#don’t need shoes if youre in quarantine
violetrainbow412-blog · 8 months
Day 7: sharing clothes
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Masterlist flufftober 🎀
Reblog if you liked it!
That night Spencer arrived at his apartment quite tired, to the point of wanting to go straight to bed.
He had to admit that splitting the rent for an apartment hadn't convinced him at all at first, however, with each passing month he felt luckier to have someone to keep him company and help him with household chores. It's not that the girl he had as a roommate took care of everything, but because she was a university student, she had more free time and Spencer repaid him for all the favors by being her walking library or even helping him study the topics for the seasonal exams, as a kind of win-win.
“Spencer?” he heard from the common area, just as he was taking off his shoes. Still wearing his socks, he walked across the carpet until he reached the door and opened it, looking at you on the other side.
“Hey, can you lend me a tie for tomorrow?” you asked sadly. He was surprised to notice that you were wearing a formal suit, very different from the carefree outfits you usually wore, and for a moment he imagined you as a member of the BAU. “I have to attend a conference and I must follow the code of etiquette and stuff, but I don't want to wear a dress”
“Yeah, I must have some around here,” he laughed, turning to rummage through the closet. Spencer was very organized, in a strange way, so it didn't take him long to find what you needed “Do you like this one?”
“It's perfect, thank you,” you exclaimed, taking the purple tie he was offering you between your fingers. You couldn't know it, but the soft purple fabric was almost new and that was why he had chosen it, so that you would wear the best.
“Do you know how to tie it?” he mumbled and from the awkward smile you showed him he assumed the answer was no. He wrapped it around your neck and gently pulled you towards him, managing to cut your breath. With one hand on each end of it he began to tie it, frowning and lightly pursing his lips as a sign of his concentration, until a nice knot was ready “Keep it like this and tomorrow you just slide it on, okay?”
“You're my hero,” you exclaimed happily, carefully holding the tie he had so carefully prepared “I made macaroni for dinner, do you want to join me?”
“Yeah,” he responded with a shrug.
The two of you had dinner together and after that you went to sleep, lacking the energy to stay awake any longer. In the morning you got up earlier than usual to get ready and in the process you noticed that your partner was walking around the apartment, moving here and there as if he were looking for something.
"What are you doing?"
“I can't find my scarf,” he lamented. “I probably left it in the laundry bag. Or so I hope"
“Take mine,” you offered kindly. From one of the drawers in your closet you took out a bright red scarf and extended it to the man, who hesitated whether to accept it or not “Come on, it's the least I can do. I don’t want you to catch a cold or we’ll have to quarantine you” you joked and then he finally took it.
“Good luck with your conference, take a lot of notes and if something is not clear, you can tell me”
“Good luck with your work too. Are you coming to dinner today?”
"I don't know"
“Well, either way I’ll wait for you,” you said kindly. Spencer responded with a smile and waved goodbye to you, making sure to adjust her scarf before leaving the apartment.
And that exchange was only the beginning for two closets to become, after a long time, practically one.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @vivian-555@r-3dlips @rhiannonhippiegirl
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bcofl0ve · 2 years
bad idea
prompt: "Austin and reader are watching the 68 Comeback Special, reader is a huge Elvis fan and is getting super hot & bothered watching Elvis (so HOT in the special). Austin is amused and teases her and then it turns into smut with maybe some role play Austin as Elvis. Just my thoughts!"
ship: austin butler x priscilla actress!reader
warnings: SMUT!!! MINORS DNI!!! slightly unhealthy relationship dynamics
It wasn’t that you didn’t have your own perfectly good trailer just a few feet away. But you’d gotten into the habit of letting yourself into Austin’s whenever he was on set, a habit you didn’t think was possible to break at this point. And you weren’t even needed on set today, but you missed him and the perfect balm for that was sitting somewhere that was inexplicably Austin. 
Not to mention that every time you surprised him in his trailer he was more than happy to see you. 
You typically entertained yourself with a book or scrolling through social media, but today it was getting sucked down the rabbithole of Elvis videos on Youtube. You’d seen most of them, Austin having blown through more or less the entire digital library when you were quarantining. But something about the man just drew you in, and you understood now more than ever what the girls losing their minds at every performance saw in him. 
It was a montage of clips from the ‘68 special that sucked you in on this particular day, and you were so engrossed in it that you didn’t hear the trailer door creak open, or realize Austin was there until he cleared his throat. You looked up abruptly, pausing the video.
“Whatcha watching?” He asked as he toed his shoes off and came over to join you on the bed, heat rising in your cheeks. 
“Don’t make fun of me,” You said as he sat down, arm automatically falling around your shoulder as he glanced at your screen.
“Hey, I know that guy.”
You laughed, leaning your head against his shoulder when he unpaused it. Biting on your bottom lip, you could feel Austin’s wheels turning as he averted his eyes from the screen to you. He pulled you in closer to his side, fingers grazing the slither of skin where your shirt had ridden up. 
Between what was going on on your laptop screen and Austin being well, the way he was, you weren’t sure how much longer you could mask the lust coursing through you.
“I didn’t know he did it for you.” He whispered and you swallowed thickly, squirming as he squeezed your thigh. 
“He was a girl magnet back then for a reason,” You mumbled and heard Austin give a little “Mhm,” sliding his hand down to the waistband of your shorts. He waited for you to give an affirmative nod before he dipped his hand inside, and you couldn’t help but feel embarrassed as you felt him realize how damp you were.
“Christ,” He whispered, reaching forward with the hand that wasn’t down your pants to shut your computer and set it on the bedside table. When that was taken care of he flipped you over, crawling on top and slotting a knee between your legs, hands moving to take off your shirt and bra. When he moved his knee at just the right angle against your center a moan escaped you, your mind wandering back to what you had just been watching. Austin was everything to you, but something about the man he was portraying was just riling you up.
You didn’t process what you’d just let slip out of your mouth until you felt Austin freeze and pulled away from where he’d been kissing down your neck. Cheeks flushed red, you looked away.
“Jesus, sorry,”
You didn’t think you’d ever been more embarrassed in your life, unable to look at Austin. But he brought his hands to your hips and yanked you impossibly closer to him, leaning back down to whisper in your ear. “Say it again,”
You couldn’t make the name leave your throat and Austin seemed to sense your nerves, pulling back a little to run a hand through your hair. “If you wanna do this baby, I’m all in. Nothing to be ashamed of.”
When you gave a little nod he went right back to kissing your neck, a hand coming up to grope your breast, twisting your nipple between his fingers.
You felt his erection on your thigh as his hips pistoned forward and he grinded on you, but he shook his head when you reached for his waistband, pulling you forward to the edge of the bed before getting down onto his knees. The loss of friction made you antsy, especially when he pulled down your shorts and underwear at an agonizing slow pace, pressing open mouthed kisses to your bare thigh.
A breathy “please” escaped you and he looked up from the ground as he lifted one of your legs and set it over his shoulder.
“Please what ‘Cilla?”
Now you definitely saw what he did in you calling him Elvis, your mind going blank for a second before you could choke out a response. “Please, E, I need you- your mouth.”
He didn’t wait another second before diving in, licking a strip up your folds before flicking the bundle of nerves with his tongue. Your hands fell to his hair, attempts at trying to keep your hips from bucking under him futile as he reached around to grab your ass and pull you closer to him, sucking at your clit.
There was a knot forming in your stomach and you already embarrassingly close, to the extent that you whined when he pulled back, looking up at you abosutly sex drunk. He rubbed your inner thigh with the pad of his thumb, laughing under his breath when you squirmed. 
He rose up from his knees and shed his pants and boxers before getting back on top of you, holding your chin in his hand. 
“You’re so pretty, you know that?” He said, southern drawl thick as he circled your entrance with his free hand, inserting two fingers inside of you and not letting go of your face as he curled his fingers in a ‘come hither’ motion, your hips jerking. “My pretty girl,”
He teased you for a minute before pulling his hand away and lining himself up, burying his head into the crook of your neck as he pushed inside. Pausing for a beat when he bottomed out, he grabbed the underside of one of your legs and tossed it over his shoulder like he had before as he made shallow thrusts.
“Aus,” You mumbled and he stopped completely, grabbing your chin like he had before. 
“Wanna try that again?”
He looked at you assertively as he waited for a response, fingers curling against your jaw.
“Elvis,” You tried and he started moving again, faster this time- pounding into you as you writhed underneath him. It’d been a while since he’d gotten this rough in bed- not that you minded, grabbing for his neck and kissing down to his clavicle.
He grunted, thrusts starting to get erratic. 
“‘Cilla, shit,” 
He found his composure enough to snake a hand down to your clit, rubbing the bundle of nerves as quickly as he could from his position. The knot in your stomach was tightening again, your release feeling impossibly close as he fucked you into the matress.
“I got you mama, come on,” He choked out, dropping his hand from where it had still been cupping your face to grope your breast. Twisting your nipple between his index and middle finger did you in, your walls tightening around his cock as you threw your head back, moaning his, Elvis’s name, through your high. You felt him come to an abrupt still, shaking as he emptied inside of you, hands gripping your hips so hard you were sure it was going to leave marks. 
He exhaled as he pulled out and flopped down next to you, your own breathing still evening. When you tilted your head to look at him he ran a gentle hand through your hair and licked his bottom lip, chest heaving.
“I love you.” He blurted, how fucked out he was evident in his voice. 
There was a small voice in your head telling you that you getting too engrossed in the whole Elvis and Priscilla thing was a bad idea, that what you’d just done shouldn’t be repeated unless you wanted what everyone in your life had warned you about since you two got involved to come to fruition.
But you paid the voice no mind- whispering back that you loved him too, sighing contently when he wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead.
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demonichikikomori · 6 months
Opinions on our sunshine boy kalim?
Kalim has a special spot in my heart after I finished book 4. I view him very differently than how I did before I truly ‘met’ him.
I feel like people who are like ‘I don’t like Kalim’ just hate joy magic and fun. They do not enjoy childlike wonder and whimsy. Hater behavior. KALIM IS STUPID!!!! BUT THAT MF KNOWS HOW TO HAVE A GOOD TIME!!!!!!! And that’s okay. Firstly, I have loved Kalim’s design since 2020 when I discovered the game for the first time during quarantine. I knew nothing about him other than he was the sultan and I actually thought Kalim was going to be more… Almost devious?? But when I found out he was just a goofball everything had changed.
Kalim is a big sweetheart and I honestly???? I’m gonna say it. And everyone can hate me if they want; It is not Kalim’s fault for what happened with Jamil. Blaming Kalim for Jamil being raised to be Kalim’s best friend is outrageous. Because that tells me some of you people have not experienced abusive households. You cannot blame me Kalim who was kept in the dark and was raised with ignorant bliss. Jamil has placed all his anger on someone who didn’t even know he was hurting. Don’t get me wrong, I’m ready to fuck Jamil. But him hating Kalim and not his parents is misplaced anger. That’s like me hating my younger sister because my mom said ‘don’t ever outperform her or I’ll kick your ass.’ You see??
Another thing…
WHY DOES NO ONE THINK KALIM GETS HORNY?!?!!!!!! I see a lot of the fandom doing fluff and sweet things with Kalim and that’s so wonderful but I feel like they forget that Kalim has like over 30+ siblings I think?? His dad has a harem I’m sure. Which means Kalim will most likely have a harem… Well, let me not say ‘harem’ but Kalim won’t be monogamous because of culture. Right?? So if Kalim takes after his father?????? I promise you he’s down to fuck and I refuse to pretend he’s not. I think Kalim is in a perpetual state of ‘wow I can’t wait to make babies’ when he looks at MC. Male or female, fertile or not, SOMEONE will be pregnant in his mind. Everyone needs to open their eyes and understand Kalim has been raised with the knowledge that one day he will be in his dads shoes and he will get plenty of bitches to keep his bloodline strong. He’s not here to just make you smile; he is going to crack you open like a fucking lobster tail and that’s on everything I believe in.
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misasimagines · 2 years
jjk characters when you’re scared of a bug
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included characters: Yuji, Megumi, Maki, Nobara, Gojo, Nanami, Choso rating: sfw warnings: bug mentions but I avoid any concrete details because ya girl is Terrified of Bugs! I use flowery language to refer to them also because again! ya girl is Terrified of Bugs!
will kill bugs for you if you’re scared! But he’s not the best at catching them if they move around. He’ll go and punch the wall and then you look and it’s running away and he’s screaming because it’s coming at him.
He might accidentally put a hole in the drywall because he slapped down on it too hard. Like yes, it’s dead, but he’s also now bleeding and you are not getting your security deposit back.
Slaps gnats/flies/etc out of the air but also ends up knocking things down when he does- basically, Yuji is at 110% power and 2% environmental awareness. You need to stay out of the way.
If seeing a buggie gets you paranoid and freaked, he’ll investigate every corner of the now-quarantined room and will be using DIY bug-repellents until you feel safe. He doesn’t make fun of you for being scared or paranoid. He agrees they’re freaky! He only can be brave because he has you to protect!
He’ll catch and release, he won’t kill, but he will make sure it is deposited far enough way that it won’t be coming back easily.
He thinks you’re a little ridiculous for being so scared but he won’t tease you about it. Maybe at first, but then he sees your eyes are all glossy and your shoulders at all tensed up and he’s like, okay, okay, I got it, don’t worry about it.
He just has you leave the room and then warns you when he’s going to walk by with the horrible beast trapped in a cup. He also, and I gag to say this, would not be afraid of even touching the horrible monsters with his hands if necessary. Could Not Be Me.
Megumi will search around the room at your behest to make sure there are no other creeps lurking about. You probably have to point out all the areas you’re most afraid or else he’ll only look in the more obvious spots. He’ll even go out and get bug-repellent/killer so you stop pacing around and jumping whenever your hair brushes against your bare skin....
If she knows you’re freaked by bugs, she kills them before you even know they’re there. She isn’t bothered by them, but she also doesn’t like them in her home. They aren’t paying rent or cooking her dinner, they don’t get to stay. 
Keeps a heavy duty bug killing spray on hand and whenever she sees/hears you fleeing from a room because you’ve been ambushed, she’s marching right in there and killing it asap. She prefers spraying them to hitting them with her hand or a shoe or something because it’s just cleaner and she doesn’t want to end up with holes in her walls like Yuji’s place.
If you’re paranoid about it afterwards, she’ll help you replace the sheets, vacuum, dust, etc so you clean up the place rather than just scoot stuff around checking out the place.
She will tease you for being scared, but she’s not mean about it...most of time. She’ll say that, knowing you, your fears are correct and you probably could get your ass beat by a gnat-
She says she’s not scared, she’ll do her duty to protect you, you’re too baby to take care of yourself but that’s okay because she’s there- you never said it could fly!!! She’s screeching and slamming the door shut behind her and announcing that you will never go into that room again.
She has to pull her hair back, suit up, shoe in one hand, spray in the other, and then she’s bursting through the door and you hear the thump of the shoe hitting everything and anything, the spray coating every possible surface, and Nobara’s battle cry. It’s dead! You need a new lamp!
They’re scary, she isn’t so much scared of them as she is afraid of where they are when she can’t see them. It makes sense, totally. She doesn’t tease you so much as she likes holding it over your head as something she does for you. Not in a mean spirited way, she just likes that you rely on her for this!
She’ll help clean up the area and make sure nothing else is hiding around, but ultimately she’s calling someone else over to do the job of exterminator (probably Yuji and Megumi...)
He sees you’re scared and puts on an act like Every Single Time. Honestly, it kind of snaps you out of being freaked. He jumps up and he’s like, where’s the villain who’s scared my darling?? and then he’s grabbing a shoe and stomping into the afflicted room.
He kills it, makes sure you hear the sound of it being beaten to death, and then checks around to make sure there’s nothing else before he lets you back into the room.
It’s in his nature to tease you, but you’re so upset and uncomfortable that he reels it in. He just makes a dramatic speech about saving and protecting you and then gives you a hug and asks if you want to get out of the house for a bit.
Takes you out for ice cream or something so you can relax and then when you go back, he might have called in a maid service to clean up so you could feel comfortable knowing that everything was bug-free.
At first, he kind of thinks you need to get over it and take care of it yourself. But then he realizes that it’s just one of those phobias that isn’t something you can rationalize, and he steps up.
Prefers catching and releasing them, but if you’re freaked out, he’ll just kill it to appease you. It doesn’t bother him that much. What bothers him is that how did this stupid bug get into his impeccably clean apartment?
He doesn’t tease you about it, he doesn’t make a big deal about it at all. The lack of energy he puts into it helps you calm down a lot easier. Just another day, not some cosmic retribution or curse on from a vengeful goddess.
Coincidentally always suggests a cleaning day after an enemy has been spotted, and he always focuses his attention on the room it invaded while letting you take care of other rooms.
He doesn’t have a problem with bugs, but he does have a problem with it scaring you and that means it has to be punished. He does feel a little guilt at having to kill the terrible brutish monster on your bathroom ceiling, he thinks about it’s family, but then he kills it and flushes it because it knew the risk it was taking wandering in here... This is the tragic outcome.
It’s not that deep babe-
Cleans the place, like with the heaviest duty cleansers you have, so there are no remnants of it. Like Yuji, he’ll mix together some DIY repellents, but unlike Yuji who would google what to do, Choso just throws together things that he’s certain will kill bugs- and maybe also you guys! Don’t mix bleach with anything!!
If he catches the infiltrator first, he will take the chance to catch and release it. It hasn’t scared you yet so no crimes have been commit.
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bougiebible · 2 years
The Level up Series - The Pre’
For my around the way girls 🍫💁🏾‍♀️
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“We are all stars, but we must learn to shine.” - Marilyn Monroe ✨✨
I remember having to go to the county clerk office in my town to get information on a ticket I had acquired. It was about 10am (which was too early for me) and I didn’t even want to go. I drug myself out of bed, threw on a hoodie, sweats and slippers. I was only gonna be inside a min. My hair was a mess so I wrapped a scarf around my unlaid edges and whipped up a messy bun. I was a also an avid smoker so I of course, in true stoner fashion, smoked a blunt on my way there. This was my morning coffee. So I blasted my music and headed to the court house. 
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When I got there there was no one in line so I was the first up. I saw the employees behind the counter milling around…typing things, using the copy machine or having conversations but no one stopped to greet me or acknowledge my presence. I was high so I was patient but after about 5 mins and actually making eye contact with some of the ladies I had to wave someone down to get serviced. I was helped by a lady who seemed like I was bothering her and who finally asked me to come through a door to wait for the next available representative. I could see behind the counter once I stepped inside and the employees weren’t particularly busy so I couldn’t understand the wait or annoyance they displayed. I waited about 20 more mins before I got the information I needed by another employee who also responded to me very dismissive. But something interesting happened during my wait….
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A white gentlemen came in with a suit. I wouldn’t have paid him much attention because my head was down on my phone but I heard how promptly he was greeted and the “sir” that was even added in addressing him. By lady #1 who seemed annoyed with ME. The gentleman in the suit wasn’t that much older than me but she addressed him with importance. I looked at his outfit and noticed his socks were mismatched and his shoes weren’t clean. There were trays in his hemming almost as if they had been very old pants. But from the waist up (which is all they could see from the counter) he looked like somebody in charge. I was so baffled at how many people greeted him and stopped what they were doing to help him and make him feel seen and how he clearly threw something on this morning too. He was helped quickly and asked if there was anything else they could do sent on his way with a “have a nice day”While I was given my paperwork with no eye contact and a “mmmhmm” after my “thank you”. 
The 8-8-8 Rule ✍🏾
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“You can’t redo a first impression, but you can redefine your lasting one” -Mia Chanae✨✨
Did you know that people make 11 different notions about you by the first 8 feet, 8 seconds and 8 words that come out of your mouth?
First impressions are important and maybe you (like me) have made terrible ones. Or ones that don’t really showcase who you truly are. I always joke that I have the superpower of being hood and classy all based on how I feel lol. Maybe you’ve made impressions that were terrible but you want to reinvent yourself. All of these things applied to me so during quarantine I dived into finding and elevating myself. It led me to getting a certification in Ettiquette consulting and working towards entrepreneurship. This blog is my journey🙌🏾 . All of the things I learned through the years and the information I learned through Ettiquette and lifestyle practices. Any video, course, book or interview about Ettiquette and leveling up…..your girl has done it all. The paid ones and the free ones. I did my research so you don’t have to. This blog will help you see that reinvention is possible and that it starts with you. It can start today but maybe you’re unsure where to start. Like I was. I’m not leveled up completely by any means. “As I minister to you, I minister to myself” Everyday I’m in learning habits that don’t fit with the woman I want to be. I’m from a small town and my neighborhood is less than affluent. I was able to leave the city, travel, experience other cultures by way of the military. I came back home and realized there was a separation between how I thought and where my mind could go and the people who never left the city. 👽
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I want to share my experiences with black girls who wish for more but grew up where I did and feel like it’s unattainable.
Maybe they didn’t get the scholorship or the navy ticket and didn’t leave their hometown. ✈️
Maybe they are in a new place but can’t seem to make friends. 👯‍♀️
Maybe they are tired of the attention their look gets them and want to change it all up. 💇🏾‍♀️
Maybe they want the “glow up” they never had. 💅🏾
Maybe they spends hours on social media wondering how they all look so put together..🙇🏾‍♀️
✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ I’m here to spill the beans and give YOU the secrets and tips to achieving the lifestyle you desire. 🥰
You can upgrade your life one step at a type and incorporate habits and routines and mindset of the people who you admire. You’re no different from them. I hope you enjoy this blog and level up with me. You are the only thing stopping you. Not your financial situation, not your environment, not the color of your skin. You get one movie ladies….YOU decide how it plays out. So pinkies up ladies….class is in session. 💕
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astralartworks · 1 year
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inspired song
pairing: Joel miller x fem!reader.
warnings: angst, mention of depression, i think that’s it.
A/n:  hiiii! i wanted you to know that this is the first thing that i write on this, sooo maybe it's not that good, but i will try my best to improve, it's a little short for the same reason that is my first, but the next ones are going to be longer, also English is not my first language, so if you see any writing mistake let me know:)
The ceiling looked worse than yesterday, dark spots were everywhere, you knew that at any moment a piece would fall off, but there were more important things to worry about. Every time you wake up, your nightmares start with that ceiling. As soon as you open your eyes, it's the first thing you see, and it's the last thing you want to see. That simple ceiling represents so much - fears, shattered dreams, loss, depression, anxiety, fear.
Your muscles ache from the constant struggle to survive in the quarantine zone. It's a living hell, but it's the only thing keeping you alive. Your peace is interrupted by the constant knocking on your door. You groan and get up, tripping over your scattered shoes and old alcohol bottles you used to numb the pain. The door creaks open, and you see Joel, with a worried look on his face. 
"What the hell are you still doing here?" He walks in without asking and pushes you aside.
"I think I should be asking the same thing" he doesn't take long to look at your room and silently judge.
You creep closer to him, taking in the sight of the cuts on his face. Some are shallow, but others look pretty deep. Your fingers itch to reach out and touch his cheek, but you're too confused to make a move. Instead, you give him a puzzled look and sneakily check out the rest of his body for any other injuries. 
"Who did this to you?" Joel runs his finger across his eyebrow in an anxious manner with his gaze fixed on the door behind you without making eye contact.
"You don't need to know, we have to get out of here as soon as possible” A chuckle escapes your lips, while you look at him in disbelief. “Grab your things”.
"You enter my house without permission, you have blows all over your face, and you order me to take everything and go, who the hell do you think you are" without looking at him, you make your way to your bed being careful with the things that are on the floor while you lie down in the same position you were before Joel bothered you, letting out a sight.
"What are you doing? Get up right now, we don't have time" Joel approaches you, his hand grabbing your wrist as he puts pressure on it, yet not hurting you.
"Joel, back off I need to rest, and I can't do it if you're standing in the middle of my room looking at me" you shake your hand, but it doesn't work for him to let go.
"You think this is a fucking game, I can't explain right now, but you have to trust me" His desperate look runs across your face for something you can't figure out.
"To be honest I don’t, so I'm having a hard time here" you tiredly look at him, you know Joel wouldn't lie to you, but you're mentally exhausted that the thought of escaping from the quarantine zone sounds too good to be true.
 "I know you're tired, believe me we all are, but I need you to get all the energy you have right now and get up" delicately grasping your face, but putting pressure so that you don't avoid his gaze.
You look at him for a moment, studying his features closely. You've never seen him like this before, and the way he's looking at you is making you uneasy. He seems desperate, but the intensity in his gaze is overwhelming, and you're not sure how to react to it. 
"Alright, I'll grab my things, and we'll go" you say, standing up. As you move to grab your backpack, Joel's hand that was on your face slowly slides down your arm. It's subtle, but you notice how his fingers trace your skin as they reach your hand. He doesn't grab it, just lightly brushes his fingertips against your knuckles. 
You pretend not to have noticed his touch, and try to shake off the feeling it left behind. You quickly separate from him, making your way to the corner where your backpack was. Throwing in a couple of clothes you had set aside for emergencies, his gaze following your every move. 
"I think that's all" you turned around making sure everything it’s fine    "Looks like it's going to rain, if we don't want to get caught in it, we should get going." 
"Aren't you forgetting something?" Joel asks, glazing at his watch when he looks up, hoping you'll remember.
You look at him confused. He approaches the small wooden piece of furniture next to your bed, opens one of its drawers, and takes out the blade you've kept for so long. You reach for it with a small smile, remembering where it came from.
"I can't believe I almost forgot" you say, tucking the blade into your backpack.
“I can’t believe it either” he whispers as he studies your features.
it feels like time stands still as he looks at you. You can't quite put your finger on what it is about his gaze that catches you, but there's something there. You notice how he relaxes when he's around you, and how he unconsciously reaches out to touch when he has the opportunity, it doesn’t matter if it just a light touch, it's always there. But you know that no matter how many times you try to get closer to him, he always pushes you, never letting you into his mind, emotions, thoughts, worries, nothing, never gives anything. You figured it a long time ago, that is why now you distance yourself more and more from him, for your good and his.
"Let's keep moving" your voice sounds rough, you gently touch where you had the blade before and move back towards the door. You sense him following close behind. He is always close, but not close enough to be yours.
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peachenle · 1 year
get to know me game!
tagged by @dearhee ty!!
tagging: @end-hyphen @ozymandia-s and anyone else who'd like to participate! This is a long shabang so no pressure hehe . me realizing i need more active moots O_O anyone wanna be friends
birthday: may 4th! im a quadruple taurus 0:
favourite colour: i think pink or purple?!
do you have pets? i have one dog
how tall are you? im ~172 cm
how many pairs of shoes do you own? i only really use like 5 pairs i think! i have sneakers, heels, two crocs and then loafers!
favourite song: my toppest mostest favoritest is dive by jooyoung! then fever by enhypen :D
favourite movie: ponyo
who would be your ideal partner? i mean i bias chenle and jake so im into really happy and bright people LOL realistically though, i think heeseung is more my type? if i were to choose an idol. he's really passionate, we share similar hobbies (gaming), and i think hes fuckin goofy bruh LMAO i'd really like him!
do you want children? i have MAD baby fever, but id only think i'd have 1
have you gotten in trouble with the law? the only time was when i lived in korea and we had a get together when gatherings of more than 6 people weren't allowed because of covid - the cops came and took our info, but they just told us to go home lol
what colour socks are you wearing? i have none on rn heh
favourite type of music: as much as i listen to different genres i cant deny i listen to kpop and krnb the most!
how many pillows do you sleep with? i have 4 on my bed but i only really use 2
what position do you sleep in? always on my side! but i move around a LOT
what don’t you like when you’re sleeping: any sort of light - i need it DARK
what do you have for breakfast: depends on the day, recently ive been eating a lot of avocado toast and eggs!
have you ever tried archery? yes actually LOL i used to take lessons.
favourite fruit: strawberries, watermelon, apples!
are you a good liar? no i think LOL
what’s your personality type? estj was my last result last year but i think im getting more introverted...
innie or outie? innie O_O
left handed or right handed? right!
favourite food: hmmm ill say galbi jjim for right now, or hotpot
favourite foreign food: sushi
am i clean or messy? messy tbh
most used phrase: man i be talking in tiktok right now - but i say "bruh" or "oh em gee" a lot ahhh
how long does it take for you to get ready: depends on the day, im usually quite slow but im the fastest amongst my friends so.. maybe i just think im slow. i dont do anything crazy for makeup but im indecisive about clothes
do you talk to yourself? always - hence why i enjoy twitch streaming lol
do you sing to yourself? yup!
are you a good singer? naur
biggest fear? not being happy with my career lol
are you a gossip? hell yea
do you like long or short hair? on me - long. on boys? like maybe in the middle. jakes hair rn is perfecttt
favourite school subject: in high school i loved english (i mean .. i read and write a lot LOL). i got an award for being the top english student! right now im just vibing...
extrovert or introvert: can i say ambivert but like /gen - there are days i love being alone and others where i will die without talking to a human
what makes you nervous: just... not being smart enough/not knowing enough
who was your first real crush? my first real one was HARDDDD - im not including childhood ones bc i had too many of those. but my first real one was a good friend of my friend. then we became REALLYYY close, and this was during quarantine, so i didnt see him irl much. so we'd play games and watch anime together EVERY NIGHT... like it was routine for 2 months straight. and then i drunkenly confessed and it was bad bad bad. LOOL we're still friends, albeit not as close, and i've grown and moved on! but in hindsight, not the best time. I was heart broken for months ahhh
how many piercings? 10!
how many tattoos? 2!
how fast can you run? nawt as fast as i used to...
what colour is your hair? blackk
what colour are your eyes? brown
what makes you angry: mansplainers, pick me people... etc theres nothing really specific but im a natural born #hater so.. .LMMAOOO
do you like your name? yeye! i dont go by my birth name much anymore, but i like it
do you want a boy or a girl as a child? i dont think id care
what are your strengths? idk i think i do a good aussie accent. jk but ummm im currently in a rut about myself so im workin on it!
what are your weaknesses? hmmm im a ppl pleaser, but at the same time im really stubborn. i cant commit to many things lolol... etc
what is the colour of your bedspread? grey
colour of your room: ldk its like beige lol - but my furniture is like a pastel blue/grey?
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okidenshi · 1 year
Welp, watched the first episode of tlou. Overall I did like it, here’s some thoughts
Thing i liked:
Ellie’s introduction immediately set up her personality very well- like just up and kicking the food tray and being a fucking bitch to the Fireflies... i laughed out loud like, YEA she does act like that- even as fans of the game we know she acts like that with David later on. Bella’s honestly doing a pretty good job at carrying the role so far- i don’t think anyone could ever top Ashley’s performance for me, like her voice/acting is just SO much of who ellie is to begin with, but Bella really is doing well and i’m excited to see her personality grow even more, and to see how Pedro’s character grows along side her.
I really loved when Sarah was in the back of the car when the Outbreak hits, It’s pretty similar to the sequence in the game- but honestly it translated over pretty nicely to film/tv- and i don’t think i’ve seen something filmed like that for tv, at least in awhile. That was the moment i MOST felt like i was in Sarah’s shoes and was scared to hell and back.
It was really fun to see/hear Merle Dandrige play Marlene. Pedro and a lot of the actors do a pretty good job of fitting each characters voice, but man it was nice to hear her voice and see her on screen- she just looks so much like Marlene too and i loved hearing that voice again :D
Fun to see the world of The Last of Us again- it really does stand out against other apocalyptic genre’s like TWD in it’s own way. I got a big kick out of the “WELCOME” sign on the Boston quarantine zone, but like, just everything is SO fucking broken and awful there... just visually a funny world building thing lmao.
OH, The opening credits were great- hearing Gustavo’s iconic theme again to the growing Fungi visual was very nostalgic, and gave me the same chills it did back in the day. Just in general, the music is so nice to hear in a show setting- like it really reminds me that’s a huge reason why the original game felt so cinematic was because of the music.
Things I was  “eh” about:
I think the actress for Tess is fine, but she’s just... casted a little too old imo. In the game, she’s obviously an adult, but is younger than Joel, which i think helps display that Joel’s fatherly instincts/role is still intact, even before he meets Ellie- it just like, silently helps convey to the player/watcher about his character. In the show, she seems to be same age as Joel, if not older, which is surface level fine, but ugh, idk, there’s something about her being younger that i liked- especially since she was like, “The Boss” to Joel, and like knew her way around the city and people at a younger age- and in the show, she feels less like that Boss Lady and more... just your average woman. She really goes into it though, i think it’s more of a writing issue.
I... wanted more emotion from Sarah’s actress. Again, a difficult role to play for the weight it needs to carry, but also be the “goggles” that the audience see’s through- and the first bits with her and Joel are pretty good- but from the time she leaves school, gets the watch fixed, goes home- she feels really flat.
I know it’s an adaptation, and this it’s a criticism even limited to the show, but god, i want the camera to focus on something for longer than 2 seconds. Like the scene where Joel & Tess find out Ellie’s infected, goes by too quickly- there’s some other scenes like that too but i just think that’s a lot of how television/movies are produced today.
I was honestly a little confused as to why they swapped a few things around from the game’s story (i know that feels like it would be obvious because its an adaptation but i have a point to this)... like instead of Robert stealing Tess & Joel’s guns that they smuggle, it’s a car Battery, and Joel wants the car Battery to go see Tommy (which is the most confusing thing to me so far because he and Tommy are on bad terms at this point, idk why Joel wants to go see him so suddenly at this point in the story, but maybe that’ll be expanded upon later), and like, Tess and Joel don’t even kill Robert.... but like they still end up meetng Marline... idk it’s hard to explain, but basically they change a few things around int he story to like... just...get to exactly what happens in the game... like i’m not sure why they didn’t just. Keep the series of events from the game if they were... just gonna get to the same point of smuggling ellie? Idk, it’s an adaptation, maybe they have a reason, but yea that kidna tripped me up, at least as a long time fan.
Anywho, definitely not a bad start!
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joie6000 · 2 years
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Thanksgiving week was a doozy. My dad got a call that his only sister’s grandson tested positive for Covid. A vaccinated person getting Covid is no big deal but a 25 year-old suffering with Duchennes Muscular Dystrophy getting Covid is the absolute worst deal.
My parents, specifically my dad has helped his niece, Cami, with her son, Zachary, for about 20 years. It all started when we were visiting them in Atlanta. We went to one of Zach’s soccer games and I told my mom that he didn’t run correctly. The gait was awkward and very unnatural. He fell too much. My mom suggested something to Cami about it - more like a “maybe he needs different shoes” or just needs to do some PT to strengthen his muscles. With my dad as a doctor and mom a nurse, most people trust the opinions so she took him in.
After months and months of meeting with specialists he was finally given his tragic diagnosis of DMD. Typically anyone with this disease, mostly boys, will not see their 26th birthday. From then on, my parents sprung into action. They pulled some strings and Zach into one of the best DMD hospitals in the country. They helped him get home aids and better wheelchairs. My dad made sure to visit Zach in Florida as much as possible and Zach truly loved my dad for it.
My dad always said that the Duchennes wouldn’t kill Zach but ultimately he would probably die from a respiratory illness like pneumonia. So once Covid hit, they stayed home and did nothing. Zach couldn’t do much anyways because he was in his 20s and pretty much bed-ridden but they masked and stayed home.
No one knows how exactly he got Covid but they think it was him home health nurse as she was the only one with a life outside of the walls of their home. He got it on a Thursday and was in the hospital by Saturday as the Covid turned into pneumonia. My dad was on a plane down to Florida by Sunday. By late Sunday night Zach had died.
Zach had a shit life and that’s the only way I can explain it. His father left Cami when Zach was little to then start a new family with another woman and forget about Zach for months and years on end. He would randomly call maybe every 3 years to wish him a happy birthday, sometimes not even on his birthday.
He had to go to a modified school schedule at a young age because DMD is exhausting. He had no friends. Zero. He was a Make-A-Wish kid which was a wonderful experience but temporary. Any enjoyable was temporary. In the hospital he signed his own DNR. Can you imagine as a 25 year-old signing that?
My dad stayed in Florida to help his sister and niece clean out Zach’s room and arrange the cremation. My cousin, for the first time in many years, didn’t have to be up multiple times a night to help toilet/clean/care for her for aching son. I can’t imagine. I don’t want to imagine.
My dad flew home and needed to quarantine because he had been on the Covid floor at the hospital hence we decided to move Thanksgiving to later in the weekend. We all met my dad at the airport and he was sad and exhausted. My mom asked for Abby to stay at their house because no one makes my dad laugh like Abby.
I chose this picture of Zach because this is how I want to remember him. The boy who was not happy I was marrying Patrick because at 8 years-old he wanted to marry me. The boy who would send me a Facebook message with “happy birthday” or whatever letters he could type.
I read a quote this week that said, “if you get to tuck your healthy child into a warm bed you have already won the lottery of life.” It’s just unbelievably true.
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muggycuphead · 2 years
weird flex but ok i guess pt.4
War… Hold up, do we really need a warning for this one? Dunno, but however, watch out for slightly disturbing and kinda…disgusting imagery, trypophobic patterns, as well as ‘necrotic’ designs I made while having funky fever bc o h m y g o d do I get a little crazier every new quarantine day (and at this point it’s coming to be an usual thing for me, big sad). However, most are made no other than for the sole sake of satire, so y’know, no need to get your underwear in a twist
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Friday Night Funkin’ BoyFriend’s Hood – AU fanconcept sketches [IV]
EDIT 25/10/2023: Updated the traditional drawing with a rescanned, more clean version
1.-BoyFriend’s in-game sprite concept (Hood clothing)
Beep bop beep beep bop, bap skidoo bep
I like this boy, his voice, his look, I stan must protecc
Reenacted the sprite without tracing it, edited it a little, and amazingly, managed not to make it look like trash
I’m proud of myself for that
Also, remember what I said in the first dump about the bite’s placing? Well, now it’s fixed here
Kinda sad about his shoes getting ruined though, F
2.-GirlFriend’s in-game sprite concept (Hood clothing)
You can guess I had fun making her by how (to put it somehow) ‘layer-loaded’ her clothing is
Anyhow, just so you know, her necklace is made out of gold
Not a really shiny kind of gold (cuz y’know, some of the undead –specially freakysteins- don’t like bright colors that resemble fire when they’re lacking on self-control), but it’s shiny enough to keep them settle
Though I should have though it better about w h e r e to place that golden accessory
I don’t think she would really care about it though (unlessitturnsintoastillstarethennosiridlikeyoutostoptyvm)
3.-Mendel’s in-game sprite concept
[Cutscene-styled scripts for storytell transition / character development sake –andbcwhynot-]
Scenario: BF’s hospital room, with GF, Mendel and his nurse in it. BF’s now recovered from his injury, and is about to be discharged.
Dr. Mendel
Well, it’s been almost a week now, and your condition has improved a lot.
Even if I’m aware this kind of injuries doesn’t take long to be assimilated, I’m quite amazed, to say the most.
I think I know why he must have recovered so fast…
…Or should I say, we?
BF chuckles and nods to GF
Dr. Mendel
However ways it had to be, it’s aside the table now.
Point here is, your health is stable again, and therefore, you’re up to get discharged from here
Excited. Beep? Boop!
(*Really? Cool!)
Le happy face. Yay, finally~
Dr. Mendel
Woah there, you two
GirlFriend // BoyFriend
Dr. Mendel
I understand you’re all for leaving this place. (unfinished)
oKAY Bois NOW we talking about stuff
FNF Static Memories guys where u at
Yes the smiling face is his losing icon
In fact, aside from Mendel, most of the undead show a glad expression when you beat them
I can’t blame them considering the circumstances he’s doing so –BF’s condition seeming to be better (Mendel) / slowly-but-surely fixing the power outage problem on the hood’s places he goes to-
And looky, I even made him a custom design for the ‘GO!’ title card
How cute (?)
…Actually, he’s also kinda cute
Don’t approve that much the fact he does the smoek though
4.-Grawlbert’s in-game sprite concept
Similar case with Mendel, but this time it’s more zombie-related
…and funny enough, that custom card would appear every time BF faces an undead oops-
Even the mic is customized now lmao
No sprites extras this time tho, sad cri :^(
5.-Grave-nan in-game sprite concept
Everything cool till you take a peek at the icons, specially the one where he’s losing…
Get weird with it, my inner demon said
It’ll be fun, it said
I regret it
…a little
But I still kinda regret it
6.-BF’s icon, but the sickness is getting to him a little harder
Okay now I’m worried
Like, you doing ok there pal? Ya need a drink or anything?
7.-BF’s modified mic
About to get serious, I see?
Again, this was made before I changed my mind about the crack in the mic and stuff, but it doesn’t take away the original intent for this
How does this work exactly? I’ll explain it short:
There’s no light in the hood, so BF has to keep his mic on somehow when he brings it with him outside his old house (or apartment, not really sure about it yet)
Boyfriend is basically the battery of it, since his own energy gets transferred to the mic and then turned into pure electricity (not exactly sure how that’s possible in concrete sense but eh-)
However, here’s what’s funny: Turns out the outage is actually due to a spell that made the electric zones malfunction, and the way to get them work fine again is through intense and well-timed frequencies…aka rapping
Yup, they ‘reload’ the same way his modified mic does, but only if they’re directly connected to it, and if he’s in a crucial zone near the power core, specifically where the bosses I’ve just thought out previously are at
…I basically resumed half the storyline here as a whole (or at least that’s mostly what it is supposed to be), nice move there Phids you magnificient rascal
Though, I needed to correct myself on the mechanics over there, cuz let’s be real, how do u get electroshocked when power is basically 0%??? It doesn’t make any sense
Can kill the zombie bacteria if you’re bitten by one…but can’t do anything when you’re in the Graveyard
9.-Mendel’s microphone
Don’t judge me, I like making those, it’s really fun
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mangosimoothie · 2 years
the video game meme is perfect so for aja: mass effect (besides the fact we know aliens exist in the bachelorette cinematic universe) + wii sports + the legend of zelda + bloodborne! also this isn't on the list but i'm making up my own bonus question from my favorite game for ALL the bachelorette characters LMAO: "fallout - how well would your oc fair in the apocalypse?"
Love these for her 😂 
Mass Effect - What is your muse’s opinion on space/aliens? Do they believe their species is alone in the universe, or is there something else out there? Have they ever wanted to visit space? Earthlings were pretty late to the space travel game. It feels like Sixamians come to Earth so casually, but we haven’t really figured out how to get to them as easily. So Aja really never even thought about space travel as a possibility until she met X’irron. She likes how Sixamians communicate telepathically and wishes she could've asked him more about it. She thought it was really cute how X’i glowed his emotions - it was definitely easy to tell how he was feeling. He spent the whole date glowing bright pink. She's sure if she got the opportunity to visit another planet she'd take it. Maybe even to Sixam? 
Wii Sports - Is your muse fit? If yes, what is their favourite type of sports activity? Do they have great stamina, or need to take breaks? Very much so! Aja loves to be adventurous on her travel vlogs, so that means lots of challenging hikes, rock climbing, traversing ruins, mountain biking, skiing - you name it. She’s gotta be fit to make the kind of content she wants to. Right now she’s really into kickboxing. 
The Legend of Zelda - Describe your muse’s clothing style as detailed as you want! Is there any type of clothes they prefer? What would they never wear?   Hmm what aesthetic would you use to describe her style? She’s definitely very classy, but in an artsy way. A liiiittle bougie, she loves her a designer shoe and a bag. The main thing is she is ALWAYS dressed, no matter the situation. She’s a nails and lashes girl for sure. Over quarantine my best friend and I came up with ABS - Always Be Styling. So everyday, even though it was quarantine and we weren’t going anywhere, we had to put a cute outfit on and be dressed if we were gonna step outside at ALL even if it was just to go on a walk or hit the corner store. Aja and her girls 100% would’ve done something like that.
Bloodborne - What type of movies does your muse prefer? If your muse exists in a universe where movies don’t exist, what type of movies do you think your muse would enjoy? Is there any type of movies they would never watch? Aja loves THRILLERS. Not horror, but like suspense-y: Jordan Peele movies, Parasite, that kinda stuff. 
Fallout - How well would your OC fair in the apocalypse? Lol tbh this one shoulda be in the original meme. 
Aja: She’d do pretty good! She’s brave, ready to take on a challenge, and is very determined. BUT she can be a little reckless so that might mess her up Cooper: lmao he’s dead Zeke: He’s a great leader and very level headed, so I think he’d do good keeping the group together.  Ryan: Ok I’m gonna be controversial - why are people so dead set on SURVIVING the apocalypse? If zombies were taking over the world I would just let them turn or kill me bc why tf would I wanna live through that. Nah, just take me out 💀 So that’s my answer for Ryan lmao, he'd opt out Atticus: He’s already dead so I guess he’s fine?? X’i: Not his problem - he’s in space ✌️  Bastien: He’s iffy. He’s strong, doesn’t give up easily, he’s crafty and a little cunning, he’d be a good asset. But he would definitely hide his bite from the group. He’s also really headstrong so it might be hard to get him to go along with the group if he disagrees with the plan.  Lorenzo: He’s disappeared himself to some remote island the second shit starts hitting the fan.  Darion: I actually think Darion would fair the best. He’s strong, very protective of his friends, would NEVER let himself look weak so no way he’s giving up or letting the group down. He has a little bit of a temper but I think he’d be able to channel it into aggressively fighting for his group. He might even be able to keep Cooper alive for a few days lmao 
Ask me more video game themed questions!
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ntriani · 4 months
OQM Playlist: Life during quarantine #21
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With this week's Life during quarantine playlist Nick Triani discusses changing attitudes and gender equality at the record label Soliti
TOXIC As I often keep finding out nowadays, my expectations toward others lead to disappointment. A recent narrative on a friend’s facebook feed was a case in point: a conversation between mostly middle-aged white men about music soon descended into a mansplaining marathon and victim blaming indignation. It was the classic “I respect #MeToo, but...” scenario.
A newish strand of internet rage can now go under the label of ‘music gender tribalism’. My own comments were pretty aggressive too (I’m not proud of it), but when having to condemn racist attitudes and sexism one has to be forceful. You can’t let these things slip, whoever you’re talking to, as in the past I regretfully often have.
Change has been extensive in the way we talk in recent years. Since the beginning of #MeToo and Black Lives Matter, discussion has begun of the need for more equality in general terms, between genders (in all their varieties) and so-called races. This has led to feminist cultural analysis infiltrating the mainstream. The rise of movements like Black Lives Matter and an awareness of Trans issues are now part of our everyday discussion. For certain white middle aged, right-onish men these issues have induced a privileged response and a resistive attitude to change. Those men who don’t like this new world order, feel the previously unheard voices challenge their cosy, middle class superiority, and threaten their position – a world where their opinions are always on the right side of the patriarchal canon.
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TRYING TO LEVEL IT UP And how am I any different? I’m not really. And what the hell am I actually doing to make a difference? After all, here I am every week shoving my musical taste down your throats and extolling the virtues of my own favourite music, the ultimate in middle-aged mansplaining.
I’m trying. It’s small steps. My partner has had almost 20 years to inform me and show me the juvenile tendency of my errant ways. It’s been the most enlightened and open time of my life. Acceptance to new ideas not born out of the learned gender norms. But here’s what made the difference: I’ve been willing to listen and understand, to try on new shoes and take on new perspectives not usually associated with my gender. I have been forced to.
I’ve tried to make a difference through channels I can influence. I decided a few years ago to address the gender imbalance amongst the roster on the record label I A+R and generally take care of, Soliti. The label made its name initially (especially internationally), with a bunch of white boy guitar bands playing various alternatives of indie music. Of course there were exceptions, but in general terms, the label was a very male dominated exercise and this was something that really began to bother me, especially as ideology-wise, things were moving on from such simplistic gender distinctions, even within some areas of the music industry (though not so much in Finland). It’s important to point out that I still stand by and love all the music the label released at that time.
Over the last five years or so the gender balance at the label has evened up, so much so that by the time this year came round, nine years later, we finally have a gender equal roster representing more than cis and hetero communities. Of course no one really knew the intention here, but it has been quite a deliberate move to have a gender equal label roster. This new equality has manifested itself with the realisation that overall,  I prefer working with women.
On a more practical level, it’s been very difficult finding women artists that fit the aesthetic and musical direction of the label. But as has naturally happened, the label has changed (thankfully) – and it now feels like a broader church for musical styles – of course all under the independent aesthetic that Soliti has established itself under. That change is attributable to the women who have released music for the label. And yes, balance is still present, as Soliti still releases white boy indie guitar music too.
Next, I would love to sign BAME artists to the label. Please, send me music!
Find out more on Soliti
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stagebranch58 · 4 months
Lv Baggage Vip Replica Shoes® Lv Bagsvip Com
I shall be ordering again with no hesitation. The service was awesome even with the coronavirus and country on lockdown. During their quarantine they made efforts to give different means of communicating ... The sew isn't even, and the hardware just isn't good. I ordered my dream bag, and was so excited! The service was excellent, and so they advised me how to deal with each step. Louis Vuitton’s designs are chic and are always thought of as iconic style pieces. They are also well-known for their keen attention for element, meaning they won’t ever settle for second best. The first thing you need to look for is a bag with either the "Louis Vuitton" icons on the bag . This is usually a nice way to inform that you'll be getting a fantastic duplicate bag. Hey Shannon once I ordered from them I seen the EMS website sucked at updating. The bag still confirmed in China on-line when it arrived at my home. Video Library of Guides Prefer to be taught through videos? How it works The most trusted service within the business, explained. replica louis vuitton bags Authentication Service Send us pics and information, we'll come back with a verdict. Certificate of Authenticity Got scammed with fakes? Get your a refund, assured 🏅 The Legit Check Club More bang in your buck, with extra advantages. One website was a scam, by no means received item, they usually pretended it was being shipped and every thing - even gave me a monitoring #, then disappeared. This is the only company I belief now, I'm in USA. As mentioned above, our faux Louis Vuitton is produced in the identical method as the genuine authentic purses. Many of us attempt to have the ability to afford a Designer Louis Vuitton Bag, one thing lovely to carry our belongings and bring with us in all places. I myself am an enormous fan of Louis Vuitton and have been since I was a little lady enjoying gown up with my mother’s cherished Louis luggage. Hoisting her beautiful luggage over my shoulder and spinning around in entrance of the full-length mirror in her bed room, I fell in love with the timeless beauty and class of these baggage. I have a black monogram on the go bag for sale if fascinated.... Yes, I could be happy to e mail you footage should you give me your email. Thanks to the weblog commentor who let us know their site has modified. Claim your listing for free to respond to evaluations, replace your profile and handle your listing. I don’t know if the price contains shipping fee to different countries. I additionally positioned an order now, it seems promising, I love the photographs you posted. Keep in mind that this only applies to Louis Vuitton luggage that feature the emblem on them. If your bag lacks this, then it won’t be a dependable way to authenticate the bag. There are many various letter codes to point the area of a country that the bag was made in, so you might have to look up the code to determine out if it matches the "made" in stamp. For example, "MI," "SD," "TH," and "VI" are all letter codes for different regions of France. Keep in thoughts that some Louis Vuitton kinds are made with one steady piece of leather-based, ensuing in the pattern being upside down on one side. If you’re doubtful about a purchase you made, you can name Louis Vuitton for assist in authenticating your product. wikipedia handbags Louis Vuitton is constantly arising with designs exterior of the classic ones, so it’s good to know their luggage properly. A great approach to familiarize your self is to study their photos online. Some have claimed that items of leather-based will usually not minimize off on the LV emblem, but that is not essentially true. For smaller luggage, the logos are reduce off on the edge. The textile ought to have a high quality feel to it. Familiarize yourself with the bag and examine the pattern. Whether you look at the sample vertically or horizontally it must be symmetrical all across.
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thevouofficial · 2 years
Cocktail Attire for Women and Men EXPLAINED (Best 2022 Stylist Guide)
Cocktail Attire DOs & DON’Ts for Women & Men
Cocktail attire is more relevant than ever – especially now, after two years of quarantining at home, nestled in head-to-toe fleece.
Current fashion trends blend casual and formality, from one extreme of anything-goes to another of 20s-like glitzy styles and black-tie suits.
Cocktail attire sits right in the middle, showcasing a unique style between casual and formal occasions, with plenty of room for a personal touch.
In this article, I’ll detail the ideal cocktail attire for women and men and what you need to look the best at your next “cocktail dress-code event.”
What Is Cocktail Attire?
Cocktail Attire For Women
Cocktail Attire For Men
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What Is Cocktail Attire?
Definition Cocktail attire is a semi-formal dressing style for women and men, designed for late afternoon to early-evening events, social gatherings, and similar occasions.
One of the best fashion designers of all time, Christian Dior, was the first to name the early evening frock a “cocktail” attire in the late 1940s.
The cocktail attire was designed to fill the space between casual daytime and fancy evening wear.
Cocktail Attire by Christian Dior in the 1940s – thevou.com
In doing so, the iconic French designer allowed fashion magazines, department stores, and rival British and American designers to promote such unique creations as cocktail-specific outfits.
Such in-between outfits were designed for the in-between hours.
Therefore, the cocktail attire was dressier than the daytime smart-casual looks but more casual than the formal diner black-tie ensembles.
Modern ‘Cocktail Attire’ on the Red Carpet by Michael B. Jordan and Yara Shahidi – thevou.com
Promoted by the wealthy during cocktail hour, the cocktail attire became a tool in defining social class and power.
However, in terms of style and function, cocktail attire has also evolved to meet the style and needs of contemporary people.
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The Evolution Of Cocktail Attire
While modern-day cocktail attire is an ode to its historical roots, it has undergone several changes in style, aesthetics, and functionality over the last century.
Moreover, by changing silhouettes, hemlines, waistlines, and fabrics, cocktail attire has become an evening staple in any respectable socialite closet.
In the past, cocktail outfits were reserved for swanky late-afternoon drinking.
However, nowadays, cocktail dresses and cocktail suits are a must-wear attire at high-class early-evening events.
Evolution of Cocktail Attire from the 1940s to Current Times – thevou.com
You can see cocktail attire at evening festivities, theatre, birthday parties, after-work events, get-together occasions, and even professional settings.
Nowadays, there are many kinds of cocktail attire, according to the occasion, location, time, and cocktail event you will attend.
In this article, I’ll break down the main types of cocktail attire and the best cocktail dresses, shoes, bags, and suits women and men should wear in 2022.
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Cocktail Attire for Women
Falling between business casual and black-tie formal, cocktail attire for women has a nice balance of traditional with casual and elegant with comfort.
While cocktail attire for women is not strictly conservative, it must be reserved and sophisticated.
In terms of style, cocktail dresses are a step or two up from regular streetwear and work dresses.
Often made of luxurious fabrics such as silk and satin, cocktail dresses are tastefully detailed with sequins, embroidery, or conservative prints.
As you’re off to a special event rather than a nightclub, try to keep your hemlines on the generous side and necklines tamed, as good rules of thumb when choosing a cocktail dress.
Lenght-wise, the cocktail dress was created as the in-between attire of the in-between time of day.
Therefore, “in-between” is also the best approach with the length of your cocktail dress, with the hemline falling right above the knees.
Avoid floor-length gowns if you prefer longer cocktail dresses and wear a midi-dress.
Also a perfect go-to for a casino dress, midi dresses can confer a more streamlined look but not over the top.
Amaria Formal Ruched Chiffon Mini Dress
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Ruffled For Florals Cocktail Midi Dress
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Scarlet Formal Glitter Drape Cocktail Dress
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Chelsea Satin High Slit Formal Cocktail Dress
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If the cocktail party is more relaxed, you can swap the cocktail dresses with an equally flattering and flowy cocktail jumpsuit.
An excellent alternative to the cocktail dress is the classic cocktail jumpsuit in black, from silky fabric, or a bolder choice in a bright color and even a leopard print pattern.
The bonus of wearing a cocktail jumpsuit over a dress is that you can style it with any evening shoes, though slingback pumps and wedges are the ideal options.
A tailored pantsuit or appropriately styled dress pants can be a fabulous outfit choice for a cocktail party.
Asymmetrical Cut-Out Jumpsuit
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Britt Champagne Jumpsuit
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Nadine White Jumpsuit
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Laurien Cross Front Jumpsuit
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Like everything else in the overall cocktail attire, cocktail shoes should be a nice balance of fancy and casual.
Leave your boots and sneakers at home and wear a little dressier and formal shoes.
This being said, wearing tall stilettos would be overkill, so a simple pair of heels, mules or even women’s flats are ideal for bestowing your look with a sophisticated finish.
Choose cocktail shoes in neutral colors such as black, nude, or navy, or go for glitters and floral patterns if you want to be bold.
Sandals or pump-style heels are equally subtle, stylish, and the perfect accompaniments to any cocktail dress.
Duponi Cocktail Sandals
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Favari Cocktail Shoes
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Taros Cocktail Pumps
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Haviva Cocktail Shoes
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Accessories that match your cocktail attire are a lovely way to showcase your personality but try without going over the top.
Avoid too much jewelry or too many statement pieces that could detract from your overall ensemble. After all, a cocktail party is not Cinderella’s ball!
Try to match two statement pieces of jewelry, such as a necklace with a hair accessory, or earrings with a couple of ultra-thin bracelets, to catch people’s attention without taking away from the rest of your outfit.
Finally, choose a clutch or small designer purse that color matches your shoes rather than your dress, and no matter what you do, don’t bring along your work bag.
Carlita Carnivale Clutch
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Sasha Hoops
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Stevie Statement Choker
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Dianna Soft Crystal Clutch
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Women’s Cocktail Attire DOs & DON’Ts
Oversimplified, there are two principal cocktail dress codes: formal and semi-formal.
The cocktail attire for evening parties is usually formal and requires appropriate dresses, shoes, bags, and accessories.
If the cocktail dress code is more relaxed (semi-formal), you can be creative with your look, but don’t exaggerate.
1. Wear Event-Related Cocktail Dresses
To ensure what type of cocktail dress you need for a specific event, check my cocktail dresses guide, where I detail the most popular cocktail dresses in 2022 and their suitability according to the event.
If you’re attending a formal event, ensure your cocktail attire maintains a fun, tasteful, even-appropriate style balance.
Wear cocktail dresses in flattering cuts and lengths that skim your body but don’t restrict movement.
The classic little black dress is a top option, but don’t be afraid of a bit of color.
Rose gold, bold teal, and fiery red are the most popular in 2022, but many more colors look amazing on a cocktail dress.
2. Wear Relevant Shoes
Dinner events are always the perfect excuse to wear those fancy shoes you have, but…
Regarding cocktail attire shoes, safe styles are recommended, and pumps are still a timeless choice.
Go for a sophisticated pair of pumps made of premium material, but don’t forget a fun touch, like a hint of sparkles.
Don’t wear sports or casual shoes; even the best women’s sneakers are not suitable for cocktail attire.
Equally important, match the color of the shoes with a sparkly clutch or purse.
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3. Wear Subtle Undergarments
Keeping your undergarments subtle is one of the many unwritten cocktail attire rules.
Avoid anything that sticks out, wear stick-on or strapless bras and seamless panties, or go for under-dress shapewear.
Even at more relaxed venues (such as a beach, barn, or vineyard), do not let your undergarment peek out from underneath your dress.
Also, don’t show too much cleavage; your neckline should not be distracting from your outfit.
4. Avoid Miniskirts and Shorts
While cocktail attire can undoubtedly be fun, it should always be tasteful.
The primary goal of a cocktail dress is to create an elegant look, and a mini skirt or shorts are far from that.
To guide the level of ‘fun’ you can infuse in your cocktail attire, imagine how close ones will see you.
Are you comfortable wearing a nightclub-like miniskirt if your parents attended the event?
If not, try adding a blazer over a slinky dress or wearing tights underneath a skirt that’s on the shorter side.
5. Avoid Backpack or Workday Tote
There’s a time and place for oversized bags, but not at a cocktail dress event.
The ideal cocktail attire dress code is meant to draw attention to your look, but for good reasons.
Nevertheless, while many modern interpretations of cocktail outfits and accessories exist, any cocktail attire must abide by the above rules.
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Cocktail Attire For Men
While a cocktail dress code isn’t as strict as a black tie or white tie, it’s not an invitation to wear just anything.
Adhering to the dress code is polite and will help you feel at ease in your surroundings.
The venue will also give you a clue as to how stringent you need to be with your cocktail attire.
For example, the cocktail attire for an afternoon outdoor vineyard visit would likely be less formal than the cocktail attire required for a business evening event at a private club.
A strict cocktail dress code for men means that the jacket and tie are a must, no matter what.
For a more relaxed cocktail dress code event, you can wear a sports jacket in airy fabrics.
Wear darker hues in chillier months or for late evening events and lighter grays or blues in warmer weather or early evening celebrations.
As for shoes, keep them classy with a nice pair of dark dress shoes that match your belt and your style.
Traditionally, the jacket needs to stay on during the cocktail party, but feel free to scan the crowd, and if others are shrugging them off, it’s okay to do the same.
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Suits are considered too dressy for a cocktail party, so separates are preferred, such as a smart jacket and trousers in neutral colors.
This way, you can match straight-pressed trousers with unusually flamboyant jackets or blazers.
If you choose to wear a suit, select the one you wouldn’t wear at the office, in a different color or cloth.
Slim-fit Navy Cocktail Suit
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Slim-fit Black Cocktail Suit
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Slim-fit Cream Cocktail Suit
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Slim-fit Glen Cocktail Suit
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The more relaxed nature of the cocktail dress code means you can bust out your swankiest double-breasted tailoring or the wild-style blazer that’s too brazen to wear to your 9 to 5.
And if you’re in a pinch, now’s the chance to repurpose that navy blue number squirreled away in the back of your closet, provided you accessorize with gusto.
The blazer might have detailing not typically found on conventional suit jackets, like a silk grosgrain shawl collar, turn-back cuffs, or a low, single-button fastening.
Italian Black Cocktail Wool Blazer
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Italian Plaid Cocktail Linen Blazer
$450 $300
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Italian Brown Cocktail Knit Blazer
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Italian Wool Cocktail Grey Blazer
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A perfect alternative to the cocktail dress shirt, the roll neck frames the face in an inherently more relaxed way.
Moreover, the roll neck doesn’t look lost without a tie, unlike the open-neck shirt.
Opt for cotton, silk, or merino rather than traditional heavier wools, or you’re going to look rather sweaty at your cocktail party event.
Cashmere Turtleneck Sweater
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Wool Turtleneck Sweater
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Soft Cotton Polo Turtleneck
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Slim Fit Rib-Knit Wool Sweater
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If your gut instinct tells you to reach for a sizzling camp shirt, you’re on the right track.
You can also wear a funky shirt but avoid veering too far into “smart casual” territory.
Avoid t-shirts, and if you also refuse to wear a white shirt that buttons down to the navel, opt for luxe, retro-indebted knit polo shirts instead.
Athletic Fit Dress Shirt
$70 $35
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Cotton Dress Shirt
$75 $37
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Slim Dress Shirt
$70 $35
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Athletic-fit Dress Shirt
$70 $35
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If you’re breaking up a suit—or plan on ditching your cocktail jacket to hit the dance floor, you’ll need pants that can anchor your fit on their own.
Ignore GQ’s menswear “experts” jeans are a big NO, regardless of the wash or cut.
Moreover, if you’re gearing up for a warm-weather occasion, creamy trousers are a pro move, bonus points if they come pleated and with a high waist.
Bowery Slim-fit Stretch Wool Pants
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Bowery Slim-fit Oxford Dress Pants
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Ludlow Slim-fit Suit Wool Pants
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Bowery Slim-fit Stretch Wool Pants
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Time to think beyond the brogues, as you’re not wearing a tux.
Skip the patent leather pumps and go for a dusty-hued pair of derbies in a belt-matching color.
Or, even better, a pair of sleek-as-hell Oxfords that match your wrist accessories.
Trumanm Oxford Cocktail Shoes
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Legacy Cap Toe Oxford Shoes
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Tazewell Cocktail Loafer Shoes
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Watkins Cocktail Slip-on Shoes
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The rules for cocktail attire accessories for men are simple; you don’t have to bother with any of the stultifying accessories of more formal events.
That means no bow tie, no cufflinks, and no pocket square.
The even better news? Now’s your chance to bust out the statement-making jewelry, sleazy tinted shades, or tie that’s a little too jazzy to wear to work.
At fun events, maybe even a purse!
CUBITTS Rectangular Tortoiseshell Acetate Sunglasses
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SULKA Wool and Silk-Blend Jacquard Tie
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M.COHEN Sterling Silver Lapis Signet Ring
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JUNGHANS Limited Edition Automatic Watch
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Cocktail Attire DOs & DON’Ts
Just like with women’s cocktail attire, the cocktail attire dress code for men has its own rules.
In simple terms, men’s cocktail attire is a thin balance between office wear and what you’d wear to a black-tie event.
Without delay, these are the DOs and DONTs to ensure a perfect cocktail attire for men:
1. Avoid Jeans
Stay away from denim jeans regardless of the cocktail dress code and event type.
Denim – even black jeans – is far too casual, even with accessories that dress it up.
2. Avoid Sneakers
Sneakers are also hard to style in a way that works for a more formal occasion; thus, they are too casual as shoes for cocktail attire.
However, you might be able to get away with a pair of Derby lace-up sneakers, nicely paired with a matching-color leather belt.
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3. Accessorize, But Not Too Much
A reminiscence of the 50s fashion times, cocktail attire is ideal for showcasing your taste, and nothing does it faster and better than well-matched accessories.
However, avoid wearing too many rings, bracelets, or, even worse, a Hawaiian-style flower necklace!
4. No Bow Tie or Cufflinks
Another danger to men’s cocktail attire (apart from looking too relaxed) is creating a too-formal look or wearing a black tie.
Therefore, avoid wearing a bow tie, regardless of the color or pattern, and say no to cufflinks.
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Cocktail Attire FAQs
What is acceptable for cocktail attire?
Best cocktail attire for women avoid extremes; knee-length dresses over maxi and mini dresses, pump shoes instead of stilettos, and baguette bags over backpacks.
Similarly, men should strive to achieve a middle ground between casual wear and office style.
What is the cocktail dress code for ladies?
Cocktail attire for ladies describes outfits designed to wear at evening parties and similar semi-formal events.
Ladies’ most common cocktail dress code comprises a knee-height dress, medium heel shoes, and a hand purse in matching color.
What does cocktail attire mean for a man?
Cocktail attire for men means wearing a specific dress code: a relaxed suit without a front pocket (or jacket), a shirt, leather shoes, and a tie (never a bow tie).
Avoid sneakers and jeans – regardless of color.
Does cocktail attire mean a suit?
Cocktail attire does not mean a suit but rather the whole outfit ensemble for a particular type of evening event.
As such, a suit can be part of your cocktail attire, together with leather shoes, a shirt, belt, and tie – see the article above on how to put together the best cocktail attire for men.
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What’s certain is that cocktail attire is occasion wear reserved for special events and one-off evenings that require further distinction.
Cocktail attire is not your streetwear fashion or your 9-5 business suit.
Equally, cocktail attire is not highly formal either, as is the case of black or white tie dress code events.
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Now it’s your turn…
Which one of these cocktail attire dress code guidelines was most useful to you?
Are there any other cocktail attire tips we’ve missed and should include in our next article update?
Please leave your comments below; we always appreciate your comments and use them to learn, improve, and update these articles.
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dodri0 · 4 years
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In love with my goldfish dress!
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reawritesthings · 3 years
tom holland posted a picture | tom holland
summary: four times that tom's friends posted a picture of you and the one time tom did.
word count: 4.9k
a/n: not entirely sure if i’m liking the way i wrote this but i really did enjoy writing it and i think i really tackled with the dialogue and tried to make it less descriptive /: | i really hope you all like it and please leave some feedback :’) | thank u to @hollandsmushroom & morgan for proof-reading and being an amazing human being
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| 1 - tuwaine just posted a video 
Into the floral vibe of spring, you tiptoed to reach up to the window ledge, eyes widened, hoping to see your hydrangea blossom. Instead, your gaze focuses on three grown men, aimlessly kicking the football into the fences that metaphorically reminded you that vacating here gives you the utensils needed at any request to survive a surprisingly well-kept bachelor pad. 
It’s been a hefty, unceasing month of constant dares, instagram lives and pretending to not be smitten by the owner’s eyes that remind you of polished amber in the first rays of dawn. You often kept your feelings to yourself, or anytime Tom came into the room, you weren’t brave enough to lock eyes with him as you would get a shiver that would race down your spine. 
You met Tom through Sam, you were invited to the screening of Homecoming when Sam almost begged you to join him. From that night, you became fast friends with his brothers and his best friends. 
Everyone loved the videos and pictures you would post about them, and often you would see many fans comment on how cute you would look with Tom. You never really saw yourself falling for him, well making a promise to Sam that you wouldn’t fall for any of his siblings. But that promise flew out the window the minute Tom spoke.
Flashforward half a decade, you easily accepted the invitation to Quarantine with the boys. They were in desperate need of a female figure to help them with basic survival skills. You did have a slight hesitation to be in the same household as Tom, but surely in a house packed with people, you wouldn’t even get the chance to be alone with Tom.
So you thought. 
“Tom. What are you doing here?” you reprimanded him for sneaking up on you. 
“I live here, actually.” Tom said, walking towards the fridge. “What are you doing?”
“Admiring the grass.” You rushed, giving him a simpered smile. 
“You good, Y/N?” Tom questions, as he rummages through the fridge. 
“Do you want to join us?” Tom asked, stuffing his nibbled fingers into his pockets. 
“I-I don’t play football.” You managed, barely a tremble to your voice to hide the rapid thudding of your heart. Your gaze falls on him, “I could make you guys lunch?” 
“I think we are ordering pizza.” He said, rocking back and forth on the heel of his shoes. “I can teach you. It’s a pretty straight forward game.” 
“I don’t have trainers.” You fake a sigh, as you drew your lower lip between your teeth.
“So those shoes you have on, the pair you and Harry stayed awake all night to get, aren’t trainers?” He tried to come to terms with the statement you gave him, almost laughing at the not so convincing shrug of guilt you gave him. 
“Exactly. See, you understand.” you said with a lopsided smile, coiling with the string from your hoodie. 
“Please.” Tom pursed his lip in a pout, and slowly tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, only to see your face all scrunched up. “C’mon, pretty girl.” 
pretty girl - the nickname became a feeling of warmth that wrapped around your heart, making the cosied up butterfly flutter freely when Tom wasn’t around. A ten letter word that lured you into a daydream of the two of you cosying up on the couch that was a few centimeters away from you, whilst Tessa rested at your feet. The word was thrown around constantly, but Tom always let it fall off his tongue at the right moment. 
You froze in your spot, clicking your fingers repeatedly as you pretended to look for something to break the awkwardness you gambled with. “Yes. Right, let’s go play football.” 
His stupid shit-eating grin that you accidently spotted whilst walking away gave you a rather unpleasant but smug feeling that this nickname would be used more often. 
“Ready when you are, pretty girl.” 
A couple of hours went by with total ease. As much as you hated the idea of interacting with Tom, it wasn’t that bad. You were a slow learner, not that Tom was complaining as he always drew a sly smirk whenever his hands touched your skin. The other boys often saw the two of you either break into a laugh when your foot didn’t collide with the ball or make longing stares at one another when the other wasn’t looking. 
After much practice, you decided that you needed a break to get back the strength to play a serious round, not that you were expecting to pick up some miracle, but the sluggish look on your face when Tuwaine came over made you turn the other way. 
“I’m resting.” you said, as you leaned your back into the moist grass giving Tuwaine a big smile when his frame blocked the sun. 
“We are about to start the game.” Tuwaine said, crouching down before he rips some grass. 
“We just agreed on a 10 minute break.” You whined, tangling your arms in front of your face. 
Tuwaine quickly looked over his shoulder, checking if the coast was clear and sprinkled the loose grass on your face. The taunted scream that left your lips left Tuwaine in fits of laughter. 
“What was that for?”
 “Breaks over, pretty girl.” 
Flustered, you picked yourself up and followed after him. “That’s not, you can’t—“
“— Did you say something pretty girl?” Tuwaine asked, teasing you about the now not so secretive nickname Tom has given you. You purse your lips together, and throw your head up high, ready to show these boys that they are messing with the wrong bimbo. 
“I’m slightly scared…” Harry said, feeling slightly uncomfortable as he watched you smear mud on your cheeks. 
“She’s not so pretty now.” Harrison chortled, earning a well deserved smack to the head. 
“Quit it.” Tom barked. “Do you really want her on your bad side? She almost knocked Harry out.”
“She’s your pretty girl, Tommy.” Tuwaine muffled, giving a quick glance at you attempting a push up. 
“Well, she won’t be if you guys keep teasing her with the name.” Tom says before blowing the whistle to begin the game. “You guys are awful wingmen.”
Soaking up the foul moments, the sun rays showed every flaw, yet only with open eyes did the boys tell that they wanted, almost desperately, for you to score a single goal. Tom bribed each of them to go easy on you, almost as if they were giving you every chance to score but somehow you just couldn’t. 
“I don’t think I’m any good at this.” You pouted, catching the boredom of his friends.
You started to feel guilty that you haven’t made any progress in the last hour. Suddenly, an idea sprung to your head. “How about we do penalties? If I miss all four goals, I’ll be in charge of laundry, and taking the bins out.” 
“I do have a lot of dirty underwear.” 
“Perfect. Tuwaine, you’re up.” You said sharply, clicking your fingers.
“Yes, pretty girl.” 
You ignored him, and focused your mind sorely on the goal. You gesture your hand to let Tuwaine know that you were ready, and kick the ball right into the post. 
“Harry, you're up.” You muttered. 
“You can do this, Y/N. Just focus on the open space.” Tom explained, giving you a sympathetic smile.
You let Tom’s advice soak up inside you, loosening your shoulders to ease the pressure off you. You closed your eyes, imagining that Harry wasn’t there and hit the ball at a slower momentum causing the boys to scream. 
You opened your eyes, and saw the ball inside the goal. You shot Tom a grin, whispering a thank you as he walked up to the goal. 
“You’ve got this.” Tom smiled and this time you imagined yourself and Tom laying under the stars, legs tangled as you both sip of cheap wine. Doing the same exact thing you did with Harry, you prepared yourself and suddenly heard a rather annoying buzz in your ear that took you off guard. 
“Holy fuck, Tommy.” you scream, running towards him. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry.” 
“I’m fine…” You weren’t stupid, and judging from the droplets of blood Tom wasn’t fine at all. 
“Can you stand?” You asked, and helped him up. “I’m really sorry Tom. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” 
“It’s fine, pretty girl.” He breathed. “It happens.”
“We should take you to hospital..” You said, after settling him down on the sofa. 
“Can I just have you as my nurse?” He chuckled, slightly wincing at the pain in his nose. 
You rolled your eyes at the comment, and took out your phone. “Should I say it’s Julius Pepperwood?”
“You seriously need to stop watching New Girl.” He started. “They will know that it’s a celebrity.” 
“Well, since my mum is a nurse and is also your nurse… I’m sure she will keep you out of harm's way.” 
“What are we waiting for? Let’s go.” Tom said in a hurry, and hung his arm tightly around yours. “Thanks, pretty girl.” 
“Anytime, Tommy.” 
It wasn’t until you were watching Tom sleep on the hospital bed that you had a chance to check social media. Your phone was flooded with new followers, comments and likes. You opened the Instagram app, to see a notification that Tuwaine has posted a video of you hitting Tom in the face with the caption, “I’m guessing it’s not coming home…” 
| 2  - harryholland64 just posted a photo
After a long day, you immediately crashed on the sofa once you finished the dishes, not even having the energy to go to your room. The boys insisted they needed some alone time and decided to go for a long walk, leaving you to catch up on some chores. Being the only girl in the house you rarely had time to relax, or even just have a moment of silence. So when the boys stumbled inside, laughs echoing throughout the house, you groaned into the pillow. 
“Y/N? We’re home.” Tom starts with a tilt to his head, making his curls fall out of the hoodie. You didn’t say anything, kept incredibly still until you heard clucking, followed by a series of shushes. A distressed look was painted on Tom’s face as you didn’t respond to his calls. 
“She might be asleep.” Harrison whispered, settling the chickens down on the island. “It’s better that she is asleep, actually. We have time to make a powerpoint presentation on why we bought chickens.” 
Little did they know that you were resting your body on the door frame, furrowing your eyebrows at the sight of all four boys struggling to come up with reasons. If you had to reward the boy with the best reason, it would go to Harry with no question. 
“I think we should call one predator.” You emerge from the hallway, grinning as you lean over to say hello to the chickens. 
“How long have you been standing there?” 
You snort. “A couple of minutes.” 
“So you aren’t mad that we spontaneously brought three chickens?” Harrison asks. 
“Nope. I think it will be quite cute to have some chickens.” you said, smirking at the power you held in a house that wasn’t even yours. 
A few days passed and you were very much attached to the chickens, more than boys expected you to be. They rarely even saw you for the majority of the day, and it was starting to take a toll on Tom and the boys couldn’t stand the groans. 
“Just go and play with the chickens with her?” Tuwaine said, pushing him away from the tv that he was blocking. 
“I tried.” He frowned, “She is too lovey dovey with Chestnut.” 
“The chicken? Your chicken?” Harrison reminded him, hoping that Tom would get the hint. 
“Do you think that she might actually like me?” Tom said with a wide grin, and before Harrison or Tuwaine could answer, he already left. 
As Tom made his way over to you and Harry, he nestled down between the two of you. Harry rolled his eyes at Tom, scooting over. 
“How are they doing?” Tom asked softly, “Are they eating well?”
“Chestnut just stole Predator's treat.” you said, laying your head on Tom’s shoulder. “You need to keep Chestnut in line.” 
When you finally got yourself into bed, you checked your phone to see if anything interesting was happening. You raised an eyebrow at the sudden trend of Predator and Chestnut. Confused as to why your chickens were trending, you went over to Instagram and saw that Harry had uploaded a photo. 
It was a photo of yourself and Tom cosying up with the chickens. You chuckled at the caption, “Predator and Chestnut in real life.” followed with a red heart emoji. 
| 3  - hazosterfield just posted a photo
It was the day of the ultimate marvel quiz that Tom planned to raise money for his charity. You were quite unsure if you wanted to be in the live, questions were already circulating about your romance with Tom and you didn’t want to make the whole live about you. With much debate, you decided to step back, and help Tom with the questions. 
Before starting the live, you all decided to stock up on food and drinks, preferably alcohol to get a slight buzz. Already on your third drink, Tom had to practically help you sit beside him. 
“For someone who doesn't want to be on live, you sure are going to bring attention to yourself.”  Tom chuckled, and wrapped you into a tight hug. “You need anything before we start?” 
“Hoodie.” You blurted out, grinning as you nuzzled your head into the crock of his neck. 
“You want my hoodie?” 
You nodded, “Yep.” 
Tom laughed, and carefully lifted you away from him so he could take his hoodie that was very much warm to you. “Here you go.” 
“S’cosy.” You hiccup, “It smells like you.” 
Tom shook his head and turned his focus back to the set up of the phone, making sure that everything was perfect and in reaching distance. “Okay. I think we are ready to do this.” 
“3, 2, 1… Hello Guys. Welcome to our live, and I hope you have all been studying.” Tom said into the camera, lowering his head to see the flood of comments come through. 
“Holy fuck, we have 500K watching?” You blurted out, swatting your hand to your mouth. 
Tom sends a nervous chuckle to the camera, looking over at your rather guilty face. You muffle the words sorry and he just laughs. 
“Sorry about that. Y/N has had far too many drinks.” Tom glanced back at you, as he watched you stuff an oreo into your mouth. “Let’s get back into it.” 
It had been quite the turn out, you noticed that Tom was so calm with the questions, as too prior he kept panicking about him messing some of the words up. Half way through the question, it began unnoticed that Tom’s hand found his way to yours. He didn’t even glance over at you, not even for a second but the constant grin he had on his face was enough to give you an answer. 
“I think we should take a pee break. I’ll be right back.” Tom wasn’t ashamed and ran to the nearest bathroom. Whilst Tom was away, you made a rather risky decision to entertain the peeps for now. You scooted your chair over, and began to read aloud some of the questions that had been asked. 
“Does Tom sleep in spiderman pjs?” 
You nodded, “He does.” 
“Y/N, what number of drinks are you on?” 
“6? I lost count.” You giggled. “Whooopsie.” 
“Who can down the most shots? You or Tom?” 
“Oh, Definitely me.” You grin. “Tom is a lightweight.” 
You were already getting so much praise from the live, sharing embarrassing stories about the boys. “It’s true. They all still think that Hannah Montana is a different person.” 
“I see someone's shyness has gone.” Tom laughed, and causally sat on your lap. “Did you guys miss me?” 
“They didn’t.” You poke his side, and Tom falls back into your old seat. “Let’s get back to the questions. What is Peter Parker’s locker number?” 
After the live was done, you all decided to celebrate with a Marvel marathon. You all were drunk and dramatically began to recite the words to Infinity War. Tom was sitting rather close to you, but when you felt a pair of arms shift you to his chest, you didn’t even hesitate and perfectly moulded into him. 
“You okay?” He asked as he started to comb his hand through your hair. 
“I am. Just a teeny bit sleepy.” You replied, wrapping your arm around Tom’s middle. 
“Get some rest. You had a pretty long day.” Tom said quietly. “Thank you for helping me with the live and for entertaining the fans. They love you, you know.” 
You didn’t know what to say to that, so you didn’t answer. You were scared to even check your phone as you knew that people would be commenting things about you and Tom. Within minutes of overthinking, your eyes started to feel heavy, and slowly you fell asleep. 
The next morning, you woke up to check on social media. Since you decided to shut your phone off completely to avoid the fans, you knew it was time to face the music. Strangely, you just got a notification that Harrison had posted a picture. 
Curious to see what Harrison posted, as he was quite particular with his posts you were surprised to see yourself tagged. “Even drunk,Y/N was the mastermind of the corporation.” 
It read and you smiled at the picture of you handing Tom the next question, with a gin glass held in your other hand. 
| 4  - samholland1999 just posted a photo
“My money’s on Y/N.” Tuwaine says. “And she has two older brothers.” 
Tom watched the smug look on your face as Tuwaine kept gloating about your skills in barbering. He hasn’t even seen you lift a razor before, so he wasn’t that annoyed yet. 
“Why don’t we just call Rachel? Make this whole thing live?” You suggest, grabbing Tom’s phone on charge, chuckling at his lockscreen. “Since when was Predator and Chestnut your lock screen?” 
Tom froze in sight. He exchanged looks with Harry who gestured to him to play it cool. “I just like the chickens.” If he was being honest, the chickens reminded him of the two of you. 
“Right.” You say, and opening up his Instagram. 
“How do we know if Rachel is awake?” Harry asked, shuffling around with the camera equipment. 
“I’m pretty sure she is awake. There’s no harm in trying?” You grin to yourself and prepare yourself for the live. 
“What’s the plan here, exactly?” Sam entered the kitchen, confused as he saw tons of barbering equipment scattered around the kitchen island. 
“We are going to cut Harry’s hair.” Harrison says with a soft grin, as he forces Harry onto the chair. 
“But his locks are beautiful.” Sam whined, and ran over to his brother. “Don’t let them do this to you.”
“I love those locks too but they need to go.” You laugh, prompting Tom to get ready since you guys were going on live. 
“Okay. 3.2.1..” You whisper, hitting the button. 
“Welcome. Hope you guys are doing well. It’s Tom, Tom Holland, and we are going to cut Harry’s hair.” Tom smiles, ruffling his brother's curls. 
As the comments flooded in, you quickly sent a text to Rach asking her if she would be willinging to help you guys out. Tom didn’t know that you had a close relationship with Rach, it mainly started when she caught you making googly eyes at Tom during an interview. 
“Rach says that she will join the live.” You smile shyly, giving an awkward wave to the camera. 
You stayed still, not really engaging with the questions about you and Tom as you were looking out for Rach’s username. After what felt like an hour, her name propped up on the screen, and you immediately requested her. 
When Rach finally accepted the requests, you made small talk as the boys were getting everything that they needed. 
“It’s a pretty straight forward concept, Tom.” Racheal begins to explain and you admired the way Tom’s eyes furrowed, as he carefully listened to every detail Rach was telling him. 
Everything was going great, the fans were loving the entertainment. Yourself and Tuwaine were dancing in the back, and Sam let out a cry each time a curl fell to the floor. 
“I think we should stop cutting off his curls.” Sam leaned in closer. His eyes flickered to the camera to see if people were agreeing with him. 
“I’m not. I’m just shaving the sides now.” Tom said quickly, lips coating each other as he tried to not go as high. 
“How long do you reckon this will take? I’m hungry.” You whispered, pulling on Tom’s jumper. 
“You just had lunch. How are you possibly still hungry?” 
“Harrison ate half my pizza.” You whined, shooting a glare to Harrison. 
“You offered it.” Harrison shrugged, going back to scrolling through Instagram. 
“I didn’t. It was on my plate, and I turned around for a second and it just went.” You pointed out. “You thief.” 
The bickering continued for a good ten minutes. The two of you were at it, getting way personal. Tom closed his eyes, stopping his action turning to face the two of you. “Hush you too. I’m trying not to cut Harry’s ear off.” 
“He started it.” You exclaimed. 
“Fuck off. I didn’t.” Harrison argued back. There was no way that the two of you were going to agree, so Tom decided to pick you up, throwing you over his shoulder and excused himself. 
You started to laugh, screaming to put you down. “Tom. Seriously? Put me down.” 
“Not until you make peace with Harrison.” Tom’s voice deepened which only made your giggles more frequent. 
“Fine.” You promised. “I’ll make peace with the pizza stealer.” 
“Pretty girl…” 
“Damn you.” You grimaced. “That word is banned.” 
“Nope. Go say sorry.” Tom smirked, watching as you walked towards Harrison. 
“Sorry, Harrison.” You told him. “I’m sorry that I called you a pizza stealer. I'll always give you a slice of my pizza.” 
“You are forgiven, pretty girl…” Harrison teased, and as deserved, softly smacked the back of Harrison's head. 
As the day came to an end, everyone was sitting around the living room watching reruns of Friends. You decided to check social media as you became quite a fan of the memes that Tom’s fans started to make. 
You noticed that you were tagged in a post again. You looked over at Sam who was the first to lock his phone. You curiously clicked on the notification and had a huge grin on your face as you saw a photo of Tom carrying you on his back with the caption, “Pretty girl is in trouble…” 
You locked your phone, turning to Tom. “I hate that you call me pretty girl.” 
“You love it really, pretty girl.” You laughed, then nuzzled into his chest. “Comfortable, babe?”
| +1  - tomholland2013 just posted a photo
Two months went by and things changed drastically. You would often find yourself tangled in the sheets with Tom, always wearing his clothes and secretly stealing a kiss when the boys weren’t present. You were pretty certain that the boys had no idea of your new situation with Tom, but if you didn’t know what you were, how could they know?
As your bodies hit the bare mattress Tom turns to you, eyes full with love, with a wide grin on his face. “I knew that I’d make you mine one day.” 
You slowly start to feel a burst of colour exposed on your skin, a burst of admiration. Then, you knew, it wasn’t just you having feelings for him, it was mutual. You locked eyes with him, your smile mirroring his. Tom rolls a little closer, lips meeting your temple. “What do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?” 
You pulled him into your arms, leaving only a fraction of space between the two of you. You were longing to express every single feeling you had, “I would love to be, Tommy.” 
“Good, because whenever you drool over me, I never know what goes on in that pretty mind of yours.” 
“I don’t drool over you.” You argue, ruffling his curls. 
“Yes you did.” He states. “When lockdown started, you barely said two words to me. I thought you hated me.” 
You pouted at Tom’s interpretation of you being shy, “I never hated you. I was just afraid to talk to you, I didn't know what to say to you.” 
“Hi? Would you like a cup of tea? You look insanely handsome today? “ And Tom went on, naming every possible way to start a normal conversation with him. 
“Alright. Alright.” You laugh, “Would you like a cup of tea?” 
“I’d love one.” Tom leaned in, and toyed with your lips. “I love kissing you.” 
You slowly melt into the kiss, leaving no air between the two of you. Your hands were roaming his curls as Tom made his way down to your neck. “So beautiful.” 
You grazed your lips, and regrettingly lifted his chin so you were staring into those whisken eyes that started this whole facade. “As much as I would love to, we need to go tell the boys that we are dating.” 
“I think they already know, pretty girl.” 
“Nonsense.” You state. “We have been so good at hiding this.” 
Tom raised his eyebrow, ready to prove his point. “Boys. You can come in now.” 
“What? Seriously?” 
The boys entered as if they were being convicted for a crime. They each stood there, and waited for one of them to break. 
“Blame Tom.” Harrison confessed first. 
“He told us the moment you held hands for the first time.” Harry butted in.
Tuwaine followed, “He told me the day you agreed to quarantine with us.” 
You shifted your body to face Tom, “Seriously? Tommy, you promised that we would tell them together.” 
“I couldn’t help it.” He said. “You were just too gorgeous not to ramble about. I wasn’t that bad.” 
“He was.” Sam laughed. “He almost made a plan.” 
“We made a powerpoint that night to remind him how stupid his plan was.” Harrison digged, sending a wink to Tom.
“I’m intrigued to know how you planned to get me to fall for you.” You laugh, as Tom buried his face in the crock of your neck. 
“No.” He mumbles. “It’s too embarrassing.”
“It can’t be that bad.” You say looking up to see the boy's reaction. 
“It’s bad…” Tuwaine whispered. 
“How bad?” 
It was bad but strangely adorable that Tom would go to this length just to get you to fall for him. Your favourite was definitely the chicken messenger approach, it was something so random but the thought of Predator handing you a note was too cute to pass up. 
“I’m certain that if this actually happened, I would be insanely impressed.” 
All four boys turned to face you, “Seriously?” 
You nodded, “It’s the thought that counts.” 
“Pretty girl..” Tom trailed, and pulled you in for a kiss. 
“Since we are confessing Tom’s sins, can I just say that pretty girl needs to go? It’s weird.” Tuwaine says gently, standing behind Sam as Tuwaine knew that you would kill him. 
“I love that nickname.” You frown but also chuckling at Tuwaine��s idea of protection. 
“It’s overused.” Harry joined in. 
“I accidentally ently called my mum pretty girl..” Harrison blurted out. “It was really awkward.” 
“Fine. I’ll call her that in the bedroom only.” Tom finally became present in the situation. You gave him a glare, removing yourself from his embrace. 
“Looks like pretty girl is angry.” Sam laughs, also earning a glare from you. “Noted.”
As you saw the orange rays change to a midnight blue, you were ready for this day to be over. Many confessions were made and somehow breakfast was going to be interesting. For a moment, you laid comfortably in Tom’s bed, soaking up the idea of now being his girlfriend. 
“Hey, babe?” Tom called from the bathroom.
“Can you send me that photo of us too with Predator and Chestnut?” 
“Sure.” You hummed, reaching for your phone. “How come?” 
“I just like it.” Tom shrugged, walking into your shared bedroom with just his boxers on. 
“All done.” You smiled and watched him jump onto the bed, curling right up to you. 
“I kinda want to post that picture of us..” 
“People will talk, Tom.” You loved how much Tom wanted the world to know but you weren’t ready. 
“Let them.” He said. “You are my girlfriend and my fans love you. You know they love you.” 
“I guess but, you sure you want to make things public?” 
“I haven’t been this certain about anything before.” 
You signed, “Let’s do it.” 
“Seriously?” Tom said, eyes lighting up like a child at Christmas. 
“Yes, pretty girl.” 
The next day you woke up to an empty bed. You reached over to check the time, and saw that Tom had broken the internet. Concerned, thinking that Tom spoiled something, you opened Instagram and saw a post having over 23 million likes. 
“I managed to get chickens and a girlfriend during lockdown, what about you guys?”
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thank u all for reading and it would be so wholesome if you could leave a comment, or reblog 🧡
stay safe :D
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