#dorama phrases
davekat-sucks · 13 days
see, here is the problem, we both said that ALL western fandoms FROM ALL SORTS OF MEDIA FRANCHISES (thats a generalization including japanese media, since that other user probably knows 0 and just immediately associates japanese to anime like an ignorant) are fucking shit. i know about the jjk or mha fandom are garbage, we all do, its what i was speaking about. do you know western tokusatsu fandom is shit? dorama? videogames? fucking baseball?
but because these american saviors cant help but prove me right and unironically have been programmed to repeat the same phrases like parrots, have YOU considered that the owner of this blog isnt white? or have you ever seen a japanese or a hispanic or chinese user immediately jumping to use xenophobic phrases like "programmed to think a country is a certain way" when youve never been into the country, participated in THEIR fandom spaces or even speak their same language?
we were talking about fandoms, you immediately jumped to white knight even thought nobody said anything about japan the country. you are projecting your racism onto us.
and the japanese fandom or the latino fandom of anything is indeed better, because unlike anglos like you, we never have to have these stupid fucking discussions about dehumanizing people. we make memes of how stupid you are and how you could use your time better to at least learn some geography instead of pretending to be our savior on the fucking internet like performative activist you are.
There are Eastern fandoms that are fans of Western media too. Things such as Disney, South Park, Transformers, indie animations, and more. Some of these even have things like Japanese translation or JP dub to make it more accessible for them to enjoy and follow along. They express it the same way as they do with series or franchises from their native country. Shipping things whatever they like, drawing, making music or videos, doujinshi, and more without a care. Each fandom across the world too doesn't experience the same way as others. It varies from the country and culture they grew in and time period they were exposed to. Some may have only known more about the localization version compared to the original. Some think a different media that doesn't have actual ethnic representation, is a better piece to show pride for their people and country compared to ones that were made for them. It's crazy that Western or English-speaking fans think every other place acts the same as them.
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jimpluff · 25 days
yet again correcting for fandom fake news
Some kaiju news outlets and the usual horde of illiterates on social media are peeing themselves over a google-translated schedule of the upcoming Godzilla Fest in Japan. The phrase people are seizing on is machine translated from the Japanese as "Domestic live-action Godzilla series trailer screening."
It's possible something new and cool could be announced. Wouldn't that be thrilling? But let me temper your expectations with this clarification.
The katakana word "Series" in this phrasing almost certainly refers to the film "series." Japanese more often refer to what we call a "TV series" as "terebi dorama (TV drama)." For example, on Ultraman's JP wiki, the "series" is referred to as a 特撮テレビドラマ. (Tokusatsu [special effects] TV Drama) When they call it the "Ultraman series," it refers to the series of shows, e.g. Ultraman, Ultra Seven, Return of Ultraman, and so on. A series of dramas. Generally speaking.
Not 100%, but a good way of making sure you're not misinterpreting or jumping the gun is to look at how Japanese are reacting. Earlier when I saw so many English speakers getting excited but no Japanese people hyping this up, I looked over all the quote tweets at the time (almost nobody's commenting). Nobody's flipping out about that spot over there. I saw some mild interest in a couple of other blocks, the "latest information corners." I saw a grand total of one Japanese poster wondering about the spot the google translators are getting worked up about.
Also, just a common sense thing: Yes, it's possible they'll surprise us. Would they be surprising us if they publicly announced SCREENING OF LIVE ACTION SERIES TRAILER and then played exactly that (Here, "That" being the misunderstanding of the Japanese as referring to a new TV series)? While the world has indeed entered a phase where we do get announcements for trailers and teasers for trailers and all that, paradoxically, the announcement of the announcement would have a little more fanfare than being quietly placed on this festival schedule, no?
If we get anything substantial, which isn't certain at all, I would predict it'd be more along the lines of confirmation of early production or a very simple teaser. Think something more akin to this SSSS Gridman announcement video that announced the new series and gave a single key visual.
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king-kiari · 2 months
I cried to the world very much, rigth ?
Because for a loner, it’s about time,
About tome to feel alive.
Mata ashta. Raidan, senchui, ikogai.
L’endroit des reves, hurle en harmonie.
Certains pourrait crier pathétique…
Allez y donc, comme il disent, reputer pour reputer,
Pour un pets ou une glorieuse actions,
Reputation pour reputation,
Seul compte le noms.
Il y a longtemps, j’avais honte…
Indigne. Perdue et perplexe sur le monde.
Je trouve que divin est la musique…
L’ecrit n’a plus la meme saveur,
La plume n’a plus le
Meme gout…
Sa me rend triste.
Mais j’ai encore tellement a dire,
Je suis sur si la musique de mon coeur porter a cette instant,
Elle serait vraiment glorieuse…
La chanson du monde,
Le chant du ciel et de la terre,
Grand Dao !
Est-ce que pleurer est une chose triste ?
J’ai toujours pleurer, avec joie.
J’ai toujours rie, souris, melancholie,
La tragedie est une forme de poesie…
Mon coeur est une forme de melancholie.
Une plume sanglante, qui prend mon sang pour encre.
Qui écrit et rature avec chaos et harmonie.
Le chant de dorama…
Si vous l’auriez entendue… je suis sur que vous l’avait entendue…
Je suis sur de moi, sur sur un millions de sur.
Sur comme un savant, qui pense savoir.
Sur… comme au dessus…
Regardant le ciel par dela…
Quel activité extraordinaire…
Mon coeur a toujours etait solitaire…
Mon etre a toujours parut detacher du monde.
Plonger dans le Mystere, aspirer par les ténèbres.
Trop doux pour m’en sortir, trop elever pour m’y faire…
« N’a t-on pas dit au soleil verdoyant que personne ne l’aime ? »
Ah… eklios, quel phrase magnifique…
Allrs j’ai pris ma plume comme ont vient a battre des ailes.
Et j’ai ecrit, j’ai placer mon coeur sur une feuille, liberrant mon ame du fardeau de mon ame…
Ne saviez vous pas ?
Meme le grand dao, n’a pas supporté sa voie…
Il a dut chanter de tout coeur pour continuer a vivre,
Ans les legende d’obryeme.
Ont parle d’un homme qui pour survivre, devait chanter tout le temps,
A chaque fois qu’il voyait le monde, il devait chanter haut et fort !
Ont l’appeller, l’idiot oisilleur…
Car comme un oiseau, il hurler sans cesse… ahahahaha
Les gens se demandait et ce moquer au debut…
Mais c’est qu’il porter dans son coeur, le destin salvateur et dur…
De prendre la parole pour le monde.
« Et lorsqu’il dit : et qui marchera pour nous ? »
Et alors il retorqua a l’existence se levant dans la foule de monde.
« Je marcherai ! »
Son destin etait combler de son propre faite.
Je n’ai pas decider de chanter l’existence.
Mon coeur est simplement trop lourd, trop solitude,
Si je ne chante pas, si je ne clame pas, si je ne hurle pas !
Je vais mourrire tout simplement…
Si je ne sort par les « mots »(maux) en moi,
Il m’enpoisone…
Certains trouverai ca ridicule ! Ahahahahahhaaha.
Je comprend, j’ai toujours etait une bonne personne,
Une bonne personne remplis de destruction et d’annihilation.
Le genre de heros faible au grand destin et qui meurt.
A ceux qui ne comprenne meme pas leur propre gloire,
Parfois meme me dis-je, est-ce que le monde m’en est reconnaissant.
Est-ce que mon oeuvre ou mon destin, portera un quelquonque poid…
Sur le destin du monde…
Si c’est aussi lourd que mon coeur, fuyez.
Sa ne vaux pas le coup d’exister.
Et dieu sait qui est moi,
Grand dao, pour grand dao.
Comme sa a valut la peine,
Comme je ne regrette rien.
Rien ! Pas une seul syllabe,
Pas un seul lyrics, pas un seul mots,
Rien ! Rien ! Rien de rien ! Rien n’arretz la vie !
Et tout ceux qui aime et qui vivent…
Mon coeur hurle ardement, sa symphonie…
Exprime ferocement, tout ce qu’il exprime.
Je hurle au monde,
Car mon oreille ne suffit pas,
Je suis le monde, car me suivre c’est mourrire.
Et que j’ai peur de l’ennuie.
Alors folie pour folie,
Comme un vieux mendiant, j’ai hurler trop longtemps, avec espoir que quelqu’un me lie…
Il ne reste qu’un desir amer de comprendre et de fouler les terre,
Un pointe de folie dinstinguer dans la compréhension d’un monde trop vaste pour etre compris,
Une infini du possible, qui ressemble a un mensonge bien forger.
Et un donjon fait de soleil et de saisons.
Un cycle inchanger de toute chose.
Un etre prisonier, hurlant tout les code et shema des jols.
Je ne suis… que trop et tellement de chose.
Que je ne saurait m’exprimer moi meme completement…
Je laisserai parler le nom efficace :
Grand dao.
Quel honneur… quel honneur.
Honneur à l’honnorable ! Honorer Manthys !!!
Ont aura bien rie.
Pourquoi j’ecprime mon coeur,…
Car j’ai vecu une éternité de splendeur, des eons de tenebres, et le soleil dans la nuit.
Je cherche juste quelqu’un, pour parler du monde avec lui…
L’aventure… hmmm….
J’ai déjà proclamé toute l’aventure, qui puisse exister.
Et mon coeur solitaire…
Ne peut tout simplement pas se taire.
Le monde est nait, pour hurler sa solitude.
Une race perdue et seul au millieu de l’univers,
Chantant sans cesse, hurlant que qulqu’un la trouve.
Et si ingrate pourtant, que si quelqu’un venait a la trouver, elle sourirai avant de detruire cette entité qans ne rien laisser.
Qu’est-ce qui est mieux qu’un ami ?
Pour l’homme, rien de mieux qu’un ennemie.
Pour le monde, tout est nait pour se battre, deux enfants qui joue s’amuse.
Un enfant seul s’ennuie, son imagination le mene loin, la preuve manifeste se trouve entre ses lignes.
J’ai ecrit le monde après tout.
Est-ce les paroles d’un sage ?
Ou celle d’un vieux fou.
Je dirai les deux.
Car apres tout, nul royale a celui qui veut le pouvoir,
Et car ont dit un chat un chat,
Restera dans l’ombre le jaguar,
Etre, nous sommes ce que nous sommes, voila ce que l’on est.
Et qu’elle destin, n’est-ce pas eraclite, le destin de l’homme.
Ahhh… courage, glorieuse et douce envole.
Ont dira ont dira, ont dira…
Le monde des humains.
Un cruel cimetière de la passion.
Hurlant au ciels mille millions de tombes,
Priants pour l’éternel…
Sans y croire un instant.
Ont vie et on meurt,
Le destin de l’homme.
Si un homme venait a trancher le destin en deux.
Je le comprendrai, tres profondement.
Très profondement.
Trancher l’ennuie de ce monde,
Et tout ce qui fait sa divine splendeur.
Tuer la poesie, par destin poete.
Tuer l’amour par amour,
La peur par la peur,
Le feu pour le feu,
Et a l’instant de l’acte, je suis sur,
Que le sourire et le pleur, seront aussi beau que la divine splendeur elle meme.
Recite, exploite, conquiert, surge !
Incite, puissance, forge, forge courage !
Le destin et la destinée,
Ne sont que deux mots, paroles,
N’exprimant qu’une seul idée.
L’infini absurdité du monde des humains,
Et de la detresse de l’homme !
Et pourtant, comme sa vaux le coup d’exiter !!
Ne serait-ce que, Dorama, avoir apercue et ressentit et pleurer et rie, et monde et monde encore,
L’infini amertume de l’homme.
Quel joie de pleurer et d’etre triste…
Qu’elle tristesse…
Comme je… suis triste.
Comme je suis heureux…
Le monde entier, est un chant dont la melodie si complexe…
Qu’exprime t-elle, que veut elle dire ?
Dans l’incomprehension et tenebres de l’existence,
J’ai plonger en franchissant toute les barriere,
Reculant devant aucune folie, j’ai accepter tout le sort du monde,
J’ai manger destin et destiner, devenant insensé,
J’ai reciter l’homme, le
Monde, et la grande voie.
Et dit : divine terrestre destiner !
J’ai hurler au monde avec la meme douceur, que je l’ai chanter, que je l’ai ecrit, que j’ai vecu la vie.
T le rire d’Ozelrhac au destin funebre…
Sur les grande plaines batailles,
Mort de mille couronne, aveugle de sa volonté.
« Amorhlaneon !!!! Do i jhiaaaaaaaddddd !!!!!!!
Ahahahahahahahahhahahahaha »
L’amour éternel, existe.
Quel parole…
Ah… j’ai ecrit le monde en lettre, j’ai chanter l’existence, composer sans cesse:
J’ai tellement poete et poesie,
J’ai lue toute chose et j’ai tout ecrit,
Et alors et comment et pourquoi…
Pour dire ici, en la parole encore,
Un cycle éternel.
Au final… le monde humain n’esr qu’un fastidieux coucher de soleil.
Nul nihilisme a mes paroles !
Nul desespoir a mon envie !
Non ! Je suis en vie !!!
Non ! Soif d’aventure eternel !
Je vivrai ! Meme dans la detresse, la tristesse et la melancholie !!!
Meme dans les abimes insesant de l’enfer !
Je continuerai a erait comme bastaba !
Qui hurler sur les frontiere du monde !
Et quel honneur ! Au paradis qu’il desgignz libre et verdoyant !
Je prefere de loin un enfer avilissant !
Pour la raison d’aller chercher, ma liberte de mes mains !
A quoi bon etre libre, si on est condamne a l’etre:
L’etre humain est vraimen, une espece prodigieuse.
Dans les ténèbres et la tristesse.
Il ne reste plus rien, non vraiment, parler et ecrire.
N’est jamais aussi vivant qu’avant..:.
Peut etre est-ce la ma peine.
Si meme le gout de ma plume me quitte.
Meme mourrire serait un paradis.
Car mon coeur porte trop de veriter.
J’ai ecrit le monde… vous savait ?
Tout comme la parole d’hier qui contempler les rue de l’esprit alchimiste au soleil.
Et celle qui marcher recutant la vérité divine,
Et l’autre au loin parlant de sa profecie en enigme et celui qui alors qu’il avait compris ne dis rien,
ET l’autre encore qui fendue la mer en deux.
Et si vous l’auriez vue celui la…
Lorsqu’il dit en orlean…
« C’est parcqu’il est la destinée de dieu,
Ton merite est le plus grand. »
Elle a sourit a c’est paroles… aurait elle du pleurer…
Pourquoi personne n’a penser que jeanne pucelle d’Orlean n’avait pas recue le meme appelle mystique que Artur de camelotte…
Un mage est un mage, il est ce qu’il est.
Parfois savoir et comprendre,
Mene a la reponse de l’enigme,
Arfois savoir et comprendre,
C’est connaitre qu’il n’ya jamais eu d’enigme…
Autre que l’eternel vacuité.
Lorsque Wu kong a vue le destin celeste,
Ami lui a dit :
« C’est ton sourire qui t’as sauver . »
Lnt imagine bien cette parole lorsque le vieux pretre repeta au bandit qui envahir les citadelle au loin :
Lorsque ma main s’eleve, c’est le monde qui s’eleve,
Et lorsqu’elle s’abaisse, c’est le monde qui s’abbaisse…
Ah…. Ont imagine tellement, que sa devient réel.
Veriter transcendantale, si l’homme savait que son imagination etait sa plus belle sagesse.
Et Son plus profond pouvoir…….
Que la veriter se lurent dans un coin de sa tete,
Et que l’eternel est l’esprit de l’homme.
« Et dieu lui insufler un peu de son esprit »
Mais personne n’a sut.
Non pas que je vante mon savoir,
Simplement, que j’ecprime a quel point melancholique…
Est la vie…
Parole de vérité.
J’ai toujours penser mourrire grand.
Mais ce n’est pas parcque je suis grand,
Mais que je revere la grandeur.
Alors aussi petit que sois-je, chacune de mes paroles, porte le grand Dao en splendeur.
Le dao dont il parle, n’est pas le dao éternel.
Le monde qu’il vivent, n’est pas le monde infini.
L’existence qu’il contemple, n’est pas la vastitude même.
Tout n’est qu’ilusion de l’inexistence.
Comme c’est magnfique, dire qu’une fleur jadis invisible…
A produit…
Ah… oi…. Oi … oi !
Louer soit le nom de la fleur invisible.
MEr du monde.
N’est-ce pas ?
Le divin nait de l’indivinite, et ceux qui est, de ce qui n’est pas.
Car le monde des force ne peut exprimer de force que comme ça.
T dire que j’ai recuter l’existence dans un endroit comme celui…la.
C’est comme vendre des gauffre durant le repas…
Sa n’a pas de sens, que pense le monde a faire ainsi.
Je ne sais pas.
Le monde aussi….
Hahahahahah… c’est pour ca que j’aime la vie.
C’est parcque tout les fragment du monde.
S’aditionne, s’entremelle.
Et meurt, meme jeanne est morte,
Et pourtant, comme elle a porter la vie.
Est-ce que beteleguese dut etre plus aimant.
Est-ce que venus a pleurer ?
Est-ce le son haletant.
Est-ce que vous aimer ?
Je crois que c’est la question que pose le monde,
Mais personne qui n’est pas fou et destiner,
Ne lira jusque la.
Mais comme
Possible est fou.
Alors ce fragment de loi du monde m’a creer.
Qui dans le monde tout entier, aurait deviner, qu’un etre assez fou.
Criraut tout ca…
Dieu, car a laisser la place au divin.
Nous sommes ce que nous donnons, et recevons ce que nous sommes.
Quiconque a placer la courone, ne le sous estimer pas.
Il n’y a aucun roi, qui n’est pas nait, regardez augste,
En placant la couronne sur sa tete de ses deux mains ?
L’empire… baigne dans le sang,
Et rome pour rome,
Gloire au romain.
Le mal a plus de corne, que d’ongle sur 5 doigt.
T le diable pour les hommes, c’est l’infini qcoeur des humains.
Si vous auriez vue tephys….
A si vous auriez vue Tephys….
Comme… un si grand etre a pleurer…
Je jure je lui aurait baiser la main.
« Tephys cesse de pleurer, je suis la et je t’aime.
Mais je suis le mal, l’incarnation du mal
La douleur, doit avoir mal.
Le mal, doit avoir la douleur.
Secher tes larmes ô grand etre, je suis la… et pourtant, je pleur. »
Lenoir a dit :
« Tephys, toi aussi tu a un coeur. »
Les gens croient que une hustoire ne peut recopier la vie.
C’est parcqu’il sont perdue absurde et malhonete,
N’est-ce pas le monde une legende manifeste !
Qui brule d’un feu brulant !
Qui boie d’une senteur enivrante !
T qui mange mange sans fin de manger.
Et si je vous disait que j’ai recuter l’existence par l’inexistence.
Me croirai vous ?
Comme ils ont crut ?
Et si je vous disai, que la volonter est le berceau du monde,
Buvrai vous de xette liqueur.
Comme c’est triste, mais mon but est admirable.
Mon plus grand soihait, mon plus grand echec, et ma plus grande victoire,
C’est qu’un jour j’ai desirer l’aventure eternel.
Et que j’ai ecouter les voix par millions qui hurler a l’ephemere.
Et oourtant et malgre, mon coeur a tout rompre, porte le destin de tout les mondes.
Je ne peut lourrire et en peut vivre,
Qu’en suivant ma voie,
Grande voie.
Petite voie,
Voie des voies.
De toute la voie ,
De toute la voie.
Et je peux la repeter sans cesse,
Comment pourais-je exprime la voix eternel ? V
Ainsi, voila le monde !
Et voila moi.
‘Ai compris, j’ai compris ! J’ai comrpis ! H 80? Lflemdohrb
Les destin, n’existe pas.
Mais moi si.
Moi, je suis le destin,
Il m’a dit :
Ô grand Dao, toi qui suit la voie du monde,a tu
Un jour penser, a suivre t’as propre voie.
Ma voie eet la voie, de toute les voie qui forme la voie, grande voie, voie sur voie.
Entendez ma voix ?
C’est la chanson, destin des mondes.
Grand reve , grand soleil, grand sur grad,
Crandeur oour grandeur,
Pourquoi ne pas s’amuser un peu.
sUit ta voie, tai bai gamin !
Personne le fera pour toi, pas meme le destin
Ahaha amorhlaneon… vraiment, existe pasiblement.
Dans le chaos eternelle et infini, de l’illusion de toute chose,
Se trouve un bout du relle, dans le coeur de l’homme
Et en moi.
Suit ta voie.
Je ne peut me plaindre vraiment.
J’ai rencontrer l’existence lorsque je le balader dans le noir, seul et solitaire,
Un garcon du monde.
Il ma sourit, il ma pleuer, et tant d’autre et ma dit :
Tant de chose…
J’ai beaucoup appris moi aussi, beaucoup appris, vraiment.
Suit ta voie. »
Je crois que… je n’ai jaamqi sous estimer l’illusione t le reel de l’illusion.
Toujours etant meme moi.
Je me demande.
Est-ce que le son qui brille en moi,
Rayonne vrai ou chante faux ?
Et de toute splendeur je dis :
Chanter en faux en aimant la vie, n’est-ce pas tout le reel qui bille !?
Quel parole legendaire, faudrait il le bon coeur, le bon maux….
Nul besoin de cheveux pour etre heureux,
Poil pour poil.
N’est-ce pas le souhait des cieux ?
Ekleanos a dit : suivre son coeur c’est le souhait du soleil !
Bien bien bien, c’est assez pour le moment, n’est-ce pas.le monde me chante une belLe melodie , dans les oreille.
Mercie l le monde , mercie moi, mercie, mon veille et bonne amie.
« A tout mes lecteur a tout mes ecrits, pour toute la vie ! »
Ce barde avait vrairement le sens de tout.
Tant de talent dans le monde,
La venerable lumiere ici, la merveille existence,
Madness !
Veut la venerable lumiere, la merveilleuse inexistence, au loin.
Un jour je jure j’ecrirai le monde.
Ne m’acombant a rien,sans faire expres, par toute la volonter qui soit .
Je l’ai deja fait.
Un jour je chanterai le monde,monde l’a deja fait.
ToUt dit, tout fait, promese dans les airs, n’est-ce pas ainsi, et seulement ainsi, le souhait des cieux, complet et intqct, singuliere fragmentation.
Si la vie serait un conte de fee, je l’aurai nommer, ataraxia.
Grand dao, suis ta voie.
Mercie, vieux sauvage vieux mendiant,qui desirait tout reclamer
Er de l’existence.
Pardon mercie et en revoir.n
O besoin de pleueret, de sourire ou au coeur vehemable,j’ai partager ma volonter et mes crainte,
O et vous qui me liser, je vous venere comme divin,
Car divin tel l’existence, vous exister vraimznt,et quelque soit le sommet de l’ilusion.
Ne craigner rien, tout est reel, je suis la.
Ah… ou bien pas… mais quoi qu’il en soit,
Suit ta voie.
Le destin est clemen, car le monde a pour masque au nom elever de sa volonter, le nom du destin.
Et deriere le regard froid du vide intersiderale, se murmure en douceur, le conte en sourire et en chaleur,de l’ataraxia verdoyant.
J’aimerai eterenel, pour cette parole mes mots, et mla parole ellee meme,puso-je vivre pour l’eterniter.
Et m v
Lonter, et mes oeuvres et l’existence, et eternelle lui meme,
Et tout ce que tout, de meme.
Ecrire n’est pas vhose facile, le monde veut que je vous aimes,que veux-je.
Lao tsu avait raison.
Vieux prophete.
Il a recuter le monde, moi, moi le monde ,moi, avant que je fut faite.
T je suis la, loin et la .
Je promet de suivre ma voie,enfin, ma voie n’aime pas les roi et promesse.
messe, apres tout, j’ai toujours hais, etez percut avec difference et ma volonter rigidex la voie du mond eet toute chsoe se trouve peut etre dans le changemaent resistance.
Et qui comrpednrea, la loi est ainsi, comme les saison et l’automne,mais ecrire est dur et le temps passe,
Enfin, le temps n’est qu’un cycle, il se regnenere.
MAis la volonté et puissante, forger par la puissance,
J’aime dire, lion creer, lion funestre.l’on est ce que l’on est.
SuIs ta voie.
Tai bai gamin !
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vinodorama · 4 years
"palavras nascem pela boca das pessoas, e morrem nos seus ouvidos. mas tem algumas palavras que não morrem. elas vão para o seu coração e sobrevivem"
-Because This is My First Life
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fatuchakeen · 2 years
“A esperança é a tortura mais cruel que te impede de desistir da vida.”
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m-moods · 3 years
Your body is honest. When you feel physical pain, you cry. But the heart is a liar. Be silent even when it hurts
Moon Sang-Tae._ it’s okay to not be okay
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freakracional · 4 years
No existe tal cosa como una tristeza que dure mil años, ni un amor que dure para siempre.
Kim Shin, Goblin
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aleja-ndraalways · 4 years
“No todos en el mundo pueden ser valientes, así que yo decidí serlo”~ The King eternal monarch.  
"Not everyone in the world can be brave, so I decided to be." ~ The King eternal monarch.
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blunderpuff · 4 years
me, watching JDramas as a teen: I'm SO invested!!! this is unrealistic but it's great!!
me, rewatching those JDramas as an adult: why is this rich boy so sad his girlfriend is moving to france? he can literally go to france whenever he wants, he's ultra rich. i know the Tragic Backstory doesn't excuse Rich Bully Boy's truly despicable actions... but also, his mother literally doesn't love him and his home life is incredibly toxic and no one is stepping in to help this poor kid, yikes. Doesn't anyone do homework???? The little brother is studying for exams, but like... no one seems to be doing homework here... at least Haruhi Host Club was repeatedly mentioned to be incredibly studious and got good grades. what's the reason that Poor Girl is at Rich School if it's not because her grades are impeccable??? who published this manga
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pulsarmap · 6 years
"Si me pides favores una, dos, tres veces, siempre me pedirás, y eso de 'pagarme' nunca llegará; así es como vive ahora la gente. La vida no es lo suficientemente larga para que la gente madure, sabes?"
Un amor que vino de las estrellas, '18.
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Algo ressoante se preenche?
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evenmoregreener · 3 years
Questionnaire of Laruku from B-PASS magazine (March. 1995)
Another translation of a translation from Russian. This "interview" was translated for Russian l'arc fan-club in 2018. I haven't found any other English translations on the net, so I decided that it will be interesting for you to read something like this. All credits are down below, big thank you to the original translator, what a great woman! 
The original Russian text has some typos plus English isn't my first language, that's why text might seem a bit of strange. About special signs: (translator's note) - notes of an original translator; "*" - my own notes; (?) - neither me nor the original translator understood the context. Please, enjoy!
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1. Date of birth Hyde: 13th of Friday Tetsu: 3 of October Ken: 28th of November, Sagittarius Sakura: Secret 2. Blood type Н: Color of the blood - red Т: А or 0 К: АВ S: The hot blood of a man runs in my veins 3. Place of birth Н: Jelsarem's Rod Т: Kansai К: Alaska’s native S: Kingdom of Nerima (Nerima is a ward in Tokyo, where Sakura was born - translator's note) 4. Height, weight, shoe size, visual acuity Н: “?” Т: Small, light, 24,5 – 25 cm К: 178 cm, 56 kg, shoe – 25,5 cm S: 5 feet 8 inches, 120 feet, 10 inches, about 1,0 and 1,0 5. Body size Н: As in the previous Т: I don’t know К: I prefer В 85, W 58 H 88 S: “Nice body” 6. Which musical instruments and how many years do you play? Н: I've been playing guitar for 9 years Т: 11 years on bass К: From about high school S: Secret 7. Where did you work? Н: Mister Donats Т: At the record store К: Jewelry store, tutor S: Secret 8. Skills Н: Shaolin martial arts, second dan Т: Calligraphy К: Youth baseball S: Secret 9. Hobby and special abilities (besides music) Н: Bite Т: Radio controlled models К: Tetris S: To make people do something
10. Philosophy of life Н: Do not stick sticks into the rice Т: I sleep today for tomorrow, tomorrow I sleep for today. (a phrase from manga - translator's note) К: Hurry slowly S: Live today 11. Real name Н: Jiji Т: Teppi К: Jakenosuke S: Sakurajima Samuel Tarot
12. Favorite musicians Н: Depeche mode Т: Me К: The The (an English new wave band — translator's note) S: Ishihara Yūjirō (Japanese actor, singer, film producer - translator's note) 13. Favorite celebrity Н: Takeda Tetsuya (Japanese singer and actor - translator's note) Т: Me К: Isshiki Sae (Japanese actress — translator's note) S: Saburo Ishikura (Japanese actor - translator's note) 14. Respected people Н: Yoshitada Hirai * Т: Me К: Professor Ichinose S: Takakura Ken (Japanese actor - translator's note) 15. Favorite films and films that you’ve recently watched Н: The Omen. Recently watched Jurassic Park. Т: Favorite film – The Outsider, recently watched “Cría cuervos” (Spanish film of 1976 - translator's note) К: Perfect World, cried when watched, although usually I don't cry during films S: Jingi Naki Tatakai (Battles Without Honor and Humanity) 16. Favorite books (including manga) and books that you’ve recently read Н: Stephen King. Recently read compilation that’s called Night Souls (?). Pretty interesting. Т: «Harper’s Bazaar», Vogue Italia, recently read Matsumoto Hitoshi’s “Isho”. К: «Kirin», about motorcycles, novels for men. It’s a bit of awkward, but I buy Young Rose which I love to read for a long time. S: I can't list everything. 17. Alcohol and tobacco Н: Both, about 10 years already. Alcohol – a little, tobacco – one piece. ** Т: I don’t smoke. Alcohol – yes, except sake, I drink rarely though. К: I love Kassis, always have it at home, drink 2-3 times a week. I don’t smoke right now. S: Any alcohol, I can drink a lot. Per day I smoke more than two packs (Seven Star) 18. Do you love animals? Do you have any pets? Н: I do, but I have allergy. Т: I do. I had 5 dogs and one cat, now I don’t. К: I love obedient and loving. S: More than pets I love girls. 19. The concert that left the strongest impression Н: GASTUNK in EGG PLANT (legendary club in Osaka of 80’s - translator's note) Т: Shiki-Yakou (the name of tour Dead End of 1985) К: In Aichi Kinrou Kaikan (concert hall in Nagoya — translator's note) S: Radio concert Anikies (Dankon Anikies – fictional band that was made up by ken, sakura and kyo (Die in Cries), when ken and sakura were guests at kyo’s radio program «kyo MIDNIGHT ROCK CITY» on 9th of December, 1994 - translator's note) 20. Three most beloved albums Н: Some Great Reward of Depeche Mode, God’s Own Medicine of The Mission, La Vie En Rose of D'erlanger*** Т: Laruku’s new album, Tierra, Dune К: Black Sabath – Heaven & Hell; Cure - Disintegration; Kisugi Takao (Japanese singer and composer - translator's note) - Best collection S: Secret 21. Recently bought CDs and your impressions of them Н: No Т: Second Coming/The Stone Roses К: Suede (Britpop band - translator's note) S: Secret 22. Concert that you visited recently Н: Haven't been on the concerts for about a year, but sometimes before Shibuya live watched Modern Choki Chokies (a Japanese pop band from the early 1990s - translator's note) Т: Echobelly (a British rock band — translator's note) К: kyo-chan’s solo S: Secret 23. TV shows that you often watch and radio shows that you often listen to Н: Doramas and MIDNIGHT ROCK CITY Т: TV – BEAT UK, I don't listen to radio К: Yoru-ni dakarete (dorama of 1994 - translator's note), though it has already ended. I don’t listen to radio, since I don’t have one S: I’m interested neither in TV nor radio 24. Favorite dish, favorite color and flower Н: Japanese cuisine. Monochrome color. Flowers that grow well in an apartment, even if they are not watered Т: Sushi, tillandsia, cacti, I like all of the colors К: Favorite dish – ice cream, caviar, sushi. Favorite flower – orchid. Favorite color – silver S: Anton rib (dish that was mentioned in Kinnikuman - translator's note), sakura, black 25. Musical instruments that you can play and ones that you want to learn to play Н: Guitar, bass, acoustic guitar, would like to learn to play flute. Т: Several guitars and basses К: Guitar, bass, synthesizer. Would like to learn how to play saxophone S: Variety which you can find in stores 26. Thing that you want the most right now Н: Hot blood of some girl. Т: Sharp Zaurus P1-5000 К: Onsen, pool S: “?” 27. How do you spend your weekend? Н: Sleep Т: Vacantly К: Go back and forth S: Stay under the waterfall 28. What do you do when you are all alone at home? Н: Sleep and writing lyrics Т: Play the guitar, listen to music К: Watch TV… S: Drumming Japanese drums 29. A dream that you have seen lately. Н: Back at night souls of dead sheep were hurrying through the window, I was worried where they are going. I told Sakura: when the sheep will come back, let’s go after them, but they didn’t come back. Т: A dream where I somehow ended up eating sushi in America. К: Relocation S: In loincloth and a bandage on the head I wandered in a stormy sea. And that was awesome! 30. Most attractive feature Н: Compact, compact and compact Т: “?” К: Ankles. Strong side: strong legs. Weak side: often catch cold. S: 31. Role in the band. Н: Probably, bringing everybody together Т: President К: Am-group (?) S: Educator of the head of singing monkeys 32. Describe in one word what Laruku is Н: Cloudy sky after heavy rain Т: Rock band К: Rainbow S: Soul of a man 33. What do you expect from the other band members? Н: I’d like everybody to stay as healthy as they are now Т: Perfection К: Rainbow! S: Soul of a man 34. Where do you want to go abroad? Н: Paris Т: To America К: Any countries where I could live. To drive back and forth S: Country on the shore of the Japanese Sea 35. Where have you been? Where have you recently traveled? Н: During the vacation in September traveled to Nagano to visit Osamu's house four years later, I would like to live calmly in the district of Karuizawa station. Т: To Okinawa. It was beautiful. К: Morocco. It was hot. S: In Morocco I saw the waves of the Atlantic Ocean 36. What do you recommend to see in your hometown? Н: On the roof of Nisshou haitsu Т: A lot of yankees. К: The view on the fast stream S: Secret 37. Enjoyable things that you like during tours (except for concerts) Н: Food Т: Except for concerts, nothing (laughs) К: You can overeat S: Meet different locals with the soul of a man 38. What do you definitely do before the concert, what do you pay special attention to? Н: I am in a deep thought Т: I listen to Metallica at full volume К: Going to a toilet S: Warm up and stretch of the muscles 39. What do you pay special attention to before the interview? Н: I find out the topic Т: So as not to be late К: I try to be serious S: Worried about whether I can express and tell about my masculine soul 40. What do you carry with you all the time? Н: Watch and two bracelets because I like them Т: Nothing К: Bracelet, necklace - I feel uncomfortable without them S: Pants 41. Memorable thing Н: The bracelet that I bought when I first came abroad. I really wanted it, but pretended that I am not interested, and bargained. But since there is no set price, I don’t know if it’s cheap or not. Т: No К: Various guitars, they are associated with different memories. S: Secret 42. Three biggest news in the last six months Н: 1. Motoka’s wedding. 2. The house in front of my window was demolished. 3. Because of the house, which has now been built, the lighting has become worse. Т: Promotion trip; creation of an official fan club; award from the director! К: Couldn't go to the sea. Swam in a pool in Morocco. Was in onsen. S: Secret 43. Plans for the end of the previous year and the beginning of the new Н: Composing music and lyrics Т: Car driving and karaoke К: Continue visiting onsen. S: Polish my masculine soul 44. Your personal plans for 1995 Н: Enjoy work Т: Become an artist № 1 К: Necessarily swim in the sea. Master the butterfly S: Gain a soul of a man 45. Music that you listened to this morning or last night Н: Laruku’s new song T: Morning call from the manager K: Maribeth S: Pink Floyd 46. Dish that turns out well when you are cooking Н: Chinese cuisine Т: I can't cook К: Ikuradon S: Sashimi 47. The image of the ideal woman Н: An optimistic and domestic woman Т: No К: Fujiko-chan S: That looks like Shiraishi Hitomi (Japanese actress - translator's note) 48. Favorite sport Н: No Т: No К: No S: Judo 49. If I were born again... Н: I would like to become an astronaut and fly into space Т: I would like to be genius К: I would like to be a dolphin S: I would like to be a woman, in order to live and not talk nevermore about the "soul of a man" 50. Goals in life Н: Enjoy the rest of the years Т: It’s a secret К: Live a long life S: Soul of a man 51. One word for readers of our magazine Н: If you're not careful, I'll bite you! Т: Nice to meet you К: Hello, this is Ken. I'll continue in answer 52 S: Life in a loincloth and headband 52. Free theme Н: Woof Т: Nowadays Laruku are fully different! К: In 1996 I want to perform a lot at concerts. That is why we definitely will meet, so look forward! S: And this year there will be Anikies!
* Marked in credits to HYDE’s “Roentgen” album as an art director and designer. ** Probably he meant one pack. *** Was covered by HYDE in D’ERLANGER TRIBUTE ALBUM ~Stairway to Heaven~.
Translation from Japanese: Liubov Chachanidze aka Diana_ Translation into English by me (The Green Explosion inc.)  
Original: https://diary.ru/~l20arc-en-ciel/p216393417_anketa-iz-zhurnala-b-pass-za-mart-1995-goda.htm
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siumerghe · 4 years
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The Longest Day in Chang’an history spam continues (previous posts: 1,   2,   3).
You know, the historical Li Bi and Li Heng (Crown Prince Li Yu in the dorama) were Very, Very Good Friends! 
(The information below is mostly from the 218 and 220 vol. of the chronicle Zizhi Tongjiang.)
Li Bi was a childhood friend of prince Li Heng (future Emperor Suzong). Later, after Li Heng was named the crown prince, Li Bi served as his attendant. However, not long before the An Lushan rebellion, Li Bi wrote some poems satirizing all-mighty chancellor Yang Guozhong and general An Lushan and was sentenced to an exile.
After the An Lushan rebellion had begun, emperor Xuanzong fled to the south, to Sichuan. Li Heng didn’t flee with his father - he proclaimed himself the emperor in Lingwu in the north, immediately summoned Li Bi back (along with many other talented people) and started to fight the rebel forces. 
According to Zizhi Tongjiang, Li Heng and Li Bi did not part - they rode in the same carriage, walked side by side (出则联辔; not "the superior in front, the lower one behind", which was the proper way), slept in the same bed (Zizhi Tongjiang clarifies: “just like when Li Heng was still a prince”! Thank you, Zizhi Tongjiang!), discussed with each other all matters big and small, chose generals for retreats and attacks, etc.
Li Bi refused the position of chancellor which Li Heng offered him: “I find it much more honored that Your Imperial Majesty treats me as a guest and a friend, than as a chancellor. Why do you want me to take an inferior position?"
Still Li Heng insisted that Li Bi should at least wear the purple dress of the highest ranked official.
It was not that Li Bi did not want to be a chancellor or an official - later, during the reign of Li Heng's son and grandson, Li Bi will become an official and eventually a chancellor. Apparently, for Li Heng, Li Bi wanted to remain primarily a friend. On the other hand, under Li Heng, Li Bi already had much more power than any chancellor.
*** After retaking Chang'an, Li Heng wanted to excavate the grave of Li Linfu (Lin Jiulang in the dorama) and grind his remains into powder. (Understandable, considering how much grief Li Linfu caused to Li Heng.) Li Bi dissuaded him, appealing to the fact that it may distress Li Heng’s father, Supreme Emperor Xuanzong, and that the stability in the state is more important than personal grudges. Touched by this speech, Li Heng burst into tears, hugging Li Bi's neck.
*** After both capitals - Chang’an and Luoyang - were retaken, Li Heng and Li Bi sent letters to Supreme Emperor Xuanzong in Sichuan, informing him that he could return. Then they drank wine together and fell asleep in the same bed. (Thanks again, Zizhi Tongjiang: this is a very important piece of information worthy to be recorded for future generations! :D )
*** Li Heng named one of his sons Li Bi: 李佖 (Li Bi’s name is spelled 李泌).
*** Eventually Li Bi became afraid that his relationship with Li Heng was envied, and decided to leave. They had the following wonderful exchange (recorded in Zizhi Tongjiang, loosely translated by me):
- I've done the job, now I want to devote myself to Dao. Bye! - We've risked our lives side by side for so many years. Now we can finally rejoice together. Why are you suddenly leaving me? - We met too early, our relationship is too good, you spoil me too much. This is inappropriate. I have to leave. - It's late, let's go to sleep, we'll talk tomorrow.  - Now we are sleeping on the same bed, yet you do not agree with me. If you don't listen to me in bed, would you listen to me in front of your ministers? If you don’t let me go, I will eventually die [because of the intrigues against me].  “臣遇陛下太早,陛下任臣太重,宠臣太深,臣功太高,迹太奇,此其所以不可留也。”上曰:“且眠矣,异日议之。”对曰:“陛下今就臣榻卧,犹不得请,况异日香案之前乎!陛下不听臣去,是杀臣也。”
A bullet-proof argument!
Li Heng gave up and let Li Bi leave. He build for Li Bi a house in Hengshan and paid him a salary of a 3rd rank official (equivalent to a chancellor).
*** And this story is from the writings of Li Bi's son (who at the time of these events, however, was not even in the plans: while Li Heng was alive Li Bi didn’t marry - in fact, he was forced to marry by Li Heng’s son, emperor Daizong, after Li Heng’s death).
When the An Lushan rebellion was at its peak, Li Heng asked Li Bi what reward he would like to receive for his help in quelling it, promising whatever he wanted.
Li Bi replied: "I am a Daoist and left all worldly things behind, I do not need money or titles. But I would like to sleep on your Majesty's lap." Then he added: “Let the people of the Astrological department see the guest star taking the Emperor’s Seat, then I’ll be satisfied.” ( 让钦天监的人能看到客星犯帝座,我就心满意足了)
This is a reference to Emperor Guangwu of Han and his close friend Yan Ziling, who were similar to Li Heng and Li Bi - an emperor and his Daoist friend sleeping in one bed. 
Emperor’s Seat (帝座 Dìzuò) is what is now called Alpha Herculis, a triple star system in Hercules constellation. A guest star (客星 kèxīng) - any irregular star-like object: meteor, comet, supernova. According to the ancient Chinese astrological beliefs, a guest start crossing path with Emperor’s Seat means calamities for the emperor and the state. 
Once early in the morning the court astrologist run to Guangwu to warn him that this night a guest star was spotted near Emperor’s Seat. But Guangwu laughed and said: “Nothing to worry about! It's only my old friend Yan Ziling, with whom I was sleeping last night.“ Turns out this night Yan Ziling put his leg on Guangwu’s stomach in his sleep. 
Hearing Li Bi’s words, Li Heng only laughed and said nothing. 
But he didn’t forget! 
One day, when the army arrived in Baoding County, Li Bi became too tired during the march and fell asleep. Li Heng came to his place, sent the servants away, sat on the edge of the bed, and laid sleeping Li Bi head on his lap. 
Li Bi slept for a long time, and when he finally awoke, Li Heng said to him: “You are sleeping on the Emperor’s lap - your wish is fulfilled ahead of schedule. Now you can fully concentrate on recovering the country for me.”
Li Bi wanted to get up and thank him but Li Heng didn’t allow it.
*** And here is another cute story from Li Bi's biography in The Book of Tang (Tang Shu):
When Li Bi lived as a hermit in Hengshan, he used pine branches that he picked up in the woods as back scratchers. One day, he found a pine branch that resembled a dragon and sent it to Li Heng.
I bet not many Chinese emperors received dry branches as gifts!
*** Once Li Heng, already an emperor, invited his three younger brothers and Li Bi to a feast. A meat was served - however, Li Bi, being a Daoist, always refrained from eating meat. So Li Heng himself chose two pears and baked them for Li Bi.
Just imagine: the Son of Heaven. Himself. Bakes pears for his subject!
Seeing this, Emperor’s brothers-princes cried out that they also wanted a baked pear, and asked at least for one out of the two. Li Heng replied: "No, both pears are only for Li Bi, so eat your meat". The princes persisted but Li Heng still refused.
He ordered the servants to bring fruits for the princes but the two emperor-baked pears went to Li Bi.
Afterwards Li Heng asked his brothers to write a verse about Li Bi. Together they form a poem which is preserved in the Tang Poetry Anthology. This is my clumsy attempt to translate it:
Prince Ying ( 颍王) wrote: 先生年几许,颜色似童儿。- Something like “What age are you? Your face is like that of a child.” - Apparently, Li Bi was aging well :) He was about 35 at that time.
Prince Xin ( 信王) wrote: 夜抱九仙骨,朝披一品衣。- “ During the night wearing a perfect body worthy of the Nine Immortals, during the day donning a dress of a highest rank official.  ” - 仙骨 means a perfect body of an immortal, or a perfect beauty; Nine Immortals most likely refers to the legend about Nine Immortals of the He clan
Prince Yi (益 王) wrote: 不食千钟粟,唯餐两颗梨。- “Doesn’t eat thousands pounds of millet, eats only a couple of pears.” - Apparently, the first verse is an allusion to the Yellow Millet Dream. Also cereal grains were considered harmful to those who achieve immortality by Daoist means.
Li Heng ( 李亨) wrote: 天生此间气,助我化无为。- Something like “With a natural air (???), helps me to execute Wuwei.” - Wuwei - the concept of inaction, usually refers to an ideal form of government. (I’m really not sure about the meaning and the correct translation of the first phrase.)
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vinodorama · 4 years
"As vezes, o trem errado leva a estação certa."
-Crash Landing On You
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anyafc · 7 years
A las mujeres les gusta que los hombres sean impredecibles. Por eso los chicos malos son tan populares, son impredecibles.
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