#skamfr fanfiction
surrealsunday · 2 years
10 Things I’ll Tattoo on You
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10 Things I Hate About You AU
It’s a terrible idea from the start. Eliott knows that. But when presented with the possibility of a date with a cute boy for a generous sum of much-needed cash, could anyone blame him for taking resident-asshole-Charles-Munier up on the offer? Well, yes. Lucas Lallemant could. But there’s no need for him to find out about the arrangement. A date and it’s done. Easy enough. Or it would be... if Lucas wasn’t... Lucas. Head-strong, stubborn, cheeky, and everything Eliott didn’t know he needed. In conclusion: He’s fucked. 
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skambigbang · 2 years
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We want you in the Skam Big Bang 2023!
We have a record number of writers committed to bringing new stories to the Skam fandom and we need artists to collaborate. The Skam Big Bang matches artists with writers to create a piece of fanart inspired by the story. Artists read blind excerpts and match based on preferences and Skamverses. Art can take any form from hand or digital drawing or painting, gif sets, mood boards/aesthetics, photoshop edits, video edits, textile arts, music playlists. Basically anything creative you can imagine inspired by a fic!
If you’re creating Skam art, join us and be a part of fandom’s creative community! Artist signup link on our page. Just do it!
Evak art by @alterlove2021
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elle-smells · 2 years
once again, the daisy Jones and the six 70s/80s rock band inspired skamfr fanfiction is still one of the best things I have ever read. Full stop.
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lvsheartstopper · 3 years
Lucas arrived from prep school. Everything had been so wrong for the past couples of weeks. His grades weren’t the best, every day was the same as the one before it; prep school, quick trips to the store for groceries, home. Always the same routine and he was getting tired of it. But the worst of all is that he's feeling like the spark between him and Eliott is slowly dying off…
The first two years with Eliott were amazing. Mostly. They had their problems but they always come back to each other. However, there's one thing they never had: communication. Eliott lied to him a lot and Lucas sometimes did the same. They never really properly talked. They just shout at each other. They both knew that this wasn't proper communication, but they were too afraid. Afraid to talk.
But now Lucas had just reached a point. With prep school, with Eliott, with everything. He tried to calm down but it didn't work. He was pacing around the living room, feeling like he was about to burst into tears.
He was going to do it; he was going to break up with Eliott,
After thinking about what he was going to say, he sat down on the couch and began to cry.
Half an hour later, Eliott arrived at the apartment, tired after working overtime at the videoclub. He was working extra hours to save money. He and Lucas needed a vacation. He knew that Lucas was tired from prep school and everything. A rest will do some good to both of them.
When he walked into the living room, he found Lucas on the couch with his hands in his hair, looking down. Eliott couldn’t see his face but he knew that something was really wrong
“Lucas?” he asked quietly, but lucas didn’t even move.
Eliott tried again but this time he stepped closer to Lucas.
“Lucas? Baby. What's wrong?”
Lucas finally raised his head and the sight broke Eliott's heart. Lucas' eyes were red and filled with tears. Eliott was even more worried now so he reached out, trying to cup Lucas' cheek but he pushed away his hand. Now, Eliott was terrified.
“Lucas! Please tell me what's wrong!”
Lucas tried to talk but the words wouldn't come out. How do you tell your boyfriend of almost three years that you want to break with him although you still love him?
“I-I“ he tried, his voice cracking but he cleared his throat and continued “I can't do this anymore, Eliott!”
Eliott shook his head, half in confusion, half in fear.
“What do you mean?”
Lucas remained silent for a minute, a minute that seemed to last an eternity for Eliott.
“We are going in circles. We have the same routine everyday. I think that spark between us isn't there anymore and I’m tired of this. I’m not doing well either in prep school. Eliott, I think is over for us”
Eliott just stood there, staring at Lucas. He couldn't think straight, so many things were going through his mind. He didn’t even notice that his eyes were filled with tears.
“Lucas, please, baby”
“No,” Lucas said. “Don't call me like that, please.”
Eliott couldn’t believe what was happening. He loved Lucas more than anything. He couldn't do this without him. He couldn't live without him.
“Lucas, wait! Please wait! We need to talk. To talk properly”
Lucas tried to protest but Eliott spoke first.
“Listen, I know you're tired of the routine, me too but please, we can figure it out. I know we can do that! We can get out of this apartment, take some time away from everything but together. I know I wasn't honest with you a couple of times but we have to communicate from now on. Please! But-“
His voice was thick with emotions and the tears ran down his cheeks.
“But if you-if you really take this decision, I will let you go. Even if it hurts, even if it destroy me, I will let you go because I would never decide for you and I will never force you to be in a relationship that you don't want to be in, but just know that I still love you and I always will, no matter what! I love you as much as I did the first day, and if you feel like that that spark is not here anymore, if you let me, I will show you that it's still here, at least for me!”
He finished with all the tears coming out and he lowered his head. He didn’t look at Lucas but suddenly, arms were around him, hugging him so tightly.
“I love you too!”
And Eliott could cry at that moment. Both pulled away from the hug, looked into each other's eyes and then they kissed. It was short but for them, it was like breathing again.
“We can do this, okay? Step by step, minute by minute and with communication, we can do this!” Eliott said and Lucas nodded before hugging Eliott tightly.
Well so this is my thoughts about what happened when lucas tried to break up with eliott, this story is also in ao3, I hope you like it
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shamelesscoimbatore · 3 years
Shameless Coimbatore - 15:30 Zoned Out | WEBTOON
A visit to the doctor reveals uneasy feelings...
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Tw: intrusive thoughts, cancer mention
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iamshannonmcfarland · 4 years
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crack recap pt. 2
Lola and the elu fanfic written by Eliott Demaury 
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belleandkurtbastian · 4 years
310 mots. Les pensées d’Eliott pendant 3x03.7: Pas forcément une meuf.
Disponible aussi sur AO3.
« Donc là, tu te vois direct avec une nouvelle meuf ? » En disant ça, Lucas évita sa gaze et regarda le sol.
C’est une question simple. C’est censé être simple. Eliott sut qu’il pouvait mentir. Ça aussi, c’est simple. Eliott sut bien mentir, et il le faisait beaucoup : à ses parents, quand ils l’étouffèrent de questions et de regards inquiets; à sa copine, quand elle te regarda comme il était fragile; à tous les médecins, quand ils lui demandèrent comment il se sentit.
C’était facile de mentir.
« Bah, ouais, » il dit. Voilà le mensonge. La demi-vérité, peut-être.
C’est vrai qu’il aima bien être en couple. Il aima être en couple depuis sa première copine, quand il avait 13 ans. Depuis, il est toujours passé directement d’une relation à l’autre. C’était facile. C’était solide. C’était confortable.
Mais « tu te vois direct avec une nouvelle meuf » n’était pas toute l’histoire.
Il regarda le regard de Lucas baisser une fois de plus, alors qu��il hocha doucement la tête.
Un sentiment d’espoir monta en Eliott. C’était le même sentiment qu’il ressentit à l’âge de 14 ans, quand il croisa le regard de Théo, qui le regardait un peu trop attentivement de l’autre côté de la cafétéria. Le même sentiment qu’il ressentit à l’âge de 15 ans, quand lui et Théo s’embrassèrent derrière le collège.
Parfois, il faut choisir la bravoure. Parfois, il faut saisir l’espoir à deux mains, et plonger dans l’inconnu.
« Pas forcément une meuf d’ailleurs, » il dit après un long moment, se forçant à se tourner pour regarder la réponse de Lucas.
C’était fait. C’était dit. Le monde n’avait pas cesser de tourner.
La tête de Lucas se redressa pour le regarder à nouveau et le sentiment revint. Eliott se sentit comme il avait 15 ans à nouveau.
Il crut que Lucas le sentit aussi.
Il espéra que Lucas pourra le sentir aussi.
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c2-eh · 5 years
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elu x prison au
Eliott knew, being leader of the most dangerous gang and dealing drugs would not turn out good for him, but he did it anyway.  
The feeling of being someone the people were afraid of, someone who had a power like that, was something that made him feel good. Overly good.
He knew that sooner or later he would end up here. In this hell hole with the rest of his people.
But it was his hell hole. He was the leader of the whole place. Everybody was afraid of him and he did not even need to do anything. He has his people.
But what if one day a new person came? A boy, with a the most beautiful blue eyes Eliott has ever seen? What if he become Eliott’s weakness? 
What if they both fall in love with each other?
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tailsbeth-writes · 5 years
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It's a miserable wet day so I'm staying in and I've brewed a vanilla coffee. Send me drabble requests for Skam & it's all remakes! I'll try and get through as many as possible 💛
(ps, how cute is this mug?!)
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sunsetscurving · 6 years
Mercredi, 11h34
Eliott couldn‘t stay in this room anymore. The walls seemed to get closer and closer with every passing second, the air seemed to get thinner. His eyes scanned the room nervously, always ending on the clock where the pointer seemed to move incredibly slow.
When Eliott woke up today, he knew that something was off. His usual cheerish mood in the last weeks (thanks to Lucas) was covered by something dark, something sad and something he couldn‘t name. He even wore Lucas Romance Hoodie to school only to feel better. It was only some hours after all and he would see his boyfriend again. He could do that. It was foolish of him to think that his "episodes" would stay away after he found his luck with Lucas. And now here he was: On the edge to a panic attack in the middle of school.
Eliott couldn‘t breath. He had the feeling that someone crushed his lungs, slowly, so, so slowly. He gathered his things in the middle of a classmates presentation, hands shaky and sweaty, mumbling an apologize while he stumbled out of the classroom into the fresh air. He shivered and pressed his bag to his chest, gulping in the crisp spring air.
He still couldn‘t breath. Everything seemed to move too fast. Everything seemed to be too bright. He could hear the laughter from inside the classroom, he could feel people pointing at him, talking about him being crazy behind his back. His feet carried him to a corner of the courtyard, but he couldn‘t drown the voices.
You‘re worthless.
You‘re nothing.
You don‘t deserve Lucas.
You don‘t deserve to be happy.
You don‘t deserve anything.
Eliott's bag fell down, his hands pressing over his ears to drown out the voices inside him. He slid down a wall, sitting on the ground while he tried to hide his wet eyes and the look of utterly shook and panic on his face.
"Please, leave me alone", he whispered and started to pull his hair. "Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Leave me alone."
"Hey. Hey, Eliott."
Eliott hasn‘t realized that someone came up to him. His hands were shaking and he slowly lifted his head, looking into the worried eyes of Yann, Arthur and Basile.
"Mec, what‘s wrong? Can we help you?" Yann asked with a soft voice and laid a hand on Eliott's shoulder.
"He looks like he‘s in shook", said Arthur carefully and watched Eliott like he was some strange kind of animal.
"Eliott? Can you hear us?"
Of course he could hear them. They just wanted to help them, of course. But could they just leave him alone?
"We should get Lucas", said Yann now and Arthur and Basile nodded in agreement. „He will know what to do. I‘ll get him and you‘ll stay here with him, okay? Talk to him. Try to smooth him. I don‘t know, just... don‘t leave him." And with that, Yann turned on his heel and went to find Lucas. Arthur and Basile kneeled down and started to talk to Eliott. Eliott barely listened, still occupied with the voices inside him telling him how worthless and fucked up he was.
"Where is he? Where is Eliott?"
Only when he heard his voice, the voices inside him seemed to grow more quiet. He lifted his head a bit. He didn‘t know how much time has passed since Yann went to find Lucas, but Lucas seemed out of breath like he ran the whole way to find Eliott. Lucas was the only one who knew of Eliott‘s "problems". And he promised to be there for him, whenever and whatever was happening. And here he was, fullfilling his promise. Lucas went down on his knees before Eliott and took his hands away from his ears, ever so slowly, as if not wanting to scare him.
"Hey..." Lucas voice was quiet and soft and beautiful and perfect. And he drowned out the voices inside Eliott more and more.
"Hey." Eliott answered and found himself lost in Lucas' blue eyes.
"What's wrong?" Arthur, Basile and Yann were still there, watching their conversation. But Eliott didn‘t care. The only thing he saw was Lucas.
"Everything." Eliott could see that something was breaking inside Lucas as the word left his lips and Lucas softly cupped Eliott's face, bringing their foreheads together.
"No. That‘s not true.“ Lucas began in a soft and quiet voice. "Not everything might be okay. Not even the half of everything. But in this very second, it‘s okay. In this very second, you‘re okay and I am okay."
Eliott looked into Lucas eyes and slowly his panic faded away. Slowly, the world shifted back into place. The voices in his head left.
"You are more than these thoughts. You are so much more, Eliott. And I know that and you know that and even Basile knows that."
Eliott had to smile at this, a protest rising on Basiles lips, but Yann silenced him in an instant.
"Okay? Are we good again? For now?"
"Okay." Eliott laid his head against Lucas chest, breathing in his scent and the feeling of home.
"Thank you." Eliott said quietly. He knew that he was not an easy boyfriend but Lucas choosed to be by his side nevertheless. He always asked himself why he was that lucky.
"Not for this. I‘m only keeping my promise." said Lucas with a smile and when Eliott looked at his boyfriend smiling, the world seemed to be a better place for a tiny, little second.
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surrealsunday · 2 years
10 Things I’ll Tattoo on You
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10 Things I Hate About You AU
It’s a terrible idea from the start. Eliott knows that. But when presented with the possibility of a date with a cute boy for a generous sum of much-needed cash, could anyone blame him for taking resident-asshole-Charles-Munier up on the offer? Well, yes. Lucas Lallemant could. But there’s no need for him to find out about the arrangement. A date and it’s done. Easy enough. Or it would be... if Lucas wasn’t... Lucas. Head-strong, stubborn, cheeky, and everything Eliott didn’t know he needed. In conclusion: He’s fucked.
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skambigbang · 1 year
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Today we're featuring "Glücksbringer" by evakuality with art from @dummerjan! We have amazing remake representation this year and this adds Druck to the list. Add in video gaming and we're all in!
Evakuality: What inspired this story?
I had this idea for last year's bang but it didn't gel and I eventually did something else. This year I signed up as an artist and was going to leave it at that, but then in January something unlocked, I got obsessed with David's red lucky charm (his Glücksbringer) and this fic reappeared and then almost wrote itself. Clearly this was just its time!
Dummerjan: What inspires you about this story?
I adore how soft Matteo and David are in the story, how much joy they find in each other and what they are doing. I also really like the fic's title and knew from the start I'd want to incorporate it into my art. I love the call back to the series to David's lucky charm and how the author included it in the fic. The 2023 Skam Big Bang starts posting June 21st!
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alterchelou · 5 years
What I really really really need is this...
Imane, Lucas and Eliott are hanging out, and Idriss walks by dropping not so loving looks at his sister. THE DISRESPECT! Lucas comforts Imane, realising that not only is it bad with le crew but also at home.
Eliott's not standing for it though. He may not be a part of Idriss' life anymore, but he knows how much Idriss and Imane mean to each other. He storms after Idriss (Lucas is shook) and gives him the telling off he deserves.
I should never be allowed to write fanfiction.
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spidermecc · 5 years
Unintentional love (Elu fake dating AU) Ch. 6 - Finally
Halla mecs! Chapter 6 is ready, I’m sorry for the long wait, but I hope the fact that it’s almost 6k will make up for it.  Read it on AO3 here. And please feel free to send me your thoughts and comments, I love to read them and talk to you guys, enjoy!
Surprisingly, Lucas had slept through the entire night like a baby. He’d been convinced that he wouldn’t get a single minute of sleep, seeing as he kept replaying that night, at the park with Eliott, over and over in his head. But apparently you can replay something in your head so much that your brain literally says fuck you and shuts off, good to know.
“Juu-hu is anyone home?” Mika was waving his hand in front of Lucas. “I’m telling you Manon, ever since he got a boyfriend, he’s like this all the time” he continued, giving up on trying to get Lucas’ attention, shifting his attention back to his dinner, which Manon, bless her, had cooked for them.
Although she’d moved next door almost two months ago, finally giving Lucas his room back, she was a frequent visitor, and they ate dinner together almost five nights a week. It was almost like a family tradition by now. Lisa wasn’t home, which was odd, but Mika only rolled his eyes and said something about her going to yoga class because she saw some TV-show about how it changes your life.
“I think it’s endearing” Manon said beaming, looking at Lucas with a genuine smile, as she grabbed the last piece of bread from the basket.
“Huh?” Lucas said, as if finally coming out of his trance. Okay so he might have been thinking about last night again, so what of it?
“Huh?” Mika mocked him “Manon only just told us she’s pregnant you imbecile”.
“What?!” he exclaimed, finally focusing his attention on Manon, eyeing her stomach.
“Mika shut up” she said throwing her piece of bread at him,
“No I’m not Lucas, we’re just talking about how happy we are for you and Eliott. I’ve never seen you like this before” she continued, claiming her bread back from Mika, who’d already started nibbling at it like a baby bird.
“Oh, yeah thanks, it’s no big deal really” he said, hoping they’d leave it at that. He hadn’t talked to Mika and Manon about Eliott as much as he had with the boys. Although he hated lying to the boys, it was different with Mika and Manon, it was almost physically impossible for him to lie to them, they always figured him out, which was a pain in the ass, to be honest.
“I think it is a big deal” Manon said, still smiling from ear to ear “but it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it” she finished. Fuck he hates lying to them so damn much.
“Just remember to use a condom and I have a butt plug, which I haven’t used, that you can have if you want to get freaky” Mika winked, earning him a slap on the arm from Manon.
“Ow that hurt! I’m just trying to help our baby” he exclaimed, a laugh escaping him.
Lucas took that as his que to get up and go to his room. He was definitely not going to have this conversation with Mika, or anyone for that matter. Nope, no thank you.  __
The rest of the week had gone by uneventfully. It had basically just been school, homework, sleep and repeat for almost a week now. He barely saw the guys and he only saw Eliott at school.
Sometimes they’d sneak out and have lunch alone, other times they’d eat with the guys. Eliott had asked him if he wanted to hang out on the weekend, but being so behind on all his homework he’d had to decline. Looking back, he should have just accepted the offer, seeing as he didn’t get any homework done during the weekend, too busy kicking himself for saying no to Eliott, and imagining what he was up to at any given moment.
“Lucas!” Daphne was running up to him in the hallway. He hadn’t actually spoken to her since the foyer meeting. He’d neglected the girls for a while, because of the whole thing with Eliott, and he felt pretty bad about it. But Daphné was the nosiest person he knew, and dealing with daily interrogations by the gang was tiring enough.
“Hi Daphy” he greeted her with a kiss on each cheek. He’d missed her, more than he cared to admit.
“Are you guys coming to Emma’s party on Friday?”  she asked, not even bothering to ask him how he’d been. Straight to the point, that was Daphné alright.
“Uhm, Basile and Arthur mentioned something, so I think the guys are coming, yeah” he said, losing interest in the conversation quickly, as he saw Eliott walk out of a classroom. Gosh, he really was the single most beautiful thing Lucas had ever laid his eyes on. He’d started noticing small details about him that he hadn’t noticed before. Like how his nose scrunched whenever he laughed. The real hearty laughs, which made Lucas’ heart melt. And how he sort of bounced when walked, especially when he was excited, which seemed to be most of the time.
He’d actually mentioned it to Eliott at some point, telling him that his spirit animal should have been a bunny instead of a raccoon, because of the way he always jumped around when he was excited. It had made Eliott laugh, and he’d said “maybe I’m a bunny in a parallel universe?”, which made Lucas blush like crazy, because Eliott’s casual reference to the parallel universes made Lucas feel like they shared something special, something personal just between the two of them.
“I meant you and Eliott, silly!” Daphné laughed, nudging his shoulder “we’re all dying to meet him, and what better way than at a party?”
“Oh, uhm- I’m not sure, I mean I can ask him, but I can’t make any promises”
“Oh Lucas, if you’re coming then he’s definitely coming, it’s not like he’s going to leave his boyfriend alone at a party with drunk attractive people right? Not that anyone is as attractive as he is, I mean wow Lucas, you really hit jackpot there, he looks like a Greek God” she added as an afterthought, blushing when she saw Lucas’ frown.
“I’ll ask Daphy, okay?” he said, suddenly itching to get away from her, “later” he added as he rushed past her, and after Eliott out to the courtyard, where he was sitting, smoking a cigarette by himself.
Lucas had never been a smoker. Sure he smoked weed, but not real cigarettes. The taste and smell always made him nauseous, but holy shit, it was a completely different story when Eliott did it. The way Eliott held the cigarette between his elegant index- and middle finger, made Lucas wish he was the damn cigarette. And don’t even get him started on how mind-blowingly hot he looked whenever he let out a drag. The way he slightly parted his lips as he let the smoke escape them, before he started blowing it out, always left Lucas’ mouth dry. He’d made a habit of not looking at Eliott whenever he smoked, afraid he might get a hard-on right then and there.
“Hey you” he said softly, taking a seat next to Eliott.
“Hey -- babe” Eliott answered, clearly happy to see Lucas “should I start giving you a kiss when I see you at school.. you know to make it more believable?” he added, knowing full well, how to make Lucas blush. Putain, he’d been here for about 10 seconds and Eliott was already going in for the kill, this boy was definitely going to be the death of him.
“Uhm..” Lucas answered looking around the nearly empty courtyard “I think we’re good for now”.
“Suit yourself” he said, taking another drag of his cigarette. Lucas was trying really hard not to look at Eliott, knowing full well that he wasn’t the best at masking his emotions, and Eliott was scarily perceptive, no need to let him know how much his smoking affected Lucas.
“So I actually wanted to ask you something” he said, still not looking at the taller boy.
“Sure, shoot”
“I’m doing an essay in my literature class, and I don’t understand shit. You’re a literature student, so I thought maybe you could help me out?” he said finally looking at Eliott. Honestly, he really needed Eliott to say yes. He was the only person he knew who was actually good at literature, plus he wouldn’t mind spending some time alone with him.
“Well if I can’t help my boyfriend with his homework, then who can I help?” he joked, nudging Lucas’ shoulder. “After school, your place?”
“Yeah sure, thanks a lot Eliott, you’re a lifesaver.”
“No worries” he beamed, putting out his cigarette and getting up “I’m late for class, but I’ll see you later!”
“See you!” Lucas said a little too enthusiastically, immediately blushing, which he was pretty sure hadn’t gone unnoticed, judging by the shit eating grin on Eliott’s face as he was walking away. __
“I don’t understand shit” Lucas sighed throwing his book on the table “what are the cigarettes supposed to be a symbol of? I mean they’re just fucking cigarettes” he continued, trying not to dwell too much on how cigarettes weren’t in fact just cigarettes anymore. At least not for him, not after Eliott had made it his personal mission to look so damn hot every time he smoked one.
They were sitting in the living room, books sprawled all over the place and empty soda cans on the table. Lucas wasn’t sure how long they’d spent trying to analyze this damn novel, but he didn’t quite mind it that much, not when Eliott was there to help him.
“It’s a phallic symbol” Eliott laughed, clearly amused by Lucas’ inability to interpret literature.
“A what?” he asked, looking up.
“A phallic symbol” he repeated, as if repeating the words would somehow make Lucas understand what he was talking about.
“A phallic symbol is an object, cigarettes in this case, that represents a penis” he said nonchalant, while scribbling something down in his notebook.
And holy shit, Lucas was not prepared for that. Not only had he been thinking about how fucking hot Eliott looked every time he smoked a cigarette and now he wouldn’t be able to get the whole dick image out of his head whenever he thought about it. He made a mental note, and swore that he would never ever look him in the eye, when he was smoking, ever again.
“Uhm--- I can’t quite figure out if you’re fucking with me right now or” Lucas said, not sure if this was another one of Eliott’s dumbass jokes or if he was being sincere, because if he was then.. holy shit.
Eliott looked up at him and cocked an eyebrow, not answering his question but continued explaining; “You know, some people even go as far as to say that Cinderella putting her foot into the glass slipper is also a phallic symbol”.
“Who said romance was dead” Lucas mumbled, to himself, not quite ready to look at Eliott, knowing full well that his facial expression would give him away.
Eliott chuckled and nudged Lucas, making him look up and catch his gaze “I happen to find dicks very romantic” he said obviously trying to make Lucas squirm in his seat, even more than he already was.
Okay Lucas wasn’t going to have this conversation with Eliott. Enough dick-talk for one day.
“Funny” he said as he got up, desperate to get some space between Eliott and himself and definitely desperate to end the conversation.
“Anyway” he began, busying himself with gathering the empty soda cans “Emma’s throwing a party Friday, and the girls asked me to invite you”.
“Well that depends” Eliott said, desperately trying to get Lucas to stand still so they could have a proper conversation.
Lucas put the empty cans in a plastic bag in the kitchen and returned to his spot next to Eliott “on what?” he asked, eyeing him suspiciously. He’d gotten used to Eliott’s cryptic answers, but that didn’t mean that they had gotten less annoying. Sure, Lucas wasn’t the best at being straightforward all the time, but with Eliott it was like it was an actual personality trait to drag everything out and make Lucas squirm in the process. Lucas was starting to believe that Eliott actually enjoyed torturing him, he wouldn’t put it past him. It’s always the pretty ones that are the craziest he thought.
“Will you be there?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.
“I uh- yeah I meant like, we could go together” Lucas answered, honestly puzzled that Eliott hadn’t gotten that part “unless you don’t want me to come?” he added hastily. Maybe Eliott had gotten tired of hanging out with him all the time? He wouldn’t blame him, Lucas got tired of his own company way too often as well.
The taller boy’s face scrunched up in the cutest laughter and Lucas contemplated taking a quick photo of him in secret, just to keep him company when this thing with Eliott was over.
His laughter was one of Lucas’ favorite things about the boy. Whenever Lucas looked at him, he felt like he was looking at some unhuman God-like creature. But when Eliott laughed, he looked so human, so sweet and honest and it always brought Lucas down to Earth. It reminded him that he was human just like Lucas, and Yann and Arthur and, well maybe not Basile, seeing as he lacked one too many brain cells to be considered human. But no one had a laughter quite like Eliott. It was like his laughter and mere presence could light up and entire room, an entire house even. Lucas would have given up any other sources of light forever, if only he could continue watching Eliott smile like that.
“Why would I want to go if you aren’t there?” Eliott laughed, looking at Lucas as if it was the silliest thing he’d ever heard, and Lucas was pretty sure his heart swelled up three sizes. Eliott wouldn’t want to go without him. Ditto, Lucas thought to himself, but decided to play it cool.
“Then it’s settled, were going” he said, flashing Eliott a bright smile “but first, I need to finish this essay”.
“You know, you say ‘I need to finish’, but I feel like I’m doing all the work” Eliott joked, gently shoving Lucas’ shoulder.
“You are not! You’re too busy talking about dicks” Lucas exclaimed, honestly feeling like he’d participated in writing the essay, although if he was being honest, it was mainly him complaining, while Eliott wrote the actual thing.
“What can I say” Eliott chuckled, clearly amused by the expression on Lucas’ face “I like literature.. and I like dicks” – he was full on staring at Lucas, not flinching for a second as he finished the sentence, as if they were merely talking about the weather.
“Oooookay playboy” Lucas managed to croak out, feeling a blush rising “let’s just get this over with yeah?”
Eliott chuckled, clearly getting the hint that Lucas wasn’t comfortable with their conversation, as he grabbed the laptop and started typing away. __
“So , you’re dating Eliott, huh?” Imane asked, casually, while grabbing her books from her backpack. It was Friday and Biology was their last class before the weekend. It had been a long week with multiple essays to write and shitloads of homework, and Lucas really looked forward to letting out some steam at the party tonight. Moreover, he was excited to see Eliott, he hadn’t seen him since Tuesday when he’d helped him out with his essay.
“Yeah, why? Do you know him?” Lucas asked, eyeing her. Imane wasn’t usually the gossiping type, so for her to bring up Eliott seemed suspicious.
“Mhm” she said, scribbling something in her notebook “he was friends with my brother, Idriss” she continued nonchalantly.
“Oh yeah?"
Lucas knew that Eliott knew Idriss. That guy, Curtis, had told him so, but he didn’t know that they’d been so close, that Eliott knew Imane as well.
“How is he?” she asked, a smile appearing on her lips. She sounded almost as if she missed him.
“He’s good I guess?” Lucas answered quizzically.
Why didn’t Imane just talk to him herself, he thought, as he continued; “When you say ‘were’ friends, what does that mean exactly?” he asked, hoping to get some more information out of her. After all, she’d been the one to bring it up.
“It means that they’re not anymore” she deadpanned, looking at him as if he’d fallen off the moon.
Lucas rolled his eyes, why did she always have to be so damn difficult?
“But why aren’t they talking anymore?” he asked, desperate for some more intel on the mystery that was Eliott Demaury.
“Shit I don’t know Lucas ask him yourself” she snapped “I was just wondering how he was doing, I haven’t seen him in ages” she continued, clearly regretting bringing him up in the first place.
Before Lucas could pry further, their teacher walked in, and Imane busied herself with getting all her notes ready, and Lucas knew better than to push her when she wasn’t feeling like talking, so he let it go.. for now.
30 minutes later he felt his phone buzz in his pocket and he took it out, hiding it under the table so his teacher didn’t notice.
Eliott: Do you think in a parallel universe, school isn’t a hell hole?
Lucas let out a snort, which he quickly tried to mask as a cough, clearly failing judging by the look Imane shot him.
Lucas: Maybe.. You might even be a professor in a parallel universe
Eliott: Ooh, that would be cool. I think you’d be my favorite student ;)
Lucas couldn’t contain the smile that was forming on his lips.
Lucas:  I doubt I’ll ever be anyone’s favorite student, in any universe.. ever
Eliott: I wouldn’t be so sure
Lucas: Professor Demaury.. Doesn’t sound so bad
Eliott: Sounds pretty hot, if you ask me
Lucas was pretty sure that if anyone looked at him right now, they’d think he’d won the lottery or something.
Eliott: So what time will my favorite student be at the party tonight? Maybe we can meet up a few blocks away, like last time?
Lucas: You’re a dork
Lucas: But I’d like that.. say 8 o’clock?
Eliott: It’s a date
Eliott: Woah I just got a major deja-vu
No shit, Lucas thought to himself as the bell rang and he began collecting his books. Hopefully tonight’s party would be different than the last one though. ___
“So, have you heard from Chloe since the bus stop incident?” Eliott asked. They’d been walking for about 10 minutes, neither one of them in a particular hurry to reach Emma’s house. Both enjoying each other’s company.
“No, I think she’s really pissed at me” Lucas shrugged. If he was being honest, he really didn’t care whether or not Chloe was upset with him.
“Can I ask you a question?” Eliot asked, fiddling with the sleeve of his jacket. If Lucas didn’t know any better, he’d almost say that he looked nervous.
“Why did you kiss her, if you don’t like her?” he finally asked, eyeing Lucas.
“How do you know I kissed her? I never said that” he was genuinely puzzled by Eliott’s sudden question.
“I just assumed.. you know, because she seemed so into you and wanted to go out on a date. I just figured you’d hooked up a few times” he continued.
“Right” Lucas sighed “I don’t know actually… boredom maybe?” he flinched at his own response. He sounded like a real asshole right now and he knew it, but it was better than telling Eliott the truth. That he was a coward.
“Did you have sex with her?” the taller boy asked, taking Lucas by surprise once again.
“No I never had sex with her, I wouldn’t do that” he answered honestly, desperate for Eliott to know that he’d never use anyone like that.
“Good” Eliott sighed, and when Lucas caught his eye he saw something resembling relief washing over Eliott’s face.
“So, uhm- have you talked to you ex- uh, Lucille, since the last party?”
He’d been dying to know ever since he’d found out about her, but had been too afraid to ask and invade Eliott’s personal space. But seeing as they were doing this, he might as well ask, no better time than now.
Eliott looked down at Lucas, a sad smile forming on his lips, “A few times yeah “she has a hard time letting go, and I don’t want to hurt her feelings more than I already have” he said, his face falling.
“Oh..” Lucas answered, not sure what he was supposed to say. He was dying to know more. How often had he spoken to her? Had he met up with her or had they talked over the phone? And more importantly, did he still have feelings for her? But he settled with an easier question; “Why did you break up?”
“Honestly, it had been a long time coming, we’d been together for four years, but I think we fell out of love, long before we actually broke up”. His voice was so raw and honest, and Lucas felt honored that Eliott trusted him enough to be so open with him.
“So uh- do you see yourself in a relationship, with a new girl, soon then?” he asked, trying not to sound too obvious “I mean, when we end.. this” he trailed off, not sure whether he really wanted to know the answer to his question.
“Sure, I like being in a relationship” Eliott said a smile playing on his lips “not necessarily a girl though” he added, and Lucas felt a sudden shift in the atmosphere. The usual easy air around them had been replaced with something thick, something Lucas couldn’t quite put his finger on. Was Eliott saying, what he Lucas thought he was saying? Before he could formulate a response he looked up and realized that they’d reached Emma’s place.
“We’re here” he said, and Eliott looked almost disappointed in Lucas’ lack of response to his earlier comment.
“Let’s go then” he said, letting Lucas off the hook, as he rang the doorbell. __
It didn’t take long for Daphné to find the boys at the party. They’d only just opened their first beer, catching up with the Yann, Arthur and Basile, when she came up and almost pushed Lucas into the kitchen counter.
“Hi, I’m Daphné, so nice to finally meet you” she said, offering her hand to Eliott, who shook it with a crooked smile.
“I’m Eliott, I’ve heard a lot about you” he said.
Lucas was pretty sure he’d mentioned Daphné maybe once, but still he appreciated Eliott’s effort to make her feel good about herself.
“I can’t believe you guys are actually boyfriends” she beamed “an absolute power couple” she said, eyeing both of them. Lucas was pretty sure she was checking Eliott out, but he couldn’t even be bothered to call her out. He couldn’t really blame her, Eliott was very check-out-able and Lucas also found himself checking him out more often than not.
“Oh yeah?” Eliott said raising an eyebrow, not looking very convinced by her statement.
“You know who else could be a power couple?” Basile said, stepping in front of Eliott in order to get Daphné’s attention.
She rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed that he was interrupting her conversation with Eliott, but Lucas was pretty sure he saw something resembling relief washing over Eliott’s face. Guess he didn’t buy the whole power couple thing, huh.
She didn’t even give him an answer, she simply smiled at Eliott and Lucas and left, leaving a trail of her cherry perfume lingering in the air.  
“Shit.. Was that too desperate?” Basile asked, turning around and addressing Eliott, who put a reassuring arm around the curly haired boy.
“You know what I think?” he asked, looking down at Basile, who nodded fiercely.
Eliott had become some kind of weird role model/guru for Basile. He was always talking about Eliott when he wasn’t there, and in the beginning Lucas had been worried that Basile was annoying Eliott, who was just too nice to tell him so. But lately he was beginning to think that he really cared for Basile. He was always reassuring the boy, giving him pep-talks and putting a protective arm around him whenever the gang was roasting him (which was pretty much all the time). It warmed Lucas’ heart that Eliott had grown so fond of his friends, although the nagging feeling in the back of his mind, never really left him. It would break everyone’s heart when they found out the truth.. Including Lucas’. He’d grown way too used to having Eliott around, a constant reassuring and warm presence, that he didn’t know how he was going to live without.
“I think you need to take desperate to a whole new level. Show her just how desperate you can be” Eliott continued.
“What the fuck kind of advice is that?” Lucas laughed, not being able to stay out of the conversation.
“It worked with you, didn’t it?” Eliott answered, giving Lucas a coy smile, that had him blushing instantly.
“Is that what you did with Lucas?” Basile asked, still looking at Eliott like a lost puppy.
“Let’s just say I didn’t give him much of a choice in the matter” Eliott winked, still not taking his eyes off Lucas, who was pretty sure that if the brunette didn’t stop looking at him like that, he would pass out right then and there.
“Fuck it, I’m gonna try again” Basile exclaimed, giving Eliott a fist bump and walking out of the kitchen.
“Oh my God, I have to see this” Arthur giggled, running after him, and Yann just shrugged with an amused expression and followed them.
“Taking desperate to a whole new level, huh?” Lucas teased, inching closer to Eliott, but still leaving an appropriate amount of space between them.
“Desperate times calls for desperate measures, I would know” Eliott laughed, and Lucas wasn’t sure if Eliott was saying what he thought he was saying, but couldn’t get himself to ask.
“You know, Imane asked about you today”. The whole thing had been nagging him all day, and he really hoped that he would get something out of Eliott. He didn’t want to pry or nag him, but he was just so damn curious. So he tried to act nonchalant, as if he was simply making conversation “I think she might miss you” he added truthfully.
“Oh yeah?” Eliott said, a small smile playing on his lips “I miss her too, she’s a great girl”.
“How do you guys know each other?” he asked, trying really hard to sound casual.
He regretted his question instantly, when he saw how Eliott’s face dropped. He looked uncomfortable and slightly sad, which made Lucas want to inch even closer and comfort him in some way.
“Uh- I was eh..” he mumbled, suddenly very interested in the label on his beer bottle “I used to be friends with her brother Idriss, but we don’t really talk anymore” he finished, taking a big swig of his beer.
Lucas didn’t get the chance to respond before Eliott excused himself, saying that he needed to use the restroom, leaving Lucas alone in the kitchen and feeling like an asshole. Okay so he obviously shouldn’t have asked, seeing as it was a very touchy subject for Eliott, but still, he couldn’t help it when he felt his curiosity grow. What the hell was the deal between Idriss and Eliott?
“Fancy seeing you here” a voice interrupted Lucas’ inner struggle on how to solve the mystery. He looked up and was faced with a handsome blonde guy. Curtis.
“Oh, hi” he said, smiling at him. Gosh, he was really tall, had he grown since the last time they talked, or had Lucas really just been so wasted that he hadn’t noticed? He silently patted himself on the shoulder for not getting too drunk tonight.
“How are you?” the blonde asked, inching closer to Lucas, closer than what Lucas had deemed appropriate earlier when he had been with Eliott.
“I’m good, just hanging out you know. How about you?” he asked. He’d never been a fan of small talk and honestly this guy was standing a bit too close, and was a bit too desperate for Lucas’ liking. Plus, he was too busy thinking of how he was going to find out what happened between Idriss and Eliott, to fully pay attention to Curtis, when something clicked. Curtis was friends with Idriss. Maybe he could help him out, he thought as he decided that he’d try to be polite towards Cutis and see if he could get some intel out of him.
“Right, I’m good as well” he answered, and Lucas wasn’t sure if he was imagining things or if the guy actually looked nervous. “I was uh- I was hoping to see you tonight” he continued, blushing a bit, and Lucas suddenly felt even more tense than before.  
“Yeah uh- you too” Lucas answered, hoping that if he just pretended to be oblivious, he would somehow be able to get out of the situation.
“Are you and Eliott still ‘dating’?” he asked, inching even closer to Lucas, who was really starting to get uncomfortable.
“Yeah, we are” he said, trying to create some space between himself and Curtis, but realizing that he was pushed into a corner and couldn’t really move further away.
“I can’t wait until you guys are finished with your act” he said, grabbing Lucas’ hand, taking him by surprise “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, and I was so happy when you agreed to go out with me” he continued.
Before Lucas could react and pull his hand away, he looked up and saw Eliott standing at the kitchen entrance. Lucas had never seen that expression on Eliott’s face before. A mix of betrayal, hurt and anger was playing on his face. Lucas practically felt his own heart break just by looking at the other boy. He’d never wanted to invoke those feelings in anyone, especially not Eliott.
“I-“ Lucas began, as he pulled his hand away, desperate to make Eliott understand that he’d misunderstood the situation. But he didn’t get a chance to say anything as Eliott quickly turned around and stormed out.
“Putain” Lucas hissed, looking up at a confused Curtis “I think you misunderstood the situation” he told the blonde “I was drunk and I’m- I’m not really interested in going out with you, I’m sorry” he said as he put his beer on the kitchen counter and practically ran out of the kitchen, trying to catch up with Eliott, who had already grabbed his coat and was on his way out of the apartment.
“Eliott!” he yelled, running after him, struggling with keeping up with the taller boy, who didn’t turn around and stormed out of the apartment.
Lucas grabbed his coat and ran after him. When he got outside he saw Eliott stomping away, and he started running, trying to catch up with him, cursing his short legs.
“Eliott! Please just fucking stop so I can explain” he yelled. He was full on running now, as he finally caught up with him, grabbing his arm, making the taller boy turn around.
“What?!” Eliott spat, not looking Lucas in the eyes.
“That- it..” he began, not sure what exactly he was trying to say. The look on Eliott’s face threw him completely off guard. He’d never thought that he would react that way, and he silently cursed himself for having hurt Eliott like that, for being so fucking oblivious.
“That wasn’t what it looked like” he cried out.
“So you didn’t agree to go out with Curtis?” he asked with a painful expression.
“I- yes I did” he began, grabbing Eliott’s arm a bit harder, making sure he wouldn’t run away again.
“But I was drunk and it was at that party where I thought you bailed on me with Lucille” he explained, hoping whatever he was saying was making sense.
“It was before…” he cut himself off. Before I fell in love with you. If he was as brave as he wished he was, he would have said those words out loud, but he wasn’t.
“You know what Lucas? It’s fine. Let’s just drop this- this act. You can go on with your life and date whoever you want, without me inconveniencing you” he said, tears welling up and threatening to spill.
“What no?! I don’t want that” Lucas cried, desperate to make Eliott stay.
“Please I…” he was frantically searching his brain for the right words. Words that would make Eliott stay, but he couldn’t come up with any.
He felt Eliott slowly easing out of his grip, and he was full on desperate now. He had to make him stay, make him understand.
Eliott shook his head with a defeated look and turned around.
Before Lucas even had a chance to think, he took a few steps forward grabbing Eliott’s arm again and turned him around, cupped his face and smashed their lips together.
Lucas knew he’d taken him by surprise, because it took several seconds before the taller boy responded to the kiss. For a second Lucas panicked, afraid that Eliott didn’t want to kiss him. Afraid that Lucas had misunderstood the whole thing. But soon Eliott parted his lips, letting Lucas taste him. It was messy and sloppy and they were both panting desperately into each other’s mouths, trying to convey every emotion they weren’t able to do with words. Eliott snaked an arm around Lucas’ neck, gently tucking his hair, making Lucas moan into the kiss. The stubble on Eliott’s face burned Lucas’ chin, but he didn’t care, because it felt like heaven and complete and absolute bliss. Lucas could feel Eliott grinning which made their teeth clatter together and soon they were laughing and smiling into each other’s mouths more than they were actually kissing. But still, it was everything Lucas had ever dreamt of, better even. The softness of Eliott's lips combined with the roughness of his stubbles and his firm grip on Lucas, had him clinging on to Eliott like crazy, afraid that he might pass out from the complete ecstasy he was feeling.  
After what might have been seconds or hours, Lucas wasn’t sure, they pulled away, both laughing like crazy, giving each other small pecks between laughter and giggles.
Eliott had the widest grin plastered on his face and Lucas was pretty sure that his lips would split if he smiled any wider. The taller boy still had his arm around Lucas’ neck as he pulled him into a bone crushing hug, which Lucas gladly welcomed. He took advantage of the fact that his mouth was perfectly aligned with Eliott's neck, giving him small pecks and kisses.
“Finally” Eliott whispered, and Lucas wasn’t sure if he even meant to say it out loud.
“Finally” he whispered back, grabbing on to Eliott for dear life.
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shame-in-norwegian · 6 years
Missing Moments
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Welcome to the Missing Moments project!
Essentially the idea is to fill in the gaps in the Skam universe, all the conversations, decisions, moments we didn’t see. We only see one character’s POV per season and we only see so long of that but we’ve got all these characters still existing and living their stories and that’s what I want this event to be about. For examples, check out my previous fics here. I won’t be limiting this just to the original either, the remakes are very welcome too! We are getting into season 2 with a few them already afterall.
I am accepting submissions now, please fill in your details here. All you need right now is an idea of what you want to write/create about and as accurate a time spot as possible. Once everyone has sent in their ideas, I plan to make a timeline where all the moments would fit, I’ll go season by season, first with the original then remakes. When it comes to release week(s), they’ll flow in this timeline, I’ll try and make the timeline visual too so it’ll be completely interactive! I’m hoping to build the timeline so that it should build itself up as more fics/art is posted. I’ll be posting a few fics myself, got so many ideas and I can’t wait to see yours!
Important Details
Fanfics must be at least 250 words, otherwise the sky’s the limit.
Both fanfic and fanart are acceptable.
If you want to do more than 1 entry, that’s fine too!
You can post on Tumblr and/or Ao3.
Follow the tag #skamissingmoments for updates.
23rd March - Ideas submissions close
30th March - Check In 1 (Basically confirmation you’re still up for it!)
22nd June - Check In 2 (Just letting me know how your idea has progressed + any major changes to your work)
7th September - You’ll receive your posting date.
7th October - Posting begins! (If there’s a date between the 7th-20th you can’t do, let me know)
If you have any other questions, feel free to message me here or email [email protected]. This event is essentially to celebrate the underrated characters, get those scenes we all desparately wanted and show off the talent that’s in this wonderful community!
Can’t wait to see what you all come up with... 💛
Love, Taylor x
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iamshannonmcfarland · 5 years
Basile: Eliott omg we lost Lucas!
Eliott: WHAT? How did you lose him?!
Arthur: Give us a break. He's like two inches tall
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