#2023 trump speech
Trump se compromete a PROIBIR a mutilação sexual de crianças em TODOS os 50 estados
Ideias Principais Crítica ao governo de Joe Biden Restaurar políticas conservadoras e valores judaico-cristãos Defesa de juízes conservadores como Antonin Scalia e Clarence Thomas Posição pró-vida e crítica ao Partido Democrata quanto ao aborto Combate ao “Deep State” e reforma do FBI e do Departamento de Justiça Eliminar a teoria crítica da raça e conteúdo inapropriado das…
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Former Vice President Mike Pence will not appeal a federal judge’s order that he testify in the special counsel’s probe of former President Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election, his adviser announced Wednesday.
The decision not to fight the order could provide special counsel Jack Smith with remarkable access to one of the key people with critical insight into Trump’s thinking and efforts to cling to power.
Last week, Judge James Boasberg, the chief judge of U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, largely dismissed efforts mounted by Pence and Trump to limit his testimony and avoid handing over documents.
Boasberg acknowledged a constitutional argument against forcing Pence to testify in front of a grand jury about matters related to his role as Senate president during the certification of the election on Jan. 6, but nevertheless concluded that immunity should not prevent Pence from testifying about conversations related to alleged “illegality” on Trump’s part.
“Vice President Mike Pence swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution, and his claim that the Biden Special Counsel’s unprecedented subpoena was unconstitutional under the Speech or Debate Clause was an important one made to preserve the Separation of Powers outlined by our Founders,” Pence adviser Devin O’Malley said in a statement Wednesday. “In the Court’s decision, that principle prevailed. The Court’s landmark and historic ruling affirmed for the first time in history that the Speech or Debate Clause extends to the Vice President of the United States. Having vindicated that principle of the Constitution, Vice President Pence will not appeal the Judge’s ruling and will comply with the subpoena as required by law.”
It’s unclear exactly when Pence will appear before the grand jury in Washington, according to a source familiar with the matter, and the case remains under seal. Trump’s attorneys could still appeal Boasberg’s ruling. Last week, his legal team filed an appeal to block the testimony of several of his senior aides.
Pence has already published a memoir and Wall Street Journal op-ed detailing several significant interactions with Trump in the days leading up to Jan. 6. NBC is told prosecutors are focused on specific efforts Trump took to try to block the certification of the election.
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donaldjohntrump · 1 year
2023 Lincoln Dinner in Des Moines, Iowa, features 13 GOP presidential candidates, including Trump and DeSantis. Trump leads polls but faces legal issues, creating an opening for DeSantis and rivals. The event's speeches and dynamics could reshape the GOP nomination race. #GOP2023 #LincolnDinner #IowaPolitics
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heritageposts · 7 months
The Grayzone has obtained slides from a confidential Israel lobby presentation based on data from Republican pollster Frank Luntz. They contain talking points for politicians and public figures seeking to justify Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip. Two prominent pro-Israel lobby groups are holding private briefings in New York City to coach elected officials and well-known figures on how to influence public opinion in favor of the Israeli military’s rampage in Gaza, The Grayzone can reveal. These PR sessions, convened by the UJA-Federation and Jewish Community Relations Council, rely on data collected by Frank Luntz, a veteran Republican pollster and pundit. [...] The Luntz-tested presentations on the war in Gaza urge politicians to avoid trumpeting America’s supposedly shared democratic values with Israel, and focus instead on deploying “The Language of War with Hamas.” According to this framing, they must deploy incendiary language painting Hamas as a “brutal and savage…organization of hate” which has “raped women,” while insisting Israel is engaged in “a war for humanity.” [...] Luntz’s Gaza war presentation puts his poll-tested tactics back in the Israel lobby’s hands, urging pro-Israel public figures to stay on the attack with incendiary language and shocking allegations against their enemies. In one focus group, Luntz asked participants to state which alleged act by Hamas on October 7 “bothers you more.” After being presented with a laundry list of alleged atrocities, a majority declared that they were most upset by the claim that Hamas “raped civilians” – 19 percent more than those who expressed outrage that Hamas supposedly “exterminated civilians.” Data like this apparently influenced the Israeli government to launch an obsessive but still unsuccessful campaign to prove that Hamas carried out sexual assault on a systematic basis on October 7. Initiated at Israel’s United Nations mission in December 2023 with speeches by neoliberal tech oligarch Sheryl Sandberg and former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a recipient of hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations and speaking fees from Israel lobby organizations, Tel Aviv’s propaganda blitz has yet to produce a single self-identified victim of sexual assault by Hamas. A March 5 report by UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence Pramila Patten did not contain one direct testimony of sexual assault on October 7. What’s more, Patten’s team said they found “no digital evidence specifically depicting acts of sexual violence.”
They also advice to use different language for Democrat and Republican voters, which inadvertently provides one of the most succinct explanation of the difference between the two genocidal parties that I've ever come across:
To make their arguments stick, Luntz recommends pro-Israel forces avoid the exterminationist language favored by Israeli officials who have called, for example, to “erase” the population of Gaza, and to instead advocate for “an efficient, effective approach” to eliminating Hamas. At the same time, veteran pollster acknowledges that Republican voters prefer phrases which imply maximalist violence, like “eradicate” and “obliterate,” while sanitized terms like “neutralize” appeal more to Democrats. Republican presidential candidates Nikki Haley and Donald Trump have showcased similar focus-grouped rhetoric with their calls to “finish them” and “finish the problem” in Gaza.
One of the slides, illustrating what language to use:
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There are several more slides in the article. I recommend reading the whole thing, start to finish. One more thing I'd like to highlight though:
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Luntz acknowledges Israel’s mounting PR problems in a slide identifying the most powerful tactics employed by Palestine solidarity activists. “Israelis attacking Israel is the second most potent weapon against Israel,” the visual display reads beside a photo of a protest by Jewish Voices for Peace, a US-based Jewish organization dedicated to ending Israel’s occupation of Palestine. “The most potent” tactic in mobilizing opposition to Israel’s assault on Gaza, according to Luntz, “is the visual destruction of Gaza and the human toll.” The slide inadvertently acknowledges the cruelty of Israel’s bombardment of Gaza, displaying a bombed out apartment building with clearly anguished women and children fleeing in the foreground. But Luntz assures his audience, “It ‘looks like a genocide’ even though the damage has nothing to do with the definition.” According to this logic, the American public can become more tolerant of copiously documented crimes against humanity if they are simply told not to believe their lying eyes.
. . . full article on GZ (6 Mar 2024)
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hanzi83 · 1 year
Manufactured Establishment Heel Turn and Outrage
The last blog I touched upon the Trump town hall a little bit but now that a few days have passed, and I have seen the discourse and the half ass analysis from supposed smart people in the “progressive” space has been one of the most infuriating things on the planet. If you hate monitor I say and write, that is like music to your ears to know a mentally ill man is being infuriated, because when “important” people pay attention to your shit even if the general public doesn’t know I exist, they get upset with me pointing out the probabilities of the direction of some of these personalities and I will admit it is disheartening a bit to see people who were respected and seemed principled now find a way to crossover to the side that is winning the narratives, they can promote shit online about how the democrats are scared and they are trying to suppress shit so no other candidate can get a chance, but if they didn’t want us to know about this, this would not be out there, in my personal opinion, if I look at this world like a sports entertainment company and see how it is implemented into the political discourse, more people get recruited into this system and become a lot more mentally unwell, they are addicted to the need to entertain, they are addicted to trying to stay relevant in any way possible that they will become soulless caricatures trying to insist their brand of comedic banter between mediocre hosts is what is gonna do it in the long run. The way I view this sports entertainment system is that there are people who own their respective countries, and then book the politicians who are more sports entertainers now more so than politicians, and if the bookers and owners are essentially right wing, and the system by default is a right wing trajectory system with different world champions, baby faces and heels, establishment baby faces and heels, they will book a supposed babyface to say some good shit and maybe try to do some good shit, but the company will still have you pump out heel tendencies that we are supposed to blindly forget but then the “cynical” right wing types will call out an establishment guy or gal and think the other bought off politician and public figure is the one pointing at the truth about the system, so automatically he or she is seen as the heel who the establishment supposedly hates, but you constantly hear about them, they are constantly being used to make a lot of fucking money even though they reflect what the system really wants, but we think because we are online and pointing out the obvious errors and the dumbed down shit, we think we are actually thinking for ourselves. The longer a lot of you want to pretend the online shit is just as mainstream as the MSM itself, the better we will be but people don’t want that, they want more people to suffer and continue to get worse, whether it is powerless cogs in the system to have piled on abuse mentally or physically or whether it is to cross over to the elitist side where your mental illness will be protected because you are around other mentally ill powerful people who are so rich and powerful, but their healing will never happen and they will get worse and make other people’s lives worse because they refuse to admit what they are. I never seen so many people who have made it and become a lot more rich still have such anger issues, they can organize a fucking cult to make things worse. Like I have said, eventually everyone eventually throws on an NWO shirt, only to be a background player to Hulk Hogan, sure you will stand there in glee as he pretends to play his title belt like a fucking guitar. So we have to now pretend the internet is an underground as it was in the 90’s, even though I have always felt the internet was created for the purpose of building a new mainstream, and maybe there were genuine opinions and ideas being expressed but in 2023 those days are long and gone and now everyone is a character and everyone has aspirations to just be characters. You will have a click and a cult that will tell you everything you are doing is hilarious and super interesting and then they will try to dominate the algorithm to pump your name up because it will get some kind of social currency. People think because the establishment does obvious shit, that is more on the democratic side when most of these dumbed down democrats are either falling on its face on purpose because they know it is inevitable for the world to turn into something we would’ve never thought possible, and it will be faction warfare, or they actually want the right wing heel to stand tall, and make it seem like it is only fair to hear Trump. It is a hack position to point out that he would’ve done the town hall somewhere else. You know what is the most disgusting shit on the planet and I know the people I am talking about are reading this because they are mentally ill mafia like people who don’t care about the people agreeing with them because that is how it is supposed to be, someone like me who is kind of pointing out how these supposed progressives have wasted everyone’s time and basically created “progressives” to then prostitute yourself to fucking invite Donald Trump on your fucking show. You know what are a soulless piece of shit, and because you can’t deal with the fact that you will no longer be a genuine human, and that any praise and stock on the rise for you will only be manufactured because you are going along with the right leaning side because you want to be protected and be a showbiz personality since the artform has been going to the right wing and it has always had right leaning fundamentalist shit in it, but now seeping into the world of politics where everything is a fucking reality show angle and everything is meant to be exploited. We have fucking mentally ill social climbers already coming up with discourse and culture wars incase Jamie Foxx dies, then it turns out he is fine and these were rumors, then they will take us on a rollercoaster and then it turns out it was a lie that he was okay, the system do this on purpose while people will pretend that random people are making up rumors, the system are the ones always in charge with what narratives are put out there, again just a personal opinion, but seeing how discourse plays out so other studio audience members can try to be part of the cast has been one of the most prostitute things on this planet. How will anyone get better if becoming “successful” in the world means you have to become this caricature that no one will really respect, you will be surrounded by other soulless ghouls who are gonna do the system’s biddings but be careful what you wish for because they will turn you into a storyline and recruit other social climbers to discredit you, if some of these online personalities can barely handle being thought leaders with limited pushback, you are gonna break down when you make it big. 
So let me say this, this whole CNN establishment heel turn is like if John Cena turned heel officially, like people always knew there were heel tendencies that existed but now we needed an official storyline way to get there, And because the MSM have given you the impression that they hated Trump and are disgusted by him the last several years, and a bunch of political shit head analysts dumbed down Trump and generalized regular people for so long and pushed them more to the right, but they get credit for shitty Trump impressions and pointing out his obvious errors he makes so we can all laugh at him being an idiot but still thinking that some of his rhetoric has been dangerous in the most cartoonish way. But it always felt like the way these people were “anti Trump” was such a hacky and dumbed down way and purposefully ignoring the corruption on the democratic side which made a bunch of propped up accounts talk about how it is easy to go after Trump but you need to go after democrats, but it is actually easy to go after democrats because a lot of the ones who get traction are basically closet republican shit but because people fall for the sports entertainment of them opposing Trump, so people think pointing out these obvious errors that are there by design, means they are actually calling shit out, because it is basically like “OH MY GOD THE DEMOCRATS ARE FUCKING UP SO I AM GONNA PRETEND I AGREE WITH SOME MAGA SHIT HEADS WHO ARE TALKIING ABOUT POLICY AND EASE MY AUDIENCE TO ACCEPT A FAR RIGHT PERSON BY EASING THEM INTO THINKING THEY ARE NOT SO BAD” and this is not a defense of the democrats, but this 90’s reboot of our society has people actually thinking that this “indepedent” and “internet” opinion is where the genuine opinions are, when it has become part of the internet. So I didn’t buy that this sudden outrage from people about Trump being given a platform officially to make it seem like “it’s fair” when it hasn’t been fucking fair from the default. It has always been right leaning and now this was CNN officially embracing the current fascist ideals of where the world is going and even though people are now being concerned too late after he got all the stream, and has been allowed to function,  those people are doing it for self preservation because whatever happens in the future and Trump will be the face of it, it will show in the history books that people did warn about this but they did it in such a way where they ignored people’s valid points about previous ideology they were espousing and the other war criminals they gave a pass to. So this was a sports entertainment heel turn for CNN and even the fact that people like TYT will act like “Oh my god he is the leading candidate, we have to listen to him” but a lot of you mother fuckers are guilty for promoting him while pretending you opposed them, you will claim not to be the establishment, but your fucking opinions are really establishment, if I knew a lot of you would end up becoming another shitty cog, I would’ve pointed out how uncharismatic a lot of you were in but because there was some genuine truth telling, I figured that is all that matters but now you are uncharismatic and taken the easy route to protect your image and relevancy and you think because you make the most half ass analysis about shit that it means you are supposed to be a thought leader and then because you can’t admit you have been frauds the entire time, you do the typical trope of a heel promo and do the “YOU PEOPLE MADE ME DO THIS, YOU MADE LEAVE THE LEFT” not because the far right wing billionaires are wagging big time money so you become another shitty personality that are a dime and dozen. Their excuse was “Well if they censor Trump, they will censor progressives” quite the Jimmy Dore level take, when they have been censoring and fucking over actual left leaning people and suppressing their voice, which you never hear as much about, you know who I hear about being suppressed all the time? The propped up figures who get nonstop air time and talked about all the time, these people who pretend they are promoting villains to want them to get theirs and pay for their crimes, you know from the get they won’t get theirs, you can keep teasing it. But you know it is basically to promote who are gonna be the talking heads in the future. Pretending Trump wasn’t already promoted for the purpose of making a lot of fucking money and social currency, you already have shown me that you are not someone who should ever be trusted. This is why sports entertainment is the most dangerous thing on the planet, you will support people who pretend they oppose the desired villain so you are still rooting for someone who probably has sex with that same villain behind the fucking scenes. But a lot of you crossing over can’t even admit you are joining the fascist side, you are so fucking cowardly about it, you have to convince yourself you are only doing the logical thing and that’s why someone like Ana Kasparian can do stories where she talked about how people were incited to do violent shit from listening to other content creators, and normally just making it an issue about “well are celebs who are regular people and play by regular rules, do they have the a responsibility of what they are putting out there, I think not, no one can force you to do anything” but if you assume that a lot of the system is a mafia system, and these propped up public figures have their own cults that are given incentive to do shit, and I have experienced it with the Stern Show people, who have instilled paranoia and talked about my demise and my death, and even monitor my thoughts and move my cursor to show they have some presence, but when someone like Ana/Cenk cover these stories, they now are of the belief of the charisma vacuum Libs of TikTok is not responsible for what people do, and it is fittinig because Ana is still butt hurt over being yelled at for her bad faith argument in a time where bills are being passed to fuck up that community, now she can basically give up her morals and principles and basically act like these people don’t have responsibility and they are just regular people and the reason I feel that Cenk/Ana and other shit heads they have created in the media space, is because a lot of the shit they report is basically kayfabed news essentially and they would be held responsible for shit they have organized and the ruse they have created, they want to do all the mentally ill things but don’t have the balls to face up to it. When you constantly talk about how your show is the only one that is keeping it real, then expect people to call you out on your subtle cowardly pivot to the right wing so you guys can be shitty celebrities who will never truly be funny but you want a cult to actually think you are even if none of it will be genuine. Your kids and family will grow up to hate you. They will claim shit like “Wouldn’t it be funny if Trump incriminates himself even more, and we can dunk on it” people have been dunking on it for the last several years, it hasn’t worked and you are now acting like “oh my god they are really scared of him” if they were really scared of him, we would’ve never heard of him to begin with. No one at CNN is outraged about this, this was just a way for them to justify why they had to embrace him. A lot of you know what you have purposefully helped amplify and use your “anti war” persona, as a way that people will think you are more credible, and would think any criticism of you would mean that it means they are pro establishment. 
This political world comes off like they booked Donald Trump to be MAGA Steve Austin, and if that is true, then I could believe the system booked Tucker Carlson as MAGA CM Punk. See this is why the snooty higher society political types will look down on wrestling because if everyone watched wrestling and could see the elements. It feels like they have trained you to think that, because a lot of wrestling fans bought into CM Punk who might have some genuine good nature to him, but since a lot of people who hype him up are more right leaning and the entertainment seeps into political shit now, it feels like the perfect place to practice this kind of shit in this artform and even with online shit, that you can manipulate people into buying into someone’s anti establishment persona despite putting over other problematic billionaires, or normalizing more edge lord like shit in the 2010’s to cater to only conspiracy people, and this is how you get guys like Tucker Carlson to come out and people will agree with his truths on some level, despite being someone who is allowed to prosper in other areas because we think that it means he is against the played out legacy establishment institutions. Not realizing they are training you into accepting someone else who wants to have power and be the only one who benefits from it. These people want to become a religion. They want to be worshipped, Trump was like an Austin because he just give everyone stunners all the time even if it was not good storytelling at times, but we all think because it was an unpredictable time with so much intensity and vitriol being put out there under the guise of anti establishment, when eventually Trump will reveal he will shake hands with whoever the Vince McMahon in this situation is. We pretend because the system says they are against them and trying to destroy them and this person comes out looking stronger at this rate, you gotta wonder if this is all being done by design and we are just filling space until we get to the climax. But basically people will excuse the behavior now and now it feels like these insiders know the dems won’t do shit, so now out of desperation people in the “left” space will give the bare minimum respect for someone calling out corporate media when most shit is probably corporate media, nothing wrong with calling out the corporate media, but I have never seen this much of a push to call them out in 2023 because by now we all know they are corrupt, and even when it is called out, it is limited and over the last decade, they have let the far right look like they are the ones in the right, and this is why they look anti establishment to their base, they made up “wokeness” and had people with bad faith acting making so sensational and over the top that people think they are being told to do shit and not to do shit and when you do that, people push back, all you gotta say is you can’t even make fun of Muslims and people will believe it, like they are not bombing the fuck out of those countries. They can push back against anything and they still feel like heroes to their side and because cynical people have not trusted the system etc, they gravitate toward Trump and let their guard down. Even people on the let side falling for the obvious sports entertainment in MAGA people hating a Trump appointee person who happened to be on the WEF, which to me feels like these people are on the same side but if MAGA people hate products and certain people, then it automatically means the dems will embrace it more, like Bill Gates is an enemy of the right wing but if I believe Gates is a villain, the right can only call him out for being associated with liberals. So it feels like even hating these people is a reality show and at a given notice when shit hits the fan, everyone will find a way to sell out. So it is amazing to me that people that think “Okay we need to have Trump on because the leftists will have a chance and it will fuck them over” yet when it comes to Trump’s victim who is being smeared by the funded accounts online, and Trump himself, so even if you don’t think his victim is as pure because she is aligned with democrats then people don’t care as much but why wouldn’t that argument of if Trump does this to her he could do it to people who are even more powerless. The way a lot of you worship your mentally ill weirdos who are rich and wealthy and then pretend you hate them is some next level sickness, and when they trot out rape and abuse cases for public consumption and it turns into another reality show, they are gonna gimmick up the story a bit where it doesn’t come off as genuine, but since we need to make public figures and their predicaments relatable to how regular people go through shit, because to me, in these situations there are people who are initiated by taking abuse, there are those that are in initiated in giving it, the people who I feel end up giving it, are ones who dealt with it in the first place but instead of getting better and making sure that doesn’t happen, we keep the cycle of abuse going. Tara Reade is another one who will be discredited even if what she went through was real, but I do feel like the only reason some embrace her in the space because in order for her trauma to be acknowledged, she would have to align with the new right leaning type. But people who think Biden wouldn’t have done that in the past are kidding themselves, I am not saying I know for sure but if I feel every high level person in the system had to go through fraternity initiations of doing dirt so they can succeed, then yeah I can believe most people have and I know that is a conclusion I am jumping to, but at the same time, I have seen the pattern of the last 15 years of more and more abuse being revealed and it turns into a intended shit show and we are all front row, I have no idea why I just quoted a Lil Wayne lyric from Uproar, but regardless it fucking rings true. But when I focus on TYT as my main example for shit, it is not to just specify them but the circles around their show and who has ended up leaving and becoming worse and now it feels like this has always been the con, even if they love to think they are just like regular people when they have been apart of the establishment, you can tell with their cookie cutter personalities where they are auditioning for these MSM gigs and then the MSM will suddenly not be so compromised because we have commentary and impressions from Cenk. Watching wrestling and seeing how they have trained you to see the world a certain way, it has become one of the most useful entertainment tools as well as comedy because everything has to be levitated by what is considered comedy. I am watching John Mulaney’s special that everyone praised because of what he went through, and I applaud him but in deeper ways because now that he has all the genuine comedy out of the way, he will be reduced to an Artie Lange or Jeff Hardy, where there is gonna be constant investment in his fuck ups until his standup becomes a really sad show, because it will be less about his comedy material, but more about that persona, Artie’s stand up was never really the best, it is impossible, because he is on a radio show 4-5 days a week exhausting all of his humor and people won’t hear every joke he makes with that much shit, how can someone in that enviroment really be good with their stand up. So Artie was a good concept for the powers to be to work that shit on. Now I see it with other comedians now. Most personalities are defined by their social media role, like Janelle Monae, who is one of the most talented and sexiest women on the planet, normally she has been kind of reserved but now she has become a social media character where she has to cater to the horny on main, I don’t mind seeing her fucking titties on my timeline, I am not gonna complain, but since everyone’s storyline arc has twists and turns, will it be revealed she was pressured to do it and then we will be made to feel bad for enjoying seeing her titties. Sometimes I think in order to make it stand out, there has to be a lot of manufactured controversy because both sides of the argument in some ways come off as fundamentalists, one side dictating how sexy and liberated one could feel, and the other side who pretends they are for liberation, are just regressive assholes who will only cosign talent if they are promoting sex. So if she wants to do it, I support it, but if she doesn’t and can’t say and we find out about it years later, then yeah I am right to be skeptical because of the constant gaslighting the discourse writers are with manipulating mentally ill people online. I am all over the fucking map because my mind is going in different directions, this is why I don’t consider myself a “writer” by traditional standards, I am too lazy to learn the rules but I want to run amok with run on sentences.
I just hate this idea that they are presenting Trump like they are afraid to beat him when they are not even being booked to be allowed to beat him, it looks like they are trying because you think “leaks” online mean that they really didn’t want you to see the information, when it is designed as an excuse for why a narrative changes. This is why the internet has been useful in helping manufacturing consent because everyone on it wants to pretend these conversations were just some random interactions and exchanging of ideas, and sure everyone starts that way but the more they are entrenched into this fucking world, they are being recruited through the internet and now it is at an all time level now. And it has given an excuse for people who pretended they pushed back against him, are acting like they want us to hear from him again because we need to stop him, but they know the bookers who write this shit can’t write good guy characters properly, they end up always disappointing people. So this manufactured outrage is not really outrage, it was for self preservation to show there was a warning there, and people who constantly make excuses because they oppose the “democrats” they will keep letting the far right slide and they will be the same people who will be on the equivalency of what people pushed back against with shitting on people who normalized the war on terror. That is the reality and I don’t think some of you can handle it, and because you can’t tell your audience you have sold out, you are snapping at the people and being uplifted by very far right wing accounts. Keep saying the “MSM HATES US” even though you have the same views as Anderson Cooper on this Trump shit. And I bet you any money when TYT does get Trump to show up on their panel, people really buy into the “Oh my god why would MSM like figure like Trump go on some random independent show” it is because it is not as independent as you think it is and I personally believe there has been under the table funding going on, but beware when people get outraged by TYT having Trump on their show, they are gonna act like “No we will push back” but they will get steamrolled, they might get him on a couple of things etc, but ultimately he will seem like a decent guy to their audience. They already got one of the more decent people on that show Wasny to kind of be used as a tool over this Jordan Neely story about how no elites ride the trains and people there are scared, and I am not doubting people are scared of the fear mongering is going on, but I feel this craziness is funded by billionaires, they have mentally ill people at this disposal that can be given incentive to act out so it makes people get scared so then they don’t mind the normalized execution of mentally ill and homeless people, but you are presenting this in a reality show way where they are gonna profit off this trial, and instead of saying “They are funding this kind of behavior” they are left to both sides the situation. TYT knew it would be bad optics for them to go negative on this storyline, hence why they have kept Ana Kasparian away from it, but Cenk is already trying to both sides this thing and people opposing him will be limited which makes their side look like they are just screaming about racism and executions for no reason when this could’ve been a situation where it was innocent and there was no harmful intent, but if you are a conspiratorial person like me, you think that these kinds of sacrifices are put out there to manufacture consent, and now you have TYT using someone who is from New York, and someone who happens to be black to basically kind of shutdown the people who are claiming this was an execution, and to me it is another example of them pretending that this stuff is not orchestrated with sports entertainment, which has real life consequences, so they can pretend they are judging this shit fairly and it is really disgusting, we already seen people do this with the Kyle Rittenhouse shit and now this will be another part where more “progressives” start shifting to the right wing and it is fucking scary but we are lessened by this threat because everyone partaking in it has to become a fucking sports entertainment comedy figure and it doesn’t matter if the lies you are telling are gonna get people fucking killed, as long as people enjoyed your fucking comedic banter. Cenk is even going as far as now to say he thinks it should be mandatory to serve the military for a year after high school, he is normalizing himself going back to his republican roots. People like that would see my blog and statements like a punch in the face, but these people are literally normalizing their heel personas and if you call them out on it they will think they are the victims in this because on the surface they would have you believe that people are just getting mad at a “simple opinion” when it is more about they don’t want people to get mad they are gonna align with fascists. I really don’t care if they kill me at this point. The system has already converted anyone I know into elitist behavior, and I feel I am the asshole and unclassy one, like I have been told, because I am not elitist persona, people who can insert themselves into my life, making sure I don’t have my own friends or my own group so I am surrounded by leeches who only use me for a limited gathering while I am not good enough to be at their elitist affairs, and that is fine, it is just this notion that people think they go to “classy” events and look nice, and have this nuclear family aesthetic, thinking they are classier than me is hilarious since they will all get worse mentally and they will eventually alienate people in their lives, they don’t know how to be themselves, they all take on characters. Why would I want to be here. Maybe it is a death wish, the Stern trolls will put out messages how what is happening to my distant uncle in Pakistan, Imran Khan, will be what ends up happening to me, even if it is not true, but instilling paranoia in a mentally ill man so he snaps is very sick, why would I want to be living on this planet with these kinds of people. When the system limits who you can talk to, people like me then have to find other forms of consumption onine to see if there is anyone who is gonna keep it real about shit but most people have to limit their shit even if they are doing good things, it shows me that you will eventually have to do evil and that is why you present the call outs so limited, because then it would mean the whole system will have to be overhauled. Anyways, this blog really went off the rails, per usual but what else would you expect from me?
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"The sleeping giant of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stirred.
In the past month, an avalanche of anti-pollution rules, targeting everything from toxic drinking water to planet-heating gases in the atmosphere, have been issued by the agency. Belatedly, the sizable weight of the US federal government is being thrown at longstanding environmental crises, including the climate emergency.
On Thursday [May 18, 2023], the EPA’s month of frenzied activity was crowned by the toughest ever limits upon carbon pollution from America’s power sector, with large, existing coal and gas plants told they must slash their emissions by 90% or face being shut down.
The measure will, the EPA says, wipe out more than 600m tons of carbon emissions over the next two decades, about double what the entire UK emits each year. But even this wasn’t the biggest pollution reduction announced in recent weeks.
In April, new emissions standards for cars and trucks will eliminate an expected 9bn tons of CO2 by the mid-point of the century, while separate rules issued late last year aim to slash hydrofluorocarbons, planet-heating gases used widely in refrigeration and air conditioning, by 4.6bn tons in the same timeframe. Methane, another highly potent greenhouse gas, will be curtailed by 810m tons over the next decade in another EPA edict.
In just a few short months the EPA, diminished and demoralized under Donald Trump, has flexed its regulatory muscles to the extent that 15bn tons of greenhouse gases – equivalent to about three times the US’s carbon pollution, or nearly half of the entire world’s annual fossil fuel emissions – are set to be prevented, transforming the power basis of Americans’ cars and homes in the process...
If last year’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), with its $370bn in clean energy subsidies and enticements for electric car buyers, was the carrot to reducing emissions, the EPA now appears to be bringing a hefty stick.
The IRA should help reduce US emissions by about 40% this decade but the cut needs to be deeper, up to half of 2005 levels, to give the world a chance of avoiding catastrophic heatwaves, wildfires, drought and other climate calamities. The new rules suddenly put America, after years of delay and political rancor, tantalizingly within reach of this...
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“It’s clear we’ve reached a pivotal point in human history and it’s on all of us to act right now to protect our future,” said Michael Regan, the administrator of the EPA, in a speech last week at the University of Maryland. The venue was chosen in a nod to the young, climate-concerned voters Joe Biden hopes to court in next year’s presidential election, and who have been dismayed by Biden’s acquiescence to large-scale oil and gas drilling.
“Folks, this is our future we are talking about, and we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity for real climate action,” [Michael Regan, the administrator of the EPA], added. “Failure is not an option, indifference is not an option, inaction is not an option.” ...
It’s not just climate the EPA has acted upon in recent months. There are new standards for chemical plants, such as those that blight the so-called "Cancer Alley" the US, from emitting cancer-causing toxins such as benzene, ethylene oxide and vinyl chloride. New rules curbing mercury, arsenic and lead from industrial facilities have been released, as have tighter limits on emissions of soot and the first ever regulations targeting the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkylsubstances (or PFAS) in drinking water.” ...
For those inside the agency, the breakneck pace has been enervating. “It’s definitely a race against time,” said one senior EPA official, who asked not to be named. “The clock is ticking. It is a sprint through a marathon and it is exhausting.” ...
“We know the work to confront the climate crisis doesn’t stop at strong carbon pollution standards,” said Ben Jealous, the executive director of the Sierra Club.
“The continued use or expansion of fossil power plants is incompatible with a livable future. Simply put, we must not merely limit the use of fossil fuel electricity – we must end it entirely.”"
-via The Guardian (US), 5/16/23
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David Badash at NCRM:
Republicans ground the House to a halt Wednesday afternoon after U.S. Rep. Erin Houchin (R-IN) objected to remarks made by Rules Committee Ranking Member Jim McGovern (D-MA), during which he delivered a short overview of the 88 criminal charges Donald Trump is facing, and civil court findings including one deeming him an adjudicated rapist. “Take down his words,” Congresswoman Houchin declared, interrupting Rep. McGovern. “I demand that his words be taken down.” For more than one hour, according to Fox News’ Chad Pergram, the people’s business stopped as Republicans, angered by the Democrat’s factual remarks, had them investigated by the House Parliamentarian. “Donald Trump might want to be a king, but he is not a king,” Congressman McGovern observed. “He is not a presumptive king. he’s not even the president – he’s a presumptive nominee.”
“At some point,” McGovern told his congressional colleagues, “it’s time for this body to recognize that there is no precedent for this situation. We have a presumptive nominee for President facing 88 felony counts, and we’re being prevented from even acknowledging it. These are not alternative facts. These are real facts. A candidate for President of the United States is on trial for sending a hush money payment to a porn star to avoid a sex scandal during his 2016 campaign, and then fraudulently disguising those payments in violation of the law. He’s also charged with conspiring to overturn the election. He’s also charged with stealing classified information and a jury has already found him liable for rape and a civil court. And yet, in this Republican controlled House, it’s okay to talk about the trial but you have to call it a sham.” The decision to strike McGovern’s “offensive” remarks appears to have come from U.S. Rep. Jerry Carl (R-AL), who was presiding over the chamber. He cited House Rule XVII, which Pergram reported “says House members are prohibited from impugning the motives of fellow House members, senators or the President. And in this case, the former President.”
Earlier, before Rep. Houchin demanded his remarks be stricken, McGovern also blasted Republicans for traveling to New York in their “cult uniforms,” to show support for Donald Trump at his criminal trial in Lower Manhattan. The Massachusetts Democrat told his colleagues, “my friends over the other side of the aisle have pandered to their most extreme members over and over and over again. They let the extremists kick out their own Speaker. They let the extremists dictate the agenda on the House floor. They let the extremists take down seven rule votes since January 2023 – a stunning indictment of their ability to get anything done. And speaking of indictments, Republicans are skipping their real jobs to take day trips up to New York to try to undermine Donald Trump’s criminal trial. No time to work with Democrats, but plenty of time to put on weird matching cult uniforms and stand behind President Trump with their bright red ties like pathetic props.”
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Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA)’s speech on the House floor calling out criminal defendant Donald Trump was delivering truth bombs left and right, and it made Republicans upset, especially the part in which he said that Trump “might want to be a king, but he is not a king” and the fact that he was calling out his criminality.
Rep. Erin Houchin (R-IN) was the Republican who ordered a frivolous halt to McGovern’s speech by demanding “that his words be taken down.” Floor Presider Jerry Carl (R-AL) granted Houchin’s request, and McGovern was barred from speaking on the Floor for the rest of the day.
See Also:
NBC News: Democrat McGovern ruled 'out of order' after listing off Trump's legal woes on the House floor
Daily Kos: GOP brings House to a halt to debate whether facts are allowed
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For the rest of May, my bestselling solarpunk utopian novel THE LOST CAUSE (2023) is available as a $2.99, DRM-free ebook!
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Here's an underrated cognitive virtue: "object permanence" – that is, remembering how you perceived something previously. As Riley Quinn often reminds us, the left is the ideology of object permanence – to be a leftist is to hate and mistrust the CIA even when they're tormenting Trump for a brief instant, or to remember that it was once possible for a working person to support their family with their wages:
The thing is, object permanence is hard. Life comes at you quickly. It's very hard to remember facts, and the order in which those facts arrived – it's even harder to remember how you felt about those facts in the moment.
This is where blogging comes in – for me, at least. Back in 1997, Scott Edelman – editor of Science Fiction Age – asked me to take over the back page of the magazine by writing up ten links of interest for the nascent web. I wrote that column until the spring of 2000, then, in early 2001, Mark Frauenfelder asked me to guest-edit Boing Boing, whereupon the tempo of my web-logging went daily. I kept that up on Boing Boing for more than 19 years, writing about 54,000 posts. In February, 2020, I started Pluralistic.net, my solo project, a kind of blog/newsletter, and in the four-plus years since, I've written about 1,200 editions containing between one and twelve posts each.
This gigantic corpus of everything I ever considered to be noteworthy is immensely valuable to me. The act of taking notes in public is a powerful discipline: rather than jotting cryptic notes to myself in a commonplace book, I publish those notes for strangers. This imposes a rigor on the note-taking that makes those notes far more useful to me in years to come.
Better still: public note-taking is powerfully mnemonic. The things I've taken notes on form a kind of supersaturated solution of story ideas, essay ideas, speech ideas, and more, and periodically two or more of these fragments will glom together, nucleate, and a fully-formed work will crystallize out of the solution.
Then, the fact that all these fragments are also database entries – contained in the back-end of a WordPress installation that I can run complex queries on – comes into play, letting me swiftly and reliably confirm my memories of these long-gone phenomena. Inevitably, these queries turn up material that I've totally forgotten, and these make the result even richer, like adding homemade stock to a stew to bring out a rich and complicated flavor. Better still, many of these posts have been annotated by readers with supplemental materials or vigorous objections.
I call this all "The Memex Method" and it lets me write a lot (I wrote nine books during lockdown, as I used work to distract me from anxiety – something I stumbled into through a lifetime of chronic pain management):
Back in 2013, I started a new daily Boing Boing feature: "This Day In Blogging History," wherein I would look at the archive of posts for that day one, five and ten years previously:
With Pluralistic, I turned this into a daily newsletter feature, now stretching back to twenty, fifteen, ten, five and one year ago. Here's today's:
This is a tremendous adjunct to the Memex Method. It's a structured way to review everything I've ever thought about, in five-year increments, every single day. I liken this to working dough, where there's stuff at the edges getting dried out and crumbly, and so your fold it all back into the middle. All these old fragments naturally slip out of your thoughts and understanding, but you can revive their centrality by briefly paying attention to them for a few minutes every day.
This structured daily review is a wonderful way to maintain object permanence, reviewing your attitudes and beliefs over time. It's also a way to understand the long-forgotten origins of issues that are central to you today. Yesterday, I was reminded that I started thinking about automotive Right to Repair 15 years ago:
Given that we're still fighting over this, that's some important perspective, a reminder of the likely timescales involved in more recent issues where I feel like little progress is being made.
Remember when we all got pissed off because the mustache-twirling evil CEO of Warners, David Zaslav, was shredding highly anticipated TV shows and movies prior to their release to get a tax-credit? Turns out that we started getting angry about this stuff twenty years ago, when Michael Eisner did it to Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 911":
It's not just object permanence: this daily spelunk through my old records is also a way to continuously and methodically sound the web for linkrot: when old links go bad. Over the past five years, I've noticed a very sharp increase in linkrot, and even worse, in the odious practice of spammers taking over my dead friends' former blogs and turning them into AI spam-farms:
The good people at the Pew Research Center have just released a careful, quantitative study of linkrot that confirms – and exceeds – my worst suspicions about the decay of the web:
The headline finding from "When Online Content Disappears" is that 38% of the web of 2013 is gone today. Wikipedia references are especially hard-hit, with 23% of news links missing and 21% of government websites gone. The majority of Wikipedia entries have at least one broken link in their reference sections. Twitter is another industrial-scale oubliette: a fifth of English tweets disappear within a matter of months; for Turkish and Arabic tweets, it's 40%.
Thankfully, someone has plugged the web's memory-hole. Since 2001, the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine has allowed web users to see captures of web-pages, tracking their changes over time. I was at the Wayback Machine's launch party, and right away, I could see its value. Today, I make extensive use of Wayback Machine captures for my "This Day In History" posts, and when I find dead links on the web.
The Wayback Machine went public in 2001, but Archive founder Brewster Kahle started scraping the web in 1996. Today's post graphic – a modified Yahoo homepage from October 17, 1996 – is the oldest Yahoo capture on the Wayback Machine:
Remember that the next time someone tells you that we must stamp out web-scraping for one reason or another. There are plenty of ugly ways to use scraping (looking at you, Clearview AI) that we should ban, but scraping itself is very good:
And so is the Internet Archive, which makes the legal threats it faces today all the more frightening. Lawsuits brought by the Big Five publishers and Big Three labels will, if successful, snuff out the Internet Archive altogether, and with it, the Wayback Machine – the only record we have of our ephemeral internet:
Libraries burn. The Internet Archive may seem like a sturdy and eternal repository for our collective object permanence about the internet, but it is very fragile, and could disappear like that.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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kp777 · 1 year
By Jessica Corbett
Common Dreams
Sept. 26, 2023
Open internet advocates across the United States celebrated on Tuesday as Federal Communications Commission Chair Jessica Rosenworcel announced her highly anticipated proposal to reestablish FCC oversight of broadband and restore net neutrality rules.
"We thank the FCC for moving swiftly to begin the process of reinstating net neutrality regulations," said ACLU senior policy counsel Jenna Leventoff. "The internet is our nation's primary marketplace of ideas—and it's critical that access to that marketplace is not controlled by the profit-seeking whims of powerful telecommunications giants."
Rosenworcel—appointed to lead the commission by President Joe Biden—discussed the history of net neutrality and her new plan to treat broadband as a public utility in a speech at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., which came on the heels of the U.S. Senate's recent confirmation of Anna Gomez to a long-vacant FCC seat.
Back in 2005, "the agency made clear that when it came to net neutrality, consumers should expect that their broadband providers would not block, throttle, or engage in paid prioritization of lawful internet traffic," she recalled. "In other words, your broadband provider had no business cutting off access to websites, slowing down internet services, and censoring online speech."
"Giant corporations and their lobbyists... will try every trick to block or delay the agency from restoring net neutrality."
After a decade of policymaking and litigation, net neutrality rules were finalized in 2015. However, a few years later—under former FCC Chair Ajit Pai, an appointee of ex-President Donald Trump—the commission caved to industry pressure and repealed them.
"The public backlash was overwhelming. People lit up our phone lines, clogged our email inboxes, and jammed our online comment system to express their disapproval," noted Rosenworcel, who was a commissioner at the time and opposed the repeal. "So today we begin a process to make this right."
The chair is proposing to reclassify broadband under Title II of the Communications Act, which "is the part of the law that gives the FCC clear authority to serve as a watchdog over the communications marketplace and look out for the public interest," she explained. "Title II took on special importance in the net neutrality debate because the courts have ruled that the FCC has clear authority to enforce open internet policies if broadband internet is classified as a Title II service."
"On issue after issue, reclassifying broadband as a Title II service would help the FCC serve the public interest more efficiently and effectively," she pointed out, detailing how it relates to public safety, national security, cybersecurity, network resilience and reliability, privacy, broadband deployment, and robotexts.
Rosenworcel intends to release the full text of the proposal on Thursday and hold a vote regarding whether to kick off rulemaking on October 19. While Brendan Carr, one of the two Republican commissioners, signaled his opposition to the Title II approach on Tuesday, Gomez's confirmation earlier this month gives Democrats a 3-2 majority at the FCC.
"Giant corporations and their lobbyists blocked President Biden from filling the final FCC seat for more than two years, and they will try every trick to block or delay the agency from restoring net neutrality now," Demand Progress communications director Maria Langholz warned Tuesday. "The commission must remain resolute and fully restore free and open internet protections to ensure broadband service providers like Comcast and Verizon treat all content equally."
"Americans' internet experience should not be at the whims of corporate executives whose primary concerns are the pockets of their stakeholders and the corporations' bottom line," she added, also applauding the chair.
Free Press co-CEO Jessica J. González similarly praised Rosenworcel and stressed that "without Title II, broadband users are left vulnerable to discrimination, content throttling, dwindling competition, extortionate and monopolistic prices, billing fraud, and other shady behavior."
"As this proceeding gets under way, we will hear all manner of lies from the lobbyists and lawyers representing big phone and cable companies," she predicted. "They'll say anything and everything to avoid being held accountable. But broadband providers and their spin doctors are deeply out of touch with people across the political spectrum, who are fed up with high prices and unreliable services. These people demand a referee on the field to call fouls and issue penalties when broadband companies are being unfair."
Like Rosenworcel, in her Tuesday speech, González also highlighted that "one thing we learned from the Covid-19 pandemic is that broadband is essential infrastructure—it enables us to access education, employment, healthcare, and more."
That "more" includes civic engagement, as leaders at Common Cause noted Tuesday. Ishan Mehta, who directs the group's Media and Democracy Program, said that "the internet has fundamentally changed how people are civically engaged and is critical to participating in society today. It is the primary communications platform, a virtual public square, and has been a powerful organizing tool, allowing social justice movements to gain momentum and widespread support."
After the Trump-era repeal, Mehta explained, "we saw broadband providers throttle popular video streaming services, degrade video quality, forcing customers to pay higher prices for improved quality, offer service plans that favor their own services over competitors, and make hollow, voluntary, and unenforceable promises not to disconnect their customers during the pandemic."
Given how broadband providers have behaved, Michael Copps, a Common Cause special adviser and former FCC commissioner, said that "to allow a handful of monopoly-aspiring gatekeepers to control access to the internet is a direct threat to our democracy."
Rosenworcel's speech came a day after U.S. Sens. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) led over two dozen of their colleagues in sending a letter calling for the restoration of net neutrality protections. The pair said in a statement Tuesday that "broadband is not a luxury. It is an essential utility and it is imperative that the FCC's authority reflects the necessary nature of the internet in Americans' lives today."
"We need net neutrality so that small businesses are not shoved into online slow lanes, so that powerful social media companies cannot stifle competition, and so that users can always freely speak their minds on social media and advocate for the issues that are most important to them," they said. "We applaud Chairwoman Rosenworcel for her leadership and look forward to working with the FCC to ensure a just broadband future for everyone."
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gook54-blog · 29 days
Let's look at Epsteins list .yes , 67 congressmen past and present on Epstien lis,t 48 Democrats and 11 Republicans who always swing in Democratic favour better than a felon? That's why Trump is pilloried in the press. ( 19 news directors on the list - So verifiable bias
Blue and white Epstien's flag Mullocks Babylonian - fascist peadophiles, blood oath, child sacrificing Nazi honour flag used by Azov Zlrmski party too who democtrats back. Democrats flag too
Protecting Central bank from BRIKS gold based banking system which will collapse unless they support Ucraine Ucraine is a autonomous territory within CIS of Russia, UN recognised this. USA vetoed the Resolution in UN that was going to put Azov- a recognized neo - nazi organization ( Amnesty International ) which killed 30000 Ethnic Russians in ethnic cleansing- onto accented list .USA reason was freedom of speech. Corporations corruption disguised as truth Democrats again Ucraine and Russians cannon fodder to protect corporations greed
Isreals $2million per day from Democrats.. Pro Israel proven .Why Democrats have their hands in development of the New Gaza canal which runs through Gaza with $2 billion a year
Mossad Rothschild and Democrats have shares in the Gaza Gas field worth billions and this will replace the Noodtstroom Supply.
The Hammas leaders who have shares in these ventures are Mossad agents too . Palestine share 0%
Bush, Rothschild, Rockefeller and Hitler
Futher nazi support Democrats George' Bush dad Prescott Bush who was Advisory to Rockefeller supported nazi leaders ,got an iron cross from Hitler. Clinton Bush Hiltler Rockefeller and Rothschild one family Jacob Rothschild was Hitlers uncle. Roosevelt was a nazi too Operation paperclip moved thousand of nazi to USA as CEOs in 1946
https://concisepolitics.com/2018/08/03/rothschilds-crime-syndicate-hired-bush-family-to-work-with-nazis-and-hitler-to-create-millions-of-new-debt-slaver-and-murder-millions-of-germans-europeans-americans-yes-about-271000-ashkenazis iui
The Rothschilds installed the Government in South Africa
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vavuska · 17 days
Some years ago many of us believed Musk was some kind of genius who'll take us all to Mars.
A lot of us believed that buying Tesla cars would be one of the most effective solution to crimate crisis.
Some of us also thought that AI would be a massive benefit to humanity or at least some sort of harmless hobby.
Oh. We were so wrong!
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Elon Musk’s disdain for the Democratic Party was never subtle, but in recent weeks his commentary on the upcoming US presidential election and his attacks against Vice President Kamala Harris have intensified, aided by a crude use of burgeoning artificial intelligence technology, with the help of the new supercomputer dubbed Colossus he bought for his latest artificial intelligence startup, xAI, founded in 2023!
Musk posted an AI-generated image on Twitter/X that depicted Harris as a communist, wearing a red uniform complete with hammer and sickle emblazoned hat and captioned the image with the false assertion, “Kamala vows to be a communist dictator on day one. Can you believe she wears that outfit!?”
The image, which appeared to violate Twitter/X’s policy on manipulated content, resembled an AI-generated image posted by Trump last month during the Democratic National Convention, envisioning Harris addressing a crowd under communist symbols.
Fan-generated AI images have also become the Republican candidate’s latest obsession.
AI images of Trump looking defiant now dominate right-wing social media platforms and accounts and have featured heavily in this election campaign, even used, by Trump and Musk to spread blatant lies and misinformation to their followers mainly on Twitter/X.
Musk’s post came a day after he shared another post with a screenshot suggesting that only “high status males” should be able to participate in government because women (and men with “low testosterone”) are not capable of critical thought. Musk posted it to his 196 million followers with the comment, “interesting observation.”
However, this would exclude a big part of Trump electors and Musk fans, since they actually believed to their lies and persevere in their false perception of reality and society.
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Elon Musk is a child of Apartheid. He wasn’t radicalized, he was cultivated. View all his actions through that lense and it all makes sense.
Remember: Elon Musk said Bezos' ex-wife, MacKenzie Scott is destroying western civilization by donating billions to charities for women, minorities and marginalized groups, so in response she doubled her donations.
Elon Musk just unmasked himself as the tech world's poster boy for fascism, openly endorsing a dystopian vision where only "high-status males" rule. His pathetic attempt to masquerade as a free speech advocate crumbles, revealing a dangerous elitist who sneers at democracy and equality.
Some links: X - X
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mariacallous · 2 months
The nation’s attention has been understandably focused on the political whirlwind of the past three weeks’ unprecedented events. From the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump to the chaos and ultimate end of President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign, there has been little oxygen for any other news story. And while Vice President Kamala Harris’s race toward becoming the new Democratic nominee will likely continue to drive the news, this week will also feature another major moment in Washington, D.C., that will put one of the biggest news stories of the year, the crisis in Gaza, back in the headlines. On July 24, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will once again visit Congress to speak to a joint session. He’ll do so with the likely result, if not the intention, of undermining the sitting president of the United States and the brand new candidacy of his vice president as she tries to succeed him. 
With some Democrats already pledging to skip the speech in protest, the question remains: How will the majority of Democratic lawmakers navigate this moment? It’s worth taking a step back to realize just what is happening here—and why the stakes are so high. 
This isn’t the first time that Netanyahu has dived headfirst into U.S. politics. Back in 2015, as then-President Barack Obama was rallying domestic and international support for the nuclear agreement that his administration—along with the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia, and China—had reached with Iran, Netanyahu came to Congress in a last-minute attempt to undermine the accord and damage the president. 
Outrage was high at the time, and 58 members of Congress boycotted a speech that was seen by many as a blatant attempt to influence domestic U.S. politics and the result of Netanyahu’s long-standing personal disdain for Obama. The speech was ultimately a failure, as the nuclear agreement went into effect, but it did help lock in a level of Republican Party opposition that resulted in Trump later walking away from the deal and creating the very challenge that Biden now faces from an unconstrained Iranian nuclear program. 
Thus, in the long run, Netanyahu got what he wanted and what was good for his personal politics, regardless of the fact that it was bad for U.S. national security and went against the clear wishes of people in the United States, according to opinion polling. 
Now, nine years later, he’s trying to pull the same trick. 
Today, the issue at hand is not Netanyahu’s opposition to a nuclear agreement, but his ongoing deadly war against Gaza. While this current crisis began with Hamas’s horrific attacks and taking of hostages on Oct. 7, 2023, the ensuing nine months have seen Netanyahu unleash a massive wave of death and destruction on the Gaza Strip, killing at least 38,000 Palestinians. Throughout the conflict, negotiations have ebbed and flowed over possible deals for a cease-fire and the release of hostages, breaking through for an initial deal in November last year and falling short multiple times since then, leaving the violence to rage on. 
It’s important to note just how much trouble the Israeli prime minister is facing. Netanyahu’s government has been teetering on the brink of collapsing for months. Following years of an unprecedented electoral stalemate that saw Netanyahu alternate in and out of the prime minister’s chair as Israel’s political parties struggled to form a viable governing coalition, Netanyahu ultimately pieced together the farthest right government in Israeli history, empowering a handful of extremist parties and their leaders. Once back in office, he tried to use this right-wing coalition to jam through radical judicial reforms that appeared to many, first and foremost, to be designed to keep him from landing in jail as his yearslong corruption trial made its way to court. That effort resulted in months of some of the largest protests in Israel’s history. 
And then came Hamas’s horrific Oct. 7 attacks. The Israeli public—shocked and outraged by the killing of more than 1,200 people and the taking of roughly 250 hostages—largely halted the protests, and Netanyahu’s biggest rivals joined in a unity government, something that is not uncommon in times of war. Biden even accepted an invitation from Netanyahu to make a historic wartime visit to Israel mere weeks after the attack. 
In the ensuing eight months, U.S. public support for Israel’s retaliatory war on Gaza has significantly decreased as Netanyahu’s war machine unleashed an almost unimaginable scale of death and destruction on Palestinians in Gaza. The U.N. reports that since the start of the Israeli military’s war on Gaza, in addition to the more than 38,000 Palestinians who have been killed, more than twice as many have been injured. And for nearly everyone else in Gaza, most of whom have been displaced multiple times by fighting, Israeli government policy has resulted in famine or near-famine conditions as the supply of food and other basic necessities for living have been dramatically and severely reduced. 
The world has responded with outrage. The International Court of Justice has twice made rulings urging Israel to change its behavior in Gaza, allow in more aid, and, most recently, halt its offensive in Rafah. Netanyahu’s government has refused to comply, according to human rights groups. Even more severely, the lead prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has requested that arrest warrants be issued for both Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for their role in alleged war crimes in Gaza. (He also requested similar warrants for Hamas’s leadership.) And at the United Nations itself, the United States has found itself a very lonely defender of Netanyahu’s government, which has faced overwhelming condemnation of Israel’s war by both the General Assembly and the Security Council. 
Now, as Netanyahu prepares to once again come to Washington, Biden has made it clear that there is a deal to be had—one that would halt the fighting, release the hostages, and create a realistic pathway to a sustainable peace. That path forward isn’t necessarily easy, but it is possible. Which begs the question: Why, of all moments, is the Israeli prime minister coming to Congress now? 
The answer is clear: politics. First and foremost, there’s the politics of Republican U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson, who has seemingly made it his nearly singular goal in running the House to try to divide Democrats over Israel. He’s forced members to take multiple votes on legislation that has zero chance of becoming law, but every chance of highlighting the divisions within the Democratic caucus. By unilaterally announcing his invitation to Netanyahu, Johnson successfully trapped Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who bewilderingly agreed to co-sign the invitation after only weeks earlier publicly calling for new elections in Israel. With Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell already on board, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries ultimately added his name to the invitation, too. 
If Schumer and Jeffries were simply falling victim to Johnson’s political ploy to embarrass Democrats, it would be bad enough, but the reality is far worse. Republicans and Democrats are constantly forcing one another into compromising political positions, and while this kind of trap should have been avoided by the Democratic leaders, these kinds of things do happen. What’s more maddening here is that the clear drivers of this whole incident seem more likely to be the personal politics of Netanyahu, his desperate attempt to cling to power, and his likely desire to see a Trump victory in November. 
Meanwhile, U.S. support for a permanent cease-fire in Gaza, a policy opposed by Netanyahu, is overwhelming and bipartisan. Looking deeper at the views of Democratic voters, the view is even starker; a majority believe that Israel is committing a genocide in Gaza and oppose sending Israel any more military aid. All of this has led to historic demonstrations of opposition to continued unconditional support for Israel by congressional Democrats. 
If his government’s policies are unpopular on the global stage and in the United States, in Israel, Netanyahu himself is increasingly personally unpopular. After an initial, common rally-round-the-flag surge, Israeli public opinion has turned once again decidedly against the prime minister, with his approval rating hitting a mere 32 percent in May. Families of the hostages held by Hamas have joined protests condemning the possibility that Netanyahu’s war appears to have killed more hostages than it has rescued. (Axios reported in mid-June that some Democrats are working to organize an event with families of those taken hostage to “counter-program” Netanyahu’s speech to Congress.) 
Israeli political leaders on both Netanyahu’s left and right have routinely threatened to bring down his government. And all the while, he remains actively on trial for corruption—the very indictments that he sought to avoid through his radical judicial changes that spurred massive protests last year. 
If Israel held elections today, it is highly unlikely that Netanyahu would remain prime minister. 
So, with Netanyahu deeply unpopular at home and opposed around the world, why is he being afforded one of the highest privileges that the United States has to offer—a speech to a joint session of Congress? He is desperately fighting for his political survival, which he likely views as his path to avoiding both domestic and international criminal accountability. Biden himself recently pointed out that there is “every reason” to believe that Netanyahu is actively prolonging the war for that exact reason. 
Rank and file Democrats must make a choice on whether they will reward Netanyahu’s craven self-promotion or instead build on the message that many of them sent nine years ago by once again skipping his speech. 
The public’s eyes have largely shifted away from the horrors in Gaza over the past few weeks. As Netanyahu steps to the Capitol’s rostrum, that will likely change, at least for a moment. At a moment of political turmoil, congressional Democrats have an opportunity to show their constituents’ widespread revulsion at Netanyahu’s appalling record. Let’s hope that they use that moment to remind everyone watching that saving countless lives is more important than saving one man’s political future. 
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This story has been clarified to reflect that U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie said in the tweet that he believes he can read top secret information on the floor of Congress. There was no indication that he plans to read any such information.
U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie said on Twitter that he could reveal national secrets by reading them aloud in Congress.
Massie, a Kentucky Republican who tends to embrace Tea Party and Libertarian ideals, believes a clause in the U.S. Constitution enables him to read top secret information included in documents involved in former President Donald Trump's latest indictment tied to his handling of classified information aloud in committee hearings, which are broadcast live on C-SPAN.
"For what it’s worth, under the Constitution, no member of Congress can be prosecuted for reading aloud on the floor any of the documents Trump allegedly has copies of," Massie tweeted Monday.
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As of Wednesday afternoon, Massie has not acted on his reading of the law by revealing top secret information.
Massie, who represents Kentucky's 4th Congressional District, has accused President Joe Biden's administration of weaponizing government with Trump's indictment. Biden has said he's never pressured the Department of Justice in the case and has not and will not speak with Attorney General Merrick Garland about it.
As part of his indictment, Trump faces 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information under the Espionage Act. The documents were described as some of the country's most important secrets, including "top secret," requiring special handling, the originator determines who receives the documents and not for release to foreign nationals, according to the indictment.
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castratedtestimonies · 2 months
I will vote for the Democratic candidate for president under one, and only one condition: they must take an unmistakable, irreversible stance against the Israeli occupation of Gaza.
Q: Why? This seems like such a narrow issue. Why some random country on the edge of the western world?
A: What is happening in Gaza from October 2023 to the present is a preview of things to come in the US. "Foucault's Boomerang", also identified by Hannah Arendt as "Imperialism coming home", states that the methods developed by an empire in its occupied territories will be used, as that empire begins to crumble, on the citizens of the imperial core. Our police already train with the IDF. Our politicians widely laud their most genocidal leader yet. This is a preview of things to come, and we must decide as a society whether or not we will accept mass reprisal, collective punishment, and systematic executions as legitimate forms of government.
Q: But they're a foreign country, we can't control what they do!
A: Then it shouldn't matter if we cut off aid to Israel and its military. But it seems to matter quite a bit, doesn't it? Kamala Harris and Joe Biden and Donald Trump, among other major political leaders, have taken strong stances against the protests taking place around the country against Israel's war on Gaza. Our congress has just authorized yet another massive spending bill to send weapons to Israel. If we have no hand in their government, why not just stop?
Q: What do "unmistakable" and "irreversible" mean in this context?
A: The vulgar answer is simple: AIPAC will denounce the person who does it as "anti-semitic" and "hateful." I will know because it will be announced in every major news source in the US. But these two are only to mention another bellwether. More concretely, I will know it is unmistakable because it will not make room for aligning with Netanyahu, whom the International Criminal Court has ruled a war criminal, on any condition whatsoever. I will know it is irreversible when it will leave absolutely no room for apologizing for genocidal actions such as blocking aid, bombing refugee camps, or bombing hospitals. In a rhetorical sense, I will know that the leader in question has taken an unmistakable, irreversible position on Israel and Palestine when there is no possibility of saying something like, "Yes it is truly awful, but..."
Q: Why is this your line in the sand?
A: What is taking place in Gaza is transparently and obviously genocidal. The administrative, executive, and legislative leadership of the US has widely agreed that suppression of free speech about this matter is acceptable. If there is nothing wrong with repressing free speech, and nothing wrong with mass killings, then we are more or less ceding that there is nothing wrong with genocide or fascism. Therefore, unless we take a principled stance against this genocide and its supporters, we will be unable to take a principled stance against fascism and genocide per se.
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darkmaga-retard · 30 days
As RFK Jr. Supports Trump And Denounces Democratic Corruption, The DNC Faces Scrutiny For Its Handling Of Kamala Harris’s Record
Jon Hall
Aug 26, 2024
The DNC began on Monday last week, showcasing aplenty gaffes and blunders from Democrats, as well as their ardent obsession with Trump - despite having their party in office for the last 3.5 years.
It ended on Thursday with Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech for the Democratic nominee for President. Notably, Kamala labeled her political career - spanning her time as California’s Attorney General to Vice President - as “for the people”.
As AG, Harris overwhelmingly fought to keep incarcerated nonviolent prisoners locked up. Kamala held back evidence in the case of George Gage - who had no prior criminal record and was charged in 1999 with sexually abusing his stepdaughter, who reported the allegations after years had passed.
Gage was imprisoned on the stepdaughter’s testimony but it was later revealed that medical records indicating that the stepdaughter had lied to authorities were held back by Kamala’s prosecutors. Her mother also detailed her as “a pathological liar” who “lives her lies”.
In 2015, Harris’s prosecutors defended the case. The prosecutors argued because that Gage (who acted as his own lawyer), did not point out this issue in court, should remain locked up.
To this day, Gage remains in prison and is still serving a 70-year sentence.
Harris also fought to keep Daniel Larson incarcerated even after compelling evidence arose proving his innocence. She defended Johnny Baca’s charge of murder after a prosecutor was caught presenting false testimony at the trial.
This isn’t a case of an innocuous mistake but an emerging pattern from Kamala Harris. For instance, even more examples of wrongful convictions from Harris as prosecutor include Jamal Trulove, Rafael Madrigal, and Caramad Conley.
In 2019, The Daily Beast accused prosecutor Kamala Harris, oft-labeled as “progressive”, of keeping inmates imprisoned for cheap state labor.
Even as recently as 2023, CNN did a segment on Kamala’s dismal popularity. Now, a year later, the mainstream media is heralding Harris and she’s somehow achieved the Democratic nomination for President.
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self-loving-vampire · 2 months
"On the first day of the Republican National Convention, prominent Republicans used their national platform to target transgender people. This signals that the party is not abandoning its efforts to curtail transgender and LGBTQ+ rights if they gain power in the next election. This comes after the vice presidential running mate pick of JD Vance, the lead author of a Senate bill that would institute a national ban on transgender youth care and bar all medical schools from teaching about transgender care, including adult trans care. ... The willingness to lean into anti-LGBTQ+ policies on the first day of the Republican National Convention may seem puzzling. Attacks on LGBTQ+ people have faltered in 2024 compared with 2023, with far fewer laws passing. Several states that had targeted trans people in previous years, such as Florida, Georgia, West Virginia, and Kansas, failed to pass anti-LGBTQ+ policies this year, despite over 80 bills proposed in those states targeting the community. In many elections where anti-trans policies were a major issue, the Republican Party suffered setbacks: 70% of Moms for Liberty and Project 1776 candidates lost their races in 2023. Other losses Republicans have suffered on this issue occurred in the Virginia legislature elections, the Arizona Governor’s race, the Michigan legislature elections, the Wisconsin Supreme Court election, the Walker-Warnock Senate race, and in dozens more places. Furthermore, recent polling from Gallup, Navigator, and the LA Times indicates fading public support for such laws, with huge majorities of respondents seeing them as a distraction and opposing bans on trans youth care. Still, Trump’s selection of Senator JD Vance as his running mate indicates that he and the Republican Party have not backed off from this issue."
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