#dont try and tell me its actually Queer somehow. u people are part of the reason why id rather die than use the word queer for myself.
purpleandstarlight · 10 months
@hateweasel it's time for yet another part. I'm kinda trying to space them a few hours at a time so as not to spam but if it bothers u still lmk and I'll just go like 1 or 2 a day?
-DLTD: "Chapter 259: The Messiah is Among US"
Me: ...Sus.
-Me: This happened before Among Us was even released, wich makes it funnier...
My friend: The real messiah is the author...
Me: Immagine being the messiah but writing a fanfic longer than the bible that is all about demons.
-A villain was talking to a minion named "Bigby" but i somehow?? misread it as "babygirl" and it was hilarious to me.
-Copypasting this meme from a message:
DLTD:"The blonde giggled almost uncontrollably as he pulled away to see Ciel blushing from being hugged in front of his arch-nemesis; a hue that only darkened, spreading to his ears when the blonde kissed him. All the Hellsing woman did in response was roll her visible eye and climb back into her car."
Hellsing: [Insert the Queer People Ciel meme here]
-The start of me realizing Dan is fruity, and my friend beginning to ship Dan x Kris because of me...Its the beginning of a tragedy.
-Me being rightfully upset about the love potion and hating DaffyDuck even more. I HATE the concept of Love Potions. They're creepy. I'm grateful of the fact that you recognized that and incorporated how creepy they are into the story.
-In a one-off chapter, Ciel had to babysit Luka and was like "Oh well he's just gonna watch the TV I can mind my own business" wich concerned me greatly at the time because YOU DONT LEAVE KIDS ALONE!!! EVEN IF THEYRE JUST WATCHING THE TV!! THEYRE KIDS!! THEY ARE A DANGER TO THEMSELVES!!! thankfully Ciel followed Luka soon after and I calmed down.
-i kept calling professor Irons "The iconic professor", as we all should. Then at one point I called him "Iron" and my friend corrected me. My friend. Who has heard the name once or twice from me long before that happened vs me who was actually reading the fanfic for several hundreds of chapters. I am really bad at names.
-When Ciel was scared for Oliver in the "found a dismembered foot while on a school trip" arc I was losing it too bc I was, and always will be, an Oliver Midford Stan.
-I at this point in the past told my friend about the Travis-tells-everyone-he-discovered-the-truth-ages-ago scene, wich caused present me to remember something that I should probably tell u in the rereading commentary, and I have a tumblr post about it already anyway, BUT. THE WAY THAT HAPPENS LIKE 20 CHAPTERS IN, BEFORE TRAVIS WAS EVEN FRIEND OR INTERACTED MUCH WITH ALOIS. AND STILL WENT "Okay so my new classmate is actually a Demon who eats souls but you know what? That's his business." AND THEN BEFRIENDS SAID DEMON. ICONIC. LEGENDARY. HILARIOUS.
Like I think you just forgot that they weren't really friends back then yet (i think this happened before the haunted house, or maybe slightly after, but way before they were actually pals?) but?? It's funnier this way.
Mate saw an acquintance he barely spoke to make a deal with another schoolmate and promised to eat her soul in exchange and he went "This is nothing to be concerned about." and moved on with his life.
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ot3 · 2 years
people getting convinced that stuff has to be revolutionary or queer to be enjoyable is one of the worst things that happened because if i have to sit and witness one more instance of someone explaining why two straight white people on network television are #breaking barriers and transcending heterosexuality or why this is actually a ‘straight ship for gay people‘ i am going to lose it.
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lostfae · 7 years
wjdjfjdjjsjdd answer all of the fruit asks i dare u
Fine but i dare u to do them all too! Apple: What is your favorite genre(s) of music?
I don’t really have a favorite! I’ll like things from a variety of genres! I guess I like softer songs rather than louder songs a lot of the time, but it really just depends on the mood! I have a weakness for good anime/vocaloid songs too cause im a weeb.
Dragon Fruit: Do you wear makeup?
Nope! I tried to for a few months in 9th grade but i never really learned how to do it well and i dont have time in the morning. Also idk it just feels weired having stuff on my face.
Passion Fruit: Have you ever been in love?
Orange: Do you prefer hot or cold weather?
Pomegranate: What is your sexuality?
Grape: When did you have your first kiss?
Not yet!
Lemon: Share a weird dream that you’ve had.
I have a lot of weird dreams but the one most fresh in my mind is the one from last night. Okay so I went to Japan with school or something and we had dinner somewhere and then we wanted dessert! So then I was like, hey i saw this place at the end of the corner thats a bakery we can try it. So we go there but its actually kinda like a food court, which has two bakeries? Everyone goes to the first one since its the one they see first, but i know the other one is better so i go there with like one other person instead. I see they have cannoli which i really want, but its like 8.75 for one canolli and im like wtf thats too expensive! So i go back to the other bakery and this really nice college-aged lady starts helping me there. I ask about all the cannoli variations and prices and she tells me. She speaks very good english for a japanese women in japan and she seems proud of that. They have a lot of cannoli, including cannoli thats shaped like hard tacos and cannoli with chocolate shells and chocolate cream. I get a sample of part of the chocolate shell and its alright, not amazing. I look at the prices and theyre still all like $8 though and im like ugh. But then i see a deal where u can get 5 mini cannoli for $12 and im like !!!!! Yes thats what I want and then that part of the dream ends as i get my mini cannoli and thank the nice lady for being patient with me.
The second part of the dream includes getting back to America, getting invited over by two people i look up to, performing tasks as I traverse each layer of “hell”, fighting tree people with swords who want to kill me, defending myself with farm tools, locking doors, and a probably demon police man who is somehow always involved in matters like these. But I won’t talk about that since i’ve written so much already and its nowhere near as weird as $8 Japanese Cannoli.
Banana: What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
My favorite flavor ever is chocolate cake batter which they used to have at an ice cream place in my town that closed down years ago :( 
Lime: Do you have any sideblogs?
Yes, but i don’t use them.
Kiwi: Do you have any pets?
Kacey- the beautiful and magical brown tabby cat that keeps me alive every day!Phil- huge light orange tabby demon cat with two large bald spots who likes to cuddle by trying to lay on your chest when ur busy and wont stop licking you. Delphie- small white bichon whos scared of everything and likes to bark. Gets excited when people she loves plays with her.
Blueberry: Recommend 5 blogs for me to follow. Some good people with good blogs are @skippyskiddo@the-lily-princess@mutantfightclub@turntechprompto@megg-the-egg
Grapefruit: Do you cry easily?
Mango: Have you ever dyed your hair?
Nope but I think it would be fun to do!
Blackberry: Recommend 5 songs for me to listen to.
lmao my music taste is non existant but here are some songs that have been important to me at one point or another or that i just plain like… All The Rowboats by Regina Spektor- https://youtu.be/2CZ8ossU
Jump by Laura Shigihara- https://youtu.be/vOog-J06vUw
No Logic English Cover by rachie- https://youtu.be/J8-X6LOu11g
Sayoko Acoustic English Cover by JubyPhonic- https://youtu.be/qHpzKJvLXXM
Yuuki Yesterday English Cover by JubyPhonic (this ones part of a larger series/story buts its still really good even when u dont know everything! Tbh i recommend watching all the vids or the anime its rly good!) - https://youtu.be/E3oT5s7fKbY
I have a lot more too if u ever wanna know what i listen to!
Peach: What do you do when you feel overwhelmed?
Cry and take a nap
Plum: What is your favorite childhood memory?
I don’t have a favorite but one nice thing to remember is when i used to make cannoli with my Grandma/Nonna!
Raspberry: Recommend 5 movies for me to watch.
Sorry but I require u to watch both High school Musical and Camp Rock. Sorry i dont make the rules. Also did u see Princess Protection program that was another disney classic!
If u haven’t seen My Neighboor Totoro or Kiki’s Delivery Service those are two of my favorite ghibli films!
Strawberry: Recommend 5 TV shows for me to watch.
Okay here are a few that I haven’t reccomended already to you (and i already reccomended a lot lmao)
Mekakucity Actors- this is the anime that is based on the vocaloid series that that one song I recommended to earlier! Its kinda confusing sometimes but idk i rly love it???
Flying Witch- rly nice, calm, and with cute cats???
Little Witch Academia- my favorite anime that came out last year! Happy and exciting with great music, characters, animation, art, and kwkwksoskejrjrjd.
Flip Flappers- more gay magical girls???? U know thats my favorite genre!!
Anohana the flower we saw that day- Really good drama and one of the first things I watched??
Okay I did it all and now u have to too!!!
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lawlightfan42069 · 8 years
iyo when you write non-straight characters should you specify their sexuality/gender? I mean I'm personally a very 'not into labels at all' person for my own sexuality but support ppl who do find comfort in labels. but when I write I also tend to go toward the 'he just loves who he loves !!!' that sounded stupid but idk how to explain it.. so... like I was wondering why you feel strongly about explicitly stating someone's queerness instead of it being implied (at least u come off as that sorta)
i do definitely feel like that so!! i happen to have a lot of feelings about this so get ready for a Long Ramble. this is a precaution before ive even started typing i just know im gonna write a lot
i think before we start saying anything, we’ve got to acknowledge the difference between people who say that they dont like labels, and writing characters who Don’t Like Labels™. pointing out the problems of the latter is not a condemnation of the former. if someone rly doesnt feel like labeling their sexuality or gender, thats totally alright. the difference between these two is the person is a nuanced, multifaceted human being who may have lots of personal reasons for feeling that way, while the second is a fictional character that is Created and informed by cultural views of the creator. a person is not “created” by one single author and characters arent like…real living agents that have their Own Free Will, they are what their creators make of them. anyway i just feel like this is a rly important distinction that gets lost often!! i’m also more willing to look favorably on someone who self describes that way writing characters based on their own experiences, bc this perspective is inherently different from a straight person writing these sorts of characters. but moving on. 
whats also important to understand, beyond writing characters, is how being openly not straight is shunned. queer people are not allowed to Exist as openly queer and they have not been allowed historically. even these days among people who consider themselves progressive, you’ll often hear that “its alright if someone is gay but do they have to shove it in my face all the time.” this attitude isnt somehow formed in vacuum, but created in a society that treats been openly queer as a taboo. we aren’t allowed to be open about our sexualities the way straight people are. we can’t acknowledge that we’re queer lest someone tells us to Stop Shoving It In Their Face (not missing the irony as we’re surrounded by 400 billboards of hetero couples everywhere). i dont wan’t to delve into other aspects of discrimination and get too off track here, i just want to focus on how being Openly queer is treated as a taboo, particularly among people who still want to call themselves ‘accepting.’ the only way society allows queer people to exist is if they never remind anyone, Ever that they are not straight.
this is Integral to understanding why the i Don’t Like Labels characters are so frustrating. the unwillingness to Explicitly talk about queer people carries over quite handily to media. the same faux progressive people that demand queer people never talk about being queer bc its Too Much Information, will praise queer coded characters that hint at their sexuality but never confirm it. the reason these characters are written is not to genuinely explore why someone might feel uncomfortable with applying labels to themselves, but to appease people who will accept queerness as long as they never have to acknowledge it. this way, u can court queer people interested in representation And people who might like the story but will be uncomfortable with explicit queerness. its an attempt for writers to cash in on peoples desires for interesting queer characters without ever actually fully committing to representing them. you dont get to claim to support queer people if ur also out there providing comfort for peoples homophobia. you cant have a foot in both doors. 
describing queer experiences without calling them queer means that youre okay with this story as long as u dont acknowledge it as something Explicitly not straight and like…why?? why is it suddenly not okay when u take that bundle of experiences and use the word that theyre defining?? theres Weight behind using words like bi, gay, lesbian and if u reject them are u Really okay with lgbtq people? or are you okay with them Despite the fact that theyre lgbtq and not because you take into account theyre lgbtq. acceptance is not tolerating people Despite something, its acknowledging it and validating it as an okay thing to be. especially when it is something that historically Not been validated as okay. dismantling structural systems of queerphobia does not go about by ignoring queerphobia…shit this doesnt just fade away by chance, it takes active work. and part of this active work is Acknowledging Peoples Queerness As Something that is okay Out In The Open. the You in this isnt directed at you anon, just people who have these sentiments. 
throwing vague statements like ‘they just love who they love’ Also creates this level of ambiguity. you might say “well why do u need the certainty when ur describing what is at the very least, something obviously very not straight” and to that i say youd be fucking surprised at how goddamn hard straight people will try to erase the queerness out of a character. like i’m going to use a game called life is strange as a example. i’ll give some background: in the game, the main character max can romance both chloe and warren. note that max is not one of those blank state wholly customisable bioware-esque player characters, she has a personality outside of the choices u make. anyway, the conclusion that is Logically drawn from this is that she is most likely bisexual. or at the very least in some way, not straight. and Yet i have seen discussions that say “she doesnt have a set sexuality it just depends on the playthrough so shes not rly a Queer Character.” even more than that, ive seen people that saw “well even in the chloe one shes not necessarily gay or bi maybe shes just Making an Exception for chloe bc their relationship transcends sexuality” and like ??? Why??? why cant she just be bi?? even when given a queer romance, why do u try and interpret it in a way that sets her up as straight?? ive seen people say “its not a romance its just something that Transcends Words” as if this is… mutually exclusive from being a romance. like… Why doesnt this happen when hetero relationships are depicted?? ive literally never seen someone say “u know, maybe hes not attracted to women and just Making an Exception so hes not straight” why dont u see people try to erase the romance aspect out of hetero romances by claiming their relationship is “Beyond Words.” this treatment is 1000% only ever afforded to queer characters. this attempt to play off romance as not rly romantic is only done to queer characters, even if its done subconsciously. people will Refuse to accept a character is queer as fuck if you dodge around it, because heteronormativity is so ingrained in every interaction that even obviously queer characters get filtered through this lens. the problem with this isnt necessarily apparent until u look at it within historical context, where queer people are repeatedly not allowed to be openly queer. these arent isolated incidents, but manifestations of the idea that queer people shouldnt ever be open about their sexuality. youve got to tackle the discomfort that people have with words like gay/lesbian/bi/etc
i think this particular character trope wouldnt bother me so much if it wasnt like… the only narrative ever present. time and time again, i have to see characters proclaim that they dont like labels while never once even hearing people breathe the word bisexual. if it existed alongside characters who were explicitly queer it would be less frustrating But its literally one of the few ways (semi positive attempts at least) queer characters are ever portrayed. this is particularly true for bisexual characters lmao like… yes…theres people who dont like labels…but theres also millions of bi people that just wanna see a fucking bi character Talk about being bi and all we ever get is a vague “i dont like labels” (that is often never explored further than that and treated as a throwaway line anyway). is creating characters who say that a genuine attempt to characterize someones struggles with labels or is it just a way to avoid saying the word Bisexual.
same with queer romance in media. its only ever Okay if u just hint at it- see dumbledore being gay. see- the korrasami thing (though i dont fault the writers for this bc they pushed hard for what they got, its issues with the network). why are queer people relegated to drawn out stares that May imply something while straight characters are allowed to get into explicit relationships. when u create ambiguous characters that May be interpreted as straight (even if youve really gotta stretch) ur prefer to maintain the negative “neutral” of the heteronormative status quo and allow homophobes to live with their views unchallenged more than u care about addressing queerness in characters. 
 its not a coincidence that we dont do this to straight romance or straight characters. this is particularly important for queer kids!! its good to see queer characters out there being openly queer. while me and u can often pick up on queer themes and narratives, a 8 year old is not going to get that. especially when theyve been conditioned to see straight romance as the only feasible choice. they wont realize the character youre writing is gay or bi or whatever Because they havent been exposed to the connotations we associate w certain phrases. its so important for queer kids to see queer characters Owning that theyre queer. its especially importantly to normalize words like gay or bi or pan. being gay is often Extremely hypersexualized (which is why so many people will tell u they dont care what u do in the bedroom bc they can only picture queerness is a sexual context) so when u Dont treat these words as things only adults can say, u help get rid of the stigma surrounding them. u help remove the idea that being queer is inappropriate for kids to hear about and that the only possible aspect to being queer is sexual. 
anyway this has been Quite the Ramble but the point is that yes, we need to write more characters who are absolutely explicit about their sexuality and move away from the expectation that queer people need to create euphemisms to comfort homophobes desires to never hear about queerness.
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merakhwaab · 5 years
It was maahums wedding, some other day of it. And for some reason??? Ong im escorting everyone around ? The bride (maahum), my mom and amal, maahums two you ger brothers,.. but im escorting them around with TAN????! TANWEER FRANCE, FROM QUEER EYE?! And everyones teasing me about “when am iiiii gonna get marrieddd all of a sudden. And omg idk how or who (my mom?) tells everyone or even if it starts out by telling everyone that im gay. I dont think it started out like that i think somehow someone got their hands on MY PURPLE STRAP ON TOY. And maahum and her friends and other people are like. WHAAT MANO(everyone around us are women where it happened so its more of a ‘dholki’ kind of setting where its gender seperated), and maahum like pulls me into another room and is asking a bunch of questions and examining the strap (BUT ALL OF A SUDDEN OMG ITS NOT MY STRAP ANYMORE ITS THE COLOR BLUE AND THE PART THATS THE SMALLER END IS 10x bigger and square shaped? And now it has a stroap (??? Lije black actual strapto wear around u) and shes asking how in gods name does it even work? And doesnt it look painful? And she said if a girl were to wear it and put in inside me wouldnt i be able to tell its this fake cold thing? And she kept just moving jt aeound in her hands trying to fogure out how it would even work. She asked me how does this stupid thing work?? And i just shrugged and she kept talking saying “nononon”, u know what would happen if u used this with some girl? (And i think she was implying that i would break my hymen down there or something because she said that when i got married. TO a mAN, HE would be able to tell... u know *gesturing making hand movement toward below stomach* and entire time i was mortafied
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