#don't know how I managed it with work crushing me beneath its shoe
surrealsunday · 2 years
10 Things I’ll Tattoo on You
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10 Things I Hate About You AU
It’s a terrible idea from the start. Eliott knows that. But when presented with the possibility of a date with a cute boy for a generous sum of much-needed cash, could anyone blame him for taking resident-asshole-Charles-Munier up on the offer? Well, yes. Lucas Lallemant could. But there’s no need for him to find out about the arrangement. A date and it’s done. Easy enough. Or it would be... if Lucas wasn’t... Lucas. Head-strong, stubborn, cheeky, and everything Eliott didn’t know he needed. In conclusion: He’s fucked.
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sugatrapp · 11 months
「 Don't They? 」
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Pairings: Stefano Valentini x Female Reader
Summary: Most days, it seemed like Stefano cared more about his art than her. She was fed up and was prepared to leave. Of course, he wouldn’t allow her to leave so easily. 
Warnings: NSFW / Sexual themes ~ Toxic relationship ~ Unnamed female reader ~ Tentacles ~ Dubious consent ~ Bondage 
A/N: This was supposed to be a piece for Kinktober, but school had other plans. Can’t believe November is already well on its way to being over 🫠 Anyways, enjoy! 💜 
“I’m leaving.” 
Blunt and to the point. The words echoed over the sea of tables piled high with paints, tools, and half-finished works. His form hovered over an easel, canvas splotched with dark reds and blacks. The brush between his fingers clattered as he dropped it in a bucket of cleaning solution, yet his back continued to face her. 
“We’ve talked about this, love—“ 
She interrupted, “Well this’ll be the last time you hear it.” 
He huffed, swiveling on his heels to humor her. The moment he saw the suitcase, a noticeable tension dampened the mood of the room. Frown fixed upon his lips, he took slow steps toward her. An unsettling flutter settled in her stomach, but she maintained eye contact, bringing herself to full height. 
“And where will you go? How will you support yourself?” 
“I don’t think that’s any of your concern anymore,” she sassed. 
Soon, he was mere inches away from her face, now glaring.  
She rose an eyebrow. 
“It wasn’t a question.” 
“I’m telling you you’re not going anywhere.” 
“Too bad you can’t stop me. Just thought I’d be decent enough to tell you to your face.” 
He clenched his fists at his sides as she dared to turn away from him. A mumbled series of words left his mouth. Before she could process them, the ground rumbled beneath her feet and the back wall of the studio exploded, debris flung into the void. The Aperture floated into view, its sight locked on her. Tendrils stretched out from it on all sides before abruptly rushing to her position. She just barely managed to dodge them, abandoning her suitcase in the process.  
“What the hell Stefano!” She yelled, sliding under a table as a nearby one was crushed to bits. She crawled out from the other side, making a mad dash for the exit. Her heartbeat filled her ears and thoughts of death swarmed her mind. Surely, he wouldn’t kill her?  
Her evasion only fueled his anger, attacks becoming more frequent yet sloppy. The door was in her reach. She could almost taste normalcy, the promise for a fresh start in the city where she could blend in, see new sights and work on herself. It was beautiful. And in that split second of bliss, he had teleported in front of the door, a toothy grin on his face. 
“Going somewhere?” 
She screeched to a halt and stumbled back, right into the grasp of Aperture. Crimson strands tangled around her limbs within seconds. A fruitless struggle ensued as her feet left the ground. Only when they grew tighter did she accept her fate. The heels of his shoes clicked as he strolled over. 
“After everything we’ve been through…” 
He reached up to touch her cheek, but she flinched away before his fingers made contact. His hand returned to his side with a sigh, thinking she’d imagined the glimpse of hurt behind his eyes. 
“You know why.” 
It’d only been a year since his art gained traction in the mainstream. After years of working freelance in photography and having multiple rejections, he’d finally found a break when a private collector decided to take a chance on his gore inspired paintings. Word of mouth led to many painting and sculpture commissions alike. Money seemed bottomless and the fame wasn’t half bad either. His dream had finally come true like she always knew it would. 
The problems began soon after. Nothing came before work. Dates were cancelled last minute, excuses were made, her feelings were discarded. Everything was about his art.  
It’s only temporary, my love. I could never be too busy for you. 
We are this close to living the life we’ve always wanted. I just need a little more time. 
Please be patient with me. 
It had been months and nothing changed. She stood by his side since the beginning and this was the thanks she got? Being held hostage? 
“I just need more time,” he whispered, a broken record. His hand was back on her body, trailing down her abdomen. 
“Please don’t make this harder than it has to be,” she pleaded. Her words went in one ear and out the other as he grew closer and closer to the place she didn’t want. The leather of his glove met her bare skin, sliding underneath her panties to stroke her bundle of nerves. Her eyes closed despite herself, the rough texture expediting the growing heat in her belly. 
“Tell me you don’t feel anything, and I will let you leave.” 
She wanted to scream, ask where he’d gotten the gall to assume she’d stay after everything he’d done. As he continued to toy with her, however, a hunch told her nothing close to what she was thinking would leave her mouth. Though, she made an attempt. 
“I-I don’t—“ 
The tentacle around her throat tightened, cutting her off. At the same time, Stefano slipped two fingers inside and forced a choked moan from her. She squeezed the digits as he set a steady pace, hating the way his expression filled with smug delight.  
“You could never leave me,” he stated, his free hand coming up to squeeze her breast. She hissed when he pinched her nipple through her bra hard enough to bruise.  
“S-So you think,” she managed to get out, struggling against her captors. In that moment, she’d never felt smaller. “I don’t even know you anymore.” 
For a split second, it seemed like she finally got through to him. Those calculating eyes softened around the edges, revealing the man she was supposed to spend the rest of her life with. The man who was an open book and a willing ear. The man whose presence gave her warmth and an abundance of belonging. The man who could capture the unlikely beauties of the world with precision. He’d seemed too good to be true—soft spoken and careful—a far cry from the guys she dated in the past.  
“Perhaps you’ve never known me at all,” he zoned out, staring off into the distance. How had things gone so wrong and so fast? But her initial glint of hope faded away as he steeled himself, the wall building back up.  
His lips suddenly pressed against hers in a rough kiss. Her vision grew misty at the sensation, like two star-crossed lovers finally overcame the oceans separating them only to realize there was nothing. No sparks, no reasons to continue loving. Despite it, she tried to match his urgency, expecting with each brush of their tongues that everything would work itself out like before. Her fingers twitched out of habit, wanting to card through his hair and see that blissful smile that never failed to light a torch in her heart. 
But Aperture refused to give. More tentacles trickled down to meet her, the moist appendages slithering beneath her clothes and leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. They were reduced to scraps littering the floor.  
A hammock like structure formed under her, hips rising involuntarily to meet his. She begged him to stop the madness and accept that there was nothing left between them. Not to mention it wasn’t fair. But she was met with deaf ears as he unzipped his slacks and pushed them down just enough to release his hard cock. 
All she could do was watch him line himself up with her entrance, plunging achingly slow into her depths. She exhaled a shaky breath when he settled against the sensitive patch of tissue lining her walls. He tossed his head back and she hated that he still had an effect on her body. Each thrust grew easier to make, a thin layer of her essence coating his skin and glistening in Aperture’s light. 
He pushed her thighs closer to her chest and the tendrils readjusted to hold her open. She jolted as he went impossibly deeper. A twinge emerged but he didn’t stop, instead picking up the pace. 
“Good girl, take all of me,” he groaned. 
Her earlier resistance was flung out the window as a series of moans slipped through her lips and refused to stop. They grew in volume the harder he pounded into her, too far gone for embarrassment to set in at their lewdness. For a moment, her rational side spoke above the fog of lust, telling her this was exactly what he wanted. He’d never let her go and she be trapped in an endless loop of unhappiness. Their time together was over, the situation only prolonging the inevitable. But a glance down at her body webbed with tentacles—one on a path toward her parted lips—pacified any further attempts at disobedience. She allowed its slickness to wander over her tongue and down her throat, gagging as it mirrored its master’s thrusting at a slower speed. 
Stefano fixed his eyes on the sight of her throat rising and falling, cock throbbing dangerously. The combined visuals and sensations of her tight, warm tunnels squeezing him for dear life sent him over the edge. His rhythm broke, shuddering and grasping for purchase on her waist while sheathing himself fully. He growled a curse as spurt after spurt of cum filled her to the brim. The ringing in his ears seemed never ending. After the room came back into focus, he brushed the strands of hair from his right eye. A bluish glow and a whir emitted from it.  
Her whine muffled, she could almost feel the heat of his stare as he filmed between her legs, an unbearable emptiness setting in as he pulled out. She felt the ticklish caress of his seed trickling down her labia, leaving her longing for its blanket. He collected some on his fingertips, forcing it back in with a loud squelching sound. 
The tendril left her mouth, the saliva coated digit coming to stroke her clit in small, firm circles. The noises she made grew more pitiful and desperate, legs trembling in a fight to snap closed. 
“Right there, darling?” 
“Don’t stop,” she gasped.  
It didn’t take long before her orgasm rocked her body, her back arching as much as the tentacles would allow. He caressed her thigh through it with a tenderness miles away from his earlier roughness.  
“I’m going to ruin you,” he rose to his feet and called out to the eye. It turned her around, her back facing him. She hung her head, a testament to the building shame breaching the surface, watching their cum flow out of her in a steady stream. His knees locked, the head of his cock parting her folds. She jolted as he thrusted against her still sensitive clit. “No other man will ever be able to satisfy you like I can.” 
As he seated himself inside her again, she couldn’t help the shiver that ran down her spine having nothing to do with the current situation. She had an inkling that his words would hold true. 
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tory-ben-hi-shelton · 3 years
my favourite quotes from exposure
Multiple sets of handcuffs appeared and were applied. Bailiffs began peeling off the dog-pile like layers of an onion. And there, at the bottom of the scrum, was Kit. He was panting like a marathoner, arms still wrapping the Gamemaster's legs in a death grip. He'd clearly been the first to react.
"Oh, man!" Shelton had both hands on his dome. He seemed winded, despite not having moved during the attack. "Things just got real in here."
"Sorry I froze in there, Tor." Shelton frowned as he shirt wiped his glasses. "Not exactly my 'One Shining Moment', huh?" I waved off his apology. I knew Shelton hated how skittish he could be.
I try to hide the eruptions, but the guys can always tell. They do their best to support me even though it makes them uncomfortable. It's very sweet, but teenage boys make lousy grief counsellors.
The previous semester, Ben had been in half our classes, too, despite being a junior. Obviously, he was no longer around. Sometimes it felt like a limb was missing.
"Jason might be there," Courtney chirped. "He likes you."
"Oh." Not a brilliant response. "Yeah, maybe. I might have a thing, though."
Wonderful. Good job, good effort, Tory.
Behind me, I heard Hi fake coughing to cover his snickers
"I should be a secret agent." Hi blew on his fingernails, then buffed them on his lapel. "Or a magician. Maybe both. Someone write that down."
My hands shot for the Ray-Bans, but Ben caught my fingers mid-flight.
"It's not nice to grab," he said calmly.
"I can't handle all this tension," Shelton moaned. "Too much fighting."
Hi nodded, watching Ben dissapear down a side street. "We need to work on our conflict management. Maybe attend a seminar."
"Make your own?" Hi shifted to look at my face. "Victoria Grace, have you been holding out on me?"
"Tell me everything."
"You're not gonna be happy," Hi warned. "Don't kill the messenger."
"Or his good-looking buddy," Shelton added.
"On Saturday Ben and I drove to John's Islands to see Skyfall."
"You did?" Hi said sharply. "Thanks for the invite, jerks."
Shelton raised his palms. "You were at temple. We're suppose to wait around? Plus, you've seen that movie like five times."
"You still could've asked," Hi grumbled. "I don't—"
"Guys!" I clapped my hands once. "The story, please."
"So many gentleman admirers," Hi mused. "Must be tough, being a heartbreaker."
"Zip it. Unless you wanna see a leg-breaker too."
Ella adopted a mock serious tone. "Will you bodyguards consent?"
I giggled. "If Shelton and Hi are my bodyguards, I don't like my chances. And yes."
"See this?" Ben glanced at the mirror and pointed to his chin. "This is my 'couldn't care less' face."
"Boys?" I stood and faced them. "Something to share?"
"It was a secret." Hi aimed a kick at Shelton, who dodged easily. "Ben made us swear not to tell."
I crossed my arms. Waited.
"Tell Kit we're cutting a music video," Hi suggested as we walked. "Something real gangster, so we need to smash-cut our dance routines. Lay down some visuals. We could offer to let him freestyle rap over the second verse."
"Come on, Sambo!" Hi winked. "Live a little. What are we going to do, rob the place?"
The guard crossed his arms. "Wink at me again, Hiram, and I'll throw you to the wolfpack."
"Did I not mention that?" My brain was truly deep fried. "We went together."
"Oh." Hi and Shelton at once. Ben looked away.
"Hey, wait." I leaned closer to the screen. "You guys wouldn't have wanted to go. I took Ella so I wouldn't be paraded around like Whitney's toy poodle." No one spoke. Nonplussed, I decided to change the subject.
I glowered at Ben from the backseat. I'd given Hi shotgun, having sensed this argument was inevitable. I didn't want to be close. The urge to slap might become overpowering.
"Why don't we use our friendly words?" Hi suggested. "Let's take five, and everyone can say something we like about each other. I'll start. Shelton you're super at—"
"Shut up, Hi!" Ben and I shouted, the first thing we'd agreed upon all morning.
"Must be hell to keep the pH balance correct. I know how it is. I owned a goldfish once."
"Once?" Shelton asked.
"It died. Almost immediately."
"Nice work."
"It's a cultural thing," Hi was saying. "I think you're being insensitive."
Hines snorted. "Do you want me to cuff you?"
"A minute alone, Tory. I'd like a quick chat."
Ben shot forward. "You can stick chat right up—"
Hi waved at me from across the yard, waiting for his mother to arrive. Apparently he'd body-blocked the first cops to chase me through the house. The police were none too pleased. I owe you one, Hi. You bought me enough time.
Entering the Virals chat room, I found all three boys present.
Uh oh.
They'd met there ahead of time, before alerting me. To discuss me.
I glanced up to see Shelton holding latex gloves. Hi had the ziplocks. Ben handed me a cotton swab and stopper. "Anything else?"
Despite the circumstances, I smiled.
Ruth popped her son on the back of the head. "Mind your manners, Hiram."
"Why does everyone do that?" Hi muttered. "And that was child abuse. In front of the police, I might add."
He looked away. The harbour breeze ruffled his silky black hair. My hand found his, almost by its own volition.
I couldn't be mad at Ben anymore. It was like being mad at my left arm. And right then, I needed my arm back.
A smile quirked on my father's lips. "And you, Mr. Blue? Ready for a good ol'-fashioned backyard barbecue? My daughter will be there."
Ben's uneasy smile was his only response.
Ben reached up from where he was lying with his eyes closed. Smacked Hi's dome.
Hi rubbed his head. "I'm getting pretty tired of that move."
"Then quit being a dope." Ben's lids remained shut.
"Hey, sure. No problem. I just need to—"
Hi lunged for Ben, intending a flying body slam. Ben caught Hi in midair and tossed him downhill in one quick motion. Hi tumbled, rolled, and dropped over the berm of the sand.
"That was dumb." Hi informed the blue sky.
Ben started talking about Wando High. I countered with news of Bolton. Before long, we'd exchanged stories, catching up on the last five months of each other's lives. I hadn't realized how much I missed Ben. How badly I wanted him back at Bolton.
He was right, of course. I was keeping several secrets from Ben. Like how comfortable it felt to be alone with him. How much I'd missed his reassuring presence. His quiet strength.
Ben removed his shoes, plunged both feet into the lapping salt waters Then he leaned back against a post, sighing contently. The little-boy maneuver brought a smile to my face.
"You're staying out here?" Shelton asked. "Alone?"
"No big deal. I don't want Kit to see what I'm up to."
"I don't like it," Ben said. Behind him, Hi looked uneasy.
"No one knows this place exists." I pointed to the other room. "And there's an 85 pound predator in there that loves me. I'll be fine."
"Text me when you get home." Ben requested. "Please don't forget."
I hid a smile. "Will do. Bye, guys."
I sat forward at the table. "Okay, so ... like, don't freak out."
That got their attention.
"About?" Ben took the seat across from me, next to Hiram.
"There was an incident last night." Oh so calm. "I'm perfectly okay, but on the way hone someone attacked me on the beach."
"What?!" Three stunned voices.
"That's why you didn't text," Ben muttered.
Ben shook his head in wonderment. "Incredible. It's nice having a genius around."
"It's only genius if it works." But I flushed at the compliment.
I squeezed Ben's shoulder. "Who's the genius now?"
He snorted, looked away.
"You let her go alone?" Ben scolded, slowly working his way down to where Hi was beached. "That defeats the whole purpose!"
"I'm aware of that, Benjamin." Hi tried slinging a leg onto the riverbank, but it flopped back into the rolling current. "But she'd figured out you sent her away from the mine on purpose. You try telling Tory what to do when she's pissed."
"I'll pass."
"How's the leg, detective? Or did my wolfdog bite you in the ass, instead?"
"Hey, at least it's not your birthday. Worst one ever, by the way."
His fist came up. I dapped it with mine.
"For Tory," Shelton said.
"For Tory." All jokes shelved.
Coop was rolling in the leaves, pinning someone beneath his massive bulk.
Ben dove on the tangle with a voice-cracking whoop.
I was no longer alone. The Virals had found me. Ben was beaming, unable to hide his relief. He turned quickly, wiping his glowing eyes. Shelton darted forward and crushed me with a hug. Coop was dancing and bucking, his tail wagging so hard he had trouble keeping balance. My boys. My heroes.
"Do you confronted the twins alone, without waiting for us?" Ben couldn't keep the anger from his voice. "After making us promise not to do anything like that?"
"We can discuss my impulsiveness another time—"
"Oh, we will." Ben assured me.
I ejected the spent clip from the HK45, slammed the new one into place, then worked the slide to chamber a round. Then I held the weapon loosely at my side, barrel pointed toward the ground.
"I'm terrified of you right now," Hi said wide-eyed. "And in love. Take me shooting with your aunt Tempe next time."
"Take the SUV and go. I'll stay with Ella and handle the fallout."
"Out of your mind." Ben said immediately.
"We could drive away without anybody knowing."
"I'm not leaving Tory to face this alone," Ben insisted. "Get serious!"
I spoke softly. "The cops will eat you alive, Benjamin Blue. You have to go."
Ben tensed, ready to argue.
"Detective Hawfield died. This is going to get serious. It's way too much heat for you. Please be sensible."
Ben hesitated. Then his shoulders slumped.
"Maybe you're right." Deep breath. "But you're taking away the other possibility, too."
"I don't understand." I glanced over my shoulder at the approaching vehicle. "What other possibility?"
He smiled wanly. "Ben Blue, The Hero. That kinda would've been nice."
I paused, at a loss for words. My heart broke for him.
"But that's okay." Ben dug keys from his pocket. "After all, we're Virals, not heroes. And that's fine. Plus, I'm not really the hero type."
He turned to leave.
Impulsively, I grabbed Ben's arm. Pulled him close. Smashed my lips against his. The kiss only lasted a second, but also an eternity. Then I stepped back an shoved Ben towards the Explorer.
"Of course you're the type." I was grateful the darkness hid my blushes. "Now go."
Ben stared, stricken, thunderstruck. Hi and Shelton watched, wide-eyed with shock.
"Weirdest birthday ever," Hi whispered.
"Corcoran will survive," Ben commented sourly. "He always does. We crack the case, he gets to be the hero."
My head whipped to Ben. Was that bitterness?
I saw no trace. Ben was smiling, relaxed for the first time in days. Maybe months.
As my father strode away, Shelton and Hi both unleashed dramatic yawns.
"Welp." Hi stretch his arms over his head. "I'd better go check on various things that aren't right here. You coming, Shelton?"
"Oh you know it." Hiding a smile. "Stuff to do. No time to waste."
I descended two steps.
Shot back up.
Wrapped Ben in a bone-crushing hug.
Startled, it took him a moment before he hugged me back.
"He didn't say anything to me," Hi repeated. "And if Shelton were sick, I'd be the first to hear about it. At length."
"So what's the plan?" Ben asked.
"Go inside. Look around. Improvise."
"Brilliant." Hi stroked his chin. "Quick question: Is having no plan the same as having a terrible plan, or are those different categories?"
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kickasstransdumbass · 7 years
my enemy, my friend
hullo my few followers, i have recently started re-writing a story in watt pad that i made, let my know what you think of the first two chapters?
Chap One: Enemies
The moon shone down peacefully on the oceans, its reflection dancing in the lazy, cold waves. Seagles rested in their nests, oblivious to anything but blissful sleep. The docks were quiet, the boats rested in the soft waves, and the stars were bright above. Nature was ignorant to the intense battle taking place in one of the warehouses a little further inland.
The figure clad in dark green leapt up onto a platform, turning to face their opponent with a triumphant smile.
“Give it up LunarStar, You won't succeed tonight.” The figure's blonde hair reflected the moonlight through the hole in the ceiling they'd made earlier. The dark blue and silver adorned opponent growled a curse in reply, thrusting their arm out to create a lunar light cage about the green hero. The Hero only chuckled, twisting their hand and bending the darkness into blades. The blades cut through the lunar light with ease, and the hero turned them against their villainous opponent.
The villain sprung to the side, bending the lunar light into a shield to counteract the hero's attack. They turned away and ran towards the turquoise glowing machine.
“Oh no you don't” The hero muttered with a boston tilt.
The Hero transformed into a cloud of darkness and raced ahead of the villain, landing on the floorboards in front of the machine.
“You know,  turning all freshwater in this state into sea-water isn't a bad plan. Apart from the little factoid that the rest of America would probably donate their freshwater to help.” The Hero smiled thoughtfully, “Maybe you should help kiddies with their science projects, eh? Might feel good to win a first prize.”
“Shut your mouth.” LunarStar growled. He waved his hand upwards, and the sea broke through the floorboards, surrounding the hero in a salty, freezing cage. The Villain pushed the salty water back into the ocean with as much force as he could muster, hoping that it knocked whatever pride the hero had out of them. He turned back to his machine and began towards it.
The hero was still underwater, trying to regain a sense of up and down.
Water. One of their only weaknesses, and LunarStar had managed to pick that moment to submerge them in it. The Hero swam in what they hoped was up, feeling with their hands for the surface. They broke out of the water and gasped, breathing in the strong scent of salt and mildew. They were beneath the docks, just a few yards away from the hole LunarStar had blown in the floor.
The Hero swam over and pulled themselves up through the hole with difficulty. So long as they were submerged, they couldn't shadow-travel. But once they were out, it didn't matter that they were soaked to the bone.
LunarStar turned towards the wet figure, smirking as he noticed them pulling themselves up through the hole.
“I thought you could teleport?” He asked with a snide smile. “You're too late, Shade, I've just entered the last digits for the machine's code.”
“It's not called teleporting.” Shade whispered. “It's Shadow-traveling.”
“What?” LunarStar scowled. The Hero changed into a shadow, left the water behind, and sped towards the confused Villain, knocking his feet from under him as they materialized. They stood and orchestrated the darkness to form a cocoon around LunarStar, blocking out the hole in the ceiling as well for good measure. Shade slipped a shadow around the villain's neck, blocking the arteries to make him fall unconscious. The villain glared at them until he passed out, and they promptly let the shadow's go, quickly wrapping nearby rope around LunarStar's arms and legs. Shade tied him to a pole, and crushed the machine easily with the darkness in the warehouse.
They looked over at the unconscious villain and clicked their tongue.
“When will you learn?” they tutted, pressing a call button on their watch before transforming into darkness and speeding out through the hole in the ceiling.
The Moon shone down on the ocean, and Nature was still oblivious to the battle that had taken place.
Chap Two: Friends
The moonlight pierced the darkness of the apartment through a lone window, illuminating a couch in front of a TV, and two rooms devoid of any humans.
A lone female figure shuffled through the apartment door, seemingly exhausted. Her keys rattled as she tossed a gym bag into a closet by the door, and the apartment shook when she closed the front door with a kick. She winced, hoping that her roommate hadn't been woken by the bang. But, as she crept towards her room-mate's door, she sighed in relief when she found it empty.
She flipped on the kitchen light and dove into the freezer for ice cream. After the night she had had, she deserved some. The apartment door opened just as she sank a spoon into the soft, chocolate desert.
“Hey Fox.” She called softly. The person in the doorway jumped at the sound of her voice, but relaxed when they saw her standing in the kitchen.
“Hey.” He returned, throwing his Gym bag into the same closet and closing the door in the same way as the woman had. “Mind if I have a bite?” He gestured to her ice cream.
“Not at all.” she shifted her weight to the side as she reached for a spoon from the drawer behind her. “How was Thai Kwan Do?” She asked as she handed him a spoon.
“Good. What about Jiu Jitsu?” He replied, taking a spoonful from the ice cream carton.
“Same.” She took a bight of her creamy desert. “God bless who ever invented ice cream. And donuts.” She lifted herself up onto the counter, spoon in mouth. “and cereal, and food basically. But then i'd be blessing God wouldn't I? Cause he made food to begin with so--”
“Emma, you're weird.” Fox interrupted, taking another spoonful of ice cream.
“Yup.” she shoveled a large scoop of her desert into her mouth. “Ahh bwain fweeze.” She said with a full mouth.
“Case and point.” Fox aimed his spoon at her. “Try rubbing just behind your front teeth with your thumb.” Emma followed his advice and exclaimed as the pain left. The two continued in their attack of the ice cream, almost finishing the carton before they bid each other goodnight and headed to their rooms, one on each side of the apartment.  
It was a Saturday.
The cars in the streets below honked and cast the smell of exhaust about the city, clogging up what once was fresh air a few hours earlier. The people busied themselves with going to work, jogging, or taking a stroll through the park.
The nearby College was devoid of any students or professors, as no one signed up for Saturday  classes. The beach was slowly filling up with bikini and board short clad people, as well as tourists from all around the world.
In the apartment, a girl lay sprawled out on her bed, snoozing the late morning hours away.
Her roommate was no where to be found in the apartment, and quiet bird song crept through the girl's bedroom window.
With a gasp, the girl sat up suddenly in her bed, looking about her room and sniffing. Her eyes drooped as though she'd not gotten any sleep, and her flaming hair stood on her head like a rat's nest. She smacked her lips a few times before rising from her tangled mess of sheets and heading through her door to the kitchen.
She poured her cereal into the last clean bowl, and reached for the milk, pouring it into the bowl as well.
It wasn't until she'd poured the milk that she realized it was off.
Or that the cereal she'd poured was the last of all the cereal in the small apartment.
Emma sighed and pushed the bowl to the side, towards the sink. She tossed the milk carton towards the trash can, along with the cereal box, and groaned when the cereal box bounced off the side of the bin and landed on the ground. She muttered incoherent words as she shuffled over and placed the box carefully into the bin.
She wandered off to the bathroom, brushing her hair and teeth before crossing the hall into her bedroom to change. She put on a baggy t-shirt and jeans, opting for no shoes that day. She had no obligations to fulfill on Saturdays. She tottered out of her room just as Fox entered the apartment, carrying two large boxes.
“Hey, I saw the milk was off and went to get some breakfast.” He explained, placing the two boxes on the counter. “These should keep us going for a few more days.” he opened the boxes, releasing the smell of fresh donuts and bagels into the small home.
“Fox, you're my hero.” Emma bounded over to the boxes and grabbed two of each of the boxes contents, devouring them in minutes.
“You'd think I didn't feed you.” Fox shook his head and walked to his room.
“You don't, I feed me.” Emma replied with a mouth stuffed with a doughnut. She sighed happily and jumped onto the couch to watch the TV, flipping to the news station to see the latest media attention grabber.
“Thank you for tuning in to JNC, I'm Heather Lance, reporting in on the latest bit of breaking news: there is a report at the docks of the Hero Shade's and the villain LunarStar's latest battle. It appears that a fisherman had witnessed the whole ordeal, and we will be interviewing him shortly about the incident. As it is uncommon for the actual battles between Jacksonville's villains and heroes to be heard or seen, this will be quite a rare occurrence of a witness today. Over to you, Sally.”
the screen changed to a dark haired woman on the docks, standing near an old sailor with a bushy beard and wild eyes. They were standing in front of a boat, the news reporter fending off a seagull when the cameras changed.
“Thank you Heather—agh get off!--sorry, we're having some minor technicalities with the birds—Get away!--alright. Now that that's solved, Mr. Henderson, could you relay to us what it was exactly you saw last night?”
“Well, I was just fishing out there—you see just past them rocks—when I heard a big CRASh! And then there was a PhsoOo and a BANG!” the old man told the story with wild hand motions, “I was scared out of my damn mind! Then, I saw a big shadow leave the building. I looked in the building afterwards--you know after I docked--and there wasn't anything there but the giiiinormous holes in the ceiling and the floor. I know what went down, and it can't have been pretty.” the man proudly stuck his thumbs through his overall straps and stood on his toes, while the reporter looked mildly disappointed and disgusted.
“Alright, you heard it from Mr. Henderson, a first hand account of what went down last night. Next, we'll be showing you the damage inside the building. Back to you, Heather.”
Emma switched the TV off an sighed. It was always nice when they threw in a so called “Eyewitness” account, it made for a nice laugh.
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