razorblade180 · 2 years
Dragonslayer week Day3: Double Date
Yang:Jaune Arc! Are you prepared for most sensational date of your entire life!?
Jaune:…Isn’t it just a club and bar?
Yang:Jr’s is an experience. Good food, drinks, nice vibe when you’re not fighting everyone, and goes on all night!
Jaune:What was you said?
Yang:It lasts all night.
Jaune:We both know that’s not what I was talking about.
Yang:*smiles* Stop worrying. I’ll have your back if anything goes wrong.
Jaune:Oh I know. I just think you might be overhyping this.
Yang:Your mom is overhyped.
Jaune:Wow! That’s what we’re doing. *pinches her face* Aren’t you the older child?
Yang:I’m also the fun one. Now come on! Play your cards right on the dance floor and lots of things could last all night.
Jaune:*red* I know you’re baiting me, but I accept the challenge.
Yang:That’s the spirit?
By the time they arrive everything is in full swing. Loud music, flashing lights, and the smell of fun chaos.
Yang:Today you become a creature of the night!
Jaune:If you drink too much will you hit me if I try holding your hair back?
Yang:That’s a bridge we’ll cross if we get there. I know my limit! Just relax, feel the freedom and danger.
Jaune:Your mom.
Yang:Not that much freedom.
Jaune:Umm, not a joke.
He turns her around to show Yang that her mother is sitting at the bar in a red dress and whiskey in hand, laughing next to someone they can’t see.
Yang:Welp…this is the worst. Let’s leave.
Jaune:Hold on, I’m interested now. Who the heck was able to make your mom dress up? She looks great!
Jaune:Just like her beautiful daughter. The resemblance is striking.
Yang:Nice save, but I rather not see my mother live her life care free without-
People in front of them shuffled about. One of them moved just enough to reveal Tai to be the one having a drink with her.
Yang:Dad!? Oops- *covers mouth*
Tai:*looks their way*…..
Raven:? Tai? Something wrong? *looks* ….
Both women immediately try leaving in opposite directions but Tai and Jaune grabbed their respective dates and started walking towards each other despite the minor struggle.
Yang:This is not the quality time I imagined!
Jaune and Tai: But it’s gonna be hilarious!!!
Raven and Yang:For you!!!
And it was! Jaune and Tai started chatting immediately while mother and daughter were red with embarrassment.
Raven:…So, great minds think alike?
Yang:I wish I was dumb.
Raven:*slides drink* This will get you there.
Raven:What? Your father isn’t watching. Your date stole him.
Yang:Yep, he does that. Men and women flock to him. It’s the dorky smile.
Raven:I think I know the one.
Tai:*laughing with Jaune*
Raven:*red* Glad to know apples do fall near cheers. You be good to him, or you’ll go through hell trying to get him back.
Yang:How’s that going? It looked well. Dad seemed happy.
Raven:Hope so. I’m in a dress! Heh, guess some sparks don’t fade though. I’m shocked he said yes to my date.
Yang:Be good to him this time. I want him home by nine; and no funny business! That’s my pride and joy you’re messing with.
Raven:Hehe, yes ma’am.
Tai:I think they’re getting along?
Jaune:Then our plan worked. A job well done. *raises glass*
Tai:A toast to old and new flames. Now then, let’s kick things up a notch. Think you can out dance me?
Jaune:Loser pays their tab. You’re either be a good dad and husband or I’ll look like a great boyfriend and potential son-in-law.
Tai:You’re so smart! I’m in!!! *runs to dance floor*
Jaune: *follows happily*
Raven:Our type is odd.
Yang:Our type is perfect.
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dragonslayer-week · 2 years
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Greetings and salutations! Welcome to the official announcement of the prompts and rules for DragonSlayer Week 2022. This ship week is dedicated to the pairing between Jaune Arc and Yang Xiao Long. This event will run from July 25th to July 31st. Please read through and familiarize yourself with the rules before proceeding.
Posts must be Dragonslayer centric. You can have secondary and background ships, but Dragonslayer is the focus.
No bashing of characters or other ships. We mean it. If you hate or think less of a character or a certain ship, leave it out of the submissions.
All posts welcome for this. You can post art, shitposts, fanfics, mood boards, edits, gifsets, etc. The sky is the limits
Please have the tag #dragonslayerweek within the first 5 tags of your post. Also tag this blog so we can reblog your posts.
All posts on tumblr must be SFW, any NSFW posts will be on the discord server.
Please give any warnings for extreme content.
Have fun
Here’s the link for voting on the top 7 choices for this year’s themes.
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Dragonslayer week Day4: Yang’s birthday
Yang:*groans* Jaune, just because I have “sun” apart of my name doesn’t mean I’m a morning person.
She final opens her eyes and sees a different pair of blue eyes staring beside her. Nevertheless, they were gorgeous, had the floofiest blonde hair, and cutest little nose a three year old could have. She was also holding a party hat that she plopped onto Yang’s head.
Yang:*smiles* Yes sweetie?
Yujin:Happy Birthday!!
Yang:We’ll aren’t you thoughtful?
Yang wraps her arms around her child like a plush teddy bear, peppering her with kisses to make the little girl giggle.
Yang:Where’s papa?
Yujin:Cooking your favorites. I’m the distraction.
Yujin:…!? Oops. I didn’t say that.
Yang:Hehe, sure.
She gets up with Yujin in her arms and makes her way down stairs. The brilliant smell of fresh orange juice, omelets, bacon, and muffins hit her nose. A peek into the kitchen showed her husband humming and swaying as made French Toast.
Yang:Wooo. Breakfast and a show. You spoil me.
Jaune:Hey you. Finally awake?
Yujin:I said nothing!
Jaune:Hehe. “I know.” Good job Yujin. Why don’t you go wait at the table? Papa wants to kiss mama.
Yujin:Blegh! Ma, put me down!
Yang laughed as her flailing child wiggled her way free to the floor and to the table. Yang happily got closer to her favorite chef where he waisted no time giving her a loving kiss that made her smile.
Yang:Someone taste like orange juice. How long you’ve been up?
Jaune:An hour. Also Yujin didn’t spoil the real gift.
Yang:Figured. Did you get someone to spruce up my bike? Please say yes?
Jaune:I…actually did.
Jaune:Not the gift I was talking about.
He turns off the oven then hugs Yang from behind, enjoying her warmth. Her arm instinctively reaches up and rubs his face.
Jaune:Nora and Ren will be babysitting Yujin all day today. It’s just gonna be us.
Yang:*blushing* That’s always a treat. So…night out on the town? Maybe a brief Vale trip.
Jaune:*kisses nape*
Yang:!?!?!?!?! Is this why breakfast is so big!?
Jaune:No, I was just on a roll. We can do all those things ya know. As long as you’re happy, I’m happy.
Yang:I love you too.
Jaune:So, what thing did you want to do first? The beach shouldn’t be crowded.
Yang:St…Stay home.
Jaune:Oh? And what?
Jaune:Pfft, I read you like a book.
Yang:Oh hush. *kisses him again*
Yujin, other room: May I please get the French Toast before it’s cold!!!?
Jaune:Sorry sweetie! My bad.
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Dragonslayer week Day2: Nerd & Jock
Free time, the evilest time at gym. It was like the lunch room hierarchy but extra sweaty; everyone had clique. Lazy people, the try hards, cheerleaders, and then there was Yang; who sat on the bleachers with her ponytail high, glasses on, and face in her drawings. Well, halftime. The other half was looking up at her muse, the up and coming soccer star this year, Jaune Arc.
Yang:*sketching intensely*
Ruby:*looming from behind*…Damn you really like his calves.
Yang:Aaaah! Ruby!!! Don’t-
The notebook was swiped immediately and Ruby was already soaking up the various poses on the paper while fending of her sister.
Yang:Shouldn’t you be playing baseball!!?
Ruby:Nobody wants to challenge me. Plus this looked more fun. You really like his calves.
Yang:Please give it back…
Ruby:*hands it over* You should charge him for those. I bet he’ll get a kick out of it. Ya know, learning his secret biggest fan at all his games has been watching every play. Down. To. The. Flex.
Yang:*blushing* Please stop. I have a reputation.
Ruby:Of being a wallflower for no reason and choosing robotics when you can launch a football like a canon if you showed anyone? That reputation?
Yang:Hush! You know sports aren’t my style. It’s different, calming. Some might say-
Ruby:I swear if you say-
Ruby:Eugh, why are you soooo like this? I like machines but add puns. It’s the literal part that makes the power points cringy.
Yang:You’re just not funny.
Ruby:And your just IN LOVE WI-
Yang covered her sister’s mouth immediately and turned away as people stared. Like the entire soccer team.
Yang:What are you doing!?
Ruby:I refuse to let you stare at a boy for an entire season. I will introduce you to him.
Yang:You two are friends!? *let’s go*
Ruby:Nah we’ve met in passing.
Yang:Then how would you introduce me.
Ruby:It’s easy. All I gotta do is- YO JAUNE!
she flips off the back of the bleachers, leaving Yang to be the only person in that direction. Fear grips her as Jaune turns around like anybody would, locking eyes with her.
Jaune:Umm yes? That was you right?
Yang:Uhhh sure?
Jaune:*smiles* Call me crazy, but I don’t think that was your voice three seconds ago. *clearly sees Ruby hiding*
Yang:….Yeah I got nothing. I’m sorry for my sister. She’s…yeah.
Jaune:Hehe, it’s all in good fun. My little sisters are the same. So she’s clearly just being a gremlin, or you did have something you wanted to say?
Ruby:(Oh good job Yang. He’s smart.)
Yang:I…like your calves.
Ruby:(Oh good job Yang. You’re blowing it.)
Yang:*red* I don’t know why I said that. I’m sorry!
Jaune:So my calves aren’t likable?
Yang:No they are!
Yang:…..*raises book*
Jaune:What’s your name, fellow older sibling?
Ruby:It’s Yang Xiao Long and she likes drawing and robotics!
Yang:Can you not!?
Jaune:Really? That’s cool. Do you draw robot designs in that book?
Jaune:Makes sense. I thought you were writing down our plays or something considering I see you in that book at every game.
Yang:You’ve noticed that? *peeks*
Jaune:*red* Yeah. I uhhh like your glasses. They match your eyes.
Yang:Oh…thank you.
Jaune:No prob-
Ren hits him in the back of the head with a ball.
Jaune:Ow! Ren, why!?!?
Ren:Because I need someone to steal the ball from Neptune! I’m sick of catching all of his shots!
Neptune:Think of it has practice! I’m making you better.
Yang:You should probably get back to it then? Soccer I mean.
Jaune:Yeah. You have lunch next peri-?
Yang:Yes. *points* Back table. Umm, not sure why I’m pointing; we’re not at the lunch room- I’m really fumbling. I swear I’m much smoother than this. Ruby is the weird one. I promise.
Jaune:Haha. Honestly I’m relieved. I’ve been meaning to say hi but didn’t even know your name. Well, Yang, I’ll see you at lunch?
Yang:*nods happily*
Jaune:Kay! *walks off* Neptune, Ren will kill you.
Ruby:*climbs bleachers* See? I knew you had it in ya.
Yang:I’m going to fight you later.
Ruby:Before that, some advice for my sister? He’s definitely gonna want to see the notebook. *runs off*
Yang:He’s gonna think I’m the weird one.
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Dragonslayer week Day1: Childhood Friends
Deep in Patch’s forest, a young seven year old Yang stares up a tree. With a whimsical smile and pigtails flopping in the wind, Yang laughs at a little blonde boy who’s limbs wrapped around a tree branch for dear life.
Yang:Hahahaha! Jaune, hurry up and jump you big baby!
Jaune:You try falling from this height!
Yang:I did. It’s why you climbed up and why I’m still not it!
Jaune:Climbing in tag should be against the rules!
Yang:An interesting suggestion. Maybe we should discuss this when you come down!
Yang:Oh not the water works. *hands on hips* if I can do it then I know you can. Look! I’m fine.
Jaune:Yeah well your legs are longer! Touching the ground is easy for you!
Yang:Heh, so you admit I’m taller than you finally? You usually get short with me! Hahaha!
Jaune:Uuugh! You’re the worst.
Yang:I’m also gonna catch you. *raises arms* C’mon!
Jaune:You’re crazy! No way you can catch me!
Yang:Can too! I carry my sister all the time! No way you’re heavier. Dad says I’m super strong!
Yang:I am! You want the ground to catch you instead!?
Jaune let out a sigh. He repositioned himself to be sitting up. Nervous, he pushed off the tree limb towards Yang. To Yang’s credit, Jaune did fall fall into her bear hug. She just immediately toppled over, hitting the dirt with the boy on top of her.
Yang:*sitting* I can’t believe your mom packed you bandages.
Jaune:*putting on her knee* She thinks I’m clumsy.
Yang:Because you are.
Jaune:Hey, who’s scraped up!?
Yang:Who needed help? These don’t even-ow! Don’t press hard!
Jaune:Guess your bark was bigger than your bite about that tree.
Yang & Jaune:….Pffftt Hahahahaha!
Yang:You’re dumb. I’m taking that one.
Jaune:Just because yours are so cheesy.
Yang:My puns are fantastic!
Jaune:Pfft, okay. Hold still for a moment.
Her friend brought up his hand and moved her hair out of her face. Jaune brushed of her cheek some more before carefully placing a bandaid on a cut before smiling.
Jaune:There! All better!
Yang:*red*…No more tag. My leg hurts. You should carry me.
Yang:I caught you, so you should carry me. It only seems fair.
Jaune:But I can’t lift you! You’re way to hea-
Jaune:I’m very scrawny.
Yang:Well let’s work on it! At least just for a little while? I won’t climb next time we play tag.
Jaune:…*turns around* Hop o-
Yang nearly lept onto Jaune’s back, making him stumble. She grabbed his bag and off they went, slowly.
Yang:See? I can feel you getting stronger already!
[many years later]
Jaune stares at eight disappearing Ursa in the forest. He walks over to Yang, who’s laying on the ground, and crouches.
Yang:See? Told ya I didn’t need help. You owe me a soda.
Jaune:And a trip to the infirmary. One bit your ankle.
Yang:That’s what aura is for. I’m fi-ow don’t poke it! Why do you always poke tender spots!?
Jaune:Because you never tell me when something hurts. C’mon, up you go.
Yang:Let me lay here for a minute. Too tired to-
She yelps as Jaune sits her up, bringing her arms over his shoulders before grabbing her legs and standing up. Yang tightens her grip silently while Jaune starts walking.
Yang:*red*Well look at that? How nostalgic. Guess I was right all along.
Jaune:Are you taking credit for puberty?
Yang:I don’t see why puberty and I can’t be correct.
Jaune:Heh, you’re ridiculous. Some might say…
Yang:Unbearable? Hehehe.
Jaune:There it is. Some things never change.
Yang:Nope. *rests head* thank goodness.
Jaune:*smiles* What am I gonna do with you?
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Dragonslayer week Day5: Medieval
It was another day at the Tavern in the quant town of Vale. Yang, the local bartender and guild provider, watched her people drink and laugh in the middle of the day. A jolly sight really, if she didn’t know most of them should be off trying to make any kind of money. That’s when a young man in white and gold armor came stumbling in.
Yang:Ah, my favorite night!
Jaune:Do you tell that to all the knights?
Yang:Only the hard working ones. Anyhow, why the stumbling? You remind me of my uncle.
Jaune:Wagon ride…
Yang:Eww, no drinks for you. That’s the last thing you need in your stomach. I’ll make you something, on the house.
Jaune:No! I ummm I’m fine.
Yang:…..!? Is there a problem with this fair maiden’s cooking!? Men would be over the moon to get a taste.
Ruby:*serving food* No they wouldn’t!
Yang: Okay, maybe I kindle the fire a tad too much. If you don’t want food then did you come here just to be a tease?
Jaune:Feasting my eyes on you is always enough to improve my spirits.
Yang:*blushing*….How brazen of you. It’s strange. I take it that it comes at a price.
Jaune:Indeed, a farewell. I’ve been assigned to help escort the neighboring countries princess back to here.
Yang:!? Doesn’t she have her own people for that!?
Jaune:They don’t know the land here while I know both.
Jaune:Yang, I shall be fine.
Ruby:You do know what stalks that territory?
Jaune:We all do.
Yang:So how could you accept such a heavy burden!? The Blake Dragon does not care about lineage, promises, dreams, or anything of the sort! To never see a dragon is a life well off.
Jaune:Do you not think me capable?
Yang:*tearing up* I think I want to see you grow old and happy; does the chance of glory, of a princess, warrant such a risk.
Jaune:Now that’s where you’re wrong. A princess? What would I want that for?
He takes a knee, bowing his head at her for all to see.
Jaune:By my blade, I vow to return to you.
Ruby gasps and blushes at such a forward confession. Yang is no better, quickly making the knight stand.
Yang:Must you make a scene?
Jaune:Would you want it any other way?
Yang:…That beast as ruined my family in the past. Please don’t make it ruin my future as me. Come back, and then we’ll see about you standing by my side.
Jaune:As you wish.
Yang take a purple sash from around her waist. Kissing it gently, she ties it around Jaune’s neck
Yang:For luck. Safe travels,
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Dragonslayer week Day7: Honeymoon
Yesterday was like no other. A come one come all occasion filled with laughter, joy, tears, and a bit too much champagne. Nevertheless, it was perfect. Now the guests were gone, their best wishes sent to Remnants brightest newlyweds as they embarked on a trip to a lovely beach house in Argus.
In a show of flare, Jaune carried Yang bridal style as he gently kicked open the door. Yang couldn’t help but giggle like a school girl from his antics. His confidence was in full swing and she was loving it.
Jaune:Here you are, Mrs. Arc.
Yang:Why thank you, Mr. Arc. Such a gentleman. *kisses cheek*
Jaune:How long do you think it’ll be to get used to writing your new name on official stuff?
Yang:It’s three letters so that helps. Might be weird if people start calling me it. Then again..I do love the sound of it.
Jaune: Mrs. Arc~
Yang:Mmmhhmm, warms the soul.
She held his face and kissed his lips. To share his name, for everyone to know that they loved and belonged to one another’s heart, it made her own heart flutter. Jaune walked over to their luxurious gold and orange bed where he finally put her down. It came with a beach side view that let in the glorious sunrise.
Yang:It’s beautiful.
Jaune:Thinking about swimming?
Yang:Not right now. I know you want to see me in my new bikini but let a girl shake off some jet lag. So forward of you. I might feint…
Jaune:Okay drama queen. *tosses pillow* rest your pretty little head. Yang happily fell back onto the pillow. Her eyes never left Jaune. The young woman opened her arms and silently asked for him to join, which he did without second thought; becoming ensnared by her love.
Jaune:Hehe, hi Yang.
Yang:I don’t know if you knew this, but we’re fucking married.
Jaune:Whaaaat? When that happen?
Yang:Not sure, but now you’re stuck with me.
Jaune:Sounds wonderful.
Yang:*blushing*….Can I hear the last part of your vows again?
Jaune:We saved the world together and now I wish to live in it with you for the rest of my life. *tears up*
Yang:*tears up* Aww, don’t do that. Anything but the waterworks.
Jaune:Look who’s talking? You started this.
Yang:Can’t help it. I’m too…happy, thrilled even. *holds closer* I love you so much. The words don’t feel like enough.
Jaune:Then let’s stop saying them. Let me show you, Yang; Mrs. Arc.
Yang:Mr. Arc~
It could be said a thousand times and she’d never hate it. Yang felt her husband’s lips take her own into a passionate kiss she followed deeper into as he played with her hair. Yang was glad they took a moment to a moment to watch the sunrise. He was the only thing she wanted to see right now, and Yang was going to take her sweet time sinking it all in.
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Dragonslayer week Day6: Summer Camp
Yang:This is impossible
Jaune:It’s definitely not impossible. You got this.
She holds up a jumble of rope tangled around her fingers.
Jaune:Okay…so you don’t got it.
Yang:Ugh! Why the heck do we have to teach kids this stuff!!?
Jaune:Because we were picked for Summer Camp counselors; also because it replaces midterm test grades.
Yang:Yeah, but why this!? Shouldn’t we be teaching fishing rather than…
Jaune:Knot training?
Yang:Yes. I mean it’s not useful that much.
Jaune:You tie your shoes don’t you?
Yang:Bunny ears.
Yang:Yeah, and when I was young I wore velcro.
Yang:Listen, people were busy and I found solutions! You teach em. Let me handle the more fun activities.
Jaune:Fishing lines get tangled Yang.
Yang:Then we’ll just go swimming!
She sighs loudly before laying against the floor of the wooden cabin. Jaune sits down with his legs crossed. He pulls an end of the string and Yang’s fingers are free.
Yang:Magic ✨
Jaune:Pfft, no. I would’ve thought you’d be…ya know, better at this. Was Summer Camp not a thing in Patch?
Yang:It was, but I never went. After mom died, dad wasn’t too keen on letting me go somewhere off in the woods, regardless of supervision. Still snuck out from time to time but big trips didn’t happen. It always looked fun, hanging out new faces.
Jaune:I doubt you were missing much.
Yang:You went?
Jaune:Yep. It sucked. Well, the activities were fine. However…I didn’t like the bullies. Ever heard of a marsh?
Yang:Like…the body of water?
Jaune:So swirlies are called that because of how toilets spin, but when it’s a Porta-Potty it-
Yang:I’m gonna stop you right there! That…I am sorry.
Jaune:I’m sure you would’ve been part of the popular groups though. Best seat for marshmallows and all that.
Yang:From what your saying I’d figure you’d hate this job.
Jaune:Heh, nah. One camp counselor always looked out for me and made sure I was okay. I don’t mind being that person for someone else if it happens.
Yang:Awww, I bet they’d be happy to hear that. So, you know every activity?
Jaune:No but I was a Boy Scout so I’m good at a few things for sure.
Yang:Oooo so I got myself a Boy Scout? Think you could show me how to tie a knot? *winks*
Jaune:First I need a ring.
Yang:*blushing* We took that phrase in very different directions.
Jaune:*red* I think they can loop into each other at some point. But uhhh, I can actually show you how to tie some knots. If…ya want?
Yang:C…Cool! I definitely would like that. But ya know…the other knot thing could be interesting one day.
Jaune:Which one?
Yang:I don’t know! We can talk about that later! Anyways….
She raises the rope. Jaune turns towards her and begins slowly making a simple knot in silence, both of their faces red and too embarrassed to talk further.
Jaune & Yang: (Why did I say that?)
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dragonslayer-week · 2 years
Dragonslayer week 2022 is here!!!
Greetings, and salutations everyone, we’re happy to announce that Dragonslayer week is here again. We have the prompts set up, and will be posting regularly to drum up support. Below will be the rules, and the prompts with their days. The days are from July 25th to August 1st
Here’s a link to the official Dragonslayer discord: https://discord.gg/qCWCBzA
Posts must be Dragonslayer centric. You can have secondary and background ships, bu Dragonslayer is the focus.
No bashing of characters or other ships. We mean it. If you hate or think less of a character or a certain ship, leave it out of the submissions.
All posts welcome for this. You can post art, shitposts, fanfics, mood boards, edits, gifsets, etc. The sky is the limits
Please have the tag #dragonslayerweek within the first 5 tags of your post. Also tag this blog so we can reblog your posts.
All posts on tumblr must be SFW, any NSFW posts will be on the discord server.
Please give any warnings for extreme content.
Have fun
25. Childhood Friends
26. Nerd Yang/Jock Jaune
27. Double Date
28. Yang’s Birthday (Yang’s actual birthday)
29. Medieval
30. Summer Camp
31. Honeymoon
1. Free day
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dragonslayer-week · 2 years
Day 2: Nerd Yang/Jock Jaune
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For day 2 we’re doing an inverse of how Yang and Jaune normally are. Today she’s gonna be the nerd, and he’s gonna be the sporty type. As always any submission you have be they art, fanfics, shitposts, or moodboards please be sure to tag the blog.
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dragonslayer-week · 2 years
Three days
Dragonslayer week starts in 3 days everyone!!
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dragonslayer-week · 2 years
Day 6: Summer Camp
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We’re in the home stretch as Yang and Jaune go to camp today. They could be roasting marshmallows, telling ghost stories, hiding from a hockey mask wearing machete wielding killer, or swimming. As always any submission you have be they art, fanfics, shitposts, or moodboards please be sure to tag the blog.
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dragonslayer-week · 2 years
Dragonslayer Week Day 1: Childhood Friends
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For the first day of Dragonslayer week we’re starting with the age old classic, childhood friends. If you have any Dragonslayer childhood friend submissions be they art, fanfics, shitposts, mood boards, or quotes be sure to tag this blog.
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dragonslayer-week · 2 years
Day 8 Free Day
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Well sadly folks Dragonslayer week has come to an end, but let’s at least end it positively. Today is a free day, do whatever you want and tag the blog in it. As always any submission you have be they art, fanfics, shitposts, or moodboards please be sure to tag the blog.
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dragonslayer-week · 2 years
Day 7: Honeymoon
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Alright folks say 7 is my personal favorite, our favorite couple on their honeymoon. Whatever you make for them hopefully you send them on the best honeymoon possible. As always any submission you have be they art, fanfics, shitposts, or moodboards please be sure to tag the blog.
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dragonslayer-week · 2 years
Day 4: Yang’s Birthday (yes this is her actual birthday)
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Yang’s birthday is today, meaning we want to see thing relating to our favorite Blonde Brawler’s day of birth. As always any submission you have be they art, fanfics, shitposts, or moodboards please be sure to tag the blog.
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