#don't bite the hand that feeds them even if it also causes them suffering
genderkoolaid · 4 months
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obsessed w this post. feels really expressive of the ideas behind "socialism is against human nature". the humanities are Bad and Stupid which is why they like socialism, and socialism won't work because the fucking insane idea that "ugly people" (by which they undoubtedly mean "fat people") go to the beach to "benefit from the presence of sexy people" like. what the fuck are you talking about ❤️
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avatarmerida · 1 month
Hey fellow losers I’m back with more beta huntlow fluff. I know I’ve written some Paulina/William stuff before but this is based on the most recent even more beta huntlow we got from the leaked show bible. So we’ve gone from awkward little prince and fumbling quirky girl to feral witch hunter and equally feral creepy plant girl and I also love them too so hope ya like it 💛💚
“And if the water boils here how do all the plants live?” William asked, balancing on the fence along Paulina’s garden as she did some maintenance and planted some new seeds they had found in the forest. She never tired of answering his many questions about the demon realm, especially about the flora and fauna.
“The same way they do in the human realm I suppose,” she said with a small shrug. “I think the stems here have more coating than the plants you’ve seen, but a lot of plants close up during the rain to protect their petals.”
“Interesting,” he said, jumping down to look at her work closer. “How do you persuade the ones with teeth not to bite you?”
“I just keep them well feed, they don’t nip unless they’re hungry or scared,” she said. “But feeding them the food that helps keep their teeth healthy is tricky because it smells kinda gross.”
“They can smell it?”
“They sure can.”
“Fascinating,” he marveled, looking at them closer to see if he could understand how.
“Can I ask you a question?” Paulina asked, wiping some stray dirt from her glasses.
“Of course you may,” replied William, sitting on the ground beside her.
“Why are you still so upset with Luz?” She asked, changing topics. She saw his body language shift.
“I think it’s very clear why,” he said softly.
“You know she didn’t wake you up early on purpose,” she said gently. “She’s really a very nice person, and she genuinely thought she was helping you. Is there anything she can do to prove she’s sorry?”
“I’m not upset that she woke me from my slumber, I'm upset that she was able to,” sighed William, hugging his knees.
“What do you mean? Do you not want to be here?” Paulina asked, hoping it wasn’t the case. Selfishly, she liked having him around.
“When it happened… my uncle told me I’d awaken to a better world. That the suffering and confusion I was around would be gone. That I’d be awoken gently by my…”
“By who?”
“… by my true love.” He said under his breath, almost as though he was embarrassed to utter the words.
“Oh, so you think that Luz is your-.”
“Ew! Bleh, no!” He exclaimed in disgust. “Er, sorry that was rude. No, no I don’t think that. But I think she able to awaken me the way she did because I don’t have a true love.”
“Oh,” Paulina breathed, seeing the genuine hurt slip though the cracks as he tried to keep his lip from trembling. She ventured this was the first time he had said the sentiment aloud. “Or maybe the spell just wore off.”
“Or maybe it just gave up,” he said with a hurt chuckle. “I mean, it makes sense; maidens didn’t favor me before, why would they ever start now? I was better off sleeping forever, giving the world some peace.”
“William, don't say that,” she said, taking his hand. He didn’t flinch at her dirt covered hands.
“It’s true, is it not?” He sighed, focusing on her knuckles decorated with grass stains and tiny scars from the thorns she did not fear. “I cause you nothing but trouble despite you showing me nothing but kindness.”
“Well technically I did threaten to feed you to my plant,” she reminded him. It was certainly a unique first impression.
“Twas for my own good,” he said. “Plus knowing you as I do now, I know it was merely a jest to teach me a lesson. You are kind and patient and I’m just a nuisance.”
“No you’re not!” She insisted. “Okay, well maybe a little at first, but you’ve changed! You’re still learning and adapting, growth doesn’t happen all at once overnight.” She gestured to her garden as proof, a mixture of progress and color. “Love is the same way, ya know. Usually you have to get to know someone first before you label them as your ‘true love.’” She carefully plucked a vibrant yellow flower and placed it behind his ear.
“So… you don’t believe in love at first sight?” He asked timidly as she went back to her gardening.
He remembered when he first saw her, how there was a rosey spotlight around her like a halo. How time slowed down so he could soak in every detail of her beauty, memorize her voice and her movements before reality set back in and with it brought a new breed of confusion. He didn’t know better, but upon reflection the whole ordeal felt like what the poetry he had read in secret during his studies labeled as the phenomenon of love at first sight. His eyes had not seen such a thing before and ever since.
“Hmmm, not really?” Paulina pondered. “I think it’s different for everyone, but I also don’t think I’d want to marry someone I don’t know who kissed me while I was sleeping.”
“That is a fair point,” William chuckled, leaning over to help her make another hole in the ground for her next round of seeds. “You’re correct, as usual.”
“Exactly, and I’m also correct when I say if you want to fall in love then you will,” said Paulina. “You just have to give it time, it’s not something you can force.”
“You know… much about love then?”
“I mean, my dads really love each other but they didn’t get married the second they met,” she said. “They got to know each other first and they didn’t meet the way they thought they’d meet their spouse. Everyone’s story is different.”
“But it’s also possible that some of us aren’t meant to have a story.”
She couldn’t deny that, but she refused to accept a world where a boy who seemed to cherish love so much wasn’t meant to have it. “Maybe she was able to wake you because she was meant to introduce you to your true love.”
“Perhaps,” he said, his mind fully focusing on how she had been the first person Luz had introduced him to. He couldn’t complain about that logic.
“It also might help if you had a crush first,” added Paulina, carefully pressing the dirt back into the ground as though tucking it into bed.
“Like a duel?”
“Oh well, a crush is like… what comes before someone is your true love,” she tried to explain without divulging how complicated they could truly get. “Like, having positive feelings about someone, and wanting to spend time with them without, like, getting married after a few days. Just like thinking of them romantically.”
“I think I may… have formed this crush.”
“Oh! On who?” She asked with enthusiasm that made him quiet. Paulson wore her heart on her sleeve, but he had trouble expressing anything that was not deeply rooted in fact. Or at least, the facts he had been feed. A few moments ago he didn’t have the words to describe his feelings let alone validation their were sinful. He didn’t know the proper way to share them.
“Wel… um…”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” said Paulina quickly, sensing the answer was hard for him to bring forth. “I didn’t consider it could be someone from your original time. I’m sorry if that was too forward, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
“And… not wanting to share it doesn’t make it wrong?” William asked.
“Of course not,” she assured him. “You’re allowed to have secrets, and if you want to tell me eventually that’s fine too; you decide when and if you’re ready. I mean, I’ve had tons of crushes on very different people but sometimes they’re just something small, ya know? Sometimes they take awhile to figure out and sometimes they go away on their own, each one is different.”
“Has there ever been one you weren’t able to escape?”
“Well, I don’t know if I would word it like that,” she chuckled. “Having a crush is supposed to be fun, it’s exciting. And sometimes scary, but that also makes it fun. Like a rollercoaster.”
“A roller… coaster?”
“Oh yeah I forgot,” she giggled. “I’ll have to show you one.”
“A… crush?”
“No a rollercoaster,” she said.
“Ah, haha yes of course,” he laughed nervously, painfully aware that he could not seem to stop. “So w-what does one do if they don’t wish to have the crush dissolved?”
“Well I guess you could ask the person you have a crush on to go on a date with you.”
“And a date is like… a courtship, yes? I would seek to woo them?”
She giggled. “Yes, you would seek to woo them.”
He didn’t know what he said that was so humorous but he’d say it everyday for the rest of his life it meant getting to hear her laugh like that.
“Ah, well then. That’s another obstacle, as I know not the way to do so,” he said with a slight frown. “Especially in this foreign, modern land I feel that any outing I plan would not be up to her standards.”
Paulina’s ears perked, her first suspicion dashed as William made it clear the person he liked was someone he had met since he had awakened, which meant it was more than likely that she knew the person as well.
She wondered how well she knew them.
“I mean, like you said I still have much to learn about this world and this time,” he sighed. “But regardless, I’m still myself and I can’t help but feel as though someone discovering I have this crush for them would be most unwanted.”
“I don’t think so,” said Paulina. “I think they’ll think it’s sweet.”
“Surely you jest,” he scoffed. “You’re kind to spare my feelings but I’m sure if this person was aware of my thoughts regarding them they’d be repulsed and uncomfortable.”
“Well I’m sure they’d be perfectly fine with it,” she insisted. “After getting to know you these last few months I can tell you’re actually really sweet, even if you don’t think so. Give yourself more credit.”
“Oh so if I were to tell you I fancy you and wish to spend my days with you, you wouldn’t find it revolting?” He asked as though it was the most comical thing he could imagine.
“Oh.” He said, surprised at how quickly and confidently she replied. He cleared his throat and dared to continue. “S-so if I were to say that I would consider it an honor to hold your hand and escort you anywhere you wish to go, you wouldn’t find it inappropriate?”
“A-and if I told you you have the most captivating, soft eyes I’ve ever seen and that they make precious jewels envious you would be… okay with that?”
“Um…” Paulina found herself speechless, struck by his words like they were an arrow destined for her very heart.
“Oh yes of course that sentiment is made of cheese, as you might say.” He laughed, slightly embarrassed. “I should have realized my attempts at poetry were novice at best. I apologize if the example was offensive, I should have-.”
“No, no it was very nice!” she said quickly, not wanting to prevent him from saying such lovely things. “It was a beautiful thought, Will. I think anyone would like to hear that.”
“Truly? Uh, well thank you,” he said, unable to hide the blush that danced across his freckles. “Eh, but I’m sure you hear things such as that daily from your suitors.”
“My suitors?” She repeated with a snort. “Oof, now that’s a good one.”
But William did not find it humorous. “I’m sorry, I’m confused.”
“Well let’s just say when other witches my age notice me it’s usually not for the best reasons,” she said. “Most of them think I’m weird or creepy.”
“My apologies again, I’m still getting accustomed to the colloquialisms of this time, do those terms mean something different now?”
“No, I’m pretty sure they mean the same thing now as they did back then,” she said with a small smile, secretly recalling how when they first met William had a similar impression of her, though in fairness it was more about the witch aspect than her specifically. She wondered when exactly that had changed. “I’ve never been very popular. In fact, after Amity stopped talking to me and until I met Augustus most of my closest friends were plants.”
“Well perhaps it is because those plants have the sense to appreciate being in the presence of a rose.”
It was her turn to blush now. “Well, aren’t you the secret romantic?” She giggled, impressed with how quickly he had provided the response. They sat in silence a moment as William realized he hadn’t complimented her hypothetically this time and that something in her tone had shifted. As much as Paulina was willing to try and spare his feelings, he knew she would not lead him astray in this manner. She would not lie to him about this, but did that mean her words applied to her?
“Miss Park… I have a favor of sorts to ask of you,” he began, taking a deep breath.
“Of course,” she said, and he was taken back by how quickly she had agreed. She didn’t even ask what was in it for her benefit, like he was worthy of her assistance without any bribery.
“I will admit I know little of the courtship rituals from my time and even less about the present ones and I was hoping that you would be willing to help… educate me.”
“Oh yeah?” She said with a smirk, scooting closer to him. “How so?”
He could feel his hands get sweatier under his gloves. “Well, would I perchance be able to take you on an outing I believe suitable for expressing such… feelings,” he said as he cleared his throat as though the word made him dizzy. “And you advise me on if it was a suitable choice? I can compensate you for your time, I’ve been saving the snails I’ve acquired in exchange for my sewing and tailoring skills. We can have a grand collection of treats!”
“That sounds really nice,” said Paulina, adoring the way his full smile was on display and she could see the gap in his teeth without him shying away, too caught up in his own hypothetical excitement. “I would love to go out with you William.”
“Okay, wonderful,” he managed to squeak, and his eyes lit up in a way Paulina had never seen before. “I will uh I shall make all the arrangements! What day favors your schedule?”
“I’m fine with whatever day works best for you.”
“The sooner the better!” He exclaimed, louder than he intended to. He swiftly adjusted his volume. “I-I just mean for research purposes. I look forward to the learning aspect of the evening, heh.”
“I’m excited too,” she said and he couldn’t control the wide grin that consumed his whole face. She began to pat down the dirt to help support the budding bulb she had been keeping an eye on, ready to bloom any day now. “Do you think at the end you might be ready to tell me who you have a crush on?”
“I think that if everything goes as planned… I will be. Yes.”
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neuroprincess · 3 months
His Favorite Person - Melissa Schemmenti/Female Reader
Melissa Schemmenti/Female Reader
Summary: The moms are going through a difficult time with LuLu's first teeth and a hero comes to the rescue.
Classification: Fluff
Warnings: Well, some realistic motherhood, it's not all flowers. Also, FRIENDSHIP GOALS
Word count: +2100
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Six months went by in the blink of an eye and with it many challenges of first-time motherhood, the moms could barely breathe properly until the month mark, Luca is very smart and, despite his strong personality, didn't give as much trouble as expected. The redhead is in love with those squeezable cheeks and chubby little doll hands, the loud giggles are the highlight of her days, as well as Y/N's. But the relief and sense of stability has gone as quickly as it arrived, one day the baby is all smiles trying pasta, the next so fussy that getting him to eat becomes a mission impossible. So a week goes by that they would describe as hellish, not only because of the problems with feeding and the understandable irritability due to teething, but also because of the suffering shared with all the pain the boy is going through with the new phase, gums tearing and keeping him awake all night mumbling and feverish, causing general concern. On Friday, they're not sure whether or not to host the weekly couples' dinner; before it can be cancelled, Barb and her husband appear at the door with a pan in hand, worried looks on their faces followed by muffled laughter. At work, Melissa had already been seen with bite marks and obvious signs of not sleeping, the woman just didn't imagine it would be chaotic to the point of leaving her, literally, dishevelled.  
"Where's my handsome little boy?" she greets LuLu excitedly and reaches out to take him from the younger's tired arms "What happened to make you cry, my dear?" and wipes the tears drying on his rosy little face, immediately noticing the high temperature "Poor thing..."  
"Sorry about our condition, I was going to call you to cancel, but we were trying to get the fever down and completely forgot." the teacher whispers, staring at the scene in amazement, the moment her son clings to the friend he stops crying immediately, doesn't seem to be the same little monster who defeated her in exhaustion minutes before "What a sly one! Do you see that?!" she points out indignantly. 
"Well, it's not my fault I'm the favorite." Barbara jokes and walks past them into the house, unsurprised to see a dozen toys scattered around the living room, the kitchen a complete mess, dirty dishes in the sink, open packets and cubes of frozen fruit on the counter, a doctor's recommendation for relief "Kid, was that all you?!"  
"He's a Schemmenti." Gerald jokes, following along, leaving the pie on the nearest surface "How many hours did you sleep today?"  
"Maybe three... or four." the timetables jumble in Y/N's head, she can't remember what time they went to sleep or how many times she woke up in the middle of the night.  
"And it's been the longest night's sleep so far," adds the other, rubbing her eyes.  
"You're clearly not well, why don't you try having a decent bath and getting some sleep while we take care of everything?" he offers, starting to gather up teddy bears and small cars on the carpet.  
Surprised and grateful, the couple exchange glances at this generous offer; the idea of being able to take a bath for more than five minutes, plus a little rest, is tempting, but they are reluctant to let them deal with it instead.  
"Go on, get some rest!" the man insists, shooing them away with a hand wave "We'll take care of everything." 
"Are you sure?" Melissa asks with concern, it seems like a lot to do or maybe she's mentally overloaded to the point where doesn't want someone else to do something she considers an exclusive responsibility "I mean..."  
"Don't be stubborn." Barb interrupts her and goes into the kitchen, putting Luca in the highchair, he doesn't even grumble about not being on lap "Take advantage of our presence until he gets sick of us, this phase is terrible." 
The redhead raises her hands in surrender and Y/N exhales satisfied, tired to the bone, nursing a baby full time takes a lot of time, energy and attention, she can hardly imagine the state of her wife who works all day at school and still tries to give the same support as best she can.  
Looking at Luca, who is calmly sitting down and taking the previously rejected piece of fruit into mouth, Melissa finally gives in.  
"All right, but please call us if anything happens."  
Everything goes very quickly and on autopilot. Before they realise it, the pair find themselves under the shower's hot water, washing each other's hair and sharing non-sexual cuddles, satisfying their longing for quality time together. Motherhood is deep, rewarding and valuable for both, a priority that has guided the small family's decisions and routine, little by little intimacy has been put aside amid the daily demands. They don't blame anyone or anything but the circumstances, they've read that it could happen at a certain point, all the nuances it would bring and they haven't forgotten their promise to stay together, to say "I love you", all the possible clichés to get through the storm without shaking marriage.  
The teacher couldn't hold back a moan on entering the room, every muscle relaxed and the tension drained away, there was a calming sensation, she felt refreshed from the tip of the toe to the last strand of hair. Y/N can say the same, she never thought that a simple shower could feel like a full SPA, even with a massage, she barely lays down on the bed properly and already feels soft hands rubbing damp skin. There are soft smiles, some mischievous, strong fingers squeezing sensitive spots that manage to elicit the happiest sighs, occasionally there are teasing touches and loving bites.  
"Years of relationship and still doves in love." they are surprised by Barbara's sudden appearance, they didn't hear her push the door slightly open "I've brought dinner and some tea."  
She lifts the tray with caprese chicken sandwiches, pieces of pie, red fruit and camomile tea, would offer whisky if it wasn't for breastfeeding, she knows they deserve it when they go through the chaotic teething process, the girls were relatively calm and yet almost destroyed the house when they got their first set of tiny sharp teeth.  
"Get fed and try to rest for a few hours." she put it between the couple "Let's do the same with the little one, he's already struggling to keep eyes open. You deserve a decent night's sleep."  
"So true, I look like a different person now, imagine when I finally get some sleep." the redhead jokes before taking a generous bite of bread, her last meal having been lunch "Delicious!"  
"Did LuLu give you and Gerald much trouble?" the younger smiles fearfully and sips the hot liquid "No crying, no grumbling, no breaking things, maybe we're in a dream."  
"No, he was a little angel... except with Gerard when he tried to give him a piece of cut mango, I'm pretty sure he was trying not to bite him." she confesses the last part in a whisper, they laugh well aware of the implication "He's jealousy incarnate."  
Melissa tosses her hair to side, her expression proud, needless to say he inherited it from her and everyone knows it.  
"Mel once threatened to bite someone." she adds, explaining her friend.  
"And I did." she says even more proudly, the person deserved it.  
After all, Y/N still finds herself amazed by her adventures and oddities, she knows half of the stories from others, as the woman hardly ever brags about her achievements. Conversation doesn't last long, minutes later Gerald appears too, Luca agitated in his arms and ready to attack anyone who annoys him, just push at the edge a little. The youngest mother mentions getting up to intervene, only to be stopped by a sign from Barb, who picks him up without a second thought.  
"No, you need a bit of time to yourselves." she reinforces and sets the boy on his feet, kissing the cheeks, leaving a lot of lipstick marks "Today we're going to give them a break, aren't we, cutie?!" 
As if he knew what the topic was, he tries to answer in babbles, all the adults smile at such cuteness. Within seconds he is no longer irritated, an effect that only the one and only Barbara Howard has. She strokes the coppery hair, making him close the eyes immediately, an adorable giggle as he snuggles into her chest, little legs wiggling with joy.  
"I'm starting to be offended by this more than obvious preference."  
"I never tire of saying it, it's not my fault that I'm his favorite person." she shrugs and stands up, stroking the baby's back over the newly laid pyjamas, she inhales the sweet smell, delighting at the contact, her daughters are grown up now and the times when she could lovingly hold them all the time without protest are gone "LuLu and I will see you tomorrow." 
She bends him over so that the mums can kiss him goodbye, but by this point Luca is already unconscious, losing the long and stubborn battle against sleep.  
"Sorry, I'm going to have to say it, I LOVE YOU BARB!" Y/N sighs in pleasure and gives a grateful kiss, then throws herself against the mattress, clinging to the soft blankets "Nothing can convince me that it's not a dream."  
"She needed it too, badly." Melissa reflects and moves closer to the friend, stroking her son's face affectionately "I really appreciate and am very grateful for what you're doing for us, being a mother has been intense and unexpected, we're lucky to have a support like you and Gerald, it's something I never expected in my life. The only reason I'm probably not crying right now is because tiredness overcomes even the tears." she jokes, wrapping her in a tight hug between loving smiles. 
"There's nothing to be thankful for, I love our little prince and that's what friends do."  
The door closes, Howard takes him to the nursery and they wait for a cry or any negative reaction, but the only noises to be heard are footsteps echoing down the corridor and the man humming while doing the housework. They smirk, silence has never been more appreciated than at this moment. The teacher lies down next to her wife, hands running along her robe-covered waist, fingertips brushing exposed skin, mouth meeting the back of neck, leaving a lingering kiss, the younger laughs, turning so that they are face to face, then leans in to bring their lips together.  
"I think we should kidnap Barb." Y/N proposes with a grain of truth.  
"We need to do that, cara mia! I'll take her down and you tie her up, deal?" 
"Deal! But what about Gerald?" she jokes.  
"He can survive without her, we can't."  
"I can't believe we're going to sleep properly, I'm so excited that sleep has fled." she confesses eventually, feeling a new wave of energy coming from nowhere "It's so strange not having anything to do."  
"That's because you're overwhelmed, principessa." Melissa props herself up on elbows so that she's partially seated, the hand that rests on the waist wanders down her curvaceous body and stops at the face she loves so much to see when waking up, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear "But we have this evening to ourselves. God, they're being real heroes today."  
"Yes! I swear that when she took LuLu in the arms I saw her in costume and cape for a millisecond."  
"And he simply stopped crying, it's like she has superpowers."  
"Or she's just his favorite person... in the whole world." Y/N leans over and kisses her, a consolation prize for what she's going to say next "I'm sorry, darling, but that's the truth. You've lost your place to Barb."  
"At least I'm still your favorite?" the redhead makes those abandoned puppy dog eyes, feigning sadness.  
"Always, hottest biter in the world."  
The lights are switched off, they move closer in the soothing darkness and cuddle affectionately, wrapped in the comfort of being in the arms of the one they love. Sleep gradually comes, accompanied by the previous worries about Luca, if he's managed to eat properly, if he's hydrated enough, or if he's lain down in the right position.  
"I can hear your thoughts, Mel."  
"I'm sorry, amore mio." she whispers, a little thoughtfully. Despite her religious upbringing, she's not a fan of most traditions, so baptism hasn't crossed her mind until now, as she watches her best friend and confidant win over her son with her mere presence, creating a beautiful bond "What do you think about inviting Barb to be LuLu's godmother?"  
"Perfect! We couldn't find anyone better than her."
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emmamountebanks · 2 years
Okay, I GOT to ask: what are your Brinivybank headcanons? Like whats the full story behind these besties suffering together? And how angsty does this get? I need to know cuz you put this triplet in my head and I'm obsessed
ive thrown up so much baloney about them over the months so some stuff i say may be lowkey rehashing but oh well! these are my babies!!
i ended up writing more than intended so it's put under a cut
i can already just kind of picture dylan meshing well naturally with both emma and max over the summer (in the event max made it ofc). emma and max would take a bit more time to even interact with each other but the second emma makes a dumb joke and max responds with something dumb back, it's clicked.
since max was originally listed in his bio as class clown before dylan's intro video gave him it, they're already on the same level. supermassive didn't let skyler and miles interact because they would've been too powerful together. the three of them would be just dumb shenanigan snark fests and everyone hates to love them. they are the perfect goofball menaces to compliment their partners, and they love terrorizing them together.
as far as the actual canon events though, i always just like to believe max and emma meet post-surviving that night. they have to. emma snatched his clothes and got his ugly wolf mug on her phone, she needs to make fun of him for it. and with biting/trying to bite her i can just see him being like "whoops my bad i didn't eat before the moon came up". u know she wants to be mad but with his lil hoodie and awkward dumb joke she can't be mad.
i needed just more of emma and dylan, too. they love being annoying!! they want to break into cabins and be gay do crimes!! the most i get for any sort of bonding is if abi's died and dylan recaps the story to her. she opens up in front of him and kaitlyn! she's letting her real emotions out for once and lets her stage presence drop! and then they just never interact again. what the hell!
but post-game! they have a great support system going. they all share almost the same fear, of not being good enough or trying to act like someone they're not because that's what makes people happy. dylan and emma put on a show since they think that's what the people want. max hated upsetting laura since he didn't tell her about college. he wasn't falling in line with the plan of what she wanted them to be anymore. none of them want to make anyone sad. they just want to have fun, tell jokes, be silly, and stay afloat.
after all the werewolf trauma, it's rough for them to bounce back to their normal selves, but i think they'd feed on each others energy and remember its okay to still smile. having everyone else alive and around definitely helps speed up the healing process too.
i also imagine if laura and ryan don't come back, dylan remembers max's name and her story of leaving him there. he and emma go together bc emma wants to know who the hell the bitch was that tried to eat her - and its just some goofball that's wearing a cropped pink hoodie. her desire to throw hands is instantly gone because he looks just so sad waiting for laura at the dock and he's like "who are u guys.. wheres my girl"
my favorite kind of angst for them is the run i just did where they were my only three survivors, and infected each other. i personally feel like there's a strong bond that forms between werewolves after infection - so now that their love interests are dead, they rely on each other 10x more for support. cuz no one is going to understand it like they do. cuz max is the reason emma bit dylan and now they're just stuck with it. they don't know the source of the curse, and no one is around to tell them anymore.
alone but together. every month, they dread the night that reminds them and forces them to be the cause of everything they've lost. they met up right after, realized what happened, and realize that it's just them. emma gets their numbers, they have a little group chat to keep each other sane. then when it's a full moon, they meet up to be together and accounted for, and lock themselves away.
another full moon later, they get a place to stay and move in with each other. it's easier and more comforting this way, and it's easier for them to keep their humor when it's in one safe space.
but the survivors guilt eats at them for a while. max is sad that he couldn't have done anything to help laura, that she died trying to help him. emma is sad she wasn't there for abi, that the last time she saw her she kissed abi's crush. dylan is sad that ryan went off and never came back, and he'll never know if something more could've happened.
while it takes a long time to heal, they eventually slowly come to terms with their fates. but they'll still never be okay.
maybe there's an off chance they can get chris to help, since he'd have to live for them to stay infected. but with the rest of the hacketts dead, chris is just as helpless as them on the night of an actual full moon. who could even cure them at this point?
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angellesword · 3 years
Jung Hoseok had self-control, a hunter like him would never lose to those bloodsucking monsters, but then he met you, a vampire who had pretty eyes and dazzling smile.
Would he be able to escape you?
“Too bad but it’s too sweet.”
word count: 2k (one-shot) PART OF INTRO SERIES
pairing: vampire Hunter!Hhoseok x vampire!reader
genre & content warnings: blood, fire bomb, murder, vampire bite, vampire au, fantasy au, angst
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It wasn't supposed to be like this.
Hoseok groaned when blood covered his hand as soon as he touched his neck.
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
The gaping wound made it impossible for him to sit, more so, to stand up.
But he had too.
He had to stand up and fight. He knew he would die one way or another, so it would be best to fight rather than lose to those bloodsucking monsters.
"Come on!" Hoseok groaned once more. His shaky hand was trying to fish something out of the pocket of his jeans.
That something was called calendula, a kind of flower that would help heal the vampire bite on his neck.
It wasn't supposed to be like this. He screamed these words inside his head again. This time, the frustration he felt was too much.
Fate was playing a sick joke on him and he couldn't believe it.
Why did he have to forget to bring calendula flowers during his night patrol at Bangtan Forest?
Hoseok couldn't believe that a hunter like him would be beaten by a rogue vampire. The latter were the type of bloodsuckers which were very strong. They couldn't control their lust for blood, causing them to suck the blood of humans dry.
Hoseok was also considered as the strongest vampire hunter in their city, he never once lost to these evils. Truthfully, he had killed thousands of bloodsuckers before.
But he knew he was no much to a group of rogue vampires. As mentioned, they were hard to kill since they had a lot of human blood in their system.
That was the thing about vampires. They grew much stronger when they drank human blood. This was also the reason why most of them refused to adhere to Bangtan City's law of only drinking animal blood.
"Fuck it," Hoseok released a deep breath. He was leaning on the trunk of the forest's tree, meaning he had a little advantage.
He could hide here while trying to shoot arrows on approaching vampires.
He could only wish he could pull this off. The bloodsuckers were extraordinary. They had super speed and the only way to kill them was through fire.
Ripping their hearts out, snapping their necks, drowning, or whatsoever wouldn't work.
Hoseok's only chance was to shoot them using arrows with fire.
It was now or never.
The said vampire hunter inhaled deeply, he aimed to the right when he heard movements there.
Based on his expertise, he came to know that there were at most three vampires approaching him.
Hoseok could shoot many arrows in a span of only a few seconds.
It wasn't supposed to be like this. Was probably the line of the night.
Hoseok was caught off guard once again when he was attacked by a vampire coming from the top.
The said vampire was you.
"You losing your charms now, hunter?"
It wasn't supposed to be like this. Hoseok wasn't supposed to be frozen on his spot as his eyes bore deep into your pretty eyes and dazzling smile.
Your presence should be screaming danger, but why were you acting as if you were his superhero?
You were.
You saved Hoseok. You carried him bridal style and then you used your super speed to get the hell out of his hiding spot, away from the rogues who wanted to kill him.
Regrettably, Hoseok didn't look thrill to be alive. His voice was stone cold when he asked why you brought him to your house. It was as if he'd rather die than be saved by you.
It was too late for that now. The rogues couldn't get to him because albeit inside the forest, your place was invisible. This was for your own protection—you asked a certain witch to cloak your home because you wanted to hide it from the prying eyes of mortals, or anyone else, really.
The only ones who could enter and see this house using their naked eyes were those creatures you had invited in.
You knew it was risky to let a vampire hunter inside your abode; however, you valued life more than anything else.
You didn't want the rogues to kill Hoseok even though you barely knew him.
Jung Hoseok was a well-known vampire hunter. This was the only information you knew about him.
You didn't really want to get involved with vampires, humans, or even witches. You only interacted with them when necessary.
Saving Hoseok was necessary in able for you to live a guilt-free life.
You were just like Hoseok before—a human who despised those vampires, but your life changed when a rogue bit and turned you into a bloodsucking creature.
It was the darkest point of your life. You thought you'd die when you were bitten. Most rogues couldn't stop sucking blood until their victims died.
Taehyung, the rogue who bit you, was a sadist. He was aware that you hated vampires and so he completed your transition.
Being bitten was not enough to become a vampire. You literally had to die in able to complete the transition. A person would only turn if they died with vampire blood in their system.
Taehyung snapped your neck after feeding you his blood.
It had been two decades since you turned, yet you could still remember that night vividly.
You still hated being a vampire too.
This was the reason why you helped Hoseok. You didn't want him to suffer like the way you did. Hell. You didn't wish it to happen to anyone.
Being a vampire was a curse.
But you couldn't deny that it had benefits too. You never got sick, you had super speed, enhanced ability to hear and see from afar.
These powers of yours were enough for you to stay alive. You figured that you could use your abilities to help unwilling people from turning into a monster like you.
You wanted to be like Hoseok, this was why you had been watching him guard the city and kill rogues for years now.
You admired him for trying his best to protect innocent people. You didn't want him to die since he was the only hunter who didn't have self-interest. He trained to protect people, not to gain power.
"I'm not dumb to believe you," Hoseok spitted on the ground when you told him why you saved him.
He didn't believe that there was goodness in vampires. The latter were the ones who killed the Jungs. His family begged the vampires to spare their lives, but they never listened. They only laughed as they drank human blood.
"And I know you're not dumb enough to die on my watch." You bit your wrist. "So drink,"
Vampire blood had healing powers. It was more effective than calendula flowers. If Hoseok drank your blood, all his afflictions would go away.
"Get your filthy blood away from me!" Hoseok shook his head vigorously, refusing to have a taste of your sweet, sweet blood.
You exhaled calmly. He would die due to loss of blood if he continued acting like a child.
"Can't you trust me for once? I'm doing this for your sake," you tried to feed him your blood again.
He tilted his head to the side. He wanted to push your hand away, but he couldn't.
You tied him into a chair and this was one of the many reasons why couldn't trust you.
"You took my freedom away." Hoseok gritted his teeth.
You sighed again.
"I'm just protecting myself. You're a hunter. You might kill me if I let you go,"
"Well you might kill me too if you don't let me go!"
"Why would I feed you my blood if I want to kill you? Make it make sense!"
Your voice was like a thunder, it was so loud. You couldn't help it anymore. Vampires' emotions were heightened, making you feel infuriated even though you were just annoyed.
"How would I know? I can't read your mind! What if you just want me to turn into a bloodsucker, huh!?"
His claim made you pause. Your wild heart was slowly calming down.
Hoseok was right. If you were him, you would be skeptical too.
"Fine." You clenched your jaw as you made your way to your small garden.
Hoseok thought you weren't going to come back, but you surprised him when you returned shortly.
You picked some calendula flowers to heal him.
"Is this good enough for you?"
His heart skipped a beat upon seeing your pale face. You didn't look so good and it was because of the fact that you were holding calendula flowers.
Calendula had healing properties for human, but it made vampires weak. They would either faint or feel exhausted once they ingested or touched the mentioned flora.
Calendula grew anywhere so Hoseok wasn't surprised that you had them in your garden. What surprised him was when you leaned closer to him, slowly covering the wound on his neck using the flower.
It was magical. Hoseok's head was spinning, so he just stared deep into your eyes to help him feel better.
Your eyes were the perfect distraction. It was so full of life despite you being undead.
"Y-You'll feel better in a short while," you whispered, still dazed because of the flower.
"I know." Hoseok cleared his throat, looking away from you.
You stood straight, inching away from him.
"Here," you handed him a knife which he took instantly. You saved him, so he would probably spare your life. You trusted him. "Free yourself. I won't stop you, but please..."
You paused to swallow hard.
"Be careful. Leave when the sun rises. Go south, the vampire—"
"I know the forest inside out." He dismissed you. He hated that you were telling him what to do.
But you simply smiled.
"I know that. I watch you fight every night, Hoseok. I'm just telling you the safest route to take. You know the forest, but you don't know us."
"Right." He didn't know you. He didn't know vampires. Your kind could attack him any time.
Most vampires had daylight rings, protecting them from the hot sun.
"Well, if you don't need anything else, I'll be off to my room," you started walking away because you were exhausted. Damn calendula flowers.
"Wait!" Hoseok stopped you though.
You turned to look at him, raising your brow.
"T-Thank you," he gulped. "For saving me."
The smile you gave him was soft and pretty and sweet.
It made his heart flutter.
You were so beautiful...
"It's my pleasure." This was the last thing you said before turning away from him; however, you looked back just when he thought you were already inside your room.
"And Hoseok?"
He met your gaze.
"You can come back anytime. I'll always heal you." With your blood or calendula flowers. It didn’t matter.
It didn’t matter even if you felt like you were about to faint any moment from now. You were too weak to move.
Fortunately the vampire hunter simply grinned at your statement. He wouldn’t hold you back any longer. Besides, he didn’t know what else to tell you because he doubted what you said.
He knew this night was the first and last time he was going to see you.
This was evident when he freed himself from the tight rope after he made sure you had retreated in your room.
He was out of the door now, but it didn't end with that.
Hoseok was a hunter. He was smart and he didn't trust anyone.
He smiled to himself as he nursed his remaining grenade in his hands. The timing was perfect. You didn’t have energy to run tonight.
You were a fool for trusting him. Only a fool would trust strangers.
And he wasn't a fool.
Perhaps four year-old Hoseok was a fool.
A fool who let vampires inside their abode when they offered him a candy.
He was only a boy that time.
He was only a boy when he met evil.
Two decades later, he got to interact with evil again.
You were the evil, so he left the grenade outside of your door.
He smirked.
Boy meets evil, but it didn't mean he would be tempted by your sweetness.
The grenade exploded.
Too bad, but it was supposed to be like this.
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fangirlings-things · 4 years
Burning | Athelstan
(A/N): this is just the one shot full of angst that no one asked for but I had this idea and decided to write it, I love Athelstan and miss this priest!! Let me know what you guys think and if I should write more for this fandom
Fandom: Vikings
Pairing: Athelstan x female reader
Word count: 2K
Warnings: angst
gif is not mine
based on this song
Summary: after Athelstan is gone, she loses her will to live and everything just seems pointless
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"You should eat" Bjorn's tone was serious, full of worry. He had his blue eyes glued to the your face, his fist clenched fiercely around a cup of ale. He had almost forgotten about his drink, since his attention had been instantly and completely drawn to (Y/N) when he was on the other side of the hall. The expression on your face was so empty and hollow, that it made him walk towards you and sit by your side at the wooden bench. 
"I am not hungry" you replied simply, not even turning towards him as you answered. Your eyes were fixed on an inexistent point in front of you, ignoring completely the feast, the music and the laughs that were spreaded all across the place. You were the only one there, who wasn't even slightly happy. You were in pain and Bjorn knew why, even though he thought it would be better not to mention it. Everyone was trying not to mention it in your presence, for the best. 
"You have to eat something, otherwise you'll fall ill" he tried to get some reason into you, as determined as ever even if you were hardly trying to ignore him and his words. He noticed that you took a deep breath, your hair raising upon your chest as you did so. You seemed not to care at all about what he was saying. Frustrated and mostly worried about his friend, he placed his hand on yours and squeezed it hardly, trying to bring you back from whatever dark place you found herself in. By the way you shuddered under his touch, he knew you were now really listening to him. "Winter is close now and being weak at it is bad, you know that. You could not survive"
"Maybe that is what I want" only then you turned your face to his, and in that moment he was able to see that your eyes were glistening with tears. The pain you were feeling seemed almost tangible, so hard and strong it was. So present he could see it carved into every little detail of your beautiful features. Your words hit him so hard. Harder than many strikes he had taken in battle before. "Perhaps dying will be better than living like this" a tear stremed down your face as you gently took your hand out of his and got up, running away and shutting him down like you had been doing for a while now. Since he had been killed. 
"You think Althestan would want for you to die?" Bjorn spoke up as you started to walk away, a certain despair taking a hold of him and making him say that. He feared for your future. And even more for the fact that you seemed to not desire a future at all anymore. 
The statement had the expected effect on (Y/N). You turned around, back to Bjorn and he could see the intense horror in you. To hear his name said again, in such a way, made everything worse. As you hadn't already reached your limit of bearable pain. You took what seemed to be an eternity to finally speak, searching inside youself for words. Any words at all, that would take the echo of his name out of the air, that had became heavy and poisoned. Filled with pain. 
"He is dead" you repressed a sob, eyes on Bjorn's with so fixation that he felt a shiver running down his spine. You had never given him such a harsh look. "What he would want, will not change reality anymore. Can't change it. Because he is dead." you repeated the initial words, biting so hard at your lower lip to repress a sob that you felt the metalic taste of blood on your mouth. 
"(Y/N)..." Bjorn started with a heavy sight, regretting what he had said already. Instead of helping, he had just made it all worse. 
As soon as he tried to speak again though you decided to not give him a second chance and turned around, pushing people aside to get out of that hall as soon as possible. You wanted to get away from the feast. Away from Bjorn. Away from everyone, because none of them were him. 
None of them was Althestan. Hear and see those people laughing and smiling, hugging each other and enjoying good company only made you think more and more about the fact that you weren't ever going to see his smile again or hear his musical laugh. You would never be hugged by him again or lay by his side at night. He was gone. Just disappeared. 
All you wanted, was to disappear as well. 
"You wanted to see me, King Ragnar?" you had your eyes glued to the floor underneath your feet, analysing all the imperfections and dirt in it, as well as some stains you recognized as ale ones. Now, the hall was completely silent expect for the sound of your and Ragnar's breathing. It didn't seem at all that in the night before, that place had been completely crowded with the people of Kattegat. 
"Yes, I wanted to see you (Y/N)" Ragnar was on his feet as well, his muscled arms crossed over his chest and the usual serious expression on his face. It remembered you of Bjorn's own expression at the feast. They were so similar, those too. More than even they could see it. "Bjorn told me you have not been eating properly"
With a heavy sight, you felt anger fill your whole being. You wanted to scream at Bjorn, tell him to leave you be and mind his own problems. Deep down though, what stopped you was the knowledge that he was doing that to help you. He was trying to save you from youself and your self destructive thoughts. Although, you felt already long gone now. No salvation for you left. 
"With all the respect my Lord, Bjorn should not have said such things. I have been feeding" you forced the words out after a moment, thinking twice about every single word before mumbling it out. 
"Enough to sustain your health?" insisted Ragnar, and the firmess on his voice made you raise your head to stare at him. You saw that he had his eyebrows raised and clearly, hadn't accepted your poor statement. As in response to the questioning you averted your eyes from his quicky, the King squeezed his lips on a thin line, understanding the silent answer. "Bjorn also, said that you talked about not wanting to live anymore. (Y/N)" again, his voice was so firm that you had the obligation to look up and meet his blue eyes with yours. There was compassion on Ragnar's eyes as he took a few steps towards you and then stopped at a short distance. From up close, you could see that the King, as you, had a great pain carved on his face. "You're suffering"
And right there, you fell apart. The tears came crashing down like waves on a boat, running down your cheeks like an unstoppable river. The knot on your throat was so great that you for a second, couldn't even get breath into your lungs. Everything just hurt so much. 
Ragnar didn't say anything as he watched you painfully tremble from head to feet. Didn't spoke as he saw the tears falling on his hall. He shared your pain. Closing the rest of the distance between you two he passed his arms around your much smaller body and squeezed you tightly, trying to give you some comfort. 
"I miss him too" he whispered in your ear, and that made you sob out loud. So loud you were sure someone on the outside, passing by, would probably be able to hear it. It was an awful sound. The most truly terrible sound Ragnar had ever heard on his troubled life. 
"Make this pain go away, Ragnar. Please, make it stop" your hands were grabbing at his shirt firmly, it seeming to be the only thing keeping you from falling. The words were mumbled out through sobs, uncontactable tears still flowing out of your eyes "I can't take it. I'm burning. There's a flame on my chest and I can't..." whatever you were going to say afterwards, was never said. You just sobbed again, even more deeply and painfully now than before. 
Feeling tears run down his own face, Ragnar gently pulled away and grabbed your face with both of his hands. His palms were warm and comforting on your wet cheeks. Your eyes were both red and sore from the crying. 
"I am not going to let you die" you opened your mouth in a protest, but he silenced you with just a hard look. "I'm not. Althestan is in heaven now, watching us. He would want me to take care of you" his calloused fingers stroke your right cheek slowly, the knot on his own throat threatening to suffocate him. Oh, did he miss his best friend. The person he trusted the most in the whole world. "He loved you so much"
(Y/N) hugged Ragnar again, didn't minding the fact that he was the King. He was just a friend in that moment. The one person who really shared your pain and understood it. 
"Why do we have to carry such a burden?" you asked the man, your face resting against his chest and wetting his shirt. His grip on you was firm, keeping you up and alive. Like he had just said he would. 
"I suppose this is the work of the gods" Ragnar shut his eyes as he placed his chin on your head, sighting. He smiled when a thought suddenly occurred to him. "Or perhaps, it is the work of Althestan's God. The Christian God. 
"Why would he have to take Althestan away so soon? Why?"
"I don't know" Ragnar admitted, having thought the same thing since the got the word of his friend's death. He did not understand. Both of them didn't. 
Sighting heavily again you turned your head completely to the side, pressing your ear flat against Ragnar's heart and so being able to hear his heartbeat. 
In the corner of the room, close to the doors, you saw a shadow. Someone watching. The thought of getting caught at such a intimate moment with the King filled you with worry, but you didn't had the strength or the will to get out of that embrace. So you blinked a few times, trying to get rid of the blurry vision caused by the tears. With you vision now clear, you saw who was standing there. 
Althestan was smiling at you two. At you. He was wearing his monk clothes, although his hair was long like you had gotten used to. All the air left your body, you couldn't breathe. Couldn't move. Just looked at him, the tears getting even more insistent. 
His smile got wider and you understood what he was trying to say with that kind smile. Take care of each other. As well as I love you. He always had had that look in his eyes when he said he loved you. 
And then without saying anything he walked away and pass the doors of the hall, and as much as you wanted to scream for him to stay, you didn't. You knew he didn't belong to you anymore. He belonged to his God. On the outside he disappeared after a few seconds under the sun light, leaving. Gone. 
Feeling your heart heavier and yet lighter inside your chest you were able to crack out a painful little smile, deciding that you did not want to die anymore. You wanted to stay alive. 
You would live day after day, just waiting for him to pay you a visit again. 
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nocherryblood · 4 years
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Hey! Just a couple of random drawings here!I'll list all the ideas and explanations behind these drawings here:
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1) Idea: Will is sick (Mason's come down with it too- and by how close Mabel is to him by trying to comfort him, she'll get it too... aww), the Gleeful twins (they're about 10 or 11 here) refuse to go to bed (which may or may not have been down to a dangerous mix of Mabel Juice and Smile Dip), Bill refuses to leave his twin until he's better so he let himself into the mansion, and Kill's playing the big brother card and refusing to leave too, instead deciding to settle down on Bill's head to watch it all. :) Ah, bliss. So, what does Stanford do? The only thing he can, drug them into submission begrudgingly read them a bedtime story about a few "adventures" he's had. Oh well...
2) Idea: Stanford and Fiddleford find one of those novelty character photo stands, and stick their heads in the holes to take a photo for a laugh. The end result is two quite weird looking "disney princess " photos.
3) Idea: Vampire Will! I'll run through what's happening in each Still!
(Top left) Will is blood-starved (which is when he's either refused or unable to get, blood) and goes crazy trying to get some. He still manages to looks cute to me in a way. And yes, when he gets mad, he goes red, just like his twin! Aww! (But don't laugh, he's thirsty and it looks like you're next...)
(Top right) Will feeding off of someone, but they've been fed from many times before... can you guess who it is (Hint, look at that "tattoo"...)?
(Left middle) During one of the times that Will is blood-starved, he walks to Dipper's college dorm (crossing through a portal to get to Gravity Falls- thankfully, DipDop is out that evening; the two of them "share" a dorm in college, even if Bill doesn't actually go to classes, he's just there to spend time with his Pine Tree), stumbling a little. Bill smiles, just happy to see his little bro, and lets him in without even questioning it (and here we see the very rare thing called "Bill's innocence"). Will asks him for a hug, saying only that he felt a bit lonely so he came to see him, and Bill accepts straight away, going in for the hug. But he's horrified to see Will's face flicker from sad to lust (FOR BLOOD. FOR BLOOD!) for just a second, but before he can do anything, Will's already bitten him several times in just a matter of a few seconds (vampire speed + vampire magic + demon speed + demonic powers = run the hell away from that OP b*tch). Bill staggers back, falling to the floor, and although Will tries to "switch back" to himself, he can't, and getting a taste of (demon) blood didn't help. The end result is... well... Bill ends up losing a heck of a lot of blood, there is one very surprised Pine Tree who comes home in the morning to find Bill passed out on the floor, and one very drunken Will, who drank way too much (especially because it's demon) blood, and it has an effect like being high/stoned or being intoxicated, it just depends. That was a fun morning.
(Middle right) Someone forcing Will's hunger to grow by smashing a vial of angel blood in his face (which by the way, tastes irresistible to him), which can be used to lure said vampire-demon if used in the right way... A smear of angel blood here on a victim and a smear of angel blood there on a victim, aaaaannnndddd... it'd be enough to send him reeling; poor victim :( And no, they (a normal victim at least; 'angel blood' victims don't stand a chance) won't get turned, they'll bleed out unless someone helps them out, because there's a special venom that Will has to inject with his fangs if he wants to turn someone... so don't think you have a chance of survival, unless:
A) He manages to get himself back and decides to help you out
B) You're a child- because Will will NOT attack children, no matter how much he wants to. There has been only one time (he was forced to by Fidds and Ford for an experiment), and he had to be left in the basement for a week before he calmed down...
C) You find him another victim quick enough (of all the three options, this is the one with the least hope- so say goodbye now while you're at it)
(Bottom right) Will's coffin! It's white, with his name written on the front in black letters written on it in cursive (though as he grows 'older', he does prefer a less 'curly' font, but at first, he likes to stick to his old style of writing- from when he was just a demon). He doesn't have to sleep in it, he can sleep in a bed-, which he does do at first, but he finds it safer in case he accidentally wakes up to find the sun's rays glaring down at him... which won't hurt him exactly, but it's not exactly the nicest feeling either...
(Middle) Blood-starved Will...
Will: "I'-It's [the restraining belt] a little t-tight, Bill. Could you t-take it off, p-please? It hurts...."
Bill: "I know Blue, I-I'm... sorry... but I can't... It's not... It's not..."
Will: "It's not... safe... is it?
Bill: "Oh, Will... No... If course it's safe, I just-"
Will (distorted): "WELL THEN WHAT, BILL?! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO? I'M STARVING!" *grabs bars, shakes them, growls*
Bill (quietly): *backs away* Will... this isn't you... St-stop it...
Will (quietly): *backs away into 'cell', sniff* Bill...?
Bill: *looks up*
Both: *run to each other, hug through bars*
Bill: "I love you, Blue..." (AS BROTHERS!)
Will: "What's happening to m-me, Bill...?"
Bill: *runs hand through Will's hair* "I don't know, Will..."
Both: *crying profusely*
Backstory time! (This could change a little, in time, but here's the rough idea-)
Well, at first, no-one thinks that being bitten by a rogue vampire is going to affect a demon that much...
At first the signs on Will are subtle, like becoming more and more sensitive to sunlight and tending to stay away from more people, unless he trusts them or knows them well... but he was fine.
Soon the signs become more severe, and he develops a sort of hunger eating (that pun tho...) away at him, and his senses are starting to get overwhelmed. But he was fine.
All in all, for first few months, Will can pretty much (mostly) just try to ignore the signs, just blaming it in being stressed rather than everything else. He could still serve under the Gleefuls (especially Stanford and Mason, hint hint ;)) without them noticing too much; the only people to noticeably be worried about him were Dipper and Mabel (Pines), and his brother- whom he was allowed to visit every once in a while. So things weren't exactly alright, but he was fine.
Until his bite marks disappear...
One Friday evening, after a particularly draining show (in which he had to use quite a bit of energy), Will is set to serve the evening tea. At first, everything is fine, and he barely notices anything is wrong.
But just as he walks into the dining room, a sharp pain pierces his neck, causing him to shriek, fall, and drop the dinner plates all over the floor. He quickly attempts to get up to clean it up, and Mason tries to help him too (if only to mock him at first), but before he can leave a snidy remark and walk away with a smirk, Will grabs his hand.
The blue demon switches back and forth between himself and the fledgling merging with him, letting go of Mason's hand as he tries to stay in control. He has visions of blood running down the walls, making him panic and feel like he's drowning, and then feeling like he can't breathe.
Flashes of consciousness of him feeding on Mason (whilst the poor boy frantically struggles to get away from him) phase through the visions to him, but ultimately, he cannot stop it. He "wakes up"on the floor, with Mason bleeding out by the wrist next to him, before Mabel rushes to help Mason. Will sees Stanford approach him, and Ford drags Will up by the collar, and down to the basement, locking him down there. He observes Will from a distance- from a camera in another room- before he begins to notice Will losing himself as he soon tries to get out as his vampire side lets paranoia about being trapped, set in. Will essentially goes "feral" banging on the bars, baring his teeth/currently-lengthened fangs, growling, hissing, rocking back and forth, pounding on the walls... you get the message. After a while, Stanford decided (even though he would usually just let Will suffer) to try to anathetise Will, before eventually just giving up and filling the room with narcotic gases to make him sleep. After a couple of coughing fits, Will finally passes out, and Stanford comes in, resolving to typing his arms next to him with an enchanted belt, so that Will can't free himself, no matter how hard he tries. He also puts a special collar on him, like a shock collar but it can also administer small amounts of the narcotics, if Stanford so wishes. So, with done, he lets Will sleep until the morning, just waiting to observe his actions... And so, when Will is denied/refused, or unable to obtain blood or energy (because he can feed off of people's energy too, it's just not a effective and fills the hunger for much less longer) then that, is when he is blood-starved, so he'll probably anything just to get some, though let it be said, the longer he has to wait, the greeider he'll become. There have been numerous experiments between Fidds and Ford, to see how long will could actually go for without attacking someone whilst blood-starved, unbeknownst to poor Will :(. But regardless of that, the record if around 2 hours and 1 minute...
(If you have any further questions, ask away!)
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obsessionsposts · 5 years
Deadly Thorns
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Warnings: Violence/mention of tortures/angst /yandere/ kidnapping etc...
Finally, the day has come to escape this wretched place where monsters lurked to swallow the light or in this case, you.
The monster was one of your allies until the darkness consumed him and turn him against you.
' Don't look at me like that,подсолнух. You know I did that to protect you from outside world you know how cruel it could be,Da'
Remembering the first day or more likely kidnapped all the way to Moscow,Russia.
Teeth gritting together,eyes burning with rage, your mind itching to make the man ,who used to be a dear friend of yours, to suffer and pay for the heinous tortures he made you partake in just because he loves you.
Or maybe all of three above,you couldn't help but want to snap at Ivan for ruining your life as he killed everyone you truly cared for in front of you as punishment for trying to escape on earlier months.
' That's what happens when you don't listen to me,возлюбленная. Why won't you listen and love me like I do, you ungrateful brat', as he knocked you out cold and locked you down in the basements for days without food,water,and clothes to warm your self up.
At some point you contemplated suicide to see the monster of a human being suffer,cry, and be damned to loneliness for all eternity without someone to love and care for him.
Here you are, years after being the captive of Ivan today is the day you will end his tyrannical regime against you and escape him to gain access to the world and get help from other nation.
It's been six months appeasing to Russia's delusions.
Unsurprisingly, he began to treat you nicely,start to coddle, and melted at every superficial signs of affection you display.
'Oh, you want to cuddle?, come closer let me give you the biggest hug of the century', Ivan enveloped you in a bone-crushing hug,but it was warm and full of love.
Little did that poor fool knew that you were using to escape him.
Frankly, you felt bad for him for he used to be your friend and ally,but then again he took everything from you.
Loved ones?
Innocent lives at your expense?
Not today,Not tomorrow,Never again.
You found yourself for the first time in years to be outside in the snowy field.
Watching the snowflake landed on your hand is a nice experience; but you don't have much time til Ivan discover you're not there and god knows what will happen when he will catch you.
You will not let that happen.
Years of strive,
Years of misery,
Won't lead to nothing.
Afterwards, you contacted the best person who could get you out of this sticky situation America,known as Alfred to you.
For odd reason, you get the feeling you're not alone and someone was there with you, but you couldn't pinpoint who is it.
'Please whatever deity there is,don't let it be Ivan,or that crazy sister of his', you mused as the silhouette of Russia's mansion begins to disappear as you fared away from it hastily and cautiously unaware of the deadly eyes of the sliverette.
"What do you mean......they're gone, you three were told to keep a watch on them while I deal with that pesky capitalist,but what do you do? You let them escape under your sight",
Ivan response was cold,collected,and even calm.
But the baltics knew better than that.
He was angry,furious,and enraged to the point that smoke were appearing from his body orifices.
What did he do?
Smile at them.
"I'll be going to get them back,you three look after the house,also tonight I'll be speaking with you,do you understand? or do you need me to bash your miserable skulls to let you understand", Came to be his response which made them shiver in their own boots as they obeyed him.
Unaware of thier actions, the Baltic let you escape to get back at Russia for a centuries of mistreatment and they hope the best for you.
Sighing they all went back to work.
"Okay so that's where you were all this time, I knew it that commie was behind this all the time,but did anyone belive me? Nooope. But worry not,for the hero will come and help you,also stay put as I come pick you up Okie?", buzzed the phone with the all familiar jovial voice of Alfred.
"Don't worry,alfred, I could hold my grounds against Russia this time ,unlike what happend the first time, for I know his weak points and brought weapons for extra-caution"
"Atta my friend,and good luck you need it especially with that basterd commie", as your phone charger went off.
You groaned as you stayed at some cheap motel to avoid any recognition.
Laying back at the bed you begin to think about Ivan.
God, Ivan. You know I would've loved you if loved me normally.
But Instead, What did you do?
Kidnap me.
Kill anyone who interacted with me.
Torture me in different methods of tortures each time ,yet you call it a punishment cause I didn't reciprocated your feelings,or for disobeying you.
Once you were great Ivan, but what did happen to you
Unaware as tears began to roll down your cheeks as you realize you lost once a great friend to the darkness that seems to feed of your agony.
Nonetheless,you must keep determined to escape this cold hell.
Suddenly you heard a thud downstairs of the motel.
How did he ? No matter,I must leave. Good case scenario is I leave that damn motel in one piece. Worst case scenario is I shoot myself to never let him touch me again.
" (Y/n),(Y/n). I know you're here, come to me and everything would be forgiven I know you're scared,but if you come now there is no reason to be afraid. Otherwise I'll give you a reason to be afraid,Da?", the all to familiar voice of a mad man resonated through the motel.
Never again...
You jumped through the windows and landed on the ground with a few scraps on your feet.
No phone....
No food.....
A manic tailing me.... things couldn't get any better for me.
You looked back to see Russia hurling at you.
But he forgets one things you are always one step ahead as you aim your Magnum Research BFR [a gift from America before the kiddnaping fiasco].
"You've angered me plenty today First,you run away from your husband then you dare point a gun infront of me do tell me who poisoned your mind with lies against me? Is it the baltics?Or the capitalist pig? Maybe even the English basterd?", ivan replied huskily as he watched you with a wicked smile comparable to of that of the Cheshire cat.
"No one did,but you. You have killed the old me with your love only to give birth to the new me who won't be bound by your lies as well as tricks and by no means I am going to go back with you again,so you could treat me as a personal pet for pleasure. I had enough,come any closer and I don't hesitate to shoot", you spat all your pent up rage coming back to bite your tormentor.
It did effectively making him more than enraged.
Good. The more reason to take advantage of him in such state whereas he can't think a straight.
"It's adorable how you think you can fight me I'll have to fix this attitude of yours when I get you back,plus here meet an old acquaintance of yours the metal pipe of pain you remember him don't you", as soon as he was about to knock you out with his pipe ; you shot his right arm and left leg which elicited a grunt of pain and he fell down which gave you a few minutes to run away in which you did.
Ivan looked at you madly as he watched your shadow fade away from his view as he punched his fist toward the ground.
"черт возьми, Soon enough you will be one with mother Russia and we together for all eternity argh", Ivan smile thoroughly at the thought as he held his scarf against his wounds.
"Is that really you (N/n)? I can't really believe it", Alfred brought close to him and held you tight.
"Long time no see, tell me how are you and the others are fairing",you replied raspy drained of all energy reasonably after what occurred today.
"Good, you don't know how long we have searched for you we thought you're dead but thank god it isn't the case and gotta say you handled the commie pretty well nothing less to expect from you,now let's go", he offered his hand to get on his copter.
Which you accepted the offer and let him leas you to the copter.
It was all worth it in the end,
Despite the damaged psyche you are finally free from your cage,
From the darkness that kept you there,
From the monster you once called a friend.
Your tyranny has ended, Ivan.
It's a shame how things ended like this.
In another reality, we could've been friends or maybe lovers and soon to be wed.
But you made your decision, to be a monster.
And I made mine, to be a flying bird nothing would hold me down.
Til death bring us together.
A/N: For your patience, you deserved a one-shot instead of a short story or a headcanon. Hope I delivered well and thank you for requesting. Till next time 😊
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