#dragon con 2017
ryminsteddiesashanne · 2 months
I hate when greed is demonized by media by making greedy characters doomed by the narrative
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branmer · 1 year
also almost forgot, at one point a furry came by my table and offered me a highfive and their paw SQUEAKED when i did it was so great
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conhivemindcent · 11 months
Also Great Knight and War Cleric movesets really, really don't fit anyone in Archanea, so they shouldn't have put those movesets in if Shadow Dragon was going to be a focus game, I feel. Like not even one Archanea character uses an axe on a horse even in out of game material like the trading card game.
Similarly loads and loads of important Archanean characters are horse mounted lance users or Armored knights, yet Warriors 1 has none of those classes!
Gonna be honest, fire emblem warriors has a lot of exclusive classes, with great knight for Frederick and war cleric for Lissa. But personally I disagree with the whole “don’t put them in if you’re focusing on Archanea”. Because there are a lot of classes post Archanea that use cavalry axe units. Honestly it feels more like a case of Early Instalment Weirdness for Archanea and Valentia than a disrespect to those games. And yeah, War Cleric is a new class that doesn’t really work with anyone prior to Awakening, but truthfully I just think of it as an exclusive class for that game.
And yes, it is weird that there’s no cavalry lance users but then again, there wasn’t any lance infantry units at launch. So really I just think Warriors doesn’t like lancers. Also with knights I think their exclusion came from the fact that armoured units tend to have limited mobility and in a musou game it tends to be fast-paced, so having a heavy character with less movement would be more annoying than fun. (Yes I know three hopes had knights, but we don’t pay attention to three hopes over here).
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tsunamiscale · 1 year
In honor of the upcoming april fools joke, what was your favorite prank?
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twinklebat99 · 11 months
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Jem and the Holograms at Dragon Con 2017. 📸 by David Leo
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mongoosefangs · 4 months
Fursuit Camp 2024: Getting Started
Welcome back to Fursuit Camp! It's time to start this thing proper! Whether you're ready to build along at home or just enjoying the ride, let's go over one of the most basic and important steps: planning our project and choosing our fabrics!
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For this demonstration I'm going to be making a coyote partial! I don't always plan my projects thoroughly in advance (I may or may not have a dragon head base from like 2017 that I'm still stumped on how to finish) but I usually like to do at least some rough doodles to figure out what kind of colors and markings I want. These details may be subject to change as the build continues, but this is a decent starting point.
I'm going with a 'yote because I've wanted to make one for a long time and they're pretty iconic in the desert Southwest where I live. It helps that I already have all the right fur fabrics on hand for this design. I also figured a canine species would be good for this demo, dogs/wolves/foxes etc. are eternally popular and common choices for fursuits, and a fine place for beginners to start.
Although you can make whatever you want if you're following along at home, I will say that if this is your very first build, you might not want to start with a beloved fursona or visually complex character. Keep it simple with less pressure to make it perfect as you get used to the building process. My first suit was a generic fox; I didn't attempt to make my mongoose 'sona until later.
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Here are the faux furs I'm going to be using for my coyote. You can see I've got a mixture of both long and short fur, and the colors don't exactly match 100%, but that's okay. Have faith! There are a lot more faux fur choices now than there used to be, but sometimes you're still limited. Depending on what you can get, you might want to start planning your project the other way around. Look at the fabrics available to you and pick an animal based on that.
You might be fortunate to live in an area where stores sell fur locally, or you might have to order online. You might even find yourself cutting up furry pillowcases and jackets from the thrift store for that perfect fur you can't find anywhere else (which is totally okay, in my opinion, as long as the fabric is clean). Regardless of where you source it, there are a few things you should keep in mind.
Always inspect fur in person. This means buying samples first if you're ordering online, but I promise it's worth the extra hassle. Make sure it's the color and texture you want before dropping $30-50 per yard on the stuff. How's the durability? Gently tug on the fibers; do they stay put or fall out? Part the fur with your fingers; does it seem flimsy or patchy? Faux fur quality can vary tremendously between styles, sellers, and even when the fabric was made. You won't know for sure until you've got it in hand.
Buy more than you think you'll need. How much that actually ends up being will depend entirely on your design. For this 'yote I probably won't need more than half a yard in any single color, but it's always better to have extra in case you make a mistake or want to add extra fursuit parts in the future. Don't assume you can just order more of the same exact fur later! It might be out of stock, discontinued, or not the same color or quality that it was in the past.
Know your terminology. What's the difference between fox fur and shag? Beaver and seal? Multiple types of furs are commonly used on fursuits and there are pros and cons to each kind. Let's go over some of them:
-Beaver, Seal, or Super Seal: very short fur, dense, soft, and kind of shiny. The short orange and cream in the photo above are beaver/seal style furs. A great choice for fursuit faces and finely detailed areas, but doesn't come in very many colors, and seams are more likely to show though the fur.
-Bunny or Teddy: short to medium length furs, up to about an inch long. Soft and fluffy, comes in a variety of colors, but some of them can be kind of thin furs in my experience. Not as dense as the shorter stuff. May need to be shaved down if used on fursuit faces.
-Lux Shag, aka Punky Muppet: a long style fur about 1.5" to 2". One of the most common choices for fursuits, widely available, comes in a huge array of colors. The long grey and orange in the photo above are examples of lux shag. Will need to be shaved if used on fursuit faces, but does not always shave down neatly. Quality varies. Can look clumpy or messy over time. Better for cartoony suits, less ideal for realistic styles.
-Fox: longer than lux shag, usually 2" or more, and a little more realistic in color and/or texture. The long cream in the photo above is an example of a fox style fur. Not as soft as lux shag, but also not as clumpy. Will need to be shaved if used on fursuit faces.
-Mongolian: a type of shag that's extra long and kind of wooly looking, with a chunky or kinked texture. Might work for some characters but probably not what you want in most cases.
-NFT/NFTech: National Fiber Tech, this is high quality faux fur used professionally for film and TV. Can be custom made to order to almost any length and color, especially good for fursuit hair tufts, but prohibitively expensive for most folks. They do sell overstock and random remnants, which can be a great value, but the selection is pretty unpredictable.
There are also other types of fabrics you may use for a fursuit, especially if you're like me and want to avoid shaving long fur at any cost (we won't be covering that in this build at all.) If you need something really, really short, but you can't find it in fur, try one of these instead:
-Fleece: just regular old anti-pill fleece can be a fantastic choice for fursuits. I always use at least some for things like inner ears and mouth linings, but I've made entire faces out of it, and some people have even used fleece for whole suits. Fleece is cheap, easy to work with, comes in a zillion colors, and hides seams surprisingly well with the right stitch. It's not fluffy like fur is, though, so it can't hide everything. Try to make your underlying structures as neat as possible if you're using fleece.
-Minky: commonly used for stuffed animals, comes in different styles, some are fluffy enough to mimic a bunny style fur. Tons of colors and prints to choose from. Can be used in a lot of the same ways as fleece, but I honestly don't like it as much. It doesn't hide seams as well and it's messy to work with. Good for making plushies, maybe good for some small details, but probably not my first choice for a fursuit.
These are just some of the fabrics you might end up using, but honestly, that's only the tip of the iceberg! I could literally spend the rest of the summer just weighing the pros and cons of every conceivable material you might use on a fursuit, but I'd rather actually make a fursuit. How about you?
If you're looking for fur online, try these sellers. I'll add to this list as I find more recommended shops!
Big Z Fabrics
Hairymann's Closet (NFTech)
Howl Fabrics
JoAnn Fabrics
Next time, we'll compile the rest of our shopping list and price out everything else we need to make this fursuit. It may be more affordable and accessible than you think!
If you're building along at home, please use the tag #fursuitcamp24 or reply directly to this post, I would love to see what you're working on! Let's do this thing!
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laelior · 4 months
Was digging around in my old Dragon Age WIPs and I found this spicy scene I'd written for my Solavellan lovers-to-enemies longfic. It takes place near the end of the fic, and there's a lot of work to do between where I left off (in fucking 2017) and this scene which tbf I don't know if I'll get to anytime soon.
But this scene I liked. So I'm sharing it. It's spicy , has spoilers for the story, and has some mild dub-con elements, so consider yourself warned.
The Moth and the Flame
She was clearly in the Fade. It was formless, lacking any familiar features or landmarks except for the ever-present Black City that floated ominously in the distance. The only feature she could see nearby was a length of ancient, crumbling stone wall that stood alone among mists of the Fade. 
Wind howled around her, blowing her hair this way and that, tossing around cape of her tan traveling cloak. Her cloak whipped up over her shoulder with a particularly violent gust, the ties straining against her neck. She reached up with her left hand to pull it back down, but she grasped with nothing. Her left hand was gone, as it was in the waking world. A small, startled cry broke loose from her throat.
Ashes fell from nowhere, borne on the wind from an unseen fire. Disembodied voices whispered furiously, creating a cacophonic symphony of sound in the wind. The voices spokes in common, Tevene, Dwarvish, Qunlat, Elvhen. In the hissing tongues she had only heard uttered by Darkspawn. In languages she had never heard before.
“Harellan,” they whispered. Insults. Praises. Words that had no translation in the common tongue.
“Nuva mar’edhis banafelas i miol’en av ra.”
“Dread Wolf.”
Amidst the swirling whispers, he appeared. In the Fade, he was usually well defined, a perfect projection of himself. But now...now, he was frayed around the edges. Indefinite. Blurred. His eyes were rimmed with red and his face had taken on a sunken look. He was as tattered and threadbare as his clothes. The air was heavy with the acrid scent of desperation. This wasn’t the confident, calculating Wolf she knew. The whispers pecked at him, eating away at his borders.
“Solas?” She called, uncertain. Was it him, or some new nightmare?
“Vhenan!” He cried out, fighting through the whispering winds to get to her. He was staggering, trying to stay standing against the weight of some invisible force. An irrational stab of panic twisted deeply in her gut. She rushed over to him, fighting the violent gusts to be by his side. It was like trying to wade through the savage storms that battered the Hissing Wastes.
“What is this? I don’t recognize where we are.” She had to shout to make her voice heard over the din. He didn’t answer her. The instant she was close enough, he pulled her roughly by the shoulders and kissed her. No, not kissed, devoured. The Fade stormed around them and he clung to her desperately like she was the only piece of driftwood in this sea of drowning whispers. His mouth bore down on hers so savagely she felt their teeth clash. She pushed him away, sputtering for breath, for something to say. Something was wrong. This wasn’t like him at all.
“What has gotten into you?” He tried to kiss her again, but she pressed her palm against his chest, keeping him at bay. He was warm and real under her touch. More real than the Fade.
“Sathan,” he said in a strained voice. “Please.” He was bearing down on her again, mouth—hot, hungry, and seeking—slanting over hers, his tongue probing her lips with a wildness she had never felt in him before. Gone was the skilled and considerate lover she remembered. His arms wrapped around her and clung so hard the tips of his fingers dug into her flesh. Her knees started to buckle under the weight of his attentions. She backed up against the crumbled stone wall for support. The stones groaned and shifted under the stress.
He pressed her against the wall, hands roaming over her body. She brought her hand up to his face to cup his cheek and kissed him back, caught up in whatever frantic mood had taken him. For all his realness, he radiated sadness and a certain brittleness. The stray thought crossed her mind that if she reached out to touch him, really touch him, he might break. He tasted of salt and ashes. He tasted of fear.
This is a bad idea, something said far in the back of her head. Everything about this—whatever this was—was wrong. She thought of Morrigan, Cole, of Grim and Rylen, of Harding and Dorian. Of Loranil, who had given his life for her. The rage and despair she felt for them. But she wanted him. Creators help her, she’d never stopped wanting him, even as she hated what he’d done. He was here before her. He was hot and bright with need, his kisses raw and messy and real, and she responded in kind like a moth drawn to a flame.
“We shouldn’t be doing this. We shouldn’t be here.” The words tumbled out of her shakily, even as she grabbed the hem of his tunic and pulled it up over his head. It blew away and dissipated into the aether of the Fade when she tugged it off him.
“I know,” he said, sounding so broken in those two words that she almost cried. He lined her jaw with kisses and pulled at the fabric of her shirt until it tore like so much tissue. It, too, dissolved, borne on the wild winds of the Fade. His hands trembled as he reached for her leggings. Fingers hooked into the waistband, he hesitated. She made up his mind for him and pushed them down until they, to disappeared. 
Her legs wrapped around his waist. He plied her with deep, fierce kisses on her face, neck, and shoulders that robbed her knees of strength and made her core quiver. 
One of his hands wound itself into her hair and grabbed on, pulling her head back so he could nip at the juncture of her neck and shoulders. The pulling on her scalp sent a shock of desire through her body. She parted her legs wide and hooked them behind the small of his back, inviting him in. He wasted little time in taking her, sinking into her in one smooth motion. It was so right, and so wrong all at the same time.
Once he was inside of her, some of the wildness subsided. The whispers began to quiet and the wind slowed down. He was gentle now, kissing her tenderly as he rocked against her, in her. But gentle was the last thing she wanted. She wanted, needed more. She nipped a trail down his jaw to his collarbone, teeth scraping along his skin, then sank her teeth into his shoulder. He shuddered and whispered her name, pushing harder and deeper inside her.
“Please,” she murmured to him, biting his other shoulder hard enough to mark his skin. 
“Ma nuven’in,” he rasped back at her in a voice she barely recognized as his. He didn’t hold back. He drove into her over and over, gripping her hips with such ferocity that her eyes watered with mingled pain and pleasure. She dug her fingers into his shoulders until she felt his flesh give way under her nails. The cold stone of the ancient wall scraped against her skin until she bled but she hardly cared. He pushed into her relentlessly and she pushed right back, meeting every thrust with her hips, until she felt like she was coming apart. The sheer want inside of her exploded and she came screaming into his shoulder. He wasn’t far behind her, crushing her up against the wall with the force of his need, her name a cry upon his lips.
He shuddered and held her against him, her face cradled against the unsteady rise and fall of his chest. Gone were the wind and the whispers. The ashes fell straight down, settling in her hair and sticking to their sweat-slicked bodies. He was more real, no longer blurry around the edges, and murmuring things to her in Elvhen that she only half understood.
She didn’t know how long she stayed there, cradled between his body and the cold stone wall in the wild Fade simply listening to the soothing rhythm of his heartbeat, feeling him where their bodies remained joined. At last, she pulled herself away from his chest and looked up at him. He was ashen-faced and tired. In his eyes, she saw shadows of shame. Shame? No. It had to be the shadow of what she felt, reflected back at her.
“Come away with me,” she blurted out before she could fully think about it. “Leave all of this behind. We can start over. We can….” She trailed off, feeling the futility of her words fall like a weight between them.
“I cannot,” he said harshly. He wore a crown of sadness, even as he gently caressed her cheek. She leaned into the touch, the simple affection of the gesture catching her off guard. “I cannot,” he repeated, softly this time in a voice full of regret, like he actually wanted to leave everything behind. 
"I cannot stay here," she said, laying her one hand across his cheek.
"And I cannot leave." He placed a hand over hers and laced his fingers with her. “Please...please be careful, vhenan,” he pleaded, his voice shaking just the smallest amount.
“You know I cannot make that promise.”
And then she woke up.
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nkp1981 · 2 years
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Billie Piper attended "Dragon Con Atlanta" in Georgia, 2017
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brookstonalmanac · 27 days
Holidays 8.29
According To Hoyle Day
Arbor Day (Argentina)
Bill & Frank Day
Black Book Clubs Day
Celestial Marriage Day (a.k.a. Polygamy; Mormons)
Clean Your Keyboard Day
Day of Loose Talk
Day of Remembrance of the Defenders of Ukraine (Ukraine)
Fennel Day (French Republic)
Flag Day (Spain)
Galatea Asteroid Day
Gamer’s Day (Mexico, Spain)
Happy Housewives Holiday
Head Day (Iceland)
Hurricane Katrina Anniversary Day (New Orleans)
Individual Rights Day
International Day Against Nuclear Tests (UN)
Judgment Day (in the film “The Terminator”)
Marine Corps Reserve Day
Michael Jackson Day
Miners’ Day (Ukraine)
Municipal Police Day (Poland)
National Caretaker Appreciation Day (Canada)
National College Colors Day
National Day of Lesbian Visibility (Brazil)
National Monterey County Fair Day
National Police’s Day (Poland)
National Sarcoidosis Awareness Day
National Sport Sampling Day
National Sports Day (India)
Nut Spas (Russia)
Potteries Bottle Oven Day (UK)
Targeted Individual Day
Telugu Language Day (India)
World Day of Video Games
Zipper Clasp Locker Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chop Suey Day
Gnocchi Day (Argentina)
International Peppercorn Day
Lemon Juice Day
More Herbs, Less Salt Day
National Swiss Winegrowers Day
Independence & Related Days
Hjalvik (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Mivland (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Popular Consultation Anniversary Day (East Timor)
Slovak National Uprising Anniversary Day (Slovakia)
Veyshnoria (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
First Day of Thoth (Ancient Egypt)
5th & Last Thursday in August
Cabernet Day [Thursday before Labor Day]
Daffodil Day (Australia) [Last Thursday]
National Banana Pudding Day [Last Thursday]
National Cabernet Sauvignon Day [Last Thursday]
Thirsty Thursday [Every Thursday]
Thoughtful Thursday [Thursday of Be Kind to Humankind Week]
Three-Bean Thursday [Last Thursday of Each Month]
Three for Thursday [Every Thursday]
Thrift Store Thursday [Every Thursday]
Throw Away Thursday [Last Thursday of Each Month]
Throwback Thursday [Every Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning August 29 (4th Full Week of August)
National Sweet Corn Week (thru 9.2)
Festivals Beginning August 29, 2024
The Blue Hill Fair (Blue Hill, Maine) [thru 9.2]
Chicago Jazz Festival (Chicago, Illinois) [thru 9.1]
Dragon Con (Atlanta, Georgia) [thru 9.2]
Epcot International Food & Wine Festival (Lake Buena Vista, Florida) [thru 11.23]
Gatineau Hot Air Balloon Festival (Gatineau, Canada) [thru 9.2]
Hopkinton State Fair (Contoocook, New Hampshire) [thru 9.2]
Kamiah BBQ Days (Kamiah, Idaho) [thru 8.31]
Key West BrewFest (Key West, Florida) [thru 9.2]
Lindisfarne Festival (Berwick-upon-Tweed, United Kingdom) [thru 9.1]
Louisiana Shrimp & Petroleum Festival (Morgan City, Louisiana) [thru 9.2]
National Championship Chuckwagon Races (Clinton, Arkansas) [thru 9.1]
Peach Days (Hurricane City, Utah) [thru 8.31]
Rocklahoma (Pryor, Oklahoma) [thru 9.1]
Taste to Remember (Dublin, Ohio)
Volksfeest and Bloemencorso Winterswijk (Winterswijk, Netherlands) [thr 9.1]
Feast Days
Adelphus of Metz (Christian; Saint)
Beheading of St. John the Baptist (Christian)
Blobfish Day (Pastafarian)
Day of Loose Talk (Shamanism)
Dr. Lily Rosenbloom (Muppetism)
Eadwold of Cerne (Christian; Saint)
Euphrasia Eluvathingal (Syro-Malabar Catholic Church)
Feast of Agios Ioannis (Halki, Hittitie God of Grain)
First Day of Thoth (Egyptian New Year)
Gahan Wilson Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Gelede (Mask-Wearing Ritual; Yoruba People of Nigeria)
The Great Visitation to Guaire (Celtic Book of Days)
Hajime Isayama (Artology)
Hathor’s Day (Pagan)
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (Artology)
John Bunyan (Episcopal Church)
John Leech (Artology)
Maurice Maeterlinck (Writerism)
Medericus (a.k.a. St. Merry; Christian; Saint)
Midnight Muffins Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Nativity of Hathor (Egyptian Goddess of Joy & Drunkenness)
Oliver Wendell Holmes (Writerism)
Papin (Positivist; Saint)
Pardon of the Sea (Festival to Ahes, Pagan Goddess of the Sea; Brittany; Everyday Wicca)
René Depestre (Writerism)
Sabina (Christian; Martyr)
Sebbi (a.k.a. Sebba), King of Essex (Christian; Saint)
Sorel Etrog (Artology)
Thiruvonam (Rice Harvest Festival, Day 2; Kerala, India)
Thom Gunn (Writerism)
Vitalis, Sator and Repositus (Christian; Saints)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 241 [53 of 72]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [38 of 60]
Urda (The Oldest Fate)
At Your Service Madame (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
Balls of Fury (Film; 2007)
Butcher's Crossing, by John Williams (Novel; 1960)
Cat-Tails for Two (WB MM Cartoon; 1953)
A Date for Dinner (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1947)
Definitely Maybe, by Oasis (Album; 1994)
The Early Bird Dood It! (Tex Avery MGM Cartoon; 1942)
4’33”, by John Cage (Modernist Composition; 1952)
The Fugitive final episode (Most Watched TV Show; 1967)
The Full Monty (Film; 1987)
Here Today, Gone Tamale (WB LT Cartoon; 1959)
Independent Women, by Destiny’s Child (Song; 2000)
It’s A Pity To Say Goodnight, recorded by Ella Fitzgerald (Song; 1946)
Kid Galahad (Elvis Presley Film; 1962)
Mary Poppins (Film; 1964)
Movie Mad (Ub Iwerks MGM Cartoon; 1931)
Move It, by Cliff Richard and the Drifters (Song; 1958)
One of Our States Is Missing (Super Chicken Cartoon; 1967) [#2]
Popalong Popeye (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1952)
Pretty Woman, by Roy Orbison (Song; 1964)
Ridiculousness (TV Series; 2011)
Runaway, by Janet Jackson (Song; 1995)
Saint Errant, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories 1948) [Saint #29]
Shanghai Surprise (Film; 1986)
Signing Off, by UB40 (Album; 1980)
The Skeleton Dance (Ub Iwerks Silly Symphony Disney Cartoon; 1929) [1st SS]
Twinkletoes in Hat Stuff (Animated Antics Cartoon; 1941)
Today’s Name Days
Beatrix, Johannes, Sabine (Austria)
Anastas, Anastasi, Anastasiya (Bulgaria)
Bazila, Ivan, Sabina, Sebo, Verona (Croatia)
Evelína (Czech Republic)
Johannes (Denmark)
Õnne, Õnnela (Estonia)
Iina, Iines, Inari, Inna (Finland)
Médéric, Sabine (France)
Beatrice, Johannes, Sabine (Germany)
Arkadios (Greece)
Beatrix, Erna (Hungary)
Battista, Giovanni, Sabina (Italy)
Aiga, Aigars, Armīns, Vismants (Latvia)
Barvydas, Beatričė, Gaudvydė, Sabina (Lithuania)
Jo, Johan, Jone (Norway)
Flora, Jan, Racibor, Sabina (Poland)
Nikola (Slovakia)
Juan (Spain)
Hampus, Hans (Sweden)
Candace, Candice, Poppy, Sabina, Sabra, Sabrina (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 242 of 2024; 124 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of Week 35 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 27 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Ren-Shen), Day 26 (Yi-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 25 Av 5784
Islamic: 23 Safar 1446
J Cal: 2 Gold; Oneday [1 of 30]
Julian: 16 August 2024
Moon: 18%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 18 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Black]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 71 of 94)
Week: 4th Full Week of August
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 8 of 32)
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cartoonmadness · 6 months
Multifandom sideblock for my fav comics / games / animated series / movies / short films / other stuff
My art blog is peikonlainen.tumblr.com
Book of life
Boy and the beast
Craig before the creek
The dark crystal
Disney movies
DreamWorks movies
Ernest and Celestine
Ethel and Ernest
Flight of dragons
Hotel transylvania
Kung fu Panda
The Labyrinth
Laika movies
Land before time
The Last Unicorn
Lego movies
Mary and Max
The Muppets
The never ending story
Osmosis Joe
Rock and rule
Secret of Nimh
Studio Ghibli movies
TMNT Mutant Mayhem
Treasure planet
Tree of Palme
Trolls movies
The wizard of Oz
Wolf Children
Cartoons / Show / Anime
Adventure Time
Alfred J. Kwak
The Amazing wold of Gumball
Angelic Layer
As told by Ginger
Avatar the last airbender
Batman the animated series
Bob's burgers
Bojack Horseman
Care bears
Clone high
Count Duckula
Craig of the creek
Cyborg 009
The dark crystal age of resistance
Darkwing Duck
Ducktales (2017)
Evil con carne
Golden girls
Gravity Falls
Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
Hazbin hotel
Helluva boss
Infinity train
Kid Cosmic
Kim Possible
The legend of Korra
Looney tunes
Mao Mao heroes of pure heart
Masters of the Universe 2002
Maya and the tree
Murder she wrote
My little pony
Oggy and the cockroaches
The Owl house
Ping Pong animated series
Regular show
Sesame street
Sherlock Hound
Tuca and Bertie
TMNT 80s/90s
TMNT 2003
Transformers (80s)
Transformers prime
Twelve forever
Unicorn - Warriors eternal
The Venture bros
Wander over Yander
Indie animations
Bigtop burger
Chikn Nuggit
the Devil and Daniel Mouse
Metal Family
Monkey Wrench
Soviet Union animations
Shred force
Smiling friends
Spooky month
Wallace and Gromit
Comics / Manga
Adventures of Tintin
Cyborg 009
Detective Conan
Donald Duck (Aku Ankka in Finnish)
Dragon ball
Paradise kiss
Niilo Pielinen
Spirou and Fantasio
Vinland saga
Wimpy Witch
Amazing land of Oz
Moomin books
Animal crossing
Garage: bad dream adventure
Other Nintendo games
Sly Cooper
Sonic the hedgehog
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blindmagdalena · 1 year
are you part of any other fandoms? or have in the past? :D
yeah absolutely! i was a HUGE anime nerd as a kid (mainly YYH/Inuyasha) and wrote/collected all kinds of stuff for that. it's also the reason i got into cosplay and started going to anime cons. that was a huge part of my teen years.
after that I got reeeeally into phantom of the opera, and that remains as sort of an ever-present "sleeper fandom" that I'm always peripherally enjoying and ready to throw down about. the one that hit big for me was definitely supernatural back in 2011ish. the chokehold that series/fandom had on me was unreal. that lasted until maybe 2015ish, i fell off really hard towards the end of s8/beginning of s9.
in early 2017 i got really into the adventure zone, and then in 2018 i starting running games of dungeons and dragons. not exactly a fandom per se, but there's definitely a very big ttrpg community, and i've been deep in that ever since.
i really did not expect to get back into tumblr/fandom the way i have, but homelander did a number on me. i've been thoroughly possessed. i live here now.
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angelix133 · 1 year
El mundo gamer
Durante bastante tiempo ha sido complicado señalar cual fue el primer videojuego, principalmente debido a las múltiples definiciones de este que se han ido estableciendo, pero se puede considerar como primer videojuego el Nought and crosses, también llamado OXO, desarrollado por Alexander S.Douglas en 1952
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Los años 80 comenzaron con un fuerte crecimiento en el sector del videojuego alentado por la popularidad de los salones de máquinas recreativas y de las primeras videoconsolas aparecidas durante la década de los 70
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En los 90s llegaron entregas como
Resident Evil
Super Mario 64
Metal Gear Solid
The Secret of Monkey Island
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Silent Hill
Siendo Tetris para la gameboy la mas vendida en su epoca
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En el 2000 Sony lanzó la anticipada PlayStation 2 y Sega lanzó otra consola con las mismas características técnicas de la Dreamcast, nada más que venia con un monitor de 14 pulgadas, un teclado, altavoces y los mismos mandos llamados Dreamcast Drivers 2000 Series CX-1.
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Microsoft entra en la industria de las consolas creando la Xbox en 2001.
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Nintendo lanzó el sucesor de la Nintendo 64, la Gamecube, y la primera Game Boy completamente nueva desde la creación de la compañía, la Game Boy Advance. Sega viendo que no podría competir, especialmente con una nueva máquina como la de Sony, anunció que ya no produciría hardware, convirtiéndose sólo en desarrolladora de software en 2002
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algunos eventos de los videojuegos a lo largo de los 2000 a 2009 fueron
04/02/2000- Los Sims salen a la venta
31/01/2001- SEGA abandona el desarrollo hardware
23/11/2004- Sale a la venta World of Warcraft
27/04/2005- Nintendogs consigue un 40/40 en la Famitsu
15/09/2005- Desvelado mando de la Wii
8/05/2006- Sony anuncia que PlayStation 3 valdrá 600 dólares
12/12/2006- Dragon Quest, anunciado para DS
10/07/2008- Apple lanza la App Store
14/07/2008- Final Fantasy XIII, también para la 360
25/03/2009- Los videojuegos, declarados bien cultural por el Congreso
en 2011 salieron Títulos como 'Killzone 3' (PS3), 'Crysis 2' (PS3, Xbox 360, PC), 'Conduit 2' (Wii), 'Rage' (PS3, Xbox 360, PC), 'Dead Island' (PS3, Xbox 360, PC), 'Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3' (PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Wii), 'Resistance 3' (PS3), 'Battlefield 3' (PS3, Xbox 360, PC), 'Gears of War 3' (Xbox 360) y 'Homefront' (PS3, Xbox)
Lanzamientos en 2011
Uncharted 3' (PS3), 'Batman: Arkham City' (PS3, Xbox 360, PC), 'inFamous 2' (PS3), 'Deus Ex: Human Revolution' (PS3, Xbox 360, PC), o 'Assassin's Creed: Revelations' (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)
y el lanzamiento del que hoy en dia es uno de los juegos mas queridos por la comunidad MINECRAFT
Spec Ops: The Line.
Escape Plan.
Far Cry 3.
Mass Effect 3.
Halo 4.
Borderlands 2.
Grand Theft Auto V.
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.
Pokémon X/Y.
Gone Home.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
The Last of Us.
Pikmin 3.
Bioshock Infinite.
2014 lanzamiento del play4 y xbox one que debutaron por todo lo alto este año que termina. La primera siguiendo su tendencia de ser "la consola para jugadores", la segunda con una apuesta más arriesgada pero igual de atractiva unificando juegos con televisión digital y muchas opciones de multimedia
2015 donde call of duty black ops lll fue el juego mas famoso de ese
1.) God of War (PS4, Sony Interactive Entertainment)
2.) Red Dead Redemption 2 (PS4 / Xbox One, Rockstar Games)4). Detroit: Become Human (PS4, Sony Interactive Entertainment)
5.) Marvel's Spider-Man (PS4, Sony Interactive Entertainment)
6.) Battlefield V (PS4 / Xbox One / Windows, Electronic Arts)
7.) Fortnite
Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Plataforma: Nintendo Switch
Astro's Playroom
DOOM Eterna
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
The Last of Us Parte II
acompañado del lanzamiento del play station 5 y el Xbox series X/S
proximos a estrenarse
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5)
Super Mario Bros. Wonder (Switch) 
Cities: Skylines 2 (PC)
Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection - Volumen 1 (PC, PS5, Switch, Xbox Series X/S)
The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria (PC, PS5)
Ghostrunner 2 (PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S)
Alan Wake 2 (PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S)
EA Sports UFC 5 (PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S)
Jusant (PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S)
ARK: Survival Ascended (PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S)
Phasmophobia (PS5, Xbox Series X/S)
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fabunicorn · 2 years
Hey I like to write and myriad of things so imma leave the fandoms I’ll write for and what I’m comfortable and not comfortable with fighting okay
Minors don’t interact with anything labeled 18+
Jojos bizarre adventure
Diabolik lovers
Hunter x Hunter
Harry Potter
Alice in borderland
The alien saga
Amnesia (the anime)
American horror story
It 2017
Game of thrones
How to train your dragon
Ouran highschool host club
Scream street
Unfortunate events
Young Dracula
Once upon a time
House of the dragon
Monster high
Vampire knight
Stranger things
What I will write
Forced agere
Dub con
What I won’t write
Incest (unless vamp knight house of the dragon and game of throne cuz then it’s really unavoidable)
Intense scat/watersport/ bdsm like whipping and shit
Large age gaps
Any underage characters will be aged up if romantic or smut
Also if anyone berates for the shit I write I will block you
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conhivemindcent · 11 months
Actually as a Shadow Dragon, I think Warriors 1 might've been better off with a different game instead of Shadow Dragon, what do you think?
I’d personally disagree, but I’d understand the point you have. Something like Blazing Blade or Path of Radiance might’ve drawn in a larger western crowd, but with Shadow Dragon it’s the first game in the series. It has Marth, who is one of the most recognisable Fire Emblem characters. Plus Shadow Dragon is pretty big in Japan iirc, so it was also for a popularity thing.
Also a game meant to celebrate the fire emblem series not having Marth feels wrong. But I do think it was probably for the better having extra characters from Shadow Dragon rather than just Marth, especially since Caeda and Tiki have more unique movesets than just “guy with sword”.
But that’s just my two cents, and you’re entitled to your own opinions.
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ao3feed-thor · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/sYkgzfu
by IsFinished
In 1990 and during a day's work, Detective Loki receives an anonymous letter that only contains the words God/Dog.
After starting a new murder case, he discovers that he will have to work together with another department in which curiously he runs into an old acquaintance of his who has strangely changed his name.
"Heimdall" is all he manages to say, or was he just thinking it?
Words: 1292, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of The darkness between his lips
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Loki (TV 2021), The Dark Tower (2017), True Detective, The Eyes of the Dragon - Stephen King, The Dark Tower Series - Stephen King
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/M, Gen, Multi, Other
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Roland Deschain, Walter Padick, Jake Chambers, Oy (Dark Tower), Heimdall (Marvel), Sylvie (Loki TV), Steven Deschain, Odin (Marvel), Raymond "Ray" Velcoro, Randall Flagg, Queen Sasha (The Eyes of the Dragon), King Roland (The Eyes of the Dragon), Thomas (Eyes of the Dragon), Peter (The Eyes of the Dragon)
Relationships: Heimdall/Loki (Marvel), Roland Deschain/Walter Padick, Jake Chambers & Roland Deschain, Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki/Sylvie (Loki TV), Randall Flagg/ Queen Sasha (The eyes of the dragon), King Roland/Queen Sasha (The Eyes of the Dragon), Susan Delgado/Roland Deschain
Additional Tags: Angst, Blood and Violence, Blood and Torture, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Police, Drama, Hurt No Comfort, Sad, Past Relationship(s), Past Sexual Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Drug Use, Accidental Death, Hallucinations, Mental Disorder, physical and psychological torture, Dreams and Nightmares, Male Friendship, Toxic Masculinity, Mild Sexual Content, Past Rape/Non-con, Infidelity, Anxiety Attacks, Oral Sex, Mild Smut, Wall Sex, Shower Sex, Sexual Fantasy, Masturbation, Past Character Death, Blood and Gore, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Crack Crossover, Crack Relationships, Unsafe Sex, Awkward Sexual Situations, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Male-Female Friendship, Men Crying, Drunk Sex, Accidental Sex, Open to Interpretation, Relationship open to interpretation
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/sYkgzfu
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esthermgray · 2 years
Gracias por estar aquí
Llevo en Tumblr desde 2015. Durante años desayunaba *cada mañana* mirando Tumblr, en verano de 2017 cuando empecé a jugar al Dragon Age me podía tirar aquí un buen rato aquí reblogueando y guardando memes y fanarts y edits. En fin, siempre ha sido mi sitio de confort porque esta red social consiste en pasar un rato agradable y ya está, sin tener que ir con pies de plomo midiendo tus palabras cada vez que vas a escribir cualquier cosita (siempre y cuando evites ciertos círculos más puñeteros, claro. Pero, en general, hay menos disposición a juzgar y señalar).
Esta turra viene a que me alegra muchísimo tener cada vez a más mutuals por aquí y poder compartir este espacio seguro con vosotres, tengo muchas ganas de leeros e interactuar de una forma algo diferente <3 Esta red social siempre la usé como el cajón desastre de todos los fandoms que sigo, pero a partir de ahora hablaré también de mis proyectos por aquí. Subiré aesthetics, playlists, textos pequeñitos... En fin, cualquier cosa relacionada con lo que escriba. 
No sé cuánto durará este Tumblr revival, igual me estoy emocionando como un chorlito para que luego dure dos semanas y si te he visto no me acuerdo. Lo que sí tengo claro es que voy a disfrutarlo mientras dure y, si en algún momento este sitio vuelve a perder fuerza, me quedaré y seguiré disfrutando igualmente, aunque se sienta como hacer castillitos de arena en una isla desierta.
¡Mil gracias por seguirme! Nos leemos :3
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