This is dragon dream (the boy is tired)
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And this is dragon nightmare
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Nightmare is probably going to get a re-desing but im still proud of it
Also take this bonus of my oc
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dream is eepy<3 i love him. I also lie how you draw teeth :o
is the noot still goopy or just really floofy? ether way i love him. i just think if he was floffy it would be extremely funny lol. I want to hold luna and protect them from anything that might hurt them. precious bean. must protect. I love <3
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the-al-chemist · 1 year
Fire, for the dragon ask?
[ellie-e-marcovitz ☺️]
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Thanks for the ask!! 🐲
🔥 Fire: share a snippet with some dialogue you’d like to show off. 🔥
I’m not sure whether or not this is for published stories or WIPs, so let’s do both! I still adore the dialogue in this chapter of the Rockstar AU. It was the first time I’d written “grown up” dialogue and I really enjoyed being able to get in some real-world references.
From a WIP, I’m going with this:
Artemis shrugged. “It’s a big decision. I’m thinking it through.” Ros chuckled. “What’s so funny?”
“You, love. I don’t think I’ve ever known you to think a decision through before making it, big or small.”
“Well, I’m a grown up now.”
Rosmerta whipped Artemis gently on the upper arm with the cloth she used to wipe down the bar and laughed even harder.
“I am,” Artemis said indignantly.
This is from Chapter 10 of The Wilderness Years, which is coming out on Saturday 🌻
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verflares · 2 months
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was also going a bit crazy insane over this earlier too tbh. four months of improvement babeyyyyyyy
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somajean · 7 months
I'm not very good at it, but I'm actually a Gijinka artist if you can believe it.
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darkcat645 · 2 years
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I GOT A POCKET WATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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krismckrismckris · 5 months
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Dragons :D
1st - random species made based off of amphitheres
2nd - random hydra based off of the sun moon and stars
3rd - the Lights as dragons
dragon these nu-
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littlewitchlilith · 1 month
New HOTD trailer, Here are my thoughts
1st. Daemon entering the throne room gives me Daenerys season 2 vision in the throne room for some weird reason.
2nd. CREGAN STARK CRUMBS, also Jace had a serious glow up. Also I really Hope we see Cregan use the ancient valyrian steel sword of stark Ice.
3rd. I find it interesting how nearly all Alicent's scenes in the trailers has her in serene areas or places of nature, maybe its just me but I seems like she's trying to hold on to the little girl she once was, she's trying to hold on to her former friendship with Rhaenyra. She's shown wearing a blue dress which gives me young Alicent.
4rth. I can't wait to see more Rhaenys and Nyra moments.
5th. I like the slight changes they are making with Aegon and Rhaenyra. They both seem more involved with the war and are clearly taking part in it. I like how they are making Aegon have more personality. Personally I always thought show Aegon was more observant
6th, I want to see Daemon and Rhaenys relationship. I want to see the relationship of all the Targaryens. Aemond and Aegon, Jace and Daemon, the twins. I literally can't wait to see how the war will affect their relationships.
7th DRAGONSSSSS. Also I was so confused when I saw Vermithor. I thought he was the cannibal because he didn't look like that in s1 in my opinion. Also Sunfyre and Moondancer my babies can't wait to see more dragons. Literally the real reason I started watching the show fr.
8th Otto saying that the great houses will support Aegon is so funny to me because most of them called in support of Rhaenyra.
9th. Daemon just being all "this is fun and games" about war in the trailer is interesting because we know Daemon lives in chaos and violence and I like how adaptable he is. Like he can live in war or in peace and still find enjoyment in life or have moments to have little laughs. I really hope we do get some happy or peaceful scenes in s2 despite the war going on. The good moments in these dark times kind of thing.
10th Can't wait to see the Velaryon fleet in action. I want to see Corlys taking command. After all he's known as the greatest seafarer. I want to see it in action not just hear it from other characters, also I can't wait for Corlys arc in the show, his relationship with Rhaenys, his grandchildren, Adam and Alyn how the show is going to play that out.
11th Is it just me or did they make the dragons bigger this season because Caraxes looks huge. In the "leader strong enough scene" I was like who's that until Caraxes moved and I was like NOODLE BOI but he just looked so much bigger than in Season 1, Sunfyre and Meleys and Vermithor also appear so much bigger than before, like we only see Sunfyre for a second but he seemed small, also Syrax and Seasmoke as well look like got growth spurts or something in the last trailers.
11th. It's sad that Rhaenyra has to ask Daemon if he sees her as the rightful ruler and I give me whiplash to when she asked Criston Cole if he believed the real would ever accept her as queen. I believe he said they will have to and it makes me curious to see what Daemon's response to her question is, because we know that Daemon did want the throne but he does still love his family and show Daemon is a lot less worse than book Daemon especially in regards to Rhaenyra but like his face when she asks him that question it seems to me like he's conflicted or even hesitant to answer her and I genuinely wonder why.
12th. Aemond. I'm curious what they are going to do with Aemond this season, He seems to be enjoying the war as a whole which makes sense given the fact that season gives subtle hints that he wants a more worthy opponent to fight than Criston Cole and he sees that with Daemon, like he seems a bit like his book version but I feel it's a facade he's putting on because he knows he's very much responsible for war for the pain and suffering his family is currently going through, he knocked over the dominos that Alicent and Otto set up. I think this facade will be his way of coping with that guilt, he's branded a kinslayer now and he's accepting it in his own way. I think his relationship with Alicent will come to light more, the two were close in the last season but the trailer hints that they've clearly become estranged, I feel like Alicent despite how angry she is at Aemond want to continue to cling to him and it's one of the reasons she wants the war to end not just her former friendship with Rhaenyra but because she doesn't want her children to die in what she deems a senseless war. Aemond however want to continue to fight he wants the chaos so him calling Alicent by her name instead of mother is interesting almost like he's trying to distance himself from her and evolve as his own person because it does seem like Alicent see's him as a mini version of herself, their does seem to be something parentification on her part towards him and I think he's slowly catching on to that. Idk like theirs so many opinions and ideas going on in my head regarding Aemond.
13th showings Aegon and Rhaenyra in grief at the same time is interesting to me because regarding of wether or not you support one or the other, they have so much in common. Take out every awful thing Aegon has done and everything he will do, they really aren't that different. Both grew up ignored and neglected by Viserys, young Rhaenyra points out that all Viserys wanted as she was growing up was a son, a male heir. When he gets Aegon his son, his male heir he blatantly ignores and neglects him and his siblings in favor of Rhaenyra. Both their mothers go through tremendous amounts of pain and suffering that they both have to be a witness or even aware of and it's seen as all for nothing, both lose everything during the war that everyone says is rightfully theirs, like we know for Aegon it wasn't true but tradition isn't something that is easy to break even now in our times we have our traditions and if someone comes in and tries to change them be react defensively. I don't support Aegon and I don't see him as the rightful king but he is an heir wether we like it or not, he's more the heir than Daemon or even Rhaenys is, personality has nothing to do with it if that was the case than Maegor wouldn't have been considered an heir either. Both Rhaenyra and Aegon are basically one in the same.
14th mysaria herself is someone who intrigues me I'm curious of what her role will be this season because we know she helped put Aegon on the throne last season by handing Aegon over but she does have a former relationship with Daemon.
15th "War is coming and neither of us may win" is such foreshadowing because regarding of wether you are team black or team green no one really wins because yes Rhaenyra's line does continue the Targaryen line but she goes down in history as a usurper despite her being the named heir by the king and while Aegon lives longer than Rhaenyra, he's still killed shortly after by his own men and is succeeded by Rhaenyra's son. Still both lose everything by the time of their deaths and are half the shells of the people they once were.
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fairyhaos · 8 months
can you do moots as book tropes maybe? if possible
yes i definitely can omggg lezzgo (these kinda turned into fic tropes instead tho ngl,,,)
@slytherinshua is a coffee shop setting! no idea why tbh, but i imagine her as the animated, lovely customer who always comes into the cafe during the slow hours, with a smile on her face and a book in her hand and a whole array of wonderful and weird new things to chatter about to the barista who may be just a tiny bit in love with her
@blue-jisungs feels very much like a magical school book series. i'm thinking harry potter, i'm thinking school for good and evil, i'm thinking magic and pastel blues and childhood friends to lovers and saving the day and being a hero, either willingly or unwillingly, and learning and growing to become the best person you are able.
@wheeboo is arranged marriage!!!! i can't explain it but the tension and the drama ✨ and the way it can be either enemies to lovers or strangers to lovers is soooo rania. she'd bicker, she'd banter, but most of all she'd fall in love so, so deeply that she cannot even think of not loving them anymore.
@rubywonu is a fae/ faerie world setting. im thinking cruel prince-esque, with drama and blood and alliances, but also with all of its whimsy and its magic and its sparkly gold fairy dust. it's something a bit mysterious, very much unknown, and only the strongest and the most quick-witted will be able to survive
@selenicives dragonsssss and faux medieval settings :D the lore and the intrigue and the aesthetics of it all make me think of weiwei, #1 bc i think xe would love to create a world like that but also bc it feels vv much like something xe would enjoy being part of haha
@ylliris-hanniehae is exes to lovers. perhaps an unusual one, but exes to lovers, and second chances, is always about soft love and gentle stories, of talking things through and comforting past hurts and making promises to move on into the future, together. and i think ylli would like that.
@odxrilove is amnesia. dori is gonna get hit by a truck or smth during a crucial moment in the plot and half of the story is spent watching her struggle to get back her memories before PLOT TWIST it turns out that either a) someone intentionally hit her or b) she never lost her memories in the first place????? i feel like drama follows her wherever she goes tbh.
@weird-bookworm is found family ^^ bc she's just so sweet and nice and also a little bit silly and goofy exactly like how the found family dynamic often is. also sky just fits so seamlessly into our group like she's always meant to be here, so duh. she's now part of our family.
@etherealyoungk is just. cottagecore like idk how to explain it. when a character moves away from the bustle of the city to live in the countryside, perhaps to heal past traumas, and they discover an elusive stranger with flowers in their hair who help them open their heart and learn to love again? that's skye.
@gyuswhore is a baker/ bakery au! again i literally don't know why but em gives me the vibes of a rambly + bubbly + slightly weird baker who always makes sure to beam at the regulars and mayhaps be just a little bit enamoured with this one customer who always comes in and, without fail, orders fifteen egg tarts in bulk. she doesn't know what they're doing with so many egg tarts. but she's gonna find out.
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jesterrrrr-x · 1 year
The dragonsssss!
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They're blue because I says so. Fuck green. They're blue and turquoise hahahahhaha.
Drew these for references but also because I love them.
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 8 months
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my autism man‼️
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thiswyrmhoards · 6 months
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Sooooooooo close
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staciass · 7 months
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OMG you guysssss this book has like everything… like I’m not even exaggerating this book has every single thing you could think of or even want in a fantasy romance novel.
I’m so freaking obsessed it’s not funny. Shaping up to be my favourite book of the YEAR !!
Urgh. I can’t this book is blowing my mind sfm.
After FBAA my expectations were kinda low but I love JLA’s paranormal romance books and this right here is peak JLA. This is why I love her older books (pre-fbaa). ❤️
Ok I’m out back later with more updates because I can’t stop now I need to keep reading!
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flygefisk · 9 months
doessssss anyone want to ask me about my dragonsssss
it has been a long and stressful week and i am tired. i want to talk about dragon but i cant focus enough to pick someone to talk about. maybe howl n syndor or the new guys idk
alternatively is anyone doing lair reviews?? i can pay for em
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multifandomsoup · 2 years
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Ooh! Dragonsssss! I have some questions!!!
where do the names come from?? (Theyre so cool???!!)
can the dragon talk??? (in my head: silly voice, silly voice, si-)
where did the hat come from?
is this set in a modern world or some alternate/historic one?
are there any other any characters in the group?
does the dragon breath fire/ have powers?
MOST IMPORTANTLY!! Whats your favourite fun fact about them?
GAHHH I love ur ocs smmmmm
Timor's named after the sea near Australia!! Mostly because Linsey's a pirate and such lmao
He can talk!! Most dragons in their story can talk, unless they're wild or just. Don't want to I guess. Timor mostly just complains and asks a LOT of questions though lmfao
Linsey PROBABLY bought his hat but it's just as likely that he stole it from someone
It's set in the 1720's (ish)! So basically just the "Golden Age" of piracy but with added dragon lore!! A lot of the lore is inspired by the Temeraire series (by Naomi Novik), which is VERY cool btw, so there are loads of other dragon species (I made a spreadsheet of them lmao), most of which are trained and used in the military alongside boats and horses n such!!
There are quite a few other characters!! To start off it's just Linsey and his crew, and then later he's sort of forced/coerced into joining the aforementioned dragon military fleet, so there's another little crew later on too, but I haven't really gotten around to properly fleshing out their characters yet. It's more just vibes :)
Timor himself can't breath fire or anything!! He doesn't have any abilities in that sense, but he does have adaptations like a real life animal would, so in his case he's one of the faster dragons and is pretty agile (he's very proud of this)
FAVOURITE FACT!!!! Uhhh I don't have very many good ones since I've only recently started writing their story!! BUT a fun thing I can share is that Linsey has ZERO idea how dragons work, so he spends a good chunk of his first few months with Timor being incredibly confused and very very concerned, meanwhile Timor is entirely oblivious and mostly just wants to eat fish and break things.
Overall they're very very silly and a little bit stupid and I love them a LOT so thank you SO much for letting me talk my nonesense for a bit
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