#dottore is the typa yandere who expects mutual obsession
glimmeringtwilight · 2 years
Dottore thirst because I'm GRRGRHGRGH BARK WOOF WOOF WROOF
The premise for this mostly stems from @/ddarker-dream's (I hesitate to Actually tag because I'm a puss) Dottore post earlier today because WOOF WOOF GRR BARK WOOF I LOVE the idea of him just fucking Expecting you to tell the difference between him and his clones it just makes me GRRR BARK BARK BARK
CW: Yandere themes, graphic depictions of torture/gore, medical play (not in the fun way), drugging, conditioning(read: torture). Dottore is NOT a good or fun yandere. Seriously though, heed the warnings. This is darker than my usual stuff.
I feel like Dottore takes pleasure in replacing himself with one of his clones, if only to see how long it takes you to notice. And you are expected to notice.
You should be thankful he goes easy on you, at first. The first few times, the change was stark. He'd be too quick to anger, his smile too sharp, grip too bruising. Or he'd be clingy, too paranoid, too obsessive; not that he doesn't possess any those qualities himself, of course, but he's better at masking it– at not letting it consume him like it does his younger clones.
He expects you to recognize the intrinsic difference between him and his copies, what it is that sets him above each copy of himself that he makes. Ideally, he wants to train you to recognize him at a glance, even amidst an army of imposters.
Maybe it's his quiet paranoia that one of his copies might try to take you from him, tricking you into going willingly. Though he has already taken the possibility into consideration and taken measures to prevent it, he'd still rather not have to deal with it at all. So the responsibility falls to you to tell the difference.
Part of it might also be to gratify the twisted version of love he holds for you. He already knows you so intimately, knows how many times your heart beats in a day; knows what each individual tendon, each individual ligament does. He knows how many breaths you take in your sleep, how fast your heart races during a nightmare (less frequent now, since he began drugging your food each night to ensure you sleep).
It's only fair, then, that you should know him as intimately as he does you.
So he tests you. Every few weeks. Sometimes multiple times a week, even. The amount of time he gives you to spot the difference depends on how easy he feels he's making it on you.
When he first starts doing it, it's with his younger clones. The differences are stark, but he gives you three days comment on it, if only because you're new to this. He's fair. He'll give you time to learn the ropes.
Except.... he expects you to "learn the ropes" faster than you actually do.
By the fourth time he does it, you don't seem to notice the change by the time the unspoken deadline he's given you passes. He's surprised, really. And more than a little disappointed.
It should have been easy, and he'd given you four days, this time, which he felt was more than generous. Yet still you hadn't seemed any wiser to the change as the fourth day came and went.
It was a little odd, you thought. There were a few moments where you considered Dottore was "testing your observation skills" again, when he seemed to smile a little more warmly at you than usual, or you'd catch him staring more often than he usually does, instead of the casual indifference he generally shows towards you.
But you'd chalked it up to his work going particularly well for him, manifesting itself in his interactions toward you. You didn't mind the change, anyway, preferring the glimmer of softness he was showing you.
You realized your mistake when on the fifth day you woke up to him and his clone standing beside your bed. Your second mistake, however, was looking at his clone first, and asking it what was going on.
It's okay, though. He expected he'd have to play more of an... active role in teaching you, than simply setting the stage.
Dottore insists that is it not a punishment. He's just training you. Honing your observation skills, keeping you sharp. It feels like a punishment.
Usually, Dottore just drugs you. Gives you something that lights your nerves on fire, something... memorably unpleasant, something to encourage you to learn faster, but nothing that will leave a mark or any lasting (physical) damage the next day.
It's his preferred method of training you. The fastest, because if you don't need to recuperate from incisions, you can start your next "test" sooner.
But sometimes...
Sometimes he uses these "sessions" as an excuse to learn your inner workings more intimately than he already does. Sometimes he'll just... cut you open. Just a little bit. He'll give you a muscle relaxant, of course, so you don't struggle and hurt yourself, but depending on how slow your... training is going, he might "forget" the painkillers.
He never knocks you out, though. He expects you to be as invested in the process as he is. Isn't it fascinating? To be able to watch your own heart beat? You know, if you ever wanted something more... permanent, than a fragile human heart, you need only ask...
He generally doesn't go that far, though. It's only on rare occasions, and even more rare when you've just broken a "winning streak" of yours. If you're struggling too much when he feels you should be improving by now, he might resort to the more extreme methods, but he takes pity on you more often at the start, when you're still new, when you still have the benefit of a safety net.
Not that he doesn't enjoy cutting you open, of course. But he hates when you faint during these sessions, and it happens more often when he tries to show you how fascinating the inner workings of your body are, pressing limp, numb fingers to slick, exposed organs. It doesn't hurt, but the distant sensation of your own hand pressing inside yourself, guided by his own, is too much.
You had nightmares for weeks the first time he did it, so Dottore graciously stopped testing you for a while after that "incident," to give you time to "get over it." He could just drug you, wipe your memories, spare you the trauma. But he felt you'd made valuable progress that week, and he wanted to see the fruits of his labor.
And what sweet fruit it is. You've always been a fast learner. It's what he likes the most about you, even when you need a little encouragement to take the next steps.
But when you start to recognize the slight differences immediately, taking less and less time to catch on whenever he switches with a clone, Dottore couldn't feel more proud.
You stare a lot more, too; something he finds he really doesn't mind. He stares at you too, even if he's subtle about it, keeping you in his peripheral instead of his direct line of sight when he's near you. And the hyper vigilance– the hyper-awareness of his presence is cute, he thinks.
You know him so well, now, and he's sure if you stare long enough, if you continue to dedicate every piece of him to memory just as he has you, you'll begin to understand a modicum of what he feels for you.
Regardless, you'll always be his favorite pet project.
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