#doppelganger oc
jlwritesstories · 15 days
Dieter's Perspective (Part 2 - The eyes are the windows to the soul bonus chapters)
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Covering the events before and during The Eyes are the Windows to the Soul from the doppelganger Dieter's perspective.
This story is really getting long 😅 I'm currently on holiday, so part 3 may take a week or two.
Tag list for The Eyes are the Windows to the Soul:
@waywardstardustcollector @liv-007
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His name is Cameron, the ungrateful BASTARD!
He doesn't appreciate the gift he's been blessed with.
It’s been a year and seven months. Exactly one year, seven months, 2 days, and 13 hours of TORTURE.
At first, I could tolerate it.
They were happy.
The only pain was mine, but their smile was my solace. Our midmorning walks in the park my paradise. Their stories were filled with tales of bliss and just when I thought I could bear it no longer and turn to leave they would look for me, their honeyed gold whispers would draw me back.
They wanted me. They still cared. Willing to keep seeing me, despite the extra cleansing routine they would have to go through when they returned to their precious Cameron.
How could I not love such resilience … such independence.
Their strength, their joy, it inspired me to stay.
I wanted so badly to reveal myself. At one point I almost allowed them to catch me in a cage, the veterinarian would be able to confirm that my scales fur would not trigger Cameron’s allergy and then they could take me home with them. I snapped to my senses just in time and ran. I can not afford to take unnecessary risks.
Every day I would hunt and feed and wait for them. Indulging in their presence and basking in their warmth.
Our routine continued.
Until one day, after a year of existing in limbo, the routine changed.
Slowly. Their stories took a strange turn, becoming dull and lifeless. Day by day, week by week, their visits to the park became less frequent. They would apologise for being late and, more worryingly, they found it harder to smile. Until eventually … they just … stopped coming to visit me.
Why? WHY? Wasn’t I good enough? You can't abandon me now!
I tried to find another way into their life. A hairless cat, a stray dog, a friendly fox, all proved too difficult a cover; their boyfriend doesn’t like any animals it seems.
Since I wasn’t welcome in their home, I could only linger in the vicinity. But I could only learn so much from glances through closed windows and snatches of conversation overheard while walking between the car and the front door.
Cameron’s voice grated on my ears, full of pressure and venom. Their voice was soft and leaked melancholic apologies.
It seemed that their romantic bliss had soured.
That should have made me happy. The prospect of his imminent departure from my love’s life should have filled me with the thrill of triumph and relief.
It didn’t.
Instead, I felt … hot … and angry. Like there was a burning coal in my chest, searing my flesh and incinerating all I ate to ash, so that the hunger didn’t abate no matter how I tried to satisfy it. No matter how many times I shifted or looked within, I couldn’t find the source of the pain.
And no matter how long I waited, Cameron did not leave. They did not send him away.
But I couldn’t leave now. I had to know why. Why won’t he go? Why won’t they look at me?
A more in-depth investigation was required. So, I went back to older, previously tested methods of approach.
A child in need.
A stranger on the bus.
A new cashier at their local store.
My efforts paid off.
Following them provided some answers.
Following Cameron … provided a few more.
I learned what was wrong.
I learned why they changed.
He’s responsible.
He has spoiled them. Their spark has diminished. Their light has been strangled by venomous words and barbed lies. The strength has been leeched from their voice. Skin marred by the blue and yellowing remnants of bruises peeking out from beneath a collar or hidden by poorly applied concealer. He hurt them. How dare he hurt them!
And yet, they still smile at him. They still want him. They are too perfect, too trusting, too wonderful. So kind. So forgiving. He does not deserve them.
They should be mine. MINE! My love. My ________!
Wait. Natürlich! (Of course) How could I not have thought of it before!
They’re so divine, so distracting. I was so caught up in the euphoria of watching them, of talking to them, that I’d forgotten … I CAN have them.
I can be anyone I want.
But they don’t want just anyone. They want Cameron. That DRECKSAU! (shithead)
He doesn’t deserve them.
If they were mine, I would never hurt them like he has. How dare he ensnare them with lies when he doesn’t want them.
But it’s alright. I want them.
I can take his place. I will build them back up. I can give them everything he refuses to.
I deserve their smile.
I deserve their love.
I want them.
I WANT them.
The pain in my chest hasn’t gone yet, but I know what it is now. A hunger for more than sustenance. For more than just blood and marrow. I hunger for his pain … for his life. I will feed it. For my love, I will feed.
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It’s disgusting how easy it is to turn his head - to lure him astray like he doesn’t have a divine gift waiting for him at home.
I twist and reshape my form until I wear the face of a serial killer I devoured years ago. Pretty but not to the point of scorn. Fit and shapely but not to the point of being threatening. An overall handsome beauty with a soothing voice.
His routine is so banal … so easy to intercept.
An “accidental” run in here, a “coincidental” meeting there, and soon we’re drinking at a bar and exchanging numbers.
This masquerade is only skin deep, but he doesn’t seem to care. Cameron is easily lured in by my witty banter and act of vulnerability. He must be blind, to think this form more pleasing than theirs, and to not see beyond the act to my barely disguised disgust at his touch. Never mind. His ignorance and stupidity only make this easier for me.
A little flirting leads to an invitation back to “my place” and he walks willingly into my trap.
The air conditioning doesn’t work in the second-hand car I’d rented for the night, with cash. The smell of the plastic seat covers conflicts with the scents of vodka, cranberries, and the sushi tasters served at the bar. I fold a layer of skin over my nostrils, blocking them from the inside.
Cameron seems unaware of the smell, too focused on enacting whatever tale he’s telling and trying to get a grip on my thigh. I want to rip his hand off.
I refrain from doing so, for now; keeping my eyes on the road and hands on the wheel.
There’s a warehouse in a nearby industrial estate that’s been abandoned for five years. A series of murders tanked the value of the property and it’s sat unsold and forgotten at the back of the last cul de sac of the estate. The grimy ‘To Let’ sign outside it has rusted and fallen behind a hedge. Not to mention the rusting infrastructure and “strange occurrences” have been enough to keep curious kids and urban explorers out away.
It's the perfect place to keep Cameron until I’m done with him.
I pull up just shy of the pavement. Killing the engine with a deliberately sharp turn of the key.
The alcohol in Cameron’s system slows his thoughts and slurs his speech. “Where are we?”
Curse him. Too inebriated to feel fear. Never mind, he’ll sober up soon enough.
“What are you doing?”
I turn to face him, a threatening smile stretching my skin, fangs on display. I’m going to make sure those are the lasts words he’ll ever speak.
The alcohol in his system leaves the chloroform with little to do. His blunt nails and useless bucking do nothing to dissuade me from covering his mouth and nose with the rag and obstructing his airways. His cries are muffled beneath my claws, growing weaker by the second. Until, with a final shuddering jerk, he slumps in his seat, motionless.
The cab feels too small … or maybe I’m too big. I must have subconsciously uncompressed.
I take a moment to breathe deeply.
Shift. Curl in. Pull sinews in tights and layer bones together.
Once my form settles, I open the door. The night breeze is refreshing, the cold licks helping to sharpen my mind and keep me focused on the task ahead.
Cameron isn’t heavy to me. If it were up to me, I would drag him face-down along the ground, but I need him more-or-less intact … for now.
A new steel chair, handcuffs, a pack of zip ties, and rope sit waiting in the centre of a small closet-like room near the back of the warehouse.
I tie him to the chair, following a familiar routine. Handcuffs on wrists and ankles, followed by zip ties at three points on all the limbs, then the rope around the chest. Make it tight, but not too tight. I don't care if he loses his limbs, but it would make things more difficult for me if he develops gangrene or dies from sepsis. Last but not least, a plastic thermal wrap is tied around him.
It's more comfort than he deserves.
His breathing is steady. Pulse a little erratic but that's to be expected.
I shift. Shedding this form and stretching out. A tingling ripples out along my limbs, it starts to itch before finally calming. It happens every time I take my real form again, as the unconstricted veins fill with new blood flow. I shake and stamp my feet and flex my hands.
I could do without any distractions while I feed.
The room feels small and I have to nudge the chair forward into order to get behind Cameron comfortably.
I tilt his head forward, resting his forehead in one hand and bracing myself against the ground with the other.
His head is small in my palm. It would be so easy to just clench my fist and feel the warmth seep between my claws. Not yet.
I lean down and close my mouth around the back of his neck; fangs brushing just below the juncture of the skull. Right above a crucial bundle of nerves situated in the spine.
He stinks, if I wasn't able to close my olfactory senses I would have washed him first.
I hope he tastes better than he smells.
I extend my inner fangs. The thinnest needle-like teeth stretch out from the roof of my mouth.
I bite.
His memories flood my senses.
I feed.
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This is it. I can’t believe this is finally happening. I take a moment to drink it in, head bowed beneath the porch like a man paying homage at an altar. Mentally preparing for my first true look inside their nest home.
I try to put the key in the lock upside down at first. The memories I took today still need time to settle, to digest. I manage it eventually, ears twitching at the click of the lock.
The door swings open and I freeze.
They're here. Waiting. Stood at the bottom of a flight of stairs, leaning against the railing in an enticing open position.
They are looking at me. And they are smiling. It is a small smile but they're smiling at me nonetheless.
They're looking at me. They're looking at me. They're looking at me.
I want to get closer to them.
So i do.
They're so small. So perfect. So soft beneath my claws hands. I can feel the pulse of their heart. Smell them, their gentle scent clouds my senses. Intoxicating.
I finally have them in my hands.
They don't feel the same.
They seem worried. Did I do something wrong? Do I look wrong? I turn my mind inwards. Checking over every detail of this form. I'm sure I copied him perfectly, what is wrong. What is wrong. What is wrong! WHAT IS WRONG!
"I've missed you."
They spoke. Oh, they sound so pretty, so gentle, so cute, and pretty, and mine now.
I take a second to turn their words over in my mind.
They missed me? They missed me! No, they missed Cameron. But I am Cameron now. So that means they missed him me. They missed me!
I need them. I want...
I settle for a kiss on the forehead. Almost falling into the softness of them.
"To hear you say that, makes me so," I place a kiss to their cheek, "so," a kiss to the other cheek, "happy," finally, a kiss to the tip of their nose.
The warmth of them. The soft little sound that escapes them. I love it all. I want more. MORE! Patience!
The hallway is cool; the temperature is less than the optimum for humans. I can't let them catch a chill.
I turn and place a hand on the small of their back. "Shall we."
They flinch, a subtle jolt of their muscles too small for a normal human to notice, then move with me. They follow my prompt without complaint or even the subtle shift of restraint in their body. So lovely and obedient.
Too obedient.
Too eager to please. The subtle pulse of fear flows under their skin.
This is not right.
I've seen their shine.
Heard their voice when it was strong, not restrained by fear.
Felt the bite of their anger, been touched by their strength of conviction, and heard the wonderful soothing melody of their heart.
What are they scared off? This form is perfect, so what is it?
I move. They flinch.
They fear ... these hands ... this face?
I remember now. How could I become so distracted that I would forget?
The memories needed time to settle. But now I see them. Raised voices. Whispered venomous lies. A hand raised to strike my love ... my hand! How could I? How ... NO! It's his hand, not mine. I didn't do that ... it wasn't me!
It was Cameron.
The second I have everything, I'll kill him.
HOW DARE HE MAKE THIS HARDER FOR ME AND HE’S NOT EVEN HERE! I should tear that bastard apart...but not yet.
I need to take this slow.
They're finally mine. I have all the time in the world now.
They're so soft. They smell so good. They're so delicate. I can feel the curve of their spine, their pulse, how soft their skin is, the subtle shifting at my touch... It's so hard to hold myself in. I want to devour each new sensation, a banquet of senses that never ends.
I want to hold them. Want to curl around them and never let them go. Want to build them up. Want to see their shine. Want to devour it...STOP! Slow down! Be patient.
I have to take this slow. Fix the trust that he broke before I can indulge in their love.
Do not scare them. Do not raise your hands too quickly. Do not move too fast. Do not ruin this like you've ruined so many before. Be a human. Be normal. Be normal. Be normal. Be normal. Be normal. Be normal. Be normal. BE NORMAL. BE NORMAL.
I snap back into focus as a cold wet feeling seeps into my thigh.
Oh, look at them. So clumsy. How cute.
Oh no. They look tense. Please don't look at me like that.
I’ll clean it.
"My clumsy cutie." I make my voice as light as possible. Keep my movements steady. Throw the can in the bin, absorb the worst of the stain with a cloth, and bring my love a fresh glass of water.
That's better. They don't look as scared now.
A little stain is nothing to me. It doesn't matter. Nothing matters except making this work.
I have to make this work.
The radio crackles a little as the station changes. Oh? Perfect. This is their favourite song. I love how warm they are. They fit so perfectly in my arms.
I must make this work.
Oh, do you want something? Their touch is so light on my arm, so fleeting.
I smile at them. Keep it soft, don't show too much of my teeth. There we go, perfect. Smiles are reassuring for humans. Smiles are safe.
"Uh, Cameron. Is everything okay?"
They're playing with the edge of their top as they speak. I wish they weren't so nervous but it's alright, everything will be alright.
"Of course, luv." Their hair is getting in their eyes. Let me fix that. I soften my smile as I slowly raise my hand, pulling more motion into squinting my eyes than bearing my teeth. So warm. So soft.
Something twists their features but then they relax. Good, they seem satisfied with that answer.
What was that expression? It can't be ... it must be the fear. He broke their trust ... but I won't.
I will make this work.
They look so nice when they're asleep. All the wariness is gone and their face is relaxed. They feel so warm. I don't push but, from what I can feel, their mind is tranquil. Good. They deserve to relax after what he did to them.
They are mine now.
I place a chaste kiss on their head.
They feel so fragile, and yet, I can't help but tighten my grip on their form.
You are mine now.
Mine to love.
Mine to protect.
Mine to keep.
I have to make this work.
I have to ...
I can't ... I can't bear another failure. I don't think I can bear any more pain. Please.
Their scent surrounds me.
Please, love me.
The comforting weight of them in my arms.
Love me.
The thrum of their pulse beneath my claws.
Love Me.
I want them.
I want everything.
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dragongirl642 · 2 months
The Eyes are the Windows to The Soul
This story is moving!
It's not disappearing forever, I'm just moving it to my original fiction blog @jlwritesstories
The main story posts will remain as they are to preserve the comments but the links will now send you to the other blog. All Dieter perspective chapters, OC info, and bonus stories will also be linked to/on the original fiction blog.
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Main story:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 (final)
Bonus Chapter (Dieter's perspective) - Part 1, Part2
Dieter the Doppelganger OC Info:
OC info card
Dieter Backstory - TBA
Dieter Relationship headcanons Both sfw and nsfw
Bonus Stories - see @jlwritesstories
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theperplexednavigator · 11 months
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Greetings from my OC, Cordelia. (Just a couple of random doodles from a week ago that I wanna go ahead and share)
She's a doppelganger from the weird small town of Drywell. She now casually lives with the person she was supposed to replace, who has since dubbed her his twin sister.
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onebadnoodle · 4 months
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unfamiliar faces 🍎 🍏
apple and pear are @Josh_S2604's ocs!
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purplerat111 · 2 months
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Damn boy
My honest reaction when I heard it in the game:
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That's how close I was to letting him in.
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thousandsonny · 2 months
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Im too lazy to shade this
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cupid-yanverse · 11 months
He came back wrong.
He's been missing for days, you'd lost all hope. But then he's at your door, begging to be let in. You let him in, of course-he's your boyfriend after all!
He's so affectionate, much more than before. Always holding you, you hugging you, and kissing you.
He's doing the most to make your lives easier, and seems so much happier than before.
He refuses to say where he's been, though. He acts like he never went missing.
Something's off, you just can't quite put your finger on it. Was his smile too wide? Eyes that look almost haunted? Or were you seeing things?
The idea that this isn't him creeps in the back of your mind. But that's silly, right?
You pretend you don't see the way his shadow moves without him. How his smile seems to split his face in your peripherals. Or the way you can always feel eyes on you, his eyes, when he wasn't even in the room.
After all, he still loves you-adores you, even.
And he does!! He loves you so much. He misses you every moment he's away from you. He needs to be close, to hold your hand and kiss your face all over.
He works so hard to keep you happy! Yes, he knows you have so many questions, but those answers don't matter! On your love matters now.
He's aware that you're piecing things together, but he's not worried. He knows you'll stay. You have to stay.
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x-gothicmess-x · 3 months
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I can't I need this milkman so bad what the flip !!! I'm a sucker for a pretty man w/ tired eyes you CAN'T do this to me !! anyway, might post my Francis doodles later + some of my TNMN sona stuff because she's such a gal, and THEN maybe post the self ship nonsense I have in my wild lil head also shout out to his bloody doppel it makes me feel things
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mayullla · 4 months
Title: Creature's Infatuation
Character(s): Doppelganger (Unnamed character/original work) Summary: The servants didn't know that their abusive noble was switched for a monster that looked like him. You forced to marry him knew tho, that he created everything to have you in his arms. Tags/Warnings: Yandere!monster, fem!reader, yandere!monster x noble!reader, general yandere themes, manipulation, brainwashing, blackmail, forced feminization, noncon pet play, forced intimacy, imprisonment, tentacles, 1.2k words
Author's Note: This is an old one-shot of mine that I didn't post for a long time inspired the yandere viscount so it is similar to it.
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You didn't know how dangerous monsters could be… that some could turn into humans and blend into the crowd and you would be none the wiser.
If you were wiser… if you knew what would happen to you… you would hesitate even just a little, even just a second to help anyone who you saw in need. Maybe then you would not be locked up in this horrible mansion after selling yourself to pay off your noble aristocratic family debt.
You were nothing but a slave to him, with his affection and sick love, he kept you by his side. Nobody could know what happened here when everything was covered by thick curtains and dimmed lights. The servants here were nothing more than puppets. Their minds, which this monster had eaten just a little bit, placed itself, done just to get ever so closer to you and keep you locked here. He manipulated their thoughts while letting them think that they were still human.
You glared at the mansion, you glared at him who had caused you this suffering. Yet for the sake of something precious, you would give up that aristocratic pride, swallowing it down as you begged him to spare your family from their downfall. You said that you would give him anything he wants. 
And all he wanted was you.
He told you that he would give you everything when he only did the opposite. What he said was nothing more than food that was taken away from you the moment you rebelled over the fantasies he had in his head.
He made you wear many costumes, dresses, and outfits, each and every one an arrow to your pride as he held your waist from the back dreamily looking at the mirror of you and him, telling you his disgusting and vile thoughts he was imagining when he first saw those clothes, how he imagined them on you.
The dresses that you usually wore were taken away the first day you signed the contract that you would be forever his. "Boring and lackluster," he told you. He would dress you with finer fabrics and silks that would make him excited to see, unlike the “dull and humble” dresses that you wore. It was unbefitting for you, he told you the first day, but you did see them later locked in a chest. Why he kept them, you didn't even want to know, not after you realized how perverted he was.
Gems and pearls of all kinds of accessories were also sewn into your new clothes. You were sure they would make a duchess or even a princess green with envy. He had gotten you almost all the latest trends that he fancied, which was almost all except the ones where much was covered.
Maid clothes that were more flamboyant, more revealing with a shorter shirt too short to even be appropriate. He had a particular fondness for lacy details, the more delicate the better.
Sometimes he would make you wear dog ears or cat ears, making you wear a collar as he cooed condescendingly, stroking your hair as he ordered you to get down and put your chin on his knee or forced you to sit on his lap.
Sometimes having you wear costumed shoes with heels too high to walk on. Barely able to walk on them, he would carry you, dreaming of how this was how a prince would carry his pretty princess. You wanted nothing more than to rip them off your feet, but with thick buckles and locks, it was practically impossible to take them off unless you chopped your feet.
To him, you became his pet, maid, princess, and whatever else perverted thing he managed to think up. Everything that happened in the mansion would never go out. The maids and servants didn't seem to care much about you, nor did they ever realize that the noble they served and some adored was a monster.
That the person they once thought to be him was long gone, rotting in some ditch as the monster took on his role just to make a situation that fits.
All they cared about was that their master had changed for the better, so in love with his wife that he shopped for all the violent acts he had done in the past. Not understanding that this was all wrong. Not knowing that he had control over their minds, that in reality, they were nothing more than lifeless husks made to believe that they were alive and that whatever he was doing to you was nothing more than normal.
From how he would lock you in a room as punishment, or how he would force you to feed him on his lap with overly revealing attire unfit for a noblewoman as he continued to be so fond of you.
Some days he would ask you if you loved him, loved him as much as he does to the point of obsession. The hurt in his eyes as he held you tighter asking what you wanted that would make you happy, "Why don't you love me as much as I do?" He would ask, as you watched tentacles move around the desk writing papers that were related to work. Tentacles that were connected to his back.
He pulled you closer to him, arms holding your waist tight, already forced to sit on his lap against your chest to touch his, which forced you to look up at him, unable to look anywhere else. Even if you were able to, it would be a bad decision to do so when he got angry.
Just as much as he loved dressing you up, you also have watched him morph many times, into something or someone else to make whatever fantasy even more real. The doors locked so that no one could come in, the windows shut so that no one could see through, and the lights but only from the flickering candle. "Do you want me to look like your lover? Would you love me more if I looked like him?" He asked, pulling your thigh closer to him, as you watched him morph, becoming nothing more than black goop to the man who you once loved.
The soft smile on his lips and the brightness of his eyes made you think that he finally loved you. It fluttered your heart but also sent shivers down your spine, as you knew that this wasn't your crush.
He was desperate for your love, yet at the same time, he was sadistic, forcing you to love him. There were days when he threatened you to stay by his side, unless you wanted to go out of the room or mansion naked, or face something worse. Your only choice was to stay there or hold his arm like a love-sick wife who loved him just as much as he loved her.
You felt gross, so vile, by this monster parading as a human and also forcing you to love him. But he didn't care, as long as he could see that you loved him and were by his side, playing by whatever whims he had in the bedroom or office. You were the person he had fallen in love with when he sneaked into the town of humans. You were kinder than anyone he had met. He had fallen in love with you that day and would do anything to keep you with him. He would even kill and take over the body of a noble just to get closer to you.
So long as you belonged to him.
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legendofeliselozau · 2 years
LoZ Next Gen Legend of Elise AU: Elise Bio
Name: Shadow Elise
Age: Ageless, physically 16
Birthday: N/A
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 110.5 lbs.
Sex/Gender: Sexless, precents as female (She/her or They/them)
Race: Shadow Doppelganger
Social Class: Low Class
Character Alignment: True Neutral
Sexual Orientation: Asexual Heteroromantic
Current Residence: N/A, Nomadic; goes wherever Afya tells her to go.
Weapon(s): Sword and Shield
Powers & Abilities: Shadow Elise is a stronger version than her Hylian counterpart. She has all her Hylian!Elise’s sword fighting skills and speed but none of her weaknesses. Shadow Elise can sink into shadows and pop out of another shadow. Shadow Elise can generate her weapons from thin air.
Weakness: Shadow Elise can be stunned by Deku nuts or a flash of light/electricity flashes allowing her opponent to hit her.
Fighting Stats: (10: Godlike, 8-9: Excellent, 6-7: Good, 4-5: Mediocre, 1-3: Terrible)
Enemies: Elise, Mark Link, Orca, Robin, Sakura, and Zelda
Allies: Afya (Master)
Family: Shadow Link acts as a father figure to her.
Personality: Shadow Elise is both mute and her face is completely deadpan, making it hard to get a read on her. She comes across as distant and aloof. Shadow Elise disparity wants the approval of Afya, doing anything she can to impress her master.
Likes: The shade, admiration, and cool weather
Dislikes: Bright/flashing lights, loud noises, and hot weather
Backstory: In Afya’s journey to steal the sacred stones she incarnated the legendary hero of time Link, his daughter Elise and her little brother Mark trying to stop her from getting the Zora’s Sapphire. Afya was severely outnumbered she need backup. Afya managed to steal some of Link and Elise’s hair in the fight, Afya used the hairs and combined it with water from the illusionary room Afya used an enchantment to create two shadow doppelgangers of Link and Elise. Shadow Elise is undyingly loyal to Afya, despite Afya showing little care back. Shadow Link much like his Hylian counterpart cares deeply for Shadow Elise, protecting her and looking out for her wellbeing. Shadow Link only stays with Afya because if he leaves Afya can just take his life away.
Extra Trivia:
. Out of Universe Creation Notes: Originally Shadow Elise was going to be the main villain of LoE. Shadow Elise was originally going to be an alternate universe version of Elise, who cold shapeshift into her Hylian counterpart and uses this ability to frame her for murder. She was changed to be less edgy and fit the OOT canon better.
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beartitled · 1 month
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Slowly returning to tnmn, but don’t expect much, smol baby steps
🎏 Sverchzt Triplets 🎏
My last comics were very rushed, so I drew sisters identical (ignoring the dress colours and different earrings shape)
So fixing it with this one ✨👍
Just reminding ppl no this is not canon, this is based on my silly comic
I based their mermaid look on symbiotic relationship of Pistol Shrimps and Gobies
Those sillies 👇
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Prepare for fish fan facts 🐻‍❄️👓☝️
The pistol shrimp burrows into the mud in search of food, digging a hole. The shrimp is blind, and pulling dirt to the surface leaves it exposed. The goby acts as the shrimp's bodyguard when the predator approaches the hole. In return, the goby gets a good place to rest, hidden from predators, and a place to hide it’s future fish babies
Took that info from 👉here👈
🐟 go read about fish, so we can be fish nerds together 👓🐟
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candysharkart · 10 months
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in the spirit of tonal whiplash (and hes relevant to me) worked on a wip i started almost a year ago, the giving of gift (and bonus youngish gift. bc he was also in the file)
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mrkusbastard · 2 months
Angus Ciprianni silly sketch!!✨
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My Italian boy 🥰🥰🥰 and my self insert oops😳
i love him soo muchhh I feel bad without him 🤕
I came up with several headcanons with him and I want to share them someday ХД
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chirimoiia · 2 months
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magicalbunbun · 1 month
What do tnmn Y/n think of Berry? (Berry is a doppelganger doorman, create by @thehotgrandparent)
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Doesn't have a opinion on them, mostly natural on them.
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mercymaker · 11 days
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There was something about Morgan that Maleane found hard to resist. Perhaps it was the familiarity, the recognition of some part of herself in another person. Or maybe it was the way the human carried herself, not shying away from voicing exactly what she wanted and pursuing it with ease. Or maybe it was her choice of company that left the drow intrigued. What was so special about the fellow sorcerer that made the vampire spawn fall so desperately in love?
the beautiful morgan belongs to @tadpole-apocalypse 💜
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