#don't take it seriously i migh change it
xxlianastarfoxx · 6 months
Eva is like she saw many mess up and scaring things, during time the humans were alive before the core collapse.
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nori-the-cat · 4 months
Who in Aespa is Wonbin attracted to?
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Just to remind you, this tarot reading is for entertainment purposes only. Ultimately, RIIZE's member's real-life feelings remain unknown. Take it with a grain of salt and please, don't take this post seriously!
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This post is an explanation and elaboration on the post 'Most to Least (MTL) attracted to: RIIZE → Aespa' that you can find on my page.
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Most to least attracted to:
「 ✦ Winter ✦ 」
Cards: five of cups and the hermit reversed
Wonbin finds Winter attractive. He thinks she’s talented and visually appealing. But initial disappointment or shyness held him back from getting to know her. The cards also tells me he doesn’t have romantic feelings towards her, but might be interested in getting to know her and become friends with her. It looks like he tried to approach her, but was hesitant to talk to her because of his shyness.
To Wonbin, Winter might come across as melancholic or reserved at first. However, "The Hermit Reversed" suggests a desire for connection. Perhaps Wonbin sees a potential for a deeper bond with Winter if she opens up more.
I place her first because he seems to be more attracted to her for some reason. But Winter’s quietness makes it hard for him to get closer. So, imagine two introverts getting to know each other. It will take some time for them to get used to each other.
「 ✦ Karina ✦ 」
Cards: temperance and wheel of fortune 
Karina is Wonbin’s manic pixie girl. He thinks she’s a fun person but also unpredictable. Yet he admires her ability to juggle her idol and private life. This aspect attracts him towards her. He would like to know how she does it.
Temperance suggests balance, moderation, and finding a middle ground. In a scenario, this could mean Karina balances her powerful stage presence with a calm and collected demeanor, which Wonbin finds attractive. The Wheel of Fortune signifies change and new beginnings, hinting that a connection with Karina could bring unexpected but exciting developments to their connection.
「 ✦ Giselle ✦ 」
Cards: the empress and three of wands 
I’d like to point out that not once, not twice, but thrice. Three RIIZE members thinks she’s attractive. I haven’t yet revealed the rest of the members. But Sungchan, Eunseok, and now Wonbin thinks she’s attractive. Sungchan at some point wanted to get closer but Giselle was too hard to get. Eunseok wanted to know her but Giselle’s head was in the clouds. Now, Wonbin thinks she has qualities that he likes in her and wants to know about her more, but guess what? Giselle is too busy thinking about herself. So, I put her in third place.
But I digress.
Anyway. Wonbin might admire Giselle's confidence and go-getter attitude, as shown by the Empress and Three of Wands. He might be drawn to her creative energy and her adventurous spirit. Wonbin also thinks Giselle’s ambition is charismatic, seeing her as a partner who could push him to achieve his goals. Another quality of hers that allure him is her outgoing personality and exciting attitude.
That’s all, Nori? Yes. I doubt Wonbin even talks to her or tried to get to know her. He has an idea of what she is like but she’s a total stranger to him.
「 ✦ Ningning ✦ 」
Cards: six of pentacles rx and strength 
Six of Pentacles Reversed" indicates imbalance or a lack of reciprocity in giving and receiving. Ningning might come across as someone who is guarded with her emotions or hesitant to give freely. However, "Strength" suggests inner power and resilience. The reversed Six of Pentacles might also indicate Wonbin finds Ningning's energy a bit self-centered at times. However, Ningning's strong personality might still intrigue Wonbin, but the reversed card suggests he might find her emotionally unavailable at first.
I’m sorry to destroy your delusions guys. There is nothing going on between them. Please lower your expectations.
Based on the cards, Giselle and Karina seem like the most likely matches for Wonbin. Giselle's charisma and ambition might resonate with him, while Karina's balancing influence and intriguing unpredictability could be attractive.
The cards for Winter and Ningning suggest a slower burn or a need for Wonbin to invest more effort. Winter's initial reservedness and Ningning's potential emotional guardedness might make them less immediately appealing.
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willel · 2 years
I thought Hopper and Bob were stated to be old friends from high school even though they didn't exactly cross paths. Maybe like you said, they knew each other but did not exactly talk while Bob was secretly crushing on Joyce. Hmm... I wonder how they're gonna portray that then? Because from what we know, Joyce did not exactly have a connection to Bob until later on. Are they gonna just kinda change that? If that's not the case it would mean that we're just gonna most likely see Joyce and Hopper together instead, with a little bit of Bob, also I am not sure how correct it is but the wiki says that Bob was classmates with Joyce and Hopper, which is ig interesting. I do not think Bob would be 2-3 years old younger than Hopper or Joyce though because it is said that Hopper and Bob knew each other and were friends to an extent, I think they must have been in the same year for them to meet, but I am not sure. I just wonder how they're gonna connect their dynamic together since Joyce is said to be unaware of Bob's existence whereas Hopper seems to have a more connection to Bob when they were in highschool.
I'm imagining a situation where Hopper is the kid that kinda talks to everyone but isn't exactly super close friends with anyone? The one that's always chill but doesn't get too close.
So it'd make sense if he was friends or friendly with both Bob and Joyce but Joyce and Bob never actually crossed paths/met face to face.
One hour he's skipping class smoking cigarettes with Joyce under the stairs. The next hour he's with Bob in the library as Bob is trying to help him write a paper.
Next hour, I guess he's screwing a girl in the back of his dad old car as he claim he did in season 1.
If I had to guess what they're going to do with Bob, he's going to be connected to Hopper, who is connected to Joyce. Maybe it's possible out of all the kids, Bob is the one that interacted with Henry once or twice. He created and looked over the middle school AV club after all and that seems like something Henry would be interested in.
Then again, I don't think Henry was THAT into it because Will was able to use morse code to get by the Mind Flayer's mental block on him. If Henry knew Will was using morse code, surely he would've stopped him from doing that too. Then again, he was only there for a month, so it's not like Henry could've memorized morse code that quick. It could fit actually.
Bob really cared a lot about the whole outcast thing and being bullied. And how he never stood up to his bullies and admired that Joyce did. I dunno. I can see that coming into play.
Imagine a repeat of season 2. Bob telling Henry,
Bob: If my parents treated me that way. I would stand up to them once and for all. You get me? Don't be afraid to talk to your parents.
Henry: Oh ok. -goes home later that night and tries to murder everyone-
Bob seeing the news: Oh... his parents really were terrible. His dad ended up murdering him. :C
Pfff. Random thought don't take it too seriously. But anyway.
As for the same year thing, that's not necessarily true. Take Robin for example. I think she's a year behind Steve but shared at least 1 class with him. Depending on the high school, the subject, and the student, it's not odd for there to be younger and older students together in the same class. I wouldn't be surprised if Bob was super smart and was put into some higher level classes. Not sure if the concept of "AP class" existed back then but maybe it did.
So it'd be like:
Bob - direct interactions with Henry encouraging him to defend himself, much like he did for Will
Hopper - No interactions with Henry but has interactions with Bob, Joyce, and his parents. We got a lot of Hopper exposition in the show already to be honest so I don't think we need too much more
Joyce - No interactions with Henry or Bob but interacts with Hopper . Will probably learn about her family dynamics and how she came to know Lonnie. May have very indirect connections to the Creel tragedy.
Henry - Might barely appear to be honest, might be more focused on Virginia Creel and an occasional scene with Bob or something
At the very least could make for some fun fanfiction one shots!
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v01dcha0s · 2 years
Spirit guides 101 - brief introduction to working with spirit guides
Working with spirit guides is probably one of the best (imo) way to start developing your spiritual self. They know you more then anyone and so, by building a relationship with them you can get a poverful insign on yourself and your everyday life stuff. Everyone has a higher being watching over and helping them, even if we don't acknowledge them.
When I first stated working with my spirit guides, there was so little information on them, that I had to simply try everything out on myself. Please, keep in mind that those informations are based on my own experiance and thus they may or may not be accurate to your own path.
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What is a spirit guide?
To put it simply, it's a higher being that was a) assign to you since birth or b) assign to you for a period of time. They could come in many numbers, shapes, forms. They can be a part of some religious or spiritual practice. They could be a deity, daemon, ancestor, souls from your past life, angel, folklore spirit, elemental spirit, spirit animal or a simple spirit (honestly, I can't think of anymore types but there is probably more). Their type doesn't influence their work but you migh have to take some different approach to different beings while working with them. Do your reaserch as much as possible.
q: my spirit guide/s tell me that their are (insert type of higher being) and then they change their identity to (insert other type of higher being). Why?
That was my first ever "wall" I ancounter while starting to work with my spirit guides, and it came to my attention that many other people have the same issue. Determinating what type of spirit is never easy at the begining. It might feel like they're just messing with you and doesn't take you seriously (it felt like to me). The answer to it is simple. You get mixed signals becouse their energy is new to yours. Imagine it like this: you found a new radio with brand new funcions that you never had experiance with. You turn it on but the wave get's distorted so you can't understand many signals. You realize it's just that the handle for changing the wave fequancy is fragile so it takes you some time to get a feel to it. Take some time and don't sweat much. Talk to them and with development of your relationship the communication will become clearer.
How to meet your spirit guide/s?
There's few options to choose from and every single one is not better from the other. If you're a begginer, try everything a little bit if you can and want to but don't push yourself to do something because it's what this post tells you to do.
Meditation - you can try guided meditation or meditate without it; usually you meet your spirit guide/s in astral plane so take your time since astral projection is not easy at the begining (there's so much more to say abt astral projection so maybe I'll write a post about it)
Pendulum - quite easy to use, just use a pendulum board with it (then your answers will be more accurate). Just hold a pendulum above the board and then ask the yes or no type question. (The board doesn't have to be from wood. I use a piece of paper)
Tarot - this could take some time if you never did tarot readings (but don't let this discourage you). You could ask them for a card that represents them or that has the same energy as them (or similar)
How to communicate with spirit guide/s?
You can use methods from above, since they are quite universal. Communication with spirit guides is not so easy at the beginning but with time it gets better. What is the key to building a solid communication and relationship with your spirit guides is consistency. Try to talk to them once a day, if you have more time then meditate etc. Ask them questions (about you or them) or ask for help/clarification if you are in need of it. Be open minded and don't push anything. Be patient.
What spirit guides are for?
Giving signs
Answering questions (only ones that concern your person)
Passing knowledge
Help with decision making
Good companionship
Helping with witchcraft, spells etc.
Guidance for your spiritual path
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If you have any questions regarding spirit guides my askbox is open :)
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rpbetter · 3 years
Thank you so much for the super quick reply! This is the same small fandom anon, but I do think I'd enjoy inserting my muse into other canons! He's a huge oddball who's both very secretive and very outgoing and I have a thousand hcs for him, and his canon is pretty much a slice of life, so I think he'd fit a lot of situations and universes... As much as I have a favourite ship with him in his canon, can't exactly go shooting for rps that don't exist at the moment. Do you have any tips on how to get started with a blog, and etiquette on reaching out to other rpers? Thank you so much!
(In response to this answer.)
You are very welcome! I know the turnaround time here can vary, I try to pick some asks a week that I can get done quicker if possible, but that's not always possible. Some responses take more research, reaching out to others for wider experiences, research, or more careful wording, and that can take a lot of time. So, if you ever send something in and I can't get back to you as quickly, never feel like I'm ignoring it! I'm just slow sometimes, I swear.
I am so relieved to hear about your muse! I'm relieved because this sounds like a circumstance in which you could easily integrate him into a wide variety of crossovers, I hate it when it seems like people might not be able to enjoy the muses they want. You also have a great attitude about this! It goes a long way toward having fun when you're willing to be flexible and so reasonable about things. Like with the favorite ship. Of course, it would be wonderful to find someone with that muse to ship with, but since that isn't the case right now, your willingness to put yourself out there for other interactions might very well end up in great ships you never would have thought of happening.
As for getting started with a blog, my best initial tips are to not get too hung up on making the blog perfect right away, make sure that it is accessible, and have the most important information available before you start trying to find partners.
People have an unfortunate tendency to get stuck on the blog's design, stressing themselves out, prioritizing this over getting the important information up, and exhausting themselves. As well as becoming frustrated after they spent a lot of time trying to duplicate their corner of the RPC's preferred aesthetics, only to not have muns beating down the door to interact. Attractive blogs are great, but this idea you'll see floating around the RPC that aesthetics matter more than anything isn't all that correct. If you, as a mun, are coming off as good to interact with and your muse as interesting, that is going to matter more than anything else...and the people who are more interested in your blog aesthetics are not a loss if they feel that way. If they can't love your muse at a basic tumblr theme, they don't deserve your muse at a piece of artwork tumblr theme, right? Right.
If you're not familiar with, or comfortable with, heavier editing of tumblr themes, it's absolutely alright to go with a more basic one that is easier to edit. Even those allow for a pretty good range of customization options. (You can always change the theme later on, too!) You can find themes in a few ways - tumblr's theme gallery, searching for things like "free themes" on tumblr, and visiting the theme makers' blogs linked on other RP blog themes. There are some themes made specifically for RP blogs, but it isn't necessary to use those, any theme that allows customization, has features you personally like, and is a single-column format works out just fine. Neither myself nor any of my partners who have been here even longer than me have ever used a RP specific theme, it's seriously okay not to. And it's seriously okay if you do want to! They tend to require more knowledge to work with, however, and are often geared toward multis. There is also the option of paying for a custom theme, but I would advise that you wait on that until you've gotten established.
You might be familiar with "container themes" from considering RPing here, but in case you're not, they are themes where most of the blog is static and there is a portion of the blog that shows posts or the page you clicked on in the links. This portion is contained in a square or rectangle. These themes can get a bad rap, though not a totally undeserved one, as many RPers make the non-static portion very, very small. They're not all like that! If these themes appeal to you, go with a style that is large enough for those visiting your blog to actually be able to read your posts.
This is a part of overall accessibility. You want to be sure that others can read and navigate the blog, and that you are making it inaccessible to those using screen readers or who might have disorders that eyestrain is a problem for. So, don't use themes that have page links disguised as graphic elements the visitor has to search for to locate. Don't use fonts that are difficult to read because of the style or size, and exercise caution choosing colors. No light colored font on a light background, dark colored on a dark background, or combinations that are incredibly bright.
Do make your blog reflective of your muse if possible by using colors and graphics that give the feeling of your muse, but don't make it an unpleasant place that is impossible to navigate.
It's important to be careful about your tags as well. Pick some tags you'll be using for frequently occurring posts like OOC posts, headcanons, queue, aesthetics, memes, and think about how you want to tag your RP interaction threads. A general format for the latter is to tag the URL of your mutual, give the thread a name often designated by "thread" or "th" in front of it, a tag for whatever verse you are using often designated by "verse" or "v," and if there is a ship, you can tag it with a ship name or phrase as well. You want to use things that allow for clarity in finding your threads again, as well as for others to use filtering if they don't want to see particular users or interactions. If there is material in the RP that is triggering or someone has asked you to tag, tag it as "trigger/topic here tw/cw." For example: depression tw.
Keep it simple, don't use tags that are exceptionally long phrases, use special characters or fancy fonts, as all these things can prevent others from filtering your tags as needed and from searching your blog for posts. Tumblr's search feature is kind of awful anyway, don't give it any reason to be worse! Additionally, many of the things people use to make their tags aesthetically pleasing are a nightmare for those using screen readers. The screen reader will literally read whatever is put there, meaning that if you put repeating elements in, it will keep saying them. It will also pronounce the letters in non-English alphabets that folks seem to think are cool to drop into things for The Aesthetic, and some special fonts, characters, and colors will give a terrible noise only.
Before you begin looking for mutuals and interacting, you need to have some important information available.
Have your rules page completed first! (It's alright to add to them and refine them as you go, you'll probably need to, just let your mutuals know that you've made changes by posting on the dash that you've done so.) Your rules tell others how you RP, what you won't write, need tagged, what they can expect from you, and go over important matters before they're a problem. Include things like what age a mun needs to be to interact with you, if there will be sensitive material on the blog/in the threads, how you should be contacted, if you're mutuals only, topics you won't write and/or need tagged, if you need to be contacted before sending a meme or starter to plot, and so on.
Rules aren't a bad thing, they're a very, very good thing! They make boundaries and expectations clear from the outset and help us better figure out who we might (or might not) work out with well. Unfortunately, you cannot simply put something as to the effect of "just have fun, don't be a dick" on there and call it good. Fun and what constitutes dickish behavior is too variable, and the people who are going to be a problem aren't going to not be dicks just because you tried to be a casual, open, friendly mun who asked them not to be. Give specifics as to what you do not want. That doesn't mean that you have to be hateful or anything, but it's good to have boundaries as a part of cultivating your space so that it's a fun time for you. Muns who act like they're being personally attacked because another mun has rules are enormous red flags. If someone is that bothered by you having boundaries and expectations, especially if they differ from theirs, they were never going to be a good person to interact with.
It's always important to have an information page about your muse, but especially so when that muse might not be a well-known one. You can link to a fandom wiki page for more information, but don't just link and leave it at that. Like your headcanons, information pages tell others how you write the muse. Tell people all the relevant information about your muse you can think of, with a secretive one, you'll want to leave some details out, but can still go over otherwise important aspects of their life. Let them know what makes the muse interesting, who they are as a person, what they look like, their age, occupation(s), likes and dislikes, and significant events in their life that shaped them. On this page, you can link tags for your headcanons or even an about tag for more information.
A verse page is going to be important for this muse, you'll want to have a few options up before interacting. This is where you come up with how your muse fits into other universes and open up the opportunity for those interactions. Pick some fandoms you're interested in doing crossovers with, then consider who your muse is within those fandoms (how are they different here, how are they the same, what canon events shaped them, etc.), and write out some details that make them a natural feeling part of the universe. You can even put down some plot ideas at the end of each to give others stepping stones to interaction. Once you start accumulating headcanons for these verses, you can link that unique tag here for them to get even more ideas.
You want to be certain that these pages are easy to find so that people will actually access them. On tumblr's app and the mobile version of the site it can be difficult to impossible to use regular blog navigation. Making a pinned post that remains at the top of your blog is a great way to provide those links for all users quickly. You can also reiterate on this post some of your most important rules, like age of interaction and your preferred RP style (oneliner, para, multipara, novella).
Regarding approaching others, the best idea is always to go have a look at their rules first.
Most muns will put in their rules how they want to start up RP and be contacted. For example, some want to be contacted only through an ask instead of tumblr's IM, or others don't want to be contacted until they've followed you back and you're now mutuals. If someone is mutuals only and they don't follow back, it's the better idea not to contact them even if they do not have that instruction in their rules.
If everything seems good in the rules as to contacting them, you're both mutuals if required, etc., then approaching politely with an idea is best. Something like, "Hello! I'd love to get something started. I think that my muse's x verse might work out great, if you're interested, we could plot or I could send you a meme, whatever is your preference." If you enjoyed a headcanon of theirs or have come up with an idea incorporating something from their wishlist (or just come up with a good idea in general) definitely mention those things! You want to express that you're interested and like their muse without unintentionally coming off as pushy or like they're going to be solely responsible for coming up with an idea for interaction.
Unfortunately, a hell of a lot of muns have had very nasty experiences anymore. If they come off as a bit cold at first, don't take it personally, they're very likely just playing it safe until they've gotten a chance to get to know you better. Some of those bad experiences have been other muns demanding interaction and refusing to take no for an answer, and it isn't right, but sometimes, the next person can get caught in the crossfire. Don't take things like muns blocking you after declining personally either. They're not trying to be offensive, they're trying to be defensive, minimizing the chance that they'll be treated poorly for declining. And if someone has a bad attitude with you for doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing? Well, at least you found out that this person sucks before you started writing with them! Block them and try not to let it put a damper on things for you.
Again, just read the rules and be sure you're contacting people the way they want to be contacted. You will also run into muns who are either fine with you starting interaction by sending in a starter meme or who prefer that you do so. When you see a meme they've posted that fits with the muses and that you like, go ahead and send it in. I like to contact people first anyway, as I am both neurotic and plot-based only, but if you're comfortable just sending in a starter meme and running with it, go for it!
When following people, it's much the same. Read their rules before following, this makes certain you're not going to have to unfollow as soon as you do read them and see that you're not right for each other. If someone's rules specifically cite aspects of your muse and/or writing as something they don't want to interact with, don't follow them. If they have rules that are contrary to yours, it really depends on the severity of that situation. Are all of them contrary? Don't follow. Only some very important ones? Still, don't follow. Are you willing to compromise on some less important rules that clash, as well as willing to address that with them so they know you are giving their rules preference? Then, yes, go ahead and follow them.
Rules are not always going to match up, but much of the time, that isn't a big deal so long as you're respectful of the differences and communicating with each other. However, what might have seemed like a minor difference to you might be a major one to the other mun. They might not be willing to interact or follow you back. It's just one of those things that happens because we've all got different comfort zones and things that are important to us.
This is one of those (too) many hot button issues in the RPC, but I feel like it is on the follower to adapt to the other blog's rules. I feel that way because the person following read those rules and decided they weren't an impediment to interacting in the first place. No, people shouldn't compromise on critical rules, like not interacting with minors when they have inappropriate content, but they should also have seen that, using that example, the blog was run by a minor, therefore, they haven't any business following. I mean things like seeing that a blog publishes its replies on a queue while you don't usually care for that and have this stated in your rules - in this situation, you knew the other mun was running on a queue, but decided it was worth it to you.
So, if it is a serious difference of comfort zones or the way you otherwise need to enjoy RP, don't follow. If it is something it won't bother you to compromise on and you'll be open about that with the other mun, go ahead and follow. And all of this is relevant because following is first, slightly less passive, form of establishing interaction and approaching another mun for RP. Being aware of the information they've provided you on their blog is a great first step, and once you make contact more directly, you can show them that you have read rules, about pages, verse pages, and/or headcanon posts by including this in your conversation. Mention something you enjoyed about any of these things, it puts people at ease to know you cared enough to actually read what they left for you!
It can take a little bit to find the right group of people, and that can be disheartening. Just know that none of it is personal, and you will find the right people eventually! Many times, all it takes is finding one person who works out great, then, their friends and mutuals are often happy to start interacting with you as well. Keep trying your best, stay positive, and find some sort of RP Side Quests to keep yourself entertained and into the whole thing when you've got few interactions. Things like elaborating on or updating headcanons, making whole new headcanons, exploring your characterization on your own by answering character development questions, writing some one-shots, and checking out new blogs around the RPC.
I think you've got the right outlook to make this work out great for you, and I hope you have a smooth learning experience and find some awesome mutuals quickly to get you started!
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