#drabbles: a flower can't bloom without light
livingrief · 2 months
a flower can't bloom without light
The day had come to an end early. Finn wanted nothing more than to retire to his room and rest. Although once there, a familiar figure waited before his door. Lachesis. He waited and watched for a moment. Had she been eating? Had she slept? Well, he may as well announce his presence.
“Lachesis,” Finn started. The look on her face was expectant, yet somehow content. It was a much better look than last time. It occurred to him to ask what she wanted, but perhaps that was crude. She was his wife, after all.
“Let’s go inside.” The door opened to a rather meager and scarcely lived-in room, but it was not a space Lachesis had not seen before. Still, a lady deserved better. A small table sat by the window. Finn invited her to sit down and waited for her to speak. He could always choose cruel words, but he was tired of seeing her sad. Tired of being ruthless.
Lachesis sat down across from him, seeming to hold a package of some sort. “This is for you,” she said. “I wanted to repay you for the food and drink you gave me.”
Oh that. But why would she bother repaying me?
“Ah that,” Finn nodded curtly. “But you don’t need to give me anything in repayment.”
“Please, just take it.” Her eyes lowered as she handed him the gift.
Finn took it, as if waiting for the order to open it. When was the last time someone bought him something? And from Lachesis… His hand brushed across the surface of the gift wrap. 
But then Lachesis began speaking again, before he could gather his thoughts. “I admit it was strange to me that you did not kick me out of your room that one night, but it was even stranger when you brought me food. I always assumed you hated me, detested me to the core of your being.”
What? What is she saying?
“What an evil woman I am….What a tragedy it is that you had to wed me…” 
Finn could not hear anymore. He pulled one of Lachesis’ hands into his own, voice dripping with desperation. “Lachesis, you have it all wrong….How could I hate you? When did I say I hated you”
“It is not something you have to say with words!” 
It is then that Finn looked into her brown eyes and saw grief. Tears falling out and tears that he caused. So caught up in his own politics that he…
“But I did it for you…..” his voice nearly faltered.
“Nothing good would come of being near a person like me,” Finn uttered. “You were better off like that, I thought.”
His thoughts stirred in all sorts of directions. Had he strayed? But Lachesis did not let go of his hand. Instead, her voice drew more softly. “Finn,” she mustered, “despite how you changed, I never stopped loving you. I never wanted to be apart,” the sorrow in her voice was undeniable.
Any sort of response escaped him. Finn was reminded of how often he pushed her away without a thought. It’s better this way. Don’t come near me. I might hurt you. You deserve better.  But she still loved him….
“Lachesis…” She was still the same woman that he loved, the same proud princess who captured his heart all those years ago. But so much had changed. Was he still allowed to love her? He looked back up to her face, the tears that ran down and stained such beauty.  Knowing he was the cause of such sorrow was unbearable. How could he do this to her?
Please, smile again.
Finn did the only thing he could think of - pulling Lachesis into a hug. “I’m sorry,” he muttered. “I’m sorry, Lachesis, I’m sorry.”
It wouldn’t be good enough to mend what he had broken or to soothe her heart for now - he could still hear her cries - but he tried. The knight held her tightly for what felt like forever. 
But he hadn’t answered her question, had he? 
Maybe, with some more time….
Later, she would fall asleep in his room and it would be okay. Morning would come by Lachesis’ side and it was just a little brighter. 
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persphonesorchid · 5 months
Tasting Jealousy - KSJ
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Summary: Seokjin is more than happy to accompany you to your company's New Year's Eve party, he's not happy however, that your co-worker is trying to flirt with you. The presence of this man brings up feelings Seokjin thought he left behind him.
Word Count: 3.2k
Genre: COH!au, Cupid!Seokjin x F!Reader, fluff, smut...angst 😀
Warnings: Jealous jinnie, smut (Protected sex bcus Seokjin ain't looking to be a daddy for the new year. Soft Dom jinnie, fingering, kitty spanking - you'll see what I mean lmao.) Jin gets very sad at one point and it gave me flashbacks of a universe in which he left 🤡
Masterlist - HERE
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Notes: Happy New year my darlings!! I hope this year brings you lots of joy, love and peace!! Be good to yourselves!!
Now, I love this couple so much and I just can't get away from them ajsjhsha so here you go, my last fic for the year! And guess what? You guys will finally get to know who sent MC the flower arrangements. I know a lot of you were wondering lmao. I hope to write more drabbles for these two...even though is can't be considered a drabble because it got way out of hand 😭 but! I'm not complaining! I hope you guys enjoy!!
this follows Cupid's on Holiday's What If drabble Picking Peonies
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“Ranunculus.” The word is a hissed breath between Seokjin’s teeth, eyes narrowing into slits. There’s a muscle twitching just under his eye, and he should be careful. If he grips the champagne flute any tighter the fine glass will shatter.
You pause in the middle of your sentence, fingers brushing his as you take the glass he offers, head turning and tilting back a little to look up at him.
The chatter of the party populous and the soft crackle of Christmas jingles fades into background noise against the rising ring in his ears.
The man who stands across from you both must’ve been raised without manners, that or at least a little common sense. He stands tall, a inch or so shorter than Seokjin if he were to guess. They’re unintentionally matching, both wearing black turtleneck sweaters. Though, Seokjin’s coat is tweed and brushes his knees, the man’s is dark grey and stops where his hands are tucked into the pockets of his black slacks.
Its been about a minute since Seokjin went off to get you both something to drink. A minute since he spotted this man through the crowd and just knew.
It’s been about a minute since he’s walked over here, weaved his way through the crowd with a wide boxy smile and a wave in your direction. A minute of his eyes trailing over your form, lingering over the way the peach fabric accentuates your waist and flutters at your feet in soft waves. A minute since he’d leaned in with a smile and kissed both your cheeks.
A minute of him pretending Seokjin isn’t standing right here, like your arm isn’t linked with his.
Six minutes. Not like Seokjin is counting or anything.
Something burns hot in the back of Seokjin’s mind when you giggle around the syllables that make up this man’s name. You’re smiling at something he said a second ago, but Seokjin is so far in his head he didn’t hear. It’s the kind of smile you give him when he brings you your favourite treat; your cheeks puffing up and squishing your eyes. He doesn’t know if the guy’s actually funny or if you’re only smiling at him to not seem rude.
“This is Seokjin.” You say, and briefly, you look up at him, smile unmoving. There’s a pinch to your brow, probably still wondering what the meaning behind his word earlier was. A bit of pride blooms in his chest with the way you wonder; you’ve long forgotten where his distaste stems.
Seokjin dips his head in greeting when, the man – Taehyung – finally looks over at him. He extends a hand, overhead lights of the venue catching on the face of his watch that Seokjin knows is expensive. He knows because it matches his.
Seokjin shakes his hand firmly, even as Taehyung’s eyes meet yours again with a smile that seems a little more strained and a lot less boxy.
“Strong grip you’ve got there.” Taehyung's chuckle is deep as his hand falls back to his side and Seokjin only hums. “Friend of yours?”
There’s nothing in his tone that gives reason for the feeling that floods Seokjin’s chest. It rises quickly from his feet and burns the back of his neck and ears and he bristles.
“Partner, actually.” There’s an edge to his voice that he knows you’ve caught; you squeeze his arm a little.
“Ah, partner... That’s nice, I didn’t know you were seeing anyone.”
There’s no way he couldn’t have known.
He’s not in your department, Seokjin knows. This encounter would’ve happened a whole lot sooner had he been. Seokjin had been about your work place many times over this year alone, sometimes for no particular reason. Everyone in your department knows him by now.
Office gossip spreads like a flame in a dry grass field, so it isn’t that he hadn’t known, the man just chose to blatantly ignore it.
Something about that sets Seokjin’s teeth on edge.
“Ah, well, I’m pretty private so that’s fine.” You wave your other hand, the motion careful as not to spill the champagne that sits in it.
You and Taehyung make small talk, and Seokjin drowns in the feeling that’s swimming around his head. You ask him about how his birthday went and Taehyung says it could’ve been better. And there’s a twinkle in his eyes that Seokjin doesn’t like when he says it.
Taehyung smiles, after a while of Seokjin just staring him down. “Well...all my best for the new year.” He says, the curls of his dark hair sways on his forehead when he looks to Seokjin again. “Nice meeting you.”
And like that, he was gone, back through the crowd to linger when he’d came from.
Seokjin feels you shift, and when he looks at you, you’re already watching him.
“What was that about?” you ask, a brow raised.
“What?” Seokjin raises a brow back and you sigh, tapping at his arm with hand that was looped around it.
“Jin...” You say nothing more and Seokjin busies himself with draining the rest of the champagne in his glass. He sets it down on a nearby table and you do the same, unlinking your arm from his to stand in front of him.
“Do you want to leave?” you ask softly.
“We’ve only been here two hours.” Seokjin replies, shaking his head.
“You didn’t answer my question. And besides it wouldn’t be any fun if you’re gonna be like...that for the rest of the night.”
“I’m not being like anything.” His voice is a little harsh, and Seokjin isn’t sure if it’s because he’s being called out. He sighs, brows pinching. “It’s fine. It wouldn’t be fair to you if we leave now.”
“I don’t mind, that’s why I asked. If you don’t want to stay that’s okay.”
“Why’re you so stubborn? Stop pushing it.”
You step away from him, eyes rolling as you step past.
“Where are you going?” Seokjin calls, turning as you walk, following the motion of your body with his.
“The bathroom.” You snap and Seokjin stares until you disappear into the throng of people.
There’s a low whistle behind him and Seokjin slowly turns, hackles raised again.
Taehyung is back. Barely seems to be paying him mind as he fills a plate with finger food and snacks. The long rectangular table is tucked into a corner, laden with different types of foods. He’s a bit away, but Seokjin’s certain he heard the exchange if the little smile he donned was anything to go by.
“Trouble in paradise?” He nods with his chin in the direction you stomped off to, picking a mini sandwich off his plate.
“Just a small fire. Containable. Although, I don’t see how that’s any business of yours.” If Seokjin’s eyes could narrow any further, he’d close them.
Taehyung lifts his shoulder in a shrug, “Just worrying, she’s my friend after all. Would hate to see her not have a good time.”
“Right.” Seokjin says, and then takes a breath. He doesn’t have to entertain this. He turns on his heel, walking through the crowd towards the bathrooms.
He finds you just coming out, pulling the lace of your sleeves back down to your wrists. He takes your hand, “We’re leaving.”
You follow without complaint or question. Once outside, Seokjin gives you his coat because he doesn’t need it, a hand on the small of your back as he leads you to where he parked. Ever the gentleman, he opens the door for you and waits until you’re situated before going around and getting in.
He turns the heat on, and the drive is silent.
After a moment of your eyes burning into the side of his head, you finally speak: “Are you okay?”
“M’fine.” Seokjin tries to keep the edge out his tone because there’s no reason to snap at you.
You still catch it, and Seokjin sighs when you go quiet. His teeth aches when he clenches his jaw, grip tight on the steering wheel. It wasn’t long before he’s pulling into the parking lot of the apartment and you’re out the car first.
The way up to your apartment is silent, and it continues until you’re both inside, taking your shoes off at the door.
“Wanna tell me what’s wrong now?”
Seokjin feels guilt knot his stomach as you stare at him, a patient look on your face.
“I’m sorry. It’s just...”
There was still a lot of things Seokjin was getting used to. It’s been a year since he decided to break every rule set for him and stay with you. There are times when he’s blissfully unaware of it. When he’s tucked it into the far reaches of his mind in a box under lock and key and it doesn’t bother him. Sometimes though, like now, it rattles along the inside of his head, bouncing off corners.
Taehyung is the one who sent you that horrid floral arrangement on valentines day. It had long stopped irritating him whenever thought about it. The initial jealousy had come and crested like a wave and was gone then. Now it crashes in like a tsunami.
It’s not just jealousy he feels, but a strange sense of being lost. Like he’s walking through a fog with a blindfold. He’s aware of what he did, when he decided to turn his back on his duty and be selfish. He knows well there are some things he can’t ever give you.
A normal, happy life is one of them.
He can give you whatever you ask for, anything you want it’s yours without question. But what happens later? Years down the road and you’re married to him and he can’t give you the one thing you’ll want then.
The person meant for you could give that to you.
He’s being selfish. You’ve never complained, but Seokjin knows you must’ve wondered about it by now. The what if. Maybe...perhaps it would've been better if he'd followed through with leaving then...
“Jin?” you call softly, ducking your head a bit to meet his gaze, “Talk to me, what is it?”
“Do you regret it?” His voice is just as soft, looking down at his feet. He looks up, somewhere above your head, sighing, “Do you know that he’s the one who sent you those flowers?”
You seem confused for a moment, and then recollection lights in your eyes. “Oh! Oh...Jin.” you chuckle a bit and step closer.
“Don’t laugh, it’s not funny.” Seokjin groans, and meets you halfway when you reach for him. Your fingers dance at the nape of his neck and Seokjin pulls you closer by the waist.
“Is that what was bothering you?”
He can only hum, and you chuckle again. The warmth of your hand rubs circles against his back and he feels that warmth seep into his bones and settle there.
“I don’t regret anything. None of it.” You murmur against his neck, and Seokjin pulls away, cupping your cheek with a hand. His thumb gently caresses, and he meets your eyes for the first time in a while and calls your name softly.
“There are things that I can’t give you.”
There’s a fierce look in your eyes that makes Seokjin wrap his next set of words up neatly and swallow them.
“None of that matters. You’re more than enough.”
Seokjin closes the gap between you both, pressing his lips firmly to yours. The arm at your waist pulls you close and the hand that sits at the side of your neck tails into your hair to tug at the many pins that you’d secured it with.
He spins you with practiced ease, pressing your back against the wall of the entryway and crowding your space.
He places a kiss at the corner of your mouth just to tease, and chuckles when you chase. His kisses trail along your jaw, stopping just below your ear, and he takes the lobe between his teeth.
The little sound you make shoots down his spine, and he feels your fingers curl into the fabric of his sweater. He taps at your waist, his hand trailing over the curve of your ass and he gives you a moment to settle your arms securely around his neck before he lifts.
He doesn’t need to see where he’s going to find his way to your bedroom, and he busies himself with kissing and marking the skin he could reach. The fingers of his other hand finding the zipper at the back of your dress to tug down.
He sets you on your feet, pulling back just enough to help you out of your dress, his eyes still closed as he trails his lips over your collarbone, pushing the fabric off your body until it pools at your feet. Your skin is warm where he touches, he ghosts his fingers along your sides and revels the way you visibly shiver.
The bralette you chose for the night is lace and hides nothing from his hooded gaze, your nipples taut from the chill and his caress. He thumbs at the peaks, and when you tug on the hem of his sweater, he tuts at your impatience.
His hand slides up your back, unclasping the bralette and pushing you gently back until you hit the bed. The straps slide down your arms and he tugs it off, palming at a breast with a groan trapped behind his teeth.
“Jin..” you sigh his name and Seokjin hums, tilting his head at you.
He leans into you and you fall back. Seokjin holds his weight on his hands just above tour shoulders, and his knees trapping your thighs between them. He watches you blink up at him with some confusion as he simply stares.
“Let me ask you something.” He says, and then he shift, getting onto the bed and sitting with his back against the headboard. He curls his fingers at you, and with a bit of uncertainty tinting your form you follow. He settles you between his spread legs, pressing a kiss to the junction where your neck meets your shoulder as he traces patterns against the skin of your thighs.
He spreads you legs with a gentle hand, bringing his legs up a bit so that the back of your knees hooks against his thigh. Seokjin brings his hand down quickly, the lace of your underwear does nothing to shield you from it and he chuckles when your surprised whine meets his ears. He feels you trying to snap your legs shut as the sting of his hand runs through you, the way your back arches away from his chest.
“Tell me, sweet girl.” Seokjin coos, and he decides to be nice, rubbing soothing circles against your lace covered pussy. He could feel just how wet you are, your panties slide against your slick skin with his movements, damp against his hand. “Do you think you’re deserving of my touch right now?”
Your exhale rattles against his chest, and he waits patiently for your answer. He allows you a moment to think, and he knows it’s hard, as his fingers tease at the seam of your underwear, slipping underneath to find the wetness there.
“I am.” You finally say.
“Oh, are you?” Seokjin chuckles, dipping a finger into the warmth of you just to hear your gasping moan. He presses the finger against your clit, circling once, twice, and then he stops. “Do you want me to tell you why you’re not?”
Seokjin kisses your jaw, and the slight shift of your hips doesn’t go unnoticed. “You let that man get near you. Allowed him to act like I wasn’t there. Ignored the way he was looking at you.”
“Jin, it wasn’t...”
“Shh,” Seokjin shushes you gently, fingers resuming the slow, torturous grind against your clit. “I should make you cum until you cry.”
The whimper you let out makes his slacks feel constricting. He sinks two fingers, knuckle deep into you and kisses your neck when your head lulls back against his shoulder. He watches the way his hand moves under your panties, curling his fingers against the spot that makes your toes curl.
He presses the heel of his palm against your clit, and runs his tongue along the shell of your ear when your pussy clenches and your moans go up in pitch.
“Close already?” Seokjin coos mockingly, a chuckle on his exhale. The fingers of his other hand pinching lightly at your nipples, and then he stops, “That’s too bad, then.”
Your groan holds frustration and Seokjin unhooks your legs from his. He stands to rid himself of his clothes, his cock hard and weeping when it slaps lightly against his stomach. The reaction you invoke in him has never changed, a shiver slithers down his spine and watches at your tongue darts out to moisten your lips. You reach a hand out to him and Seokjin takes it, bending a little at his waist to press kisses against your fingers.
He fishes a condom from your nightstand – ever mindful – and then crawls between your legs, taking a moment to slide your panties down them.
“Okay?” He asks to make sure that you’re okay to continue, that he’s not driving you too hard.
You nod, and you lift your hips, pressing his cock between your wet heat and his stomach. Seokjin groans against your lips, tightening his grip against your thigh.
He moves his hips, pulling back and then pushing into you with slow, languid strokes. He kisses you tenderly, his tongue exploring your mouth. When his fingers brush against your clit, the way your core tightens around his cock has him seeing stars. His thrusts gets faster, and he knows just how quickly you’re hurdling towards your end, he watches every minute expression. The way your eyes squeeze shut and how your lips curl around his name, the scratching of your nails down his back.
Just as you reach the peak, Seokjin moves his hand away and slows his thrusts, leaving you trembling and whining. He smiles against your lips, and whispers, “Let’s take this slow.” He kisses you again, his thrusts becoming slower and gentler.
He continues to move in and out of you at a slow, steady pace, taking his time to bring you to the edge of pleasure again and again. Eventually, he begins to speed up, and he moves his hand back to your clit, sending you over the edge into a powerful orgasm.
“Fuck.” Seokjin groans, following not long after, his forehead against your collarbone. There’s a ringing in ears when he comes down, and he presses a kiss to your sternum before pulling away.
After you were both cleaned up and the sheets were changed, Seokjin holds you close as you both watch the couple of minutes tick by until midnight.
“Do you have any resolutions?” Your head is against his chest, a leg over his hip.
He traces patterns against your thigh, thinking quietly. This is another one of those human things that he wouldn’t ever grasp. You rang in the last new year with Yoongi and Hoseok while he was busy with his duties with the other Cupids in the area, so you must’ve had this question for a while.
Seokjin hums softly, “Loving you. That’s it.” He smiles when you giggle and when the fireworks start up at the stroke of midnight you both watch them light up the night sky through your open window.
“Happy New Year, Jinnie.”
Seokjin turns, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss and he whispers the words back to you.
You both lay there for a moment, quiet, and then Seokjin speaks: “You know, I could make him fall in love with his office chair or something.”
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tagging: @xpeachesncream @bangtansmauyeondan @taestefully-in-luv @blog-name-idk @madbutgloriouspond @euphoricfilter @luaspersona @mssukeyna @allhobbitstoisengard @eoieopda @minmin2022 @liveyun
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lostinwildflowers · 11 days
When The Time Is Right
Erwin Smith x Reader
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Summary: A venture into the woods on your day off doesn't end the way you expect it to.
Word Count: 1.0K
Warnings: N/A
A/N: I know. It's been a while. But I'm back for my soulmate's birthday and her love for a certain blonde-haired male in the form of a lil drabble. @bluebellhairpin, happy birthday my love, I hope you have a wonderful day❤️-Birch<3
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Everything I have done, I did thinking that this day would come...
The words written on your forearm in a distinct cursive handwriting that you had never seen scrawled about by another person before. The letters were delicate, intricate even. Yet you had never heard them spoken aloud to you.
You had never met your soulmate.
It wasn't an uncommon thing to experience - people with words etched into their forearms in their soulmate's handwriting, the words they would first speak frozen in time.
Ever since you were born, those words have grown with you, carried hardships, and been a constant in the craze of life. A long time ago you would have been dying to know who your soulmate was going to be.
Now, you just can't bring yourself to care.
It was a Sunday afternoon, the sun was shining, birds were chirping. There was a light breeze swirling by your house, the heat of the day cooling ever so slightly upon your skin.
You decided to head out for a walk - it was your day off after all. There was a nature park nearby that had miles of trails to walk on or bike through.
The forests there were one of your favorite places to visit. There were paths full of ferns and dappled shade, fields full of blooming flowers that sometimes made your allergies go wild.
The best part?
It was just you. Being alone out in the woods gave you time to think and decompress from the hectic ins and outs of your daily life. So, you packed some snacks and a few drinks in a lightweight backpack and set off for the distant mountains.
Gravel crunched underfoot as you made your way out of the small parking lot that only had one or two cars. It was mid-morning, so the sun was making its way through the leaves without being obnoxiously bright.
You hummed a gentle tune as you set out on one of your favorite trails, AM's Pass. It was one of the "harder" trails according to the state rangers who leveled them, placing them on a scale from the easiest to the most challenging.
You didn't seem to mind it, though, and you continued on your way, no one in sight. You did, however, pass many signs.
-Deer Crossing-
Despite the frequency of the sign, you hardly ever saw any of the white-tailed ungulates bounding through the forest.
-Bear Crossing-
Yeah right, you think to yourself with a half-smirked pulling on the corner of your lips. I doubt there are any bears up here.
You continue up the path, making your way to a spot where you know there is a lake and a natural spring. You were in your own world, soaking up the natural vistas below and the grandeur of the mountains above.
You set your backpack down on the picnic bench you knew was at the top of the hill, and you start setting out some of your snacks. As you reach for your water, you realize it's empty.
You start making your way down to where you know the natural spring is, watching your step against some of the slick rocks. It only takes a few moments for the fresh spring water to fill your bottle, and as you make your way back up the slope, you freeze in your tracks.
There, in front of you, is a mother black bear and her two cubs. In the mother's mouth? Your dish of grapes.
Throwing all reason aside, you yell, "Hey bear! Those are my grapes!" You start to hustle back up the mountainside, waving your arms and yelling at the bears.
You can feel your heart hammering in your chest as the mother bear notices you and starts to flee. She huffs lowly to her babies who were crawling under the other nearby picnic table and starts to scurry off.
Further up the trail, you hear more noise and the sound of a male voice yelling. Shoot! Hopefully I didn't send those bears right at him!
Once you pick up the container holding the remnants of your grapes, the male you had heard appears in the corner of your vision. The first thing you notice is his height.
He's a tall, well built man. He's got wild blonde hair that looks like his hands had been messing with the light locks. Then, you finally lock eyes with him, and you are met with an icy blue that looks frazzled and excited.
"Everything I have done, I did thinking that this day would come... But I didn't think my soulmate would try to kill me with a mother bear and her cubs."
You feel your heart stop at the words that leave his mouth. The air is sucked out of your lungs and you feel your fingers drop the bottle of water you had just filled up.
"What did you just say?!" you exclaim, taking a shaky step forward. The blonde chuckles and awkwardly scratches at the back of his head as he states, "Well it's not often bears steal someone's grapes and then they send the bear right at you."
You blink and shake your head as you stutter out, "I- I didn't mean the bear part... You- you're my soulmate?"
The blonde gives you a soft smile with a shrug before offering his hand, "Erwin Smith, the guy you almost ran a family of bears into."
You close the distance between the two of you, a hot flush settling over your cheeks as you take his hand, "Y/n L/n, the girl who feeds grapes to bears."
The two of you shake hands before letting chuckles fill the air around you. Sheepishly, you rub your arm before pointing to your snacks and asking, "Want to share whatever snacks I've got left?"
Erwin unbuckles his own backpack and sets it onto the picnic table with a, "I would love to."
-The End-
(secret A/N: this is not edited, proofed or anything, and actually, I'm the bear)
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avonne-writes · 1 year
I'm absolutely in love with the high school au! I'd love to hear more headcanons about it, if you feel inspired! <3
I'm so sorry this took so long! I wanted to post a little drabble. I hope I'll be able to write the story of how they got together one day. ❤️
Link to the previous HS AU drabble
This drabble on AO3
With his head propped up on Aemond's pillow, Luke listens to the lazy swish of the wind as it dances around the fresh spring leaves outside. The tree that casts playful shadows on Aemond's window shed the last of its blossoms only a few days ago. The petals are a pink carpet on the ground now, light over the bright green grass. Aemond kissed him against that tree while the last of the flowers fell, with his hands on Luke’s neck and his thumbs brushing Luke's cheeks.
"Will you come over on Friday?" He asked quietly. They were so close that Luke’s eyes could barely focus on his face.
"Of course." Luke beamed, and a warm tingle ran through him when he saw the smile Aemond tried to hide by nuzzling his cheek. He dreamt of cherry blossoms that night.
The rest of the week dragged on forever. The only thing that got him through it was the heat he felt whenever Aemond looked at him. The glances across the cafeteria, the brush of fingertips as they passed each other in the hallway. He sighs just thinking about them. The weekend couldn't come soon enough. Thankfully, Luke’s parents bought his bullshit excuse about going to the mall with his friends, although his mum asked him if there was a special someone he was going to meet there. It was so embarrassing! Luke is pretty sure he cringed when he denied it, and he might have seen his dad's lips twitch behind his cup of tea.
Ugh. No, he can't even think about it. What if his dad knows?
He shakes the thought away and focuses on the present. It's quiet, save for the sounds of a peaceful suburban afternoon that drift in from the street. He’s on his back in Aemond's bed, enveloped comfortably by Aemond's arms. Aemond's head rests on his chest. Blond hair parts under his fingers like silk as he combs it. They have the house to themselves for a few more minutes before Helaena comes home. Luke had plans - big plans for today, but he chickened out and couldn't find the right moment to bring them up yet. He wasted hours. He can't go home without at least mentioning what he wants!
"Aemond?" He whispers.
He runs his fingers over the tender skin behind Aemond’s pierced ear, down his neck to his collarbone. He traces the silver chain resting there, wondering what it would feel like to kiss the dragon on it, where it lies under Aemond’s shirt on his chest. Aemond’s skin is always so warm and smooth to the touch, and it flushes when Luke's kisses stray to it. Would his chest bloom with the same sweet colour where his heart beats?
"Hm?" Aemond hums. He reaches up with a hand to cup Luke’s cheek for a moment before resting it in the juncture of Luke’s neck. He doesn't sound fully awake. He seems content to just lie here, petting his boyfriend and dozing on his chest. Luke’s stomach hitches.
"Sooo..." He swallows. "I thought about - about us." He touches the back of Aemond's hand before he could misunderstand. His heart races so loudly that he barely hears his thoughts. "I know it's not a big deal, but um. You know how I haven’t really done anything, right? With anyone. But I've been thinking recently, and I think now I'm ready to... if you want to... uh, do something more."
He doesn’t manage to finish the sentence properly, but there's a question in there that he hopes Aemond hears. God, why is it so awkward to say this stuff! He tried mumbling it under the shower, I want to have sex with you, but it sounded deranged out of his mouth. He’ll never be as sexy and suave as Aemond is when it comes to these things. With bated breath, he waits. After a few seconds, Aemond's weight shifts as he props himself up on an elbow and blinks at Luke. Without his usual eyeliner, his gaze seems softer.
"Are you talking about sex?" He asks bluntly, his expression impassive.
Luke blushes so hard that it feels like his face melts. He smiles and averts his eyes, fiddling with the sleeve of Aemond's shirt before he looks up again. He nods, although it feels like he's dying from embarrassment. "Mm-hmm."
Aemond's lips part, but no sound comes out at first. Then, he starts to smile. "You want to have sex with me?" He asks, too loud.
Luke covers his face with his hands, hiding his burning cheeks behind them. "Don't say it like that." He mumbles through a smile.
"Like what?"
"Like - you're surprised or something!"
He drops his hands, giving Aemond an indignant shove until Aemond rolls off him. They're both on their sides now, their heads inches apart on that tiny pillow. Luke pushes at Aemond's chest again, unable to contain himself. Now that his confession is out, he’s so excited that he wants to jump up and down. Aemond, on the other hand, looks star-struck. The wonder on his face makes Luke roll his eyes.
"Did you think I'd make you wait forever?" Luke huffs, then continues in a more serious tone. "Thank you, by the way. For not rushing me, I mean."
Something about that makes Aemond flustered, because he picks at the black paint on his nails. He avoids Luke’s eyes. "It wasn’t as hard as you think it was."
A beat of silence lingers while Luke tries to figure out what he implies and whether it's a comment about him or not, but instead of anything constructive, the only things he finds in his head are dirty, dirty thoughts. Riding a rush of bravado, he smirks, shimmying closer to Aemond and touching his stomach through his shirt. "Are you sure it wasn’t hard?"
Aemond's lips part. He stares at Luke as though Luke’s words have just rearranged his universe and offered its treasures to him.
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A second later, he rolls forward, his kiss a wild burst of emotion on Luke's mouth as it pushes and demands and plunders. His left hand roams over Luke's body as they make out in a noisy tangle of limbs. It finds Luke's ass and gives it a squeeze, then a massaging stroke when Luke moans. Sighs and hums bounce between them as they try to pull each other as close as possible, as if they were trying to crawl into each other's skin and feed on their desire.
Nervous but lightheaded from want, Luke slides his hand further down and cups Aemond's cock through his trousers.
"Oh." They gasp at the same time. Aemond’s breath stutters in his chest.
"Liar." Luke snickers giddily, using his fingers to map out the shape better. This isn't the first time that he felt it, but he never dared acknowledge it so directly, with such shameless interest. Is it too much? He hopes it isn't. "This doesn’t seem soft to me."
Aemond's lips twitch into a smile. "It's your fault."
"Mine?" Luke grins wider, his touch gaining confidence.
"Yes." Aemond groans and rolls him on his back, kissing him silly again. When Luke hugs him, he pulls back to pepper kisses all over Luke's face until Luke giggles. "Make it up to me."
I will, Luke wants to say, but the sound of a keychain clinking, then the whoosh of the front door break the moment. Someone stumbles over the shoes downstairs.
"Baby bro-ther!" Aegon singsongs, creeping up the stairs. "You left your girlfriend's shoes in the hallway! Rookie mistake! Time to introduce your favourite sibling to her!"
Aemond drops his forehead to Luke’s chest and groans. Luke flicks one of the silver rings in the tip of Aemond's ear.
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lunaekalenda · 1 year
Hi! I saw you are doing a Valentine’s Day event and I have one for Eren here! Can I request an Eren x Fem!Reader fluffy Drabble where Y/N (she has her beautiful pink nightgown with a pink flower crown on her head) woke up seeing Eren laying stark naked (he had an eucalyptus crown on his head) on his side wide awake with the sun shining on his body holding her hand, playing with her wedding ring, and kissing it causing Y/N to blush. Then Eren motions Y/N to cuddle close to him and embrace her is his warm bare body giving her kisses and unexpectedly carry her out of bed and has her close her eyes because he has a surprise for her and takes her the unknown destination. After Eren sets Y/N down on the picnic blanket, Y/N finds herself by the lake with the view of the mountains along with the sounds of nature in the flower meadow and tackle Eren down with kisses on his naked body until he tells her to stop before having their cuddles and have their cute little activities together by writing a poem, watching the clouds and enjoying the view of the mountains, Eren doing Y/Ns hair in a rose bun, and Y/N drawing Eren under the sun with a sketchpad with butterflies resting on his leaf crown and his bare back. Finally, Eren and Y/N discussed their future of having children and hoping to share this moment with them as a family and Eren agrees with her as he gives her a kiss and lets Y/N cuddle close to his bare chest and wraps an extra blanket around both of them letting Y/N have her nap while he hums her a lullaby and enjoy the relaxing sounds of nature and scenery? Thank you! - 🌼
hii!! sorry i was slow to make this, but it's finally here! i hope you like it! took a time since for some reason everything i wrote was pretty similar to another post so i had to figure out how to change it :') i'm sorry
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The soft light that enters through the window and the soft tickles you feel on your ring finger make you wake up slowly. Eren's hands play tangled on yours, as a soft smile shines on his mouth. He looks so ethereal like that, with just a soft white cover on half of his body and the eucalyptus' crown leaves poking out of his messy hair.
"Good morning." he whispers, taking your hand to his lips, kissing the ring on your finger. The one he put there not a long ago. The one that seals your eternal love. You're still too sleepy to react, but your cheeks feel suddenly hot, and Eren giggles softly at it before pulling you closer to his body, skin against skin, the warmth of his body welcoming you between his arms. His fingers dance on your back as your lips rest near his chest, just enjoying his warmth, his body and his cuddles.
"You have to wake up, darling. I have something for you."
Without taking a time, Eren stands up, asking you to close your eyes as he takes your body on his arms. You try to see sneakingly where you're going when he starts to walk, but he smiles before kissing your forehead. "Close them, please."
Doesn't take a lot of time for you to arrive to wherever Eren has brought you, but you can hear some birds and the gurgle of water near you. Slowly, he lets your feet meet a soft fabric, whispering on your ear: "You can open them."
In front of you, Eren smiles tenderly, having the most precious landscape you've ever seen. Beautifully green mountains, the lake with clear water, bloomed flowers on the valley and grown trees, where some birds spend the afternoon. The sun isn't strong, but it gives the perfect warm and light to the meadow. Under your feet, a picnic blanket rests, with some things you recognize: art supplies, pens, something to eat and some water. Eren sits by your side, smiling at you, but you can't contain your emotion, kissing his shoulder. Your lips make a soft way of kisses on his clavicle, neck, chest and jaw, before he takes your chin. "My lips are up here, darling." your body melts when his mouth finds yours, so softly and tenderly that it makes your heart race. His arms wrap around you, taking your body between his legs before hugging you from behind.
There, with the warm hug of your husband, the soft breeze and the natural ambient, it really makes you feel in peace. He puts a notebook in front of you. He knows you enjoy writing poetry as much as he does reading it. There you spend your date, feeling his caresses, the kisses on your neck, and his voice reading the poems you just wrote for him. Then, he lets the sun bath his body, resting by your side, while butterflies perch on his crown and on his body. He looked beautiful, and your hands tingled just with the desire of capturing this moment forever. And that you did, sketching quickly how your husband, illuminated with the golden rays, looks exactly as a forest god. With green leaves between his locks, the beautiful insects resting peacefully on it. Luckily, your draft is done when he moves, sending the butterflies away, and asking you to give him your back while you paint. His fingers are quick to tangle your locks, braiding them before taking the time to roll the braid, making a rose bun you would love to see. He kisses your shoulder when you show him the finished work, amazed with the way you draw him, the way you see him.
As the sun starts to set and the clouds get a lovely pink color, you snuggle against Eren's body. As you quietly look at the sky, Eren speaks softly.
"I kinda see us like this in the future." you remain silent, letting him continue. He takes a couple of seconds to think. "Us, sitting here, as we watch our kids playing on the meadow." Your lips draw a slow smile as you imagine it as well: cuddling on that blanket, while your kids play in front of you, coming back to your arms when they get tired. It looks like the perfect family portrait, and you can't wait to live it by his side. Your eyes feel heavy as he hums a sweet melody, his hands caressing your body softly. He gets closer to you, pressing his lips against your forehead softly. "I love you" he whispers.
You feel the subtle touch of a blanket on top of you, cuddling your body closer to his, as his sweet voice keeps singing a soft song for you.
And there, under the golden light, with his voice mixed with the lake soft mumbling, you dream of a kid.
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rekas-writes · 1 year
Blurring Happiness
Pair: Modern + A/B/O AU! Alpha! Yuri Leclerc/M! Omega! Reader Source: Fire Emblem: Three Houses/Fire Emblem: Three Hopes
Type: Drabble - 899 words Genre: Semi-Graphic Smut/NSFT(W)/18+, Angst, Hurt/No Comfort Perspective: Second-Person (You/Your)
Summary: Yuri is the water the quenches the flames and the fan that stokes them ever higher. Or: Suppressed romantic feelings start to catch up as this friends with benefits situation dips into a bittersweet aftertaste
TW: None
Kinks: A/B/O or Omegaverse
Terms Used for Reader: Cock, Hole
A/N: Decided to convert one of the fics I made during my month without Wi-Fi into a reader-insert! This is rather self-indulgent since ABO is a massive weakness for me- It's a little short since I don't like writing long pieces on my phone, but I thought some folks might like it! I also think it's a travesty I haven't written anything for FE:3H at all on this blog, so here's a Yuri fic because I think he's neat! I'm also spiralling into my Fire Emblem hyperfixation again since I bought Three Hopes recently. I know I'm late- ;-;
It’s a blur, simply put.
This whole, strange relationship is a blur.
It’s touches on skin at night, only ever at night- when the Goddess could not see beyond the thick fog, with only mist-filtered moonlight faintly lighting patches of hair and wrinkled clothes. The reflections dance upon exposed skin and floats high on breathy calls and sighs. The highs sing like angels in the dim of night, and those tingly, pleasant feelings bloom like delicate flowers upon your sullied flesh. 'Heavenly', you think vaguely to yourself, before the guilt and scorn of feeling unworthy settles in the afterglow.
It’s hot and cold. Unrelenting heat boils beneath your skin and sighs like steam at his touch, and for just a moment- you're complete. Like the final stroke of a brush against a littered canvas. Entangled as one, it feels like sweet relief that calms the burning inferno inside for just a few minutes. The kettle cools and it’s like the sip of fresh lemonade on a summer’s day, and you're parched beyond belief... But all too soon that euphoria slips away and it’s so hot- too hot again. There’s an aching itch that burns like an addiction, and no matter how much you scratch- it never stops. There is no respite. This heat, this supposed "cycle", only sleeps for what feels like a few minutes. There is no cycle, only a merciless craving that digs its cursed fangs deep into your biology.
It’s a deep-set ache. When you roll to your side, Yuri is gone. Like the whispers of the wind, he’s temporary and loose like grains of sand. A fleeting pleasure, like the haze of a debauched party you can't remember anymore. The only "mark" of his presence is the phantom touches upon your skin. The sickening warmth pooling already in your gut once again that yearns for more, but just a little quieter than usual. When you breath in hard, like the shaky exhale before a sob, you regret it. It reeks of your antidote. Your medicine. An Alpha. It smells like him. Instead, you take a shallower breath; one that strains to calm the throbbing in your chest.
That relief seldom stays, yet the relationship remains all the same.
You would be a fool not to know this wasn't good for you anymore. That this was hurting you. You don't know how much longer you can last, staring into soft, purple eyes that remain guarded even in such a vulnerable position. It's so hollow. That smile. Those sweet nothings. The gentle touch caressing down your body with the mannerism of a lover, but the method of a stranger. It's so painfully empty.
But when Yuri rolls his hips, those thoughts fuzz and blur. Your brain can't think straight when he touches you with such precision and practiced ease that almost made your chest hurt- if you tried to think about it too hard. Stirring up your insides only numbs your head more, body arching into Yuri’s as his tongue laps at yours. It tastes so sweet to be consumed by him, as you lick desperately at his lip to get him to do it again. To consume the rest of your thoughts and drag you further into the abyss. There's this satisfying ache that heat suppressants can’t provide. That being alone can't provide.
In the grand scheme of things, who were you to ask for more in this? You are an omega. Yuri is an alpha. It was only natural you would feel drawn to him. Those desperate, intrusive feelings- that unerring need to be loved by him- they're nothing more than the cruel urge to be fucked until you couldn't think anymore. He didn't even need to help you, but he does. That... That's good enough.
It’s lonely. It’s scary. It’s feverishly cold. It’s bitingly hot.
You curl into yourself, panting beneath the covers as you call a name you don't quite realise you did. You don't know why you did it when it finally registers. As a new presence paces quickly across your room's floor, you can only cry for that name again- borderline pain flickering through your heightened nerves.
Lavender. It smells like lavender and honeyed fruit; it's overwhelming yet comforting. It spins your head pleasantly, in a way that makes you whimper that name again. More slick runs down your leg as arousal spikes deep in your core despite your confusion. Your hand reaches below your waistband, needing to feel something now you decide, as you paw at your already hard cock and slide your hand down to feel the wet trails running down your thighs.
You need him again.
When that blur of purple embraces you again, those loud, frightening, confusing feelings dampen. You can ignore your problems as you cling on to him- pulling him as close as possible, listening only to the sound of Yuri mumbling your name. Hands gently push your own away, electrifying your senses as he thumbs at your tip. Simmering in his touch, you gasp and groan when he spreads your hole open with long, dextrous fingers- delicate yet teasing. It’s so easy to lose yourself when he looks at you so kindly like that. When he talks to you so sweetly like that. When he holds you so tenderly like that. Even if it's all fake, in the maddening pit of engulfing heat and heady lust, it’s so easy to pretend that even for just a moment…
You are his.
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theglamour-theterror · 2 months
haymitch/oc. drabbles compilation, no warnings applied.
alex's hunger won't reach him. he learns, in time, what haymitch is actually asking for.
Alex stands over Haymitch as he lies on the floor. He crouches down and grabs his wrist, checking for Haymitch’s pulses. He’s still warm. Alex sighs, and takes his time. Haymitch isn’t going anywhere. He doesn’t know why he keeps thinking about Haymitch’s death- a cardiac arrest, falling down the stairs, choking on his own vomit, maybe. When Alex reaches to touch Haymitch’s face, he stirs and mumbles something incoherent.
“Come again?” Alex says.
“Get off of me,” Haymitch groans.
Alex’s nail drags down on the side of Haymitch’s cheek. Haymitch slurrs and swears and hisses, but his hand rests on Alex’s shoulder and he doesn’t tell Alex to stop, so Alex gives it to him. The kind of love Alex reserves for Haymitch is a far cry from what Alex is used to. It isn’t servitude. Haymitch doesn’t want to owe him anything, and Alex gives that to him, too.
How difficult, devotion without acknowledgment, understanding without conversation. Once spoken, their words become games. A locked constant of back and forth, addictive, destructive.
Yet he wants nothing but to croon. To comfort, consort. He knows he isn’t allowed to, not when his sweet nothings are still poisonous, unwelcomed.
Flowers that bloom on dry lands die when they are flooded. So, he holds back.
[sweet dream]
When Haymitch sees Alex cry, Alex is lying on the couch. He is curling into himself, like a ball, sobs coming in waves. Haymitch laughs him awake. He is rather drunk.
Then he offers him a can of beer, or a glass of wine, he can’t remember. Alex nods and downs the whole thing, but he doesn’t fall back asleep. As they talk, Haymitch can feel those eyes on him, unnervingly sober. Haymitch urges him to drink some more.
“Does that normally help, for you?” Alex suddenly blurts out.
“Help with what?” Haymitch says, narrowing his eyes. When he realizes how nervous Alex is, he tries to soften his voice. “With sleep? With the shaking? The nightmare? Nah, I just drink for the fun of it, obviously.”
Alex leans back, ignoring his sarcasm. He fiddles with the glass, letting the ice cubes clink together. Haymitch sees this, and he feels his patience losing. He waits, still. Alex is acting as if he’s more interested in watching ice melts, but he’s probably just deep in thought. It might be important- might be worth it, even.
“I know that if your subconscious is trying to remind you of something, you shouldn’t be ignoring it. That’s what dreams are for,” Alex says. “But it’s too much, sometimes.”
This grasps Haymitch’s attention. For a man whose mind is always buzzed and plagued with ideas, with memories, with visions that can never be realized, he understands. The urge to silence yourself.
“Then why indulge in nightmares?” He says, smiling. “They mean nothing. Have a drink. Relax.”
Alex shakes his head.
“They were only nightmares because they weren't real. I can't hide from the truth."
[expectation #1]
Haymitch has been careful. He isn’t anything less. But he has no one to blame but himself, when Alex managed to slip under his skin and crawl into his gut, leaving marks that go unnoticeable until they fester into something else. The man insisted in his own harmlessness, but Haymitch knows better. Not that it matters now. Somehow he finds himself shaking under Alex’s light touches, anyway.
Haymitch hates how light Alex is, even when they’re alone. As if he isn't really here. As if being with a ghost.
For that matter, it is an act without consequences. Alex probably doesn’t care enough, and even as he lets Haymitch do anything to him, he’s still unreachable, far away.
“Is this alright?” Haymitch will say. “Are you comfortable?”
Alex hums. He doesn’t say anything, so Haymitch watches for his reactions instead. Yet, nothing. Naked as he is, Alex remains guarded, and even as their eyes meet he doesn’t see Haymitch at all. Haymitch can feel those gazes picking him apart, analytical, a lump of meat. Not a person.
[expectation #2]
Alex thought he knew what love is. He had been taught that well enough. He knew to love the Capitol, to love the Games, to love Snow. Growing up, he was able to form his own kind of love, for the little things, see. It was not the same, conditioned as the chants and the classes, the poems and the songs - the kind that sneaks up on him and changes him and breaks him in the process. Clementia. The rubble ruins in the backyard where broken chairs are kept. His home that he left behind. The walk he takes through the city, its lights bright, discerning, unforgiving. Unconditional love tends to be fragile. A child, grown among his siblings, he worked his feelings considering so much as he was given. Fragility isn’t something that is allowed. Especially when they are felt deeply.
The vagueness of reality screams that he doesn’t really care about them, as much as he had wanted to, if he did he would have known, he wouldn’t have sold her out. So it was all a lie? Not exactly. Alex can no longer tell lies from truths, none of which any more comfortable to him than the other.
The victor is beautiful. Haymitch Abernathy, he reminds himself. He realizes that now he concerns himself with names too much, written and called and cheered on paper slips and drunken talks and celebrations and shakes of the hands, they are but sounds, farces. There are many victors in the Capitol, but their titles don't mean anything, see, or they let themselves be consumed by it and rot away. District Twelve’s victor stands alone with his wit and his strength, untouchable, unbothered, powerful. Alex finds himself more fascinated than he is terrified, and maybe, maybe- maybe- he doesn’t have to be so afraid of his own vulnerability. The victor has seen it all, anyway. He brought him down to it. The victor beat him at his own games.
But it’s only the beginning.
(Alex would allow himself to be just a little  selfish.)
Alex is no fool. He knows the Victor is also caught into this web of lies and deceptions, even worse than himself. Which is exactly why it will be a challenge. What Alex witnesses proved that Haymitch can be more. He yearns for more. Can this be his weakness? Can he force the Victor to come to his full, ugly, brutal, ruthless potential?
Alex is sick of the glamour. He knows Haymitch is sick of it too. There is no glamour here. The Victor will be a change of pace, so carefully wrapped that breaking him will be carthatic- it’s what freedom requires, after all, destruction, then recreation. To him, it will be freedom.
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yuniemaki · 1 year
Fanfic Index
All the stuff I've written be here!
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No tag = anything below 5k
Short story = 5k - 10k
Long = above 10k
Bold = ongoing, active
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deliver me unto death (Long) - Skyrim/Genshin Impact
All her life, Beidou has been a curse to those she loves. That is, until she's tasked to capture a certain enigma by the name of Ningguang. Beidou/Ningguang
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Genshin Impact
Dancing in circles (Long)
Mafia AU: thirteen years ago, Ningguang vanished, but Beidou will not give up on her first and only love even when she returns a criminal. After all, in a time long lost, they made a promise. Beidou/Ningguang
To sleep, perchance to dream - Series: Trust in the stars part 03 (Long) - ongoing, active
At the behest of Grand Sage Azar, Ningguang heads to Sumeru on a diplomatic trip, and Beidou tags along. Unfortunately, trouble never strays far from the Tianquan. Beidou/Ningguang
Shatter Me (Long) - ongoing, active
(Explicit, BDSM, canon-compliant) Ningguang didn't need companionship until she lost the Jade Chamber. Beidou didn't need to face her guilt until it crushed her beneath its weight. Through endless bickering, a surprise vacation, and dominance and submission, two powerful women learn to heal and fall in love. Beidou/Ningguang
bloom for me, my love (Short story)
(canon-compliant) Hanahaki disease: Beidou/Ninguang
i'd ask you out darling (but you're already mine) (Short story)
(canon-compliant) Beidou has seven days to figure out her one-year anniversary gift for Ningguang. Cue chaos.
I was lost in the ocean (but you found me in the stars) (Short story)
(canon-compliant) Six months after Beidou disappears at sea, Ningguang finally finds her beloved. Alive? Yes. Whole? ...perhaps not. Beidou/Ningguang
be my anchor (and my star) - ongoing, active
A drabble collection of standalone light sickfics. Beidou/Ningguang
she's like a collection of curiosities (short story)
(canon-compliant) Captain Beidou finally meets the new Tianquan. Ningguang is full of surprises at every turn, and Beidou has to admit she's never quite met anyone like that. Beidou/Ningguang
Just business
(canon-compliant) The Captain got some business information from the Tianquan on how to improve management strategy for the Crux, Huixing says… Beidou/Ningguang
your dreams will be filled with the softness of my hands - Series: Flowers of Teyvat Part 02
(canon-compliant) Ningguang has had a long day. Luckily, Beidou is there to bathe her stress away. Beidou/Ningguang
Feels like love (short story) - Series: Flowers of Teyvat Part 01
(canon-compliant) Ningguang falls deathly ill, and Beidou realises she might care — a lot — about the Tianquan after all. Beidou/Ningguang
The warmth of love
(canon-compliant) Beidou surprises Ningguang in the lonely winter season. Beidou/Ningguang
Trust in the stars (Long) - Series: Trust in the stars Part 1
(canon-compliant) A threat to Ningguang's life teaches the two most influential women in Liyue to learn what it means to trust each other through the good, the bad, and Fatui schemes. Beidou/Ningguang
Ghosts of the past - Series: Trust in the stars Part 2
(canon-compliant) Many months later, shadows of the past still haunt them in their waking moments. In a moment of respite, Beidou and Ningguang take the time to heal each other. Set after the events of Trust in the stars. Beidou/Ningguang
afterglow (short story)
Phoenix!Ning: Beidou accepts a deal to capture the mythical fenghuang. It does not go well. Beidou/Ningguang
can't go on without you (Long)
(canon-divergent) When the traveler fails, Beidou and Ningguang must find a way to protect Liyue from Beisht. Beidou/Ningguang
My precious treasure
(canon-compliant) Ningguang revisits old wounds in the form of her mother. But this time, Beidou is by her side. Beidou/Ningguang
The value of love
(canon-compliant) Ningguang has to attend a wedding, but she refuses to suffer alone. Beidou/Ningguang
Your smile, my light (short story)
(canon-compliant) Duty often keeps Beidou and Ningguang apart, but they are never too far from each other's minds. If they would only be honest in their quiet moments together, they might perhaps understand what they mean to each other.
It's always been you (Long)
Soulmate AU: their stories are written on each other's bodies, but they dance around each other like crystalflies at dawn. Beidou has always believed this is for the best, until she nearly loses the soulmate she never dared to love. Beidou/Ningguang
Goodbye for now - Series: A Heart of Jade Part 01
(canon-compliant) Ningguang study: the moment the Jade Chamber falls, through Ningguang's eyes.
Home is where you are - Series: A Heart of Jade Part 02
(canon-compliant) After the battle of Beisht, Beidou uses her one question to help Ningguang find herself again. Beidou/Ningguang
I see you written in the stars (short story)
(canon-compliant) It only takes eight encounters with Ningguang for Beidou to fall head over heels in love. Beidou/Ningguang
a gift from the stars (short story)
(canon-compliant) Pregnant!Ning: Beidou and Ningguang learn to navigate treacherous waters (aka hormones) while Ningguang carries a baby to term. Beidou/Ningguang
Welcome back, my Captain (short story)
(canon-divergent) When Beidou loses her ambition to the Vision Hunt Decree, Ningguang is there to show her what she once loved and lost. Beidou/Ningguang
Even if it's selfish, I still want you to stay (short story)
(canon-compliant) Jealous!Ning: A new crew member joins the Crux Fleet, but she's not all that she seems. While Beidou tries to get things in order, Ningguang struggles with a severe bout of jealousy that tears them apart — but perhaps that is the enemy's plan all along…? Beidou/Ningguang
I love you too, baobei (short story)
(canon-compliant) Beidou is feeling a little down at this year's Moonchase Festival, but the (seasick) light of her life always knows how to make things better. Beidou/Ningguang
Honkai: Star Rail
we never got to say goodbye (i'll see you soon)
(canon-compliant) In which Serval visits Cocolia's grave and reflects on the loss of a dear one. Servalia/Cocolia
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shroomi1e · 2 years
still with you (character insert x gn!reader)
summary: he can't seem to let you go, not after you died.
cw: implied death
a/n: this is kind of a drabble, i had this idea and just decided to vomit it onto a google doc lol.
𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧.𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧. 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧.𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧.𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣
He trudges through the empty and ghostly quiet hallways. They’ve never been this quiet, not since you’ve left.
He hates it with all his heart. He hates the empty chair at the dinner table, the dust gathering onto your belongings, and the empty side of his bed. Everywhere he goes, he’s painfully reminded of how you’re not there, wondering what dumb conversation the two of you would be having if you were here right now.
He often scribbles desperate notes to you, even though you’ll never see them. He lights candles in your room, even though he knows you’ll never be there to blow them out. He makes sure to bring you a bouquet of flowers to your resting place nearly every day, even though he knows you’ll never be there to take it from his hands, an innocent smile blooming on your face, more beautiful than the flowers themselves.
His hands are cold. You’re not there to gently wrap your fingers around his, to hold him dearly as you cradle his head against your chest, and whisper sweet nothings into his ear as you both drift off into sleep. He misses seeing your bright eyes, looking at him as if he were the most precious thing in the world.
“It’s raining again... they loved the rain...” he says with a sigh. The rain gently patters against the windows, singing a soft song as he stares and watches the water droplets drip down the glass.
He sees memories of the two of you giggling and laughing in the rain together, dancing as the both of you were drenched. But you didn’t mind getting wet, and neither did he. He vividly remembers twirling you around, catching you in his arms and leaning you down, wrapping his lips against yours. Then both of you would laugh as you raced each other inside to dry off.
He doesn’t even notice that his feet are leading him outside and into the rain. His shoes drag against the muddy ground as he looks up into the murky sky, his hair dampening more and more until it was completely wet, sticking to his forehead. His clothes start to feel heavier as it becomes drenched, the cold rain making him shiver.
He sees your faint figure standing next to him. “Oh, darling, you’re gonna get wet! You should get inside before you catch a cold!”
He frowns. He wipes his blurry eyes, unsure of whether it’s the tears from the sky or his own. He’s shivering, but he doesn’t notice it as he finds himself trudging towards your grave.
‘There you are.’
‘You must be sleeping so peacefully.’
‘Are you doing okay without me?’
He wished you would ask the last question to him. He wanted to shake his head, leaning into your embrace as your warm hand slid up and down his back, whispering ‘it’s ok,’ into his ears over and over again. He wasn’t okay. Not without you.
But of course, you weren’t there to catch his tears. And now he’s crying pathetically at your grave like a little boy, sobbing as he falls to his knees, gripping the grass beneath him. The heavens seemed to feel the same way, the rain pouring harder against his skin as he let out a shout of sorrow. Why wasn’t he there for you? Why couldn’t he save you?
Your last words are repeating over and over again in his mind like a broken record.
You’re holding his hand weakly, your voice hoarse yet gentle. “Please... don’t let my absence bother you too much. Remember, even if- even when I leave, I’m still going to be right by your side. Just like the stars, hm? You might not be able to touch me, hear me, or see me, but I’m always going to be there. Even when dawn comes, I’m watching over you in the skies. Always.”
Tears roll down his face as he punches the ground. “Stupid... You’re stupid, Y/N... How am I supposed to be okay? You died, of course you’re not with me! How am I supposed to believe that you’re still here, huh? It’s not like I can bring you back to life!”
He wasn’t mad at you, but at himself. He’s mad that he can’t even fulfill your last dying wish. He’s mad that he’s still selfishly holding onto you. He’s mad that he didn’t hug you tighter, or hold your hand more often, or kiss you longer. He’s mad at himself for thinking that he was going to see you again.
The blood in his veins are slowly turning to ice as he continues to shed tears before you. He barely feels his body collapsing against the wet grass, his limbs completely numb.
When he wakes up, he’s at his desk. But he soon realizes he’s dreaming when he sees your figure walking towards him with a cup of tea.
You put the cup on his desk before cupping his face with your soft hands, rubbing your thumbs over his cheeks. “I told you not to stay in the rain, darling. I don’t want you to get sick.”
It takes a few moments to muster up the courage to speak. “I... Y/N, I-”
“Shh,” you interrupt. “After this, I need you to forget me. Please. You need to move on.”
“B-But I love you...”
“Please, let me go. That’s all I wish for. It pains me to see you not eat or sleep because of me. The more you hang onto me, the harder it is for me to rest in peace.”
He looks down, tears welling in his eyes. As much as he wants you to be happy, he also doesn’t want to let go of you. He can’t accept the fact that forgetting you is what’s going to make you happy.
Tears roll down his cheeks once again. He feels the pads of your thumbs rub his cheeks and wiping the tears away.
“Oh, please don’t cry,” you whisper sadly. “Seeing you cry makes me want to cry too.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he sobs. “I should’ve held you tighter when I had the chance. I should’ve-”
He feels your finger on his lips. “It’s okay, darling. It’s not your fault, I promise. No matter what you’re going through, I’m going to be there with you, just as I did before. Don’t think too much of me, but always know that I’m still with you.”
When your fingertips slowly begin to leave his face, he tries to reach for you, but his hands ghosts through yours. You give him a sad smile as you open his door to leave.
“Before I go, make sure to drink the tea I made for you. Once you drink that tea, all your memories of me will disappear. Consider this my last wish. Fulfill it for me, will you?”
He panics. “Wh-What do you mean? I can’t forget you just like that! My memories are the only thing I have left of you!”
“Darling, I’m tired... I can’t move on unless you do.” He watches you leave the doorway. Just before you close the door, he hears your soft whisper.
“I love you.”
At the same time the door shuts close, he jolts up from his dream, finally awake. He looks around in confusion. Somehow, he had woken up at his desk, in the very same position as in his dream.
But when he looks at his desk, the cup of tea is still there. And it’s warm.
‘Consider this my last wish. Fulfill it for me, will you?’
He wants to, but he can’t bring himself to do it. To not remember you is to lose you completely. He’s already lost your presence, how could throw away his memories just like that? They’re the last scraps that he has left of you. He doesn’t want to let them go.
But your words are echoing in his mind. To let you go is to make you happy...right?
He reluctantly holds the cup in his hand and brings it to his lips. He says a final goodbye and he takes a sip. He puts the cup back down on his desk.
It’s sweet.
But also bitter.
𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧.𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧. 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧.𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧.𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣
characters i had in mind while writing this:
deku, todoroki, hawks, bakugo, lucifer, mammon, xiao, zhongli, diluc
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