#dorcas and marlene are probably bickering over quidditch teams
butchkaramazov · 1 year
in the back of my mind the marauders and the potters and walburga and the black siblings are having a nice family dinner and everyone falls back in love with each other argue with the wall
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ratmom819 · 1 year
imagine what harry's birthday's would be like if everyone lived, especially once he's a teenager
it's hosted at the potter mansion, and you have ALL the marauders era besties AND all the lightning era besties in one house
gideon and fabian and fred and george team up against the marauders in an epic prank battle that lasts all day. they start recruiting others at the party and soon everyone has been a victim at least once. they have to call a stalemate.
the most INTENSE kids vs adults quidditch match you've ever witnessed, harry vs regulus as seekers, can you even IMAGINE
sirius and seamus fighting over control of the music, which inevitably makes seamus a pranking target and dean goes full bodyguard mode. they get so distracted that they don't even notice when remus takes over (which was his plan all along)
mary and lily end up in the bathroom with hermione and lavendar and pavarti and padma and luna and millie painting each other's nails. ron, blaise, and greg come and find them and they get their nails done too
james is constantly making faces at harry and elbowing him every time charlie walks in because harry used to have the BIGGEST crush on him
lily and neville end up in the garden together to escape the chaos for a bit and have a lovely chat about alice <3
as the prank war progresses, a secret third team emerges, composed of barty, evan, theo, and vince. the gryffindor teams keep blaming the other for the pranks the slytherins are actually doing, which is sending regulus and draco into quiet hysterics.
dorcas and marlene are the cool aunts drinking off in the corner, and most of the kids who don't know them are a little afraid of them except for ginny who is OBSESSED and spends all day hanging out with them
mcgonagall is there and she's the only one who can actually get everyone settled into one room to sing happy birthday and eat cake
the birthday toasts take forever because literally everyone wants to tell an embarrassing story about harry. it essentially becomes a roast but harry is dying laughing the whole time
there's a bet to see who will start bickering first: sirius and remus or harry and draco. harry finds out and bets ron and hermione instead. he wins.
at night, someone (probably barty) decides its a good idea to play hide and seek. it lasts super late and they literally don't find pandora until she comes down for breakfast the next morning.
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ashes-and-ashes · 5 years
Quidditch Matches
eg a Professional Quidditch au
Sirius never gets sick of the roar of the crowd.
He feels it; the screaming, the yelling, feels the energy coursing deep in his bones. It’s infectious, the thousands of people filling the stands, the air so cold it hurt his lungs. He breathes in deeply until his lungs hurt, flexing his fingers at his side.
When he hears his name - Black, Sirius! he steps onto the court, broomstick slung carelessly over his shoulders. The crowd goes wild - he’s always known how to do this, the cocky smile and the raised eyebrows, head tilted just so. A lifetime lived in the harsh gleam of the cameras and Sirius knows he can’t let the mask drop just for a second. He gives the crowd a two-fingered salute - they scream their approval and Sirius laughs as he goes to join the rest of his teammates.
“Done posing?” James asks. His hair is even more ruffled then usual - Sirius smirks to himself as he remembers James’ locker room rant, pacing up and down the rows of benches as he tugged at his hair. Lily stands next to him, her helmet tucked underneath her arm, hair a fiery red against the dark blue of their robes; she shoots Sirius a fierce grin.
“Who knows? Maybe he’ll retire from Qudditch one day. Become a porn star.”
“Tried that,” Sirius counters, ducking under Benny’s outstretched arm and slinging his hand around Dorcas to join in the huddle. “Didn’t work. See, the lenses weren’t big enough to capture my - “
James clears his throat. “Look guys. It’s the deciding match. Whoever wins this makes it to finals.”
“Semis,” Lily corrects.
James rolls his eyes. “I have good news and bad news. Which one?”
“Good,” Sirius says, and the others murmur their assent. James nods.
“Good news is that Mulciber is out. Turns out Peter hit him a little bit harder then he intended to.”
Peter shrugs, his beaters bat slung casually over one shoulder. “Bruised?”
“Broken,” James replies, and Peter’s eyes widen. “He’s done. He won’t be in for another season at least.”
Benjy snorts. “That’s probably good. I was this close to killing him after what he did to Caddy in playoffs. That body check was illegal.”
Caradoc rolls his eyes. “Shut up, Fenwick.”
“Oh, make me Dearborn - “
“Bad news,” James says, speaking over them, “Is that they have a new player. Looks pretty good from what I can see. He’s a seeker.”
Sirius feels all eyes turn towards him. He shrugs - Sirius was the best in the league for a reason, with a perfect history of catches. “Is he any good?”
“Guess you’ll find out.”
Sirius smirks. “Don’t think so.”
“Careful,” Lily says. “Don’t want to get cocky.”
Sirius gives her a mock bow. The sound of horns startle them all out of their bickering - their heads all snap up, watching the doors at the opposite end of the court. Schooling his face into a neutral expression, Sirius watches the familiar parade of their rivals.
The names drone in his head - they had practically memorized the order by now. It had started ages ago, when they had managed to beat them 280 - 300 at their first ever finals and the rivalry still was going strong five years later.
Longbottom, Frank! Bones, Edgar! Fortescue, Alice!
Sirius smiles to himself - Alice and Lily had a known rivalry as the two best Keepers in the league. He stifles a laugh as Lily clenches her jaw, eyes burning.
McKinnon, Marlene!
Beside him, Dorcas lets out a long sigh. “If she wasn’t on the other team I might have thought about banging her.”
Sirius shrugs. McKinnon was a Chaser, notorious for her perfect aim. “I can see it,” he says, and Dorcas shoves him.
He nods as the announcer calls out Prewett, Fabian and Prewett, Gideon - the twins were legendary, arguably the best beaters in the league. Sirius watches Peter and Dorcas size them up, bats at their side.
He glances up at the magical whiteboard, the names magically erasing from the surface, and Sirius finds himself holding his breath -
Lupin, Remus!
He can’t stop himself. Sirius leans forward, interested to see who his new opponent is when Lupin steps through the door and Sirius’ heart stopped dead.
He’s not some inexperienced schoolboy - Sirius has seen plenty of beautiful people, cold elegance and haughty arrogance. He’s grown up with them all his life, black lace and pearls, the glint of gold in earlobes and at throats, rings and bracelets and pins.
So he doesn’t know why his heart stutters, why his breath hitches when his eyes fall on Remus Lupin. He was different - all long limbs and curly hair, his hands tucked over his broom. There was something different about him, a keen sort of awareness that filled his body - Sirius suddenly knew with sinking certainty that this Remus Lupin would be a nightmare on the court.
There’s no time to ponder this though - Sirius realizes with a jolt that everyone had already gotten into their starting positions. He swallows hard, casually slings his broom around his arm and saunters over to check Remus.
Remus’ eyes narrow slightly as Sirius comes closer. He’s leaning against his broom; Sirius can see the silver letters imprinted on the wood, R. Lupin. He grins, all teeth, savage ferocity in his eyes.
“So you’re the new Seeker.”
Remus raises an eyebrow. His eyes are gold, true gold, sunlight on amber and streaks of bronze and Sirius wonders if he could ever paint them. “No,” Remus says, his voice smooth and even. “I actually just polish everyone’s brooms.”
“Oh really?” Sirius smirks. “How do they like their brooms polished?”
Remus shoots him a flashing smile, one that let Sirius see past the calm exterior and into the raging fire at his core. “Extremely well,” he replies, then turns to watch James and Fabian Prewett shake hands. Sirius follows his gaze, shaking his head - Remus Lupin was obviously a Class-A Asshole.
He tunes out the post-game speech - his head is pounding, adrenaline filling his body. He barely even waits for the starting whistle - at the first tweet he’s off, the lights in his eyes and the air around him.
He’s always loved flying, ever since he was a kid, used to weave his toy brooms around trees and through rocks, ducking down so low he could brush the ground. He remembers falling off his broom once, snapping his wrist - he tried out for the team in a cast.
His broom turns smoothly in his hand; Sirius grins as he yanks it up, executing a perfect hairpin turn above Remus’ head. Remus levels an unimpressed look at him.
“You going to play the game like that?” he calls - Sirus’ hair is a wind-tangled mess, all curls and knots.
“Mind your own business, Princess!” Sirius yells back. He does take a minute though to scrape his hair up into a bun - the crowd behind him goes wild. Remus just rolls his eyes, settling into position, golden eyes scanning the pitch.
When the second whistle blows he’s off - the Snitch is a blur of gold against the clashes already happening below him, near-invisible against the frenzy of balls and bodies. Sirius laughs, dripping down to weave in between the broomsticks, eyes roaming the field for any hint of gold.
He glances up just in time to seen Lily casually intercept a ball, tossing it to James as he swooped by. Alice bats his shot away without blinking an eye - Frank Longbottom pulls into a long swoop to reach it before James did -
“Crap!” Frank hisses; Peter had aimed a Bludger at his head. He had to spin to avoid it, giving James plenty of time to reach the Quaffle; he passes it to Benjy who managed to slip it into the hoop behind Alice.
The crowd roars - Sirius’ heart swells with triumph as he spits the magical whiteboard blur, a huge 10 appearing. He can hear Benjy’s whoop from across the pitch - Sirius smiles. “Let’s Go!” he screams.
“Losing focus, Black?” Sirus whips around - Remus is hovering a few feet away from him, tone mocking. Sirius replies back easily, the humor in his voice not quite masking the venom.
“Just trying to give your team the chance to win,” he replies. “You know. Cause they need it.”
Remus gives him a small shrug and God, if he wasn’t such an asshole, if his eyes weren’t so bright and his body so lean -
“Heads!” Dorcas shrieks - Sirius barely manages to swerve to the right before she’s bashing it, sending it careening towards McKinnon. She’s aimed it perfectly - the ball smacks right into the Quaffle, narrowly missing McKinnon’s fingers.
“You fucker!” McKinnon shouts, already diving for the ball. Dorcas blows her a kiss.
“Stop flirting with the Seeker,” she tells him, and then she’s plunging back into the fray below. Sirius looses a long sigh, pulling his broom down into a steep dive - the Snitch was right by James’ ankle -
There’s a blur of purple in front of him - Sirius just barely manages to hold on as Remus crashes into him, sending him careening away from the center. He swears, fingers digging into the wood so hard that he feels his nails bend, pressing back into the skin.
“Asshole,” he mutters. Remus ignores him, swooping into an inpossibly sharp dive. Sirius shakesthe dizziness, follows him -
The only warning he gets is the soft whoosh of the ball; Sirius flattens himself to his broomstick as the Bludger flies inches away from his head. He spins, dragging his gaze up to see Gideon Prewett’s grinning face, his bat dangling in one hand.
“Sorry Black!” he calls and then Sirius is accelerating forward, towards Remus who was swooping for something and the crowd was going wild -
Sirius grit his teeth, out on an extra burst of speed and body-checked Lupin away from the Snitch. He lunges for it but it’s too far away - he sees it disappear into the mass of bodies. There’s another scream from the crowd - he looks up at the board.
70 - 80. They were losing - only by 10 points but losing all the same. Remus shoves him, hard enough to send him spinning and crashing against the walls of the stadium.
“Fuck off.”
“Make me.”
“I’ll punch your teeth out. Will that help?”
“I was going to say you could gag me but - “
Remus rolls his eyes. They’re circling each other, high above the scuffle for the Quaffle down below. He studies Sirius for a moment then gives him a fleeting grin - full of light and electricity and that forever-stubborn determination that Sirius had. “You could stay out of my way.”
“You need a telescope? Maybe you’ll actually see he Snitch then.”
“You need some safety charms? Maybe you’ll actually learn how to fly.”
Sirius shoves him again; Remus just laughs as he lets himself be pushed backwards. “Better step up the trash talk. You sure aren’t good at it.”
Sirius rolls his eyes, diving down into a deep dive. He can hear his teammates down below - James’ frantic orders, Lily’s calm responses, Benjy’s insults and Caradoc’s booming laugh. He can hear Peter and Dorcas too, the voices of his family and teammates and best friends in the world and he knows he can’t let them down.
McKinnon swoops over him, blonde hair shining under the harsh lights. She intercepts the Quaffle with a grin, winking at him before tossing it up. Sirius can tell from the roar that she must have scored. He grits his teeth - he can’t see Remus through all the bodies, and he has no idea where the Snitch is -
He spots it just as Remus does - right in the middle of the court. Sirius leans forwards, urging his broom to go faster, to out face Remus -
His hands are almost around it when Remus knocks him away. Sirius grits his teeth and shoots forwards, pinning Remus against the wall, his broom blocking Remus’ broom and his face too close to Remus’. “Let - go - “
“Give me then damn Snitch,” Remus hisses - Sirius again can’t stop noticing his eyes. “Bastard.”
“You - “ Sirius breaks off - he spots the Snitch at the exact same time that Remus does. They both reach for it, so fast he doesn’t know -
An ear-splitting siren fills the room, making Sirius jump with shock. His pounds as he scans the room, the scoreboard - both sides were at 130, which meant that...
“Hey,” he says. His voice sounds hoarse, rough and raw from yelling. “Who - “
He looks down. A wave of disappointment runs through him - “Shit!”
“How did this - “ Remus begins, then falls silent.
The two of them stare at their interclasped hands, palms pressed together. In the center lay the Snitch, caught in the middle by the both of them, wings still fluttering slightly.
“Fuck,” Remus says. “It’s a tie.”
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marlmckitten · 7 years
(She Had) Just Enough Time ~ Chapter Four: Fruitless Quarrels
A/N: Just as the name implies, this is more or less pointless and just carrying them though until I have more plot to write about when they are fifteen. ;) Essentially, I’m sorry but I wanted to post something because I’m loosing momentum pretty fast. But coming up next chapter: Marlene joins the Quidditch Team and surprisingly bonds with one James Potter.
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In their forth year things got tougher. Their classes seemed harder and their homework loads were heavier. And the impeding dread of knowing that it was only going to get worst when their fifth year rolled around and OWLs popped up seemed to keep morale low. Marlene had fallen behind in a few classes and was annoyed when still Sirius flew by without even trying. He was frequently showing up to class late or sometimes not at all. She didn’t understand and refused to attribute it to anything to do with his blood status. But he had long forgotten about that. When they bickered it was about their hair, or looks, or wardrobe, never about blood status or family nobility. Marlene noticed the shift easily but she never mentioned it. It did make him a little more tolerable though. Because he was still an ass, but his arrogance was wavering. She had overheard him on occasion asking his friends about various traditions and facts his family had misinformed him of, and wondering just how offence some of them were. Those moments almost made Marlene smile, but he quickly became just as intolerable when girls from every house started to swooning around him. Sure, he had been growing up fairly attractively. And as time progressed he became more of a ‘bad boy’ with his muggle leather jacket, his parties, his cigarettes and everything else that came with it. But still, he wasn’t impressive enough for girls to be drooling over him in Marlene’s opinion. So the blonde would still verbally attack him in the halls whenever he did something stupid, almost as frequently as he would pester her whenever an opportunity arrised. One day in Herbology they were forced into partners, which resulted in both parties ending up in the hospital wing.
“I didn’t say you should STICK YOUR FINGER IN ITS TEETH!” Marlene yelled on their way to Madam Pomphrey.
“You told me that I wouldn’t do it, and I proved you wrong.”
“Yeah, then it got angry, nearly bit off your finger and proceeded to throw some venemous seeds into my face, you complete prat.”
“Your’e the one who thought it would be a funny prank.”
The argument went on until they got to the matron, who promptly separated the two on opposite sides of the hospital wings and curtains were drawn up around their beds.
Lily came in to visit and scowled over at Sirius all the while, until James walked in to see Sirius and stopped along the way to pay attention to the red head, “What are you doing here Evans, not thinking of cheating on me with my best mate are you?”
Lily rolled her eyes, “It’s kind of hard to cheat on someone you’re not actually dating Potter, get out of my face.”
“Suppose you’re right, so does that mean we have a date so you can officially cheat on me?” He attempted.
“I’d rather not, you should go tend to your boyfriend before Madam Pomphrey has a third student to take care of,” she threatened, and James gave up, scampering away to Sirius.
From across the room, Marlene could hear Black telling Potter that he was being an idiot and to stop constantly hitting on a girl so far out of his league. James insisted that his persistence would eventually pay off, but then Marlene turned her attention to Lily who was clearly trying to pretend she couldn’t hear the whole exchange.
“I bet you’re disappointed it wasn’t Potter who was stuck in here instead?” She smirked to her best friend.
Lily snorted, “I am always wishing for that.”
Mary entered shortly after and sat with Marlene and Lily. “Too bad there’s not a different wing for them to be in,” she chirped in, never having much of a problem with the boys herself, but knowing that it was most likely what the other two were talking about.
“More special privileges for Potter and his gang? I don’t think that’s necessary,” Lily almost spat in reply, which shut up both girls from the topic of Potter in general and awkwardly brought up the Herbology lesson again. They compared notes and discussed whether or not it would show up on their exams until it was time for them to leave the Wing.
Lily left first, leaving just Mary and Marlene. They looked over absent-mindedly at James who starred as Lily left the room. “How does he think he has a chance with her?” Mary asked in disbelief.
“I can hear you, you know!” Potter yelled back.
But Mary just remained looking at him, “Okay, then answer my question.”
But he didn’t have an answer so both girls laughed before Marlene replied, “I think you’d have a better chance with literally anyone else in the school, Potter!”
“Fine, either of you two ladies free later?” He inquired cheekily.
Neither girls needed to reply though, they knew he wasn’t serious and they would never humour it anyway. First of all, they would never do such a thing to Lily and inflict his presence on her any more than it already had to be. And secondly, they were not actually interested in dating the boy at all. Talking quieter so they wouldn’t eavesdrop ay longer, Marlene asked, “Do you think that if you went out with him, Black would just tag along too?”
“Oh Merlin, probably, and I don’t know which would be worse!”
Marlene wrinkled her nose, “I’d rather not think about either.”
The two girls stayed up gossiping for some time, until Madam Pomphrey ushered everyone away, including Sirius who would apparently be fine and it was only Marlene who needed overnight attention. She cursed Black as he left, a smug smile on his face.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~*
The night Marlene had to spend in the infirmary only intensified their name calling. If they so much as passed one another in the hallway, Marlene would mutter the first insult that came to her head and he always returned it. A few times, she would raise her wand if she was in a bad enough mood, but always resisted actually hexing him.
“Shut it, you narcissistic cow,” Marlene snapped towards Black one afternoon when they were waiting for their class to start and Sirius was talking too loudly to his friends about the girl who had her lips around his ‘little Sirius’ the previous night.
“You’ve got to work on your insults, Kinnon!”
“I have to do no such thing,” she replied, leaning against a wall. They were all waiting for The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher to show up, but he had been late for every class all year and rumours were that he would be sacked by the time the year ended.
“You still call me ‘Poodle Head’.”
“Because you have a stupid Poodle Head, you plonker.”
“A little better, but try some creativity.”
“I don’t need any, you insensitive tit-fuck.”
“Did you just make that up?” Dorcas asked her, interrupting their pointless argument.
“Whether she did or not, that is detention for you, Miss McKinnon,” their Professor finally showed up and Marlene groaned loudly, using another few choice curse words which also lost her some points from Gryffindor.
Sirius had managed to stay out of detention for the rest of the day and was on his best behaviour. Marlene wondered why until the evening came and he hung out over her, watching her clean some of the trophies by hand, clearly having kept his night clear for this reason alone. “Get out of here dickface,” she groaned but Sirius only tutted her.
“Words like that may loose us more points, don’t you think McKitten. Now behave like a good little kitty and-“
His words, combined with the angle of his stance and Marlene being on her hands and knees got them both into further detention. However once Marlene explained what happened, Professor McGonagall, reversed it and made Sirius finish her duties while letting her go early. Marlene was sure it was the best memory she had made at Hogwarts so far. She skipped away, briefly looking back at Sirius who’s eyes were starring daggers at her, probably already trying to plot his revenge.
* ~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *
It was half way through their forth year, and Sirius suddenly had a reputation with the ladies. He had slept with enough of them now everyone was dying for their fifteen seconds of fame with Sirius Black. Marlene was disgusted by the whole thing. Not that her own reputation was much better at this point. Everyone started calling her easy because she went from boyfriend to boyfriend, each one lasting somewhere around two months. But she shrugged off the comments and rumours easily. Other people making assumptions about her sex life didn’t bother her, but the double standard was not missed on her or on Lily. While Sirius was being praised and everyone was falling in love with them, Marlene was being called all sorts of things for the same sort of habits. And yet again it only added to the dynamic of how much the two disliked each other.
“Careful Black, that one is falling for you. Maybe spend at least two nights with her.” Marlene said dryly when she watched a girl practically drooling over him
“I’d rather a good two nights than a mediocre two months,” He replied with a passive aggressive wink, causing some of the people around them dropping their own conversations to listen to see if it would be Marlene and Sirius’ next big fight.
“I wouldn’t talk about things you don’t actually know, Black. A bunch of older girls each only lasting one night could just as easily mean that you don’t know what you’re doing down there.”
“If  that were the case, then I don’t think any other girls would want my attention.” He reported simply.
Marlene rolled her eyes, arms crossing against her chest, “There are plenty of dumb girls at this school. Maybe they’re just after the Black fortune.”
Sirius laughed, “Well I hope not, because my mom is giving that to my brother for sure!”
And it went on. Every day. Until the end of the year. Even Lily had grown tired of it and as they went home for the summer she said what she was most looking forward to was not having to listen to Marlene complain about Sirius for two whole months.
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