zoi-no-miko · 1 year
I won Utena in the lottery, but Anthy was Very Popular (that's what happens when you release a dark skinned doll for the first time, so I don't blame anyone for buying her just for her body!!!)
But this meant I had to put Anthy together myself (gotta reunite!) Got her outfit/wig/eyes on the secondary market (bless <3 ), and was SUPER lucky to get one of the Volks DD Icon replacement bodies....
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Then it was just a case of color-matching a DDH-09 head to the body and painting her. With juuust a little bit more glitter and bling than the original release (she deserves it.)
Also discovered by chance that the DD eyes are translucent for a VERY anime worthy effect XD
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kimboltart · 2 months
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More one piece mink/furry Au
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booigi-boi · 1 year
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Lords in Black but they're just normal high schoolers, nothing bad on their mind 💚
"Redraw" of this drawing I did in February when we didn't have HD pics of them yet (I love it still, just wanted to draw it in a different style)
Close-ups under cut
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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luffy IS selfish. By @ace-no-isha
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truly a perfect set of tweets.
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aropride · 11 months
also don't let ur friends/society/tumblr posts/whatever convince u to start smoking or drinking or whatever if u don't want to. there are health risks there are social and financial aspects to consider and it's totally fine and normal to not want to. there's no moral aspect to it you can drink and do drugs or whatever if u want and that's chill but u should know what ur doing and do research and if u decide u dont want to that's chill and anyone who tries to shame u for it can go fuck themselves
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teamcurtflake · 11 months
the teletubbies reboot looks wild
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hgedits · 6 months
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wardback · 6 months
Can someone remind me how Corey Dorris plays both Bill "i can't live in a world without my daughter" Woodward AND Solomon "im trying to have an intelligent conversation with you stephanie, in other words, shut up" Lauter
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I'd kill for bill and id just kill solomon
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silamander · 4 months
It never ceases to amaze me that these two are played by the same person
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trollinstinct · 6 months
they are never beating the father and daughter allegations
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vilnmelling · 4 months
"It's time to film the Nightmare Time intro! You can do whatever you want, so go crazy."
Corey: "I'm gonna wear a hat!"
Dylan: "Look look look, guys guys guys, I found a tree and a fence!"
Joey: "What if... we wore spooky hoodies and lit out faces with flashlights?" Lauren: "Fuck. Yes."
Jeff: "I have a mirror... I can edit... This is fucking happening. Also, I have fabulous hair and a fan."
Mariah: "This is my model moment" *Fucking eats and leaves no crumbs*
Angela: "I couldn't find my phone, so I filmed on this camera from the 1930s, is that okay?"
James: "I'll just sit in my corner and pull my hood over my face."
Jaime: "I have a prop and I have blue eyes, I'm all set."
Curt: "I figured we could do some spooky lighting." Kim: "Haha yeah, you can do that."
Nick: "I'm only in one clip, so I'll just be myself."
Jon: *P a u l*
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idledearest · 2 months
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Hatchetverse - OFFICE LORDS & QUEEN (Design Concept)
BONUS: Tinky and Blinky without glasses
- Looks like Paul but green and with unkempt hair. Also if Paul was even more snarky & sarcastic, slightly more intimidating, and an even bigger asshole. Just less passive in general. He can hide it well though, after all he's sly and calculated. He's got high leading office businessman charisma, the type to get all the good deals. Comes off as manipulative and condescending.
- The co-worker who listens to music on max and ignores everyone on purpose. Worst part is, people can hear whatever it is he's listening to. Impatient, standoffish, easily annoyed and highly dramatic. He looks like Bill if he had Solomon's personality and demeanor. The most unapproachable of the bunch. Embodiment of eye-rolls and side-eyes. Definitely the type to look at someone with full disgust and judgement and will make a show of it.
- He's definitely the office gossip. The kind who always looks over people's shoulder and take a peak at people's computers or phones. Also the one who stalks people's social media and uses their info as blackmail. Definitely an eavesdropper and the one standing around and watching. May also have zero filter in what he says, sometimes making people uncomfortable; To his enjoyment.
- This guy definitely gives off "Pepe Silvia" energy. Has watches on both wrists, maybe even pocket watches hidden in his pockets. Very messy and disheveled in terms of appearance. He's a very skilled (and demonically fast) accountant though. If "running on nothing but 5 shots of espresso" is an office worker. Definitely the flirt or a charmer of the office; Thrives off of compliments and boasts about and uses it against people.
- The guy who ALWAYS steals people's lunches and will not feel guilty nor shame for it. Always has a bag of pastries and drinks from any cafe. Will bite and snarl if asked to share. The type who always forgets to turn in work yet doesn't get fired (of course his brothers are biased for each other). His things are everywhere and take up space.
- The one everyone (unfairly) hates. "We used to work with her. Then we fired her." statements from co-workers (brothers). Gives off "mom of the office" energy. Very sweet and patient. And a pushover; The type to stay after hours to clean after everyone (or do the work everyone dumped on her). Looks out for the office type of deal.
so sorry about this long ass post i just wanted to get all the details i had while designing their outfits HAHAHA this genuinely took way longer than it should because i kept passing out so much 😭
just so everyone knows, i designed these outfits as a concept to what they could potentially wear if they were summoned in an office like ccrp AND what their actors and actresses could wear on stage. so it's like a stageplay costume design concept kind of thing too. so at least all of them ,excluding webby, has the “fuzz” texture on their outfits. reasoning as to why webby doesnt have fuzz is because she’s most likely the only one to fully present as the most human out of all of them to be more approachable and welcoming; not garish and uncanny like her brothers.
also yes, i finally found out curt had bright yellow eyeshadow as tinky so i added it. i gave tinks a stubble too cuz idk i want a 9-5 job reflecting on his face HAHAHA.
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menlove · 3 months
average post about paul mccartney: I want to bend him over and fuck him so hard he starts crying god I hate him so much my beautiful princess
average post about john lennon: estrogen would have saved her. look at her. that's My Wife. she's evil. she's insane. I want her.
average post about george harrison: has anyone ever served this hard? personally, he should have murdered john and paul and ran off to have beautiful bisexual sex forever and ever 🫶
average post about ringo starr: ringo! 🥁
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alienssstufff · 10 months
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ft Y.T and Tripwire
[their ‘duo name’ is Bloodhounds from now on btw… if you even care..]
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alternative title ver- it would’ve taken away the effect of the *COUGH* easter egg
notes n what not coming soon
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The sketch and the flowers used :3
The composition originally was going to be a lot different (had two in mind) where the Red King’s involvement would’ve been more prominent. Went with this one simply cuz it was just more fun to experiment, where the negative space is made front and centre focus :]
Whennnn picking out the plants ddint think for a second about symbolism- and going off of just ANY flower for flower language would have been too big of a selection pool… So in respects to SL environmental setting - native Australian plants it was.
-The golden wattle trees by its abundance and have benefited Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders for thousands of years to create various markers and tools. The plant survives harsh droughts, and its seeds have a coating strong enough that can be salvageable beyond bushfires.
-as a signifier of Spring and new beginnings hence rebirth, the golden wattle to me was also very thematically fitting for a season like Secret Life :]
-I never looked into what Illawarra flame trees (the flowers of the coat my SL!Bdubs design is wearing) before until today.. and I quote “Regains confidence and self-approval, able to make commitments with the strength of self-reliance. Clarity in life and ability to adapt to all situations. Secure enough to express and communicate true feelings. To be beautiful and strong ” [SOURCE: Australian Bushflowers] which…. Ok damn. There’s also alcohol in it.
-Eucalyptus trees in Indigenous Australian culture represent the division between the underworld, the Earth and heaven.
The selection of plants while don’t represent Bloodhounds together - but more of what Martyn and Bdubs are individually, they’re interesting in the things they have in common what they represent. And the differences they go about this loyalty throughout the seasons and why they devote - especially in LimL and SL.. Fascinating stuff.
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pinazee · 3 months
Im so glad i bought the bonus features for these shows. There are so many neat smaller moments you don’t get to see in the proshot. For instance:
Ow- oh wait im into it
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*Awkwardly drags jeff offstage*
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“I will never be in a fucking musical.”
Emma *swoons*
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