wiishescametrue · 5 months
[ continued from here ] || @drderekshepherd-seattle
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“And yet, there you are laughing because I’ve made a silly face.” She pointed out, with a soft smile. “I would say that my mission has been accomplished.” She moved to sit closer and took a sip of her tea. “I find I need a little light during the day or I can’t quite get through everything.” It could be a bit bleak depending on what people were going through. Not that Aria didn’t understand bleak. She’d had a horrible upbringing and had spent a lot of time trying to work through that. Work past what had happened. “How do you like being back?”
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mischiefxmanagcd · 1 year
“When’s the last time we took a family vacation?” The answer was never. She couldn’t think of the last time she and Derek had gone away from Seattle with the kids. Their jobs were too demanding to be gone for very long, but they both had enough vacation time to go away for a few weeks this summer, and Meredith was convinced it would be for the best for all of them. “We should go somewhere. Pick a place and take a vacation. We should take the kids to see the world while they’re young and we can make memories with them.” She would not turn into the workaholic mother Ellis Grey had been. // @drderekshepherd-seattle
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empathichearts · 2 years
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@drderekshepherd-seattle asked: ❝ i hate them. i hate them, with their voice, and their perfect hair, and their deep eyes, and … ❞ from this meme
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 ❝ Are you sure? Because to me it sounds like you have a jealousy-fueled man crush. ❞ It was obvious to Amelia that her brother was basically describing himself with his rant, as it would be to nearly anyone. She distinctly remembered times when she was younger that her friends were more interested in seeing Derek than spending time with her when they came over, at least until he left and seemingly never looked back. Though, Amelia really couldn't blame him at the end of the day and since coming to Seattle herself hoped to remain close with him... but that didn't mean she would avoid any sisterly teasing as she saw fit.
 ❝ You're also all of those things... and you usually know that. I don't remember seeing you feeling insecure before so -- what's so different this time? ❞
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nxtaconcept · 1 year
“  i’m not going anywhere.  ” for Ellis from Derek @drderekshepherd-seattle
Ellis glanced up at the him, she knew that, but it wasn't the same. "You can't stand in the OR next to me, dad. I need to be able to do this."
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protagcnists · 10 months
assorted dialogue prompts — accepting
@drderekshepherd-seattle: ❝ i’m fine ! i’m perfectly fine ! ❞ kathleen shepherd + derek shepherd
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her eyes narrowed, arms folding delicately across her chest. "uh-huh, sure. because fine people often shout that they're fine." she tilted her head, unable to help herself. "you do remember that i'm a psychiatrist, yes? might be hard for the scalpel-happy to comprehend, but i don't have to drill into your skull to know there's something going on inside your head. any chance you want to save us some time and tell me what's up?"
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gcdgrey · 4 years
The Visit - Alex and Derek
Christina had left and that made him Mer’s person - though he some how doubted that Christina had ever - or would ever - moved in with Mer just to look after her kids while Derek recovered in the hospital. But this was Mer, and he wasn’t Christina, so when she’d told him about her Liver transplant he’d moved some surgeries around, handed a case off to a resident, and agreed to get Bailey from daycare. As he shouldered the purple diaper bag and picked up Bailey he thought about Derek up on the 6th floor. 
“Whaddya think kid? Wanna see dad?” Alex mutters to the blonde toddler as they head out the door of the daycare. He checks his watch, he doesn’t need to get Zola from the sitter for another hour, they have time. He presses the button for the elevator and then the sixth floor. It’s a short walk from there to Dr. Shepherds room and even though the door is open Alex knocks politely before entering. 
“Dr. Shepherd?” He says, entering the room. “Mr. Bailey and I decided now would be a good time for a visit.”
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magicandmayhcm · 5 years
@drderekshepherd-seattle | cont.
“No, I haven’t. I wanted to see what you thought about it before I brought it up to her.” She knew Addison would not enjoy hearing that her daughter wanted to move to Seattle, but if her father was on board with the idea, it might make it a little easier to get her to agree to. “Can I? I’d rather go to school here and spend summers in LA than what I’m doing now.”
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xmcmusesx · 6 years
“i hope it’s not weird for you...me dating your sister and all. amelia’s a great woman and i care about her.” enough to have bought a ring, which he was now going to show to derek, hoping to get the man’s blessing before asking for amelia’s hand in marriage. “i just bought this for her,” he said, pulling the ring box out and opening it to show him the diamond, hoping nothing more needed to be said.
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shephcrd-a-blog · 7 years
@drderekshepherd-seattle / SC.
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“Go home, Derek.. Owen just went to go get something to eat. I’m sure he’ll be back soon, you don’t have to stay here. I’m a big girl, and hopefully I’m not dying anytime soon,” Amelia tried softly, she didn’t want him to find out like this, she didn’t want him to find out at all in fact but, Maggie had done the telling and had told her brother before she could even stop him, now here they were. “It’s not such a big deal, okay? I’ll be fine.”
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continued from here || @drderekshepherd-seattle
Derek wasn’t sure how she would react to him giving her a puppy, but he knew she would love one. He watched as she took it from him. Derek smile. “I saw him wondering around all alone on the way home today. I couldn’t just leave him. I took him to the vets to make sure he was okay and had his vaccinations before realizing you loved dogs. So…here he is.”
“he was all by himself out there?” lexie asked, cuddling the puppy close to her, scratching the top of the young dog’s head. she chuckled slightly, “mark’s probably going to kill me when i come home with a puppy.” she shook her head with a shrug. “oh well, he’s worth it.”
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seriouslytorres · 8 years
send me a url & I’ll tell you something I like about that blog
@drderekshepherd-seattle : I’ve always really enjoyed this mun & their portrayal of derek, tbh. pretty sure they’re one of the first people I ever wrote callie with when I decided to make this blog ?? I love the never ending plot ideas, & the crazy good au’s that they write. it makes me so happy knowing that someone is there keeping the spirit of derek shepherd alive, & doing him justice in the process. it amazes me how quickly replies come back (seriously, your activity level is super impressive.) I also really love the fact that they’re without a doubt one of the friendliest and welcoming people in this community.
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empathichearts · 2 years
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@drderekshepherd-seattle asked: ❝ i don’t believe we’ve met. ❞ from this meme
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Family had never been an easy subject for either Link or Amelia, which they had both learned about each other. In fact, they had nearly broken up a few weeks ago because it seemed that Amelia was trying to keep his existence hidden from her sisters. He certainly didn't think he would be meeting her presumed-dead world class neurosurgeon brother. It was of course, further complicated, by his initial pursuit of Meredith when he had first gotten a job at Grey-Sloan. He didn't want to misstep with this interaction in any capacity and could already feel his hands starting to sweat. As slyly as possible, Link wiped his hand on his coat before extending it toward Derek. ❝ We haven't. My name's Link, Amelia's boyfriend. It's nice to meet you. ❞
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nxtaconcept · 1 year
“I’m absolutely fine, I just need to sit down.” for Meredith from Derek @drderekshepherd-seattle
Meredith stepped back and let him move where he needed to. "What the hell happened to you?"
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xchxsingcxrsx · 8 years
are u drderekshepherdseattle or something
I am. Why do you ask?
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magicandmayhcm · 5 years
“Don’t look at me like that.” from drderekshepherd-seattle for Ellis
“But it’s the only way I know how to get you to say yes. Pleassee let me go to the party. Pleassee?”
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xmcmusesx · 7 years
“you’re supposed to be resting.” her words came out of a place of caring. she’d watched derek almost die. she’d lost their baby - which she still hadn’t told him about. and now they were at home, and meredith would be damned if she let derek hurt himself anymore. “go sit down. let me make you something to eat.” or order something, given her cooking might land him right back in the hospital.
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