’m probably going to spend 15-20 hours on anything over 3k words in order to get it where I want it to be. Usually each of my writing sessions involves rereading and editing what I’ve already written, and then adding some to it, so honestly I can spend an hour writing and only add a paragraph or two to what I already had, but what’s already there also gets better each time. (The downside is that if I’m not careful, the beginning/middle will be more polished than the end lmao.)
If you’re struggling to know where to go next, though, then outlining can help, and honestly sometimes if I’m stuck on a specific part of what I’m trying to write I will go sit in the shower and try and problem-solve, like literally having a little conversation with myself about what’s not working that has me stuck and what the solutions might be. Not too proud to admit that this sometimes involves acting out dialogue to try and get a really clear idea of what needs to end up on the page, lol.
And if you’re easily distracted obviously you can try some standard stuff like installing a blocker for certain sites or putting your phone in another room, but another thing I think is really helpful is just to figure out when you’re best able to focus. Knowing your ‘peak hours’ is really helpful for maximizing any kind of efficiency—I’m a morning person and write SO much faster in the morning than if I’m trying to work on something at night. So I think having a brain that is fresh and ready to go is clutch, honestly.
Anyway, that’s my general thoughts. If you have specific struggles then I’m happy to weigh in more too but I think this is the most general advice I have.
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thisismeracing · 7 months
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All my Mick posts here
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KEYS: s: smut f: fluff a: angst ✷: Patreon exclusive
king of my heart: Mick Schumacher rode a lousy wave for quite some time, so when the sky gets cleaner and the sun brighter he just knows something terrible may be in store for him. Whereas y/n was just so magnetic, and the possibilities of life with her seemed better than anything his mind could ever create, that’s why, for the first time in forever, he threw caution carelessly through the window, hoping to get to the finish line before it catches up on him.
I don't wanna be your ex (f): Y/n and Mick used to be the golden couple in the paddock, that’s why the internet went wild when they announced their breakup. Imagine how they reacted when Y/n dropped a song about not wanting to be his ex. Would the couple have any hope of getting back together?
sunshine (f): In which Mick starts dating an earthy/spiritual girl who just loves nature and good energy.
it was always you (f): Mick and Yn decided to stay friends after breaking off their two years relationship, but it seems like things weren’t that broken. Maybe having the same friend circle and seeing each other all the time meant that things were never really over.
angels like you (a): They say misery loves company, maybe that’s why Yn accidentally made Mick miserable too.
super shy (f): The one where your boyfriend is your biggest fan to the point of turning his account into a fan account or something of the sort. Or, Mick and Yn’s relationship through the years
go shawty (f): Every year Yn gets Mick a unique birthday cake. This year she’s ready to surprise the internet and her boyfriend again.
I regret meeting you (a)
Say it again (f)
Friends don't (f)
I think I'm in love (f)
Speak now (a)
Light's on (f)
Suck it (s)
All mine (s)
Morning light (f)
Schatzi (f)
our baby Angie (f): What happens when Mick refers to you as Angie's mom?
rosy cheeks, salty hair, warm bodies (s): After finally matching their schedules and booking a trip together, Yn and Mick decide to go to Mallorca for a well-deserved break. The fact that they went weeks without seeing one another and the tension around the hot weather and beach garments only helped build the momentum in which her boyfriend would absolutely ruin her in bed.
cherry (s): Mick has an idea while lying in bed during a lazy weekend, and Yn is more than ready to oblige.
suit testing (s): Yn decides to tease Mick until he gives up and takes her against the bathroom door while still wearing his racing suit.
an avid learner (s): Mick has been nothing but an attentive lover since they started dating, what Yn didn’t know was that he would be even more attentive in bed. It’s their first time having sex, and Mick is an eager learner, he’s set to make sure Yn forgets she ever dated someone before him.
banana pancakes (f): Mick is used to racing cars and living at high speed, but lazy rainy mornings with you are his favorite. Cuddling in bed, making banana pancakes, and listening to the rain fall down while swinging together on the front porch, no travel or circuit beats these moments.
love sips (s): Some bad moments leave the feeling that your whole day was destroyed. Sometimes, all you need to navigate life’s ups and downs is someone to remember you that bad events don’t equal a bad day, Yn decides on a very peculiar approach to remind herself that, and Mick, her boyfriend, is happy to help. 
god is a woman (s): Making out in bed never felt this deep and heart-stopping, but dating Mick and having him love you is a full experience of being a goddess. Your hips were his altar, and he would swear to everyone that God is a woman because you’re it to him.
call me obsessed (s): Everyone talks about how good it is to date someone who’s exactly like you, but Mick has been finding it hard to believe, especially when his girlfriend has the same sunshine energy as him. The problem? Too many friendly flirts around her. And though he’s not a jealous guy, he finds himself ready to praise her and prove to her that he’s the only one. You can say he’s obsessed.
twisted love (a): The rule is clear for all celestial beings: to love the Almighty beyond everything. They can’t share the feeling. It is perpetually prohibited for angels to get fond of humans, especially the protector angels. They are the ones who will follow their human on earth and protect each one. Those Angels and the humans are the same pairing throughout time. Mick watched Yn die and come to life in different forms each period, and he fell - in love, and from Heaven. Years after searching for Yn, he found her again and he’s ready to get what’s his.
I'll always take care of you (f): The flu caught you out of the blue and completely unprepared, good thing you have your boyfriend around to take care of you.
to build a home (f)✷: Mick and Yn are used to sharing everything, and always spending time with each other. However, they didn’t notice that things got easier because they ended up pilling some things in one house. His place is theirs now, but the same happened with her place. It only takes their respective siblings one look to figure out the whole situation. Will it scare them, or will they finally move in together?
die from a broken heart (a/f): After a fight with Mick, your secret boyfriend, you find yourself crying in your father’s arms, and it won’t take much for Toto to connect the dots. The thing is: what is going to happen when he finally does?
screw him (s)✷: When you move to a different neighborhood and discover your hot neighbor is a mechanic, half of your problems evolving your old car are solved. Your issues with your current boyfriend aren’t though. You too need a fix, and Mick may be the perfect guy for it.
college!mick (masterlist)
♡ how mick is as a boyfriend ● part 02 ♡ aftercare with mick ♡ how mick is as a husband ♡ baby making season ♡ size kink ♡ breeding kink ♡ mick dating a black girl ♡ fighting with mick ♡ choking kink ♡ NSFW alphabet ♡ mick dating a desi girl ♡ mick dating a korean girl ♡ mick dating a girl with anxiety ♡ mick dating a latina ♡ mick dating a K-pop idol
©thisismeracing do not copy, steal, or translate my work. do not repost on a different media platform.
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compacflt · 1 year
my apologies if this is too simple or juvenile or personal a question but HOW did you become such a proficient writer? and do you have any tips or pointers to keep in mind? i know you must do a lot of reading and a lot of writing, but your skill is just incredible to me. your prose!! your cadence!! when we get around to talking about it is genuinely one of the best things i've ever read and i'd eat it if i could!!!
this ask was so sweet thank you!! rly made my day when i needed a boost. Hope you don’t mind i took a couple days to think about it cause no one’s ever asked me for writing advice before
idk how i became a “proficient” writer bc I really don’t write that much. something about my fic gave me brainworms and i went into overdrive but that’s…not my usual MO. which is why it’s weird for me too. admittedly i am studying english/creative writing as my second major at uni, but i haven’t learned anything in any of my classes you couldn’t learn by just reading and writing on your own. honestly i should’ve stuck with my IR major instead, i find structured cw classes a complete waste of time. but here are some little tips i thought of that would’ve helped ME:
This is more a “do as I say not as I do” because I’m really bad at habits like this, but keep a diary. You can write about the big events (went to the store, did homework, got laid etc.) but that’s boring—focus on the details (watched someone at west side market throw a glass bottle of olives at a rat, broke a pen and permanently stained my dorm desk and won’t get my deposit back which pissed me off because I move out in a week, this guy’s breath smelled like lemon pledge and it made me wonder if he drank window cleaner before kissing me etc.). Real life is really interesting! How can you write about interesting real life in an interesting way? It’s a good way to practice. You don’t have to do a big reflection at the end of the day or anything. It’s okay to jot down something you saw & then immediately forget about it. It’s the act of figuring out how to translate life into words that’s important
If you type, learn how to type FAST. This is just my experience, but I think typing faster makes your cadence, clause length, dialogue, IDEAS flow better/more naturally. We think in words/sentences, not letters.
This is a super lame tip that’ll make you roll your eyes, but read poetry. Poetry is all about how words/ideas/images sound and interact with each other. Don’t get hung up on one poet—im not really recommending any for precisely this reason—read poetry you love (for me, Ada Limón, Jack Kerouac, Frank O’Hara, ghazals etc) AND read poetry you hate (for me, Rupi Kaur, Emily Dickinson, Whitman, etc)! Read all genres you can get your hands on. (I think there are like “great poetry anthologies” you can find for free online if u don’t know where to start. Also you can’t go wrong with subscribing to/reading a variety magazine like the NYer. It’s pretentious but it exposes you to all kinds of weird topics, ways of writing about them, etc.) Figure out how certain combinations of words and punctuations make you FEEL, and why, and why the writer chose (or not) to make you feel that way. Figure out which literary sounds you like and which ones you don’t. For me, i figured out that I REALLY like alliteration, comma splices, zeugmas, the rule of three, and
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“he’s [verb]ing again… yeah compacflt’s characters are [verb]ing again… big shocker”
If you have an idea for a piece, figure out what it is you really want to get out of it—to say something? to experiment with a different style? to see your fav characters do something? to have fun?—and then figure out how, on a technical level, you should write to match that goal (this is where the poetry training comes in handy). If you’re just writing to have fun, don’t listen to any writing advice (incl. mine), because most of it is bullshit and over-generalized and will make you feel bad about yourself. Just take the advice that you think will work for what YOURE trying to write.
But if you’re writing to explore some political idea, then you should think about HOW to best write about that idea. What would be a convincing story/allegory/scene to engage with this idea vs. not convincing. I talk on this blog all the time about how disappointed I am that my very-adult-grown-up attempt to deal with the dynamic of “immovable internalized homophobia vs unstoppable falling in love anyway” is rendered a little childish/immature by some pretty unconvincing plot points like the characters buying a house together—I really should have considered how that plot point would interact with the characterizations I’d built already (hint: poorly). You can think of writing as kind of a military structure if that helps—you have strategy on the overarching campaign (plot/character growth/allegory/theme) level, the battle (scene that advances the above) level, and the tactical (sentence-level construction/syntax/wording) level. They all have to work together. If a scene is failing to properly engage with the idea you’re trying to convey, you’re losing a battle that will weaken the overarching campaign. Same thing if you choose a weird word in a sentence/write in a style or tone that’s weirdly out of place with your idea—it makes your engagement with the theme/idea less convincing. just try to be purposeful and consider your strategy on all levels of your work as you’re writing it!! At the very least it’ll make editing easier lol.
But then again when I read my own writing from just a couple months ago I cringe out of my skin, so like—just also accept that it’s a process and we’re all just making it up as we go along. Be proud of being embarrassed of your old work, because it means you’re growing. Own that shit. When I finished writing WWGATTAI i thought it was the best thing I’d ever written, and maybe it was. But since the day I finished working on it, it’s the worst thing I’ve written since then. That’s a great feeling. Not to be like writing grindset obviously bc it’s supposed to be fun—but if what you want is to get better at writing, the strategy is to WRITE a whole bunch of shit, and then own your embarrassment about how much you’ve grown since you started. And know you’re still always growing and learning. there should never be any “goals” where skills are concerned 👍🏽
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gerrymike · 11 months
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Writing pointers Ive internalised up to now more or less for my own reference no one asked but i needed the refresher
- classic show not tell kinda subscribed to the Palahniuk school i dont have the article on hand but it’s good even though i forget to do it sometimes. My philosophy is show for the 80% of time where showing lets you puppet around sexier pictures, tell for maybe 20% of the time when you have a specific voice to the telling and if the pictures the showing makes are pointless/redundant/slow-downs. okay hey wait I found the article it’s called “Nuts and bolts”
- Ocean Vuong on metaphors where the metaphor HAS to serve a purpose or connect to something, or at least have an “underneath” underside to it that can’t be accessed through any other means, note: sometimes the metaphor comes to you but usually if you feel real strong about it and can’t seem to replace it with anything else then it’s probably got a hidden layer already that will show itself to you with time even if it doesn’t really make sense in the moment. This pointer is the main source of my anguish when i read my old stuff because Im always like fucccckkkkk this metaphor is so gauche, what are you doing
- again i dont fkin remember where this is from but the thing about external/internal prose - God i swear this is from someone’s medium account but i don’t know. Basically interior novels where page space is mainly your character’s thoughts VS physical space novels, with your characters moving around, acting out and interacting with an environment with their thoughts maybe veiled from reader. Kind of ties into Nuts and Bolts with the showing, but on a diff level I like to stay in the external realm in a way where you could block the whole novel as a play with clearer, charming actions that can translate to visually compelling stage directions. Of course it depends on how interior/exterior your narrator/character is but in principle i find it easy to dislike overly interior narrators (why should your reader care what your narrator thinks??)
- secondary to prev point, if the movement/interactions you block aren’t inherently stylish then they should serve a purpose, moving your characters from point A to point B necessitates a relevant activity at point B, a push factor away from point A, or valuable information communicated from what happens in the journey…wait i say stylish a lot i dunno if ykwim best example i can think of is from Miss Julie where (even though it’s secondary to the dialogue at hand) while Julie tries to bargain with Christine you have Jean VISIBLE TO THE AUDIENCE in the wings of the stage sharpening his razor two hands nodding to himself as she repeats exactly the words he used to bargain with her <- THAT is style
- kinda boils down to the common thing about ensuring motivations for all of your characters, like all of them should have wants that drive them to be in places (if you flesh your guys out wholly enough this should come naturally)
- on character voices best if you can reach a point where you can basically hear them chatting at you in your head: best examples I think are like, Mercymorn from the locked tomb (crazy brilliant and bonkers voicing from muir imo), Tennessee williams plays (but they’re plays so obviously the voices are meant to be heard - i just personally haven’t seen any of them performed so i hear them 100% based on williams’ skill in writing dialogue)… no real tips on getting to this point but if you’re going for a specific brogue obviously listening to it helps. Though the point of writing fiction is ofc that it’s fiction and you can make your characters talk funnier and smarter than anyone in real life might so like: liberties, my philosophy is style over realism in the tradition of stage monologues and the like, where your characters chat in the manner you wish people around you talked all the time (STRIKE THROUGH THE MASK!!!!!)
- word count for sake of word count is your enemy if you ever catch yourself writing a scene that bores you, if it bores your reader then no ones gonna be happy. Cut it and frame it in a way that you like enough to keep in at all costs
- lowkey been trying to cut down my semicolon usage because I grudgingly see the value of Cormac Mccarthy stylistic choices but laaaaiiiikeee its hard and sometimes you need it to install a kind of half-breath in your prose - i think the middle ground I want to reach is the use of it as a luxury and not like pepper (literally searched the last chapter for my semicolon usage and its 28 like 3 per thousand words :( help)
- literally never make me read the word cishet in a serious work of writing ever. “Dysphoria” no “trans” its 50/50 “genderfuck” get out of town no “intersectional feminist” no. Okay lol this point is just me being not liking any explicit integration of the present cultural-political terminology into writing and also me being a bit bitchy about this one lgbt cult novel named after a US state if you can guess which. My view is it will always be gauche and i dont like it and it tends to prompt me to say out loud to myself My God I hate gay people
More later if i think of it but i swear ive yet to meet the writing pointer from a true sage that is gonna transform my thinking and make what im capable of transcendental
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thegrowngirlguide · 19 days
Give Gifts, Give Life
Hello, Hello, I have returned! I always come back after all!
Despite all the FNAF references in this post, this won't be a FNAF post or discussion. But HEY, I am very open to it! Still this is about something else.
Earlier, I was here checking the news, including my almost empty inbox, where I found a message I thought I never received.
Back in 2018, I was a big fan of Joanne Harris, the writer, especially because of her books "Chocolate" and "The Gospel of Loki". Her writing is simple and completely understandable. In the second book that was mentioned, her writing is so comical and yet accurate to what the old norse writings wrote about those gods. It makes you think that even in the most desperate moments of your life, a good laugh might help you bring you back on your feet.
In the same year, I learned that she had a tumblr page, where she would write to her fans, give advice and explain some things about her writing process. The more you read through her little blog, the more you realized how sweet and approachable she was. So, one day, I tried my luck.
I wrote this:
Hey, Joanne! I'm a huge fan of your writing (even though I read only two of your amazing books). I love writing as well and some people told me that I actually have the talent for it (and that someday I should try and write a book myself). If you could give me any tip or advice, what would it be? Lots of love, Joana
Always thinking that she wouldn't even reply or that she would be too busy to give me an answer.
Yet, she did.
The day before my birthday, she replies to that question from a young aspiring writer. Simply saying:
My first piece of advice is: start now. Writing takes a lot of practice - so don’t plan to do it someday: start now; enjoy it; try to make it as good as you can. And good luck! Joanne
It may seem like a basic answer. Maybe even the obvious answer to anyone who wants to be a writer. Lots of practice and reviewing and drafting. Eventually, something good will come out!
One of my biggest issues is quitting when I encounter a dead end. Regardless of the project. If there's a dead end in writing, I discard the story. If there's a dead end in my art, I get rid of it. It's like the whole effort was worthless and that it has no contribution to my learning process. This is probably where I am wrong.
When people say that making mistakes is a big part of a learning process, they are correct. Still, we don't realize it until we make the mistake and then learn how to fix it. And this applies for a multitude of things. Our jobs, our art, our expressions and all things in life. We shouldn't quit with our first mistake. We shouldn't let our need for instant perfection lead us to quit doing the things we love the most.
That is why I must subscribe to Joanne's words. If you want to try something, do it. Be it a Tik Tok. Instagram. A book. A game. A job. That's what makes life a fun adventure. You don't need to be bold and outstanding. If you want to try, it won't hurt.
My writing skills may not be top-notch, and my blog may not have a huge following, but I find true happiness and satisfaction in expressing myself through writing. It may not be perfect, but it is authentic and gives me a sense of fulfillment. I appreciate the opportunity to share my thoughts and experiences with others, and I hope that my words resonate with someone else going through similar experiences.
I hope you get to experience this sort of fulfillment as well.
Always remember to be kind and understanding, communicate, drink water, eat some good food, brush your teethies and never ever ever forget, I love you!
Yours Truly
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mamamittens · 8 months
Part 4/13 of Spooktober!
Hopefully this meets your standards, as it was a little hard writing from a camera's pov, ngl
Monster: Serial Killer, yandere vibes and inspired by "The Blair Witch Project" (1999)
Warnings: Murder, kidnapping, stalking, and dubiously written shaky cam.
Word Count: 3,925 (not as long as the others so far though I tried my best, and I apologize for this taking so damn long)
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The monitor buzzed with static as several seconds of darkness rolls by.
Suddenly, disjointed clips stutter across the screen.
Miles and miles of forest shot from overhead, soft, eerie violin playing in the background.
Thick trees surrounding a group of young adults, the fading light casting shadows around them as they laugh. No added background music but a faint static.
The shot is tilted, the camera recording laying on it’s side in a pile of leaves, low battery light flashing in the upper right corner. It’s looking up at a massive, worn down mansion with boarded windows and ivy climbing up the sides. The door wide open as a faint thud is heard, screams echoing through the building with no apparent source. The static is heavy and laced with crickets as the sunlight just barely spills over the tallest rooftop.
The video jolts, cutting back to black and static for several more seconds.
A video fades in, image and sound becoming clear.
A camera is held in unsteady hands, laughter ringing out as it pans across the backseat of a car. The woman next to the camera operator rolls her eyes behind large, red sunglasses. Frilly red top buttoned low, exposing the top of a lacey red bra. She pats down her purple hair curling close to her neck.
“So! Betty-Bo-Betty, tell us where we’re going!” A young man pops out from the passenger seat with a bright smile, dark curls bouncing around his ears. His dark skin marred with splotches of lighter, smooth burn scars. Green eyes bright against the smeared backdrop of the forest that blurs past the vehicle.
Betty smiles, tipping back her head.
“It’s an old mansion that used to be owned by this well-to-do family. The Outlooks. But they’re all dead now, have been for six years, and no one’s been out here since. Rumor has it, it’s haunted by the people they wronged to get all that fabulous wealth!” Betty declared. “It’s really far out though, so I’ve graciously decided to accompany your group—don’t forget to follow my channel and subscribe or you’ll miss my beautiful features in your lives~!” Betty smiled at the camera sweetly.
“Ahah, yeah! And don’t forget to follow Lucci, too. He’s the one that’s letting us borrow his drone—and his car—for this trip! He usually just likes posting nature shots so, naturally, he’s going to get a lot of good pics out here!” The camera is jostled and peaks around the driver’s seat to an older man with sharp features and dark hair, a well-trimmed beard curling up his chin in a unique fashion. He glared at the camera before returning his attention to the road.
“As if I would trust any of you with the equipment, Andy.” He drawled with a smirk. Andy sighed, smiling as he settled back in his seat.
“And as usual, Kuma and Lindbergh are manning the cameras. Check out their work after the video, yeah?” He smiled, tugging on his flannel sweater.
A short young man poked his head out from the far back with a wide grin and crazy green hair that failed to be contained under a tan beanie. His eyes obscured behind goggles.
“You know it!” The camera was pushed forward to look at a young woman with orange hair sleeping against the far window. “Keep sleeping, Koala, and you won’t be able to sleep a wink tonight!”
The video cut out abruptly before anyone else could respond.
Lucci’s voice cuts into the black over a montage of clips and photos. Each one a different image of several people. Andy, Koala, and two other men. Both blond with dark eyes, though one has more aristocratic features compared to the other with a markedly long, boxy nose.
“I’m worried. Something isn’t right with him. Hasn’t been for a long time.”
The montage stops on a large group photo, panning from Lucci looking over at the core group in concern. There, in the middle was Andy, arm over Koala’s shoulders and the dressed up blond with curly hair. The other blond just behind them with a wide smile, eyes fixed on the camera with his hands visible on top of Andy’s shoulders.
“And if I’m right?”
The screen cuts out to black.
“This trip is going to be a disaster if I don’t stop it.”
An image flickers over the screen for a half second, burning bright just fast enough to leave an afterimage of a body in a shallow river, blood flowing downstream as birdsong echoes.
The video is paused and goes back, frame by frame, confirming something.
There is no head.
There is a snort and a crunch of leaves.
The screen goes black again, video resumed.
“Not my finest work but—” The video glitches, static and stuttering digital degradation overtaking the screen and speakers for an uncomfortably long period of time.
The change to a campfire is jarring. Laughter echoing as the group of six gather around, roasting weenies on metal sticks for hot dogs. The shot is steady, the camera men now in frame as they enjoyed their meal. Still images flash over the scene of dubiously scorched meat and overburdened buns. Laughing faces and grins lit up by the fire as night falls.
Every shot that has the forest behind the joyous campers lingers longer than the others. The shadows between the trees dark with a gleam—the shape of a figure watching them.
The video cuts again.
“What can you tell us about the Outlooks?” Koala asks with a soft smile, addressing an older woman. She purses her lips in a frown.
“Rude bastards, the lot of them. Even that son of theirs was rotten—not the other one, god bless his soul.” Koala glances at the camera.
“Oh? They had two sons?” The woman huffed.
“Yeah, the older one was quite the charmer for such a rotten family. Sweet, somehow. Certainly didn’t get it from his folks. They claim he ran away but never reported it. I think they dumped him in the river and forgot about him. Serves them right, what happened to them. Good riddance to trash!” She spat.
Koala grimaced.
“Ah, right. The murders—”
The video cuts to the back of the group, trekking through the woods while they chatted and laughed.
“My shoes are ruined!” Betty cried with a pout, looking at the camera for support.
“You’re the one that wanted to come!” Andy laughed.
“Should’ve gotten Gucci boots or something instead of heels!” A large man with curly hair teased, shouldering a heavy backpack.
“Shut up, Kuma! Mourn my perfectly good heels like a decent human being, damnit!” Betty screeched.
“Well, at least you have an excuse to buy another pair? Maybe that’ll be your next video!” Koala suggested with a grin over her shoulder. “Andy, you got the map, right? How much longer until the first stop?”
Andy paused at the front of the group, looking back at them all, map spread out wide with a sheepish grin.
“Well… another three hours?”
There were cries of denial as the screen went dark.
It returned to the camp seen before, Lucci building up the fire dutifully.
“We all have our assignments, correct? Let’s get it done before dark. We’ll leave at eight. If we make good time we might even make it to the mansion by tomorrow afternoon.” Lucci mused.
“Cool! You gonna get drone footage today or wait till we’re really in the thick of it?” Andy asked, tugging on the corner of a tent to pin it in place.
“Today and tomorrow. We’ll probably be too tired for that on the way back.”
“Sweet, I bet the woods look amazing this far out!” Andy smiled.
A long, tracking shot over the trees starts, the setting sun illuminating the treetops in golden light. It speeds up, zipping over the uneven landscape and old growth as night falls.
There’s two fires visible from several hundred feet up and the drone pauses in place. Light overtakes the drone and it crashes into the trees, breaking on impact.
The screen is dark as Lucci’s voice cuts in, whispering into a microphone.
“This is Lucci. I am travelling with five others towards the abandoned Outlook Manor and I believe we are being stalked. My drone was taken out when I scoped out the area and I am reluctant to inform the others. Out here, no one around for miles… if it is who I suspect, it may already be too late. If you find this, look in the black box under my kitchen sink. That’s where I’ve hidden the evidence I’ve accumulated so far—” there’s a snap of dry wood. “… I fear I may have overestimated my ability to keep us safe. I won’t be sleeping well tonight. If at all.”
“He was a good friend.” Someone mused softly, pausing the video.
“He was… nosy as shit though. Should have just stayed out of it, isn’t that right, nightingale?”
“Don’t tease him. Adjusting is hard.” A feminine voice cut in harshly.
“It is! That’s why we put this together. So he understands.” Another masculine voice simpers. “We worked so hard for the surprise~”
The video kicks back on to the morning. Andy is kicking dirt into the fireplace with a perplexed frown.
“Where the hell is he?” Andy muttered before looking up adruptly, smiling quickly.
“Ah! Luddy, hey! Have you seen Lucci?” The camera jerks.
“Nah, Andy. Didn’t he say he wanted a morning shot, though?” Andy’s smile fell.
“Yeah but… his equipment is still in his tent.”
Lucci stepped out of the bushes abruptly with a scowl, holding up a broken drone.
“Oh, shit! What happened?!” Lucci glared at the camera with a pinched expression.
“… bird hit it.” Andy grimaced.
“Sorry to hear that. Is it recoverable?” Lucci shook his head at Andy.
“No. I’m afraid not.” Lucci scowled again. “I’ll have to be more careful with the backup.”
“I’ll reimburse you after we get back, I know those aren’t cheap.” Andy pat his arm, the camera panning over to a tent where Koala and Betty came out.
“Shit, sorry! Didn’t mean to sleep in—give us five and we’ll be all ready to go!” Koala smiled, Betty wrinkled her nose at the morning light.
“Ugh, daytime. I need more beauty sleep.” Betty complained.
“You wanted to come camp with is~” Koala sang with a laugh, jostling the other woman.
“Alright, everyone pack up and be ready to leave soon! The faster we leave, the faster we can sleep in a decrepit mansion!” Andy cheered. “Spooky mansion~ spooky mansion~ spooky mansion~!” he skipped over to a tent and clambered in while everyone laughed.
Kuma paused, looking out into the forest behind him, head tilted to the side as his hands froze in the middle of packing a bag.
“What’s the matter?” Koala asked, turning to look. “You hear something? Maybe a deer?”
The large man shook his head.
“…No. I don’t think it is.” Kuma picked up a camera and trudged off. “Go ahead and keep packing, I’m going to make sure it’s not a bear.”
“A bear?! Are there even bears out here?!” Koala screeched, her voice jolting as the shot switched, evidentially to Kuma’s camera as it started recording. “What the hell are you going to do if it is?” She called out behind him.
“Run faster than you.” Kuma laughed, the camera swaying with every step as it panned over the trees. There was a spot of color that vanished when the camera swiveled back abruptly. “…What was that?” He walked towards the direction, the sound of running water faint over the leaves crunching beneath his feet.
Five minutes of walking with no results and he paused, a small river a few feet away. Kuma hummed, looking out at the forest for a moment.
“I should go ba—” The camera flew into the dirt, sound glitching as a heavy thud echoed. The lens fixated on the leaves close by, blurry background a smear of green and red. Something moved in the background, a dark, fuzzy shape lumbering as something was dragged into the water.
“Hmmm? Ah, right.” A voice faintly called through the static. Boots softly stepping closer until the lens abruptly focused on the dark leather. The image spun as the camera was lifted, jerking as something brushed over it, dirt and leaves falling to the ground. It turned to look at the river.
Kuma’s body sitting in the water, head gone and blood oozing into the flow. Someone chuckled darkly.
The video cut out.
“Where the hell is he?!” Koala screeched, “It’s been half an hour!” The camera panned over the mostly packed campsite. Everyone looked worried and Lucci in particular was pale.
“Maybe he turned back?” Lucci offered weakly.
“Why would he do that without saying anything?” Andy asked. “And without the map, too—if he needed to go home he could have said so and we’d turn back!”
Betty huffed.
“And waste all this time getting halfway? Nuh-uh! Maybe something happened and he needed to go home ASAP!”
“Lucci has the keys, Betty. Unless he needed to leave immediately without saying a word but not so immediately that he could walk all the way to town, I don’t think that’s likely.” Lindbergh said from behind the camera. “Do you think he got lost?”
“…S-Should we call someone? That’s what you have to do, right? Call someone so they can start search and rescue?” Andy asked.
“No one has signal out here, Andy. If we wanted to do that, we’d have to either go back to the car or go to the manor. It’s probably got a phone line or something. No way those posh bastards were that isolated.” Koala pointed out.
“Without power and after so long?” Andy mused. Koala shrugged.
“It’s probably also pretty clear—closer too if that map is accurate.” Betty offered.
The camera cut out and returned to the group walking in silence. Betty nowhere to be seen.
“…are we really doing this?” Lindbergh asked softly from behind the camera. Lucci looked back at him, swallowing hard.
“Two people disappeared after breaking from the group. We can’t risk anyone else. We’re going home—” Something flew into the trail, Andy flailing back with a scream.
“What! What!” Koala gasped, looking down at it and screaming too. “Run! Run! Go-gogogogogogogo!” Koala grabbed Andy’s arm, pulling him as he stared at the object. Lucci swearing as he ran.
Lindbergh’s grasp on the camera made it shake violently as he looked at the object. Breathing hard and sobbing as he manually zoomed in with a mechanical whir.
Curly hair tangled with leaves rested in the middle of the path, blood shining in the sun.
The video glitched, stuttering over frantic running and hysterical crying. Day to night.
It settled over a small campfire, the camera settled on a log overlooking the four remaining. They looked pale and shaken, Andy curled up against Koala while Lucci periodically looked out at the woods.
“… I think we’re being herded to the manor.” Lucci warned with bloodshot eyes. “We need to get to the car and leave.”
“I-I don’t even know where we are anymore.” Andy admitted with a sob. “The map disappeared—I must have dropped in when—when…”
“We’ve clearly been followed. Who knows we’re out here?” Lucci asked in a stern whisper.
“No one! I-I wanted to do a surprise video—unless B-Betty said something… no one should know we’re out here.”
“Well, we can’t go to the manor. It’s clearly not safe!” Lucci hissed.
“Then where is safe!?” Koala shouted before deflating. “I-I’m sorry—I didn’t mean to…” Lucci reached over and patted her knee.
“It’s alright. This is hard for everyone, I understand.” Lucci murmured, looking out at the woods one last time. “We should sleep in shifts. No one leaves the campsite for anything. Anything. Do you understand? Not alone. Not… not until we’re safe.”
Andy sniffed.
“Y-Yeah. It’s… uh, nine. Daylights at seven. Ten hours, nine if we go to bed a bit later… s-soooo… two hours give or take each?” Koala sniffed, nodding her head. “Yeah. Two h-hours each. Who wants first watch?”
“I’ll take it. I’m too keyed up to sleep right now.” Lucci offered. “I’ll wake whoever is next.”
“I’ll go next.” Lindbergh said softly.
The video cuts to a short video from inside a tent. Crickets chirping loudly as the fire cast shadows across the fabric.
There was a loud snap and a repressed whimper. A figure passed the tent and there was a muffled, gasping sound.
It was daylight. The birds chirping as the camera fixated on the trees.
“Where’s Lucci?!” Koala’s voice cut into the air, the camera jumping. “W-Where is he?! Lindbergh, did he wake you for your shift?”
“N-No! No he didn’t, I-I didn’t wake up at all—”
“Liar! We’ve known each other for years—I can tell when you’re lying off your ass, what! HAPPENED?!” Koala screamed, the camera sent flying. It hit the ground, Koala shaking Lindbergh’s shoulders just on the edge of it’s vision.
“O-Okay! I-I heard something but I didn’t know what it was—I was too scared to leave the tent!” Lindbergh stuttered. Koala froze.
A slap echoed into the forest, sending the smaller man to the ground.
“You bastard! Lucci! Lucci!” Koala ran into the trees blindly.
“K-Koala, no! D-Don’t leave alone—STOP!” Andy ran after her, Lindbergh still sat on the ground, crying.
There was a loud snap of a branch and he ran, stumbling and crying as he picked up the camera. Running madly through the forest, the camera never focusing enough to make out more than a blur of trees and the sound of rapid breathing and steps.
It cuts to the outside of an old, overgrown mansion. The sun rising as Lindbergh wheezed in fear.
“A-Andy? Koala? I’m sorry—I’msorryI’msorryI’msorry—”
The screen turned to black with a heavy thump and a low whimper. Video flickering to a tilted view of the manor. The image paused.
“This feels mean.” Someone complained. “Songbird is just getting upset. I don’t think they can really appreciate this just yet. Maybe we should put on something else?”
There was muffled crying.
“He needs to see it at least once.” Someone else cut in. “It’ll be a good reminder of how much work we put into this.”
There was a sigh and the video jumped back to life, afternoon sun bathing the trees in golden light in the tilted vision of the abandoned camera on low battery.
There was a thump and a scream.
“K-Koala!?” Andy called, kicking the camera. “SHIT! O-Oh—Lindbergh’s camera? I-Is he--?” Another shrill scream and the camera was picked up as he ran into the house.
It was dusty and eerily still. Clearly abandoned for a very long time, faint light pouring in from the windows.
“W-Where are you?!” Andy shouted.
“H-HELP!” The camera jerked towards the right, peering down a hallway.
“ANDY!” He ran, camera bouncing frantically between closed doors and lush, moth eaten carpet. Koala’s voice growing closer as he approached the end of the hall and a dark, open doorway.
The concrete stairs led down into a basement, his steps heavy as he ran to the bottom. There was a click and a whine as a light cut into the dark, an expensive flat screen sitting on the floor.
Andy came to an abrupt halt, camera fixed on the tv as it played an old video, his own voice cutting into the stifling air.
“Good morning, everyone! Andy here with another abandoned building to explore! Remember, take only pictures and leave nothing but footprints!” B-roll of an abandoned supermarket rolled by, white linoleum floor peeling away from years of poor weather than fell through the high ceiling.
“I like this one.” Andy jerked, spinning around to find Koala standing behind him, smiling in the ghostly light of the tv. “You screamed so loud when that racoon popped out of the garbage.” She laughed.
“K-Koala! You’re alright—what… what are you doing in here? Why were you screaming?” Andy asked hoarsely before chuckling nervously. ���O-Oh, I get it—I get it! T-This was all a prank! Shit, you guys really got me good—eheh… I-It’s uh… a bit of a dark joke though. With the head and all. How’d you get Lucci in on it, he’s so serious all the time!”
Koala shook her head.
“No prank. He’s dead.” Andy’s chuckle died.
“D-Dead? I-I thought he just…”
“Disappeared?” A soft voice asked behind the camera, Andy screaming.
“SHIT!” The camera fell to the ground, cracking the lens and refracting the light from the video on the flat screen. Two figures fought on the ground.
“Easy, songbird! Easy!” Koala called out.
“Relax, Andy, it’s me!”
“Get off! GET OFF OF ME!”
Someone clicked their tongue and another figure approached, kneeling at the head of the two with something in their hand.
“I think that’s enough excitement for you, Nightingale.” They pressed something over the pinned person’s face and slowly, they fell still.
There was a deep sigh.
“Well, that went better than I expected!”
“What? It did! Look at our baby, barely a scratch on him!” Sabo protested.
“I thought the plan was to wait until they reached the manor?”
The video cut out.
Someone sighed again.
“It was the plan, but Kuma saw Sabo, so…”
“And then it all went downhill from there! You two seriously suck at sticking to a plan!” Koala hissed. “Who’s idea was the head, anyway? You almost hit Andy!”
“Hey, you guys were almost at the car! What was I supposed to do, let you?!”
“The hell were you keeping the head for, Kaku?!” Koala snapped. “You never kept trophies like that before!” There was a long sigh.
“It was my idea, actually. I wanted to put it somewhere in the manor to herd whoever was left into a dead end. But Kaku panicked and took it from me.” Sabo grumbled. “Anyway, I think our poor little songbird has seen enough.”
“We’ve set everything up. All that’s left is repairs—sorry but you’ll have to stay in the basement until they’re done. Officially, Sabo has ‘regained his memories’ and is sprucing up the place since he’s the sole inheritor. Where he finds—” Kaku is interrupted.
“—Me, distraught and searching for my friends who have all disappeared. Kaku comes to be emotional support at search and rescue comb the area. They won’t find anything but still.” Koala huffed, “Officially, you’ll be missing until you adjust, songbird. We’ve put a lot of thought into this. I promise, we’ll all be very happy.” She coos softly.
The video resumes, flashing between missing posters and newspaper clippings detailing the disappearance of two youtubers and their friends.
Only Koala is found, having stumbled onto Sabo Outlook’s manor as he looked over the property in a lucky coincidence that likely saved her life.
No bodies were ever found.
“Maybe we’ll play this again next year, you know… to celebrate?” Kaku suggested.
“Maybe! Oh! Maybe Andy will feel better and we can add some cute photos of us together too?” Koala gushed.
“We’ll have to see. He’s still pretty… upset with us right now.”
The video ends with muffled sobs and soft reassurances.
“It’s okay, we just wanted you to see how safe you are with us, baby~”
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Tough, Durable, Perfect Meet Our Standard Matte Appointment Cards! #zazz...
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vinaythoughts · 10 days
Do You Face Difficult Writing Coding? | This Course Guarantees IT Jobs W...
Do You Face Difficult Writing Coding? | This Course Guarantees IT Jobs Without Coding Welcome to our YouTube channel, where we provide you with valuable tips and information on how to kickstart your career in the IT industry without struggling with difficult coding. In this video, we discuss a course that guarantees you IT jobs without the need for extensive coding knowledge. With the increasing demand for IT professionals, this course offers a unique opportunity for individuals looking to enter the field without facing the challenges of complex coding tasks. Join us as we explore this course and its benefits in detail, and learn how you can secure your dream job in the booming world of information technology. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more informative videos like this one.
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freelancershahin · 3 months
7 Tips To Create Catchy Social Media Content
✅ 7 Tips To Create Catchy Social Media Content 👇👇 @MichelleKueiSpeak 🙏🙏 Watch The Video & Don’t Forget to Like, Comment, Subscribe, & Share 🧡 💠 Discover essential tips for female coaches to stand out online with "7 Easy Tips to Create Catchy Social Media Content," perfect for increasing your social media online visibility and getting more paying clients. In this video, we break down the essentials of crafting content that resonates, from the importance of just starting to write and refining later, to the power of simplicity and making every word count. 🌟 Download Your Social Media Content Planner Here: 👉 https://members.elevatelifecoaching.org/socialmediacontentplan 🌟 Join Profitable Coach Formula Waitlist Here: 👉 https://members.elevatelifecoaching.org/PCF2024Waitlist 👉 00:00 Introduction 👉 01:40 Start Writing 👉 03:06 Keep it simple 👉 04:58 Put The Most Important sentence first 👉 06:31 Give your post a purpose 👉 07:09 Content Framework 👉 07:51 Make Your Post Accessible 👉 08:58 Use Emotion In Your Posts 👉 09:37 Use Storytelling ...................................................................................... 🔶 WATCH MORE EPISODES..................... ✅ Secrets On How To Optimize Your Time On Social Media (And Make More Impact) 👉This Video Link: https://youtu.be/EN_zxAthyGE ✅  7 Proven Steps For A Profitable Coaching Business 👉This Video Link: https://youtu.be/AhVKfvqhsV4 ✅ 7 Tips To Create Catchy Social Media Content 👉 This Video Link: https://youtu.be/Ygb-F75u1Ik ✅ Top 5 Key MUST Know Lessons BEFORE Investing in Your Coaching Website 👉 This Video Link: https://youtu.be/BjQD6qhZXPs ✅ 3 Secrets To Crafting Irresistible Coaching Content That Sells! 👉 This Video Link: https://youtu.be/pX7VoZbHQkc ✅Unlock the Secrets: Why You MUST Have a Social Media Content Strategy 👉 This Video Link: https://youtu.be/czEe73LsNEw ...............................................................  🌟 LET'S STAY CONNECTED… 🔶 https://elevatelifecoaching.org 🔶 https://www.linkedin.com/in/michellekuei 🔶 https://www.facebook.com/coachMichelleKuei 🔶 https://www.instagram.com/elevatelifecoach 🔶 https://members.elevatelifecoaching.org/coachingniche #contentcreation #contentmarketingtip #socialmediamarketing #coachingbusiness #visibilitycoach #SocialMediaForCoaches #FemaleCoachgrowth #CoachContentCreation #LifeCoaching, #EmpatheticLifeCoach, #HolisticWellnessCoaching, #PersonalDevelopmentCoaching, #MindfulnessandMeditationCoaching, #FamilyBalanceLifeCoaching, #EmpoweringWomenCoaches, #TravelInspiredLifeCoaching, #SustainableLivingCoach, #AuthenticRelationshipCoaching, #YogaandFitnessLifeCoach, #NavigatingLifeTransitionsCoaching, #PersonalGrowthfo BusyParents, #QualityLifeImprovementCoaching, #EthicalandSustainableCoaching, #PracticesLifeCoachforSelf-Discovery, #StrategiesforLifeBalance, #LifeCoachingforCollegeParents, #AuthenticityinPersonalBranding, #HolisticHealthandWellnessStrategies
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solutionlab · 5 months
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ooaworld · 7 months
Dalat, Vietnam - Travel, Street and People Photos
For more from Dalat and Vietnam, read the travel tips for Hoi An and Mui Ne or view all the travel stories, videos, photos and writing on Rolling Coconut’s Travel section. Share the road! If you enjoyed this post, don’t forget to sign up to the OOAworld newsletter, LIKE our Facebook page and SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel, or FOLLOW us on Instagram or X (Twitter)!
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njgraphica · 1 year
How to Create Content That People Can’t Stop Talking About
In today's crowded social media landscape, it can be difficult for brands to stand out from the competition. But with a little creativity and strategic design, social media designers can create content that people will actually want to engage with.
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Here are a few tips from the social media designers at NJ Graphica:
Know your audience: Before you start creating content, take some time to get to know your audience. Who are they? What are their interests? What kind of content do they enjoy? Once you understand your audience, you can tailor your content to their needs and interests.
Be creative: Don't be afraid to experiment with different types of content. Try using different formats, such as images, videos, infographics, or text-based posts. You can also try using different writing styles or tones. The more creative you are, the more likely you are to capture your audience's attention.
Tell stories: People love stories. They are a great way to connect with your audience on an emotional level. When you tell stories, you are giving your audience a reason to care about your brand.
Be timely: People are more likely to engage with content that is relevant to their current interests. Make sure to keep an eye on current events and trends, and use them to inspire your content.
Use humor: Humor is a great way to break the ice and make your content more engaging. Just make sure the humor is appropriate for your audience and that it doesn't come across as offensive.
Ask questions: Asking questions is a great way to get your audience involved and interacting with your content. It also shows that you are interested in what they have to say.
Promote your content: Once you have created great content, don't forget to promote it! Share it on social media, email it to your subscribers, or submit it to relevant websites and directories. The more people who see your content, the more likely it is to go viral.
Following these tips will help you create content that people can't stop talking about. Just remember to be creative, tell stories, be timely, use humor, ask questions, and promote your content. With a little effort, you can make your brand stand out from the competition and reach a wider audience.
About NJ Graphica
NJ Graphica is a social media design agency that specializes in creating visually appealing, informative, and engaging content for businesses of all sizes. We have a team of experienced designers who are experts in using a variety of tools and techniques to create content that gets results. Whether you need help with a social media campaign, a website redesign, or a custom infographic, we can help you create content that will help you achieve your business goals.
To learn more about how NJ Graphica can help you create content that people can't stop talking about, visit our website https://njgraphica.com  or contact us today.
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ashu69 · 1 year
Keyword research Kaise kare || How to identify high-traffic keywords|| Best Free Keyword tools| #keywordresearch #freekeywordresearchtool #keywordsresearch #keywordtool #blogging #makemoneyonline #EARNOVEST Hi Everyone, welcome to Earnovest Today we'll learn how to use Google automation and ChatGPT for effective keyword research. Discover high-volume, low-competition keywords with Google Keyword Planner, and generate new keyword ideas with ChatGPT. By using both tools together, you'll streamline your keyword research process and optimize your content for search engines. Get more targeted traffic and better rankings on search engine results pages by following our practical tips. Whether you're new to keyword research or looking to improve your existing strategy, this video is for you! Your Queries Keywords research tips best keywords for youtube free keywords research tools suitable keywords for youtube video how to earn online how to find best keywords for youtube videos For Business Queries Write us on - [email protected] Don’t Forget To Like , Comment , Share & Subscribe check out other videos on Blogging - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeiT3Mrn0ZM Check out other Topics - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1T15XSctPDo For live class make payment on-8287672067 send screenshot to telegram ID Telegram Id - 7678311600 Bluehost Link to purchase domain and hosting -https://bluehost.sjv.io/QOBVmo Lets connect on different platforms facebook - https://www.facebook.com/earnovest?mibextid=LQQJ4d Instagram - https://instagram.com/earnovest?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Hope to you see again! Until next time 😄
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barbarewjohnson · 1 year
3 Tips For Starting Your Youtube Content Creation Journey
If you’re reading this, then you’re probably considering starting your own Youtube channel. Content creation can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are 3 tips to help you get started on your Youtube content creation journey:
1. Know Your Niche – The first step to starting any successful YouTube channel is finding your niche. What kind of videos do you want to make? What are you passionate about? Once you know what kind of content you want to create, the rest will fall into place.
2. Create Consistent Content – When it comes to YouTube, consistency is key. That means posting new videos on a regular schedule that your viewers can rely on. If they know they can count on you for new videos every Tuesday and Thursday, they’re more likely to stick around (and even subscribe!)
3. Engage With Your Viewers – The most successful YouTubers are the ones who build a community with their viewers. So don’t forget to respond to comments and questions, and make sure your viewers feel like part of the family!
By following these three simple tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful YouTuber!
How to start content creation on YouTube
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re interested in starting a YouTube channel. Creating content for YouTube can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! In this blog post, we’ll give you some tips on how to start creating content for your new YouTube channel.
First things first: decide what kind of content you want to create. There are all sorts of videos you could make, from vlogs and tutorials to gaming montages and unboxing videos. Once you know what kind of content you want to create, do some research on that topic. Find out what’s popular in that genre, and see if there are any gaps in the market that your video could fill.
Once you’ve got an idea of the kind of content you want to create, it’s time to start planning your videos. Write down a list of ideas for videos, and then narrow it down to the best ones. Once you’ve got a solid list of video ideas, it’s time to start filming! Don’t worry about making perfect videos at first – just focus on getting started and putting out consistent content. With time and practice, your videos will only get better.
So there you have it – some tips on how to start creating content for YouTube! Just remember: don’t stress too much about perfectionism, just focus on putting out regular Videos with quality information or entertainment value and the rest will follow suit!
What equipment do I need to start content creation on YouTube?
If you’re thinking about starting a YouTube channel, congratulations! You’re on your way to joining the thousands of content creators who are using this popular platform to entertain and engage audiences around the world. But before you start filming your first video, there are a few things you’ll need to take care of first. In this blog post, we’ll go over everything you need to get started with content creation on YouTube.
First, let’s talk about equipment. To film high-quality videos, you’ll need a decent camera and microphone. If you don’t have either of these things, don’t worry – your smartphone will likely do the trick just fine. Just make sure you shoot your videos in landscape mode and use an external microphone if possible. Once you have your footage filmed, it’s time to edit it into a presentable format. For that, you’ll need some video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro X. If you’re not looking to spend any money on software just yet, that’s okay – iMovie is a great free option that works well for simple projects.
Now that we’ve gone over the basics of what equipment you need to get started with content creation on YouTube, let’s move on to some tips for success…
Tips and tricks for starting your content creation on YouTube
1. If you’re thinking about starting your content creation on YouTube, there are a few things you should keep in mind! First and foremost, remember that quality is key – so don’t be afraid to invest time and effort into creating high-quality videos. Secondly, think about what kind of content you want to create – do you want to focus on vlogging, gaming, beauty, or something else entirely? Once you know what kind of content you want to create, it’ll be easier to start planning and filming your videos. And finally, don’t forget to have fun! Creating content should be enjoyable, so make sure to find a balance between work and play.
2. When it comes to actually starting your content creation on YouTube, there are a few tips and tricks that can help you get off to a strong start. First of all, try to upload regularly – this will not only help grow your audience but also keep them engaged. Additionally, be sure to promote your channel across social media and other platforms; the more people who know about your channel, the more likely they are
Ideas for starting your own YouTube channel
Are you looking for ways to start a YouTube channel? Well, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll give you some tips and ideas on how to start content creation on YouTube.
First of all, it’s important to have an idea of what kind of content you want to create. This will help you determine the tone and style of your videos, as well as the type of audience you’re trying to reach. Once you know what sort of content you want to create, it’ll be much easier to come up with video ideas and generate topics for your channel.
One thing YouTubers often forget is that quality is more important than quantity when it comes to Uploading videos . A lot of beginner YouTubers try to upload as many videos as possible in order To grow their channels quickly , But this usually leads To low-quality content and eventually results in subscribers unsubscribing . Instead , focus on creating high-quality videos that provide value To your viewers . This way , Not only will your subscribers stay longer , but they ‘ ll also be more likely To tell others about your channel .
Finally , if You Want people To watch your Videos , then You need To promote them ! Share them On social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter And post them On forums related TO your niche . If You don ‘ t promote Your videos Then nobody will know That They exist And They won ‘ t get any views .
Why you should start content creating on YouTube
If you’re passionate about a certain topic, then content creation on YouTube is a great way to share your knowledge and connect with like-minded individuals. Not only will you be able to educate others, but you’ll also learn more about your interests yourself. And, if you’re hoping to make some extra money on the side, YouTube offers monetization opportunities for creators.
Here are three reasons why content creation on YouTube is a great idea:
1. You can share your passions with the world.
2. You can learn more about your interests by doing research for your videos.
3. You can monetize your channel and earn some extra income.
How to be successful in content creation on YouTube
When it comes to content creation on YouTube, there are a few things you need to do in order to be successful. First, you need to come up with an idea for your channel. Once you have an idea, you need to start creating videos that are both entertaining and informative. Finally, you need to promote your channel and grow your audience.
If you want to be successful on YouTube, you first need to come up with a great idea for your channel. What kind of videos do you want to make? What topics will you cover? Spend some time brainstorming ideas until you come up with something that sounds both fun and interesting.
Once you have an idea for your channel, it’s time to start creating videos! To make sure people keep watching your videos, they should be both entertaining and informative. Make sure each video is well-produced and engaging, while also teaching viewers something new or providing them with useful information.
Finally, once you have some great videos lined up, it’s time to start promoting your channel so people can find it. Share your videos on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, use relevant keywords in the titles and descriptions of your videos so people can find them when they’re searching online, and try reaching out to other YouTubers who might be interested in featuring one of your Videos on their own channel
As you can see, starting your content creation journey on YouTube doesn’t have to be difficult. Just follow these three tips and you’ll be well on your way. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll even be able to quit your day job and pursue YouTube full-time. Wouldn’t that be something?
The post 3 Tips For Starting Your Youtube Content Creation Journey appeared first on SwiftCreator.com.
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreator.com/content-creation/3-tips-for-starting-your-youtube-content-creation-journey/
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreator.weebly.com/swift-creator/3-tips-for-starting-your-youtube-content-creation-journey
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3 Tips For Starting Your Youtube Content Creation Journey
If you’re reading this, then you’re probably considering starting your own Youtube channel. Content creation can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are 3 tips to help you get started on your Youtube content creation journey:
1. Know Your Niche – The first step to starting any successful YouTube channel is finding your niche. What kind of videos do you want to make? What are you passionate about? Once you know what kind of content you want to create, the rest will fall into place.
2. Create Consistent Content – When it comes to YouTube, consistency is key. That means posting new videos on a regular schedule that your viewers can rely on. If they know they can count on you for new videos every Tuesday and Thursday, they’re more likely to stick around (and even subscribe!)
3. Engage With Your Viewers – The most successful YouTubers are the ones who build a community with their viewers. So don’t forget to respond to comments and questions, and make sure your viewers feel like part of the family!
By following these three simple tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful YouTuber!
How to start content creation on YouTube
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re interested in starting a YouTube channel. Creating content for YouTube can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! In this blog post, we’ll give you some tips on how to start creating content for your new YouTube channel.
First things first: decide what kind of content you want to create. There are all sorts of videos you could make, from vlogs and tutorials to gaming montages and unboxing videos. Once you know what kind of content you want to create, do some research on that topic. Find out what’s popular in that genre, and see if there are any gaps in the market that your video could fill.
Once you’ve got an idea of the kind of content you want to create, it’s time to start planning your videos. Write down a list of ideas for videos, and then narrow it down to the best ones. Once you’ve got a solid list of video ideas, it’s time to start filming! Don’t worry about making perfect videos at first – just focus on getting started and putting out consistent content. With time and practice, your videos will only get better.
So there you have it – some tips on how to start creating content for YouTube! Just remember: don’t stress too much about perfectionism, just focus on putting out regular Videos with quality information or entertainment value and the rest will follow suit!
What equipment do I need to start content creation on YouTube?
If you’re thinking about starting a YouTube channel, congratulations! You’re on your way to joining the thousands of content creators who are using this popular platform to entertain and engage audiences around the world. But before you start filming your first video, there are a few things you’ll need to take care of first. In this blog post, we’ll go over everything you need to get started with content creation on YouTube.
First, let’s talk about equipment. To film high-quality videos, you’ll need a decent camera and microphone. If you don’t have either of these things, don’t worry – your smartphone will likely do the trick just fine. Just make sure you shoot your videos in landscape mode and use an external microphone if possible. Once you have your footage filmed, it’s time to edit it into a presentable format. For that, you’ll need some video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro X. If you’re not looking to spend any money on software just yet, that’s okay – iMovie is a great free option that works well for simple projects.
Now that we’ve gone over the basics of what equipment you need to get started with content creation on YouTube, let’s move on to some tips for success…
Tips and tricks for starting your content creation on YouTube
1. If you’re thinking about starting your content creation on YouTube, there are a few things you should keep in mind! First and foremost, remember that quality is key – so don’t be afraid to invest time and effort into creating high-quality videos. Secondly, think about what kind of content you want to create – do you want to focus on vlogging, gaming, beauty, or something else entirely? Once you know what kind of content you want to create, it’ll be easier to start planning and filming your videos. And finally, don’t forget to have fun! Creating content should be enjoyable, so make sure to find a balance between work and play.
2. When it comes to actually starting your content creation on YouTube, there are a few tips and tricks that can help you get off to a strong start. First of all, try to upload regularly – this will not only help grow your audience but also keep them engaged. Additionally, be sure to promote your channel across social media and other platforms; the more people who know about your channel, the more likely they are
Ideas for starting your own YouTube channel
Are you looking for ways to start a YouTube channel? Well, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll give you some tips and ideas on how to start content creation on YouTube.
First of all, it’s important to have an idea of what kind of content you want to create. This will help you determine the tone and style of your videos, as well as the type of audience you’re trying to reach. Once you know what sort of content you want to create, it’ll be much easier to come up with video ideas and generate topics for your channel.
One thing YouTubers often forget is that quality is more important than quantity when it comes to Uploading videos . A lot of beginner YouTubers try to upload as many videos as possible in order To grow their channels quickly , But this usually leads To low-quality content and eventually results in subscribers unsubscribing . Instead , focus on creating high-quality videos that provide value To your viewers . This way , Not only will your subscribers stay longer , but they ‘ ll also be more likely To tell others about your channel .
Finally , if You Want people To watch your Videos , then You need To promote them ! Share them On social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter And post them On forums related TO your niche . If You don ‘ t promote Your videos Then nobody will know That They exist And They won ‘ t get any views .
Why you should start content creating on YouTube
If you’re passionate about a certain topic, then content creation on YouTube is a great way to share your knowledge and connect with like-minded individuals. Not only will you be able to educate others, but you’ll also learn more about your interests yourself. And, if you’re hoping to make some extra money on the side, YouTube offers monetization opportunities for creators.
Here are three reasons why content creation on YouTube is a great idea:
1. You can share your passions with the world.
2. You can learn more about your interests by doing research for your videos.
3. You can monetize your channel and earn some extra income.
How to be successful in content creation on YouTube
When it comes to content creation on YouTube, there are a few things you need to do in order to be successful. First, you need to come up with an idea for your channel. Once you have an idea, you need to start creating videos that are both entertaining and informative. Finally, you need to promote your channel and grow your audience.
If you want to be successful on YouTube, you first need to come up with a great idea for your channel. What kind of videos do you want to make? What topics will you cover? Spend some time brainstorming ideas until you come up with something that sounds both fun and interesting.
Once you have an idea for your channel, it’s time to start creating videos! To make sure people keep watching your videos, they should be both entertaining and informative. Make sure each video is well-produced and engaging, while also teaching viewers something new or providing them with useful information.
Finally, once you have some great videos lined up, it’s time to start promoting your channel so people can find it. Share your videos on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, use relevant keywords in the titles and descriptions of your videos so people can find them when they’re searching online, and try reaching out to other YouTubers who might be interested in featuring one of your Videos on their own channel
As you can see, starting your content creation journey on YouTube doesn’t have to be difficult. Just follow these three tips and you’ll be well on your way. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll even be able to quit your day job and pursue YouTube full-time. Wouldn’t that be something?
The post 3 Tips For Starting Your Youtube Content Creation Journey appeared first on SwiftCreator.com.
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreator.com/content-creation/3-tips-for-starting-your-youtube-content-creation-journey/
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreatorcom.wordpress.com/2023/04/05/3-tips-for-starting-your-youtube-content-creation-journey/
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Email marketing strategy and Tips for successful Campaigns
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Email marketing is a powerful method to grow your business that helps businesses to connect with their potential customers very effectively and precisely. That's of course, if you can get that initial click to stick.  Email marketing has a great ROI of 36$ for every 1$ you spend that’s - 3600%, isn’t it amazing? Businesses mostly use emails for multiple reasons, such as advertising products, soliciting sales, asking for donations. No matter what reason it is, email marketing gives us a great opportunity for marketers to build a brand and increase sales and mostly to be relevant in our customer’s minds.
For everyone else though, the data tells us that there are 4.3 billion, with 2.1 billion email users worldwide. With certainly more than half of the planet using email, your business can't afford to not have an email marketing strategy. So, how do you become a master email marketer? Here are some few essential email marketing tips to make your campaign successful.
 9 Important email marketing tips for successful campaigns.
Get quality traffic to your landing page with clear and focused call to action (CTA)
The purpose of your email is to get more traffic on your landing page. If you fail to get a click to your landing page, your email subscriber cannot be converted into customers.
 The easy way to drive traffic on your landing page is to have only one primary call to action (CTA). Having multiple CTA will distract the reader's focus. When they are confused either they will leave your email or delete it.
  What you must do is to guide your reader to take specific call to action. Encourage them on the benefits they will receive by visiting the landing page. As you are using a primary call to action don’t forget to put it in multiple locations. 
Encourage readers to reply
   In previous direct mail, you would send mail to your connections, and then wait for readers to respond. Not anymore. Nowadays, email marketing is an opportunity for meaningful conversations with your potential clients. We are discussing real subscribers who are interested in your business. With that intention, you must encourage this back-and-forth in three ways.
Tempting email subject lines - Speak directly to your reader and commit something that will stand out. The effective way to achieve this is with automated personalization.
Use Distinctive and entertaining voice. -  If anyone opened your email, it does not mean that they would read it. Always take care that your message sounds like it’s coming from a real person and who cares for them.
Target Content - Email marketing is more effective when you segment your email list by demographic or your subscribers. It is useful to send a message that would resonate with every segment's need and Interest, making them more likely to engage with you and get converted.
3 - Personalization is Key point
   It is highly recommended to add personal elements to your mail wherever you can. Greet your reader by their name. Draft your mail to dive deep, addressing their needs and interests. 
Make sure your Email copy looks great
You may find it very common but still many businesses send amature mails that look like 90’s websites. Once you make the subscriber open your mail then It’s crucial to keep their interest, so they will continue to read your emails.
   The best way to do is:
Write short paragraphs and make sure that your phrases and any keyword that may be important to your readers stand out.
Put links of your social media profiles
 Getting engagement from your readers on your businesses social media profiles should be one of the key elements of your email marketing strategy. Not only it gives you advantages for promotion, but also builds trust between your business and your readers.
Eyecatchers is an advertising agency with a difference - we make advertising that sells! Print, outdoor, TV, radio, events, website, digital, social – we help you send out a consistent message through all media !
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