#dr. wes maxfield
toughpaperround · 6 months
Rick Cosnett
Seen in a recurring role on 911 (on ABC) in season 7 as charismatic cruise director, Julian Enes, on the cruise ship attended by Bobby and Athena.
As per the Deadline announcement:
"Cosnett is known for portraying Eddie Thawne and Cobalt Blue on The Flash, Elias Harper on Quantico, as well as Dr. Wes Maxfield on The Vampire Diaries, among others. He’ll next be seen in the upcoming Apple TV series 'Palm Royale'. "
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Rick was born in Zimbabwe and studied in Queensland, Australia. He is a cousin of actor Hugh Grant.
[IMDb] [other 911 cast bios]
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littlescaryinternetguy · 10 months
Do you have a care routine you follow for your wings?
I mean, I'd love to tell you that there was some sort of magical ritual: perhaps glowing runes written in the air, stardust coating my gauzy wings and then evanescing in the clear pale light of the full moon, or I step into a cloud of nightingale song and emerge the other side glistening. Or perhaps that there was a mystical brook or pool, deep in the forest primeval, guarded by panthers and mountain lions and, and, uh... one of those other big cats. Pumas! That's it. Guarded by pumas. From the mossy side of the clear sweet water, I'd step in gracefully. Then a bunch of stuff would happen and you don't need to know about it because I'd be nude but it would look like a Maxfield Parrish painting, I'm sure. With tattoos. I'd like to tell you all that, but the truth is that I take a shower, but I have to be quick because the super (yes, fairies have supers) won't fix the goddamn hot water heater so after four minutes it's like diving into the Bering Strait. And I prefer Dr. Bronner's if we're talking soap. Peppermint if I can find it. You don't need a bunch of extra crap in there because that's where you get your wings gunked up. Then I buzz my wings for a bit and that usually dries em off. All this "don''t get a fairy's wings wet" stuff is some horsedootz. I'm not going scuba diving any time soon but we've been around for a good long time (longer than people, in any case) and we've been in plenty of rainstorms. Flying is a pain in the ass in the rain but it can be done. We got other ways to get where we need to go. Some of us just take the bus. Whatever works.
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and speaking of annoying, here’s Dr Wes Maxfield
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rickcosnettcentral · 5 years
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mariblaski:  Obrigada @sscwb2009pela oportunidade incrível mais uma vez! #shinobispirit #thefladh#vampirediaries #mulhermaravilha#lisasimpson #brancadeneve #geek
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thehollowprince · 3 years
At long last!
The first two chapters (well... one chapter and a prologue) of the fixit fic for season five of The Vampire Diaries I've been working on for years. Getting the motivation to actually sit down and type this out was the hardest part.
So, as I said, this is an alternate take on season five, which I think was when this show truly went off the rails and took a nosedive in terms of plot. It felt like the easiest jumping off point, because the Mystic Falls Gang had all graduated high school and it was a clean start heading off to college.
I do explain it in the prologue and the notes, but I did change a few things about the season four finale so that I could start out nicely.
Elena, Caroline and Bonnie are heading to Whitmore College, where they'll be roommates. Yes, Bonnie is alive! She didn't sacrifice herself to save Jeremy (again) and then spend the entire season suffering because of that whole Anchor plot line.
Matt is also attending Whitmore on a scholarship, and his roommate is going to be an original character I made specifically for this story (his name is Ash) to take the place of Stefan, Jeremy and Tyler.
Speaking of Stefan, he is not rotting in the safe at the bottom of the quarry, and he is not Silas' doppelganger. Silas is still petrified and in the safe the way they intended him to be, with Stefan having headed our west the way he told Lexi he was going to. And Tyler is gone because of Klaus, helping out a werewolf pack to take his mind off the fact he was run out of his own home.
And Katherine is a big part of this first segment of the story, picking up where we left off, with her being force-fed the Cure and being turned into a human. Her ire with that and her desire to return to vampirism is the driving force of this story.
The story will start off pretty similar to season five but will get more different the further we stray from the starting point, with a lot of characters from the show introduced into the show (Aaron, Dr. Maxfield, Nadia, Enzo, etc...)
If you decide to read, please leave a comment, or come here and comment, because I need the motivation to keep going with the story.
Happy Reading.
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deafchild2000 · 3 years
There was a Whitmore-Fell Romance And We've Been Blind To It!
So, I've been story building for Inheritance when I found myself looking back at uncredited characters and names thrown around for extras in TVD and Legacies.
Not giving out spoilers, but for an upcoming idea I had, I needed someone who could give access to a lab, and then that jumped over to me looking at Whitmore College on the TVDU Wikia, and then...Something surprised me:
Bartholomew Whitmore.
The name looked familiar somehow, so I looked it up and what I found surprised me:
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(Credit to @queerdasey)
For those who need more context of the Whitmore name: In 1943, two years before the end of World War Two, an American medical physician named Aaron Whitmore met Lorenzo "Enzo" St. John, a vampire who enlisted in the war. Intrigued by his healing factor and what it could mean for science and, subsequently modern medicine, he faked Enzo's death and shipped him back to America where he would be tortured and experimented on...something that would last for the next 60 years.
But Whitmore's name goes further back. Aaron Whitmore's family was responsible for founding Whitmore College, which originally started as a hospital during the Civil War and became more prominent with time and eventually added a college to go alongside it. It is unknown when the Augustine Society was formed, but the Whitmores have heavy ties to it, seeing as members were chosen from college students who went to Whitmore College, met up at Whitmore House, and hosted events and experiments there. The major downside was the future and torture of vampires that came with it.
But then, there was a connection between the Fells and Whitmores I remembered. Back at the New Year's Eve Party of 1957, a Fell woman was part of the demonstration to prove the healing effects of vampire blood.
This was the first time a Whitmore and a Fell interacted in person (minus the implied relationships).
Now, how does this go back to the title of this post?
Easy: I connect two characters who are only mentioned once and create a relationship.
Sarah Whitmore (5x09) and Bartholomew Whitmore (1x19) as mother and adoptive son!
Get ready: This is a hidden love story we never realized was happening!
• Sarah Whitmore was the oldest of two siblings. Her mother was Dr. Aaron Whitmore's daughter, who told her about the supernatural early on, the Augustine Society, and the deaths of those involved.
• Sarah and her brother, Aaron Whitmore the 3rd, were the surviving siblings of a "house burglary". Aaron didn't know that it might have been deliberate murder, but Sara did and distanced herself from him for years. An act of self-preservation she'd regret one day.
• In 1993, Bartholomew "Barry" Whitmore was born and adopted by Sarah Whitmore.
• She chose to adopt but never had kids because she knew that the Whitmore line was being hunted down and hoped the vampire responsible would spare a non-blood-related Whitmore child.
• This ends up feeling like a proven point when her brother, Aaron Whitmore the 3rd, and his wife and her sister-in-law, Ashley, are murdered in 1997 and their son was left alive. Sarah chose not to step forward when a man named Wes Maxfield came forward wanting to take her nephew in, to which she agreed.
• Sarah also had suspicions as to why her brother's murderer hadn't come for her then.
• Barry grew up in Mystic Falls and his loving upbringing included knowing about the vampires.
• He knows about vampires and the Augustine society because his mom wanted him to know the dangers of vampires, how to protect himself, and why a vampire would be after them one day.
• Barry loved being active in community service because it gave him a sense of pride and involvement.
• Meets Tina Fell when she was a part of the community service he organized as she was serving mandatory community service for a DUI conviction.
• Tina found Barry cute, both admitting his horrendous first name is pretty out there and decided to be friends as well as he is a mutual voucher for her community service.
• Even after her time was served, they continued to get closer.
• When reminded of Miss Mystic Falls, Tina asked Barry to be her escort.
• Barry in turn introduces Tina to his mom, Sarah.
• Sarah isn't stupid and knows the Fells and the Whitmores go way back, especially where Dr. Whitmore is involved.
• May have subtly threatened Tina if she hurts him.
• Both find themselves catching feelings as they prepare for the pageant.
• May have ditched dance rehearsal for fun and was forced to make it up by a private rehearsal under Carol Lockwood herself.
• Finally, fall in love during the Miss Mystic Falls dance and confessed afterward.
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• They continue dating afterward and go through most teenage problems.
• Tina invites Barry to the annual Fells Family Reunion...and is immediately attacked by her near 30+ relatives!
• Was a success for the most part.
• Got stared down by her dad but welcomed by her mom.
• Was a HIT with the kids though.
• Did blush when the elderly asked if he would marry Tina.
• Took a long time to reveal about the supernatural and others knew about it. Tina was told about the existence of the supernatural community on Founders' Day. Barry had been informed of everything by Sara through a friend on the council.
• Drinks vervain regularly to build strong immunity against vampires.
• Fell Family was definitely in the know when all the Big-Shot vampires, witches, and Immortals were in town and had a hand in covering up any murders because of that.
• Both Whitmores and Fells upped their dosage of vervain during that time.
• Tina and Barry had to fake compulsion during a lot of these events, school, and community-wise.
• Barry attended the funerals of Logan and Tobias Fell with Tina (the first as a friend, the second as her partner)
• They had their issues with their futures (Tina to Georgetown and Barry to Howard. WHITMORE & DUKE WERE OFF LIMITS!)
• When Prom came around, they left early to "celebrate" surviving high school as long as they did...and conceived that night.
• Tina's pregnancy was discovered a month (May) after conception. Tina noticed she missed her period and thought it was preparations for graduation and college stressing her out.
• When they found out, Barry was the perfect gentleman, willing to stand by whatever Tina wanted to do and marry her if she wanted. Though flattered, Tina decline to get married young and ultimately chose to keep it.
• Both families were NOT happy. Officially, Barry was kicked out by Sarah and moved in with the Fells before graduation.
• Unofficially, Sarah and Barry parted on amicable terms because with Barry farther from her, the more likely he won't be killed if the vampire who killed her parents and brother comes for her and leaves Barry alone.
• Both families are visited by the dead when the veil drops and speak through mediums.
• They graduate on June 15th, 2011 (Tina is 2-3 months pregnant)
• Tina and Barry decided to go to Georgetown and live off-campus. Sara moved away to put distance between her and Barry's future family.
• Tina was an emotional rock for Barry, who was distraught when Sarah was killed in July 2011 in Charleston, South Carolina. It was ruled a "burglary gone wrong", just like her parents. (Tina is 4 months pregnant)
• Unknowingly to Barry, the night the vampire (revealed to be Damon Salvatore) came to kill Sara, he disclosed that he recognized Barry was a Whitmore as an escort at the Miss Mystic Falls pageant but decided not to kill him because he wasn't a true member of the Whitmore line. Something he realized Sarah intended. And the only reason he didn't kill Sarah after killing her brother, sparing her the way he spared them when he got their mother, was because he had other stuff to worry about and felt like giving the "true" last Whitmore the mercy of being a parent before leaving her nephew all alone.
• Barry didn't avenge her because Sarah made him promise to put his and his family first. She was long prepared for her death and doesn't want the vampire responsible to have any reason to go after them. It pained him, but he remembered that as much as she loved him, she also raised him to be the only Whitmore not be killed for her grandfather's wrongdoings.
• Found out they were expecting a boy on August 15, 2012. (5 months pregnant)
• Bartholomew "Barry" Fell Jr. was born January 20th, 2012 in Mystic Falls, Virginia (9 months) (Baby BJ takes Tina's name for protection).
• Barry is tracked down weeks later by a lawyer who learned he's the only surviving "Whitmore" and learns he inherits Whitmore House estate and shares with the college & hospital after his cousin Aaron's death. This makes Barry a rich man due to this.
• Barry decided to hold onto the estate until his son is old enough. A lot of pain came from his adopted family, but maybe his son could do some good with them.
• Barry studied under Human Resources and Tina studied Journalism
• Barry proposes to Tina at graduation, May 15th, 2015 (with help from a 3-year-old BJ running across the stage!).
• They did want to elope to save time and money...but the Fell Family was NOT having that!
• (Unofficially, there was an elopement, but 🤫! Only the bride and groom know!)
• Officially, Tina Fell and Bartholomew Whitmore joined hands in holy matrimony on February 7th, 2016. 4-year-old BJ Fell was the ring bearer.
• "All I Need" by Within Temptations was the song to their wedding dance.
• By 2018, Tina was working as a Reporter while Barry is working in a firm with public relations.
• Tina had met up with Caroline Forbes and met her daughters, Lizzie and Josie.
• (And it was not lost on Tina that despite how grown up and mature she carried herself, Caroline was still in the body of a 17-year-old girl.)
• (Nor the fact that she carried, "surrogacy, she said", for their former high school History teacher.)
• Despite the 2-year age gap, BJ enjoys playdates with the twins.
• But that new friendship shot straight to Hell when Tina's youngest cousin, Violet, died at 158th Annual Miss Mystic Falls Pageant and became a vampire. Then, died the next day.
• After that terrible funeral, and one of the youngest ones the Fells had to plan in nearly 10 years, Tina was distraught and cut off contact with Caroline and refused to let BJ near her girls.
• The only "truce" they formed was at Caroline's wedding and reception...which would have started the healing process if it were not revealed that Kelly Donovan was dead, the Lockwood Mansion exploding and Mystic Falls nearly burning in Hellfire.
• This was the last the Fell-Whitmore family ever associated with Forbes and her friends & family again.
• Though Tina did send condolences for the loss of her husband.
So that is what happened! This is how the Whitmores share a strong connection to the Fells and when you look at it? The Fell-Whitmore Family is a good component to add to Legacies.
The very idea of a child (a mixed-race child, if you wanna go there) being the product of two important families with significant histories in Mystic Falls merging and inheriting both hands in the supernatural honeypot that is the state of Virginia, all because of a parents' love, makes Bartholomew Fell Jr. a worthy character of Legacies!
And if you have any lingering doubts if Tina and Barry are canon:
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...The irony hit me: Tina and Barry fell in love during Miss Mystic Falls in 2010 and their son would be an escort in Miss Mystic Falls in 2028.
Who says love doesn't last? Look:
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Déjà vu
Character: Bucky Barnes x Tall!Reader
(There really isn’t any plot based around the reader’s height. But I wanted to highlight it because there’s not enough tall girl representation. And that’s that.)
Summary: Bucky thought his days of memory loss were done. But after a serious head injury, he can’t seem to remember anything past his time in Wakanda. But he’s starting feel like his life is missing more than just memories.
Word Count: 3,000 - One Shot
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Bucky could hear people arguing. Why did it sound like they were all hovering above him?
It definitely wasn’t helping his excruciating headache. His skull felt like it was trying to split in half.
“Could you all just shut up?” He grumbled.
Finally he found the urge and strength to open his eyes.
When he blinked his vision back into focus and slowly sat up, everything around him went quiet.
Steve, Tony, Natasha, and Sam were all watching him with concern.
“What the hell are you all looking at?” Bucky asked.
“Buck,” Steve stepped forward. “Do you remember what happened to you?”
He blinked, realizing now that he didn’t. “Umm…”
“You got knocked the fuck out,” Tony chimed in.
“Tony,” Steve warned with a glare. Then his eyes softened when the turned back to his friend. “Bucky, what’s the last thing you remember?”
Bucky’s headache was getting worse as he tried to remember. “I…I don’t remember.”
“Shit,” Sam muttered under his breath as he crossed his arm.
Suddenly a doctor came in, looking relieved to see Bucky awake.
“Sergeant Barnes,” she greeted. “Glad to see you’re up.”
Bucky narrowed his eyes at her. The way she was talking to him was all too familiar, too informal. Like she knew him as more than just a patient.
“Who’s this?” Bucky asked Steve.
The group shared a look.
Then he looked around the room, not recognizing anything. “Where the hell am I? Is this a hospital?”
“Bucky, you’ve known Dr. Maxfield for almost two years…” Steve finally spoke. “You’re at the Avengers compound.”
“In Midtown?” Bucky asked as he looked out the window to see nothing but trees, grass, and other low-level buildings.
“No, Bucky. We’re Upstate.” Nat sighed. “This is not good.”
——————————————— Everyone kept tossing around the word amnesia.
But Bucky was worried it was something more – something that Hydra hid away in his brain. Yeah, Shuri had cured him. She was certain of it. But maybe Hydra left something else in there if everything else failed, like a reset button.
But it just didn’t go off right.
Bucky felt fine. But it was everyone else’s concerning looks that were stressing him out. 
Even the Avengers looked at him with love and care. He hardly knew them.
Apparently, he was wrong. In the past 5 years, they’d become his comrades, his friends, his family.
And he couldn’t remember any of it.
He only knew them as his two sides of a fight. A fight that he had caused. A fight that forced Steve to split all his friends in half.
That’s what Bucky remembered.
Then Wakanda came after, the only peace he’d known recently.
He couldn’t put a time on how long he’d been in the African country. He also couldn’t remember leaving.
“We were on a mission. You took a blast to the chest,” Steve had to take a moment before he continued. “I’ve never seen someone a hit like that. I was convinced you broke your neck and you’d be dead when I got to you.”
Bucky could hear it in his best friend’s voice: Steve had been terrified.
“I’m fine, punk.” He tried to assure him.
“But you’re not fine. You can’t remember the last 5 years of your life.
“Well, from what you’re all telling me, I wasn’t a brainwashed assassin killing people for Hydra. So, things could be worse.” Bucky smirked.
But Steve was only glaring at him in return. “That’s not funny.”
“Really? I thought it was pretty funny.”
“We’ll figure this out,” Steve thought aloud. “You’ve got your memories back before. You can do it again.”
Bucky was a little taken aback by Steve’s insistence. He hadn’t acted this way last time a similar situation occurred.
Then Bucky realized...last time there were more memories that he hadn’t wanted to remember than there were good ones.
With the way Steve was acting, it was like there things Bucky would regret not remembering.
Bucky and Sam were sparring.
He’d been spending more time with the man, starting to believe like he was the only person that didn’t make him feel bad for not remembering their friendship.
Bucky started to figure out that the two of them must’ve grown really close over the years. It’s like he could sense it.
The doors of the training room opened.
They’d had the place to themselves, deciding to train at an odd hour.
In walked a young woman.
She was taller than most women. Hell, she was taller than most men. But her shoulder’s were pulled back and she almost glided in with the confidence of an Amazon warrior. Her hair was pulled back, and she was only wearing a black sports bra with her black leggings. Clearly she was there to train too.
Bucky stopped his movements and did a double take at her entrance.
When he looked back at Sam, his gaze was flickering back and forth between Bucky and the girl. But Bucky couldn’t read his face.
“Who’s that?” Bucky asked.
Sam’s jaw clenched. “That’s Y/N. She’s an agent. One of Fury’s.”
Then she noticed the two men and she stopped her entrance.
It was like her and Sam were having a silent conversation. But, without a single word, she quickly turned around and left the training room.
A wave of a guilt washed over him.
Was she scared of him? After 5 years, was he still only the Winter Soldier to the world? Maybe he should’ve stayed in Wakanda. Why had he left in the first place?
“I should actually…” Sam didn’t even finish his sentence before he quickly rushed after the woman.
Bucky didn’t question him or follow. But he did keep thinking about Y/N, wondering why it had been so hard to take his eyes off of her.
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“She doesn’t talk much,” Bucky muttered quietly to Steve.
He’d ask Bucky to watch the new trainees. “If you can train with a bunch of Winter Soldiers, maybe you can help some of the youngsters out,” Steve had teased him.
But Bucky had only promised to watch from a distance. He didn’t think he was in any place to teach anybody anything.
“Who?” Steve asked without taking his eyes off the recruits.
“The tall, beautiful one,” Bucky nodded subtly in her direction. No one was close enough to eavesdrop. “Y/N,” he added.
She was standing with a couple of the other instructors/agents. But she was the only one not giving any commands. Every so often, she’d show someone how to fix their form. But it was usually silently, only adjusting their body in the correct way.
Steve quickly looked at him. “You know her?”
“Sam told me her name. A few weeks ago, she walked out of the training room as soon as she saw me there. I’m guessing she doesn’t like me very much.”
He was waiting for Steve to shed light on the situation, even just confirm or deny Bucky’s suspicion. But Steve stayed quiet.
After a few minutes, Steve cleared his throat. “She doesn’t talk much because of her ability.”
Bucky’s brow furrowed. “What’s her ability?”
Steve seemed to be having an internal battle on how much or little to tell Bucky. “Psychic seduction through pheromones.”
“Excuse me?”
Steve sighed. “Mind control, Bucky. She can control people with a simple verbal suggestion. She tells people to do something and they have no choice but to do it.”
Mind control. It should’ve scared Bucky more. She embodied the exact thing that had ruined his life and made the world hate him. Everything he still feared, she was capable to executing at any given moment.
But when he looked at her, he didn’t feel any fear.
“Doesn’t look like people are too scared of her…” Bucky observed.
“That’s because most people don’t know. And if they do, they’ve never actually seen her use it.”
Now Bucky was curious. “And have you? Ever seen it, I mean.”
“Yeah,” Steve answered darkly. “Then I saw why she doesn’t want people to know.”
As if she could feel people looking at her and talking about her, Y/N looked over at them. Her gaze locked with Steve’s for a moment before she quickly turned her back on them. “You two friends?” Bucky asked.
“We were,” Steve answered. His tone was sad, but Bucky could tell he was trying to hide it. “She prefers to keep to herself. That’s just how she’s chosen to do deal with it.”
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A couple months went by and not a single memory from the past five years had come back to Bucky. 
It seemed like his friendships with the team had rebounded faster than he ever expected them to.
“Just because you’ve forgotten them, doesn’t mean they’re going to stop caring about you,” Steve had told Bucky when he seemed confused by it all.
Even with the memories missing, Bucky felt like there was something bigger missing from his life.
He couldn’t fathom what it could possibly be. His life was better than he could’ve ever imagined.
 The Avengers had opened their home to him, welcomed him to their dysfunctional family. Some of the public even considered him a hero.
So why did Bucky still feel like he was missing something? Or was it someone?
Even with all the time that had passed since his recovery in Wakanda, Bucky still couldn’t sleep most nights.
He’d remembered Nat saying something about a pool the other day.
Bucky couldn’t remember the last time he went swimming. So, when he was faced with another sleepless night, he figured he wouldn’t bother spending it tossing and turning.
When he got to the giant indoor pool, the only lights on were those coming from under the water. It made the whole place glow blue.
Except it looked like someone had a similar idea to Bucky.
They were doing laps back and forth.
Despite how fast they were moving, he could at least tell it was a woman in the water.
They stopped at the end Bucky was standing near and gripped the edge to take a moment to rest.
Bucky’s heart sped when he realized it was Y/N.
After all this time, they still hadn’t had a single conversation. But he found himself always looking for her. When he entered a crowed room, she was the first face he searched for. When anyone mentioned her in conversation, he would eavesdrop and try to learn as much about her as he could.
It seemed all the Avengers had been close with her – or still were, like Nat and Sam. But whenever Bucky tried to subtly ask either of them about her, they would always try to change the subject.
Sensing someone was watching her, Y/N looked up from the water.
For once, she didn’t glare at him. She just seemed surprised to see him.
“I’ll go,” Bucky quickly told her. “You were here first.”
But she was already pulling herself out of the water.
The motion made all of her muscles flex and show off her strength, making Bucky stare longer and more intensely at her body than he should’ve.
Bucky should’ve been used to women’s bathing suits in this time period.
Y/N was wearing a one piece, but it was cut so high in the hips and so low in the front that it left little to the imagination.
Bucky didn’t think her legs could be any longer, but the bathing suit was showing him how wrong he was.
Her height was something Bucky still hadn’t gotten over. He saw how it made the majority of men around her cower or desexualize her. Some of them overlooked her for the petite and overtly feminine women. They seemed to hate how she made them look and feel less manly.
Bucky thought those men were idiots.
Y/N didn’t say anything as she walked past him to grab a towel.
“Do you hate me?” Bucky’s mouth betrayed him.
She froze.
“I know there are people who still…I can’t remember everything still.” Then he paused and took a breath. “I’m just trying to figure out if I did something to you…when I was him – no, when I was it.” He rubbed one of his temples. “Did I hurt someone you cared about?”
She watched him struggle for a moment.
But then she gave a stiff shake of her head.
Bucky exhaled with relief. But he knew he wasn’t in the clear. There was still some sort of tension between them.
“You really are shy, huh?” He tried to be playful.
But this just made her scowl at him.
Bucky decided he never wanted to be on the receiving end of that look again.
“I’m not shy,” her voice was loud and clear. And there was nothing shy about it.
“Quiet then,” Bucky offered, still trying to tease her.
“I talk when I need to,” she replied curtly.
He could tell she wanted to leave this conversation. Hell, she tried to run out as soon as she saw him.
But she was giving him a chance to say one last thing. She lingered long enough for it.
Except Bucky was suddenly rendered speechless.
If the Winter Soldier hadn’t effected her life in some way, why did he get the sense that she wanted absolutely nothing to do with him?
Yes, Steve was right when he said she liked to keep to herself. But Bucky had seen her talking to Nat and Sam. He’d seen her laugh. It had made him smile without even being able to hear it because he was so far away. So why couldn’t he be a part of that?
Y/N decided his time was up. “Goodnight, James.”
She passed him without another glance.
“James…” he repeated in a whisper after she’d gone. 
No one called him that here. Not even Steve. It was either Bucky or Sergeant Barnes, which he hated. He didn’t feel worthy of that title anymore, he hadn’t for awhile.
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“Barton’s with me,” Tony started calling out teams. “And Barnes is with Y/L/N.”
Steve immediately interrupted and gave a warning look, “Stark!”
“I don’t need a buddy,” Y/N stated evenly.
But Bucky didn’t miss the look her and Steve shared.
“Well, we’re doing the buddy system. You two used to work together swimmingly.” He smirked as Y/N gave him a death glare. “Plus, I pay for everything, so you have to listen to me.”
Bucky could tell that it was taking every single ounce of power for Y/N not to tackle Stark. Even Steve looked like he was ready to play defense.
Before that could happen, Steve dragged Tony to the other side of the jet. Far enough away and too quiet for Bucky to make out any words, but he could tell Steve was pissed.
“I promise I won’t get in your way,” Bucky told Y/N gently when no one else was paying attention to them.
She ignored him.
Bucky took the lead as they weaved in and out of the dark hallways.
There was a shut door at the end. They could both hear at least a dozen men talking amongst themselves on the other side. It was the control room, therefore everyone in there was also carrying at least 3 firearms and a couple of grenades.
Bucky gave her a look that asked if she was ready.
She didn’t look at all stressed or like she was going through the same adrenaline rush that Bucky always did on missions.
But she nodded her head.
Bucky kicked open the door.
Y/N stepped past him so he could only look at her back.
“Everybody freeze,” Y/N yelled.
To Bucky’s shock, not a single muscle so much as twitched.
“All of you, put your weapons on the center of the table,” she talked quietly and calmly, now that she had their attention.
They all had utter fear in their eyes and their bodies responded to the command without their consent.
Bucky slowly lowered his gun as he watched it all.
Y/N eyed him.
Her posture changed suddenly. “You,” she pointed to one of the men. “Stand up.”
He obeyed.
“Pick up that gun,” she pointed to one of the twenty something guns on the table. He obeyed. “Load the chamber,” the gun clicked. “Put the gun in your mouth,” his hand shook as he had no choice but to do as she said. Bucky was breathing heavily.
“I changed my mind. Point it at his head,” she nodded toward a man on the other side of the table.
He obeyed.
Her voice was quick and emotionless.
Both the man with the gun and the man he was aiming at were shaking, eyes filled with tears. All free will had been sucked from them.
Y/N then turned toward Bucky.
She gave him an expression that dared him to tell her to stop.
He stayed silent.
“Put the gun down,” she finally relieved her victim. “All of you, stay in here until exactly 11:09 tomorrow morning. If anyone tries to leave…shoot them.”
Bucky followed her out.
“Control room has been infiltrated. They’ll be waiting and ready to comply when SHILED comes to apprehend them,” Y/N spoke into her comms.
“Nicely done, kid,” Tony was the only one to acknowledge her.
Y/N gave Bucky a look. “Still want to be friends with me?” She challenged.
Bucky knew what she was trying to do. He knew that she was trying to scare him, to push him away. She was telling him to drop all and any efforts of trying to get to know her.
It wasn’t until they were on the jet home that he sat down next to her, looking straight ahead, and said, “You don’t scare me.”
Part 2
I know I shouldn’t be writing one-shots when I have a series to finish. But I was bored and then I got inspired and I couldn’t help myself.  Let me know what you think. 
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flameleads · 3 years
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@alchemic-elric​​ was too good to me:
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“(ෆ ͒•∘̬• ͒)◞” +  I'm not gunna send you one thing because I don't think I can.
There's so much.  Kai you go deep and your Mustang is so researched. I love you for that. I love plotting out things without where we end up down research rabbit holes and we have to cross reference historical things or legal matters or how medical things work. I love that you make it make sense.
I love how fierce but loving Papa is how dedicated Papa is to everything and everyone in his life. Papa feels like a real person too. Papa feels like he's experiencing real emotions too. Papa feels like he's experiencing rage and panic and PTSD and depression and guilt and loss and all of it in a realistic and believable way.
I love the passion in your writing. I can tell you love doing what you do and reading your voice when you write. I love writing with you. I love reading your writing. I love reading your headcanons. I love reading your ideas. I love reading your things with other people.  I love all your guest / side muses.
You've built a whole world Kai and they all have different voices from Fox to Mustang to Dornier to Grandma Chris to Vanessa to Maxfield. They're all different and I love reading all of them. Hell even Dr. Brooks who is so entirely done with Mustang's bullshit.  
There's a fire here Kai. Filled with passion and I'm honored to be apart of it.
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One Good Thing About Portrayal | Currently accepting.
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I lost count of how many times I reread this while I was still out of state, honestly. When you sent this, I sat and reread it more than once just to let the words sink in, and I nearly cried. Then, I read it again the next day before I went home. You sent this when I really needed to hear some positivity, Kira. For that alone, I cannot thank you enough.
I’m glad you love my Mustang. I try hard to show those emotions in how I write him. He’s a character I love dearly, and I’m so happy that shows through with my writing. I keep coming back here because I love writing with you and everyone else here. In writing him, I try to make him seem like a real person and as realistic as possible, so I’m glad that comes across. Thank you.
God, that last line just gets me, okay? That’s like my entire goal with my boy here. Building a fire here with him with my writing. I could not be more grateful to have you as part of my life in and outside of my writing too. I love you so much. ❤️
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damonisbae · 4 years
Damon salvatore killing Dr. Wes Maxfield was the best thing ever.
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bellemorte180 · 4 years
Demonology Chapter Sixteen
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Everything was bright. Too bright. Caroline groaned as her eyes blinked open. The sun was streaming through the window, causing Caroline to wince. She went to move her hand to her eyes, to block out the sun but found that she could not move her hand. She looked down to find that her wrists and feet were bound to the bed. She tried again and for a moment she thought she heard a slight tear in the leather binds. She tried to pull harder, hoping to free herself but still confused as to where she was.
“They are not going to break.” A voice sounded from across the room and Caroline turned to see Dr. Maxfield leaning against the doorframe. His expression was one of worry and it sent a wave of panic through Caroline. She gazed around the room and as the sun went behind a cloud, darkening the room ever so slightly, she realized that she was in a hospital. Again. “We had to restrain you. You inhaled a good amount of smoke and we’re worried that you hit your head harder than we thought when you first came in.”
“I don’t understand.”
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myownhero · 7 years
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rickcosnett: Hola if you can hear me ❄️✨ #keepingupwiththecosnetts
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eiiaarch · 8 years
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Мои художественные способности развиваются не так быстро (смотря на скорость Флэша, могут только облизываться), однако июнь 2014 года был плодотворен на одну картинку. Картинку эту я посвящала господину Ричарду Коснетту, реакция коего прилагается выше, а если точнее, то одному из его погибших персонажей, доктору Уэсу. Таинственному профессору Уэсу Максфилду, нещадно ставящему эксперименты на вампирах. Нравилась мне привязанность этого товарища к кислотам и колбам, но больше мне был симпатичен сам товарищ. Не невинен, не наивен. Нельзя было назвать его добрым, человек без принципов, маньячен и одержим. Он учёный в самом ужасном смысле этого слова, хотя не стоит забывать, что во многом, благодаря его заслугам, человечество увидело новый вид вампиров, питающихся себе подобными. Достигая свои цели, Максфилд постепенно, по каплям, подписывал себе смертный приговор. Взывая к справедливости, дьявопоклонники оправдывают действия профессора осознанием того, что вырезанные органы вампиров восстановятся, ему лишь нужно было изучить крайности регенерации. И каков результат? Он ответил за учиненные мучения одним из самых жестоких способов. Обратно плёнку не перемотаешь. Всё уже случилось. Играть в «если бы» не имеет смысла. Покойся с миром, Уэс Максфилд.
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bobcatupdate · 5 years
New Music Building
by: Kyle Findley April 10, 2019
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Texas State University is working on a plan to build a new music building on campus. Texas State's School of Music has been in the same building since 1981. The structure has changed very little since. In the planning stages is a new building for the music school, to be constructed between now and 2027.
The plan is to provide space next to the university's Performing Arts Center. The goal is to have music, dance and theater all in the same area for easier access to students.
The current music building is seen by many students as outdated and in need of change. The classrooms are too small, and there aren't enough practice rooms 
“There’s a bigger need for space especially for practice rooms, because when they fill up there’s nowhere to go,” said music studies senior John Maxfield.
When it's built, the new 129,000 square foot facility would house new classrooms and expand rehearsal space for students. 
“We could definitely use a bigger space because the program is growing and it’s outgrowing the building. I’ve heard undergrads complain about classes being too small for the amount of students actually in them,” said Dylan Ilseng, a graduate student in the School of Music. “It’s a great place for musicians young and old but it’s obviously not physically that great a place to spend all your time,” said Dr. Thomas Clark, the director of the School of Music.
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socialmediaload384 · 3 years
Free Download Vampire Diaries Season 4 Episode 10
Vampire Diaries Season 4 Airs
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 full episodes online, free and paid options via our partners and affiliates.
The Vampire Diaries is probably the biggest hit you have ever seen. Somerhalder, Wesley and Dobrev are probably the hottest TV stars you've never seen before. Julie Plec is probably the greatest showrunner you've ever heard of. TVD wasn't merely hot but smoking in a not too far pa. The Vampire Diaries - Season 6 Complete -ChameE Episodes - 22 Subtitle - English Size - 2.80 GB. The Vampire Diaries. 2009 TV-14 8 Seasons TV Shows Based on Books. Trapped in adolescent bodies, feuding vampire brothers Stefan and Damon vie for the affection of captivating teenager Elena. In the Season 4 premiere, Elena awakens on the morning. Watch Online or Download The Vampire Diaries Season 4 Episode 10 latest nigerian nollywood movie.3gp.mp4. And More Nollywood, Hausa/Kannywood, Yoruba, Nigerian Films/Movies Download The Vampire Diaries Season 4 Episode 10 latest nigerian nollywood movie.3gp.mp4.flv.3gpp format.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 22
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Damon pushes Bonnie to keep The Other Side together on The Vampire Diaries season finale. There's also a huge explosion.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 21
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Stefan and Elena escape from the control of Markos on this episode of The Vampire Diaries. They end up in a remote location.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 20
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Elena and Stefan are placed in danger on this episode of The Vampire Diaries. Tyler delivers bad news to the pair.
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Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 19
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We head back to the 1960s on this episode of The Vampire Diaries. We also see Bonnie adjust to changes in The Other Side.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 18
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Stefan and Elena both have unsettling dreams on this episode of The Vampire Diaries. Elsewhere, Liv enlists Matt, Jeremy and Tyler to help track the Travelers.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 17
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A a newly discovered doppelganger plays a key role on this episode of The Vampire Diaries, which finds Stefan in trouble.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 16
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Elena and Damon suffer separately from the Ripper virus on the latest episode of The Vampire Diaries.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 15
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We flashback to Nadia's search for Katherine on this episode of The Vampire Diaries. A plan to save Elena's life is also put into motion.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 14
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Damon is trapped with Enzo on this episode of The Vampire Diaries. Will they feed on each other?
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 13
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Caroline convinces Elena and Bonnie to attend The Bitter Ball this week. Tyler, meanwhile, begins to worry about Matt.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 12
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Enzo brings Damon a gross present on The Vampire Diaries this week. He insists they bond over some revenge.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 11
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The Vampire Diaries celebrates its 100th episode with '500 Years of Solitude.' And it's all about Katherine.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 10
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This is the final Vampire Diaries episode of 2013. Expect a major cliffhanger to take place at the end of it.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 9
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Elena turns to Aaron for help on this episode of The Vampire Diaries. She is very concerned about Damon.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 8
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Damon interrogates Professor Maxfield on this week's The Vampire Diaries.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 7
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Dr. Maxfield has disturbing news for Katherine on this episode of The Vampire Diaries. Meanwhile, Damon turns to Tessa to help.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 6
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Damon figures out the secret to Tessa's plan on this episode of The Vampire Diaries. Katherine, meanwhile, realizes she needs a new place to stay.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 5
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It's Halloween on The Vampire Diaries, as Shaun Sipos guest stars and Elena and Damon attend an Historical Ball.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 4
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It's Remembrance Day in Mystic Fall this week, as various characters on The Vampire Diaries honor the dead.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 3
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Elena and Katherine share a dream on this episode of The Vampire Diaries. We also meet Tessa, an ex-girlfriend of Stefan's.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 2
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This is the second episode of The Vampire Diaries Season 5, as Silas continues to wreak havoc on the town.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 1
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The Vampire Diaries Season 5 premiere picks up three months after events that concluded Season 4, as various characters prepare for college.
The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Quotes
Come on, Damon. You think I'm afraid of a Ripper? I invented the word.
Permalink: Come on, Damon. You think I'm afraid of a Ripper? I invented the word.
All I know is that right now I wanna rip your clothes off right here in the middle of this hall and throw you in one of these classrooms and kiss every square inch of your body, while a bunch of people who drive minivans listen wishing they were us.
Permalink: All I know is that right now I wanna rip your clothes off right here in the middle of this...
The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Music
SongArtistGravitySara BareillesiTunesBack Against the WallCage the ElephantiTunesDear Mr. PresidentFitz and The TantrumsiTunes
The Vampire Diaries Season 5
The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Photos
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Vampire Diaries Season 4 Airs
The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Videos
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lettyfanfics · 4 years
Esquecendo o passado
Imagine: Imagina fazeres Damon se esquecer daquilo que ele fez.
Avisos: Nenhum.
The vampire diaries/The Originals Masterlist
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Damon Salvatore era o meu melhor amigo desde que me mudei para Mystic Falls há dois anos atrás, mas o meu coração batia por mais do que apenas amizade. Claro que aos meus olhos ele apenas amava Elena...
Hoje tinha sido um dia complicado, eu e o Damon tínhamos ido fazer um favorzinho à Elena e tentar sacar informações a um tal de Dr. Wes Maxfield, mas acabámos os dois presos pela organização Augustine e um lado novo do Damon revelou-se para mim, mas já nada me surpreendia e depois de saber que ele esteve preso e foi torturado durante 5 anos não iria julgá-lo, mas já o Damon pensava o contrário.
Agora estava sentada no sofá da Bourding House a escrever no meu diário quando o Damon entrou.
- (T/N), temos de falar sobre o que aconteceu hoje!
- Damon se estás preocupado que esteja como o Stefan posso dizer que não tenho nenhum trauma e que estou bem. Isto foi só mais um dia atarefado em Mystic Falls.
- Eu refiro-me ao que descobriste sobre mim! - Ele parou um pouco observando o fogo na lareira. - Eu acho que seria melhor nos afastarmos um pouco.
- Damon, eu não te vou julgar ainda mais depois de saber que estiveste 5 anos preso passando por aquela tortura todos os dias.
- Eu sou uma má pessoa e não é bom para ti estares comigo.
- Damon tu não és uma má pessoa e volto a lembrar-te que se não fosse por ti, provavelmente já estaria no fundo do rio! - É verdade, na altura que nos conhecemos a minha vida era uma merda e eu tinha tendências suicidas. O Damon simplesmente salvou-me de me afogar no rio quando, ao amanhecer, eu decidi me jogar.
- Desculpa, mas eu não consigo lidar com tudo, não agora. (T/N) eu abandonei o meu melhor amigo para me salvar.
- Não tinhas escolha se não saísses morriam os dois! Para além disso já vimos hoje que ele sobreviveu. - O Damon abanou a cabeça negativamente com os olhos húmidos voltando-se de costas e preparando-se para sair. - Damon eu não vou deixar que tu desistas desta maneira!
- PORQUÊ?! PORQUÊ QUE TE IMPORTAS TANTO COMIGO! - Ele explodiu com raiva, mas em momento algum me causou medo pois só podia sentir o amor que sentia por aquele homem apertando o meu coração perante o seu sofrimento.
- Porque apesar de estares obcecado com aquela doppelganger Elena a toda a hora, eu não consigo deixar de te amar. - Disse elevando um pouco a minha voz com lágrimas caindo pelas minhas bochechas.
Damon estava estático, não mexia um único musculo processando a informação que tinha acabado de receber e após eu perceber o que tinha acabado de dizer tapei a minha boca com a minha mão direita. Mais de um minuto se passou e o Damon parecia estar numa batalha interna decidindo o que fazer, finalmente ele usou a sua vamp speed e envolveu a minha cintura com os seus musculados braços, os seus lábios acabaram por cobrir os meus num beijo apaixonante, mas calmo e cheio de amor.
- Eu também te amo (T/N) e eu sei que estou a ser egoísta neste momento ao ter-te nos meus braços depois de todos os disparates que disse. - Tu riste.
- Oh, Damon! Podes ser egoísta sempre que quiseres desde que o resultado seja este.
- Sempre querida.
Nessa altura pudeste ter a certeza de que o Damon já se tinha esquecido de tudo o que tinha feito no passado e naquele momento apenas existiam vocês os dois naquele mundo sem problemas sobrenaturais ou doppelgangers complicadas.
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35joni · 5 years
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A Project to Remove “Pest Houses” in East Flatbush, Brooklyn is Opposed in 1906 - Local authorities say that to remove the contagious diseases hospital from its present site on Rutland Road between Kingston and Albany Avenues would be a crime against humanity.
It was stated by one Dr. Maxfield that the relocation plan is not practical because Barren Island (later Floyd Bennett Field) is inaccessible in the winter. The present hospital is practically the geographical center of Brooklyn. “We get patients from all parts of the borough. Would it not be ridiculous to take a patient from Greenpoint, say, out to Barren Island at any time? It would be practical murder in some cases,” he stated.
“We intend to establish six new brick isolation buildings, the executive building is to ge remodeled, we are to make an addition to the nurses’ home, erect a new diphtheria building and establish a heating system which will supply all the buildings from a central plant. We must have the hospital, as it is a public necessity, and as long as it is properly conducted there can be no injury, intrinsic or otherwise to surrounding property.”
The diseases that filled the beds of the Kingston Road Hospital have largely been eradicated thanks to vaccinations and the discovery of antibiotics. The hospital was closed in 1955 and the site is now a part of the Kings County Hospital complex.
After the “modernization,” a doctor by the name of Boris Schleifer photographed the hospital and some of its inmates and staff during the 1930s. The resultant collection of over a hundred images somehow made its way to Brooklyn Public Library--with every photograph of the creator removed except those in which he is too small to be recognized. Seen below: the proposed 1906 improvement, an ambulance crew, a nurse and 3 lepers. -Excerpts from Brooklyn Eagle, August 11, 1906 and Brooklyn Library article, 2010
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