#fire emblem warriors 2017
conhivemindcent · 9 months
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My version of the Twitter meme redraw. With the old hyperfixation and the new hyperfixation
(I’d like to imagine they’re friends) (also please ignore any weird anatomy stuff it’s 1:30am lol)
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oktaviaslabyrinth · 5 months
Road Taken (Roar) // Fire Emblem Warriors (2017)
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maryse127 · 1 year
Hi I am 23 years old and had to google how to rip a cd because I always let my dad do it when I was young and the last few years I didn't need to/wasn't able to because music on Spotify and computet has no disc drive. But now I finally ordered a disc drive because I have a 20 CD Xenoblade soundtrack box that needs to be ripped
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sacaeblade · 2 years
fire emblem warriors (2017)
The Academy is always hard at work inventing new and extraordinary methods of helping its pupils find their true potential. One day, an announcement appears on the board, inviting all those interested in discovering something new about themselves to Lieutenant Lanton’s Loose Lottery. The idea is simple: Lieutenant Lanton hands you a weapon and puts you in front of another participant for you to spar with. The catch? You receive the first item he happened to grab and have to work with it, no matter what it is. No second chances! [Grants Any Skill +1]
It’s always something new at Garreg Mach.
Who would Lyn be if she missed out on a chance to hone her skills? When the announcement about Lieutenant Lanton’s Loose Lottery drops, she immediately writes down her name on the sign-up sheet. On the actual day of the event, she waits in line to receive her temporary weapon and match up, but what Lieutenant Lanton hands Lyn is not a weapon at all, but a large fish with a long, pointed bill. It’s cold and clammy in her hands, slippery scales completely unlike another other weapon she’s held. 
A cursory glance around the training grounds reveals her fishy weapon isn’t even particularly strange compared to the random assortment of weapons given to the other participants. When he said the first item he grabbed was to be your weapon, he well and truly meant it.
(...But what was a fish doing amongst the stock?)
Regardless, Lyn isn’t one to back down from a challenge. She’ll make the fish work as a weapon one way or another. She takes her place on the field. When Lyn catches sight of her opponent, she exclaims: “Oh, from the book! The traitor!”
They hadn’t actually interacted much, with Lyn only being with the rebellion for a short while and being sorted into different teams for the mission to Rhedrise and all. She only had cursory knowledge of Lucina’s role in the events that took place at Rhedrise, but what she does know is that her actions put Sara in danger. They had also been in the final battle together, where Lucina had whiffed all of her attacks against the enemy.
So all in all, her feelings are pretty mixed.
“I have to warn you that I’m very serious when I spar. Regardless of what happened in the book, I won’t go easy on you, okay?”
She brandishes her fish at her fellow lordling.
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sacredechoes · 11 months
Fire Emblem: Battle of Revolution Translation
For April Fools' 2017, Nintendo of Japan put up a joke page announcing a Fire Emblem game starring Valbar, Leon, and Kamui set in the Meiji era. The page is archived and some in the English fandom have heard of it, but I don't know if the page ever got a full translation.
Below the cut is my attempt at localizing the text of this page.
Fire Emblem: 維新大乱 ~Battle of Revolution~
(see note 1)
A return to where it all started…
"For 15 years since taking on the role of Fire Emblem series producer, I have been thinking about how to make the game more accessible to a wider audience. I have been thinking of new challenges to attract more customers, such as creating TMS#FE based on the idea of what would happen if we tried to make it a modern drama, or creating Fire Emblem Fates based on the idea of allowing people to enjoy multiple stories in parallel. In that sense, you could say that 'I want to increase the number of customers' is the starting point of my approach to Fire Emblem. And now, the theme I have decided on for further leaps forward for the Fire Emblem series is 'Jidai-geki' (historical drama). I have been working with Intelligent Systems to create a Fire Emblem game that takes place in the late Edo period and vividly depicts the activities of talented local warriors as they work to create a new world. Experience a passionate story of men in the late Edo period while maintaining the fun of playing with swords, bows, and sickles, bow effectiveness against flying ninjas, and other interesting aspects of the Fire Emblem series. Please look forward to Fire Emblem: Battle of Revolution!" - Hitoshi Yamakami, Nintendo Co.
Some things are more precious than life itself...
In a time called "Bakumatsu", the sun has begun to set on Edo and the Tokugawa Shogunate. A great famine stretches on, and many communities near their breaking points. The world of Edo is burdened by a state of terrible unrest. Though the land of Hi-no-moto has observed a long period of isolationism, the waves of distant nations have begun to break on its shores regardless.
In a distant corner in the countryside of the fiefdom of Barenshia lives a man named Barubou. Our tale begins when he is unexpectedly appointed to the Sofia Security Corps, the bodyguards to the fiefdom's daimyo Seirika.
To bend the knee to the shogunate, or to advocate its overthrow? For either path this land might take, men clash fiercely with their beliefs held high and proud as banners.
Meeting a sworn ally, and then, farewell. With the nefarious conspiracies of the shogunate's underbelly unfolding before his eyes, Barubou is shaken to his very core.
When all is said and done, which belief will he commit his faith to? The stage is set for this decisive battle in the port town of Toba...
Command your comrades to win the battle!
Playing the role of Barubou, you will work with your comrades to achieve each map's victory condition.
A profound and moving tale
Catch a glimpse into each major character's rich past through Imperial Orders ("sub-episodes"), as well as through Public Service ("sub-quests") packed throughout the region.
The permadeath feature that defines the Fire Emblem series persists in this instalment, and a unique new system using elements of hanafuda cards debuts in Battle of Revolution. Powerful animations breathe life into battles.
SPECIAL EDITION: Barenshia Emaki (Picture Scroll)
Scroll One: One Hundred Flowers Blooming (see note 2)
Scroll Two: A Friendship like Fish and Water
Scroll 1, which depicts the everyday lives, traditions, and culture of the people of Barenshia, and Scroll 2, which details the specifics of Barubou, Ren'o and Kamucho's lives not told in the main story, will be distributed as a set.
Running Marusu - Cost: Free
This epic quest follows Marusu, a young courier from Akaneia Fiefdom, which neighbors Barenshia Fiefdom. The boy's star-crossed fate compels Marusu to single-mindedly run around to every corner of Akaneia Fiefdom, and how all of his travels weave together to earn him the title of Daimyo of Akaneia Fiefdom.
※Delivery date yet to be announced.
馬流暴 Barubou (Valbar) (see note 3)
Despite his humble origins in a farming family, his natural talent together with his compassionate, sincere, and heroic personality led him to be selected as the head of the Sofia Security Corps. His hearty laugh is so powerful that it can even be heard at a distance of 1 ri away. Since entering his thirties, his few worries are mostly consumed these days by the size of his belly.
恋男 Ren'o (Leon) (see note 4)
A runaway ninja of the Iga school. His intense admiration for Barubou drove him to join the Sofia Security Corps to stay close to the object of his affections. Every day, he applies rouge to his eyelids a little differently in relentless pursuit of being the most fashionable man in the Security Corps. He is incredibly precise with his makeup brush, among other fine motor skills, and is often asked for help by the village girls.
暇武猪 Kamucho (Kamui) (see note 5)
Formerly a ronin. He once crossed blades with Barubou in the past, but was touched by the man's personality and joined the Sofia Security Corps. While he hates feeling constrained and lives an idle and carefree life, he has considerable skill with a sword. Although the pretty girl who advertises for the general store has caught his attention, he's never bothered to actually speak to her.
Translation notes
(Ishin Tairan - lit. Revolution Uprising - "Ishin" often refers to "Meiji-Ishin" or Meiji Restoration). The game is set in Mie prefecture in historic Japan, in the Bakumatsu era. (between 1853-1867)
(T/N: simultaneous emergence of many talents and achievements; lit. hundred flowers blooming in profusion)
(T/N: written with kanji meaning lit. "Force of a Rushing Horse". The kanji on-reading give "Barubou", but could be kun-read as the name "Managashi Sueo")
(T/N: written with kanji for "love" and "man". Kanji on-reading give "Ren'o".)
(T/N: written with kanji for "leisure", "martial arts" and "boar". Kanji on-reading give "Kamucho".)
Kanji names are given for all characters and locations. As such I have romanized them very loosely rather than using official names (usually given in kana). As noted with the main cast's names, these kanji names are some degree of pun and not chosen solely for the sound. Celica's, for example, includes the kanji 聖 which means "holy" and 里 which can mean "place of origin", fitting as she grew up in a priory.
Barenshia = 刃蓮死亜 = Valentia
Sofia = 素風亜 = Zofia
Seirika = 聖里香 = Celica
Marusu = 真瑠澄 = Marth
Akaneia = 茜亥亜 = Archanea
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Prologue & Chapter 1 — Mystery of the Emblem [FE17 let's play]
(spoiler: the Emblem was Marth)
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Meet my OC! Her name is A'lear. The apostrophe isn't abbreviating anything, it's just really important to put lots of apostrophes and uncommon letters in an original character's name. She is a dragon, like Corrin from Fates!
Also A'lear's mother is Queen Lumera, the universally loved Divine Dragon Queen! And that means she is a princess, just like Corrin from Fates. A dragon princess, wow!
(the Fates comparisons end here. A'lear is better than Corrin because Corrin had that "reconciling two conflicting heritages" angst where she had to fight her own siblings for drama. My OC A'lear will not have any of that "nature vs nurture" angst, because this will be a story about FOUND FAMILY.)
A'lear's hair is red and blue as a homage to the two most important characters in Fire Emblem history: Enemy Phase and Player Phase.
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This is my second playthrough of FE17. I'm picking Maddening this time around, and the game insists I pick fixed unit growths for my own sanity. (That means no random dice rolls on level-up, but instead slowly ticking counters that give stat points out at steady intervals.)
We have Switch Online (for my wife's foray into Splatoon) so I will absolutely be making use of the online features — the shiny yellow and purple tiles which give free loot and XP, and more importantly, earlier and more convenient access to the Tower of Trials, which will let me grind for A supports and silver ingots and Ancient Well loot more easily when I'm feeling stuck.
I don't have the DLC but will consider it after this run.
Our story begins with a semi-prophetic dream sequence, in which Robin and a mysterious blue-haired stranger defeat an evil Fell Dragon sorcerer together and profess their undying, eternal, totally platonic love for one another. Then she wakes up from a deep slumber, with amnesia.
But who was the stranger? (It was Marth, protagonist of the original Fire Emblem. This is not a spoiler. He's on the box art and all the trailers. He was also a playable character in 2017's Fire Emblem Warriors, and one of twenty-four non-Fox characters in 2001's Super Smash Bros Melee. Also we'll get his name halfway through chapter 1.) Who could it be?
Functionally, the Prologue is a tutorial for the basic controls. On turn 1, you learn how to move A'lear-and-Marth. On turn 2, you attack the Fell Dragon Sombron with a sword, and he attacks you back with horrifying dark magic. Then he does it again, and A'lear is down to 10/50HP versus Sombron's 36/60HP. The situation is dire!
But hope is not lost! Each time A'lear and Sombron took a swing at one another, A'lear's Engage Meter went up by 1. Now it's full, which means... they can do the fusion dance and...
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... Engage!
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Wow, very Cool(TM). Take that, 13th century Italian city state aesthetic, what have you got for drip? Eyepatches?
With their powers combined, A'lear and Marth unleash a devastating ultimate attack, stabbing Sombron nine times at stunning speed for exactly 36 damage. He dies, and Marth tells A'lear that he'll always be by her side, so long as she remembers him.
Anyway, did I mention the amnesia? A'lear awakes with amnesia and is greeted by her fan club, the twins Framme and Clanne (*). Shortly afterwards, we meet Vander, 32nd Steward of the Dragon, who has pretty good facial hair, and takes his job a lot more seriously than his successors.
(* I do literally mean fan club. Their support chain is about the Divine Dragon Fan Club, of which they're both founders and presidents.)
In Chapter 1, A'lear and her three guardians are on their way to meet the Queen of Elyos when they encounter some of the Corrupted, who are zombies I guess. A'lear and Vander must fight them. (The twins tried to play hero and now need rescuing.)
Vander is what some call a "Jagen": a grizzled old warrior (often a paladin) who starts with way better stats than the rest of the team, but who gets next to no EXP from kills for half the game. Functionally, this means that every time Vander defeats an enemy—which they're pretty good at—he's wasted EXP other characters could have been using to level up.
This results in a totally immersive gameplay experience:
A'lear: "Vander, hand me your vulnerary."
Vander: "Of course, Divine One. It is my sworn duty to protect your life. With my own, if necessary."
A'lear: "Oh. That won't be necessary. Now, take position in the trees. No, those trees."
Vander: "Those trees? In the distance? Nowhere near the enemy?"
Alear: "Yes."
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But reinforcements keep coming, and by the end of turn 2 Framme and Clanne are about to be torn to shreds. In a cutscene A'lear suddenly remembers the voice from her dreams, and then she utters the invocation to summon Marth, Emblem of Beginnings.
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A'lear and Marth then proceed to fight a single Corrupted axe fighter together, with such perfect synchronisation that they're basically mirror images of one another. Because of this, the monster is able to simultaneously block their every attack together. I kind of feel embarrassed for them. (Supposedly Alear gets Dex+1 from fighting alongside Marth? This is what Dex+1 looks like.)
Alear and Marth demolish the remaining monsters, levelling up their Bond a bit in the process. This requires having Vander lure some of the remaining monsters from the south.
Vander: "As you commanded, Divine One, I holstered my axe and let them all stab me a little bit as I rejoined you."
A'lear: "Thank you."
Vander: "Dare I ask where you learned such battlefield tactics?"
A'lear: "I don't know, I have amnesia."
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A'lear takes down the last enemy with another ninefold nonuple stab combo. But then a dragon shows up out of nowhere! Oh no! Is it a potential ally? Or... a NEW STORM!?!?!?!?
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loverboy-ish-fr · 1 year
hiii skins and accents for offferrrrrrrrrr :3
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i'm putting skins/accents i don't want up for offer - red X'd out are Not for sale, orange question marks are Maybe if it's a very good offer (i may find use for them myself/will be using them in different times of the year but i may be persuaded for the right price), all unmarked are free for offers (in treasure, prefereably, but i won't necessarily say no to gems). i am also putting this in the items for sale forums. will also have examples of how the accents/skins look on there (not this post tho sowwy).
edit! blue asterisks mean they've been sold :3
accents + skins names under the cut feel free to rb ok thank u. <3
Accent: Research Notes - Coatl F Pose
Accent: Maren Warrior - Mirror M Pose, x 2
Accent: Bogsmog - Bogsneak M Pose, Flameforger's Festival 2017
Skin: Snappy Conductor - Snapper F Pose, Thundercrack Carnivale 2018
Skin: Ancestor - Snapper M Pose, Rockbreaker's Ceremony 2018, full-body/hides wings
Skin: Sweater Weather - Mirror F Pose, Crystalline Gala 2019
Skin: Ancient Heritage - Tundra M Pose, Crystalline Gala 2019, full-body/hides wings
Accent: Hydrothermal Vent - Ridgeback M Pose, Wavecrest Saturnalia 2019
Accent: Solarium - Coatl M Pose, Brightshine Jubilee 2019
Skin: Reign of Fire - Imperial F Pose, Flameforger's Festival 2019, full-body
Accent: Curse of the Slain - Ridgeback M Pose, Riot of Rot 2020
Accent: Glacial Veins - Mirror F Pose, Crystalline Gala 2021
Accent: Moonstone Queen - Guardian F Pose, Trickmurk Circus 2021
Accent: Marinated Rot - Gaoler M Pose, Riot of Rot 2021
Accent: Cinderslag Railway - Snapper F Pose, Flameforger's Festival 2022 SOLD!
Accent: Winterbloom - Fae M Pose, Crystalline Gala 2023
Accent: Frosted Roses - Nocturne F Pose, Crystalline Gala 2023
Accent: Midnight Jester - Nocturne F Pose, Trickmurk Circus 2023
Accent: Little Sea Slugger - Fae M Pose, Wavecrest Saturnalia 2023
Accent: King of the Forest - Obelisk M Pose, Greenskeeper Gathering 2023
QUESTION-MARKED SKINS/ACCENTS, ORDER OF APPEARANCE, includes reasons why I may keep them instead:
Accent: Death by Flower - Imperial F Pose, Greenskeeper Gathering 2019 - very pretty, very pink, I like pink
Skin: Spirit Boon - Coatl F Pose, Brightshine Jubilee 2019 - I like the Light Emblem on it
Accent: Storm Thrower - Ridgeback M Pose, Thundercrack Carinvale 2019 - may fit/compliment my Lightning Ridgeback
Accent: Sea Nettle Symbiote - Bogsneak F Pose, Wavecrest Saturnalia 2022 - I think it looks neat :)
Accent: Bunch of Lilies - Aberration M Pose, Greenskeeper Gathering 2023 - may use for one of my Aberrations and its cute :)
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Sometimes I like to imagine myself going back in time and leaking gaming news on 4chan, imagining how I'd do it and what the reaction would be. Like if I were to go back in time to 2016, I'd probably do something like this:
>NX is called the Nintendo Switch
>Launches March 2017 for $299. Main gimmick is it's a handheld that can also plug into a dock to output to the TV. The buttons and sticks to the sides of the handheld screen can slide off and be used as two small one-stick controllers for multiplayer, or you can slide them both into a controller grip for a more traditional two-stick controller. Limited to 720p in handheld mode but can output 1080 when connected to the dock. Specs are above Wii U but not by much.
>Launch lineup is pretty meager - three first-party games and it's carried by Zelda Wii U (final name Breath of the Wild). Game will still come out on Wii U but will be delayed to launch on both Wii U and Switch the same day.
>The other first-party launch titles are 1-2 Switch and Snipperclips. 1-2 Switch is a casual party game utilizing the gimmicks of the controller (motion controls, rumble), basically a Wii shovelware-type game. Snipperclips is a simple two-player puzzle game in which you both control characters made of paper and you cut each other into different shapes to solve puzzles, meant to showcase how the Switch can do multiplayer right out of the box.
>Even with weak launch lineup, first year is absolutely STACKED with games. Nintendo learned their lesson with the Wii U and has been working to give the Switch a strong impression right out of the gate. First year titles are:
>Splatoon 2
>Super Mario Odyssey, new 3D Mario game in the style of 64/Sunshine/Galaxy
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, a port with all the DLC tracks and characters included, as well as a few new characters (Bowser Jr., etc)
>Pokken Tournament DX, includes the characters from the arcade version that weren't in the Wii U port
>ARMS, a boxing game similar to Punch-Out but with full range of motion around large arenas. All fighters have stretchy arms which allows you to throw punches from across the arena.
>Fire Emblem Warriors, a new game by Koei Tecmo in a similar vein to Hyrule Warriors. Also releasing on New 3DS for some reason.
>Mario+Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, a tactics game made by Ubisoft which plays similarly to XCOM
Absolutely fucking no one would believe me and that's beautiful
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soldmoondoggie · 2 years
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Fire Emblem Warriors (Nintendo Switch 2017)
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FE asks 29 and 31!
29. Avatars: yay or nay?
I'm fine with it either way! I do prefer avatars who have slightly more personality than your average crumpled paper bag blowing across the playground after lunch (hi, Corrin), but otherwise all good.
(Honestly, Corrin's position could have been used to make really interesting contrast in their growth and development across whatever path the player chose, but... they didn't. By those standards, Byleth is sort of a letdown too. I like Byleth more though, because the Three Houses script wasn't written by a bunch of monkeys banging on typewriters, which is the only valid excuse for Fates.)
I've never found them egregious (and I haven't experienced Kris and the notorious stealing of victories across FE12), but I'm also happy to play games without them. I quite liked Robin, Corrin and Byleth both had interesting roles within their stories, and Shez and Alear have strong, developed personalities. But on the last... why even have an avatar, if there's little the player can customize? Are they serving a deeper purpose in the story, or are they just a stand-in for the player and hardly relevant to the overall plot? Robin, honestly, I think was the best-handled avatar, but I also haven't hated any of them. I'm just unsure what function they serve, if there's no customization besides form and name. Alear seems likely to have Robin-like relevance to the plot, so it will be interesting to see where the game goes with them! Shez was also a fun contrast to Byleth. That was fun. It's also always amusing to see one of the lords just going completely 😍😍😍 I WANT THAT ONE the moment they see the avatar. Poor Frederick and Hubert!
31. Some moments of Fire Emblem you keep thinking of?
Definitely love very much the cutscene after the final battle in Crimson Flower (especially since CF was robbed of cutscenes otherwise). The contrast between the presentation of the Battle of Eagle and Lion versus Gronder Field (on the routes that have it). The end cutscene in Awakening, especially the first time I played. The conversation between Laslow and Silas in Soleil's paralogue. Finishing FE7 for the first time and realizing there was more to play now. The first time I got everyone in Awakening married off before the chapter where the truth about Lucina comes out, and watching all the paralogues start opening up across the map.
And if I can bring up some out-of-game moments: seeing the shield at the Nintendo Direct that introduced the first Warriors game. Beating Apotheosis for the first time (July 15, 2016). Finishing Future Past with the good ending. The 2017 direct just for Fire Emblem. The first time Edelgard was revealed. Happening to go to Gamestop just as they took down the Three Houses poster and then taking it home with me. Getting up at 4am to play FEH the day Inigo was released AND FINALLY GOT TO BE A DANCER. Handing over a ring on the second anniversary of the game's release. And every single time a new trailer debuts.
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conhivemindcent · 11 months
Are you brainstorming over Fire Emblem warriors, what did you think of the game and its (odd)choices?
It’s been a couple of years since my intense love of fire emblem warriors, and while it doesn’t rattle the brain nearly as often they still do pop in and say hello. So I’d probably say no but we love a bit of old hyperfixation indulgence in this house.
I haven’t actually played the game, despite owning it physically for a few months now. Truthfully I need to play all the games I have before starting it (Persona 5, Hue and Miitopia are the main ones). (Fun fact, a friend of mine posted a short clip of Darios saying some dialogue and I got jumpscared by the fact that he shared a VA with Joker P5, like babe. You know this already.)
But yeah it was weird. It definitely went in too hard with the fateswakening pandering imo, especially with fates (we didn’t need all the fates royals to be playable) but it was nice to see Shadow Dragon characters. Lyn and Celica do feel tacked on, and honestly as much as I like Linde I feel like her inclusion wasn’t really warranted (tbh same with Oboro and Niles but I don’t really have strong opinions towards either, and maybe Cordelia, though I can’t remember her role in-story despite her having on).
But man. We were robbed of playable Darios. We could’ve had cool interactions with several other characters (Rowan, Lianna, Corrin and Robin all come to mind immediately, though I bet others would be neat). Even if he was another clone of Rowan/Lianna it would be nice.
Also there were too many swordies. And Rowan should’ve had an axe. And Lianna a lance. Then have Darios be the swordfighter and you’ve got the weapon triangle. Throw in Anna and her neutral bow and we’ve got a great team. Perfectly balanced.
So yeah, no longer hyperfixated but send me more Warriors asks, especially about the OCs and Anna. I love them to death.
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oktaviaslabyrinth · 5 months
The World Tree // Fire Emblem Warriors (2017)
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maryse127 · 1 year
Forgive me for talking about a not so popular game from 2017 but I finally ripped the soundtrack CDs of Fire Emblem Warriors and I am once again taken by the theme from the final battle in that game. The whole game is basically a crossover between Awakening, Fates and Shadow Dragon so the final boss theme is a remix of those games final map themes. Makes sense right? BUT THEN! For some reason Don't Speak Her Name from Awakening is ALSO part of this new theme. And as you can tell I am completely normal and very brave about this
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z-cerulean · 2 years
2022 Media Thread Summary (until 11th of November)
Played: - Shin Megami Tensei V (True Neutral) - Super Mario Bros. (Speedrun route) - Fire Emblem Fates (Birthright, Conquest & Revelations) (Revisit) - Ys V: Lost Kefin, Kingdom of Sand (Super Famicom) - Shin Megami Tensei IV (Law & Neutral) - WorldEnd Syndrome - Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows - Etrian Odyssey IV (Postgame) - Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War (Revisit) - 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim - Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers (3DS) - Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth (P4 Side) - Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls (Steam) - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2: Innocent Sin (PSP) - Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes (Golden Wildfire & Scarlet Blaze) - Castlevania (1986) - Pokemon Blue Version - Pokemon Legends Arceus - Super Castlevania IV - Pokemon Crystal Version - Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse (Bonds Ending) - Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore - Mega Man Zero 2
Watched: - Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) - Cowboy Bebop (1998) - Grave of the Fireflies (1988) - All of Us Are Dead (2022) - Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) - Marvel Studios' Moon Knight (2022) - Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School (2016) - The Blackadder (1983) - Blackadder II (1986) - The Shawshank Redemption (1994) - Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) - Last Night in Soho (2021) - Nobody (2021) - Freaky (2020) - Predator (1987) - Predator 2 (1990) - Prey (2022) - Predators (2010) - The Predator (2018) - Paper Girls (Season 1) (2022) - Ensemble Stars! (2019) - Alien (1979) - Aliens (1986) - Alien3 (1992) - Alien Resurrection (1997) - Alien v.s. Predator (2004) - Alien v.s. Predator Requiem (2007) - The One (2001) - Fullmetal Alchemist (2017) - Ambulance (2022) - Morbius (2022) - Carter (2022) - Prometheus (2012) - Alien Covenant (2017) - Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) - Rick and Morty (Season 5) (2021) - Marvel Studios' Werewolf by Night (2022) - Marvel Studios' She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (2022)
Read: Spy x Family (Ch 1-69) Kaguya-sama: Love is War (Finished)
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"Don't you find it strange that there is no trace of how we got here?" (small bit of writing below, tw swearing)
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[Context: Friday Night Emblem's BF and GF are "Bennet Flammia" and "Gwenevere Falin" respectively. Pico is Pico. Friday Night Emblem focuses on Fire Emblem Warriors (2017). Original image under cut]
A young princess was searching high and low through the woods, trying her best to figure out a way to get out of the mysterious woods they found themselves in.
"You sure you're going to get us out of here if we keep going in these damn circles?" one of her companions, an orange-haired man with long scars running down the left side of his face complained. "We've seen that dumb rock five times already." He looked behind himself and shouted, "Bennet, why the hell are you eating that bread?! It was lying on the ground when we woke up!"
"Hey, it's not my fault I'm hungry!" The blue-haired boy from the back retorted.
"This is why you need a routine, dumbass!"
"I'm pretty sure I just started eating when we got flung over here, Pico!"
"Guys, you're not helping!" the princess snapped. "We need to get out of here as soon as we can!"
"Here is where, exactly?" Bennet asked with a piece of bread still in his mouth. "We don't have any clues around here, do we, Gwen?"
"I don't know." Gwen shook her head. "I still don't get any of this. Clearly we fell through something. Otherwise we wouldn't be here. I don't know. Don't you find it strange that there is no trace of how we got here?"
"Really?" Pico questioned. "I thought you could sense a trace of something, earlier."
"No, that's just how these woods are. I realized that during our first accidental loop."
While Pico and Gwen had their heads down, Bennet spotted a few figures walking through the woods towards them.
"Uh, guys? I think we've got company."
(original image)
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heartusurped · 4 months
pinned <3
main is @yogsothoththekeyandthegate
fire emblem fan since 2017
played every mainline game besides engage (ill get to it someday i prommy) so there will be reblogs from every game
this blog may have tagged nsfw. fe ages can be iffy but if i reblog nsfw art of a character, i am under the impression that they are an adult
will add more later <3
yuri tag is #im a hashtag yuri warrior
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