#drawing people cuddling on couches is kinda my thing ig
popcorn-kitten · 3 months
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hemmingslftv · 4 years
can you do 22 with cal pls
Coward // C.H
Word count: 3k
Warnings: a bit of smut I guess but not really more than heated kisses, mention of anxiety and a bit of sadness too
Requested: based on the prompt “can I kiss you right now?”. Request are always open and they don’t have to be prompt based, feel free to request anything you want!
A/N: hi! I don’t know how to feel about this one. I’ve spent the whole day writing it and I still feel it could be better but I don’t hate it ig. I like that it has like flashbacks idk. I got kinda caught up in my own feelings so this may be too fluffy or cheesy. Feedback is really appreciated! I’d really love to know what you think about it. Enjoy!
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You didn’t really like parties that much, but it was Luke’s birthday party, so you figured it would be rude not to go. You and Luke had been best friends since he moved to LA and somehow you had never been able to spend his birthday with him until this year, so you were excited.
You finished getting ready and headed to Luke’s house. It was a 10 minutes walk so before you could even realize it, you were already there. You would have lied if you had said you weren’t a bit nervous too. You knew it was gonna be crowded and you were afraid your anxiety would strike when you needed it the less.
Besides, it was gonna be the first time you saw Calum since quarantine started. You wouldn’t care if it wasn’t because the last time you saw him you told him how you felt. You had known Calum for a couple of years now. In the beginning, you saw him just like one of Luke’s bandmates but as time went by, you started falling in love with him. You tried to deny it even to yourself because you were convinced you had no chance with him but it didn’t make your feelings go away.
You had told Luke you liked Calum a couple of months ago. “I know” was his answer after you explained to him how you had silently fallen for his best friend. You weren’t even surprised, no one knew you better than Luke. What you didn’t expect was him telling you that you should go for it.
You were two years younger than Luke and from the moment you got close, he had acted like a big brother. He was always trying to protect you and rarely approved any of the boys you had been with. So it was quite a surprise when he told you he thought Calum may be the one for you.
“Oh, c’mon Luke. You’re giving me false hopes here... you know Calum would never go out with someone like me”
“What are you talking about, y/n? You’re the most awesome girl I know, and also the funniest, you know Calum loves that”
“I’m also younger than him, I’m sure he sees me just like you, like a little sister to protect. I’m not doing it, Luke, I don’t wanna lose him. I’ve gotten used to loving him in silence, it’s fine”
“Why have you told me then? You were hoping I’d say this. I think you are meant for each other, and you may be younger but you are way more mature than any of us. Don’t forget I know him too if I’m telling you that you should try it is because I really think it’s going to work”
You didn’t even know how but he had convinced you to invite Calum over that same day and as soon as he got to your house, Luke left the two of you alone. You could see the confused look Calum gave him as he said goodbye. “Good luck” he shouted as he closed the door making you blush.
“So... what are we doing here? I thought the rest of the guys were coming too”
“No, it’s just you and me tonight” you answered awkwardly. “Do you want anything to drink?”
“A beer will be fine”
You brought him a beer and served yourself a tequila, hoping the alcohol would give you the courage you lacked. You talked about your day and when you realized the conversation was dying out you decided it was time to tell him.
“So you’re probably still wondering what you’re doing here” he nodded in response “yeah, me too. Luke convinced me to do this and now I guess there’s no going back”. You shifted on your sit of the couch not knowing how to word your feelings. He was staring at you, waiting for you to continue.
“Okay, you know we’ve known each other for a couple of years now, right? well, of course, you know. We’ve spent quite a lot of time together, I’d say we’ve become good friends and I enjoy so much spending time with you because you always make me laugh and you are always there to listen and give advice when someone needs you. So I don’t know what I want to happen after I say this and I don’t know how to say this”
“Just say it y/n, it will be fine” he encouraged you. You took a deep breath and raised your head to look at him.
“I really like you Calum” he laughed and you gave him a confused look. “What?” you questioned.
“I like you too, y/n, you’re one of my best friends” you sighed and shook your head.
“No, that’s not what I mean Cal. I have feelings for you, I think I love you” you looked down and waited for him to say something. When he didn’t, you could feel the tears building up in your eyes. You felt Calum standing up from the couch. “Where are you going?” you managed to ask.
“I’m sorry, y/n. I can’t do this right now” you felt your heart break in a thousand pieces as you heard the door close and you called Luke.
“I don’t know what to say, y/n. I’m so sorry, I swear I thought he would react differently, I don’t know what’s up with him” Luke explained himself as he cuddled up with you. He stayed at your house that night and that was the last time you had seen any of them since quarantine had started just a few days later.
Of course, you had kept in touch with Luke, calling each other or facetiming almost every day, but you hadn’t heard of Calum since then. When Luke told you he’d be at the party your first reaction was to get mad at him for inviting you both but five minutes later you realized you were both his friends and there was no reason why Luke shouldn’t have invited him, you know? not liking you back wasn’t a crime after all.
Luke opened the door and all of your fears went away, you had missed him so much these last months that the only thing you could think about now was being with him. You went in, said “hello” to everyone who had already arrived and sat next to Luke.
“I’ve brought you something”, you said receiving a disapproving look from him. “Before you say it, I know you didn’t want any presents but I have never been with you on your birthday so please make an exception, besides, it’s not like I’ve spent a lot of money on it or whatever”.
You handed Luke his present and you could see the sparkle on his eyes while he opened it, you knew that deep inside he loved receiving gifts, he just hated people spending money on him. It was a book filled with polaroids of your favorite memories with him and you had written exactly how you had felt in those moments. You knew Luke would appreciate way more something handmade, personalized, and something you had spent your time in rather than something you had just bought.
“Oh wow, this is beautiful, y/n, I love you so much, thank you for taking the time to make this!” he told you while he hugged you and you couldn’t help but giggle at his excitement.
The night went by, as usual, nothing really out of the ordinary. Calum had arrived only a few minutes after you but you both had avoided each other the whole night. It hadn’t been hard since he spent most of the time in the kitchen playing games while you stayed in the living room talking to your friends.
A couple hours after midnight people started to leave and when everyone had gone, you, the band, and their girlfriends offered to help Luke clean all the mess. You were washing the dishes and glasses when you heard the door of the kitchen close. You turned around and saw Calum standing almost too close to you for your liking.
“Hello”, you said trying to be polite and hide the fact that you still felt embarrassed for opening up about your feelings. “Have you had a great night?” you asked him turning to continue your task and to try to hide your blush.
“It’s been great, yeah”, at the sound of his voice you felt a slight shiver running down your body, it felt like a lifetime since the last time you had heard it. Suddenly you felt his hands on your hips and his breath on your neck. You could feel the tension building up between you two but you didn’t know how to react so you kept washing.
At the lack of response from you, he moved to your side and started helping you. You sighed relieved at the same time as frustrated for the loss of contact. You kept going in silence until you had finished.
“It’s pretty late, I’m gonna head home”, you told him. You went to open the door but he grabbed your wrist making you turn and pulling you close to him.
“As you said, it’s late, let me give you a ride” he offered and you nodded. Luke opened the door and Calum let go of you.
“Am I interrupting something?” he asked confused.
“Ha, ha, very funny. No, I was just offering y/n a ride home”
“Are you okay with that. y/n? If you wait for a second, I can drive you”
“No, that’s fine Luke. I’ll go with Calum” you answered. You were feeling the tension between you and Calum still growing and although you knew you may end up heartbroken once again, you were curious where it could lead to. You said your goodbyes and got in Calum’s car.
Calum put on some music and you closed your eyes trying to relax but all the tension came back to your body as Calum placed his hand on your thigh. You left a soft gasp and grabbed his hand as an instinct, but you didn’t pull it away. Calum started to draw small circles with his thumb and continued to move his hand slowly closer to your inner thigh. His touch felt so warm and familiar, it was comforting. You arrived home and Calum got out of the car almost instantly. It was fair to say you were more than confused by his behavior.
You got out of the car and were surprised by Calum quickly closing the door and pushing you against it.
“I know I’m an asshole but please, I am begging you, can I kiss you right now?” you nodded frantically and it took him less than a second to press his lips against yours. You opened your lips slightly desperate to finally taste him and he slipped his tongue inside your mouth. He pushed your legs apart with his and you left a soft moan. After a few seconds, he pulled away and you could tell his eyes were filled with lust.
“What was that? I mean, you know how I feel about you so I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it, but why did you do it?”
“I am a mess for you, y/n. You are all I can think about. I’ve spent my days in quarantine looking at our photos together and remembering every moment I’ve spent with you. You don’t know how many times I’ve been about to call you but I never summoned up the courage to do it. I’ve liked you since the first time I saw you, at this time you’ve proved to me you’re the kindest and bravest person on this Earth and every time you give me more motives to fall in love with you. Luke advised you to tell me because all the band has known how I feel for years. I’m so sorry if I hurt you in any way, trust me, it was the last thing I wanted”
“Why did you leave? I’ve spent these few months trying to get over you. I don’t get it, Cal. You left me thinking I had lost one of the people I care for the most not only as a potential partner but also as a friend”
“I know, Luke told me. I really am sorry. I am such a coward. My first reaction was to run away because that’s what I always do when I feel vulnerable. You know I haven’t had a stable relationship in years and you’re part of the reason why. I could only imagine my future with you and I didn’t think it was fair to start something with anybody else if I thought it wasn’t going to last. I swear I’m not lying when I say you’re the only person I’ve thought about for the longest time. But I never got any sign from you that could mean you felt the same so I got used to my love for you being platonic. Besides I know you don’t like being on the public eye that much and it has given you anxiety the few times paparazzi have followed you with Luke so I thought we were better out as friends and I never tried anything.
And then when you confessed your feelings I tried to tell you how I felt but I couldn’t get the words out of my mouth. I started to think about being in a relationship and I got scared of commitment and everything it implies so I left. I don’t think I’ve ever regretted any decision as much as that one. I know I don’t deserve you to forgive me but, please, could you give me a second chance?”
“You know you could have fixed this before, right?”
“Yes, I know. I’m sorry for that too. I thought you probably hated me and I didn’t know what to say exactly. If I’m being honest, until tonight, my plan was to act as if nothing happened and just try to be your friend again but then I saw you tonight with this little red dress that drives me crazy if I’m allowed to say so” you nodded and smiled at him “Well, I saw you and I talked to Luke and somehow I decided I would try to tell you tonight and if it didn’t work I’d leave you alone because that’s the least you deserve. You’ve possibly noticed I didn’t exactly have a plan but suddenly I just felt like I needed to be in contact with you, touch you, kiss you, as if I needed to hold on to you and never let go. As I’ve said, I am a mess, I am feeling things more intense than I ever had before that I don’t fully understand yet and just being around you makes me so happy I don’t ever wanna lose you. I love you, y/n”. You wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a short peck. You pressed your foreheads together, feeling each other’s breaths.
“I already told you, but I love you too, Calum, so much. You’re lucky I do because I don’t know if I’d give you a second chance otherwise” he sighed relieved.
“I have to warn you, you’re gonna have to be patient, I’m new to all of this” Calum said pointing at the two of you.
“What do you mean by “this”? A relationship?” you teased.
“I guess so, y/n, I’ve never done this before and it may be weird, old-fashioned or whatever but I feel like asking this would be a great start for our relationship. Y/n, do you wanna be my girlfriend?”
“Of course I do, you cheesy idiot!” you giggled and he kissed you again pressing you against the car for the second time. Your tongues danced perfectly synchronized as you played with the curls at the back of his head. You pulled them slightly and Calum let out a quiet moan, which was exactly what you were hoping for.
“Do you wanna come inside?” you asked as you bit your lip and shifted your position so that his back was pressed to the car now.
“As much as I’d love to say yes, I think we should take this slow. I don’t wanna rush it and screw things up” he said pulling a strand of hair off your face. You pouted making him giggle. “C’mon, let me at least take you out for a date first, what do you say about dinner tomorrow?”
“Fine, but I expect a great dessert after it” you winked at him and blushed right after. “Don’t mind me, I do stupid things when I’m horny”.
“It was cute”
“But it was supposed to be sexy” he laughed and you followed him. “I guess you’re gonna have to get used to your new girlfriend failing to be sexy”
“Trust me, you are sexy just by existing. So, do I pick you up tomorrow at 8?”
“That sounds perfect, Cal” he hugged you and you wrapped your arms around his torso “I’ve never said this before but your hugs have always made me feel safe, I’m so glad it’s not weird to say that out loud anymore”
“You are the cutest. But y/n, I really meant it when I said you are gonna have to be patient with me. I’m not used to being in a relationship or sharing my feelings but I promise I’ll try my best to make this work”
“It’s okay, we’ll work it out together, step by step. We need to earn each other’s trust first, it’s normal if you don’t feel like opening up just yet”
“You really are the kindest girl ever, how did I get this lucky?” you pulled away from his embrace.
“I’m gonna go to sleep, see you tomorrow Cal”
“See you tomorrow babe” you couldn’t help but blush at the pet name. You kissed him goodbye and got into your apartment happier than you had ever been.
“Congrats, mate!” Luke said once you had closed your door.
“What are you doing here, Luke? Were you watching us? That’s creepy man”
“Of course I was! Did you guys really think I was gonna leave the two of you alone after last time?”
“Fair enough”
“Although there was a point when I thought you were gonna get inside and that was awkward to watch but the point is that I’m glad you didn’t”
“Yeah, I told her it is better if we take things slow”
“I agree. By the way, don’t you dare hurt her again Calum or else I don’t know what I’ll do”
“Don’t worry, I don’t plan on hurting her, I swear. In fact, I really like her Luke, I think she has always been the one”
“I know, I can tell by the huge smile that doesn’t leave your face” Luke teased him.
“Oh, shut up!” they both laughed and decided it was time to wrap up the night and head home.
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omg haikyuu matchupsss !! yes please !!
ohkay so this bouta be loooong, sorry in advance
pronouns: she/her
gender preference: male
personality: so i guess i'm kinda loud idk i'm just a hyper person and i get easily excited over little things - basically a child. i love love love looove music and dancing. sometimes i also draw when i'm inspired and to relieve stress. i like psychology, like i wanna learn how to understand people better and their body language and stuff like that. i like rain and fog, something about them makes me feel at peace. i also like the sky, especially at night. i'm a pisces, so naturally i'm a big dreamer. i absolutely adore volleyball, it was the reason i started watching hq in the first place. i like to laugh and smile and to make others laugh, and i also love making other people happy, even random people. i like rom-coms and science fiction movies/books and i LIVE for swimming.
ideal date: A M U S M E N T P A R K so he can win me a big stuffed animal
partner must have: okay he has to be sarcastic and funny, that's enough for me tbh.
aight ig that would be it. love your blog !! sending you love <3
thank u bubs <33 i hope you enjoy this !!
I ship you with...
Tsukishima Kei !
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- although he might tease u a little, he loves how excited u get when u do or see something u love
- since u are into psychology i can see u as a really understanding person when it comes to people like tsukki, and he definitely appreciates it <3
- seeing how passionate u are about volleyball makes him wanna do even better just to make u happy and see that gorgeous smile of yours
- he definitely tries his best to hide his own smile when u guys are out in public when he sees u laughing and being urself
- his teammates tease him about it alot
- being on the couch and cuddling him while drinking ur favorite hot drink and watching out the window on a rainy night >>>
- i hc him being a sci-fi nerd so yall would have a movie night every week where u mainly watch science fiction movies
- although if u give him puppy eyes he won’t be able to say no to that rom-com u want for a change
- he loves watching u dance around even if he keeps denying the fact the he was staring at u admiringly moments ago
- yes he might seem cold on the outside, but he certainly has a soft spot for u and u only <33
Going to the amusement park with him
“ you know you suck at this right ? “ tsukki says watching you pay another dollar to get three more balls to knock down the pyramid of cans at the booth. “ well yeah, but i reeaally need that giant teddy bear as an addition to my collection “ you reply while throwing the first ball and completely missing. After two more misses you finally walk away from the booth with a pout on your face. “ well where should we go now ? ” you ask him. “ wherever you want shorty (sorry i assumed ur short than him but i don’t really think anyone is taller than this giraffe of a human)” he answers. “ how about we go get some food? im getting ready hungry ”. With a nod, he takes ur hand and walks over to a couple of food stands. After getting your order, you guys take a seat at one of the tables around. “ can you wait here for a minute ? ” he asks you. “ i need to go to the toilet ”. “sure” you say. About ten minutes later, you notice that you have been waiting for a while now, and the food is starting to get cold. wondering where your boyfriend has gone you feel a soft touch to your shoulder making you turn around. “ here ” tsukki says as he softly shoves the giant teddy bear into your face. “ OH MY GOD ! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !! “ you jump at him engulfing him in a hug. “ at least one of us has to have a good aim “ he says in a teasing voice, but you can clearly feel that little grin forming on his face against your shoulder...
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marvelgbt-posts · 5 years
{Peter Parker x Male Reader}
Warnings: none… angst…? slight self hate ig but idk you’ll see…
Summary: a peter parker x male reader where peter gets insecure about mj and readers friendship since he sees how good they look together and knew MJ had a slight crush on reader. Reader fixes the problem by cuddling him, giving him slight kisses on his neck and just some fluffy shit. also cute bby boy peter being all flushed and cute
I really hate giving MJ this role, but ok :/ and also, what do you us think about MJ and Peter in FFH? Personally, i dont like it. I’ll make it it’s own post, it’s mostly a personal preference though.
(not edited)
“OMG, [M/N]. You’re too funny,” MJ said, a slightly happier tone to her voice than usual. You smiled, taking the small smack to your arm with a soft laugh as well. Peter watched across the lunch table while Ned was too occupied with the game on his phone. He pouted; you seemed to be having way more fun with MJ than with him. Lunch was almost over- oh no, wait, that was the bell…
You stood up from your seat as Peter gathered his stuff. He waited for you to walk him to his next class, as you usually did so. MJ also stood up, looking at Peter, “Hey, loser,” Peter had found himself being called ‘loser’ a lot by MJ- probably more than he found himself being called that by Flash- but he knew she was joking, “Aren’t you and I together for History?” Peter nodded, “Oh yeah, I forgot,” he usually had Math right after Lunch, but today was Thursday. Thursday schedule was always weird for him. You began dragging yourself behind and in between them. Ned had already disappeared; his next class was all the way across the hall from where their classes were, so he had to hurry. You spoke up, “I have Biology next anyway. It’s right down the hall from there.”
“Neeerd!” MJ laughed, yelling into your ear. You tried to move away from the noise, a smile playing to your lips, “Oi, idiot, that hurt!” MJ smirked, “Good.” Peter fumed- he felt like he was the third wheel when it was supposed to be MJ. He was dating you, not her. Though, to be fair, not that many people knew. Just the two of you, Ned, Aunt May, Mr. Stark, Happy, and the rest of the Avengers. MJ didn’t, and Peter felt like he should tell her- if not for it being for the reason of ‘she should know because she’s my friend’, then at least for ‘omg stop touching him he’s my boyfriend’. And there she goes, touching you again. Though, this time she used her own shoulder to bump into yours instead.
Peter heard a small murmur, “Doesn’t MJ look really cute next to [M/N]?”
“Yeah, she’s definitely happier around him.”
“She smiled a lot when with him.”
“Their both into the arts; she likes reading and drawing, he likes music and (insert an artistic talent/interest).”
Soon, Peter began hearing things other than just small murmurs and chattering around him. It felt as if he could hear everything everyone was saying. Wasn’t that a side effect of his spider-like abilities? Perhaps it was, Peter couldn’t remember at the moment.
“Yeah, they’re practically made for each other.”
“They make a good couple.”
“Did you hear that MJ and [M/N] got a full score on their project for Art?”
“Oh yeah, they were parters, right?”
“Yeah, MJ made the layout of the sketch and [M/N] finished it up. He did his own thing as well, and they ended up getting their art submitted into the contest happening at the art museum.”
Then, Peter felt as if he couldn’t breathe.
“So cute.”
“Wow, they make a good couple.”
“Peter looks like such a third wheel.”
His own thoughts mixed with the other small talk around him, and it surrounded him in a pit of black.
“He looks like such a loser.”
“Wow, no one would be interested in him anyway.”
“No one likes a nerd.”
“Peter is a loser.”
“Peter is a nerd”
“Peter is lame.”
“No one likes Peter.”
“Peter!” You shouted in his ear, and Peter jolted up. “O-Oh, yeah?”
“Isn’t this our class?” MJ asked, pointing to the door. Peter nodded sheepishly, looking over at you. You smiled, “Have fun learning about a bunch of dead guys. I’m off to math!” You pumped your fist up in mock excitement. MJ laughed and Peter gave a small chuckle, “H-Have fun.” You nodded, “Sure wont.”
3rd person P.o.V.
[M/N] met up with Ned, MJ, and Peter after school. “Hey guys!” He greeted, wrapping an arm around Peter’s shoulders. Peter resisted the urge to lay his head on the other male and just looked at him and smiled instead. [M/N] smiled back, but Peter felt like their was this other feeling in the other male’s eyes he couldn’t quite read. “Uh, hey,” [M/N] started, “Parker, you feeling up to a study session today?” Peter pretended to think, nodding soon after, “Sure, dont have any plans today anyway. Lemme text Aunt May, though, first.”
‘Study session’ was a code name for ‘miniature date at my house’. Peter had grown to love the words very much because then it was just them two, and it was normally [M/N] showering Peter in love and affection for the whole night- if he didn’t have Spidey-duty that day, that is. Peter pulled his phone out from his back pocket, pulling up Aunt May’s number. “Can I come too?” MJ asked, “Or is it just one of your gay things?” MJ huffed in amusement at her own joke, not realizing the irony of it. She tried sounding nonchalant about it, but not wanting to break her heart, [M/N] let her off easy, “Uhh, my house is really messy. I feel like Peter can handle it, but I dont wanna make you run off because you’re scared of my pigsty of a home.” He laughed. MJ chuckled, “Wow, gender equality, dude. Whatever happened to that?” [M/N] shook your head, “maybe next time. You don’t have anything and Peter usually spends the night, so it’d be weird, wouldn’t it?” MJ nodded, seemingly disappointed, “yeah, whatever. It’s cool.”
“Done!” Peter chirped, and MJ began walking off. Ned had also run off somewhere. “Good!” [M/N] smiled, “I have you all to myself for the rest of the evening!”
2nd person P.o.V.
Once the two of you made it home, Peter put his stuff down onto the floor in your room while you prepared some food. Since it was Thursday, you guys weren’t assigned that much homework, so you and Peter would probably finish it in the small intervals before classes. You prepared some snacks like popcorn and candy while Peter changed his clothes. He also took the time to pick out clothes for you- a loose white T-shirt with black basket ball shorts. He wore a white shirt- of course, a nerdy one with a scientific pun on it (the two atoms; one asking if the other is positive it lost a electron)- with one of your boxers. He walked out, socks protecting his feet from the cold floor. He scrunched his nose at the smell, smiling.
“You wanna pick out the movie?” Peter asked, wrapping his arms around your waist. You turned around, wrapping your arms around him as well. They made their way around both his arms, one hand holding the other to trap the smaller boy in an embrace. “No, you can pick,” you smiled, tilting your head to kiss Peters lips quickly, “so long as it isn’t Star Wars or Lord of the Rings again. Please. I can’t go through another marathon again.” Peter whined playfully, “But [M/N]!” You stuck your tongue out, “Too bad.”
Peter reciprocated the action, and you both let out a sigh of giggles. “Anyway,” you continued, “You want anything specific to eat?” Peter shook his head and you nodded. You let him go and he went over to the couch. He flipped though the many channels on the TV before settling on a Disney movie. “Is that Disney?” You asked, walking in with a bowl of popcorn, two sodas, and a plate of cookies. Peter watched in awe as you balanced everything. “Yeah,” he answered, “The Hunchback of Notre Dame.”
“Aw, sweet!” You fist-bumped the air, “love that movie.” Peter nodded, leaning to rest his head on your shoulder, he had been deprived of physical touch for a while. He just wanted to spend time with you, was what he thought as he wrapped his arms around you. Your arm wrapped around his waist while the other ate from the supported the bowl of popcorn on your lap. Peter stole some as well, and you watched as the movie began with its intro of the parents trying to save their defaced child from the protagonist.
“It’s kinda inappropriate, dont you think?” You asked Peter after a while, and Peter looked at you confused, eyes squinted Ashe seemingly judged you. “How? It’s a Disney movie?”
“Well, I mean, it talks about gypsies. Aren’t they visualized as prostitutes? And that seen where Esmeralda dances for that old dude, you can see he’s clearly turned on.” You shook your head, “never mind…”
When the movie was over, you cleaned up the remaining food and placed it down to be cleaned later. You carried a very, very tired Peter Parker up to your room. You laid him on the bed and dimmed the lights. He gripped onto you desperately, “Dont move, dont go anywhere…” he said, “Can we stay like this forever…?” He asked tiredly, and you laughed softly, “No, we have school tomorrow.” Peter whined childishly, “forget school. I can make us enough money by being Spider-Man, we dont need education.”
“Peter, my parents would kill me if they found out i dropped out of high school to piggy back on my superhero boyfriend for money.” Peter let out a huff, and the two of you let out quiet, breathy chuckles. He leaned close to you, noses touching. He then frowned, “Do you like MJ?” The question was sudden and it caught you off guard. “Well, i mean… yeah, we’re friends…”
“No, i mean… like like her…?”
You let out an ‘ohhh’, suddenly realizing Peter’s behavior earlier (the cause of your strange glint Peter noted earlier). “No, baby,” you smiled, “I’m not romantically interested in her, if that’s what you’re thinking.” “But,” he began, a slight pout on his lips. God, he was really tired, “she was all over you today, shamelessly flirting with you. You didn’t seem to mind it though…”
“Peter,” you began, stroking his hair a bit, “I dont like MJ. I like you. No, I love you. A lot. So dont think that.” You moved to lay Peter on top of you, taking his hands and intertwining them with yours as he made himself comfortable on your chest. “I know,” Peter started, playing with your fingers a bit, “its just… everybody says you two look good together. I guess i just didnt like the feeling of you with another person, even if it’s just the public appeal and not reality. Sorry…” You shook your head, “dont apologize, baby. It’s normal to feel jealous…”
Peter was quick to defend, lifting his head up to glare at you accusingly, “I wasn’t jealous!” You laughed, “yeah, and I’m not dating Spider-Man.” Peter sighed, resting in his previous position. He mumbled another, ‘I wasn’t jealous…’ and you just nodded. You began running your hands through his hair, to which he quickly responded by sighing and relaxing even further into your chest.
A few minutes of running your hands through his hair later, Peter got bored and slightly irritated of the position. He moved to sleep next to you, with you spooning him. You wrapped your arms around him and gently played it his stomach, felling up and down his abs. He whimpered lightly, curling a bit at the ticklish feeling. His body began to heat up; you could feel it. “Are you still upset?” You asked softly, and Peter nodded. You sighed, placing soft kisses to Peter’s neck. He leaned back, face flushed red as you continued up his neck to his jaw. He turned his head to face you, and gave you a soft kiss. You to didnt move, instead you stayed there and took in the presence of each other.
When you two pulled away, Peter had the brightest blush on his face. He huffed, eyes falling closed, “I wasn’t jealous.”
“Of course you weren’t,” you smiled, “who said you were?”
You turned off the light once Peter finally fell asleep. The two of you stayed like that for the rest of the night- and, to be honest, if you could, you would stay like that forever if you could.
Panicked gay moment; had no clue what to write for MJ, sry sry sry anon (._.”)
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ihopuhopwehop · 4 years
Fellow tumbler people, idk times are super dark atm. So I decided to take my mind of it for a split second and write some Jily headcanons? Idk I’m kinda new and dk all the slang but here are some things I think jily would do lol
James and Lily were chillin in the marauders dormitory alone. Perhaps cuddling and Lily asks James if she can do his eyebrows since they’re prolly just as wild and unruly as his hair. He cried like a baby
Sirius walks in on them and asks if Lily could teach him how to put on edgy eyeliner
Lily stole the snitch James used to play with and James chased her around the common room to try and get it back and just to hear her giggle until he finally grabbed her around the waist and they wrestled on the couch:)
Lily used to do ballet when she was younger and started to pick it back up towards the end of sixth year and practiced in the room of requirement
The Marauders walk in on her stretching she’s wearing a leotard and from then on James asked if she could teach him to dance
She takes on the challenge bc she knows she’s gonna give him the workout of his life—like the rock in “the game plan”
The marauders (except Remus) make fun of him at first until Lily convinces them to try it too and then Remus and Lily are laughing at them struggling and sweating more than they do during quidditch
Once Jily is dating they spend time choreographing their own dances and James is actually really good at it bc pureblood boi already had sophisticated dance lessons
The first time James came over to Lily’s house she asked if he wanted to go for a drive thinking it would be romantic and a good time to ‘talk’ but James is too excited and fascinated for them to get any ‘talking’ done. Talking could actually be talking bc late night car talks smack
James can draw/sketch really well and has his own sketchbook
Lily can watercolor extremely well
When they start dating they merge their talents and James sketches (Lily shows him muggle graphite pencils) and Lily watercolors pieces for him
Alright that’s it!! Also if anyone has any cute happy fluff fics (no mature content ) plz comment bc I want some more joy:) also am I considered a nerd for reading fanfic? Like how big is the fanfic community and do people just write fanfic or do most write it? Like I said I am new and don’t know the culture surrounding fanfic ig? Idk anyways have a blessed day!
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