#dragon dildos
sunwarmed-ash · 1 year
I love you, friend! 💕
A couple of my headcanons for your amusement:
1) Connor likes to spend his free time playing video games (esp. farming sims) because they trigger the Mission Successful reward system in his brain
2) Gavin has quite the collection of fantasy dildos 😈
first off i love BOTH OF THESE. Very canon to me imo, I wrote the second one first, I hope you enjoy!
*NSFW warning*
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Secret Box
This thing, between the three of them, that started small and innocently enough, turned into something so much bigger, stronger, and honestly sexier than any of them initially intended. So much so they closed on a three bedroom house last week and Hank, Sumo, Connor, and Gavin are moving in together. 
But moving is also greuling, at least to the two humans who complained about aches and pains every free moment they could. It's why Connor offered to bring everything in in the first place. Connor would not get tired. He was specifically designed for advanced stamina. But Hank and Gavin were two of the most prideful and stubborn men Connor has ever met. 
It took them a while to agree, but after Hank’s back popped in a way that was more bad than good, he threw the white flag and thanked Connor for his help before going to pass out on the couch. 
Gavin lasted a little longer, but once he and Connor carried their king sized mattress up two flights of stairs, he threw the flag too.  
There aren't too many more boxes, under half a dozen, and most of them headed for the same floor. He should be done and ready to lay down with his exhausted humans in about 15 minutes. 
Connor moves another large wardrobe box containing some of Hank’s old suits exposing a time faded blue, 15x15x10 box that he doesn't remember packing on the truck. Or seeing before honestly. 
Written all across the slightly yellowing cardboard is handwriting that matches Gavin’s, the words, 
Over almost every surface. 
A padlock opened in Connors vision and a prompt to 
Open the box? 
Had him biting into his lip so hard it bled, in strain to do the right thing. 
Because, well it's not his stuff. It’s very obviously Gavin’s. But whatever is in there, it's obvious he wants to keep it a secret. Under plenty of warfare in fact. 
What's the phrase Hank always says to him, curiosity killed the cat? 
Well, Connor isn't a cat, he’s an android. But he’s also not an idiot. He won’t open it down here, in plain view of everything and everyone. He will take it upstairs, into their shared master bedroom and open it there. 
Connor hasn't felt a choice impact him this strongly since he deviated. It's weird. It's just a box, he shouldn't be afraid of the damn thing. But it wasn't necessarily the box that was scary. It was the potential of everything that could be in there. 
What could be in there that Gavin didn't want Hank and him to see?
Maybe it was something super rare. Like the world's only albino guinea pig. 
Or maybe Gavin’s a master jewel thief and it's full of diamonds… 
Or maybe Gavin’s a deranged maniac who keeps his victims severed heads in a box!
Or worse….
What if its an embarassing snapshot of Connor from the DPD Christmas party?!??!
His fans whirring in his obvious anxiety attack has him shaking his head and clearing all of the ridiculous thoughts he just had. It’s just a box. And he knows Gavin better than he knows most people in the world after nearly 2 years. 
But once he opens the lid of the long traveled box, he instantly wished he hadn’t. 
Mostly, because in that moment, someone had come into the room behind him, exposing his crime. And even worse, that person was Gavin. 
“Hey! What are you doing!”
“I'm sorry!!” Connor panics, slapping the lid back onto the box so hard its sides folded under his force. He didn't even get a chance to look at everything inside, he was too scared of Gavin’s much deserved, wrath. 
“Ey, easy!! Those aren't cheap you know!” Gavin says, genuine worry in his tone and Connor’s hands pulls off the box and steps back. 
Hank and Sumo are on Gavin’s heels, barging sleepily into the room to add to his humiliation. 
“What’s- oh shit. Ha! I see you found Gavin’s collection.”
Connor and Gavin’s cheeks boths flushed in embarrassment.
“Hank!” Gavin scolds at the same time Connor asks, 
“What are they?”
“What do you mean what are they? They’re fucking dildos” Gavin says hotly, temperature matching the blood boiling under his cheeks. 
Connor looks at the box with the busted lid again, though he doesn't need to. He has the video feed already saved, he can bring up every inch of his first glimpse in high graphic detail. 
“But, they don’t, look like our other ones,” Connor says carefully, reading Gavins stress levels and adjusting his particular phrasing. 
“Cuz they’re not modeled after human dicks,” Gavin says again, and Connor thinks about the one on top. The one that didn't look like a dick at all. More like a tongue, easily as long as Hank’s cock but curved and shaped drastically different. 
“And that feels good?” there wasn't any judgment in Connor’s voice, just genuine curiosity. He thinks that's what really gives him the upper hand and reduces some of Gavin’s stress. 
“It feels phcking incredible. All of them do.”
“Some of those are big Gavin.”
“I’m well aware.”
Connor’s eyes glazed over, imagining Hank using any of them on Gavin, or vice versa. It was enough motivation for Connor to then ask, with the biggest, softest eyes he can, if he can fuck Gavin with one. 
Gavin’s knees shake as he struggles to take the ninth irregularly bulging inch, but he begged for it deeper, his cock still stiff and spitting fluid all down the shaft.
“Phck,” he can’t keep the pant back as much as he wants to. It hurts, but in the way he loves, and the fact that Hank and Connor are both so obviously getting off to it only adds to it. 
“You’re doing so good Gavin,” Hank praises, and Gavin feels more fluid fall off the tip of his cock onto their mattress below. He felt like he was about to lose his mind, so he’s glad at least it looks more polished than he feels. 
“Con, don’t stop, please.” 
Connor’s hand squeezes his hip before twisting the bulging dildo in his ass. 
The pleasure that rocketed through Gavin’s body at that particular action knocks out his knees and Gavin is barely holding his face off the mattress by his elbows. “Oh my god.”
“It’s actually Connor, but I appreciate the compliment,” the robot sasses and if Gavin wasn’t so desprate for an orgasm, he might have shot something back. Instead he shuddered, and pulled his tired legs back to their original position. It lined one of the bumps of the dildo up with his prostate and Gavin was putty in Connor’s hands. 
“Are you gonna cum?” Hank asks, sitting on the bed beside him, running his warm hand across Gavin's face to get the sweat out of his eyes. 
Gavin nods in Hank’s hand, and then Connor’s thrusts becomes relentless. It doesn't take much at all, and then Gavin is screaming through a painfully strong orgasm. 
AN: I'm sorry for the minor crack, but I just had to with the spongebob reference. It really wrote itself. You can blame Daddy Clancy for the melding of fandoms in my brain. 
As for the sex toys, use your imagination or alt the links I got the inspo from 1. 2.
* do I have a box just like this? Wouldn't you like to know weather boy.
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shevibe · 1 year
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SheVibe Presents - Reign Of The Dragons!
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loubella77 · 1 year
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One of those knot toys I was talking about!
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littledevilkitten · 1 year
New toys!! I ❤️ the handcrafted wooden ones so much!!
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boybasher · 1 month
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soaps-mohawk · 2 months
(Tmi ask warning? I think?)
The latest chapter had me wondering from the tidbit of Kyle nervous about taking John's knot, but can betas technically fit a knot in them?
I'd imagine with enough prep it would be a yes. It'd probably be a common kink in this universe given that we probably have toys like that irl 😭 (not 100 on that because not my thing really but I'd imagine it exists lmao)
Lmao it takes a lot to make me TMI darling.
But yeah, betas can take knots, but it would take a lot of prep and lube since it's a lot and their bodies aren't quite built for it like omegas are.
I can imagine it is a kink lol. There's probably alphas and betas out there that like being knotted 😂 there's probably knotting toys in that universe (and yes they do exist in this one). The market is probably made up of more alphas and betas for those than omegas 😂
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 2 months
ooooh you guys should recommend me sex toys (for those who have tried/had partners who've tried them)
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rangercorpstherapy · 3 months
alyss has a 10 inch strap
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moreshamelessmilk · 1 year
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washing my fruits & veggies prepping for girl dinner 🤪
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littledevilkitten · 1 year
New toys!! I ❤️ the handcrafted wooden ones so much!!
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