#dr tan
Guys, I know who Jack’s father is!
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I know I made this as a joke, but I find it funny that DC’s main villain is:
- An avian-themed dancer who values perfection and uniformity over self-expression and fun
- Has a plan to enslave everyone and take over the universe
- Is defeated by the player (or player insert) with the power of fun and self-expression (or SWAG)
- Is able to overpower the heroes and turn them into his soldiers (at least for a moment)
- Has a SON reluctant to take part in his schemes but manipulates him into doing them before said son switches sides
- Is defeated but returns multiple times
It’s like, did Leda and Dr Tan meet and exchange homework? Did Leda get inspo from Dr Tan’s shenanigans and said “but with magic and angst”?
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uwu-berryfaerie · 10 months
Another doodle before i go to bed inspired by this video below
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For context: the character tryna grab NS’s feathers is Dr. Tan from Dance Central. Both of these characters are based off of birds, NS is based off of a swan while Tan is (presumably) based on a crow, hence his affiliation of Murder of Crows
When I stumbled across this video I actually found it funny that it made alot of sense with these two characters so uhhh… here it is
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nhura · 1 month
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Life is too short.
[ my art ] [ twitter ]
(detail + ratio rambling under the cut >_>)
This is one of those "I need a break between my ten other illustrations, let me do a lil sketchy sketch :D" that got too ambitious etc. etc. I never want to see the color red again" moments. BUT!
I really, really like to explore Ratio's viscerality and what's happening between his brain and his nerves, like... all of this thorough control and discipline and he still has to breathe and react to himself and his surroundings, you know? His accomplishments are insane for "his age"* but he's going to run out of "age" at some point! His ambitions are so far reaching that he's not worried about getting doctorate degree Number Nine! Rather, his efforts are pointed outwards, into the universe, for the universe. As you know.
Speaking of his degrees, I had a half thought a while ago that we've seen him with two types of laurel pins.
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One is him in his suuuuuper cute mother goose avatar (three leaves) and the other is the hat he's wearing everywhere else (eight leaves).
The thought was, "Aww, what if they're like commemorative pins counting the number of his degrees or whatever :)". Literally only because there's eight in the current one. This is kind of silly because then you'd HAVE to have an obscene number of degrees even for a normal person for your leaf pin to start looking like a laurel in the first place so scratch that BUT it's cute to think that it's still academic regalia. Something something I work in higher ed myself and it's like... it's like that.
The university goldsmith appreciates the job security.
I REMEMBER WHY I BROUGHT THAT UP. FOLLOWING the fantasy where more leaves = more knowledge!, in summary, even though Ratio seems to be a little beyond trying to get a prize every time he learns something now. But he does want to Keep Going. He can only Keep Going.
So I drew him in a bathtub full of an uncountable amount of gold leaves looking at the camera with an indescribable expression born from a hunger that will never be satiated lol DETAIL SHOT!
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*Referenced only vaguely in a comment in the context of astonishment, but it could have easily have been "woah he's accomplished so much for his age (young)" as it could be "woah he looks good for his age (older)". There is no canon age and even then, reconciling standardized system time versus planetary time versus "does his particular breed of lizard human have the same lifespan as tumblr user nhura?" is a losing game for everyone involved! Here's what I think: I think he started going grey in his early twenties, whatever that means in spacefantasygame, and that that's very cute on him.
Do YOU think Ratio would be tempted by immortality???? Or would he MIND HIS BUSINESS
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kenmaiii · 10 months
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Dr. freaking ridiculous 🩺
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room-665 · 4 months
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Spare Footage
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respectthepetty · 8 months
Dr. Sammon Appreciation Post
I haven't watched Make a Wish because I can't find the entire series with subs and Bite Me doesn't belong in this grouping, but the way Dr. Sammon writes a mystery is my favorite type of chaos.
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Manner of Death is one of my favorites, so I'm biased, but Sammon killed a best friend in the first episode, then lead us down dark paths of drug and human trafficking only to end with a proposal at gun point.
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Then, she killed the gays every episode of Triage, yet both of them made it out alive and in love.
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So while I've been waiting several years for Transplant (RIP), she decided to hit us not with BOC's 4 Minutes but instead with BOC's Dead Friend Forever, a show about teenagers being killed in the woods. I had no intention to watch this show, but once I saw Sammon was a writer, I decided to try it out, and it has not disappointed so far.
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Which means I'm even more excited than I already was to see Spare Me Your Mercy because if this is what she is doing with the fresh kids on the block, imagine what she is going to do with JJ and Tor? Wreck me, that's what.
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I think I might actually buy a translated Thai novel, y'all. Let me go see which of her books I'm going to buy. Perhaps Manner of Death 2 since I won't get Transplant as a series. If this is what a series based on her work can do, I wonder how good her work is to begin with. Probably 🔥🌶🔪 and I like that.
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mislamicpearl · 1 month
Who do you think will show up next in Dragons Rising? Who do you most want to see come back?
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The results so far (up to the end of DR S2): SPOILERS
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khaotunq · 2 years
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Maybe we'll need to find something to do to pass the time. Max Nattapol as Tan and Tul Pakorn as Bun (Manner of Death, 2020)
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theoretical-stims · 8 months
Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist stimboard pls 🐅
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Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist stimboard for anon X - X - X X - X - X X - X - X
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A short clip with Richard as Dr. Matthew Nolan and Elaine Tan as Shen Zhào in Red Eye.
🎥: drivingplatesuk
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Daniel and Huang redraw! 💚🧡 (original is from 2018 I believe)
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fryknave · 1 year
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drakkenvaldt · 2 months
I am extremely hyper fixated over this dead fandom
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titfairy · 2 months
Lada’s mom is so desperate at this point, all I can think about is that she’s going to lose everything. And I mean, everything, because she basically just betrayed Lada’s trust
She thinks she’s in control, but announcing the marriage to public without informing both Lada and dr Wisanu is such a disastrous move. The gays are flabbergasted
She can continue using “I’m doing this for the future of our business.” reason, which makes it an even more bad move imo. How can Lada and dr Wisanu work well together if their relationship start off this way? With her breaching everyone’s trust. All Lada’s mom did is ensuring life long resentment for both Lada and dr Wishnu.
This is not a strategic business move or whatever, Lada’s mom is just a rampant homophobe.
(What would she do when dr Wisanu comes out later then? lmooo)
She doesn’t realize that Lada can just leave everything behind and start a new life somewhere else. She’s an accomplished doctor by her own. What would Lada’s mom do? Sabotage her own daughter’s career?
What would the mom even do just IF:
1. Lada and Earn decide to go public with their relationship? Wouldn’t that be bad press for the hospital, especially for the mom if she gets exposed?
2. dr Wisanu realize he can just say no to the marriage too?
I don’t think the mom realize that she doesn’t have much control here tbh.
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One of things that gets me about MoD is that Bun was fully ready to get sh*t. That's dedication. Like he didn't even blink when Tan said that he had to sh**t him and just used his medical knowledge to come up with a solution
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harukowitch · 4 months
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I’m a sucker for crossovers and this is one of my favorites. One Piece x DC, Such an interesting concept! Robin, my beloved, I had to try to draw her.
Now her outfit is based on the dress she just bought in the last chapter. The first picture is my first attempt at the dress, it wasn’t until I actually decided to look up the the word ‘ruched’ (which I thought meant draped not puckered) for writing the alt text that I came up with the second design, which I think is closer to what they had in mind. Do I think I got it exactly right the second time around, no; but I at least had to try. I’m still glad I went back and did that redesign I like it so much better.
I didn’t add any jewelry because I honestly couldn’t think of what would look best.
There were a few other scenes that I could have honestly drawn but I couldn’t pass up her being a boss in a dress. I can not wait to see what happens at the gala.
Pose ref: @leteulteu or @jugsun61 on Twitter
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