#dr akula
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Goseng is voiced by Yu Shimamura, who was Annie in AoT, Akiko in Bungou Stray Dogs, Blake in RWBY, and Haruka in Precure. She’s also rocking a great pair of glasses. Truly born for the role
Miseng is voiced by Saki Miyashita, who was Siesta in the Detectove is Dead and Shiori in Fuukoi
Horyang is voiced by Kenichiro Matsuda, who was Batou in Ghost in the Shell, Bond in Spy x Family (lol), Thors in Vinland Saga, and Terry Fawles in Ace Attorney
Arkraptor is voiced by Shiraishi Ken, who’s a new va who mostly did background work. He did a lot of background chars on Frieren
Prince is voiced by Kengo Kawanishi (and he shares a kanji in his name with Horyang’s va, that’s cute), who voiced Rei in March comes in like a Lion, Gen in Dr. Stone, Muichiro in Demon Slayer, Mikazuki in IBO Gundam, and Tobirama in Naruto (holy fuck this guys got range)
Nia is voiced by Natsuki Abe, who voiced Claude in Akulas
Lurker is voiced by Irie Naomi, and I can’t find any work he did cause he’s overshadowed by an anime character with the same name lol
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Ghost Spider au where after he dies, be it from an incident or being kept in the Dr. X machine for too long, and the whole ghost part happens, he can just straight up manifest into the world. By that I mean that anyone will be able to see him. He's like one of those ghost that have unfinished business, but instead of wanting vengeance, he just wants to make sure the Sullys are ok. 
Like, Lo'ak is about to get eaten by an akula? Spider guided Payakan there to smack it to death and become friends with his bro. 
When Tuk, Lo'ak and Tsireya get captured? Hey look, a supposedly dead person appeared out of nowhere, look at him while Neteyam swoops in to get them out. 
Neteyam is about to get shot? he gives him a little ghostly nudge, making sure the wound wasn't fatal. 
When Kiri is held under the knife? Hey Quaritch, your dead son is right in front. How are you doing? Just the shock is enough for him to falter and for Kiri to get out, allowing Jack to finish the job (Yes, Quaritch blue, electric boogaloo is dead here). 
The glow fish that Kiri used to find Tuk and Neytiri? That was him this time.
After that, he does his darndest to keep his incorporeal state a secret, while also giving them little hints so when it eventually does come to light, they'll be a bit prepared.   
Also, I'm saying it now, Neytiri is the one to find out first. 
This is lITERALLY TRAGIC, like, one of the saddest concepts I've ever read. It begs the question; are the ghost rules like most ghost unfinished business rules? When the Sully's are safe, and are okay, will he disappear and move on? It's a tragic thought.
Technically this can't be achieved until the RDA is gone or peace is reached, so he might be around for years. It might take like a decade or something. So if they eventually figure out he's a ghost, it might not even mean they have to accept his death. He's still there, he's just even more separate from the world he grew up in. Maybe he spends years learning to be able to touch things and to be touched with time, maybe he develops relationships and friends and family past how things were when he was alive. Everyone would be so relieved and excited when the war ended, but no one was ready for Spider to disappear?
God, I can't even handle Neytiri figuring it out first tho.
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ripnevillestrevor · 2 years
our fortress— chapter one
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pairing: jake sully x “reader/oc” x neytiri
summary: we were swimming beyond the reef, we weren't supposed to be there. and we knew it, but we were having so much fun.
warnings: character "death," my bad writing, blood, angst, sadness, starts off as fluff then goes "downhill," not proofread, LOWERCASE INTENDED
word count: 909
note: i've been poly for as long as i can remember, and that kinda just mixed in with my shifting life and my dr-selfs. so as you can see, most of my dr-selfs." are polyamorous. i've always wanted to write about my dr's; scenario-wise but also just because, i want to write for people. and i want to write good for people. if you think it's weird, please either keep it to yourself or message me in private, there are actually people that like this type of content and i'm writing for them. again, i write mostly about scenarios going to happen in my dr (haven't shifted yet), btw comments/requests are open! (also i’ve had problems with my posts not showing up in the tags/for other people, so i’m trying to relive this issue)
important: i do not allow my work to be copied, republished, translated, or reproduced. please do not use this story on wattpad or on other platforms. respect the author's work <33
the stress of our mama training ronal to become the future tsahlik of our people was starting to wear off on me, her becoming more and more exhausted, not wanting to 'put up' with me and my 'consistent battering' about wanting to go out beyond the reef. she lashed out, i was hurt, of course, she was my best friend.
ronal looked at me with sadness, "i am sorry sister," she uttered. i nodded, feeling the warmth of her arms and body engulf me in a warm embrace.
"how about i make it up to you, hmm? a trip outside the reef perhaps?" ronal spoke in a low-hushed tone as to not alert our parents in the split above-water maruis we resided in since each other's birth. she said it in a way that enticed me, she gave the words a certain mischievous tone to them, it made me very happy and excited forgetting the previous mishappenings of our rather unpleasant but moderately regular sibling quarrel.
we were swimming beyond the reef, we weren't supposed to be there. and we knew it, but we were having so much fun. it was getting dark, noticed by both i and ronal.
"it is getting late sister, we must go." i nodded, feeling the beginning of the cold spread throughout the water. our ilu's were starting to get anty, gliding through water smoothly beside each other.
ronal touched a glowing hand to her ilu's head, gently stroking it, "what it is aka'ula?" suddenly in between our ilu's came a large, long, and simply black akula.
i was stunned by the sudden appearance of the large akula, and I could hardly believe my eyes. i had heard stories of these creatures, but to see one in front of me was something else entirely. i gasped as the akula came between us, it’s large body forcefully pushing between us, through the water swiftly and gracefully. it was almost like ballet, how graceful it had been. i was taken aback by its sheer size, my hand moved from its previous position of clutching the saddle on my ilu, i fell into the chilly water below.
it split us up right down the middle, knocking me off my ilu and knocking ronal off hers as well.
"ney’ite!" she yelled, pushing herself up on her ilu, the water was lit but yet still so dark. ronal acknowledged her sister's ilu floating at the top of the water, a chunk of her left middle fin appeared to be ripped off, ni'alu wailing in pain.
"ney’ite!" ronal called out to the quiet waters which seemed to not be so quiet just moments ago. ronal wailed loudly, "oh ni'alu," she quietly guided her ilu up to ni'alu gently taking a rope from her sach sitting on her own ilu and attached it to her.
ronal then noticed her ilu had a tinge of red liquid oozing out from it's small upper wounded tail fin, she cried out for help causing ronal to wince from the loud, defending, and heartbreaking sound. "shhh aka'ula, it is okay... sister." the word fell somewhat easy but still felt so hard leaving her lips. the pain of losing her sister still felt unreal, the wound was still openly fresh and very painful, but right now she needed to find her way back to her village.
after retrieving herself from her thoughts she reattached the tsaheylu to aka'ula, telling her to move. bound with grief, ronal took one last look at the glowing waters, whispering a quick but deeply meaningful, "oel ngati kameie ney’ite, eywa had great plans for you," before disappearing towards her home, her people.
she made her way back to awa'atlu, back to the elders. her parents were immediately there to greet her, having been searching for her and her sister for quite some time now. almost immediately they noticed ney’ite wasn't with her. ronal hesitated to tell them, with the rest of the clan surrounded around her wanting to see the state of her wellbeing as well as her sisters.
"we went beyond the reef, an akula attacked us. she's gone mother, i'm sorry," her mother broke down in loud wails, ronal looked down as to not see all the heartbroken expressions of her clan. ronal just then noticed some of the animal caretakers of her clan taking care of both her and her sisters ilu.
the clan wrapped ronal in a seashell shawl made by all the expecting mothers of the clan. her wounds were cleaned and wrapped in a special seaweed dipped in a healing ointment. she was led back to her maruis where just somehow sleep couldn't find it's way to her.
the wailing calls of both ni'alu and aka'ula kept everybody in the village up, the calls full of mournfulness and great, great pain. though around where the dark had finally consumed her village, the wailing of ni'alu had quieted to just soft whimpers then to simply quiet. aka'ula had not minded being awake, wanting to keep a watchful eye over ronal sticking close to the maruis.
finally some tiredness overtook ronal, something she acknowledged as sleep was coming to take her. though, her mind was plagued with images of her sister's final moments and how she might've felt in that moment. the tears and pain welled up in her and took all of her strength to resist it but failed, succumbing to tears that flowed silently down her face.
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cyren-myadd · 10 months
Can we get of Snipet of Chapter 18 of Blood is thicker than Water?I love Blood is Thicker than Water!
Ch18 will be posted tomorrow!
📢TW for physical abuse📢
“You know I’m not a patient man, Quaritch. Why did you wait so long to bring him here?” The bald man complained.
“I already told you, Dr. Schitt, I needed time to get him settled in.” Answered Quaritch dismissively as he and Prager took a seat in a corner to watch.
Dr. Schitt? Spider frowned. He was pretty sure he’d heard that name before, but still couldn’t remember where.
Dr. Schitt scoffed at Quaritch before turning to Spider. “Take your shirt off.”
Spider hesitated to do as he was told. Even though his back had healed a lot from his beating, the signs of his abuse were still very visible to the naked eye. Surely, Quaritch would get angry at him if he let the scientists see what he’d done? He glanced at Quaritch nervously, waiting for him to tell him not to take his shirt off.
“Do as he says, Miles.” Quaritch said when he made eye contact.
Reluctantly, Spider removed his shirt, careful not to disturb his shoulder wounds or the lashes on his back. Some of the scientists gasped when they saw the marks, and Spider privately hoped one of them would say something in his defense.
“Quaritch, what is this?” Dr. Schitt asked. He placed a rough hand on Spider’s shoulder and forced him to lean forward so he could get a better look at his injuries. Spider barely stifled a whine of pain.
“I told you. He needed time to get settled in.” Quaritch repeated in a completely casual tone.
Dr. Schitt hummed to himself, and Spider wondered if he was about to yell at Quaritch for hurting him so badly. Instead, the doctor asked a question. “How long ago did you do this?”
“It was Saturday night.” This time, Prager answered the questions. “I had a feeling you’d want to track his progress so I took pictures right after it happened.”
Prager handed his tablet over the doctor and Spider peeked over his shoulder as the scientists all gathered around it excitedly. The tablet showed pictures of himself, lying face down on the cement floor with his back a red, bloody mess of lashes. Spider hadn’t even known Prager had taken pictures of himself. This was the first time he'd actually seen how bad his back was and the sight of it made him nauseous. The scientists, on the other hand, were excited by it. Like akula-sharks, they buzzed with energy at the sight of blood, animatedly talking amongst themselves as they compared the picture to how his back looked now.
“It hasn’t even been three days, and look at how much they’ve healed!”
“Fascinating. He still heals more slowly than a native or a recombinant, but much faster than a normal person.”
“Do you think his healing ability will grow to match a native? We’ll have to keep track of this!”
“God, I would kill to take a look at Sully for a comparison!”
“Yes, or one of the half-breed children, I wonder how they compare to full-blooded natives.”
Slowly, it dawned on Spider that the fact that he’d been whipped bloody didn’t bother the scientists in the slightest. No one was going to say anything in his defense. Quaritch was right; he was completely on his own.
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prvtocol · 8 months
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RDA marine biologist Dr. Ian Garvin
He is a lab head for a SciOps oceanographic research team.
c. 2168 and 2169, during the beginning of the RDA’s recolonization of Pandora, he conducted field research in Pandoran oceans and among the Reef People.
He’s a seasoned scuba diver and went into predator-infested Pandoran oceans to take samples, image specimens, capture data, and dissect sea life (dissection of a tulkun brain would lead to the discovery of "amrita," an agent that can stop human aging).
For field research, he has a small mobile, habitable research lab vessel (a catamaran hull with a couple of trusses across it and two shacks built onto it). He could set up a shack on a beach to conduct research.
He interfaced with the Reef People (inc. Tonowari) and would drop anchor in their coves.
He is shown as being highly aware of the relationship between the Reef People and the tulkun. In the original script, Garvin meets Payakan in the water and uses the sign language for “friend,” which leads Payakan to leave him alone. The use of signing suggests the Reef People taught him this and other information. 
Once amrita is discovered and one vial valued at $80 million back on Earth, he is coerced into aiding the tulkun hunting with the RDA threatening to shut down his research otherwise. 
The knowledge stored on his datapad, which includes locator tags, is “stolen” to allow the RDA to find and hunt down more tulkun than before. Presumably, he was tagging tulkun to track their migration cycles.
He has taken to drinking to deal with the fact that his research is paid for by killing tulkun.
He survives the Skirmish at Three Brothers Rock
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Director Landry's Involvement
As director of SciOps, Ian as a lab head reports to Brianne (while Brianne reports to Charles Stringer, RDA’s Head Administrator); she oversees the budget for his oceanography lab and field research.
Ocean research is high up on SciOps' objectives and Brianne makes sure Ian is given the agency to run his lab and field research as he sees fit. On land, hostilities with the Na’vi Resistance are hindering SciOps researchers and threatening field sites. The ocean presents more opportunities.
Brianne took the opportunity to join Ian in the field to oversee his ongoings. Visiting labs and research sites is part of her auditing process to assess budgets and research output. 
Being a certified scuba diver meant she took the opportunity to see the ocean’s biodiversity with her own eyes. A close call with an akula and being saved by a Metkayina warrior (San'tos / @badtrigger) left her acquainted with the people of Ro’ok village of the Metkayina clan.
She does not meet the clan leader, Tonowari, but hears about him and the tsahik, Ronal, from Ian.
The discovery of amrita is a concern for Brianne as it is for Ian, and similar to him, she does not fully support mass hunting. But she understands the RDA is a business and the matter is set to move beyond her control. 
Ian’s resistance to aid the hunt causes friction and threatens to shut down his research completely. Brianne negotiates terms. One was that funding from the hunts would also go to his oceanography lab in Bridgehead where a team is finding a way to synthetically recreate amrita.
Ian's placement on the hunting vessel to continue his research is also to make sure CetOps keeps their presence far from the Reef People shorelines. It's a security measure learned from the first confrontation with Payakan (Captain Scoresby is aware of this also). Ian informs Brianne of their ongoings.
Like Ian, she does not expect established relations with the Metkayina to survive these events. Amrita's discovery also stops on-shore field research in that region.
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iontimes · 2 years
New details released about 46 arrested in prostitution sting, including Lewisville ISD coach, youth pastor
Dozens of local men – including some community leaders – were arrested recently at hotels in Frisco and Southlake as part of a multi-agency prostitution sting.
According to federal officials in the Dallas branch of Homeland Security Investigations, the 46 men included a volunteer firefighter, youth pastor, high school teacher and coach, semi-professional hockey player, and the director of operations for a large hospital network in North Texas.
The Dallas DHS Office said what the suspects do exploits and victimizes trafficking victims.
One non-profit working to help sex trafficking victims said the DFW Metroplex is a hot spot for it because of its size and highway system to other parts of the country. They said there isn’t anything thing typical about a human trafficking suspect, as it can be almost anyone.
We learned more about 46 people who were arrested at upscale hotels in Frisco and Southlake as part of a multi-agency prostitution sting earlier this month.
Frisco police said during the operation and following the investigation, they found no evidence of local underage sex trafficking, contrary to rumors.
"It’s happening more than people think and know," said Dr. Tonya Stafford Manning, who runs It’s Going to be OK, which is a Dallas-based non-profit organization that assists human trafficking victims.
Lewisville Independent School District confirmed Marcus High School teacher and football coach Tim Morrison was among the 46 suspects.
The district said Morrison was placed on administrative leave after his arrest and later resigned.
Fort Worth youth pastor Lamarcus Strickland was also arrested.
Spencer Asuchak, a 31-year-old professional hockey player who’s been with the Allen Americans — of the East Coast Hockey League — since 2013, according to the team’s web site, is one of dozens charged with solicitation of prostitution.
The team told , "We are aware of the situation. We don’t have a comment at this time as we gather more information."
A Baylor Scott & White Health director of operations, 49-year-old Jimmie Hemmingway, is also charged. Baylor said Hemmingway is no longer an employee.
"But this is happening. It’s happening right up under our noses. It’s happening right in our backyards," Dr. Manning added. "Nobody wants to get up and be a prostitute. Nobody wants to be trafficked. Nobody wants to be sold."
The dozens of men charged responded to online advertisements for prostitution, according to the Department of Homeland Security. But instead of communicating with women being trafficked, they were unknowingly communicating with law enforcement. Homeland Security did not detail what the posts read.
Meet-ups were arranged at hotels with the coordination and cooperation of hotel management and staff.
"I think other people were shocked by it because of who was implicated in the sting itself," Dr. Manning said.
42 other suspects were also arrested.
ICE released the names and birth dates of all 46 suspects.
Frisco Arrests
 Justin Rice
 Cody Wilson
 Trenton Ruwe
 Ronak Patel
 Todd Cook
 Aaron Posey
 Brandon Beecher
 Andrew Ratcliffe
 Spencer Asuchak
 Devin Johnson
 Jimmie Hemmingway
 Vijay Akula Krishna Murthy
 John Prevost
 Rodolfo Tibuni
 Michael Arenas
 Orlando Hampton
 Jacob Rumble
 Kevin Hasseell
 William Teemer
 Tanyon Oldham
 Adam Edelman
 Simon Withy
 Rahul Malviya
Southlake Arrests
 Liam Donnelly
 Scott Boeckstiegel
 Lamarcus Strickland
 David Gothe
 Anel Vemulapalli
 Cecil Timothy Morrison Jr.
 Bryon Althof
f Iwara Magumus
 Kilomo Kialemba
 Norberto Alvarado
 Sunny Roberts
 Elmer Acosta
 Jerry Smith
 Damien Mims
 Alex Maldonado
 Jason Cha
 Patrick Rodriguez
 Cornelia Cheeter
 Michael Smith
 Daniel Stewart
 Santosh Gorla
Frisco police also released the mugshots and charges of the 23 men they arrested.
HIS Dallas officials said the undercover operation coincides with the Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign to highlight Human Trafficking Awareness Month.
Often, commercial sex workers are the victims of sex trafficking because they are either underage or were forced into the role.
"By targeting those involved in this crime, we hope to disrupt this activity and provide assistance to human trafficking victims by getting them connected to the advocates and resources they need," said Lester Hayes, the HSI Dallas special agent in charge.
"The victims of these heinous crimes are treated like commodities, used to make as much money as possible, as quickly as possible," added Tarrant County Sheriff Bill Waybourn. "Those who traffic victims are the scourge of the earth, and we will continue to target those responsible for the trafficking and those who solicit sex from them."
Anyone who is a victim or has information about other local sex trafficking cases is urged to call the department’s tip line at 1-866-DHS-2423.
Charles Crawford
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theglobaltime · 2 years
New details released about 46 arrested in prostitution sting, including Lewisville ISD coach, youth pastor
Dozens of local men – including some community leaders – were arrested recently at hotels in Frisco and Southlake as part of a multi-agency prostitution sting.
According to federal officials in the Dallas branch of Homeland Security Investigations, the 46 men included a volunteer firefighter, youth pastor, high school teacher and coach, semi-professional hockey player, and the director of operations for a large hospital network in North Texas.
The Dallas DHS Office said what the suspects do exploits and victimizes trafficking victims.
One non-profit working to help sex trafficking victims said the DFW Metroplex is a hot spot for it because of its size and highway system to other parts of the country. They said there isn’t anything thing typical about a human trafficking suspect, as it can be almost anyone.
We learned more about 46 people who were arrested at upscale hotels in Frisco and Southlake as part of a multi-agency prostitution sting earlier this month.
Frisco police said during the operation and following the investigation, they found no evidence of local underage sex trafficking, contrary to rumors.
"It’s happening more than people think and know," said Dr. Tonya Stafford Manning, who runs It’s Going to be OK, which is a Dallas-based non-profit organization that assists human trafficking victims.
Lewisville Independent School District confirmed Marcus High School teacher and football coach Tim Morrison was among the 46 suspects.
The district said Morrison was placed on administrative leave after his arrest and later resigned.
Fort Worth youth pastor Lamarcus Strickland was also arrested.
Spencer Asuchak, a 31-year-old professional hockey player who’s been with the Allen Americans — of the East Coast Hockey League — since 2013, according to the team’s web site, is one of dozens charged with solicitation of prostitution.
The team told , "We are aware of the situation. We don’t have a comment at this time as we gather more information."
A Baylor Scott & White Health director of operations, 49-year-old Jimmie Hemmingway, is also charged. Baylor said Hemmingway is no longer an employee.
"But this is happening. It’s happening right up under our noses. It’s happening right in our backyards," Dr. Manning added. "Nobody wants to get up and be a prostitute. Nobody wants to be trafficked. Nobody wants to be sold."
The dozens of men charged responded to online advertisements for prostitution, according to the Department of Homeland Security. But instead of communicating with women being trafficked, they were unknowingly communicating with law enforcement. Homeland Security did not detail what the posts read.
Meet-ups were arranged at hotels with the coordination and cooperation of hotel management and staff.
"I think other people were shocked by it because of who was implicated in the sting itself," Dr. Manning said.
42 other suspects were also arrested.
ICE released the names and birth dates of all 46 suspects.
Frisco Arrests
Justin Rice Cody Wilson Trenton Ruwe Ronak Patel Todd Cook Aaron Posey Brandon Beecher Andrew Ratcliffe Spencer Asuchak Devin Johnson Jimmie Hemmingway Vijay Akula Krishna Murthy John Prevost Rodolfo Tibuni Michael Arenas Orlando Hampton Jacob Rumble Kevin Hasseell William Teemer Tanyon Oldham Adam Edelman Simon Withy Rahul Malviya
Southlake Arrests
Liam Donnelly Scott Boeckstiegel Lamarcus Strickland David Gothe Anel Vemulapalli Cecil Timothy Morrison Jr. Bryon Althoff Iwara Magumus Kilomo Kialemba Norberto Alvarado Sunny Roberts Elmer Acosta Jerry Smith Damien Mims Alex Maldonado Jason Cha Patrick Rodriguez Cornelia Cheeter Michael Smith Daniel Stewart Santosh Gorla
Frisco police also released the mugshots and charges of the 23 men they arrested.
HIS Dallas officials said the undercover operation coincides with the Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign to highlight Human Trafficking Awareness Month.
Often, commercial sex workers are the victims of sex trafficking because they are either underage or were forced into the role.
"By targeting those involved in this crime, we hope to disrupt this activity and provide assistance to human trafficking victims by getting them connected to the advocates and resources they need," said Lester Hayes, the HSI Dallas special agent in charge.
"The victims of these heinous crimes are treated like commodities, used to make as much money as possible, as quickly as possible," added Tarrant County Sheriff Bill Waybourn. "Those who traffic victims are the scourge of the earth, and we will continue to target those responsible for the trafficking and those who solicit sex from them."
Anyone who is a victim or has information about other local sex trafficking cases is urged to call the department’s tip line at 1-866-DHS-2423.
Robert Evans
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pinklilynews · 2 years
New details released about 46 arrested in prostitution sting, including Lewisville ISD coach, youth pastor
DALLAS - Dozens of local men – including some community leaders – were arrested recently at hotels in Frisco and Southlake as part of a multi-agency prostitution sting.
According to federal officials in the Dallas branch of Homeland Security Investigations, the 46 men included a volunteer firefighter, youth pastor, high school teacher and coach, semi-professional hockey player, and the director of operations for a large hospital network in North Texas.
The Dallas DHS Office said what the suspects do exploits and victimizes trafficking victims.
One non-profit working to help sex trafficking victims said the DFW Metroplex is a hot spot for it because of its size and highway system to other parts of the country. They said there isn’t anything thing typical about a human trafficking suspect, as it can be almost anyone.
Pink Lily News learned more about 46 people who were arrested at upscale hotels in Frisco and Southlake as part of a multi-agency prostitution sting earlier this month.
Frisco police said during the operation and following the investigation, they found no evidence of local underage sex trafficking, contrary to rumors.
"It’s happening more than people think and know," said Dr. Tonya Stafford Manning, who runs It’s Going to be OK, which is a Dallas-based non-profit organization that assists human trafficking victims.
READ MORE: Murdered McKinney woman planned to 'blackmail' boyfriend after finding out he was married, affidavit says
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Lewisville Independent School District confirmed Marcus High School teacher and football coach Tim Morrison was among the 46 suspects.
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The district said Morrison was placed on administrative leave after his arrest and later resigned.
Fort Worth youth pastor Lamarcus Strickland was also arrested.
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Spencer Asuchak, a 31-year-old professional hockey player who’s been with the Allen Americans — of the East Coast Hockey League — since 2013, according to the team’s web site, is one of dozens charged with solicitation of prostitution.
The team told Pink Lily News, "We are aware of the situation. We don’t have a comment at this time as we gather more information."
A Baylor Scott & White Health director of operations, 49-year-old Jimmie Hemmingway, is also charged. Baylor said Hemmingway is no longer an employee. 
"But this is happening. It’s happening right up under our noses. It’s happening right in our backyards," Dr. Manning added. "Nobody wants to get up and be a prostitute. Nobody wants to be trafficked. Nobody wants to be sold."
The dozens of men charged responded to online advertisements for prostitution, according to the Department of Homeland Security. But instead of communicating with women being trafficked, they were unknowingly communicating with law enforcement. Homeland Security did not detail what the posts read. 
Meet-ups were arranged at hotels with the coordination and cooperation of hotel management and staff. 
"I think other people were shocked by it because of who was implicated in the sting itself," Dr. Manning said.
42 other suspects were also arrested.
ICE released the names and birth dates of all 46 suspects.
Frisco Arrests
Justin Rice
Cody Wilson
Trenton Ruwe
Ronak Patel
Todd Cook
Aaron Posey
Brandon Beecher
Andrew Ratcliffe
Spencer Asuchak
Devin Johnson
Jimmie Hemmingway
Vijay Akula Krishna Murthy
John Prevost
Rodolfo Tibuni
Michael Arenas
Orlando Hampton
Jacob Rumble
Kevin Hasseell
William Teemer
Tanyon Oldham
Adam Edelman
Simon Withy
Rahul Malviya
Southlake Arrests
Liam Donnelly
Scott Boeckstiegel
Lamarcus Strickland
David Gothe
Anel Vemulapalli
Cecil Timothy Morrison Jr.
Bryon Althoff
Iwara Magumus
Kilomo Kialemba
Norberto Alvarado
Sunny Roberts
Elmer Acosta
Jerry Smith
Damien Mims
Alex Maldonado
Jason Cha
Patrick Rodriguez
Cornelia Cheeter
Michael Smith
Daniel Stewart
Santosh Gorla
Frisco police also released the mugshots and charges of the 23 men they arrested.
HIS Dallas officials said the undercover operation coincides with the Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign to highlight Human Trafficking Awareness Month.
READ MORE: 3 arrests made in shooting that killed teen outside Fort Worth Whataburger
Often, commercial sex workers are the victims of sex trafficking because they are either underage or were forced into the role.
"By targeting those involved in this crime, we hope to disrupt this activity and provide assistance to human trafficking victims by getting them connected to the advocates and resources they need," said Lester Hayes, the HSI Dallas special agent in charge.
"The victims of these heinous crimes are treated like commodities, used to make as much money as possible, as quickly as possible," added Tarrant County Sheriff Bill Waybourn. "Those who traffic victims are the scourge of the earth, and we will continue to target those responsible for the trafficking and those who solicit sex from them."
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normanthedove · 6 months
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duranduratulsa · 6 months
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Plenty Scary Movie 🎥...White Zombie (1932) on classic DVD 📀! #movie #movies #horror #whitezombie #belalugosi #ripbelalugosi #30s #DVD #durandurantulsa #plentyscarymovie #8sThePlace #ktul #durandurantulsasplentyscarymovie
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The Career Counselling department organized a Symposium on 'Exploring Avenues: Study India.' This exclusive event was conducted for Grade 11 & 12 students and parents seeking valuable insights into higher education opportunities in India. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the esteemed panelists, Mr. Sricharan Akula from Ashoka University, Dr. Sirisha Potluri from ICFAI, Dr. Hareesha K.S from Manipal Academy for Higher Education, and Dr. Aditya Abburi from Mahindra University, for their valuable contributions and expertise during the panel discussions. The event provided an enlightening experience for all participants, and we look forward to organizing more such enriching sessions in the future!  
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jsbmarketresearch01 · 2 years
Sutirtha Mukherjee Wins against Jia Nan Yuan (World No. 18) at WTT Star Contender Goa and Enters the Round 16
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Sutirtha Mukherjee, ranked 147 in WTT currently, has made the impossible come true by defeating Jia Nan Yuan of France (world no. 18) in Panaji’s Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Indoor Stadium in the round of 32 with a 3-0 (11-7, 11-8, 11-7). This is her biggest win ever in her career and is the only Indian to stay in the tournament apart from Manika Batra, who is top-ranked in WTT, who also had a win over Adriana Diaz (world no. 14) of Puerto Rico with a win of 3-1 (11-9, 11-8, 5-11, 11-8).
What makes her journey inspiring is that Sutirtha was emotionally going through a difficult phase as before arriving for the World Table Tennis (WTT) Star Contender in Panaji, Goa, she had lost her grandmother 10 days before the games. She was quite close to her grandmother but followed her iron will to compete at the tournament and prove her mettle through brilliant performances. Her hard work at practices made her physically fit and mentally prepared for the competition, while she was internally hurting over her grandmother passing away.
Sutirtha had to give more than a maximum effort to see success today. She was first denied a wildcard direct entry in the first WTT event by the main draw. After which, she had a swift win against Prapti Sen with a 3-0 (11-3 11-6, 11-7) win in the first round, and then went on to defeat Li Yu-Jhun (world no. 92) with a win 3-0 (11-9, 11-8, 11-6). In the final qualifier round, she then took out Lee Eunhye of Korea (world no. 110) with a 3-1 win. In the Rd of 64, where she won 3-1 against Suhana Saini, she was up for Yuan, a 37-year-old Frenchwoman.
Sutirtha is known to suffer as who can forget the issue before the Tokyo Olympics 2021 where Soumyadeep Roy, the then coach of India was accused by Manika of being asked to lose a match to Sutirtha. Roy has consistently coached Sutirtha and continues to do so despite the fallout. However, it did not stop her from losing the ranking and a steep drop in it during the pandemic. This led to her not making it to the Commonwealth games, which were held last year in Birmingham.
Due to a lack of funds, she was unable to compete in the WTT circuit for International Tournaments. But she played for zonal and other competitions. Roy also said she did not lose hope but kept practicing. The continued training brought the fighter in her to every game she played thereafter. And we can see the results of it in National Games the previous year, where she won in the semi-final against Batra and was victorious against Sreeja Akula, a national champion in the final.
In a shocking event, World no. 1 Fen Zhendong, who is also an Olympic silver medalist lost against Cho Daeseong of Korea (world no. 193) 3-2 ((7-11, 6-11, 12-10, 11-9, 11-8). Cho made a thrilling comeback after losing the first two games and then finishing it with a tie-breaker and two consecutive wins. In the tournament, India had placed their hope on G Sathiyan and Manika in mixed doubles and G Sathiyan in men’s singles.
In mixed doubles, Sathiyan-Manika could not resist much against Harimoto Miwa and Togami Shunsuke from Japan with scores 10-12, 6-11, and 6-11. In men’s singles, Yukiya Uda of Japan (world no. 22) stole the show, and Sathiyan had a hard fall with 0-3 in the tournament with a 9-11, 5-11, and 8-11 loss.
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dstufabtstufr · 2 years
Shifting to avatar way of water DR script
1 hour cr = 1 week dr
My father [ yugh'tey] was mated before he met ronal's older sister, with my mother [rhaynel] and thats how I was Born but my mother died while giving birth to me so then my father met ronal's sister [sil'aya]. They became T'shaki and olo'eyktan but just after my 3rd birthday came war and they both died in it so I was taken in by Ronal and Tonwari. But when I was 6 humans and I was kidnapped by the sky people, i learnt their ways and helped them learn ours, sky people told me that I was there to help them travel Pandora and then in turn I got to travel with them, yet when I was 10 I found out what they were doing to the people just before we left, and I knew I had to leave. One of the only things that gave me the strength to leave was hearing stories about Jake Sully and Neytiri, hearing about what he had gone through and how he was still able to beat the sky people gave me a lot of Hope for the night that I left, and ever since that night I'd always looked up to Jake Sully and Neytiri. But once I got back things were not easy, I was bullied and picked on a lot except by t'sireya. I was supposed to be the next T'shaki but being kidnapped stoped my training (obvi) so T'sireya is now going to be T'shaki. So I vowed to become the best hunter and Warrior, i got my hunters honor at 11, the youngest hunter heard of for centuries in our tribe and I am one of the best fighters in the clan.
☆Me (age,height ect..)
Nicknames nailhead, riri, nimnim and nim
B-day March 14
Top 5 of the best hunters and fighters in the clan
Pretty good at weaving
Royal family
Even tho I hate the sky people I can't help but love their music
Navi is like English to me the only way I can tell the difference is when I struggle alil to speak English is when I'm actually speaking English, besides swearing I'm basically fluent in English swears, they even slip into my normal speaking.
I'm very awkward but really funny
I fell first but neteyam fell way harder
And I'm close with the Sully family in general
I love everything outside rain or shine but my to favorite times to be outside is swimming in the rain or sunbathing on the nice warm sand.
My singing voice claim for traditional singing is Aurora the artist . Normal singing I sound like the lead singer of Paramore
My voice is me with a na'vi accent
I am really good at kluning which is how I call cheeto and ti'ayt to me
I'm best in the clan with my bow and same with my knife
I'm also very skilled on my ikran (cheeto) and same on ti'ayt (my ilu).
I can hold my breath for upward of 8 minutes
My feet are tough so they don't really get to hurt
I only have one insecurity which is my eyes, my every big eyes and Aonung has bullied me for that forever. But neteyam loves them and it makes me blush really hard when ever he compliments them.
×My Face×
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○ My body ○
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• my style •
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°My weapons°
( with these arrows)
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I made my knife after my first official hunt from the tooth of the akula I killed because it was a strong and brave hunter and Warrior like I strive to be.
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ripnevillestrevor · 2 years
our fortress— chapter two
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pairing: jake sully x “reader/oc” x neytiri
summary: i had nowhere to stop, no rock, no island, nothing. the emotions from the day finally burst through. the seams of my shock finally spilling open, tears cascading down my face in a sobbless sadness.
warnings: character “death,” my bad writing, blood, angst, sadness, starts off with “death” then ends with fluff, not proofread, LOWERCASE INTENDED
word count: 1,110
note: having some problems with the tags and my posts not showing up in the tags, but i uploaded this to ao3 and i would really like to keep up with both of these platforms and keep them equal. chapter one on tumblr = chapter one on ao3. again, this story is based on my avatar dr self. and will be written on my avatar dr backstory. comments/requests are open!
important: i do not allow my work to be copied, republished, translated, or reproduced. please do not use this story on wattpad or on other platforms. respect the author's work <33
waking up on a lone rock, big enough for a whole family of seals to bask on, i was alone. i knew i couldn't stay there forever, i had to move. though as the prevoius images of the akula attacking my ilu and me. having been knocked off ni'alu, feeling the burn of the salt of the sea entering my throat and nose, the attack had been unpredicted, i was not prepared. this is why i never do backflips in the water, i thought bitterly but jokingly. i hated the taste of the seas salt going anywhere into my body, merely the thought of the recent events of my day and how downhill it had gone made my throat burn, a small teal hand reaching up to rub at the skin.
we were swimming beyond the reef, we weren't supposed to be there. and we knew it, but we were having so much fun. it was getting dark, noticed by both i and ronal.
"it is getting late sister, we must go." i nodded, feeling the beginning of the cold spread throughout the water. our ilu's were starting to get anty, gliding through water smoothly beside each other.
ronal touched a glowing hand to her ilu's head, gently stroking it, "what it is aka'ula?" suddenly in between our ilu's came a large, long, and simply black akula.
i was stunned by the sudden appearance of the large akula, and I could hardly believe my eyes. i had heard stories of these creatures, but to see one in front of me was something else entirely. i gasped as the akula came between us, it’s large body forcefully pushing between us, through the water swiftly and gracefully. it was almost like ballet, how graceful it had been. i was taken aback by its sheer size, my hand moved from its previous position of clutching the saddle on my ilu, i fell into the chilly water below.
it split us up right down the middle, knocking me off my ilu and knocking ronal off hers as well.
"ney’ite!" i heard below the cold, musky water. i needed the akula to back off, it was still prowling around. ni'alu’s blood was tempting it, poor ni’aul i thought, but i need to do something.
just as i thought it, the water moved to my will, pulsating the water so the akula was alerted of mt presence in the water. i willed my arms and legs to move despite my shock due to the water listening to me? i was extra grateful for the extra skin on my arms and legs meant for this exact reason, to swim faster.
looking back, the akula was following me. i weaved through many rocks and reefs, i was surprised i had so much energy left despite the traumatic event that went down, not that long ago.
the akula was getting tired, i could tell, i just needed one more thing, then it would leave me alone. hopefully.
i swam in circles hoping it was at least starting to get tired. i then swam as hard as i could through a huge, circle-open reef. just as i expected, the akula ran into the reef, trying to shake the attack off. the akula then turned and swam away. i waited for a moment before surfacing and climbing on a nearby rock, my limbs were exhausted. and so was i.
before i knew it, my head was hitting the rock, and i drifted into an uneasy rest.
flashback over
i took a deep breath before looking over the edge of the rock, looking into the ocean.
the water looked less inviting when looking into it and seeing all the reefs, sea animals, and seaweed floating and swimming around. i dived into the now seemingly cold water, i swam for what had seemed to be an hour in random and various directions, not knowing where or what i was trying to go to.
after swimming until dusk, it was starting to get late and i needed food. i had nowhere to stop, no rock, no island, nothing. the emotions from the day finally burst through. the seams of my shock finally spilling open, tears cascading down my face in a sobbless sadness.
"please... help me," i called pathetically into the deepless sea in which i was floating in, helpless, all alone.
behind me, the water jerked with large intervals of waves, a large spritz of water shooting up into the air shaking me from my thoughts. i slowly turned to see a large tulkun, it's large beautiful body floating up so that one of it's eyes was lined up to my face.
my people had taught us of a lone tulkun roaming around our waters, an outcast. my mother strickly forbid us from trying to seek out the lone tulkun. when i was 8 years old, ronal had found her spirit sister in the form of a female tulkun, roa, she was called. somehow, i had felt drawn to her too, my mother had said it was a path of eywa i had unconsciously decided to take. but i didn't understand that, i chose roa? as ronal had chosen her first. so i was 2nd best? i didn't know how to feel about that. roa had told us during her first migration in our clans waters how long she had waited to have a child. she would be a great mother, both i and ronal had figured, she had such motherly instincts.
the tulkun had come closer, i guess i was too deep in my thoughts. it was worried about me.
"why are you out here all alone little one?" it asked me in my clans sign langauge, but in it's own whale type of way. luckily my mother had taught my sister and i so we could communicate with our spirit sister and of course so we could communicate underwater.
"i need help," i expressed through my tearful expression.
"what is your name?" it asked me, i had to stop calling it an it.
"ney'ite. what is yours?"
"i am payakan, i will help you. hop on." he lifted his large tailfin for me, urging me to swim foward.
i swam foward and onto his wide-reaching fin, i 'climbed aboard' laying my back across his cold, wet body. i wanted to ask him so many questions, where was he taking me, was he the outcast, did he know of the outcast? but as the soft lool of the soft hum his body seemed to have, and the darkness but such shininess of the stars.
sleep came easy for me that night.
return to my avatar masterlist
return to the main masterlist
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prwizard · 2 years
Global Healthcare and Wellness Awards 2022: Meet the Winners
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Hypedge Media awarded healthcare professionals and hospitals nationwide during the 2022 edition of the Global Healthcare and Wellness Awards 2022. This was held on the 19th of November 2022 at the WelcomHotel by ITC, Chennai.
 The Chief Guest of the program was Padma Shri Dr. Vijay Kumar Shah, and the Guest of Honors was K. Pushpaleela (Ex-Minister, Women and Social Welfare Department ), Dr. R. Kannan (Chairman, Prime Indian Hospitals ), Prof. N. Balaji (Director & Trustee, Sri Narayani Hospital & Research Centre), Dr. C.J. Vetrievel (Director. - Be Well Hospitals), Sanjay Kumar Singh (Vice President, Sales Marketing
Rusan Pharma Ltd) and Gaurav Gautam (Founder of I CAN Foundation and CEO of Hypedge Media). They shared their wishes with all the selected awardees of GHWA 2022.
 Global Healthcare and Wellness Awards are conferred on the outstanding / highest achievers in International Healthcare Industry. This most awaited global platform is bringing eminent healthcare experts together from the health world to understand the health revolution, market dynamics, the impact of digital technologies on the masses, and the future of health & healthcare in India. The platform would also recognize and felicitate massive efforts of various health initiatives, healthcare professionals, hospitals, institutions, and initiatives benefiting India through a technology-enabled healthcare ecosystem.
  Here's the list of this Year's (2022) winners for the Global Healthcare and Wellness Awards:
 Dr. Sangita Motiram Gavit
Excellence in Medical Education
Dr Narendra Singh
Excellence Award in Cardiology
Dr. Manasi Wakankar
Award for Leadership And Management in Healthcare
James Aruldas Silvai
Medical Innovation & Leadership Award
Dr. Ekta Shrivastava
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr. KVNN Santosh Murthy
Excellence in Diabetic Foot & Burns Management
Most Compassionate Doctor Award
Akula Laxmi
Award for Excellence in Research
Dr Deepti Mankad
Excellence Award in Mental Health & Counselling
Dr Sujit Kumar Satpathy
Healthcare Personality of the Year
Reshma Khan
Excellence in Medical Education
Alfred Goodwin
Lifetime Achievement Award
Dr.Arunkumar H
Best Diabetes and Diabetic Foot Care Specialist
Dr Deepika Goswami
Excellence in Medical Education
Dr.Nirmal Kumar Veeraragavan
Young Medical Entrepreneur of the year
Dr. Mankads' Homeoclinic
Best Homeopathy Centre
Arogyadeep Healthcare Pvt. Ltd
Excellence award in Acupuncture & Yoga Naturopathy
Dr Meghanad Meher
Excellence Award in General Medicine
Dr. Md Imteyaj
Most Compassionate Doctor Award
Dr. S.M. Shariq
Excellence Award in Orthopedics
Ryan Varghese
Medical Innovation & Leadership Award
Dr. Santosh Swathi Lakkoju
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Pradeep Kumar
Social Work Healthcare Award
Dharmendra Kumar Parihar
Excellence Award in Rural Healthcare
Dr. Harnoor Singh Pruthi
Excellence Award in Cardiology
Excellence in Hospital Quality Management
Dr. Laila Beegum
Lifetime Achievement Award
Dr. Ajil Abdulla
Healthcare Entrepreneur of the Year
Excellence Award in Physiotherapy
Dr Jayendra Narang
Excellence Award in Neurosurgery
TNB Aesthetic Secrets
Best Cosmetic Clinic
Dr Nancy Burat
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr Bahar Yawazy
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr. Chaitanya Seshu Babu. G
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr Capt G. Dhanan Jaya Rao
Life time achievement Award (Veterinary Surgery)
Dr Amanur Rahman Zaka
Most Compassionate Doctor Award
Srinivas Reddy
Best Hospital Administrator of the Year
Dr. Kumaragurubaran
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Scholar Overseas
Best Overseas Job Placement for Doctors and Nurses
Dr. Ayush Garg
Excellence Award in Oncology
Dr S.N. Lokesh Kumar
Excellence Award in Orthopedics
Mohamed Qutbuddin
Healthcare Entrepreneur of the Year
Dr. Supriya Munganda
Healthcare Entrepreneur of the Year
Dr Nibedita Sahoo
Healthcare Personality of the Year
Sourav Kumar Das
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr. Mantri Venkataswamy
Lifetime Achievement Award
Excellence Award in Cardiology
Best Hospital – Cardiology
PHYSKRAFT Superspeciality Physiotherapy Clinic
Best Physiotherapy Clinic
Manoj Shivaji Wakhare
Social Work Healthcare Award
Asha Mahila Milk Producer Company Limited
Leading Milk Producer Company
Shwetdhara Milk Producer Company Limited
Leading Milk Producer Company
COVID Response Award
Dr.Arunkumar H
Young Medical Entrepreneur of the year
Shri Vishnu Shri Hospital
Best Emerging Multi-Speciality Hospital (Madhya Pradesh )
Be Well Hospitals
Best Multi-Speciality Hospital
Dr Ashwani Mudgal
Excellence Award in Orthopedics
Dr.Hemapriya Jayapal
Medical Innovation & Leadership Award
Best Hospital for Wellness & Healthcare
Dr.Kavita Sudersanadas
Excellence in Nutrition and Dietetics Education
Dr. Karuna M S
Excellence Awards in Medical Nutrition Research and Education
Dr.Lesil George
Award for Best Psychologist
Dr. Raj Deokule
Award for the Best Diabetologist
Prof Dr N. Junior Sundresh
Excellence in Medical Education
Dr. Muneeb Ahmed M K
Excellency Award in Sexual Health
Dr Pradeep Thomas
Excellence Award in Accident and Emergency (A&E)
Dr. Sneha Shamkumar Londhe
Excellence Award in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Dr Mustafa Murtuza PT
Excellence Award in Physiotherapy
Dr Anu Jacob
Healthcare Personality of the Year
Dr. Kartikeswar Jena
Young Medical Entrepreneur of the year
PM Medical Centre
Best Hospital – Diabetology
Dr T Vadivel
Excellence Award in Regenerative Medicine
Healthcare Entrepreneur of the Year'
Dr Raviram.S
Excellence Award in Laser Proctology
Best Functional Rehab Specialist
Dr. B. Kalpana Kosalram
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr Kiran Kumar Varma K
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Yuva Dental Clinic
Best Dental Clinic
J. Benedicta Colleen
Social Work Healthcare Award
Excellence Award in Public Health Dentistry
Dr Renu Kumar Watwani
Excellence Award in Physiotherapy
Dr.Swarupa Rani K
Excellence Award in Radiology
Dr. Syed Ahmed Ali
Young Medical Entrepreneur of the year
Prof. N. Balaji
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Dr Farooq Ahmed Manur
Excellence Award in Accident and Emergency (A&E)
Dr Praveen H Jain
Excellence Award in Dentistry
Dr Jeswanthmal Khatod
Healthcare Entrepreneur of the Year
Dr. Ramesh Kumar
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Kosmoderma Healthcare Pvt. Ltd
Best Cosmetic Surgery Clinic
Excellence Award in Rural Healthcare
Healthcare Icon of the Year
Excellence Award in Forensic Medicine
Dr. P. Senthil
Excellence Award in Physiotherapy
Most Compassionate Doctor Award
Riya Sara Mathew
Excellence Award in Nursing
Healthcare Personality of the Year
Dr. Amit Mehta
Excellence in Homeopathy
Best Diagnostic & Imaging Centre
Dr. Sunil Babu K C
Excellence Award in Ayurveda
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