ask-the-agencies · 8 years
What was up with that marionette costume Private had, Kowalski? (referring to your latest wonderful doodles; i prefer written story for this ask)
Uhh tw: blood
That’s a Dummy!
 “Walski? What’s happening?” a tiny voice, shaking, asked.
Kowalski placed a finger on the child’s lips, holding himcloser to his chest with the other arm. Kowalski sat behind one of theirneighbor’s house in the dusky night, Private in his arms. “Stay quiet, Private.We… we need to stay hidden, okay?” he whispered, own voice trying to mask hisnervousness.
He peaked behind the corner, seeing no one in view. He letout a sigh of relief, slouching against the wall.
Suddenly, he heard a voice booming from afar.
“I know you’re somewhere here, Tux brothers. Hand over yourchild and no one gets hurt,” it called, tone in a teasingly dark sadistic manner.
Kowalski cursed under his breath, his breathing becomingunsteady. He shook himself out of the panic, he needed to focus! His brotherwas being hunted!
He needed a way to escape, to get back to their home. Butwith Private out in the open of his arms, the mad man would see him clearlywith his robotic eye.
Kowalski didn’t know the man that trailed their tails. Buthe knows, from Skipper, that this was the infamous Dr. Blowhole.
Only Skipper and the twins had ever encountered him. So whydoes he want Private? How could he even know of the five-year old’s existence?Hell, he didn’t even know about Kowalski!
Kowalski snapped back into reality upon hearing approachingfootsteps, a deep chuckle accompanying it. He thought quickly, at least to havetried a way to fool this man intothinking they were not of Tux blood.
Suddenly, an idea came to mind. True, it’s a weak plan, butif this man has never seen either of them, he may not have the faintest ofthinking they were his targets.
Kowalski put Private down and began to dig through hispockets. He pulled out various markers, pens, pencils that he would use towrite on his pocket book. He chose out a red marker and then a black marker.
Private tilted his head, curious when suddenly Kowalskiplaced a hand under his chin and directed him closer. He giggled, but forcedhimself to suppress it when he remembered Kowalski telling him to stay quiet.But the sensation of the cold marker running across his face just tickled somuch!
On his baby brother’s face within seconds were two redcircles that covered both his cheeks. Under the circles would run a black lineto under his chin. And on the corners of Private’s mouth were also two lines,and just like that, resembled the traits of a marionette. Or at least a childdressed as one.
Private’s eyes set onto the reflection of the window behindKowalski. He studied Kowalski’s work, tempted to touch it, but had a hand pullhis own away from his face. He looked at Kowalski, eyes wide and head tiltingto the other side.
“Walski? Why do I- “he asked, but was cut off as Kowalskipicked him up again.
“Shh, I don’t have many options of getting us through thatman, but this is the best we have. Just trust big brother on this okay?”Kowalski explained as calmly as he could, ruffling the child’s hair when hegave a small hum.
“Now, I just need you to act like a puppet, okay? Try not tosay anything unless I give you a cue, okay Private?” he instructed carefully,standing up. Private nodded, holding onto Kowalski’s sleeve.
“Hello there.”
Kowalski gasped, heart pounding and stomach weary. Luckily,Private hadn’t screamed from the scare, but instead cowered his head into hisarms. They did their best to recollect themselves in front of this shady figure.
“O-oh, you gave m-me quite a shock, sir!” Kowalski played,forcing himself to keep his panic from being visible now that it’s show time.
The man chuckled, eyeing the two down. “My apologies. Areyou from this neighborhood?” he questioned. He eyed Private, who remained inhis hiding.
Kowalski tugged at his collar. Was it becoming hard tobreathe or what? He answered. “I-uh, yes. I am. Why do you ask? Are you lost?”
The man closed his one real eye, the other scanning around.He shook his head, putting his hands up in front of him. “No no, I am not. ButI am looking for someone who lives around in this neighborhood,” he paused. “Doyou perhaps know where Skipper Tux and his brothers reside? I’m here for avisit.”
Kowalski thought. “I’m t-terribly sorry, sir, but I do notknow where Skipper lives-“
“But you know him?”
“Yes- no! No I don’t.”
“I think you do, sir”
“N-no! I’m sorry but I do not.”
“I’m sure you do. You sound like somebody that Skipper’smentioned before, I’m sure you are him. Look, I have to get going to find him,but if you happen to see Skipper, tell him for me that one of his youngerbrothers had a severe asthma attack on the streets. He’s currently at my home, recovering.It’s urgent, so if you find him before I do, please tell him,” the man saidfinally, turning around and beginning to walk the opposite direction.
Kowalski stood there, eyes wide trying to quickly piecetogether what the man said. Suddenly, Private slipped up, trembling from thepresence of the stranger.
“Walski? Is Rico hurt?” he asked, eyes tearing up as hebegan to break into a sob from the thought.
Kowalski shushed him, trying to calm him down. Suddenly, theman turned around again.
He advanced on the two, backing them up into a corner. Helaughed. “So it is you, Kowalski. AndPrivate Tux. Did you honestly think such a disguise would fool me?”
Before Kowalski could protest and try to fix their slip up,the man’s robotic eye began to whir. The main part, which ‘normally’ shined ared light clanked inside, switching with other mains that seemed to have theirown purposes, until it stopped on one.
It sprayed out a gas that quicklyclouded the two. With every breath, the world became more disoriented andblurry. Kowalski’s head began to pain from such visions that he could no longerstand and fell to his knees. The man only looked down, to aim the continuousgas at them. Kowalski fell to his side, to avoid crushing the child alreadygone limp. Before his eyes shut, Kowalski saw the man looking down at himgrinning. And saying “It’s nice to meet you, Tux brothers.
 “Well, welcome back to the world,sunshine.”
Kowalski sprang awake, hittinghis head against the wall his arms were chained up to. He groaned out in pain,trying to rub the new pain on his head with his shoulder.
He looked up, taking in theplace. It seemed like some sort of dungeon. He was chained behind bars. And there,hooked up to a contraption was Private who still lied unconscious.
Kowalski struggled against thechains but to no avail. “Go ahead, tire yourself out, but don’t blame me whenyou miss the show.”
Kowalski looked to the directionof the voice. There, sitting behind a board of controls and buttons was theman. He took in a deep breath, trying to fight against the wave of anxietybuilding up in his systems.
“Who are you? And what do you want with Private?”
“Why, hasn’t Skipper told you ofany of our memories together? Not even Manfredi? Johnson?”
Kowalski didn’t answer, eyesnarrowing at the man.
“Well, if you didn’t know, I amDr. Blowhole. If you couldn’t tell, your older brothers and I aren’t always…on the right foot, so to say.”
“What does that have to do withus? With Private? What do you want from him?” Kowalski questioned. “You don’teven know Private!”
“Ah, but it is you who doesn’t knowPrivate.”
Kowalski’s brow burrowed,confused at such a statement. Him not know Private, his own baby brother? Yeahright.
“See, I didn’t even know thatSkipper had more brothers aside from the twins. Course, I wouldn’t have caredunless I wanted you for a hostage situation- oh! That’s a good idea, I shouldwrite a note.” Blowhole teased, keeping Kowalski on edge.
Seeing that the Kowalski didn’ttake a liking to his “humor” he continued.
“Anyways. In the past, I’vemanaged to get my hands on the DNA of your older brothers. Of course, it wasn’tnormal blood. Upon further inspection, I found something interesting.”
He pressed a button, and on thewall flipped out a wide screen that showed the traces of DNA from Manfredi,Johnson, and Skipper… And Nigel?
“I know how you’re all made. Ijust don’t have the technology nor the slightest clue to what type of machineit was you were all created in, but I do know this- you are all of bloodfusions of two donors, that gave you your unique DNA.” He paused.
Kowalski was watching intently,as if looking for a flaw in his information, but careful not to give anyunknown information to him.
Blowhole cleared his throat. “Forexample, your dear Skipper was made from the blood of Manfredi and Johnson. Withother factors I have not yet figured out, that gave him his skills of aprofessional martial artist. You havethat brain of yours, etc., etc. When I simulated the fusions of combinations,that was when I knew that those three idiots did indeed have more brothers. The smallest trace of DNA I found ona tattered part of Johnson’s clothes? It matched with a combination that madeyou. And then an item Manfredi dropped? Rico. And then Private was confirmedwhen Skipper ‘accidentally’ slipped up.”
“You’re not telling me what youwant from Private-“
Suddenly, a sharp blade waschucked towards Kowalski’s head, and had only missed and instead pierced intothe cement wall beside him.
“I’m getting there!”
For a scientist with plans, hesure didn’t have any worries losing time to tell his whole backstory.
“From the simulated DNA ofPrivate, I noticed something in it. There is a chemical in there. And from whatI’ve concluded. It’s his abilitiesthat were inhibited by a disturbance from the chemical’s fusion with his genes to effectively be used, somethingI’m sure even his big brothers don’t know about,” he finished, mocking him in amushy tone.
“You might be wondering whatthat chemical is-“
“Well! This is what it is!” he yanked down one of the largest levers onthe board in front of him, activating the machine that strapped Private in.
The room was filled by themachine’s zaps and turning and whirring bits and pieces as Private’s cries ofpain rang into Kowalski’s ears. His tiny body desperately trying to pullagainst the bounds on his limbs.
Kowalski watched in horror,quick to notice the blood that seeped from every spot of skin on Private’sbody. He fought against the chains on his bruising wrists, but to no avail.
Fortunately, Blowholedeactivated the machine, finished with the “demo”.
Private’s body went limp on thecontraption once again, now panting heavily and whimpering, eyes shut tight andblood continued to leak out.
“Strange… I’m not sure of thesudden bleeding. But! This is what Ifound,” he said, motioning to the second part of the machine. It was a tube thatseems to have extracted parts from Private’s genes, but in it was… a pinkliquid?
Kowalski stared, in a state ofshock from what he witnessed to speak.
Blowhole pulled the tube out andheld it in one hand for Kowalski to see. “This is what Private should have beenable to use to his advantage, and now it will be mine,” he said twistedly,laughing cruelly.
“With this, I will be able tosimply hypnotize any human on earth with only a single look at what I applythis to! To him, it was a quantum hyper-cute that would have stunned on-lookersand could have put them into ahypnosis stage to do his orders.”
He crackled once more, whilstpinching Private’s bloody cheek mockingly. “But I don’t think he has any use for it. So why don’t Itake it off his hands?”
Blowhole made his way to themachine again, and took hold of the lever.
“Hm? What? You think you’ll beable to change my mind from taking this?-“
“No! No, you wouldn’t want to dothat right now! Think! I-if you take it all from him at once, he’s going todie!”
“So? You think I care?”
“Th-that’s not m-my point! If hedies, you’ve limited yourself to how much of that chemical you can get. Look athim- his body’s bleeding because the chemicals you’ve taken from him no longerhold in the blood with the help of his skin. But if he heals-“
“I see your point!” Blowholeinterrupted, impatient and irritated from Kowalski’s babble.
“Hm… I see your point…” hesaid again, this time more thoughtfully. “Very well. I’ll keep him as myinfinite source.”
Kowalski shuddered at such athought. If he doesn’t use the time he’s bought wisely, Private may have a lifeof being regularly attached to this machine to be put through pain. Over andover.
“I will let him… recover. Untilthen, I’ll figure out how I can use you,”he claimed grimly, moving away from the machine.
He began to make his way towardsthe door of the dungeon, hand behind him. But before he opened it, he turnedhis head. “And if you plan any sort of escape. I will have you killed. Maybeeven you brother.”
Kowalski gulped. With that,Blowhole turned back around and opened the heavy door.
He was met with another man.
Suddenly, Blowhole was punchedand thus violently slammed to the ground. He lied there, cradling the roboticeye that was crushed. Its metals were punched in, piercing into the skin aroundit and spilling blood.
There, fist still in place fromwhen he punched the evil scientist, was Rico. He reeled back his hand, bodystraightening but immediately hunching as he placed a firm hand on his chest. Headjusted the bandana on his face to cover the bottom half as he walked over tothe man in pain.
He squatted down beside him,reaching into the mechanical eye and forcefully pulling out the main piece. Hepointed the nozzle of it to Blowhole, and pressed a button on it, spraying outthe same gas used on Kowalski and Private, andRico prior to them.
Within a few seconds, Blowholewas knocked out. Rico stood up, dropping the piece to the ground and crushingit with his shoe, grinding it to bits.
He made looked around the room, browsjumped slightly upon seeing the other two present.
“K-K’w’lski?” he called,coughing harshly.
Kowalski scowled at the wethacks. “Rico!”
The younger man searched, finallyseeing the keys on the wall and grabbing them before moving to unlock Kowalski’scell. And then his chains, before accidentally dropping the keys when he wassuddenly pulled into a tight embrace.
“Rico, are you okay?” Kowalskiasked, pulling himself away and taking hold of the bandana on Rico’s face.Gently, he pulled it down, revealing the dried and wet blood that stained his chin and shirt.
“C’mon, let’s get Private andget out of here,” Kowalski stated, deciding to deal with both their injuriesafter getting away from the deranged Dr. Blowhole. Rico nodded, keepingKowalski’s hand in his as they exited the bars and unstrapped Private from themachine. Rico held him, wrapping him in his suit jacket.
Before they went out the door,Kowalski looked back, seeing the room once more. He took the tube thatcontained the pink chemical and put it in his pocket for future investigations.He had Rico help him destroy the machine and the information Blowhole had onthe brothers.
They went out, running door todoor until finally they were met with the outside… Outside of an old, rundown- lookingfactory?
Upon being engulfed by the coldnight air, Rico fell to his knees, lungs burning from the dry air that irritatedhis lungs already damaged beforehand. Kowalski got down to his level, takingPrivate from his arms as he rubbed his back, with no other options left thatwould help.
“I’m sorry Rico but I don’t haveyour inhaler with us. We have to… get home…” Kowalski said, slowing when herealized just how dangerous a trek could be. With Rico and Private in desperateneed for aid, there was no way to make it home. Besides, who knew how far theywere from home?
Before Kowalski could break intoa panic, Rico took his hand, and forced himself to at least whisper. “It’sokay…! I ‘lready c-called big bros…!” And surely enough, Kowalski heard therunning steps. There, making their way to the missing brothers, Skipper,Manfredi and Johnson.
When the three finally metpaths, the three older men hugged their injured brothers tightly.
“Kowalski! Rico! What the hellhappened?!” Skipper demanded, eyes flooded with worry as he held their handstightly in front of him. His eyes caught sight of the bundle in his arms,widening with horror at the sight of red. “Private..? Kowalski, what happened?”he asked again, more gentle.
“We were kidnapped by Blowhole.We can explain later- Private needs immediate help and Rico’s asthma is atsevere levels right now,” Kowalski informed, breathing rapidly, anxiety seepingout now.
Manfredi took Private fromKowalski, and tried to calm the man as a mental breakdown was becoming apparent.Johnson took hold of Rico’s hand and sat him down. The younger man curled up,placing his head onto Johnson’s lap as the older brother held him close as hetried to ease the man’s labored breaths.
Skipper looked towards thebuilding. Without warning, he ran towards it, ready to arrest the menace tosociety. Finally, he made it to the door that would lead him to the mainsection of the factory, where Blowhole would have set up a temporary lair. Hebarged in to the room, a loud bang ringing through the air.
The room was empty. Blood on thefloor and bits from what Skipper recognized as part of his robotic eye, but noBlowhole. Once again, he escaped. Skipper let out a fumed hum, punching the wall,before running out again, regrouping with the others.
“Was he…?” Manfredi started.
“No. He’s… he got away again. C’mon,we gotta get these guys home.”
The brothers made their wayquickly to their car, Manfredi holding and whispering to the child in his arms,Johnson carrying Rico in a piggyback, and Skipper guiding Kowalski as hisexcessive panic finally let out.
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insane-control-room · 7 years
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@drawingtaffy your first 1st place prize, a charcoal and chalk portrait of Pikachu, Espeon, and Jirachi! Hope you enjoy!
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loverofpiggies · 9 years
You know
I was SUPER ULTRA WORRIED about some things I had planned for AskErrorButAfter reading Flowey Is Not a Good Life Coach, I feel like I’m safe with whatever I’m planning.
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adventure-geek-13 · 9 years
Viv and Paullie headcanons
Viv's ears flare out when she's angry, droop when she's sad or worried, and tremble when she's nervous.
Viv cannot tell a lie. It’s not that she’s afraid to- she’s just terrible at it.
Paullie and Viv have an almost psychic connection. If one of them is sad or scared or not feeling well, the other will sense it. The same goes for the opposite feelings. Because of this, the two will sometimes express various emotions for no apparent reason, especially if they are unable to reach each other at the moment.
The scarf Paullie wear was Papyrus’s idea.
Papyrus calls Paullie “The Great Paullie” a lot. She acts like she hates it, but she secretly kind of loves it.
Viv and Paullie love spending time with Muffet. They called her “Auntie Muffet” when they were little and never grew out of it.
Mettaton has a whole clothing line inspired by Viv and Paullie. The only two people who are completely oblivious to this are the inspirations themselves.
@drawingtaffy feel free to add on to this if you have any ideas!
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hazelblock · 9 years
When you're to scared to approach a mutual even tho you think you have a lot in common
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hazelblock · 9 years
When you realise your two favourite accounts are following you. >_>
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lenbyrddraws · 9 years
*tries to make you feel better with shitty puns* Don't bee sad no more. You're a great Persona 2 everyone. You are an egg-celent person. We will tibia there for you
i just snorted and it hurt
taffy im wounded
i need medical attention
ur bacon my heart
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lenbyrddraws · 9 years
if youve got the time, then u should draw papyrus having a nightmare about smol sans dying and then sans having to comfort him.
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I should have been in bed hours agoooo
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