#drawing the girls of my dnd party
delarpix · 2 months
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Some moments from DND campaign
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juuria · 1 year
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since i've started playin dnd, i've created several characters, and it's been so much fun i just gotta post em
here's fhein, she's a half shark girl, barbarian, only 5'3 and she looks really unsettling since shark features don't mix well with human faces but she's got a good heart (kinda)
i've also made several tiktoks with her and her party but the one below shows just what she is a person
intelligence -1 and charisma -1 guys...
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primalsavagery · 7 months
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you may feel as though outside influences or forces beyond your control are restricting you, leaving you feeling powerless and victimised. however, this is the illusion THE DEVIL creates. you are in control of your own destiny and are not bound by anything other than your own attitudes and behaviour.
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blujayonthewing · 1 year
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I've had Elyss for eight years today and I'm feeling very normal about it
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lessrthanthree · 1 year
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Hehe dumgeoms + dragns
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varjopeura · 1 year
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a tomtom
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steampunk-raven · 7 days
i’ve been possessed with the sudden urge to draw a zombie girl
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thechekhov · 9 months
Dungeon Meshi Quick Reacts
CH. 34 Cockatrice
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He's doing his best.
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L...Laios no..... LaioS NO
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I respect Kui-san so much for the work she puts into not only the Senshi pantyshots but also affirming the fact that Marcille and Laios are in no way sexually interested in one another whatever.
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I suppose it itches BECAUSE it's healing but also.... w...why does it look infected?
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...did.... did Senshi consent to being a test subject? He looks a bit nervous 😂
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(Marcille has no time for your internalized homophobia)
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Oh??? Is there old-party drama that we're about to be privy to? I'm listening reading.
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In a storytelling sense, this is very clever. Chillchuck is clearly drawing parallels (unknowingly, I assume?) between Laios and Kirby(?). That guy is.... In Control of his party in a sense, and clearly has earned their trust as a leader. But he trusts himself a little bit too much for it to result in an unhealthy feedback loop of 'I'm always right, these other people think so too!'
Meanwhile, although Laios isn't actively trying to steer the group, they DO trust him to care about their safety, to an extent, and retain their own goals and judgements about certain other things. In fact, it's arguably BECAUSE they all trust each other to be better judges of character that they keep one another in check, so to speak.
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The tea is SIZZLING. The girls are fighiiiing
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So. Natural energy points. You're basically using energy of unknown origin to fuel spells instead of tapping into what is available readily.
But that sounds like maybe you'd have some. Hm. Questionable side effects? From adding ingredients into the mix which you can neither understand nor fully control.
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......of course............of course it was.
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it's got business to attend do, presumably. Also, which floor are you guys on? Are you still in that ancient city?
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Maybe that would have been good to.... lead with.......
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.........IS THIS WHAT FALIN IS CAPABLE OF?? IS THIS WHAT SHE USES TO COMMUNICATE WITH SPIRITS? Maybe they ARE both talented, but Laios just never bothered to tap into this.
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I'm sure it's fine. Hang on, didn't they fight this before once already?
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AH right, that was the basilisk. My bad.
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I don't. So this'll be a double surprise for me!
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I aLmost thought this was it!!! Marcille don't fuck with me like this!
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You can't not love her.
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This is NOT the time to be a zombie movie deuteragonist
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.........I guess that's. a good point but. Laios. Buddy.
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I have nothing to say here. This is peak DnD behavior.
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...hang on they never took her out of the pot? 😂
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..how proud you are of them?
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....................yeah alright I guess that works too.
For a second there I thought maybe her petrified hair was gonna snap off and she'd get a haircut.
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ultralightpoe · 10 months
Final Girl Part 2 - Eddie Munson
Authors Note: Clearing out drafts.
Warning: Slasher, cursing, trauma
Word Count:3843
Part One Here
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“THAT WAS AMAZING!” Dustin cries coming out of the theater with wild eyes that make Eddie debate if it was a good idea to get the kid an icey. But at the same time he could not judge his friends excitement because he was just as amazed as the boy, his blood pumping under his skin. 
“I mean the chase scene was insane, when she has to climb through the window of the van?” 
“You just like that her panties flashed.” Eddie laughs, thoughts going back to the lead actress in the tiny slip dress they had put her in, and the way the camera just blatantly showed her ass in the shot. Not that he minded. “Which was an amazing shot.”
“I can’t believe they were upstairs screwing while her best friend was getting her throat slashed. Poor Mila, the main character *knockoff of your name k/y/n* was a shit friend.”
“Exactly! You knew people were dying and you still went to a party to get laid?! I would never leave you behind Dustin.” Eddie smiles, “Okay well maybe for 10 minutes.”
“All it would take you was 2.” Dustin scoffs and Eddie’s eyes widen. 
“Where do you learn to say these things? It’s that Wheeler dweeb isn’t it? Don’t listen to him because I can guarantee he has never even touched 10’s boo-”
“Yeah yeah.” Eddie smiles, hand subconsciously moving up to rub at his side from the memory of the girl, flashes of black and red smoke before bats teeth all coming at him at once. The breath gets caught in his lungs as he tries to blink the memories away while Dustin slurps down the rest of the blue icey. 
“You okay?” His curly haired friend asks, blinking slowly. 
“Yeah man,” Eddie forces a smile on his face as he shrugs, forcing his hand away from his side even though he could still feel the stinging. A giggle could be heard closer to the popcorn stand which made Eddie whip around as if there was a chance you would be there. 
This was not your scene, he knew that, and thinking back on it he couldn’t remember ever seeing you in a crowded place before. He didn’t ever see you with…anyone. 
But you had admitted yourself that you liked being alone and he could get that. He hated being alone but it was very easy to find all the loners of the world and form an easy alliance. 
“Munson!” Someone calls, snapping his and Dustin's attention over to where Paul was coming through the theater doors, mohawk and all. “Hey man. Rock on.”
“You here to see ‘Slashed’?” Eddie asks, a smile spreading across his face slowly as the punk rocker smiles himself. 
“You know it, man.” He laughs, bringing his tattooed hands up to hold a mask just like the one from the movie to his face. “What’s your favorite scary movie?”
Dustin laughs quickly, drawing Pauls eyes to him. They begin a conversation as Eddie takes a sharp breath in, excusing himself to the bathroom for a moment. 
The second he gets to the stall he lifts his shirt to rub his palm against the scarred flesh, feeling a bit of bone through the thin skin at his ribcage. A pained gasp tears from him as his eyes water a bit, blinking away the images of the bats attacking him. 
It’s not real. It’s not real it’s not real-
His forehead hits the nasty wall of the bathroom stall as he thinks of happy thoughts. Your kiss, dnd, his band, his uncle. 
His Uncle. Damn. When was the last time he called his uncle. 
“Get your ass right back in that bed.” Wayne snaps, coming into the hospital room with a newspaper under his arm and a steaming cup of coffee, the bags under his eyes prominent and the red puffy eyes just as noticeable. “Before I take my belt and-”
Before he can finish his sentence Eddie is climbing back into the bed, eyes wide as he ignores the pain in his side and lays back down. 
“Don’t forget the mask.” His uncle snaps, taking a quick seat on the only open chair, a chair that Eddie was sure was entirely uncomfortable. 
They were at a weird stage. Wayne was pissed, pissed that everything happened and he still wasn’t getting straight answers. Pissed that his nephew, son, had been found near their trailer with half his skin torn off and practically bleeding out. Pissed that everyone had blamed him for Chrissy Cunningham. 
Pissed that his boy was keeping something from him. 
Meanwhile Eddie was scared. Scared that Wayne would become involved and scared that if he spoke the truth then Wayne would take the fall for some of it. 
They had gotten so lucky that Jason Carver was able to take the fall…..if anyone could find him. 
“Edward. Put the damn mask on.” Wayne grunts, watching the boy roll his eyes. 
“I am so bored.” Eddie whines. They had put him in a room with no windows or tv, keeping him from the outside world. The government was doing their best to keep everything under wraps. 
Wayne scoffs, folding up half the newspaper and chucking it at his face, it smacks Eddie’s cheek and his uncle gives him a small smile. A slight olive branch in this moment that Eddie takes greedily, smiling at his uncle and putting the mask on his face before reading his half of the paper. 
“Teenage Massacre at a lakehouse.” The main headline read, talking about a small town where it happened. 
4 survivors, 15 dead. That was absolutely insane. 
It takes him a couple minutes to get the pain under control before he heads back out to the snack area where Dustin is buying another Icey.
“What’s going on?” He asks, looking to where Paul is walking back up. 
“Alright, three movie tickets to slashed on me. Let’s go boys.” 
“Again?” Eddie scoffs, watching Dustin take a slurp from his icey, this time red. He can see the sugar in the kids eyes and already knows the answer. “Alright. I’m in.”
You spent the weekend in your blankets, ignoring the phone and ignoring the mean looks your roommate gave you going in and out. 
You didn’t want to know what the world outside was saying and if you moved then you might see them. You would not last it. 
By the time Monday rolled around you barely dragged yourself to the shower, sobbing under the water before trudging your way to class, keeping your head down as people ran around you. 
“RAHHHH!” Someone shouts right next to your shoulder, making you scream out and flinch, looking to the masked jock that was currently cracking up. “What’s your favorite scary movie?”
“Fuck off.” You snap, your knife wounds freezing under all your layers. 
“Woah, no need to be a frigid-”
“I do not recommend finishing that sentence.” The deep honey voice you know all too well sounds from behind you before you feel a warmth on your shoulder telling you that Eddie was standing right behind you. “She’s got a heavy book in your hand that I will gladly watch her shatter your nose with.”
“I’ll do it.” You nod, your stomach unclenching and your fists unraveling now that Eddie is near. 
The jock rolls his eyes, tearing the mask off his face and moving back to his friend group, something lodging in his throat when you catch a glimpse of Maya standing with them. She wasn’t talking to them, merely looking at you, smiling softly at you. 
She smiled at you. 
Sure you had seen them smile, but your friends never really looked at you, the only ones that looked to your eyes were….. 
“How was your weekend?” Eddie asks nervously, catching your attention easily as you turn around. “I tried calling your room yesterday and-”
“Sorry, I was extremely busy with classwork.” You lie, walking side by side with him. “I…. I am sorry if I seemed really off the other night-”
“Hey, woah woah.” He blushes, hands shooting out to stop you. “No need to apologize, if the kiss made you uncomfortable-”
“It didn’t.” You rush out, “I really liked it-”
“Good because I would love to do it again sometime.” He smiles, his rings glinting in the fresh morning sunlight as he fixes his leather jacket nervously. “My friend Dustin is doing a tour tonight with some of his friends from camp and maybe we can get some food tonight-”
“I can’t tonight.” I have plans for a dreadful call with my parents. “But how about lunch after class tomorrow?”
“Sounds awesome.” He smiles, holding out his hand for you which you take softly and walk to class with him. When you enter your eyes immediately go to your classmate Paul, who had dyed his mohawk a bright pink and lime. He lights up when he sees Eddie, holding up a rock sign and sticking out his tongue. 
Eddie does the same, and you catch him rubbing his side softly but don’t think too much on it. So instead you smile at Paul when he waves to you, but all you could see was Dylan. Dylan who had handed you your first beer of the night, Dylan who had yelled at you to run. 
Dylan who used to copy off your paper in math, then would complain when you got most of the answers wrong. 
“You okay?” Eddie asks, sitting down slowly. 
“Yeah. Just trying to remember if we had homework.” You smile and he raises an eyebrow. 
“You can always see if we had an assignment by checking the box where our professor writes them down.” He smiles, and you can’t fight your own smile as you sit down. 
“It will pass.” You snap, pacing back and forth in your dorm as you struggle with the phone chord. “This whole-”
“Y/n, they named a character k/y/n. You know how close that is to Y/n?” Randy scoffs.
“Considering my name is Y/n yes-”
“They named me Randall. And Maya is Mila and Dylan is-”
“What did they call……” You can’t say the names, even saying them out loud might make everything come back. 
“They kept their original names.” Everyone knows. Everyone is laughing at you. 
“This will blow over. The movie will lose it’s appeal and-” “They showed a kill in the first five minutes. People are already claiming it a cult classic.” 
“Randy.” You snap, rolling your eyes as you turn around to look out the window, drawing back when you see them standing there, smiling slowly at you. “Igottago.”
“Y/n, no please-” You hand up quickly, breath coming out ragged and uneven as you turn to your closet. A scream tears out when you come chest to chest with Billy. 
Not real. Notrealnotrealnotreal
A knock sounds off at the door, and Billy is gone. So you move to the door, taking a moment to breathe in and open it slowly. 
Eddie is standing there, holding a bag with a small smile on his face. 
“I brought you dinner because I figured you would be held up with our assignment tonight.” He says happily and a smile breaks out on your face as your shoulders ease up. But then his eyes slipped down your body, catching on the large scar that covered most of your right thigh. And just like that you were tense again, a panic coursing through your veins as you tried to smile. 
“J-just give me a moment to get dressed.” You rush out and he nods easily, hand rubbing at his side while you slam the door. 
He doesn’t mention the scars for the rest of the night while you joke around, sitting on the floor as he imitates your shared professor, barely able to breathe from all the laughing. 
“You gotta stop.” You laugh, rubbing at your eyes softly to stop the tears brought on by your laugh. 
“Am I wrong?” He laughs, coming to sit by you once more, tripping over his shoe as he hits the floor. You gasp out, laughing as your hands move to rub his arm and make sure he is okay from the fall while he throws his head back to cackle. 
The hellfire shirt he wore rides up a little, and you see a small glimpse of scarred flesh on his side that has your eyes widening, looking away before he could see you looking.
“Why did you choose this school?” You blurt, watching him pull himself and sit side by side. 
“Scholarship.” He sighs, giving you a side smile that screams lie lie lie. 
“Why did you really choose this school?”
“The government sent me here to get rid of me.” He sighs, eyes twinkling in amusement. And though you laugh at his joke there is something real in the answer. 
“They catch you stealing an alien?”
“How did you know?!” He laughs and you find yourself giggling. “What about you?”
You consider lying, but you never really wanted to lie and Eddie seems like the one person on this earth that you wouldn’t have to. So you found a good medium for both. 
“I figured no one would recognize me here.” You shrug. 
“Oh, secret rockstar are we?” 
“I’m surprised you didn’t recognize me.” And just like that you both were back to laughing, noses pressed to each other as you got closer and closer. Until finally your lips met, softly at first, slow and gentle. His lips were smooth and his hand was warm when it came up to rest on your jaw. 
Then it turned to something more, gentle became obsessed and before you knew it you were both making out on the floor, your hands in his hair and his own on your jaw. 
You felt free, and this was your first kiss since it had all happened, and you were extremely pleased to note that you weren’t nervous. You weren’t scared or nervous. 
You were yourself with Eddie, and you were absolutely obsessed with this. 
In a quick moment of bravery you move to lift the shirt you had been wearing, Eddie’s eyes going wide with excitement as his lips move in an ‘o’ shape, lips puffy. 
His eyes survey you, that o shape never moving as he reaches a hand up slowly to touch your collarbone every gently, eyes catching on the scar held on your arm and the longer one across your stomach. 
“H-how did you get-” Before he could keep asking the door opens and you rush for your shirt with his help, scrambling apart as your roommate comes in. Her annoyed look transforms into one of surprise at a boy in your room, a gasp tearing from her throat as Eddie scrambles up and snatches his shoes. 
“I should get going. Dustins tour will end soon.” He rushes out, turning to you. You don’t know what to say and he seems to be at a loss for words himself, and finally he leans forward and gives you a kiss, resting his forehead against your own before wishing you a goodnight. 
The second the door shuts behind him she turns to you and lets out a gentle laugh. “And here I thought you would be wallowing again.”
“God, your roommate is a drag.” Eddie groans two months later, laughing when you slap him with a pillow, tickling the bottom of your foot which makes you draw your legs away from him quickly. 
Two months had passed since the faithful day you exposed yourself to him, something you hadn’t done since. You had panicked here and there on whether he would get annoyed by this, by the lack of sex in your relationship but you were extremely pleased to see that he did not mind it. 
You never got to see his scars but he never really pressured you for an answer on your own since.
Today you found yourself sitting with him on your bed as you both caught up on your reading. Your roommate had left a mere couple minutes ago after spending most the afternoon gabbing with her friends on the phone while you and Eddie tried to concentrate. 
“Did you hear baby, Olivia is like soooooo pregnant..” Eddie imitates your roommate, rolling his eyes as he crawls up to lay side by side with you. 
“I heard it was with Mitchell from her chemistry class.” You whisper, matching the energy. 
“I heard it was Simon from chemistry class.”
“Oh no. She might have to get a paternity test.” You giggle, nose pressing against his. 
“I would recommend it. Otherwise we will see Simon and Mitchell fighting in the courtyard any day now.” He smiles, leaning in to kiss you quickly before moving to look at his book. 
“I did not read.”
“It’s because you were listening to gossip girl over there.”
“What page are you on?” 
“Jesus, baby how do you read-”
“You’re a massive dork.” You scoff before looking over to the time. “It’s 3.” 
“Shit.” Eddie sighs, sitting up. “I have to get to work. Meet for dinner later? You can help me study since I didn’t read.”
“Meet you at 9?” You smile, allowing him to kiss your forehead before grabbing his jacket and standing. 
“Make it 8.”
The shop had been too busy for Eddie tonight, and by the time he left his shirt was smudged with grease, and he had been forced to change into the backup clothes he kept in his locker. Ignoring the shocked look he got from his boss when his scars were exposed and pulling the black tee over his head. 
It was a plain black tee with the mask from the movie slashed over it, something Dustin had sent him as a gift with a firm reminder that Eddie was going to be hosting the movie marathon this christmas break and Slashed would be the main premiere of it. 
He had laughed at it but hadn’t worn the shirt out yet and was shocked to find that it still smelled new as he tried brushing his hair down. 
It had been two months since the movie came out, and two months since he began dating you. Things had been going great. 
Except for the fact that he couldn't work up the nerve to ask you about your scars. 
He never wanted you to ask about him, which was one of the biggest reasons he never asked. But there was something in his chest everytime he thought about yours, who had hurt you? How could he help? 
Who could he kill?
His scars, that you had yet to see, could be hidden by a quick ‘it was an animal attack’. But yours were from a weapon and he remembered the girl from slashed screaming in pain and pictured you in that role and rage built through him. 
But he never asked, and he never pushed you for an answer. Instead he chose to enjoy his time with you, and he was desperate to enjoy his time with you tonight after a stressful day at work. 
He drove back to campus, choosing to park his car by his dorm and walk to the pizza place, teeth chattering from the cold as he did his best not to slip on ice. 
He found that the further into winter he got the less people walked, but tonight? Tonight was packed.  There were whispers, and Eddie already knew that there must have been a great deal of gossip, a smile making it’s way across his lips as he thinks about telling you, probably would make a snide comment on ‘Olivias’ behalf. Take a guess who the father would be. 
“Yeahhhh, what’s your favorite scary movie?!” Someone cheers, shaking their newspaper at Eddie before pointing to his shirt, which confuses Eddie to no end. 
The shirt and comment Eddie understood, but the newspaper truly lost him. 
But he ignores it, coming up to the door of the pizza place and spotting you through the window. But something was wrong, you seemed to be looking everywhere and nowhere at once, and everyone seemed to be whispering about you. 
He rushes to the table, blowing hot hair in his palms as he sits across from you while you stare. “Are you okay?”
“Me?” You try to smile, reaching forward to help warm his hands. “Of course. But there is definitely something going on right now.”
But there was something off with you, he couldn’t read it but he could see that you were upset about something. Tellmetellmetellme.. 
“I’m saying it now. Olivia must have shown a baby bump.” He jokes, before getting a little serious. “Hey, I was wondering if we could talk about something…”
“What’s wrong?” You ask. 
“I… so that day in your room-” He blanches a bit, clearing his throat before nodding slowly. “I wanted to ask about your scars.”
He takes his jacket off, watching you slowly as your eyes widen and you fall deathly pale. Shit, I shouldn’t have asked. 
“Onlyifyouwanttotalkaboutitofcourse.”He rushes out, watching you blink slowly at him. “It’s just  that…. I…. I just want you to be okay and I want to make sure that I never make you uncomfortable-”
A sting hits his cheek quickly and a slap sounds out in the air, filling him with confusion and shock. His ringed hand comes up to cover his cheek as everyone gasps in shock, he makes eye contact with you and sees tears spilling from your eyes freely. 
“I am sorry for asking-” He rushes out, only for you to interrupt him. 
“Stay the fuck away from me you freak.” What the hell?
His chest tightens at the name as you rush out into the winter air, and it takes him a moment to catch up before he stands quickly and dashes to follow you. “Y/N!”
You ignore him, shaking your head as you try to dash off. Eddie tries to catch up, running into someone who is taking a picture of you with a camera and a protective flare fills him as he glares. 
“What the…”
“It’s her. Oh my god it’s the final girl.” Someone else whispers and Eddie can do nothing but watch as more people recognize you while you pass. 
You cast him one more look before running, and someone shoves at his chest. 
“She deserves privacy.” A hippie looking girl asks, shaking her head. “You are all disgusting-”
“What the hell is going on?” He blurts before someone in a mask comes up. 
“Fuck yeah man.”
Eddie was lost, he had absolutely no clue what was happening right now and his cheek stung in the night air. He couldn’t catch his breath and his side hurt, he was in pain and there were so many people around and- 
A newspaper is shoved in his face, your name catching his attention. 
‘Final Girl Revealed.’
Part three here
(There is no SCREAM without Jenna and Melissa.)
TAGLIST ::::::
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maluspumilaa · 1 month
word ramble about the southerngothic farcille au bc im too tired to draw rn + i want to get better at talking about my fandom stuff on here !! below the cut since im still a bit shackled by cringe
so i had an entire whiteboard but its gone now because i am Not paying for premium but thats okay
this is pretty unstructured but i really like chewing on this au brainstyle
i think that imogen and laudna met on the island after separately being adventurers for a little bit (personally i think laudna wouldnt have had the best luck getting jobs, with the whole scary/off-putting thing about her, but still would be scraping by) – no magic academy, sorry farcille lovers
in terms of the bells hells: im honestly not sure !! i think that it would be cool to have them just be an adventuring party and all have ventured down to save laudna but i dont know how that would work, since it gets dangerous to adventure with a party larger than six or so... maybe someone joins after laudna dies, senshi style? i dont know how much meshi will be in the dungeon meshi au tbh
a lot of this au is me building around the fact i went "what if lesbians from one fandom were the lesbians from the other one" tbh
the treant that laudna is chimaeraed up with is definitely meant to do the same job as the red dragon from dunmeshi . im thinking about a crazy large treant btw. like a hulking monstrous mass of gnarled branches that shambles with alarming speed. bark so thick it seems like fire doesnt do anything except anger it. all that
also !! @/sharkodactyl 's comments on my first art post about this au made me insane (/pos), i def think that the imagery of replacing some of laudnas bones with parts of the treant is awesome... something something it ground up some of her bones to use like bone meal for itself and its not like they can just fix that damage
so they use parts from the treant in the ritual hoping that the absorbed bone will be okay to use . and it turns out fine (no it doesnt) !
ABOUT THE RESURRECTION: i think mashing the dnd and dungeon meshi resurrection scenes would be beautiful to me. i deeply enjoy laudnas resurrection in c3, maybe with the ancient magic ritual there has to be some calling of the spirit to beckon it forth or something?? i just want imogen to talk to laudna before the ritual . feels like it raises the stakes or something
also!! if you look at my au art youll see that laudna still has her ear cuff things. that is because i gave her different trauma for this au ♡
until there was some event like what happened in falins backstory, but after laudna was an adult, leading to worse, more direct treatment from her village/city – i was thinking that due to the general anti-elf/anti-magic attitude in her village, individuals deemed especially "dangerous" or suspected of practicing dark magic would have their ears cut to resemble elves (similar to the canaries but. worse i think)
from what ive gathered, a lot of tallman communities in dungeon meshi (specifically what ive seen of laios and falins northern village) are to some degree intolerant of magic, not super open minded, and to me laudna hails from a village or city around there (or somewhere similar to there) and ended up leaving because, like falin, she had an affinity towards seeing ghosts and performing magic and suffered for it
generally, she was a little bit of an outcast even as a child because she was just kind of scary? she had that weird girl swag but nothing that made her stick out all that much
SO BASICALLY thats why she has those ear covers. she doesnt like looking at the scars . maybe they also tried to hang her ? i dont know
also alsoo imogen in this au does have her lightning markies. frequently i forget those. i think theyre more subtle generally (to the point of looking like really pronounced veins) and restricted to mostly her wrists/hand area but they do glow when she uses magic (not a lot ! maybe a lot during the resurrection scene but thats for my enjoyment more than anything)
her lighning markies + hair color is still from her being ruidus-born. it has some sway over ley lines/mana in some way but the attitude in this au is very much the same as in exandria in cr (represents negative things to people, not seen as a good omen, and generally isnt focused on). it still flares and such, but the flares affect stuff with magic – something something it makes magic more volatile/is linked in some way to ancient magic
i think imogen (+ her mother) would have been fairly ostracized by the small village she grew up in (but not as severely as laudna) due to their unique appearances as a result of being ruidus-born. liliana still leaves relvin and a young imogen but not before introducing lifespan angst into her daughters mind
i think. ruidus flares fuck with peoples lifespan. generally elongates them by a good bit? since it has that connection with ancient magic which is from a time of longer lifespans and such
anyways. imogen ventured out from home to find out where her mother went + learn more about her ruidus-born status and such. she came to melini (or. the exandrian equivalent to it?) for research reasons, maybe to make money before setting off on her travels once again or something
and then met laudna and was charmed a normal amount by her on first meeting and decided to stay dungeon diving with her (and bells hells? for a little while after)
also dont ask about pate i dont know either. maybe he is just a little inanimate puppet made out of dead things or maybe hes a regular rat that wears a bird skull sometimes . maybe he has wings . hes a familiar he can do what he wants
if you made it this far, thank you for reading !! i would love interaction about this au :3 sorry if any of this got really long or ramble-y i have many thoughts LOL
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oldworldwidgets · 8 months
here she is. officially. my beloved fallout 4 oc delilah !!!! first piece done by @zetobii and the second by @leavingautumn13
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i dont draw so all art of delilah comes from my dear friends who draw her for me/with their ocs and tell me i can post it OR from commissions. what i can do, however, is write <3 and make playlists and pinterest boards for visuals <3 so prepare urself <3
speaking of which, you can find her playlist here and her pinterest board here!! theyre chronological, so listening/scrolling in order should more or less tell her story too
ok so: her appearance, personality, stats, story, and some fun facts are here under the cut (its a lot fyi ok i just love her so much) pls enjoy
delilah lore (delilore?) be upon ye:
24 years old, 5’10”
very fair skinned with bright green eyes and jet black hair
her hair is wavy and flows down to the middle of her back. she has one small braid behind her right ear
covered in freckles, from her nose to her knees. she has a tiny scar above her mouth from a past split lip and a slit in her opposite eyebrow from a past black eye
midriff is heavily discolored from past bruises - the pigmentation never fully went away - and marred with keloid scars from deep cuts from things she refuses to talk about. if her dress has a high enough slit, bruises can peek out near the very tops of her legs
large black kingsnake tattoo wrapping up a her left arm with its head near her shoulder and its tail near/on her hand
she can almost always be found in her wine-colored silk dress that reaches only about mid-thigh, nails manicured and lips painted to match. it has spaghetti straps and is loosely bodycon.
she wears stacks of gold rings (as many as possible, really) and dangly gold snake earrings
the only things she keeps on her person are the dagger and the gun strapped to her thighs under her dress. her gun was a gift from KL-E-0. it is a custom gold-plated, silenced 10mm. lilah named it "Mine"
if fo4 had a karma slider, lilah would land pretty firmly on evil. on a dnd alignment chart, think chaotic neutral or neutral evil
SPECIAL: 2, 8, 2, 10, 7, 4, 3
she's not strong nor has much endurance, but when you're as smart, perceptive, and charismatic as she is, you can charm people into carrying your stuff for you anyway.
her perks are party girl (alcohol/chem resistance), black widow (damage/persuasion against men), night person (higher int at night), and intimidation (pacify, instruct, and force opponents to attack). and deacon's cloak and dagger, of course.
cold, calculated, distant
cares about very, very few people (and even fewer things) but is fiercely loyal to those people. she's a railroad agent, but only because deacon cares about the cause and she begrudgingly cares about deacon
she and deacon clash. he refused to even vouch for her admission to the railroad. she gets along much better with glory, but she still gets assigned to run jobs with deacon because they keep each other in check and are deadly efficient as a pair (theyre also in love but they keep it a secret from everyone including each other)
she cares about very very few people but it fiercely loyal to those people. she is a railroad agent, but only because deacon cares about the cause and she "begrudgingly" cares about deacon (she cares literally so much do not let her fool u)
her moral compass is not magnetic. right and wrong is whatever she wants it to be. she takes no issue killing people if they wrong her. sexual harassment or subterfuge/targeted deception send marks to the top of her hit list.
her story:
her birth name is allie eden
she is not a sole survivor; she was born into the capital wasteland chapter of the brotherhood of steel. despite sentinel lyons' best efforts, delilah responded far better to scribe training than to combat training
she and arthur maxson were the only two kids in the citadel, and they became fast friends, even after the lyons pride crumbled and maxson was appointed elder.
he appointed her his sentinel, second in command, which she embraced until she saw how terribly the wasteland was faring under his leadership.
she promptly absconded and, because she had been so sheltered until that day, quickly lost herself to chems and alcohol.
months passed in, thanks to all the blackouts, what felt like hours. one night, allie woke up in a warm bed that she did not fall asleep in. a man named dante deangelo had pulled her body from a D.C. gutter and made sure she was safe.
in no time, they fell in love and decided to escape to the commonwealth. they found a small, basement apartment in goodneighbor and allie began tending bar at the third rail.
dante, slowly but surely, became more abusive. he left bruises and deep cuts on her body anywhere her third rail uniform would cover. she stayed, though, because she'd been raised by the brotherhood to believe that love was harsh and painful. to obey without question. to submit to authority.
eventually, she tired of that life and snapped, killing dante before he could leave any more marks on her. something... shifted. maybe it was allie eden who entered their apartment that morning, but it was delilah who left it that night.
KL-E-0, who was quite fond of allie and is far fonder of delilah, fitted her with pistol, Mine.
instead of hiding behind the bar like she had when she was with dante, she began to use it to her advantage. every dusty drifter with full pockets full of caps left her bar empty handed. but it wasnt enough.
she began targeting triggermen, who she knew were peddling chems for... someone in goodneighbor. the moment a man started flirting with her (which she hated), it was like a red dot sight appeared on their foreheads. she'd seduce them, take them back to her apartment, get her caps and chems and information, and the men would never be seen again.
morowski, goodneighbor kingpin, eventually approached her at work about his shrinking pool of chem peddlers. they struck a deal: he would slip her into his operation as his newest arm candy, and she would peddle his chems at her bar.
it worked flawlessly until morowski actually fell in love with her. go figure. unless, of course, that was lilah's plan all along...
while she's still participating in this farce with morowski, she meets drummer boy, who she ends up truly enjoying the company of even despite her general distaste for men. eventually, he convinces her to join the railroad with him
because morowski is in love with delilah, she has no issue squeezing information out of him when deacon asks her to: morowski is an institute informant. lilah quickly, uh, deals with that problem, and the next days, morowski is found dead in his office at the rexford. cause of death: self inflicted gunshot wound. what a tragedy.
because delilah was his "other half," his unofficial widow, she inherited morowski's whole chem operation
now, she happily spends her days directing the triggermen and tending her bar - for fun and for information, at this point, because she certainly doesnt need the caps. when she needs to run for the railroad or her beloved friends need her professional black widow skills, whitechapel charlie is "happy" to cover for her. as happy as he can manage, anyway.
fun facts:
she is terrified of storms, heights, and violent outbursts from people she trusts
her name comes from the bible story of sampson and delilah, where delilah is paid by the government to seduce sampson (a man of god) and tempt him to sin by telling her what gives him his inhuman strength. after three attempts, she is successful. sampson tells her that god gives him his strength through his hair. she then cuts his hair, which ultimately leads to his death. i mean what a bad bitch
she is still deeply unhappy even after she wraps goodneighbor around her finger because she still doesnt know who she is
she's skeptical of maxson's move to the commonwealth. she is very much on the run from him (and the bortherhood as a whole), and ham happily vets drifters for her to ensure theyre not undercover brotherhood before letting them into the bar.
she and maccready arent exactly "friends" but they harbor mutual respect for each other since they spend so much time together. mac had to call her off like a guard dog when winlock and barnes paid him a visit, so shes confident he would do the same if the brotherhood ever came knocking.
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eddiiiieeee · 1 year
Holding her back
Eddie Munson x reader warnings: strong language, real angsty, mentions of sexual things, no happy ending. yes, I am an evil fuck.
summary: Eddie feels like he's holding y/n back, and that's where the demise of their relationship starts
authors note: all the young adults are in high school, and so are the party members, Joyce and hopper are together, Billy isn't a pimple on anyone's ass. The upside down never happened. and yes ur dad is Pedro pascal. have fuuun
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Eddie had walked into the woods before dnd started since he decided to ditch last period, noticing y/n finishing a sketch, she was sat at their spot, he couldn’t help but admire her for a bit "hey" Eddie said holding his hands as she looked at him, taking in his features before clearing her throat and looking back down at the drawing of Eddie. "you're still here, don't have a deal to tend to?" she mumbled slamming her sketchbook shut as Eddie watched her nodding "I-i wanted to talk to you. I figured I'd find you here" she hummed as she put her sketchbook in her bag and zip it up "ive gotta go, my dad could be here." she said needing to get away from him even though her lie didn’t work with the time "y/n, wait please, ive been holding this off long enough and its hurting the both of us" y/n looked at him as Eddie gazed back into her eyes "quickly" she mumbled turning a bit to face him "i think we should break up..” Eddie said as y/n gulped, her eyes filling with tears as she nodded “done then” she whispered as he voice cracked a bit, taking off the necklace he got her and placing it down on the table as she grabbed her stuff and hurried off to the front of the school, making sure she was far from Eddie so she could release the sobs she’s been holding in. Eddie put his hands in his face as he let his tears fall ‘this is what’s best for her’ he reminded himself. those two years of being together were over. all those memories and moments between the two, gone.
the universe seemed to hate y/n as on her walk home while sobbing her eyes out, it had begun to rain, soaking her completely as she hid her sketchbook to save it from the water. it wasn’t long that she got to her house, glad that nothing happened to her books and sketchbook as she opened the door walking in before Nick looked at her confused “kid? what happened?” he said rushing for to his daughter as she gulped, she kept her gaze on the floor, not reacting to her dads touch “we broke up” she whispered as she licked her lips “what?” Nick asked confused, Eddie was over just.a few nights ago and everything seemed fine
“he broke up with me” y/n sobbed as she held onto her stuff tightly, Nick was quick to wrap his arms around her, holding her tightly as he kissed the top of her head “i’m so sorry, i’ve got you baby girl.” he muttered as he tried to calm her down “he just left you to walk in the rain?” “no, he thought you were picking me up so” y/n wiped her eyes smudging the bit of makeup that had remained on her face “i’m gonna go take a shower” she said taking her shoes off as she put her slippers on, rushing to her bathroom as she dropped all her stuff at her desk and walked into the bathroom, undressing and getting into the shower, turning the hot water on as she stood underneath it. did Eddie fall for someone else? did he realise y/n wasn’t good enough for him? did he get bored?
y/n spent an hour of her shower just standing underneath the water and crying, letting the hot water pierce her skin, before she actually began washing her hair and body, saving as well before getting out and doing her skincare, before getting changed into one of Eddie’s shirts and a pair of shorts, moving downstairs as she dried her short hair with a towel “hey kid, you feeling better?” Nick asked as he watched her sit next to him on the couch, looking at the table and all the snacks he put out for them
“i’m not hungry” she whispered, pulling her knees up to sit underneath her chin as she sniffled “kid, you gotta eat, see i got you, pizza and sushi and noodles, and your favorite shrimps, see it’s a full buffet for the two of us” he smiled looking at her and he put some of her hair behind her ear “i’ll eat later, let’s just start the movie” She muttered grabbing the remote as she turned it on. Nick looked at her as worry sat on his face.
wayne had returned home to find the trailer quiet, when he took his shoes off and began walking to the bathroom, he’d noticed the dump Eddie’s room had become and when we went in to clean it up, he’d noticed that Eddie was sat on his mattress holding onto a shirt “ed’s, son what is all this mess?” Wayne asked before noticing how bloodshot Eddie’s eyes were “i broke up with her. i’m just holding her back, i hurt her, wayne. you should’ve seen how pained she was, i hurt her” Eddie said his lip pouting as he kept his gaze ahead
wayne sighed as he sat down next to his nephew, rubbing his shoulder as he hugged him tightly “come ‘ere, son” wayne whispered as Eddie hugged him tightly “she hates me now. i messed it all up” Eddie whispered as he held onto wayne tightly, he let the love of his life go. just like that.
authors note: no happy ending for u little shits🤭
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Saturday Movie Night
I wrote this after it’s been floating around in my brain for a while now. Thanks to @josephfakingquinn & @ghost-proofbaby for encouraging me to post
The door to the Munson trailer slams wide open with a bang and Eddie falls out, “she’s here guys!” He shouts back into the noise of the trailer, everyone else must be here already.
“Hey there stranger, what took you so long? I’ve had to put up with Steve trying to convince me that Cocktail is a better movie than Poltergeist for the last half an hour!” he gags. Your friend since middle school, Eddie Munson could best be described as a human tornado, a real force of nature, it’s this energy and love of metal, DnD and the macabre that earned him the nickname of ‘freak’, but it’s what drew you to him.
“If you missed me Eds, all you have to do is say it” I smirk.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re just lucky I didn’t send Hopper out there with a search party” he jokes, biting back a smile and slings his arm around my shoulder dragging me inside. He’s solid and warm and smells like a mix of cigarettes and the spice from his cologne.
The trailer is small but cozy, car magazines litter the coffee table and a shelf full of novelty mugs covers the wall behind the couch. A tiny television stands in the room corner. Tonight it’s full to the brim, Steve and Robin in front of the tv, argue over what to watch, Nancy and Jonathan in the kitchen getting snacks and drinks and the Hellfire kids sprawled out across the floor arguing about the latest campaign Eddie had created.
“You’re here!” Robin shouts, spotting you and dragging you by the arm towards the tiny kitchen, to join Nancy “okay, okay I need your advice” Robin pleads. Eddie glances over at you as Robin explains her latest interaction with Vicki, her crush, and whether or not it means she’s into her.
“You could just tell her you know” Steve mutters, not even needing to look at Eddie to know where his attention is, instead looking at the tapes in his hand.
“Just pick the movie, King Steve” Eddie mocks and sips his beer.
The movie, finally chosen; Gremlins, much to yours and Eddie’s dismay; as everyone files into the small living space. Eddie takes a seat next to you as you sit down on the couch. As you continued to talk with Nancy and Robin about some upcoming girls day you lean your back against his arm.
Torture, Eddie decides, this is torture.
Dustin jumps at something on the screen, throwing his bowl of popcorn everywhere, as choruses of “Dustin!” and “you butthead” ring out Eddie decides it’s time, time to man up as Steve would say; he can’t believe he’s taking advice from Harrington; he taps your shoulder and gestures outside, miming a smoke. I nod.
No one seems to have noticed as the two of you slip out the door. You sit on the worn out couch near the door falling into a comfortable silence as Eddie lights up a cigarette.
“It was getting a little crowded in there, I miss when Saturday movie night was just the two of us” Eddie mutters around the cigarette. He blows the smoke out into the night as he hands it to you.
“And miss out on the chance to scare everyone with Hellraiser last week?” I chuckle, accepting the cigarette, you both laugh at the particular memory of seeing several members of your tight not group the next day, exhausted from not sleeping out of fear.
“Okay, I don’t miss that” Eddie concedes, sighing as silence falls over you again. I lean my head against the back of the couch, staring up at the stars.
“What’s on your mind?”
“Nothin’, nothin” he says not meeting my eye.
“Let’s pretend I buy that” I laugh, passing back the cigarette. Eddie leans his own head back glances at you.
“Do you remember, in middle school, we had to make those lame ass valentines cards?” He says.
Of course you remember, the only card you got was a funny joke card from Eddie that Jason Carver had promptly ripped it in two.
“You made me that..monkey card” I laugh “and I made you that one with my shitty flower drawing on the front”
Eddie doesn’t say anything, he leans forward pulling out his wallet. Opening it he pulls out a folded up piece of paper and places it on your thigh.
I unfold the paper to reveal it’s the silly little card, with the badly drawn flower on the front faded from age and being shoved into Eddie’s wallet.
“You kept it?” I run my fingers over the little flower.
“I kept everything” Eddie’s staring now. His weighted admission hangs in the air. “The card. Those character sheets you made for Hellfire, your posters you made for Corroded Coffins gigs”.
“You did? Why?”
“Don’t make me say it.” Eddie groans.
“Eddie you can’t just tell me….” The words die in your throat as Eddie suddenly surges forward and his lips find yours. It’s messy and full of feelings.
“Oh” the only word you can form once you have pulled apart for air.
“Yeah” Eddie says, suddenly self conscious. “It’s weird and I’m not good with this shit like Steve, but yeah..” he runs a hand over his face and curses.
“I don’t care about Steve, Eds” his eyes shoot back up to your face.
“No?” There’s hopefulness in his voice.
“No” I admit. He grins and kisses you again, slower this time, as his hand glides along your arm before coming to rest at the back of your neck, tangling in your hair, pulling you closer and your hands grip the front of his shirt.
…“Robin! You owe me 20 bucks!” You hear Steve yell.
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19 minutes and 17 seconds of reasons why I love Byler so much.
“Hearing” by Sleeping at Last
“Holland” by Novo Amor
“Wait” by M83
“Turning Page” by Sleeping at Last
“Complex” by Katie Gregson-MacLeod
The reasons:
1. Will can’t lie to Mike, not even small white lies
2. Their relationship is in focus right from the very start
3. Mike is always the one in focus when it’s about Will
4. Mike feels like he’s the only one who cares about Will
5. When Will’s fake body was found, Mike’s reaction was in focus
6. Mike never stopped believing that Will was alive
7. Mike recognizes Will’s voice instantly
8. When they first met El in the woods, Mike’s first thought was “That’s not Will”
9. ”And we kissed, as though nothing could fall. And the shame was on the other side.”
10. Mike stood up to the bullies when they made homophobic jokes about Will
11. Mike’s father can’t think of him being with a girl
12. Mike’s mother knows and accepts him
13. Mike saves all of Will’s drawings in a binder
14. He even caresses them
15. When Will came back, Mike laid his head on Will’s chest to hear his heart beating
16. Mike and Will is in their happiest state while playing DnD together
17. Mike is the only one who notices Will going away
18. He is also the one who snaps him out of his trance
19. More than once
20. Mike’s voice is softer towards Will than to any other person, aka “The Will voice”
21. Mike immediately notice changes in Will’s behavior
22. Will always screams for Mike when he’s in danger or lost
23. And when he’s hurt
24. Mike says he’s gonna take Will home
25. and he takes him to his basement
26. Will feels like Mike is the only one who understands him
27. When Will listed all the people who like to “baby” him, he doesn’t mention Mike
28. “Only love makes you that crazy”
29. They said they’d go crazy together
30. Mike wants to be a writer, and Will wants to be a comic-book artist (perfect match)
31. Mike worries about Will and insists to be there for him
32. Mike is always the first person next to Will when something happens to him
33. He also sees himself as Will’s personal protector
34. He never left Will’s side when he was possessed
35. Mike slept in an uncomfortable hospital chair to make sure Will was never alone, even though he was possessed
36. Will still rememberers Mike
37. Mike wants to protect Will and be his shield
38. Mike held Will’s hand to give him comfort
39. The hand that Mike held was the only part of Will’s body that wasn’t possessed that wasn’t possessed was the hand Mike held, and this way Will could communicate with them
40. The thumb touch
41. Mike remembered the first day he met Will in detail, even though they were only 5 years old
42. Mike never smiles in pictures, unless Will is there with him
43. Mike’s reaction to Will dancing with a girl on the Snow Ball
44. Will is the best thing that ever happened to Mike
45. They both blush when they’re at the movies together
46. They’re looking at each other’s lips
47. More than once. Mike even got distracted by it
48. Will says he’s not gonna fall in love
49. But he’s already fallen
50. Will smiles when El breaks up with Mike
51. Mike doesn’t seem heartbroken by the break up
52. When Will is upset with Mike he immediately tries to make everything okay again
53. The projection: ”It’s not my fault you don’t like girls”
54. Will admitted he wanted to spend the rest of his life playing games with Mike
55. Twice. He can’t see a future without Mike
56. Will destroys Castle Byers because of Mike’s hurtful words
57. Mike immediately bikes through Hawkins in the thunder storm to apologize and make things right again with Will
58. Mike walked through the dark forest in the rain calling for Will because he was scared something had happened to him again
59. Will donated his DnD game because the game meant nothing without Mike
60. Will promised he won’t join another party
61. Their shared smile
62. Their heartfelt goodbye
63. Hopper’s speech is heavily Mike-coded
64. When Will left, Mike got depressed and stayed in his basement for weeks
65. “Will is painting a lot for someone he likes, maybe it is a girl?” El writes in a letter to Mike
66. When they meet again it’s suddenly very awkward (from Mike’s side) he also immediately asks about the painting
67. Mike is suddenly acting jealous, “ignoring” Will and they share and avoid awkward eye contact
68. Mike asks El if their friends is gonna be where they’re going, and he reacts when Will says “Angela”, so he tries to make Will jealous by kissing El on the temple
69. And he succeeds
70. Will is angry at El for lying to Mike for months and he thinks Mike deserves better
71. Mike thinks Will has sabotaged the whole day because he barely talks to him, rolling his eyes and moping
72. They both feel hurt for not reaching out more, even though Mike actually tried to call Will a bunch of times according to Dustin
73. “We’re friends, we’re friends”, “We used to be BEST friends”
74. Mike thinks home isn’t the same without Will
75. He also admitted that he felt like he had lost Will
76. SCRIPT: “This intimate moment got shattered-“
77. They always gets interrupted when they’re having a moment
78. Mike gets nervous every time Will is close to him or accidentally touches him
79. The flirting, pining & staring
80. Will wants to confess but is afraid Mike won’t like the truth
81. Mike nods. He.. understand what he means?
82. Mike can’t say or write “I love you” to El
83. Mike feels like they can’t come back from that
84. Will’s painting was for Mike
85. Mike’s face drops when Will said the painting was from El
86. He was actually talking about his own feelings for Mike, and how he sees him, with El’s name as a shield because he wanted to reassure him
87. Mike is Will’s heart, he’s making him feel like he’s not a mistake and that he’s better for being different. He don’t want to lose him
88. Will cries in the van because he’s in love with his best friend and don’t know how to tell him, this was the first time he ever lied to Mike
89. The look on Mike’s face when he spots Will after his reunion with El
90. Will thinks Mike and El is happily and in love (from his PoV)
91. When in reality, they really aren’t
92. Will’s brother knows and accepts him
93. Will reminds Mike that he’s the heart, pushing him into confessing his love to save El
94. She doesn’t believe him, but Will does
95. Mike and El are barely talking after the monologue
96. Will tells Mike about Vecna and Mike reassures him (in the most beautiful light we’ve ever seen in the show)
97. Mike is always by Will’s side for the rest of the last episode, foreshadowing the arc of season 5
98. The last shot of season 4 is them paralleling the other canon couples of the show
99. Will is Mike’s light
100. Mike is Will’s light
101. They are perfect together.
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ridrawsart · 30 days
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Who wouldn't like to have a sweet undead druid in their party? Ashe belongs to snoeleppard on Instagram! It was a lot of fun designing this lovely girl. Want me to draw your dnd character? My commissions are open!
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talesfromaurea · 1 year
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[Image ID: The front and back of an aged-looking book cover. The front features two dragons, one white and one black, forming a vertical infinity symbol and the title "Tales from Aurea". The back has the following summary: "It's the end of an era and the land of Calthia is descending into ruin... Amidst a backdrop of crumbling empires and dwindling magic, four unlikely companions come together with a shared goal: helping a mysterious young girl named Kaja stay hidden and find her way home. But when it comes to light that Kaja's elusive people are the only ones with the power to destroy the demonic forces dragging Calthia into darkness, suddenly all eyes-friend and foe-are turned their way." /.End ID]
We're back!!
After a long hiatus, I'm coming back with a new and improved draft of Tales from Aurea that you'll be able to read for free. Come join the Pathfinder party 🥳
Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Supernatural
Themes: Coming of age; justice and revenge; duality and balance; facing fears; free will versus determinism; dealing with trauma, loss, and grief
Sources of inspiration: Slavic mythology, Pathfinder/DnD, The Elder Scrolls, the Zelda series
Features: Largely LGBTQ+ cast, focus on platonic relationships, found family, a fantasy setting based on ancient Rome and surrounding kingdoms
Content warnings: violence and blood (no gore), character death, discussion of topics including imperialism, genocide, and slavery
Where can I read?
Chapters will be serialized on Royal Road (link), with an excerpt and announcement shared here on tumblr! Haven't worked out what kind of schedule yet but you can follow on Royal Road and/or request to be on the tumblr tag list to keep up with news 😊
Where can I learn more about the characters, story, etc?
I think this "what to expect" tag provides a good overview. You can also check out my "pathfinder talk" tag here for everything I've posted including drawings, excerpts, and general rambles.
I read the last draft, should I read this from the beginning?
Yes! As well as writing improvements, this draft contains more character development and new details. I'm also planning on carrying this into future arcs that were never posted to tumblr before.
Ask to be added to the tag list and thank you for reading!
One time tag for a few folks who've shown interest in the past: @aroyalpaininthecass, @drippingmoon, @harps-for-days, @splashinkling, @ashen-crest, @star-soupp
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