notebookviolet · 8 months
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"Knight's Rest "
Here my beautiful Dothas ! The Knight of Emanium kingdom, after a good day of work it's time to rest. Dothas Vadan (c)mine ~
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d-choppy · 2 years
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A little walk Petit dessin de mon petit Dothas avec la petite Calipso de @mizaryroku J'aime bien le contraste des deux que ce soit physique ou caractère ils peuvent donner de chouettes interactions. Lui le chevalier silencieux mais très polie et elle la petite fée accros au sucre et très joyeuse un jolie et sympathique duo. Même si Dothas est très solitaire. #art #draw #digitalart #illustration #dnd #originalcharacterart #ocdrawing #artwork #drawing #cute #clipstudiopaint #illustrationartists #chibi #choppyoc #dothasvadan #dothas #knight #dnd #calipso #fairy #cupcakes #walk https://www.instagram.com/p/CpndP1hqts8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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frgnftrs · 11 months
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bitches will see something like this
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and it will somehow cause them enough anxiety to never open this app again it’s me i’m bitches
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sebbiesolace · 1 month
-As Rose managed to get a good portion cleaned up or at least of what he could do in such a short amount of time, he would glance at the entrance of the place. Any sound that sounded like breathing as if it was echoing was always his mind playing tricks after a while. This was a reminder to part of why he was even here in the first place. It didn't matter. Even if he could escape, 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐲. Left to be captured and used. He almost broke the object in his hand out of anger and frustration.-
ooc: silly silly hints!
[The item bit into his hand, cold and harsh. His blood dripped onto the floor, only adding to the haunting ambiance. Sebbies earfin twitched, that noise apparently being the thing to wake him up.] "Why'r youbleeding? Dondothat."
[His words were heavily slurred, as he twisted to stare at Rose.]
"Don'.... Don' dotha."
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onlyplatonicirl · 2 months
*releases several dozen angry hornets within your inbox*
Why wout you dotha gt.
There is bees 🐝 in my ass 🐝 🐝 🐝
Hoptial 🐝🐝🐝🐝
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keicordelle · 1 year
The Daily Inconveniences of an Au Ra: Identifying Features
"Oh, Alphinaud, I'm glad you're back already. Tataru asked me to give you this scarf. She said she knitted it herself, and that it should 'help to fend off the Coerthan cold better than a necktie'."
The boy blinked up at him. "Um, Master Dotha- Keshet, I'm Honoroit. I'm afraid Alphinaud is still out at the moment."
Keshet let out a rough sigh that was almost a groan, peering down at the small Elezen. Yes, the hair was brown, not white, and shorter than Alphinaud kept his, now that he looked. "Sorry," he grumbled, dragging a hand harshly through his hair.
The better part of a year already he'd been in Eorzea, and still he couldn't tell the differing members of their races apart. At least he'd finally gotten the hang of identifying a person's race before addressing them - there had been more than a few awkward moments at the Waking Sands before he'd learned to look to the ears first, where he'd mixed up Minfilia and Y'shtola, or worse, Thancred and Y'shtola (who had not taken well to that particular mistake, and had glared daggers at him and Thancred both as the rogue laughed so hard he fell off the crate he'd been seated on). Fortunately, the ears tended to give away a person's race, at the very least, though the distinction between Hyur and Roagadyn still escaped him. Within the Scions, at least, that had cut down on the number of mix-ups fairly significantly; it was only Minfilia and Yda, and Tataru and Papalymo who took the brunt of what they named his "face blindness" from there on out.
The problem with Ishgard, of course, was that the entire city state was filled with Elezen, and every damned one of them looked the same to Keshet. How was he supposed to tell them apart when they didn't have horns or scales? He couldn't just glance at their face and go "Oh yeah, scales across the nose and brow, flared horns pointing down, ah, it's Horkudagh." He was sure there were identifying features he was meant to be looking for, but he wasn't entirely certain what they were. Hair was the only one he could make use of, once he remembered to look for it at all, but people could change the style, the cut, even the color of their hair as much as they wanted, so it wasn't really a permanent fixture of identification like horns and scales were. And Nhaama preserve him from the number of people who had the same hair color, or worse, who modelled their own appearances off someone else's. And as soon as family resemblances entered the picture, all bets were off. Within the Fortemps household alone, he regularly mixed up Emmanellain, Artoirel, and Edmont. Haurchefant at least stood out around here, with his brightly colored hair and unwavering optimism, but if he ever dyed his hair, Keshet would be twice damned.
The only non-Au Ra he'd never struggled with were Urianger and Alphinaud, and he guessed the latter was now out the window. The tattoo on Urianger's cheek served just as well as a pattern of scales over his face, and so long as he maintained his habit of covering only the top half of his features, Keshet was unlikely to mistake him. But it had been Alphinaud's small stature that had preserved him from Keshet's fumbling, since there were few enough Elezen of a height with him - except for Honoroit, he now realized. Really, it was a small miracle he hadn't mixed them up until now.
"It's alright, Master Keshet. I'm sure that once you've had more practice, you won't have so much trouble recognizing people," Honoroit consoled him. Keshet sure hoped he was right, because if he had to listen to one more offended litany for having mistaken Emmanellain for the House Fortemps manservant, he was liable to launch himself off the edge of the city.
Read the rest of the series on Ao3!
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lanami-legacy · 1 year
The Obriv Legacy - OC Masterlist
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Dariya Obriv
Class: Jedi Knight
Birthplace: Marazi
Species: Human (Marazi Cyborg)
Love Interest: Lana Beniko
The Jedi Order (formerly)
The Marazi
Eternal Alliance
Former Padawan of Orgus Din. Obriv was one of the founding members of the Eternal Alliance. She was expelled from the Jedi Order after falling in love with Sith Lady, Lana Beniko.
Obriv is a possible ancestor of the Karaay Family, but there are not many ways to confirm it due to her and Beniko adopting all their children.
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Tila Injaz
Class: Jedi Consular
Birthplace: Dathomir
Species: Dathomirian
Love Interest: N/A
The Jedi Order
Eternal Alliance (briefly)
The padawan of Master Yuon Par. Many doubted her future as a Jedi when she was a child. Causing her to fully commit to the study of the Jedi later in life.
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Morgan ‘daki
Class: Smuggler
Birthplace: Daxx
Species: Twi'lek
Love Interest: Undecided
Galactic Republic (formerly)
Eternal Alliance (briefly)
Morganite 'Morgan' 'daki is smuggler who got dragged into unwanted conflict when her ship was stolen. She originally didn't want to join the Alliance, but later joined when her sister convinced her to.
Morgan is the ancestor of Vana and Oriana ‘daki.
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Dotha Arera
Class: Trooper
Birthplace: Coruscant
Species: Cathar
Love Interest: Undecided
Galactic Republic
Havoc Squad
Eternal Alliance
A Republic Trooper and one of their finest.
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Lawita Ragnar
Class: Imperial Agent
Birthplace: Dromund Kaas
Species: Human
Love Interest: Vector Hyllis
Sith Empire
Eternal Alliance
Lawita, also known as Cipher Nine or Legate, was a highly skilled covert agent. She remembered very little of her early life due to Imperial brainwashing but slowly regains her memories over the five years Jedi Knight Obriv and her cousin Darth Dusmas went missing.
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The Reaper
Class: Bounty Hunter
Birthplace: Daxx
Species: Twi'lek
Love Interest: TBA
Eternal Alliance
Mantis Crew
Darth Zima
Born Amber 'daki. She fell into the bounty business when she got separated from her sister as a child. They eventually served as Darth Zima’s personal assassin after proving their usefulness time and time again. 
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Ki Ragnar (Darth Dusmas)
Class: Sith Warrior
Birthplace: Unknown
Species: Nautolan / Human
Love Interest: Vette
Sith Empire
Eternal Alliance
The son of a high-ranking Imperial officer and an unknown Nautolan. Due to the treatment of aliens in the Sith Empire Ki took to wearing a mask in public from a young age.
Ki is a descendant of a longline of Sith Warriors. Along with being the ancestor of Astrid Juhani, but Astrid had no knowledge of this.
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Wa’ushiss'erazu (also known as Ura or Darth Zima)
Class: Sith Inquisitor
Birthplace: Csilla
Species: Chiss
Love Interest: Undecided
Sith Empire
Eternal Alliance
Also known as Darth Zima. A slave turned Sith Lady. Ura became a Sith Acolyte when the Empire became desperate for more Siths among their ranks. She was one of the founding members of the Eternal Alliance.
Ura was forced to become a slave as a child when her father became indebted to higher ups in the Empire. Over the years Ura formed a deep bitterness towards her birth family, especially her father.
Ura could possibly be one of the force ghosts voices that Melinoe Lanami heard after her mother died.
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ivsentertainment · 2 years
Sudu rosai muhuna pura..rathu rosai dotha dara.....// (Cover song) Artis...
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d-choppy · 2 years
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Duty - Pragma Je n'était pas trop inspirée pour celui mais j'ai essayée ! Soooo qui de mieux pour représenter le devoir que Dothas, le chevalier le plus loyale envers son roi ! Retours avec l'aquarelle et le crayon de couleurs (faut que je rédige au mieux sa back story aussi a ce petit bonhomme) mais voila le #kissartfebruary n'est pas fini pour moi ~ #art #drawing #draw #traditionalart #watercolor #aquarelle #crayon #pencil #illustration #artwork #ocart #ocdrawing #choppyoc #dothasvadan #dothas #kiss #duty #pragma #artistoninstagram #artoftheday #knight #king #challenge #hands https://www.instagram.com/p/CpUyu5lq5bP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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frgnftrs · 1 year
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Dotha 2023
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jeep4peg · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Notations Blouse.
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ashtreelane · 2 years
i have a lot of followers that only ever like my posts and never reblog them
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harvcrd · 5 years
BILLIE DOTHA (Kendall Jenner)
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¡Felicidades, señorita Billie Dotha! Después de un riguroso proceso de selección, tenemos el agrado de informarle que ha sido aceptada en nuestra universidad. A partir de ahora es miembro de la comunidad de Harvard. También tenemos el agrado de comunicarle que ha sido seleccionada para ser parte de la honorable fraternidad de Epsilon ¡Enhorabuena!
¡Buenas noches, personita! Agradecemos el interés en nuestro roleplay y te damos la bienvenida a nuestra pequeña familia. A partir de ahora tienes 24 horas para enviar la cuenta del personaje. De necesitar más tiempo sólo basta con pedirlo.
Escuchaste quién fue aceptado/a en la universidad de Harvard?  ¡Si, [BILLIE DOTHA! Tiene [VEINTIUNO] y es originario/a de [NUEVA YORK, NYC]. ¿No sabes quién es? El/La que dicen que se parece a [KENDALL JENNER]. Aunque sinceramente no veo el parecido. Es [EGOISTA, CALCULADORA Y MANIPULATIVA] pero yo no sería tan duro pues también es [OBSERVADORA, REALISTA Y GENUINA.] lo que lo/la ayudo a conseguir su vacante en [PERIODISMO.] Dicen que también será miembro de la fraternidad [EPILSON]. (Yva, EST)
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Red River Dotha Hippe on the set of Red River (1948).  She was the hair stylist for the film.  She had 18 hair styling credits from 1929 to 1958, including King Kong, Of Human Bondage, and Around the World in 80 Days.
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em-kaldwin · 7 years
Shout out post to mlm tops and big spoons
Thank u. Idk what ur getting out of this so I can only assume you are a divine angel of god sent on a mission. Thank you for ur sacrifices.
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