#don't reblog I rambled way too long XD
luna-loveboop · 7 months
Why don’t you have your pronouns in your bio? I want to interact with your account but as a trans person it makes me feels unsafe if an account doesn’t have pronouns listed. (Genuine question, not trying to attack or anything)
Hello hi :D
I generally take a long time to reply (I choose to take a while so I am not rushing my responses), but I want you to feel safe so I will try and respond quickly
***I tried to respond as a private ask but I think I can't, so my response to anon is under the cut. It is way too long, but I don't want to trim it down and keep friend waiting
^^tone indicators for all of my response is positive and genuine- I am curious and sincere
Thank you for sending this- I love that you are brave enough to ask and I hear you. I'm honoured that you like my account and would love for you to interact with it! I want you to feel safe tho, let's figure it out
Could I ask for advice? I am not yet completely understanding of tumblr or how everything works. I'm not certain what a bio is or where to put it.
I have so far avoided posting a pinned post, or having personal information in my blog description (<is that bio?). I have preferred just having posts- I am also not very comfortable reblogging things yet. I'm not certain how to explain why, but that is the form my anxiety has taken in managing my account appearance. Is it ok to leave it as is?
As far as changes I am slow on that as well, and might take a bit- but again I will try to hurry because I never want you to feel unsafe. You are worth any extent of kindness
So if I may ask- what is a blog bio, and where would I be supposed to put my pronouns? I think others have explained a bit on this but sometimes I don't understand immediately. Is this something that will make people feel unsafe? And may I ask why? I understand if this is uncomfortable, but I always want to be honest and genuine, and learn rather than pretending I know everything. I am autistic and often take a long time to understand things socially. Could not having pronouns be seen as a rejection of my trans friends?
I also have believed they/them to be the sort of default- as a sign of respect for my trans people I say they/them if I am uncertain. I want to help people feel validated with they/them, rather than assume and say something that is not who they are
My pronouns are she/her! :D but I am ok with they/them as normal which is another reason I hadn't put them.
I have several friends I plan on asking for advice on this as well, but I would love advice from your perspective. I want to make sure your concerns specifically are cared for since you asked. If you are ok to go off of anon, could you dm me or talk in replies? I want to learn. Or you could send me asks in anon- but I do not want to seem like I’m telling you what to do, or demand you talk openly if it makes you uncomfortable.
Friend :)
If I have accidentally said something very offensive I am so sorry and please help me understand- I have a heart for you even if words get in the way. I hope I am not defensive- learning and growing and changing are the best parts of life
If anything I said came across as rude or blunt I am sorry- I tell you that is not what I mean and I want to be friendly and light. I struggle with language sometimes (sometimes) which is why I normally take long to respond.
Hi friend! I think you are very cool and you've made me happy- now I can learn more :D if I was too intense or seemed demanding I am sorry- I got slightly panicked. I want you to feel heard and safe :)))
I feel secure in my gender identity and would not be adverse to being trans. I have spent so much time searching tho- I enjoy bragging about always having skirts with the best pockets.
I know this post is way too long and I repeated myself- I ramble lol but want to help you feel loved quickly
Edit: hate to add more, but hi anon! Many of my friends have come to help me understand more. Thank you for asking- I did not know and love to learn. I've added pronouns, and want to always make changes so people can feel safe. You don't have to go off of anon if you don't want, but if there's anything else I can do let me know. You are so so cool :)))
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the-sky-queen · 2 months
Here we are. One year to the day since I created my account here on tumblr. It feels . . . almost surreal. I don't exactly remember where I thought I'd be by this point, but I don't think I pictured this! I've made so many good friends here, seen so much AMAZING art, and overall just had so much fun. For every one of you who follow me, and even those of you who don't, thank you. You all make me so happy. I treasure each and every like, reblog, comment, and ask.
I'm sitting here in awe as I rapidly approach another big milestone here and I couldn't be more thankful. Back when I made this blog, sure I had dreams of finding an audience and connecting with some of my favorite people here, but I didn't get my hopes up. So many instances in my life of never getting picked for one thing or another taught me that the odds are low and not in my favor, but the community here is just so different. People are good. They're nice and supportive and they love it when new people show up. The beginning was hard. There are quite a few of my early posts that still have zero notes. But I've got people hanging around now that like what I make and that honestly means the world to me. I feel seen. I feel like I matter.
Thank you all so much.
I wanted to shout out a few of my mutuals real quick for a super special thank you:
@cattyanon was my first ever follower and it nearly made me cry when I got the notification. It gave me so much hope and joy. It took me way too long to follow you back, Catty, but I'm so happy that I did! your AUs are all so creative and fascinating. Thank you for being my first supporter.
@boom-fanfic-a-latta is without a doubt my closest friend here on tumblr. It all started when I stumbled across Lily's original concept post for Tachophobia. I was instantly obsessed and before I knew it, Lily was DMing me. The rest is history. :) Lily, I can't thank you enough for being my friend. Words don't do this justice. I'll always be grateful to you for caring so much about me. I love all our AUs together and I love writing them with you. Thank you so much.
I followed @totaleclipse573 for Eclipse and stayed for everything else. I love how we feed each other's angsty thoughts. XD Total, I absolutely adore your OCs and I'm so happy that you've taken interest in mine. We may not have a DM together (I suspect that's because we're both too shy to be the one to start it XD) but our interactions are still beyond fun! Thank you for being a crazy fangirl with me.
I followed @estellardreams immediately when I found her here after reading one of her Sonic Prime fics on Ao3. I was caught so off guard when I got the notification that you followed me back, Estelle! XD I instantly rushed to plan a Christmas present drawing for you. (Yeah, I drew presents for each of my mutuals. I only had FIVE then.) Since then, I've gotten to know you better and I've had an absolute blast with you. You single handedly fueled the Tachophobia obsession over winter break and it was so insanely fun. (Seriously, you were posting like three or more chapters some of those days!!! You had me screaming XD) Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being Tachophobia's biggest fan and such a supportive friend.
@skywriter97 reached out to me to talk about TMOM and I followed her soon after that after reading some of her AMAZING writing. The two of us are writing buddies, exchanging advice and feeding each other ideas whenever we need it. Girl, I can't thank you enough for letting me ramble about Immortals to you and fueling my obsession enough that I finally started writing it for real. Whenever the prologue goes up, I'll be shouting you out in the notes because it's because of YOU that I finally got moving. Thank you so much.
This isn't all my mutuals. I have more that I don't talk to as much, but even if I didn't mention you by name here, I want you all to know that you mean the world to me. Four of you are personal heroes of mine that I never in a MILLION years dreamed that I'd actually get to be mutuals with. The rest of you are all around EXTREMELY cool people that I am super blessed to have you in my life.
As I end out this post, I once again want to give a massive thank you to ALL of you for sticking around. And thank you so much for making this year absolutely incredible in more ways than one. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
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puzzleemerald · 9 months
Tumblr media
MORE FANFIC SHIP ART, LET'S GO! (I have a crippling addiction to commissioning art; send help) This piece was a YCH (Your Character Here) done for me by ItsNattie yet again—you'll be seeing a lot of her work on my blog.
Please don't reblog!
Time to wax poetic and ramble about my OC nonsense for five-plus paragraphs again! Remember, none of this is related to RP; I'll be talking about the FanFiction version of Amaterasu! The version of her I roleplay with is a separate thing! The last thing I want is other Inuyasha RPers avoiding me because they think I'll only RP exclusively with Sesshōmaru RPers! >< I'm happy to interact with anyone! ♥️
Sesshōmaru is one of my oldest childhood crushed ever; Inuyasha was such a big part of my childhood because my family had the complete collection of DVDs, so it just makes too much sense I'd end up having an OC shipping with him as an adult. He's such a beautiful character, for one; I am cripplingly weak to guys with long hair. However, he's also so mysterious without being like... super edgy and broody, like this ethereal ghost with his own goal separate from literally everyone. Just flying around, doing his own thing, kicking ass, and looking fabulous doing it.
For me, making an OC for a pairing is the best excuse to get super OCD and channel my autistic brain into hours upon hours of studying a canon character—in this case, studying Sesshōmaru. People just fascinate me. Well... specifically, fictional people fascinate me. Real people are scary. However, when I was conceptualizing Amaterasu—this was long before I'd named her and settled on making her the Shinto Kami of the Sun—I couldn't for the life of me think of what would make good chemistry with such a complex character as him.
Sesshōmaru has so much subtlety to him that it's hard to tell what he's thinking or feeling, even with context clues. As I got older, though, it hit me. If Sesshōmaru is mysterious and powerful, the best counterpart would be someone equally powerful... but more open! (Note: I've never read the Manga, and this was before I'd seen The Final Act, and waaay before Yashahime was a thing... so I had no idea SesshRin was gonna be a canon thing. XD)
...Then my sadist brain had a Metal Gear Solid alert sound effect moment, lol. What if I made her a Kami, thus an opposite to him, and ran with a Romeo and Juliet-esque situation where they can never be happy together in the end? I thought I was being so clever back then, lol.
From there, I was like a woman possessed, writing about ten pages of headcanons, situations, etc., daily for a week. (Unfortunately, it was all on paper, and those old notes have been lost to time... very sad.) I not only wrote about potential interactions between Amaterasu and Sesshōmaru but also possible interactions and dynamics she might (in my FanFic, this doesn't = my expectations for people I RP with) have with other canon characters like Inuyasha, Kagome, Kikyō, Koga, Miroku, Sango, etc..
It was one of those magical moments where this fictional person you've made up in your head just comes alive, y'know? I love Amaterasu so much; I love that she's physically, mentally, and spiritually powerful. In many ways, despite seeming like such a calm, carefree queen, she wears her heart on her sleeve with her actions. I relate a lot to her perfectionism and always trying to be someone worthy. It was also entertaining to dive into the psychology of what it's probably like to be someone like Amaterasu... she was born in the highest position there is; she is the personification sun that keeps the world alive, and in Shinto, she's depicted as the mother of Japan (Grandmother to the first ever Emporer) and the most respected woman in the land. She's a god, but I imagine the way she thinks would be very human since the Shinto's depictions of their "gods," the kami, are very different from how modern religions depict gods.
The Kami are spirits of nature itself; they have enormous personalities to explain away why certain things happen, much like the Greek Pantheon. Yet, in my research, the Shinto Kami feel closer to humans than the Greek Gods because the Olympians stay on Olympus 90% of the time while Kami live and breathe their duty, their element. So I write Amaterasu as a figure of strength, warmth, and tenacity with a flaring temper she tries to manage so others don't get hurt. She admires other women who show inner strength and fight with their own hands, but she doesn't scrutinize women who are content to be passive or meek, either. She's protective of humans because she sees them all as her children and wants them to live long, fulfilling lives on whatever path they choose for themselves.
Throughout her story, Amaterasu tries so hard to do her best at everything she does, not just tunnel-visioning on defeating Naraku (her main objective and only ticket home) but stopping to help anyone in trouble or need, even if it might slow her down or delay her from reaching that big goal she's after. It's probably part of her I admire most; she's a good samaritan even if it's "beneath her," or "doesn't benefit her," or could even "hinder her" in some way.
She's an ideal I wish my cynical ass could be, lol.
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fadebolt · 7 months
This blog is many months old by this point, and it seems like I'm slowly but surely being noticed by more and more people, sooooo I'm thinking a pinned post might be in order.
~ Hello! Hi! Sup!
Welcome to my lil space!
Name's FadeBolt, but feel free to call me Fade. (Yes, that is the name of a DotA ability. No, I did have more creative name ideas, I just did stuff under this one, so I'm sticking with it)
~ I'm an anxious 21 year old Hungarian wreck that is currently doing college in the northern parts of this small hellhole in the middle of nowhere that we call Serbia.
~ I like to gush and ramble about media. I like to interact with media. I like to make stuff about media. I like to look at, and take part in stuff that other people make about media.
~ Most of this blog is about my hyperfixation that has lasted for almost two entire years by this point, which is, you guessed it - Rain World.
~ Obviously, I still like other stuff (most notably Warcraft 3, as well as League of Legends and its wonderful lore/universe), and I might make posts about them on some occasions, but they're not my main interests, and considering how much I've entrenched myself in the RW community, that likely won't change anytime soon.
~ I don't really have a central thing that I intended for this blog. It's just simply - if I get ideas and I like them enough, then I'll do them. And if I stumble into something that really peaked my interest, or if I feel like I could add something onto it, then I'm reblogging it. (Though I do have a bit of an anxiety over that, cus whenever I reblog something, I always feel bad for the stuff I didn't reblog, but I can't just keep reblogging everything all day every day, so I often end up not reblogging good stuff. Help me. Please xd)
~ But the main things that you can expect here are long writings about my opinions, (mostly) fun drawing, voiceovers, and occasional ramblings about stuff.
~ I want this to be abundantly clear - I really value constructive criticism, no matter how unsolicited it might be. So if I said something you don't agree with, made a mistake somewhere, or just have some general issues with my stuff, don't be afraid to point them out. (Just make sure that it is actually constructive. The goal here is to improve, but there's not really much I could take away from something like "Your art sucks" or "Your opinions are stupid", is there?)
~ Due to recent, uhm... let's just call them 'events', I want to note that online discussions around politics and stuff related to that makes me extremely stressed and uncomfortable, especially after seeing what Tumblr can do to people who said stuff most folks didn't like.
~ This doesn't mean I'm making a strict 'no politics' rule or anything, I'm just looking to minimalize that stuff, and preferably keep it in private 1 on 1 conversations where I won't feel like I'm being judged by hordes of onlookers. This applies to any other contentious topic, too.
~ Unlike a lot of folks, I will not be having a DNI list. I know that this sounds a bit weird, but I want this space to be nice and happy and welcoming, and I do believe that media should be used as a way to unite us in spite of our differences (so this idea of saying "If you have these political opinions I don't like, then GTFO!" just doesn't sit right with me, though I completely understand why some people do that).
I also believe that instead of locking out and trashing on people who said and did stuff we didn't like, we should instead try and help make them understand why that stuff is wrong, so they can learn and grow, because people can indeed change for the better, especially with how many young folks are roaming around on this website. I won't force any of you to hold yourselves to these ideals, but I will stay true to them myself.
~ With that being said: I am not tolerating problematic stuff or asshole behavior here. I'll be somewhat lenient on this, but "I want this space to be nice and happy and welcoming" will always take priority over avoiding being judgemental of others. Just please don't bother me with stuff that's obviously messed up, don't be a cunt, and don't send NSFW my way, that's all I'm asking.
Aaaaaaaaand I think that's about all the important info for now. I might update this in the future, if need be.
Anyways, I'd like to quickly thank everyone who's ever supported me, taken part in positive interactions with me, or have even just quietly appreciated at least one little thing I have made/done at some point!
I was super scared that nobody's going to care even a little bit about anything I'll do, but I'm very thankful to have gotten proven wrong again and again and again by this wonderful community!
Have a wonderful day and night, everyone! Cheers! :D
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justashadetalkative · 2 years
1, 2, 4, 7 for the mun questions!
Thanks for the ask! ^_^
I uh. I rambled. As I tend to. Sorry. :'D
1. how do you feel about reblog karma?
Pretty chill?
I think the important thing is to show interest and to be mutually interacting in general, and that fussing about any one individual post isn't worth it. And also I’m bad enough at keeping up with my inbox as it is, I don’t need people sending things if they aren’t genuinely interested sgjklfdd
Though at least from my own end… if a meme is something I'm interested in reblogging, then it's often going to be something I'm interested in sending as well. So I think that most of the time it probably works out that way naturally. xD
(... on a bit of a side tangent, but the workaround rule some people have about reblogging from the source has always felt. Strange. Like. I recognize memes I've reblogged that day. The avoidance makes it feel even less like a positive mutual interaction than reblogging directly without sending anything, personally. 😂
Whatever works for folk, though, I guess! And I try to remember and respect when folk have that rule. Even if my memory is abysmal fffff)
. 2. is it hard for you to write with characters you don’t know/don’t know well?
Mmmmm it. Depends?
I at least need to know the character enough to be interested in interacting with them in the first place, hah. 😂 But sometimes just the setup of an open starter or something can be enough for that!
I am also so bad at ungrounded improv. If I don't know where my character is at and why they're in that situation, why they're interacting with someone, I really struggle. It's part of why my starters and first replies tend to be long sdklghd
So having a solid understanding of someone's character can help alleviate that! It makes it much easier to come up with grounding explanations for myself, even if we haven’t done any plotting.
But there are other ways to achieve the same goal, y'know? Knowing something about the setting, having at least a bit of a plot to work off of, or leaning on simple tropes can all get the job done.
And having stock situations with my own characters can do it, too. For example, that human incident with Linast is often already enough of a grounding concept for me to be comfortable throwing him at pretty much anyone.
4. which muse of yours is your all time favorite? if you stopped writing them: why? | 7. describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.)
Answered both of these over here!
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cacodaemonia · 3 years
Hi Caco!! Thank you so much for answering all of these asks you’ve been getting and I’m sorry to add one more 😅
I was wondering if you had any tips for engaging more with fandom content besides reblogging with tags and comments. I’m not the greatest at doing that but I’m definitely working on it. And I want to try to get more involved as much as I’m able to.
I’m a writer mostly and definitely can’t draw people so it’s been a little hard for me to put myself out there besides joining big discord’s (which are a lot of fun and I have met some cool people and friends on there).
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I love your art and you as well as @leeleebee @alamogirl80 @anstarwar @cobaltbeam and @three-fold-symmetry have inspired me to start trying to draw again. I’ve made a few fun designs on Paint and I’m thinking of putting a few on Redbubble just for fun. I love art and I love seeing your wips and how a piece is developed. Plus all of your stories. I wish I could write long fics and world build half as well as you. Anyway, I just really admire you and thank you for being a bright spot in the fandom and making this little corner more enjoyable for everyone.
Hello! :D
Aw, no, thank you for the ask! They are a bit time consuming because they all make great points and I think about my replies for a while, but I don't mind!
Hm, I dunno! Personally, I really love screamy tags, haha, but I don't usually reply to those. I do reply to all the comments I get on Tumblr and AO3, so maybe that's more the type of engagement you're talking about? Other people might feel differently though (if anyone has any tips, maybe comment and anon might see them? <3).
I've always been a fandom artist, until less than a year ago when I started writing, so I really don't know what it's like to not get the kind of attention that art tends to get (versus writing) on Tumblr. But I imagine it's a lot harder to encourage interaction on here if you don't post art. That said, there are quite a few folks I know on here who either don't create content, or only write (and of course I don't say 'only' in a belittling way, as I personally value writing over visual art, but anyway), but because I read their tags or they comment on my stuff, when I see their usernames I'm like, "MY FRIEND!" XD
As or discord, I have trouble engaging on big servers because I just can't keep track of constantly changing usernames and conversations and 50 channels blargh. What's been really great for me is having a tiny little server with just some close friends - but of course, you have to find your people, first, which can be hard.
I'm totally rambling now, but if anyone has advice, again, please comment!
Okay so now I'm just going to scream incoherently about that last paragraph you wrote! T___T Too kind!! I'm in such good company... *sobbing* Seriously though, when I read this ask before bed last night I got teary eyed, haha.
I know visual art isn't for everyone but it makes me so happy when people are willing to try, even though we all suck when we start out and it's frustrating as hell most of the time, haha. But if you enjoy it enough to push through the frustration, then that's great! <3
ghakgh;rkg as for writing, I literally wrote one crap fic in... idk maybe 2001? And I never wrote fiction again until a little less than a year ago. So while I still have no idea what I'm doing, I can confidently say that, a year ago, I was telling friends, "I wish I could write long fics and world build half as well as you." And I'm sure I still don't, but I'm doing it and enjoying it, so :D
This is getting ridiculously long, but I just have to say that without all the nice people in the fandom, I wouldn't bother with it at all! So I share credit with you and every other lovely person in our little corner. <3333
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mulderscully · 6 years
i see this post going around about some people like adding comments on stuff and how they don't understand why half of tumblr considers it rude.
i'll tell you!
gif makers, graphic makers, and artists spend a lot of time making the stuff they do. when you're the person making it, you usually want it to to look a certain way. right down to the wording of the caption. you're sharing it, ofc, but it is YOURS. when a bunch of people start adding comments and it gets reblogs with even sometimes full blown conversations on it, the way you wanted it to look is changed. for example i worked my ass off on that x files 25th anniversary graphic for 2 hrs and made it look a certain way, then it ended up having like 20+ people just adding "same! XD" to it cause someone else reblogged it with the comment about it being their first fandom. i wanted it to look the way it looked, then it became smth else. imo a graphic isn't a place for a long thread like that, even if it's a valid and nice convo. and that happens a lot.
but don't we want to hear peoples thoughts? YES. I GUARANTEE YOU 98% of people who make contents read tags! pls ramble in TAGS. there is literally an x kit extension called "tag viewer" for this. we love tags. we can read thoughts without the edit changing. 10/10.
like listen, i don't speak for everyone and i don't see it as a capital tumblr crime. i don't think it's mal intentioned, i'm just explaining this side.
and imo, at the end of the day, tumblr should provide the option to lock comments on certain posts if op wants. and on the case of personal posts there should be a lock option to make it unrebloggable if wanted. but that is asking way too much.
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tumblunni · 7 years
I have a question that I hope is ok. I have had a suspicion that I might have some form of autism for quite a while now and when you reblog posts that say something along the line of just autism things like the one you just did I have to do a double take because I do all of those things + have them happen to me and am shocked when I see I'm not the only one who does these things especially the really abstract. I don't ever bring it up though in fear that people get upset that I'm "faking"
Oh man, mystery person, that’s pretty heavy!! I know the feeling, it took me a LONG time of self-examination to work out whether I might have autism, and I actually did have to deal with a less-than-optimal response when I tried to talk to someone about it. My doctor outright said ‘but you seem too smart for that’, like.. what the fuck?? So seriously, you need to be prepared to be PERSISTANT. Don’t lose confidence in your decision! Make sure you get to see an actual diagnosis, don’t let them lock you out of it based on dumb stereotypes. Cos seriously, general practitioners going ‘hey this person probably doesnt have this thing that’s completely out of my division, and I wont even let them talk to that division’.. thats just.. GOD I really get frustrated and scared thinking how much more messed up my life would be right now if I’d listened to him and not ever got help for my condition!
So my advice is basically.. even if you don’t want to ‘self-diagnose’, please do ‘self-diagnose’.You need to be abnormally prepared for this, you need to have a list of all your symptoms, you need to learn the terms and have reference to point to in the event of them denying you the ability to talk to an actual psychologist. And you need to be prepared for them even treating you like you cant be autistic if you were capable of doing this!You need to hand-hold your general practitioner through explaining what autism even is, and do whatever the fuck you can so you can get transferred over to someone who actually knows who they’re talking about.Oh and common ‘self-diagnosis’ type stuff can also help a lot in the meantime, because doing research on the subject can lead you to finding new coping methods, finding other people to ask about the subject, and just generally tiding you over until you’re able to get a professional diagnosis and (hopefully) access to things like therapy and local autism community groups.Also, just, in some countries medical care is way less accessable, so I know not eveyrone is even able to get a professional diagnosis at all.
Oh, and an important thing is that autism is a spectrum and there are many different symptoms you can have. it can even be hard to discover your own symptoms, you might find that they manifest in a weird way because you’ve been subconciously trying to hide them or using some form of unhealthy coping method for years. Going undiagnosed into your adult years is really like.. one of the primary causes for autism being REALLY disabling! Dear god my stage of treatment right now is just learning to untangle a bunch of bullshit I’ve done to myself over the years, and re-learn basic life skills and self confidence. I think if i’d been born into an environment with people who actually would have recognised it and cared about getting me help as a kid, i could have grown up without most of my anxiety issues!Another important fact is that adult autism is often co-morbid with anxiety issues, due to the circumstances of being left completely alone to deal with this thing for your entire life with no support. There’s also just a lot of ways certain anxiety disorders (as well as ADHD) can have overlapping symptoms with autism spectrum disorders. A lot of the ‘that feel when’ meme stuff can be relateable to all three of these otherwise quite different disorders. So I’d reccommend looking up info on ADHD, PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder, and related conditions too, and maybe seeing which disorder seems most similar to what you’re experiencing. And don’t be scared if it seems like you might have multiple of them! In real life being ‘all the tokens at once’ is VERY MUCH not ‘unrealistic’, man I really hate those people who’re like ‘hwaaa someone who’s black AND gay AND in a wheelchair? political correctness gone maaaad!’ Seriously, its very VERY possible to have more than one mental illness, especially ones that might have a knock-on effect causing another one. Going undiagnosed and untreated for ANYTHING can lead to developing anxiety and depression, but going undiagnosed for a social disability makes it especially likely to get specifically social anxiety.oh, and randomly for an example I happen to also have prosopagnosia, which means I can’t tell the difference between people’s faces. I literally cannot recognise my best friend if she changes her hairstyle or glasses. This is kinda Double Hell combined with autism, cos its already a challenge for me to judge people’s emotions, lol!
Oh man I’m kinda going offtopic and just rambling every damn fact I know, but I’m just hoping maybe something will be helpful??I really am not an expert on autism, I dont even know any good informative blogs to link you to. I’m just a regular person who happens to have the condition, and I don’t know how to give good advice when i’m still quite often suffering from denial and self hate myself...But I dunno, I just hope it could help to hear my personal experience, and know that you’re not alone.Though now I’m worrying maybe this post is a little intimidating so it might make you feel worse?? Seriously, this is just a worst case scenario thing, hopefully your doctor won’t be as casually gatekeepy as mine was. And I mean, he seemed like a good man who wasnt exactly rude about it and wasnt doing it on purpose. If anything that worries me more, tho, cos he was just politely saying ‘haha no you’re wrong’ to a patient, about a subject he wasnt remotely qualified in, and wouldnt have ever considered reccommending me to a professional if i hadnt kept nagging him about it and come back with a bunch of research and stuff. It felt SO damn cathartic to get that ‘YES, AUTISM’ in the end! Shame I couldnt show it to him and I probably would have had my entire healthcare cut forever if I boasted XDAlso, I was lucky that I had my charity support worker to help me through the stress of the assessment interviews. I hope you have at least one person who’d be able to be there for you and believe you, in times like these. Or, even if you’re like me and you dont’ have any family and stuff, I hope you end up meeting a surprisingly awesome governent worker lady who wears a cool hat and helps you out. Seriously, Amber, you’re a godsend!
So umm.. yeah.. i am REALLY sleep deprived and I am not good at words but i hope some of this helped?? I hope you’re okay, anon!And honestly, reading ‘lol relateable jokes’ type posts on people’s blogs was how I first started suspecting I was autistic, too. I’d grown up buried in so many stereotypes of mentally ill people, I never thought I was one of them until I actually got to read blogs from their perspective. Joke posts obviously aren’t a substitute for a diagnosis, but I think they kinda serve a valuable role in the self acceptance process, yknow? Thank you, joke posts!
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midnight-in-town · 7 years
Hi! I read some posts you reblogged and some of your comments about EMA becoming separated at one point in SnK and wanted to say my two cents. I don't personally see their friendship being broken or one of them changing sides in the war, but more like the three of them taking different approaches when the time to make an important choice comes. In the series a lot of emphasis was put on choices. The trainee must choose what branch enter, Levi and Armin's speeches about choosing cont.
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Hello! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the subject, Anon! I have to say that it’s a subject I’ve always been very interested in, on top of it being very intriguing considering how close the Shiganshina trio always appeared to be. 
I really liked your take on it, honestly, it even reminds me of this post in particular, but I guess I’m just worried about a true breakup of their friendship, which would have its highlights in different aspects (if just for character developments as Sensei himself implied) but which would also ruin a part of the charm that SnK has, in my opinion. It might be what I’m scared the most of, to be completely honest with you. xD
For example, I have no idea if you caught up with all the recent chapters so forgive me for eventual spoilers, but in case “Mr. Amputee” is indeed Eren, I’m wondering to which extent his trip to Marley wouldn’t change him a lot (the same way Paradis Island changed Reiner when he realized that there is literally no “good side” in this war). This would then create a gap with, say, Armin whose drastic side of his mentality always was “a person who cannot sacrifice everything won’t be able to change anything” and so, who knows if such a gap at such a pivotal moment in their people’s survival wouldn’t break something between him and Armin?
To illustrate this example, it’s literally the inward conflict that Eren had when he realized that Historia will probably be crucial in order for him to use the coordinate (unless he gets Zeke instead) since she is of royal blood. And he literally chose to keep that info about Dina (and what happened in ch50) to himself because he was afraid that someone would have the idea to use Historia as a mean to trigger the coordinate.Meanwhile Armin legit willingly sacrificed himself to give a chance to Eren in order to beat Bertholdt.
So you see, their way of thinking aren’t the same at all, even though they’ve been close friends for a long time, which is why a part of me is always worried about a true breakup of their friendship and not just it evolving in a different but more mature direction.
Finally about Mikasa, it’s good that I’m not the only one who’s a bit bothered by her apparent lack of development. It’s not even a lack per say, because she’s definitely growing up too, but it’s so subtle and out of primary focus when she’s one part of the main trio that it tends to get slightly annoying indeed. :/Again, if Eren is “Mr Amputee”, then I doubt that Mikasa is with him and in that case, I think it would be very interesting to see how she reacted to him leaving alone to go as a spy in an enemy territory and to his (long) absence.
Hopefully, the 3 year long time lapse we got between the last arc and the current one might hold the answers to this very intriguing question of what exactly Sensei meant about the Shiganshina trio. I can’t wait but at the same time I’m worried. xD
Anyway, sorry for rambling, but thanks again for your thoughts Anon! 
Have a nice day. ^_^
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pannacottawarrior · 4 years
RIP to all of you i liked a lot of D*bihawks posts (and Hawks and Dabi content too) especially from this one artist so uh queue's gonna be full of that over the next few days tsjubtshom will sparse it out with content from my other fandoms too
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