artpunk-intl · 11 months
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"i want to set an art gallery on fire"
digital zine, 2023
written by Lucas Rose and designed by DOSvirus for ArtpunkINTL
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dos-virus · 2 years
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Four Album Covers For Various Unreleased Projects
digital, 2017 - 2021
designed by DOSvirus
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hobgobbin · 4 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY bastardt 🔪🔪👁️👁️
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thank u SO much fr the tags on that reblog god i agree with you completely and u said a lot of stuff i couldnt put into words myself. its soo gd frustrating seeing so many ppl appear to ignore it completely and it makes me not want to interact w the fanbase of something i really love yknow? (gaycopia btw this is just my main)
i swear for a moment i thought i was going insane, that maybe i’m just seeing things that aren’t there bc no one talks about it (but no, turns out ppl are just either unaware or accept it, which for now i can’t tell which is which)
like i understand wanting to explore darker themes(tm) but for fuck’s sake this is just fetishizing abuse
i know people from my other tumblr account who were victims of incest and who were groomed with fanart of their favourite characters depicting such things and it just pains me that people just brush it off like “oh, oh it’s just fiction, what you can’t tell fiction from reality?’
“fiction doesn’t affect reality” my  a s s
also like, do any of these people have actual siblings or what lol it feels like the only ppl who get off to that crap are ppl without siblings who can’t grasp the concept of platonic love
(gosh i went off a little here sorry kjhfgjkfg honestly it’s been bothering me for a while)
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bonepriests · 4 years
dosvirus replied to your photoset “anyone want this mfer”
oh my GOD.... how much is he...
EH we’ll slap him down for a solid 95G
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villaknell · 5 years
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dosvirus replied to your post “can someone please come pick up the mr mime from outside my house...”
ok im comin damb
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come get your clown
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reminded-archive · 5 years
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@dosvirus i mean it’s just heavily associated with pwams. with great power (a fob canon url) comes great responsibility (the pwams legacy)
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sapphirewolf100 · 5 years
how'd you get into Rammstein? what was your first song from them?
Hehe, it’s quite a funny story actually! I first heard Rammstein when I was roughly.. 8 or 9 years old? This was before I started taking art seriously and I was just going on YT for funsies. I would watch videos of airshows and military aircraft (I love planes) and sometimes the occasional video would have music playing over it. I came across one… I think an F-117 was in it, and that’s when I first heard “Sonne” or “Feuer Frei”… I can’t remember which. But I do know those were the first two songs I heard from Rammstein… Now I vaguely remember looking up lyrics to “Feuer Frei”… maybe that was my first one!Later on I remember watching a dogfight video from a movie (I’m talking aerial battles) and “Feuer Frei” was synced to it beautifully, it was a masterpiece. Fast forward to a couple years later or so after I start to get into art and I hear “Sonne” again in a speedpaint video. I remember clearly it was a black and white wolf fighting each other. Then around 2015 I started becoming more involved with Rammstein and becoming a bigger fan of them. After having a lack of interest in a local band who clearly was very unkind and not so appreciative of their small fan base, I then started to listen to “Mein Herz Brennt”. from then on I’ve become super invested in this band and I love them to bits! I connect deeply with their songs on a personal level, and it’s one of the few bands I’ve stuck close to or felt a strong connection with. Whether it be the songs or the members themselves, I feel Rammstein has a special place in my heart. 
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soulpunkz-remade · 7 years
@cobravevo @dosvirus thank u kids
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wrackofflesh · 4 years
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got tagged by @tsikadatsvirka to describe myself using images (: gunna tag.... @enigmapopestar, @dosvirus, literally anyone who wants to do it
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voidedego · 4 years
Tagged by the lovely @dosvirus 
The Rules: Answer the following 20 Q’s and then tag 20 people!!
Name: Elizabeth/Echo
Nickname: Bee
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 4′8″ ( I am not looking ) 
Languages: English, German, French ( A bit )
Nationality: American/German
Favorite Season: Fall!!! 
Favorite Flower: Lilies 
Favorite Scent: Musk, Evergreen, Burning Wood
Favorite Color: Red, Purple, Black, Silver
Favorite Animal: Opossums, Rats, Cats, Bats, Armadillos, Ferrets!
Favorite Fictional Character(s): Buckle Up!  Cardinal Copia, Alexi Mayhew, Daud, Corvo Attano, Delilah Bard, Isabela Dragon Age, Billie Lurk, Rhy Maresh, Olivia Octavius....
Coffee, Tea, Or Hot Choc?: Coffee is my go to but I will ALWAYS accept a cup of Earl Grey
Average Sleep: Like 3-4 hours at least, that’s what I function best on.
Number Of Blankets: I sleep with just one but if it gets colder I add more depending on my comfort levels. But on my bed? Like nine...
Dream Trip: Visiting Japan for a few years and then going all around the world. I don’t think I will ever settle.
Blog Established: I made this blog in 2016, but I made my original blog in 2012-3
Followers: IRRELEVANT! But in the 500′s
Random Fact: My mother was going to name me Samantha, but decided not to. Thank goodness. 
Tagging: @haeresisdeas, @toadson, @arandomdemon, @rattusrattus3, @butcherhog, @dykeangel, @punkloverboy, @plague-memoria, @solstice-snakes, @rattmood, @copiaswhitesuit, @milfdollyparton
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artpunk-intl · 5 months
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"NO-Futurism, 3rd Movement"
digital, 2024
designed by DOSvirus for ArtpunkINTL
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dos-virus · 2 years
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“Out of Synchronicity”
digital, 2019
designed by DOSvirus
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tagged by @dosvirus uh ohhh cool guy whom i appreciate alert
coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs die | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party
i feel bad tagging ppl that havnt been my friend for years so just @buggtea love you king
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irrealis-mood · 4 years
Tagged by @dosvirus (love you!!)
Name: Bay
Nicknames: none.... :( I wish I had some. Please give me a nickname....
Zodiac: Gemini sun, Taurus moon, Gemini rising
Height: last time I checked I was 5”0. Maybe 5”1.
Languages: English, Japanese, used to know French.
Nationality: American
Favorite Season: Autumn? I like comfy weather where it is cool and you can wear sweaters and turtlenecks and drink hot beverages. And soup.
Favorite Flower: I love the smell of roses! Peonies are very pretty also.
Favorite scent: light flowery scents, coffee, petrichor, green smells, freshly laundered clothes....I love too many smells lmao
Favorite color: Pink right now.
Favorite animal: Cats! Surprising no one ever.
Favorite fictional character: hhhhhh this is hard because I love so many. It’s a tie between Jonathan Sims and Elias Bouchard right now.
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?: I like all three but in different situations. I will drink cold and unsweetened green tea all the time in place of water, hot tea when I’m writing, but coffee is just for anytime. Hot cocoa is when I want to feel especially cozy but don’t want caffeine.
Average sleep: it varies on whether I’m working or not. On an average work night, 7-8 hours- ish. On a weekend, upwards of 10 to 12. I need a lot of sleep to feel rested.
Dog person or cat person: cats :3 obviously
Number of blankets: as many as I can fit in my bed. For warmth and pressure stimming.
Dream trip: Italy, especially Venice? Spending more time in France would be cool too.
Blog established: a loooooong time ago. Maybe 2012? I don’t know.
Followers: 480 (I Don’t Know Why)
Random Fact: Japanese has a version of shorthand—basically simplified versions of Kanji when you’re in a hurry/writing notes. I just found this out recently and it’s crazy!
And for a random fact about me, I don’t like cilantro, and certain shellfish make me feel ill—mainly the ones in curly shells like conch and turban shells.)
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this and is my friend :3
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hisokas-gf · 4 years
fun dream #2747263
Okay so I was at this job interview in this like modular office building where the interviewers apartment was also there. We finish the interview and I probably got the job so he invites me to his apartment to celebrate. I'm 90% sure we have sex. Anyways then like 5 people burst into his apartment and tell us that some sort of disease has killed like 40% of the population and another 30% have gone like crazy? They're kind of like zombies but they don't eat people and they're not undead, they're just completely driven to violence. So I get on this boat to go to a remote island. I'm allowed to bring one person so I bring my mom and she brings my dad. 
On the way to the island, we see a school bus that's like stuck in the water, because apparently the floods have something to do with this apocalypse. Inside the school bus are the 3 nicest kids from my high school. We keep going. 
Once we get to the island everything seems ok, but the people I dislike most from all my classes are also on the island. The apocalypse makes us nicer to each other. Then, this dude who I don't know tells my friend that I slept with that dude from the first act & then people are upset at me? For something? So I run around the compound crying and eventually I find my mom, and she yells at me so I tell back at her, and it's revealed that somehow she caused the apocalypse. 
I run upstairs to my room and cry into my pillow and I go through the box where we all put our phones, because they were all confiscated. I have over 1,000 messages. The most recent is from @dosvirus and it's like "hey buddy, I know you're missing or whatever but we miss you & if you're out there please come to my pizza party at Domino's". So I Google search 'where am i' and it turns out im still in my home town. So I text Jasper back like "is the apocalypse happening?"
And Jasper goes, "I mean I don't really care for December either but it's not too bad"
That's it, that's the punchline to my entire dream.
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