#drabble reqs still open :) just send me an ask!
gamerwoman3d · 8 months
Listen, if Ed Boon asked me to write official tie-in novel filth for Mortal Kombat, I would. I don't care if he sends a studio note that says "If you make Sub-Zero any gayer I'll rip your fucking head off," I'd still work for him. Who needs a head anyways. Love that guy.
Anyways here's a wonderwall of filth.
[🔞🔞🔞Check below the cut🔞🔞🔞]
Explicit, Spicy, Juicy, and definitely🔞🔞🔞past this point
I should mention- You can actually read all of my writings directly on my masterlist without logging in to tumblr.
◜Sub-Zero, Smoke, Liu Kang options - Please Be Bi-Han 🙏◞
Just use any browser app and type in mk1erotica.netlify.app in the browser's address bar to access my masterlist from anywhere on any device.
Yes. Any device. This may even work on an Apple watch, on the Parrity browser. You can probably ask Siri to open a browser and navigate to the masterlist. You can use any browser. You can use Safari, Chrome, Brave, Firefox, Microsoft Edge. It can work on a Roku if you have a web browser like Web Browser X or Xfinity. It will run on ųBrowser or Opera. But I recommend DuckDuckGo!
Multi-Character Choose your own MK1 Adventure
Reptile [Syzoth, MK1 Version]
◜ mk1 men using their powers in the bedroom part 1 of ?◞
Sub-Zero [Bi-han, MK1 version]
Neck tattoo imagines parts 1 2 AND 3
◜ mk1 men using their powers in the bedroom part 2 of ?◞
◜ mk1 men using their powers in the bedroom part 2 of ?◞
◜I Need Attention◞
◜mk1 Sub-Zero: sexiest angst trope?◞
Johnny Cage [MK1 Version]
◜ mk1 men kinks & darker motivations part 2 of ?◞
Scorpion [Kuai Liang, MK1 version]
Beta Tester [Can be read as Hanzo if you're imaginative]
Bloody Horny Kuai Liang Scorpion - https://www.tumblr.com/gamerwoman3d/737285442221801472/%F0%9D%9F%B9
Skins That Would Be in MK1 If I Had A Voodoo Doll of Ed Boon [Fun, Sexy skins for Kenshi, Scorpion, Kitana, & Sub-Zero]
The Gollum Test [Essay about writing better x readers]
Sub-Zero Long Hair Posts[linked without box because of tumblr post limitations]
Part 2 : Sub-Zero Long Hair Posts[linked without box because of tumblr post limitations]
Other horny drabbles [separate list]
About This Blog [links to post about guidelines reqs etc]
[Need more MK1 smut? Check the pin 📌]
Permissions summary: YOU HAVE MY EXPRESSED PERMISSION TO USE ANY SCREENSHOTS, GIFS, ASSETS OR CONTENT THAT I HAVE MADE OF THE GAME MK1 [MORTAL KOMBAT 1 (2023)]. EVERYONE has my enthusiastic consent. You don't have to make something I *enjoy* with those assets. You're under no obligation to please me with your content, even if it's made with bits of my content. Enjoy yourselves, go wild! Any MK1 screenshots or gifs that I make can be used for your fanworks as long as you have the legal rights to do so. [I'm pretty sure you all have the legal right to make any fanart/icons/reposts/headers/photo edits/collages/parody that you like, but I do not know every single law for every country. You're on your own to research whether you'd get in trouble for SubScorp art in Indonesia or the PRC or Alabama or wherever you are where all the rules get weird. But as long as you're not getting punished for using my MK1 gameplay in your work, go nuts! You have my permission to use the assets I've made from the game.]
110 notes · View notes
nickfowlerrr · 2 years
Bella !! I just realized I submitted a req to the wrong acc 😭😭 by any chance—are you up to writing Drabbles or request for your PWYC series? I just reread it and omg I very much miss our dirty rough and tough biker Bucky ✨😭 anyways! Here is my silly lil request:
Imagine this: reader stumbles across a specific kink, (praise kink, daddy kink, degradation kink, knife kink, chase kink, whatever one you can come up with!) but she’s too nervous to bring it up to Bucky! Though, she forgets that Bucky can feel/sense her emotions through the ✨soulmate bond✨. When Bucky figures it out—he’s a lil pissed/sad that his pretty girl didn’t just tell him. So—he starts to do little things to trigger her new secret kink. He just can’t help it! He loves the way she blushes (when he calls her good girl, does shit with knives, you get it!) But suddenly Bucky can’t take it anymore—he pounces! Next thing ya know our lovely pair of soulmates are screwing!
I know it’s a bit long but I just desperately love this series ! Keep up the great work lovie!! ~🐰🎀
the thrill of it all
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pretty when you cry series masterlist
pairing: pwyc!bucky x curvy!reader (dark!soulmate au)
warnings: 18+ ONLY. smut. chase kink, choking, primal play-ish?. probably forgetting stuff, please let me know if you come across something that should be added.
words: 5.5k
notes: thank you for sending this in, and sorry it took ages. it’s not exactly what you asked for 😓 but i hope you enjoy it! 🖤🖤🖤 i didn’t reread this bc i’m about to pass out but i promised i’d post it tonight so it’s going up rn and i’ll go over it tomorrow to fix anything i think needs fixing lol. fingers crossed it’s cohesive 💀 as always, reblogs and comments are very much appreciated! thank you for reading.
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Getting home from the grocery store, you were surprised to find your laptop sitting half open on the table in the kitchen. You remembered you’d been reading on it this morning as you ate breakfast, but you could have sworn you’d shut it when you left. You set the bags down and went to the table, opening the computer the rest of the way. It was still on the story you had been reading earlier and you felt yourself warm up not only at the idea that you left it open so carelessly, but also at the content itself. Smut.
A reader being chased through the woods by her boyfriend who also happened to be a demon. You’d had to leave before you got to the inevitable, the part where he’d stop toying with her and finally catch her. To have his way with her on the forest floor, the moonlight shining down on them as he took her apart.. You were getting flustered just thinking about it.
You’d have been mortified if Bucky had seen it and you were grateful he wasn’t home to have stumbled upon your latest reading material.
It was so…kinky. And you hadn’t talked to him about any of your new self discoveries or ‘interests’ so to speak. You hated it but you were truthfully a little ashamed. Embarrassed. You knew it’d probably be in your best interest to talk to him about it, but you kept talking yourself out of doing so. Convinced yourself that it wasn’t that big of a deal. Though if it wasn’t, why were you so concerned with keeping your fantasies to yourself. If you knew Bucky, you knew he’d want to help you fulfill any fantasy that crossed your pretty little mind, but still the thought of having to bring it up yourself was just too daunting. You were fine just reading your kinky erotica and not having to ask Bucky to act it out with you. Really. Though your occasional daydream about doing just that was popping up more and more frequently, you didn’t bring it up. How weird would it be to tell him you essentially wanted him to hunt you, chase you, pin you down and just completely ravish you…God, the thought of it was getting you hot all over again.
You had closed your laptop and set it aside as you started taking the groceries out of their bags and putting them away. Your eyes went wide as you heard Bucky’s footsteps, the ones you only heard when he wanted you to, coming down the stairs. How long had he been home? And did he happen to have come into the kitchen..did he open your laptop? Immediately you worried that he had at the very least looked at it. You swallowed hard but kept focused on your task, putting the food away where it belonged. You would just wait and see if he said anything, no way you’d bring it up first and make yourself seem suspicious. He came into the kitchen without a word and leaned back against the counter as he watched you put the last few items away, his arms crossed over his wellbuilt chest.
“Hey,” you greeted, throwing him a quick glance over your shoulder. “Thought you said you had a meeting with Stark today?”
“Something came up, we had to reschedule.”
“Oh. So, when’d you get home?” you asked, hoping you sounded nonchalant.
“Not that long ago,” he answered vaguely. You narrowed your eyes at his avoidance of a real answer before you turned around to look at him.
“I didn’t see your bike when I pulled in,” you alluded.
“It’s in the garage. I’m about to give it a tune up.” He kept his eyes on you, his gaze heavy and slightly unnerving. You hummed in response as you stared back, trying to suss out why he was being so weird. There, of course, was an obvious answer, but you wished he’d just come out and tell you what he was thinking.
“You left your laptop down here,” he said, nodding in the direction of where it laid on the table.
“I saw. Did you..were you on it?” you asked, again trying to sound like you didn’t care one way or the other.
He shook his head vaguely as he rubbed the stubble along his jaw.
“Just saw it when I came in earlier,”
You subconsciously let out a breath of relief, nodding at him.
“Why?” he questioned, his eyes never leaving you, even as you looked down. “You hiding something from me, sweetheart?”
Your eyes shot up again at his question. “What?” you laughed nervously. “No.”
He pushed off the counter and started to walk toward you as you stayed in your spot and watched him.
“Good,” he said as he got closer, closing the distance between you. His hands came up to cup your face, taking you by surprise as he suddenly pulled you in for a fervent kiss, eventually breaking it to look you in the eyes again. He kept your face in his hands, forcing you to hold his gaze as your hands found his wrists. “I don’t want you keeping anything from me, got it?”
You swallowed hard before you nodded lightly.
“Got it,” you breathed.
He looked at you a moment longer, his thumbs brushing the soft skin of your cheeks gently before he slipped away. His gaze was even more heated now and you had a renewed sense that he was clearly lying when he said he hadn’t been on your laptop. Why else would he have been acting so weird? Telling you not to keep things from him. He had to have seen something.
You weren’t sure why you were so embarrassed by him finding out about your newly realized kink, but you were. Bucky had seen you at your most vulnerable countless times at this point, in as many compromising positions as you could think of. But you’d never really been entirely comfortable talking about or asking for specific things from him when it came to sex. He certainly loved when you were vocal, crying for him, and he loved hearing you ask him for exactly what you wanted, but you were usually forced to verbalize those things lest he just continue torturing you with tantalizing but unfulfilling touches until you used your words, face hot even as your neediness tried to overpower your mortification. You were still relatively inexperienced and even morso when it came to the kinker side of being intimate.
You really never even thought of yourself as kinky, but since Bucky, you couldn’t deny the dirty thoughts that would run through your head, or the tags you’d go searching through when you’d look for new erotica to read.
You knew in reality that Bucky would love it if you came to him with ideas for things you’d want to try with him, but you just couldn’t get past the embarrassment to bring it up. Hell, you’d only very recently started to even just initiate sex with him and that took a helluva lot to get comfortable with.
It took constant reassurance from Bucky that any time you found yourself getting worked up for him, all you had to do was let him know. Weeks of finding yourself flustered and wanting when you’d catch him working on his bike or on a car in the garage… in the kitchen cooking dinner for you… even just cuddling you tight on the couch... or fresh out of the shower as he was getting ready.. You often forgot he could so easily tell when you were turned on. He could feel the way your heart would flutter and the change in your breathing. He’d shoot you a cocky smirk and you’d go wide eyed and make yourself scarce before he could really call you out on it.
Though half the time he’d catch you before you could get far and you’d find yourself naked and full of him in no time at all, always ending the night with him reminding you that anytime you wanted him all you had to do was ask. It took awhile for you to do so uninhibited, but when he finally pleaded for you to just tell him, you realized not only how badly he needed you to, but also how freeing it felt to not stifle your need for him, either.
That day had been a big eye opener for you, and you thought back on it in vivid and arousing detail as you stood in the kitchen. That was the day you’d realized exactly what it was that got you so worked up. It hadn’t been the first time you’d felt cornered or caught by him, but it suddenly clicked that that was what made certain memories stand out in your mind when you thought back on the most memorable times you’d been intimate with Bucky.
The uninhibited passion. Raw desire for one another. The possession. The chase.
He’d just gotten out of the shower and you were admiring his form as he walked toward the closet while you were folding your laundry across the room. The way his muscles flexed as he moved, looking through his shirts for something to put on, was distracting to say the least. All of him was distracting. He was just so beautiful. You knew you were staring, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. That was until you were pulled out of your head by his blue eyes shooting to you as he turned around suddenly. You quickly looked away and finished putting your panties in your drawer before you took the empty basket and made to leave the room. You avoided his eye as he neared you, trying to just go get the next load of your clothes from the dryer and act like you weren’t just ogling him and longing for his attention. He got closer still and stepped right in front of you, blocking you from moving. You took a step back as you found the nerve to look up at him. His eyes were set on you and you couldn’t look away from his heated gaze. You tried to move around him, but he moved insync with you, continuing to block your way. You huffed before trying again, but he followed your steps and this time took the basket from your hands as he threw it to the side. You were taken aback at the swift action, and froze as he took a step closer.
“What are you doing?” you tutted.
He didn’t answer and only took another step toward you, as you took one back. You felt cornered. You felt like prey. You eyed the door and narrowed your eyes at him before you made to run for it. It was futile, you knew it would be, but you screamed none the less as he took you off your feet, grabbing you by your waist and pulling you back against his chest. His lips were near your ear as he spoke, “Where do you think you’re going, sweetheart?”
You couldn’t keep yourself from leaning back into his warmth as you placed your hands over his still holding you. You wanted him even more now, the thrill adding to the desire that was already there. He spun you around and pushed you up against the wall. His eyes were filled with desire, much the same as yours, you were sure.
“Need you to tell me you want me, princess. I need to hear it, I need to hear you say it.” He nuzzled against you as he spoke, keeping you pinned against the wall of your shared bedroom, nothing but his towel on as he stood before you. You nodded softly against him in turn.
“I want you,” you whispered before repeating yourself with more confidence, assuring him, “I want you. Right now.”
He crashed his lips against yours, his hunger for you evident in his kiss. He was going to devour you and you longed for nothing more as he kept you caged against the wall. You continued making out as Bucky pulled at you and removed your clothes in a fit, like he couldn’t get you bare to him fast enough.
He lifted you up and you instinctively wrapped your thick legs around him, your arms winding behind his neck. He carried you effortlessly to the bed where you spent the rest of your afternoon, completely consumed by him.
From then on, you'd made more of an effort in initiating things, and it was nice, you couldn’t lie. Owning your desires and letting Bucky know when you were feeling frisky was kind of empowering. You just weren’t sure you were ready to own and speak aloud your kinkier desires just yet. You were still learning and exploring what you liked on your own, and though you’d occasionally consider talking to Bucky about some of these things, you’d always get shy and end up too nervous to bring it up.
You found yourself almost hoping that he had seen what you were reading and that he’d bring it up so you wouldn’t have to. It wasn’t the most mature way to go about things, but at least you’d get it over with sooner and stop feeling like a teenager trying to hide porn from their parents.
Bucky didn’t make the connection right away. Sure, he’d noticed you would get more turned on when he’d corner you and cage you in, and the times you’d try to avoid him and put on a little game of cat and mouse, you would be damn near dripping for him when he’d finally get his hands on you. But he hadn’t ever put two and two together. It wasn’t until he stumbled upon your laptop you’d left in the kitchen. Was it an invasion of privacy? Maybe. But he was curious as to what you had been doing on it. You’d been glued to the screen all of last night until he was finally getting into bed. Your laptop had snapped shut and you set it on your bedside table in a flash like you’d been waiting for him all night. You crawled over to him the second he sat on the edge of the bed and he was pleasantly surprised when you looked up at him, lust swimming in your eyes as you tentatively moved to palm him through his sweats. He raised an eyebrow at you, his lips parting, but didn’t say anything as he leaned further back onto the bed. You pulled down on the top of his pants and he helped you get them down just enough for his cock to slip out past the waistband.
You wasted no time and took him into your mouth right away, moaning as you felt him stiffen further in your mouth. You took your time pleasuring him, bobbing up and down while twirling your tongue around his length as best you could, his hand fisted in your hair and grunts and curses were falling freely from his lips as you sucked. He almost came before he pulled you off of him and you gave him a pout at the loss, wiping some of the spit off your lips as you looked up at him.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he panted. “Where the hell did that come from? Not that I’m complaining,” he smirked dopily.
You shrugged as you stared up at him, “Just want you.” Your words brought a proud smile to his face and with that he pulled you up and smashed his lips to yours, meanwhile you shimmied off your shorts and panties as quickly as you could while he held you to him.
You were near insatiable last night and he knew whatever it was you’d been doing on your laptop had something to do with it. He could sense you getting flustered even before he’d entered the room, your heart racing faster, a sense of anticipation and excitement taking over you. He’d let it go the first time he noticed, got more curious the second, but after last night, he decided he needed to see what it was that was getting you so worked up, since he knew you wouldn’t be the one to tell him.
It was really just a coincidence that Stark had to reschedule the meeting they had set and he got home early. But one that worked in his favor. You weren’t home and your laptop was just sitting there, like it was begging him to take a look at what was on your screen. It was closed, sure, but easy enough to open.
He typed in the password he knew you used for everything and got in on the first try.
His eyes scanned the text on the screen, trying to get a sense of what exactly you’d been reading. There was another tab open and when he clicked on it, he was brought to a blog page. Your blog page apparently. All the posts were story after erotic story. Just reading the warnings some of them had he quickly realized these were what had been getting you so hot.
There were a lot of kinks littered along your page, but the one that stood out the most was the chase kink. It also appeared the most. And when he thought about it, he wasn’t surprised in the least. Though he was a little disappointed that you felt the need to keep it from him. He was always happy to get kinky with you, and now knowing what you were into, it gave him a few ideas. If you weren’t going to come out and tell him, he’d just get it out of you himself.
He went back to the tab your laptop had been on and sent himself the link to what you’d been reading. He shut the screen but didn’t close it completely as he was distracted by pulling up the page on his phone. He went upstairs to give it a read and figure out what he wanted to do with this new information.
Bucky had been outside working on his bike before he went upstairs for a shower. You had been in the kitchen baking pumpkin bread, making loaf after loaf until the can of pumpkin puree was empty. You figured you could take one to Eva, and maybe bring a couple to the shop for everyone, too. You’d figure it out later, you just wanted to finish up baking them. You were so caught up in mixing the last batch of batter that you didn’t even notice Bucky enter the kitchen until you turned around to grab your wisk, yelping at his unexpected appearance. You placed your hand over your heart as if it would help settle the beating as you steadied your breath.
“Jesus christ, Bucky, why do you do that?” you admonished. He smirked in response.
“You look so cute when you’re all helpless and scared, I can’t help myself.”
You swallowed hard and felt your face grow warm at his words, turning back around to combine the dry ingredients into the wet.
“‘M not helpless,” you argued.
He was behind you in an instant, you gasped at his metal hand on your throat forcing your head back so you could look up at him, eyes wide.
“Aren’t you?” he leered down at you. “Don’t you wanna be? You’ve been keeping secrets from me, pretty girl?” he purred in your ear. “You should know by now I’m always gonna find out what’s going on with you.” You whined pathetically as he tightened his hand around your neck, pulling you closer as he leaned down, your breathing shallow as he kissed your lips, taking advantage of your lips parting again as he flexed his fingers around your throat once more, slipping his tongue inside the warmth of your mouth.
You reached up and grabbed his hair, trying to pull him even closer. His hand slipped from around your neck and slid down your chest, groping your breasts as he breathed into you. His hand drifted lower and made its way under your dress, cold metal grazing the soft skin of your thighs, sending chills up your spine. You moaned into his mouth as he began rubbing at your clothed folds. The sound of the timer going off on the oven made you jump, but Bucky held your waist tight as you reclined into him, his lips moving to your cheek as you breathed deeply.
“I have to get that out,” you breathed as you pushed his hands away from you, reaching for the oven mits before you turned toward the oven. Bucky blocked your way and fixed you with a look.
“Ah-ah,” he tutted. “You’re not gonna get out of this, so might as well talk.”
“Get out of what?” you said, playing dumb. “It’s gonna burn, Bucky, I need to take it out,” you whined.
He turned and opened the oven door, grabbing the loaf pan with his hand.
“Buck,” you gasped before realizing he was using his left hand. “God,” you muttered, shaking your head.
“Worried about me hurting myself, sweetheart?” he teased as he set the pan down on the stove.
“I have to finish this,” you avoided, gesturing to the batter still sitting in the mixing bowl.
“Oh, don’t you worry, princess. We’ll definitely finish this,” he said. You looked up at him from the bowl, biting the side of your tongue in your mouth as he left the room
It was almost two hours later when you’d taken the last loaf out of the oven, the dishes washed and the cooled loaves wrapped, packed, and stored away to give out tomorrow.
You washed your hands, grabbed the load of towels you’d washed earlier from the dryer and headed upstairs.
You entered the bedroom and didn’t find Bucky, but you didn’t think much of it as you went to the bathroom to put the towels where they belong in the cabinet.
As you were on your knees, sliding the folded towels onto the lower shelves, the lights in the bathroom went off.
You bristled at the loss of light and called out into the room, “I’m in here, Bucky!”
No response. You rolled your eyes and got up with a huff. The light switches were by the door leading from the bedroom to the bath so you had to walk across the room to switch them back on. You were stopped in your path as you saw a figure standing across from you in the dark. You screamed in fear at the sight, stumbling back on instinct before your rational mind came back into play.
“Fucking hell, Bucky! It’s not funny,” you cursed. He stayed silent, his face still concealed by the dark, as he took a step to you. You stayed still, breathing heavy as you tried to discern him in the darkness. You pushed past him and got to the door of the toilet, flicking on the switch in there, giving you enough light to see Bucky now.
He kept inching closer and you kept backing away, eyeing him warily. His continued silence was perturbing and the look in his eye was intense and sure.
Every step he took, deliberate. Methodical. Like he was leading you into a trap of some kind.
“Bucky..What are you doing?” you asked. “You’re freaking me out.”
As you made your way back into the bedroom, you realized he had turned the lights off in there, too. “Can you say something, please?!” you snapped. You hadn’t been looking where you were going, and even if you had the light from the bathroom wasn’t giving much of any illumination that far into the bedroom. You tripped over something and only barely caught yourself from falling back on your ass.
“Better watch your step, sweetheart. You’ve read enough scenes like this, I’m sure you know how it goes. One wrong move and it's over. And you wouldn't want it to be over so soon, where's the thrill in that?”
You didn’t know how to respond. You had been pretty sure he’d seen your laptop, but now knowing he really had, you didn’t know what to feel. Though you were thoroughly embarrassed, you were also relieved. And growing more and more excited… He knew and he was playing into it for you already. And he was doing a damn good job, too.
He was nearly on top of you now, backing you into the closed door of your room. You felt that familiar thrill come over you. Your heart picked up speed and you were sure he could tell how aroused you were getting at his predatory gaze.
“Now we both know I can catch you in a heartbeat, so I'm gonna be nice and give you a little head start,”
“What are you-”
“If I were you, princess,” he said as he got closer, your back flush against the door, “I’d run.”
You turned quickly and threw the door open, cursing at the darkness encompassing the whole house. The only light afforded to you were the small night lights at either end of the hall and the candles still burning in the living room down the stairs. As fast as you could without falling, you hurried down the stairs, Bucky’s voice counting down from ten sounding from the bedroom.
You didn’t really think through where you were going, you just went. Instead of heading to the living room, you headed down the hall across from it. You were walking slowly, desperate not to hit your toe on a corner or walk into a wall, the hall pitch black, no lights left on. When you got to the doors leading to the den Bucky mainly used as his office, you saw light coming from inside.
“Boo,” he whispered in your ear just as you moved to reach the handle. You jumped at his voice so close and when you were suddenly pulled back into him, being lifted off your feet as he carried you away from the door, a la texas chainsaw massacre, you shrieked in fear.
“That’s the best you can do? I thought you wanted a chase, pretty girl. Didn’t even try to make it outside. No one else out here but us,” he mused. “Noone’ll hear you scream.”
You were thrashing against him, pushing at his arms, trying with no avail to get him to drop his hold, whimpering as he only tightened his arms around you.
“Mmm,” he hummed against you. “There’s always next time.” He changed his hold on you, lifting your legs into his left arm, holding your back up with his right, essentially cradling you in his arms. You tried to wiggle out of his hold, but he just threw you over his shoulder instead, slapping your ass as he took you to the living room, dropping you unceremoniously onto the couch. The light from the candles glowing and allowing you to see him as he pulled his shirt over his head. The clinking of his belt and the sound of his zipper filled the air as he removed his jeans before he straddled you. You were breathing shallow and you knew you were dripping for him by now as he leaned his face into yours and took your lips into his own, gently nipping your bottom lip before he drifted to your neck. His arms went under you and pulled the zip of your dress down, getting it as much off of you without your assistance as he could. He was impatient and decided to just tear it the rest of the way down the seam as you gasped.
“I’ll get you a new one,” he gruffed as he pulled the sleeves off your arms and threw the dress to the wayside. “You’d forgone a bra, granting him access to your heavy breasts the moment he got the dress off you. His lips descendeded on your pert nipple, his hand squezzing your breast as he pulled and tugged at your other nipple.
“Buck,” you moaned, your hands flitting through his hair, his stubble tickling your sensitive skin. You spread your legs around him and he ground down against you, his hard length throbbing through his underwear. You tugged at his boxers before he pulled away from you to get them down the rest of the way. He tore your own off and before you could complain, kissed your sweet spot and murmured, “Sorry, princess.”
His lips traveled back up your neck before landing on your lips again, tasting you as you parted your mouth for him, wrapping your leg around his waist and whining at the lack of contact you felt.
“Tell me what you want,” he said. You huffed in annoyance but knew you’d have to answer to get what you wanted.
“Want you to fuck me,” you pleaded.
“Whatever you say,” he smiled against your skin.
He took his cock in his hand and ran his tip along your wet slit, spreading your slick around and rubbing himself against your puffy clit, eliciting a moan from you. He teased you for a bit before he slid his tip inside of you. Your eyes closed in pleasure. “Feel good, baby?” he asked.
You nodded fervently as his lips returned to your neck. “More,” you pleaded, your fingers pulling at his hair. He pushed further into you and groaned at the feeling of your silky walls gripping him tight. He rolled his hips against you, setting a rhythm as he rocked into you repeatedly. His cock was rubbing against you in the most delicious way and he was stimulating your clit with his every move. Moans falling from you both as he fucked into you. His hand found your hip as he held you down into the couch, thrusting up into you harsher and harsher the closer he got to his release. The way he was pounding into you had you sliding up the couch with each powerful thrust.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he groaned into your ear as he held himself up above you, his rhythm faltering ever so slightly. The hand he had on your hip traveled to your clit and he expertly rolled it with perfect pressure as you cried out at the heat building hotter and hotter in your core. You felt your body tense as he slid against your g-spot repeatedly.
“Always so fucking tight, goddamnit,” he cursed, fucking you harder. You were unintelligible as you moaned and mewled at the pressure growing until you finally came undone around him. “Fuck,” he roared near your ear, burrying his face in your neck as he let himself go right after you.
You whimpered as his hips stuttered against you, your arms wrapping around him as he laid his weight down on top of you, placing soft kisses along your neck. You were breathing heavy as you ran your hands up and down his back, his weight a comfort as you shut your eyes.
Bucky pulled out of you gently, grabbing tissues off the coffee table to clean you and himself. He sat back on the couch and pulled you against him, kissing your head.
“I need you to know, sweetheart. You don’t need to keep anything from me. Ever. Especially stuff like this. I just want to make you happy. I want to make you feel good.”
“I know,” you murmured. “You know you’re the only person I've ever been with. I just - I didn't know how to approach it. I guess really I was just embarrassed. Maybe a little ashamed. I’d never..even thought about any of this stuff,” you laughed nervously. “It feels..dirty?”
“It’s a kink, princess. They’re pretty common. You’re not fucked up for wanting to be chased around before you fuck. It’s just a turn on, doesn’t say anything about your morality.”
You leaned your head against him as he rubbed your arm.
“You come across any other kinks you wanna try, you just let me know. You know I’ll do anything for you, pretty girl.”
You smiled softly at that. You knew he would, but it was always nice to hear him remind you of that fact.
“Thank you,” you whispered.
He tilted your chin up so you were looking at him. “I love you,” he told you, leaning down to kiss you softly.
“That was pretty hot,” he said when he pulled away. “We’re definitely going outside next time.” You couldn’t help but smile, a small laugh leaving your lips as you looked at him. “I love you,” you replied, hand coming up to stroke his cheek. “‘M tired,” you mumbled. He lifted you up as effortlessly as ever and moved to carry you up the stairs.
“If you drop me, I swear to god,” you warned him, earning a laugh in return.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, sweetheart.”
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celestiaxoxo · 11 months
hai i thought i’d send in an ask :3
you write for obey me so … Lucifer thoughts? i love him so much and its a bit difficult to req w/o knowing your style and preferences and stuff but thoughts on fangs on lucifer
hcs, a drabble ANYTHING just.. luci w fangs mhmm
—✧𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬!✧—
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DISCLAIMER : OBEY ME! Does not belong to me and all rights goes to its rightful owner. (English is not my first language so pardon any grammar or spelling mistakes)
WORD COUNT : 1.07k
Lucifer’s fangs aren’t something that many notice on the first time meeting him—due to him mostly being in his human form where his demonic features are carefully hidden away from privy eyes. It wasn’t something that he even really minded, having gotten used to the more extravagant aspects of being a demon but it made it easier to shrink them in his human form when trying to appear less threatening when interacting to both humans and demons alike.
His fangs can be easily described elongated, pointed, and prominently visible, adding to his oppressing presence and emphasizing his status as a powerful demon, not that he really needed much support in that aspect at this point. And were usually spotted when he either gave a smirk that showed more teeth that would be considered friendly or the more chilling moments when Lucifer was seething with enough rage to cloud his mind to make bare his teeth threateningly whatever unfortunate fool was unlucky enough to encounter his wrath.
If only the extra intimidating factor could actually help him when dealing with his younger brothers.
However there was a noticeable difference between his fangs when he was in his more human-like form and demon form, it became more obvious once something or someone pushes his buttons enough for him to lose his temper and snap (it could even be compared to a predator getting ready to maul his meal by ripping it apart with his fangs)
That of course doesn’t mean that his fangs completely disappear in his human form, even in his less menacing form it is still blatantly obvious to outsiders that there was something inhuman about him which was supported by the fangs that rested in the upper and lower canine teeth area, extending beyond the normal length of average human teeth.
Once the exchange program started being put into action and the less than pleasant disagreement happened with his brother he had noticed that with the increasing frequency of incidents that revolved around the second human exchange student that seemed determined to put their life in danger, he had gotten around to shifting into his demonic more frequently and it was left to question if he noticed the odd fascination that they had with a particular feature of his.
When the second exchange student was first brought into Devildom they were too panicked to take notice of any mistake that may have been important and instead focused on figuring out how they had landed on hell out of all places—so it shouldn’t be a surprise that they had forgotten most faces that were introduced in five minutes. Of course that changed overtime when they were relocated to their new home.
Then the TSL competition incident happened and it was the first time they saw Lucifer in another light.
When the tables had quickly turned against them and were forced to come face to face with Leviathan who in his blind rage had attacked them, was when they felt true fear settle in their bones as their body tightly locked into place and refused to move like a deer in headlights. Then in the next blink of an eye everything seemed to stop when an oppressing feeling traveled across that seemed to momentarily stop their breathing in place—like shadows spreading wide open, their attention was immediately trapped by the sleek feathers that were spread in front of their eyes. And that day had been when they had first seen Lucifer’s demonic form appear to stop them from dying. Quite the memorable moment.
Once he finally turned to look in their direction was when the human noticed his fangs after he started talking and for some reason they couldn’t drag their eyes away from his lips every time he talked. It was fascinating in a different way his wings were, which was probably why it took three calls of their name for them to finally drag their attention away from Lucifer and to the worried questions that seemed to think that their silence was because they almost ended their subscription with life.
And maybe for the sake of the poor decency that the exchange student still had left it was better for the others to keep thinking that.
But of course that wasn’t the end of it, not anywhere near close. The exchange student couldn’t stop thinking about how Lucifer looked at that moment—especially his fangs. That night they almost forgot the original plan with how in shambles their mind had been after that incident. It was only thanks to Leviathan himself that they had remembered about the TSL soundtrack that they needed to be able to distract Lucifer.
The problem was that well—the only human in the house doubted that they could now have a normal civil conversation without looking like a fool for staring straight at his lips while trying to give him the TSL soundtrack.
Yeah! Nothing could possibly go wrong.
“Come in.” As soon as they heard that they contemplated simply turning around and walking the other way just to avoid making a fool out of themselves but eventually decided against it after they remembered how much they had to do just to get their hands on this soundtrack.
And just on cue their eyes immediately went to were Lucifer’s fangs had previously been only to immediately move their eyes away after they noticed the expectant gaze of the man who they had been ogling at resting on them, clearly waiting for them to spill the reason they were here in the first place.
But it was a little hard to do when they once again were left surprised to notice that even in his more ‘human’ form Lucifer still had a pair of sharp fangs that gave him a more memancing edge, which probably worked wonders when intimidating others.
Or distracting them, like right now. Which was working, it was definitely working. A little too well if the struggle that they were going through while trying to formulate words was anything to go by.
“Soundtracks, am I right?”
Ten minutes later the unwilling exchange student slowly closed the door to Lucifer’s office and breathed deeply, now really contemplating if going up the attic was worth it. But still walking up the stairs in a resigned manner having already gone too far to back out now.
But even then there was a specific moment when they were having their conversation that was probably gonna be engraved in their memory for more time than it should be considered healthy.
‘When he smirked—his fangs looked very very good on him.’ They wouldn’t mind being a witness to such sight in the near future again that’s for sure.
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EXTRA NOTE : Thank you for requesting I had a lot of fun writing this hcs even tho it slowly descended to Mc simping for Lucifer at the end! I hope this was to your liking.
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jjkeverlast · 11 months
hi !! congrats on your milestone :DD i wanted to take the opportunity to request especially since i saw that your reqs are open ^____^
if it’s fine with you, i’d love to have a mafia jjk au with the “who did this to you?” trope !! one of my favorite tropes everrr !! however you wanna write it would be fine by me hehe
thank you so much in advance !! congratulations again 🤍
lost in the dark | jjk
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>> pairing jungkook x fem!reader
>> genre/au's mafia!au | est. relationship
>> summary jungkook never expected for bangtan's rival to know about you, or more likely find you.
>> word count 1.0k
>> warnings mentions of killing, guns & knives | a lot of violence | descriptions of threats | jungkook is a bit cocky to provoke | spitting in the face | descriptions of bruises.
>> author's note hii anonie!! i hope you enjoy this lil drabble with mafia jk <3 i just wanna quickly thank you for sending such a good plot in another ask!! it helped me write this drabble so easily :) have a great day hun!
[keep in mind that i do not have taglists for request, and prompts are marked in bold! thank you.]
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“Now, I’m going to ask again.” The man speaks roughly. Jungkook has a hard time seeing him, the harsh light blinding him and the view around him. He sucks in a breath, ready to take another punch to the jaw, because he knows himself and he wouldn’t think twice about answering. 
The man moves closer, the shadow turning into a familiar face. It’s their rival's boss. He’s carrying a sharp knife in his hand as he takes a chair and sits in front of Jungkook who’s strapped to his. 
“Where is Bangtan hiding? Hmm?” He leans closer, Jungkook holding his gaze on him, not scared of whatever he’s planning to do to him. Jungkook doesn’t answer, instead he seems to look around, acting as if he’s debating whether to answer the question or not. It peaks an interest in the man in front of him, causing him to lean in and when Jungkook blinks once, he spits on his face. The spit is mostly blood, due to the earlier punches. 
The man gasps, chuckling in shock as he grabs a napkin from his pants and wipes it off. 
“Is that a good enough answer for you, sir?” Jungkook smiles, despite his whole body aching from head to toe. 
He doesn’t speak, still wiping Jungkook’s trace on his face. 
“Okay, fine. One thing I do know is…” Jungkook starts off, the man snapping his eyes forward towards him. “Your tie is crooked.” He whispers, smirking at the man’s reaction before a hard slap is received. The sting burns, Jungkook biting back a groan. He’ll never give in. 
“All right, if you can’t answer that, I’m sure this question will be easy enough for you.” The rival smiles like the Devil himself, and for once Jungkook’s heart drops. 
“How’s your little girlfriend? Hmm? Is she doing well?” Jungkook can’t even process the words coming out of his mouth, desperately wanting for this to not be real. How does he know? How did he know that Jungkook had someone? 
“How…” Jungkook whispers, trying to fight back his anger to withhold his composure. 
“She sounds so helpless when she’s crying. Here, take a listen.” He moves forward, propping his phone right in Jungkook’s face. The voice recording isn’t long, only a few seconds but all he hears is you crying, begging for your life. 
Jungkook sucks in a breath, moving his body in the chair, anger seeping through him completely. “If you fucking touch her—” He begins to threat, but it’s shut down by a fake laugh. 
“That’s funny, Jeon.” 
Jungkook feels his veins popping harshly in his neck, as he tries to pull on the restraints, wanting nothing more than to punch the fucker in the face for hurting you. To his luck, a loud gunshot erupts in the room, chaos suddenly surges forward and Jungkook wishes he could see, still blinded by that stupid bright light. 
All while he hears men fighting, groans and painful whines, he tries to loosen the rope on him, the need to find you growing. After a bit, he manages to get his hands behind his back free, tugging the rest off. 
He steps out, finally seeing what the lamp has been hiding from him. It’s Bangtan, all strapped up, fighting and shooting everyone around them. Jungkook is determined to find the boss, having to find out where you are. 
He catches a glimpse of him behind some cardboard boxes, trying to keep himself alive but Jungkook is having none of it. He walks straight to him, pulling him by the collar of his white pressed shirt. He’s met with wide eyes, until Jungkook gives him a taste of his own medicine, punching him harshly so he lands flatly on the floor. He’s coughing blood, trying to stand back up but Jungkook holds him down. 
“Where is she?!” He screams in his face. 
“Ha.” Jungkook punches him again, his face turning another color. 
“I’ll fucking kill you.” He whispers, threatening with no mercy. 
“Good luck.” He shoots back and Jungkook has it. He punches him until he can’t feel his own hand, determined to end his life right in this moment but stops when he’s pulled back by someone. 
“Enough. Jungkook, enough.” It’s Yoongi, holding him back with both arms while Jungkook tries to fight back, wanting to see life flash before this person’s eyes for what they did to you. 
“They have Y/N. I need to go.” Jungkook walks out, while the rest of Bangtan fight off the rest. He feels helpless walking around their property, no sign of you. Jungkook feels like he’s been walking for ages, until he finds an opening in the left building. He runs in, being met with pitch black. He’s almost about to walk out, determined you aren’t in here when he hears a muffled scream. 
“Y/N!?” He calls out your name, the muffled scream turning louder and louder when Jungkook steps further in and finally he crouches down, able to feel you. Out of instinct he hugs you, comforting you with all he has, all while his own body is aching, trying its best to hold itself up. 
“I’m here, I got you. It’s okay. I got you.” Jungkook keeps repeating, feeling you shake against his bruised skin. With every last power he has, Jungkook lifts you up, dragging you outside. 
It’s then that he notices your forehead bleeding, arms covered in bruises. It breaks his heart to see you like this. He removes the restraints behind your back, ripping off the duct tape from your lips. 
“Jungkook.” His name falls out of your lips, as you fall in his embrace, crying out the shock you’ve been met with. 
“Who did this to you?!” He whisper-yells, wanting to hurt that person badly. 
“It’s okay, Jungkook. I’m just glad you’re here.” You manage to say, your voice a bit broken from being restrained. Somehow your words calm him. You’re right, he’s here, he’s with you now. Everything is going to be okay. 
“I love you.” Jungkook whispers, grabbing your face gently as he embraces it. He was so scared of losing you, forever. He’d never be able to live with himself. 
“I love you.” You repeat, meaning every word as hug him again, inhaling the familiar scent that feels like home. 
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© jjkeverlast 2023 [do not copy, translate or repost any of my works.]
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scummy-writes · 5 months
2024 taglist
Aka i saw everyone updating their taglist and realized I should get clarifications too
Hello 👋 currently, my taglist consists of these folks, if I am up to date:
@yarnnerdally @katriniac @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @bakaneko-chan @skoetiepoetie @bestbryn @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @fang-and-feather @lokis-laugh
I wanted to get some more details on what all you guys would like to be tagged in, since my tags are sporadic and primarily only used for what I consider 'full fics' and 'actual requests'. But my mind is a hellscape and this means things that others might consider fanfics are not what I tag on.
If you would like to be added to my taglist: DM me, send me an ask, comment on this post/my posts, etc to let me know.
But also, please let me know which of these you'd like to be tagged for:
Ikevamp or ikepri (or any exclusion of characters)
Anything and everything: this would include fanfics (example), drabbles (example), requests (examples), stationary/paper craft junk (example), letters (example), hc posts (example)
Fanfics/hc posts/drabbles/req only
Ofc thats not the only combos, but you get what I mean. Just let me know if there is anything specific you'd like to be tagged for or not, and don't be afraid to let me know if you want to be tagged for a specific fandom or not be tagged for a specific character.
Additionally, if you'd like me to tag you when I open up any type of requests or talk about opening comms again (they are still open), let me know if youd like to be alerted for that, too.
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uzurakis · 25 days
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hi! this is a blog dedicated for jujutsu kaisen and blue lock. i will often ramble about the series too, but it’s still a writing-centric blog.
please do filter the tag #jjk spoilers #jjk leaks #jujutsu kaisen leaks #jjk (chapter) if you don’t want to see any jjk spoilers here.
as for blue lock, i haven’t read the ongoing bastard munchen vs pxg match and refrain myself from any of the series’s spoilers. so please do not come at my inbox and talk about the recent bllk chapters.
DNI. basic dni criteria. do not bring any discourse/hateful asks to my blog.
asks are always open for interacting and brainrots. don’t be afraid to send them in, i won’t bite! quite the contrary, i love to interact here and make friends >3<
if you want to become an anon, just drop at my inbox and i’ll say what anon you want to be.
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i write both SFW and NSFW. with that being said, minors please do not interact with my explicit contents. also, i age up characters when writing them; if it’s not your cup of tea, then feel free to get off my page. thanks!
do i have a an update schedule? reqs are running on queue around the same time once per day. i may have finished your writing way before it’s posted because of my queuing system. or twice a day if i feel like writing a drabble for my favs.
ONLY OPEN TO DRABBLE/HEADCANON SUGGESTIONS! your thoughts or thirsts. I WILL NOT write any full fic requests or oneshots.
keep in mind that i have ALL THE RIGHTS to NOT write your suggestions. either i don’t know how to write it or it doesn’t pique my interest that much. my apologies.
drabbles: one character with your prompt
headcanons: a maximum of 3 characters for each promt
or just your brainrots or entries and we’ll talk about it!
my writing is only limited to some of the characters from the whole series. the ones that aren’t listed, i might have a hard time to nail the characterization.
JUJUTSU KAISEN: fushiguro megumi. itadori yuuji. gojo satoru. geto suguru. yuuta okkotsu. nanami kento.
BLUE LOCK: itoshi rin. yoichi isagi. meguru bachira. hyoma chigiri. seishiro nagi. reo mikage. michael kaiser. shidou ryusei. itoshi sae.
keep in mind that i use feminine reader and pronouns. don’t be too specific with your reqs, example: your oc reader, certain traits or attributes, etc. just let me be free with my creative space ;)
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all rights reserved. @uzurakis
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neteyamsoare · 7 months
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ everything you need to know before requesting!
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+ this blog writes for both sfw and nsfw, so users must be 18+ to interact. 18+ to request smut please respect this rule. this blog interacts and posts dark content.
+ my asks are open to whatever, no requests when requests are closed and thirsts are probably always open unless stated otherwise.
+ do not follow me if you are a minor, uninterested in nsfw content, you’re racist or anything anti LGBTQ+, anti-choice or if you don’t believe fictional characters can be aged up as i will be doing so when required! if you meet that criteria? kindly fuck off, don't come in my inbox or comments w hate cause it will be ignored and deleted. minors, blank and ageless blogs will be blocked.
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+ you can always claim an emoji so i can recognize who you are as we talk regularly, here is the emoji anons list so you can see which emoji is already taken + don't be a ghost emoji anon, you don't have to talk to me all the time but just let me know you're still here w me.
+ please don’t ask me to follow/dm you without having interacted with me in asks beforehand. don’t trauma dump in my dms or asks. i’m not a therapist and it makes me uncomfortable. the best i can do is give advice on day to day scenarios.
+ if you’re blocked don’t ask why. you’re either a minor, an ageless blog, you make me uncomfortable, or you interact w someone i don't fuck with. i curate my tumblr experience and do what’s best for me. same rules apply for if i break a mutual.
+ don't come in my asks badmouthing one of my moots, if you do whether you're on anon or not, you're getting blocked simple as that. / also if you come in my asks putting down others (sending multiple hate anons to them) because you don't have what they have in their lives, you're getting blocked.
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+ i accept: headcanons, imagines, one-shots, mini-series/series suggestions, prompts, drabbles, thirsts, fluff, angst to fluff, hurt/comfort, smut + angst.
+ characters i'll write for: ao’nung, eetu, etuwa, human & na’vi! jake sully, jamie flatters, kiri sully, lo’ak sully, nefika, neteyam sully, neytiri sully, norm spellman (willing to write for him if people send in reqs for him), nor, recom! quaritch, ralak sepwan (@zestys-stuff's oc), ri’nela, ronal, rotxo, sam worthington, spider socorro, so’lek, tarsem, teylan, tonowari, trudy chacon, tsireya + tsu'tey rongloa.
+ i will write: platonic/romantic requests, pregnancy, marriage/mates, modern aus, parent au, courting/future mates, anxiety, infidelity, cheating (only where reader gets cheated on and the character comforts them), smaus, protective/possessive behavior, insecurities + na'vi character x human smut.
+ kinks i'll write: age-gap (as long as both are of age), light bdsm, breeding kink, dom!character/sub!reader, sub!character/dom!reader, switch!character, praise kink, daddy kink, lactation kink, heats/ruts/knotting, ownership/claiming/marking, cockwarming, quirofilia, dub-con, gagging/choking, voyeurism, exhibitionism, stepcest, blood play, size kink, belly bulge, corruption, anal/anilingus, orgasm denial, biting, impact play (to an extent) + katoptronophilia.
+ tropes i'll write: friends to lovers, soulmates/fated mates trope, jealousy, enemies to lovers, office romance/coworkers to lovers, forbidden love, enemies to friends to lovers, second chance, childhood friends to lovers, rivals to lovers, rivals to friends to lovers, exes to lovers, opposites attract, blind to love, rich vs poor, fake relationship, forced proximity/stuck together, best friend's brother/sister, brother’s best friend, amnesia, dad’s best friend, sex worker/pornstar au, best friend’s dad, holiday romances/flings, friends with benefits, one bed, grumpy x sunshine, sworn off relationships, oblivious to love, unrequited love, alpha/beta/omega dynamic, best friend's ex, matchmaker, old enemies, unexpected pregnancy, secret admirer, fling/one night stand, long distance relationship, love at first sight, reunion romance/the one that got away bet, parent neglect (readers made up parents not jake & neytiri) + road trip.
+ types of readers i'll write: fem!reader, male!reader, black!reader, albino!reader, deaf!reader, oblivious!reader, bimbo!reader, virgin!reader, insecure!reader, grumpy/sunshine!reader, plus-size!reader + drunk!reader.
+ types of relationships i'll write: monogamous/polygamy, male!character x female!reader, female!character x male!reader, female!character x female!reader, character x gn!reader, character x child!reader (platonic only) + character x character (only jake x neytiri, lo'ak x tsireya, kiri x rotxo, tonowari x ronal + trudy x norm).
+ i won't write: r*pe, abuse, self-harm, death, yandere, su!c!de/su!c!dal thoughts, abortion/miscarriages, cheating (where reader cheats on character), incest, gore, eating disorders, heavy trauma, heavy violence, sexual assault, pedophilia, underage sex, smut for gn!readers, male!character x male!reader, + non con.
+ characters/types of readers i'll not write: grace, mo'at, tuktirey sully, max, recoms — they will only be in fics as side characters + trans!reader.
+ kinks i'll not write: heavy bdsm, age regression, vomit kink, mommy kink, foot fetishes, piss/feces kink, pegging, DDLC, knife play + gun play. 
+ tropes i'll not write: kidnapping (as in like reader falls in love w the person who kidnapped them).
+ please always send requests through my ask box, will not be accepting ones that come through my messages (except if you need to ask me a question) and comments because I'll forget it's there.
+ if you're going to send a request, please make sure you haven't already sent it to another person, if i find out someone else did/or received the same request, i’ll not do it.
+ feel free to be as specific in your request, it really helps my writing when you're detailed in what you want to see in the fic. like if you want enemies to lovers trope, you need to tell me why they hate each other. / please specify if you want fem!reader or gn!reader, or male!reader or black!reader or albino!reader. also specify if you want na'vi!reader, human!reader, avatar!reader, or simply avatar to na'vi!reader. also if the reader is in any clans that are mentioned in avatar.
+ if you don't see something listed here, you can send me an ask and ask me if i'm comfortable doing a trope/kink and i'll let you know.
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Smutember Event! | Status: Closed
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This user is all over the moon at the moment cause we reached 500-
Ahem! Anyways...tysm guys for your support🥺 I spend half of my time on tumblr because I love interacting with you guys and writing is a great passion of mine so...
Just thank you for being here with me (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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For this event, I'm going to write a smut drabble/short fic for you and your fav character, using a prompt from the prompt list below.
To participate in the event, all you have to do is:
Be over 18? Duh!
Send me a character and a prompt. You can ask me to include kinks and stuff as well, but I'll only do that of I'm comfortable or familiar with it.
Please check if the character you wanna request is on my writing list or else I will ignore your request.
The max limit for this event is 10 requests, since I'm on my last year of high school and I have to prepare for my college entrance exam, so forgive me if I ignore your req. (Call me a minor and I'll end you🚶🏻‍♀️, I'm 18 It's not my fault that I was born sooner than half of my classmates)
I'm not really experienced at writing smut so forgive me if it's not good enough I'm really trying to develop my writing skills so-
First come first serve btw, so if you wanna participate you better hurry lmao
↳NSFW Prompt List!
“Open your mouth for me, baby.”
“I won’t apologise for marking you up, everyone should know you’re taken.”
“Swallow. All of it.”
“Do you need to use your safeword, darling?”
“Do you know what happens when you misbehave?”
“Shall we put that mouth to better use?”
“I was good while you were gone! I didn’t even touch myself.”
“I’m bored. Wanna play?”
“Say that you want me.”
“We really shouldn’t be doing this right now.” “Well, do you want to stop?” “No.”
“We might get caught. Does that turn you on?”
“You look so pretty with my dick inside you, princess.”
“Good morning, princess.”
“Sit on my face.”
“Keep your voice down - there’s still a party outside.”
“If you think being in public is going to stop me, you’re sorely mistaken, sweetheart.”
“Either I’m insane or you were just masturbating in our living room.”
“When I wake up, you’ll still be here, right?”
“There’s only one bed.”
“Have you ever used handcuffs?”
“I know you think about me when you’re alone.”
“Which do you prefer, fingers or mouth?”
“This is our little secret, okay?”
“You think I give a shit that other people want you? I’m the one that gets to have you.”
“Is that my shirt?”
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◆Event Masterlist!◆
Search "AshTheMadWriter's Smutember Event" to see the fics posted for this event
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erwinsvow · 3 months
Omg you’re the absolute sweetest and made me blush!! I’m super into Ancient Greek plays particularly Sophocles 
I absolutely LOVE this time concept thing you have going?? It’s so creative!! Did you come up with it? The 2:31am one was so sweet I’m a whore for mean rafe who cares🙁 I’m just projecting personal preferences but I vote reader calls rafe dad more
The rafe thinking you spoil him because you love him and your attentive drabble?? My heart hurts he just needs love :( Ward Cameron when I get my hands on you…
Also this is the first time I checked out your page from my laptop and I accidentally clicked a few things caused I’m so unfamiliar Tumblr on a browser and I have to say WOW?!?! Your layout is SO amazing and cool and gorgeous and different and camp and kooky and I love it 
I’m sorry I can’t shut up but I’d like to believe you like reviews and I’m a fan so I’m here to provide bae <3 I’m just proactive like that! 
I absolutely adore the way you write rafe as slightly manipulative but so in love with reader I can so easily overlook it!! And the fact that we got an entire drabble from the movie screening scene?? I jumped from joy it’s my favourite everrr 
Btw I saw you reblogged a cam girl one shot and I’m reading this little series it’s cam girl x rafe (I love it and it’s updated every two days or so) lmk if you’re interested  
Thanks for reading my novel long asks lmk if they’re too much though and it’ll be sure to adjust accordingly!! Hope you had a great day! Love youuu <33
Ps are requests open for the time concept? I have an idea!
omg hi bae!! full stop because i love sophocles!!! antigone is my shittttt i wrote a whole term paper on her once!!! why are we so linked... what plays are your favorites? huge fan of medea too
also thank you so much babe! omg i have seen the concept in writing before but i just started thinking of placing a timestamp on moments almost like bottling it up... i would love to expand it into a series if people love it enough! youre soooooo sweet i could sob. the 230 one was so cute i really love the idea of after hours with rafe he gets soft the later it gets.. esp my rafe who just loves his girlfriend and no one else haha
STOPPPP CALLING RAFE DAD GIRLIES UNITEEEE. i know i got it from princessbrunette but seriously its such a god tier idea. shes so big brained
also stop?! why are you so sweet. i need to update it to match my video game theme on mobile (the desktop version is still in tune with my old scream 1996 theme!!) but ur such an angel.
your reviews and kind words mean soooo much to me. everyone is so nice but i know everyone just kind of likes the posts and keeps their thoughts to themselves but hearing this stuff makes me so beyond ecstatic. <333 ur the best. so proactive jus like dad <3
yesss hes so manipulative. i try to write him mean(er) sometimes but i physically cannnot because i know he is the whipped in love type. literally just looking for someone to pour his love on. <3
omg yes do send! love reading rafe series <3 and stopppppp i love your long asks i love talking to u sm!!!! i had an okay day but now im in bed about to work on your req so !!! <3 all better. love u bae hope you like it!
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hypnomicimagines · 2 years
If the drabble reqs are still open, can you do sick with Samatoki?
Aohitsugi Samatoki:
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Sick: You taking care of the character while they’re sick. 
You don’t think you’ve ever met someone so resistant to being helped in your life.
You had only dropped in spontaneously to see him but you found him looking under the weather, trying to brush it off as simply a hangover but you knew the signs. You had spent all day trying to coax him into his bed, making him soup which he rudely rejected and tried using your body to stop him from leaving his apartment entirely. Maybe his accusations of holding him hostage in his own home was true but Samatoki never seemed to take a break, and after hiding his pack of cigarettes from him, you managed to convince him to at least lay down in his own bed for a few minutes.
“Good, now go to bed.”
“How the hell am I supposed to sleep when you’re just staring at me?” Samatoki growled out. He’s about to say more probably rude things but his phone started to ring, and he was quick to answer it once he saw who was calling. So probably not Jyuto.
“What the fuck are you talking about? Did you not listen to what I said—I’m coming now.”
Not on your watch.
You snatched the phone out of Samatoki’s hand before he had the chance to reply, ignoring the devilish glare he was sending your way. You placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back down on the bed, the mere fact you were able to do so without losing a limb proving that Samatoki wasn’t on his A game today. No way you were going to let him leave the house in that shape!
“Listen, your boss is sick, and that means he’s off-duty for today. Solve the problem yourself like a big boy or ask someone else! Don’t call back again.”
They didn’t.
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nazukisser · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS | kissing your lover's tears away
PAIRING | sazanami jun x gn!reader
TAGS | fluff, drabble, request
REQUEST STATUS | regular reqs & matchups closed. event reqs open if there are slots left.
NOTES | from the kissing prompts list. {status :: all slots filled}
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The moment he had asked that question, the tears started flowing. It wasn't that you were surprised; no, it'd been talked about before. You weren't distraught; in fact, you couldn't be happier. Even though you'd dreamed about it countless times, you couldn't believe it had just come true. It was a surprise, but not at all, and as much as you would like to celebrate about it now, you still had to provide him with an answer.
Really, you already had a "yes" in mind, and you doubted it would change in a million years. You would love to say "yes" right now, but the tears kept coming. You had already nodded, and that was enough for Jun, but you wanted to give him a vocal "yes". As soon as the ring was on your finger, he put his lips onto yours, and somehow the tears stopped as he gently wiped them away. As soon as the kiss broke, you looked at him in the eyes, and he looked back at you.
"Yes, I'd love to, Jun"
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WORD COUNT | 177 words
NOTES FROM QIAN | i hope this wasn't too vague haha (yes marriage proposal) also, if you enjoyed this work, please reblog! it'd mean so much to me, and if you'd like to join the taglist, please send me an ask! ty <333
TAGLIST | @yumetokashite @engurishu @yuezhong @rosuuu @knights-escort @narushhii @narushhii
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jenosbigtoe · 5 months
wait OMG i misread your description I thought your requests were still open I’m so sorry 😭forget I said anything, again I’m genuinely so so sorry
omg don’t freak out you’re totally fine!!! tbh i say reqs are closed but a few people still send some anyways. i always feel honored people send me reqs bc omg?! you want ME to write for you?!! when you can ask anybody else???!!! and i’m not about to turn away any reqs, esp if they follow my rules. DISCLAIMER: MY REQS ARE STILL CLOSED. I CANT BRING MYSELF TO TURN DOWN ANY REQS IN MY INBOX BUT PLS DONT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT 😭 feel free to ALWAYS send hard thoughts tho and i’ll write a few sentences for you rather than a whole drabble.
also anon, YOUR REQ WAS HOT AFFFFF PLSSSSSS I WOULDVE WRITTEN IT ANYWAYS. just keep in mind it might take a while…. i have almost 30 wips in my drafts and 97% of them are reqs i still have to complete 😭😭 i don’t write in any particular order and i just write whichever ones i get ideas for first. please just be patient with me bc ive been insanely busy for the past month 😭😭😭😭😭
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mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
one hundred followers extravaganza!
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getting into writing again after years and seeing that people enjoy them has been such a beautiful experience (and thank u all so much for the little messages; it always brightens my day).
from now until august 7th, i'll be working on asks/requests!
check out my masterlist for more works!
🌞 send me up to three prompts and i’ll write a ficlet for the character of your choice!
🌷 send me a character and theme/idea and i’ll make you a moodboard :)
💭 ask me any question about a character and i’ll do my best to respond/write a mini drabble for them
🎶 send me a taylor swift song/lyric and i'll write you a ficlet! i have so many music themed stories planned so i figured i'd get the ball rolling with these mini works
🧚‍♀️ we hit 200! (this celebration is still going on though!) here's some of my favorite marvel fics
at the moment, i write primarily for marvel ->bucky barnes + peter parker (including tams!)
(and sometimes for the marauders)
but i'm open to writing for other marvel/hp characters!
i feel most comfortable writing with fem! or gn! reader, but i'm 110% comfortable writing wlw/queer relationships if u have any requests >:))
keep in mind i do not write [explicit] smut but if there is something you're *not sure* you should submit, feel free to send it in anyways (but exercise judgement please)! the worst that'll happen is i don't write it
the listed questions/prompts etc are all suggestions for if you don't have something already in mind! i'm open to writing pretty much anything :)
if you want something like enemies to lovers / angst with a happy ending, please lmk! i wanna make sure i get the structure right &lt;3
anonymous req: send 'em in!! love u guys just as much. if u wanna identify urself with an emoji, feel free to!
tagging a couple followers/mutuals <33
@im-a-slut-for-fluff @bambamwolf87 @monty2000 @gabby913 @ithinkihaveseenthisfilmbefore @itllbefineeeeee @tomhollandsam
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underzaun · 2 years
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→ asks + requests: open !
→ writing for:
steven grant, marc spector, jake lockley, layla el-faouly [mcu moon knight]
blue jones [sucker punch 2011]
billy butcher, frenchie, kimiko, starlight, black noir, homelander, queen maeve, soldier boy [the boys]
→ sfw is all good, and so is nsfw but i’m not as experienced writing it
→ i don’t shut up so feel free to do the same in my inbox
→ pretty obvious, but 18+ only when it comes to interacting with nsfw. this includes sending asks about/with nsfw content. if navigating my blog is difficult due to this, then i’d prefer you refrain from following or even block me [fics will always be labelled but can’t guarantee this for gen asks/posts]. please also take care with heavier themes and mature content, even if warnings are provided.
→ important: i try to treat requests as suggestions/ideas just to take the pressure off and make it easier to be active! this means there’s no guarantee on request fills or any set timeline
→ i write:
x reader only → not physically descriptive unless stated otherwise in fic summary/warning/etc.
drabbles, headcanons, poorly punctuated streams of consciousness, shorter fics
atm still trying to work up to larger one shots (5k+) and multi chapter fics
→ stuff i love:
friends to lovers
enemies to lovers
soulmate aus
loose/abstract ideas and concepts as prompts [posts under #prompts or any you find/come up with]
dialogue/action based prompts [same as above]
yearning, pining, and slow burns
soft angst and hurt/comfort
characters getting hurt or injured
role reversals
exploring relationship dynamics (both healthy and unhealthy)
→ some no go’s (cw for the list):
non con || self harm || daddy kink || inc*st || watersports || etc.
→ i’m all good with canon typical + atypical violence and related themes — content warnings will always be provided
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southslates · 4 years
hey i looove your writing!! <3 if you dont have too many requests i had an idea-- i noticed that there was a missing scene in tsr, between aang's "lecture" where he tried to stop her from going and when he caught the going anyway (it switched from day to night)... mayhaps there was a converastion in between ? 👀
"What's for dinner?"
"I don't know what's for dinner." Katara bit her lip, attempting to stay calm--none of this was Toph's fault, and they all needed to eat. "We'll figure it out, though."
The sun was leaving the horizon, and the advent of the moon usually made her blood sing a little; today it didn't make much of a difference. She had been seething at the edges since the night prior, after Zuko had told her that he knew of her mother's killer.
She knew she was a good person, but she also knew that she was not Aang. And his words from earlier still reverberated through her mind--his phrasing, his insistence that she must forgive the man who tore her apart and made her an adult all too soon. She wanted to understand where Aang was coming from, but she simply couldn't.
Aang was good, and pacifist, but sometimes she forgot that he was just a child. He had suffered, but this was different. She did not think she could forgive the Fire Nation man whose eyes still burned in her mind.
"I'll help," someone whispered, and she turned to the side to see another Fire Nation man. Zuko rubbed his neck awkwardly, standing still for a moment as if to judge her reaction at his nearness. When she didn't move, he leaned down and picked up one of the bowls to her left.
Katara's gaze stayed stuck on him for several moments, more out of judgment than distrust, before she grabbed a pot and stalked to the center clearing, where he'd set up a fire. "Get out the rice," she mumbled.
Zuko complied, and they both assembled a small dinner together in silence. They didn't have meat tonight because Katara wanted to preserve their jerky and eat their varied salvaged produce from the Western Air Temple first. Sokka would complain, but she was too angry at him to care about that. When everything was set in and Zuko moved to keep the pot boiling, concentrating intently on the flames, she stepped back and simply stared at the back of his head.
Then he whispered lowly. "He's wrong, you know."
"Aang thinks he's doing what's best--"
"Not his opinion," Zuko followed up. "I can believe that's something he'd believe. But the way he acted as though he knew what was best for you--that's wrong."
She raised her voice as if to protest, but quieted when she realized that Zuko wasn't arguing against her like the younger children and even Sokka often did. He didn’t often undermine her. "Oh."
"I'm not going to betray you again, Katara."
She stayed quiet as he maintained the flames so that they stabilized and then stepped back. Sokka and Suki were likely in one of the tents, and Toph had taken Aang to the other side of this small island to practice bending. It was simply the two of them, and she was reminded terribly of the last time they had been like this, face to face.
Zuko read her face the moment she closed up, and he reached a hand out to her before letting it dangle awkwardly in midair. "I'm not," he continued. "I'm not turning my back on you. I will take you."
She didn't want to look at his face, so she faced the ground and stared at the steam rising from the pot. "You know why I can't trust you."
"I've been trying."
She couldn't deny that. "Yes," she said. "You have. You've changed."
"And I still don't know if that's for better or worse," she lied to herself. "I'm really confused right now, Zuko."
"I'm sorry."
"You've hurt me."
"I'm sorry," he whispered, and his low tone sent a shiver down her spine. "I want to fix this."
He made her uncomfortable, and that didn't feel good--so she got up and moved back to their packs, leaving Zuko sitting there. They both stewed in the silence for minutes before Katara put a hand to her throat, where her mother's necklace rested.
"I think you can," she shuddered out. Zuko came up to her again, and she could see hope in his eyes, a belief which stirred her stomach in uncomfortable ways. "Tonight."
"Tonight," Katara repeated. "I'm starting to think you're more than a legacy, Zuko. Prove me wrong."
The cruel words bit at her lips, but she didn't want to dwell on them. She left him at the highland and went to go get Aang and Toph.
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robinofinashiro · 3 years
drabble: daiya boys getting jealous to you wearing another guys jersey ! 
characters: multiple characters x fem! reader
request status: OPENED / all fandoms pinned to the top of my blog as well as rules and req status! happy sending! 
Miyuki Kazuya: 
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- mans so confused? why are you wearing Eijun’s jersey. he had specifically gotten you a jersey that had his number for you to wear and the fact that you were wearing his pitchers jersey was completely throwing him off. especially because it was a game day and you were helping the girls with their cheering today and he wanted you to be in his jersey while you did it. 
- you were talking with Eijun and Nori, trying to get their pre-game jitters to settle the tf down. it didn’t even seem like you bothered by the fact that you wearing Eijun’s jersey and although Miyuki did not want to cause a scene, a part of him wanted a explanation. 
- as he was about to walk to you for an explanation, you got dragged away by the girls as he was called onto the field. he saw you a bit later on the stands, you were talking with the girls, every so often, the in field camera would pan to you and show off you wearing Eijun’s jersey. his eye continuously twitched at it and it wasn’t until the end of the game when he finally got the chance to approach you about it. 
- “why are you in his jersey?” he asked, lifting the jersey as if it was dirty. you laughed, sensing that he wanted you to take it off so you did, “i got Red Bull over the spare one you gave me and Eijun offered to take me to the locker room to get another one of yours but i guess i grabbed his spare by accident,” you laughed. Miyuki sighed understandingly but took his sweaty jersey off and putting it on you, “yours stinks you know,” you told him, giggling at his possessiveness, “i know but i’d rather you smell like dirty me than to have that idiot smelling line you.” you laughed, kissing his cheek as you heard a few of the girls call you over to catch dinner, “i’ll see you after dinner!” you screamed as he watched you, finally satisfied that you were wearing his jersey now. 
kuramochi youichi: 
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- you thought you got off easy with miyuki? MANS WAS PISSED. you were adorning Shinji’s jersey when he had specifically given his to you. kuramochi walked up to you, seeing you talking to a few of your friends in front of your home room. he didn’t even ask, he practically dragged you over to a corner. 
- “what up with the jersey?” he asked, pointing to Shinji’s number. you rolled your eyes, “um, this is the one you gave me? what the hell are you on?” you asked, trying to see the number. he shook his head, “the fuck it’s not. you’re wearing Shinji’s jersey!” he exclaimed, “take it off,” he stated, as he yanked your back pack off you and watched you annoyingly take it off.
- kuramochi looked at the time. you had about ten minutes before class started and that gave him enough time, “come with me,” he said, dragging you out of the hallway and basically darting to the boys baseball locker room. you were screaming at him, asking him where the hell he was dragging you off too. it wasn’t until you saw the boys locker room approaching when you finally realized. 
- he told you to wait a second and not even a minute after, he walked out of the locker room, holding his jersey in his hand and throwing Shinji’s into the hallway, not caring where it landed. Mochi put it on for you, making sure his number was showing. you looked at him and saw a blush on his cheek, realizing that he was flustered by how you looked with his jersey on. 
- you leaned up, giving him a kiss on the lips before smiling, “i like this one better,” you giggled. he gave you a hearty laugh, before returning the kiss, “you better because it’s mine,” he said in-between kisses. the kiss seemed to go on longer than you had realized as the two of you heard the two minute bell ring off, “race you to home room,” you told him as the two of you basically darted off to class. 
Narumiya Mei: 
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- GODDD, you got the whiniest of the bunch, omfg. he sees you wearing Carlos’s jersey and he immediately starts getting dramatic. he complains to Itsuki about why aren’t you wearing his and when he finally approaches you, you could see the whiny look on his face, “why are you wearing Carlos’s jersey!” he said. 
- “i decided to wear everyone’s jersey as a way to support the team as the manager,” you said, not bothering to play into his attitude. he could tell you were annoyed by his attitude and figured since you were being this way, two could play this game. he knew you found his fan girls annoying as FUCK so he went to the common area and immediately got flocked with attention. 
- you had walked into that same area to get a water for yourself and saw the commotion around Narumiya. you saw the way girls were basically hanging off of him and realized this was his way of revenge for wearing Carlos’s jersey. you felt slightly annoyed, kinda jealous but knew the best way to get him back for it. and that way was to openly flirt with Carlos when he finally made his way to the dugout. 
- once you got Carlos into the plan, he waited until Narumiya arrived to take his shirt off in front of you. you had seen this plenty of times before but acted ‘flustered’ to get a reaction from Narumiya...which is exactly what you got. you flustered expression around Carlos made Narumiya pissed as he saw Carlos basically laying it on thick. he was being extremely flirty around you and even wrapping his arm around you for a few seconds at a time until Narumiya finally had enough. 
- he, without hesitation, took off his own playing jersey and yanked Carlos’s off, “wear it....now,” he stated, darkened jealous eyes showing. you had never expected his reaction from him before but giving yourself the benefit of the doubt, you slipped his on but still saw the expression written on his face, “we’ll deal with this later,” he murmured as crashed his lips onto yours, giving everyone in the dugout a free show. you were stunned with silence as Narumiya let you go and wiped away the lipstick you wearing in front of Carlos. 
Sanada Shunpei: 
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- you were wearing Todoroki’s jersey and frankly, he was upset but not as much as he should’ve been bc i mean, it was Todoroki, you couldn’t get mad at that cinnamon roll for a long time. it was hard when Raichi was basically a walking two legged version of the sun but that was besides the point, he hated seeing you wearing another number that wasn’t his. 
- you were talking to Todoroki, giving him a few tips on how to keep his bat in decent care when Sanada finally approached the two of you. he had a tight lipped smile as he sat next to you and putting his hand on your thigh and giving it a tight squeeze, causing you to squeal slightly in the process. Todoroki hadn’t noticed as he continued to blabber on about his precious bat. 
- finally, his dad had called him over for something, causing Todoroki to run over there as Sanada looked down to you, “what up with Todoroki’s jersey?” he asked, making sure he emphasized his name. you shrugged, still smiling at him, “felt like supporting him,” you explained, “he’s like a little brother to me and i wanted to make sure he knew he had someone’s support on the stands.” Sanada’s heart fluttered, any sign of jealousy leaving his body as he heard what you were saying. 
- he loved the fact that you were so sisterly to Raichi. there would be days where you would bring all three of you lunch on the field as you knew that if Raichi didn’t eat school lunch, he’d practically be running on a banana diet for the entirety of the day and you were not about to have that happening. 
- you leaned up, giving him a quick peck on the lips, “don’t worry, the only other person’s jersey i would wear is yours,” you whispered into his ear, “and if you win today’s game, you can see me in just that and nothing else.” Sanada instantly perked up up, agreeing to what you were saying as he got dragged up from the bench by a few of his teammates. 
hongou masamune: 
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- he’s seething and that doesn’t even begin to explain it. one of the first things he did as your bf was give you his jersey to make a statement that you were his and to back THE FUCK off and now here you were, wearing Renji’s jersey for some god awful reason. he knew Renji was his best friend but seeing you wearing Renji’s jersey just ticked him off more than usual. 
- Hongou approached you, dragging you away from the team as you tugged yourself back, trying to get him to explain why tf you were getting dragged away from everyone. when he finally got you to himself, he didn’t even hesitate to yank off Renji’s jersey, “why?” was all he asked as you sighed in disbelief, “why am I wearing Renji’s jersey?” you asked as he nodded, “because i lost a bet with the fucking idiot and my punishment was to wear his jersey to a game.” 
- Hongou didn’t really like the idea of this bet so he practically gripped his best friend’s jersey and took his off in the process, “you’re wearing mine and that’s final,” he stated, walking back to the loccker room to get his spare jersey from his stall. he shrugged his on as the two of you walked back to the team and he practically whipped Renji’s jersey back to him, “take yours back idiot,” he screamed to Renji making you laugh. 
- you shrugged, not really knowing what to say to Renji as he was caught off guard, “told you he’d react that way!” you exclaimed, laughing now, “you act like you don’t know your own best friend,” Renji silently agreed knowing you were right. you saw Hongou on the field, practicing extra harsh as you silently apologized to the other team for the ass kicking they were about to receive bc of Hongou. 
- you waved to Hongou throughout the game, whispering ‘i love you’s’ you him to try and get him to calm down but you knew that was no use. being Hongou’s gf meant that you were going to have to get used to dealing with his constant angry attitude and you knew that nine times out of ten, you were going to repay for your little bet with Renji bc of it. Hongou’s punishments on the other hand weren’t as bad as you liked to make it seem tho. you usually got some pretty good aftercare from him when it was all said and done. 
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