#donald trump speach
Trump se compromete a PROIBIR a mutilação sexual de crianças em TODOS os 50 estados
Ideias Principais Crítica ao governo de Joe Biden Restaurar políticas conservadoras e valores judaico-cristãos Defesa de juízes conservadores como Antonin Scalia e Clarence Thomas Posição pró-vida e crítica ao Partido Democrata quanto ao aborto Combate ao “Deep State” e reforma do FBI e do Departamento de Justiça Eliminar a teoria crítica da raça e conteúdo inapropriado das…
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stardustmade009 · 2 months
Pokemon Go to the Battle Box 2024
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my-brain-still-wonders · 10 months
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On Trump's First Day Back In the Oval Office Speach.
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sjerzgirl · 3 months
But his lawyers call his words protected political speach despite the fact that these threats increase immediately after he rants about the threats' targets.
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br0-k3n-sch00lb01 · 5 months
Did i ever tell you the tale. That belongs to a fox. That was crucified. Now, later this kid named basil took the fox but then kel came along but since kel was the real slim shady pulled out an smg to liberate guam. Now, basil wasnt happy that kel the real slim shady was liberating guam. So he said hey im gonna use this tail i took from a crucified fox ima use it to smack kel. When he pulledniut this fox tail kel was so distirbed so disgusted by this powerful device used to liberate places. Used to liberate kingdoms! That can move mountains! So kel called in sans undertale but sans undertale said DUDE IM PLAYIN FORTNITE and kel said can u like get over here at 5 and sans said No im talking to my gf on vrchat. So sans was not available so kel had to call kanye west. But kanye was too busy giving a speech on flowers. And basil was loik OH MOI GAWSH!! A SPEACH ON FLAWAS!? So that distracted basil. Now heres the thing meanwhile gregory fnaf sb was robbing Guam. After kel liberated it now ur asking HOW IS THIS RELEVANT right. Well kel already liberated guam. So he commited a crime. So he went to the timeout corner. And while there he found the one piece. He said yk what ill sell it to highest bidder. Kel wanted one piece. Not THE onxe piece just one piece and accidentally misread the sign on facebook marketplace. Now anyways so kel buys the one piece thinking it was one singular peice but he finds out hes very. Very powerful. Kel has god power. But there were dragons flying around fighting eachother and the ninjago squad were there. Kai shhot down a dragon no ALL of the dragons. And then those dragons balls fell down. The 7 dragonballs fell down. And hit basil on the head. Basil got unconscious and had to go to the hospital where his surgeon dr mario had to do frontal lobe surgery bc basil was playing fnaf 4 mentally. Ok what happens next well basil then collects the dragonballs to sell on Ali Express. Then basil says huh there are seven of these dragons balls! Then instead of selling em he says ‘yk what would be kinda hype? If i had one for all!’ Then all of the magical orbs that just gave basil a heavy concussion disappeared!! And basil felt very powerful. Then basil said yk what ima go over to kels place and blow it up with the one for all. And after basil did that Nato was very unhappy. And said erm scuse me u cant blow ip random neighborhoods and basil said whatchu gon do about it and then nato put article 5 into action and started ww3 now what does the is have to do w anything . Well mexico was involved in this and donald trump was very unhappy and screamed ILLEGALS IN MY YARD. And then decided yk what ima build a wall so he cranked 90s several times until he had a wall that was very tall. But that didnt stop the mexican gov so the said yk what lets fly over the wall so they tp to buildlimit. Webt to where basil was . But then suddenly out of nowhere there was a duck. And he went to the lemonade stand. The mecico gov soldiers were like WOAH WOAH WOAH we cant let that happen!! So they arrested the duck before he got there. They knew he would ask for grapes it was a canon event they disturbed.
PART 2?!??
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bacca48 · 7 years
Haha! It's hilarious how much of hypocrites Antifa members are.
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iwriteaboutfeminism · 5 years
"Today marks the beginning of the end for donald trump."
-- Bernie Sanders, speach after the Iowa caucus, 02.03.20
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bustedbernie · 4 years
Incredible how Joe Biden with ONE public speach did more towards getting the pandemic under control that Donald Trump did since March
Well, it helps that he actually said something factual hah. The bar is... incredibly low :(  It’s gonna feel so nice to have folks who give a damn in office
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hardsweetsfox-blog · 5 years
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justignorehim · 8 years
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Translating Donald's Gestures, Part 2 How to really understand what Donald means when he gives a speach: Don't read his lips, read his gestures.
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Does this sounds familiar:: "I beg you and particularly those of you who carry the cross, throughout the land to become somewhat more serious when I speak of the enemy of the American people, namely, the Muslim. Not out of irresponsibility or for fun do I fight against the Islamic enemy, but because I bear within me the knowledge that the whole misfortune was brought to America by the Muslims alone. I ask you once more, what is at stake today? The Muslim seeks dominion not only among the American people but among all peoples. The Communists paved the way for him... "Do you not know that the God of the Muslim tells them to consume and enslave the peoples of the earth? The government allows the Muslim to do as he pleases. The people expect action to be taken...You may think about Donald Trump as you please, but one thing you must admit! He possessed the courage to attempt to free the American people from the Muslim by a national revolution. That was action indeed!" Does that sound any Trump supporter you know? If it does, be concerned. This speach was given by Julius Streicher in 1924. The ONLY words I changed was "Germany" to "America", "Jew" to "Muslim/Islam" and "Adolf Hitler" to "Donald Trump". That's it.
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Yep. That’s happened
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uiruu · 6 years
we all know that those “i made a bot watch 2000 hours of trump speaches and asked it to write one of its own: ‘hello i am the donald trump, build the wall, i love russia, you gotta love russia, big” tweets and posts are just transcripts written by the person who posted it right? and not a bot? 
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soydavidpantoja · 8 years
Madonna aclara "decir que quería volar la Casa Blanca, fue sacado de contexto"
Madonna solo intentaba expresarse en la Marcha de la Mujeres, el sábado pasado. Pero la superestrella levantó una gran polémica con algunos de sus comentarios más apasionados en el evento que se llevó a cabo en Washington.    
Fue porque, además de soltar unas cuantas ‘bombas’, también mostró lo molesta que estaba por los resultados de la elección presidencial.
“Sí, estoy furiosa. Sí, estoy indignada. Sí, he pensado una horrible cantidad en volar la Casa Blanca”, dijo Madonna. “Pero sé que eso no cambiará nada. No podemos caer en la desesperación”.
En un mensaje que envió a través de su cuenta de Instagram el domingo, Madonna dijo que quería aclarar las afirmaciones hechas un día antes.
“No soy una persona violenta, no promuevo la violencia y es importante que la gente escuche y comprenda mi discurso en su totalidad, y no por una frase que fue ferozmente sacada de contexto”, escribió. “Mi discurso comenzó con la frase de que quiero comenzar una revolución del amor”.
“Hablé de manera metafórica y compartí dos maneras de ver las cosas: una era tener esperanza y la otra era sentir rabia e indignación, que personalmente he sentido”, agregó luego la artista.
“Sin embargo, sé que actuar por enojo no resuelve nada”, dijo. “Y la única manera de cambiar las cosas para mejorarlas es hacerlo con amor”.
Pero algunos no ven su discurso como una metáfora. El anterior vocero de la Cámara de Representantes, Newt Gingrich, le dijo este lunes al programa Fox & Friends que la cantante es parte de un “fascismo emergente de izquierda”.
“Francamente, la verdad es que ella debería ser arrestada por decir que había pensado en volar la Casa Blanca”, dijo Gingrich.
Algunos en la izquierda usaron el mismo argumento cuando, en agosto pasado, el entonces candidato presidencial republicano Donald Trump hizo un comentario que muchos tomaron como una incitación a la violencia en contra de Hillary Clinton, la entonces candidata demócrata.
“Hillary quiere abolir, esencialmente abolir la Segunda Enmienda”, dijo Trump en un discurso en Wilmington, Carolina del Norte. “Por cierto, si le toca elegir a sus jueces (en referencia a los jueces de la Corte Suprema), no hay nada que puedan hacer, amigos. Aunque la gente de la Segunda Enmienda, quizá sí, no sé”.
vía CNN en español
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cineadixion · 8 years
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Globos de Oro 2017: el encendido discurso de Meryl Streep contra Donald Trump
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wetnwildzspace · 3 years
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@twitter im bot going to delete my tweet I’ve already appealed to you. But what I am gonna do is bankrupt your company in a hostile manner and teach you a lesson about abuse of power! U got till monday to mull it over and restore my account and donald trumps and anyone you have violated the rights of freedom of speach and expression on ill start a petition (at Santa Monica, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaMEDC1LQ8K/?utm_medium=tumblr
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