#don’t know the platonic ship name if it exists or i wouldve added it
petite-phthora · 8 months
Dp x Dc prompt #1
Danny doesn’t know how Vlad managed to convince his parents to let him take Danny with him to some fancy gala in Gotham, but he does know he’s gonna be the biggest menace he can be to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
The moment they entered the place the gala was held, Danny’s eyes landed on the chandelier on the ceiling in de middle of the room.
What Danny had been expecting was something along the lines of him embarrassing Vlad, making Vlad angry, and/or getting kicked out when the chandelier inevitably crashed to the ground cause they weren’t made to hold his weight.
What Danny hadn’t been expecting was for the chandelier to be heavily reinforced and not move an inch when he hung on there upside down, nor had he expected to be joined up there by a guy his age that seemed to be bursting with excitement as he stared at Danny from his place upside down on the chandelier.
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