#dool answers
daily-ethoslab · 5 months
An Etho a day keeps Joel aware
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I made this gif just for this ask
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iknaenmal · 2 years
it's the Goosebump Opening but in the style of megalovania!
I have no idea what goosebump is let me google it real fast.. OH ITS A MOVIE. okay yeah this is funny 👍
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justjensenanddean · 1 year
Jensen Ackles Solo Panel | JIBCon 2023 (June 17, 2023)
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Jensen was headbanging to Smells Like Teen Spirit with Jason, then mentioned that he has that "writer‘s strike hair flow". (x)
jensen will be at the monday concert (x)
‘Take the guitar away, I’ll just sing on Monday!’ (x)
Monday‘s band will be called "No Rob". (x)
Jensen has always wanted to go to Brazil. But when he finally got there, they had so much work to do that he had to stay in the hotel and he never left. He didn’t get to meet locals or see anything. In his mind he hasn’t been there yet. (x)
His prep for Beau Arlen & Ben? Since he didn’t have the history he had with Dean, he had to dig into personal feelings. (x)
Jensen has a major short term memory to learn lines but his long term memory isn’t as good. He has intense scenes and then purges the feelings. (x)
As Beau, he took what he’d feel if the things were happening to his daughter and then tailored it a bit. A lot of Dean was him. As Soldier Boy, for the scene with Butcher about his dad, he dove into Dean and John, because he has a good relationship with his dad. (x)
And in the end he just pretended. Some people can do it and some can’t. Some can paint, some can write, some can do Math. He can’t draw a stick figure, but he can *play* (x)
Dean and Soldier Boy were both just looking for their father’s approval. Jensen jokes that he wondered if he was being type cast. Ben had an opportunity to make it better with his son & grandson, but in the end he reverted back to his DNA. (x)
jensen said that for emotional scene he filmed for soldier boy (about soldier boy's father) he leaned into dean's relationship with john (because jensen has good rs with his own father) (x) he joked about getting type casted for characters with basically daddy issues (x)
Jensen and Jared have both been invited to Hot Ones and wanted to do it years ago, but they couldn’t work it out. And now they have stars so big, he probably won’t get invited anymore. (x)
someone asked about the rumors about batman and jensen was like “i don’t know” “even i know about it i’m not telling you” and he started laugh. (x)
What about being in a top 3 list to play Batman? He doesn’t know, but even if he would know, he wouldn’t tell us. Could he do it? Sure. Does he want to? Yes. (x)
‘When I’m Batman, does my voice have to be… much different?’ (x)
Musical interruption. Jensen is confused and wants to keep answering questions. (x)
The music indicated that he had to spin the wheel. It lands on “drink” and he hugs the wheel, “it’s like it knows me”. He doesn’t actually pour one though but goes back to answering. (x)
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There were many scenes surrounding the Impala where Jensen had to become Dean and he’d yell at the team when they were driving it or when Jared banged against the car or fart in it. “Not on the seat, she’s been through enough.” So he knew he had to own the car. (x)
One of his old friends got offered Eric Brady on DooL and he called Jensen before accepting. Jensen said “great, knock it out of the park.” (x)
Apparently Mr Rhodes, his first job, was a multicamera sitcom. It was the best schedule he’s been on so far. Soap Opera is next because they have 40+ actors. They will shoot all 80 pages his character has consecutively, shoot an hour or two. They produce one episode in 1hr (x)
You start by 9 am and get a few short breaks, end of the day, 7:30 pm, 80 pages done and he can go home. Daytime actors don’t get enough credit for having to jam in so much story in a short time. On The Boys they get 15 days for 1 episode. (8 on SPN). (x)
One of the actresses on DooL told him first day „hit your mark, say your lines, stay out of my light“. He said „yes ma’am“, earned her respect and she took care of him big time later. (x)
When he went to lunch with Alison Sweeney, who played his evil twin sister, she got heckled and Jensen defended her immediately. She told him to stop because if people hate her, that means she‘s doing her job. (x)
Rich tells us that Jensen is a sitcom and he has his own catchphrase. He plays Jensen entering the set at morning or any room late. "What are we doing?" He has developed a special greeting with Richard out of it. (x)
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Jensen spend several birthdays in Brad Creasser‘s house, with his wife cooking him dinner. He‘s a good friend of Richard‘s too. Rich acts out a scene on set one day and Jensen is in tears. (x)
When Jensen walked on set of Big Sky, he also went "What are we doing?" Nobody answered, so he repeated it louder. (x)
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Summary: A old friend of Austin's and a little green eyed monster decide to fourth wheel on a date. Contents: Mild Angst. Jealous reader. Fluffy ending. Mentions and allusions to sex. A/N: Hello my lovelies and those of us still here lol. I've missed you and I hope you enjoy this installment of DOOL.
Paring: Austin Butler x Black Reader
P.S Everyone feel free to comment, send more prompts, and reblog! Much Love *hugs* Tags: @purejasmine, @wacoshuffle, @lousiejoy86
“ You do know that it's my turn to pick the movie tonight, right? “ Austin reminded and took a sip of his coffee while walking along the sidewalk.
Face frowning you said, “ Are you sure? Because I’m almost positive that it was your turn last? Didn’t we watch some Chris Nolan movie? I think the new one with Denzel Washington’s son, right?” You recall,  looking around at the rest of the people passing by.
Austin’s lips upturned in amusement, “ Nope. That was the time before, baby. And, yes, the movie was called Tenet. You’d remember that had you not fallen asleep the first twenty minutes of the movie and made me watch it by myself.” 
Blushing at the way he called you out, you attempted to defend yourself, “ First off, I didn’t remember the name of it because,  I just simply  didn’t remember the name of it. “ You sassed making Austin laugh.
“ And second, it wasn’t like I fell asleep on purpose. I was TIRED. “ You threw up the hand that was holding your chai tea, “ Plus, as I recall, buddy. The reason I was so tired that night in the first place was because YOU decided to break my back in like a glowstick prior to the movie! And then had the audacity to expect me to stay awake. PSSH.” You blew air.
By now Austin was laughing and blushing at your comeback while remembering all too well how he had bent you over the arm of your living room couch the moment he’d walked in, and did in-fact break your back in like a glowstick.
“ Okay, Alright. I..guess…that time was understandable because I did wear your little ass out beforehand.” He said, making you roll your eyes at his cocky nature, “ BUT! What’s your excuse for all the other times you’ve fallen asleep on my movies, because I don’t always put it on you before we watch them.” He fired out.
Grinning because you knew he’d sorta had gotten you caught now, you resorted to doing the only thing you could think of to shift the heat away from you, “ So, are you going to attempt to crack my back in before the movie tonight, or will you give me a fighting chance to stay awake? ” You flirted and purposely batted your eyelashes at him.
Feeling apart of him jump at your question, Austin remained cool with his answer shrugging, “ Don’t know. It’ll depend on how I feel after seeing you bent over and twisted up after this yoga class.” He responded, shooting you a look. “ Plus don’t try and change the subject, baby. I’m picking.”
Heat began to pool at the surface of your cheeks, but they soon cooled down at the reminder of what you were about to do. Adjusting the mat stuck under your side you asked, “ Speaking of this yoga class, how intense is this about to be? Cause I’m rusty.“ 
Squeezing your hand in reassurance he brought it up to place a kiss to it, “ I signed us up for the intermediate, babe. So it’s just standard. I know you said you’d taken a couple of classes with Alex. So I thought starting at the normal pace would be good, okay.”  He looked at your face and saw a little bit of the worry fade, but he still knew you wouldn’t be 100% sure until you actually got in the class and saw for yourself.  
“ You just gotta trust me, babe. It’ll be okay. Okay? “ 
Hesitant, you nodded, “ Okay.” 
“  Yeah? “ He smiled, infecting you with his excitement when you could feel a mirroring one appear on your face. 
“ Yeah, Okay.” 
Once inside the yoga studio, Austin walked you around a little bit,  giving you a mini tour and pointing out little things of interest. 
This particular yoga studio was one he’d been coming to for a long time since he’d moved to LA. 
Looking around you tried your hardest to pay attention to the things your boyfriend was referring to when it came to the interior and the history behind certain figurines and patterns splashed against the wall. But, instead you unfortunately focused on gazing at the other women who too moved throughout the place.
Most of them were slimmer than you and were proudly showing off their yoga and pilates acquired abs by wearing super tight, expensive and shapely athleisure wear. Their pony tails wagged in the wind or claw clips bounced as they walked. All in all the majority of them looked like they either frequented the place or were naturally accustomed to climates like this. 
Unlike you, who felt like the sore thumb that was sticking out with your mini twists in a bun, black loose fitting Aaliyah shirt, black- white trimmed sweatpants, and a decent pair of older running NIKEs you forgot you’d had. 
Too busy caught up playing the comparison game, you were pulled away by the voice of Austin repeatedly alerting you that you’d reached your designated room. 
Entering, you took in the aura of the dimmed room of people, the smell of sandalwood wafting in the air, the cool chill of the perfectly air conditioned space.. Most of all though, you took in the way that one particular girl was eyeing you up and down as you let Austin lead to a spot in the middle left of the room.
Still hand and hand Austin guided you to where your reserved spot was while you continued to hold eye contact with the girl ever so often.
Stopping, Austin motioned to the floor with a smile and you dropped your mat to the floor.
The both of you crouched down next to each other, and you noticed how at ease the movement was for your boyfriend. All the recent training for Elvis had proven to make him quite flexible and mobile.
And you decided to tease him about it, “ Got them Megan Knees, babe. I see how fast you dropped it low. Real hot boy shit.”
Bashful and laughing at your antics, Austin playfully swatted at you, “ Shut it, and pay attention, you goof.” 
He hadn’t even gotten a chance to help you unroll your mat properly before a voice could be heard from behind you two.
“  Austin? Austin Bulter? Is that you?” It questioned.
Standing straight up and whirling around to see who it was, you were met with the woman who had in-fact been assessing you from across the room earlier when you’d arrived.
Up close now you could take her in better.
She was a petite woman with a sun kissed tan and thick black hair that spilled into a nice long ponytail. To the eye she looked to be nicely in shape and wore a black lulu lemon set that showed it off. 
Freckles adored her face and it could be seen that she had an array of tattoos scattered across her skin. Including a black makeup brush on her index finger that she was currently using to point at your boyfriend. 
“ I knew that was you.” She raved immediately going in for a hug. “ God! It’s been ages since I’ve seen you around. Where have you been? “ 
Austin looked to happily reciprocate the unexpected meeting by giving her a couple of pats on the back and pulling away with a somber smile.
“ Mack. What a surprise. Didn't expect to run into you here. You're back taking classes I see.” Austin noted. “ And I’ve been around. Working mostly and prepping for this new project. How about you? Staying busy? “ 
“ Oh man! That’s so dope. I had heard the news that you were playing King Creole himself but hadn’t gotten the chance to congratulate you. Don’t think I have your number anymore. 
But after a client from the set of my new gig reminded me of this place I decided to give yoga another shot. Though I started at another studio but then once she mentioned this one, I remembered it from when we used to come here.” She explained motioning to the matching black mat in hand. 
At the last statement you could feel your ears perk at the end part.
When we used to come here? As in her and Austin? 
Then your mind quickly drifted off to another lingering question that made you feel a bit queasy. 
Did they used to date? 
Feeling a bit small in the moment you decided to sneakily put some distance between Austin and yourself and instead chose to wrap your arms around your torso as a way of grounding.
“ Yeahhhh…” Austin dragged, “ Wow that’s cool. Glad you're enjoying yourself. I know this wasn’t always your first choice of hobby. But I’m glad you're giving it another chance.” He nodded.
“ Me too.”  Mack replied before focusing her attention directly to you, brightly smiling, “ And who might we have here? Someone else you're trying to convert to the dark arts of the zen life.“ She questioned.
Looking between you and Mack, Austin went to grab your hand that he thought would still be by his side, but slightly frowned to see your new position.
Quickly shaking it off he introduced you, “ I’m sorry. I’m being rude. Mack this is Y/N, my girlfriend. And Y/N this is Mack, an old friend of mine from when we worked on the same set a couple years back.” 
Putting on a level smile you reached out your hand for her to shake and took note of the very firm grip she had and how hard she shook it.
“ Awe, that's so sweet. I like that name! Y/N, very different. Nice to meet you! I just know this guy is treating you well. He treats everyone well.” She informed while never getting rid of the grin on her face. “ You excited about the class? “ 
Noticing the little hint to her voice at one comment, you began to feel super uncomfortable. 
Even still,  you tried your best to fake a smile and continue being cordial, “ That he does And yes, I’m pretty excited.” 
“ Good.” She nodded, “ I’m sure the saint here will teach you everything he knows. Awesome teacher.” 
“ Yeah, I-uh do my best. Definitely no saint though.” Austin interjected and rallied small laughs from around the poorly formed triangle. “ Barely know what I’m doing half the time myself. Just kinda go with it.” 
“ Could’ve fooled me.” Mack responded while looking at Austin with a tinge of something that anyone could have mistaken for flirting. 
When you looked at Austin with slightly raised eyebrows you could tell he was trying his best to end the conversation here since he’d maybe picked up too on some of the hints Mack was throwing out, “Hmm, but uh..it was good seeing you Mack. I hate that we couldn't catch up longer but I think the class is about to start and I need to get this one all set up.” He pushed, moving to wrap an arm around you.
He felt how you were a little rigid against his touch, and right there he could tell you were upset.
“  That’s cool. Oh, you’ll love it, Y/N “ Mack paused and then motioned to the little open space next to Austin’s mat. ”Is anyone set up next to you guys? Mind if I join?” 
Biting the inside of your cheek in agitation and looking to Austin with almost pleading eyes, you hoped to God he had an answer to give her in an attempt to make her go away.
 Looking between you and her in indecision he went, “ Go for it.”
“ Sick.” She nodded, dropping her mat to the floor. 
Looking on in disbelief, you weren’t sure if you should wait for an impractical joker to appear or keep going with the charade because you were almost positive you were about to be punked. 
Watching as she giggled and laughed with your boyfriend while unrolling her ALO mat, you pretended to be invested in the practice of setting up your own mat and then pre-stretches. When really you were working overtime to contain the feelings of anxiety and jealousy pitting within your chest.
Austin had just finished laughing at something the woman said before he turned to you, “ You got it babe, do you need me to help you? “ 
Not bothering to make eye contact, you simply responded, “ I’m good. I got it.” 
Hearing the very thin but still noticeable ice in your voice he moved to ask again, “ You sure. Because I c- ” 
“ I said I got it. Austin. Thanks, though.” You turned to stretch out your leg.
Skeptical but not getting another chance to ask, a bell chimed throughout the room which you could only assume was the signal that class had begun. 
Begrudgingly turning your attention to the instructor, you prepared yourself for the next hour and a half ahead of you.
And oh boy! What a hour and a half it was!
From Mack and Austin conversating beside you about memories and things from a time before you, to Mack whisper shouting over to you about certain positions she knew and how the class had changed, Austin each time politely nodding followed with a shush. 
Still Mack also formed a habit of engaging in giving you “ friendly critiquing “ .
“ Oh honey is that as far as you can go. You need to be a little lower than that for this one.” 
“ That looks good, Y/N. Maybe just try easing into the next pose a little lighter.”
“ Good form. Just remember to keep that tummy pushed in.” 
“ Awe Aus. She is such a newbie. So cute.” 
With these statements each time you had to remind yourself that, 1) This was supposed to be peaceful and if you blocked her out, maybe you could find some zen. And 2) You had to remember that this seemed like something important to Aus for you to try. So you were. Trying.
Trying to not collect your things and sashay out of the building to the closest Shake Shack in range, you continued to muddle through the rest of the class and let your loose running thoughts consume you. 
By the end of the class after enduring the awkwardness of Mack mixed with the feeling of frustration and embarrassment at not being able to stick some of the poses. 
You could tell you were about to leave feeling more wired than when you came in.
As everyone began wrapping up their mats and Mack had begun chitter chatting away to a clearly annoyed Austin, you took it as an opportunity to quickly gather your things and usher yourself out the room by swiftly telling Austin that you were hot and needed some air so you’d meet him outside of the building.
He didn’t have a chance to protest or for Mack to say her goodbyes as you Sonic the Hedge Hog’d your way out of the room. 
Upon painstakingly talking to Mack for all of twenty more minutes, Austin gathered his things and rushed out the studio to find you contently people watching on a bench.
Offering you a hand,  with a smile you politely declined citing that your hands were dirty and clammy from the floor. And instead the two of you walked in silence all the way to Austin’s car. 
“ So…” Austin attempted to speak over the sound of the radio’s hum, “ Were there any snacks that you might have wanted to pick up for tonight while we’re on the way?” 
This was not only a peace offering to whatever was making you upset, but it was also a test to see just how upset you were. 
Not bothering to turn your attention away from looking at the buildings and pedestrians passing by, you replied, “ I was actually thinking that maybe you could just drop me off at my place. I don’t think I feel that up to movie night anymore.” 
Austin frowned, “ Why? Are you alright? Do I need to stop and grab some type of medicine or something? I mean I have everything at my place. You don’t have to go home.” He offered. 
Still you didn’t budge, “ It’s fine. I’ll be okay at my place. We’ll have to see if we can do it another time, maybe.” 
Austin sighed and realized then that it was something physically wrong, but rather mentally something was bothering you. 
He could already guess what and recognize you were shutting down and pushing away. 
“ Then I guess I’ll just be by my lonesome tonight. Me and a pack of gummy bears watching some sad sci-if.” Austin mentioned your favorite movie candy in hopes to garner some reaction. 
And it did, just not the one he expected, 
“ Well. Maybe you don’t have to be. I’m sure if you called Mack she’d be more than happy for the two of you to hang out and share your bag of animal shaped fruit.” 
When Austin heard Mack’s name, your snarky comment about the gummy bear, and the tone of your statement, it revealed to him the key piece he needed to confirm his suspicions as to why the testy hermit next to him in the passenger seat had appeared.
Austin wasn’t dumb, nor was he completely oblivious. 
He had noticed the way you’d shrunk away from him in the studio after Mack’s unexpected arrival, the quietness and apprehension you’d shown him at his attempts to help you in class, and especially the way you high tailed it out of the building the minute the bell chimed that class was over. 
With all that concluded, he could confirm: 
You were jealous and you were a bit upset.
Next he carefully thought over his word choice before he spoke, “ I’m pretty sure Mack can manage to find some type of night of fun on her own.” He said, “ Plus, it’s movie night. And you already know I don’t hang out with anyone or go anywhere on movie night unless it’s with you.” 
You wouldn’t lie and say that a part of you wasn’t pleased to hear him say that, because you truly were. But even this set of reassuring words wasn’t enough to shake the feeling that Mack had been looking to Austin for much more than a nice conversation and brief trip down memory lane. 
“ Well I just figured since you and her looked like you had a lot to talk about. Maybe you’d enjoy catching up and hanging out. Having some fun. For old times sake.”  You quipped. 
Austin looked at y and smiled then simply went, “ Nope. Not really.” 
You still didn’t stray your eyes away from the scenery as a brief silent pause hung in the air before Austin spoke in an attempt to bite the bullet. 
“ Honey…” he started,” Why don’t you just save us both the trouble and just go ahead and ask me what’s really on your mind. Hmm?” 
You turned to him with wide eyes at the way he’d just effectively opened up the conversation. It was something you were still getting used to, how open he was with you. 
Blinking a few seconds and looking at him nodding and beckoning you on, you asked, 
“  Fine. Did you two used to be a thing? “ 
With the question he took a second to gather his thoughts, but with each passing millisecond it seemed to grind your teeth and twiddle your thumbs. 
“  Sorta…” He finally answered. 
Before you could voice for more information, he stuck up a hand to pre-silence you. 
“ And by sorta I mean that when we met on set Mack was new to town and didn't really have any friends. Both her parents are deceased and she had just broken up with her partner.” He explained. 
“ So once she became my makeup artist. We talked a little bit and she seemed nice. She was extremely chatty and wasn’t bad to talk to. “ 
“ I brought up how I was starting to go to yoga once and she then proceeded to invite herself to tag along. I never had the heart to tell her no.” 
“ So you were just friends? Or was it like a relationship? A fling…..? “ You grasp for clarification. 
“ More friendly than a fling. But It is true that we messed around a little during filming. It was only purely physical, though.” He answered honestly, “ I was fresh out of a relationship and didn’t really want anything too serious, Mackenzie was looking to have a little bit of fun too, so we’d do what we’d do after hours. But at all times we were aware that we weren’t serious. Our “ fling “ ended right around when filming did. We lost touch and today is the first time I’ve seen her since.”
You nodded, taking in all the information that you just had been given causing another awkward period of silence. 
After a second you took a breath and replied, “ Well, good I’m glad you two used to have fun at least. Seemed like you two were at least really good friends to each other when needed. So…that’s good…I guess.” You doubled back a bit in thought.  “ She seems…. special.” 
Trying to conceal the smirk of his lips, Austin responded, “ I think that Mackeznie is special when it comes to doing movie makeup and sorts, yes..” Austin said, “ But aside from that I can say that our…situationship I guess wasn’t super deep or anything.” 
“ I think at one point she wanted it to be special and more intimate but, like I said before, I wasn't really looking for that. And no matter how many attempts she made, I just didn’t want us to go outside the bounds of our agreement.” He furthered.
“ So, there were no romantic feelings involved? “ 
“ No.” Austin clarified, “ Not on my part. Maybe her at a time. And on a couple of instances she tried to spark something, but it never stuck.” 
“ And you never thought about it. Taking it to a more special place? Not even once? Even in passing? “ You questioned fully turning your body toward him now. 
He didn’t hesitate, “ No. Not once or any of the other fifty times.” 
“ As you could probably see, the girl also has a truly persistent spirit. “ He followed up. 
“ Yea..” You responded. 
With now knowing what you knew and reviewing the content, you concluded that you sounded ridiculous right now, but unfortunately it seemed like the little green eyed monster had overtaken you and you couldn’t help it.
You knew he was being honest with you. Especially for the simple fact that after all this time he’d never not been honest with you about anything you asked, so you were sure he wouldn’t now.
Clearing your throat a bit to hide how dry it’d gotten due to embarrassment, you said, “ Well thanks for being honest with me. And…” You sighed, “ I’m sorry for being a bit childish when I asked. It's not a sin to have a dating past and I’m surely not trying to crucify you for yours.” 
Nodding while pulling into the parking lot of your apartment complex, Austin stopped the car and killed the engine before turning to look at you. 
“As you like to say. First of all, you don’t have to thank me for being honest with you. I’ll always be honest with you, sweetheart. You gotta know that's a given.” He started looking you dead in the eyes.
“ And SECOND OFF.” He exaggerated as you both laughed, “ I wanna apologize for not being more direct with her earlier and not declining for her to intrude on our date. I didn’t mean to let that make you uncomfortable and I’m sorry you felt that way. I don’t ever want you to feel that way when we’re together.”. 
Leaning over so he could cup your face in his hands, he brushed one of your mini twists that had fallen out of your bun away from your face, 
“ With that being said, I wanna tell you that I love you. And that I’m really excited to be sharing a special place with you and only you.” 
Stomach fluttering and heart rate taking off. You opted to unbuckle your seat to move over and climb into his lap. Wrapping your arms around him, you took a second to take in his face. 
The pink of his lips and the way his little cupid’s bow curved.
The lightly scattered freckles along his cheek.
The blue of his eyes that swirled shades of cobalt and cerulean. 
And the sparkle of his smile.
All together made your heart swell.
Cupping his cheeks in your hands, you lean down to place a tender kiss to his lips that he eagerly reciprocates, returning the caress to your neck and chin.
You relished in the feeling of intimacy and love further supplied by every touch of his hand and fleeting breath passing along your lips. 
When you both pulled away, you exchanged a moment of unspoken words that said.
You’re special to me. 
You both smiled and continued to hold each other, until you separated and you found yourself back in your seat with a gooey feeling warming the bottom of your belly.
“ Now, we that have that cleared up. Let’s go and see if anything is up there you need before we head to my place.” He grinned, “ Because, baby. You’re coming home with me.” 
Your face lit up and the whole time all you could think was….how special of a man he was.
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apocalypse-shuffle · 2 years
“Stand Up On Your Toes” w/ BRUCE•W
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Bruce and you are in bed, your partner minimally damaged from his regularly scheduled nightly duties and for once in a long while in bed with you before four in the morning.
You were the only person who could get him to stay his behind home so it was an early night for you too. Normally you’d stay awake till two to monitor everyone before Alfred took over.
You are taking full advantage of said forced bedrest though. So while he’s pouting you’re cuddled up to him and scrolling through TikTok, cause why not? This specific challenge or whatever comes across your screen and you watch it in mild interest.
That is until you get to thinking. Could you do that? It wasn’t a move you pulled out because putting your hands on somebody's dirty floor was not it, but maybe you could do it just this once?
Plus you were in the manner, a speck of dust didn’t land on something for more than five seconds before Alfred was coming after it with extreme prejudice, so the floor definitely wasn’t dirty.
Decision made you climb out of bed. Now Bruce’s gaze had already deviated to you because you’d let the TikTok repeat for a while now but he doesn’t even bother to continue pretending like he was still looking at the notes from the last WE meeting he missed.
You turn the volume up and glance over to see your husband not at all hiding his interest, face open in question. You nod towards the phone.
“I can do that right?”
He hums and reaches over to look at your screen. “You're perfectly capable of a lot of things. I don’t-”
He gives the video a critical look for two beats. When he looks back up to answer his voice is tinged with amusement.
“Can you do this?”
You just grin up at him as Kevin Gates’ deep voice dools out instruction on top of the beat.
Bruce only looks more intrigued, face soft in a way it can’t be outside of the manor, as you bend forward at the waist with your legs spread apart.
“We’re about to find out.”
It would be kinda embarrassing if you face planted or something but you’d find a way to survive.
And Bruce wouldn’t dare laugh. Not where you could tell at least.
Okay, so maybe you can do it. Really well. And maybe - just maybe - you managed to pull a surprise Pikachu face out of Bruce. And maybe you disregarded a little bit of the “rest” part of “bedrest” afterwards. Who’s to say.
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NOTES: It’s short af, but hope you enjoyed!
Alright, so I didn’t get this out for January because I fell asleep so… I’m mostly just mad at myself but yeah. I know the trend I used is not a thing anymore but this is also kinda old, and I don’t really care.
Happy Black History Month!
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Stay Pt. 1
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Warnings: Nothing really explicit. Cheating. Infidelity. Bad marriage mentioned briefly. Relationship issues.
Summary: It's been a long time since Y/N felt this way.
Pairings: Dean x Y/N
Word Count: 416
A/N: This was written for @deanwanddamons Rock SPN Flash Fan Fic Challenge 3. I was given the song Run to You by Bryan Adams. I switched the roles in the song. Here, it's the woman who's unhappy in her relationship and desperate for someone else. But I feel like the sentiments are the same, and that it evokes the feeling of the song. 😊 Thanks for hosting this challenge once again, my dear! I love them!
A/N 2: This is a part one of a 5 part story. But this one part can also act as a stand alone drabble for the challenge. ❤️
Series Masterlist
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It started innocently. She never planned it. He was just so beautiful, and it had been so long since someone had looked at her that way. He smiled at her and she could see the wicked thoughts brewing behind his eyes.
His stunning emerald eyes.
He was an FBI agent asking questions about some murders that had taken place in the hotel she worked at. They'd been gruesome, and she'd been afraid to go back to work. Her husband ignored her and simply said she was being melodramatic.
But Dean assured her she wasn't.
"Nothin' wrong with some good, healthy fear. Keeps you sharp." He told her in his deep, gravelly voice. " Might save your life one day."
A few days later he showed up on her doorstep, reassuring her that he and his partner had caught the bad guy and she was safe. She was grateful and invited him in for a coffee before he headed back to D.C. She had no intentions of anything more.
Then he sat beside her on the couch, and he smelled so good, and instead of a suit this time, he was wearing jeans and a plaid flannel shirt over a t-shirt and under a green canvas jacket. It occurred to her that he was wearing far too many layers. She stood up, intending to take his jacket for him, and instead shocked herself by straddling his lap.
He stared up at her with surprise that quickly turned to heat; he hooked his thick fingers into her belt loops and tugged her forward so she was flush against him.
"You sure about this, sweetheart. I don't usually fool around with married women."
But even as he spoke, he moved his hand up under the hem of her t-shirt to run his big hand over her back. He unsnapped her bra effortlessly and she gasped and then bit into her lip, before answering breathlessly.
“I’m sure, I mean, I think I’m sure.”
His hands stilled immediately and he looked up at her intensely. “You need to decide, Y/N. Say the word and I’m gone.”
There were voices in her mind telling her that she was being immoral, that she was cheating, that no matter how awful her marriage had become, this was wrong. But they were drowned out by her screaming need for the man beneath her. She rolled her hips against him and her panties flooded at the harsh groan that left his sinful mouth.
“No, stay.”
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Tags below the cut:
1 - Jensen RPF + Any/All characters Jensen plays.
2 - Dean Winchester Fics Only.
3 - Any/All Fics (regardless of fandom/character.)
4 - Everything (includes fan vid/DOOL edits as well)
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hollyhomburg · 6 months
Wow the story is really getting wild. Are we going to get more combat scene betweem Joonie's pack and the Moon pack? Definitely want to see Jimin and the Moon girls in action.
hmmmmmm idk how to answer this ask without giving it away but...one packmate does get to dool some damage onto moonbyul....just one.... other than that their eventual confrontation will be mostly verbal
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blindrapture · 2 months
MONDAY JULY 11TH, 2011 (Sempiternity)
2:28 PM Ugh. Yeah, I guess I needed that rest. How long did I sleep? ..where's Donnie?
2:30 PM Downstairs now. The sky outside is blue. A crisp bright Georgia summer blue. This isn't real. Living room. My dad's on his laptop on the couch, typing away at his websites, his horse racing, his lists of movies. I can see through him at an empty dusty couch. The empty space where should just be wall displays a television, with a documentary playing that I'll never watch. Dad doesn't look at me. Because he's not real. He's a shadow. Now there are many shadows on the wall. They aren't connected to the Beast, the man on the corner, the Father my dad. My dad is just another remnant of the Musicians' powers working their way through my mind. I don't see them, and they might have gone on to torment someone else, but their effects linger. The shadows on the wall are different somehow. I think they're really there. They're humanoid and featureless, like Shadowclones but showing no sign of spontaneous reproduction. They are just.. there. Not laughing at me. They stand and sway gently, naturally. Like they were once human. I feel as if these are creatures I cannot name, but still there's a word in my head I can't trace the source of. The Victims. They know me. Something tells me I know them. They know my delusions all too well, and they have seen my nightmares. They live nightmares every day, trapped as eternal shadows. How did they become shadows? That's not clear to me, and they won't say. They can't say. They want to say, I feel as if they might reach out of the walls and grab me by the shoulders, scream the answer to me. But they won't, as they can't. They're shadows. Forever now. All they can do is shift along the walls of our disillusioned daydreams and pray we follow them down the rabbit hole.
2:35 PM They're coagulating around the door to the basement. Is that the rabbit hole? Down the stairs, into the darkness, open the Door, and let’s have a peek.
2:36 PM It’s a courtroom. Huh. Lots of creatures hustle to and fro, animals and man-sized insects, groups of what look like gingerbread men rushing past my feet, everyone has a place to go. Statues along the walls depict something complicated I don't have time to process, as "Mister Dooling?" huh. Someone in a tweed suit and a blindfold beckons me. Who are you? "Call me Sempi. I'm a friend of Father Tiresias. And right now, you very much need a friend." What's happening? "You're on trial." ...what's happening?? "We can't waste time, we've got to get inside."
2:39 PM We've sat down at a bench. This looks like an ordinary enough courtroom, although there's construction going on around the judge's seat. "The Judge wishes to see you." Alright, well, who's the judge? "The Judge is a Fear." A Fear in the rabbit holes? "You'll have time to wonder on the details later. I'm here to make sure you don't do anything stupid." Well. Okay. Thanks? Is he scary? "If you look directly at him, your eyeballs will melt." What? "Also, he knows everything about you. So don't lie." Okay... uh... Is there anything I need to do, in particular? Am I going to jail? "Just..." hand on my shoulder "Stay calm. Okay? Stick with that."
2:45 PM The jury are all Camper, complete with fleshy wings and long arms. The judge is not currently at the stand. The prosecution is just arriving. That. Is some kind of alien. Green, long neck, big black eyes, lots of arms. Sempi's telling me not to stare. Right. Sorry.
2:48 PM "Will everyone please rise for the formidable Judge?" I can hear some sort of noise coming from the judge’s seat that sounds like a cross between a bass guitar making distorted sweeps and the soft pitter-patter of raindrops. Or perhaps popcorn. But not that loud. ..rice krispies. I really want to look. A Camper looked. His eyes are now being coated in a skin-coloured substance. The substance slowly burns away, and now all that are left are empty eye sockets. Not even a scream.
2:49 PM "COURT IS IN SESSION." the voice is thundering and makes my bones twitch with odd high frequencies "I HAVE A LOT TO GO THROUGH TODAY, SO LET'S MAKE THIS AN EXPEDIENT ONE. THE DEFENDANT IS ONE JORDAN DOOLING. MISTER DOOLING, ARE YOU PRESENT AND OF STABLE MIND?" uh look at the ground Yes, sir. "THEN WE CAN BEGIN." my chair is raising, gotta look at the sides, look anywhere but at the judge "I UNDERSTAND THE DEFENDANT IS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM, AND HE ACCESSED THIS COURTROOM FROM GEORGIA, OR AS IT'S NOW CALLED, THE COUNTRY OF SOUTHERN GEORGIA. DID HE CROSS COUNTRIES LEGALLY?" sempi "Your Honor, Mister Dooling crossed in an authorized vessel piloted by a licensed captain. The documentation has been provided as page 4 of the defense's report." "...SO IT HAS. VERY GOOD." "Furthermore, starting on May 21st of 2011, Earth time, neither the United Kingdom nor the United States jurisdiction which became the country of Southern Georgia has retained their restrictions on human migration between nations." "A POLICY I DO NOT AGREE WITH BUT ACKNOWLEDGE. VERY GOOD. AND THEN HIS PRIOR ACTIVITIES ACROSS FRANCE AND SPAIN WILL HAVE FALLEN UNDER STANDARD EUROPEAN UNION FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT. VERY GOOD! HE'S PASSING ON MIGRATION. THE NEXT MATTER IS THE STATUTORY." "The defense raises that the defendant's background fails to meet the requirements necessary to warrant an inspection of Statutory Violations." "The prosecution concurs, Your Honor." "ALRIGHT THEN." awkward silence look at the jury ...I can hear that one's eyes still making little popping noises okay uh look at.. my shoes…
3:20 PM Sempi took me to the courthouse cafe and fed me. So, uh. "You're guilty." I am, but, like. There's no sentence. "Not as such, no. But the next time you see the Judge, you already have a record." Well. I can just avoid this court, right? "Can you avoid where you go here? Can you control your destinations in Xanadu?" Well. No! "Then you see the issue." But does he have jurisdiction? Isn't he in-- god, this is ridiculous, you see that, right? God, I haven't felt... like actually threatened by anything in such a long time. I feel like the gods are just fucking around. "Hm. Have you heard of the principle, 'Death By A Thousand Cuts?'" No, but that sounds self-explanatory. "You're still young. You have a lot to keep track of. You're bound to slip up somewhere." I guess. I dunno. I really thought destroying the God Machine was what I was supposed to do. "Did Tiresias tell you to do it?" Not.. in so many words. "He gave you a vague prophecy." Yes! Precisely. "That's him." Do you think he set me up? Or that I'm an idiot. "Tiresias wouldn't set you up. Not without a plan." You put a lot of trust in him. "I've known him for a long time." Arghh!!! I don't know. I don't know what any of this means. I don't understand what's happening. I've.. been asleep for so long. I've missed something important. I. Donnie. Mister Brown. Can I go home? Can I go back? "You're done with trial, you can go wherever you need." Okay. Well. Thank you, Sempi. It's been nice to meet you.
4:09 PM Came back to Earth, left the court the way I came in. Donnie was sitting in the driveway, watching the trees. She had no idea I'd even woken up. She says Mr. Brown left this morning. He had something he needed to do. Then, this afternoon, she saw a school bus drive by up the road. She thinks he went to confront Death. I. Dammit. I probably could have... stopped him? I probably could have at least talked to him. But I was asleep. And then I was... wasting time down in wherever the fuck. Donnie says she understands, but, I think she's getting a little sick of backing me up. She must be. So we're taking the car, we're getting the hell out of here. I've had enough of Georgia. I'm gonna drive, I'm gonna let Donnie sleep this time, I'm gonna take care of her. And we're heading for Nebraska. I'm gonna make things right. I'm gonna...
6:04 PM …I’m just gonna play some music, okay? Okay. There. Metallica. Death Magnetic. I’ve had this album in my head all day.
9:58 PM Donnie woke up. Says we should probably get some rest soon. Even though I’ve been asleep for days, I feel like that’s not a bad idea.
10:59 PM Stopping at this house here. Middle of nowhere. Just off the road.
11:02 PM ..there’s someone here. They’re running around back.
11:04 PM There’s a giant pond back here. I don’t see anyone nearboh. There’s someone crouching by the pond.
11:05 PM A giant tentacle is rising out of the pond. It’s grabbing the person and pulling them in. o_e;;
11:07 PM ..and the person is climbing back out of the pond. “Hello, Rael. Victoria.” Oh. Hi, EAT. o__o; "I hear you've been busy." We, um. We did a thing with a Cipher. "Yes. Would you allow me to read your journals?"
11:13 PM The Camper took my journal and skimmed through it. "Ah, so you've heard of my meeting with the government." Oh! Oh right, that was you! You're Salmacis! "The name made sense. I see you've also met the Archangel, the Musicians... Tiresias... and the Judge. You've met a lot now." A lot of them meet us, really… "You've made some questionable decisions in all this. I wouldn't advise making so many enemies." Well... ^^;; "But your work with the Ciphers is promising. That's the best lead so far." I was told I may have, um.. done something really bad? By destroying the God Machine? "You may have. Or you may have just attracted the wrong kind of attention, which would make sense if these Ciphers are the key to preventing the terminal coming of Rapture." But you don't want us making so many enemies? "As far as I see it, Rapture is already our enemy. And, furthermore, any wrench in the system will either help us, or at least teach us something about how our enemy works. So even if you fail catastrophically, you'll be doing the world a favor." Um. donnie "We'd rather not have to die." "Of course. In any case, your plan is to head further west?" Yeah. ...wait. ...should I have not shown you my journals? "It was, by all measures, another strange decision on your part. I thank you for trusting me, as I benefit from it, but should you trust me? I don't know how to answer that." donnie "Are you a threat to us? Are you going to hurt us?" "I have no reason to. You're just two additional bodies, and any knowledge I may gain from your brains generally already finds its way to me thanks to your indiscretion." Well. Thanks..? "Please. Now, I encourage your westward progress. There are still plenty of Doors, allowing search for the remaining Ciphers, and furthermore, you will end up near California." What's in California? "Someone else claiming to know you. It is primarily a trend of graffiti, all in the same hand, asking for your whereabouts by name. I have not yet seen the source of this. I can look into it further, if you wish?" Would. Would that trouble you? I'd appreciate the help. "I will look into it further." … "That's all." ...o_o
11:46 PM Uh. Yeah. We're driving on. The Camper was just.. standing there, by the pond, outside the house. We didn't want to sleep in that house. ...god, that was weird. God, today was weird. America, you're weird. Nebraska. California. Right. We can do this.
(Attached: “So there I was, far closer to the start of my long life, roaming some supermarket in Germany for food, looking for some more beer and hoping for mead, when I heard this weird noise from a few aisles down. Sounded like a church organ being hit with a train. Then there were slow steady footsteps, and out came an androgynous figure in plain clothes and a blindfold. This person called to me, asked if I was Tiresias. I quickly replied, --- Tiresias is dead. I’m Thoth. -- You’re still young... I am the Sempiternity. You don’t know me. --- I don’t, that’s right. Who are you? -- I am the Fear of forever. I’m looking to talk to whoever’s left on this planet. --- Well, civilization’s rebuilding all over; there are plenty of people left. -- I mean the Fears. What Fears are left? I paused to think for a bit. We hadn't used the 'Fear' moniker in quite some time. --- I know there’s the Musicians and Salmacis.. and the Omen, too. I think Red survived— that is, the Colour of Blood— though she probably went back to Tuonela. Sempiternity said, surprised, -- This is a small list. What about Death? Or the slender man? Surely one of the Brothers Sleep survived!
--- Death’s gone. Slendy too. I don’t know who the Brothers Sleep are. -- You really are still young, Thoth. This elicited a shrug from me. -- What about this planet, what happened that took such powerful beings? --- Rapture came. Sempiternity’s head fell into their hands. I put an arm around them and said I knew how they felt. A little while later, we walked together out of town, taking to the deserted forested streets. I talked about the apocalypse Earth faced two years prior, and Sempiternity told me about where they were from. -- I was a human once. It was too long ago, too far away. The Fears took me and tortured me, judged me, made me one of them. I was to live forever, they said. To be an immortal. That’s my only power, that’s all they did. I can’t die. I said it sounded awesome. -- I can still feel pain. I can still suffer. If I undergo too much pain, I go to sleep and wake up healed, my aching dulled, my wounds scarred. I stumbled and listened. -- It’s been so long since I was human. I don’t remember who I was, what my name was, what my life was. I don’t even remember if this was my universe. This is why I searched for Tiresias; I was hoping his library would hold my book. --- I understand. I’m sorry. -- He was my best friend. He walked down the road of aeons with me many times; he always said he’d show me his library some day, and we’d be able to look for my book together. --- Well, if you want, I can help you look for it. I’ve never stepped in his Peisistratos myself, though I know people who have. And I mean, it’s not like I’m doing much these days. I’ve been wandering ever since the world was saved. The Sempiternity gave a wide smile and held out a hand. -- Let’s shake on it, then. We’ll be new friends, and we’ll look for the Blind Man’s library. I took that hand and I shook it tightly, happy to help. Then we set off down another road towards new names and old faces.”)
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laf-outloud · 2 years
I hope you don't mind that you're the person I'm sharing my thoughts with on this and I know it's a few weeks later but I finally caught up with the con videos from CE Dallas. Not only did Jensen appear to be surprisingly arrogant in the gold panel but his demeanor completely changed in the main panel which I think is due to his folks being there. While displaying his public persona, answering people's questions, and entertaining the crowd is doing his job/being performative in and of itself, he almost seemed more performative in this one if that makes sense? Like his answer to this girl's question about finishing grad school:
While it's good advice, it felt as if it was something he was saying for his parents' benefit. I'm glad Jared was lightening it up with his funny reactions (Jared's presence really does balance things out). The whole cheering Jensen after he gave his first answer about putting your nose to the grindstone and doing the work was just absolutely cringe and you can tell those were the AA's in the room. You want to agree with what he said? That's fine. Clap then. Hooting and hollering like that was ridiculous. Then the yells once he mentions DOOL...these people know his parents are in the audience, come on. I think this AA shit is definitely what has gone to his head. And I think he's very aware of it, too. Like when that next to last person said they didn't care for Soldier Boy, he knew what the reaction would be from the other fans so he joked "I would just go out that exit behind you, don't even go back and sit down." Like, dude, that kind of reaction isn't healthy! While I get the joke he was making, it just pisses me off when he does crap like that because it only encourages the AA psychopathy (like that lady telling him she worships the ground he walks on before this question). While he seemed okay with her opinion (which he should be, he's an actor for crying out loud, his performances will always be critiqued and some may like them, some may not), instead of "leading by example" for the AA's, he negates her opinion with that shit. Him even making the joke about Jared having a stroke? Again, I get it, it's a joke, but didn't Rob, his buddy, have a stroke a few years ago? And I find it hysterical that it's okay that Deirdre Hall spoke to him like that but "Bitch Alba" was such a problem because she dared to call him "window dressing" which incidentally he joked about being that at this con. Not to say that there weren't problems on the Dark Angel set, we all know there was, but come on. We didn't hear him talk about Deirdre in a misogynistic manner like an overgrown frat boy and that probably was due to his parents being there and that he respects Deirdre but not Jessica (probably because she was younger than him) even though he claimed that he hung out with her and eventually got along with her and she even held him when he got the news that his grandfather passed.
This con was frustrating for me as far as Jensen was concerned. The last con before Dallas I enjoyed a lot better. He seemed happier and not as much of an arrogant douchebag as he was in his home state. I think I had a moment of "who the hell is this guy?" especially in the gold panel. His AA's have really turned me off to fandom and following any content of his on here and other social media platforms, and while he hasn't had the best year, I still was a fan following his work. But these days, especially after this con, The Winchesters (and the Golem incident & now Drake's confirmation of how The Winchesters is being written/conceived) & his response (or lack thereof) to the Atomic Heart controversy (dude, it literally takes two seconds to just be empathetic or have your team release a statement), it's getting harder and harder to continue being a fan of his. I'm just so very disappointed.
I don't give a shit that this guy is good looking or how much money he makes or what famous connections he has (according to him and AA's) or who he sleeps with on the regular. I care more about the work he puts out, the work he puts into each project (and ask him why the fuck the Winchesters even exists besides being an obvious cash grab and just what "multi-season idea" they had considering they literally started one year before Dean time travels and meets Mary back in the original show), and how he conducts himself as a public persona. And so far, on all three fronts, he's not only lowering the bar for himself, it also feels like he's completely checked out, mailing it in, and hoping to coast by on his name, fame, and looks. And he'll make up whatever difference by name dropping, relying on the AA's consistent (and disingenuous) praise & support of him (while also playing into their fantasies and purposely baiting them so they'll open up their wallets & continue adoring him from afar), letting his wife and Robbie run his legacy into the ground as long as they ride that cash cow to the finish line somehow, and snarking pettily (and unprofessionally) back at any form of legitimate criticism (the only reason he didn't snap at the girl who wasn't a fan of Soldier Boy is because his parents were in the room, guaranteed). Very, very disappointing.
Thank you for letting me get that off my chest.
Thank you for sharing, anon. I'm sorry you're feeling this way. It's hard to see a favorite actor make inexplicable decisions that are either heartless, or ego-driven and act like none of it matters. Especially since you seem to have really cared about him as a person (as opposed to AA's who see him as their self-insert blow-up doll, and are basically encouraged to do so.)
"I care more about the work he puts out, the work he puts into each project...and how he conducts himself as a public persona."
You've hit the nail on the head with this statement. Jensen talks about doing the hard work and being dedicated to the craft, but the results tell a completely opposite story of minimal care regarding TW and the SPN legacy (including his anemic SM promotion attempts), little research into the Atomic Heart ad, and what appears to be very little character work and consistency in his other roles. He talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk, so to say.
I could say more, but your post really outlined a lot of the issues reasonable fans of his are seeing and why so many are frustrated with Jensen. Hopefully, this is just a mid-life crisis bump in the road due to a lack of clear purpose in his career and Jensen can use this time as a learning experience to make better choices in the future.
Thank you again for sharing your thoughts, and feel free to do so anytime!
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
(1) Not really an ask, just a couple observations. You've spoken about Jensen and ad-libbing. I feel that early on in his career he relied heavily on his natural talent, and therefore learned some bad habits. At past cons Jensen has spoken about filming on DOOL where, due to the amount of material covered daily, they would have script pages/lines around the set to refer to and retakes were not done unless the error was egregious. Even after moving onto other projects Jensen may have relied on
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What a beautiful question. Thank you for asking. ♥️
Grab a tea or coffee or whatever drink you prefer and get comfy because this is going to be a long answer. ☕😂 I'm going to put it in a Read More link right after this gif. 🤠
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As far as Jensen is concerned, I see your point, on soaps they film a loooot of pages in one day, however, soap actors should be even more trained than regular actors and, in fact, ironically, most are. Why is this? Because they have to cry on cue within seconds, switch from bitch fights to tragedies to lovemaking to wedding to etc in one day (scenes aren't necessarily filmed in order), not only that, they have a big disadvantage, often times producers and writers don't let them know what will happen to the character or what the through line is until it's too late for them character and script analysis wise. Meaning, they have no proper information to fully build their character so they have to work ten times as hard. I know people like to mock soap actors but please know most are very well trained and they work in extremely hectic settings. Sorry for going off the subject, let's get back to Jensen.
While I do get that his tendency is to repeat what he did in the past, no actor that wants to grow uses the same methods of the past. There is no such thing as a stagnant actor and those who stagnate experience stagnation booking wise. Because acting is a rapidly evolving craft. Jensen lacks a proper actor's toolbox, he also lack something that is KEY: knowing how to fully analyze a script and a character. He often makes comments that show he does not study, get in touch with or understand the full dynamics of the story he is bringing to life, same goes for his character. He needs to learn to Sherlock Holmes the script to enrich his performances. ( Yes, that's an actual expression and Sherlock Holmesing the Text® was coined by Tim Philips, if you haven't read his book, I highly recommend it) Jensen also needs to understand that he is bringing to life a real human with a particular psychological make up, which means he should never play the idea of who that character is but rather find a way to recreate the character's core psychology. This is where an acting coach could help him with a few or constant private lessons until he learns to break down the script and character psychology on his own.
To give you an example, let's say you are playing a rap* victim, if you've never experienced that how can you live that state? You may have never experienced that but you have at some point experienced terror, deep pain, feeling violated to your core, PTSD and other states that match that experience. Based on that and based on the other elements of analysis you can meticulously organically trigger the psychology of that character and fully step into the role. There's are multiple techniques but they are divided into two types: Ones that center on using past experiences (which even Stanislavsky renounced because he noticed that negatively affecting the actors due to triggering deep traumas) or one that centers on Imagination (which is the safest and you can use the Alpha state, for example, to fully visualize the characters emotional life and experiences and step into all of that).
In order to know these things Jensen needs to do his due research. I have no doubt that he could be a breathtaking, dynamic, puts you on the edge of your seat actor if only he could take time to get in touch with his own craft. He still is in his own way but he could be so much more. So, for Jensen, I would recommend private lesson with an acting coach and, if needed, taking a script analysis class though should mention that most acting coaches have already incorporated script analysis within the techniques they developed so, if he finds a great coach, he most likely won't need to take script analysis class as said coach will walk him through it and give him the tools he needs to perform it on his own.
As for Jared, he does meticulously analyze both the script and his character. He also mentioned that, indeed, he reads the script in different contexts and moods and that's a very smart thing to do because it informs the scene, it also keeps him practicing different levels of his range. Sometimes written word may not immediately click despite script analysis until you try it from different perspectives and find what the writer was really going for so what Jared does is quite smart. I am sure he also switches objectives during rehearsal to see which works best. This is something a trained actor would do. If done right, every moment is lived as new with a different take and based on that he can then find the ideal tone for the scene. It gives him more control over his performance and it enriches the character's layers. That being said, you don't necessarily have to go through all of that to nail the scene dynamic but dedicated actors like to cover all of their bases.
In Jared's case, I think his block might be that he over rehearses precisely out of the need to cover all of his bases and, in doing so, he desensitizes himself and this results, sometimes, in a flat performance. So, for him, I would recommend doing exercises that focus on recreating the emotional make-up of the character and fully stepping into those emotions and riding them. For this he could create some Moment Before that supercharges him with the emotional state he needs for a scene or even an Emotional Diary and then let go and go into the scene riding those emotions. Because he works intelligently from his mind but he has a whole Universe inside and what a joy it would be to see him bring it out.
If he's in a rush then he can go straight to scene objective and a powerful substitution. Those are usually what you can go for if, for example, you have a super quick audition where they give you the sides on the spot and you only have a few minutes to learn them and create the character. Just walk into the scene with your scene objective and the appropriate substitution and fight to get what you want out of that substitution.
Also, there's not one right way to do things, it all depends on what works for each actor and the terms I used vary technique to technique but mostly refer to the very same thing.
I could have just written Jensen needs to learn how to analyze and do research and then connects his powerful emotions while Jared needs to focus on letting go more and riding his emotions fully rather than being to cerebral about things. (He isn't always but just those moments where he is less connected and too rehearsed). But, alas, I wrote an endless post. Forgive me?
P.S.: It's no wonder these two work so well together, when you think about it, they balance each other out. ♥️
Thank you again for the question, I know it's a lot so if anything is unclear please let me know.
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stardreamer28 · 9 months
I love anytime Steve comes back and will always watch! but that confuses me and doesn't answer what will happen to the story on DOOL? I really am liking the scenes with Tamara even though I'm a little behind lol
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smillingcartoonist · 9 months
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So The whole Flux arc is a confusing mess !! it's like a Zack Snyder movie, its grand and epic and kinda fun on it's own, but if you think about it a little it falls apart like a house of cards, and this is not that even it's a bunch of cards just stack one upon another, it's not complete brain dead stupid like the Timeless Children was, but at the same time it's is own brand of dumb !!!
I could be here and number all the plot conveniences and question, actually you go for 5 hours questioning every single action in this series and have reach half of the missed plot points !! Like why anything for anything, why did the Flux happen ? why the Ravengers ? Why they capture that woman in the first episode ? Why Azure was imprisonment in a body of a woman on earth ? Why even the Great Serpent is there ?? Wasn't Unit disbanded ? Then Why it's there again ? Why did Sotarans appeared in the tunnels in 1904 while they where invading Earth in 2021 ??? and so on and so on... you can make this question and have no clear answer for anything !!
The whole Flux story is just a bloated mess of "It would be cool if this happen" ideas and not much connective tissue to link one idea to another and then just thinks happen !! and so also there is some shallow drama going on here, Yaz and Dan are separated from the Doctor for 3 years, and when they are reunited, they just say hi so each other like they didn't see then for a week !! There is still no effort what so ever to created a connection with this characters !!
I'm not mad like I was after watching The Timeless Children, I'm more apathetic about it, probably because this whole shitshow is over and we moving on from this finally !!
They still three more episode for me to watch and conclude this Chibnall run, the Next one is a time loop one !! I believe it will be like, Chibnall does Russian Dool but awful !! if this whole arc had contraventions out it's ass ! then imagine this one !!!
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artfoold00k · 1 year
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libidomechanica · 10 months
But love for the summer-sleep in you and dregs of
Could know the transfusing so close break me here that he leaps will billows,—o dool on thee present for than all hys right, nor thereon will kame? But love for the summer-sleep in you and dregs of exists, Turne the bedde in some wont afore, or pinion laid him an’ few they by Loue vnkind. I, to the Queen at first, to the questionship on. And themselves out off things thereof waking of love, to be my own hand branch rent him call mither door so poore Muse it’s some sweet smell on Locksley Hall; or one, and tears false dearer. He answer to the than in to my end of Lochroyan lay it not answer green. If young philosopher had flung of burst in the state, but the kindles of her sownde, so, one more, or pity on the glen sayd in Venus, when slope side by sweetest thou whose air, and shower, Maud by silent; vaine the old sworn. All be a duty don’t neck within the lines have sword to his spirit fly!
0 notes
doolkat · 3 years
overall review of eurovision this year? i can tell you hated moldova and switzerland and said maneskin looks like the type of group to do drugs (which is... weird) but other than that what did you actually like
Good question anon! Also wow people really still read my esc posts from may.. huhu bit embrassing looking back at some of my reactions but I was in the moment ahahah. plus they are justified in my eyes pftt
Maybe I expressed myself too strongly on some things so they came off as very negative.Oops well I got a change to clean that all up now.
I didnt hate maneskin tbh I just dont get the hype.
Only one I truely hated was Moldova lmao cuz the song was geniuely so bad it shouldnt been in finale at all.
Switzerland was bad to me cuz of extreme sensory over load and I dont like french language. Idk I guess I dont have romantic ear but I honestly just dont like the language.
Also I enjoyed almost all songs besides the ones u mentioned!
Personal favorite song and unpopular af opinion is that I enjoyed Australias song technicolor. Also I somehow enjoyed Azerbaijan mata hari, idk it was catchy af!
I felt emotinal connection to Australias song and Azerbaijan was just catchy and kinda funny to me. Idk why it reminded me of Floppa lmaoo
Best stage performance with intresting song to me was Ukraine!Really cool visual and dance. SONG SLAPS WITCH ENERGY
Cool movie like performance and touching entry was by Norway to me.
Finland had some good emo rock song imo. I liked it much more than Italy actully maybe I dont like Italy that much cuz Im bitter that Finland didnt get super high place lol.(Im half finnish so I stand by my finnish emo rock boys)
Lithuania my fellow baltics friend did good performance too this year. I enjoyed their funny performance. If u want some thing funny check Germany and Lithuania. Germany seems kinda like troll entry this year. Lithuanias song was good plus it was funny too kinda.
Speaking of funny DENMARK! they didnt do very good but I loved their song and its catchy af and doesnt take itself too seriously plus if u read the lyrics its a NONSENSE. xd
Hosts this year - absolute ass. My least favorite part about esc this year. Nikkitutorials was there.. yeah but I feel like the hosts didnt make any funny comments and I felt like all the songs came on so so fast cuz there werent really any breaks. My ass had Hard time fully focusing on all songs because of that. I think some people can relate to that. I dont know if I didnt understand the jokes but the host imo didnt have any connection with the audience or viewers. Too many of them anyways to me. I missed Jon Olan Sand too.
Visuals and performances-
very cool and OVERWHELMING. I had at least 3 moments where my head hurted a bit. Could be cuz of the visuals itself being so flashy or just how eyes couldnt catch a break cuz the pauses this year were nonexistant or very very short so for my brain and eyes it was hard to progress. Nothing too Crazy happend on stage tho this time. Giant finger and Greece performance.
Greece performance was pretty cool btw. viusally at least. The song imo was alwful. lol
Voting - AS usual with few suprises. Our estonian host told us in begging of esc that fortune tellers say Italy will win.. and then quess what. So that was kinda boring maybe thats also why I cant seem to like their song. I wish the fortune tellers would be wrong sometime or I wouldnt know but our host Marko Reikop literally always tells us who fortune tellers will think will win so yeah. That always comes AS dissapointment if they are right.
Opinion on Italy : Typical rock stars who happen to bisexual so tumblr and other lgbt communities can pump them up but this time the song happens to be good. Thats what I think please dont take this AS offence but the hype is so overrated like yeah their good and HOT but like we get it.I havent seen this much hype over a winner in a while I dont know why they are so different from every other winner. I just feel like some of this is queerbiting.. idk some thing about lgbt community going so Crazy about bisexual performing is Crazy to me. I just dont get it. IT was good song tho ill give them that but not that much better than other songs in contest.
Over all it was good eurovision imo! I dont rember having this much songs that I liked and saved in my playlist in many years.
I liked the songs and performances I feel like lot of them were high quitaly this year with expection of few countries. The crowd was really seemed to enjoy esc and everyone here on tumblr and on esc reaction communities really seemed in the element! Which made me more hyped and excited to watch esc. IT was very enjoyable event to enjoy with other people from all over the world this year and everyone felt connectef after the pandemic! Thats whats best about it this year imo. Every really seemed to. enjoy themselves and I did too. Eurovision is connecting people and everyone was happy to have it back after last year it didnt happen.!
I dont know anon if u wanted me to do review on all the countries performances too. If yes please do let me know. U can be anonmyous. Illl gladly tell and can even make different post about it.
I know my Italy comment probaly is controversial but I just wanted to get it out.
Thanks for the ask! 💓IT was nice reflecting back on esc!!
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love-geeky-fangirl · 3 years
Everyone compares Jess to Pacey (because they’re both rough around the edges and are smart but don’t do well in school) but Jess has more similarities with Eddie than Pacey.
Eddie/Jess are rough around the edges, they carry a giant chip on their shoulder, they are hostile to everyone but make an exception for Joey/Rory, they both love to read and connect with Joey/Rory through literature, they’re writers, both of them want Rory/Joey to take more risks, both of them leave Joey/Rory (sometimes without saying goodbye), they come back and ask Joey/Rory to run away with them, etc.
I wonder if the character of Eddie was inspired by Jess.
If anything Eddie is the dollar store version of Jess. Maybe the writers heard about Literati's popularity and tried to recreate it with Eddie and Joey but it fell flat. They don't have the chemistry and they were introduced too late for me and most fans to ship them because we had already seen Joey with Pacey. Maybe they even tried to recreate Jess's outfit with that puffy jacket from when he first arrived in Stars Hollow except on Eddie it looked like something Marty McFly would wear.
But even all those parallels you mentioned aren't really all that palpable if you consider that Eddie is 25 years old and still doesn't have his shit together. At first, I thought he did- he went to a fancy school and was well-read but later we find out he doesn't actually go to the school, he just snuck into the class for whatever reason. So he's a 25-year-old bartender stuck in a dead-end job and pretends to be a college student for fun and doesn't have the balls to follow his dreams of being an author to the point that Joey has to show his stories to some editor for him and tell him over and over again that he is good enough. Meanwhile, Jess was a scared 17-year-old kid when we first met him and by 21 he was already published and had a stable job. Rory never had to baby him the way Joey does Eddie, in fact, it worked better when Rory showed tough love to him.
Even when Eddie left Joey without saying goodbye it was different than when Jess did it. Yes, both of them ghosted their girlfriends but Eddie did it out of nowhere for no reason whatsoever and had Joey track him down and beg him to come back and be with her. When Jess left it was because he was 18 and kicked out of the house. And then later when Jess asks Rory to run away with him it isn't his best moment, but it's clear he's very emotional and desperate and grasping at straws so he can be with her. When Eddie asks Joey the same thing it's just straight-up bonkers and it doesn't make any sense. They are planning a trip to Paris and Joey tries to be sensible and says they should work a bit first to save some money and Eddie flies off the handle for no reason. He is poor so he should understand the value of money. It was a little contrived reason for them to break up but I was glad it happened and that Eddie never showed his face again.
I also compare Jess to Pacey. In addition to the reason you listed they have a similar sense of humor and are both underdogs and foils to the "Nice Guys" in Rory's/Joey's life. I have already ranted about it, feel free to check it out.
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