#i love getting asks like this
sapphicseasapphire · 5 months
Hiii, I ADORE your chain as Cryptids AU, all of your art is gorgeous and every character is wonderfully unique, I wanted to ask for a lil more lore if possible? While Four is my favorite character we have not had nearly enough asks for Hyrule! And fairies in general, in your au are they more fae-like with some trickster tendencies or very kind and giving like the Minish? Thoughts on bottles, etc? TYSM!
Oh boy oh boy do I have some Hyrule Thoughts. And some general fairy thoughts as well!
(Under the cut because this is gonna get long)
For this au, I’m thinking of just Zelda fairies. Little glowing balls of light that flutter on fragile wings, iridescent and magical and gentle. Fairies have an affinity for magic: all kinds of magic, though they’re best known for their healing abilities. There isn’t a single archetype of what a fairy’s behavior will be. Some can be tricksters, some can be kind, some can be shy, some can have the most ill of intentions. Fairies are like people, really, in that they’re not just all one thing. (This is what separates them from spirits, really. They’re just on the cusp of ascension, but unlike Koroks or Blupees or Dragons or anything like that, they cling to their mortality and allow themselves to grow and evolve. Because of this, Hyrule is not a part of the telepathy circle).
There are many communities of Fairies, and they tend to group up around a Great Fairy as their leader. There are some colonies that are independent of Great Fairies, though, but they are rare to find, as they are at a much higher risk.
You see, while Fairies are magical, they’re very fragile. Usually, a typical Fairy wouldn’t posses enough magic to defend themself against a Hylian captor. Docile and tiny, they’re quite easy to bottle up and carry off, and easily discarded once they’re used. Great Fairies are much more powerful than the average Fairy, and even more powerful than a Hylian, so sticking around them is preferred. They protect the others.
Hyrule is a very unique case. You see, he was born with the Spirit of the Hero. For this au, the Spirit of the Hero acts as an enhancer for any kind of spiritual or magical power a Link already possesses. For example, Twilight is only able to shift because he’s descended from a God and possess the Hero’s Spirit. (Otherwise, one of his parents would have had God Powers TM too, and they probably wouldn’t have died so soon).
In Hyrule’s case, having the Hero’s Spirit grants him much more magic than a typical Fairy- almost as much magic as a Great Fairy herself. All of this power in such a small frame… no one is the wiser. Hyrule has enough magic to properly defend himself (if he had any sort of training… which, as a child, he didn’t) and most importantly, he has enough magic to hold a Hylian disguise for a LONG TIME. His glamour can change the way that he’s perceived but cannot change his actual shape. Others can see and even touch his changed form, but it is not real.
ANYWAY. Yeah. Bottles. Fairies are afraid of them, are afraid of Hylians. And Rito and Gerudo and Gorons and Zora and monsters and literally everything under the sun. When you’re two inches tall, everything is a threat.
Fairies are hunted mercilessly by Hylians, mostly. They’re never killed, not outright, but they’re taken from their colonies and shoved into a tiny bottle, sometimes for weeks and months on end (Fairies don’t starve as quickly as other species would, able to expend magic to keep their little bodies functioning). That being said, they often do not survive captivity. A tiny little bottle, often shoved in a bag and jostled around, no light, no food or water, all alone, just glass on all sides. It’s no place for a Fairy. Even if they do make it out (after expending magic to heal whatever wound they were abducted to treat), they will rarely make it back to their Great Fairy before succumbing to magical exhaustion or being captured again.
On the topic of magical exhaustion: Fairies have a limited amount of magic they can expend before they have to recover. Even one as powerful as Hyrule has their limits. Recovery almost always means rest, and it can mean their body does a forced shut down and simply stops working for days at a time. Often, Fairies are more hungry when they’re recovering, as magic can no longer be used to sustain the body.
Hyrule is less vulnerable to this than other Fairies would be, but when he’s standing next to the Chain? And every single one of them is hurt? After a fight where he’d used his magic to take down dozens of monsters? All while keeping up his glamour? Yeah, he’s gonna be feeling that one.
Telltale signs of magical exhaustion before it gets to the point of actually passing out: Physical exhaustion, drowsiness. Headaches, sudden hunger. Feeling cold. Often, the other heroes might notice Hyrule picking up an extra serving at mealtimes or ask to huddle up with someone at night (oftentimes Sky, as his wings are very warm and he doesn’t bat an eye when asked to cuddle). Hyrule sleeps longer, but never seems to gain any more energy.
Magical exhaustion, if pushed too far, can be fatal.
ANYWAY. When Hyrule first joins the Chain, he forces all of them to free any Fairies they might have. He enforces that rule as others join, and is hesitant to lower his glamour. I’m think that for a long time, they don’t even know he’s a Fairy. He’s terrified that if they find out, they’ll bottle him up and use him for healing and never let him go. For. Long time, he’s terrified of them. Fairy Bottlers surround him. It’s not until he physically cannot keep his “Hylian” form up that the others find out what he is, and he never expected them to be so understanding. So… apologetic. Actually legitimately regretful of their Fairy Bottling pasts.
ONE MORE THING. Four can turn Minish sized. When Hyrule works himself to magical exhaustion and passes out, he goes back to his True Form, the two inch tall lil Fairy. And of course, when that happens, it’s really really difficult for the Chain to move him or help him without accidentally hurting his tiny body. So Four will shrink down and help him to bed, check to make sure that he wasn’t hurt when he fell unconscious, and stay with him at their size so he’s not alone when he wakes.
I have many more thoughts but this is getting actually so long. I apologize!
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
something i need more of is protective captain marvel
specifically fiercely protective of people he personally cares about (mostly leaning towards family hear but also friends) captain
like of course with a heroes heart (whatever that means) caps gonna be naturally protective
but billy probably also has some separation anxiety from his parents death and, if it’s a twin sister mary version, being separated from her
possibly add onto that memories from past champions of their loved ones dying? no way he wouldn’t be protective
so what i want to see is a marvel, who has been working with the league for a while, having them meet the shazamily for whatever reason and just just being fiercely protective
i want his mindset to revert(?) to billy to a certain degree making him act a little bit (a lot) feral to protect them from the smallest of things and to glare a glare harsher than batmans at the league while trying to physically distant them
if the flash or someone flirts with one of them (obviously not knowing they’re underage and if its the flash him not being married/in a relationship) and for marvel to just punch him in the face immediately without thought
I think we could all benefit from more protective Captain Marvel, if I speak for everyone.
Billy having separation anxiety isn't something I considered before, but now that you bring it up, it makes complete sense! It fits into his character so well with having been abandoned so many times in his life, he'd depend on the few stable and promising relationships in his life for safety and comfort, even when in his champion form. He'd want to protect them at all costs, no matter what. Because underneath that magical form of a champion is a small child scared of the world who wants them to be continuously alone. A child who is used to having nothing will protect the the things they hold dear as they grow older, no matter what. Adding on that, with the reoccurring memories and dreams from the past lives of the former champions of magic who have already experienced death, mourning, and worse fates, Billy Batson wouldn't come out of it without needing some therapy.
Tawny as a therapy cat is much needed.
Billy has such a pure heart, a sweet boy, I can definitely seeing him accidentally become overly protective of his found family when introducing them to other people and fellow superheroes.
The idea of another superhero flirting with one of them isn't an impossibility, just a little awkward to approach. If anyone ever does, I'm pretty sure the whole shazamily would reject that person as a team, hahaha
Maybe Flash would give Mary a compliment considering the similar costumes, but I think Guy Gardner trying to make a pass at one of them and immediately getting decked across the city sky by Billy would be incredible. Feral nature is approved in that moment. Unleash the Billy!
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okkennymay · 2 years
What do you think Vlad's "peasant" guilty pleasure is? (Like junk food or watching reality TV, both even lol, something us lower lifeforms usually enjoy lmao)
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I'm not sure why but I always see Vlad as a spicy food man! I'd like to thing he's got stashes of Cheeto's flamin hot puff's everywhere he has to spend any length of time 👀 [ even hidden in impossible places thanks to ghost powers, which has lead to at least one occurrence of demolition workers finding a long forgotten stash resulting in sheer confusion and questions of reality ]
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firefly-sky · 4 months
how south park characters comfort someone? i’ve got you. please add your own thoughts!
stan: gonna be honest here, i don’t think he’d be all that receptive. i love stan, i actually think im most similar to him than any other character. that said, i think he would be pretty awkward when trying to comfort someone. especially if they’re crying. probably a tentative pat on the back, some generic advice like “it’s gonna be okay dude…just like…don’t think about it?” he means well, he really does. but bro gets extremely confused over his own emotions (and he has a lot of them) so don’t count on him to understand yours. hes even worse over text, “👍”
kyle: similar to stan in some ways, but more of a problem solver. kyle is my fav character but this guy. is not very good at listening and just wants to fix the problem. honestly depending on the situation he’d probably think you’re overreacting. but if he realizes it’s cereal then he must fix it with facts and logic. my partner does this and it’s like okay i love that you wanna fix it but can you just let me complain for a second…anyways. again very well meaning, he’d actually be very good at reassurance.
kenny: king of listening. he doesn’t talk much anyways, he’s more of an observer. so he probably already KNOWS if a friend is in distress. number one guy if you need someone to wrap an arm around you and listen to your problems and be like “that sucks dude” and when he does drop some advice, it’s like the most philosophical life changing advice you’ll ever receive. he also has experience being a source for comfort for his sister, he has a good energy. stan may be the most sensitive, but i think kenny is most in touch and understanding of emotions.
cartman: i’m sorry cartman fans. he just wouldn’t. this bitch would either try to one-up you with his own problems or just flat out laugh at you. other people’s problems are simply just not worth his time. he only cares if it can benefit him in some way. listen i love eric cartman, he IS south park. but he’s a little shit with nearly no sense of empathy and that is why we love him. unless you’re his mom or very close friend, and even then…ehh.
Oh absolutely, 100%.
Stan is probably a pretty decent listener. When it comes to advice though you’re on your own. Like you said, he’ll probably try. He means well. But he’s REALLY fucking awkward. He hesitantly pats their shoulder and says something like ‘don’t worry about it. It’ll get better.” and over text he 100% offers no advice. He’s a face to face kind of guy. Over text he kinda just shuts down.
Kyle absolutely means well. But god almighty he’s an awful listener. If you just wanna complain to him you’re gonna have to deal with a ‘yeah but…’ every five seconds. Or just flat out tell him you wanna just complain and you’ll get a listening ear, but he still tries to do something. Be it talk to someone for you, helping you out, whatever. Kyle is a fixer. And he won’t stop until the problem is fixed. He thinks he’s doing what is best but he’s not sometimes. He gets that from his ma. He has no problem dropping the harshness of reality in someone though. He drops it hard like ‘well if you’re gonna complain about abc you need to do xyz. You need to do something about said problem’ if it’s aonething only you can fix (like an insecurity or smth)
Kenny is an incredible listener and drops pearls of wisdom sometimes. He’s the quieter and more ‘mysterious’ type anyway so hearing so thing that isn’t ’haha tits’ come from him is kinda mind blowing. But when you need a friend, he’s the go to guy of the main four. He is a god at listening. He offers physical support if needed. He offers advice (even if it isn’t always good) but he will sometimes drop some poetic, metamorphic bombshell that people actually take from him. Hes the main guy to go for for consolation.
Cartman just sucks. Hell laugh. Or exploit you. Or threaten you. Unless it benefits him, oh well. Your problem.
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napping-sapphic · 3 days
I was just in a call with a girl I wanna date and she got super sleepy & I could literally feel my pupils become heart shaped while I listened to her talk fkahdkshfk. She's so fucking cute and super pretty and yeah, I just needed to gush a lil or maybe a lot, idk, I'm needy and wanna cuddle & nap. Ty for coming to my ted talk 💚
Oh i LOVE this energy so much
Late night conversations or just Really Tired™️ conversations are always some of my favorites they always feel so nice and relaxing
I hope you get SO many more sleepy convos, you’re truly out there living the dream fr <3
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greenfiend · 12 days
I would love to hear your thoughts on what you think El’s ending is going to be, because I could see it going multiple different ways
Hey anon!
Yeah, it definitely can go a few different directions.
Everyone always says- she’ll end up being independent and surrounded by her family and friends. It’s a beautiful thought, and it’s definitely a possibility… but… I’m not 100% confident on it.
Evidence for it:
1. She’s suffered a lot and deserves to be happy. <- absolutely true.
2. The Duffers don’t like killing off their main characters. <- also true.
Evidence against it:
1. She was originally planned to die in season 1.
2. Correct me if I’m wrong but… there were no interviews from the actors mentioning a happy ending unlike Will… and Millie’s quote when she found out about her character’s ending “I was like ooooooh. Then I walked away very slowly.” <- doesn’t sound like a reaction to a conventional happy ending.
3. It’s the last season. Higher stakes. If anyone will die/leave in some way, it’ll be this season.
4. The comparisons between E.T. and The Neverending Story with ST specifically for her narrative.
Soooo… I don’t think she’ll die tragically (ouch!). But she may… either be separated from the others in SOME way in the end or cease to exist all together. That’s what I’m leaning towards right now. Not what I’m rooting for, but my prediction.
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jack-o-phantom · 5 months
I mean this in the most positive way possible, your artstyle look edible, like, aquarium rocks edible.
LMFAO thank you!!
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onejellyfishplease · 9 months
Will we be having a disaster twin moment? Some angst maybe? can they have a sleep over? 😍 I love your Au so much! So adorable 🥰
Oh definitely, as the story goes on there with be tons of moments like that!
And the sleepover idea is wonderful!
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mouzeinsoup · 9 months
In spite of the fear of being grabbed so suddenly, did Collin ever realize the link between Charlie's confused stare and the glasses?
definitely not while he was being dangled in the air like that, but a while after his escape he started piecing it together
thus the guilt begins >:]
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arabellasleopardcoat · 11 months
But are the babies going to be targaryens or not? I know reader is not valyrian but what will happen?
I love love love when I get this kind of questions! Nothing makes me happier than ranting. I'm not sure, in truth. While I did research Westerosi genetics, and found a couple interesting posts that I will reblog for anyone as nerdy as I am, I don't think I can do a Punnet square for reader's biology.
Daemon describes reader as "darker" in comparison to Valyrians. It's a vague description on purpose, because any reader can identify with it. Even if you are blonde, no one is naturally silver haired. At the point the two meet, reader has been on Westeros for months, so even if they dyed their hair silver, it's now gone.
As for the mental gymnastics Daemon is doing to convince himself reader is Valyrian, I made him stick with the same theory I agree with because it fixes any possible plothole and fits canon.
So, try to remember biology for me. There are two possibilities, saying the Valyrian genes are recessive and hence the need for imbreeding, and saying that they are dominant. If they are dominant any children with a Valyrian comes out silver haired. This is very overly simplified.
Personally, I stick with the recessive one, because Royces are descendants from the First Men, which Daemon would know. Wanna know who else has children with a Targaryen and descends from the first men? Ser Harwin Strong. And we all know how that one ended.
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omori-sv-au · 1 year
I'm not gonna lie, I hope Kel dies in this AU. Not because I don't like him, far from it, but imagine how Hero would react. Especially if it's HIS fault. His villainy lead to his brother's death. I dunno. It'd be interesting...
ill let u all in on a fun fact: by the end of the story, someone from the main 5 is not gonna be alive and youre just gonna have to guess who it is
but yeah kel dying is a very interesting thing to think about........ theres so many scenarios that could happen where it would be 100% heros fault which would be crazy honestly
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pigeonstab · 1 month
Bonjour :3
*vanishes, leaving a tray of cupcakes in my wake*
-(The cupcake distribution system!)
Waaa that's so cute thank you cupcake distribution system!
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lovekenney · 2 months
You like botw too??🤩🤩🤩
You’re so cool
I love it so much!! 😭😭 in 2020 I had this absolutely massive hyperfixation on it, because of Covid it was all I did for hours and hours. I only had two of the games (botw and age of calamity) but I knew the lore to all of them I swear. And I’ve just recently started playing again and it’s happening all over again lmao.
And omg tysm?? You’re so cool
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fullofcake · 1 year
Your blog is rad :] You go funky little goblin
(I am hugging you through the screen rn)
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djbunni · 18 days
do you have any tips for recolouring ( as in skin tone edits )? I would like to get into making them myself but I'm not really sure how to ^^ thank you if you do answer :3!
I would say to swatch your skin tones on a multiply layer before using them, as you’ll be doing the coloring on multiply! It’s also really good to match the blushing, because if it’s too bright for your skin tone you’ll definitely be able to tell! Here’s some of the tones and blushing I use the most!
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I highlighted in blue the blushes
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For more visual reference here’s the range I usually pick my blushes from!
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Compared to the actual skin tone which is a little bit more orange
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lamija-v · 29 days
#drawing ideas spawning in my head#as soon as my test season finishes I’ll be going of the road#muskeeter Lucien who
I SEE THOSE TAGS!!! first of all, best of luck on tests and second, know I will be waiting with pompoms!!! <333
thank you dear <3
also!! I am glad you are seeing what I am seeing — my Lucien will totally rock a sexy hat and a slutty sword.
i do hope you can wait, with how little i am drawing these days i am totally out of the art world. kind of lost the inspo for acotar/tog too, but hoping that some doodles will reignite my spark for these fandom
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