dreamperson-poll · 1 year
match #8
Stegosaurus Man dreamed by @doodlecat2000
a really fat man in a stegosaurus onesie that steals bread
Kanaya Cosplayer gf dreamed by anonymous
She cosplayed Kanaya and she was my gf.
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hello i would like to see your list of Characters Who Might Die from the fitz ask if you dont mind :)
Ooh yes I would love to list the Characters Who Might Die :D
tw for death obviously and going under a cut for space
So most book series in which characters die have The Big Death. How I've found it usually goes is that several minor/secondary characters die along the way, a couple per book, then a LOT of secondary characters die in the final book, along with The Big Death- a major character- like the love interest, best friend or parent of some sort, or even the protagonist (looking at you Veronica Roth). KOTLC is following that rule to some extent. There have been several deaths but none that were too incredibly devastating. It is a middle-grade series, and there hasn't been a character death in every book, so I'm guessing there won't be as many deaths in the finale. But there will probably be a couple along with The Big Death. And I have several ideas on who that may be.
Okay so this will be in most likely to least likely (excluding villains- I highly doubt either Fintan or Gisela will end the series alive)
Lord Cassius. Honestly, I debated a lot on whether I should put him in the "good character" category because I despise that man. But out of everyone in KOTLC that isn't directly evil, I think he is the most likely to die. He might not be The Big Death, especially if anyone else on this list dies, but it's still worth noting. Gisela will probably go after Keefe once she realizes he's not going along with her plan, and Lord Cassius will die saving his life. They'll have a super emotional father-son moment where Cassius says something like "I always loved you Keefe" and gets some inkling of a kind of redemption arc before he dies.
Oralie. She is the single most likely candidate for The Big Death, in my opinion. There's honestly been a lot of foreshadowing for her secretly being a really great fighter- "never underestimate the quiet beauties", and "I think you might be the strongest of all of us", among other things. I think she is going to jump in at the crucial moment and end up fighting someone- likely Sophie's father if I'm right and he's a part of the Neverseen- to save Sophie. OR, for an extra dose of angst, I've had the idea lately that she might die to save Keefe, actually, not Sophie. She'll see Sophie and Keefe's relationship and realize how similar it is to her relationship with Kenric, and end up dying to save him. There might be a line like "I couldn't save Kenric, but I can save you." And then of course there will be a heartbreaking scene as she's dying between her and Sophie where Sophie forgives her or something, and I will be sobbing buckets in my college dorm room.
Ro. You know that rule in the Spiderman movies that if a character says "With great power comes great responsibility" they're going to die? Well, KOTLC has its own version of that: all of the important characters that have died have given Sophie something before they died: Kenric gave her his cache (through Oralie but it still counts), Calla gave her the Panakes tree (the cure), Mr. Forkle gave her his Wanderling seed and his device for keeping important things. All of these things have had varying impacts on the plot, but all very important. And Ro gave Sophie her dagger, Hope. There's no way that this isn't going to be important (Chekhov's gun, anyone?). Ro's told Sophie how Keefe feels about her and given her something to fight with- so everything she was hiding has now been revealed. I think she's very likely to be The Big Death- Sophie and Keefe both care about her and she's the exact type of character to dive into danger to save these kids.
Tiergan. Honestly, he is the exact type of character who might die. He's just minor enough of a character that it wouldn't break the series, and just major enough of a character that he has The Big Death potential. He's always been there and has given a lot of crucial intel to the series but has never really been involved in a big battle that I remember (correct me if I'm wrong). And he's incredibly loyal to these kids- like 1/3 of the main kid group has been adopted by him. He could very easily die to protect them. And looking at the characters that have died so far- Kenric, Calla, Forkle 1- he would fit right in the mix.
Wylie. I have one main reason for this: He's the only member of the main kid group (besides Rayni but she's too recent of a character to kill off) that isn't technically a kid. Yes, there is one actual kid on this list, but I highly doubt that Shannon would kill too many literal children because she hasn't yet. Most of the kids are safe in my opinion (Dex, Keefe, Linh, Tam, etc.) besides the one mentioned below. Wylie, on the other hand, is 20, and close to a lot of the kid characters (Solreef family <3). Even though I don't want my boy to go through anything else... he might very well die for *angst* purposes.
Fitz. This would probably be the worst option on the list, especially if it's done to resolve the love triangle. But... I can see it happening. He's both smart and loyal, and he cares very deeply about his friends. There are several characters I can see him sacrificing himself for: Sophie, Keefe, Biana, Alden/Della. If it's done, I really hope it's not to resolve the love triangle and that he has some excellent development before it happens. Shannon is a good enough writer that she could make it absolutely devastating without having anything to do with the love triangle.
Lady Cadence. This is kind of a shot in the dark but it still has its merits: She's contributed enough to the story that it would be a major setback if she died, but that's precisely why I think Shannon might go in this direction. Like I said earlier, Shannon hasn't actually killed off too many characters. If Lady Cadence was The Big Death and not a more prevalent character, it would be in keeping with the death level in the rest of the series.
Livvy. Same reason as Lady Cadence: A good character whose death would be a setback but wouldn't ruin the plot.
Alden. I don't want those poor Vacker children to have to go through anything else, but once again, Alden might very well be The Big Death. I don't really have any specific reasons why, just a gut feeling. This is the least likely death on this list, but I think he's important enough of a character to several of the main cast that he might die as a sort of "apology" for all of the mistakes he's made.
Honorable mentions, or characters that might die without being The Big Death: Blur and/or Wraith, several of the Councillors, Trix, Woltzer/Lovise/Bo or another bodyguard
Sorry this turned out to be so long! I have a lot of things to say lol If anyone wants to know any more predictions/theories I have, just let me know!
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hello i brought up the terrible cultural representstion in keeper to my parents and they said it was probably the publisher pushing for it. dyou have any thoughts? you seemed like the best person to ask about this
I don't know if I'm the best person, but I can certain share some thoughts about it. I'm assuming by cultural representation you're referring to the lack of diverse characters--and subpar representation/inclusion of the few characters who are diverse? (this is a bit long, so warning)
While I doubt it was the only thing, it is likely publishing affected the diversity; this was a book pitched and sold in the early 2010s in an industry dominated by white women--I found an article from 2016 saying about 79% of publishing staff are white. The same survey in 2019 found 76% were white, so while I can't find one more recent at the moment, it's safe to say it's still a very white-dominated industry.
Keeper is published by Simon & Schuster, and I found a few various sources talking about them, but nothing significant enough to override what I've already cited (which applies to them as well). You can check out this site citing a few employee statistics about them, if you're curious.
If you look through the people Shannon thanks in the acknowledgments of her books--Like Laura Rennert, Lara Perkins, Taryn Fagerness, etc.--the people she's working with and surrounded by appear to be predominantly white women (though I didn't look up every single name, and I'm specifically focusing on book 1 right now), and the thing about agents and editors and all the like is that they'll be much more incentivized to work with/sell/buy a book that they connect to emotionally, which in this case is white stories.
The same applies to authors, which I think is another aspect of the supbar diveristy. Shannon's--as far as I know--an abled allocishet non-hispanic white American woman. Authors like to write stories they connect to and see themselves in (which isn't inherently a bad thing), and for her that means stories with straight, cis, abled white characters and heavy American influence. And this story is scouted and enjoyed by white agents/editors/publishers/etc. (I don't know enough about them to truly discuss their identities, I'm coming to conclusions based on suggestive evidence, but may be wrong).
I can't tell you what's going on in their heads, but it's entirely possible that the lack of diversity wasn't a conscious choice, but rather something that none of them prioritized or noticed. Publishers appear to have some sort of diversity "quota" as well, not going beyond it. This opinion piece briefly mentions it amongst the rest of its discussion, how white publishers at Simon & Schuster questioned whether they needed to bid to publish a black author when they already had another. This is, however, one anecdotal instance and may not be representative. My point in including it is to be aware of what the scene may be and how, even though Shannon is white and therefore more likely to be published, a story with increased diversity may not be seen as necessary or be pushed for. Instead, the diversity in their company can come from other authors. So unless Shannon makes that conscious effort herself, she won't be punished for the lack.
That all discusses this from the perspective of including diversity. There's also the matter of the diversity that is there, which has been dissected and commented on by people far more knowledgeable than me. The two are related, and there are likely similar causes.
Once again, Shannon doesn't have the personal experience or knowledge of the various characters/backgrounds she includes. And her editors/publishers likely don't either, which may explain in part what we see in the books. I don't know whether keeper has sensitivity readers or not, but if there aren't any that could also contribute.
Improvements have been made with time--there are more characters of color than when we started--but that doesn't make these improvements without fault. So I think she is making an effort, but it's falling short. And if the prior observation about how they can meet their diversity quota with other authors continues here, there may not be significant push from her publishers/editors etc. to truly focus on quality diverse representation. They're committed to her story at this point and won't stop her, but they don't need her to do much, perhaps? And Shannon has, to an extent, backed herself into a corner because so much of her story was established without diversity early on, and there's only so much she can add later--we see now how the cast is started to get very crowded and complicated with all its additions, and her focus is on Sophie regardless.
There's a lot going on and I'm only touching the tip of the iceberg--and I am not an expert or professional of any kind, so take my observations and hypotheses with a grain of salt--but based on what i know, publishers likely do play a factor. But Shannon herself plays a role as well; the fact of the matter is the story she wrote isn't very diverse. And it was appealing to certain publishers, because the industry is abled straight white woman dominated. So there is a lack of representation, and the representation there feeds into stereotypes and generally isn't good.
No one cause can be blamed, but instead the intersection of various reasons contribute to the diversity issues--that's my conclusion, but don't just take it from me. Think about it for yourself and listen to others as well. I don't quite know where I'm going with all this, but hopefully some of this satisfies your questioning
If not or if anyone would like to discuss it further--including correcting me on anything I may have missed or insensitively said--my inbox is always open.
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heyo :) am i the only one who has submitted anyone from Keeper of the Lost Cities? pretty small fandom but i'm just curious
I feel mean saying it, but it has just been you so far 😭 rally the troops for Sophie and Keefe!!
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linh-song · 1 year
my boy (taken from lodestar)
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(this. this is what did it for me. this quote specifically)
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synonymroll648 · 1 year
*stumbles through the doorway* is it true. was it you who came up with the four horsegirls' name
bro have i been prominent enough on keeperblr the past year or two that i have people coming into my inbox for lore now?? i'm honored
anyway. i have scoured through people's archives and the linh short story tag and it appears to be that it was actually coined here, which wasn't by me. in fact, i'm pretty sure in the survey s made on what ship name to give them i voted 'girlbossycule', not horsegirls of the apocalypse.
since i was around for this i know i should remember it clearly, but uh. nope. i didn't remember at all lmao
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squishmallow36 · 1 year
Go to bed brain *bonks with paper towel roll*
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fedex mermaid au comic, in which fitz eats a cupcake :DDD
taglist under cut
@kamikothe1and0lny @squishmallow36 @s0larismoon @doodlecat2000 @crystalclearsky4 @sunsplatteredfeathers
did you guys change your urls or smth ;-;
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anomanxious · 1 year
keefe sencen is really, so rapunzel coded
Ty @doodlecat2000 you are such a slay boss
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dreamperson-poll · 11 months
match #80
Target™️ Dragon dreamed by @doodlecat2000
black and purple dragon. speaks english. has an evil nemesis dragon who's green but never i never actually see what he looks like
Zero dreamed by @lavender---dragon
She’s a time traveler. She has no fashion sense. She doesn’t hesitate to walk directly into flames. Her name is literally Zero. She’s so cool. She’s a loser. I could go on
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marella (ask game)
My honest opinion of them: I'm pretty neutral about Marella, to be honest. I like her and all but I've never been obsessed with her. My favorite part about her is what she represents, if that makes any sense. I love the pyrokinesis ability and I remember being super happy when I saw that a good character was a pyrokinetic. Until she became one, only the villains were pyrokinetics. Sophie had never liked the ban on pyrokinesis, but when her friend became one, it became personal. So, I like the role Marella plays in the story a lot, and I find her entertaining, but I'm not obsessed with her.
Who (if anyone) I ship with them: Maybe this was a bad question for me to put since I'm not a huge shipper, but once again, I don't have anyone specific. There's a lot of people I can see ending up with Marella. I have always liked the idea of Marella and Dex together, but only if it's done well. I'd rather a character be happily single than in a sloppily written relationship.
And what I think will happen with them in the next book(s): I absolutely think that her training with Fintan is going to come into play. She'll manage to weasel some information out of him that is going to be a gamechanger. I also think Fintan will try to recruit her to join his side, but fail. There's going to be a moment in a battle or whatnot when he's like, "join my side fire child" and she has a moment when she contemplates it, being mad at the Council and all, but realizes that the Neverseen's way isn't the best way to make change and turns on him. She's probably also going to help end the stigma against pyrokinesis and maybe in the future end up as a Mentor for other young pyrokinetics.
Send me any KOTLC character for the ask game!
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hello! this is my event for reaching 0.3k followers <3 this is open to everyone and anyone, i only ask that you send one request for each event, send them separately, and be nice! this event will start march 17th and end march 24th. have fun!
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there’s a different paths! which one should we take?
✾ the light path, filled with animals — tell me some of your favourite things and i’ll recommend you a song from my playlist!
❁ the dark path, muddy and in ruins — give me an aesthetic and i’ll make you an outfit!
✿ the labyrinth path, with enough twists and turns to drive you insane — give me a fandom and tell me about yourself, and i’ll ship you with a character (must include gender preference)!
❃ the golden path, warm and shiney — give me a song and i’ll tell you my favourite lyric!
✤ the mystery path, foggy and cold — give me a two characters and i’ll write headcanons about what they’d be like as friends!
the path leads us to one of my favourite fictional worlds! quick, which one do we go to?
✧ neverland — send me a link to one of your fics and let me obsess over it!
🗡 camelot — (close mutuals only) send me this and i’ll assign you one of my favourite characters from my childhood!
🌳 sherwood forest — give me a fandom and a brief description of your personality and i’ll tell you what the characters would think of you!
🐇 wonderland — (mutuals only) send me this and i’ll assign you one of my favourite paintings!
👠 the land of oz — give me a movie and i’ll tell you my favourite scene, character, and quote!
one of my favourite characters from these worlds offers to let us stay forever, who’s hand do you take?
♡ wendy darling — give me a character and i’ll write some headcanons for them!
♥ sir lancelot — give me a character and i’ll tell you what kind of date theyd take you on!
❥ maid marian — talk to me! tell me anything you want :))
۵ mad hatter — tumblr games! (cym, would you rather, etc!
❦ the tinman — (mutuals only) send me this and i’ll assign you one of my insane obscure favourite characters!
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tagging some lovely moots &lt;3 - @presidentroarie @seulgibabes @juneberrie @sw34terw34ther @sophierequests @tw-5 @doodlecat2000 @starlit-epiphany @orange-juice-glass @su-alteza-emia @innerloverpainter @sluggmuffin @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @literaturewithliz @madwickedawesome @rainy-nights-and-fairy-lights @space-age-bingus-man @luckynature @moonlarked @nutellani @mira-likes-moths @nyxxxxxxxx @it-be-me-ella @woahlifehitsyahuh @plantbasedvampire
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I collect tongue-twisters along the seashore, but don't you dare put me in a bucket! I'm not a fish! I don't have Fins!
One day, I set sail on a ship all alone. It was a very lonely path - an unpopular ship - but then one day, I got a crewmate. My crewmate was a great writer, and wrote books about our journey.
I made friends with the creatures in the sea, some of which had very strange names. With one of them, I had to communicate vocally, because you see, she was Never seen. Another had hair of the finest flame - or so she claimed. A third contradicted herself in her own name (hot, yet full of snow).
-That Anon
P.S. Have fun, Sherlocks and Watsons >:D
well would you look at that i’m apart of the club, im gonna take that first line as meaning you are not fin and with Rivers list narrowed down considerably i think know who you are
ship is definitely a kotlc ship, and unpopular ship, you got a cremate along the way, who is a great writer,
now what ship could it be?
the first person you sent your ask to was River and she’s a great writer, the only rare pair she ships is stinex, who was written a novel length fic about Stina and Dex.
idk who the Never seen friend is but “another had hair of the finest flame or so she claimed” is definitely me as i’m trying to gaslight the entire fandom about my natural hair color. now that last one “a third contracted herself in her own name” now i’m gonna have to guess (Holli)
now taking into account speech patterns of the people on rivers list and in your asks along with the information above and the fact that there is one person who sends river more asks than i do
my best guess is that you are @stopstealingtomatoes
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ilovebylersblog · 1 year
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i got the same @doodlecat2000
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camelspit · 1 year
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Flori by @doodlecat2000
Nubiti by @purplesoup-lad-le
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stars-and-birds · 1 year
✨ Wip Wednesday ✨
Tagged by no one but it’s Wednesday and I want to talk about my wips. So add one or two pieces of art, an upcoming fic excerpt, anything and tag some people to do the same :)))
twaf chapter three (huntlow):
But he’s been so different lately, that it’s nearly impossible to blissfully look past. At first, he seemed happier. Willow had been there for a day before Hunter had started smiling widely and laughing. Lilith doesn’t think she’s seen him act like this ever. His general mood had been brighter. Which is annoying. It reminds her too much of herself at his age, with her friends… and not only that, it distracts Hunter from his studies. Willow is like Steve in the sense she tried to make the usual heavy atmosphere of studying lighter, goofing off to entertain Hunter. Lilith would’ve expected the prince to be annoyed, even to call for her replacement, but the cheery knight seems to bring out a different, toothy-smiling side of the blond boy. It doesn’t baffle Lilith. But it annoys her. 
Ronance wip:
Robin knows, eventually, she’ll have to tell Nancy how she feels. It’s not fair to the other girl to keep this from her, to pretend to share the entirely platonic feelings when Nancy asks Robin to share the bed during nightmare-haunted nights, when their fingers intertwine reassuringly when Robin has a panic attack.  If she tells Nancy, Robin will lose those sacred moments together. And even if she isn’t totally creeped out and disgusted, Nancy, being Nancy, is way too nice and would probably consider the acts of mutual assurance as toying with Robin’s feelings. Like Nancy is leading Robin on.  (Dimly, Robin knows fake-future Nancy is right) So Robin pretends. 
Tagging (no pressure): @el-fandom-birb @nobodywhoishere @fluorescent-star-stickers @chaoticnerdsstuff @angelcloves @discogirlirl @fairytales-and-folklore @bloodied-dagger @icanmakewords @ryderdire @presidentroarie @pimplepogue@doodlecat2000 @queer-wlw-fanatic @haystarlight @eurydiceslove@ anyone else who wants to/I forgot :D
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