#dr03 x you
nonstoplover · 2 years
fake or not fake ~ daniel ricciardo (dr3)
my masterlist | my f1 masterlist
pairing: daniel ricciardo x fem!reader
summary: a prank in a bar by his friends, then some slight embarrassment, that might just lead to something bigger and better.
words: 2.8K
warnings: explicit language, mentions of drinking, and fluff. just fluff.
a/n: no, i did not get the inspo for this from narcos 1x1... lmao. i haven't even watched more episodes (at least not yet) but that scene just got stuck in my head. so credit goes to screenwriters of narcos i guess.
and you know that i just had to write something ahead of this very emotional weekend. i'm not ready btw. (i'm gonna miss you so much, sv5 and dr3, i don't know what i will do after sunday. f1 will never be the same without the two of you.)
reader, please don't be a ghost, all feedback is well appreaciated, rb or comment!
taglist: formulapierre
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"Are you sure it's a good idea?" Sebastian asks, leaning back in the booth, his eyes glancing back and forth from the bar counter – or more specifically the two girls sitting there – to his friends-slash-colleagues sitting opposite him.
"When do any of his ideas turn out to be good?" Lewis lets out a chuckle, earning a light punch in the shoulder from George along with an exclaimed, huffish hey.
"It's going to be alright, don't worry. Danny can take a joke," George says in defence of his idea he just announced to the other two a minute ago. "And by the way, that girl is one hundred percent his type. He won't mind."
As if he was summoned by the mention of his name, Daniel appears in their sight on his way back from the bathroom, a spring in his step as his head slightly moves around to the beat of the song playing.
"Okay, let's do this," Seb mumbles, all three pairs of eyes trained on their fellow driver as he approaches.
"What's up, guys, why are you all silent? Does the conversation just die when I'm not around?"
Daniel chuckles at his joke, and Sebastian playfully rolls his eyes whilst scooting a bit further inside the booth to let his friend sit down comfortably. "Yeah, sure."
The chat between them sparks up again, just as light and fun as it was before – and as it always has been in their group. The perfect way to let go of all the tension of the racing season. They were lucky to have a free Monday evening after another race weekend.
Not many minutes pass though before George quickly glances at Seb with a mischievous glint in his eyes, then turning his attention to the victim he's chosen for his newest prank.
"Actually, D, while you were coming back, that girl at the bar just couldn't keep her eyes off you," he nods with his chin, pointing in the two girls' direction.
"She was full-on checking out your ass, too," Lewis adds, voice slightly shaky from the laughter he truly struggles to hold back now – luckily only Seb knows him and his voice enough to notice it, but he still kicks the Brit gently and noiselessly under the table. If they're really going to do this prank, they can't have Lewis blowing it before anything happens.
Daniel turns his head slowly and as casually as he can manage, to catch a look at the mentioned girl. "Which one?"
"(y/h/c) hair, dark blue top, sitting with her friend."
"You kiddin'."
"Why would I? I'm just informing you, thought you might appreciate it," George shrugs, and Seb has to admit to himself that the kid is a way better actor than he'd expected him to be.
After turning towards the counter as well – as if he'd never seen the girl before and he's just checking who the two Brits were talking about –, the German gently pushes Danny's shoulder with his own. "You should go for it."
"I don't know, man, I'm here to spend time with you, not with some random girl."
"Oh, come on, you'll have dozens of nights like this with us, and this girl, you might never see her again," Seb can feel himself get more and more into this joke as time passes. "Don't tell me you'd actually give up an opportunity like this."
"I agree," Lewis chimes in. "You prefer our boring faces instead of that girl?"
"I know that she's your type, Danny, just man up and go get her," George delivers the final push.
"Fuck it, I'm going."
With that Daniel gets to his feet, wiping his palms swiftly on the jeans hugging his thighs. A look back at his friends – catching the sight of a thumbs up from Seb – and he's off. Calculated, confident steps take him to the counter, where he immediately goes for it, without a second thought, leaning against the wooden furniture right next to the girl.
She momentarily glances at him, a little disturbed by the sudden appearance of someone next to her, so close that she can the body heat radiating off him. There's plenty of room on his other side, he could've easily stopped a bit further away, a bit less in her personal space, she thinks to herself somewhat irritated, but she doesn't want anything to ruin her night, so she leaves it without any comment said to the man.
But then the next second Daniel leans forward, trying to catch her eye. His signature smile – the more flirtatious version – is playing on his lips, with words spilling from them, and it's painfully obvious they're directed at her. "How're you doing?"
With a sigh, (y/n) half turns away from her best friend, casting bored eyes at the man. "Busy," she replies, "and having a great time with my friend."
The unspoken continuation of the sentence hangs in the air, unmistakable even to Daniel. 'And you're ruining it right now.'
Confusion fills his mind, the smile slowly fading from his face as she turns away and he leans back. If she was checking him out, what is going on now? Why does she seem so fed up with him? Did he do something wrong? Insecurity kicks in, and his eyes flicker back towards his friends.
George is doubled over, his whole upper body shaking with laughter, Lewis is shaking his head with a wide grin spreading across his cheeks, and Seb obviously tries to hide himself, sliding down in his seat in the booth until only small parts of him are visible, but it's still clear he's laughing away as well.
'I know she's your type, Danny.'
'You should go for it.'
Their words are on swift repeat inside his mind, and suddenly everything makes sense. It was a stupid prank. Shaking his head in disbelief and biting on the inside of his cheek to stop the surprised chuckle threatening to escape, Daniel wonders which one of the three originally came up with it. He'll have to find a way to get revenge for this.
Oh, the embarrassment he's feeling right now.
His eyes move back to the girl as he slowly pushes himself away from the counter in order to saunter back to their booth. He mentally debates apologising for being so straight-forward. After all, she must think he's some total creep now, being so pushy even though she never expressed even a tiny piece of interest in him.
But then the perfect idea forms in his mind, and another quick look at the three drivers and how they're still enjoying themselves over there confirms to him that it's the best thing he could ever come up with. It's already somewhat a revenge in itself, and there's no way he'd back down from a challenge.
So after that one first step taken away from the two girls, he turns right back around and leans in once more. He can clearly see the frustration in her eyes now, but even that doesn't stop him this time. If she just listens to him this once, she will never see him again, and all her frustration can go away.
"Yes?" (y/n) asks impatiently.
"I'm sorry, we got off to a bad start–"
"You don't say," she mumbles, interrupting him.
"–but if you look to the side you can see three guys in that booth laughing." Daniel waits for her to do as he told, and a long second later she rolls her eyes and with another sigh turns her head. "They are my friends, and they thought it would be funny to make me come here by telling me you were checking me – and my ass if we're tryna be exact – out before. But I mean, who'd check out a race driver's ass?"
"You're a race driver?" (y/n) asks back with the first thing that comes to her head. She's still trying to comprehend the story he's told her.
"I am."
"Nascar?" (y/f/n) chimes in, leaning closer to the two, and Daniel spares a glance at her, only for his mind to conclude that her friend has nothing on her, she really is one of the most gorgeous women he's ever had the pleasure to see.
(y/n)'s lips momentarily pull into a grimace at her friend's intervention, and he catches it just before it disappears. She probably doesn't like Nascar then.
"Nah, Formula One actually," he replies, curiously waiting to see if it triggers the same reaction from her. Nothing happens, to his great relief.
"So that's why he's moving in so fast," her best friend chuckles in the background, eliciting a giggle from her.
"Be careful, (y/f/n), or he'll move so fast by you that you'll get whiplash," she can't help but add jokingly, her eyes swiftly moving along his body. She has to admit, the man actually looks quite attractive.
Daniel shakes his head at their antics, before determinedly going back to his mission.
"Listen, if you could help me out, I'd be forever grateful. I would offer to buy you two a drink, but that might come off as flirting again and I don't want to make you more uncomfortable, so you have to make do with knowing I'm grateful."
"What do you want me to do?" (y/n) squints her eyes, turning more serious as she waits to hear his plan.
"Give me your number."
She raises an eyebrow in surprise. It wasn't what she expected. That she can easily do. "Is a fake number good enough for you?"
"As long as you give me anything I can show them, I'm okay with it," Daniel shrugs.
"Fine," another sigh escapes her lung, holding her hand out towards him in the air, palm facing up, waiting for his phone.
His eyes light up, and he scrambles to pull the device out of his back pocket, unlocking it on the way before placing it in her palm. She deliberately turns her body a bit so that his friends can definitely see her typing away on his phone, before handing it back to him.
"Here you go."
"Thanks, and sorry for bothering," Danny flashes a wide grin towards her, showcasing all his shining, pearly white teeth to her, before wheeling round and making his way back towards the booth.
(y/n) shakes her head, still not being able to fully comprehend the situation. "Why did you let him go like that? He was actually so hot," (y/f/n) scolds her, shoulders bumping into hers as she watches him retreat from the corner of her eyes.
"Who said I did?" (y/n) replies, her voice a bit dreamy and distant.
"What?" her friend lets out a laugh in disbelief. "You gave him your real number, didn't you?"
"I might have," she shrugs, turning back towards the counter.
"And what if he doesn't realise this? I mean, you did in fact tell him it's fake."
"Then it's his problem. It was worth the risk," with a giggle into her glass she takes a sip of her drink. Maybe it was the small amount of alcohol already in her system that made her decide on such a crazy thing. "I didn't want to make it so easy for him."
"I can't decide if you're a genius or an idiot."
They burst out laughing at the same time. Whatever happens, this will be a fun story to tell in the future, she decides. What she doesn't know is that the attractive guy has turned in his seat at that very moment, hearing her laughter even through all the noise of the bar, and is now watching her with happy amusement.
When Daniel arrives back at their booth, the first thing he does is to lean in above the table and smack the back of George's head. "I know it was your idea, Russell George."
"What? Why?" the younger Brit exclaims, rubbing the skin where Danny's hand made a contact. He's still unable to stop chuckling though.
"Lewis is too nice for it, and Seb is not cruel enough."
Sitting down in his seat, shaking his head, Daniel casts a look on all three of his friends that's meant to be reprimanding but only comes off as funny, especially when it comes to the two older drivers. All four of them are simply grinning wide in the end.
And in the middle of the just setting, temporary silence, the Aussie places his unlocked phone on the middle of the table. "But your plan didn't work out quite how you thought, did it?"
He leans back and watches joyously as the three move closer, feeling oh so satisfied to see the shock settling on their faces.
"That's her number, idiots."
"What?" Daniel can hear George's mumbled disbelieving, probably rhetorical question, which only fuels his satisfaction.
"That's how you do it. Next time, watch and learn instead of laughing your asses off."
A couple hours later Danny arrives back to his hotel room, and flopping down on his bed pulls out his phone to scroll on social media for a while, not in the mood to go to sleep just yet. It was such a nice night, he wants to enjoy the content feeling buzzing in his body a little more.
As his phone unlocks, his eyes fall on the saved newest contact. He's totally forgotten about her – how could he? He forgot how he locked his phone right away after showing her number to the other three drivers, and didn't use the device again until now.
But now her number and name are right there, in front of his eyes, and he can't help but think back to those breathtaking (y/e/c) eyes. He wishes he could see them again.
His finger hovers above the call button before his mind can catch up to his actions, but freezes just in that very moment. She gave you a fake number, his mind tells him.
Yeah, but what if she didn't? What's the worst that can happen? He wakes some old grandpa up in the middle of nowhere. And so what?
So in the next moment, when his finger moves again, Daniel doesn't stop himself, and lets the skin on the pad of his finger press onto the screen. It rings six times, and he's close to giving up and just ending the call when someone finally answers.
With bated breath he waits, his nerves tickling, muscles tense as he's laying on the soft mattress.
He immediately recognises the voice. It's her.
"So it wasn't a fake after all," he can't help but smirk to himself.
"No, it wasn't," she replies, and Danny can basically hear how she rolls her eyes playfully at him.
"Why'd you say it was fake then?"
"Wanted you to figure it out yourself."
"You give me way too much credit if you think I'm that clever," he chuckles.
(y/n) giggles, her heart fluttering in her chest. She'd been waiting for him to call, but slowly started giving up hope he actually would. And now she's actually talking with him.
"I thought you'd like a challenge, Mr Race Driver."
"Oh, I did."
A second or two passes in silence, both just contently breathing, happy that they didn't lose this opportunity, to speak to the other again.
"I'm Daniel, by the way," he speaks up again, just wanting to hear her voice again, more than anything else.
"I know. I looked you up in Google," she admits.
"Did you?" Daniel bursts out laughing. (y/n) joins him a moment later, and he swears there are butterflies in his stomach and chest by the sound.
When they calm back down, it's her turn to break the sudden quiet. "I'm (y/n)."
"Nice to meet you, (y/n)," he speaks her name slowly, carefully, rolling it around his tongue, trying to get a taste of how it feels to say it. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.
"You too, Daniel." Her voice is soft, so soft he could fall asleep just listening to her – especially if she says his name. It's like being in heaven.
"Are you free tomorrow?"
"Wow, you really don't wait around a lot," and just like that, he earned another chuckle from her.
"I'm leaving town two days from now, that's the reason." He shrugs, even though he knows she can't see him.
"Oh." A long pause, one that scares Daniel for a moment that his previous announcement scared the girl. "I'm free in the afternoon actually," she adds then, and he's back to grinning with that signature, teeth-flashing smile.
What has she gotten herself into?, she can't help but think as her heart beats rapidly in her chest and in her throat.
She doesn't know the answer, not just yet, but she can feel that it's going to be one hell of a wonderful adventure.
.::the end::.
my masterlist | my f1 masterlist
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i just had to put another gif of him, i couldn't stop myself. sorry not sorry. let me know what you thought, i'm dying to hear from you.
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hhughes · 3 months
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ◞ fem!bestfriend!reader x daniel ricciardo
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 ◞ in which you and daniel finally get together after years of just being “friends”
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐜𝐰 ◞ none! (lmk if you think otherwise)
⠀⠀╰  ꒰ 𝐚/𝐧 ◞ love danny ric sm! he’s so long time bsf to lovers coded
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen and others.
danielricciardo: little adventures with the best friend.
view all comments
landonorris: just so it's clear...she really does make boys cry
yourusername: crying cause you miss me?
landonorris: no. maybe.
user32: are they dating?
f1fan: no...it's literally in the caption, she's his best friend
user71: um yes....more yn content please
scottyjames: this is the way you tell me I'm not your best friend? so deeply hurt rn
yourusername: hehe :)
danielricciardo: play nice @.yourusername love you @.scottyjames
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liked by lando.jpg, charlesleclerc and others.
daniel.jpg: can this be considered a soft launch? Anyway here's that yn content you ordered
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landonorris: this is not a soft launch 🤦‍♂️
landonorris: Max's launch into the barriers at Silverstone was softer than this
maxverstappen: brilliant analogy mate
user23: she's so pretty
f1fan: her and Danny's personalities just fit so well
drfan: stop it rn...I've waited so long for this moment
user09: war is over
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo and others
scottyjames: some Danny and Yn pictures taken by the scotty cam in celebration of the slowest slow burn finally ending.
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danielricciardo: it wasn't that slow...
scottyjames: mate it took you about 10 years
user43: lol...not yn flipping scotty off
user76: peak sibling behavior
yourusername: these are actually cute Sid...thank you🫶🏻
user31: she does know his name is scotty right?
user47: lol yes...she calls him Sid because apparently he reminds her of Sid from Ice Age
user31: omg...I can totally see that
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486 notes · View notes
kiwisa · 2 years
brew-tiful ✩ dr03
Daniel Ricciardo x Fem! Barista! Reader
fluff • 500 words
IN WHICH... daniel should look at what he's ordering instead of making eyes at the pretty barista.
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Anyone who happened to cross paths with Daniel every morning at 8:38 sharp, in that little cafe whose name never interested him, thought his caffeine addiction was beyond reason.
Mistakenly, but he could see where they were coming from.
If the black liquid was, indeed, an integral part of his life now, it was only because of the woman behind the counter, who he sacrificed a few dollars to every day. And God knew how much those little coins spent on this drink amounted to a fortune.
Even though money had never been an issue, let alone now ⏤ thanks to Red Bull and his new contract ⏤ he couldn't help but grit his teeth at the receipts piling up in his wallet. He couldn’t even bring himself to think of the sum spent between these four walls. Otherwise, a few tears would paint his face blue. For sure.
He didn't even like coffee... For that demonic liquid — seriously, who could drink this and enjoy it? — to slide on his tongue without making a grimace appear on his face, its bitter taste had to be drowned in milk and at least three sugars.
So why bother? You must wonder, dear reader.
“Ah Danny! I was starting to believe you weren't coming today!”
It was for that voice, full of joy, tenderness, and that laughter whose notes must have been put end to end by angels. It was for you, Y/N L/N, that the Australian man came here daily, even when his wallet was crying in pain, even when coffee was the bane of his entire existence.
“And not see my favourite barista? Impossible.”
There was something about you that made his heart panic, warmed his soul, and made him want to throw up sometimes because of your kindness. A rather interesting mix: some would call it “feelings.” You were the personification of happiness, a ray of sunshine in his life constantly marred by the routine of travel and racing.
Cheeks flushed, mind wandering to fantasies of his hand in yours, his lips against your forehead, he didn't notice the almost loving gaze you placed on him, nor did he feel your fingers brushing against his as you gave him the cup. An espresso. Hell in liquid form.
Not in your eyes, however, who constantly praised it. You had suggested it to him on his first visit ⏤ saying that it was your favourite way to drink coffee ⏤ and since then he had not yet broken this unspoken rule to order one daily.
Thanking you, avoiding your gaze, Daniel hastily left the cafe, like every morning at 8:46.
Like every morning at 8:47, he tried to take a sip of this infamous brew.
Like every morning at 8:51, he dropped the still hot drink in the bottom of the closest trash can.
Like every morning at 8:51, he didn’t notice the number written in a messy way, as if in a hurry, on the cardboard cup.
Better luck tomorrow, you thought.
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✩ taglist !
@sad1esgf @muglermami @i0veless @16solace @kenanlotus0 @till1am @itsnotgray @lilsiz @starkwlkr @missflobelova @mehrmonga @fxllfaiiry @crimeshowjunkie @anicega @kosmosgalore @lovemarvel16 @charles-dimple @hiding-behindmy-glasses @exatse @serenityleah @flowerchild-96 @hopiiex @ivegotparticulartaste @jivas0 @screechingtrashkid @gxp30 @lauren--maex
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redvelvettel · 2 years
Daniel Ricciardo x f!reader ft. Lando
Author's note: hi guys!! This is my first time posting on here and any feedback is greatly appreciated❤️. Requests/asks are open! Come over even if you just wanna talk about f1 or if you have any suggestions for the blog.
Apologies in advance if the format is a bit weird, wrote this on my phone. Will try to do some fics on my laptop to figure out which I feel more comfortable with.
Hope you enjoy!
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long time no see, f1!! I'm back now and more excited than ever for the race🏎🏁
liked by danielricciardo, pierregasly, and others
landonorris omg no go back🤩
yourusername no landonorris you've hogged MY boyfriend long enough
pierregasly fight fight fight
danielricciardo now now ladies, I'm plenty enough for the two of you;)
yourusername danielricciardo oh you are begging to sleep on the couch tonight huh
charlesleclerc we getting the band back together or what yourusername carlossainz55
carlossainz55 ay I don't think Daniel's gonna be too happy, mate
yourusername don't worry about him, I'm a Ferrari girl through and through charlesleclerc carlossainz55❤️❤️
landonorris see I would never do this to you danielricciardo
danielricciardo I see how it is yourusername
maxverstappen come over to the cool side of the paddock
charlesleclerc listen to max and come to the Ferrari garage!
Fan1 she's back!!!
Fan2 I live for all the guys fighting over you in your comments
Fan3 Daniel do be fighting off all the drivers left and right for his girl
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Reunited with the bestie and the best team principal!!
Tagged: yourusername
liked by yourusername, isahernaez, charlesleclerc, and others
yourusername toto really is the best out there😋
carlossainz55 how what when did this happen
charlesleclerc should we be concerned danielricciardo
danielricciardo ?????? The Brits have been awfully quiet georgerussell lewishamilton
georgerussell no comment
lewishamilton it's all toto, we did nothing
Isahernaez can't believe I missed it by literally 5 minutes😔
yourusername george can sneak us in if we make carmenmundt convince him
carmenmundt anything to be near toto, let's go
georgerussel uhm are we here to race or play bodyguard for our girlfriends???
landonorris danielricciardo charlesleclerc carlossainz55 😂😂😂
yourusername Luisa come get your man
Fan1 everyone thirst after daddy wolff there's no escaping it
liked by yourusername, isahernaez, carmenmundt, charolettesine, and others
Fan2 netflix is gonna have a field day with this💀💀
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nothing beats being on top again, especially with my lucky charm around ;)
Liked by maxverstappen, landonorris, mclarenf1, and others
landonorris p1 and p2 babbyyy😛😛😛
pierregasly congratulations but never traumatise us with those emojis again
Fan1 lmaooo pierre
yourusername oh you're gonna be on top alright
Fan4 Daniel's sidekick and girlfriend celebrity boxing event when
Fanx I would pay good money for that
Mercfan Y/N would beat lando's ass anytime
Mclarenf1 let's make it happen
Dannyyylando McLaren admin huge w
charlesleclerc congrats, mate!
maxverstappen truly deserved
lewishamilton good to see you back on top, man
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Weeekendd dumppp Daniel edition ft. Some girl who wouldn't stop annoying us all weekend😑
Liked by yourusername, danielricciardo, lewishamilton, and others
Fan1 the shadeee😭😭
Fany okay guys start picking sides I think the sidekick vs girlfriend fight might happen afterall
Fan7 who wants to be the Lando to my y/n
Fan5 Lando and y/n definition of platonic soulmates
yourusername stop stealing my boyfriend from me then
landonorris OUR boyfriend ❤️
maxverstappen tell you what mate, danielricciardo you should just date me instead
danielricciardo maxverstappen I'm down
landonorris NOO???
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Words can't describe how happy and proud I am of you, darling. Nothing beats your smile. I love you so much more than you can ever know. Here's to many more wins and seeing you smile for the rest of our lives.
Liked by 996, 544 people
danielricciardo I love you, baby. You being here means so much. Thank you for everything you do for me
yourusername ❤️❤️
landonorris you guyysss
Fan1 screaming crying throwing up
Fan4 I lost my shit when he kissed her after getting out of the car
Danfan if it isn't like this i don't want it
Fanhy f1 wags and habs reality show when
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jwnchstr · 3 years
Public Appearance | d.r3
summary: y/n stuck in an arranged marriage because daniel ricciardo needed sponsors from her father’s company.
characters: daniel ricciardo x you, tony stark
warning: i might wanna consider this as tony stark x F1/daniel ricciardo fanfiction because i’m using the infamous stark’s background as content. so if you’re not happy with stark x F1 crossover, you can skip.
other fic masterlist | f1 fics masterlist
*  *  *
    daniel parked his rented car perfectly in the box specially for f1 drivers and crews, pushing the legbreak and made sure the car was safe before he freed his foot from the break. after shutting down the engine, he glanced at the rear-view mirror, smiling at himself when he sees a one-year-old girl with your eyes, seated in her carseat quietly.
    “everything’s good back there? you ready to meet daddy’s friends?” daniel watched as his daughter -- who is also yours -- stared at the many cameras that have started to surround the car at a distance. today is indeed her first time coming to public. her reaction was understable. daniel laughed.
    “she’s having this careful look as she look at the cameras,” daniel talked to you as he gathered his belongings around his seat compartment. “must be wondering who are these people. corvid babies.” daniel snorted and shook his head.
    you turned around to take a look at your baby and laughed when you realised that daniel was right. “funny how she didn’t whine about it like she always does at family gatherings. she really knows her crowd.”
    agreeing with you, daniel puffed a light chuckle. considering that both of her parents are famous people, maybe it’s already in her genes to be okay when she gets that much of attention from the medias. “you okay, baby? ready to hop out?”
    you smiled at your husband. “yeap. let’s go.”
    after putting on his cap, daniel quickly exited the car -- the five-seated, four-doored and a hunchback car -- to pick up his little girl at the back. his daddy mode was on as he unstrapped your daughter’s seatbelt and, after making sure that she’s nicely presented, he picked her up and out of the car. meanwhile, you grabbed your daughter’s bag and waved at the cameras as you waited daniel to re-join with you.
    “extra cameras today,” you commented as you walked hand-in-hand with daniel.
    “guess everyone’s excited for little missy’s first public appearance,” he answered you before talking to your daughter that sounded something like, “ain’t that right, missy? it’s your first pubolic appearance today. and, wow, you’re doing good!”
    you laughed at yourself hearing your husband’s voice as he talks to your daughter, finding him cute acting like a child around her sometimes. and you almost laughed at your daughter as well because she looks completely overwhelmed by the attention she’s getting from the medias. but good thing, no sign of tantrum.
    “you want to wave at them?” daniel let you your hand free to help your daughter wave her small free hand at people. “c’mon. wave at them. say hi. you can say hi.”
    when your daughter waves at the cameras by herself, the cameras went crazy. they’re snapping 10-20 frames per second, excited and taking advantage of the short moment to capture the mclaren’s driver’s young daughter. but, as much of attention your daughter gets, you know the medias will never forget you.
    “y/n stark, over here!”
    “miss stark, how’s your father?”
    “miss stark! miss stark!”
    ah, no wonder the cameras love you so much. you’re a stark. the one and only daughter of tony stark. the tony stark. the legend himself. ever since you were born, you were also already famous. people anticipated your arrival to the world. there were a lot of names predicted by your father’s fans before he announced to the media that they chose y/n as his daughter’s name. they also predicted your future with the name your father given to you and when things fall apart in your life, they started to blame your father for naming you y/n because it’s bad luck, they said.
    but, what do you care now, huh? you have billions of money in your bank account. you run tons of businesses and have your own clothing lines. you’re married to one of the most wonderful human being, given a pretty and smart child with him, surrounded by great people. it’s like you cannot ask for anything better accept a good environment your child to grow up in.
    you effortlessly waved to the cameras, showing your friendly side, as they continued to call your name for good pictures. your husband not far in front, carrying your baby girl into the private zone as quickly as possible before getting mobbed. he can be careless sometimes, but when he’s being protective, your heart warms. most of the times, seeing him together with your daughter take you back to the day that started these all.
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jobsearchtips02 · 5 years
Cyber Monday 2019: TVs, Amazon Echo, Tablets and far more
Under is a listing of hand handpicked objects which might be on sale as part of Cyber Monday 2019 offers. We focus totally on Amazon offers for the second largest procuring season of the 12 months. We’re largely choosing electronics as these are our reader favorites however we may also be posting any good offers focusing totally on Amazon. By way of electronics, we deal with what our readers like most that are tech devices like Echos, Robotic vacuums and hoverboards. See beneath for a few of the sickest offers for 2019.
This publish was final up to date 12/2/2019 at 11:10AM EST
FTC disclosure: VALUEWALK is a participant within the Amazon Associates Program, whereby we earn a small proportion if you are going to buy an merchandise (we do not know who purchases what) Every of your purchases through our Amazon affiliation hyperlinks helps high quality journalism at no extra price to you.
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Q3 2019 hedge fund letters, conferences and extra
Cyber Monday 2019 Offers
Roborock S5 Robotic Vacuum and Mop Cleaner-White
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $359.99; Low cost: $140 off; Code: Click on Coupon
Roborock S6 Robotic Vacuum Cleaner and Mop with Selective Room Cleansing-Black
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $449.99; Low cost: $200 off
What are you planning to get on Cyber Monday 2019? Remark beneath.
Toshiba 50″ 4K Hearth TV Version Good TV
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $269.99; Low cost: 29% off
Insignia 50″ Hearth TV Version Good TV
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $249.99; Low cost: 29% off
Ring Alarm Enhanced Safety Equipment & Free Echo Dot
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $249.00; Low cost: 31% off
Echo Hyperlink Amp
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $239.99; Low cost: 20% off
Toshiba 43″ 4K Hearth TV Version Good TV
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $229.99; Low cost: 30% off
Toshiba 43″ 4K Hearth TV Version Good TV
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $229.99; Low cost: 30% off
Ring Alarm 14-Piece Equipment & Free Echo Dot
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $229.00; Low cost: 30% off
Hearth TV Dice and Ring Video Doorbell 2
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $218.99; Low cost: 31% off
Eero Professional mesh WiFi techniques
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $209.00 – $349.00; Low cost: 30% off
Ring Alarm Smoke & CO Equipment + Free Echo Dot
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $209.00; Low cost: 30% off
Cyber Monday 2019 All-new Kindle Oasis Necessities Bundle
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $204.99 – $254.99; Low cost: Save $105 or extra
Echo Studio + Amazon Good Plug Bundles
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $204.98; Low cost: 9% off
Insignia 43″ 4K Hearth TV Version Good TV
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $199.99; Low cost: 33% off
Toshiba 43″ 1080p Hearth TV Version Good TV
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $199.99; Low cost: 33% off
Ring Floodlight Cam and get a free Echo Dot
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $199.00; Low cost: $50.00 off
Hearth TV Recast, over-the-air DVR, 1 TB, 150 hours
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $179.99; Low cost: 36% off
Ring Video Doorbell Professional and an Echo Present 5
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $179.00
Echo Present (2nd Gen) + Echo Present Adjustable Stand + Amazon Good Plug Bundle
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $174.99; Low cost: 39% off
Echo Hyperlink
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $169.99; Low cost: 15% off
Ring Alarm Eight-Piece Equipment & Free Echo Dot
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $169.00; Low cost: 29% off
Insignia 39″ 1080p Hearth TV Version Good TV
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $159.99; Low cost: $70.00 off
Hearth HD 10 Pill Necessities – Star Wars Restricted Version Case Bundle
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $154.99; Low cost: 28% off
Echo Present + Amazon Good Plug Bundles
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $154.98; Low cost: 39% off
Echo Present and get a free sensible bulb
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $149.99; Low cost: $80.00 off
Kindle Oasis (Earlier Technology – ninth) + $5 e-book credit score
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $149.99; Low cost: 46% off
All-New Hearth HD 10 Youngsters Version Pill
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $149.99; Low cost: 25% off
Hearth HD 10 Pill Necessities Bundle
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $149.99; Low cost: 29% off
Ring Peephole Cam Bundle and an Echo Present 5
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $149.00 – $179.00
Save $60 on Ring Alarm 5-Piece Equipment & Free Echo Dot
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $139.00; Low cost: 30% off
Eero Professional mesh WiFi routers
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $139.00; Low cost: 30% off
Hearth TV Recast, over-the-air DVR, 500 GB, 75 hours
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $129.99; Low cost: 43% off
Jackery E500 energy station
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $399; Low cost: $100 off
Jackery E160 energy station
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $109.99; Low cost: $50 off
Jackery E240 energy station
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $174.99; Low cost: $75 off; Code: JACKERY240
Jackery Energy Bar
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $79.99; Low cost: $40 off
AUKEY DRA2 Mirror Sprint Digital camera
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $63.99; Low cost: 20% off; Code: Click on Coupon
AUKEY Key Sequence T10 True Wi-fi Earbuds
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $70.99; Low cost: 36% off; Code: J8FD24YZ
AUKEY Key Sequence EP-B60 Magnetic Bluetooth Earbuds
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $39.49; Low cost: 21% off; Code: MODN78PY
AUKEY EP-B80 Wi-fi Earbuds
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $49.59; Low cost: 38% off; Code: 886SLGFM
AUKEY CB-CMD33 Two 6.6ft USB 2.zero A to C Cables
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $9.74; Low cost: 35% off; Code: LI4PQSHO
AUKEY DR02 Dashboard Digital camera
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $42.99; Low cost: 39% off; Code: BFCYPED1
AUKEY LT-ST37 Aura Lamp
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $38.48; Low cost: 23% off; Code: Click on Coupon
AUKEY PL-WD06 Ora 2-in-1 Lens Set
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $17.99; Low cost: 40% off; Code: Click on Coupon
AUKEY PL-WD07 Ora 2-in-1 140° Vast-Angle + 10x Macro Lens Equipment
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $14.44; Low cost: 28% off
AUKEY LT-T6 Contact Management LED Lamp
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $21.59; Low cost: 23% off
AUKEY BR-C1 Bluetooth Receiver
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $11.98; Low cost: 20% off
AUKEY PB-Y13 10000mAh USB-C Energy Financial institution
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $20.99; Low cost: 30% off; Code: Click on Coupon
AUKEY PA-WL01 Graphite Charging Hub
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $104.99; Low cost: 30% off; Code: Click on Coupon
AUKEY 26500mAh Energy Financial institution
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $31.04; Low cost: 31% off; Code: Click on Coupon
AUKEY PB-Y7 30000mAh USB-C Energy Financial institution with Energy Supply
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $53.89; Low cost: 30% off; Code: Click on Coupon
AUKEY PB-Y8 5000mAh USB-C Energy Financial institution(Grey)
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $19.59; Low cost: 30% off; Code: Click on Coupon
AUKEY PB-Y8 5000mAh USB-C Energy Financial institution(Pink)
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $18.47; Low cost: 34% off; Code: Click on Coupon
AUKEY PB-Y8 5000mAh Energy Financial institution
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $15.39; Low cost: 30% off; Code: Click on Coupon
AUKEY PA-S8 Energy Strip
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $14.94; Low cost: 35% off; Code: Click on Coupon
AUKEY PA-S8Y four x 2 Energy Strip
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $20.79; Low cost: 20% off; Code: Click on Coupon
AUKEY PA-S23 Eight x three Energy Strip
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $28.04; Low cost: 15% off; Code: Click on Coupon
AUKEY PA-D02 Surge Protector
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $23.09; Low cost: 23% off; Code: 587FHUO4
AUKEY CB-C70 Wi-fi Charging Hub
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $42.49; Low cost: 15% off; Code: ERRDOC9R
AUKEY CB-C74 Multiport USB-C Hub
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $15.99; Low cost: 20% off; Code: NZZKVKDJ
AUKEY CB-CMD37 Two three.3ft 90° USB 2.zero C to C Cables
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $11.99; Low cost: 20% off; Code: NZZKVKDJ
AUKEY KM-P6 RGB Gaming Mouse Pad
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $19.99; Low cost: 20% off
AUKEY DR03 Twin Sprint Cameras (entrance and rear digicam)
Hyperlink; Deal Worth: $101.99; Low cost: 40% off
  from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/cyber-monday-2019-tvs-amazon-echo-tablets-and-far-more/
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nonstoplover · 2 years
nonstoplover's f1 masterlist
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about: as a kid i watched f1 with my dad and i loved it so much, but we stopped after a while. during the summer of 2022 i got in the mood to watch my country's gp again and i got obsessed, even more so than as a kid. now it's my one true happiness in life. notes: i just want to note here that i mean no disrespect to any of the drivers, and all my work is based on my own perception of them.
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☆ my own superman | sv5 x fem!reader, accident — crash, boom, burn, flames. waiting frozen, impatience, relief. ☆ reason to stay | am!sv5 x fem!reader — sebastian doesn't want the love of his life to get up and leave for work in the morning.
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☆ smooth operator | cs55 x taxi driver!reader — carlos takes a taxi from the airport to his hotel, and though he tries to hide who he is, a specific song changes the situation. ☆ all of my heart | dad!cs55 x fem!reader — a short story of carlos becoming a father
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☆ a moment to remember | pg10 x single mom!reader — the time she and her son accidentally meet his favourite f1 driver on the street and the time they meet him again at the race. ☆ more moments to remember | pg10 x single mom!reader, pt.2 — short stories of happy memories with pierre and his newfound little family, pt.2 to 'a moment to remember'
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☆ a roaadtrip with bubbling feelings | gr63 x best friend!reader, best friends to lovers trope — just two best friends on a roadtrip, with unknown feelings bubbling under the surface. will they arise?
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☆ flashes of silver | lh44 x fem!reader, slight age gap — with the annual fia gala coming up, lewis decides to do something as a kind of thank you to his hard-working team, and invites one of the girls working for mercedes as his plus one.
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☆ fake or not fake | dr03 x fem!reader, idea from narcos 1x1 lol — a prank in a bar by his friends, then some slight embarrassment, that might just lead to something bigger and better.
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☆ sleep without you | cl16 x fem!reader — charles struggles to function properly without her by his side, or a story of a night without his girlfriend.
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