#erin whitlock
superxstarzz · 5 months
iii don't care about spoiling nightveil anymore. I NEEEED TO POST ABOUT THEM HSGGSHDJRJRR
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elfcollector · 1 year
there for you
rating: teen
relationships: platonic mason & the detective, mentioned adam/detective
warnings: none
summary: "No, no, it’s my fault, it’s my ——”  They spin and their smile is horrible, tight, mocking, and their voice goes too loud, too hurt “— it’s my fault for thinking I’d ever be enough for him!”
When there’s a knock at the door to their room, it’s all Blake can manage to choke out, “Go away.”
But the reply isn’t the silence they’d expected — and it isn’t the sound of Adam’s apology, which is what they’d stupidly, stupidly hoped for.  It’s gruffer, the voice on the other side of the door that says, “Don’t start sounding like me, Blake.  Your stupidly big heart is half of your charm.”
Despite the misery making a home in the soft center of their chest, Blake laughs out something soft and surprised and hoarse.  “You can come in, Mason.  ‘M sorry, I didn’t realize.”
The door opens, a slide of yellow light cutting through the darkness of the unlit room.  That darkness seems to surprise Mason a bit, if the way his shoulders hike briefly is any indication — when his eyes settle on Blake, they widen a little further, his lips thinning.
It’s strange, to see the Detective like this.  He’s seen them battered, bleeding, dying — but they’d always had a smile or a joke, that unshakeable confidence outshouting the pessimism that seemed like it should have made them less.  He’s seen them endure Adam’s stilted affections without ever so much as wincing, let alone seeming actually wounded.  But now, they’re curled on the edge of the bed, blankets wrapped around their shoulders in a makeshift cocoon, hair a mess and eyes lined with dark circles and red.  They sniffle, managing a weak smile at his apparent assessment and their awareness that they haven’t passed it.
“Hey.  Sorry I look like shit.”  Mason closes the door and doesn’t turn the light on, and they breathe out a relieved breath as the darkness lessens their headache marginally.  “It’s ‘cause I feel like shit.”
“Yeah, I can tell,” the vampire says as he crosses the room and, after a beat, sits beside them on the bed.  It creaks under his weight, the dip causing Blake to lean further into him, and he doesn’t flinch — Blake doesn’t bother wondering if that’s because he’s truly comfortable with them or because he knows just how Adam pulled away from them.  They just stare down at their knees and smile something pasted - on.  Mason continues, “None of us have really seen you for days, and I can’t remember the last time you had a lay-in.  Normally you’re up and at ‘em in the mornings, let alone by noon.”
“I don’t care.  I wanna sulk in the dark.”  They laugh around statement, but the way the words choke against their throat makes the sound a poor approximation of their usual sarcastic charm.  “Unless you’re here to drag me back to the light?”
“I told you I don’t make a habit of telling people how to live their lives,” Mason reminds them.  “That usually extends to ‘dragging them’ around.”
“Thought it might be a mission.  You’d listen to Adam if he was all like, ‘The detective has been shirking their duties in favor of their silly emotions.  Go collect them, Mason, so they can do their job.’”  They don’t even try to make the imitation a good one — they just hope they can drag a laugh out of Mason.  When there’s not so much as a chuckle, they look up at him with their red eyes, a brow quirked.
“I wouldn’t listen to Adam,” he says, finally, and Blake’s eyes widen.  “Not about this.”
They don’t know what to say to that.  They know Mason’s their friend, but the agent’s loyalty to Adam has always seemed so...absolute.  They manage to snap their mouth shut and turn back to stare forward towards the door, leaning a little further into the man’s side.  The silence stretches for a few minutes, Blake estimates, before they softly ask, “I’m probably worrying Felix, huh?”
“And Nate,” Mason adds, and doesn’t add ‘And Adam,’ true as that may be.  Adam doesn’t get to be miserable about the pain he inflicted and isn’t healing.  “And me.”
Blake laughs quietly.  Not surprised that he’s worried for them — they’re all past that, and Blake knows they’re loved — but that he’s admitted it.  The sound is a little less croaked.  “Sorry.  I’m just...doing really bad.”
Mason inhales and then breathes out a sigh.  “I think that’s what has us so worried,” he admits.  When Blake doesn’t reply, just breathes, too steady to be natural, he continues.  “Adam’s a dick —”
That gets something out of them, a muttered, “Tell me about it.”
“— But none of us have seen you like this.  About Adam or anything else.”  The agent wishes he had a smoke.  It would at least give him something to do with his hands as he dealt with the kind of emotional bullshit that doesn’t ever feel right from his mouth.  And he so badly doesn’t want to fuck this up.  “You’ve been — pretty plucky about his bullshit repression up ‘til now.”
Blake is quiet for a long moment.  Mason thinks they might not respond at all, and that would suit him just fine, so long as the silence and the company might comfort.  But suddenly Blake has pushed off the bed and is on their feet, blankets shed, and is pacing around the floor in front of him.  Dressed in only a loose t - shirt and a pair of boxers, he can see the bandages and the bruises that cover their body from the fight at the auction, though those concern him less than the laugh fleeing the smile they’ve stuck to their face, screaming in sharp contrast to the pain in their eyes.
“I was stupid,” they answer without hesitation, hands carding through their tangled hair as they pace faster, turning from him.  “I could tell — he’s been in love with me since the beginning, right?  It’s obvious.  And I’ve felt the same about him, and he’s so fucking dumb and repressed but we’re both good so I — I just assumed that — that if I — If I just waited it out, kept up the flirting and ——”
Mason does’t move, not sure if he’s frozen by the surprising depth of their pain or by the anger in their too-fast voice, their hunched posture, the hands tugging hard through their long hair.  He can’t tell if they’re angry at Adam or themself.
“I thought I — I was so stupid, and I — I shouldn’t even be m - mad at him, ‘cause he showed me exactly who he fucking is and I was fucking dumb enough to think I could help him, and I —”
“Hey, hey,” the vampire finds his voice, starting to rise, “It’s not your —”
"No, no, it’s my fault, it’s my ——”  They spin and their smile is horrible, tight, mocking, and their voice goes too loud, too hurt “— it’s my fault for thinking I’d ever be enough for him!”
Mason freezes, eyes huge, and Blake’s smile doesn’t fall, even when they inhale, ragged, and start to cry.
He isn’t a gentle man — he doesn’t show care this way, and love is so rare to earn from him that he’s rarely showed it at all, but it only takes a beat of looking at that miserable, heartbreaking expression before his body moves and he pulls the Detective into an unpracticed, awkward hug.
They stiffen, seeming as shocked as he is, but relax into the hug after only a few beats of their unsteady heart, hands wrapping desperately around his back and twisting tight into his shirt.  They bawl into his chest, and he can’t make himself relax or hold them right, but he hopes it’s enough.  He hopes they don’t think they have to keep smiling.
“I th-thought,” they whimper, so quiet he doesn’t think he’d catch it without his hypersenses, “that — h-he’s in love with me, and I’m i-in love with him, so we’d — and I just — I thought I’d b-be enough for him to — I thought I’d be wuh-worth letting the walls down.”  They hiccup, voice going smaller.  “I really — th-thought I’d be worth it to him.”
Mason loves all his family.  And he loves Adam, his stupidity and all, and he’s more loyal to that man than he is to the Agency or much else.  But he regrets, for a moment, not slugging the bastard when he’d had the chance in the hallways, days ago, when Adam had stupidly broken their fearless Detective’s heart.
“But I wasn’t,” Blake whispers.  “I — w-wasn’t worth it.  I wasn’t good enough for him.”
They’re more stubborn than anyone he’s ever known, himself included, and more full of love, too — and while Blake has taken guilt for those they’ve harmed or failed, or who’ve been harmed or failed by them, he truly never thought they’d ever hear the Detective doubt whether they were worth enough for another person.  Mason hates it, and he grasps their biceps to pull them away from his chest.  He’s relieved to see they’re not still smiling.
“Don’t talk like that,” Mason bites out, his hands tightening on their arms.  “You are good enough for Adam.  Hell, you’re too good for Adam.  That’s the whole problem.”
Blake sniffles out a joyless laugh, not smiling, head shaking.
Mason almost growls, “He’s the one who’s too much of a coward to deal with his feelings, not you.  He’s the one who’s acting like an ass, not you.”  They laugh again, still weak.  “You’re stronger than he is, and that’s the issue, not whether you’re worth it.  You didn’t do shit wrong.  Don’t let him make you think otherwise.”
Blake inhales, hard.  The tears don’t stop, but the sobbing’s faded to hiccuping whimpers, which Mason will have to take as an improvement.  “— He said the s-same thing.  That I’m stronger than him.”
“Then that’s about the only thing that he got right about this whole thing.”  Mason squeezes their biceps and hopes it’s encouraging.  One of Blake’s hands rises, still shaking, to wipe at their eyes.  “I’m not good at this shit, Blake.  But I know that Adam’s shit isn’t your fault.  And you shouldn’t feel like you’re less than anybody, especially not a guy who can’t even be honest with himself, let alone the person he loves.”
They steady in his arms at the words, nodding to themself after a long beat.  It hurts, but — the words help.  Mason’s belief in them, a belief they’d shared until so recently, helps.
“I think —” They have to pause, to inhale shakily, to get their voice back.  “I think you’re better at ‘this shit’ than you think you are.”
“Don’t you turn this around into comforting me or some shit.  I can only handle so much mushiness in one sitting.”
And they laugh — a real one this time, for however choked and soft it may be.  “I’m not.  I just — thanks.  I — hah.  I’m still fucking miserable but I — I feel better.  I feel — I feel better.”  They inhale, a little steadier this time.  “You’re a good friend.  I love you.”
He’s glad the light’s still off so the Detective can’t see the flush on his face.  This fucking human...  “I just said I can’t handle more of this mushy shit.”
And they laugh again.  “Okay, okay.  I’m — I’m gonna take a sh-shower and then show my face for the first time in days.  I’ll inflict any more mushiness on Felix.  Sound fair?”
Mason lets his hands drop from their arms.  “Sounds fair.”  His smile is crooked but sincere when he adds, “I’ll still be there, just pretending not to hear it.”
“That sounds perfect.”  Blake reaches forward and takes his hand, squeezing it once.  Mason groans — just to get another chuckle out of them — but returns the gesture.
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unknownperson246 · 4 months
Can you write a slash x fem fic where slash gets drunk and is all over her? Maybe the bands makes fun of him for it or something
Mr.All over her
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Words: 689
warnings: *fluff* *drunk a lot of alcohol and GNR being kind of judgy *(I don’t know how to categorize this so I guess I will put fluff)
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Slash is seated in the back room in his makeup chair with his half-vacant bottle of Jack Daniels he is taking swigs of his beloved Jack Daniels as he stares at his favorite picture of the woman he is in love with. She is slightly tanned with brunette hair she is a model she is 5’7 She has a sexy pair of black lingerie on in her model pose. Her name is Vienna Whitlock. She has 80s hair due to the seductive look on her face like she is trying to kill through the camera. She kind of looks like Axl’s wife Erin Invicta Everly Rose. Even Axl mistook her for his wife Erin Everly for a second A photo of her is stuck on his mirror the rest of the band moves into the room unconcerned.
Axl asks Slash in an angry tone with a scowl on his face, his red hair covering his charming looks, "Is that my wife?" 
Slash replies, "No, Axl, it's the woman I love. I saw her at the Whiskey a Go-Go while we were performing. She was in the crowd with her gorgeous brunette hair."
Slash soon passes out with his top hat on his head after his conversation with Axl and his sunglasses covering his charming, glistening face. Axl, Izzy, Duff, and Steven leave the room trying to make very little noise so Slash does not jerk awake. The rest of GNR emerge at the rainbow bar and grill on Sunset Strip. They take a seat at a booth. Slash knows where his bandmates went and he wants to follow them. He quickly gets up fixes his hat on his head and readjusts his sunglasses Slash quickly and drunkenly heads out in his leather jacket and his white shirt underneath his black leather jacket he makes it to his car without tipping over and quickly drives to the rainbow bar and grill. Slash views the girl he loves; he knows her from being a model. Slash is very greatly infatuated with her. She is wearing a silky black dress with simple pearl earrings her hair is down it goes perfectly with brunette hair.
Slash goes up to her for the first time he says with his words garbled 
 “H- Hi I saw you in the crowd last night while me and the guys were playing and you're that model Vienna Whitlock?.”
Slash speaks in an inaudible voice. She responds in a sweet gentle voice  her response  to Slash 
“Yes and Hey I know you're Slash from Guns n Roses right?” She says in a confident volume. 
“Yeah, yeah that's me he responds. Vienna still has her drink in her hand she is sipping at a blue margarita. Slash quickly grabs her drink out of her hand and he asks her to join him with the guys. Slash is all over her with his gushy lovey dovey look. He is very drunk and he has no idea what he is doing but he is going with his drunken instincts. He drags Vienna to Steven, Izzy, Axl, and Duff. Slash makes her sit down next to him at the booth. Duff is in the middle of enjoying his second bottle of vodka. Izzy is zoned out taking small swigs of his French wine. Steven is chugging a bottle of Jack Daniels and Axl is sitting there deep in his thoughts with a small cup of Vodka. He had asked Duff for some.
Slash is all over her he drunkenly falls asleep on Vienna's shoulder and he slips and falls on her lap.
“Oh my, he fell asleep”. She says blushing and chuckling as she is tipsy.
 Slash is still and soundly passed out  
Axl snickers and says “Damn he must have taken some strong dose of all drugs and drinks mixed look at that he looks so peaceful.”
Izzy is watching with no response but he is thinking ”Hah what a desperate guy.”
Steven says “Alright let's get Mr.All over her to bed.”
Duff gets up unfazed and starts to help Steven carry Slash to his car and they drive Slash home.
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Rewind, Remix, & Replay Jay & Kim 5x18 
You can read the rest of the series here
This was an episode where Kim and Jay actually really did interact. It made it more fun. Everyone saw the chemistry of the look between them in the car, right? Or is it just my shippy little heart <3 (I was sad I couldn't find the right gif for the episode)
Kim typed in the license plate Jay was reading off to search for the owner. It was a little strange to be in his truck with him, and not just because they were parked across from a funeral. They rarely worked together as partners. When it was decided that Hailey was going undercover- Kim was floored when Voight paired the two up and sent them out with little more than their last names strung together and a “watch out for Upton”.
It wasn’t that Kim didn’t want to work with Jay. The thought of it happening had just never really crossed her mind. She could count the times they had been paired together on one hand and still have fingers left over. Now adding their after-work actives… it just made her feel a little out of sorts.
They had moved quickly and professionally to her work SUV. Jay’s lifted GM Sierra would draw unwanted attention. Kim pulled her keys out of her bag climbed into the driver seat and started the car. Jay had just sighed and shook his head when he settled into the passenger side. When she had given him a confused look, he had just chuckled, shaking his head. They had been halfway to the cemetery before she realized even though he had far more seniority he had let her drive.
They had fallen into a comfortable productive silence after she had parked. It was just strange. Kim had seen him less than eight hours ago primal and naked taking her roughly from behind as she watched in her floor-length mirror. The small bruise just peeking out of his shirt sleeve is where she had turned and bit him, lost in her pleasure and trying to keep from screaming. Now he was drinking his coffee and she was pretending she didn’t know how it tasted on his lips.
Kim read off Tyler Whitlock's information, “And he is Booth’s nephew.” Jay shifted to look down at the screen. He was worried about Hailey. A little too worried. Kim didn’t understand why- Jay had backed her going back undercover. She didn’t want to press; it didn’t seem like it was any of her business. Jay and Hailey were partners- one of the strongest bonds she knew. They were just-well whatever they were.
“A family business, how quaint.” Jay was distracted by the way Hailey had been acting during the opening of this case. Something wasn’t adding up and the weight of it was sitting like a pit in his stomach. It was the only reason why he hadn’t caught Kim's touch of awkwardness yet.
“So, is there anything that runs in the Halstead family? The military, maybe?” The question catches Jay’s attention and he looks over at her- he feels the twinge of her nervousness. He chuckles, his hand purposefully dropping to her thigh for a gentle but reassuring squeeze. His hand lingered on the denim of her jeans. It works like magic. Kim gives him a soft smile and settles. He can almost see her overthinking slow, her insecurity washing away. He had felt that way with Erin, never knowing if it would be a hot or cold day, and he refused to let Kim feel the same. Especially when he felt guilty for not being able to give her a real answer the prior week on what they were doing.
Jay was a relationship man. Not that he hadn’t had his Casanova days when he was younger. He had gone through his fair share of women. But when Jay decided he liked a girl and wanted to build a relationship he was quick to lock them down. He wasn’t keen on sharing and even less of a fan of hiding how he felt.
He had become jaded in the years he had been in Intelligence. Lindsey had done a number on him. He loved her to his detriment. He was willing to overlook what he wanted, like living together, to try to make it work with her. When she had left without even a goodbye what Jay wanted had been so scrambled that he wasn’t even sure of what he wanted himself anymore. He had started to sleep around again, even going as far as fucking around with one of his CIs who didn’t even know his real name. It was a mess that Jay was still trying to untie with the help of his therapist. “No, just me. The only thing that runs in the Halstead family is trouble, the blue-collared kind.”
“I find that hard to believe.”
“Oh really? Because I’m so warm and friendly?”
“No, because Will doesn’t seem like he has it in him. He is too sweet.” Jay's eyes shined with mirth as he shook his head lips pressing together to suppress his laughter. “What’s so funny about that? Your brother is adorable.”
“Nothing just that my brother has you and most of our colleagues completely snowed.” Kim’s eyebrows furrowed, as Jay focused back on the funeral proceedings. “Oh yeah. You know, sometime you should ask him about the real reason he left New York and that awesome shiner he got as a parting gift.”
“No way,” Jay's blue eyes flicker back to her briefly, a genuine smile coming to his lips as he cocks his head to the side. “Seriously?” Jay's grin is mischievous then his face goes blank as he sees Booth make his way over to Haliey. Kim feels unsettled by their interaction and suddenly understands Jay’s worries. There is something off about the situation, she can feel it in her gut.
Jay is distant all week. Hailey is focused on nothing other than nailing Booth and Jay is on her ass trying to keep her from getting herself killed. Jay catches up with a detective on the old case, doesn’t tell her the specifics and she doesn’t ask. It wasn’t good. Kim was just glad that it was all over. She and Hailey weren’t super close but she considers her a friend and watching her isolate and spiral had frayed her nerves.
When Jay knocks on her door she isn’t surprised. He looks as exhausted as she feels. She gestures him in, heading to the kitchen instead of the living room. “I’m making dinner,” Jay inhales smelling the stir fry cooking. Smelling the food makes him realize how hungry he is. He lingers at the counter leaning back against it silently. Kim glances over him briefly before closing the distance. Her hand slides up between the open ends of his jacket smoothing over the soft cotton of his t-shirt. His hand comes up to catch hers rubbing the back of it with his thumb.
“Why don’t you get comfortable and sit down? You look like you're about ready to fall over.” Kim presses a kiss to his neck. His hand cups her chin lifting it to steal a kiss of his own. It is light and tender, the barest whisper against her lips. Kim lingers in his space. She can smell his musky cologne mixed with the sharpness of the leather of his jacket. Her hand moved down his chest feeling the hard muscles as she stepped away to stir the food. She can hear the swish of him removing his jacket as he heads back down the hallway.
When he returns a few minutes later he is down to his t-shirt and jeans, feet bare against the wood floor. “I need to talk to you.” Kim faulters mid-stir, anxiety shooting through her system, body tensing involuntarily.
“That doesn’t sound good.” His warmth washes over her as he steps behind her. His hands land on her hips giving a gentle squeeze as he urges her to lean back against him.
“It’s nothing like that.” He soothes and she twists to look at him. “Just after this whirlwind of a week. This thing with Haliey and her going completely off the books…” He lets out a deep sigh and Kim turns full to look at him. “I just want you to know I always have your back.”
“Jay I know-”
“No, just listen. Even if I don’t always understand or when I think you're doing something you shouldn’t- I will try to stop you- but if it becomes a situation. If you need me- I will be there. I will always have your back. I never want you to go into an unsafe situation alone because you think nobody will help you get out of it. I will always help you. Always.”
Kim feels tears blur her vision. She would blame it on the emotional week. She pulls Jay into a hug, resting her cheek against his chest, arms locked tightly around him. “I know. You already have been. And I will always be there for you Jay. No question.”
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thebridgehqs · 2 years
The following muses have a week to post or message the main for an extension:
@dancngthroughlife -  Two on Pepper Potts and Evie Grimhilde One on Erin Hannon, Jessica Day and Kelly Aldrich
@fidclium -  Two on Caitriona O'Donnell, Cillian Finnigan, Demetrius Duke, Henry Mills, Mateo Alvarez & Poseidon
@writtcninthestars -  One on Addison Wells, Dewey Duck & Lizzie Saltzman
@champagneprblms - One on Samantha Giddings
@firewvlk -  Two on Ava Silva, Daisy Johnson, Laurie Strode, Steve Harrington. One on Atreus, Bigby Wolf, Cal Kestis, Ciri, Hunter, John B, Josh Washington, Selene, Shaggy Rogers
@hxlcycnx - One on Olive Smith
@virtuousouls - Two on Eros
@allxthingsxglxtter -  Two on Adam Carlsen, Alex Mercer, Angrboda, Aurelia Gunner, Billy, Bryce Claiborne, Calanthe, Ember Cobalt, Lady, Levi Sullivan, Lisa Snart, Rhys Adler, Sirius Black. Yvette Calahaan. One on Aether, Caitlyn Kiramman, Caradoc Duke, Carter Kazansky, Coriane Calore, Dane Whitman, Dean Winchester, Dev Dakkar, Hugo De Rune, Jacen Solo, Jason Todd, Jess Seresin, Kai Whitlock, Khonsu, Luc, Maelstrom Adler, Maeve, Merrin, Neil Vikander, Randall Carpio, Raya, Sapphire, Shaun Gilmore, Spider, Teddy Lupin, Viktor
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harrystormauthor · 9 months
ERIN SPRUILL HAS DECIDED NOT TO RIDE FOR THE BRAND ANYMORE…….HELLO, PAR? RIDING FOR THE BRAND PAR POSSE STYLE | Exposing small town corruption and secrets in Waco, Texas. | I’m Mad Too, Harry. (immadtooharry.com) THANK YOU SHOUT OUT TO READER COMMENT “Harry Extra” below. Lionel McGee is leaving Pam Whitlock is leaving Rebecca Eubank is leaving Chris Eubank is leaving Jacob Poston is…
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peachpotions · 6 years
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Night Moves - Susanna King
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lisa-lostinlit · 3 years
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💬 Do you prefer to read physical books, ebooks or audiobooks? I read all three and don’t really love one more than another. I read all at different points of the day and love them all equally. So basically I refuse to answer my own question. 🙃 Um, did someone say a gothic fantasy murder mystery? I’m sold! A Forgery of Roses by @jessicaolson123 releases in March 2022 and the anticipation is intense! Thank you so much to @inkyardpress for gifting me an e-ARC! . . . s u m m a r y : Myra Whitlock has a gift. One many would kill for. She’s an artist whose portraits alter people’s real-life bodies, a talent she must hide from those who would kidnap, blackmail, and worse in order to control it. Guarding that secret is the only way to keep her younger sister safe now that their parents are gone. But one frigid night, the governor’s wife discovers the truth and threatens to expose Myra if she does not complete a special portrait that would resurrect the governor's dead son. Desperate, Myra ventures to his legendary stone mansion. Once she arrives, however, it becomes clear the boy’s death was no accident. Someone dangerous lurks within these glittering halls. Someone harboring a disturbing obsession with portrait magic. Myra cannot do the painting until she knows what really happened, so she turns to the governor’s older son, a captivating redheaded poet. Together, they delve into the family’s most shadowed affairs, racing to uncover the truth before the secret Myra spent her life concealing makes her the killer’s next victim. From Sing Me Forgotten author Jessica S. Olson comes a gothic fantasy murder mystery perfect for fans of Kerri Maniscalco and Erin A. Craig. . . . h a s h t a g s : #aforgeryofroses #jessicasolsen #yafantasy #youngadultbooks #yabooks #youngadult #gothicfantasy #gothicmystery #bookstagrammer #igreaders #avidreader #readallthebooks #readingaddict #bookrecommendations #bookishphotography #bookphotograph #hyggelifestyle #hyggehome #cosyhome #cozybedroom #idratherbereading #bookworm #readerlife #bibliophile #mybookfeatures #photographyforlife (at Bookstagram) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUbXzQItJgL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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snowfalledarchived · 3 years
margo addison x viktor "vik" bernadotte oliver "ollie" parrish x leviticus "levi" beaufort aurora "rory" whitlock x lysithea "thea" mcnamara atticus frieland x sawyer vitale rav kaiser x erin evans
Send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships!
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Ranking Choices Stories by Supporting Platonic Characters
It’s time to shine a light on Choices’s platonic characters.
This will be ranked by the importance of the characters to the story and the depth of the platonic characters.
Disclaimer: These rankings do not portray how close the group of friends are: they portray how good the platonic friends are.
I am not counting characters blood-related to MC (as the twin in HSSCA or Atlas in TE) or any of the LIs
I am not doing ILB because I haven't played it yet
Friendship’s Top Tier: 9-10
LH: The whole gang, except Mark, is platonic. They’re extremely close to MC and you get to see each one and their own story. Those are a lot of platonic characters, and each one of them is an important part of the group. Ranking: 10 out of 10.
THM: Most of the crew is platonic, and each character has their own unique personality and unique backstory. They’re all vital for the plot, and are always there for MC. (If you earn their trust.) Ranking: 9.5 out of 10. The only reason this isn’t a 10 out of 10 is that MC isn’t as close to them as LH MC is to the group there.
D&D: Briar and Mr. Chambers are platonic main characters that are key characters in the plot. Briar is always there for MC and Mr. Chambers is the perfect wingman. They both have their own problems and unique personalities, which make them even more amazing. Ranking: 9 out of 10.
Best Friends: 6-8
The Elementalists: Zeph is the only platonic main character. He does have a lot of impact on the story, and takes an important role. Ranking: 8 out of 10.
TF/TS/TJ/TS: From the first book we have Zack, Tyler and Abbie as really close friends. Zack is really close to MC, and is always there for her when she needs help. Abbie is a girl friend who’s there for the story, but she and MC aren’t really close. Ranking: 8 out of 10, because both of them don’t show up that much.
ES: Most of the group isn’t romanceable, but the only platonic one MC is really close to is Diego, and he’s not as close to her as in the beginning. Ranking: 8 out of 10, because there are many friends but they’re not as important to the plot as the LIs.
Hero: Dax and Poppy are MC’s best friends, and are extremely main characters. Both of them have their own strong personalities, and MC spends more time with them than with the LI, if you think about it. Ranking: 8 out of 10.
TCTF: On Dom’s side there aren’t any platonic characters that are key to the plot, but Kenna has Whitlock. Whitlock is really well-built and has a very clear transformation throughout the books. This makes him an amazing character, even if he and Kenna weren’t really close. Ranking: 7 out of 10.
BSC: Almost all the main characters are romanceable, except Brooklynne and Duke. They are fairly main characters, but Brooklynne is the only one MC is close to. Ranking: 7 out of 10 because MC isn’t really close to any of them.
RCD: Chazz is a completely platonic character, and he’s a really important part of the story. He’s just as important as most of the LIs, and maybe even more so. Ranking: 7 out of 10 because he’s important, but not MC’s anchor.
OH: Sienna, Landry and Elijah are MC’s closest friends. They show up a lot, and are obviously important, but aren’t so far an important part of the plot. Also, MC isn’t that close to them. Ranking: 7 out of 10.
ITITW: Lily and Dan are the only characters in the group who aren’t romanceable. Both of them are important characters: especially Dan, who MC does everything they can to save him. Ranking: 7 out of 10, because after MC saves Dan there aren’t many scenes that show how close they are.
HSSCA: Erin is the only friend MC has who is completely platonic in this book. She and MC are obviously close, but not best-friends close. Also, Erin isn’t such a big part of the plot, at least in the first book, so this story gets 6 out of 10.
RoD: Toby, Riya and Darius are MC’s platonic friends. Toby shows up a lot, but he’s not really an important character. Riya is MC’s main connection to her old life, but she’s also not a major part of the story. Ranking: 6 out of 10. 3 platonic friends, but none of them are really close to MC or are important to the plot.
Passable Teamwork: 3-5
MW: Basically the whole crew is platonic, I think. However, they aren’t really important characters. Ranking: 5 out of 10. They exist, but aren’t really there.
HSS- You can romance any of your friends, but you can’t romance your senior friends. You sometimes see them, so this gets a 4 of 10.
TRR: There are a few platonic characters, like Bertrand, Madeline and Olivia, but no close friends that are completely platonic from the start of the series. Ranking: 4 out of 10.
PM: MC if a friend of Steve and Nadia, but Nadia is the person MC is really close to. Problem is Nadia is MC’s cousin, which means Steve is the only platonic friend. MC almost never talks to Steve: it’s always Steve and Nadia, which is why this doesn’t have a high ranking. Ranking: 4 out of 10, just because Steve is always there with Nadia.
VoS- All the “friends” main characters are romanceable. Miss Harlenay is the only friendly character who’s platonic, other than the group. Ranking: 4 out of 10, just because Miss Harlenay shows up a lot.
Failure: 0-2
THoBM: No close platonic relationships. The only unromanceable characters are Eleanor’s siblings, and MC isn’t really close to any of them. Ranking: 2 out of 10.
AME- Need I explain? It’s a reality show in which you can romance anyone. Doesn’t leave any platonic relationships. Ranking: 1 out of 10, only because of Fatima.
BB- All of MC’s friends are LIs. Ranking: 0 out of 10.
ACoR-  MC has no allies, or helpers, that aren’t romanceable. So no platonic relationships. This hasn’t failed because of the scholae manager, which I guess can pass somehow as a platonic ally, even if she doesn’t have almost any impact on the story. Ranking: 1 out of 10.
HftH- The characters whom MC is mostly around are her family and lovers. No platonic friendships here. Ranking: 0 out of 10.
ATV- The whole crew is romanceable: whether as MC, Eos or Pax. There are no important platonic characters whatsoever, so this series failed. Ranking: 0 out of 10.
RoE- Again: you can romance basically everyone, as the different siblings. Violet doesn’t count because she’s a cousin, and the lawyer doesn’t count because you barely talk to him. So no platonic relationships here. Ranking: 0 out of 10.
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kaitloyalist · 6 years
Can you please share transparents of Whitlock and Azura along with Erin and the Monkey from ACoR
Whitlock || Azura || Erin || Monkey
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superxstarzz · 4 months
been thinking about them a lot lately... sleepy time
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apocaelypsearch · 2 years
calvin ward :
calvin joined alexandria with a small group and was a strong contributing member of the community. he was entirely devoted to strengthening his & the communities chances of survival, and to his girlfriend that he met after joining. she, unfortunately, perished during the saviours attack & he hasn’t quite been the same since. while he still fulfils his role, it seems like there’s no life behind his eyes. he cares, though. he takes the protection of his friends very seriously & mourns every life lost as if they were his own.
lucas whitlock :
lucas, son of @burygods‘ maxine, is feisty af. you’d think he was one of the older ones, having seen shit for days, but in truth he’s just a teenager looking to survive in a world that can easily kill him if he stops paying attention for two seconds. he was only about five when the dead started to rise so this has literally been his whole life, the only thing he’s known, and it’s obvious in the way he holds his knife. he struggles to trust and rarely does so, and often to the detriment of relationships to other survivors. he will do anything and everything to ensure that his mother survives.
rhys burns :
older brother to @burygods​‘ erin. rhys was a professional soccer player before the outbreak so he often relies on his speed and stamina rather than his ability to fight. he was playing for nashville sc at the time and was in his third season with them. his face is permanently scarred after falling down a cliff trying to escape a horde. he doesn’t like staying still & struggles to find peace in the calm - it’s a family thing - but he tries. he’s generally the nicer of the two siblings, and is quite playful once he gets to know someone.
taylor moore :
like lucas, taylor was only six when the world ended. unlike him, however, she didn’t allow this to shut her down as she continued to grow. like many children, she lost her parents and older brother throughout the years. she was a member of hilltop when maggie took over, and stayed throughout the saviours & whisperers conflict, almost dying in the latter. now she’s working with the rest of the surviving community to rebuild. she’s a gentle soul that tries her best to keep the bright side of life shining. she’s probably the apocalypse version of i like warm hugs.
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rqd-reads · 3 years
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✨Have you received anything fun in the mail lately? (Doesn’t have to be book related!) If possible, I want to see it too!! 🤩 A Forgery of Roses by Jessica S. Olson (@jessicaolson123) is a gothic fantasy murder mystery perfect for fans of Erin A. Craig and Kerri Maniscalco! Big thanks to @InkyardPress for sending this promotional box my way! The soap smells so fresh! This book releases on March 29th, 2022! — synopsis — Myra Whitlock has a gift. One many would kill for. She’s an artist whose portraits alter people’s real-life bodies, a talent she must hide from those who would kidnap, blackmail, and worse in order to control it. Guarding that secret is the only way to keep her younger sister safe now that their parents are gone. But one frigid night, the governor’s wife discovers the truth and threatens to expose Myra if she does not complete a special portrait that would resurrect the governor's dead son. Desperate, Myra ventures to his legendary stone mansion. Once she arrives, however, it becomes clear the boy’s death was no accident. Someone dangerous lurks within these glittering halls. Someone harboring a disturbing obsession with portrait magic. Myra cannot do the painting until she knows what really happened, so she turns to the governor’s older son, a captivating redheaded poet. Together, they delve into the family’s most shadowed affairs, racing to uncover the truth before the secret Myra spent her life concealing makes her the killer’s next victim. •••••••••••••••••••••••• #Bookstagram #Bookish #BookNerd #BookReviewer #PTMBook #IDGAFBookstagram #JessicaOlson #AForgeryOfRoses #InkyardPress #PromotionalBox #PRBox #Unboxing #BookNerd #BookLover #MurderMystery #MysteryBooks #GothicFantasy (at Saint Joseph, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca2nbqIr6bv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cksmart-world · 3 years
The completely unnecessary news analysis
by Christopher Smart
August 24, 2021
Merriam-Webster: Snafu — situation marked by errors or confusion. That's the polite way to define the old Army slang that encapsulates the challenges of waging war. Or in the case of U.S. involvement in Afghanistan, waging peace. Right. So, OK, how did Biden screw up our exit so thoroughly? Consider this: Trump made a deal with the Taliban — but strangely not the Afghan government — to pull out all troops by May 1, 2021. Mission Impossible. Then there is this: As of last month, U.S. intelligence and military brass were saying Afghan forces could hold off the Taliban for months or even years. Well, that's tough cookies for Biden because now he owns the historic snafu of death and misery that will follow him to the grave. But the trove of government documents obtained recently by Craig Whitlock and The Washington Post — a.k.a. The Afghanistan Papers — reveals that from the get-go U.S. leaders were fooling us and themselves about the chaos and corruption they suborned in what they knew was an unwinnable campaign. Neither Bush, nor Obama dared pull the plug for fear they'd be branded by failure. So hang it on Biden — the Republicans certainly will — but the fact is, he had no more than a supporting role in this Shakespearean tragedy.
OK, where are they? Hey climate change deniers, come out, come out wherever you are. The Hoax Is Over! Ever wonder why average working people would go nuts every time someone said, “Global Warming?” And every winter when a snow storm blew through they'd say cute things, like, “The global warming is stacking up on my driveway.” Others — who aren't Republicans — would counter with facts, like, “The Greenland ice sheet is melting and the glaciers in the Andes aren't there any more.” But Deniers respond with:“The Earth is always changing and it has nothing to do with Exxon, my gas-guzzler and farting cows.” But now — strangely — they've gone quiet. Wonder if pictures of burned up towns in California and Oregon got their tongue. Republican Sen. James Inhofe, who once threw a snowball on the Senate floor to show the planet is not warming, said last month he never called climate change a “hoax.” Still, a Pew Research Center survey in May found that only 10 percent of Republicans and right-leaning independents were concerned with climate change. Maybe they could be convinced by more droughts, 117-degree summers and deadly flash floods and hurricanes — if they aren't killed first by that other hoax, the pandemic.
Our devoted Congressman Chris Stewart has taken a stand — what he claims is not a popular one — he's standing up for the good ol' USA because too many people choose ideology over country. (We are not making this up.) Yep, against all odds he's coming out for patriotism: “I want to defend a radical idea. An idea that is increasingly unpopular — mocked and sneered at by some: The United States of America is good.” Wilson and the guys in the band feel better already. They particularly like this statement: “Choosing an ideological group over our country is tribalism.” Good ol' Chris Stewart, always trying to bring the country together. Oops, there is this one tiny, little matter — he says Joe Biden didn't won the election. “After serious thought and consideration, I will not vote to certify the election,” he said. “I am safeguarding the sanctity of each vote.” Nothing like a little sanctity. No, Stewart was not dissing the Jan. 6 rioters but people who want equality  — like Black people who are tired of being killed. “The current popular condemnations are neo-Marxist,” he said, “in that they portray societal and individual struggles through a tribal dichotomy of winners and victims.” And as everyone knows, Black Americans have never been victimized.
Post script — Well that does it for another week here at Smart Bomb's tour of Dante's Inferno. The Delta Variant got pushed off the front pages for a few days thanks to our gracious exit from Afghanistan. (There is another chapter to be written there by the Afghan people, say Smart Bomb's sources.) Breakthrough infections are becoming more common as Delta wreaks havoc across the country. At Delta Airlines, they prefer passengers refer to the Corona Virus as the “variant.” But whatever you do when you're on a Delta flight, do not, repeat, do not order a Corona beer! And one more caution: Don't put your head up the flight attendant's skirt. Long story, but it actually happened. The passenger was fined $9,000 — but that was for not wearing a mask. And since we're on Covid, let's pause for a moment and doff our caps to Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall for mandating masks in Salt Lake City schools despite the Legislature and Salt Lake County Commission that believe in your freedom to spread the virus. And finally this: After a rash of calls from poison centers, the FDA is advising vaccine critics not to use horse paste with ivermectin to fight Covid. “You are not a horse. You are not a cow,” the agency tweeted, “Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”
Well, Wilson, after a hard week some of the staff are considering the band's maxim: “When the going gets tough the tough get drinking.” It's not exactly rational, but it's better than horse paste. So anyway, tell the guys we need a tune to help us gird our loins...
Sun's up... looks okay The world survives into another day And I'm thinking 'bout eternity Some kinda ecstasy got a hold on me I had another dream about lions at the door They weren't half as frightening as they were before But I'm thinking 'bout eternity Some kinda ecstasy got a hold on me
And I'm wondering where the lions are I'm wondering where the lions are Wondering where the lions are
Young men marching, helmets shining in the sun Polished and precise like the brain behind the gun Should be, they got me thinking about eternity But some kinda ecstasy got a hold on me And I'm wondering where the lions are I'm wondering where the lions areWondering where the lions are And I'm wondering where the lions are... (Wondering Where The Lions Are — Bruce Cockburn)
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gomerblogworld · 7 years
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Read more: http://bit.ly/2t470Se
Podiatry & ENT Take July Intern to OR to Surgically Remove Foot from Mouth
PHILADELPHIA, PA - In a classic July intern move that would make Scrubs' Dr. Elliot Reid proud, intern Timothy Wilcox accidentally insulted a woman by asking her "When's the baby due?" even though she wasn't pregnant.  Dr. Muhammed Loza of Podiatry & Dr. Erin Whitlock of ENT are coordinating...
Read more on http://gomerblog.com/2017/07/podiatry-ent-foot-mouth/?utm_source=TR&utm_campaign=DIRECT
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