#dr akita
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pov your evil clone who no one takes seriously has teamed up with your old evil mentor and now they’re suddenly a huge threat
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sherbetlemonss · 2 years
Very very messy Gyro Astro Boyd angst doodles bc I was listening to this song (it’s This night has opened my eyes btw) and felt inspired
Single doodles:
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rommaru · 11 months
To this very day I still think about Captain Akitas tits at least twice a day and I can only blame @doctor-gyro-gearloose
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Anyway, I found some concepts for his hair before I went for the long braid.
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lemonsherbetsss · 2 years
This is silly but
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I know that these height differences/examples are probably inaccurate asf but the comparison between Gyro when he was Akita’s intern and Gyro in astroboyd fucks me up like
He’s so small he was probably so young it makes me sad 😭😭 /lh
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madd0g4p · 1 year
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spanish:  un fan art del dr akita de patoaventuras 2017 (temporada # 3 Episodio # 6 - A.S.T.R.O R.O.D.A.N)  que me regalaron creditos a:  https://www.instagram.com/wafflepur1n/ prohibido resubir a otras cuentas y otras redes sociales, no lo pueden descargar ni usar sin mi permiso ni consentimiento a fan art of dr akita from ducktales 2017 (season # 3 Episode # 6 - A.S.T.R.O B.O.Y.D) that was given to me CREDITS OF THIS COMMISSION AND GIFT TO: https://www.instagram.com/wafflepur1n/ Forbidden to reupload to other accounts and other social networks, you cannot download or use it without my permission or consent
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garmadons-e-kitten · 1 month
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A compilation of Gyro Gearloose in his “Im trans and will wear what I want” era
only he's like me and what he wanted to wear was the outfit of a nineteenth century headmistress.
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Gyro honey I know you think that looks cool. But if you're gonna spring for puffy sleeves, you gotta at least commit. I don't wanna see any more of that Snow White bullshit.
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h0neybutterchip · 7 months
Hey lloykita
It’s me again
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(In where it’s set sometime during DR and they get to reunite)
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aonik · 1 month
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If you could make any one of your favorite ninjago ships canon in the next season, which would it be?
Good question!
Well, since Vanillacakeshipping probably won't be happening anytime soon, I think Lloykita would be awesome!
They're super cute!❤️💚🤍🐺🐉
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evil scientist shenanigans
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kachowblueninja · 6 months
👁👄👁 akita might be dead (or VERY old)
It was established that her realm perceived time faster than ninjago, its been like 6 seasons since then, shes most likely dead
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Dr. Akita: Do you want a job? We can be like Batman and Robin.
Mark Beaks: *shrugs* Eh. I don't need a Robin.
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starwhipnspin · 1 year
would you draw my M!Akita vigilante??
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hello hello! but of course! here's your art!!!!! (i had a lotta fun with this... this design is really cool i like it a lot! :D)
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saline-coelacanth · 6 months
Thoughts on Akita?
I love Akita so much, she's one of the best parts of the Ice Chapter. I love how she just straight up wants to murder the Ice Emperor and even after Lloyd is like "No, you can't kill him he's my friend!" Akita just goes "Fuck that, he froze my village I'm gonna kill this man"
I also just love her sass, especially when Lloyd starts trauma dumping on her. Akita is just great overall, I really hope we get to see her again.
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shychick-52 · 1 year
So, in the EPCOT interactive game DuckTales World Showcase Adventure, there are seven countries with a different mystical artifact- the Seven Plunders of the World- hidden in each one. It’s basically a scavenger hunt, and the player (‘Adven-sharer’, as the Ducks call them) looks for clues to help the Ducks find each treasure and thwart a variety of villains from stealing them. The enemies are a mix of regular/recurring villains and one-time villains from certain episodes. The seven countries in the game are Mexico, Norway, Germany, France, Japan, and China.
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When I watched all the videos of them on YouTube, I was delighted to learn that Gyro and Fenton are in the game too! They aren’t in every country/mission, though- Gyro is in the France mission and Fenton is in the Japan mission.
…I was shocked that Gyro isn’t in the Japan mission, because of his significant association with Japan revealed in the season 3, episode 6 episode ‘Astro B.O.Y.D.’! ‘Astro B.O.Y.D’ took place in Japan, which was not only where Gyro suffered a traumatic past that changed him for the worse (his backstory is so good, and explains why he became the embittered, distant, and seemingly arrogant present-day Gyro), but also where he ended up gaining closure about his past, the beautiful beginnings of much-needed character development and healing, and the beautiful beginnings of a relationship with his robot son Boyd at the end of the episode. If Gyro had’ve been in the Japan mission of DuckTales World Showcase Adventure, maybe we could have also gotten a Boyd reference or even a cameo, which would’ve been fantastic because that little guy and his relationship with Gyro are both criminally overlooked.
It turned out that Gyro's role in DuckTales World Showcase Adventure (where he still wasn't given much character development, but was still hilariously snarky as usual XD) was in the France mission instead.
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Sooo, no Gyro (or Boyd) in the Japan mission. But surely Akita is the bad guy for that one, right? You know, this guy? Guy responsible for forcing Boyd to be a killer robot and destroying Tokyolk?
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I mean, that should've been the obvious choice, right?? Sure, he’s only a one-time villain, but three other one-time villains were brought back for the game to represent their respective nations (Toad Liu Hai for the China mission, the Kelpies for the United Kingdom mission, and Hecka- one of the Valhalla wrestlers the family faced in ‘Rumble for Ragnarok’- for the Norway mission).
Wrong! The villains for the Japan mission were the Beagles and Mark Beaks (which make zero sense), who’d teamed up to steal the Illustrated Scroll of Quackagawa from the temple where it was stored. (More ‘Astro B.O.Y.D.’ erasure, ugh) Turns out Ma Beagle had Beaks design a robot lookalike of Webby to steal the treasure and frame the real Webby at the same time. The plan was for the Beagles to sell Beaks the Scroll so he could “add it to his extensive collection of rare historical manga.” Ok, then…
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Well, neither Gyro, Boyd, or Akita were even mentioned in the Japan mission, but we did get one reference to ‘Astro B.O.Y.D.’! A very quick image of Inspector Tezuka (silent recycled footage from that episode) while Dewey was explaining that “local police think that the real Webby took the Scroll because the bot looks exactly like her.” So, that was pretty neat!
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Ok, I admit that Fenton was the second-best choice for the Japan mission. Fenton’s role in this mission? Well... once Beaks learned how dangerous the Scroll’s powers were, he stupidly decided to use the robot to activate those powers because “that story would be trending for at least an hour!” So, they needed a “robot expert” to help them stop the robot.
Still, you’d think Gyro would be that robot expert, right? I mean, duh. It’s Gyro, c’mon, who else?! DX All the more reason for him to be in this mission, and they blow it again. It takes place in Japan and involves an evil robot, and they don’t use him??
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(At this point, Fenton should have reminded them that Gyro's the real robotics expert)
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Well, ok, by “robot expert”, Huey was actually hinting that Fenton could handle it because he’s Gizmoduck (which Dewey clarified)- a superhero in a robotic suit of armor, which would be more than a match for the robot imposter of Webby.  Fair enough, I admit. I mean, Fenton’s role in this does make sense when you consider that. But still… it’s Gyro, man.
Quit squandering all these perfect opportunities to feature him (and Akita), DuckTales team!! DX
And even if Gyro still was banned from Japan at the end of 'Astro B.O.Y.D.' (even tho he was instrumental in saving the day and it was revealed the '2-BO' incident was neither his or Boyd's fault), there was no reason for Akita not to be in the Japan mission!!
Oh, and this post also explains how it was also a missed opportunity for them to reveal Akita ending up in F.O.W.L. in the show.
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