#doot doot doot
legayllyblonde · 4 months
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doot doot doot! did a de-chibi'd / redesign of Trucy's orchestra hall icon... i could watch her three frame animation in there for hours
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vaspider · 4 months
What's this? An update about the At The Gates crowdfunding campaign where @impernious mentions the Very Secret Upcoming Thing that we've been working on together? A few hints as to what the Very Secret Thing might be? The fact that it's another @theonyxpath & @nerdykeppie crossover event?
Welp. I guess y'all better go read the Monday Meeting Notes to see what that might be, and while you're clicking links, make sure to go and take a peek at the At The Gates campaign. If you haven't backed it yet, now's the time. It sure would be nice if we could get to, let's say, oh... 900 backers or so... by tomorrow.
No reason. Just. You know. That would be super cool.
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trungles · 2 years
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Had art block so I challenged myself to draw a bunch of things quickly and badly (and by badly I just mean they’re undisciplined), and a lot of these made me laugh, so I think I’m successfully clicker-training myself to feel positively about making art again.
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the-faultofdaedalus · 3 months
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harry wilson scrungly guy of all time
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otterlywyrdfirbolg · 2 years
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Some fanart for
🔥🔥🔥 the Great Skeleton War 🔥🔥🔥
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faillen · 1 year
it’s way past midnight but i’ve still got a lot of hours of being conscious ahead of me (trying to not miss a redeye flight lol) so this is a great time to do a bit of picking my own brain apart via projecting onto a character lmao
anyway. i think Pran does fine in Singapore the first couple of months. he’s so busy with the new city and job and home away from home that he does fine. his friends are available for hours long video calls. there’re so many things for him to explore. he comes up with a very religious cleaning/errand schedule for himself. he holds himself to accepting an invitation to after-work drinks at least once every two weeks, if not more.
he might not have a lot of people he’s super close to in the city, but he doesn’t feel super disconnected from the folks he usually leans on for emotional support. Pat is always happy to call for hours and they keep up a steady texting chain. Ditto for Ink and Wai. there’re groupchats chock full of memes and complaints about the transition to post-grad life.
it’s not that he doesn’t get homesick--he does--but he doesn’t have the time to really ruminate on that. there is so much that is new and constantly asking for his attention that it really only pops up on a very quiet night where his apt feels a little too big, or when he sees pictures of everyone out and about online and it hits a little too hard, or when he tastes something that’s just to the left of his mom’s cooking.
it’s after he’s a few months in--when he feels relatively settled at work, and doesn’t have as much of a drive to explore Singapore, and his routine is basically set, that the loneliness starts to creep in. it’s when singapore feels less like a novel place that he’s in and more like the place he’s living that, funnily enough, he starts to feel a bit more unmoored.
and though he’s beginning to make friends at this point, the newness of those relationships--and all the anxieties and worries that come with trying to figure out the boundaries of a new friendship + taking the leap of trust that people enjoy spending time with him as much as he enjoys spending time with them (okay full disclosure yeah that last bit about people enjoying time with him might actually be about me but this is my post and my self-psychoanalysis via Pran Parakul Siridechawat so I can write what i want)--make the overall sense of isolation worse.
they leave him longing for the security of the long-term and comfortable relationships that he no longer has access to. the easy intimacy of laying around someone’s apartment for a few hours, or doing something without worrying about pretenses. on the flipside, the people back home who miss him are entering a period where that feeling is less sharp and while he’s glad that it’s all sort of mellowed out a bit, there’s also a lot of dissonance b/w how he’s feeling about being in a new country on his own, and how others are feeling about him not being where he used to always be.
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jackie-shitposts · 1 year
zack is so stupid but so smart
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[image description: A screenshot taken from the Netflix reboot of Carmen Sandiego. Zack is wearing a lab coat as he stands in an underground...tube thing I dont know lol. His arm is out behind him as he gestures to the outside. He is faking distress. /End description]
This episode hes so inconsistent. one moment, he’s making stupid comments to miro about fighting wildlife. another moment, he’s using el topo’s gayness against him. also he knows what a subwoofer is.  I love this dumbass
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jelliegirl · 1 year
i feel chatty but i have nothing to talk about.
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xionandpluto14 · 1 year
doot doot
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twst-the-night-away · 2 years
Time to toot my own horn a lil, because I'm rereading an old fic I wrote for another fandom and I'm feeling good about it.
I can do a darn good x reader fic. None of that mad-lib style stuff. I expect my readers to be intelligent and have some imagination & empathy.
If the character sits down and drinks coffee, puts on a certain piece of clothing, or mentions an interest, and you're like "ew no I hate coffee/would never wear that/don't have that interest this fic is RUINED", then you are not the reader I am writing for. When I write x reader fics, I want my readers to step into the shoes of a very loosely built character that feels like a real character in the story, but still has plenty of room for them to wriggle around in.
All this to say ... I'm wanting more and more to work on the one I had an idea for when I first got into TWST, before I even made OCs. And it'll be the first time I'll attempt a gender-neutral reader, so I hope I do it well.
Stay tuned ... ;3c
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3, 4 & 19 for the fic ask game :)
i am very grateful that you enable me in my 'talking about writing instead of actually writing' time of need
3. what fic are you emotionally attached to?
SALVAGE. And also One More Hot Chocolate Vigil but. Salvage was Shiro's beginning and I have so many emotions about it.
4. what fic of your own do you read for comfort?
*SWEATS* If I say All Who Remain am I going to get dragged. Like yeah it's a major character death fic but it has tHEMES THAT GIVE ME CATHARSIS--
19. If you could write an ideal fic, what would it include?
Soulmates and hurt/comfort. Maybe ghosts somehow? Also it would have a KILLER emotional climax. I'm such a sucker for those but they are so hard to write well.
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musicpromotionclub · 2 years
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silly-ehggy · 5 months
No in between. Reblog if you vote pleas
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quess-art · 5 months
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@smallsith thank you for reminding me that I had this animation ready but completely forgot to post it lol (from this)
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narcissisticpotat0 · 9 months
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otterlywyrdfirbolg · 2 years
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