#dont u see these promo vids?
livelaughlovefootball · 7 months
lando norris peak self confidence because he knows now how good looking he actually really is so hes just 🤨😏😘😘✨💖💖
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poorlittlevampire · 1 year
what am i supposed to do till fashion dreamer comes out
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strcngeunusual · 5 years
i finished my icons be proud of me someone
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randombubblegum · 3 years
what do you think he did wrong with gh?
i think there were a lot of things that went wrong this era, some his fault, some just unavoidable pandemic stuff...... (long)
firstly it was a stupid, boneheaded move to leave hopeless for 300. i said so the day it happened, im saying so now. honestly the choice to forcibly distance himself from the “pop punk” label AT ALL was a bad move!! i understand he doesnt like it and i agree with him that parx music isnt pop punk. however their literal ENTIRE BASE is pop punk/emo/alt fans!!!! how many fans do you think parx has that didnt get into them from another emo band or doesnt also like other emo bands??? very few. and have you noticed a huge lack or press/magazine coverage this era??? huh its almost like their biggest friends in the journalism world were ALT MUSIC MAGS like ap, kerrang, rocksound, etc.... hopeless being an alt label it was rly easy to score those features!!! now its harder!!!!! 300 isnt promoing them at all and hopeless put them in times square!!!
also 300 is just a nightmare of a label, a fact that is easily googleable (and that we googled on like. day 1) just look at the merch rollouts this era hoooly jesus.... and their idea of “promo” is to buy instagram ads and? stories on random ppls pages?? like “dm for promo” type stuff??? that being said the way awsten is publicly beefing w them WHILE SIGNED and encouraging fans to harass them is like sooo childish and unprofessional its insane...... how did u not learn ur lesson when equal vision took dd and ent from u..... grow up dude.....
also for him hyping up the aesthetics of this era as better than all other eras theyre really.... not all that..... awstens always been rly good with cultivating aesthetics so to see him drop the ball like this is a bummer :( the music videos are cookie cutter no budget lip syncing vids, merch is the UGLIEST ive ever seen, even his personal aesthetic isnt up to par outside the flashy hair color (but that might just be a personal opinion)......
i cant imagine how hard it must be to be a band during the pandemic but also. my god. the way he conducts himself on social media this era. suffice to say its gone from “cute and cheeky” to like “there is something deeply wrong w the way u are interfacing w the world” and i dont think retweeting fans trying to get your attention by gushing how artistic everything u do is is like... the cool band promo u think.... it is.............
as for the music itself i dunno.... he signed to 300 specifically so nobody could give him any artistic guidance or feedback and i understand that desire but i think the music suffered for it. i think listening to the 5 people you “trust” who also happen to be your friends, labelmates, and/or managers is not incredible for pushing yourself creatively... also just because YOU assign all this meaning to the art u make doesnt mean the art actually conveys that meaning especially if it is abstract..... and getting mad at your fans for not “getting it” is not a good look i think? maybe make music that resonates with more people and more people. will like. connect to ur music.
also i miss interviews where it was the band talking and showing off their personalities and friendship because THAT his how you build a fan base. that is how you make people care about and root for you. waterworks with waterparks? waterparks plays guess that band? waterparks at the rocksound carnival?? that stuff!!! thats how you make people love you!!! other boy bands like bts and 5sos have it figured out, why havent you!!!!! you need to know thats how u got these fans right.....!!
sometimes an album just doesnt do well and thats life. it doesnt mean the album is bad!!! look at folie à deux for instance!!!! but i think this album “flopped” compared to past releases largely in part to the choices awsten made personally and professionally and hes not handling it well at all. not every album is gonna be a breakout hit even for VERY successful bands and thats ok and to be expected but it sucks that awsten put all his eggs in one basket here
i like parx a lot and i care about these dudes deeply (albeit parasocially) and it sucks to see them doing meh, i want them to do well, be happy, have fun, be successful..... its hard to root for people who act like they deserve to be on top and get mad when they arent tho :(
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alltheselights · 3 years
(1/3) hi, I saw the ask abt the photoshoot and I literally agree with everything u said like they fucking try to push the smoking thing too hard im sure he doesn't smoke that much cause people who met him say he smells like baby powder and vanilla (aww) they try so hard to push the BriT LaD image so much on him like obviously he's brit but not THAT im sure cause we've known him for abt 10 yrs so we all know what his cloth preferences our and how his nature is like I remember he had the most
(2/3) flamboyant and most colourful clothing style from fucking 2011 even more than the other boys, like we say harry is trendy but I remember every bandmate said L like buys clothes everywhere he goes and has the most clothes and he wears so damn expensive clothes and they r all in trend , I hate when people put him down to the trackies im not hating on harry its just dont unsee the other things just to give into stereotypes , other topic I'd like to discuss is Being fem but I'd cause lot of
(3/3) of fight but I'd say L is just as fem as H his gestures,style,(for those who believe in stereotypes) lot more thing I remember a vid of X factor 18 where he was oblivious to the camera so was sitting cross legged but as soon as he noticed it he opened his legs I swear it broke my heart so much I despise simon for this shit he forced L to be , L explicitly said ' of playing someone I was supposed to be' but no we will close r ears and eyes I hope his new era is full of
hi the L photoshoot and image anon (cont): full of him being himself & hopefully ending of bg at least & great label which provides lots of promo and recognition he deserves (Louis is damn intelligent &I trust him so Im sure he must have chosen a great label and everything for the new era) but the most at least let him be himself (intervies,outfits,rock songs,everything)the diva+honey+baby he is & not the BrIT laD pls Im sorry this became long rant but ur thought were same so I told u ,thank u
I definitely think that Louis is not the same person he was when he was 19, and probably a lot of the things he wore then, he genuinely doesn’t enjoy now. That a part of growing up and is normal. But I also agree that a lot of his personality has been suppressed for years due to media training and the different images that they’ve decided to push for him, first while he was in the band and now again with his solo career. I think he’s just a much more complex person than they ever portray and that’s super frustrating because those genuine glimpses of who he is mean so much more and i think would win over way more people.
And I do feel like the fandom ignores a lot of Louis’ complexities just because they’re not used as part of his image the way they are for Harry. Louis is feminine and flamboyant and sweet and loving and kind, but you often see him being portrayed by the fandom as super masculine and rude and always the protector, never the protected or the vulnerable (which is even more bizarre considering some of the songs on his album). The style thing is also frustrating. If you heard him talk in interviews or saw his photoshoots, you’d think he has no style whatsoever, but we know from what other people have said about his shopping habits and from the fact that all the boys envied his style back in the day and from the way he dresses in his downtime that he does care about fashion and actually has amazing style. His stylist on the other hand....
You also see him being set as a counter to Harry ALL the time, which is so frustrating because it’s just not accurate. While Harry is also a complex person with a masculine and a feminine side and with a wide variety of characteristics, you often see Harry’s femininity as part of his public image and his flamboyance is part of his stage persona. Louis’ tends to be what comes out when his guard down or when he thinks nobody is paying attention. We may not see it as often, but it’s very genuine, and I wish it was appreciated more because I think it continues to be an important part of who he is.
I often wish we could just see Louis without the weight of the last ten years on him because I do wonder who he would be and how he would dress and how he would talk and what he would look like. We’ll never know how much of who he is today is the product of what’s been pushed on him and how much of it is just his natural progression as a person growing up.
And Louis doesn’t have to wear stripes and red pants and suspenders to be sweet or flamboyant or lovely or anything else I believe him to be, he doesn’t have to be the same person he was when he was 19, he can still embrace his Britishness and enjoy Oasis and banter with people and speak his mind and prefer dressing in black and red and all of those things, but I do think it’s clear that his image is very one-dimensional and not completely authentic. Those other aspects of who he is that we see small glimpses of here and there - how sweet and caring he is, the fact that he’s shy, his flamboyance, his vulnerability, the fact that he’s the one everyone says they go to when they need to talk about their feelings, his incredible style and taste in clothes that you mentioned - all of those more gentle and genuine characteristics demonstrate how complex and amazing of a person he is, and I think the world would embrace Louis the way so many of us do if they saw more of that.
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akatsvmu · 3 years
ok hot take — but also because I’m genuinely curious — I’ve seen a lot of discussion about the anti - Asian racism in shadow and bone and how it was unnecessary + obvious that the writers were white, etc.
*this ended up being long so I put the rest under the cut*
before I begin I just want to say that im just putting this out here to hear what others have to say !! I’m open to whatever u have to say legit I just want to talk to others about this hahah. I don’t want to make anyone feel uncomfortable, but if I do then I apologize and if you feel like it, to let me know why exactly so I can be more aware next timee
okk so, reading what everyone else had to say after finishing the season made me question myself BIG TIMEEEE because tbh ..... I didn’t really see what the problem was as I was watching the show 😭
I didnt watch any trailers or promo vids before the show bc I didnt want to expect anything. so the first time I heard about Alina being half - shu was when she said it in the show — and TBHHH I was actually so happy (since I’m South East Asian) it was a pleasant surprise, I was like “omg I can relate to uu !! <33” kind of thing ya know.
After i watched it, I read the discussions on how they handled it and everything and I was worried bc I was still having such a hard time seeing what was so wrong about it,, I genuinely felt really bad at this point bc I was thinking like ... am I racist ?? Or am I actually contributing to racism and all that ?? soo I wanted to just share some of my thoughts here and if you actually finish reading this maybe like share some of your thoughts too ??
okok so hear we go — Alina being changed into half - shu didnt bother me at all, as I said earlier it was a nice surprise since it allowed me to relate to her more, i remember i even texted my friend bc i was so happy lmaooo (plus I thought it fit well since Jessie is actually half chinese).
About how the racism was ‘unnecessary’ since it’s a fictional world and all >> I get how they technically didn’t need to add it in — BUT... I kind of liked that they did add it ?? since it showed me that, oh you know she went through all of that, was discriminated against, etc. but was still able to do all the things she did and she didn’t let any of that stop her (I've finished the trilogy so I know how her story ends, assuming they stick to the books in later seasons lmao).
I mean tbh I even felt kinda better ? Hopeful even ?? My line of thinking was like “even the sun summoner faced some racism yet she was able to push through her journey !!” and all that ++ plus how she didn’t let it affect her — she even said, “don’t change my eyes” in that one scene which made me feel really proud for some reason.
about how they only centered the racism around Alina >> like how Jesper or Inej didn't really have to face any racism ++ and how it was all anti shu ..... again that didn’t rly bother me bc like ..... she’s kind of the main character ????? Not to say that the other characters stories don’t matter (lmao im not done w crooked kingdom yet but I already prefer their duology over the trilogy 😭🤚🏼) but given the fact that this particular adaptation of the story (or even season) is about Alina and Her experiences,, it’s kind of a given that the story will literally revolve around her and the challenges she faces ?????
the books obviously talked about what inej and the others went through + but that was because they had two books and individual chapters to flesh out their characters, plus we learned about their origins through a flashback type thing, it wasn’t a linear storyline.
This season had 8 episodes, so I really didn’t expect them to focus on their backstories since it's established that they’ve been working together for a while (the three crows, not Nina and Matthias). In the show, Alina has just discovered her powers = meaning her arc has just started.
lastly, about how it was unnecessary that Zoya was racist to Alina >> This one confused me a lot im ngl, because in the first book zoya does act like a lil bitch to Alina and everyone in the little palace — Marie and Nadia constantly talked shit abt her behind her back — bro even Genya didn’t like her lol — ALSO she even admitted to this in the second or third book right ?? So considering where her arc goes — I thought that this was obvious ?? she was meant to be disliked at first bc she literally has a redemption arc (AHHH don’t get me wrong here I loved zoya in the end pls shes so snarky ahidhshshs she a lil bitch but she owns it 😌😌 as she should)
I know she wasn’t outright racist to Alina in the books — but she was mean to her — *if I’m not wrong doesn’t she also whisper to Alina in front of the king about how she was an orphan peasant?* given the changes in the show, I thought it was understandable for her to treat her that way (not that it’s ok for anyone to be treated that way but you get the point right...) also idk if this counts but she does correct that one lady saying that Inej was suli and not whatever she originally said.
okk that’s all I can think of now, if you made it this far I wanna say thank uuu so much ily 🥰 ,, I know this was long I didnt think I had this much to say.
if you want then pleaseee share some of your thoughts 🤲🏼🤲🏼 i don’t want to subconsciously be a racist apologist or anything 😭😭 so I’m open to hearing what u have to say ++ also I’m really just wondering why I saw this so differently compared to everyone else ahshsjhdhs.
edit: ive only read the trilogy and six of crows so far. i havent had the time to start crooked kingdom or nikolai's books bc school :/ soo if youre gonna comment, please dont mention anything about crooked kingdom and anything after that !! huhu shhshshsa
SECOND EDIT: someone commented on this but i posted it accidentally and deleted the old one and didnt see their comment im gonna cry aaaaaa
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gracefulweather · 3 years
omg you did?? u have to tell me who u pull when it arrives !!
time does fly 😭 i really can't believe 2021 is almost over
tysm ! i hope you're doing well too !! ☺ yess i'm trying to find time to work on the new au haha and i keep changing the damn plot 😭 omg 😳🥺 the ateez smau, i haven't officially made a decision yet, but i think when the semester is over i'll upload the rest of what i have...and go from there ! also ty for reading 🥺
also ! i have seen 2 people fall off of their skateboards on campus and i think of ur sunwoo fic every single time i do haha
oh ! that site does work ! i'll definitely read it now when i get the chance ! that would probably be best, esp bc we dont get s2 until next december 🥲
arisa is so interesting, i love it ! like every single chapter is so amazing and mysterious akfhslfja
i wanna watch us now 👀
you stayed up?? :O i agree, they are releasing so much its so hard to keep up with, i wanna watch dnd and timeout ! esp w the new maverick series ! but i also hate how a lot of the content is only on universe :(
being a multi is so difficult 😭 i barely watch mvs in a timely matter anymore :")
halloween was fun and movies are always a good time !
exactly ! the details of their performances are insane ! yes yes yes to all ur favs ! all of the groups outdid themselves truly 😌 year end awards...im nervous 😳
ur right, the storybook ver is so cute 🥺 i loved all 3 songs too ! and i agree, the mv was good but i think they could've added more story or something
THE LITTLE BAD RAP SUPREMACY 😭😭 it is so addictive
omg yes 🥲 the stylists have been going tf off this era and i am living for it
yesss i'm so excited omg should be here sometime this week i think!! (i hope...) but did yours arrive yet?
oooh what is the plot about 👀 have only gathered that it'll be dark... and sad... with evil characters LOOL. and yes i love ur ateez smau 🥺 i sometimes find it hard to get into smaus in general but the mystery has me hooked for that one <3 oh yeah speaking of ateez, thoughts on the world tour? i'm still holding onto my 2020 tickets rn but likeeee the thought of being in such a large crowd still sounds risky to me 😭
FALLING OFF SKATEBOARDS ADKJDKJF omg every time i get random bruises i think of it :')
oooh yeah heard that they haven't even started filming borderland s2 yet 😭 oh did you watch hellbound? it's so popular rn but i didn't think it was thaaat good.... deffs a cool concept tho. but YEAHHH i wanna start arisa soon!!
was dnd the one on universe? the app actually sucks :(( i know some fanbases have been subbing/uploading it elsewhere but it seems like the vids keep getting taken down 😭 the new maverick series is so cool omg i love all the brain twisters and puzzles they do!! really hope IST decides to keep putting eng subs on their videos 😔
ahh the multi life :') how do you decide which group/member to write for?? it's hard enough choosing amongst even just one group LOL
omg i heard one of the members say that they're gonna do one of the rtk/kingdom performances at the fancon??? i'm still hoping for drink it at least once... somewhere :') and yeahh i thought the mv would be a whole storyline like golcha's mvs these days but it's nice that we got to see some acting!!
but yeahHH maverick era ended so fast </3 do you ever feel like the promo periods are too short though? i remember back in the day everyone would promote on music shows for at least a month, but i guess they're preparing end of year stuff already :')
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lixiesbabyhands · 3 years
ohhhk thank you so much
one last ques : as i saw with iu, who was the reason i got into kpop, the music videos are sometimes on the artists channel and sometimes in the companies? and the artist channel has vlogs and stuff. its all a bit confusing to me. do i have to subscribe to the jyp youtube channel too?
also, umm where other than youtube (we dont talk about tiktok its banned here) does there content come? also do they have insta pages other than the common one? also how do i know when they have a new promo interview or anything? how do i learn more about them?
sorry about bombarding u with all this 😅
no no darling, dont worry at all, im happy to answer ur questions!
yes, music videos and teasers for title tracks/albums are usually on the company's channel, while everything else (including b side mvs) is on the artist's channel. personally, i wouldnt worry, since skz usually pins the jyp video to the home page of their channel anyway, but you can if you want to. no pressure tho.
hehe fair, no they only have the shared instagram page, but they also have twitter where members can respond to stay as well as their management making official announcments, their personal bubble (which is sort of a personal messaging app between idols and fans) and they have a vlive acc which is pretty active. i dont think they have weverse.
i usually learn abt new promo things by watching koreaboo (ik ik its kind of a biased/trash website, basically the kpop version of buzzfeed) cos it usually has pretty frequent and up to date info, or else skz update blogs sometimes post. mostly if ur watching a lot of skz content and following their accs, ull see when they have a interviews etc., itll get recommended and passed around the fandom.
a good way to learn more about them is by watching compilation videos from fans, all the best parts from their interviews, vlogs etc all put in one place, its great for getting to know the members and their personalities, as well as skz as a whole. get to know skz vids are also good if ur trying to memorise their faces, interviews also help, thats how i found it easiest.
oooh i didnt know you got into kpop cos of iu, thats so cool! whats ur fave song of hers? <333
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woozi · 2 years
yza <3 im so sorry for vanishing like that 😭 my phone's not doing well so it's hard to open tumblr. all the gif posts hang my phone and kick me out of the app 😭 i missed you sm
darling is so cute i love it really, the choreo is even cuter 😭 them hips wiggling shua and woozi do it the best i'm obsessed!!
the song is nice like it's not wow kind but still very cute and enjoyabe ( AND IU'S VERSION OF IT? GOD BLESS I LOVED THAT ) how was the overall cb for you? <3
from the solo trailers till the music show promo end, i enjoyed everything. so nice to see boys perform infront of carats 🥺
the way this was everyone's era <3 all of them shined equally in performances, songs etc the nose ring. anyway- hdjfdk 💀 okay but i genuinely meant when i said this was really everyone's era 😭😭 i swear
the songs are great too! i love them (except maybe ash jdjdkd) im so so obsessed with don quixote (and wonu co-wrote it 😭)
don quixote, 'bout you, hot, if you leave me, shadow, domino, march. i liked them all but this my current ranking hddjdj
if you leave me's lyric are so 💔🥺. wish they performed it or don quixote on dingo music </3
the music video is so fking cool tho? and watching pd's (the form of therapy youtube channel's) review i got to appreciate it even more
ALSO ALSO OH MY GOD 😭💔 STILL CRYING ABOUT IT, GOT7 ALBUM OH GOD 😭 they really did that im so so happy for them and proud yza 😭 not only did they come back, they came back with a banger 🔥 hopefully ppl will stop asking them about d*sbandnent. how was the experience for you?
we're not only infjs but also birthday month twins _+$+$($) love that for us honestly!
i'm doing good except i need some new gadgets dhjdkd i hope you're doing well 🥺💚💙 i missed you so much, take care yza 🥺 thank you for hanging out with me even tho i keep vanishing, will try to not vanish 😭😭😭
I MISSED U SM??????????????????? + omg no need to be sorry at all >:( also i relate sm JKHSDFJHKFDS my old ass phone crashes on every single app atp
PLEASE???????????????????? when i saw that part i just about fainted 😭 jihoon's rarely cute but when he's doing cute things... pain... REAL pain
ALSO AGREED W MY WHOLE CHEST?????????????? thats exactly how i described darling to my friends too dsjfdsjkfh she's not bad, and she has really served her purpose she's just not titty dropping yk <3 also sumn abt songs of this genre suit iu sm!!!!!! it sounds even more light when she sings it its v enjoyable. I LOOOVE what the boys have been doing, ion think i've ever been this overwhelmed with content tbh JDSFHJSDFSD but i'm not able to maximize it bc they always have cbs during finals season for me djfhsdkjfh but i can always catch up its nbd <3 how about uuu?
i was just gonna ask how u were finding this cb + ur rankings for the songs since i usually reply paragraph per paragraph without reading the whole thing yet AND I LOVE HOW U JUST MENTIONED EM DSJFHSDJKFH
AND SO TRUE???????????????? i really love how everyone had a chance to shine, esp members who dont get as much attention as the others (china line, dino). NOT THE WONWOORIDEUL JUMPING OUT???????????????????? 😭😭😭 i am surrounded by wonu girlies huh
also sOO valid of u <3 ash really isnt for everyone (esp w the amt of autotune and just… heavy semi-4th gen style in it), but she is my baby 🤩 (bc of the jihoon and ww chorus tbh) ALSO LOVE HOW BOUT YOU RANKS SO HIGH???
i bet thats another crier during cons....... its gonna make its smile flower moment tbh
AND YEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! especially love the aspect ratio changes + 3d illusions that is sooo fucking hard to do and takes sm time... not to mention the transitions and illustrations on there??????? and omg so many people have been watching that vid maybe i should too 👁
AND I KNOW????????????? PLEASE, NOW EVERYONE WANTS TO PULL A GOT7 AFTER VIRTUALLY SHITTING ON THEM THEIR WHOLE CAREER 😭 it really is next to impossible and i respect them sm for even pulling it off (+ jb doing all that fucking paperwork??? mustve been literal hell) its SUUUCH a different experience too when u just love a group who u can just TELL loves e/o vm. AND I HAVENT SEEN BIRDIEBLR THAT ALIVE IN YEARS???????????????? we got more content than we have in their whole career in that 1 week tbh (also just in general after they left jype lmfao)
PLS??????????????? matchy matchy 😋
mood tbh 😭 manifesting those new gadgets for us </3 AND NOOOOOOO, i dont mind at all tbh. didnt even get a tiny bit upset bc i totally understand <3 and if its any comfort to u i have unintentionally disappeared from my friends for a month just last month JKDFHJSDFHS AND THESE ARE MY IRL CHILDHOOD BESTIES I’D RIDE OR DIE FOR 😭😭😭 also worst yza moment i disappeared on them irl for 2 years with no explanation i am the absolute WORST JKFDHJD SO PLSSSSSSS!! don’t feel bad at all i def get what u mean <3 i’m grateful u even spend time w me!! that being said ty for hanging out w me and i hope the rest of ur day/week is very sexie <3 MWAH
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vertigoambrosia · 7 years
despite all their rage they are still just boys in the cage
bttr time
I think I know who wins because I am just terrible at avoiding social media, but who cares cause dat cage maaaatch
it’s pretty impressive how the kafigschlacht has so successfully been built up as legendary ultraviolence even though this is only the third one
I’ve already said a lot about the women’s division booking so I’m not gonna rehash it again
I hope Martina’s at Carat
Also holy shit that stage looks really good!
i love melanie’s jacket
also this music owns;
mella wearing an ‘i got screwed’ shirt in front of the woman she attacked to knock out of the finals: full heel
man i like martina so much when she’s not going full schtick
like, that spot with the ref getting her a beer shouldn’t happen during what’s basically a grudge match
@momdailykos i think
oh snap that dropkick with the chair in the corner was sick!
but anyway @momdailykos i can tell the crowd’s weird; martina seems to spend a lot of time trying to fire up the crowd
the pace is also kinda off
ok i talked about thumbtacks being silly, but for some reason melanie hiding them under there seems totally logical to me
shoulda been the title match!!! even with the weird crowd that was fun
they didn’t put subtitles on this promo when they put it on youtube, which makes me sad because it’s like, the most pure tour promo vid ever
oh here’s this asshole
oh shit wait i won’t be able to understand the first live raucherpause
oh i guess christian is translating
he...doesn’t have the same delivery
??? are they doing bobby vs andy? what?
i complained ivan vs bobby was heel vs heel, but this really is
we’re hating andy cause of what he did to marius but then he’s coming out and roasting bobby?
well of course he fucking got a good reaction after talking some shit to bobby
oooooo christian u said fuuuuuucck
damn this is long
we only had one match i want more wrestling!
suit boy fight
this match is basically ‘it’s 2 months until david is back in carat and we need to establish jurn as really being a dick’
i know i’ve said it before, but it does irk me that before this feud they’d never establish dragan being friends with jurn
like, we know they are in real life, but we’ve never seen it in kayfabe, and wxw shows dudes hanging out with each other all the fucking time
basically they wrote themselves into a corner because jurn needed to turn on another friend but david was his only real friend
but look at dat gear!
*jurn voice* alignment ended with lannister. i am a greyjoy now.
boo he’s so heel he’s not gyrating anymore
really tho momdailykos that’s super cool
there’s nothing wrong with cmj or emil on commentary...but for some reason them together isn’t really doing it for me
rico takes too many fucking vacations
here comes a soulless boy
i like chris’ gear but for some reason i have trouble accepting him in any color but blue
or black i guess
ok now i see it’s like, velvet and i don’t like it as much
but it’s very pretty
he also has that weird bald line in his hair and i can’t not notice it
sorry if you can’t now too
it’s actually not nearly as noticeable as it was last time he was around
yeah idk this def feels like an off night for pretty much everyone involved
tbh i thought this was gonna be the opener and not melanie/martina
esp since in the promo andy was clearly the face-ier guy (getting the most/funnier ice burns, it seems like), but he’s definitely wrestling more heel in the match (jumping bobby)
hahaha ok that guy helping andy cheat was pretty funny
but they also obviously dont want to give away anything about the marius plot, so commentary is just kinda blabbing about andy being kinda old
bobby’s gyrations even seem lackluster lewd
wow this match has had like three false endings
wait what
wait was this a title match?
i guess not thank god
no christian please have this not be an ongoing feud
i know the result of this match and i hate it. i already said why in an actual post though
WOW dead fucking response for the womens championship
damn toni just flung herself butt first into some chairs
well, and kelly
who was that random dude kelly took out along with toni?
that...was weird
like, kelly got in too much offense for it to be a squash, but it ended too aprubtly to feel like a real match
also it just feels awkward because the crowd isn’t nearly as attached to kelly as toni, so with kelly’s title win being written as the cinderella story, it’s a realharsh switch in direction
see it’s weird because they’re trying to say that kelly gave toni a real run for her money....but the match was shorter than bobby vs andy, which wasn’t even a fucking title match
whatever it’s time for the cage
oh no tommy’s in the cage! he’s just a civilian!
damn crowd you shoulda gone wild for that
wait wtf get off the stage rise, you boys have to wait your turn!
wait why are the teams coming out together that is weird!
well we’re certainly not fucking around wirh the first two guys in
ew is bones wearing jorts
omgggg that little girl chanting for ringkampf <3
crowd finally woke the fuck up for walter, though if you’re not hype for walter you’re either brainless or dead
sleazy noodle!
flying sleazy noodle!
he’s so excited
uhh cmj did you forget about avalanche?
bless lucky and his cackle
lollll robert no selling kiev’s strikes
pete! pete is here too!
because unlike some people, he is a team player
oh shit tim’s bleeding from the ear! concerning!
uhh ivan maybe you should have broken ip that submission instead of going after the guys om the cage
lol does anyone in rise besides bones have a submission finisher?
aww baby pete’s still holding his arm funny
lolllll get reckt bones
oh shit ivan!
it may not have worked out for him, but that was a pretty damn good chop from lucky
awww lucky’s so distraught he accidentally hit tarkan
do not taunt walter
lmao that was a clever thing tim did wit the chair
oh pete, easy to ogle even in jeans
ok tim that was not so clever and now you are dead
and suddenly, mat wrestling! i love wxw
get reckt bones
avalanche is a good bro
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diabolikpersonals · 7 years
Hey Nat, what do you think to this youtu(.)be(forward slash)UGvZuH3wr9E I heard you don't like the term yaoi used in a fujoshi way and I was wondering if this is what you meant?
the term “yaoi” i think just refers to a genre, that genre being mlm romance. so I dont rly hate the word yaoi in that sense. the culture behind it kind of sucks, but I dont have a problem w/ the boys love genre being referring to as yaoi I guess. (at least I dont see anything wrong with it?) I do hate ppl referring to gay couples as “yaoi couples” hdghdhjkdjkh that shit sucks
uhh this vid is pretty...fujoshi culture.........so im not a fan lol. like promo-ing those stories is wonderful and all. but its pretty transparent like, when shes talkin about a scene where a guy protects his bf from the rain, and shes like “SCREAM!!! NOSEBLEEDS!!!!” like uuughghhhgh it’s a bit..fetishistic. like u could have easily talked about how cute the stories are and everything without being like “SQUEE ITS CUTE BECAUSE THEYRE GAY BOYS”
that being said? I’ve seen so much worse
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maariku · 7 years
He’s Well Hung & I Am Hanging On [Rockstar AU Prequel]
[Rockstar AU main thread] ; done with @oregashujinkaku​
[jheeny3000 has joined the chat]
[PABLOO has joined the chat]
jheeny3000: pabloooooooooooo
jheeny3000: he in yet
PABLOO: nah man
PABLOO: but i got updates too yo
jheeny3000: yeah?
PABLOO: ye my bands playing at charlie's pub this friday
jheeny3000: noice u gotta tell skeeter
[noranora has joined the chat]
PABLOO: ye i will
PABLOO: yo nora
PABLOO: saw u the other night that was a sick show!
jheeny3000: yo noraaaa
noranora: hey
noranora: omg thanks
noranora: i didn't see you there!
noranora: is skeeter here yet?
jheeny3000: nah but yo pablo's band is playing at charlies on friday
noranora: sweeeet when? i'll drop by!
PABLOO: prob like nine that would be cool ye
noranora: jon hows your music coming?
jheeny3000: fucken stalled girl
jheeny3000: mikey bailed so we need a new drummer
PABLOO: what a fag
noranora: oh shit :( good luck with that
jheeny3000: yeahhhhhhhhh whatevs he was a dick
PABLOO: didnt he try to hook up with that guys sister
[princemalik has joined the chat]
jheeny3000: idr probably lmao he hooks up with everyone
[skeeter has joined the chat]
jheeny3000: SKEEEEET
jheeny3000: skeet man
PABLOO: yo skeet what up
skeeter: sup what i miss
noranora: pablo's playing at charlies on friday! :)
skeeter: sick gig man
jheeny3000: yo skeet u know a drummer? ours bailed
skeeter: nah man sorry
jheeny3000: shit
skeeter: karim might
jheeny3000: truuu
noranora: hey who is princemalik
PABLOO: idk hasnt said anything yo skeet u coming to charlies for me?
skeeter: i'll try man
princemalik: hey
noranora: hi :)
PABLOO: yo wtf wheres karim i got fken class in an hour
jheeny3000: dont sweat it pablo we'll tell him about charlies
jheey3000: you dont gotta spread it out to everyone like a flier lmao
PABLOO: shut up man karim got me this gig
noranora: oh cool! is he playing too?
PABLOO: idk i think so
jheeny3000: well now im def going
PABLOO: ur a faggot man fuck you
skeeter: just texted him he's coming on
noranora: he's in uni pablo he's probably busy
PABLOO: we're all busy damn man
jheeny3000: skeet did he get a new phone
skeeter: idk
jheeny3000: i asked his number he said he lost his phone last week
PABLOO: lmaoooooo you fuckin got skid man
jheeny3000: asshole wtf i cant believe him
[mkarim has joined the chat]
jheeny3000: fuck him
PABLOO: lmao nice
noranora: omg
noranora: hey karim
jheeny3000: yo man u fix ur fuckin phone
PABLOO: dude
PABLOO: duuude dont
PABLOO: karim yo i got that gig on friday
jheeny3000: IGNORED palbo damn
PABLOO: palbo
PABLOO: yo where is he wtf
noranora: you guys have no chill
mkarim: hey nora
mkarim: nice pablo thats sick im gonna be there all night my boys are getting trashed haha
PABLOO: sweeet hey man i'll see u there
mkarim: for sure
jheeny3000: karim u got a drummer i can use
mkarim: what happened to mikey
jheeny3000: got enaged r smth
mkarim: aw
noranora: awww thats sweet
mkarim: hey whos princemalik
jheeny3000: no its fukn gay
jheeny3000: dk he doesnt fkn talk just sqautting
mkarim: doesnt malik mean king
mkarim: prince king?
mkarim: your highness do you play or do you watch
princemalik: i play
princemalik: someone in another chatroom told me to join this one
princemalik: something about this song i wrote
skeeter: oh yo that was me hey man sorry i blanked
skeeter: karim dm him he has some stuff you should hear sounds like yours
noranora: ooooh can we hear it?
mkarim: oh yeah? cool okay
jheeny3000: sounds like his how
jhneey3000: like rip off or like what
skeeter: like style man
PABLOO: i gotta go to class
PABLOO: see u guys friday?
PABLOO: charlies?
jheeny3000: jfc pablo we'll be there fk off with the self promo
noranora: we'll be there! :)
mkarim: see you man
[PABLOO has left the chat]
jheeny3000: karim yo you never told me about the drummer situation
jheeny3000: you got one?
noranora: i think he’s afk again
jheeny3000: jfc skeet can u text him or smth
[princemalik has left the chat]
jheeny3000: skeeeeet
[mkarim has left the chat]
jhneey3000: r u fuck serious rn
noranora: i'm sorry j :/ i'll try to be on the lookout for you
jheeny3000: fucking faggots jfc
[jheeny3000 has left the chat]
[private message: mkarim@ princemalik]
mkarim: hey your highness
mkarim: so you got a link to these songs?
princemalik:  yeah, hold on
princemalik:  https:youtu.be/dQwwWgXcQ
mkarim: I like this
mkarim: I really like this
mkarim: you do this alone? how long have you been playing
princemalik: yeah
princemalik: oh man idk since I was a kid, I started taking singing lessons when I was eight I think
princemalik: you?
mkarim: christ lmao
mkarim: one of those kids huh
mkarim:  I started like fifteen or something I think
mkarim: no I like this though skeet was right it does sound like my stuff
mkarim: kind of punk right?
princemalik: yeah, alternative I guess
princemalik: so, do I get to hear some of your stuff or what?
princemalik: so you started at fifteen... how old are you now?
mkarim: yeah sure here
mkarim: https:youtu.be/dXwqQjXcX
mkarim: thats one of the newer ones
mkarim: 20
mkarim: u?
princemalik: yeah, me too
princemalik: holy shit, this is really good, you have like a band or something?
mkarim: yeah we play a bit in bars and stuff
mkarim: small venue stuff
mkarim: we're playing at charlie's on friday after pablo's band, you should come, are you in LA?
princemalik:  nah I don't live in the states, actually
princemalik:  that sounds really cool though, maybe you could get someone to record it for me?
princemalik:  that's not weird to ask, is it?
mkarim: no we post live vids on our channel you can check it out
mkarim: we're called endeverafter
mkarim: shame youre not close would be cool to jam sometime with a guy with music like yours
mkarim: you thinking of starting a band of your own?
princemalik: yeah absolutely I'll check it out
princemalik:  I've been talking to some of the guys in my class about it, the guitarist's dad owns a bar in the city he told us when we get some songs together we can play there
princemalik: so, do you speak Arabic or did you google my name?
mkarim: right on you gotta take him up on that let me know how it goes
mkarim: lol I speak it I was born just outside cairo
mkarim: I take it youre native too?
princemalik: yeah, I will.
princemalik: hey, me too.  When did you move out to the states?  What's it like?
mkarim: maybe five ago
mkarim: its amazing I love the city here
mkarim: so much to do, tons of clubs, people are just generally into more stuff
mkarim: I could never go back after being here its like a whole other world
mkarim: its expensive though
princemalik: yeah?  Worse than Cairo you think?
princemalik: I've always wanted to visit, it seems like everyone is more chill there, more accepting, y'know?
mkarim: definitely steeper. I got an apartment I share with three other guys rn
mkarim: they definitely are
mkarim: are you in school still?
princemalik: oh wow that's a lot, sounds like it could be a lot of fun tho
princemalik: yeah I am, you?
mkarim: yeah, second year. I think I'm done honestly though getting tired of this and the bands doing so well, we're getting signed in a few months, probably start touring
princemalik: holy shit you're getting signed?  That's amazing, good for you guys.  You gotta make sure the tour comes through here lol
mkarim: lmao yeah just for you your majesty
mkarim: what are you studying
princemalik: that's right, a private viewing just for me lol
princemalik: music theory
princemalik: what about you, something boring?
mkarim: yeah
mkarim: the only way my dad would pay for me to move here and go to school was if I studied what he wanted
mkarim: worth it to get away from him so I figure why not I can drop it out once I save up my own money
mkarim: sorry you don't need to know that shit
princemalik:  it's alright
princemalik: don't get along very well with your dad, huh?
mkarim: no
mkarim: do you live at home?
princemalik: that sucks, sorry man
princemalik: yeah, with my father and my sister
mkarim: older or younger? she into music too?
princemalik: older and nah not really
princemalik: she's more into like clothes and stuff
princemalik: you have any siblings?
mkarim: ooh fashionista lol
mkarim: no its just me
mkarim: that I know of lol
mkarim: isn't it late there now? youre like ten hours ahead aren't you?
princemalik: yeah she makes her own jewelry and everything she's pretty good at it
princemalik: yeah but it's the weekend tomorrow I'll just sleep in
mkarim: fair enough
mkarim: so what else are you into
princemalik: not a lot, with school and practice that takes up most of my time y'know
princemalik:  I read a lot, mostly keep to myself
princemalik:  what about you, you seem pretty outgoing.  I bet you have groupies already
mkarim: hahahaa yeah I guess kind of
mkarim: we go out a lot here like I said theres a lot of places to go
mkarim: do you party?
princemalik: yeah, sometimes
princemalik: there's some really nice clubs here but my dad is pretty strict so I've gotta get creative
mkarim: lol youre 20 man why do you stay at home? move out, get your own place, party any time you want. why let him rule you?
princemalik:  I don't really have a job right now, I couldn't afford living on my own anyway.
princemalik: he's not too bad
mkarim: if you say so
mkarim: I gotta get going. rehearsal. i'll talk to you later, prince lol
princemalik: alright lol see ya
princemalik:  you up yet?  How did your rehearsal go?
mkarim: hey sorry I hardly go on the chats here
mkarim: jon keeps bugging me about everything hes really annoying lol
mkarim: you can text me though that might be easier?
princemalik: yeah absolutely just send me you number
mkarim:  5552814
Hey it's the king.  So how was rehearsal, you go to any wild parties?
the king huh lol it was fine, just practicing for friday. probably having an after party then we'll see we'll see ;)
Hey, I didn't name myself lol.  Nice, have fun.  I'm going out Friday night too, it's not gonna be anywhere near as wild as your party though I'm sure.
whats your sisters name I bet its like Amira or something lol. you gonna party or got a hot date?
No lol it's Ishizu.  Just clubbing with some friends, I'm not really dating anyone right now.  What about you, you got a girlfriend or something?
or something. nah not really with anyone now.
so I listened to a few more of your songs on your yt, you've got good chords man. i'm still reeling that you put all that together by yourself.
That means a lot, especially from someone with as much experience as you, thank you.  Hey, if you ever need some guest vocals you know who to call lol
haha yeah if you ever flew to LA to sing. wouldn't be bad though we all suck, we could use someone like you. shame. what do you play most?
Mostly just sing, keyboard.  I started learning guitar years ago but I'm kind of a wuss with my hands I hate he callouses lol. What do you play?
lol aw the poor royal hands. I love guitar, i play bass mostly though.
Got the short end of the stick huh?   You're really good at the vocals too, you have a good voice for it.  You could be lead if you wanted to.
nah i don't think ive got the right stage presence for lead or something. i like bass its ok
That's something you learn, though, right?  You seemed to handle yourself pretty well in those videos.
ahh you watched those eh yeah they're kind nsfw I guess but so are the songs
Yeah they were really good though, you're very good looking.
ahahahaa thanks. You make any videos?
What, of just me?  Nah, that's kind of weird and embarrassing lol.  Maybe if the whole band thing takes off we will.
nah do like acoustic stuff. Girls love that shit. Besides, if you're good looking too it'll get you more views
Do they? lol  Yeah, maybe I'll try it.  Something with my keyboard, maybe.
yeah and then link me. That's not weird to ask right lol
Nah it's only fair I guess.  I'll have to borrow my father's camera no way my phone is gonna do it.
lol okay well good luck with that I look forward to it
Did you still wanna see that video?  I'm kinda nervous about posting it honestly.
what video?
oh yeahhh oh yeah send it over
I sent the link in our chat.  Promise not to laugh too much.
i promise
damn thats good man.
i mean it sounds as good the camera allows but you look great too man lol your views will definitely skyrocket if you post that
Oh wow thanks lol.  Yeah I think I'm gonna do it.  May as well start getting myself out there, y'know?
you absolutely should. i swear its a lot easier to get noticed here though i think, like we've only been playing a year maybe and we're growing fast. it's just LA
A year??  That's so fast.  Man I've gotta get out there some day.
you sure do. how was your weekend?
Boring.  I spent most of it helping my father clean out the garage, wrote some new stuff.  What did you do, Mr. Rockstar?
lol what happened to that party you were going to? i went out man I don't even remember what I did last night we got so fucked
I didn't end up going we'll probably go this weekend instead.  Actually I might have some friends over Tuesday while my father's out of town.  It must've been a lot of fun then lol.
that sucks. sounds like a shitty weekend. does your sister live at home with you guys i can't remember if you told me
Yeah, I did she does.  If I'm extra nice to her she won't tell on me lol
lol better start doing her chores then. you wanna show me some of your new stuff? do you start with lyrics or music?
I already did her laundry today lol.  Sure, how do you want me to show you?  I always start with the lyrics, it helps me get an idea of where I'm going.  You write any of the stuff for your band?
yeah some of the lyrics but the lead does most of the music, he's just got an ear for it. whatever is easier for you, depends on how much you have I guess? we can call if it helps.
Not too much, its mostly bits and pieces.  Yeah we can call if you want that would be cool.
Alright give me a sec
[Incoming call: Karim]
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eagleslouis · 7 years
this is an anons larry break up theory and its long so im putting it under a cut jskdkkc
Anonymous said: Hey I saw you were doing timelines so I thought Id send you my take: So I think Larry were v tghtr, (like not the BL fantasy where the only fight was over who loves who The Mostest! I think u can see there were issues - like those larry stylinson triangle vids did catch some early truths imo- but they were truly madly deeply In Love) until TIU promo season. ¼  
2/4 And then I think at TIU promo you can start to see the cracks - I reckon H was being courted heavily by HW from the time the rushes of ‘This Is Harry’ were floating around. Plus I believe Azoff senior has been in the picture for longer than most think and far from being an enemy of OT, prob had a hand in the US mkting since early on. The Kdash connections start very early. But I think they really started their push for Holo, summer 13- and I think Pa*ge was Jefe first set up. I also think H
¾ was cagey as fuck and kept Pa*ge and all the solo offers and meetings 'close too his chest’ and hence Figi and what happened to L after the Haige picture came out. So I think late 2013 was v rocky and then they tried to spend new years tghtr but H spent the whole time networking and still being real evasive about his intentions, so L bailed and they were deadass on a break til April/May 14. Also with band stuff I think there were crisis meetings. They were so tense and off at the Brits
4/4 that it sent the break up rumours into overdrive and then there were those meetings in LA and that nasty Azoff and her #TeamHarry shit stirring. But in the end obv they sorted things. I think from May to Four promo they were more solid than ever but then BS 2.0 and my headcannon is that something happened with Zourry then that just set everything since in train. The change in Harry is from then and idk what it was whether it was Zouis not trusting Azoffs and not wanting to follow their plans
5/yikes!sorry! Or if H felt embarassed by BS2.0 ( I do think he has a v fragile ego)Anyway I think there were plenty of people just waiting on a chance to seperate H from the others and they seized the day. As for everything since Jan 2015 im a big ??? Every theory I come with Im like, but whatabout? All I know for sure is Azoffs are manipulative pieces of shit, H sold his soul for ½ Zs sales and Ls been through hell but still looks healthier than the real dark days of 2014 .
tbh i dont agree with most of this. but it actually is really interesting and like, i dont think they were really broken up at that point like you, but i do think harry started to change at that point. i cant see them being broken up in 2013 purely for the reason that harry would always like, subtly allude to them as a couple, y’know (with the still the one stuff). and the triangle videos i know.. i think about that a lot but i dont think those are like an accurate representation idk, harrys always been like that really (doesnt mean its good!). thinking about it, like, i dont know if i agree, but the azoffs being bts for longer than we know makes sense. especially with his promo now, like, the haige stunt fits, y’know. the kdash ehhh i dont know. but the wanting harry solo in 2013 i absolutely absolutely agree. i dont even think its a question. most of the gp could him wanting to be solo, and he was doing a ton of solo writing and recording in 2013 too like. and then he said they should take a break in late 2014, right? obviously he had to think about that for a while so at least in early-mid 2014. its possible they were on a break idk but i know louis’ behavior was really really bothersome. thats why i think like.. harry changed around this time and louis got pissed i guess. so i guess they did take a break? but if anything i dont think they took a break until like late july-august 2014. but the crisis meetings i AGREE so much. like theres so much unexplained stuff about concerts and during tour and award shows like if hl were tense it literally can only be explained by them being a couple having issues, y’know. i agree with that. obviously i disagree with where you think they were the most solid.. i think thats where they were either broken up or leading to being. bs 2.0 kinda confuses me because i can totally see that causing issues, but then louis got the dagger like two weeks later so??? i think they broke up sometime in december i think. rip. but i do think zayn caused issues with them.. since the very beginning. harrys jealousy, zayn leaving and allegedly wanting to bring louis, etc etc. and yeah the last part about ??? i know. its because everythings behind the scenes and like no one truly knows. it makes me head hurt. thats why i find it easiest to like.. say harry led louis on in 2015.. because personally i can see him doing that because of his ‘new’ personality and like who he is surrounded by. but it also explains a lot imo. and the last sentence i TRULY KNOW. like. louis is much much much better off.. even with all the awful shit thats happened to him lately, hes still not SO stressed, you know what i mean? im happy for him and i just want the best for him. and the azoffs and harry can just have fun dreaming of what they could be i guess.
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