#drawing over those sweet anime screencaps
alyxinfact · 1 year
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"Let's play a game, Feenie-boy."
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kirinda-ondo · 6 years
Rant/tell me about Cobalt and why u love him so much??
Ok so this is probably going to get very long, and very, very cheesy, and I hope y’all are ready for this.
Cobalt is a very special character to me and is absolutely my favorite character of all time, from anything in the history of ever. It doesn’t matter what other fandom I’m hyperfixated on or what character I’m saying is my son at the moment, if you bring him up at any time, in any context I will be there.
So you’re probably wondering how I got here.
Once upon a time, it was 2009 and I was a young weeaboo, constantly absorbing everything anime or manga I could. I had just come out from the Astro Boy movie, and I immediately wanted to watch the source material. I’d already seen a bit of it on adult swim when they were running an Astro Boy marathon, but I had to go to bed at 11:30 then so I didn’t get to see much. So this time, I went to youtube and I found all the (dubbed) episodes of the 60s series. (Sadly you can’t find them all there anymore and it’s a crying shame).
I basically marathoned them, but over in the sidebar where the recommendations were, I kept seeing the thumbnail for part 2 or 3 (this was back when youtube only let you post 10 minute videos and you had to watch anime in 3 parts) of the episode “Brother Jetto.” You could plainly see him, and so it was clear this was supposed to be Astro’s brother. I thought it was neat that Astro even had a brother, as I’d only known about Uran before. I wanted to know more, but I promised myself I wouldn’t skip ahead. Though it was very tempting at times, I stuck to my guns and watched all 83 episodes up to that point.
However, it was not actually love at first sight. When I finally got to this episode 84, I wasn’t really impressed. “Wow, he’s kind of annoying, what’s the point?” I had thought like a fool, but I was still willing to accept him as part of the canon, as I figured I’d be seeing a lot more of him now that he had been introduced. After all, that’s what they did with Uran! But then…. that pretty much didn’t happen at all, which I thought was kind of weird. After all, why introduce a new sibling if he’s not going to show up again?
But then I got to the episode “A Deep, Deep Secret” about 6 episodes later, and I found myself a little relieved that he wasn’t completely canned. Upon watching that episode, I’d found that he’d started to grow on me a bit, but he still wasn’t my favorite. However, the trend of him being gone for several episodes only to show up once in a blue moon continued until I’d run out of episodes. I moved on to the 80s series next (and then the 2003 series) having learned that Cobalt had been replaced by Atlas as Astro’s brother. While I enjoyed those series (the 80s one a bit moreso than the 2003 one), I found myself kind of missing Astro’s dingus brother that had barely seemed to get a chance. After marathoning all the series (at the time), I started doing some googling and found out he had a slightly better run in the undubbed Japanese episodes (which was also how I discovered AB-O! Hi fandom!) and I’d learned a lot more about him. But the most important thing I’d learned was that I was in fact very emotionally invested in this character now and I was in deep.
Mind you at this time the undubbed Japanese episodes were nearly impossible to find without purchasing the complete DVD set and a player that could play them (on account of the fact that the set was region locked from western DVD players) so for years I sat wondering more about what those Japanese episodes were like, as the forums only had plot summaries with a handful of screencaps to go off of. Nowadays you can watch all the undubbed (and sadly unsubbed) episodes here but 13 year old me did not have the knowledge to do foreign language googling at the time.
But still, my Cobalt-loving heart wanted more, so I scoured the English speaking internet for whatever I could find, official or fanmade. Official content was virtually nonexistent, and the amount of fanmade content, I could count on one hand. The general fan consensus at the time seemed to be “Who the hell is Cobalt” or “Eh, whatever,” which was a far cry from how it is now. But being horribly deprived back then, I did the only thing I could: I combed through the dub for every episode he was in, coming up with a whopping total of…..four (well technically five but in that one he’s literally only in the last five seconds with no animation or lines), and I watched them religiously. I could pretty much quote Cobalt’s debut episode by heart. (For the record I can no longer do this to the extent I used to, but should the opportunity arise, I can still quote large chunks of it).
As I did this and learned more about him in my desperate googling, I started developing jokes for what would become my first silly comics, for which I am known in this fandom for. The art and writing for these was….. painful, to say the least, so I don’t even like to think about it, but as I’d already had a decently sized following from drawing silly (read: bad) Sonic comics, they caught on decently well, and I’d even managed to drag my friend and son down with me into Cobalt Hell™. Together, we made a group for Cobalt fans on deviantart (which is still up, but I no longer run it, as I deactivated the account that modded it without transferring ownership, so now it’s likely a wild west hellscape that I’m a little scared to look at).
This seemed to help do the trick though, as Cobalt fans were slowly coming out of the woodwork and appreciating this good boy. On and off I’d spread my yelling about Cobalt (and my silly drawings) to different platforms like the Astro Boy forums and tumblr, and even as I got into different things, after awhile, things kinda grew without me. Now I’m not gonna be out here claiming I built this city myself with my own two hands, as a lot of people got dragged into this hell of their own accord, but I do like to think my, umm….passion at least helped generate some interest, and I can’t help but be proud of how far this fandom has come from “Who the hell is Cobalt” to “Look at this good boy, I love him” and literally all the other Cobalt fans I’ve met have been the coolest people (in general, not just because of their good taste).
I think what really changed my life though was when AprilSeven, a mod on the Astro Boy forum and also probably the original Cobalt fan, as she’d seen the 60s version back when it was originally airing, finally got a hold of the undubbed Japanese episodes, and graciously allowed me and a few of the other big-name Cobalt fans get in on that action, and boy howdy, the screenshots and plot summaries really did not do these episodes justice (at least in terms of Cobalt content). My understanding of him as a character expanded like tenfold, and my appreciation of him expanded even more than that.
…Which brings me into a nice segue in which I shift more into just exactly why I like Cobalt so much. Yes, there’s more. I warned y'all, this was gonna be a Pandora’s Box that could not be closed once it was opened.
I honestly just find him a joy to watch. A lot of what made him grow on me was just how funny he is. I’m a sucker for comic relief characters in general, and he has a personality that lends itself to comedy. In the anime version, he’s literally introduced right out the gate as being kind of a dingus. He’s naive, he’s way too trusting of obviously suspicious people, he’s easily confused, he’s easily distracted, he’s a klutz, and he just… regularly destroys the laws of physics and/or the fourth wall just because. Sometimes he also gets weird ideas in his head to do things that could have been done a completely different, easier way and weirdly enough, it actually kind of winds up working? It’s so fun to watch him approach problems because he’s just… so far out there sometimes.
But beyond being absolutely weird and hilarious, he’s just a really sweet kid. He doesn’t like to fight, he wants to make friends with everyone and everything, he will drop literally anything he’s doing, no matter how important it is, to help someone in need, he’s good with babies and small children and puppies (sometimes), he would fight (and sacrifice himself) for his family, and just means well even if he tends to bungle things up and make them worse sometimes. Honestly, and this is gonna sound dumb, but he helped me be a better person. I used to be an absolute asshole when I was younger, but once I’d gotten into Cobalt Hell™, I was like “I wanna be that sweet and good (but with a better sense of stranger danger)” and I made that effort and did that shit.
That being said though, he’s not perfect, and I wouldn’t want him to be. His flaws, though they kind of give him the short end of the stick in life, are a lot of why I find him so endearing. All the naivety and confusion and general lack of coordination I mentioned before aside, he’s honestly just really relatable. He’ll say jokes so bad that Uran wants to punch him, he’ll opt out of the plot because he doesn’t want to get out of bed, he’ll fight with his siblings over silly petty things, he’ll get frustrated if he tries something and it doesn’t go his way, he’ll absolutely partake in his siblings’ mischief (if not start it sometimes), and just so much more. He just feels like a kid you would know (or maybe a kid that you were at one point) and I really appreciate that about him.
Unfortunately, the canon was not kind to Cobalt, and I think a lot of that comes from Osamu Tezuka just… not knowing what to do with him after making him? Like in the manga, he was just kind of created as a really rushed contingency plan because they thought Astro was missing. Sure, he was taken in as part of the family afterward, but not many appearances later, he was killed off in a firey explosion… Until Tezuka decided to change his mind and let him live in the end. His grave’s still there though. He gets to see it. I know it’s a framing device to explain the circumstances of Cobalt’s retconned death but it’s kind of fucked up to let a boy see his own grave..
Even being brought back, Cobalt didn’t get to do very much. He’d get some good scenes with Uran, but a lot of the time, he was sort of just relegated to filling up space in the background, provided he actually survived til the end of the chapter. When he wasn’t getting forgotten by the plot and thusly zapped out of existence, he would wind up sacrificing himself in some way that wouldn’t allow him to continue to take part in the plot anymore (be it parts, energy, etc.) The most painfully egregious example of this is in the chapter “Youth Gas.” Astro and Cobalt are convinced to fight each other to the “death.” They’re not really dead, but Ochanomizu says they are and can’t be repaired. At first, there’s mourning for “two of the world’s greatest robots,” but then we see a funeral service in which only Astro’s body is shown and his parents are only mourning him, completely forgetting Cobalt exists. He’s never seen again for the rest of the chapter. Now I would assume this is just a writing mistake, but it really does make it look like Cobalt’s own parents wouldn’t even bat an eye if he died, so there’s that.
The anime isn’t quite as horrible, and it is kind enough to give Cobalt a more prominent role once he finally shows up (even getting a handful of focus episodes!), but he doesn’t go unscathed either. In this version, he has the misfortune of being created by Dr. Umataro “Father of the Year” Tenma before Astro was made and was scrapped because, to quote dub!Ochan, “his electronic brain wasn’t as perfect as Dr. [Tenma] wanted.” (read: he thought Cobalt was a dumbass). Cobalt is eventually found and brought into the family, but because he still winds up not being relevant to the plot a lot of the time, he is once again zapped out of the existence and looks like a victim of child neglect. As a result, he gets left out of family vacations and holidays, even in favor of Chi-tan, who is usually even higher on the scale of irrelevant Astro Boy characters. Unlike Astro, Cobalt doesn’t have any consistent friends to even remotely justify what he could possibly be doing offscreen by himself, so it just kind of implies a very sad and lonely existence in-universe.
And of course, the final, meta blow that literally every fan of Cobalt is still despairing about to this day: basically being yeeted out of the canon. After the 60s series, he disappeared off the face of the earth until 2015 when some lovely soul decided to bring him back for Peeping Life TV: Season 1?? (The question marks are part of the title). He’d be referenced again a couple years later in Atom: The Beginning, and will be here for the game Eshigami no Kizuna sometime in 2019 as a… moe anime girl. That’s a little weird, but I’m hoping these sorts of weird appearances will mean a trend toward putting him back in the canon (and hopefully being treated better).
It just hurts my heart to see such a good character get treated like this by canon. He deserves way better and it just seems really clear to me that Tezuka didn’t really know what to do with him. I feel like he has a lot of potential as a character, though. Regardless of what origin you pick for him, Cobalt is essentially existing as a worse version of Astro. I feel like you could have some good character development regarding how he would feel about himself in relation to Astro in sort of a parallel to how Astro might feel about himself in relation to Tobio, the person he was based off of. You could go some neat places with these sort of questions about identity and expectations, I think. Or if you want to just do something funny because your character arcs are getting too real now, you can just let Cobalt do some silly shit. He’s a versatile character!
I’ve done all this rambling and now I’m not really sure how to wrap all this up, so umm
Cobalt is a good boy and deserves better, please hire me Tezuka Productions, and thank you for coming to my TED Talk
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Rewatching Gorizilla
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Me using MS Paint to draw stuff
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Adrien sneaks out while “playing the piano” so often I’m surprised they don’t just watch him directly
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This is the only perfume that matters and if you have ever worn any other perfume in your life you will be blocked and reported immediately
(Also the fact that there are feathers everywhere?? Poor boy must have been sneezing like crazy when filming this)
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Her arm is so long
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Wayhem’s outfit is so knockoff if you look at it carefully lol
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First of all either Wayhem spells his own name like that for ~the aesthetic~ or the writers just don’t care, second of all I’m glad he’s fluent in Latin apparently
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Oh and the Gorilla’s fuel tank is half empty in case you wanted to know
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He’s trying to hide himself with his collar akjdfhskjdfhksd poor thing
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Huh I never noticed the Ron Weasley kid has red eyes
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This little kid is just a recolour of Manon, right down to the clothes, and quite honestly is a little terrifying
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The police and fire engine are chasing him too
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This guy has a Chat Noir shirt, I need one of those omg
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This makes a pretty good reaction image
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Good thing there was no water in the fountain, huh?
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This guy’s fluent in Latin too
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I love how Gabriel doesn’t even care that Adrien has a “girlfriend”
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This screencap is exactly what the world looked like back when Pokemon Go was still popular and everyone was happy... I miss it
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GIRL SQUAD!!! well except Alix
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Oh so that’s that random background character’s name. Jean Tretiens
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He winks at Marinette so often in this show I swear
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“Mystery mousekatool! It’s a secret tool that will help us later!”
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This Gamer flashback from another angle is adorable but I can’t get over the robots casually beating each other up in the background
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You can’t call yourself a TRUE fan of Adrien unless you speak Latin
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August and one of his mums are chasing Adrien too adkfjhskdhfksjdhfkj
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I feel so bad for this poor man, look at the Fear in his eyes
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Found Jean Duparc, he’s an Adri-stalker too
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I am highly disappointed that he didn’t even do a transformation dance, he just stood there smh
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In the phone call (in both French and English dub) Gabe calls Adrien a “14 year old” BUT it’s stated multiple times in the show that these kids are in troisième which means that in Bubbler (Adrien’s bday episode) he really should have been turning 15, like Alix in Timebreaker?? I know this show has no chronology and time doesn’t mean anything anyway but I’m just gonna believe that Gabe doesn’t even know how old his son is
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This is so sad alexa play despacito
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I love their disguises and I love their conversation here and I love how adorable they are and ahhhbfskdbfsk I just love them???
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Audrey is that you?
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In Mr Bean’s Holiday there was this guy called Carson Clay who made a really pretentious movie about himself and for some reason this reminds me of it and I don’t even know why
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Oh, so he immediately recognizes a giant blue King Kong monster as his bodyguard, but doesn’t recognize Ladybug as Marinette even though they look literally the same??
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Me too when Adrien is in danger
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Wayhem’s already wearing Adrien’s real shirt before they swap shirts in the disguise part later... don’t you just love those animation errors
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This is so funny for some reason, like does Hawk Moth ever think his plans through, ever, even once
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THIS IS SO HARDCORE, Ladybug never ceases to amaze me??? (also this is literally the ML mobile game)
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someone: “If Ladybug told you to jump off a building would y--”
Adrien, immediately: ^
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Dude you can’t just AKUMATIZE PEOPLE CLOSE TO YOUR SON and then be surprised when he ends up in mortal danger
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Wayhem running around to catch Adrien is sweet, but look at that guy in the middle with his arms crossed, he just doesn’t even care
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“Uh excuse me I’M Adrien’s official protector actually”
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“YOOOOUUU SHALL NOT PAAASSSS!!!” - Gandalf Wayhem, 2018
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“RADIANT. CAREFREE. DREAMY. ADRIEN. THE FRAGRANCE!!” he says, while spraying a perfume bottle that actually says “Gabriel” on it (well okay to be fair it probably says Adrien near the top of the bottle... but it doesn’t say Gabriel on the bottles in the ad?? in other words I pay too much attention to things that don’t matter)
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I love it when she carries him like that, it’s so sweeeeeet
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Awwww look how he blushes when she says she trusts Chat Noir! Honestly that makes the rift in the Syren episode even funnier tho
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He was sweating omg
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Fakedrien!!! They proper swapped clothes and everything
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He’s just sitting there, contemplating life... I love this guy, I really do
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Wayhem beheaded his Adrien cutout and is carrying its severed decapitated head under his arm just casually
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Can I just talk about Gayhem Wayhem’s character development for a second? He started off a creepy insensitive stalker but then he not only protected Adrien and helped save the day, he also realized Adrien was uncomfortable and apologized for his earlier behaviour?? I LOVE HIM
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They’re still right there waiting for her omg, the levels of solidarity the Girl Squad show is just overwhelming
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Well Gabe has a ring too, how do you know that YOU YOURSELF aren’t Chat Noir huh???
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Also he’s sitting on the remote
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OOOHOOOHOHOOO I can’t wait to find out what all THIS is
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sunnysynthsunshine · 6 years
7th Comedy Monologue
“Hey my Cheese bags I’m back from my adventure in 1985”
“No joke if you look it up
the timeframe of days for each month this year
are the exact same as they were in 1985”
So all this “80s revival stuff” with Duran Duran and Depeche Mode touring, Petshop Boys releasing a new album, a new generation falling in love with Queen and She-Ra while the world is being messed up by a tyrannical iron lady and a talking tangerine makes a bit of sense doesn’t it?”
Even though I was born in the 2000s I’ve always loved most of the media from that decade, the gothic and upbeat synthesizer music,the cheaply made but entertaining cartoons,the video games,the basic but stylish fashion,the musicals and John Hughes films,the mix of music genres in the charts,Goth,Synth,Punk,2 Tone,Post-Punk,New Wave,Glam Metal,Alternative,Shoegaze,Hip Hop,Electronica
I was watching Saved by the Bell  before Netflix even existed
Then again a lot of the shows from then were also being revived back in my day
Dal Winton was presenting game shows, Pingu replaced the scary walrus monsters with rap music, I watched or had VHS tapes of the Muppet show, Noddy, Postman Pat and Scooby Doo.
Scooby-Doo! Now that’s a show that never gets old because it never changes, anyone regardless of what generation they’re from would be able to tell you
“Oh Yeah, I remember Scooby Doo”
When you think about it Scooby Doo is quite philosophical
we are all just a gang going on our own adventures
that and the first few live-action movies are modern masterpieces
I was just browsing Twitter or Tumblr or literally anywhere on the internet only to see that screencaps were taken from the live action Scooby Doo interviews had turned into memes
Well,I was auditioning for the role of Velma, I could sense from the way Matthew Lillard just fully encompassed the role of Shaggy, it felt like he was Shaggy, he was our saviour as he felt his spiritual energy increase, that’s when I knew we were working with a legend
Something like that although Matthew isn’t too fond of the memes himself specifically the ones where his spiritual connections are described more like demon possession rituals
“Being Shaggy has led me down a path of death and destruction. I’ve killed many mortals in hope of replicating 1% of Shaggy’s being, by the end of filming I hope to become one with him”
In which Matthew responded with
*deadpan voice*
This is wrong
I mean I might also have inspirations where I feel like I can philosophically connect with them, in their performing style and personality but that’s where I draw the line
Personality?  That’s a tricky subject
You could say some people have consistent personalities
People said Freddie Mercury and David Bowie were party animals who were incredible on stage with their charisma, creativity and charm but other sources have said they were relaxed, laid back people who were shy when being interviewed.
That could just be the contrast between their onstage and offstage personas but not all of us have that, even if we are all  just actors in a play, hoping each day goes the right way
Some of us are punk, even if we don’t explicitly say that we are, or have the stereotypical style associated with it,a lot of us just try to be ourselves,some of us can enjoy reality shows and horror movies at the same time,some of us can enjoy One Direction and Gorillaz,some of us can love fashion but also love memes, Theatre, and 1980s aesthetics
I’d say I’m the same but sometimes my personality is all over the place
I can go from being cheerful, relaxed and happy to being dazed and clumsy or cynical or entranced and hyper-fixated to Pessimistic and Cold to Quiet and Timid to Mellow and Loud   what personality traits you associate with me, however, is up to your own conclusion
call me any internet subculture stereotype and I’d be able to tell you about how I either, unfortunately, was the stereotype or I hung around people who were those stereotypes
if you said I was someone who watched Cbbc and citv you’d be right
if you said I was a classic rock enthusiast years ago and now you’d be right
if you said I used to be a cringy anime enthusiast  you’d be right
if you said I was one of those theatre kids who watched Disney sitcoms you’d be right
if you said I was one of those meme posters who referenced movies like Shrek and bee movie you’d be right
Another thing punks did was and sometimes still do was creating fanzines, magazines related to their favourite band or tv show or their own opinions on what’s going in the world, nowadays you could say social media has replaced that, but publications like the Daily Mirror, The Sun and TMZ still have a presence on there,I’d say fanzines should have a revival.
The BAFTA’s also happened recently and I wasn’t impressed, then again when are awards shows anything other than beauty pageants for films anyway?
Some films deserved their awards, but some films barely got a mention, Paddington 2 wasn’t included in there or in any of the other film awards this year and Stan and Ollie got nothing…
A darn shame because that film was so well made, it felt authentic, while Stan and Ollie also have a bit of a universal following, there are still some people who probably don’t know who they are!
Before Walliams and Lucas, Before the Two Ronnies, Before Richie and Eddie
There was…Laurel and Hardy
Two moustached blokes, who in the 20s and 50s would just try to delight audiences the best way they could, through slapstick and laughter, without them, most of the world’s double acts wouldn’t exist and even Spongebob wouldn’t exist
Yep, you heard me right, all those misadventures Spongebob and Patrick would have, they were loosely based on the adventures of Laurel and Hardy, except instead of it being about a tall British man and a fat American it was about an anthropomorphic sponge and a dumb but caring starfish.
Speaking of Spongebob, there was some sad news involving Spongebob not too long ago
The creator of Spongebob, Stephen Hillenburg…had passed away from ALS
I know, it’s awful,stupid motor neuron diseases and stupid Adam Levine too,for those who don’t know there was an episode of Spongebob called Band Geeks where they ended the episode with the cast playing a song called Sweet Victory over a Superbowl type of event, for the actual super bowl Spongebob fans around the world petitioned for that song to be played in tribute for Stephen,however we got Adam Levine singing a different song instead….what a letdown
If it wasn’t for SpongeBob I and some of the rest of the new generation, wouldn’t know half the old music or old films we know now.
To let down millions of fans like that makes me sick
Honestly, I was a bit sick a few weeks ago, I’ve been sick before and hospitalized twice but this particular moment of sickness was odd
It was like any other night, I was trying to get some sleep and lucid dream, but then it happened, the shivers, the shakes the trembling aches,
Out of nowhere, I felt like an ice-cube stuck in a microwave, It was too cold but it was too warm, I eventually got to sleep but when I got up the next morning I felt sick again, sorry for disclosing those details but it was like the exorcist…
Usually, when I’m sick watching documentaries, Kitchen Nightmares or 90s films weirdly cheers me up
Speaking of films, Rocketman the Elton John movie is out and it actually looks good
It’s being directed by the guy who was the replacement director for Bo Rhap and if it ends up being brilliant I won’t be surprised, the trailer gave off Velvet Goldmine vibes, the style of composed cinematography and I’m sounding like Film Twitter, Isle of Dogs was a good film…oh wait it wasn’t acknowledged much by the award shows either.
Another amazing film I recently watched was Rocky Horror…I know I’ve mentioned it before but that was when I only knew the sequel and some of the soundtrack,
It was amazing, it was brilliant, it was fantastic, it was out of this world,
ah! Rocky Horror was splendid
I definitely now understand why it’s still going strong to this day
It’s that hybrid of rock and roll, optimistic nihilism and soft aesthetics
That just works for me, another thing I’ve remembered was that Richard O’ Brien played the dad in Phineas and Ferb, well that explains that part of me liked that cartoon for the music and some of the characters but other characters did my head in like that Isabel character
“Hey, Phineas what ya dooing?”
“How about you let me finish my invention and you mind your own business”
Oof that’s too harsh…but considering aspects of the marvel Phineas and Ferb crossover were surprisingly a bit sexist at times outdated for the show that is usually quite progressive in its representation and characters…it’s probably accurate
Another person who hasn’t changed but is also often harsh, Piers Morgan, a little tweety bird told me he had a mysterious illness, good riddance I’d say, he’s the new Noel Edmonds, the presenter who used to be ok but now is unbearable…because he never shuts up
Thankfully though he’s “taking a break” from GMB that will rest our eardrums
Russell Brand has also been in the tabloids again, even though he’s more focused on his Buddhist spiritual recovery enlightening, looking back he wasn’t as bad as people described him, yeah at times he was a bit too over the top,but he was and is quite an ok bloke, but I’d say temporarily banning tickling is a bit of a stretch,
when you think about the number of people who disrespect our literal and figurative personal space on a daily basis, it kinda makes a bit of sense,
whether your sensory sensitive or not, I’m sure you hate it, when people are too touchy at times
although years ago I would’ve been a bit of an ignorant hypocrite about that
Hating it when crowds of kids would chase me like how the paparazzi chase their next gossip target, yet often annoyingly running up to people to talk to or entertain them.
I really need to learn to enjoy loneliness more because I get some of my best ideas when alone, but emotionally I feel a lot better when around others, a bit of an Ambivert really,
I’m sorry I can be a bit all over the place, I’m trying to make my energy more manageable
as that lucid dreaming thing has been misused at times,
I shouldn’t let myself be controlled…
by anyone or anything..no overthinking, no overworking,
treat the world as your stage, start your first act, motivated and ready, take your recharging interval breaks and then move on for your second act
fancy that me an ex-drama student making that metaphor when my current course  involves digitally drawing art, editing audio and sitting at a computer for most of the day
But then again just because someone shows good charisma that doesn’t always mean their a good person.
Ted Bundy, one of America's most notorious serial killers used charisma and charm in his court cases, and with the amount of fangirls giving him fanmail it was like the Beatles fandom but for people with Stockholm syndrome,and now with Netflix’s documentary and Troy from High School Musical in an upcoming film about him, that seems to be repeating itself…
*Alien voice* Ted Bundy the 1960s called they want your fangirls back!
One show I know you probably haven’t heard of is The Boondocks, a south park esque cartoon with an anime esque art style, referencing the social commentary of African American culture and media, celebrating some aspects while critiquing others, through the lenses of a socialist boy named Huey Freeman, his rapper wannabe brother Riley and their activist grandad Robert.
This show was quite revolutionary,it referenced the issue of each episode quite well, even though it only lasted 4 seasons, however, because the show is quite American, apart from the animation which is done in Korea,The Boondocks is not well known in the UK, which is a shame because it is a really good show that still holds up…however, it does fall under one mousetrap that most other adult cartoons fall into….
Because of the references to violence,innuendo and other dark subject matter sometimes referenced in a satirically humorous way,some audiences  would just watch the show because it’s offensive thinking that the show was made just to be offensive..instead of what the show was actually made for..which was to give social commentary on the issues relevant to African American communities in America.
I had watched this show years ago, it only just came back on my radar, because the creator Aaron McGruder, who based the show off his webcomic of the same name, had recently made a new issue.
There’s a difference between being satirical and being offensive
Your either making fun of something bad that a system or people are doing to make people aware of how stupid and sad the world can be at times,subjectively making fun of a stereotype, or your an arse who thinks they’re a comedian when they waste their time on social media, thinking they’re amazing and funny when they’re holding up the line at Mcdonald’s and the only people laughing at their jokes are gammon and people who found Bernard Manning funny
“Oh Wait”
I know sometimes I have unpopular opinions such as how my views of someone dip depending on their views of Kanye West
and sometimes I can be a bit snarky, and I hate and love stuff in equal amounts, but we need a bit of that don’t we, if we bottle it all up we explode like volcanos, but if we overshare too much, we crash like out of control cars
It’s all about moderation, salt is a tasty condiment but eat too much of it and your arteries will get clogged,
A few days back it was the day Mark Ashton passed away, for those who don’t know,he was an LGBT activist in the 80s,he volunteered with organizations such as the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament,he and the other activists helped to support the miners during the miner strike, creating the LGSM Alliance,Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners,there was a film made about them too, called Pride,but what some people don’t know is that….Mark Ashton was Northern Irish…he was one of us..he was the Marsha P Johnson of our time..if we were a bit like Mark Ashton this country would be a slightly more accepting place, why don’t we give love!
Let’s move on, plant more flowers in our garden..I know I sound like a hippie but it’s true, our Celtic Summerland is being used as a cesspool for Nuclear Waste
Oi! use your own bins, not the place we’re living in, pick up your rubbish and clean up your own mess…
The 80s were telling us something with all those protect and survive adverts, yes some of us were prepared as the older generation made us alert, others couldn’t recognize that a lot of innocent people were getting hurt.
When we say we want a 1980s comeback we want the music, clothes, games and  films,
but Nope
while we have some of that the 1980s revival we get is the one that involves Nuclear Danger and the ghost of Margaret Thatcher
All these TV and Film revivals, some are cool others are just unnecessary  Do we really need a Snow White sequel? No, we don’t but we did get one even if it was unofficial
Back in 2007 a French animation company made a sequel to Snow White which was also a bit like Shrek in how it satirised the fairy tale tropes, how Prince Charming feels like he is objectified while he ends up doing the same thing to the female characters, quite a tosser but that’s the point of the parody to point out the flaws with fairy tale logic, and to put the likes of Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella in more realistic scenarios.
…it’s strange, weird but brilliant too
The English dub had quite a few familiar faces doing the character voices
Stephen Fry as the narrator, Morwenna Banks, Simon Greenall and another British actor
Rik someone...
Ah! I remember his name now, he was in many successful sitcoms in the 80s and 90s,he was a legend, he knew how to keep people laughing, whether they were children, adults, teenagers,
in television, theatre, film or music
quite an eclectic range of talent
I’m a new fan, I might adore his work, but I had just learnt his name 2 years ago, whereas, with other fans, they have created their own work, such as Charlie Brooker and Simon Pegg… some were able to meet him…lucky...
Some encounters were quite interesting, I had heard someone’s nan got to meet him in the 90s but she got his name wrong so she ended up saying
“‘oh hello can I have your autograph please Mr mayo?’
Well that happened, she probably still got that autograph,...
And somewhere up there, Rik Mayall is thinking of us, he, Stephen Hillenburg and David Bowie are probably chatting away
Let’s make the lord of misrule proud
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Different anon, but could you explain the Dabi is a todoroki theory please?
oh my sweet summer child. sure!!! of course i would be over the moon to explain this theory to you, as i’ve never gotten to explain it to anyone myself~~ 
(more under the cut)
dabi being a todoroki is a theory that originates after dabi’s quirk and appearance were revealed. it’s seems to have a lot of support from various manga scenes, and the fan base seems to widely accept it
first, appearance. compare dabi’s looks to enji & rei’s appearances. dabi’s hair is similar to enji’s (especially young!enji), and with the most recent chapter, also natsuo’s. the hair is a bit longer, and a little spiky. 
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dabi’s eyes look like a blend between enji’s sharp ones and rei’s more almond, half hooded ones. dabi’s are fierce, but a little sleepy. further, the eye color is in the same color family as the traditional todoroki eye color. it’s that bluish-green, somewhere between enji and shouto’s. 
a post about the todoroki family + dabi’s eye colors 
dabi was in a dim lit room (and so was enji) in these screencaps but you can see the shape and color compared to the other todorokis
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dabi also has a slimmer build, like rei
second, quirk. dabi is the only fire user in the manga that isn’t a todoroki. straight, pure fire. not like bakugou’s explosion. he seems to have a solid control on the temperature of his flames, just as enji does. it’s almost as if dabi had received some sort of training or guidance on how to control his flames so powerfully… that could’ve only come from someone who was already an expert with his flames.. enji. 
the hypothetical that dabi could be related to enji is furthered in the anime, where we see dabi using blue flames. the only other character whose flames can get that hot? again, it’s enji.
we know the children enji and rei had before shouto were all considered failures. dabi would fall into this category since he only has one quirk. no ice powers at all
this is a mix of point one and two, but notice the placement of dabi’s scars. they’re in all the same places enji can draw fire from. it would make sense for dabi to have these scars if he’d started using his quirk with no real formal training or guidance. hence, scarring his skin until he got good enough to control his quirk
third, age. dabi has to be at least 22 or older to fit the slot of oldest todoroki child. in a police report, dabi’s age was described as in his 20s (closer to 20). anywhere 20-25 is young 20s.
the age gaps between the todorokis seem to be 3-4 years, and we remember that quirk manifestation happens in those young toddler years. 
shouto is 15, natsuo is 19, fuyumi is 22 years, this would place dabi in the 25-26yr range. 
fourth; dabi refuses to reveal his whole name. since he’s joined the league of villains, i’m thinking that revealing his name and his connections to one of the top heroes wasn’t something he was gonna jump at… plus, if he left the todorokis because he doesn’t want ties to enji, he’s not going to continue using the names that associate him with his ex-dad
five; dabi is a major stain supporter. he’s all about that philosophy of real heroes and what heroes should be… and enji is exactly the kind of hero stain hated…… 
how sad, todoroki shouto
there are a million tangents to go off on, just with this cap alone. why does dabi say shouto’s full name? yes, i understand that shouto had gotten a lot of exposure up prior to this (sports festival arc, internship arc), but dabi seems to make a point out of saying shouto todoroki. it’s like he’s taunting him, as if he knows something shouto doesn’t
and shouto looks absolutely shocked her. because yeah, bakugou slipped out of his grasp. but shouto’s eyes aren’t even trained on bakugou in that panel, he’s looking straight at dabi. so, shouto, what did you see?????? 
dabi’s shadow is cast over shouto’s left side.
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one by @lingtosite​
two by @tododorkies​ - in addition to anything else they write tbh 
^^^^ here are a few good compilation posts about the dabi todoroki theory!!!! i hope this helped a bit~ let me know what you think?!! 
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adventuesofanescort · 6 years
Adventures of an Escort: Vol. II
Opening Scene: 
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[animated] *inspired by Sleeping Beauty* Song: Rendition of Disney SB - The Gifts of Beauty & Song / Maleficent Appears / True Love Conquers All 
Madeline dances across the screen, each time reappearing with someone different (alternating between Gabriel & Travis)
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Screencap of the date, time, & cosmic location in the universe
Loma Linda, California, United States of America, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy, 3rd Plane of Existence
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Set up the scene with stills from botanical miniature/doll versions *inspired by Hereditary & Dinner with Schmucks taxidermy mouse scenes* 
Main Character: Madeline Ophelia Rusalochka, Age 16-17
Incarnates: Magdalena, Mary Magdalene, Maddie from Hush, Aurora, Venus, Aphrodite, Vesta, Pandora, Athena, Artemis, Lilith, Kali Ma, Eliza from Daughter of Smoke & Bone Series, Rose Quartz from Steven Universe, Snow White, Princess Tiabeanie from Disenchanted, Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle
Appearance: Lightskint, warm brown loosely curly hair, skinny, innocent school girl appearance 
Seemingly sweet and docile young ballerina and violinist, private catholic student. Trilingual (Hindi, English, and Arabic), works at the library, frequently master-bates in public or with inappropriate items. 
Lives in small renovated shed with her strict, religious parents living in the main house, possibly with a young sister whom she adores. 
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Spends her time writing, drawing faeries and mythological characters, and gardening. She keeps an epi-pen by her when doing it because she is deathly allergic to bees. She grows aloe vera to rub on her self harm scars. She does a lot of laundry, hanging clothes on clotheslines.
She has an extremely aggressive side to her, and is diagnosed with mild terrets, OCD (strict daily routine down to the minute, intrusive thoughts, counting steps, & self harm) & paranoid schizophrenia (voices constantly whispering that They are watching, safety advice and exit strategies, inappropriately sexual and blasphemous thoughts, nonsensical secrets of the universe, telling her that she is a prophet and a descendant of gods, etc). 
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Madeline hallucinates messages from Heaven coming from the lips of those around her, in random moments, so she has a hard time following conversations or knowing what is and is not reality - often seems standoffish because she’ll choose to just not respond to people if she doesn’t trust herself to know exactly what they said. 
She has a constantly feeling of being watched and actually is by fae, creepers, & paranormal phenonemon. She thinks she has 10 different stalkers in any given moment, and does experience strange attacks from random men/zombie hallucinations. Scary paranormal things are always happening to her, with dark figures in the corners of her room when she steps in, and faces popping out at her when she turns the lights on, plus people in the rearview mirror of her car smiling, etc. She makes wards to hang around her house and garden, and frequently smudges, prays, and casts spells for protection. 
She has two best friends - they spend time smoking weed at the lake and exploring the orange, pomegranate, and avocado groves. 
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She drives distractedly throughout the entire film, and the audience feels extreme tension in the anticipation for her to crash, but she never does.
She’s in a lame boring relationship with her goody-two-shoes neighbor Gabriel whom she has known forever. He’s always trying to initiate awkward car sex but she doesn’t want to take his virginity, so she always stops him.  
Gabriel, Age: 16
Incarnates: Angel Gabriel, Dionysus, Jesus, Krishna
She cheats on him for money during “after school tutoring sessions” with her Latin teacher who's into BDSM. He kills himself on her 17th birthday. 
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*Smiley Library where Madeline works* 
Notes: there is scary engraved faces and lions heads in the pillars and a beautiful garden courtyard* Best location ever. 
When her teacher dies, she takes up private violin lessons during that time lost instead. She begins weekly violin lessons from Travis, and instantly develops a crush on him - to which he pays little to no mind. 
Travis, Age: 23 
Alias: Lucifer, The Morning Star, The Angel Michael, Ares, Mercury
Personality: Aggressive, mysterious, abusive, extremely acceptive, protective & loving. 
One day, Madeline sleeps outside in the tent. She falls asleep stargazing, and wakes up in sleep paralysis with lots of yellow eyes staring in from above the tent. There is a creak in the gate and all of their heads turn abruptly towards the noise, and they scatter. She is still unable to move when someone or something sneaks in to the tent and rapes her. She passes out, and is unsure in the morning if it really happened. Walking back to her home from the backyard, she is startled by her neighbor Gabriel who grabs her by the wrist. They ride to school together. 
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In her music lesson later on, Travis notices a bruise on her wrist. He asks about it, and she says her neighbor did grab her there earlier, but she doesn’t know and begins to cry. He sits beside her and consoles her. She’s wearing a tea length dress, and he begins starts touching her thighs, slowly hiking it up and rubbing on her. As her sobs subside, he notices more bruises between her legs, and pauses. He tells her ���That’s enough [crying]. We only have 5 minutes left of class. Play.” She sniffles, straightens her, regains composure back. He fingers her while she cries silent tears. 
They begin an extremely physical relationship, violent and sexual. He trains her to reach full blown orgasms while playing the violin impeccably. At times he’ll slap and taunt her when he’s angry or if he’s annoyed at her, and she’ll fly at him punching and slapping until he restrains her. He sometimes makes weird and ominous comments like “You’ve always been mine” or “You’ve always been such a fighter” as if he's known her for a long time. 
She likes him because he keeps her grounded, and she never has to pretend anything around him. He also seems to see and hear both her schizophrenic thoughts and the paranormal phenomena around her. He even suspiciously seems to be influencing, if not causing them, as it is all significantly less active when he’s around. But above all, he is her protector and one of the only people she views as an equal, as she has a habit of expressing subtle narcissism and vanity (despite glaringly uncouth thoughts of superiority). 
He seems to love her more than anyone else, akin to an extremely protective brother’s love. He operates as if him loving her is a fact of the universe and possibly an obligation, rather than a feeling or conscious choice, which she finds comfort and security (permanence) in. 
Her parents can never know she and Travis are together. The audience feels the constant anxiety/dread of not knowing when they are going to get caught. 
Her parents eventually do find out and are disillusioned and disgusted by her nature. They put her in sex addiction counseling and intensive therapy. 
During her first solo therapy session, her psychologist claims to be a psychic and inserts other misplaced spiritual things into the conversation. At the end of the session, the therapist gives her a tarot reading on her past, present, and future. She says Madeline is of the highest of royalty. She is in grave and targeted danger. And in her future lies death & self destruction, from which creation will surely be borne. 
She tells her things about all directions of time existing stacked on top of each other, and some of her words echo the thoughts the voices tell her. She lives creeped out. 
One night, Madeline experiences extreme stomach pains and cramps. After hours of pacing, pain, and debating if she should go and get help - the pain finally breaks. She’s sitting on the toilet, trying to push out poop it seems, when her eyes suddenly widen and she abruptly scoots herself from the seat. 
Madeline gives birth on the floor, and there is a graphic splat/thump of the bloody tiny stillborn baby that comes out of her. The baby moves a little, but she doesn’t care/pretends not to notice.
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She buries the child in a decorated shoebox in the garden backyard. In the morning, she finds the plot dug up in an unnaturally neat circle with a ring around it, and a perfect mound of dirt next to it. The shovel is shown in the middle of the garden, thrown unceremoniously. She plants Lilly of the Valley (Mary’s Tears) there.
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Note: Lily of the valley is a symbol of humility in religious painting. It is considered the sign of Christ's second coming. The power of people to envision a better world was also attributed to the lily of the valley.
It is night. Madeline is holding a small white bear, looking off into the distance expressionless, eyes glossy with unshed tears. Travis appears at her door. He immediately knows that she isn’t pregnant anymore, and demands answers. She doesn’t reply, ignoring him and steeling herself. He pushes her off the bed, asking what did she do over and over. He gets on top of her, screaming at her with his lips inches from her ear, spit flying. She kicks and struggles, trying to move her face back and forth and using her hands to protect and make space between them. He finally gets off of her, and she scrambles up, wiping hair and sweat and spit from her face. She’s out of breath, disheveled, and her bottom lip is torn and bloody. He looks at her and steps forward. She steps back and he punches a hole in the door, making her jump. She grabs her shovel, brandishing it, and tells him to get the fuck out.
Madeline takes up boxing, 
Transition: 3 months later caption, 11am. Pretty embellished wreath or wood panel covers the hole Travis made. Madeline opens the door and the text falls away. 
She goes into her backyard, wrapping up her fists, and using a punching bag and stand in her backyard. She puts on music and goes ham, quieting out the rest of the world. Creatures lurk at the edges of the garden, approaching slowly, getting closer as the song crescendos. There is a looming figure about to reach out and touch her, with two smaller dark figures crouching in its wake. Madeline spins around, punching the hair, but catching nothing. She yanks out her headphones. She is alone, all is still. She looks around, angry and uneasy. The beautiful noises of nature pick up around her. The wind begins to roar, making the chimes sing chaotically. She looks to find a nebulous sky with two moons. She blinks and the chaos ends abruptly. The sky is normal, and all is calm once again. But it is now night. The caption says 6pm. 
Scene ends abruptly.
She is trying to unlock her door, and pauses - listening to her sister laugh from inside the house. Her eyes soften at the noises, and then widen again just as a gloved hand claps around her mouth and nose, covering it with white cloth. She falls limp and someone picks her up her slack, throwing her into the passenger seat of a security vehicle. She catches a glimpse of the man right before she passes out. It’s her weed dealer, who’s business is actually a front for a human trafficking ring. 
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Setting: 12123 South Figueroa.
She comes to, alone in a room, wearing a lacey nightgown. There are vicious ghosts in the room that scare her, and she goes running out of the room to the outside. She takes in her surroundings for a moment until she sees and hears terrifying zombie sounds approaching her. She’s chased up the stairs and runs into an apartment unit, walking in on Travis violently fucking a prostitute. The weed man bursts in, apologizes respectfully to him by name, and yanks her out of the room. He tells her they don’t have much time and he tries to make her look presentable. Women and girls are all standing uniformly down the apartment stairs, like mannequin displays. Weed man positions Madeline on a step, and slaps her, telling her to stay still and look pretty or else. He yanks her hair from her ponytail. 
A black cars rolls up the driveway and an old fat man climbs out of the backseat. Wheelman schmoozes, talking up the girls, and taking him through the list of girls - they are all named after a particular goddess. Weedman introduces Madeline as Aphrodite.  Inspecting his options, the man scans the girl’s bodies and settles on Madeline. 
Weedman grabs her and pushes her inside a unit with him, telling her to play nice. 
The old man immediately starts kissing on her. He sits her on the bed and begins to have his way with her. She has seemed catatonic since seeing Travis. As things escalate, and he begins to be rough with her. She wakes up a little and starts to protest, but sensual choking turns to strangling as the song rages on. 
Madeline struggles with all her power. The strangling lasts for two minutes in an extremely uncomfortable and gruesome fight for her life. 
She dies as the song comes to an end. 
The Funeral 
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Song: Dream Sweet in Sea Major by Miracle Musical 
Madeline’s body is in glass coffin placed in the middle of a greenhouse cathedral. The audience has only a view of her and the backs of funeral goer’s heads, who are sitting in single chairs arranged in ominously straight lines. The presence of flailing charred bodies struggling beneath the chairs flickers in and out.
Credits (Funeral Contin’d):
[animated] same song plays as credits roll
Madeline’s glass coffin is in the middle of a meadow. Nymphs, fae, animals, dwarves, the trees, and other mythological figures slowly start appearing at the edges of the clearing. More creatures show up, tentatively entering the foray and paying respects to her. A teen girl with dark hair stands looking aloof. A small blonde haired boy in a white cloth shirt and too-small pants hops from foot to foot near her. 
A dark figure, who was before almost imperceptible, is watching from the sidelines head bent, eyes intent on Madeline’s face. He steps into the clearing and every head turns her way. He spreads his black wings and holds the stance, as the song reaches a crescendo: “above a blinding star” (5:37)
The screen goes dark and all is silent for a moment. 
Easter Egg
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Screencap of the date, time, & planetary & universal location in the universe: Soddom & Gamora, Gaia, Olympia, 5th Plane of Existence
[not animated] The screen opens from the middle, revealing a close up of freckles. The picture zooms out to reveal Magdalena in her pink haired glory sitting on a ledge like a gargoyle, with her huge wings folded behind her. She is scanning the scene below her, eyes narrowed. She hones in on something and gets ready to leap off her platform.
The screen goes dark. The end. 
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meimi-haneoka · 7 years
Interesting facts from interview with CCS Clear Card producer Chiyo Kawazoe
The most recent issue of Animage, the 12/2017 one, features one interview with the producer of the upcoming Card Captor Sakura Clear Card anime, Ms. Chiyo Kawazoe. You probably remember her because she was attending the first world screening of Sakura and the two teddy bears OAD at AX back in July 2017!
This interview turned out to be as interesting as the one with character designer Hamada in Animedia!! I was able to read it, and while I’m not doing a complete translation, I will write here some interesting tidbits about the upcoming anime, including A MAJOR SPOILER about the gender of the Mysterious Cloaked Figure. I suggest you to skip the part surrounded by asterisks if you want to keep the surprise a bit longer.
First of all I want to thank @cutesxsherry for taking pics of the magazine for me the moment she had it in her hands! The article didn’t appear anywhere else as far as I know, so she really saved the day!!
Producer Chiyo Kawazoe starts the interview recalling the excitement of the audience during the screening of the Sakura and the two teddy bears OAD back in July at Anime Expo 2017, in Los Angeles. She says the venue was full and this encouraged her and made her very happy that the OAD was well received, especially after the long wait.
The interview follows with Kawazoe recognizing that “Sakura” is still a deeply loved work even 17/18 years since the end of the old anime, and she’s heard a lot of people saying “thankfully they’re the same”, referring to the staff and cast for the new anime. The Clear Card “stage” will be the same old Tomoeda city we knew and loved in the old anime, and she will do her best according to Sakura’s motto “Everything will surely be alright!”.
When asked what kind of concept the Official PV was based upon, Kawazoe says that she wanted to make Sakura interesting to the eyes of the people seeing her for the first time, showing her normal schoolgirl life but also that she uses magic, and make them wonder “That girl is cute, what kind of girl is she?”.
The new anime will be aimed not only to the old fans, but it will try to convey the feelings of the whole staff to the girls of the same age as Sakura ( ~12 ). We will be able to understand which specific feelings those will be, after watching the whole anime. Kawazoe says that if Clear Card will stay in our hearts even after it’s over, she’ll be happy.
To Kawazoe, the highlight of Clear Card is the fact that it will be based on the original manga, with Sakura’s battle costumes and Clear Card designs done by Mokona (CLAMP). She also says that they have plans for new battle costumes that never appeared in the manga.
She proceeds to talk about Akiho Shinomoto and Yuna D. Kaito, the new characters of this arc, with Akiho being “the key character that will get the Clear Card story moving” . There’s no way to know more than that from her, though.
When asked about the apparent similarity between Sakura and Akiho’s names, Kawazoe’s teasing reply is “Oh who knows about that, I’m looking forward to what is hiding behind that (laughs)”. She’s interested about wrapped-in-mystery Kaito too.
The next question is about how much Sakura changed, now that she’s a junior high schooler. Kawazoe says “The fact that she’s a junior high schooler might deceive people (in thinking she changed a lot), but since at the end of the second movie Sakura was in 6th grade , not much time has passed since then, so there’s no big change in her, physically. It’s just that her school uniform changed from the elementary school one to the junior high school one.” The thing that will change, however, will be the technological gadgets, such as smartphones to call eachother or sending messages. This is pretty much the only thing that will change, as they didn’t want to touch  the basic core of the character [Sakura], who is a girl very dedicated to everything she does.
Kawazoe then says: “This time the story starts with the Sakura Cards becoming transparent , triggered by the meeting with a mysterious girl in a dream”  For completeness sake, here’s the Japanese line:  今回のストーリーは、夢で不思議な少女に出会ったことがきっかけで、[さくらカード]が透明になってしまうところから始まります NOTE: This definition was reported THREE times in the body of the article, while in the caption under the screencap from the PV, it’s used a generic “mysterious person”.
The story will develop around Sakura trying to find the cause of the Sakura Cards becoming transparent and unravel the whole mystery, and even though there are way too many things she doesn’t understands and should be feeling anxious about, she says “I will still live my everyday’s life as I should be, and in case something happens, I’ll try my best to do what I can”. Kawazoe thinks this is a very important lesson that Sakura is trying to convey to all of us.
Kawazoe talks about Tomoyo-chan…of course her basic personality won’t change, but she mentions that her equipment to take videos of Sakura will be super up-to-date!  She will of course shoot videos of Sakura anywhere, but she will also encourage her with her words when Sakura ends up in a bad situation. She will also carefully soften the atmosphere, blowing the anxiety away, when needed.
About Syaoran…she only says that, since he will look more cool, ”Female fans, please wait for it!“. She also says that she was very surprised to hear the female audience, back in April (at the Sakura Festival), cheering for Syaoran just as much as they did for Touya and Yukito…
The interviewer asks about Sakura and Syaoran’s relationship in Clear Card. Kawazoe replies: “Although their feelings are mutual, it’s not like those two prioritize love over everything. For instance, if there’s a person in need or a problem concerning the cards, Sakura would say "I’m sorry, Syaoran-kun” and run to that. That is to say, it’s not like there isn’t the classic “sweet and sour” love atmosphere between them, but Sakura draws strength from Syaoran to her heart, and Syaoran closely watches over her and assists her. Those two make us feel a wonderful sense of space”   NOTE: About that “space”, me and @rispen-hortensie have tried to better understand what Kawazoe meant with the words  素敵な距離感 , which I translated as “nice sense of distance” at first, but here’s her input that really clarifies the meaning : “It’s like she’s saying they’ve worked out a really healthy, admirable sense of boundaries. They aren’t clingy with each other, but they aren’t in danger of drifting apart, either. It’s hard to incorporate the word "distance” here because it almost always has a negative connotation when used to describe relationships in English.”
Kero will always be the same old Kero we know, with Aya Hisakawa (Kero’s VA) mastering his Osaka dialect and his ad-lib jokes.
Akiho and Kaito’s voices were chosen following the idea of bringing some freshness to a main cast composed by all the old voice actors. This is still part of the attempt to appeal the younger generation who asked for young voice actors. So they asked CLAMP what kind of voices they imagined for those two characters, found the candidates, and decided on Minori Suzuki and Natsuki Hanae after consulting with the director Morio Asaka.
The interview ends with Kawazoe saying that Clear Card arc will be enjoyable as an indipendent work even from those who never watched the old anime series of 18 years ago, provided it’s watched by Episode 1.
At the bottom of the second page, there’s a circle were they talk about the Release! and Secure! scenes: the wand release will be based off the old animation, but with some new parts, while the Secure! animation will feature crystal fragments dancing all around! Kawazoe is sure these scenes will get us excited!
Thank you for reading this loooooong post!! 
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Compilation of all the KaneHori/HoriKane smiles from Ep 1-6.
Ya see, I was very impressed with episode 7 but at the same time, I missed the Second Unit soooo much, especially these two who are technically the first TouDans I’ve gotten to know. So I wanted to cheer myself up a little by collecting all those moments where they were smiling at each other.
Reciprocating or one-sided, I’ll take ‘em all since I don’t know whether the next ep will still be focusing on the First Unit or not. Or when the angsty mood hanging over the Second Unit will go away. *facedesk* S’why I need this to look back on to survive until then. (´;ω;`)
Warning: Image heavy since yea, it’s technically just another screencapping spree of mine, nyahaha~ (  ̄▽ ̄) 
Please also excuse my noobness, I’m still quite new to this fandom.
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*wordless screaming and excessive flailing about*
How to get me hooked onto something: Present me with an interesting pair dynamic to delve into. Do that and I will likely stay FOREVER.  ヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ 
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Ok, discrepancies between adaptation and game aside (like very, very, very shhhh! let me enjoy the anime plz-aside), the fact that Kane-san always reassured Kunihiro every time he doubted himself since he began this whole time-traveling-protecting-history affair is just…and smiling with that annoyingly handsome face of his while he’s at it, it’s just…
*clutches heart*
No wonder Kunihiro is so taken with him. <3
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Look at them. Kunihiro so eager to move on to the next assignment (precious baby~) while Kane-san is all “but I’m tired…” yet still smiling anyway.
Pretty sure he wouldn’t make that face if Kunihiro wasn’t there with him. Pretty sure the reason why he’s making that face at all is because Kunihiro is there with him.
…trying not to think of how lonely Kane-san was before Kunihiro came to the Citadel cuz dammit, this isn’t a sad post! I won’t let it become a sad post! I won’t! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
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Alright, I am thoroughly convinced that Kane-san doesn’t smile that openly or freely for just anyone.
Granted, he became more serious after he was appointed as captain of the Second Unit because he had to and all so I can’t be entirely sure…
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But even so, his interactions with Kunihiro still feel different. A special kind of different.
Like here, I can see that he’s clearly trying to get Kunihiro more situated into their job. But at the same time, there’s a sense of ease that’s not present when he’s around other people. Like, he can make the effort without it seeming like an effort on himself.
And that’s probably because he knows Kunihiro. He’s familiar with him and trusts him.
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So it should be no surprise where his confidence in Kunihiro comes from.
Even though Kunihiro has insecurities in his own abilities, Kane-san is positive they can fulfill their master’s expectations. Because he knows Kunihiro can.
And I just love that. I love how it’s not just Kunihiro admiring Kane-san all the time an impression I get a lot from fan interpretations and that Kane-san also has such a firm belief in his partner. It goes both ways. It’s mutual.
And it’s because they’re in that kind of a relationship that Kane-san can make such an expression. One that is specially reserved for Kunihiro which he doesn’t show to anyone else.
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Of course, I love that battle-charged ones, too. Those have their own charm.
It says to me “forget Saniwa for a moment, I’m gonna fight so ya with me, partner?” and you know Kunihiro is because it’s them we’re talking about. Izuminokami Kanesada and Horikawa Kunihiro. Companion swords. Would go to the ends of hell together but never without the other if they could help it.
At least that’s how I see them with how much I know right now. *chinhands*
Also, uuugghhh, I can’t get over how wakizashi and tantous look so great in the dark. Especially when you get to see the glow of Kunihiro’s beautiful eyes which makes him look ten times more intimidating and dangerous and twenty times removed from his more polite and amiable demeanor. He goes from sweet child to teenage assassin in a matter of seconds.
Hmm, yea, I approve. Give me more of this Kunihiro. In fact, just give me all the Kunihiros. (*^▽^)
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Have I mentioned that casual danger dialogue is one of my favorite things? 83
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This is my top favorite KaneHori moment in the entire show so far (they look the best in these shots, too).
If I die, resuscitate me with this. XD
I also love the fond tone in Kane-san’s voice when he calls Kunihiro “cheeky” in Japanese. *giggles* x3
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Kunihiro so happy and proud that Saniwa chose Kane-san to lead the Second Unit. <3
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There’s no reason behind these. I just like that they’re in the same shot so I put them here. :3
I’m also not freaking out over them sitting next to each other and introducing themselves together when the unit does self-intros. No, I’m not.
( ◞・౪・)
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It’s scenes like these that makes me glad I sold my soul to anime, lol.
In all seriousness, though, this is wonderful. If Kunihiro weren’t here, I doubt there’d be anyone who can effectively calm Kane-san down and have Kane-san hand over some of his burdens and let Kane-san fall back on those who are supporting him in general.
If there are any misgivings about this unit’s assignments, well, then this shouldn’t be one of them.
Also, why some of ya’ll draw Kunihiro so short in fanwork? Sure, he’s not that tall (compared to Kane-san who is like grown-man tall) but he’s not short either!
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Again, the mutuality but this time it comes full circle.
Just like how Kane-san knows Kunihiro will follow through with what they’re ordered to do, that he has confidence in Kunihiro to do what’s expected of him, Kunihiro has absolute faith in Kane-san’s abilities to fulfill their master’s expectations as well.
The thing is, Kunihiro never says it out loud. He never says that he’s the one that’s certain of it. Just that Saniwa made the decision based on their careful deliberation “so that’s all that matters.”
And I think the reason why there’s no need for Kunihiro to give his input is because Kane-san already knows Kunihiro thinks that way and Kunihiro knows that Kane-san knows that he thinks that way.
So really, words are unnecessary. Even belief is unnecessary. Kunihiro knows for a fact that Kane-san will make a good captain and it must be very comforting for Kane-san to receive that indirect reminder, like an undercurrent of support added to the task Saniwa has assigned him.
Especially at that point when their unit has only been recently formed and everybody was still in the awkward phase because they haven’t gotten used to each other yet. It’s nice to know someone’s willing to follow his lead because he’s him and not because it’s Saniwa’s order.
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I like how even when they’re in a room full of people, they still manage to have a conversation that’s somehow exclusive to the two of them.
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I mean, they don’t even need to say much. Sharing a look is enough.
And after this, episode 5 NEVER happened, OK?! Everything went fine! The mission went fine! Everybody returned back FINE! There were NO problems! Dx<
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Not sure if it’s the dialogue or the sun setting in the distance or what but there’s something very warm about this scene. Two swords reminiscing about their former master…without it needing to go down Depression Lane because Hijikata Toshizo……
Yea, I appreciate that they let these two have this at least. My boys don’t need more angst than what they’re already going through. TwT
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I swear, I’m not going to let this post end on a sad note even if it kills me! *flips a table to distract myself from feels* (ノ`Д)ノ:・’∵:.┻┻
You know everyone’s still taking their time to get over what happened at Edo, especially Kane-san. Yet despite him taking it the hardest, he doesn’t want the others to start worrying about him and his own problems. Kunihiro most of all, I’m sure, because it’s a given that Kunihiro will be the most concerned.
So he tries to brush it off. Though the attempt is very weak seeing how exhausted he is so forcing a smile must make it even more tiring for him.
I mean, in a tiny way, it’s sweet that some part of him may be thinking “I don’t want Kunihiro to worry, he’s still new to this, I gotta look out for him, I don’t want him to get discouraged, I don’t want him to blame himself for not being able to assist me, this was his first mission, for god’s sake!”…but that just makes it all the more sad because it’d be so much easier for him if he just lets himself rely on his team. If he just lets himself rely on Kunihiro like he normally would because then he wouldn’t have to put up a front and Kunihiro wouldn’t have to go through an extra heap of feeling unneeded when in fact, he is very much needed right now.
God, ya big baby, would you just let yourself be taken care of?!
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…I’m okay. I’m okay and you know why? Because I’m gonna bet $100 that this is the scene they’re gonna re-show when Katsugeki Season 1 ends andand it’s going to be perfect because Kane-san will be okay, Kunihiro will be okay, they’ll be more than okay because they got each other (hence the peaceful smiles, d’aww~), the Second Unit will be okay and get to stay together and by then, they’ll all have gotten over themselves to be badass and inhumanly pretty again…except they’re always inhumanly pretty but just better without the angst.
Oh, and gorgeous backgrounds because ufotable knows how to deliver those.
( ๑  ̄ ◡  ̄ ๑ )b
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Yea, I’m gonna need this to happen at least once in-story, too.
Ok, that’s all until part 2. Bai~! (●´・∀・`)ノ”
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cupkayke · 8 years
Cupkayke Rewatches/Liveblogs Boueibu!
Season 1, Episode 3
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So I dropped off the face of Tumblr for awhile, sorry guys! I also rewatched the entirety of Yuri on Ice with my boyfriend and he now likes ice skating anime so that took some time lol But I am back JUST IN TIME FOR YUMOTO’S BIRTHDAY OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRECIOUS CHILD. So, have a liveblog/collection of my stupid thoughts about one of the more ridiculous episodes! Yay! 
Also, I apologize in advance- some of this episode’s subtext led to an impromptu dissection of the boys’ sexualities/orientations and there are some brief mentions of unsavory teachers (because what kind of teacher holds a pretty boy contest???) so if any of my terminology/speculation is incorrect or you find any of my discussions potentially triggering or in need of tags PLEASE inbox me and I will tag the post as such/correct any misinformation! I am a literature student- I like to analyze things. Sometimes I get carried away~
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Okay- I always wondered about the pretty boy contest… like why? What purpose does it serve? Why are there posters put up in a fucking BATHHOUSE advertising the local boys’ high school’s PRETTY BOY CONTEST. .3 seconds into the episode and it’s ridiculous. 
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What do you mean ‘weight with the ladies’ c’mon man I have a hard time believing you care ANYTHING about ‘the ladies’ -eyebrow waggle-
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He’s doing pirouettes in a towel… okay seriously bro I danced ballet for like 10 years and I never pirouetted in a towel OKAY THAT’S PROBABLY A LIE BUT YOU CAN’T PROVE IT OTHERWISE
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Aww Yumoto. So innocent. So naive. So willing to point out he just saw his teacher’s penis-
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...well that’s an odd question. Yumoto why would you ask-
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Oh, shew, it’s because you’re not ashamed of bodies! How sweet and innocent and refreshi-
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Those are the faces of some senpais that just came to the realization that their kouhai has probably been checking them out.
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Well he got dressed fast.
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How do you hire someone by accident?
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Took the words right out of my mouth, Atsushi.
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This is disturbing on several levels. Pedo Principal? -shudders-
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Arima speaks truth
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Io why do you have an exact copy of the calculator I use at work that’s terrifying.
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Io looks so disappointed he can’t talk numbers with Ryuu
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Side note I feel like the quirkiness of the school got toned down in later eps but perhaps that’s my faulty memory. Which is why I’m rewatching it lol.
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Pretty and savage AF
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PINK RIVALRY! I mean seriously, “you can’t seem to take your eyes off of me?” Maybe not even a rivalry but something else ohohohohohoh I’m alone on this ship
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Okay this creepy teacher apparently calls all the boys ‘sweet honey’ which is disturbing on its own level but that got cranked up to 11 on the creep scale when he referred to YUMOTO as sweet honey. 
Yumoto is a precious cinnamon roll you freak
Paper airplane contest lololol why do I feel like this happened at my school back in the day?
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Wombat sounds like a jealous lover lolol
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This school must have a thing for ice princes I s2g
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En's boredom is dangerous. I mean... the face says it all.
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Ryuu is all “this is NOT up my alley”
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A bit slow on the uptake, Yumoto.
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Io that’s so sweet... I guess? Well Ryuu seems to think it is- look at his face!
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...nevermind. His expression is all “Thanks... I guess...”
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Either Yumoto was hoping his senpais would teach him how to be popular with the ladies, or he’s just confused as to what in the hell it is that older boys want. This entire scene is just a clusterfuck of innuendo BUT I’M GONNA OVER ANALYZE IT ANYWAY.
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The surface meaning of En and Atsushi’s statements here- or what the audience is supposed to get- is that being popular with girls will only get you so far. It may get you ‘love’ but having a girlfriend means jack squat if you don’t have guy friends (most likely to brag to). 
It also could be taken that En at least would rather appreciate women than exert his energy into making them lust after him, which is rather sweet if you think about it.
Atsushi’s point also draws attention to the fact that stereotypical displays of machismo are much more well-received by other men than women- ie outward displays of strength, aggression, bragging about sexual encounters... er- yeah. No need to go on, there.
So. In order to be a well-rounded man, a man needs to be popular/be admired by other men! So you aren’t a lonely loser the rest of your days.
En basically says straight up it’s more beneficial to be admired by men. Putting aside the above statements about admiring women... En’s likely gay. Fosho.
And the top screencap of Yumoto, instead of just clarifying his senpai’s intentions, that could mean that he’s more interested in girls. HOWEVER-
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With a c: face, Yumoto admits his heart flutters watching rugged young men!
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Bi Yumoto anyone? (He also unironically uses the word ‘flicks’ but that’s either a translator thing or another example of a mysterious dialect but ON TOPIC-)
At least within the context of this scene, Yumoto implies he’d be interested in being popular with girls and he is attracted to at very least a certain type of man. Buuut the rest of this episode (which I will get to later) potentially directly contradicts this implication as to Yumoto’s romantic and/or otherwise attraction.
It’s too bad that we don’t get Ryuu or Atsushi’s opinions on the matter- although Ryuu makes his attractions pretty clear just from his character (and then the subtext with Io). Atsushi is a bit of a mystery, for now. 
As for Io, we get this  exchange-
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Le sigh. Io is moneysexual. Anyway...
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Wombat so salty- I guess helping Ryuu win a contest is more entertaining than being superheroes.
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Me about halfway through this post
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En's expressions in this scene are great.
Tho does anyone else now headcanon En as really into athletics when he isn’t being lazy?
Like him really liking competition just fits so well but without a goal he’s just like ‘why bother’
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Atsushi sounds so awkward calling him Yufuin
“I can’t just announce him as Enchan that’s weird but I don’t think I’ve ever said his last name ughhhhhhhhh”
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Io is NOT playing by the unspoken one urinal in between rule
Water go swoosh swoosh
Also their bathrooms are fancy AF
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GDI why does Io make the best seduction face
Even tho it’s more predatory here still...
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Ryuu so destructive lol
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Ibushi is still savage AF
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I had to giggle and cap his character card because the image of Atsushi doing gigantic jigsaw puzzles was adorable
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Did he get scorned and that’s why his self esteem is in the toilet???
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1579th pretty boy contest??? Damn Pedo Principal is thirsty AF I am still shuddering at the implications
And that isn’t taking into account there would probably be a month or two where school isn’t in session on the 27th to have the pretty boy contest. Like December wouldn’t they be on break? And don’t they have a summer holiday at some point?
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Yumoto knows he’s a lil shit
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What the fuck kind of sound effect is swan swan???
I’m suddenly reminded of Kronk doing his own theme music-
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Ryuu so salty he wanted to know the winner
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Yumoto that writhing mob of students is pretty gross I agree
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With that shot angle I was just waiting for him to lay a fucking egg but thankfully that didn’t happen
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The subtitle is inaccurate- he actually said ‘GIMME HUG’ which is slightly more unsettling.
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Yumoto still just like c: “I have no idea what’s going on”
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Speaks for itself
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And here is where Yumoto contradicts his earlier implications. Okay. 1) Writers make up your minds, although 2) ...shades of gray here.
Perhaps Kurotori’s feather spell represents sexual love (Eros for all you YOI fans~) and Yumoto is either a) too young/innocent to understand or b) somewhere on the ace spectrum. The others were affected because they are either simply older than Yumoto/past puberty or allosexual to the point where the spell could manipulate their feelings despite their existing attractions whatever those may be.
Yumoto’s earlier comments, then, could be taken to mean simply romantic attraction, even though his wording of his “heart fluttering” thanks to Yakuza men is a bit misleading in that respect. (Disclaimer: I am not on the ace spectrum so perhaps I am misrepresenting/misinterpreting here- please correct me if I have made a mistake in my understanding of asexuality- I definitely do not want to offend anyone! Just analyzing~) 
Though to play the other side, En’s comment about marriage, even though he’s under the influence of a spell, also indicates that the spell has romantic components as well as potentially sexual ones. If the spell plays to BOTH- wouldn’t Yumoto be affected as well, based on his earlier assertions?
OR PERHAPS- if it is both, Yumoto is ALSO potentially aromantic and his comments were purely of an aesthetic nature or self projection (that is, he wants to be a dashing Yakuza heartthrob, not necessarily date one). Or he was simply trying to relate to his senpais and was bluffing the entire time.
Damn, this episode can seem REALLY deep if you squint hard enough. Headcanons, abound!
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Now I’m starting to see some cleverness on the part of the writers- hear me out below- but first- MORE CUDDLES
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With this, Yumoto can be read several different ways. 
On the surface and probably most importantly, regardless of what Yumoto’s personal attraction/orientation is (if he’s even figured it out at this point), he knows love at its purest form. He loves his brother. He loves his senpais (even though at this point they barely know each other- Yumoto probably latches on quickly). But more importantly, he is so in tune with his own feelings he realizes that self love is at the core of any type of love. That if you aren’t secure in yourself, if you don’t care about yourself on some level, how can anyone else care about you either?
This is another reason why I love Yumoto even though he can get a bit heavy-handed at times and seem like a one-note character; HE ISN’T.
Yumoto is incredibly introspective and even though his senapis make comments about how he just kind of shoves everything together to fit the situation he really does understand the monster-ified characters’ insecurities.
(Which can lead to some sad headcanons about how Yumoto has probably felt all of these things at one point or another... oh no...)
But back to my over-analysis of Yumoto’s orientation- with this... it’s really up to interpretation.
He can be read as a young character who hasn’t figured things out yet, he can be read as interested in romantic relationships of any variety but not necessarily anything else, he can be read as only interested in platonic relationships- anything. And while the inconsistency in his portrayal can be a bit maddening- it’s GREAT headcanon opportunity.
Thus, unless s3 gives Yumoto a canon interest- he’s whatever you think he is. Which is AWESOME! DO YOU SEE WHY I LOVE THIS SMOL CINNAMON ROLL?
Aaaand some closing, not very deep thoughts to wrap up-
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En you’re always tired
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Kinchan... why do you want people to grovel at your feet...?
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That’s certainly a random question, En- but for shits and giggles; these are their responses if I’m hearing their voices right:
Atsushi - My neck, I guess?
Yumoto - My arms
Ryuu - Armpits
Io - The nape of the neck.
My brain hurts so I have NO idea what these could mean but I highly doubt they’re throwaway lines- SO YOU GUYS TELL ME. Over-analyze what parts they wash first LOL
OKAY WOW THAT WAS LONG AS FUCK AND I GOT TOO DEEP. Again, let me know if I fucked anything up or need to add tags~ And let me know what you think/what your headcanons are/if there’s something from another canon source that could add to this!
I’ll try to get ep 4 up today as well since it took me forever to get back to this but this shit takes longer than I thought. I watch the ep first and take notes, then go back and re-watch and screencap and take more notes, then copy/pasta everything into tumblr and add more thoughts and make it readable. Shew.
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myaekingheart · 7 years
I forget what night these first two were from because I didn't jot them down but whatever, they happened, so here goes.
I dreamed that I was on this gorgeous island with my boyfriend, my parents, my grandmother, and my cousin and his wife. We all met up at this gorgeous beach-- it was the typical paradise scene with crystal clear water and bright blue skies and soft sand. The whole enchilada. My boyfriend and I wade up to the shoreline to meet with everyone, a typical small talk conversation ensues. My cousin asks me about how college is going (because apparently college just obviously has to infiltrate every one of my dreams these days) and I forget what I answered but we were conversing for a bit before somehow the nonsense term "jiboot" weaseled it's way in??? My cousin used it in one of his sentences, then paused for a moment before shaking his head and saying I probably wouldn't understand. I think he mentioned it was some military term I wouldn't know or whatever. Either way, not important. Then my mom comes up to me with this kitten and says it's for us (my boyfriend and I). I forget what the kitten looked like but this was definitely a world where both Tex and Topaz existed because I remember thinking how cute this little guy was but thinking to myself that now we'd have double the cats (even though that math doesn't add up) and feeling as if I couldn't possibly accept him but having no idea how I could possibly find it in me to turn him down.
The second dream I actually know I had completely forgotten about upon waking up. There was this vague feeling of it left behind but I couldn't for the life of me remember the specifics until later in the day. I was in this massive warehouse art supply/consignment store searching for things to use in piecing together Rapunzel's little blue shoulder bag from Tangled: The Series. I had this very vivid screenshot in my head of what it looked like from the latest episode (The Search for Varian, not The Alchemist Returns) that I was using as reference, and I remember finding the perfect strap for the bag but could not for the life of me find anything else of decent quality to thrift. My only issue with this dream was that once I remembered it, I realized how badly I actually would like to make Rapunzel's bag and then discovered it was harder than I imagined to find some quality screencaps of the full thing online. I don't know, either way, this dream wasn't inherently bad nor great. It was just kind of there.
Night of December 13th:
I had another dream about pregnancy again. Nothing really too specific to note, because I didn't write any specifics down on my little memo thing. I guess just that I was at the hospital with my boyfriend in labor or whatever. There were probably some vivid, sappy scenes of the two of us per usual. I feel like this one was especially vivid, like I remember it feeling particularly real and detailed, but I mean, other than that, I don't think it was anything all too different from previous incarnations of this same theme.
Actually, the more that I think about it now, the more I remember something about the labor dream being that I wasn't actually far enough along and they sent me and my boyfriend home and I was really disgruntled about this, and then I think it transitioned into this next dream, which I seemed to remember much more clearly. The two of them actually kind of blended together at certain parts to the point where I don't even remember which actually came first but whatever. They both happened. I have the pieces to the puzzle, just not the reference image.
In the second dream, my boyfriend and I found out our apartment was actually somehow a large house in the fictional next development over. The house in my dream actually reminded me more of my boyfriend's old apartment than anything, though there were certain aspects of the interior more than anything that didn't look familiar at all. I was standing in the backyard with my parents and grandparents (my deceased grandpa made another appearance here) and we were all having some sort of now-hazy conversation with the neighbors. Then suddenly my grandparents were sitting on this back patio and this hyper pitbull appeared from one of the neighbor's houses and began running around like a maniac, leaping over my grandparents' laps while they're sitting there just minding their own business and enjoying themselves. I remember the pitbull was white with brown patches, and the patio furniture was the same as the one my parents gave me from their own patio, and my grandmother was very displeased with the whole dog interaction (she's not a huge dog person. She's not a huge animal person in general, honestly). The neighbor who owned the dog was standing on this top balcony of his house, like it was a very small balcony that almost seemed like it was off of the attic from how close to the peak of the roof it was. My grandma made some bizarre Christmas Story related joke up to him, which I don't remember and it probably isn't even a real pun about the movie in the first place (mainly because my mind in-dream said Christmas Story even though the more I think about it, I connected the reference in my head to Christmas Vacation like I heard the joke in my dream and my brain slapped the label Christmas Story on it but saw Clark Griswold. I don't know). There was also something later on in this dream about cleaning out or rearranging the pantry. I remember being in a kitchen, not my kitchen but some very 70s-ish looking kitchen kind of to the vibe of Napoleon Dynamite. The most compelling thing about this was the presence of two long, narrow plastic bags in the back of the cabinet. One looked like assorted cheese puffs and the other looked like lemonheads and pieces of red pepper mixed together. The cheese puffs are completely inexplicable but the lemonheads and red pepper at least I know are references to the leftover pizza I ate that night, which had pineapple and red peppers on it. These little gift bags, so to speak, were also the reason why I felt as if this dream was connected to the labor one, because I remember seeing those bags and thinking of this stranger who I'm positive appeared in the aforementioned birth dream. There was a hazy scene there about my encountering this old man while I was in the hospital, who I vaguely recognized as this old man I met on an airplane back in 2015. I remember he started up a conversation with me somehow (I feel like I was still in my hospital bed, and he was a patient but I don't remember him a hospital gown but rather like this tweed suit and hat, maybe with a cane??? Don't quote me on the cane, that's just speculation) and while I don't remember what all was said, specifically, I remember it being really inspirational and heartwarming. Almost like a motivational thing about timing, like all things will work out in their own time, and hard work, working towards your goals, never giving up on your goals despite setbacks or whatever. I see how this could've tied into the whole labor thing considering later on in the dream, I was discharged for not being far enough along (how they even accepted me into the hospital is beyond me but then again, this is dream logic. It doesn't have to make sense). It was as we were leaving the hospital that I remember peering into an empty room and learning that that old man had died later that day, though I almost remember seeing a hazy ghost-like visage of him standing there. Either way, this struck me considerably hard. I couldn't believe that such a kind and inspiring old man passed away so shortly after I had spoken with him, when he seemed as if he was very lively and doing well. Not gonna lie, when I remembered this upon waking up, I got the worst feeling my gut that the man I had met on that plane a few years back who I'm pretty positive was, at the very least, the inspiration behind this guy, had passed away in reality but I don't remember his name so I can't even look him up on facebook and check to be extra sure. But anyways, fast forward back to cleaning out or rearranging the pantry. I remember seeing those little gift bags of strange snacks and instantly thinking of this man, fondly and in remembrance, so perhaps he had given them to me? Though I don't remember him handing me anything of the sort, but either way, they made me think of him and filled me with this tender sadness that you can only get when you discover an old, wise acquaintance has passed away. You distantly grieve their death but still think fondly upon the kind words of wisdom and experience that they bestowed upon you. The man I met on the plane was actually the same way. We had barely spoken during the entire flight but as we were nearing our destination, he began a conversation with me saying of how he had enjoyed watching me draw during the entire flight and he was just overall very sweet and encouraging and it was honestly so heartwarming. This wasn't very long after my grandpa had died but I saw pieces of him in this stranger man and it kind of made me want to cry. It almost felt as if my grandpa was speaking to me through him at certain points, which I know makes no sense but it was still very heartwarming regardless. I'm surprised this man kind of showed up in my dream in one form or another, though, because I've hardly thought of him in the past few years since. It makes me even more concerned about whether he did actually die in real life or not but what bothers me most is that I will never know because I cannot for the life of me remember his name. I guess the only thing I can do is cross my fingers and hope for the best.
0 notes
The Bachelor Australia 2017 Recap – Episode 4
“Hey! Your reviews are too boring!” They say. “Get some screencaps like the other reviews!” They say.
Well, I can’t get copyright free screencaps at this stage, but do you know what I can get you? Stick-figure drawings.
That’s right – I will now be adding my (very bad) stick-figure drawings to the reviews. And you’ll damn well enjoy them.
We open with Matty overlooking a pond, which is apparently at the Sydney Polo Club. It’s raining, and he’s a little too proud of himself for making a pun about dampening the spirits of the day.
Matty says, “Cobie loves animals, and I love horses, so I thought it would be good to join our passions together.” A horse is an animal, though. So it’s not really a joining of two passions, but more like the same passion?
Wait, we’re going straight to the date? No Osher delivering a card or anything? Righto then.
Matty rides in on a horse… with a helmet. I’m all for being safety-conscious, but it definitely takes away a bit of the fairy-tale element. 
He hops down, he greets Cobie, and then… Harry the horse does a massive wee. Wow, horses do really big wees, don’t they?
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Back at the mansion, the girls discuss how Cobie is going on the date. They’re all super jelly. The evil squad decide that Matty’s tactic is to “save the best for last”, Villain Number Two Jennifer makes a comment that she’s the greatest, someone compares Matty to a schnitty, which I’m assuming is a chicken schnitzel… a lot is happening.
Right, back to the date. Cobie has never ridden before, so Matty has to instruct her. He says, “I’m well aware that she’s on the back of a horse for the first time”, proving his ability to state the obvious.
Cobie uses the word “beautifulest”, so we’ll deduct points for that, however she does acknowledge that it’s not a word, so I guess the points go back on?
They horse ride for a bit, and then get to wash the horses. Peppy, Cobie’s horse, is loving the bath.
But then things escalate and soon Matty and Cobie are hosing each other down, she’s wearing a white singlet, and he’s already calling her “Cobes”… dude, calm down.
Matty’s talking head says, “I know that Cobie and I get along the best when we’re being silly and having a laugh.” Dude. You’ve met her once. How do you even know how you get along at all?
Back at the mansion, Villain Number Two Jennifer thinks that Cobie will fall in the friend-zone because “she’s too cutesy”. Her talking head says that, “Matty’s a man and he wants a woman… I know I give off sex appeal, and for me it’s quite natural.” So, let me get this straight, he doesn’t want an adult acting like a bitchy teenage girl, then?
Still on their date, Matty and Cobie find a SEXYTIME couch in a room “that Matty’s planned out”. Yes. It was definitely all his idea. Wait, this is the date? Horse riding for five minutes and then washing a horse? So we’re saving the big-budget dates until the fifth episode, right? Then it will start to get more interesting, right?
They discuss their dating history, and Cobie opens her heart. She says that she wants to date her best friend, but wants to have a connection too. Matty agrees, saying he wants to be friends first and then have it progress from there. Ha! Take that friend-zone naysayers!
Oh God. She wrote him a poem. It’s the first poem she’s ever written. She explains that because it’s her first time dating in a while, she’s finding it difficult to express herself. So she should definitely try a medium she has no experience in. (Side note: Remember last year someone wrote a poem? Or was it Sam Frost’s season where there was a rap? Let’s hope it’s not as cringey as that.)
It’s a bit cringey, and a bit sweet, and they’re playing romantic music so I think she’s in the clear.
Matty pulls out the rose. She says she really wants to kiss him. I’m cringing so hard. She wants him to go halfway. He’s being all romantic. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THEY’RE MUSHING! IT’S ROMANTIC! IT’S GOING A LONG TIME! Hghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghghgnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
I can’t cope. I’m not coping. I have lost the ability to cope.
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We cut to the next day, and the girls interrogate Cobie. Nothing much is said, but now it’s time for the HYUNDAI SPONSORSHIP. There are literally twenty shots of the car from all different angles. I feel like the cameraman was like, “Yeah, work it, work it.” 
Anyway the point of this sponsorship is that Matty is driving to the mansion to surprise them all.
They go to another part of the mansion, which is miraculously sunny, as opposed to the first part of the mansion, where it was pouring with rain.
Osher is holding a giant dice (or die, I guess), and that is not a euphemism. Although it might be, I have no idea.
Osher reveals they’re playing The Bachelor board game and I AM SO ON BOARD. For those who don’t know, there are few things I love more than board games. If you could purchase this game, I would literally be signing over my life savings.
So, the Monopoly knock-off game works like this, they roll a dice, and move a set number of squares. If they land on a square with Matty’s face, he asks you a question, if they land on a square with a rose, Osher asks both of them a question. There’s also a golden cage, for reasons that I’m hoping doesn’t involve BDSM.
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Alix goes first, and she and Matty choose different answers for the multiple choice. Thrilling.
Simone is up next, and she lands on “choose a girl to cream pie in the face”. She picks Liz, who she says “never smiles”. It appears that Leah (Villain Number One) and Jennifer (Villain Number Two) also don’t like Liz. What the heck has Liz done? And who is she?
Michelle is next and she lands on a “go to jail” square, which involves the golden cage. But she’s allowed to take her glass of wine, so it’s not that bad really.
Some other girls go and I have no idea who they are. Basically, we learn some facts about Matty: his bike is named Cindy (no you did not read that wrong), his worst trait is that he’s late, and he has no pets.
Matty says that Florence is the biggest surprise, and I agree – the biggest surprise to us is that she’s there.
Cobie lands on “move ahead or free kiss” with Matty. Her talking heads says that she wanted to kiss him, but decided to move forward. Jennifer says that if it was her, she’d totally do it, because she understands and that “everyone’s here for the right reasons”. Yes, Jennifer, I can definitely envisage you being very calm and accepting of it if Cobie chose to kiss Matty in front of you. It seems like your tolerance of the other girls is very selective. 
The rest of the game is heavily edited so I don’t really know what’s going on. Basically some ladies get swapped for others, there’s more cream pies to the face, and Michelle gets out of jail. Jennifer is one of the women with a pie to the face, and makes sure to get Matty’s attention before rubbing the cream all over her cleavage. I’m willing to give her characterisation to the producers of the show, and she is doing very well being so unlikeable.
Michelle wins the game, and won… a hug? No extra time? Nothing? What was the point of this stupid game then?!
Afterwards, Cobie says she’s disappointed for not taking the kiss, because as she says, it could have just been a kiss on the cheek. She flags that she wants to raise it with Matty tonight, which seems perfectly reasonable to me, but I guess I haven’t been plied with alcohol and locked in a mansion with 17 other girls who want to date the guy I’m into.
Cocktail Party Time!
Cobie says that she came into this experience not wanting to have any regrets, and she regrets not kissing him, so she wants to clear it up. See, perfectly reasonable.
Florence (who? Ah, the Dutch one) has something to show Matty. He’s getting a lesson in Dutch (side note: what’s that thing to do with fluffs and blankets? Isn’t that something about Dutch?). She puts Matty in a red, striped tie and circular glasses. She dresses up in a half-open white shirt over her black corset-dress, also dons some glasses, and holds a cane/pointer thing, which just gives the overall feel of some light BDSM. Is this the theme for this episode or something? 
She teaches him how to say, “You have beautiful eyes” in Dutch. She then teaches him to say, “Will you accept this rose?”, and the whole thing is lightly flirtatious and a bit weird and a teensy bit awkward, like the time we played ‘Let’s Get to Know Matty J!’. 
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Next girl to chat with Matty is Simone, and it seems like she spends three minutes talking about how nervous she is.
So then the dramahhh: Cobie sees them talking, and approaches. She asks (very politely, I might add) if she can borrow Matty once she’s finished talking with Simone. I’m not really sure why this is an issue, because she gave him an option, but I guess the weirdness was the fact that she just stood off to the side, staring at them. 
Simone leaves Matty, and goes to chat to… the Evil Squad? Wait, I thought she was one of the good ones. Simone, wasn’t it like two episodes ago that you hated these girls? And now you’re confiding in them? She says, “[Cobie]’s had two group dates and a single date”, and she isn’t impressed with the interruption. 
Villain Number Two Jennifer says that Cobie “plays sweet, she plays cute, but she’s a hustler, she’s a bitch.” She also uses the word “hustler” again in a talking head. Jennifer, I’m not sure that word means what you think it means. Isn’t a hustler a gambler? Someone who, in fact, hustles? Looking this up, there is an alternative meaning, which is a prostitute, but I’m not sure she was going for something that aggressive. I can only assume she was going for “hussy”, which Google says, is a “brazen or immoral woman”. And that’s been your vocabulary lesson for today, class. Just, use words correctly, Jennifer.
Anyway, in the actual chat with Matty, Cobie explains why she didn’t choose to kiss him. Matty’s totally cool with it, saying it totally wasn’t an issue, unlike last season when Georgia Love had the issue of Courtney not giving her enough attention in group situations. You can’t win with this show.   
Now for the second dramahhh: Leah walks in on their chat and asks if she can take Cobie back because she upset a lot of people. Cobie says she just needs two more minutes, and Leah says again, that she upset a lot of people. It’s very awkward and Matty seems annoyed. 
Then, histrionic Leah takes her information back to the Evil Squad, saying that Cobie said she doesn’t care that she hurt other people’s feelings (for the record, she did say “I don’t care”, but to me it came across as more of a “ok, cool, leave me alone” than a “I hate everybody!” kind of thing).
Some of the girls try to defend Cobie, including Laura. You know what, Laura? You’re really growing on me. Anyway she says that Cobie wouldn’t have meant it in a malicious way, which is the way Leah is relaying it, and she’s so done with this shit.
Oh man, now she has to bloody deal with Jennifer. FFS this is so bloody frustrating. Laura says that she loves Cobie, and Jennifer says, “WE ALL LOVE COBIE”, and I let out an actual witches’ cackle. Lisa says she’s really happy Laura stood up for Cobie, and I’m on any team with Lisa and Laura on it. (Readers, I know what you’re thinking. Last episode I was on Simone’s side, and now she’s turned out to be one of the bad ones. Look, I guess I’m just on the side against evil, ok? I’m bloody Harry Potter.)
Cobie and Matty walk out into the group of girls, and Jennifer basically pounces on her, saying, “Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Cobie.”
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It’s a bit awkward, but that’s mostly thanks to the editing and sound effects. We don’t get to see any more of the fallout, because this is The Bachelor, and if there’s one thing this show doesn’t know how to do, it’s transitions.
Rose Ceremony time!
Osher introduces Matty, saying the ladies look a bit better than during the “Crème de la crème of board games”. They have literally said that phrase three times this episode, and for once, I’m not exaggerating.
Matty picks a few girls, and he asks Florence to accept her rose in the Dutch he learnt, which is pretty sweet.
For a second, I’m thinking that maybe he’ll get rid of one of the villains tonight, and squash the issues in the house. It would be fitting with his ‘I’m not taking any shit this season’ attitude he’s displayed so far. Like he gets a say in it.
He clearly doesn’t, and Jennifer and Leah both get roses. Jennifer sashays up to him, and I feel like she really treats him like a prize to be won, which in fairness, he kind of is in this context, but you don’t have to treat him like that.
This is the one thing I really dislike about this show. It’s not like Matty is going to pick either of these mean girls in the end. They’re clearly there to further their radio career, or their red carpet reporting career *cough Laurina cough*. They’re easy fodder to just add some manufactured dramahhh to the show, and look, it works: the show is selling a product, and we’re all buying it. But how cool would it be to just see a bunch of nice people and them all behaving respectfully of each other, and Matty just picks who he likes best? Huh? WHAT’S WRONG WITH THAT UTOPIA?! 
The other thing is that it is definitely not his choice to keep all of these girls. There’s clearly a stipulation in his contract that the producers would get a say in some (if not all) of the girls chosen. Which means we’re basically waiting ten weeks for him to get rid of the ones he knew on the first night that he didn’t like. 
Anyway, tangent over – It’s down to Elise (apparently a montage girl) and Belinda (apparently the Love Coach who made Matty stare into her eyes). Elise gets the rose.  
Later, Belinda. Good luck with your love coaching.
 Next Episode: A high building, and some more dramahhh with Cobie. And a face-off date?! Not like the movie, I’m assuming, although that could be cool. (Side note: Remember when Sam the model was on that kind of date and he had to go home? Hahahaha it was great.) And Sian gets grumpy at the cocktail party. Ummm… who is she again?
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drink-n-watch · 4 years
Lately I’ve been really digging freckles as a design trait in anime characters. Actually scratch that, freckles are adorable and I have always thought they looked amazing. It’s just that lately I have been noticing them more in anime characters and it always makes me happy when I see them. (For instance on the adorable Ashe in Fire Emblem which reminded me how much I enjoy this trait).
I’ll be honest this list is really just an excuse to post a bunch of cute pics of adorable freckled folks. So basically Best Post Ever!
by DarknessWolf346
5. Ja’Far (Magi)
Ja’Far is an interesting character with a very twisted back story. By the time we catch up with him in Magi he’s a strict by the book bureaucrat type who is constantly exasperated by Sinbad’s lack of seriousness. The straight laced type which goes great with his traditional outfit and white hair. But the character is softened by his youthful looks and cute freckles.
In the past, Ja’Far was a ruthless criminal and con man and those same freckles gave him a great mask of innocence to hide behind. In this case, the freckles are a subversive design element and I love it!
by  Pixiv Id 2077056
4. Tadashi Yamaguchi (Haikyuu)
I don’t know if it’s the freckles or just his personality but Yamaguchi is like the personification of sweetness to me. The meek but optimistic and infinitely patient young man has the softer side of Karasuno’s volley ball team since season 1. Not to mention the perfect character foil for the abrasive Tsukishima.
What better character could you pick to design with freckles? I’m not even sure it was a conscious choice. Anyone writing Yamaguchi would just naturally add on freckles without even thinking about it. Haikyuu’s current To The Top season has been phenomenal but if I could just make one request, I wish would would get a bit more Yamaguchi!
by Onija Tarou
3. Tsukimi Kurashita (Princess JellyFish)
Tsuki gets extra points for being a main protagonist. She exhibits many of the traits we often associate with freckles (for some reason…). She acts in a manner that could be considered a bit youthful for her age, she has an innocence and nativity about her. Yet she remains kind to others around her.
It’s somewhat telling that along with the glasses and plaits she also has freckles as the character is supposed to be not very attractive (well according to her own view of things) and somewhat of a nerd or otaku. I find that freckles are very much a “grass is always greener”. People who don’t want them consider spending hours drawing them on individually, while people who do threaten to bleach them out.
I don’t have them…. I may have looked up tutorials on faking them….
by 尾藤
2. Ymir (Attack on Titan)
You may have noticed a trend in my descriptions. I obviously associate freckles with a certain sweet, child like, carefree element of design. And you know what series could use a dash of carefree innocence? That’s right, Shiki. No wait, Attack on Titan.
I wouldn’t say Ymir is exactly carefree…or child like.. or.. you know what, never mind. Attack on Titan is an often depressing story with a lot of kinda depressing people in it when you think about it too much. But Ymir and Krista (or Christa my subtitles kept switching around) were a nice touch of friendship and more blooming in dark times so in a sense, there was a lot of hope despite it all.I know it might sound odd considering all that happens but still.
Honorary mentions.
Basically I just want to have more picture of cute anime characters with freckles.
Sayaka KANAMORI (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken)
I decided to put Kanamori in the mentions only because her freckles are really inconsistent. I went over the hundreds of screencaps I took while reviewing the show on an episodic basis and honestly they are almost never  visible. Here’s one of the rare screencaps where they can bee clearly seen:
and here’s a bunch where she doesn’t have any:
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Kenji Miyazawa (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Unlike Sayaka, Kenji always has his freckles but in this case, it’s the character himself that’s rarely seen. I love Kenji as well as the author he is based on bu because he is such a secondary character I figured it was an excuse to put him as honorary. You still get an image though!
by 幽
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu (Danganronpa – Goodbye Despair)
Kuzu is just cute. I generally really like the character designs in Danganronpa and Fuyuhiko is no exception. He is purposefully made to visually clash as much as possible with his hard personality and social standing and I guess the freckles were just another part of that.
by Liyuchen1126
1. Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
I realize now that I have no clue what scale I’m using to number these on. I guess you could pretty much say that for almost all my lists. However, I’m going to wager that Midoriya is potentially the best known freckled anime character at the moment. So there’s that metric.
Innocent, naive and sweet to a fault, Deku embodies all of those stereotypes I’ve randomly associated with freckles to a T. I give him extra point for having very “anime” freckles in that he has exactly four on each cheek placed in a perfect diamond pattern. That really makes the cosplay way easier!
If I have not mentioned your favourite freckled anime gal or guy, there’s a good chance I haven’t seen the show yet so let me know who they are. I would love to watch more adorable freckled characters!
My Top 5 Anime Characters with Freckles Lately I've been really digging freckles as a design trait in anime characters. Actually scratch that, freckles are adorable and I have always thought they looked amazing.
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