#dragon quest kin
dollarstore-kins · 5 months
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Aegosexual Slime icons requested by Anon!!
-Mod ET
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gluttonyedits · 1 year
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“If I had listened… perhaps I could have saved you.” “You knew. You always knew. We were born two very different souls.”
self-indulgent: HenJasp stimboard
💛 🗡️ 💛 • 🛡️ 🎁 🛡️ • 💜 🗡️ 💜
• Do not tag Hendrik as F/O! •
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timedusts · 10 months
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Erik x Jade (Dragon Quest XI) moodboard
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based off the "a princess should not fall in love with a commoner and a thief" audio.
requested by @endingboyhansel.
thanks for requesting, let me know if you want anything changed.
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im-a-ramblr · 2 years
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soldier-requests · 4 months
a moodboard for erik :D
this moodboard has 4 total pictures. 2 colored backgrounds and 2 transparent background. one set has a quote in the middle, and the other set does not have a quote.
here's the version with the quote! the colored background is on the left and the transparent background is on the right:
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here's the version without the quote! the colored background is on the left and the transparent background is on the right:
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You know what? Sometimes I get tired of trying to look up content of myself, and it’s all people going “oh Warwick’s the worst because he locked best boy Malroth in the dungeons!”
I don’t get how they expected me to react. He just happened to be there at the time as a scapegoat. I was trying to make every single precaution so I got out alive and he was in my way with his capabilities of destruction. I could have survived. My treachery could have gone the way I planned it to go. But no.
I was so scared of dying. And I hate how no one seems to remember that about me. They don’t even portray me as a proper villain, all they see me as is some disloyal knight who locked their favourite character up.
— Warwick, Dragon Quest Builders 2
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grimmtells · 1 month
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✦ Son of Magus Merline, the galaxy's most renowned mage, Ozwald serves wizardkind as their current archmage ever since the passing of his mother. Weilding her staff to carry on her legacy, it is his duty to preserve the Mastery of Magic and Alchemy.
When the terrible Nightmare threatened the peace of the galaxy, the wizards joined the GSA alongside the ninjas in their quest to stop this great crisis. They fought together for years, but that was until the sudden treachery of the ninjas. The warriors of the shadows defected to the side of Nightmare, which dwindled the GSA's numbers considerably. Still, as low as morale was, they carried on.
However, the war took a definitive turning point when Yamikage, the one responsible for the treason of the ninjas, snatched Ozwald away from the battlefield on the back of a fearsome dragon demon beast. Before the archmage disappeared, he called out to his kin and ordered them all to flee and never return. At this moment, none of them looked back, they listened to the orders of their archmage and deserted the battlefield, leaving the GSA behind. It was weeks later when Ozwald was seen again, but it was too late then ; he had fallen victim to Nightmare's influence.
Many years after the Great War, on a faraway planet called Popstar, King Dedede noticed that Kirby seemed very confused about the magic tricks Tuff was performing. Without skipping a beat, he used his downloading system bought from Holy Nightmare Enterprise and demanded their best magic user. Ozwald was sent through, and gave chase to Kirby. After a tough fight, the young Star Warrior managed to break Ozwald's trance, letting him finally return to his senses.
Ever since, the archmage has been residing in Castle Dedede, occupying the vacant top of a tower.
✦ Voice Claim | Regular Voice / Spellcasting voice
✦ Likes | Reading, Cooking & Baking, Moonlit strolls, Stargazing
✦ Dislikes | Hypocrisy, Disrespect/ Disdain against magic, Egotism
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✦ Facts |
Ozwald is very adept at Offensive magic and Defensive magic, but also Supportive magic. During the Great War against Nightmare, him and most wizards were back-line fighters using their gift to protect and enhance the other warriors.
Ozwald and wizards as a whole do not really have mana, but using magic, especially strong spells, for long periods of time can tire and wear them out.
Ozwald can perform non-verbal and staffless magic.
He only has one eye ; he lost his other eye during the war after a certain treacherous ninja threw a kunai at him. He tends to hide it from people who aren't used to "gore", not to mention that he feels it to be a tad unsightly. He generally doesn't care to hide it in front of people like Meta Knight, Sword Knight or Blade Knight. if he feels comfortable enough with someone though, he will simply take his hat off.
Ozwald has a younger sister, her name is Winnie. She serves as the Acting Great Archmage in his absence. He hasn't contacted his kin as of yet...
✦ The Wizarding Society |
Although some wizards make an exception of this, they typically live on the "Observatory", which is a huge academy/library-like structure that floats throughout space. Wizards as a society and not simply magic-using peoples are pretty private and keep to themselves.
Whilst a staff or wand are important to channel their magic, wizards that are comfortable and skilled enough with it can perform spells without a vessel, simply using their hands. Enunciating spells is, in most cases, mandatory, but simpler spells like practical ones to make things float can be performed non-verbally.
Most wands and staves are made of metals like gold, silver, bronze and the like. Only very old wizards continue to use wooden staves. Ozwald, despite being more in touch with the newer generations of wizards, keeps his wooden staff because it was his mother's, and it will not break as easily as wood, because of the enchantments she had imbued into it.
As was the duty of the late Merline, wizards continue to observe the cosmos and planets to make sure everything is in order. While they don't tend to intervene ever since the Great War, wizards will warn planets if danger is upon them.
Wizards come in all races, shapes and sizes, but the most common ones are simirrors and waddle doos. Ozwald himself is a simirror.
The Observatory has many protection wards around it, along with the ability to become completely transparent, hiding itself and the wizards inside it.
The Observatory is capable of creating dimentional rifts to fast-travel around the galaxy. Ever since the Great War, wizards have been very careful about using this travel method, as dimentional rifts cause a very high, dense residual activity around the targeted areas, which can easily alert Nightmare of their location since he currently has dominion over most of the galaxy.
Merline is the original architect and creator of the Observatory. It was created as both a safe haven for wizards, but a place to protect the Knowledge and Mastery of Magic from falling into the wrong hands. It was her domain of planetary surveillance as well, when she used to watch over the cosmos on her own.
✦ Height Chart |
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✦ Personality |
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As unapproachable as he looks upfront, there is hardly sweeter than him. Ozwald is kind and patient, he will engage in conversation with pretty much anyone, even Dedede.
While Ozwald believes that a certain degree of sterness is required to properly teach the youth, he also believes that being too harsh and demanding will not serve any purpose. He prefers to teach with rewards, and attempts to make any topic interesting to get the attention of easily distracted children like Tuff, who usually dislike learning "boring stuff".
Ozwald is extremely forgiving, perhaps to a fault, some might think. But he says himself that as a man who has committed one of the greatest sins against his comrades (abandoning them), he does not get the luxury to be critical of what is done to him.
Ozwald is very doting with children. He does not necessarily want a family of his own, but he does have a strong sense of paternality in him.
Ozwald has an easygoing sense of humour, while he does not hold grudges, he is not above using previous events as ammo to tease someone.
Ozwald gets quite competitive with games of any kind and events putting him against other people/teams.
(Sidenote : i'd like to add things like the observatory and Winnie to his info sheet, but it's already me taken me long enough to get this done so i'll add those later !)
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sweetbutpsychobutsweet · 11 months
Smoke, Iron, and Thorin
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Chapter 1
Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader
Summary: you prepare for the quest to reclaim Erebor by meeting your kin in the home of a very disgruntled hobbit. However, you don't expect to face your first obstacle before you even step foot out the door, when an unexpected ghost from your past darkens the door of the hobbit hole.
Warnings: eventual smut, no use of y/n, angst
Word count: 1833
Author's note: This is my FIRST fic! The beginnings of this story have been sitting in my computer for sooo long and for whatever reason today I just decided to jump headfirst into being a Tumblr writer! I'm still very new to this, so I welcome all kinds of constructive feedback/criticism. If there are any warnings/tags you think I missed just let me know :) Reader is AFAB! half dwarf/half human, but still grew up in the halls of Erebor. We'll get more into her background and her history with Thorin later on in the series! Enjoy!
“What do you think they’ll have?” Filli asks with giddy excitement as they pass each hobbit hole on their way through the shire.
“what do you mean?” you ask absentmindedly, scanning each door for the symbol Gandalf instructed you to look for.
“For supper of course,” Killi replies. “He said there would be lots of food, and no one can cook quite like a hobbit can.” you can’t deny the intoxicating aroma that has seeped into your nose with every inhale since the moment you arrived in the shire. Freshly baked bread, patiently cured meats, and hearty stews seem to be baking all around you as the sun finishes its descent behind the lush rolling hills of the shire.
Darkness has settled all around as the inhabitants of the hobbit holes settle in for the evening. The only remaining light comes from the lamps illuminating the doorways and the warming hearths inside every cozy little hole.
“I see it!” You shout triumphantly when you glimpse the blue mark glowing on the green door of a hobbit hole.
The two dwarves are so anxious for a hot meal that they’ve already bounded up to the door to ring the bell before you can even blink.
The front door is pulled open abruptly and a very frustrated hobbit groans at the sight of you. A reaction that is not all that uncommon while traveling with dwarves, so the three of you greet him enthusiastically regardless.
“You must be Mr. Boggins,” Kili begins.
“Nope!” the hobbit shouts, “you can’t come in, you’ve come to the wrong house!” he tries and fails to close the door on the three of you.
“What?!” you all shout in confusion. Knowing there is absolutely no way you are at the wrong door.
“Has it been canceled? No one told us.” the brothers protest. 
“No, nothing’s been canceled,” the hobbit starts to explain.
You all sigh in relief and continue to push your way further inside.
The home is filled with the overlapping chatter of dwarves and the clattering of weapons being tossed into the arms of the frazzled hobbit.
Dwalin’s booming voice greets the three of you, quickly recruiting you all to join in the organized chaos that is preparing the cramped dining room for even more dwarves to arrive. 
Food is tossed about, ale sloshed onto the floor, and poor Bilbo’s house is an absolute wreck. You can’t help but feel sorry for your host, but you also can’t bring yourself to pull away from the merriment just yet.
It had been so long since you’d last been around so many of your dwarven friends. Up until beginning your journey several weeks ago, you hadn’t even seen Kili and Fili for many years. 
But their mother, Dis had always been a very good friend of yours. Ever since growing up Erebor, you had felt as closely connected to her family as she was to yours. 
Unfortunately, due to the arrival of a dragon, and stubborn dwarvish pride you had long ago gone your separate ways. Save for the occasional letter. Much like the letter you received asking if you would be willing to accompany her two reckless sons on their latest journey.
Kili and Fili were not exactly known for their self-preservation instincts and the journey that lay before you would not be an easy one. But even if it weren’t as a favor to Dis, you would have said yes regardless. Nothing in the world would be able to prevent you from helping to finally reclaim your homeland, and defeat the great beast that took so much from you.  
Several pints of ale have loosened your inhibitions and you now find yourself laughing and singing along with the rowdy bunch, not a care in the world.
Until a heavy knock comes on the door.
Silence falls over the hobbit hole.
“He’s here,” says Gandalf.
“Who’s here?” you ask in confusion.
No answer comes, and everyone is suddenly averting their gaze from yours as Gandalf crosses the room to open the door. You have a bad feeling about what’s on the other side.
Gandalf pulls it open with a flourish and is greeted by a deep voice. A familiar voice.
No, you think to yourself. It can’t be.
But sure enough, Thorin Oakenshield is stepping through the front door. 
He says something to Gandalf but you can’t fully make out what it is.
Your ears are ringing loudly and a white, hot flame is blazing deep inside your belly.
Suddenly you’re back to the last time you saw him, years ago. Tears streaming down your cheeks in the doorway of the dusty old inn.
“He looks more like a grocer than a burglar,” Thorin laughs as he turns towards the dining room. Where his eyes immediately lock with yours. You can see the exact moment he realizes you’re there. His eyes widen in shock and your name slips past his lips in a breathless whisper. 
For what feels like the longest second of your life, he simply stands there taking you in. From the braided strands framing your face to the silhouette of your long green traveling dress. You could almost swear he looked…happy to see you. 
And that only adds more fuel to the fire inside you. 
“Thorin,” you growl and curl your fists at your side. “What are you doing here?” you hiss.
He narrows his eyes back at you. “What am I doing here? I am the leader of this company, what are you doing here? It isn’t safe for you, lass.”
You scream in frustration. The sexist pig! You have just as much of a right to be here as everyone else and he knows it. Your arm reaches up of its own accord to smack that self-righteous look right off his face. But before your hand can make contact Fili grabs your arm and pulls you away.
You whirl around and shove him away from you.
“You!” you glare between Kili and Fili redirecting your anger. “You lied to me!” they both start to protest but before they can form a single sentence you hold up a finger and they both fall silent. 
“You told me, he wouldn’t be here! You looked me right in the eyes and lied to my face,” you grind out, barely containing the urge to strike them both upside the head.
“We didn’t want to,” Fili begs.
“It was our mother’s idea, she knew that was the only way you would agree to come.” Kili finishes.
You laugh humorlessly. “And she was absolutely right, I’m leaving!” you turn on your heel and march straight towards the door. But before you can fully push past him, Thorin’s hand encircles your wrist and firmly pulls you back to look at him.
It was a mistake letting yourself stand any closer to him. As soon as you do his scent envelopes you. Smoke, iron, and Thorin. You yank stubbornly on his grip, desperate to put some distance between the two of you but he is too strong. 
“Wait,” he whispers to you, both commanding and desperate. “You cannot make the journey back alone, it is already dark, who knows what is lurking along those roads-”
You scoff and reach your free hand behind you for the dagger concealed underneath your corset. Before he can continue you have it pressed firmly against his throat. You apply just enough pressure that you know he can feel the blade stinging against his skin, but he doesn’t even blink. You lean in closer to him looking deep into his eyes.
“I can take care of myself,” you whisper. “I’ve had a lot of practice at it as of late.” And he loosens his grip just enough for you to yank yourself free. You remove the dagger from his throat and attempt to resume your departure, but this time it is Gandalf who stands in your way.
“I am sorry we misled you, my dear. But I’m afraid we cannot accomplish this task without you.” you lift the dagger up defiantly and point it at his chest, but you both know it is an empty threat.
“I don’t care,” you reply. “It’s not my problem.”
“You do, and it is,” the wizard replies. “I know how you’ve spent the last years, you are the only one who possesses the knowledge and connections we need to accomplish this feat.” 
You hear the whispers of confusion from behind you. They clearly didn’t know how you had dedicated the last several years of your life to searching, reading, and studying every resource you could get your hands on in preparation for this exact task.
“I know how badly you wish to return home,” Gandalf continues, as if he could read your mind. “A great deal was taken from you that day, and you are not the type to let that stand. So the question remains: who deserves your wrath more at this moment? Thorin or Smaug?”
You let your arm fall back to your side, tucking the dagger back away.
“Who says it can’t be both?” you challenge him.
Gandalf laughs and shakes his head.  
“Oh you are part dwarf indeed my child. Hold onto whatever anger you wish. But don’t let it get in the way of you reclaiming your homeland, defeating Smaug, and finally laying your parents to rest.”
You clench your jaw in frustration. You know he’s right, but you hate to admit it.
“We can do this without her,” Thorin grumbles from behind you. “If she wishes to leave she can, I’ll have someone escort her home safely.” 
You finally whirl around to glare at him again. He doesn’t want you here, he doesn’t think you can do it. He doesn’t think a ‘helpless girl’ can hold her own on a dangerous journey such as this one.
You smirk back at him defiantly. 
“On second thought,” you place one hand on your hip and extend the other out toward Balin. “I’ll sign that contract now,”
Thorin grumbles and glares at you in protest. 
Balin moves faster than you’ve ever seen the dwarf move, handing you the contract before you can change your mind or Thorin can argue against it. 
You scribble your name at the bottom and shove it into Thorin’s chest as you saunter past him in search of another pint of ale.
You lost count of how many more drinks you downed before passing out in one of the soft armchairs by the fire. 
You stir briefly when a familiar scent meets your nose and a thick blanket is gently draped across your sleeping form.
You could swear you feel the whisper of a touch ghost across your cheek, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. 
But before you can wake any further, a deep voice starts to sing:
Far over the misty mountains cold…
More voices start to join in the melody, and before you know it you are lulled deeper and deeper back into a dreamless sleep.
Next Chapter
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kitkinnie · 8 months
games w. species euphoria
please don't spoil any of the games with stories in the replies or reblogs!
Ori and the Blind Forest - felinekin, maybe some kind of fae or angel kin too ori is very good little creature design and it moves around so fluidly but there's zero customization, if you vibe with ori it's great and if you don't, might not be for you. it's a puzzle platformer similar gameplay-wise to hollow knight (but not as difficult)
Hollow Knight - bugkin, ghostkin, voidkin difficult but very pretty and atmospheric. i've played some of it before getting stuck/being unable to progress because i'm not good at video game. hard platformer with boss fights.
Stray - robotkin, catkin this is one i've been meaning to play for ages (and haven't gotten around to pirating yet, cough) Stray is a 3d game set in a cyberpunk/sci fi world. You play as a tabby cat trying to find its way back to its home and it looks stunning. I assume the story is great, too.
Roblox Creatures of Sonaria - there are so many creature designs there you're bound to find something that's youcore their colors can be customized. It's a multiplayer survival game so it's more stressful than the other games on this list, you gotta be trying not to die the whole time
Animal Jam Classic / Animal Jam Play Wild - lots of real world animals you can dress up and change the colors and patterns of your animals. ajc is in 2d and ajpw is in 3d and has more animal options, but i find ajpw really confusing personally.
William and Sly/William and Sly 2 - foxkin old flash games available as a set on steam, a quest platformer where you run around a pretty forest environment as a red fox and find various things. the music is lovely, both games have a great atmosphere, played it a ton as kid on armor games. i dont think i ever even finished either game i just loved running around as sly (in the second game there are also little kitten-fairies that you can collect and that follow you around)
Postmouse - mousekin free on steam, 3d puzzle platformer where you're a mouse that delivers letters. it can get a little obtuse and confusing at times which is why i never finished it, but it's very charming and free to play! you run around all these huge and pretty environments as a fancy-dressed little mouse .
Lost Dream 1 and 2 - foxkin abstract/stylized/polygonal walking simulator where you play as a red fox. doesn't seem to be much story and the reviews are mixed because walking sims like this need to be like, your cup of tea.
Spyro Reignited - dragonkin of course had to mention such an OG dragon game. never played it but like, it's spyro. cartoony 3d platformer in a fantasy environment.
Oneshot - catkin pixel rpg where you play as a cat child and the gimmick is that you only have one life. the steam page tags it as story rich and having multiple endings/story choices you can make, and the graphics are beautiful, the whole game seems to be made of dark colors and poppy accents
Honorable Mentions:
Way to the Woods - an in-development 3d game where you play as a deer and fawn exploring different enviroments.
The Isle - an early access survival MMO where you play as a dinosaur and try to stay alive.
feel free to add more in reblogs, i know i'm missing a lot of classics but i'm getting tired
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duskdog · 2 years
You know, fandom seems to talk about Wrathion's past mistakes a lot, but I don't often see anyone discuss his visits to the August Celestials during his legendary questline. Like, sure, people occasionally bring up his attitude towards Tong, but how many current players were there to experience (and still remember) the rest of that quest? When I think of Wrathion, I think first of the whelp who literally dropped to his knees before the Red Crane of Hope, who poured out his heart about the visions he'd had -- how terrified he was that the Legion was coming, about the "rivers of blood and cities in ruin" that would result if he wasn't able to somehow, some way, stop this from happening, and about how the only thing sustaining him was the tiny sliver of hope that he might actually succeed. This is a young dragon who foresaw something that absolutely shook him to his core, something he would do anything to try to prevent... and who felt he had almost no support, because it seemed he was the only one taking the threat seriously while everyone around him was busy fighting one another. His fear, his burden, was so great that the Red Crane himself even admitted that Wrathion needed his blessing of Hope "more than any I have ever met".
We can, of course, debate Wrathion's methods. It's fairly obvious that he didn't fully understand the lessons the Celestials were trying to teach him -- at least not at the time. It's also undeniable that he made some pretty terrible mistakes along the way. And I can certainly understand the argument that his attitude in Dragonflight is just too annoying for some people to stomach. But the thing that always brings me back to Wrathion as Aspect is the knowledge that he actually cares about Azeroth. From the moment he was hatched -- even before -- he carried the burden of Earth-Warder, and he took it absolutely seriously. Neltharion took an oath, and he broke it -- broke beneath it, I would argue -- and Wrathion clearly believes that it's his own responsibility to bear the immense, crushing weight that his Aspect father/grandfather, and his entire flight, proved unable to bear. All those black dragons betrayed Azeroth, tried to destroy what they were sworn to protect, and here's Wrathion -- first a whelp and now a drake, all alone, without Neltharion's colossal size, strength, and power, without the support of a dragonflight behind him, without the support and trust of the other flights, without any true home or safe harbor, without the regard of the mortal races that he's trying to protect -- doing his best to fulfill an oath that he personally never actually took, only inherited.
Given that knowledge, I actually think Wrathion has behaved with remarkable restraint in regard to Sabellian's sudden appearance as a rival. Has Sabellian even given us the slightest indication that he actually cares about the sacred charge of the black dragonflight? He's certainly older, wiser, and steadier, and maybe he's done a good job of raising his kin and keeping them safe in Outland... but does he care about Azeroth? Because he certainly hasn't been there when it needed him... and yet he was perfectly willing to risk reappearing just in time to claim the Obsidian Throne.
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gluttonyedits · 1 year
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self-indulgent: Warwick moodboard Do not tag as kin/ID/me.
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asexxxualerotica · 5 days
OC Muse List
~Dungeons & Dragons Muses~
Asterion Labrynthia: Minotaur prince in banishment from his kingdom. Quiet and gentle despite the great power and strength he wields. On a path of vengeance to avenge his killed parents.
Branwen Black: Ranger from the far north, raised and taught by an elite squad of mercenaries and huntsmen known as the Blackguard. Has a strangely innate connection to ravens and wolves.
Clover Brandyburke: Lagomore knight in service to a powerful archfey. On a quest to avenge his honor after his fiance left him on the altar. Serious and severe, and also naive to the mortal world.
Dariax Dendarrow: Goliath former bandit chief, abandoned after a disgraceful defeat to a young adventurer. Seeking to grow stronger to challenge the young adventurer again and defeat him.
The Devils of Emon: Based out of the Exandrian city of Emon, a band of adventurers named such for the surprisingly high number of tieflings in their crew.
Aquamarine: Tiefling rogue with ambitions to be the best thief in the region. Came to Emon and was immediately arrested for pickpocketing. Has an affinity for gems and trinkets.
Gamora Great-Bear: Orc warrior woman on a mission to find love, but just finding powerful monsters to defeat. Was similarly arrested, this time for exhibitionism, which she will do again.
Jeanne Ironwood: Woman driven by losses in her childhood to dragons. Trained by Percy DeRolo as an expert gunslinger and markswoman, and known for her cold and calculating demeanor.
Kyrie Targana: Tiefling performer who lost her arms to an abusive slaver. Was previously in a circus troupe with Omega and Thorne, and is now in a romantic relationship with Scourge.
Omega: Tiefling magician in a heated relationship with his succubus patron. Younger brother of Thorne. Definitely the most problem-attracting member of the crew.
Captain Scourge Maelstrom: Tiefling pirate captain and champion of the seas. Unofficial leader of the Devils, and the founding member. Captain of The Sea Devil, and tends to stay on his ship.
Thorne: Tiefling brawler known for getting drunk and getting into fights. Older brother of Omega. The most bristly member of the crew, often gets into fights with Jeanne late into the night.
Varris Alwyn: Tiefling warrior in loyal service to the Everlight. Seemingly ageless, and has a constant bet in the background by the rest of the Devils over whether he's really a dragon or an angel.
Verdant Wilde: Tiefling huntsman trained personally by Vex'ahlia DeRolo. Sent to Emon to keep an eye on things in Greystone Keep. Ended up forming a new adventuring crew alongside Jeanne.
Galatea the Golden-Scaled: Gladiatrix known for her gleaming golden battlekini. Left her life in the arena after repelling a raid on the city, seeing she could set out and do good elsewhere.
Jade Higurashi: Tiefling monk who was previously training to become a powerful sage for a local temple. After being thrown out, she turned to drinking and fighting to fill the gap they left.
Jaerik Aldraeyds: Changeling on a mission to find her true father in the Feywild. Unfortunately, her own naturally high libido and trend for falling to her enemy's lusts has delayed her quest incredibly.
Khadamori the Unbroken: Ulitharid warrior who was held in bondage by his own kin for most of his life. Eventually broke free and became a liberation leader, fighting to free slaves throughout the Underdark.
Korrin Vasailiis: Elven sorceress who made a deal with a demon to survive a horrible fate, and became a vampire in the process. Now on a quest to find new purpose, as her life is even longer than expected.
Lorelei Astolas: Tiefling lady of the night based out of Emon, a long-time rival and long-distance friend of the Ruby of the Sea. Known similarly as the Lady of Pearls for her pearlescent skintone.
Peregrine Weis: Tiefling warrior woman who was once a faithful weapon for a zealous church, but left when they murdered her wife. Now trying to make up for her loss, and find who she is without faith.
Terra Verdell: Wood elven druid who has never lived in high society and wants to experience all that she can of it. Left her home in the forests to seek fun. Has found plenty by way of encounters with monsters along the way.
Twilight Obsidia: Tiefling from the Shadowfell who left her abusive family to seek a better life. Currently trying to live her life as a witch in the woods, doing good for the locals and farmers.
Variax Frosthollow: White dragonborn warrior, strongest in his clan, with a destiny to become a true dragon. Was the son of a dragon himself, but was only a dragonborn rather than his true heir.
Velvetina Gingersnaps: Lagomore witch from the Feywild with a desire to see the world. Also with a desire to avoid all of the felonies and fines waiting for her in the Feywild for her past antics.
Wilder Evergreen: Tiefling-orc huntsman with a bone to pick with an archfey. Grew up in woods that neighbored the Feywild, and his sisters were taken when wandering in them. Out for blood.
Willow Wellmeadow: Lagomore druid settled in the mortal plane. Protector of the dense woodlands and warden of a portal to the Feywild. Tends to be kind and welcoming to visitors.
Xakos Duskwalker: Half-orc gunslinger and gunmaker. Studied in ancient artificing and restoration of mythical mechanisms. Had his research stolen and spread out, and is out to take it back.
Yora Vor'ziira: Dark elf rogue who was kept as a slave by her own kind and forced to fight in bloody combats. Was eventually helped free by a human slave, and now wanders the surface world seeking a home.
Zhekhar O'Shevaqt: Efreet lord, master of slaves and of coin in the City of Brass. Known for being incredibly charismatic and devilishly handsome. Also known for spoiling his toys utterly rotten.
Zurrak Hellbellows: Red Dragon, often in a human guise. Considered the King of Dragons, and reigns from a long-dormant volcano he has fashioned into a castle. Intent on conquest, and claiming more wealth.
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starogeorgina · 2 years
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Children of the dragon
Warnings: Incest, minor violence
Pairing: Aegon II Targaryen x Targ reader, Minor Aemond Targaryen x Targ reader
Notes: In this story, Aegon and Helaena aren't married, and Aegon isn't anywhere near as bad as he is in the show (he hasn't SA or raped anyone)
You picked at the food on your plate, uninterested in the festivities going on around you. Many great houses had gathered to celebrate your marriage to Aemond, but you felt nothing but sorrow. Targaryen weddings weren’t something to be missed as they were grand events, but you wanted nothing more than to disappear away from the crowds of people who meant little and less to you.
Looking to your left, a tight smile pulls on your lips seeing your father laugh while talking to his brother, Prince Daemon. It was the first time in a while you’ve seen him look genuinely happy. King Viserys had been sick for many years, and his health didn’t show signs of improving. You just hoped you’d be able to bear a child before he passed away since he ceaselessly reminded you that your only duty as a princess was to provide more heirs.
The thought sent a chill up your spine.
King Viserys had hoped such a large event would help close the gap between your two families, but you didn’t have much faith. Despite the distance between you, you did hold some love for Rhaenyra, as she is your kin and secretly found her sons adorable. You had found it disheartening over the years watching your own mother and her sworn shield continually slander your oldest sibling, calling her a spoilt cunt and her sons bastards.
Fast-paced music accompanied by roars of laughter fills the room while everyone enjoys themselves. Noticing Helaena and Jace dancing in the middle of the hall, you smile. You had worried Helaena would find the wedding overstimulating and disappear into herself again, but the young boy had made her feel at ease. Jace was always kind to your sweet sister, while most people, including your three brothers, mocked her for being different.
You and Helaena weren’t so different; you too were haunted by the visions in your dreams, the voices that spoke in riddles, giving you clues to the past, present, and future.
Wasn’t it ironic that King Viserys desperately wanted a dreamer in the family, then ignored the two that came from his own line?
Your mother sits in the empty chair beside you with the usual look of disapproval on her face. Letting out a dramatic sigh, you bring the cup of wine to your lips and take a large gulp, already knowing whatever she was planning on saying would turn into a lecture of some sort.
“Where did you get that from?” Your mother's fingers trace over the jewellery hugging your neck as she inspects it.
Your mother had suggested you wear a star-shaped necklace similar to the one she wears to show your commitment to the Faith of the Seven. The queen had chosen your dress, which was a modest design and made from an uncomfortable lace material. Your hair was braided so tight it hurt your scalp.
The necklace in the design of a black dragon was a perfect replica of your dragon, Dallax the Dark. It even had a red jade stone to match his red eyes.
“It was a gift.”
“A gift?” Your mother asks; her voice is low and lingering on a scolding tone. “An unusual gift to give a bride to be.”
“Me,” Aemond says, chiming in with a smirk. “I know how much Theodora cares for her beast and thought it would be the perfect wedding gift.”
Smirking, Aemond leans forward and rests his elbows on the table. “It was Aegon. He knows how much our sister cares for her beast and thought it would be the perfect wedding gift.”
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. Aemond wasn’t a fool, and tension between your mother and eldest sibling had become more tense over the last year.
“I’m going to go mingle with our quests.”
Not feeling a spark of enjoyment while speaking with the ladies or dancing with the lords from various houses that were invited, you excuse yourself and return to your seat beside Aemond, mainly so you can drink more wine and nibble on what remains of the fruit and miniature cakes.
“Oh, what a delight! He’s finally decided to grace us with his presence.”
Your mother tries and fails to hide a snigger behind her hand. You don’t even need to look up to know who Aemond was referring to. Only moments after you and Aemond exchanged vows, Aegon disappeared and missed the fine feast being served, which infuriated both your parents. Queen Alicent was telling people her eldest son has overindulged by breaking fast with food that doesn’t agree with him.
The table falls quiet when Aegon walks up; he stops directly across from you; the look he gives you causes a fluttering feeling in your stomach.
”I’m glad you are feeling much better.”
Aemond scoffs, “Yes, what a miraculous recovery.”
Ignoring the comments being made, Aegon walks around the table with a goblet of wine in hand; by the time he reaches you, he’s finished the drink. He puts the empty cup down, then offers you his hand. “May I have the next dance?”
“You don’t dance.”
“Neither does your husband.”
He wasn’t wrong; aside from the first dance, Aemond had not shown any interest in socializing with you, his new bride. You accept Aegon's hand and let him lead you to the middle of the great hall to dance. Looking over his shoulder towards the high table, you see your mother whispering in your grandsire’s ear while narrowing her eyes in your direction.
“I’m surprised you're still sober. I thought you would be passed out in the street of silk with one of your whores.”
Aegon spins you, then pulls you in close, his arm wrapping around your waist. “I always knew you’d make a beautiful bride.”
His words make you blush. You knew Aemond wouldn’t use a word like beautiful to describe you.
“This dress is hideous.”
The white puffy sleeves were over the top, along with the rest of the outfit. Your chest was noticeable underneath most clothing you wore, so your mother made it her mission to conceal it.
“Gods, I’ve never seen such a miserable bride.” Aegon lets go of your waist and begins spinning you again. “Do you trust me?”
“It depends on what it is I need to trust you with.”
Aegon suddenly stops dancing and grips your face, forcing you to make eye contact. His breath was warm on your face, and you pushed back the desire to kiss him. “I’ve got an idea. Follow me outside.”
“I can’t leave my own wedding.”
Aegon sighs, irritated. “Tonight you will be his. You will perform your duty as a wife and hate it; you might as well spend the next few hours enjoying yourself. Besides, Aemond won’t even notice you are gone.”
Looking back over at the table, you see Aemond’s eye glued to someone else, the one person he desired to marry instead of you. If things were different, you wouldn’t dare contemplate leaving your own wedding, but seeing your own husband pine for another was embarrassing.
“Fine, but we’ll need to run before our mother has someone drag me back.”
You hear Aegon laughing as Sunfyre dodges Dallex’s flames. Growing up, you and your brother often got into trouble for playing the dangerous game while dragon riding, but your mother could never understand the exhilarating thrill that came with it. You both knew that it was only in jest, and the dragons never posed a real threat to each other. You enjoyed watching Aegon on edge. Dallax was so dark that he blended into the night sky, making it harder for anyone else to see him.
Reluctantly, you return Dallax and Sunfyre to the dragon pit. When you reached the top of the staircase, you were greeted by your mother and her sworn protector. “Ser Criston, please escort my son back to the red keep,” she said sternly. When both the knight and Aegon disappear from your view, she turns and glares at you and says, “On your wedding night?”
You look down at the ground, not knowing what to say.
“Y/n!” She snaps. “Do you have any idea how many people saw you leave with Aegon? What will they think? Your recklessness has caused this house great shame. Why must you do this today? Of all days.”
Anger boils inside you. “Nobody wanted this marriage except you!”
Aegon had begged your mother to allow the two of you to be betrothed; she refused and declared only when she was cold in the ground would such a union be able to happen. Your father then suggested a betrothal between you and Prince Jacaerys, which wouldn’t have been terrible. You weren’t in love with Jace, but he was always kind to you, and you wouldn’t have minded waiting a few years until he was older. Your mother refused and said it would be better to stick to the Targaryen custom of marrying you to one of your brothers, crushing you.
“You are punishing me.”
“I didn’t do this to punish you,” she attempts to comfort you by placing her hands on your shoulder. “This is your duty, and where there is duty, there is sacrifice.”
You push her hands off you and say, “You did it because I remind you of Rhaenyra.”
“Where would you get an idea like that?”
“Father says it all the time, and I see the way you look at me when he does,” you say, blinking away tears. “I don’t see any other reason why you fight so hard to keep me and Aegon apart. Both you and grandsire told my father if I wasn’t married to Aemond soon, he should expect another scandal of his daughter being in a brothel.”
Your mother rolls her eyes, obviously uninterested in the slightest how any of this made you feel. “You are a hypocrite.”
“I have done my duty to my husband, my king, and made sure I never brought shame upon him.”
Your mother pretending to be a saint infuriates you further. “I may sneak out my bedchamber during the night to go dragon riding or to the library when I cannot find sleep, but I don’t summon my sworn shield into my bedchambers. The same honorable knight who the king’s oldest daughter lost her maidenhood to, how shameless.”
The sudden sting across your cheek wasn’t completely unexpected; you had crossed a line.
“How is it that you can be so shortsighted?” your mother scoffs. “If Rhaenyra comes into power, she will cut off any challenge to her succession, and Aegon is the king's firstborn son.”
“So you keep saying,” you say with a hint of sarcasm, earning a scolding glare. “Even if that were true, Rhaenyra wouldn’t just come for Aegon; she would come for all of us, regardless of who he is married to. You prevented me from marrying a man of my choosing because you never got that choice.”
“You poor clueless girl. Aemond would continue to fight for his family with you by his side, but Aegon? He would give it all up if he thought that’s what you wanted.”
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acefaun · 1 year
Hi, can i request a Thorin x human girl reader story? Reader is scared of Thorin because of the dragon-sickness and seeing that he slowly realizes his mistakes and apologized to her. Please 🥺 🙏
I know you can do it! 🥺💖
Thorin~ Dragon-Sickness
Synopsis: Being afflicted with dragon-sickness, Thorin fails to realize his mistakes until your fear of him shakes him back into reality. But he has to deal with the consequences of his actions. 
🍃Masterlist🍃 Female MC!
A/n: Dude. 🥺 Writing this hit me super hard considering not long after the dragon-sickness you-know-what happens to Thorin. I know you didn't mean to, but my FEELINGS are hurting and I hope yours hurt too after this! 🥺 
–Word Count: 2,889–
From the minute your party stepped into the Lonely Mountain, you knew what you were possibly getting into. You’d heard the horror stories of this place, stories which you thought were nothing more than what they were: stories. 
But… much to your heart ache, you were wrong.
You took Thorin’s desperation to get into the mountain as a simple determined wish to return home. After all, he was so close. You knew it would break him to have to turn around when his home was in his grasp.
There were… subtle changes that you noted upon gaining access to the mountain. You thought he seemed too merciless upon sending Bilbo to face the dragon. Sure… going into the mountain to retrieve the Arkenstone was the whole reason Bilbo was part of your company in the first place—he was your burglar hobbit. But… that didn’t mean any of you wanted to put him in any real life-threatening danger all on his own. 
The only thing that seemed to sway your feelings was that Bilbo was determined to do what he signed up for. He was going to help these dwarves reclaim their home, and it was an honorable choice, in your opinion.
However, Thorin even seemed to treat his dwarven allies much worse as time went on. You had all been searching tirelessly for the Arkenstone, but Thorin was less than pleased by any of your efforts; he wanted results. He wanted the Arkenstone in his hands. You helped as best you could, but to no avail. Your aid did not grant them restful nights and chances to stop for food—Thorin was impatient.
From there, things only proceeded to get worse. Your heart ached for the people of Laketown, whereas Thorin had seemingly no sympathy for them—this was only proven to you when Bard later failed to negotiate for their fair share of what was in the mountain. Thorin had indeed changed, and not for the better. You had never seen him more selfish than he was under the influence of this dragon-sickness.
To make matters worse, your heart broke when Thorin came to you and Bilbo, his most trusted supporters, with his concerns. “I have been blind,” he said carefully, eying the two of you as if you'd agree with his next statement. “Now, I begin to see. I am betrayed.”
You were both surprised by his sudden conclusion, but Bilbo was the first to question him. “Betrayed?” 
You couldn't tell if this was a personal accusation towards you or Bilbo, or if it was some mistake toward his kin. Thorin wasn't making his intentions or suspicions very clear, so you said, “Thorin… I think you're overthinking the situation. What could make you think-” 
“The Arkenstone,” Thorin interrupted, staring harshly as if he were accusing either you or Bilbo. But he was very swift at adding, “One of them has taken it.” He paused, a tense silence filling the air as if he were waiting for the so-called traitor to pop out. “One of them is false.”
You shared a worried glance with Bilbo who tried to calm Thorin’s irritation, “Thorin, our quest is fulfilled. You've won the mountain. Is that not enough?” Thorin remained stubbornly silent, convinced of his accusations. Pleadingly, Bilbo looked at you. “(Name)?”
Nodding in agreement with the small hobbit, you insisted, “We've all made it here together alive and well. We've won the mountain. You made it to your home, love.” 
Still, the dwarf King seemed to ignore all reasoning as he brooded, “Betrayed by my own kin…” He truly looked betrayed, and your heart ached for the pain he must have been feeling despite his mind being in the wrong place.
“You- You made a promise… to the people of Laketown,” Bilbo frantically tried to bring Thorin back to reality before he lost himself. I could tell that Bilbo’s feelings of concern were genuine and that he wanted to see Thorin in his right mind as much as I did. They were friends. “Is this treasure truly worth more than your honor—our honor? Thorin, I was also there. I gave my word.”
“For that, I am grateful,” he nodded. “It was nobly done by both of you. You've both shown true loyalty to me…” For the briefest of moments, he was soft and I saw a glimmer of the man I loved. “But the treasure in this mountain does not belong to the people of Laketown.” His tone took a sudden turn, and I was startled by his harshness—though, it seemed to be a pattern nowadays. “This gold… is ours, and ours alone. By my life… I will not part with a single coin… not. one. piece of it.”
“Thorin Oakenshield!” Your outburst caused Bilbo to flinch. He had never seen your anger; Even Thorin was taken aback that you had yelled at him. “You are a dwarf of honor,” you continued your heated rant, “You're a dwarf of your word—a respectable King. Why now are you treating the people who have followed you on this quest as if they are nothing more than petty thieves and liars?! This is your family and if you push them away, you will be left with no one; but all the filthy gold you desire will be yours and yours alone.” 
You simultaneously viciously defended the dwarves, complimented Thorin, and declared your stance of things before storming away. This only left Thorin in furious shock and Bilbo was quick to place a hand on Thorin’s chest, keeping the enraged dwarf from following you. Bilbo knew it wouldn't end well… 
Nodding his head reassuringly, Bilbo suggested, “I'll talk to her. I'm sure it was nothing but nerves working. After all... you are pitting her against her own people…” He awkwardly patted Thorin’s shoulder at the look of repressed rage in Thorin’s glare. Bilbo repeated, “I'll talk to her…” He quickly escaped Thorin’s brewing fury to track you down. 
It was needless to say that you were furious with Thorin. He clearly wasn't in his right mind to be making any sound decisions, so you aided Bilbo in escaping the mountain with the Arkenstone by providing him with some rope you found. After all, there had to be some way to help Thorin, and maybe the answer was getting the Arkenstone as far from him as possible. This dragon sickness had affected him too severely. You were fairly confident that the Arkenstone could be used as leverage to stop this oncoming war; Bilbo was the only way this war had a chance of being avoided. 
Though… maybe you should have come up with a different approach when the little hobbit was nearly killed by an enraged Thorin. You were much too late to step in and help, but you were ever grateful to Gandalf for coming just at the right time. He seemed to have an affinity for last-minute rescues. 
However, after viewing Bilbo’s safe retreat to Gandalf, you too retreated into the mountain so as not to face Thorin, your broken beloved.
It wasn't that much longer later when a war erupted outside of the sealed entrance of the mountain. It was primarily between elves, dwarves, and humans; that was until an army of orcs showed up, forcing the three races to band together in their fight… Well… All but Thorin and his company. 
There was chaos brewing, and all Thorin could think was to find you, his love… a traitor. “You…” He hissed. “I never imagined you'd stoop so low…”
Your eyes wearily trailed over the dwarf King you loved. How did it suddenly become just you and him there? Where were the other dwarves? Were you going to have to fight Thorin similarly to what you'd just seen happen between him and Bilbo?
Still, you felt disrespected with the way he was speaking to you. “You would have killed him,” you accused. “You'd have fought your own kin over something they didn't have! I couldn't let you do that…” 
“You knew he had the Arkenstone,” Thorin shot back with a deep frown, something you weren't used to seeing him with. He continued his accusations, “You knew he'd give it to our enemies.”
You huffed, incredulous at the pure audacity he seemed to throw your way. “They are not our enemies, Thorin! The elves, the men from Laketown, Gandalf, Bilbo… me. I'm not your enemy.”
“An ally…” Thorin started slowly, his eyes boring into you. “My love… would never choose another over me.” 
“It was in your best interest,” you replied quietly. You thought you were doing something good by ensuring the Arkenstone was out of his grasp, but it seemed he was too ill to see that you were only trying to help him. “Thorin,” his name came out in a disappointed sigh. “Bilbo’s right; you can’t see what you’ve become. You can’t see what this gold is doing to you.”
“So, you also think I should part with my treasure?” Thorin titled his head, but his expression wasn’t a pleasant one. “Man does not deserve the riches that rightfully belong to my people—to me! I am Thorin, son of Thrain! I am the King under the Mountain!” 
“You’ve abandoned your people to die out there in a needless war!” You argued fiercely, trying to get him to hear you. “You’re the reason Laketown has been turned to ashes, you almost killed Bilbo, and now you forsake the lives of those who have given you their loyalty!” 
“I am their King,” Thorin bellowed. “The number of lives lost is nothing compared to the riches this mountain holds. Life is cheap… A treasure such as this cannot be counted in lives lost. It is worth all the blood we can spend.” His words were heartless. You could see that he was looking at you but his eyes were glossed over with an ugly obsession; He was looking at you, but he could not see you; He was listening to you, but he could not hear you. 
You hummed absently, tears glistening in your eyes as you whispered, “You’re not the Thorin Gandalf introduced me to.” 
“Nor are you the woman I fell in love with,” he hissed. “She was not a deceitful wench.” After a tense moment of silence, his voice seemed to waver, as he ordered, “Leave… if you wish to live.” 
That was your breaking point where the tears dripped down your cheeks, but you didn’t give him the privilege of letting him see you break. Abandoning Thorin, you left to gather your things. Even after your long adventure, you didn’t have many personal items on you aside from the bag you’d come all this way with. 
But as soon as you mentally prepared yourself to leave your short-lived home, Balin stopped you, meeting you at the door of your room. Meeting each other’s gaze, Balin apologized, “Sorry you have to go through this, lass. Dragon-sickness can overtake even the strongest of us.” 
“I can’t blame him… for something he didn’t choose. But I also cannot stay to see a stranger in the eyes of the King I love.” You paused, your heart aching as you lamented, “We’ve been through a lot together, all of us, and we made it to Erebor. I’m sorry I can’t follow through until the end. If Thorin refuses aid, I will return to my people and help them myself.” 
Balin could only support you with a small smile. “Understandable, my lady. We wish you luck.”
“I would think the dwarves need luck far more than I do…” You offered a slight smile in return for his kindness before leaving. 
For extra measure, you took an extra bag filled to the brim with gold treasure. Just because Thorin had lost his mind with dragon sickness that didn’t mean you would forsake your people. You would do what Thorin could not. It was too late to repent for the war that had begun, and it might not have been enough for the whole of Laketown to rebuild their lives… but you prayed it would help lessen their suffering once this horrid war was over—at the very least, you hoped it would help the children and elder. 
However, when leaving for the exit of the mountain fortress, a voice sternly called out, echoing through the stone halls, “(Name)!” 
You froze, unable to face him, but fearful of his continued wrath—especially now that he was there to catch you making off with his gold. Warily, you uttered, “Thorin…” 
“Is this how you choose to end us?” Thorin asked venomously. “Stealing from me and making off with that bowman?”
End…? No. That’s not what you wanted—especially not with another man. You simply wanted to preserve what was left of something good while, at the same time, helping your fellow suffering people. Thorin surely had some audacity telling King Thranduil about the suffering of the homeless and suffering dwarves when he was going to leave the humans of Laketown homeless and suffering in the coming winter. 
But, for you, it was too late for running back to your people. Thorin caught you red-handed, and you didn’t have the will to fight him. You couldn’t protect yourself as you did Bilbo; you didn’t have the heart.
Tears blurred your vision as you turned to face him. “Thorin…” Your voice cracked as you looked at his blank expression. “I don’t want to remember you like this… But if you should kill me for trying to fulfill your broken promise…” You trailed off, your bags falling beside you, clattering with the weight of the gold coins. You couldn’t see him like this… His expression hurt your heart far too much, and that’s not the last thing you wanted to see if he decided to kill you. So you dropped to your knees, your head bowed in surrender. 
Thorin’s sharp eyes were glued to the bags beside you for but a moment, softening as they landed back on you… You were shivering before him, something… he never thought he’d see. Your cracking voice should have been enough to shake him, but seeing you trembling in terror on the floor struck a chord in him. He never wanted to see you like this—not because of him, of all people. He’d have killed anyone who had the audacity to make you cower in fear. Thorin’s throat tightened almost painfully as he quietly called, “My love…” 
You sharply lifted your wide, misty eyes, finding a kind-faced dwarf King gazing down at you with his hand extended. Sadness was deeply etched into his features; he no longer looked like a man possessed… Your throat tightened, and you choked out, “Thorin-”
He interrupted you, enveloping you in his strong arms, exactly where you belonged. “My love,” he repeated, again and again. “My love… I should never wish to bring you harm.”
An audible sob left your lips, your eyes flooding with tears that billowed down your cheeks and soaked into his sleeve. Your cheek pressed into his shoulder as you held him tightly as if he’d slip away at any moment if you were to let go. “You’re back…” You cried, “My Thorin.”
“I am… I will not let gold sway my loyalty to those I love.” He caressed your hair reassuringly, holding you firmly against him. You could feel how deeply he inhaled, taking in your presence in his arms, the feeling of you pressed into his chest—this was something he never wanted to lose, and neither did you. Quietly, he continued to speak, “I have a war to fight. Orcs are overtaking our forces. Will you wait for me? I will aid your people once we’ve won. I doubt that will be a suitable enough apology… But I will never stop seeking your forgiveness for all that I’ve done.” Pulling away enough to look at your face, his thumbs gently caressed your cheeks, wiping away your tears. Deep within his gaze, you could see the great anguish he felt for his actions; he loathed that he had hurt you. “(Name), I am sorry… Dwarves are foolish creatures.” “You are an idiot…” You agreed in a surprisingly delicate manner as you caressed his cheeks, your fingers lightly tracing over his beard. Despite your consistent hiccups and sniffles, your eyes were filled with infinite warmth and affection that could only be for him. “But I love you, Thorin. Please… Go help your friends. Lead your people. Save them.” You offered him a smile in return to his small, adoring one. “I’ll be here,” you promised. “I’ll wait for you.”
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nuclearplutonium · 8 months
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Ello! I’m Charlie (#1 Chief fan, #1/2 Taco fan, and #2 Ann fan) buuut I like to be called Orion, Charlizard, Lizavich, or Charlin!
any pronouns (preferably he/him)
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Cracklin, Chief, Mr. R, Sketchpad, Airy, Gerbo, Thomas Flyswatter, Exclamation Mark, Doorstopper, Clock, Fridge DJ, WWF Tile, Printer, Season17, Lightbulb, Taco, Bot, Cabby, Fan, Yoshka, Yulka, Zara, Cheppy, Socka, Charmy, Edgar, Fossil, Mushroom, Wagyu, Minty, Razor, and Orange Herald are all of my favorite characters/kins :3
I am Gay, Transgender, Agender, and Demisexual ^u^
Alterhuman therian and fictionkin, my theriotypes are black wolf, snow husky, and a T-Rex <33
I’m an American-Czechoslovakian artist and a little bit of a violinist (I mainly speak English but I also speak a bit of Russian)
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I am a MINOR!!! I am ok if adults (NOT THE FUCKING SEX BOTS) interact with my blog or me in general just don’t be creepy or kinky about it please.. (read dni list for specifics)
My blog is not meant for younger audiences, therefore I am telling you all that this is a 13+ BLOG. mainly because I’ll post art with mildly suggestive themes in it or reblog something weird.. whatever it may be, I just want to protect the little itty bitty babies that happen to stumble upon this beautiful yet horrifying tumblr blog .-.
currently locked in @thesillygoober7’s basement
old acc is @charlibugg
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Here’s most of the stuff I like ! Purple = ION💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
Orange = Cool cool I like it
Red = Eh… I mean it’s fine.. II/III, I.O.N/И.О.Н, TNM, TPOT, EEE/THREEEE, BURNER, 5SOS, ONE, CFMOT/ИНМТ, Objectified, TDOS, LoTS, Animatic Battle, Bugbo, Dreamophrenia, Sprunki, Max Design Pro, Warrior Cats, Smiling Friends, ATHF, Gravity Falls, Villainous, DHMIS, Electric Dreams (1984), Ride the Cyclone, TPC/Pink Corruption, Regretevator, Homestuck
besides fandoms I hyperfixate on time to time… I also LOVE nuclear reactors, epic guitar solos in music, whatever the hell plutonium jazz is, and I just genuinely love learning ANYTHING about nuclear physics and energy :3 (oh and lollipops, I love lollipops)
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Some games I really like (not Roblox games) are In Stars and Time, Fallout 4/Fallout: New Vegas (IM SORRY FALLOUT 76 IS SO BORING AND BUGGY AAAAA), Omori, Sims 2-4, Tomodachi Life, Miitopia, Cardpocalypse, Wobbledogs, Pikuniku, Ooblets, Splatoon 2-3, Dragon Quest: Builders 1-2, Minecraft, Wandersong, JSAB, and AC:NH :3
and most of the bands/artists I listen to (current hyperfix band will be written in bold) are MSI, sElf, WW/WWATT, The Scary Jokes, Sodikken, MOTHH, Lemon Demon, Tally Hall, Bondage Fairies, STOMACH BOOK, Ken Ashcorp, LiteralHat, YFM, Limp Bizkit, Insane Clown Posse, Gorillaz, System Of A Down, Foo Fighters, Dream Puzzles, That Handsome Devil, Sacri, They Might Be Giants, Oingo Boingo, Weird Al, Jhariah, Lenin Was A Zombie, and Drive45!
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I have Autism, ADHD, and Depression.. so sorry if I don’t talk/respond to asks or dms quick enough or I don’t answer them properly… I’m a very shy person. So please text me first if you want to dm me, if you’re a mutual I’d love to talk to you! ^_^
ask box will close down sometimes, it is not a mistake usually, I just don’t feel like taking asks :3
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DNI - uhhhh this (carrd not mine) ..also I will check your account once you follow me usually to see if you aren’t a weirdo, I block who I choose to block
Places I inhabit:
TikTok (currently trying to fix some link issues)
(Created: 1/15/24)
(Last updated: 9/20/24)
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I reblog WAYY too much posts so if you’re willing to find my art search #bugs goof art
#Charlizard’s rabble ransoms - for random posts that are just filler or me going on a whole rant (will also be tagged for long posts too sometimes)
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Q&A stuff under cut because I can lol:
Q: Where did the name Charlin come from?
A: I was being stupid and decided to combine Cracklin and my name (Charlie) together and ended up with Charlin
Q: What programs do you use for your art?
A: IbisPaint X (no premium *cri*) on my iPhone, or my iPad either one, and my finger! (it’s painful lol)
Q: Do you do anything else besides art?
A: Yep! I do gardening, cooking (if I have to), (sometimes) animations, writing, edits, gaming, reading, attempt to make music, and science stuff :)
Q: Do you take art commissions?
A: Nope, sorry ;-; I don’t have a way for people to give me money at the moment, maybe wait a few million years. I do happen to take art requests/art trades! So if you want any of those just ask me in the ask box ^_^
Q: Will you ever show us a face reveal?
A: Ahhhh, no, not really. Only thing close to seeing how I really look irl would be those Picrew challenges where you make yourself, but besides that, nope!
Q: Do you happen to have any other blogs?
A: Yes, actually, I happen to run the @cracklinzz kin blog! (It’s so empty I’m on the verge of deleting it)
Q: Who/What are your art inspirations?
A: Well.. mostly I just combine a bunch of people’s styles together and seem to just find my own style from there, but here’s a bunch that inspire some of my art pieces!:
Heloise&RS, Bok Bok Choy (or Sillystrung on tumblr), starrysharks, tvarina (I think that’s how you spell it), and dotcomgrrl! (And many many more)
Q: What’s Objectivated Orbit, why do you keep talking about it?
A: Okay yay I get to talk about this! Objectivated Orbit is my very own object comic that is in the works right now. (be warned, Charlin’s going to write an entire paragraph about this subject WAHHHHH)
It’s about all of these teens (in their 14s, 15s, 16s, or 17s) who get kidnapped and taken to this otherworldly planet and forced to play these dumb games in order to win an nonexistent prize. It’s heavily inspired by ONE, ION, and maybe TADC.
Currently the project is being worked on…. Very… very… slowly.
But we hope to release it at some point near the end of this year or in 2025-2026! (I am so sorry for how long you gotta wait, I am waiting for a lot of info from my co-workers on this project so I can properly storyboard and illustrate it)
‼️We currently aren’t taking online job applications, sorry about that. :(‼️
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silriven · 10 months
Thoughts on the Badlands Campaign
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So I finally got around to playing the Badlands storyline for myself. I went into this thinking "oh, maybe I'm reading way too much into the quest text, maybe when I play it myself, I'll see why everyone tends to find Rhea the sympathetic one in the story here."
I'm here to report that, uh, no, when I was the one actually taking eggs from the imprisoned mother and then murdering both her and her children in game, I found it just as impactful. Maybe a little more. We do some really despicable things for "the greater good" here.
The black dragon body count racked up by you, the player character, in this questline is thirty-six: 12 darklight soldiers, 22 whelps, Velarok, and Nyxondra. Alliance characters get a trio of enthusiastic dwarf sidekicks to help us with some of this.
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The saddest part about playing this, for me, was realizing that when Rhea sends you after the escaped Nyxondra, you find her circling above her brood. So her first act of freedom was to go to the surviving experiments to try and protect them. You then kill 12 for the quest.
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Another sad thing is her one line of dialogue, which is also the last thing she ever says: "My kin won't forget what you've done! We will rage, mortals!" Have her kin actually forgotten? We don't know, because so far, none of the black dragonflight have brought this up.
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(There are these lines from the recent "Misfit Dragon" quest line with Wrathion and Vyranoth in patch 10.2, though, which I still love. It's a stretch, but it could be a nod to a lot of Badlands story things, including this, so there's that at least.)
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All of this is on top of the suffering endured by Nyxondra "off-screen" as Rhea forced her to lay eggs while she was an invisible prisoner trapped within eyeshot of her unaware kin ("right in the middle of their breeding grounds"). It's unknown for how long.
One last interesting thing that stood out to me was that Rhea refers to herself "an envoy of Alexstrasza herself", so I think it's not a question of "if" Alex knew about this but "how much" did she know.
There's also a very dark joke about draconic diplomacy somewhere in here
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The part of the quest that I think is really most affecting is when Rhea seems to have an epiphany and realize the extent of the pain that she's caused, but then she immediately doubles down on the excuse that Nyxondra's sacrifice "was necessary." Nyxondra, of course, seems to disagree strongly. Her free will has been taken from her by Rhea, she has no agency in this situation.
After this, Rhea sends a Champion out to "put her out of her misery," like she's a wounded animal. It's barbaric.
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Then there's this line: "The Red Dragonflight is as benevolent as it is powerful." This is the final bit of salt in the wound. The Red Dragonflight was anything but benevolent in this quest. I think the only way you could come to that conclusion is if you see the corrupted black dragons as not only past the point of saying, but as lesser beings who are disposable, whose pain is some kind of comeuppance for having succumbed to the Old Gods.
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It's another case in World of Warcraft of corruption being associated with moral "badness" by the narrative. The narrative in this game constantly implies that the dragons who succumb to corruption do so because they have some kind of moral failing or moral weakness. The narrative tells us that black dragons "deserve" not just to be killed but be made to suffer for their madness and for the actions they took while under the Old Gods' influence.
Rhea even says this somewhat explicitly: Nyxondra supposedly deserves what Rhea is doing to her because of what her flight did to Alexstrasza. Her suffering isn't just the consequence of cold science being done to save the future of the black dragonflight, it's deliberately retributive.
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I'm not really going anywhere with this, just kind of wanted to talk again about how (intentionally or not) Wrathion's origin story is dark as hell.
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