andybuison · 1 year
Dose de sucre
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anshiel · 2 years
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i made an Mary Josephine ref to go with the older ones of the Dosett siblings (made for an oc tournament originally) from 2014(that i apparently never posted here) and also because i found pics i took of Victorian era dresses(in 2016...), some alts in here since can't decide which is the best and sketches of the 3 mains next to eachother 4 vibes
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superxstarzz · 5 months
iii don't care about spoiling nightveil anymore. I NEEEED TO POST ABOUT THEM HSGGSHDJRJRR
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roses-and-elixir · 6 months
It’s me and my iron pills (that I forget to take) against the world
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gogomeaty · 8 months
Lara and her clothes, death scythe and a little bit more :0)
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idyllemarket · 1 year
Camilia dosettes homéopathique
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MAXIMUM 1 PAR COMMANDEDernière en stock Camilia est une solution homéopathique traditionnellement utilisé dans les poussées dentaires et les troubles attribués à la dentition chez le nourrisson. Présenté sous la forme d’une solution buvable conditionnée en unidoses stériles, Camilia® est utilisé pour soulager les dents de bébé lorsqu’elles font leur apparition.Comment soulager bébé ?Le médicament homéopathique Camilia® est utilisé pour soulager les symptômes liés à la poussée dentaire. En complément, d’autres gestes peuvent contribuer à soulager les dents de bébé. Lui donner un anneau dentaire à mordiller lui permet de masser ses gencives et d’apaiser la douleur. Egalement, apprenez à masser le bas de son visage pour le calmer.
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vuutarros · 2 years
Grab my dosette, take my bedtime meds.
"...wait, why do I taste mint? Oh. Dammit, did I...?"
Yup, I took my meds for Monday morning 🙄
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emiliemaria · 2 years
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houdikoo · 6 months
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You never expected your apathetic husband to suddenly die. Even tho you never loved him enough to care, the general public made sure to make your widow life harder. With no interest in love, all you wanted was to finally be independent. Until you met a certain count, who just couldn't seem to leave you alone.
𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Vampire!Jungkook x widow!Hesperia(OC)
𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚: Victorian era au, vampire au, angst, fluff, slow burn(Ig?)
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: (Unimportant) character death, mourning, ignorant OC, toxic social expectations, stigma & discrimination, blood, financial struggles, false murder accusations, manhandling, simp jk, vampire jk(that needs to be a warning).
Note: This is random idea which came to me. It's kinda inspired by Anna Karenina, like the time period and the style. I haven't written anything(like ffs) for quite some time, so kindly don't mind any errors T-T
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The delightful cool air entered my lungs, as I stepped down the carriage. Warm yellow lights shunned from the now bustling mansion in front of me.
The trembling pain in my temples grew, giving me a sign of what was to come. It has namly been 2 months since the death of my "dear husband".
It would be lying if I said I wasn't tearful, on the contrary, I was saddened by the problems he left me to deal with it.
The enormous layers of my black mourning dress swayed in the light breeze as I moved thru the doors, stepping into the lightened ballroom.
Numerous of familiar and unfamiliar faces turned towards me. Coming here today, I clearly knew what I was putting myself thru. The so called "appropriate" mourning period; which included no social events, wasn't even half done.
Most women I have known, tended to mourn to at least a year, if not longer. Me coming here, so early will be seen as "disrespectful" to many, but I could care less.
As he, was nobody to mourn over. A man with his ego and lust had no place in my heart. I ought to at least wear black, as to respect the death.
By now, the stares turned away. Turning into whispers and careless giggles. I strodd towards the small corner where the white wine was served in dazzling glasses.
From the corner of my eyes, I saw my lovely sister, Annemarie, stepping closer towards me with a sincere yet confused glance. Sighing, I picked up a glass and took a sip, patiently waiting for the interrogation.
"Hespe! Why have you come here?" her voice calm as ever, yet I sensed the anxiety in her voice from a mile away. I answered nothing, giving her my smile and continued to sip on my wine.
"I know you never cared for that man, but he was still your husband, you ought to at least think of the consequences" she grabbed a hold of my sleeve fixing it slightly as it got wrinkled.
"And you also know, that I don't care even if they throw me on the street for me so called ignorance"
An audible sigh was passed thru the air, and I could only chuckle at the way my sister turned away from me to look at the staring strangers.
"Well, isn't it Lady Selwyn… oh excuse me I meant Lady Dosett"
The sleek smirk painted his face, contrast to his actions as he bowed down in front us. Lord whitmore was never a "pitiful" type. His words striking venom everytime he speaks.
He also took the pleasure of degrading every pitiful women in his are. Who else would have been a better target, then a newly widow like myself.
"Pleasure to see you again, Lord whitmore" I crossed my arm over my waist, turning towards the middle aged man. Clearly he hoped for a better reaction, as his displease was showing slightly thru his happy faced.
"I would say the same, but I would be lying if I said wasn't surprised to see" His stare tighten and his smirk returned. I dug my nails into my arm, it was clear where this was going.
"After all it has been only 2 months since Lord Selwyn's death"
I looked at my sister, seeing her side eye him and tightening her jaw. She might not support my ignorant choices, but she wouldn't let anyone disrespect me.
I just look back at him, giving him back the sly smile. "I'm well aware of that, but I can't quit see how my husbands death should affect my social life"
He moved back, his posture launched, clearly he wasn't expect me to actually say this. He seemed to think, as he grasped a glass of wine, stirring and sipping quietly.
I looked away, staring into the distance. Taking a sip from my glass, calming myself down. He will leave sooner or later.
I watched the over the top dressed figures, coming down the grand red carpeted stairs. Which were mostly used by high class figures, trying to appear dramatic or more "important" to the rest.
Among those figures I caught a red like flare. I searched for the source, and that's when I come to contact with red eyes boring back at mine.
They appeared brown, but a hint of red was reflected on the side. I was a bit dazed, looking to see who this individual was who bestod such unique, or rather weird beauty.
To my unhappiness, my thoughts were interrupted as Lord whitmore coughed, rather intentionally loud. I twisted my head to the side staring into him.
" I guess it makes sense, since you didn't really seem to care for the lords death" His gaze being not so friendly anymore, like he was challenging me for a imaginary duel.
"Almost like the news pleased you…"
I held my breath, but continued to look at him with a blank stare. I see, he couldn't make me ashamed, so he decided to implant the idea that I was behind my husbands death.
"Hope you didn't take it the wrong way, I'm not accusing you of anything dear" The words flow out like posing, and that sanistic smile came back. I held still, keeping my gaze on him.
He poured the last drops of his wine, putting the glass on a random tray. My sister fluffed her skirt, and grabbed me by my elbow.
"I would be carefull with such accusations. We shall get going, the dance is about to start" she spoke it softly, but you could hear the slight anger in her voice.
Lord whitmore let out a chuckle and stroked his chin in amusement. "Oh dance, right, well I'm looking forward to see both on the dance floor", he smiled and bowed down while staring straight at me.
The word "both" being emphasized more then the rest. Clearly he wasn't expecting anyone to ask me. Who would even want to dance with a widow like me, right?
I decided to keep quite and just nod to his words. Anna tighten her grip on my elbow, and guided me away from Lord whitmore.
"Lady Dosett, I'm waiting for an invite to the vigils"
I stopped and turned towards him. The vigils, I almost forgot. One of the traditions of mourning, inviting people over to "pray" for the death. I needed to throw one whatever I liked it or not, just to show respect.
"Of course, I make sure to send an invitation soon, Lord whitmore" I answered with a quick smile at the end, before turning around.
We continued on our way towards one of the doors, dividing the two huge ballrooms. We stood side by side, until the extravagant music started playing.
Within a few seconds people already moved towards the middle, starting to move along with the violin and organ sounds. I loved the ball before.
The warm atmosphere and the dancing figures, along with the smell of faint lavender and the not so lovely scent of sweat throughout the last hours.
Sadly, things changed after my wedding. There was no more excitement, with a man standing right beside, gripping my waist tight enough to make me stiff up.
My husband never loved, he called it being possessive over his "belongings". Another one of his disgusting fantasize. Now that he was gone, I could enjoy those things again.
To an extant. A widow was free, free from her family who wanted nothing to do with her, and her death husbands side who felt like a burden was taken away from them.
On the other hand, the society wouldn't leave me alone. Everyone would know me as a widow. According to most, I was doomed. No man would marry me now. Apparently, I crossed the right age for marriage and now I was "used".
I saw a few young man stare at my sister. Of course, she was young and pretty, everyone was interested in her. In this day and age, for a woman beauty and youth was her only weapon.
All she needed was to get herself a rich husband, give him a son, and she would be left alone be hima and free to do most of what she wanted.
That's how it worked, for us. I all I hoped was that she would end up with someone who respected her. Because there is no way to find love with those men.
I looked at Anna, seeing her give a shy smile towards one of the man's way. Giving her a teasing smile, I looked back at the man.
Count Ashcroft, was indeed a handsome fellow. Out of all the young men his age, he seemed least of a jerk. I looked towards my sister, pushing her forwards towards him.
She gave me a frightened look, but shaked my head giving her a genuine smile. I guess she got the clue, as she smiled and speed walked over to the man.
I was left standing alone, in the crowded room. A few giggles and glaces here and there, but I tried not to be distracted. I focused on the view in front of me.
I wandered back to my youth, the time when dreams of a life full love were still alive. I looked forward to the day I met the one for me, but it never came.
All the man around me were nothing but scoundrels. Their words full of empty promises. They say they love, but the only thing they do is their freedom of doing whatever they please.
As of now the turned more calm with elegant flute in the background, leading the flow. I felt footsteps behind coming closer. I shrugged it of thinking it was someone random walking by.
Sudden, lt the air felt colder than before. It wasn't comfortable rather soothing for my nerves. I heard a short and quite inhale from behind.
Goose bumps ran down my spine, as I stood there awaiting the unknown. I thought it might have been on of those young girls who came to give me fake pity while making fun of my now vulnerability.
"Dance with me"
A smooth like ocean waves voice said softly behind me. I chuckled lightly to myself. Well, this wasn't what I was expecting. It wasn't even a question, rather sounding like a demand.
I turned around, expecting to see a possibly underage lad who decided act cool be dancing with an elder women.
To my surprise, there stood a shallow man, black striped suit with pearly white shirt underneat.
His short hair slicked on the sides, as some strands framed his sculpted face. I moved higher, seeing the familiar red flare in his eyes.
His face was determined with no sign of nervousness. "That's not so gentleman way to ask a lady for a dance" I kept my face straight, focusing my gaze on his reaction.
Was this another one of those pranks pulled by the bachelors when they are so drunk they can't remember their name?
"Excuse my actions, I must have forgot myself while being unconsciously blinded" he spoke taking a step closer to me. I furrowed my eyebrows, crossing my hands as I stared at him.
"Blinded by what possibly?" The question lingered in the air, as he raised his hand laying if flat for me. "None other than your beauty, my lady".
I giggled, it was long since I heard such words from a man. I put my hand on his, as he raised it towards his mouth before planting a tender kiss on my knuckles.
"I rather be called by my name, Hesperia Dosett" He slowly put my hand down, but i felt his grip linger on my wrist before letting go.
"A pleasure to meet you, lady dosett. The name is Jungkook Everhart"
I thought a bit, trying to remember if I heard this name before. That's when I remembered a month before my husbands death, a man of the name count everhart took over a large state of land from my husband, leaving him grief over it with bottles of rum for the continuing 3 days.
"I must say, my eagerness is striding me wild, my lady" his voice taking an impatient tone, but still holding that charming note.
I let a audible sigh, thinking it thru before answering. "It's a dance you wanted, alright then" with that said he wasted no time putting his hand around my waist while softly leading me to the dance floor.
I felt shivers down my spine, as his cold fingers touched me thru the dress. He spun me slightly to stand in front of him as we got into position, and the music started.
I would describe this moment as peaceful. At one point it felt like there were only two of us. I saw and felt only him, the deep brown eyes staring at me with intensity and the mouth which opened a bit every once in a while.
This man was a beauty, maybe if I met him before, I wouldn't hesitate in being his partner. Although knowing the situation now, this would end up being a one time thing.
A simple dance, maybe a kiss if we get this far. His eyes made my want to stay, keep swinging and swaying till the morning.
He had the soft yet calm look on him, something I haven't seen that often. It didn't felt lustfull, but admiring?
The dance ended before I even knew it. I looked still dazed from the moment we had. I saw people staring at me, judgingly. My sister, standing amongst the crowd, stared at me confused.
That's when I realized that I was doing. Being called an ignorant wife was one thing, but getting the title of a "bed warmer" would definitely get me on a bad side.
I looked at him, holding myself from wanting to stay. "It was pleasure, but now I must be on my way" I stepped back holding up the corner of my dress.
He didn't let go of me and moved down to hold onto my wrist softly as he leaned in and whispered in my ear.
"This won't be a one time thing, meet me in the abandoned opera house tomorrow at 10pm. I wanna show my type of romance away from those cunning eyes"
I licked my lips, unsure of what to say. I didn't waste no time and turned around walking towards the exit. I stepped into the chilling air, I wasn't expecting leaving this place with shy smile on my face…
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The doors of the old abandoned opera house as I stepped in, making sure to close the doors behind before anyone could see me. This place was restricted to norms, so anyone coming in here could be immediately evicted.
I glanced thru the spaces room with dirty swept red curtains hanging heavily around the stage. The dust lifted up, when I walked closer to the stage.
I questioned my arrival here, I couldn't believe a simple few minute accountant with a unknown man, made me travel to such pace at near midnight.
I sighed putting the strands which fell in front of my face, behind my ear. I stiffed as I heard slight movement somewhere above me.
I hesitated, but nevertheless looked up towards the small balcony just beside the stage.
There, in front of the washed up curtains, a well known figure sat on the railing looking at me with a delight expression.
"I didn't expect that you would come" his grin was big enough for me to see from below here, not to mention the view of his shiny pecks was almost to clear for my purity.
"Maybe I shouldn't have. Who knows, maybe you take innocent girls her to murder them" my voice flew out as a flock of wasps, even though I didn't necessarily feel threatened, I needed to make sure he knew that I wasn't some naivy girl.
On the contrary, coming here was the most naivy move I could have made. But something about him, made me invested.
He giggled heartly at my words, as reached his hand to grab the hanging rope beside him. "Well, I'm glad you gave me the benefit of a doubt".
He stood up pulling the rope closer to his body, before putting the tight clothed leg around it. I raised my eyebrow staring at him closely.
"Are you trying to impressive me by acting like a pirate?" I asked, even tho the motive was clear. He was indeed, going to swing with the rope down to me.
"It's the fastest way down, don't wanna walk down all those stairs"
I chuckled lightly, wondering why he got up there in the first place. He swung forward sending his body to slowly glide down the rope, landing a few steps away from me.
I turned towards him, crossing my arms. "So? Did I come here just to see this, or is there something more you got to offer" the question lingered in the air, as he didn't answer and instead chose to walk closer towards me.
He stepped right in front of me, a thin layer of air being the only thing between us. He was mesmerizing to say the least. The way his hair fall down like oceans waves down the sandy beach.
And the glittery red sparkle in his eyes, and his stare, oh the shivers were real. A thin smile spread over his lips, as he took my hand gently.
He grabbed the rope hanging close by, before staring at me with a wide mischievous grin. "Ready to fly?" his question made me glance at him confused.
His arms, tho they looked masculine enough, I had doubts if he could hold me. He seemed to notice me concern, as he put his arm around my waist, before almost roughly, pulling me towards.
A small gasp left my mouth from the impact. I looked up at him, my fingers clenching his white ruffled collar. I felt a chuckle escape his mouth as stared down at me.
"Only a fool, would drop a girl like you"
The next second, he tucked the rope down, sending us both high up. He used his body and swinged down towards the broken stage. I set my foot down, still clasping his shirt tight in my grasp.
My eyes which I closed a second after being in the air, opened and stared back at the man who looked at me alluringly.
He moved back, letting go as I unclasped my grasp. He tucked his knee back and slightly down, crossing his one arm in front.
He kept his gaze stuck at me, as bend over. "Can I have this dance, my lady?". His words send shivers down my spine, as if that sentence was the scariest of this night.
I felt my cheeks flush, but confusion rose within me. We did just dance last night. Even so, I put my hand forward, letting him take my hand softly. He pulled me closer, almost as close as we were a second ago.
As we got in the correct position, with him holding my waist and hand tightly to the point of blood stop, and me resting my hand on his shoulder. We swinged around the stage, at one point I heard the music from last night in my head.
The notes struck my heart, as my eyes turned tired and glossy. Last night felt intimidating, while this feels soothing. I was away from the eyes of the judgeful people around me.
I thought I enjoyed it, but now I think I just hoped I did. I stared at Jungkook, who closed his eyes as he swayed to the non existing music.
He must have felt my stare, cus he opened his eyes and looked at me. His stare turned soft, almost admiring. His lips parted and slow calm puffs left his mouth.
This felt stupid, we met barely a day ago. Dancing like two strangers at a party. And now I was standing questioning my feelings. I felt attracted to him, in a weird way.
"Last night, wasn't our first ecounter"
His words left his mouth like a calm whisper. My curiosity rose, I never remembered meeting him before. Even tho I heard of his name from my ex husband.
"A year ago, I saw you at your engagement party. And from that moment on, you become someone special to me" He spoke in his deeper tone, and his eyes turned sharper.
He stopped swaying, as his arm moved from my hand towards the back of my neck. "I watched you silently for the past year. Waiting for my time, even tho I believed it would never come".
His face leaned closer, the hand gently grabbed my neck. I let a desperate sigh, I never felt so needy for a connection before know. His words flew past me, I only focused on the fact that he waited for me, for almost a year.
Inside me, I felt he was speaking the truth. His heart did desire me, and only me. He must have felt my anxiety, as his lips met mine. The slow and tender kiss, left me feeling thirty.
He once again stared at me, but this time his eyes sparkled red. My heartbeat stopped as I thought back to a rumour I heard months ago.
A man of the name Jungkook Everhart, possessed red gleaming eyes which both scared and enchanted. Pale skin, which glittered in warm sunlight. It all made sense now, he was a vampire ladies and gentlemen.
That voice range in my head, as I continued to stare at his eyes. He leaned closer, I thought he was gonna kiss me again, but no.
He went passed my lips towards the nape of my neck. His cold breath, fammed my skin as I felt goosebumps form over my whole neck.
I felt two sharp points, grazing my skin. Before I heard his low voice call out my name, trying to grasp my attention. "Hesperia, oh my dear Hesp…".
His voice shivered, like if holding himself back. His arms stroke my waist softly enough to make me melt. "I knew you were gonna be mine, and now… I'll make sure to never leave you alone in despair".
He puffed out, my lips felt dry and my hands held tightly on his arm, almost digging my fingers thru his skin. Before the sharp pain of sharp like dagger teeth sinked in my flesh, he spoke again with honeyed voice, causing my heart to swell with admiration.
"I love you, my dearest…"
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acoffeeplease · 1 year
La cafetière Moka Express, un emblème de l’Italie dans 200 millions de cuisines !
Derrière chaque objet se cache une histoire, même chez nos ustensiles du quotidien. C’est le cas de la Cafetière Italienne "Moka Express", créée en 1933 par l’Ingénieur Alfonso Bialetti, qui a réveillé de nombreuses générations grâce à ses cafés serrés et aromatiques. Aujourd’hui concurrencée par les machines à dosette, elle poursuit encore son étonnante saga…🤎
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superxstarzz · 4 months
been thinking about them a lot lately... sleepy time
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tallulahneale · 23 days
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Title: Who really lives their dream?
Summary: Vince as a pharma tech, alternate reality!
A/n: This is a fluffy wuffy story.
Part One
Here we go again, Vince says to himself as Monday rolls around again. Waking up at 6am to get to work at 8am has been his life for the past 18 months. Monday through to Saturday he’s a pharmaceutical technician. He’s a diligent worker and an excellent staff member, always looking out for the team.
But today feels different.
He stops at the local cafe to get coffee, black with no sugar. “Diabetes is real” He mutters to the barista. He waits for them to make the cup and scrolls through the work group chat to see a message from the branch manager.
“NB for those at Neales Pharmacy! Due to Susan going on maternity leave, we will be introducing a new Pharmacist to the branch. She’ll be with us for the next few months. Please make her feel welcome! Thanks, Baptiste.”
Hmmm…that was quick he thought, finding a competent Pharmacist who was willing to stay on had been difficult but hey, that was none of his business. He just hoped that whoever joined the team wasn’t a bozo. He gets his coffee, “thanks” he winks, leaves a tip and heads to the pharmacy. He notices a new car in the lot and knew the pharmacist was already there. Sliding the door open, he sees a huddle and hears a gentle but lively giggle. Damn, another white woman, he mumbles, when will we get a black pharmacist he ponders. Walking to the back to drop his bag he pauses to glances and froze. I spoke too soon, he says.
“Good morning Vince! Look at the new pharmacist, isn’t she adorable?! And she’s black too!” one of the coworkers said. Vince looks expressionless at the coworker and ignores the comment. The pharmacist began to speak.
“Good morning everyone” she said with a bright smile, “My name is Tallulah but y’all can call me Lula for short. I’ve been a pharmacist for the past few months and loving it so far! I’m glad to be apart of this team and hope y’all enjoy having me around.” Lula’s eyes glance across the pharmacy and connect with Vince’s. That ‘Shining’ moment. He gives her a brief nod and goes to settle in to work. It’s almost 9am so everyone moves to their corners to set up and get ready for the work day ahead. As the pharma tech, Vince takes it upon himself to show Lula around and present the SOPs used at the branch.
“It’s nice to see another one of me here” Lula whispers “I thought I’d have to keep eating sandwiches for lunch!”
Vince smirks and takes in her appearance. Yeah, you don’t look like the sandwich type, he thinks to himself. Standing at 5'8, dark skinned, long braids and hips that make you know there’s something moving in the back, he tries not to stare too hard.
“When I heard you laugh from the door, I thought you were another white lady. Glad you’re not.” He says “You got a little accent too. You’re not from Cali are you?”
“Is it that obvious?” Lula asks bashfully.
“Not really but I hear the twang.” He says making her feel even more shy.
“I’m from Haiti, born and raised but moved down here when I was in primary school.”
“That’s what’s up. My grandparents are Haitian, I guess that makes me Haitian too.”
“Omg, ou ka pale kreyòl? Yay, nou ka fè tripotay e pèsonn p'ap tande nou.” Lula replies excited to meet another Haitian.
“Woah woah woah, slow down Lula” He laughs “I’m assuming you asked if I can speak Creole, right? Nahh I don’t. I’m not really connected with that side.”
“Modi, that’s sucks” Lula pouts disappointed “I’ll just say a new phrase here and there to get you started, is that okay?”
Just as he is about to reply the coworker from earlier interrupts, “This isn’t a meet and greet. Vince, Lula we have customers and patients to attend to.”
Lula giggles and apologies for getting carried away. As she turns to the med cabinet and prepares a dosette box, Vince taps her shoulder and says “I’m interested in learning Creole, thanks Lula”. She beams and gives a little nods before getting back to sorting the dosette.
Now I know why today felt different, he says to himself as he starts to sort the controlled substances.
Part two link.
Translations: (n/b Creole is not my first language)
Ou ka pale kreyòl? = Can you speak Creole?
Nou ka fè tripotay e pèsonn p'ap tande nou= We can gossip and no one will hear us.
Modi = damn
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kommunisti · 1 year
at this point i expect every company that youtubers regularly shill to be a scam of some sort but especially those personalized vitamin/supplement subscriptions have to be a complete waste of money like cmon
how is some online quiz gonna know what vitamins or supplements you should take? you can only know if you’ve had blood tests done to determine if you have a deficiency and if you’re not deficient, you don’t need extra vitamins,  either you will piss out the extra or in worst case you can develop vitamin toxicity (in the case of fat soluble ones)
also these companies selling pills that are all individually packaged for each day... whew. if you’re worried, get blood tests done and buy vitamins in bulk and divide them in a dosette. no need for this goop stuff
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gogomeaty · 9 months
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Adrian (Undertaker) and Lara <0:
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loric2020 · 2 years
7 mars - 9 mars, Adélaïde, terre des aborigènes de la communauté Kaurna, GMT+10h30
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Commonwealth et french connection réunis.
L'émotion est grande quand nous atterrissons à Adélaïde. Quel beau nom pour une ville pleine de charme, nom hérité de la princesse d'origine allemande devenue reine consort du Royaume-Uni et de Hanovre comme épouse de Guillaume IV, roi de 1830 à 1837. En 2020, nous avions dû nous résoudre à rentrer en raison du covid sans aucune certitude de pouvoir revenir. Nous sommes bien en 2023 et nous ne boudons pas le plaisir de retourner au central market, un marché couvert où tous les produits sont plus alléchants les uns que les autres. Ici, on achète, on déguste et on prend du plaisir à dévorer des yeux les étals. Nous découvrons le zoo d'Adélaïde pour la première fois. Les loutres nous font toujours autant marrer. Un panda mâle, du nom de Wang Wang, rechigne à sortir mais accepte tout de même de montrer sa belle frimousse. La journée de jeudi est toute consacrée à visiter la vallée de Barossa, l'un des deux vignobles les plus connus autour d'Adélaïde avec celui de la vallée de MacLaren. Nous avons rendez-vous devant l'hôtel Hilton d'Adélaïde où nous attend le bus. Nous sommes 22 à prendre place pour des dégustations dans 4 domaines vinicoles : château Yaldara, Peter Lehmanns, Rosenvale Wines and Wolf Blass. Les ressortissants du Commonwealth sont présents en force ce matin : australiens, canadiens, britanniques. Le bus est presque 100% anglophone. L'ambiance, d'abord silencieuse pendant le trajet qui nous conduit au premier château, va progressivement se libérer à mesure que les verres de vin vont se vider, à raison de 6 dégustations par domaine, soit 24 dosettes de vin, rouge, blanc, pétillant... Un minimum pour les gourmands qui n'hésitent pas à jouer la troisième mi-temps allègrement et goulûment. La journée se termine comme elle a commencé, dans le silence de ceux qui cuvent. Le mot de la fin revient au guide et chauffeur du bus qui accepte gentiment de nous déposer près de la ligne de bus qui dessert notre hôtel en annonçant "french connection !*. That's it 🤩
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