#don't worry josele is just fine
loosesodamarble · 1 year
Acylla is @faewraithsworld’s oc. Koli is @cringeyvanillamilk’s oc. And Josele is my oc.
Josele, Acylla, and Koli: (fighting several enemies)
Josele: (gets disarmed) Someone create a weapon for me!
Acylla and Koli: On it! (both make a sword with their respective attributes)
Acylla, pausing: You make weapons with your magic?
Koli, turning to Acylla: Yeah. They're great for close combat, you know?
Acylla: I do know!
Koli: Any preferred weapons? I use a scythe most often.
Acylla: The hammer is my best weapon.
Koli: (lets out a whistle) Got a little muscle in you, huh?
Acylla: Why thank you! (flexes her arm)
Josele: (while getting stabbed by the enemy) Could you two please focus?
Acylla and Koli: OH RIGHT! Hold on Josele!
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
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I had to
Hey! Now look here! 😳
I said I want my writing to make other people eat the characters I write about. I said nothing about eating them myself! 😂 I intended to be the chef and for you to be the consumer!
(Although I've only ever written for Fuegoleon only once so there's very little I can offer you. Sorry Laura dearest. 😭)
But I mean, if you're going to give me a serving of Nacht, I might just have to help myself. 😁💖 Although, I don't think my hunger will be sated by him alone... 😔 My meal is missing something... Perhaps a serving of Morgen as well will do me good? I better cook something up for myself~!
Here's a little preview of what's cooking in the kitchen actually~!
“I’m sorry, Nacht! I was hogging Josele all day!” Tears poured down his face as Morgen babbled. “We went patrolling and did paperwork and cleaned the bathrooms because Vice Captain Jien caught us kissing again—!”
“Gah, it’s fine! It’s fine, Morgen!” Nacht exclaimed while batting his brother away. “I saw her yesterday and I’ll see her tomorrow or the day after. I get plenty of time with her, don’t worry.”
“You sure…?” Morgen mumbled.
Nacht gave a shrug and replied, “If anything, poor Josie’s probably missing me more.”
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
Faustsele Part 3: orion
orion (music video)
The next Faustsele song is “orion” and this is where Josele’s feelings start turning romantic. There's a growing sense of intimacy in this song, although it can still be read platonically. There is also a dream-like quality to the instrumental component, capturing the light but fantastical feeling of falling in love.
Your fingers, your chest, your eyes; They're so radiant, some nights they dizzy me a little
This is Josele noting Morgen and Nacht’s features because she’s spent years holding their hands, being hugged to their chests, and staring into their eyes. She’s memorized everything about the twins. Now when she thinks about those simple but intimate moments, in relation to those body parts, she gets a little dizzy from her blooming feelings of love.
It suddenly came falling upon me, all too warm; I gulped down a rainbow-color star Like a popping spark, you firmly confounded me, And that taught me how I could walk again...
Josele’s revelation of her romantic feelings for Nacht and Morgen are sudden to her. But the feeling fills her with warmth and it’s beautiful like the image of “a rainbow-color star.” It’s confusing too, and she kind of has to relearn how she sees the twins in this new light. She happily accepts it all though. Things don’t actually change that much between Josele and the Fausts.
Even in my dreams, I'm not skilled, not in a good state "Don't worry about it" - the things I lamented, the things I cried over
Pulling on frayed sleeve threads, we tried making a constellation, With each other's fingers as stars It was terrible, nonsense, so we laughed together; As long as you were there with me, it's all fine...
This is how Josele is. She will have moments when she voices negativity but quickly pushes those thoughts away with hope. She is human and thus still has her insecurities. But she doesn’t hide that negativity. She still laments and cries but she doesn’t let herself stay worried about them. And if she’s not at her best, then she can improve. All the while, she is with the twins, able to easily laugh alongside them about silly things.
God, please, please - let me hear that voice, If only just for a second... So that we never have to part again, I want you and I, like this constellation... To be tied together...
This version of the chorus is a prayer from Josele. After years with the Fausts, Josele doesn’t want to let them go. She’s stubbornly devoted and in love with them. She wants to have that bond, hear their voices, hold their hands. For as long as possible. The connection between stars making constellations is intangible and in reality, the stars are far apart, but from the view on earth, they’re close together and can create something pretty. That’s kind of how Josele feels about the Fausts. Even though they live in separate classes and didn’t have a lot in common in the beginning, they did meet and bond. She did fall in love with them and it’s a thing of beauty to her.
Now, no matter what difficulties arise, I can still try to love... But too weakly linked, across the dawn, They simply watched... Those blue eyes...
Here we get Josele’s thoughts, that she believes hope and love can overcome whatever troubles she faces. It’s also there that we get a mention of blue eyes. The English translation that’s provided implies the blue eyes to be the ones watching something else but I looked at the Japanese and I read it more as the speaker of the song staring into blue eyes. Either way it works, considering Nacht and Morgen have blue eyes.
One of my favorite parts of “orion” is the star imagery. I associate Josele with stars so it makes it feel more appropriate for the song to be linked to her character. Josele is a star, once alone, now forming a constellation with two people she’s fallen in love with. I simply find the song to be dreamy and romantic, a perfect summary of Josele’s feelings.
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loosesodamarble · 3 years
11, 12, 20 Nacsele OTP 20, (You're not getting out of OC hell😏)
Hello, hello, my dear twin! Thank you for asking some questions.
But also! How dare? You're not going to help me out of my oc hell? I have so many that I don't know what to do with them!
Well, even if you abandon me in my time of need, I shall answer you questions!
11. How do they comfort each other?
Nacht comforts Josele by taking her mind off of whatever is stressing her at the moment. Perhaps he'll take her for a stroll. Playing with the devils is an option (since they seem to like being domesticated, weird little creatures). Josele will talk about what made her uncomfortable in time, but in the moment, she would want her mind elsewhere and Nacht is happy to help with that.
Josele comforts Nacht by bringing him into her arms and letting him make himself comfortable. She'll stroke his hair or rub his back if asked. Josele's warmth and a serene silence are the best de-stressors for Nacht. Eventually, Josele does ask Nacht to talk through whatever is troubling him. He's used to bottling up his feelings but it makes things worse. Josele knows that and won't allow it anymore.
12. What's an ideal evening for them?
Anything that involves the two of them being together.
Though to be a little more specific, they would sit on the roof of the Black Bulls base—or maybe House Faust if they ever get around to rebuilding it—and gaze at the night sky. The moon and stars shining in the darkness is such an enchanting and romantic sight for the two of them. They'd be wrapped in a blanket one of them brought with mugs of tea close by. They've been through so much pain. And spent so much time apart. A little peace and quiet where it's only them is ideal.
There might be some kissing. Which might lead to more. But for the time being, they're just on the roof.
20. What's their stance on having kids?
Josele would love to be a mother and raise children. She wants to have kids so she can shower them in love the way her parents did with her. And she wants multiple children, knowing that growing up an only child can be lonely when not with friends. Plus, she's pretty good with kids. However, she knows Nacht still has Issues(tm) to work through and might not be comfortable raising children. So she'll put her feelings aside for his sake.
Nacht doesn't want to be a father. He worries that any child of his would be cursed from birth because of his tainted soul. And if not cursed, he still fears treating them poorly, the way he did to Morgen. But Josele clearly wants children and she would have his back through the while thing. As long as he's not like his parents, it'll be fine. So Nacht decides he'll give Josele the children she desires.
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loosesodamarble · 3 years
Hey! Congratulations on 200 followers, your writings and OC are amazing and you deserve all of them! I hope that there is still a slot for the OC thing, I'd really love to hear your reactions and perhaps your OCs' reactions 🥰 I would throw all of them if I could, but for now I'll just give Icree's page: succulentsunrise(.)tumblr(.)com/icreepage. It has her tag also linked if you want more aesthetic info!
Thank you very much, Sun! And don't worry, the event only recently started and I haven't been promoting it as much as I should so there's still slots available.
I never really thought of including my own ocs' reactions to other people's characters for a profile response but since you asked for it, I'll include it at the end.
Okay so, looking at Icree, the image of her, I do like the two-colored hair. The red and white gives me peppermint vibes which fits with her bright and bold personality. Also, the volume of her hair just adds to that bold feeling she gives off.
The "new money" detail about her family is interesting. We have so many characters in Black Clover from noble houses but we rarely get any specific details about the noble houses. Knowing the Papillos are relatively new in noble society isn't much but it's more than what we normally get.
I guess we can call Icree a social butterfly, huh? ... I'll leave now.
Well it's a good little joke on the sly. She's a nice addition to the few, genuinely friendly nobles we've met in the series. While plenty of the nobility we see (mostly as Magic Knights) aren't complete jerks, plenty still have the haughty air to them which Icree lacks. I think it's fine that Icree will try different strategies for befriending people but perhaps that could come back to bite her if someone wanted to claim she's disingenuous in those moments.
It's good to see a noble who's sociable while still being a little bossy. Seems like it'd be an easy habit to fall into if one is used to being able to ask servants to do things for you. I'll bet Icree isn't stern or malicious about her bossiness either, probably very assertive and maybe a bit pushy. Even if they're being positive or encouraging about it, a person who insists on people doing certain things then asked will likely come off as pushy. Not a bad thing, just another aspect of who she is.
Butterfly Magic sounds interesting and the spells in Icree's profile fit the aesthetic. I do like the use of monarch and viceroy butterflies, given how similar in appearance they are.
Regarding characters I want to see her interact with... Perhaps Klaus because he's an affectionate and caring guy but tends to pull himself back for the sake of looking proper. Icree could help him loosen up. Also Julius, I'm always a sucker for Julius being around people who would enable his love for magic and whom he could enable as well. And even if they're not from the same universe, Shinobu from Demon Slayer because they share the butterfly aesthetic but while Icree is very genuine, Shinobu is... less so and I'd like to see them clash.
OC Reactions
Lorelei: If she's into studying magic, she and I would surely get along. And I'd love to help research her own spells.
Irene: She, and her whole family, is quite admirable. They work hard to be good to one another and the people around them. We need more people like that in society.
Selen: She's one of the better nobles in Clover. I don't get how people can dislike someone friendly like her. They're really stupid for that.
Helia: Oh, imagine the two of us making a butterfly garden with my Flora Magic and her Butterfly Magic! I think it'd be gorgeous!
Josele: I don't recall meeting her before leaving the Grey Deer. I hope I didn't have any poor interactions with her.
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